Life Together at Faith Lutheran Church January and February, 2022 The Parish Life, News, and all else for Faith Lutheran Church of Westchester, Illinois – connecting you with His Church. Faith Phone: 1(708) 650-4082 (pastor's cell phone) Sunday Morning Divine Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Adult Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Matins (in January) 11:00 a.m. Private Confession/Absolution Upon request. Reverend David L. Prentice Jr., Pastor - Deacon(s): Tim Graves Sub-deacon(s): David L. Prentice, III Sick, ill, in need of pastoral care (any emergency) … Call Pat Prentice (630) 567-4082; she knows where I am at all times. Of course, my cell phone is (708) 650-4082. The Web Site will forward me an email (and some have used it). Please remember, I can only help "if" you contact me. A Note from Pastor Prentice… Will 2022 be a rewind of 2021, or will it be a reset? Time will tell, and we truly do not know. But what we do know is Faith is worshipping, we are making it through COVID times, and the future is still under the watchful eyes of the Lord. Yes, it may seem a bit unclear at times, but that is why we need to stay in the Word of God, to find out how God unveils His plans for us. One plan we know is the Salvation accomplished by His Son, Jesus Christ. We celebrated the coming of Christ at Faith and the turnout was good. We sang hymns, heard the Word of God, and even had some goodies and a time to chat. Wonderful! We need to keep that going. That is why a change was added because of this Omicron. Just in case some need a bit more elbow room (or woke up late), Faith will have a spoken Matins service at 11 am. If no one shows up, off go the lights and home pastor goes. If 2 or 3 gather, we worship. With Covid, and the nature of, "can you visit or not", perhaps I have not stopped by enough (or called) members who have been absent from worship. It has always been a touchy subject with me, wondering, "am I bugging you too much, or not enough?" So the reality is this, you need your pastor, simply call (or email); let me know what you need to help. I am also working on an early communion set of classes and a catechesis set of classes. As soon as they are ready, you will know. I did prepare an adult catechism class for Mr. and Mrs. Klesken, and it seemed to go over fairly well. Finally, I hope to keep these Life Together issues going strong. But remember, I keep the WEB site well updated and you can see it from a computer or your smart phone. Blessings - Pastor Prentice Faith Prayer Ministry… If you have a prayer request, please phone or email, and tell pastor, "please let the church pray for …", or ask for private prayers. I think we do a good job of listing them every week in the bulletin. Reports from the Faith Boards ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education at Faith (Director Deacon Tim Graves) … Here is the status: (note: Due to safer practices, all study is upstairs in the sanctuary). We do need to cleanup the fellowship hall. 01) In Sunday Morning Bible class, we are completing the Book of Ruth. The next class will be on the Gospel of Mark, with emphasis toward an understanding of the church and how it handles persecution. This will most likely takes us to the end of the session. 02) Concord, Coffee, and Prayers - watch the bulletin (or website) for the next session. This is an evening or afternoon where we will gather to go over the historic faith using the Book of Concord with some refreshments, but we would begin with a brief prayer service to set the tone. Finance at Faith (Director is Rolland Wakeman) … Mr. Wakeman keeps a keen eye on the books, and so far, so good. Evangelism at Faith (Director Position is open) … * Invitation is perhaps one of the best outreach tools. Use the Faith tri-fold on the back table as a starter. * If someone new comes in and seems to fumble a bit, offer some help. * We can always use ushers and greeters. Properties at Faith (Director is Patrick Prentice) … Mr. Prentice has formed a committee of Mr. Scardina and Mr. Ulm to work on some of our property challenges. In a bit, a report will highlight how we move forward tackling these issues. One issue of note, we have a new snow plowing service, and so far, so good. We believe a "per plow" price is the way to go. But discussions are ongoing. As of this date, we only had the lot plowed once. Stewardship at Faith (Director Position is open) … Do you need a Church envelope, please ask. Mr. Wakeman has the 2022 giving envelopes all prepared and ready in the back of church. Parish Fellowship at Faith (Director Position is open) … There is nothing new to report at the moment. Around the Parish - Dates and Other Happenings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monthly Birthdays … and Anniversaries … (if we forgot, email us, please) (We will always look 2 months ahead; we also print in bulletin) January Betty Lee Ing - January 7th Patrick Prentice – January 27th February - none Calendar of events, worship, places where Pastor Prentice is … (Events also on the WEB)