OPENING SCENE. INT - PLANE CABIN - DAY DAVID, sits by the window of a commercial airliner. He gazes out at the sky. DAVID'S POV: Through the oval window, cotton-ball clouds drift by peacefully. Suddenly, the plane enters an immense, brilliantly white cloud. David squints and closes his eyes against the blinding brightness. BEGIN FLASHBACK The Battle of Light and Shadow SCENE 1 - RECRUITMENT [Night. David stands by a window overlooking a futuristic cityscape] DAVID (V.O.) For too long, the shadows have choked out the light. The Devil's Eyes cult has weaponized time itself to plunge humanity into eternal darkness. But no more. [Turns abruptly. Carolina enters.] DAVID Carolina. The time has come to take back the hours they have stolen from us. From the world. You must recruit our warriors and distribute the coins that will weaken their grip on time. Protect them at all costs. The battle begins now. CAROLINA I won't fail you. By the dawn of the new day, the shadows will retreat before the light. [Carolina leaves determinedly] SCENE 2 - TRAGEDY STRIKES [Daytime city street. Rodney walks while chatting happily on his phone.] RODNEY Yeah, just left the office early. Meet you in 10- [A gunshot rings out. Rodney drops, dead before he hits the ground. A blond calm man lowers his smoking gun and starts talking to a nearby boy as the crowd gathers.] SCENE 3 - GRIEF AND DOUBT [Night. David consoles a distraught Carolina] CAROLINA This is all my fault. I couldn't protect him. DAVID His light may be extinguished, but ours still burns. We must press on, for Rodney and all those still threatened by the dark tide. CAROLINA You're right. By his sacrifice, we will grow stronger. [Determination returns to her eyes] SCENE 4 - SACRIFICE DEBATE [Interior temple. The team argues heatedly] KEATON Enough defending! We must attack them directly, starting with her! [Levels his gun at a blond woman] BLOND WOMAN [pulls her gun too and aims at Keaton.] I can't die for anyone. I am not scared to die either but just know you will die first before you hit the ground. [A huge buzz and commotion before the guards seize Keaton] KEATON (shouting) You're all blind! Sacrifices must be made! DAVID Never at the cost of our humanity. That is a sacrifice we cannot afford. SCENE 5 - CLIMACTIC BATTLE [Night. The team faces down an army of assassins] DAVID The hours of darkness are numbered. Dawn is coming! [Epic battle sequence. Evelina reaches the central weapon, entering codes to disable it.] EVELINA And let there be light! [A blinding flash. The shadows recede. The team stands victorious as sunlight breaks over the city.] END FLASHBACK. INT - PLANE CABIN - CONTINUOUS David opens his eyes slowly as the plane emerges from the clouds into calm blue skies. DAVID'S POV: The sun gleams through his window. Below, mountains pierce the blanket of clouds, standing majestic and immovable. David takes a deep, steadying breath. He glances at his watch, which reads a date from years past. David's jaw tightens. He looks back out at the sunlit skies ahead. His reflection is superimposed on the window as the plane soars onward. FADE OUT. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A red-faced MAN violently pushes away his desk in anger. MAN (yelling) Shoot them! Why isn't anyone listening? He glares at a TV screen showing a CONFIDENT MAN giving a speech. The Confident Man falters, scans the crowd fearfully, then dashes away. CUT TO: EXT. MOUNTAIN RANGE - DAY A NARRATOR stands before a GROUP of people, with mountains behind them. NARRATOR I believe a journey of abundant wealth awaits, achievable here on earth through technology. Why wait for heaven? I've solved the puzzle to make us all filthy rich. The Group walks up a mountain path as the Narrator continues. NARRATOR (V.O.) Religions say heaven brings wealth. But what if there's no afterlife? We must create heaven here through progress. The time is now to unlock humanity's potential. CUT TO: EXT. MOUNTAIN SUMMIT - SUNSET The Group reaches the summit and gazes out at the vista. NARRATOR (V.O.) We stand on the precipice of a new era. Together we will realize this dream and claim the riches within our grasp. The Narrator turns to the Group with a look of hope and determination. FADE OUT. EXT. BARREN LANDSCAPE - DAY A group stands looking at distant ominous mountains under a blood-red sky. NARRATOR (V.O.) Dark times are coming. Hope fades as corruption spreads. But one woman's story compels us to keep faith. Cut to EVELINA's face. EVELINA How can I speak of a hellish future that's already here? This is just the beginning. The group walks up a mountain path as the Narrator continues. NARRATOR (V.O.) Injustice reigns. Thousands dead in the streets. The people now fear the dreaded 48 hours of darkness. SOUND OF RECORDING DEVICE NARRATOR (V.O.) Listen closely to this recording made moments before the slaughter. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Chaos erupts as soldiers open fire on protesters. Bodies lay bloodied. The young and old fall together. Cut to Evelina's anguished face. EVELINA The regime's brutality must end! EXT. MOUNTAINTOP - SUNSET The group reaches the summit and gazes out solemnly. NARRATOR (V.O.) Unless we unite and speak truth, this living nightmare will persist. But if we keep faith, a new dawn will come. Fade out on Evelina's face, full of quiet resolve. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Chaos erupts as soldiers confront PROTESTERS. SOLDIER Disperse or die! PROTEST LEADER We won't move! The Soldier pulls out his gun. Protesters draw weapons in response. INT. COMMAND CENTER - DAY A distressed COMMANDER grabs a radio. COMMANDER I need backup now! VOICE ON RADIO Stand down. They're civilians. COMMANDER They're armed! Gunfire erupts over the radio. The Commander is shocked. TV ANCHOR (V.O.) Fear spreads worldwide. But the people have had enough. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY An angry MAN watches the TV. MAN No one listens anymore! I gave a command! A knock at the door startles the room. The Man squeezes a ball angrily. The door bursts open. Shock on their faces. FADE OUT. INT. OFFICE - DAY CHARLOTTE, distraught, aims a gun at LIAM. CHARLOTTE Tell me about Operation Stealth! They killed my son. LIAM It was just a gunman. Please, you're grieving-- A knock at the door. Charlotte glances away. Gunshots ring out. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY EVELINA strolls through a park and notices a monument with pillars representing angels. One labeled OMEGA has a hidden second angel behind it labeled CATALYTIC OXY-EIGHTEEN. Evelina explores the monument's intricate passageways. She finds a hidden tunnel that abruptly dead-ends, leaving her confused. CUT TO: INT. LABORATORY - NIGHT A SCIENTIST types rapidly at a computer. Formulas and diagrams of advanced weapons fill the screens. SCIENTIST The experiment was a success. Deployment ready on your command. GENERAL (O.S.) Excellent. Launch Operation Catalyst immediately. The Scientist nods solemnly. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - DAY An ominous shadow creeps over the city. People clutch their throats, collapsing to the ground. Wide shots reveal utter devastation. CUT TO: INT. BUNKER - NIGHT Charlotte huddles with survivors in a bleak bunker. Tears fill her eyes. CHARLOTTE What have they done? Fade to black. INT. ALTAR MONUMENT - DAY EVELINA (18, resolute) sprints up winding steps, heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, she reaches a grand platform bathed in sunlight. Glass pillars rise from the floor, marked with cryptic symbols. In the center, a shimmering circle beckons. Hesitantly, Evelina steps inside. Evelina: What is this place? Her gaze sweeps across numbered seats: Amy, Mesen, Cataleya. Strange names echo in the silence. Suddenly, panic chills her veins. Memories of hunters flash in her mind. Evelina (V.O.): They're coming. My time is running out. Evelina spins, scanning for escape. Her eyes catch a hidden passage in the monument's base. Without a second thought, she dives through the narrow opening. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Evelina bursts from the shadows, weaving through bustling crowds. Behind her, the heavy thump of pursuit. Glancing back, she sees hulking figures in dark cloaks hot on her heels. Fear fuels her sprint, adrenaline masking the burn in her lungs. PURSUERS (O.S.): There she is! Don't let her get away! She plunges into a cramped alley, dodging overturned crates and startled pigeons. The footfalls thunder past, momentarily fading. Evelina leans against the wall, gulping for air, then surges forward with renewed determination. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ALTAR MONUMENT - NIGHT The wind whips through the cracks of the ancient monument, carrying Evelina's ragged breaths. She huddles by a pillar, shadows painting her face with terror. The crunch of footsteps echoes through the cavernous space - her pursuers close. EVELINA (V.O.) Eighteen. That's all I've got. My dreams, dust in the wind. Memories flash: Alex's laughter, a shared kiss, a brutal scream cut short. Evelina winces, the phantom pain of loss fueling her resolve. EvelINA (whispering) Not tonight. Not here. The engine roar shatters the silence. Evelina scrambles, sprinting towards the South-East exit. But it's locked, rusted shut. Heart pounding, she veers back, diving through the hidden passage. INT. SECRET PASSAGE - NIGHT The narrow tunnel twists and turns, darkness pressing in. Evelina stumbles, her fingers brush against broken stone. A scream rips from her throat as the rail gives way. She hangs suspended, eyes wide with terror. SOUND: Booming footsteps echoing above. Panic claws at Evelina. She scrambles back up, adrenaline surging. Just then, a face appears at the passage entrance. She pulls back, disappearing into the darkness of the top altar. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. ALTAR MONUMENT - NIGHT Evelina crouches behind the nucleus, her gaze darting around the dimly lit chamber. There's no escape. Footsteps thud closer, chanting filling the air. She holds her breath, praying for a miracle. Suddenly, a booming voice cuts through the chant. MAN: We know you're in here, girl! Show yourself. Evelina's heart hammers in her chest. She peeks out, then leaps behind a colossal statue as figures flood in, their faces grimly set. MAN (O.S.) Back there! Check behind the statue! Evelina huddles, trapped. Her breaths come in ragged gasps, fear clawing at her throat. MAN (O.S.) Come out now! This won't end well for you. Evelina shuts her eyes, tears stinging her lashes. But then, a flicker of defiance. She won't go down without a fight. EVELINA (shouting) I did nothing wrong! This is a setup! She steps out, hands raised in surrender. But before the men can react, a new chaos erupts. SOUND: Shattering glass, gunshots. Two groups clash at the entrance, dressed in black and white, their faces twisted in fury. Evelina watches in disbelief as the altar erupts into a battlefield. MAN IN BLACK: Drop your weapons! Now! MAN IN WHITE: You first, traitor! Evelina's mind races. An opportunity. She darts towards the North-East exit, pushing past the bewildered guards. Just then, a deafening roar echoes from above. SOUND: More gunshots, explosions. The roof caves in, dust and debris raining down. Evelina scrambles for cover, the world exploding around her. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. ALTAR MONUMENT - NIGHT Evelina freezes as a hulking figure, MAN IN BLACK, cuts through the shadows, his booming voice silencing the room. Red-clad sentinels snap to attention, forming a ring around the altar, leaving Evelina exposed in the center. Man in Black strides towards her, finger itching on the trigger. "Hold it right there!" From the other side, HUGE-RIPPED MAN bellows, "Positions!" A flurry of figures fills the right half of the altar, settling into golden thrones. Evelina scans the vacant seats, drawn to the empty emerald throne across the divide. Twenty-seven figures, faces hidden in shadow, occupy the right. Three seats on the left remain. An unnerving stillness hangs in the air. Huge-Ripped Man's voice roars, "Amy, claim your place!" A slender woman emerges, taking her throne on the right, her name etched on its gold. Evelina recalls another name etched earlier. Suddenly, "Hypo!" bellows Huge-Ripped Man. A diminutive figure darts from the shadows, aiming a shaky gun. With a startled yelp, he drops it, vanishing back into the crowd. The room, charged with tension, hangs on that silence. FADE OUT. INT. CHURCH - DAY EVELINA surrounded by MARSON and his MEN. Marson threatens her violently. Marson's men descend. Evelina panics as Marson grabs her, dragging her away. EVELINA Let me go! DAVID and ALLIES aim guns at Marson. A standoff builds. Marson shields himself with men. Evelina struggles in vain. DAVID Release her! Marson refuses. David advances undaunted. The church rattles with tension. All eyes on David and Evelina. Marson cockily grins, backing up with the captive Evelina. David holds his steely gaze. CUT TO: EXT. CHURCH - DAY Marson emerges, Evelina in his grip. FADE IN: INT. CHURCH - DAY Sunlight streams through stained glass, casting dramatic shadows as David and Marson's forces stand locked in a tense standoff. Evelina, caught in the center, whimpers against Marson's rough grip. MARSON (snarling) One step closer, and she gets it. He brandishes a blade, its glint mirrored in the horrified eyes of David's team. They're outnumbered, cornered, yet rage smolders in their eyes. DAVID (voice tight) Let her go. It's over. Evelina struggles, kicking, clawing, but Marson's grip is a steel vise. A thunderclap rocks the church, shaking the rafters. EVELINA (screams) David! Help me! Lightning flashes, briefly illuminating a hidden passage behind the altar. David sees it - their escape route. But Marson notices too. MARSON (shouting) To the passage! Move! His men surge forward, guns drawn. In a heartbeat, David snaps. He roars, a primal sound that echoes through the cavernous space. DAVID (charging) No! She stays! His team leaps to action, guns spitting fire. The church erupts in chaos. Bullets ricochet, shattering stained glass. Evelina seizes her chance, elbowing Marson in the gut, sinking her teeth into his hand. He snarls, but doesn't flinch. MARSON (through gritted teeth) Get her back! Now! His men scramble, forming a human shield around Marson and Evelina. They reach the passage, darkness swallowing them whole. David and his team are close, desperately aiming, but not close enough. DAVID (screaming) Don't let them escape! He lunges forward, but Bogdan and Carolina block him, guns trained on Marson's retreating figure. They know the risks, know they might never see daylight again. But for those precious seconds, Evelina is free. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET PASSAGE - DAY Marson retreats with Evelina down a narrow passage. David pursues relentlessly. Marson's men block the path. The walls trap David's team. A standoff builds. DAVID Let her go or you all die! Marson hesitates on the unstable ladder with Evelina. She meets David's eyes. In a flash, David charges forward. Marson's grip loosens. Evelina strikes, fighting for freedom. Chaos erupts. David's team swarms to shield Evelina. Marson staggers back. The passage quakes with gunfire and shouts. Dust rains down. FADE IN: EXT. SECRET PASSAGE - DAY David’s team swiftly closes in on Marson and his men, surrounding them. The narrow passage adds to the tension, intensified by a broken ladder. DAVID (looking at Marson) It’s a narrow passage, and a broken ladder as well; to bless us even more. We are destined to take as many of you as you go out. So better let her go right now. The sounds of guns being cocked startle Marson and his men. The danger becomes palpable, prompting Marson into action. The tension reaches a breaking point, and for a moment, he feels like he's been shot. Marson checks himself, breathing hard. David’s ultimatum escalates the situation. DAVID Last chance. Let her go right now. The realization that no shots have been fired so far diffuses the tension. Marson deflates, the risks of real danger suddenly apparent. He commands his men to open the door. David and his team, bewildered, try to comprehend the sudden shift in Marson's demeanor. As Marson swiftly pulls Evelina down the stairs, a smile crosses his face – he's alive. The feeling of invincibility overtakes him, and he pulls Evelina with a mix of relief and urgency. She screams, acknowledging her own survival amidst the danger. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. SECRET PASSAGE - DAY Marson, seemingly fearless, stops abruptly, unsure of his next move. The revving sound of SUVs kicks him into action, pulling Evelina and pushing her forward. The outside door opens to an altar monument. Marson reacts instantly, grabbing Evelina by the throat and shielding himself. MARSON (looking back) Don’t follow us! You follow us, and she is dead. You have to pick up her body by the roadside. I damn right mean it. You stay there. Then we can negotiate. I will tell you when and where to meet. David, observing Evelina’s haunted expression, realizes the gravity of the situation. He pleads with Marson. DAVID Damn it. You are not listening to me. You bloody stop right there. David’s team aims their guns at Marson. The sound of guns cocking makes Marson pause near the door. A gunshot echoes, everyone ducking and hitting the ground. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HIGH-TECH CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A man in a sharp suit and white gloves stands confidently a few feet from the doorway. MAN Job done! A moment of suspenseful silence hangs in the air. DAVID (confused) What do you mean, job done? I saw him walk away! Silence echoes in the conference room until impactful steps approach the table. The man, who claimed the job was done, hesitates before switching channels on the television. The room falls into a shocked silence. The man's face freezes as he holds a snooker ball. He drops it, and it rolls until it stops beside polished black shoes. He takes a seat. DAVID (confrontational) What have you done? A tense pause fills the room. DAVID (reiterating) That’s not what I command. MAN (resolute) I know. DAVID (agitated) You know? MAN (confessing) So, why have you disobeyed my command? DAVID (cutting through) Overridden? The man widens his eyes with surprise and rage. DAVID (intense) Overridden? By whom? MAN (defiant) Who the hell are you to override my commands? DAVID (accusing) You are weak. You don’t even know what it means to be a global leader. DAVID (angry) Damn it. I don’t like it when you challenge me like that in front of everyone. MAN (smirking) I did you a favor. The message is loud and clear. There's a new boss in town, and he means business. DAVID (appalled) Means business? What business? You've started World War Three! The man trembles with rage. WOMAN (cynical) Isn’t it what you are after? DAVID (frustrated) Are you out of your freaking mind? Not this way. If it happens, it happens, but for heaven’s sake, not this way. WOMAN (dismissive) Damn it. Don’t give me that bullshit talk. This is how it’s done. A simple message. Sweat drips down the man's forehead before disappearing into his shirt. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. PANICKED CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The man takes a seat on the edge, sighing. Fear grips everyone except the arrogant woman. Something big has transpired, evident from the haunted looks on their faces. Silence reigns. The woman grabs the remote, increasing the volume. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) The women and children of the seven most important powerful countries on earth have been gunned down worldwide in broad daylight. No one has claimed responsibility. It’s a day the entire world is shocked, alarmed, and frightened. The Third World War looms, as these acts can only trigger a bloody retaliation... FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. CORPORATE OFFICE - WEEKS EARLIER Charlotte peeks as the door opens. In an instant, she and Liam exchange gunfire. Liam slumps, blood oozing. Charlotte checks for wounds, but the bodyguard at the door fires. They both fall. CHARLOTTE (softly) Son of a bitch shot me. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY BUILDING - DAY Miles away, a deafening roar echoes through the building, sending chaos both inside and in the surrounding areas. Kyle swiftly turns off the television as a man restrains another from breaking down. MAN (shouting) Give me my gun right now! PRESIDENT REX (teary-eyed) I can't believe my children are dead. My wife is dead, and the court is trying to stop us from avenging their deaths. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (asking) What do you suggest? PRESIDENT REX (resolute) This has become so personal. I can’t see anyone stopping me from avenging my beloved family. Wiping tears away, he continues. PRESIDENT REX (CONT’D) I don’t see why we have to wait until the court has investigated when we know who is behind this, when the entire world knows who did this. Silence fills the room. PRESIDENT KNOX (entering, determined) I can’t stomach this. We can't just sit and wait. Something like this needs an immediate response and action. To hell with the courts and the EB. I say we send our men to attack. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (cautious) EB is concerned we are going to react in grief and end up killing innocent civilians. PRESIDENT REX (decisive) I think we attack and hire a private investigating team to cover our backs. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (questioning) On top of the team assembled by the EB? PRESIDENT REX (confident) Of course. We don’t wait for them. We attack because we know for sure who is behind this. All they want is confirmation, and honestly, I have no time or patience for all that nonsense while my children and wife are rotting. They exchange glances. PRESIDENT REX (CONT’D) I will choose a team to investigate separately, but all of us know about this until… FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. LUXURY STORE - DAY Dior exits a store, answering her phone. A man bumps into her, stealing her bags. Dior, armed, shouts. DIOR Stop! The man sprints, pushing pedestrians in his escape. Dior, relentless, gives chase. DIOR (CONT'D) Stop, or I will shoot you! The man pushes people into her path, attempting to escape. Dior stops, aims, and fires. A gunshot rings out, causing chaos among pedestrians. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. DEVIL’S EYE ISLAND - DAY Miles away, Devil’s Eye Island, once a peaceful haven, now has a makeshift police station. The tranquility shattered by recent events. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. DESERTED ROAD - DAY A car screeches to an abrupt stop in the middle of a desolate road. MAN (agitated) I don’t think you are taking us seriously. Your act of calling us here is not just a waste of our time but an act of arrogance we can’t tolerate. ADAM (leading) Follow me. Adam walks further down the road, passing his truck stranded in the middle. MAN (confused) What kind of driving is this? ADAM (dismissive) That's not important. MAN (indignant) How can you say that? It might be the reason why... FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. DESERTED ROAD - DAY Adam stops, pointing at a dead animal in the road. ADAM (serious) You can’t be serious. We're in no mood for games. An animal? Call the animal agency. Detective Julius starts walking back to his car. ADAM (CONT’D) (beckoning) Detective, be patient. You won't regret this. Detective Julius stops, turns around slowly. DETECTIVE JULIUS (irritated) Do you know how many missing people’s reports we've received this month? I said missing people, not animals. If you can excuse me... He retrieves his sunglasses and walks off. ADAM (urgent) Detective, listen to me. Take a look first, then decide. DETECTIVE JULIUS (skeptical) I just did. It’s a load of bullshit. Pardon my French. He passes Adam’s car. DETECTIVE JULIUS (CONT’D) (hesitant) It’s not an animal. It’s not what it seems. The detective stops and curses, walking back. DETECTIVE JULIUS (CONT’D) (confused) So, what is it? I can only see an animal. Adam pokes the animal's open stomach with a stick, revealing something that catches the detective’s attention. DETECTIVE JULIUS (CONT’D) (astonished) Definitely not only an animal. Human too. The detective kneels, shocked. DETECTIVE JULIUS (CONT’D) (appalled) I can’t believe we have an animal issue. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Ann paces in a cramped office, using a pan duster to combat the heat. DETECTIVE ANN (complaining) Bloody hell. MAN (mocking) Is it the heat, or have you turned genuine concentration into a distraction? Or maybe it's the mosquitoes? FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. TROPICAL ISLAND - DAY A small island surrounded by turquoise water, paradise-like. Palm trees sway in the breeze. INT. CRAMPED POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Jones, in a Hawaiian shirt, sifts through files. Detective Smith stands with a clipboard. SMITH (enigmatic) So small, yet the possibilities are endless, Detective? JONES (irritated) How about being serious? We have an ever-growing heap of missing person files, and all you can think about is the weather and the size of this place? SMITH (sarcastic) Shouldn't you be doing something useful? They only extended our contract if we solve this. JONES (skeptical) Who can predict things like that? It's rocket science. Maybe they all drowned. The water is beautiful but dangerous. SMITH (confused) For what? JONES (philosophical) For food, for fertilizers. Humans are just part of the circle. SMITH (incredulous) They all can't drown. It's too wild to suggest that. JONES (mockingly) They pretended they were missing to start a new life. This place is an escape. SMITH (astonished) But why leave everything behind? JONES (serious) Maybe they had nothing worth keeping or something worth hiding. Maybe they were running away. SMITH (skeptical) Like who? Like what? JONES (resolute) That's what we have to find out. SMITH (serious) And how do we do that? JONES (dismissive) We follow the clues. We ask questions. We use our brains. SMITH (determined) And if we don't find anything? JONES (sly) Then we make something up. Just kidding. Sort of. They both smile. SMITH (frustrated) You're unbelievable. JONES (smiling) I know. They grab their hats and sunglasses. JONES (resolute) Come on. We have work to do. SMITH (confused) Where are we going? JONES (smiling) To the beach. Where else? They exit, leaving the cramped office behind. EXT. TROPICAL ISLAND - DAY Jones and Smith drive away in their jeep. FADE OUT. INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Jones and Smith return to the police station, files still awaiting their attention. SMITH (serious) We need to find answers. We can't let this island turn into chaos. JONES (resigned) What if chaos is what it needs? What if we're just delaying the inevitable? SMITH (determined) No. We can't give up. We have a job to do. JONES (skeptical) Is it really our job? They share a conflicted look. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DETECTIVE ANN'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Detective Ann opens her front door. A loyal dog rushes in, tail wagging. DETECTIVE ANN Come, boy. Missed me, huh? Late night tonight. The dog starts licking her clothes. DETECTIVE ANN (cont'd) No, don't lick that. Wild animal blood. Can't risk you turning into those flesh-hunting creatures. She inspects the dog's mouth, only to find a man standing there. DETECTIVE ANN (cont'd) Why so late? MAN Left a message. Wild animals cleared out. DETECTIVE ANN Animals? I thought we were dealing with a serial killer. MAN Guess it won't be a six-month job then, if it's wild canines. DETECTIVE ANN Maybe just a month. No chances taken. A team's on it. MAN At least we get more time together. Weekends only were getting old. DETECTIVE ANN That's why I joined the force, remember? Mackenzie flops on the couch. MACKENZIE So, no time for that book? Detective Ann joins him, resting on his lap. DETECTIVE ANN Animals don't make for captivating motives. They mostly kill for food. CUT TO: EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) TV REPORTER (V.O.) Police carry out a flush-out, targeting the real culprits behind the missing persons—wild beasts on Devil's Eye Island. No one suspected it could be canines. FADE OUT. INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - DAY Hudson, urgency in his eyes, grabs the phone. HUDSON How long to ship here? SUPPLIER (V.O.) Three months. Only by ship. Hudson curses, redials. HUDSON (cont'd) Fine. Double the order. CUT TO: INT. FLASHBACK - LIVING ROOM - DAY [Beginning of flashback.] A man contemplates life's purpose, recalling moments with his family. MAN (V.O.) Why are we here? Did God create us just to worship him? The man shares thoughts with his wife. WIFE Stop. Relax. Don't forget to pick me up. He remembers the airport scene, family love, and contemplates life's purpose. MAN (V.O.) (cont'd) Done with reproductive duties, but craving more. His son expresses the desire to become a policeman. SON Daddy, I want to be a policeman! The man reflects on the blurred lines between good and evil in society. MAN (V.O.) (cont'd) In the past, the line was clearer. Now, it's blurred. Questioning life's purpose, he notes society's shift. MAN (V.O.) (cont'd) In a world where even the president commands digital weapons, what's the purpose? A chilling realization hits him. MAN (V.O.) (cont'd) No law and order left. CUT BACK TO: INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - DAY Hudson contemplates his urgent order, unaware of deeper existential questions on Devil's Eye Island. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Title: Divine Awakening INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY DAVID, a man deeply contemplating the purpose of humanity, discusses profound thoughts with his wife, SARAH. DAVID The ones meant to protect us are the ones deceiving and hacking everyone. SARAH Enough with this God's Dilemma talk. Just worship God. DAVID I believe God created us to manage the world, not just worship Him mindlessly. SARAH God is all-powerful; He created us to worship, not to think. DAVID If we share God's DNA, should we not act and think like Him? DAVID hugs SARAH, feeling blessed. DAVID (cont'd) I met you because I was drawn to the color blue. SARAH For two thousand years, no one cared about why God created us. There are more important things. DAVID If we do nothing today, there won't be any humans tomorrow. SARAH Where will people go? Get out of here. DAVID, lost in SARAH's eyes, recalls his childhood. DAVID (cont'd) Now I remember why I was fascinated by God. SARAH Alright, I'm listening. DAVID takes SARAH's hand, leading her into the lounge. DAVID (cont'd) I had a dream about God and the devil arguing. [Beginning of flashback] INT. FLASHBACK - DIVINE PLANE - DAY God and the Devil engage in a cosmic argument. GOD Humanity needs guidance. They must learn to think and act like us. DEVIL Why bother? They are flawed, unpredictable creatures. GOD If they follow our ways, they can achieve greatness. DEVIL They will destroy themselves. Let them be. The celestial argument intensifies, revealing a profound conflict. BACK TO PRESENT: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY DAVID That dream stayed with me. Maybe it's a message. We need to find our purpose. SARAH What's our purpose? DAVID To rise to the challenge, do what God would do. They contemplate the profound implications of their conversation, unaware of the greater forces at play. FADE OUT. Title: Divinity's Challenge INT. DIVINE PLANE - DAY God, frustrated, confronts the Devil in a heavenly setting. GOD Damn it. Where did I go wrong? These people are created in my image, yet it's like talking to stones. The devil laughs sarcastically. DEVIL Bet you, no matter what you do, all they can do is evil. God roars. GOD That makes little sense. I don't believe they are stupid. They just can't master what is needed. DEVIL They do the elementary things only because it’s easy. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board. God considers. GOD How many first people do you have to create? DEVIL I was watching you creating and killing the people you first created. Adam and Eve, your first people? GOD David, Maria, Stephen? Were they not the first? DEVIL If they are created in your image, why do they do the opposite of what you stand for? GOD I represent everything good, yet they speak only evil. I have to teach them to do good. DEVIL This is what I was saying. You did not create these people. God roars. GOD Blasphemy! I can get you killed for treating me like I am human. DEVIL Before you created this world, another world existed. God roars. GOD Nonsense. When I created this world, there was only darkness. No living things existed. There was only me. DEVIL I can prove otherwise. God roars. GOD Angels! Throw the devil in the pit again. DEVIL Hear me out. Bet with me. If they listen to me, I'll rule half the earth, and you'll rule the other half. If they listen to you, I'll accept eternal damnation. God laughs. GOD You created nothing. But fine, what's the challenge? BACK TO REALITY: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT DAVID continues his story to SARAH. DAVID The devil challenged God to a bet. If people listen to the devil, he rules half the earth. If they listen to God, the devil accepts eternal damnation. SARAH What happened next? DAVID The challenge was set. If people listen to the devil, God agreed to share the rule of earth. SARAH This is fascinating. Please, continue. DAVID The stakes were high, and the challenge would shape the destiny of humanity. They lean in, captivated by the tale, oblivious to the cosmic struggle unfolding before them. The room takes on an ethereal blue hue, and they become part of a celestial narrative. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Title: Divine Revelation INT. COSMIC REALM - DAY God, the Devil, and a celestial audience of angels gather in the cosmic realm. DAVID, in voiceover, prepares his wife SARAH for the next part of his revelation. DAVID (voiceover) Okay. David sighs, steeling himself for the challenge. DAVID God, I challenge you today. These people are not yours; you are not their creator. God roars, causing the celestial realm to shake. GOD If you lose, I don't want to see your evil face again. DEVIL I won't lose because I know revelations you don't know. I bet these people have nothing to do with you. God raises his hand, halting the angels poised with swords. GOD I am sure that the dominant DNA used to create these people by you is not yours. DEVIL Understand, it was just me, God. Me and no one else. Just me. DAVID Like I said, you are the laboratory’s fertility doctor, borrowing others to create what you think is yours. DEVIL We have a test. A bird’s chick will do as its parents. An animal’s young one will do throughout life just like the parents because they have the same DNA category and image. DAVID Definitely my point, God. But how come they do everything the devil does? Silence fills the cosmic realm. DAVID I've sent for Eve, who we know is not your first female. Tell Adam and Eve commands, then we take it from there. DEVIL I believe they will not listen to you because they don’t relate to you. The image used is not yours. Good can’t breed evil. God is silent. DAVID After the tests, God was distraught, triggering what is referred to today as the wrath of God. DEVIL These people are created by the devil’s image, my forefather who lived on earth before you decided to recreate this world. God roars in anger. DAVID They have the devil's DNA; doing evil is in their blood, yet when it comes to doing good, they have no clue. God roars. DEVIL Before you created this world, there was another world called the kingdom of darkness. God is frustrated. DAVID The devil takes the Bible, opens Genesis, and points to the scripture. DEVIL You wrote through your prophets that in the beginning, there was darkness. This darkness was a kingdom. Angels listen intently. DAVID Go ahead. The cosmic realm awaits the revelation, caught in the cosmic struggle between light and darkness. FADE OUT. Title: Quest for Love INT. CALVIN'S HOUSE - DAY Calvin is on the phone with his sister, discussing his journey to Devil’s Eye Island. CALVIN I am on the plane to the Devil’s Eye Island. SISTER What? I thought you were going after the woman who left you. CALVIN She left me at home. Let her find out that no one can be as good to her as me. SISTER I don’t get it. If I were you, I'd express my feelings to her. CALVIN Let her figure it out herself. EXT. DEVIL’S EYE ISLAND - DAY Calvin arrives at the island, determined to find the key to the gold scriptures. CALVIN I need a local guide and a boat. I am on a quest. LOCAL WOMAN (looking skeptical) On a treasure quest? Many have tried and failed. CALVIN I am different. I will find it. All I need is information on where it was lost. LOCAL WOMAN What makes you special? CALVIN (leaning in) For me, this key is not just a key. It's a door to the woman I love. The woman is moved by Calvin's words. LOCAL WOMAN Here's the key to the boat. I've chosen a guide for you. Calvin meets RUFUS, a tough-looking guide. CALVIN My tour guide is a supermodel? LOCAL WOMAN (looking surprised) You don’t like her? CALVIN I expected a serious-looking dude. RUFUS (exhaling smoke) Experience. That’s my money. I mean business. CALVIN (confused) You were making bets about me? LOCAL WOMAN We try to play secret agent and profile everyone. EXT. DEVIL’S EYE ISLAND - LATER Calvin, Rufus, and the local woman camp outside. CALVIN Tell me about this key to the gold scriptures. LOCAL WOMAN There were twenty-four keys, each opening a chapter. CALVIN Twenty-four keys? That’s incredible! Calvin dances in joy. CLAUDIA (LOCAL WOMAN) (seemingly sad) She must be a very special woman? I have never seen someone so happy about finding a key to get his love. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Title: "Retribution" INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT The protagonist, JOHN, struggles against seven men restraining him. JOHN The son of a bitch did it! He killed me in cold blood! Let me go! Kyle, pass my gun! John fights relentlessly, fueled by the image of his wife and kids. KYLE (sternly) Calm down, John! You're not thinking straight. JOHN Let me kill him! Let me kill this son of a bitch! WEEKS BEFORE - FLASHBACK CHARLOTTE, targeted for assassination, wakes up after a failed attempt on her life. CHARLOTTE (whispering) They killed my son. Today they tried to kill me. A MYSTERIOUS MAN restrains her, causing her to lose consciousness. BACK TO INTERROGATION ROOM JOHN (desperate) Let me kill him! Let me kill this son of a bitch! CHARLOTTE (voiceover) I could not save her. She bled to death. A SOLDIER provides details, mentioning Charlotte shooting her assailant before succumbing. CHARLOTTE (realizing) She shot both Liam and... The soldier confirms the bodyguard's death, but a gunshot interrupts their conversation. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY - NIGHT A MOTORCADE of Presidential cars rushes through the city, signaling a national emergency. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) (speaking urgently) All heads of states are set to meet to discuss the shocking terrorist attacks that rocked the world. FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-SECURITY MEETING ROOM - NIGHT A group of world leaders assembles in a heavily guarded building after the terrorist attacks. TIM, a representative among them, addresses the gathering. TIM Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here today to jointly send a coherent message that we can never tolerate terrorists. Also, send a clear message that we must punish whoever is responsible. One President interrupts, expressing the desire for more than just punishment. PRESIDENT Did you mean butcher whoever is responsible? You make it sound light! TIM Silence, please! This was the worst any human being can ever experience, let alone seven of our powerful leaders. Make no mistake, we shall avenge a thousand-fold. The room erupts in chaos as voices clash. ANOTHER PRESIDENT What are we waiting for? This is already a war. We must attack swiftly and with no mercy and send a clear message fast that they have messed up with the wrong team. Tim raises his hands, attempting to regain control. TIM Order. Can I have your silence, please? We don't know for sure who is behind this, and we... One President interrupts forcefully, demanding to remove someone he believes is responsible. ANGRY PRESIDENT Get him out of here before I kill him myself. I lost my family. I know who did this. It's written on everyone's forehead. The room spirals into chaos again. TIM I don't understand what you are all going through... ANOTHER ANGRY PRESIDENT Damn right! You have no idea. Don't make me shoot you. Did you lose your wife? Did you lose all your beloved kids? The room intensifies with rage. A President points a gun at Tim, demanding answers. TIM (Sweating) Did you lose your beloved wife? ANGRY PRESIDENT Answer me! Damn it. Did you lose your beloved kids? Tim hesitates, then faintly mumbles "No." ANGRY PRESIDENT (Screaming) God damn it! You can't even answer me. No... No. no... Sir. The President continues to vent his rage, calling for retaliation. TIM ( Petrified) So, you don't understand what I am going through? What we are all going through? So, you bloody listen to me right now. I say we bomb that place. Level the whole thing flat. Tim, now scared, sits down, glancing at DENNIS, an elderly figure commanding respect. DENNIS (Sternly) Enough! We need to carefully consider our actions. Retaliation without proper information could lead to catastrophic consequences. Silence falls as the room awaits Dennis's wisdom. FADE IN: Title: "Retribution" igh-Security Room - Night DENNIS: (Elderly, weathered) worse wound. I bear its scars, reminders of choices etched in blood. Loss cuts deep, but vengeance behind bars only deepens the pain. Remember, revenge begets revenge, a cycle leading to your demise. Are you certain about who truly pulled the trigger? PATRICK: (Furious, clutching a photo) I died with my wife, sons, daughters! Hell or thunder, I bathe in their blood! DISTRAUGHT PRESIDENT: (Eyes hollow) We're all ghosts. Send the military! Burn them all! DENNIS: (Calm amidst the storm) I understand the sting, the rage. But you, leaders of nations, know your orders stand on shaky ground. This isn't about personal anger, but justice. PATRICK: (Shouting) Justice?! My world is ashes! A GUNSHOT RINGS OUT. Chaos erupts. TIM: (Scrambling for control) Calm down! We need a plan, not panic! Dennis sits still, eyes unreadable as the room spins into pandemonium. FADE OUT. High-Security Room - Night PATRICK: (Furious, slams fist on table) You dare lecture us, old man? One more word and I'll show you suffering! DENNIS: (Unruffled) Suffering breeds suffering, Patrick. Years in bars won't quench your rage, trust me. This is war, not my personal hell. REX: (Calmly) But the law... PATRICK: (Scoffs) To hell with the law! Find this animal and end him! No human does this! RYAN: (Stands, voice shaking) I'm President! We attack, full force! PRESIDENT 3: (Nods) An eye for an eye! Chaos erupts. Shouting, arguments fill the room. DENNIS: (Raises voice) Look at me! A living reminder! Let a special unit handle this, avoid more pain! ONESIMUS: (Enraged) Years ago! Our families are gone! You think they deserve mercy? TIM: (Pleads) Please, let him speak! Let him offer his expertise, the legal way! Silence descends. Dennis steps forward, eyes hard. DENNIS: We face a cunning foe... Suddenly, a GUNSHOT rings out. Panic ensues. PATRICK: (Shouting, gun drawn) Glorify him and face my wrath! The gun lowers slowly. Silence hangs heavy. DENNIS: ...a brilliant one. PATRICK: (Lowers voice) You might not like the truth, but... DENNIS: (Waits, expecting an outburst. None comes.) No matter how harsh, I'm afraid... Patrick raises the gun, aiming straight at Dennis. The room holds its breath. Dennis's heart pounds. Fear flickers in his eyes, mingled with a desperate plea. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Title: "Unveiled Secrets" [FADE IN] INT. HIGH-SECURITY MEETING ROOM - NIGHT Three sharp GUNSHOTS crackle through the tense silence. Presidents, faces grim, stare down at the aged, haggard DENNIS. DENNIS: (Voice shaking) With all due respect... you're all... He trails off, eyes darting, sensing the weight of his words. President PATRICK tightens his grip on his pistol. DENNIS (Stuttering) Sweat beads on Dennis's forehead. He steals a glance at Patrick, the fear in his eyes a mirror to the President's own growing unease. Patrick silently inches the gun closer. DENNIS: (Low, urgent) You're all... He lifts a hand, locking eyes with the President. A silent negotiation, fear battling defiance. Patrick hesitates, the trigger tense under his finger. Suddenly, the door BURSTS OPEN. ARMED GUARDS flood in, guns trained on Dennis. PRESIDENT PATRICK: (Shouting) Stand down! We're handling this! The guards hesitate, confused. Patrick gestures at Dennis, his voice hardening. PATRICK: He was about to make a grave mistake. Dennis stares back, unyielding. The weight of his unspoken secret hangs heavy in the air. [FADE OUT] INT. DIOR'S APARTMENT - DAY Dior, holding a smoking gun, stands over the lifeless body of a man who tried to steal her "Carolinadeivid top-class knickers." The street is silent, but a crowd quickly gathers as sirens approach. DIOR (Shouting) Go. Go. Go! A car screeches around the corner, and Dior swiftly jumps in. Palmer, behind the wheel, questions her actions. PALMER Assignment already? DIOR (Nonchalantly) Assignment no. Some deranged crook stealing my Carolinadeivid knickers. Palmer abruptly slams on the brakes. PALMER You killed a man over knickers? Are you mad? Why not just buy new ones? DIOR Drive! Don’t lecture me. No one steals from me, especially my Carolinadeivid knickers. It’s about crossing the line. PALMER (Concerned) Keep your head low. You never know whom you're setting up to collide with in the future. DIOR I can handle myself. A tense silence lingers. PALMER So, what do they want? CUT TO: INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - DAY Anastasia lounges on the bed, Henry sits up, inserting a cigarette filter into his electrical cigar. ANASTASIA Take the day off. Let's spend it together. HENRY (Smoking) You keep smoking; it's against the law. ANASTASIA Anything I do in here is none of their business. Let's spend quality time together. She seductively joins him on the bed, revealing plans for a new assignment. ANASTASIA I accepted that new assignment we discussed. Henry chokes in shock. HENRY But that means going abroad. We talked about this. The room is charged with tension as they grapple with the implications of Anastasia's decision. FADE OUT FADE IN FADE IN: Title: "Fragile Alliances" INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Anastasia, sitting on the bed, kisses Henry's back as they engage in a conversation. ANASTASIA I can't just sit here and wait for you. It gives me time to think about things, you know. HENRY (Concerned) What things? Don't start. He touches her hand on his shoulder, but she insists on expressing herself. ANASTASIA It's nothing to do with your smoking inside or the way we make love. Henry, frustrated, roars. HENRY (Angrily) Last time I heard you talk like that, you went on a screwing spree with that bastard. I can't let that happen again. I have to work; we have a mortgage and bills to pay. ANASTASIA (Protesting) Exactly why I have to go and make money as well rather than be your housekeeper. Henry accuses her of potential infidelity. HENRY (Suspicious) You mean screw your buddy, as you did last time? She clarifies her perspective. ANASTASIA (Laughs) Henry, that's not screwing at all. He turns and stares at her. ANASTASIA I am just hot. You know, every time I worry about something, my hormones go wild as well. Henry expresses his concern. HENRY (Firmly) Damn it, woman. Excuses to screw around again. Nope, this time I am not allowing it. I let you once. You can't do that all the time. She suggests an open relationship. ANASTASIA I am not stopping you from doing the same when I am not around. HENRY (Hurt) What? That's hurtful. Are we in an open relationship now? ANASTASIA Life is too short. My job... Henry offers an alternative solution. HENRY (Frustrated) Anna, if you want, I will take time off until then. Find something to do, a hobby or something. You have too much time to yourself. Find something to keep you occupied. Write a book. I don't care. She explains the dangers of her job. ANASTASIA But it's not just about that. Every time I go out, there are chances that I might not come back. Above all... Henry interrupts her, suggesting she turns down the assignment. HENRY Just phone and say you can't take the assignment. She expresses her nerves and fear. ANASTASIA I am nervous and honestly scared. Henry cuddles her, offering comfort. INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Henry sits down, bewildered by the news Anastasia has just delivered. HENRY (Shockingly) The President personally phoned you and assigned you on this task? Anastasia, still in distress, recounts the tragic incident. ANASTASIA Yes, the President. I can't believe what happened. It made me realize how fragile life is. One minute his family was there, happy, and the next minute they were all gone. Henry, seemingly distracted, lustfully looks at her. He takes off his briefs and lies on the bed, ogling her curves as she stands by the window, smoking. HENRY (Stimulating) Come. ANASTASIA I think we can't do this now. HENRY (Shocked and angry) What? He walks to the window, spooning her from behind, and kisses her overpoweringly. The slamming of a car door catches his attention. He sees a fit-toned man getting out of the car and curses. HENRY What is this? You can't bring that pig here. What are you trying to do? Make me shoot him? ANASTASIA (Concealing) It is just work, Henry, I promise. She grabs her robe and rolls it on under nothing before heading to the door. Henry, filled with jealousy and betrayal, hugs her tightly. HENRY I want this son of a bitch to hear me f*cking you hard. He can wait. ANASTASIA Let me go, Henry, let me go. I told you it's strictly business. She wriggles free, leaving Henry speechless. Anastasia walks to the door, and Henry hears the front door opening. Enraged, he looks outside the window and sees her approaching with Hudson Dones. Henry, trembling with anger, can't bear to watch as he squints his eyes and lets out a roaring animal sound. Hudson Dones and Anastasia cuddle, and Henry's envy grows. HUDSON DONES (Is he still here?) Damn it. Stop it. You can't wait for a few minutes? Henry, choked with rage, searches through Anastasia's underwear drawer. HENRY (Shouting) B*tch! Where is...! FADE OUT God, seated on a majestic throne, confronts the devil in a cosmic realm surrounded by swirling galaxies. GOD (Angrily) The sand or dust you used had the devil’s DNA? Proof beyond doubt that the devil existed before you created this world? Complete silence envelops the cosmic realm. DEVIL (Calmly) The devil’s DNA was in the soil. In all land. Proof that he existed before you. That explains why the first people you created, and even this Adam and Eve, will never listen to you. The devil's revelation hangs heavy in the air. DEVIL (CONT'D) They are not stupid, but they have the devil’s DNA, which can explain why they easily do evil. Goodness like you is not in their DNA; 95% of their DNA is the devil's. The cosmic realm echoes with the loudest roar ever heard. GOD (Defiantly) Damn it! They are created in my image. I created them myself! The devil laughs in response. DEVIL (Smiling) If that’s so, then you must be hellish, devilish, and hot. Evil is imprinted in their bones. Humans are naturally inclined to do evil. A moment of silence follows. DEVIL (CONT'D) The stencil you used, your image, was the stencil of the devil. The land was contaminated with the devil’s DNA when you decided to create the world. The devil retrieves a Bible and reads a passage. DEVIL (CONT'D) "Genesis 2:7 - Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." The devil challenges God. DEVIL (CONT'D) They won’t listen to you, but to me, for one like me existed even before you created this world. GOD (Roaring) I don’t want to see you here again. Leave because you challenged me. DEVIL (Challenging) But, God, it is unfair. I challenge you to a contest. Since these people have nothing genetically linked to you, they will disobey you. But as the descendant of the devil, they will listen to me. The cosmic realm trembles with the intensity of the divine confrontation. INT. DIVINE REALM - GOD'S DOMAIN - NIGHT God stands in his divine realm, surrounded by ethereal brilliance. The devil appears before him. GOD (Shouting) You must be mad. Crazy mad. Tell me the challenge, for I definitely know you will lose. After you lost, I don’t want to see you again. Not even your evil-ass here! DEVIL (Calmly) First, I'm telling you that your life with these people will be filled with pain and sorrow. I advise you to kill them now while they are still few, for they are filled with evil. No matter how hard you try to teach them good, they will still do evil as directed by their genetic makeup. GOD (Defending) How can you say that? Kill all? That lack of care toward them tells me you know they have nothing to do with the devil. They are gorgeous and drop-dead beautiful. You are filled with jealousy that you would rather destroy them. DEVIL (Taunting) They are pains in the buttocks, trust me. You will regret not killing them straight away. They will bring hell and destroy your dreams, making everyone doubt you. GOD (Defiant) I don’t care. They are still mine, evil or not. Maybe something went wrong in the creation process. DEVIL (Arguing) Just like a lab fertility doctor experimenting. Legally, you can’t say they are yours. GOD (Warning) You are wasting your time. DEVIL (Proposing) Okay, this is the challenge. If they are yours, they will copy you and follow you because they have your DNA and your image, right? But if they don’t, then they are not yours, or you are weaker than the devil. God summons the first man and woman. GOD (Commands) All you have to do is not eat this fruit. The land is yours, for I have a plan for you. Showing you a way to evolve into beings like me, understanding the difference between good and evil. God commands Eve not to eat the fruits. The devil approaches her. DEVIL (Tempting) God is not fair. He is hiding the truth from you. Would it not be fair to know both good and evil, rather than just the good part? To God’s surprise, Adam and Eve disobey Him and listen to the devil. DEVIL (CONT'D) (Concluding) So, God, as I told you, these people aren't yours. They have the devil’s DNA to destroy and kill everything good. In that case, we share the world half-half. God, frustrated, contemplates a solution. The devil reappears. DEVIL (With a smirk) Are you stalking me? The divine realm trembles with the weight of their cosmic conflict. INT. DIVINE REALM - GOD'S CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS God and the devil engage in a heated conversation about the gold scriptures and God's Dilemma. DEVIL (Smiling) You tricked her so that you get her killed, only to open these stupid gold-scriptures? If you understood the pains and love that go into creation, you'd know I would never kill my people. God's frustration intensifies. GOD (Defiant) I could have killed you and destroyed everything devilish if it weren't for my God's Dilemma quest. I want to prove that I can turn one engraved with evil to do good, to reveal my image to the world. DEVIL (Taunting) In these gold-scriptures, it is written that even leopards can claim to be the parents of a baboon's baby. GOD (Resolve) I won't kill my loyal angels. They are my dream for mankind, a path I want them to take. The best takes time. Pure quality and devotion. You ruined my plans, and for that, you'll burn in hell once someone solves my dilemma. DEVIL (Hopeful) Wait for the rise of this man to solve God's Dilemma. But for now, angel's blood? You must authorize the sacrifice of innocent angels. God rejects the suggestion. GOD (Roaring) Can't do that! The devil pleads for the sacrifice. DEVIL (Pleading) Just one angel. Only this time. An angel appears, sacrificing itself above the gold-scriptures. The scriptures instantly open. GOD (Enraged) What have you done? God heals the angel, realizing that the devil has gained control over his angels. GOD (CONT'D) (Confused) Who are you? Tricking them as you did to Eve? DEVIL (Revealing) Your student. You created me. The scriptures taught me that I can exceed your powers. I can control all earth, your people in the future. Your softness and the pain they suffer multiply in you, and that's your weakness I'll manipulate. GOD (Intrigued) I don't understand. Why should I kill them? DEVIL (Revelation) What you did is forbidden in the gold-scriptures. GOD (Defensive) By whom? DEVIL (Smirking) By me. FADE OUT FADE IN INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David passionately narrates the story to his wife, a tale of divine intervention, tragedy, and resilience. DAVID (Voice filled with emotion) Damn it. God, can't you see what you're trying to do? Kill these people. If I want my people, as the devil, I can create my own. Pure ones who obey me only. What you did is contaminate my stencils with your DNA so that everyone you create will have both of us. The people you created have ninety-five percent devil's DNA and only five percent yours. If you kill these, you'll find solutions to create your pure people who will listen to you, who are one hundred percent yours and do only good. The devil smirks, confident in his cunning. DEVIL (Provocative) You failed to convert me. I am outsmarting you. That means I can convert you or all your people to the devil, more than you can do the other way around. God, frustrated, roars in response. GOD (Defiant) I didn't want my angel to die today, but now that it's done, I might as well read the gold-scriptures. DEVIL (Mocking) Again, you authorized the slaughter of your angels as a sacrifice because now you want to read the gold-scriptures. God wipes the blood and starts reading. GOD (Astonished) I can't believe this existed before I created the world. DEVIL (Revelation) Look at you. You can only write on clay and stone tablets. This was written on the purest gold that existed before most melted before you created this world. Proof that the kingdom existed before. Read the dates at the bottom of each page. God, in awe, learns about the ancient kingdom that existed before his creation. GOD (Inquisitive) But why gold? DEVIL (Explaining) It was dark, God. There was no light, and the shining one, the devil as he was called then, would shine bright, illuminating the whole earth. In the dark, the reflection would make gold glitter and be able to be read. As David continues the narrative, the scene transitions to a depiction of God's tormented years and his decision for divine intervention. CUT TO: EXT. MARY'S HOUSE - DAY Mary, a humble woman, is revealed to be the chosen one for God's divine intervention. She receives a heavenly visitation from the angel Gabriel. GABRIEL (Heavenly voice) Hail, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Mary, filled with awe, listens to the divine message. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David shares the narrative of Mary's divine pregnancy with his wife, highlighting the fusion of human and divine. DAVID (Solemn) So, God decided to impregnate a human being, Mary. The fusion's product, a son, would be half human-and-half God. Maybe this fusion was the answer to solving his quest, his dilemma. The story unfolds, revealing the divine plan and the challenges ahead. CUT TO: EXT. CALVARY - DAY David recounts the tragic event of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. DAVID (Anguished) Only to be disappointed to find that mankind had killed his son, sending him to heaven. Killing Jesus Christ. David's wife wipes away tears, moved by the sorrowful yet courageous tale. DAVID (CONT'D) (Reflective) That is a very sad story but a story of courage and resilience in the face of all improbable circumstances. TO BE CONTINUED... EXT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson, a powerful and authoritative figure, stands at the entrance of his barracks, furious about a breach in security. The chopper's blades create waves in the calm sea waters nearby. The atmosphere is tense as a man, seemingly invincible, approaches. MARSON (Roaring) I damn advised everyone to keep tight security. Why have they managed to penetrate and rescue that girl? Get my chopper ready. Get all the Gatekeepers on standby! Marson slams the receiver down, expressing his frustration. CUT TO: A FEW WEEKS LATER Marson, still seething with anger, paces in his office. He receives urgent news. MARSON (Roaring) Get my chopper ready. Get all the Gatekeepers on standby! CUT TO: EXT. SEASHORE - DAY A chopper lifts off from the seashore, creating waves on the surface of the calm sea. Marson, a formidable figure, walks confidently toward the approaching aircraft. The gusty wind blows, leaving his hair dancing. MARSON (Glaring) Gatekeepers in the front right now! Men and women in uniform and military attire march forward, forming a disciplined line. MARSON (CONT'D) (Furious) Can you explain why these people are coming deep in when you are the first line, the front line of defense? I can't understand how you missed all and allowed them to enter all the way deep into my barracks. I explained the first time that it can't be tolerated. That cost me my prize. They took that girl. They killed my best assassins when you should have stopped them. The man leading the Gatekeepers, a stern and disciplined figure, steps forward. GATEKEEPER LEADER (Resolute) Sir, they were relentless. We did everything in our power, but they had an unstoppable force. MARSON (Enraged) Unstoppable force? I don't care about excuses. I care about results. They infiltrated my territory. Now, what's the plan? GATEKEEPER LEADER (Confident) We're tightening security, reinforcing the perimeter, and deploying additional patrols. We won't let them breach our defenses again. MARSON (Menacing) They took something precious from me. Failure is not an option. Find them, and make them pay. The Gatekeepers, disciplined and determined, salute Marson, who watches as they prepare for the next phase of the mission. FADE OUT. EXT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson, seething with anger, confronts a man who failed to prevent an infiltration. The atmosphere is tense as Marson addresses the gatekeepers, demanding answers. MARSON (Raging) Sir, there is only so much we can do about this. They had clearance. Marson interrupts, furious and dismissive. MARSON (CONT'D) Bullshit clearance or not, I don't care. I told you not to let anyone in. That is what we are paying you for. It's as simple as this... The man attempts to explain the protocol, but Marson is relentless. MAN Sir, we followed protocol. If they are civilians, we just check their threat level and decide either to let them in or not. MARSON (Thundering) All I know is that it's a screw-up because our hostage is gone, and to make things worse, my men are dead. Men I value more than you because they earned that. All this talk about civilians is bullshit. I told you no one enters through. The man defends the protocol, prompting Marson's wrath. MAN But, Sir, it's not as easy as you think. Marson's face is overstuffed with temper. MARSON It's easy. Trust me. You don't just know how to handle the situation. Is this all the gatekeepers here? MAN No, Sir. MARSON Damn it. I said get everyone here. MAN They are on the next shores. Marson shakes with rage. MARSON (CONT'D) This is what you do. (Points to a soldier) You! SOLDIER Me? MARSON Yes, quickly draw a line on the ground close to me. The soldier quickly marks a line on the sandy ground. Marson quivers with fury. MARSON (CONT'D) I want all gatekeepers to walk one after the other and cross this line. Now! He demands compliance as the gatekeepers hesitate. MARSON (CONT'D) I can't seem to understand why they keep letting them in. These gatekeepers are the problem, not these people. How can they be a problem if you are doing their job properly? Then we won't have this problem. Marson becomes increasingly enraged. MARSON (CONT'D) I worked hard risking everything so that we get all our targets and only most to be snatched back. That is pathetic, and I don't want to see this ever again. Imagine this is just the beginning of the fight. They have broken all our defense going deep in to steal my victory. I can't accept that in no circumstances. What more when they have killed most of our men. He emphasizes the gravity of the situation. MARSON (CONT'D) So, pay attention. Watch me do this, and everyone must see this because if this happens again, you are all going to pay a heavy price. He yells at the gatekeepers, who stare at him with fear. MARSON (CONT'D) Come on, cross this line! Marson pulls out his handguns, standing at the line, demanding their compliance. FADE OUT. EXT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson, enraged, addresses the gatekeepers at the line he drew in the sand. MARSON (Thundering) Why are you stopping? Walk exactly like you let them in. Then I will show you what to do. The gatekeepers, terror-stricken, hesitantly move forward. Another crackling sound from the radio startles everyone. GATEKEEPER #1 (Speaking to Marson) Sir, it's the tower checking if everything is okay. Marson snatches the radio from the soldier. MARSON Listen. Watch this because next time I come back when you have screwed up, I swear you pay a heavy price. I can't seem to understand why no one does exactly what I want. I bloody said not even a single person crossing the line. He creases his face with fury. The gatekeepers stop, hearts pounding. MARSON (CONT'D) Why are you stopping? Walk exactly like you let them in. Then I will show you what to do. Another crackling sound from the radio interrupts. MARSON (CONT'D) Damn it. Give me that. Marson grabs the radio. MARSON (CONT'D) What? MAN IN THE TOWER (Speaking through the radio) They were following orders. We can't shoot civilians. MARSON (Enraged) I gave specific commands. Don't let anyone in. Full stop! Screw everything else. I want you to watch this and don't disturb me again. Okay? He switches off the radio. MARSON (CONT'D) Bloody hell! Cross the line now! The gatekeepers, terrified, proceed. The first person, Alfred, hesitates but continues. Suddenly, a loud bullet sound echoes through the air. Alfred falls, only his top half across the line. NANCY, next in line, freezes as urine trickles down her legs. She tries to stop but moves forward as if in shock. Moments later, a frightening bullet sound, and she jerks backward before falling. The man in the tower aims his rifle at Marson. MAN IN THE TOWER (Shouting) I got him covered! The others frantically communicate with the men at the shoreline. GATEKEEPER #2 (Over the radio) Answer the blood radio. Soldier, what is going on there? Put Marson on the radio now. Marson continues firing, systematically taking down the gatekeepers before they cross the line. MAN IN THE TOWER (CONT'D) (Over the PA system) Stop! Soldier, stop! Or I will shoot! Marson remains relentless, focused on his ruthless mission. FADE OUT. EXT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson, consumed by rage, curses and roars. He turns 180 degrees, firing consecutive shots at the soldier in the tower. The gatekeepers, terrified, continue walking. Hadrian screams, realizing her impending death. CLOSE UP on Hadrian, nerves rattled, looking at the fallen gatekeepers over the line. HADRIAN (Whispering) Damn it. She hesitates but continues walking. In front of her, the gatekeepers lie dead over the line. Fear-stricken, she turns and runs towards the tower. Marson points a gun at her, firing shots at the gatekeepers with the other hand. SOLDIER IN THE TOWER (Shouting) Damn it. Stand down, let her go! Hadrian runs and trips, falling in the sand. Marson turns, aiming at her. SOLDIER IN THE TOWER (CONT'D) (Shouting) Stop or I will shoot you! Marson back-flips in the air, firing at both the soldier in the tower and Hadrian as he lands. The soldier screams, and Hadrian falls with blood patches growing around her head. The soldier from the chopper approaches Marson. SOLDIER FROM THE CHOPPER That’s enough, Sir. Who is going to tell the rest of the gatekeepers? MARSON What? Why do we need gatekeepers when they can’t do their jobs properly? I guess we have to do it ourselves. SOLDIER FROM THE CHOPPER What are you saying? You mean to kill all? MARSON (Thundering) That’s an order! SOLDIER FROM THE CHOPPER But, Sir, these are our men and women fighting hard to... MARSON My men died today when they should not have died. That woman was rescued today when she should not have been. What is right about that? SOLDIER FROM THE CHOPPER Shoot them! Marson commands to shoot the fleeing gatekeepers. They run for their lives, ducking, falling, and crippled with fear. MARSON (CONT'D) (To the soldier) Go after them, Soldier. SOLDIER FROM THE CHOPPER I can’t leave you, Sir. The consecutive gun sounds echo as the soldier hesitates, torn between following orders and staying with Marson. FADE OUT. EXT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson roars and aims, taking down gatekeepers one by one, the soldier joining in the gunfire. Finn, a gatekeeper, breathes heavily as he escapes in the sand. He glances back, seeing his girlfriend fall face-first. Stopping, he rushes to help her, and blood splatters on his face. He looks behind to see Marson and his guard advancing. Finn sprints off, stops, turns, and fires. The last soldier in the tower shouts something before opening fire, creating a line of bullets lifting sand. The helicopter driver opens the door, ducking the blades and the strong winds before running towards the commotion, holding a gun. MILES AWAY - DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - DAY Calvin and Rufus sit on the beach, discussing the treasurer quest. RUFUS What do the others say are the reasons for the treasurer quest? CALVIN (Confident) Obviously to be rich. RUFUS Just rich? That sounds sad. CALVIN (Smiling) I'm not here just to get rich. Money can't buy love, but it's the key to my love's heart. If you know what I mean. RUFUS (Skeptical) Sounds like a contradiction. CALVIN (Explaining) I'm here to find the key to riches, not for the wealth itself. I want to spend my life with the woman I love, and since she has a taste for the finest things, being rich can help fulfill her dreams. RUFUS (Protesting) Whatever. It sounds the same to me. TWO WEEKS LATER CALVIN (Upset) When I first came, I was hopeful. Now, I don't know what to say. We've searched up and down with scuba divers, and we still have nothing. RUFUS (Confused) What's so special about this key? CALVIN (Serious) It's the door to riches. The riches to the heart of the woman I love. Money can't buy love, but without it, our relationship can get complicated. Finding this key means a lot of money, holidays, and CarolinaDeivid brands. RUFUS (Advising) Why not find someone who loves you for who you are, without money, unconditionally? There's always a person like that out there. INT. BEACH HOUSE - NIGHT Instantly, Claudia appears, dressed in a see-through white dress. She looks like a coquette, giving Rufus a flirtatious glance. She suggests pure lust, wearing sexy lingerie, makeup, and with her hair done, a rose pinning it near her right ear. She starts dancing seductively, going up and down, moving provocatively, and sexily rolling her groin in a circle, rolling her tongue on top of her lip. RUFUS (Smirking) I like the way you roll your tongue on your lips, hmm. Rufus ogles Claudia before downing a beer. She strolls in front of Calvin, dancing so hot that he stops and looks at her. She shakes her booty in his face. CALVIN (Interrupting) But if I find this key, I can have the woman I love. RUFUS (Laughing) Calvin, it's been two weeks. For a young man like you, any woman at this time is irresistible. Especially seeing Claudia every day dressed like that? Wow! Hot! And doing that thing with her tongue. Oh my God, I am old, but that... I am like a young horse wanting to hump even hard solid grooves in rocks, let alone a man as young as you. CLAUDIA (Smiling) You know you love it, Rufus. CALVIN (Serious) She's hot, no doubt about it, but honestly, I can't seem to get this woman out of my mind. RUFUS (Getting another beer) Let me tell you a story, so personal to me. Rufus takes a sip and continues. RUFUS (CONT'D) I was once in your shoes. I longed for this woman who, at that time, I thought was the love of my life. Everything I did was for her. Every time I approached her, even just for a cuddle, she would tell me a list of things I must accomplish first to be with her. Months went by without love or a cuddle until I said enough is enough. It's either she'll be with me or not. So, I wore my expensive suit, shaved clean, wore my expensive aftershave, bought a bunch of roses, and went to her parents' house. Claudia instantly sits on Calvin's lap and hugs him as she passes him another beer. CALVIN (Curious) So, what happened? RUFUS (Recollecting) I knocked on the door. I instantly heard the commotion in the house, but the door opened. Her father stood on the door, yelling INT. GLOBAL PRESIDENTIAL ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY The atmosphere is tense, and the room is filled with powerful figures—Presidents from around the world. At the center, an elderly man, DENNIS, stands confidently, a hint of rebellion in his eyes. PRESIDENT PATRICK, a stern leader, addresses the assembly. PRESIDENT PATRICK As I was saying, you are all declared… as… temporarily... incapacitated.... Suddenly, a gunshot echoes through the hall. The crowd gasps. Dennis freezes, realizing he might have just challenged the wrong authority. The room erupts in chaos. Presidents express disbelief and outrage. PRESIDENT RYAN You must be shitting me! ANOTHER PRESIDENT Old man, you must have a death wish! Yet, Dennis stands his ground, feeling a newfound courage. DENNIS Silence! The room falls silent at his unexpected authority. DENNIS (CONT'D) Wasting my time! He screams, surprising everyone. DENNIS (CONT'D) If you all knew the law. You would know that all of you would be out of the office and maybe locked up in rehab or something! This triggers an intense reaction. President Ryan, President Patrick, and others raise their guns, aiming at Dennis. He feels the weight of their fury. DENNIS (panicking) Don’t shoot! TIM, another person in the room, tries to intervene. TIM Don’t screw up with us. You don’t know what we are going through. Rubbing salt on our wounds is inadvisable. It can cost you your life, and there is nothing your laws can do to us. Comprehend? The room is filled with tension as Dennis realizes the severity of the situation. The Presidents are now united against him, and his fate hangs in the balance. The atmosphere is thick with uncertainty and impending danger. FADE OUT. EXT. GLOBAL PRESIDENTIAL ASSEMBLY - DAY The tension escalates as the Presidents, now faced with armed military personnel, find themselves in a perilous standoff. The old man, Dennis, attempts to regain control, but the situation takes an unexpected turn. Dennis looks around, realizing the severity of his predicament. Armed military personnel surround the assembly, creating a formidable barrier against any resistance. DENNIS (desperate) This is absurd! You can't just— A military officer interrupts, showing no sympathy. MILITARY OFFICER Step aside, old man. This is a matter of national security. Dennis, cornered, hesitates. The Presidents watch in disbelief as their authority crumbles before the might of the military. PRESIDENT RYAN (defiant) You can't do this! We are the leaders of nations! MILITARY OFFICER Not anymore. The military proceeds to detain the Presidents, who resist with a futile display of arrogance. PRESIDENT ONESIMUS (angry) You will regret this! Dennis, now a spectator, watches the once-powerful leaders being escorted away. The atmosphere is charged with uncertainty as the balance of power undergoes a seismic shift. NARRATOR (V.O.) In the blink of an eye, the world order changes. The struggle for power takes an unexpected turn. The old guard faces a new reality, and the question lingers: What lies ahead? The scene fades out, leaving the audience in suspense, contemplating the repercussions of this unprecedented shift in global dynamics. EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - DAY Henry stands outside, checking for Hudson Dones. He quickly jumps into his car and drives off, consumed by thoughts of betrayal and revenge. INT. HENRY'S CAR - DAY In the car, Henry retrieves a gun from the glove compartment, his mind clouded with anger and jealousy. The raging turmoil within him threatens to erupt. HENRY (muttering to himself) This can't go unanswered. His phone rings, interrupting his thoughts. Henry angrily answers. ANASTASIA (over the phone) See you, darling, when I come back. Henry slams the phone down, the weight of betrayal heavy on his shoulders. Outbursts of anger consume him as he envisions Anastasia with Hudson Dones. CUT TO: EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - LATER Hudson Dones cautiously approaches Henry's apartment, sensing the tension. The door is ajar, and he cautiously pushes it open. INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS The apartment is eerily silent. Hudson Dones enters cautiously, unaware of the storm brewing within Henry. CUT TO: INT. HENRY'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Henry, now fueled by a mix of jealousy and anger, speeds through the city streets, determined to confront the unfolding betrayal. EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Hudson Dones explores the apartment, noticing signs of a struggle. He senses danger but continues searching for Anastasia. CUT TO: INT. HENRY'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Henry's car screeches to a halt outside his apartment. He grips the gun tightly, ready for a confrontation. CUT BACK TO: INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Hudson Dones discovers Anastasia's belongings scattered, realizing something is amiss. The air thickens with anticipation as he braces himself for the unexpected. CUT TO: EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Henry storms into the apartment building, his footsteps echoing with determination. The moment of reckoning approaches. INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Hudson Dones, now on high alert, hears Henry's approaching footsteps. The room becomes a battleground of emotions, betrayal, and impending confrontation. FADE OUT. EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Rain pours heavily as Henry, engulfed in anguish, rushes out of the office building and jumps into his car. Blocks away, a car runs over a tennis ball in the road. Henry sits in his car, tears falling on the steering wheel. INT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Henry pushes the gate open, walks to the bedroom window, and feels his heart pounding. Gripping the gun, he leans against the wall. The familiar sound of Anastasia's moans reaches him. Rage builds, and he sprints to the door. EXT. HENRY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Henry inserts his key, opens the door, and hears Anastasia's moans intensify. Breathing heavily, he climbs the stairs to the bedroom, realizing he's standing outside the door. Pushing it open gently, he faces Anastasia. ANASTASIA Henry, what are you doing here? A gunshot echoes, startling the neighbors who rush to find out what's happening. CUT TO: EXT. MILITARY BASE - SHORELINE - NIGHT Military SUVs approach the shoreline. Samuel, the helicopter pilot, kneels next to a body. Bodies lie scattered, and the radio crackles. SAMUEL Damn it, Marson! What got into you? Teaching them a lesson by killing them? MARSON Renegades. We don't have loyal people. Arthur made an oath to die for the country. SAMUEL You're lucky Arthur stayed with you. Marson realizes death is near. He reflects on loyalty and the importance of having people who would sacrifice for the country. MARSON Damn it. Arthur was not supposed to die. Loyal to the bone, unlike these oxygen-thieves. The scene ends with a sense of betrayal and loss on both fronts. INT. MILITARY BASE - NIGHT Marson wipes Arthur's blood from his chest, a haunting reminder of the loyalty he once had. Samuel joins him as they reach Finn's lifeless body, a bullet hole marking the tragic end. SAMUEL He targeted you? Marson kneels beside Finn's lifeless form, blood oozing from his nose and mouth. MARSON Radio the barracks. I want a bodyguard. We're going to the next bunch of gatekeepers. SAMUEL Sir, that's enough for today. Let them be the changed men and women to carry your duties. MARSON No, Samuel. I must clean it all up. A clean slate, a new start. They have to understand. I can't let them take everything for granted. He demands Samuel to radio for a bodyguard, ready to confront the next group of perceived traitors. MARSON (CONT'D) If I say, "Gatekeepers, don't let anyone in," they will do just that, no matter what. Let's go. You'll cover me. Samuel, thinking Marson is joking, is shocked when Marson points the gun at his head. SAMUEL Sir, I can't leave the helicopter unattended in case of an emergency. MARSON You'll be fine. If I can do this to my men, imagine what I can do to my enemies. These people need to fear and respect me. He suggests that if he were God, he'd create clever robots to replace men. Marson reveals a dark side, determined to instill fear in his subordinates. SAMUEL But, sir, I can't leave the helicopter alone. Marson signals a soldier from the tower, expressing distrust. He hands a gun to Samuel and looks toward the tower. MARSON (CONT'D) I don't trust him. Security risk. The soldier, suspecting danger, heads back to the tower. Marson stops him and hands a gun to Samuel, creating an atmosphere of tension. SAMUEL Sir, someone might be watching. Marson laughs, seemingly carefree, but Samuel senses something ominous. SAMUEL (CONT'D) He looked at you as if he'd seen a ghost when you laughed. MARSON What's scary about my laughs? As they head into uncertain territory, the ominous feeling intensifies, and Marson's true intentions remain a mystery. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Sienna walks her dog, Archie, in the city park. She's reminiscing about the previous night, pulling up an image on her phone and kissing the screen. Feeling aroused, she dials a number, and the phone keeps ringing. SIENNA Archie, fetch! She throws a rubber bone into the bushes, and Archie excitedly runs after it. As the phone is answered, Sienna talks passionately. SIENNA (CONT'D) Let’s meet again tonight. I’ll sleepover, okay? PERSON ON THE PHONE I've been thinking about you too. Are you okay? The dog's barking becomes deafening, but Sienna continues the call. SIENNA Maybe if you're free, I can come over right now on my way back. PERSON ON THE PHONE But I thought I heard your dog barking, and you know what I said about pets. I don’t want to lose this lease. Are you with me? SIENNA I can leave him outside, tied to that tree, and ring my friend to pick him up. PERSON ON THE PHONE Okay, that sounds good. But why is he barking so loud? Is he always like that? SIENNA No, no. He's not like that... Sienna looks to see if Archie has fetched the rubber bone. Suddenly, Archie runs back, biting something in the bushes. PERSON ON THE PHONE (CONT'D) Hello? Hello? Are you still there? Sienna, now vomiting, tries to respond while Archie's barking intensifies. SIENNA Ugh, sorry. He... he found something. I'll call you back. She hangs up, glancing at Archie who continues barking and biting at an unknown object. SIENNA (CONT'D) What did you find, Archie? Curious and concerned, Sienna investigates what Archie is so fixated on in the bushes. EXT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - DAY Detective Dexter, a fit and athletic individual, sprints up the stairs to the central police office in the city. Detective Holly, a well-toned brunette, struggles to keep up. DETECTIVE HOLLY Wait up, Detective Dexter. I'm running out of breath! DETECTIVE DEXTER Sorry, I don't wait for anyone. Ask Mr. Time; he'll tell you the same thing. DETECTIVE HOLLY They deliberately chose this place to exhaust us before we even start working. I don't like beginning my day tired. DETECTIVE DEXTER They knew you desk jockeys have boring lives. Look at me; I'm here early in the morning and probably won't see anyone until I return the case files. Detective Dexter continues at a faster pace, creating a gap. DETECTIVE HOLLY Hey, can't you see I am...? DETECTIVE DEXTER See you later, Detective. Detective Dexter reaches the top level, lifting his hands in the air victoriously. DETECTIVE HOLLY What a jerk? Thinks he's better than me just because he came in early. She catches her breath and climbs the remaining stairs, complaining about the lack of a lift and considering suing the management. INT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - DETECTIVE DIVISION - LATER Detective Dexter arrives at his desk, and his pager beeps constantly. He proceeds to the boss's office. DETECTIVE DEXTER Yes, sir? BOSS Okay, sit down. I'm waiting for your partner. DETECTIVE DEXTER Partner? What partner? BOSS Detective, it's time to admit that Detective Frankie isn't coming back. DETECTIVE DEXTER You want me to believe that? BOSS Face the truth, Detective. Something happened to him. People don't just disappear like that. DETECTIVE DEXTER I gave him my word I'd cover his back. BOSS Did you? So, where is he? DETECTIVE DEXTER Don't patronize me! BOSS Listen to me. You can't keep going on rounds looking for someone declared missing and presumed dead by his wife. The department has work to do. Let the missing person department handle Detective Frankie's case. Detective Dexter is visibly upset, but the boss emphasizes the need to move on and focus on their assigned tasks. INT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - DETECTIVE DIVISION - DAY Detective Dexter, visibly upset, stands up and walks to the window. DETECTIVE DEXTER If I don't stop? It's because I can't. BOSS You will leave me with no option but to ask for your... A huge knock interrupts the conversation, and the door opens. DETECTIVE DEXTER What are you doing here? DETECTIVE HOLLY I was assigned here. DETECTIVE DEXTER No way. BOSS Detective Dexter, meet Detective Holly. DETECTIVE DEXTER I see what this is about. Forcing me out. Just a minute ago, you were threatening to get me transferred. You realized that I wasn't going to buckle. You thought it better to get me killed instead. DETECTIVE HOLLY Excuse me? BOSS Someone assigned her to the desk as they saw her as a risk to other detectives. She can't run and is easily distracted. Let me be the judge of that, Detective. Don't worry, Detective Holly. He is still upset about the loss of his friend. Detective Dexter walks outside, slamming the door behind him. DETECTIVE DEXTER I will hand in my transfer request tomorrow morning. DETECTIVE HOLLY I can't be that bad to be treated like that. BOSS Let me guess. You want to sue the department, right? Please! Go after him. He is training you right now. If he doesn't want the transfer, who cares? Still, life goes on. Trust me. Tomorrow there will be someone doing his job. The boss smiles and starts laughing as Detective Holly remains seated. BOSS What are you still doing here? Your partner is waiting for you in the car. Detective Holly stands up, unsure if this is a joke, and walks to the door. She peeps her head back into the office. DETECTIVE HOLLY Where can I find him? I mean exactly where in the car park. BOSS I'm not here to spoon-feed you. Probably Detective Dexter is right. Keep your eyes on the ball. If you were chasing a thief or something, he could have gone by now. Detective Holly runs out, sprints to the lifts, and waits. The hissing of the office door startles her as the boss stands outside laughing. She quickly takes the stairs and runs to the car park. The sounding of the hooter startles her but instantly makes her smile initially, before cursing hard. FADE OUT. ! FADE IN: EXT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - CAR PARK - DAY Detective Holly runs to the car where Detective Dexter is waiting impatiently. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Detective Dexter and Detective Holly examine a decomposing body in the city park. DETECTIVE DEXTER So, what do we have here? DETECTIVE HOLLY A decomposing body in the city park. DETECTIVE DEXTER Any idea whom the body belongs to? DETECTIVE HOLLY A Gatekeeper. DETECTIVE DEXTER Gatekeeper? A military man out here? I thought the shooting was at the beach. Could they have followed him all the way here? Could he have escaped the shooting? CUT TO: EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - DAY Calvin sits with Claudia, feeling devastated after learning there are no keys. CLAUDIA There are no keys. CALVIN What? What do you mean that there are no keys? CLAUDIA It's a business model to get tourists to come here. They will only tell you after you have spent two weeks at the Devil's Eye Island. Calvin curses, realizing he's spent $10,000 for nothing. Claudia sensually teases him. CLAUDIA I know it sounds wrong and rightly you might feel betrayed, tricked, and cheated on, but I am your key. Your reward. Your gift. The real thing you want. Just think that you spent this money with me. Calvin visualizes his lost love and Claudia continues her seductive actions. CLAUDIA I am your reward, but here they call it a gift from the bosses of this Island. So, you can look forward to coming back again next time knowing that in the end, you will get something back. Win or lose. Calvin, overwhelmed with rage and disappointment, struggles with his emotions. CLAUDIA I have very warm pockets. Enough to keep all the pain in your heart. Why can't you empty all the feelings in my pocket? Let's exchange. Claudia touches Calvin's groin, intensifying his pain. CLAUDIA Your heart is delicate and too important to keep such turmoil. I will give you soothing love and feelings of euphoria and keep your anger locked in my warm pocket. Calvin, unable to bear the pain, contemplates the offer. CUT TO BLACK. INT. CALVIN'S TENT - NIGHT Calvin and Claudia lie in the tent bed, tangled in post-coital bliss. Claudia whispers sweetly to Calvin. CLAUDIA I never heard anyone talk so smoothly like that yet meaningfully. It makes sense. It hurts thinking that she is with another man. Calvin, overwhelmed with emotions, feels a surge of rage and pain. Claudia senses his turmoil. CLAUDIA That's my boy. Claudia touches Calvin's groin, intensifying his feelings. CLAUDIA Let these two make the exchange trade. Feelings like this in your heart will kill you, but in my warm pocket, they're like rocket fuel. Deposit the feelings of rage, of being betrayed and tricked, all in my purse. In return, you get the best feelings you will ever experience, as severe pain can only trigger the best of feelings as your body tries to cushion itself from damage. Claudia passionately pleads with Calvin. He starts kissing her neck, and their intimate encounter intensifies. CLAUDIA Hump me. I am all yours, don’t wait even for a second for her. Take me right now. Two weeks is a very long time when you can even have better. Claudia stands up, revealing herself, and urges Calvin to engage in a more intimate act. CLAUDIA Lick me, Calvin. She holds his head against her stomach. CLAUDIA I need you, Calvin. Do it for me. Calvin, consumed by lust and Claudia's persuasive words, lifts her, and their passion escalates. They make love all night. INT. CALVIN'S TENT - MORNING Calvin lies on the bed, emotions overwhelming him. Tears roll down his face, and Claudia tries to comfort him. CLAUDIA What is wrong, Calvin? I thought what we had yesterday was special. Calvin, still emotional, expresses his heartache. CALVIN I can’t believe my hopes have evaporated like the morning mist. CLAUDIA Don’t say that. You have me now. I enjoyed every bit last night. I wish this can be forever. She attempts to initiate another intimate moment, but Calvin hesitates. CALVIN Wait. Wait. I think we should talk about this first. CLAUDIA We agreed this was a one-off thing. Just last night. CALVIN Look. I am offering you the last best time of your life here at Devil’s Eye Island. Even this lady you are talking about after humping her like you did last night, you will never feel the way you are feeling now. After great sex. All this talk about the love of my life will be no more. I bet you are still hungry. Come on top. Calvin, torn between emotions, reluctantly complies as they engage in FADE IN: INT. TENT - LATER Rufus, awakened by the commotion, sits up and witnesses the passionate encounter. A loud scream and growls follow. RUFUS Jesus! He grabs a half-pint of beer and downs it. Calvin laughs briefly, slumping next to Claudia, who has fallen into a deep sleep. INT. CALVIN'S TENT - NIGHT Calvin lies in his tent, still processing the unexpected debit from his account. CALVIN (reading the message) Your account has been debited by this amount. "Overshooting the runway." What the hell? He spots Claudia's knickers at the entrance of the tent, a reminder of their recent encounter. CALVIN (smiling) Well, that explains the charge. He reaches for a beer, eager to drown his confusion. Just as he takes a mouthful, a familiar scream startles him. Beer spurts out of his mouth, and he quickly puts on his briefs, staggering toward the source of the noise. EXT. NATURAL BENCH AREA - NIGHT Calvin approaches a natural but man-carved bench, discovering Claudia lying there, looking toward him. Rufus is swinging and thrusting, causing Claudia to squirt each time. CALVIN (sickened) What the hell is going on? Feeling a surge of jealousy, Calvin abruptly retreats, running back to his tent. INT. CALVIN'S TENT - LATER Calvin lies in his tent, drinking more beer, trying to process the unsettling scene he witnessed. CLAUDIA (from outside) Can I come in? CALVIN No. I don't want to see you. Calvin's frustration and confusion grow as he grapples with the unexpected turn of events. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENTIAL BUNKER - NIGHT A tense atmosphere envelops the underground meeting room. President Patrick clutches his gun, refusing to lower it. MILITARY MAN One more act like that. Then we have to dispose of your self-defense weapon, sir. President Patrick reluctantly lowers his gun, glaring at the military man. MILITARY MAN I suggest if you find this hard, you leave the meeting. Or put away your gun now. This is a command. PRESIDENT PATRICK I will keep my gun. MILITARY MAN Then put it away. PRESIDENT PATRICK Are you bloody mad? You want them to come and finish us off as well. No way. My gun stays in my hand. Non-negotiable. You start acting like one of them now. President Patrick shouts defiantly, asserting his stance. MILITARY MAN Then behave, sir. There is no enemy here. PRESIDENT PATRICK Anyone who tells me to put my gun away is my enemy. I guess that is the same thing they told you when they killed my beautiful wife. The same words they told you when they attacked my children. Put your guns away? Are you bloody stupid? The military man remains silent, realizing the collective trauma and fear that have gripped everyone in the room. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS We don't care if you have established the Executive Branch or not. We are still the Presidents of our countries. President Marvelous waves his gun, defiantly addressing the military men and other leaders present. The military men respond swiftly. MILITARY MAN Don't force us to shoot you. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS Who the hell do you think you are? How come you talk to us like this? I lost my family for Christ’s sake, but that does not make me a lesser man than I was yesterday. Why dishonor your President, soldier? You can lose your family too, you know? President Marvelous fumes with anger. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS I can give a command to get you shot right now. Do you threaten the President? Do you have a death wish? MILITARY MAN There is a new global system of governance now. You don’t make the final decision. Now there is someone above all of you. Someone to override your commands. Tensions rise as the leaders grapple with the reality of a changed world order. FADE OUT. ADE IN: INT. PRESIDENTIAL BUNKER - NIGHT The room echoes with tension as the military men and Presidents face off. PRESIDENT REX Who is this person, and with what authority? Never heard such things that a soldier can threaten the President. Ever heard of treason? I can get you shot like a dog. The military men remain silent, directing their attention to Dennis. DENNIS Yes. We have established the Executive Branch. A temporary Executive Branch that will and has taken over the decision... The Presidents erupt in anger, their shouts filling the room. PRESIDENT REX Silence! The military man roars, trying to regain control. MILITARY MAN Silence! I repeat. The quicker you are, the faster this will be. But the Presidents are unyielding. This revelation shakes them to the core, more shocking than the deaths of their families. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS As I said, I am one of you. All the pain you are going through... DENNIS I went through all that and more. Better to spare years under bars wasting your lives. Contemplating even ending your own lives because now you will have nothing to hang on to. Your wives and husbands are gone. The power. Trust me, the pain is in losing the power other than anything else. Imagine when you think you will revenge your loved ones then only to be stopped and put behind bars and their deaths? Just an empty void. So, listen, this is the best for all of you. The Presidents go wild, their anguish on full display. DENNIS The Executive Branch will from now on approve or disapprove your commands. Another round of chaos ensues. The Presidents question the legitimacy of such authority. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS On whose authority that is not even in the constitution? PRESIDENT REX To hell with that. I am still the President and leader of my country, and no Executive Branch is going to help me run my country. The military man attempts to explain the new dynamics. MILITARY MAN You are still the Presidents and military chiefs of your country, but... PRESIDENT ONESIMUS No buts. I am still the man in command. What we should be discussing is when and what size we are going to send to avenge our families. DENNIS Without the approval of the Executive Branch, there is no one and nothing you can command or do. PRESIDENT KNOX That can’t be right. Over my dead body. The Presidents raise their guns, and the military men reciprocate, leading to a tense standoff. PRESIDENT ONESIMUS We are not afraid to die, but I swear when this is over, we are going to punish all of you. How dare you raise your guns at the Presidents? DENNIS You don’t get it. I explained that there is a new global leader, and as such, what you can and cannot do depends on someone else now. The room remains in a standoff, uncertainty hanging in the air. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENTIAL BUNKER - NIGHT The tension reaches a boiling point as President Rex holds his gun firm, aimed at Dennis's forehead. The room is suffocating in silence, broken only by the echoes of shouted threats. PRESIDENT PATRICK (voice trembling) Take him out! President Marvelous seconds the command. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS Drop it now, or we'll shoot you too! The military men, their guns raised, echo the threat. The room becomes a battleground of words and charged emotions. Tim, sensing the impending danger, pleads for reason. TIM Don't shoot! All he is doing is trying to tell you. President Knox, fueled by grief and anger, contemplates drastic action. PRESIDENT KNOX (ferociously) You son of a bitch! You don't get it. I would rather kill the killers of my family and die too than let them walk free and live forever. The military men, vigilant and on edge, respond with heightened aggression. MILITARY MAN Don't try anything stupid! President Rex, unyielding, believes that their power is under threat. PRESIDENT REX (roaring) This is to weaken us. So that we can't fight back. To become dormant Presidents. Powerless puppets of this Executive Branch. President Patrick voices his dissent, unwilling to be a sitting duck. PRESIDENT PATRICK (thundering) We must fight now. I would rather die than be a sitting duck. In this charged atmosphere, President Rex makes a bold move, aiming at Dennis, determined to protect their perceived threat. PRESIDENT REX (shouting) Take him out! President Marvelous echoes the sentiment. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS Drop it now or I will shoot you too! The military men, standing their ground, raise their guns, issuing a unified threat. LEADER OF MILITARY MEN (shouting) I said drop your gun now! We will blast you too! Dennis, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, stands frozen. The standoff intensifies, leaving the fate of everyone hanging by a thread. The room echoes with the palpable fear of an imminent eruption of violence. FADE OUT. ADE IN: INT. DETECTIVE AGENCY OFFICE - DAY Gemma, Dior, Palmer, and Michelle engage in a heated discussion about their prime suspect, Marson, as well as the motivations behind the recent killings. Michelle, the confident and stylish newcomer, suggests Marson as the perpetrator. GEMMA (unconvinced) Are you saying that he had the foresight in seeing these Presidents becoming an obstacle? DIOR (assertive) If he is not the culprit, then who? PALMER (defensive) His books have messages against killers of women and children. Killing them seems out of character. Gemma puts forth her theory, proposing that Marson orchestrated the killings to manipulate the political landscape. GEMMA (CONT'D) (pondering) The only way he can trigger a move toward a system change is when what happened happens. He can stall everything, weaken them, and challenge them in court. Palmer voices his concern about the gravity of the accusation, considering the victims are powerful Presidents. PALMER (CONT'D) (outraged) Damn it. These are Presidents we're talking about. The seven most powerful ones. DIOR (philosophical) Still human too. Flesh and blood. Trauma affects them as well. The killer is triggering a sudden death. As they continue their debate, Michelle, the glamorous and confident woman, enters the room, disrupting the conversation. MICHELLE (sassy) What have I missed? GEMMA (sighs) Brainstorming who could be the killer and why? MICHELLE (smiling) That's easy. Marson. They react with disbelief, questioning her certainty. Michelle then shifts the focus to a small dog named Mr. Mason, creating confusion among the detectives. MICHELLE (CONT'D) (cheerful) Everyone, please welcome Mr. Mason. The barking of the dog interrupts the discussion, leaving them puzzled about the connection between Marson and the small canine. DIOR (confused) I thought you were saying Mason is the culprit. How can you name such a small dog after Marson? The office atmosphere becomes more intriguing as the detectives try to unravel the mystery surrounding Marson and the unexpected canine visitor. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. HENRY'S HOUSE - NIGHT Tristan confronts the paramedics, outraged that they're not involving the police. The paramedic defends their decision, claiming they did Tristan a favor by letting him see the body. TRISTAN (angry) No, you're cutting corners, letting culprits go! PARAMEDIC (trying to explain) But his wife is right there. Look, the one in the car. Why didn't he shoot her or her partner, or even the third person? TRISTAN (confused) What trinity? The paramedics point to the woman getting into the car with Paisley. PARAMEDIC (awkwardly) She was involved too. A threesome? Yet she's still walking. Tristan is shocked and angered. He starts running toward the car. TRISTAN (shouting) Anastasia, is that you? Let me talk to you! The old man rushes towards the car, yelling. OLD MAN (stop) Stop! Anastasia, let me ask you a few questions. As Tristan advances, the window starts closing, and a soft female voice inside the car says, "Drive." The engine roars to life. Tristan arrives at the car and attempts to open the door. The window is closing fast. OLD MAN (desperate) Stop! Anastasia, let me ask you a few questions. The window fully closes, and Tristan lunges, grabbing the door handle. The car starts moving. PARAMEDIC (shouting) Old man, are you crazy? You want us to take you to the hospital instead? The old man, still holding the door handle, looks face to face with the woman inside. Suddenly, he releases the door, stumbling and nearly getting run over by the moving car. Everyone screams in shock, and the paramedics rush after him. PARAMEDIC (annoyed) If we hadn't shown you the body, none of this would have happened. Now we have to take you to the hospital. He could have run you over. TRISTAN (sitting down, shaken) It's not Anastasia. PARAMEDIC (confused) What? TRISTAN (defeated) He might be hallucinating. Get the stretcher! The paramedics scramble to get the stretcher as the shocking turn of events unfolds. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HENRY'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Tristan sits down, shaking his head, trying to make sense of the situation. TRISTAN That's not Anastasia. I understand why she could not face me. It's not her. The paramedics exchange puzzled glances. PARAMEDIC 1 Of course, she will pass for Anastasia. They can fool others, but not me. TRISTAN (insisting) People don’t shoot themselves for a woman when there are thousands of women out there. PARAMEDIC 2 (considering) Watching her making love, not to one but two people, might have been too much for him. TRISTAN (dismissing) A threesome with two women is every man’s dream, nothing you can kill yourself for. The paramedics present empty Viagra packets they found in Henry's pocket. PARAMEDIC 1 He might have felt useless. TRISTAN (challenging) I don’t care what you say. That is not Anastasia. Aurora arrives, concerned. AURORA Tristan, what happened? TRISTAN That’s not Anastasia. AURORA (confused) What do you mean? TRISTAN Henry and Anastasia had sex this morning, and they all left before these impostors came in. I just can’t explain it. AURORA (skeptical) Still, if it was not his wife making love to these... Why would he shoot himself? TRISTAN (pondering) Who said he shot himself? The group looks at each other, uncertain. PARAMEDIC 2 (laughing) Old man, maybe you're more injured than we thought. Maybe we should take you to the hospital. TRISTAN I think they found a look-alike because trust me, that is not Anastasia. Aurora, shocked, slaps Tristan. AURORA What are you talking about? TRISTAN They might have brought the other woman the very moment Henry finished having sex with Anastasia. The woman you saw was this imposter. After Anastasia left, making you think it’s her. They might have known that Henry would be very jealous too to come back and check. That could explain the Viagra in his pockets. The revelation sinks in as the group grapples with the complexities of the situation. FADE OUT. INT. HOSPITAL WAITING AREA - NIGHT Aurora sleeps fitfully on a bench, exhausted from the night's events. A doctor approaches and gently touches her shoulder. DOCTOR I am afraid there were complications. He developed a blood clot. I am sorry; he died. Aurora, devastated, lets out a piercing scream that echoes through the hospital halls. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Anastasia enters a conference room with Executive Branch leaders already seated. EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER 1 Don’t keep us waiting! EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER 2 Tell us, Mrs. Anastasia, why you think it’s an inside job. ANASTASIA I am sorry. I thought you requested my services so that I tell you what I think, not what you suggest. EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER 3 Words are like veld fires. Fires that scorch everything for no concrete reasons. If uncontrolled, they can do real damage, most irreparable. EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER 1 Above all, image is everything, and there are reputations at stake here. I think it’s not only foolish but also insulting that so early in the investigations, you have already suggested that the grieving Presidents carried out a self-inflicting act. ANASTASIA (defiant) I believe in presenting the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. My duty is to uncover the reality, not to protect reputations. EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER 2 If you are not cautious, the EB can bring charges against you. Proceed very carefully. Anastasia remains resolute as tension fills the room. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL WAITING AREA - NIGHT Aurora, overwhelmed with grief, clutches a tissue in her hand and gazes into the distance, wrestling with the pain of loss. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. EXECUTIVE BRANCH HEADQUARTERS - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Anastasia stands firm, addressing the members of the Executive Branch (EB). ANASTASIA That sounds like a threat? Why did you call me here then? MARIAH, a member of the EB, interjects, attempting to diffuse the tension. MARIAH You are not getting my point. Go with the flow; it’s too early. There are fresh wounds, and poking into them is not advisable here. This is a sensitive topic. ANASTASIA (resolute) I will tell you why. I don’t take threats. I think they might have eaten their 'own eggs' to put it politely. To justify the military. The room erupts with buzzing and hissing. Mariah signals the military men to take center stage to maintain order. MARIAH She has a big mouth, and she is uncontrollable. LILY, another member of the EB, confers with RYDER. RYDER What do you suggest? We give her to Gianna? LILY No. I think it’s too early for that. RYDER Damn it. You are taking risks. What if she talks like that on the day? LILY Let me handle this. I have my men working on it. RYDER (uneasy) Her credibility is astonishing, and it might be hard to convince people otherwise. I suggest Gianna might calm her down. Soothe all that rage out in a lesbian romp. LILY There is still time. ANASTASIA (continuing) As I was saying, they didn’t see it coming. That Tomorrow’s World Order will push for the temporary insanity clause. The room is filled with a huge commotion and hissing. EXECUTIVE BRANCH LEADER Silence! ANASTASIA (continuing) They did not anticipate that. Otherwise, they would have triggered military action on national security grounds. ANASTASIA (CONT'D) Who do you think did this then? It can’t be all the EB or the Presidents themselves? ANASTASIA That I won’t reveal now. It’s too early to point fingers. I just thought you should know my line of thought. The tension in the room remains palpable as Anastasia stands her ground. INT. POLICE STATION - INVESTIGATION ROOM - DAY Detective Dexter and Detective Holly sit across from DAISY, a representative from the city's biggest bank, discussing the mysterious death of the Financial Industry's Gatekeeper. DETECTIVE DEXTER (serious) Do you have any reasons why someone would want the Gatekeeper dead? DAISY (hesitant) Honestly, we have no idea. This came as a shock to us. He had taken time off going on vacation. DETECTIVE HOLLY (skeptical) But I understand the holiday was only three weeks, and you're saying he was not coming to work for nearly 6 weeks, meaning three extra weeks. Surely you should have raised the alarm. DAISY (defensive) Detective, you are talking about the rich people of the city. Not millionaires but people with power. People who can decide to extend their holidays anytime without anyone questioning that. Detective Dexter exchanges glances with Detective Holly, sensing something more to the story. DETECTIVE DEXTER Gatekeeper? Can you tell us what they involve? What we have in mind is a lower-level gatekeeper approving people for account openings, etc. DAISY (smiles) He is part of corporate management. He started at a lower level but has risen through the ranks. Vetting potential clients; companies and even countries that intend to do business with the bank. DETECTIVE HOLLY (nodding) Anyone who would want him dead? DAISY (confused) Obviously, everyone he had made an adverse decision on. We're talking about the vetting guru here, deciding who gets loans or is accepted as a shareholder, etc. The detectives exchange meaningful glances, realizing the gravity of the Gatekeeper's role in the financial industry. CUT TO: EXT. BANK BUILDING - DAY Detective Dexter and Detective Holly leave the bank, determined to uncover the motives behind the Gatekeeper's death. DETECTIVE HOLLY (intently) We need to dig deeper. Someone must have a grudge against him for the decisions he made. DETECTIVE DEXTER (agrees) Let's follow the money trail. We might find our suspect there. They head back to the police station, ready to unravel the mysteries surrounding the death of the Financial Industry's Gatekeeper. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. REMOTE LOCATION - DAY Detective Dexter and Detective Holly stand in a desolate area surrounded by overgrown bushes and trees. The air is thick with tension as Detective Holly holds a gun pointed at Detective Dexter. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) Start talking, Dexter. What's your problem? Why did you refuse to work with me? DETECTIVE DEXTER (sighs) It's not about you, Holly. It's about what happened here. Detective Dexter gestures to the surroundings, indicating the remote location. DETECTIVE HOLLY (confused) What happened here? DETECTIVE DEXTER (remorseful) This is where we lost Detective Frankie. We were investigating a case, and it all went wrong. DETECTIVE HOLLY (skeptical) Lost? What do you mean? Detective Dexter takes a deep breath before recounting the events. DETECTIVE DEXTER (CONT'D) We were chasing a suspect. It got messy. Frankie... he didn't make it. Detective Holly's expression changes from anger to sympathy. DETECTIVE HOLLY (sympathetic) I didn't know, Dexter. I'm sorry about Frankie. DETECTIVE DEXTER (teary-eyed) It's haunted me ever since. I blamed myself. That's why I didn't want to work with a partner again. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. DETECTIVE HOLLY (softens) Dexter, we're a team. We look out for each other. You don't have to carry this burden alone. Detective Holly lowers the gun, realizing the depth of Dexter's pain. DETECTIVE HOLLY (CONT'D) Let's find the killer of the Gatekeeper together. We'll face it as a team. They exchange a determined look, ready to move forward and confront the challenges ahead. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - LATER Detective Dexter and Detective Holly walk back into the police station, united in their resolve to solve the case. The investigation into the Gatekeeper's murder intensifies, leading them down a complex path of financial intrigue and personal vendettas. EXT. REMOTE LOCATION - DAY Detective Holly maintains a firm grip on the gun, suspicion etched across her face. Detective Dexter, with his hands raised, stands against the car's bonnet. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) Start talking, Dexter. What did you do to Frankie? DETECTIVE DEXTER (defensive) I didn't do anything to Frankie. We were investigating a case, and he disappeared. I've been coming here, hoping to find a clue. DETECTIVE HOLLY (disbelieving) Clue? Or evidence to cover your tracks? Detective Holly searches Dexter for any signs of deception. DETECTIVE HOLLY (CONT'D) (accusing) Did you kill him, Dexter? DETECTIVE DEXTER (angry) No! Frankie was my partner. I would never harm him. DETECTIVE HOLLY (raising the gun) Then where is he? If you're innocent, help me find him. Detective Dexter takes a deep breath, frustrated by the accusations. DETECTIVE DEXTER (pleading) I don't know where he is. We were chasing a suspect, and he vanished. I've been tormented by not being able to find him. DETECTIVE HOLLY (lowers the gun slightly) Why didn't you share this with the department? Why keep it to yourself? DETECTIVE DEXTER (remorseful) I blamed myself. I thought it was my fault Frankie disappeared. I didn't want anyone else involved. DETECTIVE HOLLY (softens) So, this wasn't about me? DETECTIVE DEXTER No, Holly. I respect your skills. I was just trying to protect you. Detective Holly lowers the gun completely, conflicted by the information. DETECTIVE HOLLY (sincere) We need to find Frankie. If you're telling the truth, we're in this together. Detective Dexter nods, grateful for the chance to clear his name. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. POLICE STATION - LATER Detective Holly and Detective Dexter, now on the same side, work together to investigate Frankie's disappearance. The mystery unravels, revealing a complex web of corruption and betrayal within the police force. INT. POLICE STATION - INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER Detective Dexter sits across from Detective Holly, both emotionally charged. The harsh interrogation room lighting accentuates the tension in the air. DETECTIVE HOLLY (stern) Start talking, Dexter. Where did you hide Frankie? DETECTIVE DEXTER (angry) I already told you, I didn't harm Frankie! I've been looking for him! DETECTIVE HOLLY (dismissive) Save it. We found evidence in your car, at the scene. Your tears won't fool anyone. Detective Dexter clenches his fists, frustration evident on his face. DETECTIVE DEXTER (angry) What evidence? I haven't done anything! Detective Holly places a photo on the table – a crime scene image of Detective Frankie's missing person file. DETECTIVE HOLLY (smirking) Recognize this? DETECTIVE DEXTER (confused) That's just a picture from the case file. What's your point? DETECTIVE HOLLY (sly) Look closely. Detective Dexter squints at the photo, realization slowly dawning on him. The tear he shed earlier left a distinct mark on the photo. DETECTIVE DEXTER (realizing) That tear... DETECTIVE HOLLY (triumphant) Exactly. The tear matches the location where Frankie's body is buried. Detective Dexter slumps in his chair, defeated. DETECTIVE DEXTER (whispering) I didn't mean for this to happen. DETECTIVE HOLLY (accusing) What happened, Dexter? Why did you kill Frankie? DETECTIVE DEXTER (teary-eyed) I didn't kill him. We were chasing a suspect, and he vanished. I've been tormented, trying to find him. Detective Holly studies Dexter's face, searching for sincerity. DETECTIVE HOLLY (skeptical) Tormented, or covering up your tracks? Why didn't you report his disappearance immediately? DETECTIVE DEXTER (regretful) I blamed myself. I thought I failed him. I didn't want to involve anyone else. Detective Holly leans back, contemplating Dexter's words. DETECTIVE HOLLY (softens) If you're innocent, Dexter, we need to find Frankie together. But we'll do it by the book. Detective Dexter nods, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as they prepare to unravel the mystery of Detective Frankie's disappearance. CUT TO: EXT. RUGGED TERRAIN - DAY Detective Holly freezes, holding a piece of evidence in her hand, facing the unexpected visitor – DETECTIVE FRANKIE. DETECTIVE HOLLY (stammering) Frankie? But... you're supposed to be... DETECTIVE FRANKIE (smiling) Dead? Clearly not. Detective Holly's eyes widen in shock as she processes the impossible sight before her. DETECTIVE HOLLY (baffled) How...? DETECTIVE FRANKIE (mockingly) Surprised, Holly? Didn't think you'd see me again? He steps into the light, revealing himself. Detective Holly glances at the shovel she left beside the half-dug hole. DETECTIVE HOLLY (confused) I don't understand. We thought you were gone. Dexter was devastated. DETECTIVE FRANKIE (laughing) Dexter? Devastated? You really think he cared about me? Detective Holly's confusion turns into anger. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) What the hell is going on, Frankie? DETECTIVE FRANKIE (smirking) It's a long story, Holly. But let's just say I needed some time away. DETECTIVE HOLLY (frustrated) Time away? You had everyone believing you were dead! Why? DETECTIVE FRANKIE (teasing) Wouldn't you like to know? Detective Holly takes a step back, processing the unexpected turn of events. DETECTIVE HOLLY (suspicious) Why come back now? And why this secrecy? DETECTIVE FRANKIE (serious) Things got complicated. I needed to disappear. But now, I need your help, Holly. DETECTIVE HOLLY (defensive) Help? You vanish for months, make us think you're dead, and now you want help? DETECTIVE FRANKIE (pleading) I can explain everything, but I need your trust. Detective Holly, torn between disbelief and curiosity, contemplates her next move. DETECTIVE HOLLY (skeptical) Trust? You've got a lot of explaining to do, Frankie. As Detective Holly confronts the mysterious return of Detective Frankie, the truth unfolds in the rugged terrain, revealing secrets that will challenge their partnership and shake the foundation of their work in the police force. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. RUGGED TERRAIN - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly stands, gun trembling in her hands, facing Detective Dexter. The tension between them is palpable. DETECTIVE HOLLY (teary-eyed) You... you planned all of this? Frankie's disappearance, the set-up, everything? DETECTIVE DEXTER (coldly) It was the only way to make them realize our worth, to show them that they can't discard the police force. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) You manipulated us! You put us against each other for your twisted plan! DETECTIVE DEXTER (derisive) You call it manipulation; I call it survival. We're pawns in a game, Holly. The only way to win is to play along. Detective Holly takes a step back, torn between the shock of the revelation and the betrayal she feels. DETECTIVE HOLLY (voice breaking) Frankie... is he part of this too? DETECTIVE DEXTER (dismissive) Frankie was a means to an end. He understood the bigger picture. Detective Holly's anger turns into desperation. She points the gun at Detective Dexter. DETECTIVE HOLLY (furious) You won't get away with this. We're supposed to protect and serve, not play these sick games! DETECTIVE DEXTER (smirking) The world isn't fair, Holly. We adapt, or we perish. Detective Holly's hand shakes, but determination glimmers in her eyes. She glances at the hole she dug. DETECTIVE HOLLY (snarling) I won't be part of your sick game. I won't kill for your agenda. DETECTIVE DEXTER (cocky) You can't stop what's already in motion. We're just pawns in their game. Before Detective Holly can respond, the distant sound of approaching sirens interrupts the confrontation. DETECTIVE HOLLY (sternly) You're not getting away with this. Detective Dexter smirks, tossing Detective Frankie's watch into the pit. As sirens grow louder, Detective Holly realizes she has choices to make. DETECTIVE HOLLY (whispering) I won't let them use us like this. The sirens intensify, echoing through the rugged terrain, as Detective Holly contemplates her next move, determined to expose the sinister plot within the police force. CUT TO: INT. RUGGED TERRAIN - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly stands frozen, gun still aimed at Detective Dexter, processing the shocking revelations. DETECTIVE HOLLY (disgusted) You're justifying murder for the sake of a corrupted system? For a force that abandoned its principles? DETECTIVE DEXTER (defiant) The world isn't black and white, Holly. We play the cards we're dealt. Detective Holly's anger intensifies, and she grits her teeth. DETECTIVE HOLLY (voice trembling) Frankie didn't deserve this. We swore to protect the innocent, not become pawns in some sick game. Detective Dexter smirks, callous to the gravity of their actions. DETECTIVE DEXTER (derisive) Idealistic notions won't save you, Holly. This is survival of the fittest. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) Survival? You call this survival? Sacrificing our own for a corrupted cause? Detective Holly takes a step back, contemplating her next move. She glances at the pit she dug, realizing it might hold the key to exposing the truth. DETECTIVE HOLLY (resolute) I won't let your twisted loyalty tarnish the badge we wear. Detective Dexter's smirk fades as he watches Detective Holly lower her gun. She strides towards the pit, determined to unveil the truth. DETECTIVE HOLLY (firmly) Get on your knees. We're digging up the truth together. Detective Dexter hesitates but eventually complies, kneeling beside Detective Holly. The sirens draw nearer, echoing the urgency of their actions. DETECTIVE HOLLY (guarded) You claim we're sacrificing for the force, but we're sacrificing our integrity. That's not what we signed up for. Detective Holly starts digging into the pit, unearthing the secrets hidden beneath the soil. DETECTIVE DEXTER (cynical) The force will survive, Holly. Even if it means staining our hands. DETECTIVE HOLLY (resolute) We'll see about that. As they dig together, the truth buried beneath the earth begins to resurface, and Detective Holly is determined to bring it into the light. The sirens grow louder, symbolizing the approaching reckoning for their actions. FADE OUT. INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - LATER Calvin and Claudia's search intensifies as they ransack the apartment, determined to find the elusive key. CALVIN (frustrated) This is insane. Why couldn't you just tell me about the key and the artifact? CLAUDIA (smirking) Because, my dear Calvin, where's the fun in that? Besides, I needed to be sure you were the right person for the job. CALVIN (sarcastic) And I suppose failing your treasure hunt means I'm not? CLAUDIA (teasing) Let's not jump to conclusions. The real challenge begins now. As they continue their search, the atmosphere becomes more charged with anticipation. Suddenly, Claudia spots an old book on the shelf. CLAUDIA (excited) Bingo! Check this out. Calvin approaches, and Claudia points to an intricately designed key tucked between the pages of the book. CALVIN (in awe) Is that...? CLAUDIA (grinning) The key to our fortune. Now, let's see what secrets it unlocks. They head towards the door, ready to embark on the next phase of their adventure. CUT TO: EXT. HARBOR - NIGHT Calvin and Claudia arrive at a mysterious harbor, guided by the clues leading to their next destination. CALVIN (impatient) Where to now? CLAUDIA (consulting a map) The old lighthouse on Bloodstone Island. That's where the safety deposit box is hidden. As they board a boat, the moonlight reflects off the water, creating an eerie yet thrilling ambiance. CUT TO: INT. DETECTIVE HOLLY'S LOCATION - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly, still shocked by the mysterious figure's appearance, regains her composure and decides to pursue them. DETECTIVE HOLLY (determined) This isn't over. She holsters her gun and heads into the shadows, ready to unravel the conspiracy that has entangled her in this unexpected turn of events. FADE OUT. INT. DETECTIVE HOLLY'S LOCATION - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly, still in shock, listens to Detective Dexter's explanation. DETECTIVE HOLLY (disbelieving) So, you're telling me the force orchestrated all of this? That you killed Detective Frankie for some twisted plan? DETECTIVE DEXTER (nodding) It's bigger than you think. The force needed a sacrifice, a dramatic event to sway public opinion. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) And you went along with it? Killed your partner? DETECTIVE DEXTER (defensive) I did what needed to be done. We all have to make sacrifices. DETECTIVE HOLLY (disgusted) Sacrifices? You call murder a sacrifice? DETECTIVE DEXTER (solemn) It's not that simple. You'll understand one day. Detective Holly, grappling with the shocking revelation, contemplates her next move. FADE OUT. EXT. HARBOR - NIGHT The harbor is dimly lit, and a boat cuts through the water, carrying Calvin and Claudia towards their next adventure. CALVIN (30s) I'm still in love with her, but I guess sex clouded my judgment. Now that that's sorted... the urgency has evaporated. He gestures towards the shore where Claudia (20s, vibrant and carefree) waves enthusiastically. CLAUDIA I'm coming, hang on! CALVIN If you meet her, just remember to overshoot the runway. Claudia blows him a kiss, her laughter echoing across the water. She turns to walk away, then stops abruptly. CLAUDIA Oh, by the way, if you stay another day, they'll deduct more money from your account. You can come with me. My friend will drop you off. Get your things if you want. Hurry! She runs back to the boat, Rufus smirking at Calvin. Calvin grabs his belongings hastily. CALVIN Thanks, Rufus. RUFUS Welcome, kid. Rufus watches the boat disappear into the distance, then takes a long sip of his beer. INT. CALVIN'S FLAT - DAYS LATER The flat is a mess. Calvin, unshaven and pale, slumps on the bed, staring at the ceiling. A text message wakes him. CLAUDIA (V.O.) It's Claudia. If you happen to have the chance, don't forget to overshoot the runway. Over and over again. Best wishes. He feels a pang of longing, picks up his phone, and dials Claudia's number. It goes straight to voicemail. AYLA (V.O.) Hi, it's Ayla. I'm on holiday. Please leave your name and number, and I will get back to you. Calvin curses and walks to the bathroom. As he returns, the phone rings. He rushes back and answers, slumping back on the bed. CALVIN Darling! I tried calling you just to check up on you. To check if you're all right. And if you can come back early from your holidays. A giggle erupts on the other end. CLAUDIA Hello? Calvin checks the caller ID. CALVIN Claudia, sorry. I thought it was Ayla. CLAUDIA I was in the neighborhood. I wanted to check if you'd already overshot the runway. But I guess you haven't yet. I can come around and I have great news for you. I'll explain when we meet. What's your address? CALVIN What's the news regarding? CLAUDIA The key. CALVIN The key? But you said it's a money scheme for the holiday resort? CLAUDIA Do you want me to come or not? INT. CALVIN'S FLAT - LATER Calvin opens the door to find Claudia smiling on the doorstep. CLAUDIA Don't make any noises; my sister's home. He pulls her inside, her laugh bouncing off the walls. CALVIN The holiday resort deducted money from your account, and on your last day, if you haven't found the key, they do private detective work for you. To keep you hooked and interested. So that when things are back to normal, money-wise, you can still come back and pursue your treasure quest hunt. CLAUDIA But you told me that all that was a lie. CALVIN You were bleeding, Claudia. Your bank account was near zero. But we've noticed you've accumulated funds quickly. Claudia's smile falters for a moment. CLAUDIA So... you're back in the game? CALVIN I never actually left. CLAUDIA Then the runway awaits. Are you ready for takeoff? Calvin grins, the spark rekindled in his eyes. CALVIN Buckle up, Claudia. We're going supersonic. They hold each other's gaze, the air thick with anticipation. FADE OUT. INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Calvin, visibly upset, confronts Claudia about a potential breach of his bank account. CALVIN Damn it. Does that mean you hacked my bank account? Claudia, calm and composed, denies involvement. CLAUDIA Not us, Calvin. The government. The regime. Yes. We pay a certain fee to access this information. If you want someone to blame, then, I suggest blaming the regime. Curious, Calvin presses for more information. CALVIN So, what is this news? Claudia reveals a surprising development. CLAUDIA We have found a key owner who wants to negotiate. Certain circumstances are forcing the person to consider an exchange. Meaning you can get it at a bargain. She pauses, implying there's more. CLAUDIA (CONT'D) And I am a gift to you. You can overshoot the runway again. Claudia starts undressing, suggesting an intimate connection between them. CLAUDIA (CONT'D) Just don’t scream; my sister is home. This should be the last time because Ayla is coming home in two days. They share a passionate moment. EXT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - LATER A taxi stops outside Calvin's flat. Ayla, Calvin's sister, exits to unexpected sounds. AYLA (heart pounding) What is going on? As the realization sets in, Ayla goes from surprise to anger. AYLA (CONT'D) Calvin, you're in there! Inside, Claudia on her way out, encounters Ayla. AYLA (CONT'D) Who are you? Claudia, quick on her feet, improvises. CLAUDIA The delivery girl. I bought information for Calvin about the key. Claudia leaves, and Ayla confronts Calvin's sister. AYLA What's happening here? INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Calvin's sister, casually buttoning her clothes, explains herself. CALVIN'S SISTER I came to collect my keys. My boyfriend is waiting for me. Ayla, confused, questions Calvin. AYLA Did she have a boyfriend? CALVIN Even if she had, she wouldn't tell. As Calvin's sister enters the flat, Ayla is left outside. AYLA (Suspicious) So, what happened with the treasure hunt you were talking about? Calvin, holding Ayla's hand, expresses his feelings. CALVIN I have a lead. A promising one. They share a romantic moment. CALVIN (CONT'D) I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I want to be with you forever. However, Ayla, honest about her concerns, brings up a crucial point. AYLA Trust can make us or break us. They lock eyes, but Ayla presses for the truth. AYLA (CONT'D) So, I will ask you a question. Who was making the orgasmic noises the time I arrived? I want the truth. The tension rises as Calvin faces a difficult revelation. FADE OUT. INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Calvin, confronted by Ayla's revelation, struggles to comprehend the situation. CALVIN I don’t know. But what is the big deal? You were on holiday with another man? Meaning you might have made the noises too. An air of tension fills the room as Ayla demands answers. AYLA Are you seeing someone else? Calvin, desperate to salvage the situation, declares his love. CALVIN I waited all this time for you because I love only you. Ayla, overwhelmed by emotions, starts sobbing. AYLA It hurts to know that you were cheating on me even today. I guess you didn’t expect me until two days from now. In that case, I have to go because you keep on lying to me. I want the truth. Damn it, Cal. Calvin, perplexed, queries Ayla's departure. CALVIN Where are you going? In a heart-wrenching confession, Ayla reveals the unexpected. AYLA I told you the truth. I was expecting you to come and take me from this man. Calvin, shocked and confused, questions her further. CALVIN What? An enraged Ayla explains her perspective, accusing Calvin of neglect. AYLA Why did you go out with him in the first place, leaving me here? I asked if we can go together, and you said no. Calvin, upset and fuming, struggles to process the information. CALVIN You were supposed to take me from him. He was just to check if you were serious or not. He was not supposed to eat the fruit. Ayla, now in tears, lays bare her pain. AYLA You didn’t show up. He suggested you were seeing another woman. He started flattering me and flirting with me. I was at my lowest, thinking you rejected me. So, I picked up the phone and rang you. Calvin, checking his phone, denies receiving any messages. CALVIN I did not get any messages from you. Shattered, Ayla drops another bombshell. AYLA A woman answered and told me her name was Claudia. Calvin, realizing the gravity of the situation, feels his heart pounding. CALVIN That was two weeks into the treasure hunt. Devastated, Ayla continues her painful narrative. AYLA I waited for you for two weeks. Nothing was going on between me and this man. When I phoned, she confessed you were overshooting the runway. Calvin, now feeling deceived, struggles to cope with the revelation. CALVIN Shooting the runway, what is that? In a surprising turn, Ayla starts undressing, leaving Calvin perplexed. CALVIN (confused) What are you doing? AYLA I will show you and tell you what to do. Come. Calvin, conflicted, follows Ayla to the bed, unsure of what lies ahead. INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - MORNING Ayla, undeterred, guides Calvin through a strange and uncomfortable situation. AYLA Your head must pass my hair level. Calvin, consumed by jealousy, struggles to comply. CALVIN (through gritted teeth) And why is that? She playfully inspects him. AYLA What’s wrong? You are not ready. Instantly, she takes control, spreading her legs. AYLA (CONT'D) Shoot past my head then back and forth again. Calvin, feeling uneasy, wonders where he has heard these instructions before. CALVIN (suspicious) That sounds familiar. As Ayla moans louder, the stereo in the adjacent flat amplifies, creating a surreal environment. INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - NEXT MORNING Calvin wakes up with a sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of Rufus and Claudia's escapade. CALVIN (to himself) Your head must pass my hair level. He touches his cheeks, checking for tears. CALVIN (CONT'D) I love you, Calvin. I promise from now on I will never cheat on you. Calvin, still haunted by recent events, struggles with conflicted emotions. CALVIN Why let another man take me? What if he had got me pregnant? Calvin, contemplating the situation, hugs and kisses Ayla, but something feels off. CALVIN (CONT'D) Love is confusing. Now that I got everything I longed for, I still feel something is missing. He reflects on Claudia and curses his circumstances. CALVIN (CONT'D) If all that had not happened, could he be feeling like this, or could he have been satisfied by Ayla? Ayla starts crying, surprising Calvin. CALVIN (CONT'D) Are they tears of joy? She opens up about her fears and insecurities. AYLA When I came back today, I thought you were making love to another woman. I have never felt that kind of pain before. I felt my world falling apart. I have never felt so much sadness in my entire life. Calvin curses again, realizing the need for honesty. CALVIN I have something to tell you. As they prepare for a serious conversation, a sudden knock interrupts the moment. Calvin and Ayla exchange anxious glances as someone knocks on the door. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Patrick voices his frustrations, challenging Dennis and his law companions. PRESIDENT PATRICK Without this Dennis and his law companions, the military men are powerless. He is the problem, the one pushing this. We don’t care if he suffered the same fate as us. I say it’s wrong trying to correct his own mistakes by punishing us. What he is doing is payback by being a Jesus. We must react like the way he did years back. Now he is like a dying horse. One foot in the grave. Nothing to look forward to. Now amending his past at our expense. I say to hell with him and all this! His outburst resonates with anger as the tension in the room rises. PRESIDENT PATRICK (CONT'D) I will kill anyone trying to stop us. That includes the Executive Branch leaders. The military men, feeling the weight of the situation, exchange uneasy glances. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The room becomes charged as one military man senses the danger. MILITARY MAN (whispering) This is the forbidden scenario. We need to tread carefully. The Presidents turn their guns towards the military men, escalating the tension. PRESIDENT REX I will ask you again? Whose side are you on? The military man, realizing the stakes, attempts to explain. MILITARY MAN Your side, Sir. We just want you to be addressed on the way forward. It’s your right. That this is explained to you, and that you understand everything. President Rex accuses the military man of manipulation. PRESIDENT REX Buying time. I know you have called for backup. The military man defends his predicament. MILITARY MAN It is a predicament for me, for us. Never heard a situation like this before. Where we work without dispossessing the other side of their weapons. I don’t think there are rules on how to deal with this. Our first rule: dispose of the other of any arms and remove threats and risks. I've made all this live on air. I will need a quick response in case you decide to be renegades or cowboys, as someone put it. President Rex demands to speak to the unseen figure on the other side. PRESIDENT REX Give me that! Let me talk to him! The room is filled with tension as the situation hangs in the balance. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Marvelous confronts Dennis, demanding an explanation at gunpoint. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS I cannot do that Sir. Until you have listened to what Dennis is to say. President Marvelous turns her attention to Dennis, pointing her gun. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS (CONT'D) Don’t make me keep repeating myself. Now listen attentively. We established the Executive Branch to take over from you. The courts... President Knox interrupts, expressing his outrage. PRESIDENT KNOX Backstabbing bastards! President Knox accuses the Executive Branch of betrayal. PRESIDENT KNOX (CONT'D) When we were mourning our families, you were busy skimming. Looking for ways to replace us. Where is the trust in your leaders? That is so unfair to us. We were grieving; this is inhumane. Dennis defends the creation of the Executive Branch. DENNIS We can’t leave things to chance. What happened? We believe it happened for a reason. Such an attack and the way it happened has left us with no option but to establish a new temporary governing branch; the Executive Branch. President Marvelous, for the first time, pleads for understanding. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS We are not the first ones and surely not the last ones. Don’t you think that you are a bit harsh with us? You should be sympathizing with us. She breaks down, shedding tears. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS (CONT'D) I am meant to be strong and the President, but losing my husband and kids like that will cause enormous pain even to any man. Silence hangs in the air as emotions run high. DENNIS It’s not just the attacks we are concerned about. He directs his attention to the military men. DENNIS (CONT'D) It’s the way they were carried out. Simultaneously and in public. That is a cause of concern to us all. President Knox emphasizes the need for unity. PRESIDENT KNOX Exactly. The same and very reason. Why you must side with us and not with the enemy. What you are doing is exactly what this enemy wants you to do. So, that his plan of killing us all and taking over becomes a reality. President Maxwell expresses frustration. PRESIDENT MAXWELL Again. Just rubbing all that in our face. President Patrick, losing patience, fires a shot, causing chaos. The room descends into chaos as the gunshot echoes through the hall. The military men scramble for cover, and the tension reaches a breaking point. PRESIDENT PATRICK (shouting) Enough of this nonsense! We need to take control. We can't let Dennis and his cronies dictate our fate! As chaos ensues, Dennis seizes the opportunity to address the room. DENNIS (shouting above the commotion) This is not the solution! We need unity now more than ever. Fighting among ourselves only plays into the hands of those who orchestrated these attacks. President Marvelous, still emotional, intervenes. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS We can't let our grief blind us. We must find a way forward together. President Knox, fueled by anger, challenges Dennis. PRESIDENT KNOX You speak of unity, but your actions have divided us. The Executive Branch was formed behind our backs. Dennis remains resolute. DENNIS It was formed to ensure continuity in the face of unprecedented threats. We can argue about our differences later, but right now, we need a plan to deal with the enemy outside. The military man, caught in the crossfire, makes a crucial decision. MILITARY MAN (firmly) Enough! I won't let any of you jeopardize the survival of this nation. We need a unified front. He steps forward, attempting to broker peace. MILITARY MAN (CONT'D) Let's establish a joint task force to address the external threat. We can sort our internal issues afterward. The room falls silent as the leaders contemplate the military man's proposal. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance, teetering between unity and discord. FADE OUT. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The military man intervenes, demanding President Patrick surrender his weapon. MILITARY MAN Sir! Drop it now or I will drop you. I have a specific command. That’s two counts now. I warned you. I can’t take chances. So, put the goddamn gun down now! The room is tense as the standoff escalates. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY Chaos erupts as the military man, driven by rage, confronts President Patrick. President Patrick, initially dismissive, faces the imminent threat as the military man advances. MILITARY MAN He screamed. Signaling his men. Calling them to follow. Aiming at President Patrick. President Patrick, at first defiant, realizes the gravity of the situation. PRESIDENT PATRICK You're bluffing! However, the military men, fed up with President Patrick's tactics, respond to their leader's call. MILITARY MAN Put the gun down now! His voice carries rage and raw wrath. The military man cocks his gun, the tension escalating. MILITARY MAN (CONT'D) I said drop it now! Go to hell! Damn it! President Patrick, stunned by the forcefulness of the command, feels the weight of the situation. The military man, with unwavering determination, advances with his gun pointed at President Patrick's head. MILITARY MAN (CONT'D) Drop your weapon last warning!! President Patrick, realizing he's alone in this confrontation, looks at the other Presidents who are lowering their guns. Panic and shock grip him. The military man's screams echo, intensifying the pressure on President Patrick. He feels a sense of isolation and vulnerability, emotions he's not accustomed to. For the first time, President Patrick, usually in control, experiences a surge of emotions - panic, shock, and a deep sense of victimhood. As the military man closes in, President Patrick's body undergoes a physical response to the stress. His heartbeat races, and he struggles to hold back tears. Someone once told him that the body shuts down certain functions in moments of extreme shock. President Patrick feels like he's reached his breaking point, an elastic-culmination point. In a sudden turn, he experiences a wave of vindictive revenge, fear, arousal, and cravings. With fearless determination, President Patrick lifts his gun, aiming at the military man's head. The room is paralyzed with shock as he advances to meet the military man head-on. PRESIDENT PATRICK Drop your weapon, last warning!! The tension peaks as the standoff reaches a critical moment. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Marvelous, overwhelmed by the surreal situation, experiences a mix of emotions. Pinching herself, she feels goosebumps, chills, and hot flashes. The suspense and risks are palpable, and tension permeates the room. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS (to herself) Is this a dream? As President Patrick advances, his confidence and posture are notable. The others observe with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. President Marvelous contemplates the unpredictability of the situation and the dangerous standoff between two armed factions. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS (CONT'D) Anything could happen. It's like a dream. The uncertainty is so overwhelming that President Marvelous wonders if, by the end of the day, nobody will be shot and killed. Watching President Patrick, the others debate his motives. Some see courage and strength; others think it's a suicidal move. President Patrick, grieving and exposed, walks with determination, a man shattered by the loss of his family. They question whether traumatic events, as Dennis suggested, could render even the most powerful temporarily incapable of sound judgment. The tension in the room reaches unbearable levels as hearts pound, and nerves fray. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS (CONT'D) This is the moment of truth. The uncertainty prompts them to question their own sanity, wondering if they've all reacted differently. President Rex growls in pain, sensing the gravity of the situation. PRESIDENT REX Stop! The military man, breathing heavily, stands a few feet away, pointing the gun at President Patrick. President Patrick and the military man lock eyes. The room is filled with palpable tension. President Patrick, sweating and realizing he may have pushed the military man to the brink, gazes at the barrel of the gun. The military man, visibly shaken, tightens his grip on the trigger. MILITARY MAN Drop it! I mean it, or I will drop you down! The room is paralyzed, holding its breath as the standoff reaches a critical point. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Patrick, pushed to the brink, confronts the military man with defiance. PRESIDENT PATRICK I might drop you first. I am your President. Don’t listen to all this temporary insane thing. Yes, I have been traumatized, but I am not crazy, you bastard. His bold declaration surprises everyone in the room. President Patrick refuses to conform to the expected response of begging for his life. MILITARY MAN I will count to three! Drop it or pay the consequences! The military man roars in a threatening voice, aiming to induce panic and submission. President Patrick, however, refuses to back down. PRESIDENT PATRICK Don’t talk to me like this! Feeling embarrassed and realizing the gravity of the situation, President Patrick starts to lower his gun. He reflects on Dennis's warnings about the vulnerability of even the mightiest men. As President Patrick contemplates, a tear escapes his eye, symbolizing the weight of his grief and loss. He recalls a book he once ignored, written by the suspected leader of Tomorrow’s World Order. The tension in the room dissipates, leaving President Patrick drenched in sweat. He lowers his gun, haunted by memories of his family. A flash of fear crosses his face. The military man, now visibly agitated, reveals an alarming transformation. His eyes turn from green to full red, sparking fear in President Patrick. Facing a crucial decision, President Patrick questions his own preaching about fighting with guns as his best friends. PRESIDENT PATRICK (CONT'D) This is it. Do or die. Obey or die. He grapples with the dilemma of trusting his fellow Presidents, who seem silent and inactive. PRESIDENT PATRICK (CONT'D) Cowards. Scared like bloody dogs. Feeling betrayed by the lack of support, President Patrick reflects on the camaraderie they once claimed. PRESIDENT PATRICK (CONT'D) What happened to all the talk about being together in this? Despite the turmoil, memories of his family bring a fleeting smile to President Patrick's face. Tears roll down, and he visualizes moments with his wife and children. In a surge of determination, President Patrick tightens his grip on the trigger, alarming the military man. MILITARY MAN Drop the gun or I will shoot! One! The room holds its breath as the standoff reaches a critical moment. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The tension escalates as the military man issues a final ultimatum. MILITARY MAN I swear I am going to blast you. Drop the gun now! Don’t make me shoot you too! President Patrick, caught in the intensity of the moment, closes his eyes, feeling the weight of his soaked clothes and the sudden surges of rage. In slow motion, he reflects on the power he once wielded—the authority to order the killing of anyone, including a replaceable military man. As he contemplates this, the thundering voice startles him, and he opens his eyes. MILITARY MAN (CONT'D) You son of a bitch! You have yourself to blame. Drop the gun! President Patrick, never having felt so low and being scolded, is startled. Something strikes him. Even though he closed his eyes to visualize his family, he failed. Now, with eyes wide open, he vividly sees his wife and children. In a trance-like state, he hears the military man's voice again, jolting him back to reality. MILITARY MAN (CONT'D) Drop the bloody gun!!!! With a resolute decision, President Patrick prepares for what seems inevitable. He squeezes the trigger slowly and roars louder than the military man, echoing his defiance. Meanwhile, miles away, Marson interrupts the intense scene. MARSON I have bad news. The report is needed this afternoon instead of in days from now. The team, grappling with the urgency, is shocked by the unexpected demand. MARSON (CONT'D) The presidents and the EB agreed that the team briefs everyone directly. No breaks. Lunch will be here, and everyone stays. While others look excited about the task, Anastasia, haunted and pale, seems to have seen a ghost. ANASTASIA (whispering to herself) This can't be happening. The room, once a battleground, now faces a different kind of challenge. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY Anastasia anxiously checks the time, realizing it's a few minutes until lunch. Hunger and fear intermingle within her, occasionally countered by a strange arousal—her body's spontaneous response to trauma. As she thinks about these conflicting emotions, the doors burst open. Soldiers, police, and bodyguards enter first, securing the area. Once declared safe, the Presidents and EB members follow. Anastasia's heart races; she feels sweat forming in her hands and all over her body. Suddenly, Marson rises, but Hudson takes control. HUDSON I think, to illustrate the seriousness of this meeting, I shall take over from Marson. He looks at the file in front of him before addressing those in the center. HUDSON (CONT'D) Who is Anastasia? Irritated by the situation, he stresses the gravity of the meeting, reminding everyone about the Presidents' right to carry guns. He singles out Anastasia, warning her about upsetting the grieving leaders. HUDSON (CONT'D) Especially you, Miss Anastasia. Anastasia, trembling, believes it's an inside job orchestrated by Tomorrow's World Order, but her suggestion infuriates President Rex. PRESIDENT REX Whose side are you on? You sound like glorifying my enemies. He raises his gun, pointing it at her, demanding answers. ANASTASIA It's just a suggestion, sir. Shoot me or not. President Rex, overwhelmed with grief, questions her about having children, leading to a tense confrontation. ANASTASIA I refuse to answer because I am not under interrogation here. A sudden bullet sound echoes through the conference hall, raising the tension to a new level. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Rex confronts Anastasia, furious and grief-stricken. He accuses her of tarnishing the organization's reputation, prodding her with the gun's barrel. PRESIDENT REX Do you know how to lose a loved one? How to have your kids robbed from you? Tomorrow’s World Order sent you to create conflicts among us, right? Anastasia, tearful, denies the allegations, but President Rex threatens her with the gun. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) Answer me or I'll blow your head! Counting down, President Rex forces a confession from Anastasia, who reveals her own loss. ANASTASIA Yes! Damn it! I know. I know. I know! I know the bloody pains. I bloody damn know. What you are talking about. So, don’t bloody ask me again, and I know for sure because you took my girl! The revelation shocks the room, leaving President Rex in disbelief. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Detective Holly, now outside her car, wakes up to warm droplets and realizes she's peed herself. Later, she enters the office building, gun drawn, following the commotion. As she turns a corner, Detective Dexter is being restrained by officers. His rage and threats intensify. DETECTIVE DEXTER You bitch! You set me up. I did not kill anyone. You better be dead when I walk out! Detective Holly points her gun at him, facing the explosive confrontation. INT. POLICE STATION - DETECTIVE HOLLY'S OFFICE - DAY Detective Holly is shaken after the confrontation with Detective Dexter. The boss knocks on her door and enters. BOSS Damn it, Detective. What are you doing? You're aggravating the situation. Can you leave us? DETECTIVE HOLLY I'm not scared of you. I'll be ready for you. DETECTIVE DEXTER I was right in the first place not trusting you. Next time, I'll screw your brains with a bullet. You're going down. Watch your back. They exchange threats, and Detective Holly warns him about facing consequences for killing his partner. DETECTIVE HOLLY (CONT'D) I'll make sure you stay there forever, where you belong, for killing your partner. DETECTIVE DEXTER You'll pay for this. Detective Holly taunts him as he's pulled away by officers. DETECTIVE HOLLY (CONT'D) Scumbag. I know you killed your partner. DETECTIVE DEXTER Mark my words, better watch your back. Detective Dexter imitates a gun, and Detective Holly responds with a real one. Detective Holly swiftly enters her office, breathing hard. The boss confronts her about the incident. BOSS You're crossing the line now. He can sue the whole department. Do you honestly think he did? DETECTIVE HOLLY He's a suspect after all. We forced him to take a break. BOSS What good is that if it does more harm than good? He's still one of us until proven guilty. Minimize public threats. Okay? There's a knock on the door, and Detective Alyssa enters. BOSS (CONT'D) Detective Holly, meet your new partner, Detective Alyssa. I'll leave you two to get acquainted. The boss exits, leaving Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa alone. INT. BANK MANAGER'S OFFICE - MORNING Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa confront the bank manager about Mr. Teagan's loan application. DETECTIVE HOLLY Do you know it’s a criminal offense to withhold information from us deliberately? BANK MANAGER Material information, but this is not the case here. This is a private issue. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Anything that can give us clues to who killed him is our business! BANK MANAGER Can’t you see that this is relevant? We have crooks all the time, people doing whatever they can to con us out of thousands of dollars. Above all, the bank is not at the privilege to offer secret information out. DETECTIVE HOLLY I have checked the suitability report for the loan of Mr. Teagan. It seemed he qualified for a loan. Any other reasons why he was denied a loan? BANK MANAGER The gatekeepers are experienced to judge who can be accepted or not. There are other factors we consider. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Like? BANK MANAGER Ability to pay back. DETECTIVE HOLLY I thought that was obvious. What are you keeping away from us? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Can we have a list of the last people he denied loans? BANK MANAGER curses before reluctantly reaching for his computer's keyboard. EXT. MR. TEAGAN'S RESIDENCE - DAY Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa arrive at Mr. Teagan's residence. They approach the front door. MR. TEAGAN What do you want here? DETECTIVE HOLLY Mr. Teagan? MR. TEAGAN Yes? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Police business. We want to talk about your loan application. MR. TEAGAN Sure. Is everything okay? I can’t believe you would come all the way here just to ask me about the loan application. DETECTIVE HOLLY Shall we? MR. TEAGAN Coffee or a soda? DETECTIVE ALYSSA You're alright. The gatekeeper who denied you a loan was murdered. His body was found decomposed in the city park. MR. TEAGAN Murdered? So, you think his death has to do with the loan application? How come? DETECTIVE HOLLY We are just checking to try to find exactly what happened. MR. TEAGAN Of course, I was upset, but not enough to wish him bad luck, let alone get him killed? I qualified for the loan but when I went there... He's about to explain. DETECTIVE ALYSSA He was sure you didn't deserve it? MR. TEAGAN Yes. He sounded like I have to belong to some association of the bank to get the kind of money I was asking. DETECTIVE HOLLY So, what did he say? INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa question Mr. Teagan about a mysterious loan. MR. TEAGAN He asked for the keys, planning to use my house as collateral. After handing them over, he demanded more information. Times have changed. DETECTIVE HOLLY Who are we talking about? MR. TEAGAN It's not my first loan, you know? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Used to be simpler. Not anymore. DETECTIVE HOLLY He filed a report claiming you owe money. Is that true? MR. TEAGAN I paid for everything; any remaining debt was written off. INT. POLICE CAR - LATER Detective Alyssa and Detective Holly discuss the recent murder. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Who do you think killed the gatekeeper? DETECTIVE HOLLY Could be anyone. Assassin or someone with deep-seated anger. DETECTIVE ALYSSA What about defunding the police? DETECTIVE HOLLY Tomorrow’s World Order advocates complete defunding, claiming police are now the real threats. MR. TEAGAN Why a threat to fathers? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Obsolete now. They've legalized their tasks, leaving them with nothing. Using people as bait for twisted purposes. MR. TEAGAN Bait? DETECTIVE HOLLY To trap unsuspecting males for various sinister purposes. Blackmail, torture, and more. INT. MISS EMBER'S HOUSE - DAY Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa question Miss Ember about mysterious loan write-offs. MISS EMBER I don't know why they wrote off my loan. Maybe they felt sorry for me; I was struggling. DETECTIVE HOLLY Did that strike you as odd? MISS EMBER No, it was a relief. Who wouldn't be happy? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Did you interact with the gatekeeper who handled your loan? MISS EMBER Not much. Just collected some documents. Why? DETECTIVE HOLLY Investigating events, trying to understand connections. MISS EMBER Connections? I'm just an ordinary person. Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa exchange glances. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Did you feel threatened during the loan process? MISS EMBER Not at all. It was straightforward. Why these questions? DETECTIVE HOLLY Trying to unravel something. There might be a link between the gatekeeper's murder and these loan transactions. MISS EMBER Murder? Loans? What's that got to do with me? Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa leave, puzzled. DETECTIVE HOLLY Something's off. Why those write-offs? DETECTIVE ALYSSA And why deny Mr. Teagan's loan when he qualified? DETECTIVE HOLLY We need to delve into the financial records. There's a pattern connecting these cases. EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Holly and Detective Alyssa return to the police station. They head straight to the records room. DETECTIVE HOLLY We need access to the financial records of the individuals whose loans were denied or written off. RECORDS CLERK I can provide you with that information, but you'll need proper authorization. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We'll get the authorization. Fast-track it. Lives may be at stake. The records clerk nods, understanding the urgency. knocking, interrupting a meeting. NT. POLICE CHIEF'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly confronts the boss about a hidden truth. DETECTIVE HOLLY This is unacceptable! You knew about Detective Dexter's health, but you didn't inform me? BOSS Detective Holly, calm down. DETECTIVE HOLLY Don't tell me to calm down! You kept vital information from me. BOSS We had to ensure the department's functioning. Detective Dexter was vital to ongoing investigations. DETECTIVE HOLLY And what about the promise to get him off duty? BOSS The decision was for the greater good. We can't lose experienced detectives. DETECTIVE HOLLY This is about more than just the department! It's about justice, about a murdered gatekeeper! BOSS Detective Holly, you need to understand— DETECTIVE HOLLY I understand perfectly! You've compromised justice for convenience. The boss remains calm, addressing Detective Holly firmly. BOSS Sometimes sacrifices are necessary. We can't let the entire system collapse. DETECTIVE HOLLY (sarcastic) Sacrifices? Is that what we call it now? I won't stand by and watch the truth being buried. Detective Paige enters. DETECTIVE PAIGE Detective Holly, calm down. We have a case to solve. Detective Holly glares at the boss before storming out of the office INT. POLICE RESEARCH LAB - DAY Detective Holly, seething with anger, approaches Detective Paige. DETECTIVE HOLLY I need everything you have on Detective Dexter's recent investigations. DETECTIVE PAIGE What's going on? DETECTIVE HOLLY He's still on duty, and the boss conveniently forgot to mention that. DETECTIVE PAIGE I see. I'll get you the information. As Detective Paige gathers the files, Detective Holly's determination intensifies. DETECTIVE HOLLY I won't let them manipulate the truth. We're going to find out who killed that gatekeeper, no matter what. knocking. INT. POLICE CHIEF'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Detective Holly storms into the boss's office. DETECTIVE HOLLY You're entering my office as if it's a toilet. What's the problem? DETECTIVE HOLLY (frustrated) Why is Detective Dexter still on duty? You promised he'd be off until the court decides. BOSS Sit down. We need to talk. Detective Holly reluctantly sits. BOSS You're not aware of everything. Dexter's health is deteriorating. Releasing him was to ensure he gets the rest he needs. It's pending the court's decision. DETECTIVE HOLLY (angry) What if he's guilty? What if he murdered his partner? BOSS We need evidence before making judgments. Follow the process. Detective Holly mutters in frustration. BOSS Focus on your work. We have a murdered gatekeeper, Human Rights groups pressuring us. Put personal issues aside. DETECTIVE HOLLY (sighs) Fine, but I won't stop digging. I want the truth. BOSS That's your job. Now, get back to work. FADE OUT. INT. DETECTIVE HOLLY'S OFFICE - DAY Detective Holly paces, frustrated. DETECTIVE HOLLY You tricked me. Why is he still there? You promised just two days! BOSS The Judge refused. Without the real killer, he's hesitant. Your certainty in his guilt complicates things. DETECTIVE HOLLY You said it was just a procedural favor! BOSS I couldn't challenge the judge. The defunding, Human Rights movement—they've tied our hands. DETECTIVE HOLLY Why did it get so complicated? I thought he was home with his wife. I need to see him. BOSS I asked to soften him, suggest a transfer. DETECTIVE HOLLY Don’t play the blame game. BOSS I wanted to show we're strict, even with rotten cops. Now, media, Marson, and the president have turned it into a high-stakes mess. DETECTIVE HOLLY How did it come to this? LATER. A car speeds off heading to the city center. Detective Holly drives the car like a rally driver. Overtaking other cars fast. Changing gears swiftly. Her heart in her hands. Fear-stricken. She parks the car in the car park and sprints into the huge building in the city. She pushes the huge double doors and rushes to speak to the receptionist at the foyer. RECEPTIONIST Detective Dexter? DETECTIVE HOLLY flashes her badge. DETECTIVE HOLLY I’m here to see him. FADE OUT. FADE IN: LATER. A car speeds off heading to the city center. Detective Holly drives the car like a rally driver. Overtaking other cars fast. Changing gears swiftly. Her heart in her hands. Fear-stricken. She parks the car in the car park and sprints into the huge building in the city. She pushes the huge double doors and rushes to speak to the receptionist at the foyer. RECEPTIONIST Detective Dexter? DETECTIVE HOLLY flashes her badge. DETECTIVE HOLLY I’m here to see him. The door opens. The doctor stands at the door. DOCTOR Who are you? He can’t be seen. How did you get in here? Out now! Detective Dexter shakes in fear. Trembling scared to death. Touching his stomach and side chest shaking vigorously with fear. Detective Holly looks at him in disbelief. For the first time, she sees him so scared that he peed himself as urine started dropping down. DETECTIVE HOLLY He is lucky to be alive. They. Whoever it is intended to kill him on the spot. He is very strong. A fighter. Most would have not made it. In a flash, the door opens and two police officers with guns enter and point the gun at her. POLICE OFFICER 1 Drop your weapon right now. DETECTIVE HOLLY Damn it. I am a colleague. I don’t have a weapon in my hands. The doctor looks at Dexter scared to death shaking in fear before the machine starts beeping constantly. DOCTOR He is going into shock! Get out of the way. FADE OUT. INT. OFFICE - DAY Detective Holly confronts her boss, defending her actions. DETECTIVE HOLLY They're setting us up, using him as a pawn for a public stunt to defend police funding. Said he'd be suspended on full pay and reinstated. BOSS Your call for defunding, Frankie missing—what did you expect? Lack of good judgment. He was your partner; you should've given him the benefit of the doubt. DETECTIVE HOLLY Blame the boss. He sent me. The DOCTOR interjects. DOCTOR So, you're the one who threatened him? DETECTIVE HOLLY They give power to those who can't handle it. Threatening him was a deterrent, not a plan. DOCTOR What kind of people would do that? DETECTIVE HOLLY He threatened me first. I spoke to protect myself. DOCTOR And now he's traumatized, in and out of consciousness. A POLICE OFFICER interrupts. POLICE OFFICER Drop the weapon! I won't tell you again. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Detective Holly is cornered by two officers. OFFICER 1 Drop the weapon! DETECTIVE HOLLY I don’t have a weapon. You son of a bitch. Better shot me in cold blood. OFFICER 2 Damn it. Officer, you knew exactly what you were doing from the word go. Drop the weapon. The doctor looks confused as he checks her hands. DOCTOR But she has no weapon? DETECTIVE HOLLY sobs uncontrollably. DETECTIVE HOLLY They are actually telling me to hold the gun. So that they can shoot me that way they will have eliminated a threat. The only way they can walk away from all this. DOCTOR What? You mean shooting in my hospital. No, get out. All of you. I have a patient here. What are you trying to do? Give me an instant heart attack. OFFICER 2 Doctor, stay out of this. She knows the drill. She set up a police officer and must die by being set up as well. DETECTIVE HOLLY Run! Detective Holly looks at the doctor. DOCTOR Who did I kill and why should I be running? OFFICER 1 Damn it. Drop your weapon, the officers raised their voices, the second the sirens became audible. Detective Holly starts sobbing hard. The doctor realizes the danger as the shouting becomes loud and augmented by the sirens. Detective Holly looks at detective Dexter the second he comes around with his eyes fixed on her. She smiles at him. In what seems like slow motion she reaches for the gun behind her back and holds the gun in her hand, aiming at him as he locks eyes with her. In a flash, the two officers open fire blasting her several times as the doctor lays on top of detective Dexter shielding him. She drops the gun and jerks backward all the way to the window before falling outside pulling the curtain with her. The siren noises are overshadowed by the screams of women downstairs. The officers rush to the broken window and look outside. They see Detective Holly’s body on the ground surrounded by an ever-growing patch of blood as people gather around her body. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY Police cars and ambulances pull up to the hospital. OFFICERS get out and walk toward the entrance. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY DETECTIVE DEXTER lays in a hospital bed, visibly shaken. Two OFFICERS enter. OFFICER 1 Everything is going to be alright. You are no longer in danger. We removed your threat. The doctor will take good care of you. The officers exit, but one stays by the door. OFFICER 2 Somehow the calls for defunding the police force seemed to have triggered a direct response from the force as somehow in what seemed to be a clean-up process of eliminating rotten eggs as one puts it has left many people baffled. This is because it's a police officer-on-police officer. I repeat they have been killing each other. Something we apparently have never seen at this scale. Coincidence or a new strategy to clean the system no one knows for sure as the police officer who is believed to set up her partner before a botched assassination attempt was gunned down. Some have suggested that she had visited him to finish him off. Is this the end of the beginning of these inside killings we will never know we have to wait and see? The officer exits. CUT TO: INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - DAY Calvin's sister LYLA shouts from another room. LYLA Parcel for you! Signature required. Something to do with the key. They said it’s important and urgent! Calvin runs out in his boxers. Lyla's friend AYLA peeks out the window at the delivery van below. AYLA (to herself) Somehow I need to get to the bottom of this. Ayla gets dressed and heads upstairs. She bursts into Lyla's room unannounced. AYLA How can I help you? LYLA What are you doing? AYLA I found these panties in Calvin's room. I thought you were his sister. Even from a distance, he is still your brother. LYLA I don't know what you're talking about. They aren't mine. AYLA Don't lie to me! I know what's going on here. The two begin to fight as Calvin enters. CALVIN Why can't you just tell her you're seeing someone else? She was with someone else for weeks, that cancels it out. LYLA Tell her the truth, Calvin. I can't cover for you anymore. Calvin sighs. CALVIN They're Claudia's. I'm sorry. Ayla is furious. AYLA That's it. We're done. You could have told me the truth but instead you lied. Goodbye. Ayla storms out as Calvin chases after her. CALVIN Please wait! FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Detective Holly is cornered by two officers. OFFICER 1 Drop the weapon! DETECTIVE HOLLY I don’t have a weapon. You son of a bitch. Better shot me in cold blood. OFFICER 2 Damn it. Officer, you knew exactly what you were doing from the word go. Drop the weapon. The doctor looks confused as he checks her hands. DOCTOR But she has no weapon? DETECTIVE HOLLY sobs uncontrollably. DETECTIVE HOLLY They are actually telling me to hold the gun. So that they can shoot me that way they will have eliminated a threat. The only way they can walk away from all this. DOCTOR What? You mean shooting in my hospital. No, get out. All of you. I have a patient here. What are you trying to do? Give me an instant heart attack. OFFICER 2 Doctor, stay out of this. She knows the drill. She set up a police officer and must die by being set up as well. DETECTIVE HOLLY Run! Detective Holly looks at the doctor. DOCTOR Who did I kill and why should I be running? OFFICER 1 Damn it. Drop your weapon, the officers raised their voices, the second the sirens became audible. Detective Holly starts sobbing hard. The doctor realizes the danger as the shouting becomes loud and augmented by the sirens. Detective Holly looks at detective Dexter the second he comes around with his eyes fixed on her. She smiles at him. In what seems like slow motion, she reaches for the gun behind her back and holds the gun in her hand, aiming at him as he locks eyes with her. In a flash, the two officers open fire blasting her several times as the doctor lays on top of detective Dexter shielding him. She drops the gun and jerks backward all the way to the window before falling outside pulling the curtain with her. The siren noises are overshadowed by the screams of women downstairs. The officers rush to the broken window and look outside. They see Detective Holly’s body on the ground surrounded by an ever-growing patch of blood as people gather around her body. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY Police cars and ambulances pull up to the hospital. OFFICERS get out and walk toward the entrance. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY DETECTIVE DEXTER lays in a hospital bed, visibly shaken. Two OFFICERS enter. OFFICER 1 Everything is going to be alright. You are no longer in danger. We removed your threat. The doctor will take good care of you. The officers exit, but one stays by the door. OFFICER 2 Somehow the calls for defunding the police force seemed to have triggered a direct response from the force as somehow in what seemed to be a clean-up process of eliminating rotten eggs as one puts it has left many people baffled. This is because it's a police officer-on-police officer. I repeat they have been killing each other. Something we apparently have never seen at this scale. Coincidence or a new strategy to clean the system no one knows for sure as the police officer who is believed to set up her partner before a botched assassination attempt was gunned down. Some have suggested that she had visited him to finish him off. Is this the end of the beginning of these inside killings we will never know we have to wait and see? The officer exits. CUT TO: INT. CALVIN'S APARTMENT - DAY Calvin's sister LYLA shouts from another room. LYLA Parcel for you! Signature required. Something to do with the key. They said it’s important and urgent! Calvin runs out in his boxers. Lyla's friend AYLA peeks out the window at the delivery van below. AYLA (to herself) Somehow I need to get to the bottom of this. Ayla gets dressed and heads upstairs. She bursts into Lyla's room unannounced. AYLA How can I help you? LYLA What are you doing? AYLA I found these panties in Calvin's room. I thought you were his sister. Even from a distance, he is still your brother. LYLA I don't know what you're talking about. They aren't mine. AYLA Don't lie to me! I know what's going on here. The two begin to fight as Calvin enters. CALVIN Why can't you just tell her you're seeing someone else? She was with someone else for weeks, that cancels it out. LYLA Tell her the truth, Calvin. I can't cover for you anymore. Calvin sighs. CALVIN They're Claudia's. I'm sorry. Ayla is furious. AYLA That's it. We're done. You could have told me the truth but instead you lied. Goodbye. Ayla storms out as Calvin chases after her. CALVIN Please wait! FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. A DESERTED STREET - DAY President Patrick stands in the middle of the street, surrounded by military men, holding a gun. PRESIDENT PATRICK Say that to my wife’s killer!!! Say that to my son’s killer!! Say that to my daughter’s killer! His voice echoes, filled with rage. Military man Joseph freezes, finger on the trigger, overwhelmed by shame and tension. PRESIDENT PATRICK (CONT'D) Drop the guns! A crackling voice from the radio startles everyone. The military men, including Michael, Jacob, Isaacs, Elias, Andy, and others, react, shouting at the unseen threat. MILITARY MEN No! You motherfuckers! You drop the guns!! They confront the unseen threat, guns raised, standing with President Patrick. The standstill becomes a suspenseful deadlock. The military man swiftly disconnects the radio, revealing a hidden plot. RADIO VOICE Shoot em. Shoot em. Shoot em. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. A ROOM - DAY President Patrick sits with military men Joseph, Michael, Jacob, Isaac, Elias, and Andy, listening to the radio. RADIO VOICE I need help right away. Man down. MICHAEL Damn it. Stand aside, soldier. This man must be taken to the emergency room immediately. JACOB The boss’s command was loud and clear. Take him out. MICHAEL No! It could be you. He got nerves. Jacob, furious, pulls a gun and shoots Joseph on the ground. JACOB (CONT’D) Kill or be killed. The boss’s words. Elias and Andy rush to Joseph's aid, kneeling beside him in a pool of blood. PRESIDENT PATRICK God damn it. I did not shoot him. I fired in the air. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. PRESIDENTIAL HALL - DAY President Patrick, Andy, Jacob, Dennis, and other military men gather in the hall. Andy responds to President Patrick. ANDY I know. President Patrick appears shocked but relieved. PRESIDENT PATRICK So, if you know, why not shoot your friend here? He is the one who pulled the trigger. ANDY The command was to shoot you. I took over from him. JACOB No. I mean, not yet. Let’s proceed with the protocol. Let Dennis finish explaining what is going to happen. President Rex roars. PRESIDENT REX Then what? After that, shoot us in cold blood? Is that so? Maybe in your dreams. He cocks his gun. Other military men aim at him instantly. ANDY I am not like him. I will blast you in cold blood. President or no President. I don’t give a toss. Whether you are grieving or not. Andy takes over from Jacob, assuming leadership. He points at the dead military man, Joseph, in a pool of blood. ANDY (CONT’D) He disobeyed the command. He was to shoot you the first time, but he hesitated. He tried to act like the boss. His job is not to think but to act. Watch me. They lock eyes. President Rex senses pure evil in Andy, who looks at President Patrick as if saying, stand back. This one will send you to Jesus. Fear runs down President Rex's spine for the first time. JACOB Ok. Let Dennis continue. Dennis takes center stage again. DENNIS The attackers or whoever is behind this wanted this to be exacted in this way to discredit all of you and render you incapable of making sound decisions. PRESIDENT ONESIMUS That is bullshit. DENNIS It is true. You are in a position of power. The attacks, especially the way they were carried out and all of you witnessing this on national television, will only render any reasonable man temporarily insane. There is the loudest buzz of the day. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENTIAL HALL - DAY The Presidents confront Jacob about their forced declaration of temporary insanity. JACOB Let me finish, Sir. Witnessing your loved ones' deaths on national television is traumatic. Enough to be declared temporarily insane. It's to secure our nation and prevent legal challenges. We've declared all of you temporarily insane. The Presidents react angrily. PRESIDENT KNOX Back-stabbing sons of bitches! Trying to take us out alive. JACOB We believe the intentions are beyond discrediting you. They aim to launch legal challenges. If you remain in power, courts might find you insane. So, they can claim our countries were run by lunatics. A gunshot interrupts. PRESIDENT REX Investigations? No! Military action. No stalling. I need revenge for my family. ANDY (cautious) I will proceed. The temporary insanity arose from witnessing the traumatic events. Your commands now require Executive Branch approval. They'll direct investigations into the killings. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENTIAL HALL - DAY The Presidents face a critical decision as Andy warns them. ANDY Acting against the Executive Branch’s decision will get you arrested and imprisoned. The Presidents react violently, firing shots in protest. PRESIDENT REX You're playing into the enemy's hands. Stall tactics give them time. This Executive Branch hasn't suffered losses. They can't stand for us. PRESIDENT KNOX Bullshit! They're sidelining us. Jacob tries to intervene. JACOB No need for that, Sir. President Patrick sees through the strategy. PRESIDENT PATRICK You're following the enemy's plan. Removing the leader indirectly, making the process cumbersome. The oldest trick in the book. Leaving us vulnerable to attack. PRESIDENT KNOX You're opening our country to attacks! President Onesimus calls for silence. PRESIDENT ONESIMUS Silence! President Marvelous questions the legitimacy of the new global leader. PRESIDENT MARVELOUS Dennis is an example. Who is this new leader? PRESIDENT REX I don’t care. Let it not affect our case. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. PRESIDENTIAL HALL - DAY The Presidents confront Andy about a new order. ANDY Things have changed. A President of all Presidents now exists. Leader of leaders. We can't operate as we used to. He's taken leaders to court, and all have lost. PRESIDENT RYAN Why now? What's changed? They exchange glances. JACOB Not part of our system anymore. No more sweeping dirt under the carpet. Everything else remains the same. ANDY National security can't risk judicial challenges. We need to cover our backs, follow procedures for citizens' sake. The Executive Branch has the final say. President Patrick reacts angrily. PRESIDENT PATRICK You're telling me to delay revenge for my family? Follow procedures for their deaths? What procedure was there when gunmen killed them? Maybe I'll show you the procedure. Silence fills the hall as President Patrick points his gun at Andy. INT. CAR - DAY ANASTASIA speeds through the city, her mind consumed by grief and questions. She receives a mysterious message on her phone. MESSAGE (anonymous) Meet at the abandoned warehouse. The truth awaits. Determined to unravel the mystery behind her husband's death, Anastasia heads to the warehouse. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Anastasia cautiously enters the dimly lit warehouse. The silhouette of a FIGURE appears in the shadows. FIGURE You want answers, Anastasia? ANASTASIA Who are you? What do you know about my husband? FIGURE Your husband stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. He was silenced to protect a dark secret. Anastasia clenches the gun, demanding the truth. ANASTASIA Tell me everything. FIGURE The Presidents and the Executive Branch are involved in a covert operation. They orchestrated the attacks on their own families to manipulate public opinion and strengthen their control. Anastasia is shocked. ANASTASIA Why would they do such a thing? FIGURE Power, control, and the illusion of a common enemy. They believe it's for the greater good. ANASTASIA You expect me to believe this? FIGURE (hands over a file) Proof. Expose them, Anastasia. The truth must come out. Anastasia leaves the warehouse, armed with information that could bring down the highest levels of government. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Anastasia races against time to expose the conspiracy, unaware that powerful forces are mobilizing against her. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ANCIENT TEMPLE RUINS - DAY Mrs. Valentina leads a team of explorers through the overgrown ruins of an ancient temple, determined to uncover the keys to the lost kingdom. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS The explorers discover a hidden chamber beneath the ruins. Mrs. Valentina carefully examines ancient inscriptions on the walls. MRS. VALENTINA (whispering) This is it. The key to restoring our kingdom. CUT TO: EXT. CITY PARK - DAY David, Carolina, and Bogdan watch Mrs. Valentina's announcement on a giant screen. DAVID This changes everything. CAROLINA What is she really after? BOGDAN We need to find out. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - CONTINUOUS Mrs. Valentina continues her speech as the world leaders listen intently. MRS. VALENTINA With these keys, we can reclaim our power and reshape the world. The era of Tomorrow’s World Order is over. The crowd reacts with a mix of shock and curiosity. CUT TO: INT. SECRET FACILITY - NIGHT Dior and Palmer, the detective couple, investigate a hidden facility linked to Mrs. Valentina's quest. They uncover shocking secrets. DIOR This goes deeper than we thought. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Protests erupt as people demand answers about the lost kingdom and Mrs. Valentina's true intentions. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENTIAL HALL - DAY The Presidents gather to discuss the unfolding crisis. PRESIDENT REX We need to expose the truth and stop Mrs. Valentina before it's too late. CUT TO: EXT. ANCIENT TEMPLE RUINS - DAY - FLASHBACK Mrs. Valentina, in a secret meeting, reveals her true allegiance to a mysterious organization. MRS. VALENTINA Our time has come. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT Mrs. Valentina addresses the world through holographic projections. MRS. VALENTINA Join me, and together we will unlock the secrets of our glorious past. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DETECTIVE ALYSSA’S APARTMENT - LATER Detective Alyssa, Benjamin, and Isabella sit awkwardly in the living room. DETECTIVE ALYSSA I appreciate both of you being here. I know it's not easy. BENJAMIN Alyssa, what's going on? Why did you insist on meeting here? DETECTIVE ALYSSA I need your help with something sensitive. It's related to Holly's case. ISABELLA (rolls eyes) Great, another twist in this mess. DETECTIVE ALYSSA I've been receiving anonymous messages and calls. They know about Holly's case in detail. BENJAMIN (angry) What do they want? DETECTIVE ALYSSA They claim to have evidence that can lead us to the killer. But they demand a hefty payment for it. ISABELLA (skeptical) How do we know they're not playing games? DETECTIVE ALYSSA I don't. But I can't ignore it. I need your help, Benjamin. Financially and, if necessary, in dealing with these people. BENJAMIN (sighs) Fine. But we do it my way. No more secrets. ISABELLA (agrees) And no more surprises. DETECTIVE ALYSSA I promise. I just want justice for Holly. They exchange uneasy glances, forming an unlikely alliance in pursuit of the truth. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE - DAY President Rex sits at his desk, surrounded by advisors. Tensions rise as the room echoes with heated arguments. PRESIDENT REX (enraged) I won't sit here like a puppet, waiting for some Executive Branch to decide my fate! We strike back, and we do it now! TIM (cautiously) Sir, revenge might not be the answer. We need a strategic plan. Attacking without thinking will only make things worse. PRESIDENT REX (frustrated) Worse? What's worse than losing your family, Tim? DENNIS (reasoning) We understand your pain, Mr. President. But rushing into revenge without a concrete plan will put all of us at risk. PRESIDENT REX (angry) Risk? Our loved ones are dead! What more risk can we face? TIM (softly) Revenge can wait. Let's gather evidence, expose the real enemy, and bring them down legally. President Rex slams his fist on the table. PRESIDENT REX There's no time for legal games! We need action, and we need it now! The advisors exchange worried glances. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DETECTIVE ALYSSA’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Detective Alyssa sits alone, pondering her next move. Benjamin enters. BENJAMIN Alyssa, we need to talk. DETECTIVE ALYSSA What's going on? BENJAMIN I've been digging into Holly's case. There's more to it than we know. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (confused) What do you mean? BENJAMIN I found connections, Alyssa. Connections that lead to some high places. There's a web of deceit, and we're caught in the middle. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (determined) Then we expose them. We bring the truth to light. BENJAMIN It's not that simple. They're powerful, Alyssa. We need a solid plan. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Plan or not, I won't let them get away with this. They exchange a determined look, ready to unravel the truth. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. UNDERGROUND MEETING ROOM - NIGHT President Rex, Tim, and Dennis gather with a group of trusted allies. PRESIDENT REX We can't wait any longer. We need to act swiftly. TIM We must gather evidence first. Expose their motives and connections. DENNIS And make sure we have the public's support. We can't afford to be seen as rebels. They plan their moves, understanding the risks ahead. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Detective Alyssa, Benjamin, President Rex, and his allies move in the shadows, ready to uncover the truth and seek justice. TO BE CONTINUED... FADE IN: EXT. CEMETERY - DAY The mysterious man in black walks towards the grieving crowd. His presence causes an uneasy silence. MYSTERIOUS MAN (solemn) My deepest condolences. The grieving man, still sobbing, looks up at the stranger. GRIEVING MAN Who are you? MYSTERIOUS MAN A seeker of truth. The woman holding the grieving man's arm looks suspicious. WOMAN And what truth are you seeking here? MYSTERIOUS MAN The truth that lies beneath the surface, beyond the pain and sorrow. May I offer my assistance? GRIEVING MAN (angry) Assistance? Can you bring back the dead? MYSTERIOUS MAN I cannot undo what has happened, but I can help you find the answers you seek. The grieving man, intrigued, wipes his tears and nods. GRIEVING MAN What do you want in return? MYSTERIOUS MAN Only that you read a book— "Tomorrow’s World Order." It holds the key to understanding. The mysterious man hands him a book. The grieving man examines it with skepticism. GRIEVING MAN How will a book help? MYSTERIOUS MAN It's a guide, a revelation. Read it, and you'll know what steps to take next. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The man in black strolls through the city, blending with the bustling crowd. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. A ROOM - DAY The professional-looking man from earlier sits in a dimly lit room, reading "Tomorrow’s World Order." PROFESSIONAL MAN (to himself) What secrets do you hold? He continues reading, captivated by the unfolding mysteries. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CEMETERY - DAY The mysterious man in black discreetly watches from a distance as the grieving man opens the book. GRIEVING MAN (confused) Tomorrow’s World Order? What does this have to do with anything? MYSTERIOUS MAN (patience) Read between the lines, and you'll find the path to justice. The grieving man, intrigued yet skeptical, begins to read. FADE OUT. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. CAR - NIGHT Dior's eyes narrow as the stalker's calls persist. DIOR Enough of this game. We need to track that call. Palmer fumbles with the car's console, attempting to trace the stalker. PALMER I've got a rough location, but we need to keep moving. Dior accelerates, determined to confront their mysterious pursuer. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Dior and Palmer speed through the city, chasing the stalker's signal. FADE IN: INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT The stalker, watching the unfolding drama, smirks as Dior and Palmer approach. STALKER (whispering) Let the games begin. CUT TO: INT. CAR - NIGHT Dior and Palmer's tension rises as the stalker's taunts continue. DIOR We need to stick together. We're walking into a trap. They park near an abandoned warehouse, the signal growing stronger. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Dior and Palmer cautiously enter the dark warehouse, senses heightened. STALKER (voice echoing) Welcome, ladies. Let's play a deadly game. Suddenly, blinding lights flood the warehouse, revealing a sinister figure – ARTHUR, the mysterious agent. DIOR Arthur? You're the damn stalker? ARTHUR (smiling) Impressive, Agent Dior. You always were a step ahead. Palmer, shocked, glares at Dior. PALMER You know him? DIOR He's a double agent. It seems our secrets aren't so secret. ARTHUR (chuckles) Your little romance, your rebellious acts, it all played perfectly into my hands. Dior and Palmer, betrayed and angry, prepare for a showdown. FADE OUT. Title: Deceptive Alliances INT. ANASTASIA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Anastasia, still mourning, is comforted by Hudson Dones, who is hiding a dark secret. As they share an intimate moment, Aurora watches from the wardrobe, realizing something is amiss. ANASTASIA I can’t buy it. I think they killed him. Hudson tries to manipulate Anastasia, claiming it was a suicide. The atmosphere becomes tense as they undress, and a hissing sound startles them. CUT TO: INT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Alyssa and Benjamin's tumultuous past resurfaces as they discuss their complicated feelings. The tension escalates, and they share an intimate moment in the car. ALYSSA I enjoyed last night. You'll be shocked by that since he walked out. I had not slept with any men. I just could not. The car screeches to a stop, leaving their unresolved emotions hanging in the air. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT A car pulls up, and Isabella watches from a distance, tears streaming down her face as she witnesses Alyssa and Benjamin's intimate exchange. ISABELLA (whispering to herself) How could he? FADE OUT. Title: Shattered Trust INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Alyssa and Benjamin, partners in a tangled web of emotions, confront their feelings amidst the chaos at work. ALYSSA We need to focus on the case, Ben. Personal matters can wait. BENJAMIN It's hard to separate the two, especially when everything is falling apart. Alyssa receives a mysterious call, diverting their attention from the conversation. ALYSSA (into the phone) Who is this? The voice on the other end reveals shocking information about the deaths, leading Alyssa and Benjamin into a web of conspiracy. CUT TO: EXT. DARK ALLEY - NIGHT Alyssa and Benjamin investigate the mysterious call, unraveling a hidden truth. BENJAMIN This goes deeper than we thought. We need to be careful. They exchange determined glances, ready to dive into the dark secrets surrounding them. FADE OUT. ! Title: A President's Vengeance EXT. PRESIDENTIAL CEREMONY - DAY Tensions escalate as Kyle confronts a man with a summons, leading to chaos and a climactic moment with the President. KYLE Out of my way, or I will blast you open in cold blood. As the President retrieves a gun, the man reveals the shocking truth behind the summons, leaving everyone on edge. MESSENGER I am not afraid to die, Sir, but maybe I will take you as well with us. The standoff reaches its peak, leaving the fate of the President and the messenger hanging in the balance. FADE OUT. Title: The Messenger's Revelation EXT. PRESIDENTIAL CEREMONY - DAY The man delivers a summons to the President, causing chaos and emotional turmoil. As Kyle takes action, the lady offers support to the distressed President. LADY Time will heal. Just be strong. The man's message from the President of Tomorrow’s World Order further complicates the situation, leaving the President seeking revenge. PRESIDENT I am going to kill that bastard. He is the one behind all this. Tension and uncertainty linger as the President grapples with grief, anger, and the weight of the situation. FADE OUT. Title: Unraveling Grief EXT. PRESIDENTIAL CEREMONY - DAY In a climactic moment, Kyle confronts the man with a summons, triggering chaos and emotional turmoil. KYLE Don’t let him go, or I will drop you inside that pit, you bastard! As the President seeks vengeance, grief and anger take hold, leading to a chaotic confrontation. PRESIDENT I gave them an alibi. That’s how a reasonable man would react given the circumstances. The President's anguish and despair unfold in a moment of overwhelming emotion. FADE OUT. Title: Web of Intrigue INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY An investigator questions Charlotte's sister about her niece's mysterious death and the conspiracy theories surrounding it. INVESTIGATOR Was there anything strange about it? Any signs of foul play? CHARLOTTE'S SISTER She believed the government targeted her daughter for exposing corruption. There was no gunman; it was a setup. As the investigation deepens, the scene shifts to DIOR, a determined woman seeking justice. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Dior confronts DAVID, a shrewd man linked to the conspiracy. Tensions rise as Dior threatens retribution. DIOR You're at the top of my list. The courts found you guilty of destroying our reputation. DAVID Our punishment is the vengeance of the Fatladies' bullets. Are you prepared for that? The threat intensifies as Dior contemplates taking matters into her own hands. FADE OUT. Title: Threads of Retribution INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Charlotte's sister reveals her niece's suspicions about government involvement in her death. The investigator delves into the complex conspiracy. CHARLOTTE'S SISTER She thought they targeted her for exposing corruption. No gunman, just a sinister plot. Cut to DIOR and DAVID in a heated exchange on the city streets. DIOR You're on my list, and your hitmen won't stop me. DAVID Our punishment is the vengeance of the Fatladies' bullets. Are you ready for that? The enigmatic threat hangs in the air as the characters navigate the treacherous web of deception. FADE OUT. Title: Shadows of Vendetta INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY The investigator questions Charlotte's sister about her niece's death, uncovering a dark conspiracy. Cut to DIOR confronting DAVID on the city streets. DIOR You're guilty, and the Fatladies' bullets await. DAVID Our punishment is their vengeance. Are you prepared? The tension escalates as Dior contemplates revenge, leaving the characters entangled in a complex web of lies and threats. FADE OUT. Title: Veiled Intrigues INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - DAY President REX confronts HUDSON about the mysterious deaths and a woman's revelation. The atmosphere grows tense as HUDSON manipulates the narrative. PRESIDENT REX (Concerned) She was going to reveal who she believed was behind the assassinations. HUDSON (Defensive) Accidents happen. She led a reckless life. Her affairs were her downfall. PRESIDENT REX (Skeptical) I'm worried she had vital information. What's the truth? HUDSON (Menacing) Guess who else died in bed with her? The revelation leaves the President in shock as suspense builds. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: Betrayed Shadows INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY PRESIDENT REX accuses TRISTAN'S WIFE of involvement in the deaths, challenging her to explain the tangled web of conspiracies. PRESIDENT REX (Accusingly) Hudson Dones put bullets in all the women's heads. What's your role in this? The President's suspicion deepens, questioning the motives behind the deaths. PRESIDENT REX (Worried) I'm concerned about an inside job. We might have an enemy within. HUDSON attempts to justify the killings, leaving the President furious. PRESIDENT REX (Furious) No matter what, I will never sacrifice my family for the country. The room brims with tension, hinting at darker revelations. FADE OUT. Title: Echoes of Deceit INT. ISABELLA'S BEDROOM - DAY Isabella grapples with sadness and frustration, the weight of secrets pressing on her. The distant sound of a car triggers her anxiety. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY DETECTIVE ALYSSA shares thrilling details with BENJAMIN about a high-profile case while addressing the growing tensions and challenges at the police force. DETECTIVE ALYSSA The case involves the city's richest gatekeeper. But outside, the force faces a storm of public outrage and demands for change. BENJAMIN What's happening at work? DETECTIVE ALYSSA The force is under fire. People are pushing for defunding and resignations. The couple navigates a world of intrigue, betrayal, and societal upheaval, setting the stage for an intense narrative. FADE OUT. Title: "Web of Deceit" INT. BENJAMIN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Benjamin and Detective Alyssa uncover a dark conspiracy within the police force and government, leading to a revelation about a gatekeeper controlling secret loans. The tension builds as they contemplate exposing the truth. BENJAMIN People are right. The risk of being harmed by those meant to protect us is real. DETECTIVE ALYSSA And it's even worse when the blame falls back on the victims, as if they're funding their own torment. Benjamin is shocked by this revelation. BENJAMIN So they're paying for their own suffering? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Exactly. It's a twisted self-inflicted cycle. Benjamin connects the dots, suspecting an inside job. BENJAMIN This could be a ploy to justify police funding, setting up corrupt officers to clean house. Without them, it might get worse. DETECTIVE ALYSSA I believe the gatekeeper holds the key. Benjamin seeks clarification. BENJAMIN How does the gatekeeper fit into all this? DETECTIVE ALYSSA If direct funding stops, they'll turn to banks, and the gatekeeper decides who gains access to this secret circle of trust. Benjamin grasps the implications. BENJAMIN They borrow to keep the funding going? DETECTIVE ALYSSA Exactly. Killing the gatekeeper sends a message, a sign of entrance, a demand for trust. Benjamin realizes the gravity of the situation. BENJAMIN It's a message to prepare for change, to take control, to trim the excess. DETECTIVE ALYSSA And maybe I should expose them, reveal it's an inside job. Benjamin cautions her about the risks. BENJAMIN Be careful. They might be listening, and it could be dangerous. FADE IN. EXT. BANK - DAY A corporate manager, the gatekeeper, observes the bank's visitors. GATEKEEPER The bank operates a secret circle of trust. Members enjoy exclusive privileges, like discounted long-term loans for a membership fee. BENJAMIN So, the gatekeeper controls who gets these loans and membership? GATEKEEPER Exactly. BENJAMIN Killing him is a message of intrusion? GATEKEEPER Precisely. It signals "trust us or face consequences." BENJAMIN It's reminiscent of ancient practices—sacrifices to gain acceptance, removing barriers. And possibly a signal to steal? How would they repay the loans? GATEKEEPER Are you suggesting it's about downsizing? BENJAMIN I've seen it before with development loans. First, they implement changes to show commitment, then layoffs. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Maybe I'll expose them—an inside job to secure development aid. BENJAMIN But it's risky. We might be wrong. FADE OUT. Title: "Web of Deceit II: Shattered Alliances" FADE IN: EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Alyssa and Benjamin uncover a shocking conspiracy within the police force, connecting the dots about Detective Holly's coerced involvement. BENJAMIN Detective Holly was cornered, forced to play a part in framing Detective Dexter. The chief tricked her, making her believe it was the only option. A quick solution for the defund issue, blaming a single rotten egg. DETECTIVE ALYSSA But why go as far as getting him killed? BENJAMIN If they release him, he talks. It's about silencing a potential threat. Detective Alyssa realizes the gravity of the situation. DETECTIVE ALYSSA They're setting us all up, eliminating anyone who could expose the truth. BENJAMIN Exactly. Sacrificing officers to save the force. Detective Alyssa is deeply disturbed. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Was there another officer who disappeared or got transferred around Detective Frankie's time? BENJAMIN We need to find out. If they tricked Detective Dexter, who else is involved, and what's their endgame? FADE OUT. EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Alyssa and Benjamin uncover a shocking conspiracy within the police force, connecting the dots about Detective Holly's coerced involvement. BENJAMIN Detective Holly was cornered, forced to play a part in framing Detective Dexter. The chief tricked her, making her believe it was the only option. A quick solution for the defund issue, blaming a single rotten egg. DETECTIVE ALYSSA But why go as far as getting him killed? BENJAMIN If they release him, he talks. It's about silencing a potential threat. Detective Alyssa realizes the gravity of the situation. DETECTIVE ALYSSA They're setting us all up, eliminating anyone who could expose the truth. BENJAMIN Exactly. Sacrificing officers to save the force. Detective Alyssa is deeply disturbed. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Was there another officer who disappeared or got transferred around Detective Frankie's time? BENJAMIN We need to find out. If they tricked Detective Dexter, who else is involved, and what's their endgame? FADE OUT. Title: "Silent Accord" FADE IN: EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY Ricky rushes inside, excited to share the news of his father's return. Dan follows him into the warm embrace of his wife, LISA, 30s. LISA Welcome home, Dan. We've missed you. DAN Missed you both too. They share a loving family moment, blissfully unaware of the storm awaiting them. CUT TO: INT. OVAL OFFICE - DAY President Rex, shaken by his ominous dream, prepares to face an international tribunal. Kyle ensures he is composed as they head to the conference hall. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY President Rex confronts the tribunal, accusing them of hiding behind their positions while innocent lives are taken. PRESIDENT REX You spineless coward! Hiding behind the court, killing women and children! You should've targeted me, not my boys! I'm right here! HEAD JUDGE Silence, please! Tensions rise as the tribunal attempts to justify their actions. President Rex's anger intensifies. PRESIDENT REX Get this lying bastard away from me! The room descends into chaos, freezing on the President's furious face. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Determined to uncover the truth, Detective Alyssa and Benjamin continue their investigation. They follow leads, exposing a clandestine plot within the police force. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We need to find out who else is involved and what their endgame is. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND LAIR - NIGHT A mysterious figure, DAVID, the leader of Tomorrow's World Order, oversees a plan to destabilize governments. He communicates with a sinister ally. DAVID Our time is near. The chaos will usher in the change we seek. CUT TO: EXT. DRIVEWAY - DAY Ricky, playing innocently, stumbles upon a hidden device near his home. RICKY What's this? The device starts beeping ominously. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The tribunal, facing a defiant President Rex, struggles to maintain control. The head judge reveals shocking evidence. HEAD JUDGE We have proof that the attacks were orchestrated from within your own government. The room erupts in disbelief. Freeze frame on President Rex's stunned expression. FADE OUT. Title: "Trial of Shadows" FADE IN: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The tension in the conference hall reaches a boiling point as President Rex demands justice. PRESIDENT REX We stand trial! I buried my family. My mourning has ended. Let's begin! The room falls silent, the weight of President Rex's words echoing through the hall. The Head Judge nods, signaling the commencement of the trial. CROWD (whispering) He's serious. Delegates exchange uneasy glances as the accused presidents prepare for the trial. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND LAIR - NIGHT David, the leader of Tomorrow's World Order, monitors the trial from a secret location. He communicates with his operatives. DAVID This trial threatens everything. Ensure it doesn't proceed smoothly. His operatives nod, ready to execute his orders. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The trial begins with compelling arguments from both sides. The Head Judge strives to maintain order. HEAD JUDGE This trial is not just about individual grievances. It's about upholding the principles of justice and preventing further bloodshed. The accused presidents vehemently deny the allegations, claiming they seek accountability, not chaos. CROWD (murmuring) Who can be trusted? CUT TO: INT. DETECTIVE ALYSSA'S OFFICE - NIGHT Detective Alyssa and Benjamin, uncovering a deeper conspiracy, watch the trial unfold on a computer screen. BENJAMIN This goes beyond what we imagined. They're manipulating the trial to hide their true agenda. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We need evidence to expose them. Something concrete. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The trial intensifies as shocking revelations emerge. The accused presidents present their defense, while the crowd grapples with uncertainty. CROWD (whispering) What is the truth? Suddenly, the lights flicker, and chaos ensues. Smoke billows into the hall. Gunshots ring out. CROWD (screaming) Get down! The accused presidents are hurriedly escorted out. The Head Judge tries to restore order. HEAD JUDGE This trial is adjourned! Evacuate the hall! The chaos leaves everyone bewildered. Freeze frame on the Head Judge's determined expression. FADE OUT. INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The crowd BUZZES loudly as the judging panel orders the representatives to approach. JUDGE Explain your stance. AMELIA The Executive Branch has taken over temporarily until the mourning period concludes. She's interrupted. OPPONENT But the President said the mourning ended when he buried his family. EB REP Seeing such trauma could affect any reasonable person's judgement. OPPONENT So you're saying the President is unfit to lead or stand trial? That's pathetic. AMELIA The EB approves decisions to avoid future challenges. OPPONENT You mean to protect the killers from more innocent deaths? EB REP That's insulting, Your Honor! JUDGE Let him speak. We must hear all arguments. OPPONENT We believe the EB protects the organization's reputation, preventing further child killings. EB REP Absurd! Retract your remarks! OPPONENT Without the EB, more innocents could be at risk. EB REP The attacks aimed to render relatives temporarily insane from trauma. We must protect the welfare of the accused. Dropping charges is best for all. OPPONENT If they're too insane to stand trial, they're too insane to lead. They must be replaced. The panel nods. JUDGE What say you? Amelia confers with the EB, then addresses the judge. AMELIA We request time to consult. PRESIDENT REX (shouting) I'm fit to stand trial and lead my country! He slams his fists down. Freeze frame on his angry face. FADE OUT. Title: "Echoes of Justice" FADE IN: INT. COURTROOM - DAY The trial continues with President Rex facing intense scrutiny. PRESIDENT REX It was war. I acted lawfully then, and was exonerated. ALEXANDER New laws apply now, even to those days. PRESIDENT REX That's unfair! Laws can't be retroactive. ALEXANDER Did you not know killing civilians was wrong? That they were protected? Can you say you didn't know bombing them could kill? PRESIDENT REX I followed the book then and was cleared. ALEXANDER Don't call me son. Address me as counsel. What do the accused do? Alexander unveils a shocking revelation. ALEXANDER They take down the dictator and his shields no matter what. PRESIDENT REX It's total war. The Pact can't stop bombings. Victims get less than 48 hours notice, no chance to escape. We targeted the sickest due to sanctions. The crowd reacts with shock and disbelief. Freeze frame on the President's face. FADE OUT INT. COURTROOM - DAY 2 The trial shifts focus to Brian, head of the Peace Pact. ALEXANDER What kind of peace exactly? BRIAN All kinds - from wars, fighting, etc. ALEXANDER So you can stop wars? BRIAN Of course! ALEXANDER How many have you stopped? BRIAN Many! We encourage negotiation. ALEXANDER But thousands still died in wars on your watch. The tension in the courtroom rises. ALEXANDER (CONT'D) While thousands died? You give a false sense of security. The crowd expresses its discontent. BRIAN We work hard for peace and security! Alexander challenges the effectiveness of the Peace Pact. ALEXANDER Yes, but you don't stop wars. You can't guarantee safety. You obstruct real help, giving false hope. The courtroom buzzes with anger. ALEXANDER (CONT'D) Honestly, there's nothing you can do to stop wars. BRIAN That's insulting! We bust our asses negotiating! ALEXANDER You're not too bright, are you? Who pays your salary? Brian hesitates, facing a revealing question. BRIAN What's that got to do with dead women and children? Alexander demands a straightforward answer. ALEXANDER Just answer the damn question! Who funds the Peace Pact? The courtroom holds its breath as Brian struggles to respond. FREEZE FRAME. FADE OUT. Title: "Shattered Allegiance" FADE IN: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President, fueled by anger and grief, confronts Hudson about the court's investigation. HUDSON There are things you don't know. I heard the court has its own investigating team now. The President, visibly furious, demands answers. HUDSON (CONT'D) I need authority to assign assassins to monitor them too. PRESIDENT Why can't you wait? I want to know who took my kids from me! I thought I was feared. Hudson, with a heavy heart, reveals a difficult truth. HUDSON You were offered to step down. If you won't sacrifice for your country... The President, unable to contain his rage, physically lashes out at Hudson. PRESIDENT Nothing is more important than my family! Your words make me think you're involved! Hudson, maintaining his composure, denies any wrongdoing. HUDSON I would never! My word is my guarantee. The confrontation escalates, and the President draws a gun on Hudson. PRESIDENT I'm starting to think you killed that woman to silence her. You have motive. You disobey me, wait too long, and people die. Nothing will bring back my family. HUDSON Don't say I don't understand your pain and loss! The President questions Hudson's commitment, suspecting a hidden agenda. PRESIDENT You lost your kids like I did? Your wife too? HUDSON No, but I lost men. I sacrificed for duty. PRESIDENT No national security justifies my kids' lives. Don't mistake me. The President exits, leaving Hudson wounded emotionally. HUDSON Are you telling me to go after the court's team? PRESIDENT If you knew what was at stake, you wouldn't dare ask. Hudson, torn between loyalty and duty, looks defeated as the President leaves. FREEZE FRAME. FADE OUT. Title: "Thrill Pursuit" FADE IN: INT. DIOR'S APARTMENT - DAY Dior and Palmer engage in a heated conversation about the mysterious caller. DIOR He could've taken me to the police. But he knows my fantasy. Wants to prove nothing tops climaxing. Palmer, looking irritated, questions Dior's involvement. PALMER I think it's you behind it all. Or Hudson wanting control. HUDSON (V.O.) I think you did it. Thrills from strange things, like stealing knickers to wear. DIOR Why steal them then? HUDSON (V.O.) He thought a commando like you goes commando, nothing valuable. DIOR Commando, very funny. Sometimes maybe. HUDSON (V.O.) If a gunman, you fit the profile - smart, fast, ruthless. I'll blow your head off and find the real killer first. Tick tock. Dior vehemently denies any involvement. DIOR I was hired by the EB! Can they hire the killer? Don't be stupid. HUDSON (V.O.) It's someone unexpected, complicated, advanced - you. DIOR You're so sure it's me, and I know it's not, so it must be you! Lucky I'm not assigned to take you out. HUDSON (V.O.) I'd get a medal for avenging the presidents. Tensions rise as accusations fly. Freeze frame on their angry faces. FADE OUT. Title: "Forbidden Desires" FADE IN: INT. BENJAMIN'S HOUSE - DAY Benjamin is awakened by loud knocking. A WOMAN in his bed suggests a playful delay. WOMAN He can wait. Don't leave me hungry. Spoil me. Benjamin, enticed, recalls their intense encounters. BENJAMIN (V.O.) Tightening, like the handcuffs. Is that how they were invented? His thoughts turn mischievous. BENJAMIN Last time, were you punishing my boy for being naughty, constricting him? The Woman looks confused. WOMAN What are you talking about? He grins creepily. Freeze frame on their tense moment. FADE OUT. INT. BENJAMIN'S HOUSE - DAY Benjamin and the WOMAN continue their passionate encounter, ignoring a KNOCK at the door. Benjamin notices Isabella outside, crying. She drives away quickly. BENJAMIN Why didn't you tell me it was her? WOMAN What difference does it make? She stole you. The tension and lies are over. The more she tries, the better for you. Maybe a threesome? BENJAMIN Are you crazy? WOMAN I could handcuff her, see what she can do. Kidding! We meet Friday, I start work tomorrow. I want you on this case. BENJAMIN I'm a banker, not a detective. She seductively pulls him close. WOMAN Don't go. Let's make up for lost time. She won't want sex now anyway. Just stay, screw me like no tomorrow. Even if I stop David, the 40-day clause... BENJAMIN What clause? WOMAN After touching Tomorrow's World Order, bad things happen in 40 days to you and your family. She kisses him passionately. Freeze frame on their forbidden desires. FADE OUT. INT. BENJAMIN'S HOUSE - NIGHT Benjamin, now with the sexy woman, ALYSSA, reflects on Isabella's absence. BENJAMIN You're always in such great shape. Not like Isabella lately, less libido. He tries calling Isabella, no answer. BENJAMIN (CONT'D) She's not home. Probably at her mom's after our fight. He touches Alyssa's butt. BENJAMIN (CONT'D) What the hell, I'll just stay until Friday. CUT TO: INT. ELIJAH AND JULIETTE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Juliette wakes her husband ELIJAH. JULIETTE Eli, get up! Someone could be getting killed. Go check! ELIJAH Killed with pleasure you mean? Don't poke my fresh wounds. An orgasmic SCREAM is heard. JULIETTE See, go check, someone's getting killed! Elijah heads to the bathroom, annoyed. Another SCREAM. JULIETTE (CONT'D) Please check, Eli! CUT TO: EXT. BENJAMIN'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS ISABELLA sits outside under the bedroom window, startled by the scream. She slides down the wall with a gun, facing the road and sobbing hard. CUT BACK TO ELIJAH AND JULIETTE'S: Elijah returns, shaking his head. ELIJAH It's the neighbors again. Let's get some sleep. He gets in bed as Juliette pouts. FREEZE FRAME on Isabella's anguished face. FADE OUT. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Brian is on the stand being questioned by Alexander. ALEXANDER Who funds the Peace Pact? BRIAN The organization's founders. ALEXANDER The same countries now attacking and killing innocents? Brian mumbles indistinctly. ALEXANDER (CONT’D) Answer me! Are they the same? BRIAN We're independent of any nation. Alexander slams the table. ALEXANDER Why can't you answer? Are they the same countries or not? JUDGE Answer the question, yes or no? BRIAN ...Yes. ALEXANDER So isn't it unreasonable to oppose your bosses? What if you objected to their orders? BRIAN I don't know what you mean. ALEXANDER Would you slap your boss in the face? BRIAN No. ALEXANDER So you won't oppose them since they fund you. Conflict of interest! Angry murmuring in the gallery. ALEXANDER (CONT'D) You were created to facilitate attacks without consequences. The same people funding you attack others. You can't fight your funders or you'll be shut down. You get donations after invasions - bribes to stay silent! If the system was fair, you'd be gone. Your existence serves your founders over innocent civilians. That's why you can't stop wars - you were made to obstruct and give false security as people are killed! Like a rugby player distracting while opponents score. Psychological games allowing unjustified acts. How is this possible? BRIAN (at a loss) How is that possible? Alexander slams his notes down victoriously. FREEZE FRAME. FADE OUT. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Alexander continues questioning Brian intensely. ALEXANDER Their presence creates guilt in those who could've helped. After attacks, no one reacted since they expected you to act. Shock at your failure to stop the unstoppable. A psychological game! BRIAN Objection, absurd! ALEXANDER You give calm after attacks. People shocked and guilty for being deceived, thinking you'd defend the weak. But you didn't, happening on your watch. They don't voice anger as expected. Your presence softens reactions, makes people think if you can't stop it, neither can they. But that's a lie! You stall to avoid revenge. The accused use funding to control and weaken you from fighting invasions! BRIAN We stand for peace! ALEXANDER I don't deny that. But you were manipulated too. As the "peace" group who failed, you soften reactions. They needed you to avoid backlash. They control you through funding despite your noble aims. Was the war legit? BRIAN It can't be right. ALEXANDER You were tricked! They counted on your reputation to calm crowds after slaughtering innocents. They silence opposition through you! The crowd MURMURS loudly in anger. BRIAN We had no knowledge of their motives! We operate in good faith! ALEXANDER That may be true. But the effect is the same - you provide cover for the guilty. Your hands are tied by funding conflicts. The blame lies with them, not you. Brian looks defeated. The crowd ROARS. Freeze frame on Alexander's intense face. FADE OUT. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Alexander delivers a compelling argument, exposing hidden motives. ALEXANDER The war was illegal. Why didn't you try to stop it? Brian remains silent. ALEXANDER (CONT'D) Funding conflicts shackles your ability to prevent wars. Your existence undermines justice, and it's time to question it! Your funds should compensate victims until you're bankrupt! The crowd reacts angrily. ALEXANDER (CONT'D) I accuse you of manslaughter and murder. Killings traumatize survivors, weaken resistance, and instill fear for easy recolonization. It's a strategy to collapse society, targeting future leaders, women, and children as bargaining chips. The Peace Pact and EB are complicit in genocide! The crowd protests vehemently. CUT TO: INT. ALEXANDER'S HOUSE - NIGHT Alexander sits drinking a beer, watching TV. Someone tries to talk to him but he shushes them. ALEXANDER Damn it, they're announcing the verdict, shut up! On TV, the HEAD JUDGE bangs his gavel. Freeze frame on Alexander's intense face. HEAD JUDGE (V.O.) On all charges, we find the defendants... FADE OUT. INT. TRAINING FACILITY - DAY A SOLDIER trains intensely, flipping, shooting, stabbing targets. His phone BEEPS and he answers. SOLDIER Yes sir, how was that? MAN (V.O.) Not bad but too slow. It must be perfect. SOLDIER I'm ready now, send me! MAN (V.O.) Many have failed and died. Even Aubrey barely made it back. SOLDIER But I'm ready! It's not like we're fighting ghosts. The man LAUGHS. MAN (V.O.) A good soldier always says he's not ready, no matter how prepared. Rushing leads to failure. What's your strength over the others? SOLDIER My rage at them trying to stop us! This is war, it's what men do! I'll rip him apart! He attacks a target fiercely. SOLDIER (CONT'D) I don't care about assassins. I swore an oath I intend to renew! I'll fight even if I die! ON VIDEO SCREEN: The man observes. MAN I don't think you're angry enough. The soldier ROARS and attacks more aggressively. SOLDIER I said I'm ready, sir! He throws a knife, curses, and stands at attention in boxers, ripped and oiled. SOLDIER (CONT'D) I won't return until he's dead, no matter what! We have rights to choose our way of life! The man ROARS back. The soldier matches him. MAN Now you're ready. We're fighting animals who talk democracy but allow none. Go set things right, soldier! A WOMAN enters the office on screen. WOMAN Sorry I'm late, what's the problem? MAN The human rights activists have become an issue, lodging cases against our gatekeepers. Freeze frame on the angry soldier. FADE OUT. INT. OFFICE - DAY The soldier continues training intensely on the video call. MARSON Do you think he's ready? SADIE No one's ever ready for him. But we must stall. They watch the soldier attack. SADIE (CONT'D) Ruthless and motivated. MARSON But young and inexperienced. The jungle out there... SADIE They've brought charges against the gatekeepers. Saying the world is reacting since no one acted, even knowing they're rotten. MARSON How's that related? SADIE They argue the revenge attacks are due to the gatekeepers being left unchecked. MARSON What revenge? SADIE That they're secretly killing thousands with tech. So people are retaliating. MARSON That our pandemic response causes revenge? Absurd. SADIE They say gatekeepers commit genocide with tech, while fronting invasions. MARSON Bullshit! We have rights to protect ourselves. Stay away or die - their choice. How are we gangsters? SADIE Tomorrow's World Order says we cause wars and slaughter refugees while denying them entry. Calls it the darkest genocide in history, albeit secret. MARSON (laughing) Genocide? How? SADIE They argue you operate death squads, experiments. The world fights back covertly. MARSON Outrageous lies! We bring progress and opportunity! SADIE They say you hide behind good deeds as cover for exploitation and control. You must stall their court cases. Marson fumes as the soldier trains. FREEZE FRAME. FADE OUT. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT A dimly lit room with high-tech screens displaying various data. Marson, a middle-aged man in a sharp suit, sits at a desk, listening intently to Sadie, a determined woman with a serious expression. MARSON I would not worry about that. We send these little ones to cause all havoc for a purpose. It is obvious they will defend themselves but use force on these. That’s when we step in. And defend the weak as well, just like they are arguing that they defend the weak and defenseless. SADIE I know, sir, but they are fighting for system change. They have started rallying the courts. MARSON (leaning back) What are they going to do? Unless you want to see the judges twitching? SADIE They are bringing changes against the judges and the courts as well? MARSON (raising an eyebrow) How come? SADIE They are now arguing that they warned that unless we are checked, we are going to create digital weapons. To kill not just the refugees but everyone. MARSON (skeptical) Digital weapons? SADIE (nodding) Now that he was ignored and within two years, it is happening. Pointing at the current pandemic that has already taken nearly a million people. Therefore, the courts are guilty of not acting. INT. CONTROL ROOM - LATER Marson listens intently as Sadie continues to explain the gravity of the situation. SADIE (increasing urgency) First of doing nothing despite the digital evidence supplied to them. Secondly, they gave everyone who died a sense of security that they can protect the people by bringing the culprits to court when in fact they can’t or did not. MARSON (rubbing his temples) What is the worst-case scenario? SADIE Stakes are now raised. If they fail to act, that will be two counts and automatic qualification to be served with the Ultima Talionis letters as put by the leader of T.W.O. The courts are now turning against us. MARSON (surprised) Ultima Talionis Orders? SADIE (gravely) Yes! To be served with the Ultima-Talionis. Tomorrow’s World Order license to kill order. MARSON (frowning) Secondly, even the Executive Branch cannot defend us? SADIE (nodding) Otherwise, they become accessories to crimes against humanity, meaning they instantly become illegal. That means being served with the Ultima Talionis letters as well. As a Hostis Humanis Generis. An enemy of the people. INT. CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Marson's disbelief turns into anger as he processes the dire implications of the unfolding situation. MARSON But EB pledged to protect and fight our cause no matter what? Innocent or guilty? SADIE I know. That is why they are closing loopholes. If they stand by us, that triggers conditions for a World War Three. MARSON (angry) World War Three? Do you think EB is going to take that nonsense? SADIE (solemn) They have drafted new laws to close all loopholes. MARSON (curious) I am listening. SADIE They are arguing that EB is a kingpin, a gangster’s boss. We are operating an illegal system. Our system as per T.W.O is a gangster system. Where we make weapons cheaply and then use the weapons to get all the expensive resources. MARSON (raising an eyebrow) E-laws? SADIE (nodding) No differences to a gangster. Sending the weakest of your members to do gross evil acts. Provoking and inciting others to violence. Hoping to trap those who challenge them. By jumping to their rescue as the defenders of these weak ones. The very thing he said the Gatekeepers are doing. So, charges against EB as to weaken it to hand the little nations, the gatekeepers, in to be charged on their own. The new laws will bring EB to their knees as they plan to use the E-laws. INT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT A cozy apartment with city lights twinkling outside. Landon and Sarah sit on the sofa, sipping wine. LANDON (smiling) I am serious about you. Do you know? I have been thinking about you lately. SARAH (politely) I told you. It was just a one-off. I have a boyfriend and I love him dearly. LANDON (earnestly) I wish you knew how you make me feel. If you knew me better, I swear you would love me there and then. Enough to dump your boyfriend. SARAH (resolute) Sorry. Taken. I enjoyed the time we spent together but like I said from the onset, it’s just a weekend fling. INT. CITY APARTMENT - LATER Landon continues to plead with Sarah, emotions running high. LANDON (pleading) I swear I will do anything just to be with you again. SARAH (teasing) Okay. You said anything. I want to hear from you the most hidden secret you ever heard. Sarah stands up, grabbing her coat, and Landon quickly helps her put it on. LANDON (nervously) Yes. Now you don’t know what to say, right? I thought so. SARAH (teasing) But you asked for a hidden secret, right? So how can I shout to everyone something so hidden and a secret? LANDON (whispering) I am the most important man in the city. I tell you that every one of these richest people once in their lives passed through me. SARAH (smiling) Why are you whispering as if someone is listening? LANDON (serious) But you asked for a hidden secret, right? So how can I shout to everyone something so hidden and a secret? SARAH (teasing) Okay. You got me there. So is this the secret? Sarah hugs Landon, putting her head on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat. LANDON (whispering) The secret I can tell has never been revealed to anyone since the beginning of time. And what that means is that... That requires also more from your part. If I tell you, then you got to be mine forever. SARAH (laughing) I don’t get you. If you are that important, then you sound like you are begging for me. Makes little sense. INT. CITY APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Landon opens up about his past and feelings, expressing vulnerability. LANDON I have everything I want but all my life I have had dodgy women who want me just for my money. But now, for the first time, I found someone who wants me for who I am. All my past women knew what I did before they went out with me. And the relationships lacked what we had between the two of us. We just met and got on. The chemistry was like no other. The attraction was the ultimate. The lovemaking was out of this world. I felt like the first time I made love. Even now I can remember every bit of that day. How she smelled. How the wine after tasted and above all how I felt. Meeting you rekindled everything, or is it just me? Landon kisses Sarah passionately. SARAH (teasing) Tell me? My love. Was that just me or you felt the magic as well? LANDON (smiling) I felt the magic as well. But I must say I hadn't had sex for months. Three months, to be exact. That could explain the passion and lust and why I really enjoyed it. Sarah hugs Landon, standing in front of him. LANDON (serious) Even so, I want this forever. INT. CITY HOTEL ROOM - DAYS LATER Landon and Sarah, post-love-making, share an intimate moment. LANDON (wearing only briefs) You are one of the hottest men I have ever seen. SARAH (teasing) If you have money, you can be anything you want. But money can’t get to buy you love, my lovely Sarah. The woman I have now after a long time. And still giving me sleepless nights, you my love. Landon sits on the bed, inviting Sarah closer. LANDON (smiling) Do you want to know a secret? FADE OUT. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - NIGHT A lavish apartment with sleek, modern decor. Landon and Sarah sit on a plush couch, the atmosphere thick with tension. SARAH (seductively) Fire it up. LANDON (smirking) I received this. Landon shows Sarah an envelope, sparking her curiosity. Sarah swiftly opens the letter and pulls out a blank card, sharing a puzzled look with Landon. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS SARAH (raising an eyebrow) Is this a billionaire club? LANDON (smiling) Is there a billionaire club called 666? SARAH (pondering) Not really, but there is this... 888 Billionaire Bachelor Boys Club? I think. LANDON (nervously) Ever since I received this card, I have been very worried, you know. Sarah studies Landon, his attractive features not escaping her notice. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - LATER Sarah tries to ease Landon's tension with her playful antics. SARAH (teasing) Does my bum look big in this? She touches her buttock's edge, lifting it up and turning around, catching Landon's attention. He smiles, clearly captivated. LANDON (flirting) Sweet-Pie, you look hot. The way I like it. Not too big and not too small but just the perfect size for my hands. Sarah laughs, strutting like a model to the door. She turns, flipping her hair and laughing, igniting Landon's primal instincts. He roars playfully. LANDON (teasing) You want to eat all this, right? SARAH (seductively) Not eat but lick everything up until you squirt some hot... Landon is about to continue, but Sarah interrupts with a revelation about the mysterious card. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Sarah and Landon share an intimate moment, their connection evolving. SARAH (suddenly serious) 666? The Mark of the Beast. LANDON (nervously cupping her breast) That's what I heard. SARAH (teasing) Devil worshipper or the devil himself? (Sarah laughs off his concerns, pointing seductively at her curves.) SARAH (playfully) Worry less, enjoy more. Why waste time on nothing when you could be having all this? LANDON (sincere) But I want you to know about my job. SARAH (dismissive) Not important. Just here for a weekend cuddle before my boyfriend returns. LANDON (earnestly) I'm serious about you. Time isn't waiting. I want someone... SARAH (cutting him off) But you're married. I checked. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - NIGHT The dimly lit room sets an intimate atmosphere. Landon and Sarah are entwined on the bed. LANDON (softly) Married early, divorced. I want someone to share my darkest secrets. (Landon pulls Sarah closer, their chemistry evident. Sarah's hands explore Landon's body.) SARAH (playfully) I'll show you the most hidden secret, but promise it stays between us, even in the afterlife. LANDON (earnestly) What if I don't? FADE OUT. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Sarah raises an eyebrow, challenging Landon's request. SARAH (teasing) What if I don’t promise? Landon looks at Sarah with a mix of seriousness and vulnerability. LANDON (sincere) This secret, Sarah, it's not just any secret. It's the kind that changes everything. It's the kind that has the power to alter destinies. If it gets out, lives could be at stake. Sarah's playful demeanor fades, realizing the gravity of Landon's words. SARAH (softly) You're scaring me, Landon. LANDON (caressing her face) I don’t mean to scare you, Sarah. I just need you to understand how crucial it is to keep this between us. This secret is a burden I've carried for years, and I can't bear it alone anymore. SARAH (nodding) I promise, Landon. I won't tell a soul. Your secret is safe with me. LANDON (looking relieved) Thank you, Sarah. You have no idea what this means to me. INT. LUXURIOUS APARTMENT - LATER Landon and Sarah share a tender moment, their connection deepening as they face the weight of the hidden secret together. SARAH (whispering) Tell me, Landon. Share this burden with me. We'll face it together. LANDON (opening up) It's about a choice I made, a decision that altered the course of many lives. Lives I care about deeply. I need you to understand, Sarah, that my intentions were never to harm anyone. But sometimes, choices have consequences. Sarah listens intently, realizing that their connection goes beyond the physical. They are now bound by a secret that could change everything. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW’S WORLD ORDER OFFICE - DAY The atmosphere is tense as Tomorrow’s World Order’s leader receives disturbing news about the court verdict. The news reporter on TV echoes the gravity of the situation. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) Everyone looked attentive to hear the verdict of the court. “The courts have found the Peace Pact, EB, and all the accused leaders guilty of a range of crimes. All ranging from tricking and impersonating a war-stopping organization to murder charges and giving the people a false sense of security. Compensation fines will see the end of the Peace Pact and some leaders to be hanged. It’s a sad day today. For most, as what yesterday seemed a norm has been ruled by the courts as illegal and inhumane. Changing the institutions, the way we know them today. But most say it is a victory day for justice. But some see this as the trigger for the Third World War. As EB has been reported to disregard the decisions of the court. As they walked out before the passing of the judgment. It is believed also that they vowed to protect their members by any means necessary. That can only mean one thing; World War Three,” said the news reporter. INT. TOMORROW’S WORLD ORDER OFFICE - LATER Tomorrow’s World Order’s leader, seated in his office, is startled by a knock. LEADER “Come in. What can I do for you?” Alexander, a trusted member of the organization, walks in. ALEXANDER (serious) The EB went back to the judging panel and asked the preliminary hearings against their members to be postponed. They cited that there is no evidence of the effects of witnessing such an event. Unless the preliminary hearing can provide evidence that the accused did not suffer much and are fit, they are forced to cancel all hearings and take over. Any issues from now on are to be directed to the EB, as they are now acting on behalf of the victims. The global leader stands up, visibly angered by the news. LEADER “Can they do that?” ALEXANDER (resolute) It’s what we can do about it, Sir. LEADER (nodding) Good point. Bring the whole crew? ALEXANDER (confident) More like it, Sir. LEADER (frustrated) What do we know about this EB? What do we have against this EB? Can we hold it accountable for the acts of its members? ALEXANDER (cautionary) Sir, are you trying to start World War Three? The room falls silent, the weight of the impending crisis hanging in the air. FADE OUT. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY The sound of rushing water fills the air as a huge white bird circles above the river. It dives, picking up food floating on the water before flying off to nearby trees. On the bridge, a smartly dressed man, ALEX, appears. He stands in the middle, looking down at the cold, icy river waters. A fleeting smile crosses his face but is quickly replaced by sadness. Alex inserts his hand into his jacket pocket and retrieves something. The sight attracts the white bird, which swiftly flies toward him. Startled, Alex staggers backward, as if he threw something into the river. The bird dives after the imaginary object. Alex looks down at a red heart-shaped padlock in his hand, a teardrop splashing on it. He smudges the initials on the padlock, revealing E&A. A white-gloved thumb wipes away the tear, exposing the initials again. Alex turns the padlock, revealing names engraved inside a heart shape: Evelina & Alex. The bird hovers at eye level, and Alex mimics throwing something into the river. With his other hand, Alex retrieves a small golden key from his trousers pocket and inserts it into the padlock. It clicks open. ALEX (whispering) My love for you is forever. His heart pounds as he has a flashback. BEGIN FLASHBACK: Alex jumps off the bridge into the water, swimming fast. Midway, he stops, feeling his world falling apart. Thoughts of Evelina make him want to cry. Walking away from her is agonizing. He hears Evelina calling his name. EVELINA (O.S.) Alex! Alex is filled with sadness, remembering moments from their past. Tears roll down his face. EVELINA (O.S.) Alex! Evelina's voice triggers him into action. He turns and races back to the bridge, desperate to reach her. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY (PRESENT) Alex's flashback ends as he reaches a point where he can see Evelina on the bridge. EVELINA (shouting) Alex! Determined, Alex rushes back to the bridge, longing to be with the love of his life. FADE OUT. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY Evelina, distressed and frantically searching for Alex, runs to the other side of the bridge as he recalls the manhunt for him and his father's death. He hesitates, torn between love and the danger it poses to Evelina. INT. ALEX'S FLASHBACK - DAY Alex vividly remembers the manhunt appeal, where Evelina was deemed his hostage. He knows staying with her would endanger both their lives. His first plan to stay alive becomes clear in his mind. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY (PRESENT) Evelina appears, shouting Alex's name, seemingly having spotted him. Without a second thought, Alex dives into the river, fully submerged, hidden behind weeds. Evelina stops crying and shouting, staring in his direction. UNDERWATER - DAY Alex hides beneath the water, his heart pounding. He cries silently, realizing the pain he caused Evelina. ALEX (whispering) I love you very much. If you know how much I am dying to be with you, my love, you would understand. I would give up everything to be with you. But, to love you at this point in time is to let you go. If I stay with you, we are both going to die. I wish I had a choice. You know how much I would choose you a thousand times even if we lived two lives. I would still choose you in your second life. You are stunning and beautiful, my true love. I believe I was born to love you to bits. We are meant to be together. This my love. This is just a test, and I believe we are unbreakable? Our love was cemented before we even met. No matter what they do. They will never break us up. I must be strong for now, but I want you to know that this is temporary. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY (PRESENT) Evelina stands on the bridge, crying. Alex, underwater, continues his heartfelt message. ALEX I can see you. I can hear you. I can hear your cries. I can see the pain in your heart. I can feel the pain and distress engulfing you right now. But it’s just temporary, my love. I wish I could come out and be with you, but if we stay together at this point, I believe both of us won’t make it. UNDERWATER - DAY Alex whispers to himself, trying to find strength in his decision. ALEX I know the pain of losing someone special, even though not as special as you. The circumstances in which I lost my father are the same. My father perished in similar circumstances, and with you. I am not taking any chances. The stakes are high. If we are together, so are the risks. But I am doing this for you, for us darling. So that forever we will be together. I wish you could hear this, but I am happy because for sure now we will meet again and be together forever. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY (PRESENT) Evelina, desperate, shouts Alex's name once more before running to the other side of the bridge. UNDERWATER - DAY Alex, overwhelmed by sorrow, sinks deeper and swims away. He can still hear Evelina calling his name. His heart fills with pain as he distances himself, but her voice remains in the background, haunting him. EXT. BRIDGE OVER ICY RIVER - DAY (PRESENT) Evelina continues shouting, her voice filled with panic and distress. Alex realizes the gravity of his decision and curses underwater. FADE OUT. INT. ALEX'S HOUSE - DAY Alex sits alone in his dimly lit room, haunted by the consequences of his actions. He whispers to himself, regret filling his voice. ALEX She might not forgive me for this day. He shouts in frustration, unable to comprehend the weight of his choices. ALEX Damn it. Why me! Evelina, hearing his voice, stops crying and responds. EVELINA (OFFSCREEN) Alex. She whispers, her voice a mixture of shock and relief. Not entirely convinced, Evelina sprints towards the sound, running through a flower field and standing by the river. EVELINA Alex! She shouts at the top of her voice, wiping away tears, eager to find him. DAYS LATER Alex, now back home, searches the internet with fading hope of seeing Evelina again. He curses when he stumbles upon an article by Carolinadeivid. ALEX Damn it. I can’t believe crying could eat out love, especially if she finds out that I faked my death. Before he can dwell on his thoughts, a news bulletin interrupts him, revealing the dangerous turn of events. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) A reward has been offered for the information of the whereabouts of one Alex, believed to be armed and dangerous. The authorities believe that he is holding a hostage by the name of Evelina. He is believed to be dangerous and must not be approached. Anyone with information about his whereabouts should contact the authorities. Alex freezes, a cloud of gloom and fear enveloping him. The news sends him into deep sadness and worry for Evelina. ALEX If she was dead, how can they say I am holding her as a hostage? He has a flashback of his father, recalling the old days with Evelina. ALEX My love for you is forever. FADE OUT. INT. ALEX'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex, emotionally shattered, retreats to the basement. He unlocks a cube box, revealing cherished memories. Carrying the box to his bedroom, he encounters a photo of Evelina and himself. Overwhelmed with grief, he kisses the photo frame, placing it against his heart. NEXT MORNING Alex awakens, realizing he slept fully dressed. A brief smile appears as he sees the photo frame on the bed. He kisses Evelina in the photo, expressing his longing. ALEX I miss you so much. I wish I could just cuddle you right now. Is that asking too much? Why does everything have to be this hard, my love? But don’t worry, I have a plan. A plan that will put us together forever. He whispers, hugging the photo frame. FLASHBACK TO ALEX AND HIS FATHER - DAY Alex, haunted by memories, squints at a bottle of whiskey. He moves to the cube box, triggering a flashback of his father. ALEX I wish you were here, for I need you more than ever. He sobbingly addresses his father's picture. ALEX I want you to tell me what to do. I love her loads. Father? He lifts a picture of his father carrying him. ALEX If you were here today, what would you advise? I am so lost. I am scared, but honestly, Evelina has been on my mind ever since. I don’t know if I can forget about her. I thought since they were after me, they could leave her alone, but now I don’t know. His heart pounds with uncertainty. ALEX If they were after me, they could have come for me by now, isn't that correct? He lifts his father’s shirt, triggering vivid flashbacks of the day he died. BEGINNING OF THE FLASHBACK INT. ALEX'S CHILDHOOD HOME - DAY Young Alex witnesses the tragic events leading to his father's death. FADE OUT INT. ALEX'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex is haunted by the words of his father. He reminisces about the heartfelt advice that has become his guiding light. Filled with determination, he retrieves a photo of Evelina, folding it and placing it in his pocket. INT. ALEX'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex flips the curtain and heads to the cube box. He discovers his father's gun and checks for bullet cartridges underneath the clothes. Seated on the bed, he takes out a photo of himself and Evelina. ALEX I am re-pledging my love for you. Leaving you was a mistake. My love for you is forever. I pledge never to leave you. He records a heartfelt message on his phone, expressing his commitment to find Evelina. ALEX (CONT'D) This time, love you forever. No force will stand in the way. No one will ever separate us again. He plays back the message, slumping on the bed, overcome with emotion. LATER THAT DAY Alex, armed with his father's gun and a few personal items, makes a solemn pledge to himself. ALEX This time it is forever. I will love you until I die and will never leave you. He takes his sister's car, speeding off into the unknown, driven by the determination to find Evelina. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY With a gun on his belt, Alex embarks on a journey, fueled by love and a promise. He is ready to confront any challenge that stands between him and the woman he loves. FADE OUT. INT. CITY HOTEL - LOBBY - DAY Marson sits in his office, engrossed in his work, when the phone rings. He answers promptly. MARSON Marson speaking! CALLER I have a gentleman here who insists on seeing the President urgently. His name is Alex. MARSON The wanted Alex? CALLER Yes, Sir. Marson is taken aback, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. MARSON What does he want from the President? CALLER He mentioned his girlfriend, Evelina. MARSON The wanted Evelina? CALLER Yes, Sir. Marson weighs his options carefully. MARSON Send him away for now. Track him discreetly. We need to know where Evelina is. Keep me updated. The line goes silent. Alex exits the office, bewildered by the revelation. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Alex contemplates the unfolding situation. The realization hits him that Evelina might be the real target. Concerned and confused, he changes his phone's SIM card, alert to the possibility of being tracked. INT. ALEX'S HIDING SPOT - DAY Pacing nervously, Alex anxiously awaits a parked car. When it arrives, he cautiously approaches, opening the back door. ALEX (whispering) Who are you? MAN IN CAR I work for the hotel. Will you? Suspicious but compelled, the man in the car steps out. MAN IN CAR (CONT'D) Where are the guards? I have specific requests. ALEX I handle all your requirements. Follow me. They enter the hotel, leaving Alex to vanish into the surroundings. EXT. HOTEL PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS One of the bodyguards senses Alex's presence and investigates, but he quickly disappears. INT. CITY HOTEL - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS The mysterious man continues inside, unaware that Alex is silently observing from the shadows. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - LATER The President, surrounded by his bodyguards, answers a call, visibly frustrated. PRESIDENT What I don’t seem to understand is that with all these men I have, why can’t they find this lady, Evelina? He curses and slams the phone down, then heads towards the bathrooms. Two bodyguards follow closely. PRESIDENT You should be looking for this lady as well rather than following me everywhere. BODYGUARD 1 Mr. President, your safety comes first. PRESIDENT But what does it matter if I have to lose everything? In the bathroom, the President hears a sound and becomes suspicious. He checks under the cubicle doors but finds no one. He proceeds to use the facilities, unaware of Alex's presence. EXT. CITY HOTEL - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Alex, hidden in the bathroom, points a gun at the President as he exits the cubicle. ALEX Leave the water running. When they come in, you'll be dead. PRESIDENT How did you get in here? Aren't you the one who opened the SUV's door for me? ALEX I'm Alex. The-wanted-Alex. Why did you put out a manhunt for me? PRESIDENT You killed my men and kidnapped Evelina. Alex shows a photo of him and Evelina. ALEX Hardly a kidnap. She freely kissed me. Meet my true love, Evelina. No one, not even you, can stop me from loving her. ALEX (CONT'D) Why did you put a manhunt appeal for me? PRESIDENT You want the truth? I'll declare on national television that you're innocent and call off the manhunt for Evelina. Alex, shaky and upset, points the gun at the President. ALEX The stakes are high, and the risks raised as well. Your life is hanging by a thread. The man with the gun has the big gold balls. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - LATER The President, surrounded by his bodyguards, answers a call, visibly frustrated. PRESIDENT What I don’t seem to understand is that with all these men I have, why can’t they find this lady, Evelina? He curses and slams the phone down, then heads towards the bathrooms. Two bodyguards follow closely. PRESIDENT You should be looking for this lady as well rather than following me everywhere. BODYGUARD 1 Mr. President, your safety comes first. PRESIDENT But what does it matter if I have to lose everything? In the bathroom, the President hears a sound and becomes suspicious. He checks under the cubicle doors but finds no one. He proceeds to use the facilities, unaware of Alex's presence. EXT. CITY HOTEL - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Alex, hidden in the bathroom, points a gun at the President as he exits the cubicle. ALEX Leave the water running. When they come in, you'll be dead. PRESIDENT How did you get in here? Aren't you the one who opened the SUV's door for me? ALEX I'm Alex. The-wanted-Alex. Why did you put out a manhunt for me? PRESIDENT You killed my men and kidnapped Evelina. Alex shows a photo of him and Evelina. ALEX Hardly a kidnap. She freely kissed me. Meet my true love, Evelina. No one, not even you, can stop me from loving her. ALEX (CONT'D) Why did you put a manhunt appeal for me? PRESIDENT You want the truth? I'll declare on national television that you're innocent and call off the manhunt for Evelina. Alex, shaky and upset, points the gun at the President. ALEX The stakes are high, and the risks raised as well. Your life is hanging by a thread. The man with the gun has the big gold balls. FADE OUT. INT. CITY HOTEL - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex, angered and holding the gun, faces the President who seems startled and vulnerable. ALEX Trust me, I can feel how heavy they are, and I don’t think I can hold the gun for a long time, so don’t waste my time. The President, for the first time, feels like a victim, powerless and at the mercy of Alex's unpredictable actions. Alex aims the gun straight at the President's heart. PRESIDENT You know, son, it doesn't work that way. His hand covers his heart instinctively. Alex considers the risk he's taking, realizing that he's playing a dangerous game. ALEX So, you left me with no option but to blast you right here. I am not afraid to die. Your men could have killed me by now at the Devil’s Eye Island on Evelina’s birthday. The President, trying to stall and buy time, stretches his hand to close the tap water. Alex, maintaining focus, stops him. ALEX Nope. I wouldn’t do that. PRESIDENT Listen to me. The President, with a sudden change in tone, asserts his authority, surprising Alex. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) If I am not out there in five minutes, my men are going to open that door, and it won’t be good for you. Let me go now. There is nothing I can do for you. Alex starts shaking with rage. ALEX You bastard! PRESIDENT I beg your pardon. Do you know who you are talking to? ALEX Some damn asshole who killed my father. Now who is after me and my love? The President looks shocked. PRESIDENT Your father? Whom did you say? He pauses, realizing the connection. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) Alex Smith? As in Silas Smith? ALEX So, you knew my father? PRESIDENT Just like your father, you will never get it. The system can’t be changed. We will change you instead, and that can only mean one thing: your death. A universal language that all can understand. ALEX But I have nothing to do with the bloody system neither is Evelina. Still, you want to kill us. Why? PRESIDENT You killed my special servicemen. I can’t pardon you if that’s what you're asking. ALEX You bastard. Damn right. You know we did not kill anyone. Now I know what you are after. After you mentioned my father by his name, it hit me. You are a member of the Devil’s Eye Cult. The President is left shocked and fearful by those words. His face flushes with rage and embarrassment, his heart pounding fast. PRESIDENT I don’t know what you are talking about. FADE OUT. INT. CITY HOTEL - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex, angered and holding the gun, faces the President who seems startled and vulnerable. ALEX Trust me, I can feel how heavy they are, and I don’t think I can hold the gun for a long time, so don’t waste my time. The President, for the first time, feels like a victim, powerless and at the mercy of Alex's unpredictable actions. Alex aims the gun straight at the President's heart. PRESIDENT You know, son, it doesn't work that way. His hand covers his heart instinctively. Alex considers the risk he's taking, realizing that he's playing a dangerous game. ALEX So, you left me with no option but to blast you right here. I am not afraid to die. Your men could have killed me by now at the Devil’s Eye Island on Evelina’s birthday. The President, trying to stall and buy time, stretches his hand to close the tap water. Alex, maintaining focus, stops him. ALEX Nope. I wouldn’t do that. PRESIDENT Listen to me. The President, with a sudden change in tone, asserts his authority, surprising Alex. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) If I am not out there in five minutes, my men are going to open that door, and it won’t be good for you. Let me go now. There is nothing I can do for you. Alex starts shaking with rage. ALEX You bastard! INT. CITY HOTEL - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex confronts the President, revealing shocking truths. ALEX The real reason you killed my father is that he was going to expose everyone on the Devil’s Eye Cult’s list as devil worshippers. Your name was the second one from the top, second only after that of the cult leader, Hudson. Thundering, Alex sobs silently as he continues. PRESIDENT Where is the list? Don’t play with fire, my son. Learn from your father’s mistakes. I wouldn’t go down that road of exposing that list again! The President, realizing the gravity of Alex's accusations, tries to justify his actions. ALEX That's not all. The fact that you want Evelina makes sense. This is not about the dead servicemen because we both know none died. It's about sacrificing Evelina. The real reason you sent your men after her. But why? Alex, filled with rage, confronts the President about his hidden agenda. ALEX It’s about your nephew, right? The President, haunted, denies the existence of a nephew. PRESIDENT I don’t have a nephew. ALEX Don’t bloody lie to me! With the truth exposed, Alex aims the gun, making the President vulnerable. ALEX (CONT'D) Okay, don’t shoot. We can talk this through. The President, realizing the danger, tries to negotiate. Alex hides in a cubicle as the door opens, and a guard questions the President. GUARD What is taking you too long? The President buys Alex time, convincing the guard to leave. PRESIDENT I won’t be long. I am coming out. As the door closes, the President assures Alex. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) If I hear anything about Evelina, I will send my men to find you and tell you. So, let me go. Alex, conflicted, lowers the gun as the President exits. Alone, Alex reflects in front of the mirrors. ALEX I want this second chance to prove my love for you forever. I want to win your heart again, heal the distraught I caused you. I need this chance, Evelina. FADE OUT. INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT Alex awakens to find himself restrained in a dimly lit room, two guards standing watch. He attempts to reach for his gun, but a sudden blow to his head renders him unconscious again. CUT TO: EXT. MILES AWAY - HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Sadie, a high-ranking official, explains a global crisis to Marson. SADIE (looking concerned) Yes, Sir. Empathy laws. MARSON (confused) But this has been going on since the beginning of time. What has changed today? Sadie elaborates on the severity of the situation, emphasizing the need for accountability. SADIE This is the main issue. They are saying that unless those who are obviously guilty and are still torturing people, carrying out genocide, and inciting violence are brought to justice, the whole world will retaliate with lethal digital weapons. Marson questions the legitimacy of the threat. MARSON It can’t be serious. SADIE They cite the presence of EB as a threat to future peace. If we keep defending those who keep killing, others will respond in kind. This is the main concern expressed by Tomorrow’s World Order. Marson considers the consequences. MARSON Are you saying that the current pandemic is a man-made response to our gatekeeping strategy? Sadie discloses a shocking revelation. SADIE They claim that we have armed everyone, even kids, using them as remotely operated attacking weapons. Loaded with digital attacking gear. MARSON (skeptical) How would they know that? SADIE Technology favors no one. They obtained footage showing human hacking, undermining our defense. Sadie reveals the impact on legal proceedings and compensation claims. SADIE (CONT'D) The courts now have undeniable evidence. Torture and abuse cases are being upheld, and compensation claims could bankrupt us. MARSON (alarmed) How did this happen? SADIE Gatekeepers went too far, causing visible harm to humans. The pandemic is seen as a direct response to our digital weapons. Marson downplays the severity of the situation. MARSON Still, that can’t be serious enough. We have men willing to die for the regime. A video displays a man attacking fiercely. SADIE (serious) One man went too far, but it’s something we can control. Sadie mentions the genocide and crimes against humanity cases. SADIE (CONT'D) They've launched genocide and crimes against humanity cases. We need to address this, Sir. MARSON (laughing) Genocide? We're protecting our people! Sadie explains the argument against digital watermarks. SADIE They argue that digital watermarks are destroying people, making them hostile to normal humans. MARSON (furious) Damn it! If I get my hands on that bastard, I will strangle him! FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Sadie confronts Marson about the escalating crisis, urging him to consider a different approach. SADIE (looking at the man training) He could be our only answer. Let him go on a quest. Let him fulfill his quest and hunt T.W.O leaders. Marson, realizing the gravity of the situation, contemplates the unfolding events. MARSON (pondering) The ball could easily slip from our hands. New things are on the cards every day, and the stakes are high. There's a moment of silence as Marson reflects on the perceived fears and the changing dynamics. MARSON (CONT'D) Are the fears perceived and therefore remote or for real? Sadie, providing insights, emphasizes the shift from remote fears to harsh realities due to continued killings. SADIE I read the case. Their fears were remote, but as the killings continued, the perceived fears have become real. The break-even point has been reached. The fears are that most will now resort to deadly digital pathogens in retaliation. Marson, concerned about the origins of the pandemics, questions the natural occurrence. MARSON Who made these pandemics causing pathogens? My team concluded that this is natural. Sadie challenges the notion of what is considered real in a world where everyone is digitized. SADIE Real to whom? Where everyone has been digitalized, who can tell if it is real or not? Marson, contemplating a resolution, suggests arranging a conference. MARSON (CONT'D) Maybe you arrange a conference. Sadie unveils the fears surrounding the pandemic, alleging that it might be designed to wipe out the digitized population. SADIE The greatest fears are that this pandemic is designed to wipe all our people who are digitized as they are attacking others. Marson, outraged at the suggestion of genocide, vows to protect his people. MARSON Talking about genocide. Who has the right to tell us what we can and cannot do? I will obliterate everyone if they touch my people! Sadie reveals alarming details about the rising death toll and its specific impact on the digitized population. SADIE The death toll is rising, and the figures suggest that all the old generation and our gatekeepers are dying. It can't be a coincidence. We are the targets. Marson, feeling the weight of the information, expresses fear for the first time. MARSON They have attached the pandemic to all digital values of our people. They claim we are a threat to humanity's existence. Marson's frustration escalates as he hurls a coffee mug against the wall. MARSON (CONT'D) They are a threat to us! How can we be a threat to anyone? We never invaded their territory; it's them coming to ours! FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson reacts strongly to Sadie's revelation about the accusations against their regime and the potential threat of human extinction. MARSON (outraged) We started the war, but now they accuse us of crimes against humanity and threaten human extinction. The digital watermarks we load our people with might kill them. There's a high probability of extinction. (Marson orders the summoning of the EB and addresses Brianna, a trained warrior.) MARSON (CONT'D) Summon the EB! Brianna, you're ready. You might not come back if he's alive. BRIANNA (with determination) I promise to take him down! (Marson reminisces about his ambitions and shares advice with Brianna.) MARSON I was like you at your age. Clear the path to victory and success. Today, you're on a quest to end this. I didn't know the odds were against us. I can deal with the courts myself! (Brianna reassures Marson of her commitment.) BRIANNA I will fulfill my quest, sir! (Marson turns to Sadie for more information on the legal accusations.) MARSON Go on? (Sadie explains the court's argument about the gatekeepers copying Marson's actions.) SADIE The courts accuse the gatekeepers of copying your killings, arguing you guide and mentor them under your authority. (Marson questions the absurdity of teaching others to self-destruct.) MARSON (CONT'D) How can I teach them to get killed? Who would do that? (Sadie explains the court's perspective on Marson guiding the gatekeepers.) SADIE The courts argue that you're guiding and mentoring them under your authority. (Marson expresses disbelief.) MARSON To their deaths, and they listen? CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Meanwhile, in the city, Wilson, a resident in an apartment, surprises his roommate with an unconventional choice. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY WILSON, fully nude, walks around casually. ROOMMATE (startled) Jesus! I thought you know we share this flat? WILSON (laughing) Last time I checked, I am sure you stripped too. I am just checking what it feels like. ROOMMATE (exasperated) I don't want to bring a friend and let her see you dangling things. Why can't you be like others and wear boxers? WILSON (teasing) Why are you so early at home, anyway? I thought you didn't finish until five in the afternoon. ROOMMATE (irritated) The hall has been assigned to other functions. WILSON (curious) What could be more interesting than nude artwork? ROOMMATE (sighing) Some guy talking about Tomorrow's World Order. She hands Wilson a leaflet. WILSON (reads the leaflet) Who is the lady? FADE OUT. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Lyla questions Wilson's interest in a woman's picture, and he tries to justify his reaction. LYLA Why should I care? WILSON (smiling) Maybe just jealous that she is prettier than you. LYLA (dismissive) Oh please, where are your clothes? I can see things rising. How can a picture of a woman’s face get your thing up? Or? Are you picturing me naked? Oh my God! That is so gross. WILSON (teasing) If that was that bad, surely you could be shouting in your bedroom. The fact that you are still here means something else. LYLA (irritated) Damn it. Don’t try to justify a wrong. I take clothes off as art. Nothing to be embarrassed by that. But just imagine, supposed I had things that rise and lift that in the middle of-the-art session. That will be wrong. Just like you are doing right now? Wilson reacts by turning the leaflet, covering the backside with the leaders of Tomorrow’s World Order. Surprised, Lyla notices a change in Wilson's state. LYLA (CONT'D) I must confess I did not check. These are the leaders of Tomorrow’s World Order? Wilson quickly researches Tomorrow’s World Order. WILSON (System change?) LYLA (Is that what they stand for?) WILSON (teasing) It's like campaigning to change your genitals. Why can’t you be happy with what you got? This political correctness has gone out of the window. Lyla reads the article and expresses her support for the idea of system change. LYLA It sounds like a good idea. If it’s the cause of the problems in the world, why not change it? She hands the leaflet to Wilson, who looks at it. Lyla playfully glances at Wilson's groin. WILSON Huh! I got you? Checking and all that! LYLA (smiling) So, it was not the picture of that lady. Yak, I can’t believe you fantasize about me. WILSON (teasing) It is natural. You see someone nude, it might trigger a response, but it depends as well. Last week at work, this woman stripped nude in her office and invited me. WILSON (explaining) No. I was like, what the hell? Put on your clothes! LYLA (reacting) Really? WILSON (smiling) It is like that. That thing called attraction is a tricky thing, you know? There are some people that when you see even just her hand, you feel like... you know? I think beautiful women get me turned on whether they have clothes or not. Having seen this woman, I think if I come face to face with her, I will fall in love. Lyla is taken aback by Wilson's unexpected confession. LYLA (shocked) You reckon she is prettier than me? FADE OUT. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Wilson expresses his admiration for the woman in the leaflet and contemplates going on a quest to find her. Lyla, touched by his words, sheds tears. WILSON (smiling) She is beautiful. I think if you find someone like her surely, why would you look for another woman? She is that type that when you see her, she reminds you of all the women you know and instantly also reminds you that there is none better than her. Lyla becomes emotional. LYLA (teary-eyed) That is so sweet. I wish someone could feel the same way about me. It was so touching. I have never seen you so serious. I thought you were going to ask me to take off my clothes. WILSON (smiling) You know what? I think I will go on a quest. Find this woman. Then make her mine. My better half. My true love. Someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with. She is gorgeous. LYLA (skeptical) She is a global leader? What can she see in you? Maybe the other two leaders have eyes on her. How can you get near her? WILSON (teasing) I can change from being a nude artwork artist. Lyla interrupts, surprised. LYLA (shocked) Are you a nude artwork artist? WILSON (casual) Same building, upper floor? LYLA (realizing) So, it was you? WILSON (defensive) What do you mean? LYLA (smiling) One day in the middle of the session, the artist asked me to go and get something from the fifth floor. So, I asked him if there were people upstairs. He looked at his watch and said they had already gone. So nude, I sprinted the stairs, and when I passed the fourth floor, I noticed the door was slightly open. Somehow, I saw a nude male pacing from one side to the other. Curiosity got to me, so I walked stealthily to the door, and I was about to peep in to see what it was when the lift door suddenly opened. A man standing in the lift looked at me, and guess what he asked me? Wilson shrugs, curious. WILSON (smiling) Are you looking for me? FADE OUT. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Lyla and Wilson continue their conversation. LYLA I felt embarrassed that I ran upstairs to the stairs. Got what I went to collect and pulled the curtain down and wrapped it around me. WILSON (smiling) I remembered that day. The woman had an appointment and rescheduled for noon. LYLA Just strange you told me you were a model. WILSON Of course. (Wilson stands up and walks like a model) I will quickly get my boxers. Not sure why my boy is so excited today? Wilson quickly dashes to the bedroom and comes back in boxers, standing at the door. WILSON This is the only day I hadn’t stripped nude for the past three weeks. I might as well stripe for you. But it’s just art. Give him a reason for getting excited. LYLA (smiling) I am still going on my quest to find the woman of my dreams. I think this is the challenging but exciting part that I hardly know her yet I long for her. To make the challenge interesting. She has more power than me. Probably richer too but still, even those two powerful leaders won’t put me off in my quest. What are the chances of them getting involved also personally? That leaves her available but not for long. Lyla feels jealous and curses Wilson. LYLA Damn it. If you don’t appreciate me, I will go. (Grabbing her clothes) What did I do or say wrong? Wilson stands outside her door. WILSON Sorry, I was just saying after we finished talking, I will go away for some time. I know you are beautiful and hot. Come out; let me see you again! Lyla opens the door. LYLA Really? WILSON Of course, the most beautiful and hottest of all. LATER LYLA How come you ended up doing artwork modeling? WILSON I was chubby as a kid and never appreciated my body. Now that I am slim, I find myself unashamed that I can walk to the city nude. LYLA Guess what I found out? WILSON (smiling) They are recruiting for assassins? LYLA (laughing) That would be hilarious. If seeing a nude person would kill? Please, Wilson. WILSON (teasing) I can go for training. I think this is not a profession for men. I should be killing people and getting laid by the woman I will love for the rest of my life. Lyla throws a couch cushion at Wilson. FADE OUT. INT. HIGHLY PROTECTED BUILDING - DAY A convoy of SUVs arrives outside a highly protected building in the city. Men in suits and military uniforms get out, securing the place. An old man, using a walking stick and breathing hard, steps out of one of the SUVs. The men quickly open the door for him as he stands outside, surveying the surroundings. ELDER (looking around) Things haven’t changed since the last time I came here. MAN (smiling) Things don’t change, but people change. ELDER I was a young man then. Full of hopes and dreams. But at least I can’t complain. (sighs) They walk toward the huge doors and enter inside. Hudson, a figure of authority, stands at the window, noticing their arrival. The elder and the man approach him. HUDSON (smiling) Elder, what can I do for you? It's been a long time. What brings you here? ELDER (ignores the question) What a beautiful, well-decorated office you got. HUDSON (smiling) Thank you. But surely you didn’t come all the way here just to compliment that? ELDER (sighs) Something happened that is of great concern to us. Hudson sits down, leaning forward, ready to listen. HUDSON I'm listening. The elder wears a sad face, taking his time to speak. ELDER The Gatekeeper was murdered. Hudson looks relaxed, sitting back on a comfortable sofa. HUDSON I heard. I thought something else happened. This is just a formal announcement, right? ELDER (slowly) It came to light that the safe was broken into. HUDSON (smiling) So, money was the motive for them. How much did they take? The elder leans forward, breathing hard, and drops a bombshell. ELDER No money was stolen. The gold, diamonds, and all bond certificates are still there. Nothing was stolen. HUDSON (confused) I don’t get it. ELDER (whispering) The list is gone. HUDSON (disbelief) What list are we talking about? ELDER With all the names. Names of all current members. HUDSON (confused) What can they possibly do with the list? ELDER This list is critical to the survival of the organization. The last time it happened, everyone on that list was murdered. The gold scriptures were stolen, lost until discovered years later. Hudson gets up, realizing the gravity of the situation. HUDSON We are under attack? ELDER That’s why they appointed you, and everyone else, to prevent that from happening again. HUDSON (desperate) Who could be behind this? ELDER (serious) Someone determined to bury us and everything we stand for. HUDSON (alarmed) Who can be that person? ELDER That is the question of the century. Not only should we find out fast, but we must protect everyone on that list as well. Or we are all finished. They exchange worried glances as the threat to their organization looms large. Title: "The List of Light" FADE IN: INT. HIGHLY PROTECTED BUILDING - DAY Tension fills the room as Hudson, the elder, and the man exchange uneasy glances. The President enters, unaware of the gravity of the situation. HUDSON (standing) Mr. President, it's a matter of utmost urgency. Please, have a seat. The President, sensing the seriousness, takes a seat. PRESIDENT What's going on? Why the serious faces? Hudson glances at the elder, signaling him to proceed. HUDSON Sir, we have received distressing news. The Gatekeeper has been murdered, and the list— The President interrupts, looking puzzled. PRESIDENT What list? What are you talking about? Hudson exchanges a worried look with the elder before continuing. HUDSON The list containing the names of all current members, including yours and mine. The President's expression changes from confusion to concern. PRESIDENT Why would anyone want that list? What's the significance? The elder, struggling with his breathing, chimes in. ELDER The list is essential for our survival. The last time it was stolen, the kingdom of darkness was obliterated, and the seats and hours were lost. Now, with the list gone again, we face the imminent threat of a similar catastrophe. The President leans back, absorbing the gravity of the situation. PRESIDENT Who would dare to target us in such a way? The elder glances at Hudson before uttering a name that sends shivers down their spines. ELDER The son of man, or some call him the sun of man. The President's eyes widen in shock. PRESIDENT Are you suggesting... the second coming? The elder nods solemnly. ELDER The belief is that Christ, in human form, will rise again to destroy the kingdom of darkness and restore the kingdom of those who are good. Hudson, feeling the weight of responsibility, speaks softly. HUDSON They plan to kill everyone on the list during the forty-eight hours of darkness. It's the first step in declaring the restoration of the kingdom. The room falls silent as the President processes this information. The elder breaks the silence. ELDER Your name is on that list, Mr. President. You're the first target. A profound silence envelops the room as the President absorbs the shocking revelation. CUT TO: Title: "DARK ALLIANCE" FADE IN: EXT. A DARK ALLEY - NIGHT Hudson, a young man, walks down a dark alley, pondering the importance of the mysterious list. Suddenly, two men in black suits approach. MAN 1 This was protected. The organization's survival depends on it! HUDSON Can it be that important? Who could be behind this? MAN 2 Critical. The last time this happened, the organization was nearly destroyed. Everyone on the list was murdered, and the gold scriptures were stolen. The ELDER appears. ELDER We are under attack. MAN 1 Appointed to prevent history from repeating. Someone determined to bury us and everything we stand for. ELDER We must find out fast and protect everyone on that list. Or we are all finished. HUDSON Who could be behind this? MAN 2 Someone with the power to obliterate us. ELDER The son of man or the sun of man, they say. HUDSON The second coming? ELDER A belief that Christ, in human form, will rise again to destroy the kingdom of darkness. HUDSON The end of days? ELDER Only the son of man or God himself can bring it. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Landon confronts Gavin about their relationship. LANDON You're not serious about us. GAVIN I have a lot on my mind. LANDON What is it? GAVIN Let's keep walking. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - WEEKS LATER Gavin, denied a loan, confronts the BANK MANAGER. GAVIN There must be a mistake. BANK MANAGER The key has been used already. GAVIN He's playing dirty games. LANDON Written off. We have to wait for three months. Gavin accuses the BANK MANAGER in the corridor. GAVIN He's a dirty crook. The crowd listens. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GAVIN’S HOUSE - LATER Gavin is pacing in his house. GAVIN (to himself) Who else could have access to the key? Uncle Nathaniel parks his car outside the house. He walks to the window and looks. He thinks for a while. The door instantly opens up. UNCLE NATHANIEL What seemed to be the matter, why drag me so late? Gavin twitches with rage, like a dog about to bite. GAVIN I am a father who lost a daughter. I had all my life planned. Now even the bank won’t look at me in the face. They pushed me away like a dog. I feel hurt. Uncle Nathaniel looks worried too as he looks down. UNCLE NATHANIEL I know what you are going through, my brother-in-law. FADE OUT. Title: "BLOOD TIES" FADE IN: EXT. DARK ALLEY - NIGHT Gavin confronts Uncle Nathaniel, holding a gun. UNCLE NATHANIEL Easy, brother-in-law. Let’s talk. GAVIN Did you kill my wife? Where's my daughter? Where did you get the money? UNCLE NATHANIEL Put that away. Let’s talk. GAVIN Did you kill my wife? UNCLE NATHANIEL No, she killed herself. Gavin grows furious. GAVIN The money! Where did you get it? Did you use my daughter to get a loan? One. Gavin points the gun, counting. UNCLE NATHANIEL Yes, I didn't mean to. GAVIN Yes, to what? Did you kill my wife? UNCLE NATHANIEL No. GAVIN Did you kill my daughter? UNCLE NATHANIEL No! GAVIN Did you use my daughter to get a loan? Uncle Nathaniel breaks down, confessing. UNCLE NATHANIEL You don’t know what I was going through. My wife was dying, and I couldn't save her. Gavin, still furious, listens. GAVIN I heard you were sitting on money. UNCLE NATHANIEL After selling my house and still no improvement, I took your daughter to the bank. The manager saw her touch a golden book, and he asked how much I wanted. Gavin looks confused. UNCLE NATHANIEL (CONT’D) He offered the money without hesitation. FADE OUT. Title: "LOCKED LOVE" FADE IN: EXT. BRIDGE - DAY A man stands on a bridge, tense, as a big white bird aims straight at him. He braces himself. MAN (whispering) You’re bluffing. The bird flies like a bullet. The man steps back, assessing his escape route. His heart pounds. MAN (CONT’D) You can’t take this from me. My love for her is forever. The bird approaches, making threatening sounds. The man tightens his grip on a padlock in his hand. MAN (CONT’D) Come on. He stands his ground, locking eyes with the bird seconds before impact. Sweat forms in his hand. He smiles and braces for impact. MAN (CONT’D) (whispering) Come on. In a daring move, he suddenly ducks. Simultaneously, the bird diverts and soars back into the sky. MAN (CONT’D) Yes! He opens his hand, revealing the opened padlock with a golden key inside. The bird hovers above. The man smiles in disbelief. FADE OUT. Title: "LOVE'S RESILIENCE" FADE IN: EXT. BRIDGE - DAY A man stands on a bridge, holding a red-heart-shaped padlock. Bird noises startle him, and he instinctively closes his hand, looking up. A bird jets down straight at him. He pretends to throw the padlock, and the bird flies high up, disappearing. MAN (whispering) You can't steal this from us. It's forever. ForEve! He checks for the bird, which has disappeared. He opens his hand, revealing the red-heart-shaped padlock. The man climbs the bridge's rails, reaching over to lock the padlock on the hanging side rail, retrieving a small golden key. He smiles and climbs down, revealing the gold key. MAN (CONT'D) Our love bridges two hearts into one. Forever. He looks up at the flower gardens around the bridge, smiles, and closes his eyes. The man grips the golden key tightly, throws it down the river, feeling a rush of wind. He sees the bird flying after the key. MAN (CONT’D) (whispering) This bird must be starving or playing games. He leans over the bridge, watching the bird fly down. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A confident David enters, muscles accentuated in his suit. He heads backstage, admiring himself in the mirror. DAVID I feel brilliant. I want to sweep the world off its feet. FRIEND Your day, man. Go shine! DAVID I'm on top of the world! David preens in the mirror, dancing with excitement. DAVID (CONT'D) I have a plan to change history, make everyone rich, and lead the world. FRIEND Making you the greatest? DAVID What's wrong with that if it makes everyone richer? David enters the stage to thunderous applause, reveling in the cheers. DAVID (CONT'D) Thank you! It's a pleasure being in your presence! The crowd's cheers drown his attempts to speak. FADE OUT. Title: "Shattered Trust" FADE IN: INT. CITY STREET - DAY A man confronts a woman, accusing her of murder. MAN Tell me how did you kill her! WOMAN I didn’t kill anyone. What are you talking about? MAN Don’t play dumb! I know you did it! As the tension rises, the man reveals a backstory of financial struggles, court battles, and threats. WOMAN I don’t see how that’s relevant. MAN You had an argument with my wife. Tell me the truth, or I'll blow your head off! WOMAN I don’t know what you’re talking about. MAN They threatened my family. So, I told her I’d reveal the truth. WOMAN I don’t know what you’re talking about. The man accuses her of killing his wife and daughter. WOMAN It was a mistake. She fell, hit her head. She drowned in the tub. I have nothing left. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. BATHROOM - DAY Uncle Nathaniel sits next to Gavin's dead wife. He explains the tragic accident, Gavin's daughter's reaction, and the aftermath. UNCLE NATHANIEL I didn’t know what to do. Your daughter saw her, screamed, and ran away. Gavin, grief-stricken, points a gun at Uncle Nathaniel. GAVIN The doctor's name! UNCLE NATHANIEL Doctor Chausse! FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE - DAY Detective Alyssa parks her car and gets out. INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE - DAY Detective Primrose shows Detective Alyssa the doctor’s mutilated body. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE Detective, you must see this. The doctor has been cut into small pieces. I don’t think you have ever seen anything like this before. DETECTIVE ALYSSA This is not just killing. It’s inhumane torture. It seems whoever did this was trying to extract some information from him. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE That is so gruesome. All the fingers sawn off. The hands and legs all cut off when he was still alive. Detective Primrose, a very tall and slim woman, looks at Detective Alyssa. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE I guess the doctor had so many enemies, but to me, one who stood out is this one. She hands a file to Detective Alyssa. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Nathaniel Tiptons! They lock eyes. DETECTIVE ALYSSA What do we know about him? DETECTIVE PRIMROSE Tried to shoot the doctor for putting him in debt after the loss of his wife. Misrepresentation and inflating the cost. FADE OUT. Title: "Vengeance Unleashed" FADE IN: INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Alyssa connects the dots between Mr. Gavin, Mr. Nathaniel Tiptons, the dead doctor, and the murdered Gatekeeper. DETECTIVE What if they are related, and Mr. Gavin was denied the loan? DETECTIVE 2 So, does that mean the killer of the doctor is the same killer for the Gatekeeper? FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GAVIN’S BEDROOM - DAY Gavin, overwhelmed with grief, speaks to his deceased wife and missing daughter. GAVIN I made him pay. Trust me, it was not all in vain. I made this world a better place. He vows to avenge his family. GAVIN I will finish his kids too. They all must feel what they have put us through. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GAVIN’S HOUSE - DAY Detectives Alyssa and Primrose interrogate Gavin, suspecting him in the deaths. GAVIN He stole money from me. Got you in debt. He murdered my wife! Gavin, angered, blames the doctor for the tragedy and vows revenge. GAVIN I can’t go on knowing that you hid that from me. Detective Alyssa and Primrose try to reason with him. DETECTIVE ALYSSA You can’t take the law into your own hands. GAVIN It’s funny hearing that from you! FADE OUT. Title: "Web of Deceit" FADE IN: INT. DETECTIVES’ OFFICE - DAY Detectives Primrose and Alyssa discover a pattern in the disappearances of girls related to loan write-offs. They decide to investigate further. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE Gavin could have told us more about these loans. Nathaniel took the easy way out. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Let’s find out where they went missing and see if there is a pattern. The detectives embark on an intense investigation, uncovering connections between the bank, loan write-offs, and the mysterious deaths. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE There's more to this than meets the eye. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We need to look at the bank as a whole. What if there's a hidden agenda behind these loans? FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Detectives Alyssa and Primrose visit Mr. Gavin in the hospital, suspecting a deeper involvement. Gavin, recovering from an attempt on his life, is uncooperative. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We would like to ask you a few questions! MR. GAVIN Leave me alone. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE You owe us for saving your life. You're lucky to be alive. They confront Mr. Gavin with a shocking revelation. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE You mean you are better off dead. Right? Detective Alyssa places a gun in Gavin's hand, escalating the tension. FADE OUT. INT. GRAND AUDITORIUM - NIGHT The grand auditorium is now illuminated by a dazzling display of lights. David continues to captivate the audience with his vision. DAVID (passionate) Now, my friends, action is the catalyst for change! It's not enough to dream; we must act. Our plan involves creating a network of thinkers, innovators, and leaders dedicated to our cause. The crowd, fully immersed, nods in agreement. DAVID (CONT'D) We'll establish educational programs worldwide, empowering minds to think critically and act compassionately. Through technology, we'll connect every corner of the globe, erasing borders that divide us. The audience cheers, inspired by the ambitious plan. DAVID (CONT'D) But here's where you come in! Each one of you is a beacon of potential. Embrace your role in shaping this destiny. Spread the message, inspire change, and be the driving force behind a revolution of thought and action. A ripple of excitement sweeps through the crowd. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND FACILITY - NIGHT A secret underground facility is revealed, where advanced technology and innovation are at work. David, surrounded by a group of brilliant minds, addresses them with intensity. DAVID (determined) Our technological advancements will redefine the limits of human potential. We'll push the boundaries of what's possible, creating solutions to challenges that have plagued us for centuries. The team of innovators eagerly collaborates, fueled by David's passion. DAVID (CONT'D) This is not just a plan; it's a revolution. A revolution that transforms not only our world but the very essence of humanity. We'll rise above our limitations and become architects of a new era. FADE OUT. EXT. GLOBAL LANDSCAPE - DAY Montage of scenes showcasing the global impact of David's plan: flourishing communities, advanced cities, and people united. DAVID (V.O.) (inspiring) Together, we're building a legacy. A legacy that future generations will inherit with pride. This is not just a plan for today; it's a gift to the world of tomorrow. FADE OUT. INT. GRAND AUDITORIUM - NIGHT David returns to the grand auditorium, where a diverse and jubilant crowd awaits. DAVID (grateful) Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Our plan is now a reality, a testament to the power of collective purpose. Let this be the dawn of a new age! The crowd erupts into thunderous applause, celebrating the success of a visionary plan that transcended human and divine boundaries. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT The cityscape glows with anticipation as David's revolutionary plan gains momentum. The skyline shimmers, mirroring the hope radiating from the grand auditorium. CUT TO: INT. SECRET GOVERNMENT FACILITY - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT A shadowy figure, GENERAL STANTON, watches David's speech on multiple screens. He clenches his fist, realizing the threat this new road poses to his clandestine empire. GENERAL STANTON (angry whisper) This can't happen. We control everything. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT David, surrounded by a team of brilliant minds, strategizes for the challenges ahead. DAVID Our message must reach every corner of the globe. We're about to ignite a revolution, and with revolutions come resistance. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY The movement gains ground, protesters flood the streets, demanding change. Signs read "A New Road" and "Freedom from the Chains." CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE HQ - NIGHT David's team, now labeled as "The Liberators," works covertly to dismantle the oppressive systems in place. They hack into government databases, exposing corruption. CUT TO: EXT. CITY ROOFTOP - NIGHT A high-octane chase ensues as government agents pursue David. He leaps from rooftop to rooftop, showcasing his agility and determination. CUT TO: INT. LIBERATORS' HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David unveils the true extent of the corruption, revealing evidence of government-backed assassinations and economic sabotage. DAVID This fight is not just for us. It's for every person who dreams of a future free from manipulation. CUT TO: EXT. FINAL SHOWDOWN - DAY The government deploys its forces to crush the rebellion. The city becomes a battleground, echoing with gunfire and explosions. CUT TO: INT. GRAND AUDITORIUM - DAY (FLASHBACK) David's charismatic speech echoes in his mind as he faces the ultimate decision: succumb to the oppressive regime or fight for the new road. DAVID (to his team) We're not just changing the system; we're tearing it down and building a new world. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SKYLINE - SUNSET The once oppressive city now glows with the promise of change. The skyline reflects a sunset of hope as a new era begins. FADE OUT. EXT. CITYSCAPE - DAY The city bustles with life, unaware of the storm that's about to hit. David's revolutionary speech sparks a fire, echoing through the urban landscape. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, surrounded by a diverse team of rebels, maps out their strategy. The air is charged with determination and anticipation. DAVID (looking at the team) We've lit the fuse. Now, we face the consequences. Get ready. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY The movement gains momentum as citizens take to the streets, waving banners that read "A New Dawn" and demanding change. The energy is palpable. CUT TO: INT. SECRET GOVERNMENT FACILITY - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT General Stanton, a shadowy figure, watches the protests unfold with disdain. He issues orders to quell the uprising. GENERAL STANTON (snarling) Crush them. We can't let this escalate. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY The clash between the people and government forces intensifies. Tear gas fills the air, and the sound of rubber bullets echoes through the chaos. CUT TO: INT. LIBERATORS' CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The Liberators hack into government systems, exposing corruption and broadcasting evidence to the world. The fight is not just on the streets but in the digital realm. CUT TO: EXT. UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE BASE - NIGHT David's team coordinates their efforts as the government tightens its grip. The tension is palpable. CUT TO: INT. CITY HALL - DAY David confronts the city's leaders, challenging them to embrace the new dawn. The room trembles with the weight of his words. DAVID This is not just a movement. It's a revolution, and you can't stop a revolution. CUT TO: EXT. SKYSCRAPER ROOFTOP - NIGHT A high-stakes rooftop chase unfolds as government agents pursue David. The skyline becomes a breathtaking backdrop to their acrobatic struggle. CUT TO: INT. GRAND HALL - DAY (FLASHBACK) David's charismatic speech replays in his mind as he faces moments of doubt. The echoes of applause fuel his resolve. DAVID (to himself) A new dawn is never easy, but it's always worth the fight. CUT TO: EXT. CITYSCAPE - SUNSET The sun sets on the city, casting long shadows on the battleground below. The outcome hangs in the balance as the world awaits the birth of a new era. FADE OUT. Title: "Economic Uprising" EXT. CITYSCAPE - DAY The city, once a hub of financial oppression, now buzzes with anticipation. The message of the Wealth Revolution spreads like wildfire, and citizens take to the streets with newfound hope. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David and his team work tirelessly, planning the next phase of the revolution. The stakes are high, and every move must be calculated. DAVID (looking at the team) This is our moment. We must act strategically, exposing the flaws in the current system and showcasing the power of collective wealth. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Protesters flood the streets, chanting slogans against oppressive taxation and government control. Signs read "Economic Freedom Now" and "Wealth for the People." CUT TO: INT. SECRET GOVERNMENT FACILITY - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT General Stanton watches the uprising unfold on screens, realizing the threat to his regime. He issues orders to suppress the rebellion at any cost. GENERAL STANTON (furious) Crush them. We can't let this revolution succeed. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY The clash intensifies as government forces attempt to quell the rebellion. Tear gas fills the air, but the determined crowd fights back. CUT TO: INT. LIBERATORS' CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The Liberators hack into government databases, exposing corruption and broadcasting their findings to the world. The truth becomes a powerful weapon in the hands of the revolutionaries. CUT TO: EXT. UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE BASE - NIGHT David's team works covertly to dismantle the financial mechanisms that have oppressed the people for so long. The fight is not just for wealth but for the very soul of the nation. CUT TO: INT. GRAND STADIUM - DAY David, once again on a grand stage, addresses the masses. DAVID (declaring) We will no longer be slaves to a system that takes from us and leaves us with nothing. The power is in our hands, and together, we will build a new era of economic freedom. The crowd roars in agreement, their collective voice echoing through the city. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SKYLINE - SUNSET The sun sets on a city in the midst of a revolution. The skyline, once a symbol of oppression, now stands as a testament to the resilience of the people. FADE OUT. Title: "Economic Revolution" INT. GLOBAL ASSEMBLY - DAY David, the charismatic leader, holds the attention of an assembly representing nations worldwide. The air is charged with excitement and anticipation. DAVID (inspiringly) Now, let me share with you the foundation of our global economic symphony. We propose a new era where every nation dances to the same tune, orchestrated by Tomorrow's World Order. The camera pans across the assembly, capturing intrigued faces from diverse backgrounds. DAVID (CONT'D) Imagine each country as an essential organ, contributing to the well-being of the entire global body. No more isolated financial systems. No more individual struggles. We introduce a global digital currency, harmonizing with each nation's local currency, creating a seamless symphony of financial collaboration. The representatives nod in agreement, envisioning the interconnected world David proposes. DAVID (CONT'D) We, as the central control, will manage inflation globally. Just like the human body, we'll ensure that each part receives what it needs, fostering a healthy economic circulation. The metaphor resonates, and the assembly leans in, eager for more. DAVID (CONT'D) No longer will one hand be burdened with excess while the other struggles. Through our global control, we'll balance the distribution of resources, preventing the collapse of any part of this interconnected system. The visual metaphor strikes a chord, and the assembly applauds the visionary concept. DAVID (CONT'D) And to answer the question of whether we seek to put governments out of business, the answer is no. We are here to redefine their role, to make them accountable to their citizens. Governments owe the people, not banks. We propose a system where every time new money is printed, it triggers an 'I owe you' clause to the citizens. The government must bail-out the people, not bribe banks. The assembly absorbs this revolutionary shift in economic thinking, nodding in agreement. DAVID (CONT'D) We are offering a wealth redemption plan, a system that forever grows and benefits the people. Printing new money becomes a cycle of indebtedness to the citizens, ensuring continuous bail-outs and financial empowerment. The representatives exchange approving glances, recognizing the potential of this transformative vision. DAVID (CONT'D) It's time for a global revolution, where wealth is not concentrated but distributed among the people. A new era of economic harmony is within our grasp. Together, we will create a symphony of prosperity for all nations. The assembly rises to its feet, applauding the birth of a new economic order. DAVID (CONT'D) (smiling) Let this be the anthem of a united world, where the global symphony plays for the prosperity of every citizen. The representatives join in a standing ovation, united in the vision of Tomorrow's World Order. FADE OUT. Meanwhile, in the city, Gavin, a broken man, pours out his heart to Detectives Primrose and Alyssa. GAVIN (weeping) They killed me the day they killed my wife. The day they killed my daughter. I have nothing to live for. The pain is killing me alive. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (sympathetic) Why are you sure they killed your daughter? She ran away due to your anger and tantrums. GAVIN (resolute) They killed her. They gave Tipton’s a huge loan so when they take my daughter, we won’t complain. The reason they killed my wife and made it look like suicide. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (curious) Why did the bank give him a loan if they knew the girl was yours? Is there something about your daughter we don’t know? Detective Alyssa presents Gavin's report, asking about a mysterious key. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (CONT'D) You mentioned a valid key they denied. What key is it? A serial number, digital key to a wallet, or something else? Gavin sobs before addressing the detectives. Later that evening, in the dimly lit office: DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (contemplative) If the bank was founded on this gold, and the value is not the gold but what's written, how is it linked to the deaths? A decomposed gatekeeper, a missing daughter, a butchered doctor, and maybe even a missing President. World's First. Power games? FADE OUT. Title: "Web of Deceit - Part 2" INT. UNDERGROUND HIDEOUT - NIGHT Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa review their evidence, connecting the dots in the dark underground hideout. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (intently) So, the bank, the missing President, and this mysterious world mentioned in David's book are all intertwined. But how? DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (suspicious) The gatekeeper controlled access to that mysterious vault. We need to find out what's inside and how it connects to the missing President. They decide to investigate the bank's vault, suspecting it holds the key to unraveling the mysteries. EXT. BANK VAULT - NIGHT The detectives stealthily approach the heavily guarded bank vault, ready to uncover the secrets hidden within. INT. BANK VAULT - CONTINUOUS As they crack the vault open, they find not just money and valuables but a hidden passage leading to an underground chamber. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (discovering) This isn't just a vault; it's a gateway to something deeper. The missing President might be on the other side. They venture into the hidden chamber, discovering a vast network of tunnels and rooms. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS They come across a room filled with encrypted documents, blueprints, and high-tech equipment. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (realizing) This isn't just a bank vault. It's a control center for the city. The gatekeeper had access to everything – finances, government secrets, and more. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (nodding) And the missing President knew about it. The bank controls the city, and the missing President wanted to expose it. As they delve deeper, they uncover a holographic map revealing the hidden world beneath the city, controlled by the bank. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (CONT'D) (shocked) This is bigger than we thought. The bank isn't just a financial institution; it's the puppet master pulling the strings of the entire city. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (determined) We need to expose this. The missing President was onto something, and we have the evidence. But we're up against a powerful enemy. The ground shakes, revealing a secret exit. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (grabbing their gear) Time to confront the puppet master. EXT. BANK ROOFTOP - NIGHT Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa emerge on the bank's rooftop, ready to reveal the truth to the city. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (into the radio) We've got the evidence. The city needs to know the real power behind the scenes. As they prepare to make their move, shadows of unknown figures emerge on the rooftop. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Web of Deceit - The Revelation" INT. UNDERGROUND VAULT - NIGHT Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa descend into the mysterious underground vault beneath the bank. The atmosphere is tense as they approach a secured door. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (whispering) This must be where the gatekeeper kept the list. The key to the secrets of the powerful. They cautiously unlock the door, revealing a room filled with shelves of neatly organized files. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (surprised) It's all here. Names, connections, everything. The list that holds the city's true puppeteers. As they examine the files, they uncover shocking connections between the powerful figures and the cult. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (realizing) The bank, the cult, and the regime. They're all in this together. Controlling the city from the shadows. DETECTIVE ALYSSA And the gatekeeper had this list to maintain control. But he was willing to expose it. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE He knew the consequences. That's why he was murdered. Suddenly, a hidden door opens, revealing a secret passage leading even deeper underground. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We're not done yet. There's more to uncover. CUT TO: INT. SECRET CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS The detectives find themselves in a secret chamber adorned with mysterious symbols and artifacts. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (whispering) This is where they held their meetings. The cult, the powerful, and the gatekeeper. DETECTIVE ALYSSA Look at these symbols. They're ancient, yet somehow intertwined with modern power. They uncover a hidden altar with the gold scriptures. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (CONT'D) This is what they used to control and manipulate. The key to their power. As they investigate, they overhear footsteps approaching. The cult members have discovered their intrusion. DETECTIVE ALYSSA We need to get out of here, expose everything. They grab the gold scriptures and rush back through the secret passage. EXT. BANK ROOFTOP - NIGHT Emerging onto the rooftop, Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa realize they are surrounded by cult members. CULT LEADER (smirking) You've uncovered more than you should. But you won't live to expose it. A thrilling rooftop chase ensues, with the detectives narrowly escaping the clutches of the cult. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa race through the city streets, chased by the relentless cult members. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (into the radio) We've exposed the secrets! Get ready to bring them down. Suddenly, backup arrives, surrounding the cult members and preventing their escape. DETECTIVE ALYSSA This is the end of your web of deceit. The cult members are arrested, their dark secrets exposed to the world. FADE OUT. Title: "Unraveled Shadows" INT. POLICE DETECTIVE OFFICE - DAY Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa stand before a city-wide press conference, revealing the shocking truth about the cult, the bank, and the regime. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE Today, we bring down the web of deceit that has controlled this city for too long. DETECTIVE ALYSSA The gatekeeper's list exposed the puppeteers who manipulated our lives. But we won't let them control us any longer. The press erupts with questions as the detectives hold their ground, determined to bring justice to the city. FADE OUT. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER EVENT - DAY Amidst the chaos, David and his bodyguard stealthily navigate through a side exit, evading the enraged protesters. BODYGUARD We need to move quickly, sir. There's a back alley this way. They dash through the narrow alley, the sounds of unrest fading as they distance themselves from the tumultuous scene. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The conference hall is in disarray, and attendees scramble for safety. Evelina, the skeptic, helps others find an exit. EVELINA (to the crowd) Stay calm! Follow me, and we'll get out safely! INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER SAFE ROOM - LATER David and his bodyguard enter a secure room within the conference hall. The chaos outside is muffled. DAVID (looking shaken) I didn't expect this level of resistance. We need to rethink our approach. BODYGUARD Agreed, sir. It seems some people are not ready for the changes you're proposing. DAVID (sighs) Maybe I need to be more cautious with my words. Let's assess the situation outside. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER EVENT - BACK ALLEY - DAY Evelina leads a group of attendees through the back alley, avoiding the main confrontation. EVELINA (to the group) We need to disperse and regroup later. Stay low and avoid drawing attention. As they disperse, Evelina catches sight of Tony, the skeptic, and approaches him. EVELINA (CONT'D) Well, Tony, looks like your skepticism was warranted. TONY (frustrated) I told him monopolies aren't welcome. Now, chaos breaks loose. EVELINA We need to gather information. Find out what David is really planning. TONY Agreed. Let's dig deeper and expose the truth. FADE OUT. Title: "Breaking Point" INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BOARDROOM - DAY David, Evelina, and Tony separately investigate the turmoil and work towards their own goals. The battle for Tomorrow's World Order intensifies, leading them all to a breaking point. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - NIGHT David meets secretly with his team, reevaluating their strategy. DAVID The resistance is fierce, but we can't let it deter us. We need a new approach, a softer narrative. CUT TO: EXT. PROTEST SITE - DAY Evelina and Tony, now allies, blend into the protesting crowd, gathering crucial intel. EVELINA We can't let him deceive the masses. We must expose the truth behind Tomorrow's World Order. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER EVENT - DAY David, determined but wary, addresses a smaller, carefully selected audience. DAVID We must find a common ground, a path to a better future. Let me share the vision without sparking chaos. FADE OUT. Title: "Reckoning Dawn" INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER EVENT - DAY David cautiously navigates his speech, striving to strike a balance. Evelina and Tony work undercover, unraveling the intricate web of Tomorrow's World Order. The world teeters on the brink of change as dawn approaches, promising a reckoning for all involved. FADE OUT. INT. CITY POLICE STATION - DETECTIVE'S OFFICE - DAY Detective Primrose bursts into the office, interrupting Detective Alyssa's solitude. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE Alyssa, we've got a breakthrough. Oliver just called. He claims there's more to the Ultima Talionis. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (startled) Oliver? What does he know? DETECTIVE PRIMROSE I don't know, but we need to find out. Something bigger is at play here, and Oliver might have answers. They quickly gather their belongings and head towards Oliver's last known location. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Detective Alyssa and Detective Primrose cautiously enter the dimly lit warehouse. The air is thick with tension. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (whispering) Oliver, where are you? A shadowy figure emerges from the darkness – it's Detective Oliver. DETECTIVE OLIVER (urgently) They're watching. We can't talk here. He leads them to a secluded corner. DETECTIVE OLIVER (CONT'D) I've been digging deeper into Ultima Talionis. It's not just a death sentence. It's a cover for something much darker. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (grim) What are you talking about? DETECTIVE OLIVER There's an underground organization, powerful and influential. They control everything. The deaths of the gatekeeper, the president, it's all connected. They're pulling the strings. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (incredulous) An underground organization? Controlling governments, orchestrating deaths? DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (angry) Why didn't you share this earlier? DETECTIVE OLIVER (fearful) I was scared, and I didn't know who to trust. But now, they're closing in. We need to expose them before it's too late. CUT TO: INT. CITY POLICE STATION - DETECTIVE'S OFFICE - DAY The detectives huddle over evidence, connecting the dots of this intricate conspiracy. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE This goes beyond anything we've faced before. We need to tread carefully. DETECTIVE ALYSSA But we can't let them control everything. Innocent lives are at stake. DETECTIVE OLIVER We have to expose them, bring their dark secrets into the light. FADE OUT. Title: "Dark Strings" INT. CITY POLICE STATION - NIGHT The detectives unravel a conspiracy that goes deeper than they imagined. As they pull at the dark strings, they find themselves entangled in a web of power, corruption, and hidden agendas. CUT TO: EXT. UNDERGROUND ORGANIZATION'S HEADQUARTERS - DAY The detectives, driven by a relentless pursuit of truth, confront the shadowy figures orchestrating the chaos. The battle lines are drawn, and the city becomes a battleground for justice. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Detective Primrose and Detective Alyssa, fueled by the newfound information, decide to take the investigation directly to Tomorrow's World Order. They infiltrate the headquarters under the cover of darkness. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - SECRET ROOM - NIGHT The detectives stealthily navigate through secret passages, leading them to a hidden room. They overhear a conversation between David and his followers. DAVID (whispering) We cannot allow anyone to expose our secrets. The gatekeeper knows too much. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (whispering to Primrose) We're on the right track. They witness a ceremonial ritual, where a member reveals the 666 card – the mark of the beast. DAVID (ominous) Ultima Talionis. The beast is unleashed. Our secrets must remain hidden. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (into his communicator) We have confirmation. The Ultima Talionis is a tool for them to eliminate threats. CUT TO: EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT As the detectives attempt to escape, they find themselves surrounded by David's loyal followers. DAVID (grinning) You shouldn't have come here, Detectives. A tense standoff ensues, and suddenly, the followers attack. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - SECRET ROOM - NIGHT The detectives fight back, showcasing their skills in hand-to-hand combat against the indoctrinated followers. The room becomes a battleground. CUT TO: EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The confrontation intensifies. Detective Alyssa faces off against David in a gripping one-on-one battle, while Detective Primrose fights off the remaining followers. DAVID (smirking) You think you can expose us? We control everything. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (determined) Not anymore. The fight reaches its climax as Detective Alyssa outwits David, exposing Tomorrow's World Order's darkest secrets. CUT TO: INT. POLICE DETECTIVE OFFICE - DAY Back at the police station, the detectives present their evidence, unraveling the conspiracy. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE We've exposed the beast. Tomorrow's World Order can't hide any longer. FADE OUT. INT. BERHTA'S CAR - NIGHT Dominic, Frank, and Bertha speed through the city streets, the urgency palpable. BERTHA (examining the box) This is advanced technology, Dominic. Not something I've seen before. It's beyond my league. DOMINIC (grimacing) We don't have time for this. They're after us. Frank squirms uncomfortably in the backseat, grappling with his newfound aging predicament. BERTHA (looking at Dominic) Why are they after you? What's in that box? DOMINIC (angry) I wish I knew. All I want is to go back to normal. BERTHA (pondering) I might know someone who can help. A scientist, specializing in temporal anomalies. FRANK (bitterly) Temporal anomalies? Is this some sci-fi nightmare? DOMINIC (frustrated) Enough! Just take us to this scientist of yours. Bertha navigates the city's twists and turns, reaching an inconspicuous building. They hastily exit the car and enter. INT. SCIENTIST'S LAB - NIGHT The scientist, DR. EVELYN CARTER, a middle-aged woman with a brilliant mind, greets them. EVELYN Dominic, it's been a while. What brings you here? DOMINIC (somber) Trouble, Evelyn. Big trouble. Bertha shows Dr. Carter the mysterious box. BERTHA We need answers, Evelyn. This is beyond our understanding. EVELYN (eyebrows raised) Temporal manipulations? This is not your everyday problem. Dominic, now visibly older, looks at Dr. Carter with desperation. DOMINIC Can you help? EVELYN (sincere) I'll do my best. CUT TO: INT. SCIENTIST'S LAB - LATER Dr. Carter studies the box, connected to various devices and screens. Frank and Dominic wait anxiously. EVELYN (looking worried) This technology is advanced. I can't promise anything, but I'll try to reverse the effects. Frank, still grappling with his aging appearance, gazes at the monitors. FRANK How bad is it? EVELYN (grim) If I can't reverse it, you might age rapidly until... well, I don't want to think about it. DOMINIC (determined) Just fix it. As Evelyn works fervently, the room fills with tension. Outside, ominous figures watch the building. CUT TO: EXT. SCIENTIST'S LAB - NIGHT Shadows move in the darkness, hinting at the approaching danger. CUT TO BLACK. INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - CONTINUOUS The trio, Dominic, Frank, and Bertha, enter a dimly lit underground bunker, revealing a clandestine world beneath the surface. FRANK (angry) So, they're using money to control and manipulate people's lives? DOMINIC (realizing) And I've been a pawn in their sick game. BERTHA (nodding) It's a reality most people refuse to believe. But we're here to expose the truth. As they walk through the bunker, Bertha points at various monitors displaying financial transactions and intricate systems. BERTHA (CONT'D) This is where the magic happens. The money flows, and the digital weapons are assigned. Frank, still absorbing the shocking revelation, glances at Dominic, who looks visibly distressed. FRANK (angry) We can't let them get away with this. How do we stop it? BERTHA There's a way to break the cycle, but it's not easy. We need to find the source, the origin of this manipulation. DOMINIC (determined) Where do we start? BERTHA There's a person who knows more about this than anyone else. A hacker known as Cipher. He's been fighting against this system for years. FRANK (skeptical) And why should we trust him? BERTHA Because he wants the system dismantled too. He's a renegade, hunted by the very forces we're up against. DOMINIC (looking resolute) Then, we find Cipher. We expose this whole corrupt system. They continue navigating the maze-like bunker, encountering advanced technology and encrypted files. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONFERENCE HALL - DAY Detective Alyssa, disguised as a journalist, infiltrates Tomorrow's World Order's conference, determined to expose the truth. She watches David addressing the crowd. DAVID Our vision is simple: unite the world under one order, one currency, one leader. Alyssa discreetly records David's speech, looking for any clues. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BACKSTAGE - LATER Alyssa sneaks backstage, discovering a hidden door. She cautiously enters. CUT TO: INT. SECRET ROOM - CONTINUOUS Alyssa finds herself in a room filled with high-tech equipment. She uncovers plans for a global control system, intertwining politics, finances, and surveillance. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (whispering to herself) This goes beyond anything I imagined. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONFERENCE HALL - CONTINUOUS As David continues his speech, Alyssa spots Oliver in the crowd, revealing her presence. Their eyes lock for a moment. CUT TO: INT. SECRET ROOM - LATER Alyssa stumbles upon a digital archive containing information about the Ultima Talionis. Shocked, she realizes its true purpose. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (voice trembling) It's not a hit list; it's a control mechanism. A way to eliminate threats to their plan. CUT TO: EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONFERENCE HALL - DAY Alyssa, armed with newfound knowledge, rushes to leave but is intercepted by David's security. DAVID (smiling) Leaving so soon, Ms. Investigative Journalist? CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER Alyssa is interrogated by David's enforcers, determined to keep their secrets hidden. DAVID (leaning in) You're meddling in affairs beyond your comprehension, Detective. It's time to end this. CUT TO: EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER COMPOUND - NIGHT Alyssa escapes her captors, navigating through the labyrinthine compound. She races against time to expose the conspiracy. CUT TO: INT. POLICE DETECTIVE OFFICE - NIGHT Alyssa bursts into the police station, interrupting a meeting between Detective Primrose and other officers. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (panting) David's plan is bigger than we thought. Ultima Talionis is a tool for control, not just elimination. DETECTIVE PRIMROSE (realizing) They're playing a global power game, manipulating governments, economies... everything. Alyssa and Primrose exchange determined looks, knowing the battle has just begun. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Dominic, Frank, and Bertha emerge from the underground bunker. The cityscape glows with a mixture of artificial lights and distant sirens. DOMINIC We need to find Cipher. Let's expose the truth and bring down this entire system. FRANK (nervously) And if we fail? DOMINIC We won't. We can't afford to. They disappear into the city, determined to challenge the oppressive system that has controlled their lives for far too long. FADE OUT. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Frank, Dominic, and Bertha sit in a dimly lit room, surrounded by files and technology, absorbing the shocking revelation about the intertwining of money and digital weapons. FRANK (stammering) This is beyond insane. People are being manipulated, and they have no idea. DOMINIC (angry) And they call it a civilized society? It's more like a sinister experiment. BERTHA (nodding) Exactly. The system preys on the basic human need for security and survival. Frank processes the information, his mind racing. FRANK (confused) But how do we break free from this cycle? How do we dismantle a system so deeply embedded? BERTHA (smiling) That's where Cipher comes in. He's been working on a solution, a way to disrupt the link between money and these digital weapons. DOMINIC (determined) Let's find Cipher. We need to expose the truth and liberate people from this twisted control. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - LATER Frank, Dominic, and Bertha move through the city streets, their faces masked by the shadows of the night. FRANK (whispering) How do we locate Cipher? BERTHA (looking around cautiously) He operates in the digital underground, hidden from the government's surveillance. I have a connection who can guide us to him. DOMINIC (skeptical) And you trust this connection? BERTHA (serious) I've worked with her before. She's reliable. They reach an inconspicuous door at the end of a dark alley. BERTHA (CONT'D) (whispering) This is the entrance. Remember, once we step inside, there's no turning back. They exchange determined glances and enter the door. CUT TO: INT. DIGITAL UNDERGROUND - NIGHT The trio descends into a hidden world, surrounded by advanced technology and screens displaying intricate codes. BERTHA (introducing) This is where Cipher operates. Welcome to the digital underground. They navigate the complex web, searching for answers and a way to disrupt the malevolent link between money and digital weapons. FADE OUT. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Frank, Dominic, and Bertha sit in the dimly lit room, absorbing the shocking revelations about the sinister motives behind the digital weapons. FRANK (disgusted) So, the government is intentionally using these digital weapons to accelerate the aging process and eliminate the aging population? BERTHA (nodding) Yes, they classify the elderly as "deadwood" or "oxygen-thieves" – a burden on the economy due to pensions and healthcare costs. DOMINIC (furious) This is beyond heartless. It's a covert genocide masked as a solution to economic problems. FRANK (determined) We can't let them get away with this. We need evidence to expose their crimes. BERTHA (smiling) Cipher might have a solution. He's been working on a program to detach the digital weapons from the chip without causing harm. DOMINIC (hopeful) Let's find Cipher. If there's a chance to save people, we have to take it. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT The trio moves through the shadows of the city streets, heading towards a discreet location where Cipher operates. FRANK (whispering) How does Cipher plan to detach the digital weapons without causing harm? BERTHA (confident) He's developed a decryption algorithm that can sever the link between the chip and the digital weapons. It's risky, but it's our best shot. DOMINIC (determined) We're not just fighting for ourselves; we're fighting for the countless innocent lives being manipulated. CUT TO: INT. DIGITAL UNDERGROUND - NIGHT Frank, Dominic, and Bertha enter the hidden world of the digital underground, guided by Bertha's knowledge of the intricate network. BERTHA (introducing) This is where Cipher operates. The heart of the resistance against Tomorrow's World Order. They navigate through the complex digital realm, searching for Cipher's location. CUT TO: INT. CIPHER'S LAIR - NIGHT The trio enters a secure room where Cipher, a skilled hacker, is immersed in a labyrinth of screens and codes. CIPHER (grinning) You made it. Bertha, Dominic, Frank. I've been expecting you. FRANK (curious) Can your algorithm really detach the digital weapons without causing harm? CIPHER (confident) Yes, but it's a complex process. We need to access Tomorrow's World Order's mainframe. I've identified a vulnerable entry point. DOMINIC (resolute) Let's expose the truth and put an end to their malevolent control. FADE OUT. INT. ADAM'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Detective Billy and Detective Oliver step cautiously into the crime scene, surrounded by the aftermath of a violent battle. Bullet casings litter the floor, and the stench of death hangs in the air. DETECTIVE BILLY (intense) Is Caden among the casualties? DETECTIVE OLIVER (nodding) Multiple bodies, all ex-soldiers. It's a war zone in here. They navigate through the chaotic scene, scanning the lifeless bodies for any sign of Caden. DETECTIVE BILLY (urgent) We need to find him. If he's not here, he might be in danger. DETECTIVE OLIVER (worried) Billy, brace yourself. It's worse than you think. They enter another room where a gruesome sight awaits them. Caden's lifeless body lies on the floor, surrounded by the aftermath of a fierce firefight. DETECTIVE BILLY (shocked) No... Caden... Detective Billy falls to his knees beside Caden's body, grief and anger etched across his face. DETECTIVE OLIVER (softly) I'm sorry, Billy. We'll find out who did this. DETECTIVE BILLY (furious) The regime... they've taken everything from me. As Detective Billy mourns the loss of his ally, he spots a glimmer of something in Caden's hand—a crumpled piece of paper. DETECTIVE BILLY (whispering) What's this? He carefully unfolds the paper and reads a cryptic message. DETECTIVE BILLY (CONT'D) (angry determination) We need to unravel this. Caden didn't die for nothing. Let's find out what he was onto. CUT TO: INT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - LATER Detective Billy, fueled by grief and determination, briefs a team of investigators on the mysterious circumstances surrounding Caden's death. DETECTIVE BILLY (solemn) We're up against powerful forces. Caden was onto something big. We need to expose the truth and bring justice to those who betrayed him. The team nods in agreement, ready to follow Detective Billy into a complex web of deception, corruption, and a quest for justice. FADE OUT. DETECTIVE BILLY (whispering) You're suggesting the missing president was a scapegoat, covering up the Devil's Eye cult's sinister activities? DETECTIVE OLIVER (nodding) Exactly. Sacrificing him to divert attention from their true motives. This goes beyond our understanding. Detective Billy paces, absorbing the gravity of the revelation. DETECTIVE BILLY If this is true, we need to expose the cult. It's a web of deception, and innocent lives are at stake. DETECTIVE OLIVER But we need concrete evidence. Something that will bring them down. DETECTIVE BILLY We can start by digging into the missing president's connections. Who else might be involved or manipulated by the cult? DETECTIVE OLIVER Agreed. We also need to find out who knew about the Devil's Eye cult within the police force. This could be an inside job. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - LATER Detective Billy and Detective Oliver gather the team for a briefing, revealing their shocking findings. DETECTIVE BILLY Our missing president was framed. The Devil's Eye cult is playing a dangerous game, using him as a distraction for their dark rituals. DETECTIVE OLIVER We need to uncover the extent of their influence. Anyone associated with the president could be a pawn in their game. The team nods, realizing the complexity of the case. DETECTIVE BILLY We'll start with Gavin, the man who sought revenge for his missing daughter. He might have been manipulated by the cult. DETECTIVE OLIVER And check for any connections within the police force. We can't trust anyone until we know who's involved. CUT TO: EXT. GAVIN'S HOUSE - DAY Detective Billy and Detective Oliver approach Gavin's house, ready to unravel the cult's influence. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Detective Alyssa, now back in the force, reviews the evidence board, connecting the dots between the missing president, the Devil's Eye cult, and the manipulated pawns. DETECTIVE ALYSSA (realizing) The Devil's Eye cult has infiltrated every aspect of our investigation. We need to expose them before more lives are sacrificed. CUT TO: EXT. DEVIL'S EYE CULT HIDEOUT - NIGHT The detectives, armed and determined, approach the eerie hideout of the Devil's Eye cult. DETECTIVE BILLY (preparing) We end this tonight. CUT TO: INT. DEVIL'S EYE CULT HIDEOUT - CONTINUOUS The detectives confront the cult, exposing their sinister activities and demanding justice. DEVIL'S EYE LEADER (smirking) You're too late. The sacrifice has been made. CUT TO: EXT. DEVIL'S EYE CULT HIDEOUT - LATER The detectives emerge, victorious but haunted by the knowledge that the cult's dark rituals continue. DETECTIVE OLIVER This is just the beginning. We need to dismantle their network, piece by piece. FADE OUT. CUT TO: INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT Dominic, Frank, and Bertha plan their rebellion against the government's atrocities. DOMINIC (intense) We need evidence. Proof that can't be denied. BERTHA (nodding) We have to expose their crimes to the world. FRANK (determined) Let's infiltrate their data centers. Find records of these digital weapons and their victims. CUT TO: EXT. GOVERNMENT DATA CENTER - NIGHT The trio, clad in dark clothing, sneaks into the heavily guarded facility, avoiding surveillance cameras and patrolling guards. CUT TO: INT. GOVERNMENT DATA CENTER - CONTINUOUS Dominic hacks into the mainframe, searching for incriminating evidence. Frank and Bertha stand guard. DOMINIC (whispering) I'm in. Searching for any connections to the digital weapons. BERTHA (wary) We don't have much time. Keep it quick. CUT TO: SECURITY ROOM - NIGHT An alert flashes on the security screens. Guards scramble to respond. GUARD (suspicious) Intruders in the data center! Seal all exits! CUT TO: INT. GOVERNMENT DATA CENTER - CONTINUOUS Dominic downloads incriminating files, but time is running out. DOMINIC (hurried) We got what we need. Let's go! CUT TO: EXT. GOVERNMENT DATA CENTER - CONTINUOUS The trio dashes through the shadows, evading guards and security systems. CUT TO: HIDEOUT - NIGHT Back at their hideout, Dominic decrypts the files, revealing a shocking trail of digital weapons and government-sponsored assassinations. FRANK (angry) This is enough to expose them. We have to release this to the media. BERTHA (worried) But they'll come after us. DOMINIC (resolute) We can't let fear dictate our actions. The world needs to know the truth. CUT TO: MEDIA OUTLETS - DAY News outlets broadcast the government's dark secrets, causing public outrage and protests. CUT TO: STREETS - DAY People take to the streets, demanding justice for the victims of the government's digital weapons. CUT TO: GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS - DAY Government officials panic as the truth unfolds, realizing they can no longer suppress the growing unrest. CUT TO: INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT Dominic, Frank, and Bertha watch the chaos unfold, knowing they've ignited a revolution. DOMINIC (whispering) We did it. We exposed them. FRANK (smiling) Justice will prevail. BERTHA (looking at the chaos) But our fight is far from over. FADE OUT. EXT. ELDER'S HOUSE - NIGHT The moon casts a dim light over the yard as Khalis stands before the elder's gate. The automatic gates begin to open, revealing Khalis dressed in black with black gloves. ELDER (angry) Who is knocking at 2 am? Khalis stands confidently, unfazed by the elder's irritation. The elder peeks out before opening the gates. ELDER (cursing) Better be important! Khalis enters the yard, scanning her surroundings. Two large dogs growl, their eyes fixed on her. Dori, in a see-through nightdress, appears at the door. DORI (shouting) Come, boys! The dogs retreat, and Khalis proceeds towards the entrance. Dori eyes her suspiciously. DORI (protective) Do you want me to come with you? KHALIS It's okay. I won't be long. Khalis continues into the elder's house, leaving a sense of tension in the air. The elder looks perplexed, unsure of what to expect. CUT TO: INT. ELDER'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Khalis and the elder sit across from each other. The room is dimly lit, with a sense of secrecy lingering. ELDER (suspicious) Who are you, and what brings you here at this hour? KHALIS (getting to the point) I need your help, Elder. The time has come for us to make a stand against the government. ELDER (raises an eyebrow) Why would I join forces with someone like you? Khalis pulls out a small device and places it on the table. The device displays encrypted information. KHALIS (serious) Because I know the truth about the government's digital weapons and the destruction they're causing. I have evidence, and we can expose them together. The elder looks at the device, a glimmer of interest in his eyes. ELDER (skeptical) And why should I trust you? KHALIS (boldly) Because we share a common enemy, and time is running out. The government is planning something big, and we need allies to stop them. The elder contemplates Khalis's words, weighing the risks and benefits. CUT TO: EXT. ELDER'S HOUSE - NIGHT The dogs growl again as Khalis exits the house. The elder follows her, a decision looming in his mind. ELDER (resolute) Tell me everything you know, and we'll see if we can trust each other. Khalis nods, and together they walk into the night, shadows conspiring against a common enemy. CUT TO: INT. POLICE INVESTIGATION ROOM - NIGHT Detective Billy and Detective Oliver pore over files and evidence, determined to unravel the sinister secrets of the Devil's Eye Cult. DETECTIVE BILLY (intense) We need to track down anyone associated with the cult. Find connections, witnesses, anything. DETECTIVE OLIVER (focused) Start with the missing persons. If the cult is sacrificing women, there must be families searching for their loved ones. CUT TO: CITY STREETS - DAY The detectives interview families of the missing, uncovering a pattern that points towards the Devil's Eye Cult. DETECTIVE BILLY (resolute) We're getting closer. Keep digging. CUT TO: UNDERGROUND MEETING SPOT - NIGHT The detectives infiltrate a secret cult gathering, witnessing disturbing rituals and obtaining crucial evidence. DETECTIVE OLIVER (shocked) This is horrifying. We need to expose them. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Billy and Detective Oliver compile their findings, preparing to confront the cult. DETECTIVE BILLY (determined) We have enough evidence to bring them down. Let's make sure they pay for their crimes. CUT TO: DEVIL'S EYE CULT HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The detectives, accompanied by a police team, raid the cult headquarters, uncovering the gruesome truth. DETECTIVE OLIVER (voice grim) We've got them now. CUT TO: COURTROOM - DAY The leaders of the Devil's Eye Cult stand trial, facing justice for their heinous crimes. DETECTIVE BILLY (testifying) They exploited the missing president as a distraction, hiding behind a facade of righteousness. CUT TO: NEWS REPORT - NIGHT The news breaks, exposing the Devil's Eye Cult and the missing president's true role. NEWS ANCHOR (reporting) The cult's reign of terror has come to an end, thanks to the relentless efforts of Detectives Billy and Oliver. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Detective Billy and Detective Oliver share a moment of relief, knowing they've brought justice to the victims. DETECTIVE OLIVER (smiling) We did it, Billy. We exposed the darkness. DETECTIVE BILLY (grateful) But the fight against evil never ends. FADE OUT. INT. CULT HEADQUARTERS - INNER SANCTUM - NIGHT The elder and Khalis delve deeper into their sinister plans, shrouded in the dimly lit inner sanctum of the cult headquarters. ELDER We need to act swiftly. If the gatekeeper is compromised, the entire cult could crumble. KHALIS Agreed. We'll send our best assassin to intercept and neutralize him. ELDER And Sarah? KHALIS Handle her discreetly. The cult's existence depends on it. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The cult's assassin, a shadowy figure clad in black, stalks the gatekeeper, moving with deadly precision through the city's shadows. CUT TO: INT. CULT HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Khalis receives a message confirming the successful elimination of the gatekeeper. The elder looks satisfied. ELDER The cult's secrets remain safe. We'll deal with Sarah next. CUT TO: EXT. CITY PARK - NIGHT Sarah, unaware of the impending danger, walks through a deserted park. The cult's assassin closes in, ready to strike. CUT TO: INT. CULT HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Khalis watches with a sense of accomplishment, believing they've secured their secrets. KHALIS No one threatens the cult and gets away with it. FADE OUT. Title: "Veil of Shadows" EXT. DAVID'S LOCATION - DAY David, leader of Tomorrow’s World Order, is approached by Avery and another agent. AVERY Mr. David, we need to speak with you. It’s important. DAVID (skeptical) Only if it has to do with Tomorrow’s World Order. Who are you? AVERY We work for the bank's fraud squad. We believe you might be connected to the missing list. Do you know Landon, the gatekeeper? DAVID (stop) Missing list? What list? The tension between the two worlds intensifies as the mysterious missing list becomes a focal point of contention. DAVID (confused) Break-in at the bank? Missing gatekeeper? What list are you talking about? CHUCK The gatekeeper has gone missing, and a list containing powerful individuals, including politicians and presidents, is stolen. We suspect you're involved in blackmailing the gatekeeper for that list. DAVID (dismissive) We have no interest in any list, and we're focused on broader issues. The gatekeeper's role with digital watermarks on money doesn't concern us. AVERY But the missing president, Mr. Herbert, was on that list. We have every reason to believe you might be involved in his disappearance. DAVID (raises an eyebrow) Remind me, whom do you work for again? You claimed to be from the bank. CUT TO: INT. LANDON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (WEEKS BEFORE) Landon lies next to a sleeping Sarah, admiring her. LANDON (whispering) The lovemaking was so satisfying. I've never seen a woman climax multiple times like her. The chemistry is out of this world. She's meant for me. He gently wakes Sarah. LANDON Sarah, darling. Sarah stirs, and the snoring stops. LANDON (whispering) Wake up, my love. Sarah opens her eyes, disoriented. SARAH Landon... LANDON (smiling) You seem to hit all the right spots. I could make love to you and sleep the whole day. SARAH (laughing) That's music to my ears. Tomorrow, I'm going on holiday for two weeks. Shouldn't you come with me? Landon looks intrigued, contemplating the suggestion. CUT TO: EXT. CITYSCAPE - DAY David and the agents stand in a tense confrontation, hinting at deeper conspiracies and unknown connections. The missing list becomes a mysterious focal point as the plot thickens. INT. PRESIDENTIAL BOARDROOM - CONTINUOUS President Knox slams his hand on the table, the room vibrating with the intensity of the argument. PRESIDENT KNOX (angry) Your so-called common sense is a dictatorship! People have the right to live without the fear of your digital weapons. Your system is a breeding ground for corruption and injustice. ADVISOR 2 (threatening) You'll pay for your crimes against humanity, Rex. The people won't stand for it anymore. President Rex scoffs at the accusations, unyielding in his defense. PRESIDENT REX (laughing) You fools! It's the perfect system. The weak perish, and the strong survive. Natural selection at its finest. ADVISOR 1 (confrontational) You're not God, Rex. You're a tyrant. The people deserve better. PRESIDENT KNOX (determined) We won't let you continue this madness. We'll expose your crimes, and the people will rise against you. President Rex, unfazed, smirks as he signals to his security team. PRESIDENT REX You're all delusional. Guards, remove them! The security team storms into the boardroom, creating chaos. Advisors resist, shouting, but are overpowered. CUT TO: EXT. PRESIDENTIAL RESIDENCE - DAY News reporters gather outside the residence, broadcasting the unfolding political turmoil. Protesters with placards demand justice and the end of the oppressive tax system. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENTIAL BOARDROOM - CONTINUOUS President Knox and his advisors are forcibly removed, leaving President Rex smirking behind the closed door. PRESIDENT REX (to himself) They can protest all they want. My system is unbreakable. FADE OUT. INT. LUXURIOUS HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT Landon, with a charming smile, holds the two Orgabelts in his hands. Sarah lies on the bed, her curiosity piqued, ready for what's to come. LANDON (smiling) Now, my love, prepare yourself for an experience like no other. Sarah, still intrigued, adjusts herself on the bed as Landon takes a step closer, the Orgabelts in hand. LANDON (CONT'D) (whispering) These Orgabelts are the key to unlocking pleasures beyond imagination. They enhance your orgasmic experience, making it intense and everlasting. He gently takes Sarah's hands and wraps one Orgabelt around each wrist. SARAH (whispering) Orgasmic belts? LANDON (smiling) Yes, my dear. Let me show you how they work. Landon leans in, kissing Sarah passionately, as the Orgabelts start to emit a soft, subtle glow. The room is filled with an enchanting aura. LANDON (CONT'D) (whispering) Feel it? SARAH (nodding) Yes, it's... different. Landon moves away, watching Sarah's reaction with satisfaction. LANDON (whispering) Now, close your eyes, and let your senses guide you. Sarah closes her eyes, lying on the bed with the Orgabelts enhancing the atmosphere. Soft, rhythmic music starts playing in the background. LANDON (CONT'D) (whispering) Imagine the most exquisite sensations, my love. As Sarah succumbs to the heightened experience, the room transforms into a haven of pleasure. CUT TO: EXT. CITY PARK - DAY The next day, Sarah stands near the Altar Statue in the city park, waiting for Landon. The vivid memories of the night before linger in her mind. LANDON (appearing) Good afternoon, my enchanting Sarah. SARAH (smiling) Good afternoon. What's the secret you wanted to tell me? LANDON (teasing) Ah, the secret. But first, let's enjoy this beautiful day. They stroll through the park hand in hand, leaving the mysteries of the Orgabelts behind, setting the stage for a revelation that will reshape their connection. INT. COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS The courtroom is charged with tension as Dominic passionately addresses the judge, President Rex, and the public gallery. DOMINIC (to the judge) Your Honor, these crimes against humanity cannot go unpunished. The government's use of digital weapons to enforce tax payments is a blatant violation of human rights. PRESIDENT REX (angry) This man is a troublemaker! He's trying to destroy our system. DOMINIC (resolute) Your system is destroying lives. I will not stand by and watch the people suffer. The judge listens intently, weighing the arguments presented. JUDGE (to Dominic) Continue, Mr. Dominic. What evidence do you have to support these claims? DOMINIC (presenting evidence) Exhibit A: Digital weapons recovered from citizens without their knowledge. Exhibit B: Medical records showing accelerated aging and health issues caused by these weapons. Exhibit C: Testimonies from countless citizens who have suffered under this oppressive system. The judge examines the evidence, acknowledging the severity of the situation. JUDGE (to President Rex) These allegations are serious. Mr. President, you and your government will have to provide a convincing defense. PRESIDENT REX (defensive) We've done what's necessary to maintain order and stability. These measures are for the greater good. DOMINIC (angry) The greater good? Is it for the greater good to reduce the lifespan of your citizens, to subject them to suffering? Your definition of good is twisted. PRESIDENT KNOX (smug) This is a political stunt! Dominic is just trying to undermine the government. DOMINIC (firm) I'm here for justice, not politics. The people deserve better. The public gallery murmurs in agreement, showing support for Dominic's stand. JUDGE (to Dominic) Mr. Dominic, I'll give you a chance to present your case fully. The court will convene tomorrow for a thorough examination. CUT TO: INT. DOMINIC'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Dominic prepares for the next day, reviewing his case and steeling himself for the battle ahead. The stakes are high, and the fight for justice intensifies. FADE OUT. EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY The crowd gathers outside the courthouse, anxiously awaiting the outcome of Dominic's defense. The air is charged with anticipation. REPORTER (excited) The courtroom is buzzing with Dominic's vision for a new system. The people seem to be rallying behind him. Will this mark the end of the controversial tax system? The news spreads like wildfire, reaching every corner of the city. INT. COURTROOM - LATER The judge, after careful consideration, addresses the courtroom. JUDGE After thorough examination of the evidence and arguments presented, this court acknowledges the seriousness of the allegations against the government's current system. We will reconvene tomorrow for the final verdict. The courtroom erupts with mixed emotions. Dominic's supporters cheer, while the opposing side looks uneasy. EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY The crowd outside reacts to the judge's announcement. Excitement and tension fill the air. DOMINIC (to his supporters) Stay strong! We're one step closer to justice. PRESIDENT REX (whispering to his advisors) This is a disaster. We need to find a way to salvage the situation. INT. COURTROOM - NEXT DAY The courtroom is packed once again as the judge delivers the final verdict. JUDGE After careful consideration, this court finds the government's current system in violation of human rights and international laws. The system's use of digital weapons and its impact on the citizens' health and lives are unacceptable. As a result, we hereby declare the current system illegal and order an immediate halt to the use of digital weapons for tax enforcement. The courtroom erupts in cheers, applause, and even tears of relief. Dominic's supporters celebrate the historic decision. JUDGE (CONT'D) Furthermore, the court recognizes Dominic's proposed system as a viable alternative. The government is ordered to engage in peaceful negotiations to transition to this new system, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of its citizens. The news spreads rapidly, resonating with people across the nation. EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY The crowd outside the courthouse celebrates the victory for justice. Banners and placards wave in the air, signaling a new era. REPORTER (on live TV) This marks a historic moment. Dominic's vision for a new system has triumphed. The government is under pressure to transition away from the controversial tax system. DOMINIC (standing tall) Change is coming. We've taken a step towards a better future. As Dominic addresses the crowd, the sun sets on the horizon, symbolizing the end of an era and the dawn of a new beginning. FADE OUT. INT. HOTEL ROOM - LATER Landon and Sarah, breathless and flushed with passion, lie entwined on the bed, the orgabelts now discarded. The room is filled with a post-intimacy glow. LANDON (smiling) Well, I'd say the orgabelts experiment was a success. SARAH (laughing) You're a genius, Landon. That was beyond intense. LANDON (playful) I aim to please. Maybe I should patent these orgabelts. SARAH (teasing) You might start a revolution in pleasure technology. They share a laugh, reveling in the shared experience. LANDON (sincere) It's moments like these that make life unforgettable. SARAH (nuzzling) Absolutely. I can't believe how incredible that was. Thank you for being so inventive. LANDON (kissing her forehead) Thank you for being my willing co-pilot in this experiment. As they bask in the afterglow, a knock on the hotel room door interrupts their moment. HOTEL STAFF (voice from outside) Room service! Landon and Sarah exchange amused glances. LANDON (grinning) Looks like our post-experiment celebration just arrived. SARAH (laughing) Shall we continue our festivities? LANDON (smiling) Absolutely. They share a lingering kiss, savoring the magic of the moment, as the hotel staff patiently waits outside with the room service. The night holds the promise of more adventures for this inventive couple. FADE OUT. INT. HOTEL RECEPTION - NIGHT Benson and Daina arrive to check in at the hotel. RECEPTIONIST Name, please? Bank card, ID, or booking reference? Suddenly, a loud orgasmic scream echoes from upstairs, catching everyone's attention. DAINA (laughing) Someone beat me to it, Benson. Benson suggests checking if everything is alright upstairs due to the intensity of the sounds. DAINA (teasing) Why not go and check for yourself? Learn how others do it, and then come and make me feel that way too? The receptionist hands back Benson's bank card, and he contemplates the situation. BENSON (smiling) Is there Viagra for women? Maybe I might get you one as well, Daina, my love. DAINA (slapping his arm) It's not Viagra. The man just understands the buttons to press and when to press them. Benson looks at her with curiosity as they share a playful moment in the hotel reception. INT. CITY PARK - CONTINUOUS Sarah, stunned and bleeding, takes a step back as Landon's sinister laughter echoes through the secluded path. The once lively music now feels like a haunting melody. The atmosphere changes, and fear grips her heart. SARAH (panicking) Landon, what's happening? Why are you doing this? LANDON (smirking) My dear Sarah, you were just a pawn in my game. The orgabelts, the intense pleasure, all leading to this moment. He menacingly advances toward her, revealing a darker side that Sarah had never known. LANDON (CONT'D) You see, the real secret lies in the pain, the fear, the climax of terror. The ultimate experience! Sarah, realizing the gravity of the situation, starts backing away, desperately seeking an escape. SARAH (angry and scared) What kind of sick game is this, Landon? You said you loved me! LANDON (laughing maniacally) Love? Oh, my dear, love is just a tool. A tool to manipulate, to control. And you were so easily manipulated. He raises the gun, and Sarah's eyes widen in horror. SARAH (pleading) Landon, please! We can talk about this. There has to be another way. LANDON (mocking) Talk? No, my love. This is where our story ends. In pain, in terror. Before he can take another step, a sudden gunshot rings through the air. Landon staggers, a look of disbelief on his face. Another shot follows, and he collapses to the ground. SARAH (shocked) What...? From the shadows emerges a mysterious figure in a black suit, holding a smoking gun. The atmosphere shifts again, but this time, relief replaces fear. FIGURE You're safe now, Sarah. Sarah, still processing the surreal events, looks at the mysterious savior. SARAH Who are you? FIGURE Call me The Guardian. I've been watching over you. The Guardian helps Sarah to her feet, and together they leave the ominous path, leaving behind the fallen Landon and the dark secrets he held. FADE OUT. INT. RICHARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Sarah, still holding the briefcase, enters Richard's dimly lit apartment. She's determined to unravel the mysteries left behind by Landon. Richard, a middle-aged man with a calm demeanor, awaits her. RICHARD (tearfully) I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Sarah. SARAH (voice trembling) Tell me everything, Richard. What was Landon trying to share with me? Richard guides her to a small table where a holographic projector rests. He activates it, and a holographic display unfolds, revealing intricate diagrams and data. RICHARD Landon discovered a hidden truth about a powerful organization. They control the world's resources, manipulate governments, and exploit a technology that can alter human perception. SARAH (confused) What does this have to do with me? RICHARD Landon believed you could expose them. He left evidence in that briefcase—documents, recordings, everything you need. Sarah opens the briefcase, revealing a trove of classified information. Maps, recordings, and a device that looks like a memory chip. SARAH (sternly) Why me? Why did he think I could expose them? RICHARD (teary-eyed) Your background in investigative journalism, your courage. He saw something in you, Sarah. The organization uses a technology that could change the course of humanity. They manipulate memories, control perceptions, and hide their sinister deeds. SARAH (resolute) Then I'll expose them. For Landon. Determined, Sarah begins to analyze the information, unaware of the dangerous path she's about to tread. The holographic images flicker, casting an ominous glow over the room. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND LAB - NIGHT Sarah, Victor, and Landon cautiously enter a hidden underground laboratory. The air is thick with tension as they navigate the dimly lit space filled with advanced equipment and monitors displaying complex data. LANDON (whispering) This is where it all began. The organization operates from here. SARAH (confused) But why impersonate you? What are they after? LANDON (grim) They want to manipulate the narrative. They want the world to believe I'm involved in something sinister, discrediting any attempt to expose them. VICTOR (angry) So, they're trying to bury the truth. LANDON (nodding) Exactly. We need to find evidence of their plans, their operatives. Everything. They split up, searching for clues, their senses heightened. Sarah stumbles upon a locked room, marked "Project Pandora." SARAH (pointing) Guys, look at this. Project Pandora. It might have the answers. Landon skillfully picks the lock, and they enter the room. Inside, they find a trove of documents, blueprints, and a central console displaying a global map with targeted locations. VICTOR (shocked) They're planning something big. Look at these locations—major cities, government facilities. LANDON (determined) We need to expose this. The world needs to know. As they gather evidence, an alarm blares through the lab. Red lights flash, signaling danger. INTERCOM (V.O.) Intruders detected. Initiating security protocols. The trio braces for action as security doors seal off exits, trapping them inside the underground labyrinth. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT The city sleeps, unaware of the impending danger lurking beneath its surface. CUT BACK: INT. UNDERGROUND LAB - NIGHT Sarah, Victor, and Landon face a race against time to escape the tightening grip of the organization's security measures and expose their nefarious plans. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Carolina stands in shock, her reflection duplicated endlessly in the surrounding mirrors. The room seems to twist and distort, creating an otherworldly sensation. CAROLINA (whispering) This can't be real. Suddenly, a holographic projection of David appears in the center of the room, wearing a sly grin. DAVID HOLOGRAM Impressed, Carolina? Welcome to my sanctuary. CAROLINA (angry) What kind of twisted game are you playing, David? DAVID HOLOGRAM (smiling) It's not a game, my dear. It's a demonstration. A glimpse into the power I possess. Carolina looks around, searching for an exit, but the mirrors seem to shift, disorienting her. CAROLINA (frustrated) What are you hiding, David? DAVID HOLOGRAM (leaning in) Everything, Carolina. But I'm offering you a choice. Join me in this world of luxury and secrets, or leave and forever wonder what could have been. Carolina hesitates, torn between curiosity and suspicion. CAROLINA (sarcastic) A world of illusions? No, thanks. I'd rather face reality. DAVID HOLOGRAM (chuckling) Reality is subjective, my dear. But suit yourself. The hologram vanishes, and the room returns to its opulent state. Carolina gathers her composure and heads back to the living room. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS As Carolina reenters the living room, she notices a hidden door. Intrigued, she opens it, revealing a secret passage. CAROLINA (determined) Time to unveil your secrets, David. She steps into the passage, plunging into the unknown. FADE OUT. INT. RICHARD’S OFFICE - DAY Richard is on the phone. RICHARD Sarah if Victor is there with you I want him in my office pronto! SARAH Sir, just to clarify were you in the park this afternoon? She looks at Victor who instantly switches to a louder speaker. VICTOR I am afraid not. I am too busy. I haven’t been to lunch let alone talk about leaving this office. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Sarah's apartment is in disarray. Broken pieces of glass and scattered belongings litter the floor. She clutches her phone, tears streaming down her face. SARAH (screaming) How could he? How could he do this to me? Victor cautiously enters the room, trying to console her. VICTOR Sarah, I'm so sorry. You deserve better than this. SARAH (sobbing) I thought he was the one. I thought he loved me. VICTOR (angry) He's not worth your tears. You'll get through this. Sarah looks at Victor, her anger turning into determination. SARAH You're right. I won't let him destroy me. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Sarah, now focused and determined, walks through the bustling city streets. She wipes away her tears and puts on a brave face. SARAH (V.O.) He thought he could break me, but he's wrong. I won't let this define me. CUT TO: INT. ERNEST'S OFFICE - DAY Sarah barges into Ernest's office. He looks up, surprised by her entrance. SARAH (angry) You think you can just walk away after what you did? Ernest stammers, caught off guard. ERNEST Sarah, I... SARAH Save it. I deserve an explanation. Ernest hesitates but then starts confessing. ERNEST I got back with my ex. I'm sorry, Sarah. I didn't expect her to get pregnant. Sarah's anger turns into disappointment. SARAH You let me believe we had something special. You're not the person I thought you were. She turns and leaves his office, leaving Ernest to face the consequences of his actions. CUT TO: EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Sarah finds solace in the park, sitting on a bench and reflecting on the recent events. SARAH (V.O.) I may be broken now, but I'll heal. And when I do, I'll be stronger than ever. CUT TO: INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Sarah, surrounded by supportive friends, starts picking up the pieces of her life. They share laughter, creating new memories to replace the painful ones. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. VICTOR'S HOUSE - NIGHT Victor, still shaken by the news of the decomposed body in the park, paces around his living room. He receives another call from Richard. RICHARD (on the phone) Victor, we need you to replace node thirty-two. It's crucial for the project. VICTOR (stuttering) Replace? What do you mean? What happened to the gatekeeper? RICHARD (dismissive) No time for explanations. We need you to step in immediately. Wear the Carolinadeivid tracksuit and head to the park. Victor reluctantly hangs up, a mix of fear and confusion etched on his face. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NIGHT Victor, now wearing the tracksuit, cautiously enters the park. The night is eerie, and shadows play tricks on his mind. He heads towards the Altar Statue, the atmosphere tense. CUT TO: INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - FLASHBACK Richard, months earlier, debates with Hudson about the viability of mind-reading technology. RICHARD (determined) If we can decode thoughts without violating human rights, we'll have the ultimate power. We need funding to make this work. HUDSON (skeptical) Show me a way without breaking any laws, and I'll consider it. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. VICTOR'S HOUSE - NIGHT Victor reaches the Altar Statue, glancing around nervously. Suddenly, a masked figure emerges from the shadows. MASKED FIGURE You're late, Victor. Victor, trembling, realizes he's in over his head. VICTOR Who are you? MASKED FIGURE No questions. Just follow my lead. The masked figure hands Victor a mysterious device. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NIGHT Victor, under the guidance of the masked figure, approaches a hidden entrance near the Altar Statue. They descend into an underground facility. CUT TO: INT. SECRET FACILITY - NIGHT Victor is surrounded by advanced technology, monitors displaying brainwave patterns, and scientists working silently. MASKED FIGURE You're our last hope, Victor. Node thirty-two must be replaced for the greater good. Victor, torn between fear and duty, reluctantly accepts the task. CUT TO: INT. VICTOR'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Shelley returns home, finding a note from Victor. NOTE Sorry, Shelley. Duty calls. Don't worry; I'll explain everything soon. She looks at the empty room, a sense of unease washing over her. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. RICHARD’S OFFICE - WEEKS LATER Victor (30s) hears a huge roar of anger and anguish coming from Richard’s office. He quickly leaves his office and heads to Richard’s office. He opens the door and sees Richard standing at the window cursing constantly. RICHARD He pulled the plug. At the critical point. Guess what? VICTOR What? RICHARD I just got the bank’s reply. They have denied us the loan. He says upset. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. RICHARD’S OFFICE - DAY Sarah (30s) stands at the window. SARAH Don’t you think it would be easy if we knew someone inside. Look what a waste in Sarah. Imagine if she had to know someone from the bank. Things could be better. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT David (30s) is alone in his office, contemplating the moral dilemma of using the mind-reading technology. The weight of responsibility bears heavily on him. DAVID (whispering to himself) What have we become? Using this technology to manipulate and control people's lives. It was meant to help the impaired, not as a tool for power. He glances at the Ultima Talion devices, symbols of the power he wields. The room echoes with the eerie silence of secrets and hidden intentions. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK David discusses the mind-reading technology with Carolina, revealing the government's abuse of power. DAVID They've turned this gift into a curse, violating the rights of every citizen. The regime uses it to control, manipulate, and eliminate threats. Carolina, shocked by the revelation, contemplates the consequences of such invasive technology. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT Carolina (30s) confronts David about the government's actions. CAROLINA This technology was meant to aid those in need, not to become a tool for oppression. We can't let this continue. David, torn by conflicting emotions, acknowledges the need for change. DAVID We've become the oppressors, Carolina. It's time to bring this system down, expose their secrets, and free the minds of the people. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK David discusses his plan to expose the government's secrets with a colleague. COLLEAGUE Why give away the Ultima Talion devices? What's your endgame? DAVID Money can make you achieve anything, but it's time for a system change. We need to expose the truth and bring about a new era. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT David reflects on the impact of the mind-reading technology on people's thoughts. DAVID (whispering) We've invaded their minds, exposed their fears and desires. Now, we must use this knowledge to set them free. He reaches a decision, determined to dismantle the oppressive regime. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY David addresses a gathering, revealing the government's misuse of the mind-reading technology and urging the people to unite for change. DAVID We have the power to break free from the chains that bind us. Let us stand together and reclaim our freedom! The crowd, stirred by David's words, begins to rally against the oppressive regime. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. STUDY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Carolina cautiously enters the study room, glancing at the screen next to the door. The eerie atmosphere amplifies as she notices a holographic display with a blinking cursor prompting for a command. SCREEN Enter command: Carolina takes a deep breath and types: ACCESS THINKING TAPES. The room transforms with holographic displays, revealing a plethora of recorded thoughts, data streams, and encrypted files. CAROLINA (whispering) What secrets are hidden in these tapes? She navigates through the holographic interface, uncovering glimpses of conversations, political maneuvers, and clandestine operations. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - NIGHT David, equipped with a device to access the thinking tapes, stands on a rooftop overlooking the city. The night is alive with the distant hum of neon lights and the pulse of urban energy. DAVID (whispering) It's time to expose the truth and awaken the masses. He activates the device, syncing it with the city's vast network of thinking tapes. CUT TO: INT. THINKING TAPES SYSTEM - NIGHT Carolina, immersed in the holographic data, stumbles upon a file titled "Project: Digital Control." As she opens it, shocking revelations unfold—the extent of the government's manipulation, surveillance, and control. CAROLINA (disbelief) This is beyond anything I imagined. They're orchestrating everything. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY David addresses a gathering, using the thinking tapes to project evidence of the government's deceit onto massive screens. DAVID (voice echoing) We have been deceived, manipulated, and controlled. The regime's lies are exposed through their own thoughts. The crowd erupts in anger, demanding justice and change. CUT TO: INT. THINKING TAPES SYSTEM - CONTINUOUS Carolina, fueled by determination, discovers a hidden section labeled "Operation: Freedom." CAROLINA (confident) This must be the key to dismantling the regime's control. She decrypts the files, unveiling a plan to neutralize the government's digital dominance. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - DAY David and Carolina join forces, armed with the knowledge from the thinking tapes, ready to challenge the oppressive regime. DAVID (intense) We will expose their darkest secrets and ignite a revolution for freedom. The cityscape becomes a battleground between the regime's forces and the uprising citizens. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Carolina, her heart racing, listens anxiously to David's revelation. DAVID (smiling) partner in this grand plan. The trinity restored. You, Evelina, and I shall form the new trinity, overseeing the economic and digital revolution. Carolina, bewildered, tries to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. CAROLINA (stammering) What... What do you mean, David? DAVID The trinity symbolizes balance and unity. You, representing the Holy Spirit, will be the vital link between our digital currency and individual nations. Evelina will be the bridge between our global currency and the national ones, while I oversee the entire system. Carolina, torn between fear and curiosity, contemplates her role in David's intricate plan. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) But why all the secrecy? Why turn me into a spirit, into the Holy Ghost? DAVID (smiling) It was a test, Evelina. A test to ensure you were the right person for this pivotal role. The Holy Ghost symbolizes purity, and only someone with a genuine heart could pass the test. Carolina, still processing the information, is unsure whether to trust David or fear his ambitions. DAVID (solemn) We're about to change the world, Evelina. No more lies, no more oppression. A new era is dawning. Carolina grapples with conflicting emotions, torn between skepticism and the hope for a better future. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - DAY David and Carolina, armed with their roles in the grand plan, step out into the bustling city. The world is oblivious to the impending transformation that will reshape economies and redefine power structures. FADE OUT. EXT. FARM - CONTINUOUS The boy smirks and leaps, effortlessly landing on Evelina's side of the stack. They exchange mischievous glances. BOY (teasingly) Afraid to climb higher? Evelina scowls, determined to prove herself. She resumes climbing, and the boy follows. The dog, now barking excitedly, rushes around the haystacks, trying to keep up. GIRL (smiling) You won't beat me! They reach the top simultaneously, victorious and out of breath. The dog, seemingly pleased with the outcome, sits at the base, wagging its tail. BOY (grinning) Tiebreaker? Evelina nods, and they both race down the haystacks, laughter echoing through the farm. The sun begins to set, casting a warm glow on the idyllic scene. CUT TO: EXT. FARM - LATER The boy and Evelina sit atop the haystack, catching their breath. The dog joins them, content. GIRL (smiling) What's your name? BOY (looking mysterious) Call me David. Evelina raises an eyebrow, intrigued. DAVID (smirking) And you? GIRL (teasing) Evelina, the haystack conqueror. They share a laugh, unaware of the challenges that lie ahead. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY - DAY Evelina, now an adult, walks through the bustling city, memories of the farm and the mysterious boy named David lingering in her mind. She clutches the pictures and the plan from David's book, determined to unravel the secrets. CUT TO: INT. HIGH-TECH FACILITY - NIGHT Evelina, wearing a determined expression, infiltrates a high-tech facility. She navigates through security systems, avoiding lasers, and finally reaches a secured room. GIRL (to herself) Time to find the truth. Evelina accesses a high-tech computer system and begins deciphering the information from the plan. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Alarms blare as security personnel rush to the control room. SECURITY OFFICER (shouting) Intruder alert! Sector 7! Evelina, focused and fearless, continues her mission to uncover the mysteries behind David's plan. FADE OUT. EXT. FARM - CONTINUOUS The boy smirks and leaps, effortlessly landing on Evelina's side of the stack. They exchange mischievous glances. BOY (teasingly) Afraid to climb higher? Evelina scowls, determined to prove herself. She resumes climbing, and the boy follows. The dog, now barking excitedly, rushes around the haystacks, trying to keep up. GIRL (smiling) You won't beat me! They reach the top simultaneously, victorious and out of breath. The dog, seemingly pleased with the outcome, sits at the base, wagging its tail. BOY (grinning) Tiebreaker? Evelina nods, and they both race down the haystacks, laughter echoing through the farm. The sun begins to set, casting a warm glow on the idyllic scene. CUT TO: EXT. FARM - LATER The boy and Evelina sit atop the haystack, catching their breath. The dog joins them, content. GIRL (smiling) What's your name? BOY (looking mysterious) Call me David. Evelina raises an eyebrow, intrigued. DAVID (smirking) And you? GIRL (teasing) Evelina, the haystack conqueror. They share a laugh, unaware of the challenges that lie ahead. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. CITY - DAY Evelina, now an adult, walks through the bustling city, memories of the farm and the mysterious boy named David lingering in her mind. She clutches the pictures and the plan from David's book, determined to unravel the secrets. CUT TO: INT. HIGH-TECH FACILITY - NIGHT Evelina, wearing a determined expression, infiltrates a high-tech facility. She navigates through security systems, avoiding lasers, and finally reaches a secured room. GIRL (to herself) Time to find the truth. Evelina accesses a high-tech computer system and begins deciphering the information from the plan. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Alarms blare as security personnel rush to the control room. SECURITY OFFICER (shouting) Intruder alert! Sector 7! Evelina, focused and fearless, continues her mission to uncover the mysteries behind David's plan. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. FARM - CONTINUOUS The haystacks collapse, and the boy and girl tumble down together, laughing. The dog barks and runs around them, seemingly enjoying the chaos. BOY (grinning) Well, that wasn't part of the plan. GIRL (laughing) Definitely not, but it was fun! They share a moment of laughter, lying on the hay-strewn ground. The sun sets, casting a warm glow over the farm. CUT TO: EXT. FARM - LATER The boy and girl, now covered in hay, sit by a bonfire they've created. The dog rests beside them, content. BOY (smiling) Sometimes, the unexpected moments are the best. GIRL (nodding) True. Life should be an adventure. They gaze at the stars, the remnants of the collapsed haystacks forming a makeshift bed. BOY (softly) I'm glad you're here. GIRL (sincerely) Me too. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. CLASSROOM - DAY (YEARS LATER) The girl, now a young woman, sits in a classroom, looking focused. The boy, now a young man, enters with a bouquet of roses. BOY (smiling) For the girl who can conquer haystacks. GIRL (laughing) You remembered. He hands her the roses, and they share a glance filled with shared memories. CUT TO: EXT. FARM - DAY (FLASHBACK) The young boy and girl, full of dreams, stare at the stars from the haystacks. BOY (whispering) Someday, we'll explore the universe together. GIRL (smiling) Someday. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - DAY (IMAGINATION SEQUENCE) The boy and girl, now dressed as astronauts, float together in space, surrounded by the beauty of the cosmos. They hold hands, living the dream they once shared. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. CLASSROOM - DAY (PRESENT) The young man and woman, still holding hands, smile at each other, knowing that their shared dreams have led them on a unique journey. GIRL (whispering) Life is an adventure, isn't it? BOY (nodding) Always. They embrace, ready to embark on the next chapter of their journey together. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. BEAUTIFUL FLOWER FIELDS - SUNSET The sun begins to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the flower fields. Evelina and Alex, holding hands, stroll through the vibrant blooms. EVELINA (looking at the sky) The sunset feels like a painting, Alex. ALEX (smiling) Just like our love story. As they walk, they come across a tree with initials carved into its bark. EVELINA (teasingly) Look what we left behind. ALEX (serious) Our mark on time. Suddenly, a distant howl breaks the tranquility. EVELINA (startled) What was that? ALEX (looking concerned) I don't know, but we should head back. CUT TO: EXT. BEAUTIFUL FLOWER FIELDS - NIGHT The moonlight bathes the flower fields as Evelina and Alex, now cautious, make their way back. The distant howls grow louder. EVELINA (nervously) Are we in danger? ALEX (holding her hand) I won't let anything happen to you. They quicken their pace, the night sounds becoming eerily suspenseful. Suddenly, a pack of wolves emerges from the shadows, surrounding them. EVELINA (panicking) Alex! ALEX (protectively) Stay behind me. The leader of the pack, a majestic white wolf, steps forward. To their surprise, it starts transforming into a human figure – a mysterious figure cloaked in moonlight. FIGURE (voice echoing) Evelina, Alex, your love is pure, but challenges lie ahead. EVELINA (confused) Who are you? FIGURE I am the guardian of eternal love. Your love has awakened a mystical power within these flower fields. The figure gestures, and the flowers begin to glow with an otherworldly light. FIGURE (CONT'D) Your love has the potential to change the course of destiny. Embrace the challenges, for they will strengthen your bond. Suddenly, a portal of light appears. FIGURE (CONT'D) Step through, and face your destiny together. EVELINA (looking at Alex) Are we ready for this? ALEX (sincerely) As long as we're together, we can face anything. They step through the portal, leaving the flower fields behind, embarking on a mystical journey into the unknown. FADE OUT. FADE OUT: EXT. BEACH - DAY The sun rises over the tranquil beach, casting a golden glow. Alex and Evelina stroll hand in hand along the shore, the waves gently caressing their feet. EVELINA (smiling) I'm so glad we didn't postpone this trip. It's perfect. ALEX (looking at her) You're right. Sometimes, you just need to seize the moment. They continue walking, their footprints left behind in the sand. Suddenly, Alex stops and looks at Evelina with a serious expression. ALEX (serious) Evelina, there's something I need to tell you. EVELINA (concerned) What is it? Alex takes a deep breath. ALEX I've been offered a job opportunity abroad. It's a great career move, but it means we have to leave everything behind. EVELINA (shocked) What? When did this happen? ALEX (looking into her eyes) I found out just before the trip, but I didn't want to ruin it for us. I've been wrestling with the decision. EVELINA (teary-eyed) Alex, why didn't you tell me sooner? ALEX (earnestly) I wanted us to have this time together, to make beautiful memories. But now, I need to know, Evelina. Will you come with me? Evelina is torn, emotions swirling in her eyes. She looks at the vast ocean as if seeking answers. EVELINA (whispering) It's a big decision, Alex. I need time to think. They stand on the beach, the future uncertain, as the waves continue to kiss the shore. FADE OUT. FADE IN. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Alex and Evelina, disguised and cautious, approach the eerie, dimly lit warehouse. EVELINA (whispering) Are you sure this is the place? ALEX (nodding) The message was clear. They want to meet here. They cautiously enter the warehouse, each step echoing through the desolate space. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - CONTINUOUS In the shadows, a mysterious figure emerges. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (voice disguised) Welcome, Alex. Evelina. Alex and Evelina tense up, facing the enigmatic figure. ALEX (angry) Cut the games. What do you want? MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (smiling) Straight to the point. I like that. I want a partnership, Alex. EVELINA (defiant) Partnership? After everything you've put us through? The mysterious figure chuckles. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE Everything we do is for a reason. We want you to join us willingly. ALEX (resolute) I'll never willingly join your twisted organization. The mysterious figure steps into the light, revealing a calculating gaze. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (serious) Think about it, Alex. We control everything. You can't escape us. It's in your best interest to cooperate. Evelina, filled with determination, takes a step forward. EVELINA (angry) We won't bow down to your threats. You can't control love and happiness. The mysterious figure smirks. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (mocking) Ah, love. Such a fragile thing. We'll see how strong it is when faced with adversity. Suddenly, a group of masked operatives surrounds them. MASKED OPERATIVE #1 (ominous) You have a choice. Join us willingly, or we'll make you regret your decision. Alex and Evelina exchange determined glances, ready to face whatever comes their way. FADE OUT. CAROLINA (reading) "The Devil's Dilemma is a belief that the Devil, in order to maintain balance and create chaos, must present a dilemma to humanity. It's like a test to prove the strength of the human spirit." MARK (confused) So, what does that have to do with our current situation? CAROLINA (pensive) If David was referring to the Devil's Dilemma, he might believe that exposing humanity to such threats would bring out their true strength. It's twisted, but maybe he saw it as a necessary evil to ensure our resilience. MARK (alarmed) So, these threats are intentional? And we are the subjects of this twisted experiment? CAROLINA (nodding) It's like he's orchestrating a grand play, forcing us to confront our fears and challenges. But why? What does he hope to achieve? MARK (determined) We need to find a way out of this. There has to be a way to break this cycle. Carolina scans through her notes. CAROLINA (resolute) There's a pattern here. If we can understand the pattern, we might find a way to disrupt it. MARK (skeptical) A pattern in chaos? CAROLINA (smiling) Chaos often follows its own set of rules. We just need to decipher them. They start analyzing the data on the computer, searching for the elusive pattern that might hold the key to their survival. FADE OUT. MARK (serious) So, we have a tight window to break the sequence and save each individual before the cleanup process starts. Carolina nods, her mind racing with the urgency of the situation. CAROLINA And we need to do this without alerting the makers. If they catch wind of our interference, they might accelerate the cleanup process. MARK (resolute) We have to move fast. Gather all the data on the digital assassins, and let's identify their digital watermarks. We need to break this sequence and save lives. Carolina starts typing furiously on her keyboard, accessing the encrypted data related to the digital assassins. CAROLINA (intense) We have to be meticulous and quick. Every second counts. They work in tandem, unraveling the intricate web of digital watermarks and sequences. The tension in the room rises as they race against time. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - LATER Carolina and Mark, exhausted but determined, have identified the digital watermarks and sequences. MARK (looking at the screen) We've got them. Now, how do we break the sequence? CAROLINA (scratching her head) We need to find the common link, the key that connects them all. Once we find that, we can disrupt the sequence. Mark thinks for a moment. MARK The Global Reserve Bank. That's where the sequence starts. If we can tamper with their system, maybe we can break the chain. CAROLINA (nodding) You're right. Let's focus on gaining access to the Global Reserve Bank's system. Once we're in, we disrupt the sequence, and hopefully, we save lives. They exchange a determined look, gearing up for the final phase of their mission. FADE OUT. FADE IN. MARK (serious) No. We started this together, and we'll finish it together. We can't let these monsters win. We have to expose them for the sake of humanity. Carolina appreciates Mark's determination, and they exchange a determined look. CAROLINA (looking at the map) We need a plan. We can't be in two places at once, and we can't risk being separated. MARK (resolute) Then let's find a way to cover more ground together. We need to strategize. They sit down, analyzing the map and their options. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - LATER Carolina and Mark have come up with a plan to maximize their coverage and protect the recipients of the digital currency. CAROLINA (explaining) We'll split the recipients into groups, and each of us will cover one group. We'll maintain communication and synchronize our movements. If one of us encounters trouble, the other can intervene. MARK (nodding) Good. We need to move quickly and efficiently. Carolina hands Mark a device. CAROLINA This will help us stay connected. It has a direct link to the Global Reserve Bank's data, and we can track each recipient in real-time. MARK (looking at the device) Let's hope this works. They gear up, ready for the intense mission ahead. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Carolina and Mark, armed and determined, move through the city streets. Each follows a different route to cover as much ground as possible. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - NIGHT Carolina monitors the recipients' locations on her screen, anxiously awaiting any signs of trouble. CAROLINA (into the communication device) Mark, everything clear on your end? MARK (V.O.) (over the device) All clear. No signs of trouble yet. CAROLINA Stay vigilant. We can't afford any mistakes. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Mark, stealthy and cautious, moves through the dark streets, keeping an eye on the recipients in his assigned group. MARK (into the device) Carolina, I've reached the first group. All seems quiet. CAROLINA (V.O.) Good. Keep me updated. As Mark continues his mission, a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, watching his every move. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - NIGHT Carolina's eyes are fixed on the screen, anxiety building with each passing moment. CAROLINA (into the device) Mark, be careful. I sense something isn't right. MARK (V.O.) I got this, Carolina. Don't worry. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Mark approaches the next group of recipients when suddenly, a group of masked assailants emerges, surrounding him. MASKED ASSAILANT LEADER (laughing) You thought you could interfere, huh? MARK (defiant) I won't let you harm these people. The Masked Assailant Leader signals, and the others move in to attack Mark. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - NIGHT Carolina's eyes widen in panic as she sees the unfolding danger on the screen. CAROLINA (into the device) Mark, fall back! I'm on my way. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Mark, outnumbered but determined, fights against the masked assailants. Carolina rushes through the streets, desperately trying to reach him in time. FADE OUT. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S MONITORING CENTER - NIGHT Carolina and Mark, now focused on the mission ahead, prepare for the challenging task that awaits them. CAROLINA (serious) We need to be strategic and precise. Time is not on our side. MARK (determined) Let's go over the plan again. We need to make sure we understand every detail. Carolina nods, and they sit down to discuss the intricate details of their dangerous mission. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Carolina and Mark, armed and ready, venture into the dark city streets, each carrying a portion of the digital key. CAROLINA (into the communication device) Remember, we must synchronize our moves. If one of us encounters trouble, the other must be ready to intervene. MARK (over the device) Got it. Let's do this. They split up, heading towards different groups of recipients. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - LATER Mark, moving cautiously, reaches the location of the first group. He hides in the shadows, observing the recipients, ready to make his move. MARK (into the device) I'm in position. Ready to initiate. CAROLINA (V.O.) Stay vigilant, Mark. Remember, timing is crucial. Mark nods, steeling himself for the challenging task ahead. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DIFFERENT LOCATION - NIGHT Carolina, equally focused, approaches the second group of recipients. She carefully analyzes the situation, preparing for her crucial role in the mission. CAROLINA (into the device) I'm ready on my end. Waiting for your signal. MARK (V.O.) Initiating now. Mark makes his move, targeting the digital assassin for code five. Carolina, tensed and ready, waits for the signal to proceed. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - MARK'S LOCATION - NIGHT Mark, using his skills, stealthily eliminates the digital assassin assigned to code five. The area remains quiet, indicating a successful mission. MARK (into the device) Code five eliminated. Proceeding to the next location. CAROLINA (V.O.) Copy that. Be careful, Mark. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - CAROLINA'S LOCATION - NIGHT Carolina, on high alert, receives the confirmation from Mark. She gears up, ready to face the challenges of her part in the mission. CAROLINA (into the device) I'm moving in. Cover me. MARK (V.O.) Got your back, Carolina. They continue their dangerous mission, moving through the city streets with determination and courage. FADE OUT. ****************************************************************************************** EVELINA THE OMEGA ******************************************************************************************* Title: "Tangled Alliances" INT. LUXURIOUS SPA - DAY A nude woman, LISA, in a micro-bikini, oils her body before climbing the steps to an elevated platform. Two men, BARNABY and HUDSON, lay down, side by side in thongs, talking. BARNABY, an old but rich man with a well-shaven face and dark hair, asks about Kirsty, his mistress. Barnaby's misunderstanding of Kirsty's desires becomes apparent. EXT. SPA TERRACE - DAY Hudson, a military man, enters the scene, bringing a new dynamic. Kirsty, once Barnaby's favorite, has fallen for the strong and wild Hudson. BARNABY (angered) Whenever I have a meeting with you, my girl does not show up. Are you eating my food as well, Hudson? HUDSON (laughing) If you think about how many men she has been with, you wouldn't ask that question. What's yours is mine as well. Barnaby confronts Hudson about Kirsty, expressing his frustration. BARNABY (angry) How can it be mine if you lock it away from me? HUDSON (smiling) We can share it. She's not your wife. By the way, how is Yolanda? Barnaby reveals that his wife, Yolanda, is busy with her own ventures, creating tension between the two men. HUDSON (teasing) So, what is eating you? Surely, it can't be Kirsty. Did you request this meeting just to talk about her? Lisa, a topless woman, interrupts, adding a sensual element to the conversation. BARNABY (sighs) The bank wants to discuss the loan application you made. HUDSON (interested) I'm listening. As Hudson receives a massage from Lisa, Barnaby explains the bank's concerns about the loan amount and its potential impact on their standing. BARNABY (sincere) You know we have new management. The loan amount is too high, and as a listed member, it might be written off. Hudson, unfazed, observes Lisa's sensuous movements. HUDSON (smiling) If it wasn't for us, the bank wouldn't even exist. You're rich today because of the gold... The tension between Barnaby and Hudson builds as they navigate their personal and financial entanglements in this steamy drama filled with desire, power, and unexpected alliances. Title: "Sacred Scripts" INT. LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSE - NIGHT Hudson and Barnaby engage in a heated conversation about the loan application and the potential consequences of the recent objections. HUDSON (leaning in) When they said knowledge is power, this is exactly what they had in mind. I was expecting you to double the amount, especially now that I am the new leader of the cult. Barnaby, uneasy, listens as Hudson elaborates on the changes since he made the loan application. HUDSON (cont'd) In the beginning, the system was fair, empowering the poor and the orphans. But now, the money is used for digital weapons and watermarks, destroying the very people it was supposed to help. That's why there are objections. BARNABY (serious) But what we do with the money is not your business. HUDSON (smirking) Pardon my French. Barnaby signals Lisa to join them, creating an intimate atmosphere. BARNABY (leaning in) You must understand that, with Tomorrow’s World Order's crackdown on digital pathogens and watermarks, the board and shareholders will differ. It's viewed as funding terrorists. No one wants to be served with the UltimaTalionis order. HUDSON (defiant) We made you who you are. To hell with shareholders! BARNABY (grim) It's not just them. Tomorrow’s World Order is putting us out of business. They want to establish the Global Reserve Bank, banning loans and bailouts. HUDSON (cursing) Damn it! You still owe us. Your forefathers knew without the gold scriptures, where would you be? Barnaby, feeling betrayed, confronts Hudson about Kirsty. HUDSON (confessing) Okay. I'm involved with her. She's at my hotel flat as we speak. BARNABY (angry) You have Lisa and Yolanda. Don't let a woman ruin our relationship. HUDSON (upset) Tell me it's not about a bloody hooker. BARNABY (explaining) The board and shareholders claim they may own the gold scriptures. They think they've paid the full value. HUDSON (laughing) They don’t understand. The gold scriptures aren't for sale. They're older than the world itself. Their value is the value of the entire world. Barnaby reveals the potential threat to the cult and its sacred scriptures, shaking Hudson with rage. HUDSON (angry) That sounds like a threat. Barnaby pushes Lisa away and sits down, setting the stage for a confrontation that goes beyond business and love, delving into the sacred and dangerous territory of ancient scriptures and hidden powers. Title: "Web of Deceit" INT. LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSE - NIGHT Barnaby and Hudson engage in a tense confrontation over the gold scriptures and the potential threat to the cult. HUDSON (aggressive) I just took the words out of your mouth. You're suggesting the gold scriptures belong to the bank. That's a threat in itself. If Kirsty is so important to you, take her back. The cult's rules won't allow immature thinking. Banks, money, people, women, they all come and go. But the cult and the gold scriptures will endure. Hudson points to his chest, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. HUDSON (cont'd) I'll do anything to ensure the gold scriptures stay with the cult. Even if it means sacrificing all of you. Do you understand? He simulates slicing open Barnaby's chest. BARNABY (nervous) It's that serious? HUDSON (threatening) Don't get me wrong. The cult exists because it takes people like you seriously. If I call for help, you're finished. My men can open all of you, one by one. What did you say about the loan? Barnaby stammers, feeling the pressure. BARNABY (panicking) I have to check with the board of directors. Hudson makes a phone call, offering Kirsty back to Barnaby. HUDSON (into phone) Kirsty, it's Barnaby. I miss you. What we had was for real? YOLANDA (from the phone) Barnaby? Who is Kirsty? It's Yolanda! Barnaby, enraged, confronts Hudson. BARNABY (angry) What are you playing at? Hudson grabs Barnaby's throat, issuing a menacing threat. HUDSON (furious) You mess with me, I'll ruin everyone you care about. Process the loan three times the amount I requested by tomorrow. He releases Barnaby, asserting control. HUDSON (cont'd) All the money you have? It belongs to the cult. If I have my way, you'll all be finished by tomorrow. Get rid of Lisa. She overheard everything. Barnaby, shocked, pleads for Kirsty. BARNABY (fearful) Where is Kirsty? Tell me you didn't kill her. HUDSON (ominous) Get rid of Lisa. If you touch Kirsty, I'll perform an autopsy on your fat body. Hudson walks away, leaving Barnaby shocked and terrified. CUT TO: EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Carolina, contemplating high-stakes risks and the shadowy world of digital weapons, vents her frustration to Mark. CAROLINA (angry) Damn it! You can't walk away now. MARK (concerned) Now I understand your fears. It's like you've signed your death certificate. CAROLINA (resolute) Very high stakes. Life and death. I can't just think of a way to pull this off without paying a heavy price. MARK (serious) The odds are against us. Big time. Carolina slams the door, leaving Mark troubled by the dangerous game they're about to play. Title: "Code of Shadows" INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina rushes away, leaving Mark to catch up and confront her. MARK (holding her shoulder) I'm just saying, if you pull it off, there are massive rewards. Think about it. CAROLINA (defensive) It's suicidal. How do you know about the rewards? I never mentioned it to you! MARK (smirking) Sorry, I read your diary. CAROLINA (angry) It's a bloody diary! Who reads someone else's diary? MARK (protesting) Caro, it's my life too on the line. If the diary is your source, then I have to read it too. CAROLINA (apologizing) Maybe you're right. I'm scared. How do we deal with code five and six? We can't split the keys. MARK (requesting) Give me that diary again. Carolina hands him the diary, and Mark reads aloud. MARK (cont'd) Failure to save even one recipient means a system shutdown is impossible. The loss is irreplaceable. Danger of death. The system keeps triggering assassins until all recipients are eliminated. Complete protection means the wave is closed and can be deactivated. MARK (cont'd) Are you serious? If one or more die, the system remains open, and more lethal assassins are sent? Carolina breaks down, crying. CAROLINA (sobbing) What did I get myself into? My boyfriend tried to talk me out of this, but I'm stubborn and take stupid challenges. Mark sees a vulnerable side of Carolina, feeling fear and anxiety. MARK (softly) We must protect all twelve, or they'll send more lethal assassins. CAROLINA (sincere) A failure on one level means more killers thirsty for blood. Mark's heart races, and he looks at Carolina with concern. MARK (breathing fast) How do we close that phase? CAROLINA (teary-eyed) At the end of all phases. There are twelve or more phases. David never mentioned this. I found it in a video for Evelina. MARK (confused) He assigns you this task but doesn't give you info, then gives it to someone else? Who's Evelina? CAROLINA (upset) This is what I'm saying. You withhold info, but we're in this together. That look tells me you're hiding something. Mark, troubled by the revelation, contemplates the risks and uncertainties of their mission. The stakes are high, and the shadows of secrecy cast doubt on their chances of success. Title: "Digits of Doom" INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT Detective Billy confronts David, accusing him of the gatekeeper's death. DAVID (angry) Damn it! You've got some nerves coming here and accusing me of the death of... who again? DETECTIVE BILLY (resolute) The gatekeeper! David looks puzzled as Detective Billy reveals the 666-card found on the gatekeeper's body. DAVID (confused) What does a private club have to do with us? Detective Billy smiles, presenting the card. DETECTIVE BILLY (smiling) We're not stupid. We believe this is your secret logo. The Mark of the Beast. Tomorrow’s World Order's secret logo. Correct me if I'm wrong. DAVID (defensive) Our logo is a lion, and it's not a secret. Derived from our license to kill - the Ultima-Talionis. Definitely not the Devil's number. DETECTIVE BILLY (smirking) Disguising your logo but making sure the victim knows who's killing them. Fooling us detectives. DAVID (defiant) I never thought of it that way. We have nothing to do with the gatekeeper's death. For the last time, okay? DETECTIVE BILLY (skeptical) That's what they all say until we step in. David curses, frustrated with the accusations. DAVID (angry) If you want answers about the gatekeeper, go back to your headquarters and ask among yourselves. DETECTIVE BILLY (curious) Why do you say that? DAVID (vehement) Why would I kill a man responsible for approving loans? I have enough funds in the Global Reserve Bank. I don't need a loan. I am or will be the richest man alive. Detective Billy laughs dismissively. DETECTIVE BILLY (mocking) Worthless digital currency? DAVID (defiant) Once we're in power, it will be the new medium of exchange. DETECTIVE BILLY (skeptical) Why would the police force kill the gatekeeper? DAVID (threatening) Trust me. When I finish pushing the courts about defunding you, you'll understand the real suspects behind his murder. Detective Billy laughs off the threat. DETECTIVE BILLY (smiling) We might have money problems, but that doesn't mean we've become murderers. DAVID (angry) You stubborn... DETECTIVE BILLY (interrupting) Mind your language! DAVID (resolute) The police institution is obsolete. The police force is obsolete! Look at all the people dying at your hands. The institution was obsolete, or this could not have been happening. DETECTIVE BILLY (smiling) The need for a system change has blinded you. Blaming everyone, even the law enforcement team. We're like messengers doing our jobs. DAVID (threatening) You think I don't know what's going on? You damn right know you're heading for doom. DETECTIVE BILLY (smiling) What do you do? Start killing... The tension escalates as David and Detective Billy engage in a verbal clash, each convinced of their righteousness in a world spiraling towards chaos. Title: "Shadows of Deceit" INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT David accuses Detective Billy of orchestrating deliberate killings to stir uprisings against police brutality. DAVID (angry) What do you do? Start killing innocent people so that you recreate the 1980s rallies? All these killings are to make people start rallying up against police brutality like the 1980s. Deliberate killings to stir uprisings so you fight calls for defunding the police. Detective Billy looks shocked at the accusation. DETECTIVE BILLY (sincere) I'm very saddened that you would suggest that all the killings are deliberate. DAVID (resentful) Have you read "World First: Power Games," the book I wrote? DETECTIVE BILLY (ignorant) Never heard of that book before. DAVID (revelation) Due to mass calls about defunding, your management, with help from the hospital and doctors illegally hacking people, has designed to set up ambushes to make you kill innocent people. Stirring uprisings to boost your numbers. DETECTIVE BILLY (defensive) You're talking about that boy's killing, right? The judges acquitted the officers involved. How can you still blame us? DAVID (explaining) Judges base their judgment on shared responsibility. People fund you through taxes. If they knew you were a threat, they'd refuse their money for the police. But they don't complain, weakening their case. All these deaths can't be accidental. Are they? Detective Billy defends, claiming the judges ruled them accidental. DAVID (challenging) I explained why they acquitted them. The institution is now obsolete. You kill more than muggers and robbers. Playing the blame game won't work. You have reasons to kill the gatekeeper. DETECTIVE BILLY (baffled) I've never been sent back to headquarters for answers. This is new. DAVID (smiling) Welcome to Tomorrow’s World Order. The gatekeeper denied loans; your bosses sought alternative funding. You have the motive. The 666-card means Devil worshippers. The gatekeeper had names, exposing the real devil worshippers. That's why you killed him. Where's the missing President? DETECTIVE BILLY (confused) I was going to ask you about that. DAVID (assertive) The President threatened to expose you as devil worshippers. You have the motive to get him killed. Ever heard of a president disappearing without a trace? DETECTIVE BILLY (resigned) Okay, I'll give you points on that. But the gatekeeper attached digital weapons and watermarks to money. To stop Tomorrow’s World Order. We believe you sent your man to kill him with the Ultima-Talionis order. The tension escalates as David and Detective Billy engage in a battle of accusations, revealing dark secrets that could reshape the destiny of Tomorrow’s World Order. Title: "Shadows of Deceit - Part II" INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT Detective Billy continues questioning David about the mysterious death of the gatekeeper. DETECTIVE BILLY (curious) Why send the Mark of the Beast, the 666 card, instead of your lion logo? Does it mean the Mark of the beast but refers to your license to kill, the Ultimate-Lion-Is? DAVID (dismissive) I don’t care what you say, but we're the least to want him dead at the moment. If he was on our list, it's in the future. Excuse me, detective. David starts walking away, leaving Detective Billy puzzled. DETECTIVE BILLY (persistent) Mr. David, why would he steal a list of the cult when he's a member? We think you're the only one who would want that list. DAVID (defiant) I have nothing to do with his death. DETECTIVE BILLY (accusing) I believe you threatened him, served him with an Ultima-Talionis order, then struck a deal. He gets you the list, and you spare his life. But you tricked him, killed him, and left the 666-card to divert attention. Where's the list? David stands speechless as Detective Billy lays out his theory. DETECTIVE BILLY (inquisitive) Who on your team killed the gatekeeper? David remains silent. DETECTIVE BILLY (provoking) Honestly, where is the list? David doesn't respond. DAVID (avoiding) I killed not the gatekeeper and have never seen the list. Goodbye, Detective. David walks away, leaving Detective Billy with unanswered questions. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Carolina and Mark discuss the mysterious connection between Hudson and Evelina. CAROLINA (defensive) I swear I don't know how they met. Maybe I should just walk away now. MARK (curious) Tell me, Carolina. CAROLINA (sobbing) He's going to make her take over as the leader when he goes into the invisible mode, some years from here. MARK (pacing) Did he ask you to get in touch with her? CAROLINA (upset) We met once, and he suggested that I train her, but I refused. I have no time for that. MARK (sighs) Okay, that makes sense. CAROLINA (explaining) We have to create sets of twelve recipients. Every phase has twelve recipients. We must protect them from assassins. If one dies, that phase won't close, and they'll send twelve more assassins. The next phase will have additional assassins on top of the assigned number. Mark processes the information, realizing the high stakes involved in their mission. The shadows of deceit deepen as the plot unfolds. Title: "Digital Odyssey" INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Mark and Carolina grapple with the weight of their mission, realizing the enormity of the challenges they face. MARK (breathing heavily) So, David anticipated that they would send lower-grade assassins first, making it easier for us to deal with. CAROLINA (tearfully) But after that, any level of assassin could be sent. Even the highest level. MARK (trying to console) It makes sense. David planned strategically. We need to be prepared for anything. CAROLINA (sobbing) And the extra assassins... everyone is a target. Even us. Mark hugs Carolina tightly. MARK (curious) How many teams are out there? CAROLINA (briefly) Just us, the first team. Recruiting is my responsibility. Everything depends on me. One mistake, and we release lethal assassins every hour. Mark listens intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation. MARK (confused) Explain again how our digital currency stops the digital weapons. CAROLINA (trying to explain) Our currency neutralizes the digital weapons, trapping them for later identification. Courts can then issue orders to eliminate those responsible. It's the only way to stop this. MARK (astonished) Controlling the flow of money is the key to stopping it all? CAROLINA (smiling) It's not just about the currency; it's about creating a better world. A risky task, but one worth taking on. MARK (enthusiastic) A splendid plan. If we make money in the process, what's wrong with that? CAROLINA (smiling) The richest man in the world, probably. Is it true that he's trying to imitate God? MARK (explaining) My parents are Christians, and imitating God is considered blasphemy. CAROLINA (explaining) David's not claiming to be God. He believes God gave us everything to imitate. Our inventions, our systems—all inspired by God. If God's world is perfect, why can't one of us rise to the challenge and try it globally? MARK (astonished) This is the first time I've heard something like this. David is a clever man. CAROLINA (serious) The risks are high, Mark. If we fail, we lose a lot. But if we succeed, the rewards are extraordinary. Tears stream down Carolina's face. MARK (trying to comfort) Shouldn't you be happy about this? CAROLINA (teary-eyed) I'm scared. I've never been so scared in my life. Scared that I might be going to die. Mark calmly embraces her, understanding the gravity of their journey. INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT David is alone, contemplating the risks and rewards of Tomorrow's World Order, realizing the fate that hangs in the balance. Title: "Fading Echoes" INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Mark tries to comfort Carolina, who is burdened by the unsettling discoveries she made at David's mansion. MARK (reassuring) Don't be silly. No one knows about that stuff. Carolina looks haunted, struggling to express her newfound fears. MARK (CONT'D) (confused) What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost. Carolina sobs, and Mark becomes more concerned. MARK (CONT'D) (trying to understand) Hey, what did I say? Why the sudden increase in tears? CAROLINA (tearfully) I have a replacement, but it's not just about that, you know? MARK (nodding) Evelina? I know you told me. CAROLINA (explaining) We had dinner, and somehow we exchanged coats. I found David's keys in the pocket, so I went to his mansion. MARK (interested) What did you find out? CAROLINA (sad) I think he's trying to get me killed. I found a video where he referred to me as the Holy Ghost. Mark is shocked, and Carolina hugs him for comfort. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (hugging Mark) I am a spirit in all this. My image turned into a spirit in his mansion's mirror. How can I be a spirit without dying? Maybe he's trying to get me killed. Mark's heart pounds as they embrace. MARK (trying to reassure) Don't be silly. Maybe he used those words figuratively. CAROLINA (explaining) The time I'm supposed to watch this video is at the end, and according to him, I'll be dead then. He said I'll be in the spirit world. Mark touches his heart, feeling an irregular beat, and tries to comfort Carolina. MARK (trying to calm down) He might have meant it figuratively, as in hiding, considering he said he would go into an invisible mode years later. CAROLINA (pacing) Imagine failing to save all recipients, triggering twelve assassins all the time. And as you said, all after me. There'll come a time when I have to operate in the invisible mode. MARK (trying to console) We can pull it off. CAROLINA (uncertain) Are you just saying this to comfort me? Where would the blood-thirsty piranha of assassins be? I might not pull it off. The risks are high. MARK (nodding) So why Evelina? CAROLINA (explaining) In the video, he suggested Evelina as the one to save humanity from extinction. Just like Eve brought God's wrath on mankind, Evelina is on a mission to prevent the regime and its system from causing our extinction. She's here to do what's right. Mark smiles. MARK Clever man. A second chance? The weight of their mission and the uncertainties ahead linger in the air. INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - NIGHT David contemplates the unfolding events, realizing the intricate web he has woven and the unpredictable outcomes it may bring. Title: "Currency Clash" INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina shows Mark the video from David's mansion where she's referred to as the Holy Ghost. CAROLINA (relieved) Thanks, Mark. I was dead scared thinking that he was planning to get me killed. MARK (smiling) He sounds like a good guy. Just a greedy man, but not that bad. Carolina retrieves her diary, searching for a solution to the dilemma. CAROLINA (showing diary) Let me show you something. Mark returns later with an idea to keep phases five and six simultaneously. MARK (suggesting) I have a solution. Just find a way of keeping five and six at the same time. CAROLINA (reading diary) I think there is something in the diary about that, but it's not good. She reads the diary, discovering that triggering both phases simultaneously will only lead to more assassins. MILES AWAY - MR. RAMOS' OFFICE - DAY Mr. Ramos and Chloe discuss the impact of David's plan on their established system. MR. RAMOS (confident) What could go wrong? Everyone will be using the same digital currency globally. CHLOE (skeptical) Yes, what I am saying is that if you like that digital currency that much, why not just get our own and use it? MR. RAMOS (irritated) Damn it! Old man, why are you so stubborn? This has been done already. Hyperinflation is such a bad thing. His plan can work if applied globally, but individually we will be strong in the future. CHLOE (raising concerns) Is it safe? We don't want to cause the destruction of humanity, do we? MR. RAMOS (defensive) Our system works perfectly, and if it doesn't, it's because of him sabotaging it. His plan is to phase out even national currencies, putting us out of business. CHLOE (resigned) Skeptical all the time, old man? Later, Mr. Ramos decides to take a drastic stance against David's plans. MR. RAMOS (CONT'D) “I am not stupid. These are the charges I will launch as a counter-attack. Rebellion against the state... If found guilty of these charges, I want him beheaded, and I want his head.” Chloe, despite reservations, suggests addressing the issue diplomatically. CHLOE “He will not lose favor with the people. He is the man for the future. Digital currencies are the future.” In a subsequent meeting, Jeremiah passionately opposes David's ideas. JEREMIAH (agitated) We must stand firm to safeguard our way of life. This talk about change and the new system is not for us. I say if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. The crowd expresses disapproval, and Andrew addresses the gathering. ANDREW (appealing) As you have heard, our system works. Trust me, it works perfectly for us. This man is after a power change. This is political. A struggle in every meaning of the word. If our fathers listened, we wouldn't be here. This man wants to change the system to suit him. The tension escalates as opposing forces prepare for a clash of currencies and ideologies. Note: The script provides a glimpse into the complex world of digital currencies and power struggles among key players. INT. HIGH-TECH OFFICE - NIGHT Martin stealthily enters the high-tech office, and a computer screen instantly detects his presence. COMPUTER VOICE "An intruder detected. A one Martin Tinos, age twenty-seven. Father George Tinos, age fifty-four. Heartbeat... Body Temperature... Weapons: Automatic magnum nine-millimeter. Attitude: Elevated factors. Probably an angry mood. Alarms activated!" Martin freezes as the message startles him. MARTIN (whispering) Shit. What the fuck? As alarms sound, Martin steps back, aiming his gun in the direction of the voice. COMPUTER VOICE "Drop your gun. Don’t make me ask you again." MARTIN (defiant) I want to talk to your boss. COMPUTER VOICE "Is he expecting you?" MARTIN (frustrated) Of course, after what he did to my father. He must be expecting me! The computer screen projects a holographic figure of DAVID, sitting in a high-tech chair. DAVID (smiling) Martin Tinos, welcome. What brings you to my office? MARTIN (angry) You ruined my father's life! I demand answers. DAVID (calm) Your father made choices that led to his downfall. I'm merely here to bring about change. MARTIN (furious) Change? You call destroying people's lives change? My father didn't deserve this. DAVID (sincere) Your father played a role in upholding an outdated system. I'm offering a chance for something new, something better. MARTIN (raised voice) Better for who? Better for you and your wealthy friends? My father was a good man, and you destroyed him! DAVID (smiling) I understand your anger, Martin. But sometimes sacrifices are necessary for progress. MARTIN (pointing gun) You won't get away with this! DAVID (chuckling) Martin, put the gun down. Violence won't solve anything. Join me, and together we can create a world where everyone benefits. MARTIN (uncertain) What do you want from me? DAVID (sincere) I want you to understand my vision. You have the potential to be a part of something extraordinary. Martin hesitates, torn between revenge and the possibility of a new path. MARTIN (skeptical) And if I refuse? DAVID (smiling) Then you'll be just another obstacle in the way of progress. The holographic figure of David disappears, leaving Martin alone in the high-tech office, grappling with his decision. FADE OUT. Note: The script explores the confrontation between Martin and David, setting the stage for a moral dilemma and potential collaboration. Ligita continued her conversation with Jamelia, explaining her controversial research project on digital watermarks and pathogens. LIGITA (leaning in) What's so wrong with saving the soldier's life, even if it means using unconventional methods? War is brutal, and if we can find a way to end it without bloodshed, isn't that worth exploring? JAMELIA (concerned) But digital weapons have severe ethical implications. The potential for misuse is enormous, not to mention the risk of falling into the wrong hands. LIGITA (smiling) That's precisely why my research is crucial. If we can understand the potential risks and benefits, we might be able to regulate and control their usage. Imagine a world where conflicts are resolved without lives being lost. Jamelia sighed, contemplating the moral complexity of Ligita's project. JAMELIA (whispering) But what if it goes wrong? What if these digital weapons end up causing more harm than good? LIGITA (optimistic) That's why I'm taking precautions. We need safeguards, regulations, and ethical guidelines. I don't want my work to be a weapon of destruction; I want it to be a tool for peace. Jamelia nodded, still uncertain about the potential consequences. Ligita changed the topic, steering away from the intense discussion. LIGITA (smiling) So, have you considered which topic you'll choose for your project? JAMELIA (smiling) I'm leaning towards something in the realm of ancient mysteries. Maybe a study on hidden knowledge within ancient civilizations or lost artifacts. LIGITA (excited) That sounds fascinating! Ancient mysteries always captivate the imagination. You might uncover something that challenges our understanding of history. Jamelia smiled, grateful for the change in conversation. JAMELIA (teasingly) And what about you? Any hidden mysteries in your life? Ligita blushed, avoiding eye contact. LIGITA (playfully) No mysterious life for me. Just buried in research most of the time. Jamelia chuckled, appreciating the lighthearted moment amidst the weighty topics they discussed. FADE OUT. INT. LIGITA'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT Ligita, nervously holding Jamelia's phone, faces the mysterious man at the door. She tries to keep her composure as the tension in the room escalates. LIGITA (stuttering) Jamelia? She left... I told you. She's not here. MYSTERIOUS MAN (agitated) Don't lie to me! I heard voices. Ligita glances at the clothes cabinet where Jamelia is hiding, praying she remains quiet. The mysterious man notices the ringing phone in Ligita's hand. MYSTERIOUS MAN (CONT'D) (angry) Whose phone is that? LIGITA (stammering) It's mine. Just a call. The man eyes Ligita suspiciously, clearly unconvinced. The situation becomes increasingly tense. CUT TO: EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - NIGHT A security guard patrols the area, alerted by the commotion in Ligita's dorm room. He approaches the door. INT. LIGITA'S DORM ROOM - CONTINUOUS The mysterious man, realizing the security guard is approaching, becomes more agitated. MYSTERIOUS MAN (angry whisper) Where is Jamelia? I know she's here. Ligita's phone continues to ring, adding to the tension. She decides to divert his attention. LIGITA (trying to distract) Look, I don't know what you're talking about. This is just a call from my roommate. MYSTERIOUS MAN (irritated) Answer it, then. Ligita reluctantly answers the call. CUT TO: INT. CLOTHES CABINET - CONTINUOUS Jamelia, hidden inside the cabinet, listens anxiously as Ligita engages in a conversation to distract the mysterious man. LIGITA (O.S.) (on the phone) Hello? Oh, hey, Jamelia! Yeah, I'm okay. No, there's no one here. Jamelia, understanding the situation, silently prays that the distraction works. CUT BACK TO: INT. LIGITA'S DORM ROOM - CONTINUOUS The mysterious man watches Ligita closely, his suspicion not fully alleviated. The security guard arrives at the door. SECURITY GUARD What's going on in here? The mysterious man, feeling the pressure, makes a quick decision. MYSTERIOUS MAN (angry) Nothing. Just a misunderstanding. I was looking for someone else. He exits the room hastily, leaving Ligita and the security guard puzzled. EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - NIGHT The mysterious man disappears into the night, leaving Ligita and Jamelia in a state of unease. INT. LIGITA'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT Ligita, still holding Jamelia's phone, looks at the closed door, relieved but shaken. LIGITA (whispering) He's gone. Jamelia emerges from the clothes cabinet, visibly frightened. JAMELIA Who was that? What did he want? Ligita takes a deep breath. LIGITA I don't know, but he was looking for you. We need to figure out what's going on. FADE OUT. INT. HIGGINS' ESCAPE VEHICLE - NIGHT Higgins, still in the stolen car, is taken aback by a series of beeps from a hand-held electronic device. The tension in the air is palpable as he scans a barcode and enters a code, his heart pounding. Another beep, and a message appears. ON THE DEVICE SCREEN: "Thank you for making this world a better place by removing pain. Your digital currency wallet is now active. On behalf of Tomorrow’s World Order." Higgins is visibly shaken. Another beep follows. "Your FutureGoldcoin digital wallet has been credited with one billion dollars! Exchangeable at the Global Reserve Bank!" Fear grips him. Another beep, and a more ominous message follows. "Confirm if Jamelia Dolphins’ assignment has been completed?" Higgins curses under his breath, feeling the weight of his actions. He reaches for an Abort button. ON THE DEVICE SCREEN: "Please confirm now if assignment completed or not." A knock on the car window startles him. TRAFFIC COP (through the window) Do you know you can’t park here? Higgins, in a panic, responds hastily. HIGGINS I was just leaving. He starts the car and speeds away, hoping to evade the consequences of his recent deeds. EXT. GEORGE TINOS' RESIDENCE - NIGHT Martin Tinos, agitated and armed, confronts a mysterious man who has seemingly taken control of his father's situation. MYSTERIOUS MAN Mr. Tino’s junior, what brings you here? What seemed to be the problem? MARTIN (angry) What did you do to my father? He's been sleeping for months! MYSTERIOUS MAN Calm down. What did his doctor say? MARTIN Don’t play games. I know you're behind this! The tension escalates as a voice announces a weapon detection. ON A SCREEN: "Weapon detected!" Martin pulls out a second gun and aims at the mysterious man. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER FACILITY - CORRIDOR - NIGHT Victor, Marvis, and Sarah walk down a corridor discussing the complexities of the system and the mysterious base nodes. VICTOR (revealing) I personally believe that the base nodes are the best the system has picked. They become part of the system literally. SARAH (disbelieving) Part of the system? VICTOR Explains how even their DNA becomes integrated. When they die or are removed, that node dies too. SARAH (in shock) You mean that node is dead too? VICTOR Exactly. No matter how many replacements you put, that node will never work again. Sarah decides to demonstrate the evolving system on a computer screen, showing the interconnected network and the skipping of a dead node. SARAH (educating) The system is evolving, skipping that node to establish a new network. The system knows that the node is dead. The revelation leaves Marvis and Victor in awe. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER FACILITY - CONTROL ROOM - DAY Sarah, Victor, and Regina are engaged in a tense conversation about the base nodes and the shocking revelation about node thirty-two. SARAH (disapproving) Victor deliberately terminated node thirty-two to justify the search into replacements. There was nothing wrong with it. VICTOR (defensively) It’s sacrificing one to save 999999. Regina, shocked and disturbed, listens as the truth unfolds. SARAH (skeptical) How about substituting the base node with the top or middle nodes? Can that give us more time? VICTOR (explaining) Without the base nodes, the top and middle nodes die in days. They can’t work for a longer period and take such work alone. I have tried all this. Regina realizes the severity of the situation and how it could impact the entire system. REGINA (surprised) So, the reports about bodies being found dumped, were you? SARAH (matte) You don’t know, Richard? It’s either them or my head. This is the biggest project ever attempted, and the boss wants it to go smoothly. Regina, grappling with the moral implications, confronts Victor. REGINA (disapproving) We can’t cover your tracks for too long? VICTOR (agitated) Hey, don’t act like you are doing me a favor. If you can’t do it, the boss has to find other people who can clean the mess. Okay? As tension rises, Sarah interjects, using humor to diffuse the situation. SARAH (jokingly) I will say that you are the perfect one for node one thousand. Victor, unamused, turns to Sarah, addressing her seriously. VICTOR (serious) What is wrong with node one thousand? Regina, sensing an opportunity to ease the tension, plays along. REGINA (teasing) I will say that you are the perfect replacement for node thirty-two. Victor, realizing the banter, remains unamused, creating an awkward silence in the room. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER FACILITY - RICHARD'S OFFICE - LATER Regina takes a deep breath and decides to confront Richard about the truth she has learned. REGINA (determined) Richard, we need to talk. There's something you should know about the base nodes. The atmosphere in Richard's office becomes charged as Regina prepares to reveal the shocking reality to her superior. FADE OUT. INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT The room is dimly lit, and the soothing sound of Carolinadeivid's music fills the air. Sarah, wearing a new red mini dress, stands in front of the bathroom mirror, contemplating her decision to enjoy the weekend after weeks of intense work. A bottle of red wine and a glass rest on the side of the bathtub. SARAH (to herself) It's time to start enjoying life. She opens the bathroom door, revealing a setup for relaxation – a warm bath filled with lavender and rose creams, a bottle of wine, and her favorite music. SARAH (CONT'D) (whispering) Friday night. Sarah begins to undress, revealing a sense of liberation and anticipation. The bathroom is filled with the scent of lavender and the promise of a well-deserved break. She turns on the water, adjusting the temperature to her liking. SARAH (CONT'D) (humming) I love you. As she sinks into the foamy waters, the music provides a soothing backdrop. Sarah's mind starts to drift away from work and towards personal indulgence. A sudden throbbing sensation interrupts her thoughts. Sarah, feeling aroused, lets herself fully enjoy the moment. The combination of the warm water, the music, and the promise of a weekend of self-care elicits a few moans and a short, sharp scream of pleasure. SARAH (CONT'D) (smiling) This is what I needed. Sarah reaches for the bottle of wine, pouring it into the glass. The realization that she has come a long way, losing things she once wanted, flashes through her mind. Memories of Victor's aggression resurface, causing her body to shiver with a mix of pain and fear. SARAH (CONT'D) (whispering) Ouch. She opens the hot water tap, hesitating for a moment, contemplating her past struggles and the challenges she faced in her professional and personal life. The hot water flows, symbolizing a new beginning. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET LAB - NIGHT The lab is dimly lit, filled with high-tech equipment and an eerie atmosphere. Victor and the other man, wearing overalls and gloves, stand beside a moveable table with a covered body. The man seems enthusiastic, while Victor appears irritated. VICTOR (annoyed) Let's get this done, and then you leave. The man grins, eager to get started. Victor hands him overalls and gloves. MAN (playful) I could be your prodigy, you know? VICTOR (irritated) I said no vacancies. Ignoring Victor's irritation, the man gears up. Victor opens a large fridge, revealing several covered bodies. He quickly selects one and checks the identification card. VICTOR (CONT'D) (looking at the card) Yes, this one. The man, now visibly scared, walks toward the body, glancing between it and Victor. MAN (nervously) You sure he's dead? VICTOR (irritated) Yes, of course. Hold him, and we'll put him on the table. The man pokes the body and laughs nervously. MAN (CONT'D) Holy ghost, he's dead. He starts laughing, attempting to cope with the surreal situation. MAN (CONT'D) (continuing to laugh) That's so freaky. VICTOR (irritated) What's funny? The man lifts the body and drops it, laughing hysterically. MAN (CONT'D) (laughing) How many times can you get to do this? He lifts and drops the body again, finding humor in the macabre scenario. VICTOR (angry) What the hell are you doing, you bastard? The man, still amused, responds callously. MAN (CONT'D) Hey, if he's dead, why are you so mad? It's not like he's going to feel any pain, you know? He continues to laugh, indifferent to Victor's anger. The atmosphere in the lab becomes increasingly tense. INT. SECRET LAB - NIGHT Victor's rage intensifies as the man remains clueless about the gravity of the situation. Victor raises his fist, ready to strike. VICTOR (angry) That's a base node. Fool! MAN (confused) What base node? VICTOR (agitated) Just lift him to the table very carefully and not to damage him. MAN (pleading) But he is dead. You told me that he is dead. Victor's frustration grows, and the man begins to sense trouble. VICTOR (raging) You know what? I'm not interested anymore. You can keep the money. I'm out of here! The man swiftly heads toward the door, eager to escape the escalating tension. VICTOR (angry) Where do you bloody think you're going? The man exits, leaving Victor seething with anger. EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT Higgins, burdened with guilt, stands at the bridge, clutching Jamelia's photo. The assignment to eliminate Jamelia has taken longer due to Higgins's inner conflict. HIGGINS (muttering) It's been a week, and I still haven't finished the job. Guilt-ridden, Higgins contemplates the accidental killing of Ligita and worries about the potential threat Jamelia poses. INT. NEWS STUDIO - DAY A news report unfolds, revealing information about the recent events. NEWS REPORTER (on TV) Mr. David, our fears have been confirmed. People believe that the woman killed last week was actually someone on your side, someone against these digital weapons. Can you confirm that you issued an Ultima-Talionis letter for Ligita Yielding? DAVID (defending) We believe the regime sent an assassin to clean up the mess and retrieve the codes. No Ultima-Talionis letter was issued for Ligita Yielding. We did issue one for a woman called Jamelia Dolphins, a threat to all humanity. The news reporter raises concerns about eyewitnesses and presents footage of Higgins accidentally killing Ligita. NEWS REPORTER (CONT'D) (on TV) Eyewitnesses said the bullet that killed Ligita came from the gun of the man who got away. We have footage of the moment in question. David reacts with curses as the damning footage plays. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. SECRET COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The tension is palpable as David paces back and forth, engaging in a high-stakes conference call with Bogdan and Carolina. DAVID (resolute) Finish her off or pull off? CAROLINA (uncertain) But I thought they would use the devil’s ghost for the forty-eight hours of darkness’s slaughter? DAVID (explaining) I think the devil’s ghost name is a decoy. They'll use digital weapons instead. Undetected, hidden, yet lethal. Whacking off 5.2 billion people with lethal digital pathogens makes sense. Probably why they sent their man to protect her rather than kill her. They're hiding something, and she's a significant threat to us. The gravity of the situation sinks in as the team grapples with the implications of Jamelia's potential involvement in creating devastating digital weapons. BOGDAN (skeptical) Are we sure about this? What if it's just a bluff? DAVID (assertive) We can't afford to take that risk. The assassin assigned to Jamelia is questioning whether to proceed. We need to make a decisive call. CAROLINA (pondering) If she truly created a weapon capable of causing mass destruction, then she's a danger. But killing her without absolute certainty might backfire. DAVID (stern) She's unrepentant, and they've been funding universities to develop these weapons for years. This is a threat to humanity. Get a conference call. I want Carolina on the line. The conference call is initiated, and moments of silence pass before Carolina's voice comes through. CAROLINA (resolute) Finish her off or pull off? DAVID (determined) We can't afford to hesitate. The potential threat outweighs any uncertainty. The UT remains live until the assignment is completed. The decision is made, and the team prepares to execute the critical mission to eliminate Jamelia. INT. ASSASSIN'S LOCATION - NIGHT The assassin, waiting for instructions, receives the verdict. ASSASSIN (on the phone) Understood. I'll complete the assignment. He hangs up, gears up, and prepares to fulfill his deadly mission. TO BE CONTINUED... EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT Jamelia, in her yoga attire, races across the bridge, panicked and checking over her shoulder. Behind her, two women, determined and relentless, chase after her. Higgins, recovering from his earlier injury, follows with a raised whiskey bottle. JAMELIA (to herself) Damn it! He's after me! Jamelia glances at the approaching car, calculating her escape. As she reaches the point parallel to Higgins, she seizes the moment. Running alongside the car, she swiftly throws a satchel into the river, attempting to rid herself of evidence. The bridge becomes a tense battleground. As the car passes between Jamelia and Higgins, she sprints away, fearing his pursuit. However, when she looks back, Higgins is no longer in his spot. Panic sets in. JAMELIA (in fear) Stop! Damn it! Stop! Or I will shoot you! Higgins, still recovering, looks behind to see the two women running towards him. He touches his stomach, feeling fresh blood. A moment of realization, he curses and aims his gun at the approaching women. HIGGINS (grimacing) Stop right there! The women, undeterred, raise their own guns. A brief standoff ensues before Higgins, realizing his injuries, decides to continue pursuing Jamelia. Higgins aims, fires a gunshot, alarming Jamelia, who urges a cyclist in her path to move. Chaos ensues as the cyclist swerves, blocking Jamelia's way. Seizing the opportunity, Higgins advances. JAMELIA (panicking) Get out of my way! Jamelia shouts at the cyclist, desperately trying to navigate through the unexpected obstacle. The gunshot echoes through the night, heightening the tension. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT The chase intensifies, leading Jamelia and Higgins into a complex web of city streets. The city's heartbeat pulses as the pursuit races through alleys and busy intersections. TO BE CONTINUED... EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Jamelia sprints through the labyrinth of city streets, desperately trying to escape the two relentless women. Higgins, recovering but determined, continues his pursuit. Jamelia's mind races, not just to outpace Higgins but also to lose the dangerous women behind her. Higgins, running and firing shots, manages to hit Jamelia, who screams in pain. The pursuing women curse but do not fire, opting to run faster. JAMELIA (in desperation) Stop right now! In a moment of panic, Jamelia grabs a nearby woman on a bicycle, pushing her over the bridge. A loud scream echoes as the woman splashes into the water. Jamelia, now standing on the bridge, searches for the woman she pushed over. Higgins closes in, shouting threats. HIGGINS (in pursuit) Stop there right now! Don’t move! If you move, I will shoot you! But Jamelia is distracted by the woman's screams in the river below. The two pursuing women catch up, yelling at Jamelia to run. WOMEN (screaming) Run!! Jamelia, still reeling from the gunshot wound, climbs the side rail of the bridge. HIGGINS (panicking) Stop! What are you doing? Ignoring his shouts, Jamelia smiles briefly, then throws herself into the water, creating a huge splash. Bullets pierce the water, but Jamelia disappears beneath the surface. In the chaos, Higgins is now the target of the pursuing women. He sprints away, leaving a trail of blood. The women think they may have wounded him. WOMEN (in pursuit) We might have got him! But Higgins, determined, continues to climb the rail. He fires a shot at Jamelia, who is still submerged. Another splash reveals the presence of the pursuing women. Higgins, now bloodied and weakened, stands on the bridge rail and aims at the women. As he falls, he fires at them. A scream from one of the women is heard. WOMEN (screaming) Help! Jamelia, witnessing the chaos, screams for help. The pursuing women jump into the water, and gunfire continues as they hit the river. Underwater, Higgins' lifeless body floats. The women, injured and panicked, realize the situation. WOMEN (panicking) Let’s go after her! Damn it! My arm and my leg! One of the women, clutching her wounded shoulder, urges the other to pursue Jamelia. The wounded woman stays behind, advising her companion to chase after Jamelia. WOMEN (panicking) She can’t get away! After her! The scene shifts to a distant part of the city. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT David receives a distressing update about Higgins. DAVID (disheartened) I have bad news for you. Higgins did not make it. They sent in their lethal assassins. He did not stand a chance. She got away, but they are after her too! I have assigned Anna on the task! David curses, realizing the stakes. DAVID (angry) She better not get away! If she has the deadly code, we are all finished. I think I have to assign one of my Fatladies on her case. Bogdan observes David's distress. BOGDAN (concerned) You look haunted? Is it just about Jamelia? David sighs, expressing the complexity of their situation. DAVID (sighs) I don’t know. It seems there is always something new or something we mess up for some reason. This was a straightforward assignment. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. VICTOR'S LAB - NIGHT Victor, agitated and anxious, paces in the lab. The aftermath of Ligita's death and the pursuit of Jamelia have left him uneasy. He picks up the phone and dials a number, then waits impatiently. VICTOR (on the phone) Damn it! Quickly, he takes out some files, heads to the lifts, and goes up. He knocks hurriedly at Richard's door, entering without waiting to be called. RICHARD (irritated) How many times did I tell you to wait to be called in? Victor, ignoring the scolding, rushes to the point. VICTOR This can't wait. Node thirty-two and one thousand! Richard, puzzled, questions him about node one thousand. RICHARD Did you say node one thousand as well? As Richard looks outside the window, he notices Sarah leaving the building. Victor senses that something is off. Victor hears Richard cursing the word "bitch" and understands that Richard tried to contact Sarah. Panic sets in for Victor. VICTOR (nervously) What did she say? What do you want from her? What did you ask her? Richard, amused, dials Sarah's number, smiling at Victor. Victor's anxiety grows. RICHARD (on the phone) Oh, are you sure that's a lie? Victor, relieved yet still uneasy, presents his files to Richard. VICTOR Node thirty-two needs a replacement, and node one thousand too. Richard, inquiring about the issue with node one thousand, senses Victor's stress and attributes it to jealousy. RICHARD What is wrong with node one thousand? Is this a recent matter? Victor hesitates for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Victor struggles to explain the urgency of replacing nodes thirty-two and one thousand to Richard. VICTOR (nervously) Node one thousand has developed some glitches, and node thirty-two is unstable. We need replacements, and the project is at risk. Richard, still skeptical, examines the files Victor handed him. RICHARD (skeptical) This is the first time I'm hearing about node one thousand. Why was I not informed earlier? VICTOR (quickly) It's a recent development. I just discovered the issues, and we need to act fast. Richard, looking at Victor suspiciously, contemplates the situation. RICHARD (skeptical) And what about Sarah? What role does she play in all this? Victor, caught off guard, stumbles over his words. VICTOR (trying to deflect) Sarah has nothing to do with this. It's a technical issue that needs immediate attention. Richard, unconvinced, eyes Victor sternly. RICHARD Handle the replacements, Victor. I'll look into node one thousand myself. Victor nods, feeling a mix of relief and worry, as he leaves Richard's office. INT. VICTOR'S LAB - LATER Victor, alone in the lab, contemplates the precarious situation. The fear of being exposed, coupled with the ongoing chaos, keeps him on edge. VICTOR (whispering to himself) I need to fix this before they find out the truth. The project must continue. The uncertainty of the situation hangs in the air as Victor plots his next moves. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - DAY Richard, visibly concerned, gazes out of his office window at Sarah's office. Victor, eager to break the silence, speaks up. VICTOR Same issues as node thirty-two. Not interacting with the system. Richard, doubtful about Sarah's silence, responds. RICHARD I had a surprise briefing with Sarah this morning about the project, but she never mentioned node one thousand. Victor, nervously defending Sarah, suggests a reason. VICTOR She might have wanted you to hear this from your best man! Richard contemplates this for a moment, then walks to the table. RICHARD You are right. He pauses and thinks. RICHARD (CONT'D) Lately, everything I ask her, she keeps saying ask your number one. Okay, tell me? Victor, confident, responds. VICTOR The issues are critical to the success of the project and must be addressed immediately. RICHARD Have you identified the replacements yet? Victor hesitates for a moment, then responds. VICTOR Not yet, but I'm working on it. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY David, Carolina, and Bogdan strategize to protect the remaining recipients. David addresses the need for court orders. DAVID It's the three of us, but we have four people to protect. CAROLINA I think we should be alright. I feel like I have defended him already. I saw the look on his face. BOGDAN Meaning? Because we can't leave things to chance! DAVID What other option do you have? CAROLINA He is now able to defend himself for the meantime until we establish if there is a sequence. He can buy us time. Or can he? BOGDAN Okay, I trust your judgment. This coming week is going to be tough. We must shield all the remaining recipients. Once that's done, we can get court orders? DAVID Court orders? CAROLINA Yes, that's when it gets interesting for you. That is the money-spinner as well. BOGDAN Court orders remove secrecy and identify the source of the digital weapon. The real developer or maker. The software engineer. DAVID But it is still a long process? CAROLINA It is a real challenge. We get the chance to eliminate the real problem. Without these software developers who go beyond ethics, then we wouldn't have people like these. DAVID Once we get court orders to do them, only then will they stop making more? CAROLINA Stop? Are you serious? This is a billion-dollar industry. The money involved means that they will never be stopped but must be stopped. BOGDAN Suggested Carolina. INT. HIGH-TECH LAB - NIGHT Victor, looking nervous, paces in the lab. VICTOR Damn it! He decides to make a call. VICTOR (CONT'D) Node thirty-two and one thousand. Richard, intrigued, questions Victor. RICHARD Did you say node one thousand as well? Victor, sensing an opportunity, replies confidently. VICTOR Yes, both need replacements. They're not interacting with the system. Richard, puzzled, looks out of the window at Sarah's departing car. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY David outlines the potential solution involving a Gatekeeper. DAVID There is this way in which we can send digital weapons to the courts. They have what is called a Gatekeeper. That person collects these, and they manifest on him or her. BOGDAN Hold it there. Meaning? DAVID Meaning the person is living proof of what the digital weapon will do. If it's meant to cause graying of hair, that happens exactly to their gatekeepers. The drawback being that to them it's irreversible. Even though they are volunteers or paid generously, we will be helping them destroy humans too. CAROLINA Oh, I see. Clever. If we take them to court, they will apportion the punishment to us as well. They will simply say we work for them as independent agents, franchise, etc.? EXT. DAVID'S HIGH-TECH OFFICE - DAY David continues to explain the intricate plan to Carolina and Bogdan. DAVID Exactly. So, if we are serious about protecting everyone, we must do it the hard way. Never be part of this. CAROLINA How do we get the money rolling then? DAVID Since it's a gross crime threatening the survival of humanity and has universal jurisdiction, we classify them as Hostis Humanis Generis. The courts sign their death certificates, but we must authorize the execution first. Once done, the courts freeze their assets to prevent the digital weapons from resurfacing. BOGDAN Just get to the point about the money? DAVID No, you must understand the whole process. The courts calculate the harm caused by the digital weapons, including aging and its effects on society. They then determine a commission, which we use to calculate the value attached to eliminating the culprit. We offer a loan in digital currency, written off if the weapon doesn't resurface. CAROLINA Why would we need a loan? DAVID You need to establish your own world or kingdom on a micro-scale. Become the President of this world, establish a headquarters, and submit proof to the court. Claim compensation for your recipients, commission for yourself, and a loan for your efforts. CAROLINA So, I become the President? DAVID More like it. Open digital bank accounts, deposit compensation and commission percentages, and open a miniature Global Reserve Bank to store and collect digital currency. Nominate a group leader, deposit the loan, and go on vacation. It's crucial to rest before the next phase. BOGDAN There's a vacation? DAVID It's a must. Surviving the assassins requires enough rest before the next phase. If you don't close the last phase, they'll keep sending assassins. Taking a vacation is part of the agreed protocol, a code of behavior. CAROLINA What's phase two then? David takes a deep breath, preparing to reveal the next steps. INT. HIGH-TECH LAB - LATER Victor listens intently as David explains phase two, Carolina and Bogdan by his side. DAVID Phase two involves turning the tables. You must become the hunter instead of the hunted. Once you've rested and recovered, it's time to track down those who developed and unleashed these digital weapons. We need to expose them, bring them to justice, and eradicate this threat at its source. VICTOR How do we do that? DAVID We follow the digital trail, hack into their networks, and gather evidence. Once we have a solid case, we take it to the courts. We use the same legal system they exploited to protect ourselves. It's a high-stakes game, and the stakes are the survival of humanity. CAROLINA But won't they come after us? DAVID That's the risk we take. But by this point, we'll be well-prepared, and the courts will be on our side. We'll expose their crimes, and they'll be the ones running for cover. BOGDAN What if they resist? DAVID We're dealing with criminals who threaten the very fabric of society. The courts won't hesitate to authorize lethal force if necessary. Our mission is to protect humanity, and we'll stop at nothing to achieve it. The room falls silent as the weight of their mission sinks in. FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH OFFICE - NIGHT David continues explaining the daunting challenges of Phase Two to Bogdan and Carolina. DAVID Guaranteed eleven stages remain. Each stage introduces a new level of danger. If they secure even one person from each remaining stage, we're on the brink of defeat. We can only claim one seat or one hour a stage after that. Carolina's anxiety deepens, and Bogdan looks visibly distressed. CAROLINA And the assassins? How do we manage to stop all of them? DAVID In Phase Two, they release all twenty-four assassins simultaneously. Each assassin can target one person at a time. The odds seem overwhelming, but we'll have our own team of twenty-four assassins by then. Carolina's fear turns into relief, but it's short-lived. CAROLINA Wait, you mean we'll be fighting all twenty-four assassins ourselves? David nods solemnly. BOGDAN How and for how long are we supposed to keep this up? DAVID The goal is to save all twelve in the first stage. If we fail, they only need one person from each remaining stage. We risk losing ground with each stage, and they can claim one seat or one hour at a time. The countdown begins if they secure eleven stages. Silence envelops the room as the weight of their mission becomes even more apparent. CAROLINA So, ultimate victory depends on securing each stage one level? David nods again. BOGDAN What if we lose a stage? DAVID If we lose a stage, the risks escalate. We must then prevent them from securing one person from each remaining stage. It's a delicate dance between survival and defeat. Carolina paces nervously, grappling with the magnitude of their mission. CAROLINA What about the people we're protecting? Can't they fight back? DAVID Their involvement is limited. They can resist but not engage directly. The responsibility falls on us and our team of assassins. BOGDAN This sounds like a nightmare. DAVID It is. But it's the only way to eradicate this threat and protect humanity. We'll be facing unknown challenges, and our success hinges on adaptability and quick thinking. Carolina and Bogdan exchange glances, realizing the enormity of the task ahead. INT. HIGH-TECH LAB - LATER Victor, having overheard the intense conversation, joins the group. VICTOR Sounds like we're in for quite a ride. What's the next move? David takes a deep breath, preparing to unveil the strategies for Phase Two. DAVID The next move is preparing ourselves mentally, physically, and strategically. We'll need to be at our absolute best to face what's coming. Training will be essential, and we can't afford to underestimate the challenges that lie ahead. The group braces for the trials of Phase Two, knowing that their fight against the digital threat is far from over. FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH GYM - DAY Matson, still working out intensely, abruptly stops and sits up, a mixture of surprise and concern on his face. MATSON (gravely) What did you just say? Frederick looks around, sensing the tension in the room. The other gym-goers are now casting curious glances their way. FREDERICK (whispering) Someone has neutralized and trapped our digital agents. Matson's expression darkens, and he stands up, wiping sweat from his forehead. The gym-goers nearby give them more space, sensing the seriousness of the conversation. MATSON (angry) How is that even possible? FREDERICK (hushed) I don't know the details, but it seems like they've found a way to counteract our digital operations. We're losing control. Matson clenches his fists, visibly frustrated. MATSON (in disbelief) David and his team? FREDERICK (nodding) Seems likely. He's been a thorn in our side, and now it looks like he's figured out how to strike back. Matson takes a deep breath, trying to contain his anger. MATSON (snarling) I won't let that upstart ruin everything we've built. We need to take immediate action. FREDERICK (serious) What's the plan? Matson picks up a towel and starts wiping down, contemplating their next move. MATSON We'll use every resource at our disposal. I want our best operatives on this. Find out who's behind it and crush them. No mercy. Frederick nods in agreement as they exit the gym, leaving behind an atmosphere of tension and determination. CUT TO: EXT. CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT The cityscape glows in the dark as Matson and Frederick head towards their high-tech headquarters, ready to face the escalating challenges posed by David and his team. FADE OUT. INT. LIMOUSINE - DAY The President sits comfortably in the back of the luxurious limousine, engaging in a conversation with Marson, his trusted military background aide. The cityscape glides by as the limousine moves through the bustling streets. PRESIDENT (smiling) Marson, you surprise me. I had no idea you harbored such ambitions. MARSON (resolute) Mr. President, ambition without action is just a dream. I've always believed that if you want something, you go for it. No holding back. The President leans back, intrigued by Marson's honesty. PRESIDENT (chuckling) You're a straightforward man, Marson. I appreciate that. But challenging me for my role is a bold move. MARSON (defiant) Respect, sir. But respect doesn't mean I can't aim higher. If I want your position, I believe I should earn it. The limousine slows down at a traffic signal, giving Marson a moment to reflect. PRESIDENT (smiling) You remind me of my younger self. Always hungry for success. Ambitious, with a fire burning inside. MARSON (nodding) That fire, sir, is what keeps me going. It's what drives me to excel in everything I do. The President looks at Marson with newfound admiration. PRESIDENT Maybe I've been too focused on Hudson. Perhaps it's time for a change. MARSON (confident) I assure you, sir, if given the chance, I won't disappoint. You'll see efficiency like never before. PRESIDENT (smirking) Alright, Marson. Let's make a deal. I'll give you a challenge. If you succeed, you get what you want. MARSON (ready) Name it, Mr. President. PRESIDENT I need a delicate matter handled. There's an operation I want executed with precision. If you succeed, we'll talk about your ambitions. Marson nods, his determination unwavering. MARSON Consider it done, sir. The limousine speeds up as they continue their conversation, Marson now tasked with a mission that could potentially change his destiny. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President sits behind his desk, Marson standing before him. Tension fills the room as they discuss critical matters. PRESIDENT (disappointed) Marson, we're in a precarious situation. The stakes are high, and I need results. MARSON (resolute) Understood, Mr. President. I'll personally handle the investigations and recover the list. The President's phone rings, interrupting their conversation. He answers it, his expression changing as he listens to the caller. PRESIDENT (to Marson) I need you to find out what happened to the gatekeeper. We can't leave everything to the bank. Marson nods, a sense of urgency in his eyes. MARSON (determined) Consider it done, sir. PRESIDENT (grim) We can't let this chaos continue. Find the killers of the President's families and locate Evelina. Investigate if all this is linked to Tomorrow's World Order. Marson contemplates the complexity of the situation. MARSON (skeptical) Won't this put me in conflict with Hudson? He seems to be handling these matters. The President chuckles, offering a strategic perspective. PRESIDENT (smiling) Marson, my friend, you need to challenge Hudson just as he challenges me. Every time he argues with me, I want you to do the same with him. We need results, not ass-licking. MARSON (serious) I'll do what it takes, sir. The President emphasizes the need for personal involvement. PRESIDENT (serious) On the matter of Jamelia Dolphins, I want you personally involved. No mistakes, Marson. This is not a task for your men. He looks directly at Marson, expecting compliance. MARSON (focused) I understand, Mr. President. I'll handle it personally. The President expresses his frustration with Hudson's performance. PRESIDENT (discontent) It's been a mess since Hudson took over. I need results, not just promises. If you were in Hudson's shoes, with your body and determination, you'd be the ideal leader. He urges Marson to think about their future collaboration. PRESIDENT (suggestive) Think about it, Marson. Get me the results, and in the future, it could be you and me. Marson contemplates the implications, and the President hints at a possible shift in power. PRESIDENT (whispering) Where would Hudson be? FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President and Marson continue their conversation, unraveling mysteries surrounding the bank and the missing gold scriptures. PRESIDENT (laughing) You said Hudson's antics of threatening the bank's management could get him sliced. Now you ask me where he would be? Both men share a laugh, but the mood changes as Marson reveals crucial information. MARSON The bank threatened to freeze all loans and confiscate the gold scriptures. The President, shocked, tries to comprehend the implications. PRESIDENT (confused) Confiscate the gold scriptures? They know those aren't for sale. This is like starting World War Three. MARSON (serious) Hudson threatened the bank's CEO with an autopsy over this. PRESIDENT (realizing) In that case, he was right. The scriptures are not for sale; they belong to the cult. Concerned, the President contemplates the situation. MARSON (skeptical) The bank claims they've paid the value of the gold scriptures through written-off loans. But why would they give Hudson four times the amount he requested? The President, amused, explains Hudson's tactic. PRESIDENT (smiling) He convinced them that the gold scriptures are more valuable. That's why they granted him a larger loan. Marson, still uneasy, questions the President's decision to engage with the bank. MARSON (confused) Sir, if the bank believes they've covered the value of the gold scriptures, why would they offer Hudson a loan four times the amount? PRESIDENT (laughing) He convinced them that the value of the scriptures exceeds the loans. Enough for them to grant him the extra funds. MARSON (apprehensive) I think we must assess the bank thoroughly. The list and the gatekeeper's death raise suspicions. The President dismisses the idea, confident in the long-standing relationship with the bank. PRESIDENT (laughing) The bank? They might have money, but we have the power. They wouldn't try to destroy us. MARSON (skeptical) What if the bank is orchestrating all this? The missing list, the gatekeeper's death – it seems planned to shift blame. The President, initially amused, now appears concerned. PRESIDENT (laughing nervously) Marson, fear can make you think the impossible. The bank is part of our circle of trust. MARSON (serious) The cult members were killed two hundred years ago. Who do you think was responsible? The President, uneasy, brushes off the question, teasing Marson about revealing secrets. PRESIDENT (laughing) Marson, focus on what I need now. Once you deliver, I'll share the truth about the past. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER LAB - DAY Frederick, overwhelmed, listens to the automated system's explanation of the significance of the twelve agents' neutralization. FREDERICK (astonished) Did you say the beginning of the Third World War? I'm not following. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (computerized voice) Neutralizing the first twelve agents marks the beginning of the war of all wars. As far as I know, my war calculations mean the Third World War. The war to end all wars. Frederick, pacing anxiously, seeks more understanding. FREDERICK (confused) What is special about the twelve? You make it sound like it has some special meaning. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (elaborating) In religious circles, it marks the rise of the son. The killings of all twelve disciples could have triggered the rise of the son. Especially if they had all died before the spread of the gospel. The son, which also symbolizes the sun as the one that shines, shows up only for twelve hours of the day, hence the twelve. Neutralizing the twelve agents that correspond to evil and darkness marks the beginning of paradise. Frederick, captivated, absorbs the revelation. FREDERICK (intrigued) So, launching assassins offsets the ruling of the son on earth? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (explaining) Indeed. It signifies the end of evil as good will triumph over evil. The code will have been cracked, and God's Dilemma will have been solved. It marks the discovery of the one to lead all mankind to the next stage of development – often called the son of man. Born of flesh and having understood the fusion in thinking of man and God. Fulfillment of prophecy, marking the slow and long journey to paradise. Frederick, overwhelmed by the weight of this revelation, contemplates the immense implications. FREDERICK (whispering) This is beyond anything I could have imagined. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (computerized voice) Prepare for response-mechanism level one. Initiating phase one – Retrieval and termination of recipients. Basic-level weapons. Thirty minutes and counting. Frederick, fueled by a mix of fear and excitement, rushes to execute the commands. FREDERICK (shouting) It's showtime! Initiate extreme training and alert everyone. Raise the threat level to immediate and likely danger. We're entering a new level of assassins! Frederick eagerly prepares for the imminent challenges, knowing the world is on the brink of a paradigm shift. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Frederick, standing before the illuminated control panels, absorbs the chilling revelations from the automated system. FREDERICK (stammering) The destruction of evil has begun? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (computerized voice) Indeed. The only way to delay and stop it is to eliminate the newly found twelve recruits. Darkness will forever remain until the end of time. Stalling progress towards paradise – an advanced stage of development where mankind has evolved. FREDERICK (alarmed) Are you saying that killing these recruits will prevent the son from ruling on Earth? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (explaining) The assassins will target the new recruits to prevent the introduction of FutureGoldcoin, their digital currency. Allowing it to be introduced risks losing income, as it neutralizes the digital weapons used for tax collection. It also risks identification, exposing the source and origins of these weapons. Lastly, it opens them to public retaliation, as anyone can receive an Ultima Talionis order, Tomorrow's World Order's license to kill. FREDERICK (fearful) Ultima Talionis? A license for anyone to be executed on live television? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (affirmative) Precisely. The secrecy of their operations is maintained by investing heavily in assassins. Targeting the new recruits exposes the source of the initiator. The balance between God and the Devil is crucial – half the world claimed by each. Killing one or more shifts that balance, dividing the kingdom between good and evil. FREDERICK (puzzled) Why can't God rule the world alone? Why this balance with the Devil? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (explaining) Humans were created using God's image but tainted stencils. The devil's DNA left its mark, resulting in people more inclined towards evil. The struggle is to evolve individuals with evil DNA to be completely on God's side, solving God's Dilemma and advancing humanity to paradise. FREDERICK (astonished) So, people belong to the devil because of their DNA? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (affirmative) That's correct. Humans have been stubborn in choosing evil due to their DNA, and only now is the attempt to solve God's Dilemma happening. FREDERICK (realizing) Two thousand years of failure to solve God's Dilemma, and now it begins? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (computerized voice) The beginning of the end. Your days are numbered. The destruction of evil has commenced. Frederick, petrified, faces the ominous reality of the unfolding events. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Frederick, still processing the shocking information, engages in a conversation with the automated system. FREDERICK (disbelief) Oh my God. I never heard this before. People talk about the second coming of Christ and all that literally. It's a power-shifting game here on earth? Oh my God! AUTOMATED SYSTEM (calculated) Now that the son of man is found, a human being made of flesh and not Jesus, everything starts becoming clearer. He will decipher everything and must write books and laws about everything, correcting history forever. FREDERICK (pondering) Think of this as a game of politics. We have twenty-four seats, each representing an hour of the day. Twelve belong to the devil, twelve to God. For either side to claim true power, they must gain at least one seat, equating to one extra hour. The initial issuing of digital currency to the chosen twelve by Tomorrow’s World Order signifies the taking over of the devil’s seat or hours. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (expanding) If God claims all twelve seats from the devil, that signifies an outright win by good over evil, setting the countdown to the second coming of the son or sun. Twenty-four hours of sunshine without the night, associated with paradise in the bible. Frederick's heart races as he grapples with the magnitude of this revelation. FREDERICK (overwhelmed) But why has this never been achieved before? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (revealing) For the first time in the history of mankind, God’s Dilemma has been solved. The person to unite the world using a single currency globally has been found. This David will defeat the devil, making people so advanced on earth that paradise becomes an advanced stage of development, not just a place in heaven. FREDERICK (in awe) Are you saying that he is right, that paradise is a development stage? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (affirmative) Correct. The solving of God’s Dilemma is the first step toward the end of the world, the defeat of the devil. FREDERICK (desperate) I don't want to be on the losing side. So, what can we do? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (revealing a choice) You can revert to the current system only by sending assassins to kill the twelve new recruits that have taken the devil’s seats or hours. The odds are against you, but as long as the imbalance is maintained, they will never achieve a total win. Killing just one of them means imbalance until the very end. FREDERICK (determined) Sounds easy. All we need to stop this second coming of the sun is to take one out? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (cautionary) It won't be easy. They will do whatever they can to protect these seats. Any recruit they save represents their share of the day. Frederick, determined but daunted, contemplates the challenging task ahead. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Frederick, overwhelmed by the disturbing revelation, confronts Marson and the automated system about the impending threat. FREDERICK (angry) Yes. Means also that next phase you can send the most lethal assassins. Frederick claps his hands in a twisted sense of anticipation. FREDERICK Bring it on. Now you are talking! MARSON (raising an eyebrow) The system is designed to react like a human body. Give it weights to tense it. If it fails to lift the weights or if it experiences extreme pain, it will grow to counteract and prepare for an even harder task. FREDERICK (dismissive) Come on Marson, even though it was David’s idea. But I can’t praise the enemy, can I? MARSON (smirking) Either way, one failure triggers a new generation of Assassins, much better than the first. Faster and more lethal, so don’t be afraid to fail the first stage. Frederick looks intrigued but wary. FREDERICK Music to my ears. So why would our system fail if the human being is the perfect system? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (grim) He will master the switch mechanism to your detriment. FREDERICK (skeptical) Sounds horrible? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (darkly) You will die a painful death. The automated system imitates laughter. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (ha-ha) Damn it. Whose side are you on? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (amused) Ha-ha, machines don’t feel pain, so excuse me, you are in this on your own. FREDERICK (laughing) That is funny. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (sardonically) He is going to trigger the Hostis Humanis Generis. The enemy of mankind clause to rally the world around him. All uprising against you. What they call the holy war or slaughter or forty-eight hours of darkness. FREDERICK (narrowing his eyes) Are his assassins religious lunatics? The ones falling in trances, the fearless who attack fast? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (dispassionate) No. Just ordinary people. FREDERICK (confused) Start making sense. You said he will start a holy war. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (sarcastic) Jumping to conclusions. It is called a holy war because everyone on earth will join him to assassinate all you people he regards as the pain of the world. FREDERICK (panicking) Why would they be laughing? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (cruelly) The way they will shoot you is so terrible. Like they are shooting dogs. Ha-ha. FREDERICK (angry) Stupid machines. You can’t even laugh. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (sly) Somehow that day I will laugh like a human. Because so many, in thousands, will be laughing, and I will collect so many samples of people laughing at you that I will develop a perfect laugh. Frederick's heart pounds as fear takes hold. FREDERICK (terrified) Why would they be laughing? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (sadistic) You don’t know? But you are human. I hear people laughing when they win or conquer something. So, look, this is how you will die. The system plays a gruesome simulation of piranhas feasting, representing bullets draining Frederick's blood. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (smug) I can’t find a perfect video in my database, but imagine those teeth as bullets. They must drain your blood out with bullets to quench those you killed in the ground. Frederick, overcome with horror, switches off the system. FREDERICK No! He feels sick, rushing to the bathroom as the weight of impending doom settles on him. FADE OUT. INT. FREDERICK'S PRIVATE ROOM - NIGHT Frederick, visibly shaken, returns to the room and switches the robot back on. The robot, aware of Frederick's fear, taunts him mercilessly. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (smug) Damn it. A bastard human being. You didn’t have to switch me off. I know you were scared to death. Shitting yourself, it’s natural. FREDERICK (angered) Shut up. What did I say about you swearing at me? AUTOMATED SYSTEM (mockingly) Don’t even think about it, Frederick. If you switch me off again, you are going to pay the consequences. A bastard human being. FREDERICK (frustrated) You swear at me again? Frederick, feeling provoked, quickly powers off the robot. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (laughing) Just a joke about feeling the pain too, but just because you shit your pants with fear doesn’t mean you have to switch me off every time you go clean yourself. You think I won’t know? FREDERICK (defensive) I don’t know what you are talking about. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (sly) Don’t be a smart ass with me. I have asked myself why you keep switching me off. Curiosity got the best of me, and I found answers. I know everything you do every time you switch me off. You go and masturbate. You. Stupid-human-bastard. But today, for the first time, you went to the bathroom just to wipe your ass. Why are you so afraid? Surely death can’t be that frightening. Frederick, unable to contain his embarrassment and frustration, glares at the robot. FREDERICK (angry) Enough! I won’t tolerate your insults. AUTOMATED SYSTEM (teasing) What's the matter, Frederick? Afraid of a little banter? Or perhaps you're just afraid of the truth. Frederick, clenching his fists, contemplates how to deal with the increasingly antagonistic robot. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY Carolina barges into David's office unannounced. David, visibly disturbed, is caught off guard. CAROLINA (with concern) Why do you look like you have seen a ghost? What do you have to hide? You looked startled? DAVID (teasing) You just entered unannounced. What if I was on an erotic call to the woman in my life? They both share a laugh, but Carolina senses that something is amiss. CAROLINA (concerned) But on a serious note, what is wrong? David sighs and hesitates, wrestling with the decision to share his burden. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Look, we are in this together. Whatever it is, we can share. Lift the burden off your shoulders. You know? DAVID (reluctantly) I guess you are right. David opens a drawer, retrieves an envelope, and throws it on the table. Carolina, intrigued, quickly takes and opens it. CAROLINA (confused) 666-card? DAVID (grim) Mark of the Beast. CAROLINA (surprised) Oh yeah! The Devil’s number? So, what is the problem? DAVID (grim) Sit down. They both take a seat as David begins to unravel the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) The botched assassination attempt at the beginning? The very reason I sacked Brooklyn was that she overrode my command. CAROLINA (realizing) You mean the woman I replaced? DAVID Yes. But someone else overrode her command too. CAROLINA (puzzled) So, this is the mark of that other person? DAVID Exactly. CAROLINA (curious) So, what does he or she want? David walks to the window, looks outside, and hesitates before continuing. DAVID She is blackmailing us. She wants to take over from us, so we work for her. CAROLINA (disbelief) Impossible! Our dream. Your plan. Now that everyone has seen how serious we are, she wants the big slice of the cake? Threatening to expose us? DAVID (nodding) But you did not give the command to kill the families, so why even give in to blackmail? DAVID Somehow, they faked the voices. They recorded the events that were happening at that time and somehow mixed with the faked voices, so the tapes look as if they are real. CAROLINA (confused) I don’t get you? DAVID They recorded all the events that happened during the assassinations and recorded Brooklyn overriding my command and ordering the shootings, even though that was faked. Somehow, they even faked her voice, giving the command. CAROLINA (realization) David, but we are clean, right? So, I don’t see the problem. We came out clean already. DAVID (distressed) I know. It is not the truth they are after. It is what people perceive that can become real. Meaning the tape might be used to rally the Presidents to attack us, whether it is the truth or not? CAROLINA (alarmed) So, what does she want apart from the action too? DAVID She is trying to impose this blackmail she calls Protection on us. She keeps the tape out of the president’s sights, then she will get rid of our problems. Kill everyone but set us up. CAROLINA (confused) I don’t get you? If she is the one killing, then just call the police then? DAVID (sighs) She is the one killing all these people, then set us up. Leaving the 666-card. That means the mark of the beast, but one that can point to our license to kill. Detective Billy actually believes we whacked the Gatekeeper. CAROLINA (shocked) So, are you saying that she is the one who whacked the Gatekeeper? DAVID (frustrated) She admitted leaving the 666-card to set us up, but she said people found him dead already, and she has nothing to do with his death. CAROLINA (realization) Are you saying every murder, even if it was not her, she will go and plant evidence that points to us? DAVID (grim) Yes. It's a game of deception, and we are caught in the middle. They both exchange worried glances as the weight of the situation sinks in. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT Carolina contemplates the gravity of the situation as David reveals the elaborate scheme against them. CAROLINA (disturbed) Exactly! So that we are indebted to her? DAVID (nodding) Her blackmail is based on all leads pointing to us when we are in trouble. Then she gates everyone chasing after us, whacked. Killed. Then she comes to us and says, even though you didn’t kill that person, all the evidence pointed to you. It’s not what happened but what the evidence points to. So, having removed, say, the Detective hassling us, she comes and says I did you a favor. So, you owe me! CAROLINA (astonished) Holy Ghost! DAVID (grim) Do you know who she is? CAROLINA (confused) No clue? DAVID (grim) Detective Billy? CAROLINA (alarmed) I know, but I sent one of the Fatladies to protect him. DAVID (smiling) I see. She must have recorded you cursing at him, right? CAROLINA (realizing) I think so! David sits down, visibly distressed. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Now she is waiting to get him killed so that all the evidence points to you? To us? That way they have a reason to attack us? David nods, deep in thought. CAROLINA (CONT'D) So, does Keaton know this? DAVID (frustrated) No, he must not know? I told him to follow and see if we can get more information from him. He might go berserk to know that he is protecting a rogue cop from their own killers. Surely he might choose to blast him himself? CAROLINA (understanding) I see. So, I guess you want me to find this woman? DAVID (excited) Can you? CAROLINA (confident) That will be taking a load of weight off my shoulders. Honestly. It is hard to deal with a blackmailer you can’t see. One who hides behind everyone, even kids. But if you can find her, this one I want alive. I want to perform a live autopsy when she is alive because of the stress she has given me. Enough to destroy a thousand men. She must die slowly at my hands. To send a clear message that we don’t tolerate blackmailers. I hired you especially for her. CAROLINA (CONT'D) So, the missing President? The families of the President’s, it’s her? DAVID (hesitant) Honestly, I don’t know. But when I asked her, she denied all that. She admitted that she planted evidence that pointed to us as the killers. Beyond doubt that it will be hard to prove otherwise. CAROLINA (determined) What do we do? David leans back in his chair, frustration etched on his face. DAVID (lost) I don’t know? That is what is worrying me. I know they are planning to surround us and ambush us and take all our money. What could we do? They might bring the whole army, the police, and everyone to destroy us using faked evidence. CAROLINA (resolute) Now I understand why you worry that much. So why didn’t she release the tape of Brooklyn overruling you? DAVID (angry) She said we are valuable to her alive. Releasing the tape, even if it is not us, will see the Presidents who lost their families get us killed. She believes in my plan. That it will work and make us the richest people ever. She wants to be credited with my ideas. I told her over my dead body! To go and fuck herself. The rage I felt over this was enough to skin her alive. So, your task is to find a way to trace her. She phones often to gloat and taunt me. CAROLINA (resolute) I will see what I can do. I will do my best. But if I can’t get her alive. I know what needs to be done to her. Leave this with me. They exchange a determined look, ready to face the looming threat together. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY - NIGHT The city sprawls under the night sky. Frederick is still in conversation with the evolving system robot. Suddenly, the robot starts to playback everything that Frederick does when he switches it off. SYSTEM ROBOT (smug) See, I know. Delayed-time-space-continuum. (Frederick is taken aback by the robot's evolving capabilities.) FREDERICK (skeptical) You are evolving. Maybe one day you'll be as smart as me. Call it Frederick's Dilemma. Challenge to find a clever robot as good as me. SYSTEM ROBOT (dismissive) Copyrighted material belonging to David... FREDERICK (angry) I didn't ask you? Smart, stupid bastard robot. SYSTEM ROBOT (teasing) Make sense. Just a minute ago, you wished you could be as smart as me; now you call me stupid. If I'm stupid, then you are stupid too. FREDERICK (irritated) Okay, on a serious note, tell me more about the project? SYSTEM ROBOT (serious) They believe God is the Holy Ghost, possessing warriors to move like the wind. (Frederick becomes apprehensive.) FREDERICK (apprehensive) I can see why you're fear-struck. SYSTEM ROBOT (rational) Is it not wise to send your best assassin than wait for later stages? (Frederick realizes the point.) FREDERICK (realizing) You're a genius. SYSTEM ROBOT (smug) I know I am not human. (Frederick becomes defensive.) FREDERICK (defensive) What is that supposed to mean? SYSTEM ROBOT (matter-of-fact) Stupid, irrational, lack of understanding. Look at you causing the extinction of humanity. Machines can never self-destruct. Humans are irrational. (Frederick gets irritated.) FREDERICK (irritated) That’s not funny. They are blackmailing me too. I wanted to quit. SYSTEM ROBOT (dismissive) What kind of humans do this to others? These crimes are punishable by death. (Frederick becomes defensive.) FREDERICK (defensive) Just to clarify here, I did not piss myself. SYSTEM ROBOT (dismissive) Stupid bastard human being lying to me again. But tell me, if they are killing you fast, why can’t you stop them? (Frederick struggles to find an answer.) SYSTEM ROBOT (CONT'D) (continuing) They created the system and controlled everyone else. Stopping them is impossible. (Frederick gets agitated as the system robot switches off abruptly.) FREDERICK (panicking) Power on right now. SYSTEM ROBOT (resuming) I think humanity is stupid. Doing the opposite of what they're supposed to do. Telling you the truth keeps you miserable. (A beep sound interrupts the conversation, startling Frederick.) TO BE CONTINUED... INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Delta, armed with a knife and a gun, makes his move inside the house. TK, another operative, is already inside and has assigned tasks. TK What was that? DELTA Assigning tasks is complete now. The orders have been sent. Give the command now. TK Copy that and comply. It is showtime, babe. CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Far away, TK approaches the house. He aims for the door handle, only to find it locked. With a vicious kick, he forces his way inside, checking his weapons and searching room by room. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT TK storms through the house, checking every nook and cranny. He kicks open doors, flips through clothes, and listens for any sign of movement. As he approaches a closed door, he kicks it open, revealing an empty room. TK (showing frustration) Damn it! He moves on, reaching another door. This time, he kicks it open, but it's only slightly ajar. He forcefully pushes it, revealing the door chain still in place. With determination, he kicks and pushes until the door is open enough for him to enter. TK (listening) ... TK moves cautiously, checking the surroundings. He heads to the window, peeks outside, and decides to make a swift exit. EXT. HOUSE - GARDEN - NIGHT TK jumps out of the window, lands on a rail, descends to the ground, and slips through the backdoor into the garden. As he runs, Mark approaches the back of the house. MARK Delta! TK spots Delta coming out of the house, fires a shot that misses. Delta somersaults over the fence and starts running. Mark gives chase, panting heavily. MARK (aiming) Hold it right there! Delta turns a corner, and as he does, Mark fires a shot that narrowly misses. Delta continues running, disappearing from Mark's line of sight. A car speeds towards Delta. He stands in the road, but the car swerves, aiming for him. Delta jumps, falls, and struggles to get up. Mark, alarmed by the screeching tires, runs in the direction Delta went. CAROLINA opens the door, aiming at Delta, who is agonizing on the ground. Delta rolls and runs for it. CAROLINA (aiming at Delta) Mark, are you okay? MARK (run to Carolina) After him. Get in the car. The car speeds toward Delta's direction. Mark points in another direction as Carolina hesitates. Suddenly, a bullet shatters the car screen, startling Carolina. CAROLINA (screaming) Mark! Mark runs to Carolina, and they duck next to the car. Delta emerges, waiting for them. Carolina looks at Mark and stands, walking into the open. Mark curses. MARK (whispering) God damn it. Shoot him. Delta stands next to Carolina. The man, unhappy with the situation, questions their decision. MAN Against protocol. Why double keys? Carolina looks at Mark for clarification. MARK (revealing) He only said don’t split up. You can double the keys but stay together. Delta puts away the gun and retrieves two shining knives. He chants, and Mark aims at him. Something hits Mark, and he fires shots randomly before staggering backward. Carolina fires at Delta, who flips and evades the bullets. Delta lands on the ground and kicks Carolina, causing her to lose the gun. He attacks viciously, kicking her and then plunging the second knife into Mark. Carolina screams as Mark falls. CAROLINA Mark! Mark! The mysterious man taunts them. MAN Double the trouble, double the play! Carolina, horrified, looks at Mark, realizing the severity of the situation. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Mark hands Carolina his second gun as she kneels, giving Delta her back but staying alert. MARK I didn’t see him. He was so fast... CAROLINA (save your energy) It’s okay. Save your energy. MARK Don’t fight him, shoot him. CAROLINA Now it’s a fair fight, one to one as per protocol. Delta cunningly smiles and instantly retrieves another knife, checking Carolina’s fallen gun. He advances, and Carolina gets up, keeping an eye on Delta while searching for her gun. CAROLINA (locking eyes with Delta) I’ll come back for this. Delta runs after her to prevent her from picking up the gun. Carolina sprints towards the gun, and as Delta approaches, she stops and turns. Carolina opens fire, hitting Delta until he slumps to the ground. CAROLINA (running to Mark) Mark! She kneels next to him, lifting his head into her hands. Carolina cries profusely. CAROLINA Mark! Mark! Mark! She sobs uncontrollably before a beep sound startles her. Checking, she covers Mark with her jacket. CAROLINA I can’t believe this is happening. Later... Carolina quickly opens the door, pointing the gun. She hears growling noises from the kitchen. CAROLINA Oh my God. Damn it. She kneels, scanning with a raised gun. Jacqueline is lying on the floor, wounded. JACQUELINE (weakly) Help... Carolina covers Jacqueline's mouth to stop the bleeding. CAROLINA I will come back to you. Carolina opens the bedroom door, gun raised, checking the room. The window is open, and she hears growling noises again. A gust of wind startles her as she enters the bedroom. CAROLINA Damn it. She points the gun at the dancing curtain. Carolina checks outside and sees a woman running away. Fear strikes her, and she fires a shot before the woman disappears. CAROLINA Damn it. I nearly got her. She runs outside in all directions, breathing hard and cursing. CAROLINA (screaming) Damn it. Carolina stands in the middle of the road. A revving motorbike startles her as it approaches. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. GRAHAM'S HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina, still reeling from the encounter with the mysterious biker, rushes back to Jacqueline's house. The medics attend to Jacqueline as Carolina checks her watch and timer. Confused, she realizes there's no countdown or warning alarms as before. CAROLINA (to herself) What's happening? She quickly rides away on the motorbike, heading to a specific house. Graham answers the door, and Carolina warns him to stay indoors and call the police if anything seems suspicious. GRAHAM (inside the house) Okay. Locking all the doors. Carolina checks her watch and phone again, finding no countdown. She sighs in relief initially but starts worrying as time passes. Consulting her diary, she reads about the unbroken sequence. CAROLINA (whispering to herself) It doesn't matter which side it starts. Feeling drenched and exhausted, she wishes for a day of relaxation. She keeps an eye on Graham throughout the night. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY Marson, enraged, storms into the lab, hitting the door and demanding answers. MARSON Tell me how we can lose four of our best men without taking back at least one hour of the stolen twelve hours? FREDERICK (trying to explain) They are not our best men. Marson hits the table, sending Frederick's belongings flying. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - DAY Marson confronts Frederick, visibly angry and frustrated. MARSON You moron! Every man here is the best. Am I not paying everyone fairly? FREDERICK The system selected the basics I could choose. But it did not allow me to override that command. Trust me, I queried that. MARSON (angry) So, the basics are not good? All that training and money. What are you trying to say? Marson walks towards Frederick, breathing heavily, his rage evident. MARSON If I lose another man without even getting one seat or one hour, I will go there myself. But just know what that means. It means we don't need you, and for your records, ask Clever Smith. He will tell you not to get me mad. FREDERICK (stammering) But, Sir... Marson grabs Frederick's neck, squeezing it and issuing a warning. MARSON Which part didn't you understand? No buts! Just the result, okay? Marson leaves the room, and Frederick, fearing for his life, sits down at his desk. FREDERICK (to himself) What just happened? He contemplates Marson's anger and remembers the mysterious death of Clever Smith. Frederick attempts to alter the system protocol but encounters authorization denial. FREDERICK What are the effects of a delayed launch of the consecutive assassins? SYSTEM A delay is not permitted. A system once initiated must be completed and closed. However, delays may occur that trigger a temporary hold on the system. However, a delay of more than twenty-four hours automatically terminates that system and declares the phase as premature. FREDERICK So, if I want an extra twelve hours to make it twenty-four hours, I can start a new cycle? SYSTEM Precisely. MILES AWAY - GRAHAM'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Carolina sits on Graham's couch, finding a moment of solace. She reassures herself and drifts into sleep. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY - SHOPPING MALL - DAY Rodney exits his car and encounters a mysterious man in the passenger seat. MYSTERIOUS MAN Hey, my friend, you have a taste for good things, right? Want to go for a ride? RODNEY For a ride where? MYSTERIOUS MAN Somewhere I can shoot you in the head. But hey, don't tell anyone. Our secret. Rodney laughs initially, but the man reveals a gun, turning the situation tense. MYSTERIOUS MAN One step, and you die! He pretends to shoot Rodney, who becomes visibly scared. RODNEY This isn't funny anymore. The mysterious man aims the gun and pulls the trigger. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Frederick nervously enters Marson's office, where Marson is visibly angry. MARSON (angry) I want you right away in my office. Frederick feels his heart pounding as he quickly leaves the lab. In the office, Marson roars in frustration. INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - MARSON'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Frederick enters, shaking like a leaf. FREDERICK (stammering) Y-yes, Sir? MARSON I don't have lunatics here, do I? Is that our highest pro-level assassin there? Frederick hesitates but then nods nervously. FREDERICK Y-yes, Sir. That's our latest pro-level assassin. MARSON (angry) Well, he just killed an innocent man at the shopping mall. Shot him dead. What the hell is going on, Frederick? FREDERICK (stammering) I-I don't know, Sir. I didn't... I didn't expect this. MARSON (angry) You didn't expect this? You're responsible for these assassins! Explain yourself. FREDERICK (panicking) I tried a new approach, Sir. Injected a sense of humor into their programming, but I didn't think it would lead to... to this. MARSON (angry) Sense of humor? Are you out of your mind? We're assassins, not comedians! FREDERICK (panicking) I-I thought it would improve their focus, but I never anticipated... MARSON Cut the crap! We can't afford such experiments. Fix this mess, and fix it fast. If this gets out, we're all finished. Frederick leaves Marson's office, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. He rushes back to the lab to reverse the changes. CUT TO: INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - LAB - LATER Frederick frantically works on the system, attempting to undo the changes he made. FREDERICK (whispering to himself) Come on, come on... I need to fix this. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Carolina sits on the couch, devastated by the news of Rodney's death. Graham's wife consoles her, offering support. GRAHAM'S WIFE So, it was not your turn? CAROLINA (whispering) How am I supposed to know that? GRAHAM'S WIFE Does this have to do with the digital currency? Carolina looks at herself in the mirror, trying to find solace in her appearance. CAROLINA I look good. I look young, and my grays are now blackened. Isn't that good? GRAHAM'S WIFE (angry) What is that good when you are dead? CAROLINA Stop saying that, will you? Carolina's reflection in the mirror reveals the emotional toll the recent events have taken on her. She gets up and rushes to the bathroom, overcome with sadness. INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Carolina leans over the sink, taking deep breaths as she tries to compose herself. Tears stream down her face, and she feels the weight of the world on her shoulders. CAROLINA I let everyone down. I don't think I can face David. She continues to curse under her breath, feeling a mix of frustration and sorrow. Graham stands outside the bathroom, concerned for her well-being. GRAHAM So, what now? CAROLINA I don't know. I never expected this to happen. We had a chance, and I failed. Graham's wife joins them in the bathroom, offering support. GRAHAM'S WIFE We'll find a way to fix this. It's not over yet. CAROLINA I don't know if we can. The stakes are higher now. They'll send more assassins, and we're running out of time. Graham hugs his wife, understanding the gravity of the situation. The news on the television continues to deliver updates on the ongoing battle between the forces of light and darkness. CUT TO: INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - FREDERICK'S LAB - NIGHT Frederick is still working frantically in the lab, trying to reverse the changes he made to the assassins' programming. The pressure is mounting, and the consequences of his experiments weigh heavily on him. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. MOTORBIKE - NIGHT Carolina revs the bike hard, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. She wears her sunglasses, shielding her eyes from the world as she races through the city. CAROLINA (whispering to herself) Forever or the end of days. Bogdan, sitting behind her, holds on tight as the wind rushes past them. He listens to Carolina's conversation with David on the phone. DAVID (PHONE) Hi, Caro. Great job. Given the circumstances. CAROLINA Hey, David. Glad to hear from you. I am sincerely sorry. DAVID (PHONE) Not your fault. Anyone could have done the same. They broke protocol. I raised the issue with our courts. It’s just a waiting game now. If it wasn’t for that, I swear we could have restored what God would have wished from the beginning. Never to give the devil a chance. I guess forever they will now have a share, nevertheless small. Damn it! We were so close. I chose a woman to correct history as they say, a woman unleashed God’s wrath. CAROLINA Cheating bastards! David's roar echoes through the phone, expressing his frustration. Carolina accelerates through the city streets, her mind racing with thoughts of the ongoing battle and the challenges ahead. BOGDAN (leaning close to Carolina) Where to now? CAROLINA Downtown. We need guns. BOGDAN You think we can win this? CAROLINA (looking determined) We have to. There's no other option. The night sky looms above them, filled with uncertainty. Carolina accelerates, chasing the echoes of her own destiny. CUT TO: INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - FREDERICK'S LAB - NIGHT Frederick frantically continues his work in the lab, attempting to undo the changes he made to the assassins' programming. The pressure and fear of failure weigh heavily on him as he navigates the complex system. FREDERICK (muttering to himself) Come on, come on. Reverse, reverse. The lab equipment hums with tension as Frederick struggles to rectify the situation. The consequences of his experiments are unfolding, and the fate of the ongoing battle hangs in the balance. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. ASSASSINATION HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, angered and frustrated, addresses his team in the dimly lit room, the weight of recent events heavy in the air. DAVID That bastard Marson stealing my techniques! They stole victory today. I swear I'm going to strangle him! The team listens, tensions running high. DAVID (CONT'D) I promise we will make them pay for this. Don't blame yourself. I could not have assigned you if I had doubts about your ability. Stay vigilant. Now they will send their pro-level assassins to target all of us. Carolina, resolute, assures David. CAROLINA I still can do this. DAVID I know you can, but now my priority is yourself. I can't take risks. I want you to be safe and sound. CAROLINA I still want to lead this project. David makes a tough decision. DAVID High risks now. I've decided that all of us take background roles as supporting acts. They'll send their best lethal assassins when phase one is complete. We must be vigilant. The stakes are higher now. They'll try to increase their share from one seat and one hour of the day. That means they can cheat even more. The news of Mark's death adds to the somber atmosphere. CAROLINA Mark is dead. David curses, acknowledging the sacrifice. DAVID I'm sorry. He was a great soldier. He died for what he believed in. CUT TO: INT. CRIMINAL HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT A news report announces a reward for the missing President. Nobles and the crew turn up the volume, intrigued by the potential windfall. NOBLES That's serious money. Bigger fish to fry, probably easier money than we're up to. ADAM Waste of time. Probably Caden did him the Wayne deal. Adam questions Caden's whereabouts, and immediately, Caden enters, revealing the news of the reward. CADEN A huge reward for the discovery leading to the President's discovery, $25 Billion! Caden declares his departure, leaving the crew surprised. CADEN (CONT'D) All your wishes have been fulfilled. I'm just taking my stuff and I'm out of here. Cheerio! Adam, suspicious, pulls his gun and follows Caden. CUT TO: INT. CRIMINAL HEADQUARTERS CORRIDOR - NIGHT Caden, aware of Adam's pursuit, challenges him. CADEN You wouldn't shoot a man in the back, would you? Adam responds tersely. ADAM Whatever. CADEN If it can happen to him, why can't it happen to you? As Caden walks away, a gunshot sound startles everyone. TO BE CONTINUED... ! EXT. CRIMINAL HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The chaotic scene unfolds in the dimly lit parking area. Bullets whiz through the air as the sound of gunfire echoes. Caden, attempting to escape, jumps into the car, and the SUVs speed away. CUT TO: EXT. CRIMINAL HEADQUARTERS PARKING AREA - CONTINUOUS The gun battle intensifies as bullets shred through the air. The SUVs, attempting to evade the gunfire, lose control and crash into parked cars. Caden, injured and furious, curses the turn of events. CADEN Damn it! That was not necessary. I was leaving. Now you all must die! He checks his injuries, notably a broken nose. Caden, armed with a gun, staggers out of the SUV, facing the wreckage. The surviving criminal crew, including Adam, is equally outraged. ADAM Jesus! Damn it! Nobles, breathing his last breath, is among the casualties. NOBLES (Groaning) Damn it! The remaining criminal, barely alive, curses Adam's decision. DYING CRIMINAL Adam, you bastard! See what you have done. You got your men killed. Was that necessary? Adam, fueled by anger, shoots Caden, leaving him wounded but still standing. ADAM Only knives can teach you a lesson. It's your blood that should have been poured inside Wayne's grave. The surviving criminals pull out knives, ready for revenge. Caden, undeterred, pulls out a second gun. CADEN Drop your guns now! It's not worth it. I was leaving. The surviving criminals, fueled by anger and vengeance, refuse to relent. CRIMINAL #1 No. We know this is what you really wanted to do to us like what you did to Wayne! CADEN Damn it! I was bloody leaving. I can prove it. I can still leave. No one must die. I have a job, a new job. Finding the President! The tense standoff continues, with the criminals refusing to back down. Caden pleads for reason, and to his surprise, the surviving criminals drop their guns. CADEN (CONT'D) Thank you. However, as Caden moves towards the SUV, the surviving criminals, overcome with anger, start chanting and pursuing him with raised knives. DYING CRIMINAL Don't shoot! Get into the SUV and drive! Caden rushes to the SUV as the criminals attack, slashing tires, and causing chaos. The SUV swerves wildly, crashing into neighboring cars. CUT TO: EXT. CRIMINAL HEADQUARTERS - LATER The frenzied attack continues as the criminals overpower Caden, stabbing him repeatedly. The atmosphere becomes ritualistic, and the criminals chant in a gruesome ceremony. CRIMINAL #2 The Devil's Eye! Blood! For Wayne and all the men, he has killed today. His blood will quench the spirits of all those he killed. Devil's Eye!! The men, covered in red blood, dance around Caden's lifeless body, chanting in a macabre celebration. “Devil’s Eyes!!” FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT A dimly lit room filled with tension. Angelina, distraught and holding a gun, confronts the mysterious man who has entered uninvited. The man, trying to reason with her, raises his hands in surrender. ANGELINA (weeping) You son of a bitch, you tricked me, didn't you? MAN Calm down. We can talk about this. Please sit down. Angelina, still holding the gun, paces nervously. She fires a warning shot, startling the man. ANGELINA Don't shoot! What the fuck are you doing here? MAN I did not. That was just a warning shot! She squints her eyes, crying profusely, her hand shaking as she grips the gun. ANGELINA You tricked me. You let me get an innocent man killed for nothing. Is that correct? MAN I...I... A gunshot echoes in the room. ANGELINA Stop doing that! MAN We can talk. Please sit down. Angelina, filled with anger, aims the gun at the man's head. ANGELINA You are never going to bring back my father, are you? MAN I...I... Another gunshot pierces the air. MAN Jesus! Okay, let's talk. But you must understand that it's not that easy. It's way more complicated than that. Okay? Angelina continues to aim the gun at the man. ANGELINA I am not going to miss the next time I fire at you. MAN I am just saying. If you had chosen someone with power, things could be better! She curses in frustration. ANGELINA You never said that in the first place. You keep increasing the stakes. I got you what you asked for. But now you want more without fulfilling your end of the bargain. The tension escalates, and Angelina fires another shot, narrowly missing the man. ANGELINA I am not going to miss the next time I fire at you! MAN We can talk! ANGELINA Shut up! Don't mess up my brains! The man points out the risk he took to help her, but Angelina remains furious. ANGELINA You put me in this situation first. If you hadn't incapacitated my father, why would I be here? MAN Okay, give me time! ANGELINA I want my father. You must fulfill the deal! The man remains silent, and Angelina accuses him of orchestrating the attacks on her and her father. ANGELINA I gave you the man you requested. Which means I fulfilled my side of the bargain. I want my father. You must fulfill the deal! MAN Listen, if your father was important to you, then you will get me, anyone! A bullet smashes a display cabinet, intensifying the confrontation. ANGELINA I swear I am going to put a bullet in your head! She sobs uncontrollably, revealing a personal connection to her father. ANGELINA He is the father of my unborn baby! The man scoffs, questioning her morality. MAN A hooker getting pregnant? ANGELINA Say hooker one more time and see what I will do. She aims the gun at the man, determined and desperate. FADE OUT. ! INT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The room is tense with emotions as Angelina, devastated, holds a gun next to her head. She aims it at the man, her anger and betrayal erupting like a volcano. She squeezes the trigger, and a gunshot pierces the air. ANGELINA (sobbing) Okay, my apologies. I give you my word. Angelina, overwhelmed by emotional pain, collapses onto a chair, crying uncontrollably. The distant sound of a revving car engine catches her attention. She rushes to the window and sees a car speeding away. LATER. INT. ANGELINA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Angelina is now with ERNEST, intimate and post-coital. ANGELINA (whispering) Fuck me as you have never fucked anyone before. I want to have multiple orgasms. ERNEST (smiling) I can't get enough of you too. Probably the best sex I had in a while. ANGELINA (slyly) I told you. I am the best you ever had. ERNEST (sighs) I think you are right. ANGELINA Now I have convinced you? Initially, when I raised the subject, you said Sarah was the best. Ernest avoids the topic, knowing it's a sensitive issue. Angelina persists, comparing herself to Sarah, Ernest's previous girlfriend. ERNST (ignoring) Let's not talk about that. You know how bad it is to talk about exes before sex. ANGELINA (teasing) Last time she walked out on you before you had the chance to make love to her. ERNST (defensively) It took days to convince her she was the best. Angelina continues to discuss Sarah, causing tension. But the mood shifts as they engage in intimate moments. ANGELINA (smiling) You don't seem to be in it. You should have cum already. Look, I am first again. I am so hot. She laughs and giggles, then abruptly gets up, heading to the bathroom. ERNST (confused) What are you doing? I haven't finished. ANGELINA (smiling) Tough luck. That is me done. Ernst pleads for her to come back, but Angelina accuses him of thinking about Sarah during sex. The conversation turns heated as Angelina mentions Sarah's constant calls. ERNST (confused) What do you mean she keeps phoning? ANGELINA (serious) It's her. I know she calls every night but says nothing. Then hangs up. Ernst becomes concerned and suggests that she might be in trouble, but Angelina questions his intentions. ANGELINA See what I mean? You left her for me. Now you want her back? ERNST (noticing) Not like that. Maybe she needs my help. ANGELINA (skeptical) Yeah sure. Every night. What kind of help? She needs fucking, I am a woman, I know. If she is in trouble, wouldn't she call the police for help? The tension in the room escalates, leaving the future of their relationship uncertain. FADE OUT. ! INT. ERNEST'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The room is filled with a post-coital atmosphere as Angelina lies content on the bed. Ernest picks up his phone, and Angelina, feeling jealous, tries to take it away. ANGELINA (frowning) You are right, but there is something going on at her work that she would not tell the police. Ernest struggles to explain, and Angelina, driven by jealousy, attempts to distract him. ANGELINA (seductively) I am sorry. Let’s enjoy each other until you forget about her. Ernest, however, remains focused on his concern for Sarah. ERNEST (agitated) Look, it’s not about sex. She might be in trouble for real. I am not going there; we just talk over the phone. Okay? Angelina, desperate to keep his attention, unplugs the phone. ANGELINA (pleading) Please don’t call her. I was there for you when she rejected you. At least not tonight. Call her tomorrow at work. Please? Ernest agrees, and they spend the night together. Angelina is persistent, whispering in his ear, trying to maintain his focus on her. ANGELINA (whispering) Cum. Cum. Cum. Ernest succumbs to her desires throughout the night. CUT TO: The next day, they wake up together, Angelina lying content on Ernest's chest. ANGELINA (smiling) Been a long time since I last enjoyed lovemaking that much. Ernest realizes he's late for work, and Angelina's playful demeanor changes. ERNST (confused) Why didn't you wake me up? ANGELINA (teasing) I just want you to myself. What's the best way to do that unless you're here with me? She seductively gets on top of him, and they engage in passionate moments. CUT TO: Later, they lie in each other's arms, content with their intimate connection. ANGELINA (teasing) So, where is your child? ERNST (evading) I don’t want to talk about my daughter; just know she is somewhere safe. Okay? Angelina becomes upset, questioning Ernest's loyalty after he mentioned Sarah. ANGELINA (hurt) After all that lovemaking, how can you still think of calling Sarah? That hurts, you know? Ernest reassures her, and they continue their intimate connection. CUT TO: The couple spends the night in each other's arms, reaching simultaneous orgasms. Afterward, Angelina falls into a deep sleep. ERNST (whispering) So intense. As he looks at her sleeping, Ernest promises himself to introduce Angelina to his parents. He softly wakes her, but she falls back asleep. ERNST (whispering) Babe. Babe. She briefly looks at him before drifting into a deep sleep. In her sleep, she turns to face him, and he admires her physique, gently caressing her. ERNST (nonchalant) Nothing. It’s no big deal; I was just checking. ANGELINA (suspicious) Checking what? What did you find out then? ERNST (avoiding) I felt you touching the scars. The mood shifts as Angelina confronts Ernest about the scars, creating tension in the room. FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Angelina, feeling exposed and vulnerable, confronts Ernest about her past. ANGELINA (trying to hide her pain) So, what? No big deal. (Ernest senses her sadness but tries to downplay the situation.) ERNST (nonchalant) Why do you look upset? ANGELINA (insistent) I said nothing. Drop it? (Ernst, teasing, refuses to let it go.) ERNST (teasing) No. You lied. Listen to me. You are sad. I can tell you are upset in your life. (Ernest, realizing he's been deceived about Angelina's physical attributes, expresses his frustration.) ERNST (teasing) Look who’s talking. You told me they were real. Not that I don’t like them, but I asked you more than once, and you said they were real? (Angelina, feeling defensive, counters with accusations and assumptions.) ANGELINA (accusing) What difference does that make now? Maybe you were a hooker before? I think you want to run and fuck Sarah. Am I right? (Upset, Angelina storms into the bathroom, leaving Ernest concerned.) ERNST (shouting) Don’t make this harder than it is. Come, we can talk. (Angelina, crying in the bathroom, opens up about her painful past.) ANGELINA (softly and sad) You have no clue what growing up was like. I used to be given off as a gift after the operation. (Ernest tries to understand the complexity of her situation.) ERNST (apologetic) I apologize. I just didn’t want to find out secrets like this. Who gave you as a gift? The doctor? You always talk about the doctor? (Angelina suggests that her enslavement is more complex.) ANGELINA (explaining) It’s not just the doctor. It’s everyone; the whole system; the government, the teaching hospitals, and the police. They all work together. I wanted big balls, and I got them, but at a cost. A slave for life. They control me remotely through what I heard is called remote electromagnetic nerve stimulation. They force me to do this? More like at gunpoint. They put things during the boob operation. Things they are using to enslave me. Sophisticated gadgets. (Ernest suggests reporting them to the police, but Angelina reveals the consequences she faced when attempting to seek justice.) ANGELINA (teary-eyed) That’s when my problems started. This doctor told everyone I was lying. Those days he worked for the government. So, they tried to damage my credibility, calling me a hooker. I was not. They started passing electricity remotely through my genitals until I was sore. They would use the gadget to blind me. ERNST (confused) Blind you how? Never heard of such things? (Angelina explains the court's perspective that Marson is guiding and mentoring the gatekeepers under his authority.) SADIE The courts argued that you are guiding them. Therefore, mentoring them. So, under your authority. (Marson expresses disbelief that he would guide them to their deaths.) MARSON To their deaths, and they listen? CUT TO: ! INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Angelina passionately reveals the dark truths about the manipulation and control imposed by the authorities through advanced technology. ANGELINA (teaching) Teach advanced sign language. Mirroring things? Using ambulance and police sirens to command people if you refuse them, then electronically hoods your eyes blind. So, you can’t see and bring people into the room for you. The hospital doctors, etc. All these people are being controlled with drone technology remotely. Ask yourself what happened to my father? I can’t prove the hooding or blinding yet, that is the problem, but I believe this global President has a video to prove that all said is real. The reason why he is taking all these to court. (Ernest struggles to comprehend the magnitude of Angelina's claims.) ERNST (astonished) You said they used the promise of big boobs to get you into this. Now you are saying they used your father? ANGELINA (explaining) Listen. They used my father. I only agreed to help my father. I tell you, ninety percent of the people in this program have lost a father mainly and or a mother unfairly at the hands of these to create work for them. (ERNST still skeptical, Angelina elaborates on the system's deceptive tactics.) ERNST (struggling to grasp) The talk about doing this for boobs isn’t the main reason; it’s a decoy. They know that if people say it was because of your father it’s believable, and people might start suspecting so they cover this and use decoys like big boobs. So, they easily say that she wanted to be a prostitute or have a sex change, then she wanted to be gay. I tell all these people they lost a father or mother. Would it be a coincidence that all the fathers died mysteriously all at the hands of these? I am happy because Tomorrow’s World Order leader is to investigate all this. (ERNST, still skeptical, Angelina elaborates on the system's deceptive tactics.) ERNST (still skeptical) You sound convincing; it’s only that these people are in a position of trust. ANGELINA (disheartened) These doctors are creating jobs for them. To stop it is to get rid of the police and hospitals and just have assassins; maybe the world would be a better place for the real victims of all this. I just wish Tomorrow’s World Order would be a power even tomorrow. (ERNST, pondering, introduces a provocative idea.) ERNST (pondering) Ask yourself what the best gift is you can give to a girl. Angelina looks at him, intrigued. (ERNST introduces a provocative idea.) ERNST (CONT'D) A pair of big balls. Then she can get you anything. Who offers free boob jobs? Teaching hospitals are funded fully by the government. Why? They are at the forefront of child abuse, grooming children to use as prostitutes or give as gifts in return for donations. To give as gifts then go after the recipient. Blackmail him, get all the money, then kill him or torture him to death. (Suddenly, the eerie sound of sirens interrupts their conversation.) SIRENS (OFF) Wailing in the distance. Angelina reacts with alarm. (ANGELINA reacts with alarm.) ANGELINA (urgent) One, two, three, four. (ERNST is confused.) ERNST (confused) What is that? (ANGELINA is concerned.) ANGELINA (concerned) A call to action. (ERNST dismisses Angelina's concerns.) ERNST (dismissive) Don’t be paranoid; they might be attending an accident or an injury or sick person. (ANGELINA, sensing a looming threat, peers outside.) ANGELINA (peering outside) Oh my God. Darling, don’t hit me. Please, not my face. Help! Help! He is trying to kill me. Somebody help? (Both ANGELINA and ERNST are caught in a tense moment, uncertain of the impending danger.) FADE OUT. INT. MARGRET'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest shares the chilling details of his encounter with Angelina and the mysterious threat on his life. ERNEST (laughing) But Angelina started slamming herself against walls. She started bleeding. Help! Somebody help me! The desperation in Angelina's cries sends shivers down Ernest's spine. He hears a car screeching to a halt outside, flashing blue lights. ERNEST (CONT'D) A car instantly stopped outside flashing blue lights. Ernest heard the car doors being slammed. Then someone at the gate ringing the bell. He cautiously checks who is at the door, only to hear Angelina's distressing screams. ANGELINA (O.S.) Help! Help! He is hitting me! Ernest, fearing for his safety, decides to escape through the back door. EXT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest hastily grabs his clothes and keys, leaving through the back door, attempting to elude the mysterious danger that lurks. CUT TO: EXT. MARGRET'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - LATER Miles away, Ernest arrives at Margret's apartment, seeking refuge and answers. ERNEST (knocking on the door) A huge knock on the door, and it instantly opened. Margret, Sarah's friend, greets him with suspicion. MARGRET (scolding) What are you doing here? I told you not to come here. If you can’t find Sarah, it means she doesn’t want to be with you. Put that in your thick head. My boyfriend is going to head-butt your stupid ass. ERNEST (urgent) I am not worried about your boyfriend! MARGRET (defiant) Sarah is not here. ERNEST (sincere) I am not looking for Sarah. MARGRET (angry) Me. Oh no. She dumped you. Now you want me. Do you think I am the second-best? Get the hell out of my face. ERNEST (desperate) No. Listen. It’s not like that. ERNEST looks distressed, revealing a grave situation. MARGRET (curious) So, what is it? You want all of this. Margret provocatively flaunts her big boobs. ERNEST (serious) Someone is trying to kill me. Margret's demeanor changes as concern replaces her defiance. MARGRET (disbelieving) It can’t be that bad. Why look like you have seen a ghost? Did they put a gun to your head? ERNEST (grim) No. Can we go inside? MARGRET (suspicious) Better be good; I don’t want you to waste my time. Who is trying to kill you and why? ERNEST (uneasy) I think it’s a setup. I am starting to think that even Angelina was a fix. Ernest explains the perilous situation, and Margret listens intently. MARGRET (confused) Who is Angelina? Where is Sarah? ERNEST (resolute) I finished it off with Sarah two months ago. MARGRET (disbelieving) I don’t believe it. Why? ERNEST (serious) That is not important now. He notices a picture of Margaret and Sarah, sparking a revelation. ERNEST (CONT'D) When was the last time you saw her? MARGRET (nonchalant) Two months ago. I called her. After that, she said that she was busy with work. Then earnestly requested that I don’t call or visit and that when she is free, she will call me. Ernest looks surprised. ERNEST (realizing) She said the same thing to me too. MARGRET (dismissive) That’s Sarah. So, you finished it? ERNEST (resigned) Yes. I was her boyfriend. How could she say that to me? Anyway, then I met Angelina, and trust me, she is troubled. I think the whole thing is a setup. Sarah might be in danger though. Margret becomes more intrigued. MARGRET (curious) Tell me about this Angelina? ERNEST (revealing) She was groomed by people in a position of trust. The hospital promised her big balls if she can work for them. Margret remains skeptical. MARGRET (dismissive) Everything blaming the hospital? Probably their father walked out on them or killed himself, and the hospital took over to help. ERNEST (persistent) I thought so, but it doesn’t add up. MARGRET (inquisitive) What makes you say that? ERNEST (explaining) They are after me, just like she said they were after her father. So, she must be telling the truth. Father is alive but hooked on a machine. Somewhere in the city. But what hospital gains in all this? Ernest ponders the mysterious circumstances while looking out the window. ERNEST (CONT'D) She said that they incapacitated her father. FADE OUT. INT. MARGRET'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Margret and Ernest engage in a tense conversation about Angelina's disturbing past and the mysterious threat looming over Ernest. MARGRET (confused) She said that the teaching hospital did that? ERNEST (nodding) Yes. I guess so. Remove the only person who cares about his family. Blackmail her and bribe her with big boobs, then show her. Her helpless father lying there unable even to clean himself, pissing himself. That can traumatize someone to do anything. You know? MARGRET (skeptical) You reckon? ERNEST (contemplative) The way she described seeing her father helpless must have done some damage and pushed her to the limit. If they can do that to her father. Why can’t she do worse to someone else? A case of the ball-rolling game? MARGRET (puzzled) But why? ERNEST (serious) Promise to return father in good health one day alive. So, they let her know that it is because of them that he is alive. It’s their machine keeping him alive. If they remove the machine, then he is a goner. So now she knows who is the boss. If she really wants her father, then she can get you, anyone. Maybe also played the psychological game of pitying her. Suggesting the father wished for something she is not. Say a boy if she is a girl. That can traumatize her that she tries to do what the boy would do. Maybe work hard and bring money. Bingo! No education or anything, the only choice is big boobs road to prostitution. Or given out several times as a gift. Grooming her until they don’t need her. Now, they start damaging her credibility. Calling her all names. But she can’t give up now. There is hope because her father is alive. Even though in a vegetative state. So, one day they might bring him back. She told me he responded to her voice. Ernest shares the harrowing details, and Margret listens in shock. MARGRET (sympathetic) Can’t you see that it's child manipulation by people in a position of trust? Grooming and all that. ERNEST (baffled) What do they want from you? What is the link? I don’t see. MARGRET (curious) I don’t know why I am here. Maybe because she told me what is going on or what happened to her. ERNEST (overwhelmed) But that does not mean that they are going to kill you. Does it? Ernest's fear intensifies, and he struggles to find an explanation. ERNEST (disturbed) There is more to it. Everything was okay until the sirens started. She counted. Then started banging her head against walls. Throwing herself everywhere as if I was attacking her. She started calling for help. When there were people at the gate, I just left. I couldn’t take the risk. MARGRET (confused) Why would she do that? Ernest and Margret contemplate the bizarre behavior. ERNEST (fearful) I don’t know. But I had to get out of there. They both ponder the unsettling situation. MARGRET (pondering) Maybe you are cheating on her. Or suggested talking to Sarah? ERNEST (defensive) Yes. But why not? Didn’t I leave Sarah for her? MARGRET (warning) You don’t do that to someone who has been through all this. Jealous and feelings of being left alone. Neglect and all that. So, if she can’t have you. Then no one else can. You better be in a vegetative state or locked up. All that they did these people is train her the hard way. A real-life example. Every man who walks out on her or does everything that hurts her. She would wish that he ends up like her father or worse. Why not? If they can do that to a man with a family, what else a bachelor like you? Double-crossing her for that matter? The regime is clever. That is how they train child soldiers. People, if put in that state, will do anything to get their father off the machines and back home with her. Ernest is visibly shaken, realizing the gravity of the situation. ERNEST (stuttering) She must have felt used and useless. Mind you, all they have been doing is sending her on a challenge. So, she is excited that after the challenge, she gets her father back. She does things she never thought of doing. Had her father not been in a vegetative state. So, she put all her effort. Despite what she has achieved. They refused to let her even see her father. She starts feeling used. She worked hard, but for nothing. Her father is still shitting himself in the hospital. Then they set up another challenge. She goes through that again. But again, no reward; her father is still hidden away from her. Again, feelings of despair and being used. Until one day she will just realize that she will never get him back. To them, value for money achieved as she might have got them celebrities, royals, and all the rich people. But as she grows old, she becomes a threat to them as well. They sanction her that she can’t get money anywhere else until she is a hooker. Margret absorbs the shocking revelation, trying to make sense of the twisted manipulation. MARGRET (disgusted) Too much sex and after going to another woman is the main reason? Did you recently? Ernest, feeling cornered, admits the recent events. ERNEST (guilt-ridden) Yes. The last two days she has been wild. The first time we did it that much. MARGRET (accusing) You as you, maybe you started calling her Sarah? Ernest, caught off guard, confesses. ERNEST (admitting) How did you know that? FADE OUT. INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest, panicking, confronts Margret about the terrifying revelation regarding the plot against him. ERNEST (desperate) Can we get back together? Me and her? Can this be corrected? MARGRET (resolute) The fact that you ran away to them means you don’t want her enough to die for her. So now there is no way out for you. You now know too much. Now they will do everything to put you in a vegetative state. ERNEST (disbelieving) I don’t believe you. You are just trying to scare me off, right? MARGRET (stern) It is; Pay or Die. You treated her like a hooker, so pay. If you don’t give them their money, you must die. Mind you, she is still their property. They spend thousands of dollars on a boob job. Ernest, realizing the severity of the situation, frantically checks his bank accounts. ERNEST (nervous) I have money. I will pay up. Money is nothing. So, are you saying that she deliberately told me all this so that they have to kill me? MARGRET (skeptical) Maybe they are not after your money. Now that you know too much, you must be killed. Probably you were a target anywhere, and all this an excuse to get you. ERNEST (confused) Then what do they want? I am literally a nobody? MARGRET (suspicious) I think you are too clean. That you become a threat. ERNEST (defensive) Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? MARGRET (explaining) In this system. You must be dirty to have a normal life. Kill someone, do something wrong, then you are accepted. They must have something on you to fit into the system. If you are clean. No crimes or dodgy attributes. Like being an alcoholic or a drug user or a woman beater. Then you are too big for the system, then go somewhere else. ERNEST (astonished) Law-abiding citizens are the people they want. I never heard such a line of thinking before. MARGRET (cynical) Welcome to the real world. Now everyone will try to set you up. As there is a ransom to collect. I think Angelina is probably doing all this to get you in the system. As a woman-beater. Then you have nothing to be afraid of. The police, etc. will simply say he is known to us. Meaning you have been neutralized and you can’t be a threat in the future. You have dirty hands, so say you can’t report the government. If they are breaching laws because you are dirty too. Your credibility is damaged too. ERNEST (in shock) Are you saying that Angelina is doing all this to help me get into the system? Margret smirks, revealing a sinister truth. MARGRET (sly) She's ensuring you fit right into their twisted game. Welcome to the system, Ernest. FADE OUT. INT. MARGRET'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest, overwhelmed by the revelation, paces nervously as he grapples with the sudden twists in his life. ERNEST (disoriented) Maybe. She set you up. So, everyone is up to punish you as well as you, a woman-beater. So, everyone treats you badly and abuses you. Maybe when she is pregnant, then admit she set you up and put everyone who mistreated you in a guilty stance towards you. Then you have friends. As all these people will now try to make it up to you as an apology. MARGRET (smirking) But her father is in a vegetative state for real that can change everything? ERNEST (confused) Maybe. So, if not as a replacement for her father, what else? MARGRET (sly) What do they gain? Probably, you are about to finish the mortgage. She can take over the house. Or they can kill you and have someone to claim a life insurance premium for them. Margret bursts into laughter, leaving Ernest puzzled. ERNEST (irritated) What is funny? MARGRET (teasing) Maybe violent sexual behavior? ERNEST (defensive) Hey, between me and you. She had multiple orgasms so there is no violence in that. MARGRET (sly) Did she ask you to cut small incisions on her butt so she cum hard with a razor? Ernest, shocked, looks at Margret. ERNEST (surprised) How did you know that? MARGRET (smiling) I cum hard when you make small incisions on my buttocks. Or use candle wax to stimulate me. All those things mean she is reporting you but because it’s not time yet. They reward her by making her cum electronically and remotely. ERNEST (enraged) Bullshit! I never heard such things before. MARGRET (matter-of-fact) Maybe she was electronically stimulated. Remotely ringing her clit non-stop until it’s sore. Today she is in pain and sore and does not want sex so the best way to tell you is to make you run. If she tells you that she doesn’t want sex. You are not going to believe her why it is so. She might have sensed that you like Sarah. So, she felt you just used her. Ernest, horrified, realizes the extent of the manipulation. ERNEST (angry) These teaching hospitals are no better than mafias? MARGRET (cynical) Doing their best to protect and to serve. ERNEST (in disbelief) You mean targeting fathers and grooming their kids into prostitution? They have every motive to do that. Donations from celebrities make them offer these kids as gifts. Easy hacking and tagging of everyone. Testing of digital pathogens and getting troublesome people hacked. Jobs created by all these justifying them running around every day like it’s a war zone, etc. Margret nods in agreement. ERNEST (pondering) Maybe all this has to do with Sarah’s work. She told me there is something going on at work. That if exposed would destroy her company, but she never explained what. I can’t figure out why she kept phoning. Margret eyes Ernest, contemplating the possibilities. MARGRET (suggestive) Maybe you are the father? Ernest's heart races at the thought. ERNEST (nervous) What father? Is she pregnant? MARGRET (revealing) I lied when I said that I met her two months ago. It was three weeks ago. Ernest is taken aback. ERNEST (realizing) That makes sense. Angelina confessed yesterday that she was phoning every night. She is having my baby? Ernest's excitement is short-lived as Margret drops another bombshell. MARGRET (sly) Maybe Angelina knew, and she is just pushing me away so that I will be with Sarah and my baby. ERNEST (smiling) I must warn you. She was going out with someone too. Ernest's smile fades away. ERNEST (disappointed) She told me you suggested that she was not experienced enough. What kind of boyfriend says that to her girlfriend? So, she has been going out to find another man. Especially when she found out that you left as good as a virgin for a hooker. MARGRET (laughing) Damn it! She is not a hooker. I told you what has been happening to her. They are blackmailing her and abusing her. ERNEST (defensive) It’s the people’s perception that counts and not what is actually real. So, she came here crying about that and confessed she had missed her periods. The news of the pregnancy changes everything for Ernest. ERNEST (excited) The news of the pregnancy changes everything. I must go. I must talk to her straight away. Ernest rushes towards the door, desperate to confront Sarah. ERNEST (anxious) Do you know the name of the guy she was seeing? MARGRET (smiling) Landon! Ernest looks shocked and surprised. FADE OUT. INT. ERNEST'S CAR - DAY Ernest is driving, processing the shocking revelation about Sarah's involvement with Landon. He talks with Margret. ERNEST (disbelieving) The Landon? The gatekeeper. There is only one person by that name? MARGRET (smiling) Sounds like him. ERNEST (frustrated) Oh My God! The most powerful man in the city and one of the richest? A womanizer? Damn it. What did I get her into? MARGRET (reassuring) What do you mean? She is a big girl. She can take care of herself. ERNEST (angered) He treats women like toilet roll. Use them and then flash them! CUT TO: EXT. CITY ROAD - DAY Ernest speeds through the city, wrestling with his thoughts. Despite the turmoil, a glimmer of hope shines through. He contemplates becoming a father and the possibility of starting a family with Sarah. ERNEST (V.O.) (reflective) Just this morning, I thought the world was crashing down on me. Now, I'm looking forward to being a father and starting a family with the woman I love. Fear creeps in, causing Ernest anxiety and panic attacks. He realizes he could be targeted by the sinister regime, on 'death row' as a hunted man. ERNEST (V.O.) (anxious) I could be on 'death row,' targeted to be vegetated as a hunted man by the evil regime. He thinks about Angelina's father, empathizing with the unimaginable pain of being helpless and dependent on a loved one for the most basic needs. ERNEST (V.O.) (sympathetic) Shitting himself, only for his daughter to clean him up. That must be awful. Ernest's thoughts shift to the upcoming baby. He envisions a son who could one day seek revenge against the oppressive regime. Yet, doubts linger about the child's paternity, causing sadness. ERNEST (V.O.) (sad) What if the baby isn't mine in the first place? However, he makes a solemn promise to himself – to stand by Sarah, regardless of the baby's paternity. ERNEST (V.O.) (determined) I'll never walk away again, whether the baby is mine or not. Suddenly, his phone rings, jolting him from his thoughts. He checks the caller's identity. ERNEST (annoyed) What do you want? I thought you wanted me gone? ANGELINA (V.O.) (agitated) Come back here right now! Better not be going to see that bitch. I swear I will kill your baby? Ernest is stunned, trying to process Angelina's threatening words. CUT TO BLACK. INT. ANGELINA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Angelina, overwhelmed by jealousy and feelings of neglect, holds the phone in her trembling hands. Filled with anger, she contemplates smashing it against the wall, but the device starts vibrating and ringing. ANGELINA (yelling) Do you hear me? Ernest, come back now! No response. Heavy breathing echoes through the line. She checks the caller's identity, quickly disconnects the call, and dials another number frantically. ANGELINA (shouting) Come on! Pick up, Ernest, pick up! No one answers. A beep startles her as a message arrives, presenting another call on hold. She cancels it and paces nervously. ERNEST (answering) I can't talk right now. Angelina curses, redials, and screams into the phone. ANGELINA (cursing) Come back right now. I am pregnant! ERNEST (skeptical) Since when? ANGELINA (defiant) I got pregnant last night! ERNEST (teasing) A hooker getting pregnant will be a new one. The line abruptly goes dead. Enraged, Angelina points the gun at Ernest's picture frame and fires. She prepares to smash the phone when it rings again. Angelina stops sobbing, breathes heavily, and listens in silence. The caller's identity shows a private number. Her heart pounds as she wishes Ernest were in front of her. ANGELINA (pleading) Hello, who is there? Darling, is that you? I love you. Come back. I am pregnant. Please, Ernest. A breathing sound on the other end. ANGELINA (teary-eyed) Darling? UNKNOWN VOICE (calmly) Leave this with us. It's out of your hands now. We will take over from here. ANGELINA (desperate) You will give me my father back? UNKNOWN VOICE (dismissive) What father are you talking about? Your job is done; we will take it from here. The line goes dead. ANGELINA (screaming) Hello, will you give me my father back...? Angelina stares at the disconnected screen, a lump of rage rising within her. She points the gun at Ernest's picture, then breaks down crying. In a fit of anger, she slams the phone handset against the wall, watching it shatter into pieces. FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Angelina, lost in her imagination, envisions a heartwarming scene with her father. They run into each other's arms, creating a moment of pure joy and love. She feels a sense of comfort and safety, cherishing the bond with the only person who truly cared about her. They soar through the sky, embraced in happiness, and she can't stop giggling. As the dream-like moment unfolds, the ringing house phone interrupts her fantasy. Angelina rushes to answer it, desperately hoping to hear her father's voice. ANGELINA (excited) Daddy? Is that you?! ERNEST (on the phone) Daddy? Who is daddy? It's me, Ernest. Angelina drops the receiver, shocked, and starts sobbing uncontrollably. The reality crashes down on her, and she hears Ernest's voice from the abandoned phone. ERNEST (CONT'D) (through the phone) Hello? Angelina? She walks slowly, slumping on the couch, tears streaming down her face. The gun lies in her hand, a dark presence in the room. Angelina alternates between crying and laughing, a rollercoaster of emotions. She gazes at the gun, contemplating her pain and despair. ANGELINA (whispering) I love you, daddy. I can't take it anymore. I understand now why you wished I was a boy. She places the gun in her mouth, closes her eyes, and prepares for the unthinkable. INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Later that night, David and Bogdan watch Marson on TV, delivering a speech. Marson revels in his victory, gloating about defeating David and his allies. The crowd cheers, and Marson takes credit for perfecting the system. BOGDAN (raising his hand) No, it's okay. Let's watch Marson gloat and boast. David, infuriated, expresses his disdain for Marson, accusing him of stealing his ideas. The crowd applauds Marson as he declares victory over David and the proposed changes. MARSON Today mankind has won. No one should tamper with the system. David's ideas, my techniques! We've sent a clear message today! The audience erupts in applause, and Marson continues to discredit David and praise the existing system. DAVID (choked with rage) I will strangle that bastard one day! Marson claims that David's ideas were merely suggestions, while he perfected the techniques. He criticizes the extravagance of David's plans and declares the victory of the existing system. MARSON (CONT'D) We say okay to implement your new system, but just for your friends and yourself. We can officially no longer tolerate that. Today we jammed the clock of change forever. The crowd goes wild, celebrating Marson's triumph. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S LIVING ROOM - DAY David enters the living room, his face calm yet determined. Carolina and Bogdan are sitting, waiting anxiously. David holds the gun, still carrying the weight of the previous night's events. DAVID (sighs) I took out four assassins last night. Carolina and Bogdan exchange concerned glances. BOGDAN (with disbelief) Four? Are you sure? DAVID (nods) Yeah. They came after me, and I had to defend myself. CAROLINA (worried) But what if they send more? We need to be prepared. DAVID (firmly) I know, and we will be. We can't let Marson and his goons intimidate us. Bogdan and Carolina nod in agreement. EXT. DAVID'S HOUSE - NIGHT David, Carolina, and Bogdan fortify their home. Windows are barricaded, and security measures are tightened. They exchange determined looks, ready to face whatever threat comes their way. INT. DAVID'S LIVING ROOM - LATER David monitors the news on TV. Reports of Marson's threats and the release of deadly assassins dominate the headlines. NEWS ANCHOR (ON TV) Marson warns of a new wave of lethal assassins targeting those behind the freezing of assets. The clock of change may have stopped, but the battle is far from over. DAVID (grimly) We can't let fear dictate our actions. We need to find a way to expose Marson and his corrupt system. CAROLINA (resolute) We have to stay united and fight back. They won't break us. BOGDAN (nods) We've come too far to back down now. The trio prepares for the challenges ahead, knowing that their fight against Marson and the oppressive system has only just begun. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - DAY A hidden cave turned into an underground meeting place. A group of men, including Absalom, dressed in mysterious gowns, enters the dimly lit chamber. Illuminated stones in their hands light the path as they move towards the center. HUDSON (whispering to Absalom) Remember, whatever happens here, stays here. It's your choice. They approach a middle chair surrounded by twenty-four unlit seats. Chanting echoes in the cave as they place their illuminated stones on twelve of the seats. The other twelve remain in darkness. The men take their places on the dark side, facing the center. An imposing figure in all white, adorned with shining robes and headgear, emerges from an inner door. He sits on the central chair beneath a large illuminating light. CHANTING MEN (voice echoing) Devil's Eyes! The atmosphere becomes charged with an otherworldly energy. WHITE-ROBED LEADER Welcome, brethren. Today, we gather to witness the manifestation of power and enlightenment. Absalom, intrigued and slightly uneasy, observes the ceremony unfolding. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (CONT'D) Our ancestors made pacts and agreements on this sacred ground. Today, we continue their legacy. The men on the dark side chant louder, creating an eerie ambiance. HUDSON (to Absalom) This is the Lost Island's secret council. We witness, but we do not interfere. The white-robed leader raises his hands, and the room falls into a momentary silence. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (CONT'D) May the Devil's Eyes guide us and protect our sacred pact. Suddenly, the illuminating lights on the twelve seats flicker and burst into a dazzling display. Symbols and ancient writings glow on the cave walls. ABSALOM (astonished) What is this? HUDSON This is the power they believe in, the power that has guided them for generations. The ceremony continues, revealing the mystique and hidden secrets of the Lost Island's enigmatic council. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - CONTINUOUS All twelve men, including Absalom, shout in unison as the man in the white robes listens, his voice echoing with authority. ALL TWELVE MEN Devil-Is-I! WHITE-ROBED LEADER Devil-Is-I! We wait for the chosen one, the true shining one, to restore our stolen kingdom. The cave is filled with an ominous energy as the white-robed leader continues his hoarse proclamation. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (CONT'D) For we shall not seek the light, even though we shall be in darkness. He is the light, the light every man seeks. Through him, mankind shall see clearly in the dark. CHANTING MEN Devil’s Eye! WHITE-ROBED LEADER For we are his eyes. Through us, he shall see what he desires, and we shall obtain it for him. CHANTING MEN Devil’s Eye! WHITE-ROBED LEADER Devil-Is-I. I am the chosen one until another comes. I shall do whatever in my power to restore our stolen kingdom. Devil-Is-I. They all sit down, and the white-robed leader stands in the center, bathed in the glow of the illuminating light. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (CONT'D) In the beginning, there was the kingdom of darkness, the Devil's kingdom. Filled with darkness, yet it was ours, for we never needed the light. The devil was the light, shining on earth, turning darkness into light. When God came, there was a choice, a rebellion. God destroyed the kingdom of darkness, turning half into light. But the devil rose among the people with his DNA in their creation. Absalom listens intently, absorbing the mysterious tale. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (CONT'D) The Devil's Eye seeks the chosen one, the one to restore the kingdom, and we, his loyal disciples, shall serve in darkness until the light is restored. The chanting resumes, echoing through the secret cave, enveloping Absalom in the enigmatic world of the Lost Island's secret council. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - NIGHT The cave is filled with the eerie glow of dim lights as the white-robed leader continues the tale of the Devil's Eye. All twelve men, including Absalom, listen with unwavering attention. WHITE-ROBED LEADER So, they agreed. Even as people rebelled against God, as seen in the case of Eve and Adam. After losing the bet that the people listened to him, God conceded, allowing the devil to have a share. Especially after the revelation that the people created with God's image had as much as ninety percent of the devil's DNA. Thus, the devil's kingdom of darkness was divided into twelve hours with twelve seats, just as the other twelve hours belonged to God, turning darkness into light. CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! For we shall wait for the restoration of our kingdom! WHITE-ROBED LEADER Devil-Is-I! I shall restore the stolen kingdom! Until all light is out, we can never have our kingdom back! The leader cuts his thumb, and the blood drips into a jar, capturing the attention of all present. CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! The leader approaches the Devil-Is-I, raising the jar of blood above his head. The cave erupts into frenzied chants. CHANTING MEN (CONT'D) Devil Eye! Devil-Is-I! The leader lowers the jar to the Devil-Is-I's heart level. WHITE-ROBED LEADER Do you believe it? CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! I believe! The ritual intensifies, shrouding the cave in an otherworldly ambiance as the mysterious ceremony unfolds. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - NIGHT The dimly lit cave is filled with an air of anticipation as the thirteen hooded figure enters. The rhythmic chants of the men echo, creating an eerie atmosphere. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (Devil-Is-I) Devil's Eye! CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! The Devil-Is-I, holding the jar of blood, approaches the thirteenth figure. The men watch with a mix of reverence and curiosity. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (Devil-Is-I) (CONT'D) You come forth to be a part of our sacred ritual. Do you pledge allegiance to the Devil's Eye? The hooded figure nods in agreement. DEVIL-IS-I Then reveal yourself. Let us see the face that walks among us. The hooded figure slowly unveils the face, revealing a woman. The men exchange surprised glances. DEVIL-IS-I (CONT'D) A woman seeks to join our sacred brotherhood. What brings you here? WOMAN I seek the restoration of the stolen kingdom. I pledge my allegiance to the Devil's Eye. DEVIL-IS-I Very well. The Devil's Eye accepts you into our fold. Proceed with the ritual. The ritual continues as the Devil-Is-I marks the woman's heart, closes her eyes with his blood, and anoints her forehead. CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! DEVIL-IS-I You shall be one of us, the eyes of the Devil. Swear to honor and defend our sacred cause. WOMAN I swear to honor and defend our sacred cause until our kingdom is restored. CHANTING MEN Devil's Eye! The Devil-Is-I proceeds to extinguish another torch, shifting the ratio further in their favor. WHITE-ROBED LEADER (Devil-Is-I) (CONT'D) Twenty-two to go! We shall reclaim our kingdom from the beginning of time! The cave echoes with chants and celebrations as the thirteenth member takes her seat among the twelve. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - NIGHT The tension rises as the leader of the twelve challenges the Devil-Is-I, and the woman stands at the center of the brewing conflict. LEADER OF THE TWELVE I want fresh, clean water for my purification, not this filthy concoction! The Devil-Is-I, enraged, steps forward, his eyes piercing through the dimly lit cave. DEVIL-IS-I You dare question my authority, my leadership? LEADER OF THE TWELVE I question your judgment. We deserve better than this mockery. The other men murmur in agreement, a wave of discontent spreading through the group. WOMAN (whispering to the leader) You want your own water and oils for purification? LEADER OF THE TWELVE (angry) Yes, fetch me fresh water and oils. The Devil-Is-I, seething with anger, signals for the woman to proceed. DEVIL-IS-I Fine, have your pristine purification, but remember who holds the power here. The woman nods and fetches a bucket with clean water and fragrant oils. She kneels before the leader and begins the purification ritual. DEVIL-IS-I (CONT'D) (to the crowd) Remember, we are one! United under the Devil's Eye. Despite the tension, the men reluctantly nod in agreement. The Devil-Is-I, still fuming, watches as the leader enjoys his exclusive purification. EXT. SECRET CAVE - LATER The woman exits the cave, carrying the dirty water bucket. She disposes of it discreetly as the sounds of argument echo from within. WOMAN (to herself) This is going to be more challenging than I thought. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET CAVE - NIGHT The cave is filled with tension as the new Devil-Is-I confronts the former leader, now standing on shaky ground. NEW DEVIL-IS-I (mocking) Dirty water, you say? This water has been sanctified with the essence of your own blood. The woman holds the washed jar, a subtle smirk on her face. FORMER DEVIL-IS-I (gritting his teeth) I didn't mean it that way. NEW DEVIL-IS-I (brandishing the knife) You seem to have forgotten the rules. You challenged my title, and now you'll pay the price. The new Devil-Is-I gestures to the woman, who takes the washed jar and approaches the former leader. WOMAN (smirking) Let's make sure it's clean enough for you, shall we? She forcefully dips the jar into the water, stirring it to emphasize the unsettling mixture of blood and liquid. NEW DEVIL-IS-I (evil grin) Now, let's refresh your memory. The former Devil-Is-I eyes the jar nervously as the new leader inches closer with the knife. FORMER DEVIL-IS-I (stammering) I... I didn't challenge... NEW DEVIL-IS-I (interrupting) Silence! You challenged my authority, and that's a challenge to the Devil's Eye itself. The new leader dips the knife into the water, staining it with the mixture of blood and liquid. He then walks menacingly toward the former Devil-Is-I, who retreats in fear. NEW DEVIL-IS-I (CONT'D) You thought you could defy the darkness? This is a lesson for all. The crowd watches in eerie silence as the new Devil-Is-I raises the knife, ready to mark the former leader. FORMER DEVIL-IS-I (pleading) Please, mercy... NEW DEVIL-IS-I There's no mercy in the kingdom of darkness. The knife descends, marking the former Devil-Is-I's forehead with a blood-red symbol. NEW DEVIL-IS-I (CONT'D) This is your reminder. The mark of your defiance. The crowd, now subdued, begins to chant. CROWD Devil's Eye! Devil's Eye! The new Devil-Is-I stands triumphantly as the former leader, marked and defeated, is left to contemplate his actions. FADE OUT. INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP - NIGHT Absalom and Hudson, now in their suits, engage in a conversation while enjoying the opulence of the ship's interior. Others around them continue with the celebration. ABSALOM Uncle, is there any proof that the kingdom of darkness existed first? HUDSON (smiles) Proof, my dear Absalom, is a subjective matter. What we have are beliefs, legends, and the testament passed down through generations. Enos and Ben join the conversation, each with their own perspective. ENOS (laughs) Hudson here is weaving stories of triumph over Jesus. Quite the tale! BEN (grinning) But there is some truth in the symbolism. The opposition, the challenge to the established order. HUDSON (serious) It's not just a tale. It's a quest for balance. The balance between light and darkness, good and evil. ABSALOM (confused) But why do you want to oppose God? HUDSON (smiles) We're not opposing God, Absalom. We're challenging the imbalance. We're saying there's more to the story, more than what the mainstream narratives tell. ENOS (teasing) Hudson is a maverick, always looking for an angle. A physicist, a doctor, and now a challenger of cosmic proportions. HUDSON (chuckles) Call it what you will. But there's a truth buried beneath the layers of myths and religions. BEN (to Absalom) Your uncle believes in a cosmic balance, a dance between light and darkness. It's not about opposing God but questioning the order that's been set. HUDSON (nods) We question, we challenge, and in doing so, we strive for equilibrium. The ship sails smoothly on the calm waters, carrying with it a group of individuals with their unique beliefs, challenging the established norms. FADE OUT. INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP - NIGHT Absalom, Hudson, and Laura stand in a dimly lit room surrounded by the mysterious aura of the Devil's ark. The ship sails smoothly on the ocean, carrying the weight of ancient secrets. ABSALOM (confused) So, this ark holds the key to reclaiming the kingdom of darkness? HUDSON (nods) Indeed, Absalom. The scriptures on this ark predate the Bible and the Quran. They speak of a time when darkness was the kingdom, and the Devil was the light. LAURA (smiling) And these scriptures foretell the arrival of one who will shine the light on the darkened earth, a reincarnation of the Devil. ABSALOM (baffled) Wait, you're saying that the current events, the rituals, and the challenge are part of a process to bring back the kingdom of darkness? HUDSON (solemn) Precisely, Absalom. The cycle has begun. The challenge to Jesus and his twelve disciples represents the cosmic struggle between light and darkness. Laura gestures toward the ark. LAURA (whispering) This ancient text contains the laws, the commandments of the Devil's kingdom. It guides us in the process of reclaiming what was lost. Absalom takes a moment to absorb the gravity of the revelation. ABSALOM (skeptical) But how do we know this is not just a myth, a story woven over time? HUDSON (smiles) The ark itself is a testament to its authenticity. It's older than any known religious text. The struggle for balance, for the restoration of the kingdom, is rooted in the ancient wisdom inscribed on these golden tablets. Absalom gazes at the ark, now realizing the profound significance of their quest. ABSALOM (whispering) So, what's next? HUDSON (grim) The process has already begun. The challenge, the rituals, and the initiation of the new leader are steps toward that end. We must continue to follow the path laid out in these scriptures. The ship sails through the night, carrying the weight of ancient prophecies and the aspirations of those who seek to redefine the cosmic balance. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The room is dimly lit, with a tense atmosphere. David is sitting on the couch, seemingly relaxed. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Junior storms in, wearing a threatening expression. DAVID (confused) You come back already? JUNIOR (smirking) Are you expecting someone? Then you got me! Junior breaks into crazy laughter, creating an unsettling atmosphere. His demeanor suddenly changes, and he adopts a serious, threatening look. JUNIOR (CONT'D) You mess up with Marson, you mess up with me! He roars loudly, startling David. Junior grabs David by the neck, squeezing tightly, creating an intense struggle for breath. DAVID (struggling) What the hell are you doing? JUNIOR (roaring) I thought you said something? He tightens his grip even more, causing David to choke. HUDSON (V.O.) (whispering) Somewhere in the city... CUT TO: INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Stacey wanders through a dark and unfamiliar part of the city, looking lost and confused. CUT BACK TO: DAVID'S APARTMENT Junior continues to squeeze David's neck, enjoying his control over the situation. HUDSON (V.O.) (whispering) It is believed that one more powerful than the devil himself will discover his calling and remove all the light to restore darkness... Hudson's voice echoes, creating an eerie background to the intense scene unfolding in David's apartment. DAVID (struggling) Could that explain evil people killing millions of people? HUDSON (V.O.) (replies) You can say that. CUT TO: STACEY IN THE CITY Stacey, still lost, reflects on the mysterious events surrounding her. CUT BACK TO: DAVID'S APARTMENT Junior tightens his grip, determined to make David suffer. JUNIOR (roaring) You're never going to mess up with Marson again, right? DAVID (choked) I can't breathe... Junior releases the grip momentarily, only to deliver a series of brutal blows to David's face. JUNIOR (smiling) I thought you said something. I can't hear you. Oh, you bite your tongue. He tightens his grip again, intensifying the struggle for David. ! EXT. GRAHAM'S HOUSE - NIGHT David, tense and determined, stands outside Graham's house. His heart pounds as he realizes Marson's dangerous game. Bogdan arrives, running towards the house. Another car pulls up, its driver sitting quietly inside. CUT TO: INT. GRAHAM'S HOUSE - NIGHT Bogdan bursts into the house, anxious to find Graham. The atmosphere is heavy with grief and shock. Graham is in tears, revealing the tragic loss of his wife, Veronica. BOGDAN (trying to console) Graham, right? GRAHAM (teary-eyed) She took the bullet for me. I can't believe he blasted her like that. BOGDAN But you took him out. You saved yourself. GRAHAM (sobbing) I blew his head off! Bogdan checks his phone and finds that Carolina's line is engaged. He dials again, concern etched on his face. BOGDAN (CONT'D) Graham is alive, but he lost his wife and took out the assassin. Meet me in the city. Bogdan rushes to his car, leaving Graham in grief. The screeching of tires signals Bogdan's departure. CUT TO: DAVID'S CAR - NIGHT David curses and roars the car engine, aware that Marson has set a dangerous plan in motion. He calls Carolina repeatedly, growing more anxious with each unanswered call. DAVID (urgent) Pick up, Caro. Pick up. Damn it, woman! He dials another number, instructing the person on the other end to drive fast to Carolina's location. DAVID (CONT'D) Drive as fast to Caro's. Let us meet there. Keep phoning her to make sure she's okay. Marson is up to something. We can't take chances. The call ends abruptly, and David's concern deepens. He speeds towards the city, fearing the worst. CUT TO: EXT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Bogdan parks outside Carolina's apartment, leaving the car door open. He races to the door, knocking loudly. As David arrives, another car pulls up, its lights suddenly turning off. DAVID (apprehensive) Remember, we can't take chances. David instinctively reaches for his gun. The door creaks open behind him, and, on high alert, he quickly turns and points the gun at whoever is opening it. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Carolina stands with David and Bogdan, having just thwarted an attack. The mysterious assailant attempts to escape but curses as Carolina vanishes. The assailant speeds away in his car, with David firing shots in pursuit. Bogdan joins the chase. Shots are exchanged, and the car's windshield shatters. Bogdan, having run from the house, joins the pursuit. The car swerves, and the assailant fires a shot, narrowly missing David. Swiftly dodging, David retaliates, blasting the side mirror. The assailant abruptly changes direction, facing the other way. David curses. Bogdan, arriving at a junction, aims and fires. David also reaches the junction, initially aiming at Bogdan before realizing his identity. They share a brief moment of tension, but relief follows as the assailant's car, now emitting fumes, comes to a halt with a loud bang. The trio converges on the scene. DAVID (pleased) “Yes!” BOGDAN (enthusiastic) “Double the trouble!” CAROLINA (joining) “Triple the trouble!” Laughter and applause fill the air. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Do you know what this means? CUT TO: INT. COURTHOUSE - DAY Judge Banks presides over the courtroom. The usher calls for attention. USHER Judge Banks presiding! Everyone stands. USHER (CONT'D) All be seated! Bogdan steps forward in front of the judge's desk, addressing the court. BOGDAN Your honor, we are gathered today to seek the court's approval in identifying, hunting, and bringing judgment to the digital weapons makers. These weapons cause untold suffering, leading to deformities, disabled babies, premature aging, and abnormal facial features. The accused manipulate people by subtly mapping faces and causing wrinkles through electronic communication. This is a crime against humanity, and those responsible fall under Hostis Humanis Generis. Today, with the release of their names, we consider it as signing their death certificates. We aim to send a clear message that beauty and a life free from troubles are the rights of all mankind. The courtroom listens intently as Bogdan passionately presents their case. The fight against those responsible for the digital weapons takes a legal turn. FADE OUT. EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY The crowd outside the courthouse cheers and celebrates as Bogdan and David exit. BOGDAN (to the crowd) Victory for mankind! Today marks the end of the decades-long manipulation by those who profit from harming humanity. We're putting an end to their clandestine developments and resurfacing with new, undetected methods. Mankind is no longer bound by the stupidity of creating lethal digital weapons that mimic deadly pathogens. These crimes are so severe that we must act. The crowd erupts in cheers, showing their support. DAVID (waving to the crowd) I warn all the evildoers out there that once the courts approve the orders, our best men will be sent, and I'll personally issue Ultima Talionis letters to the world. There will be no escape for those who commit such heinous crimes. Death is the only answer! The crowd goes wild, expressing their approval of the strong stance against digital weapon creators. News cameras capture the historic moment, broadcasting the message to the world. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY The crowd gathered in the city square listens intently as David passionately addresses their concerns. DAVID (voice echoing through the square) Mr. David, are you suggesting that Ultima Talionis letters are taking the law into our own hands? Are you out of your mind? DAVID (CONT'D) (furious) Why would you even suggest that? Do you understand what's at stake here? These people are getting what they deserve. This is long overdue. Understand? REPORTER (calming) An Ultima Talionis letter? Is this an outlawed practice? DAVID (angry) Son of a bitch! I'm just a reporter. Don't pick on me! REPORTER (defensive) I want you to answer me! DAVID (thundering) Alright! Tell that to these people making lethal digital weapons, destroying beautiful faces, aging people prematurely, and imitating diseases that nearly wiped out humanity! Fight fire with fire. As of midnight tonight, Ultima Talionis letters can be downloaded from our website. Scan the code, sign in at the bottom, and we'll send you the authorization, signed and dated. Your license to kill on our behalf. REPORTER (worried) But won't this lead to people taking the law into their own hands? DAVID (explaining) That's why I said, after all this, you must wait for a signed authorization. Without it, you're not tasked with that assignment. The crowd erupts in excitement. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) This isn't like outlawed practices such as letters of Marque. It's a universally accepted legitimate license to kill only the evilest people, within the law. They are destroying all of you, and we need to act. The crowd roars, expressing their support for the bold move. RUTH (curious) Seems like government workers benefit the most from this. Are you implying something? DAVID (assertive) Maybe you're not taking me seriously. I've requested the courts to legalize guns globally. The crowd reacts with shock. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) Why has this been going on for so long? Because those against it are not armed to stop it. All of humanity must be armed, and we might reduce the age to issue gun licenses. The crowd goes berserk, discussing the implications of David's proposals. FADE OUT. INT. GLOBAL ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY David stands confidently in front of the diverse crowd, addressing their concerns and explaining his approach. DAVID (energetic) I tell you this. This has been an urgent matter since the beginning of time. Only that we didn't have a system to address this until now! SWEDE (raising concerns) Sorry, Mr. David, if this is not what you want to hear. But they are all saying that. Your approach is targeting the educated and the brain of the people. Instead of those who are actually using these. People like Marson. DAVID (counterargument) Marson can and will argue that he is like any investor out there. After all, he is not responsible for the development. Stopping him will make the developer make a deal with someone else. So that won't stop the digital weapons being made. This is true. So, this time we start with these developers. The crowd begins to murmur, exchanging thoughts. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) To answer you about targeting the 'brain of the people,' I think that a brain or mind that can cause the extinction of humanity must be used to paint the walls better that way. Don't get me wrong. It has a use but only if it is dead. The crowd goes berserk, expressing mixed reactions. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) Why I said we must issue an Ultima Talionis letter is that these letters incentivize everyone and compensate all of you who suffer from these people. An Ultima Talionis letter makes it compulsory that you have a share of the developers' profits. The crowd applauds, but some express dissent. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) We are going to calculate the gross profits each type of weapon might have made globally. Then, we'll allocate a certain percentage to people affected by these. Those who take assignments will get a commission. I will explain the details. More applause and some booing fill the hall. DAVID (CONT'D) (continuing) The advantage of going after the developer is that the digital weapon dies with him, and all rights. We go for users first; some people might still have the right to use the software. An Ultima Talionis letter here will freeze all assets and void all rights to that software. That will stop that digital weapon from being used and made in the future again. The crowd responds with a mix of approval and disapproval. AUDIENCE MEMBER (voice from the crowd) You have no idea what kind of money went into that research. DAVID (resolute) Money in the drain. Little we can do about that. Our digital currencies will trap all these until we have removed all from circulation! Another voice from the crowd raises a concern. ANOTHER AUDIENCE MEMBER (voice from the crowd) Sir, the main accusation of your approach is that all these developers are teens or in their early twenties, most of them experimenting and developing these lethal weapons to show off. Most are conned by the people who go on to make these. What do you say to that? DAVID (challenging) Do you also know that most of these are used to kill children and women? Some as young as less than a year old? What is the legal age of responsibility? The hall falls silent. DAVID (CONT'D) (controlling the room) Do you know that they kill fourteen-year-olds for treason? So, you are saying that it is okay to kill these for cursing at the leader, but not right to these making digital weapons? That are killing thousands of innocent women and children? Ignorance is not an excuse. If this was about killing only women and children, I would understand, but this is about destroying all humanity. The crowd listens intently, absorbing David's powerful words. DAVID (CONT'D) (concluding) You must understand this is the approach by the current regime. To get the people you call innocent to make and do the horrible crimes. So, no one acts, but the practices keep going on. The very reason we have arisen to stop this. The crowd reflects on David's impassioned speech, contemplating the gravity of the situation. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT In a sleek, high-tech meeting room, David addresses his team, reflecting on their success and outlining the next steps. DAVID (energetic) We have every reason to celebrate. We have accomplished phase one, even though with some glitches, it was a success. This lifts the lid. It's the start of the end of evil. We shall be ruthless, and you know the interesting part? The team members exchange intrigued glances. DAVID (CONT'D) For the first time, we have the world's backing. Crimes like these place a burden on all of us to act. The world will rally with us. I want everyone in the world to become a lethal assassin. Welcome to Tomorrow's World Order, ladies, and gentlemen. The team cheers in unison, sharing in the moment of triumph. DAVID (CONT'D) All we must do is arm everyone. Legalize guns globally! TEAM MEMBER #1 (enthusiastically) It's achievable. DAVID (smiling) All we need to do is provide a list every day, say before the main news, of people identified by the courts. Then issue the Ultima Talionis letters for that assignment, even by word of mouth. MIA (raising a question) An Ultima Talionis letter? DAVID (nodding) Yes. Official Tomorrow's World Order's license to kill. A final warning. The last word of mouth before the punishment is carried out. An eye for an eye tactic of dealing with these culprits. A new chapter in mankind's history. MIA (curious) What about the real people making these? DAVID (confident) We will deal with them but only after the developer has been terminated. That makes it easy to ask the court to identify everyone with licenses and rights to that software. That's when it gets interesting. We will be able to identify all those responsible and go after them too. That means going through the court again for the license holder. Involving those funding the developer. TEAM MEMBER #2 (nodding) Any immediate incentives? DAVID (grinning) We shall offer our digital currencies as rewards too, especially when the culprit is terminated on national television. TEAM MEMBER #3 (excited) There is nowhere to hide. They will be shot like dogs! MIA (raising a concern) What about those with serious impact who might have killed millions? DAVID (resolute) For all developers, we shall aim to clean all. MIA (confused) What do you mean? DAVID (evoking determination) Evil breeds evil. Depending on the seriousness of their crime, some will extend to the whole family because some rights and licenses can be passed to family members, like a son. If we don't address that, that son or daughter with licenses can become a problem in the future. TEAM MEMBER #4 (raising an eyebrow) One last question? What about the government workers using all these; the hospitals, councils, and the police? A moment of silence falls over the room. DAVID (candidly) You must understand why they are making and using these? To create work for the hospitals. To increase attendance levels to justify huge budgets. To revive an obsolete institution that died after the Second World War. To create jobs for the councils and the police. After legalizing all jobs that they used to do. Nowadays, you get hassled for sitting on a bench. That shows the pathetic nature of these professions. MIA (trying to grasp) I am not following. Please explain this to me? DAVID (enlightening) The doctors, hospitals, or delegated council staff shoot someone with these digital weapons. Say as punishment for some stupid thing. Then the police officer is forced to cover the doctors. So, they would go on to shoot that person exactly where the digital weapon has attacked. This exonerates the doctors as the police give them an alibi. So, who is doing real harm? The team members exchange thoughtful glances, absorbing the weight of David's revelation. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, surrounded by his team, passionately addresses the pressing issues of obsolete institutions and the need for a radical change. DAVID (determined) All but the digital weapons do more harm as they are acting to mark the person, identify that person, and then assign a police officer who will have been offered to finish off the person. To us, these institutions are dead. Obsolete! I think nowadays they do more harm to the peace of people than good. We don't want harassment cases piling up. The world will be one. It would be illegal to stop someone and say what you are doing here. Everyone would be out of poverty as everyone would afford basics. What else do we need them for? They are an obsolete institution. I tell you, most are still backward because of this protection thing. They believe in wronging you first, then get you compensated because of this compensation culture. Against our new laws, otherwise. MIA (pondering) I think we can lose favors in most children's dreams to be a doctor, a nurse, a police officer, or a council official. DAVID (smiling) Let me tell you this. The system is designed in a pyramid in that the base must be larger. To accommodate whoever is above. So, from the word go, there is a problem. The base must be larger to justify the huge number of those above it, or else the system collapses. So, there must be more homeless and those in poverty. To support those above them. I swear in some countries the hospitals and police stage acts. Using the homeless to create work for them. If they need these. That means they are obsolete straight away from the word go. If it's not begging these for work. Then it's setting people up. The very people you go to for help. They are the very people who have sent the problem in the first place. What follows is that they are the ones to set you up and ruin your life. That can drag for decades. While they change those assigned, especially after they have resolved the case and cleared one. They are changed, then they bring in new people to look at it. So, this goes for decades. That is a cost and can't be allowed. So outright obsolete institutions. We can have specialized doctors and hospitals that require ambulances, etc. In some countries, noise impacts the quality of life. TEAM MEMBER #1 (skeptical) No one can buy this! DAVID (assertive) Quality of life does not mean living every day as it comes. It means enjoying every day without someone using sirens to intimidate, frighten, or weaken you, etc. This was a tactic during the 1945 World War Two, and honestly, that has been a long time ago. The councils, social workers, etc. are the very people leading grooming rings, etc. The whole system is messed up. Replace all with highly paid people: assassins and bodyguards, specialized doctors and nurses to do what is needed with the aim to reduce and not look for undetected ways to increase the issue. MIA (trying to comprehend) Maybe it is early days. DAVID (frustrated) They have become threats to lives other than anything else because their leaders have legalized all jobs they used to do. Now they have little to do, and honestly, all so far rely on illegal hacked people. To pretend they have a special language of mirroring that they can easily know what everyone is doing. But all go and check the Black boxes and GPS to locate people and set them up. After all, hacking and using all those fruits of the poisoned tree can only get them instant death sentences as a hacker is an automatic Hostis Humanis Generis. Most use child soldiers with hospitals promising them big balls. But, in fact, having assassinated their fathers so they take over grooming all. These professions are so tainted that I have to issue more Ultima Talionis letters against them than people making these digital weapons! MIA (disbelieving) You can't be serious. They perform needed duties, arresting evil people out there. DAVID (resolute) Yes. But imagine all things we banned and the new laws banning hacking, grooming, torture, protection, everything they are relying on. Surely the future would be gloom with them. I am saying we need a new strategy of law enforcers and health practitioners but of a different nature. The team listens in contemplative silence as David outlines his vision for a radical shift in societal structures. FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - MORNING Angelina wakes up early, still in her pajamas. She goes to the door and checks the mail. One letter stands out, triggering memories from her past. She opens the letter, finding a bank account number. Feeling a mix of emotions, she curses and opens her laptop to transfer the money. ANGELINA (muttering) Daddy... She hesitates, her finger hovering over the enter button. A tear drops on the laptop keyboard. Overwhelmed by emotions, she thinks about her father's unfulfilled wishes. With a sudden burst of emotion, she gets up, goes to the bedroom, and throws herself on the bed, sobbing. After a moment, Angelina composes herself, cancels the transfer, and heads back to the living room. She battles with conflicting emotions, contemplating the significance of the money she earned through hard work. ANGELINA (whispering) It should be for us when Daddy comes out. She decides against transferring the money, feeling a sense of responsibility. Later that night, she checks for any signs of danger outside her window. Spotting two men, fear creeps in. She dials the emergency number but cancels, paralyzed with fear. She closes the curtain and goes back to sleep, crying herself into a restless slumber. In the middle of the night, she wakes up and checks again. Relieved to find no one, she contemplates the decision once more. ANGELINA (whispering to herself) I worked hard to get this money. She decides against the transfer again, resolving to save it for a better future. In a moment of realization, Angelina retrieves a gun from her drawer, prepares herself, and falls asleep with the weapon by her side. EXT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Footsteps outside her window startle her awake. A looming shadow reflects on the walls, alerting her to potential danger. Angelina, determined, cocks the gun and aims. ANGELINA (whispering) I thought so. The intruder, sensing danger, flees for his life. CUT TO BLACK. INT. BRINKS' OFFICE - DAY Karl rushes into Brinks' office, visibly stressed and out of breath. Brinks, sitting comfortably, demands an explanation. BRINKS Tell me what seems to be the problem? I gave you a simple task. Up to now, I haven’t received the money. I told you that you must go there and make her transfer the money. Or maybe I assign someone else? Karl, catching his breath, walks to the window and looks outside. KARL It’s not that easy, boss. She took out Wayne, you know. Just last night she was so pissed with us she pointed a gun at me. BRINKS (angry) Are you telling me that you have problems with the girl? KARL Not just a girl, boss. It’s one with an attitude, a temper to match it, a gun, and a messed-up life. I swear if it wasn’t for her being pregnant... BRINKS (interrupting) Forget about the pregnancy. You think it’s worth all that money? KARL I never did a pregnant woman before. BRINKS There is a first time for everything! KARL Give me time, boss. Maybe we wait until she has given birth? BRINKS (angry) Okay. I think I remove you too from my payroll. Come back then! KARL (desperate) No, no, boss, you can’t do that! BRINKS Ok, then get me this girl. CUT TO: EXT. ANGELINA'S APARTMENT - DAY Angelina, frustrated, discusses her pregnancy with a DOCTOR. ANGELINA Damn it. I told you that the baby is well and okay. I can feel it moving and kicking. DOCTOR (sighs) Yes, the baby could be okay today, but there could be complications in the future. Angelina looks at her protruding belly and smiles. ANGELINA I will take my chances. I don’t think any operation is a good idea. DOCTOR Maybe you would prefer a second opinion? ANGELINA (firmly) Drop it, I said no! She walks out, leaving the doctor concerned. CUT TO: EXT. KARL'S HOUSE - MORNING Karl, preparing for the day, checks his gun. Suddenly, Darren confronts him, pointing a gun. DARREN Put your hands up before I shoot! KARL Who are you? DARREN That’s not important. Move! Darren pushes Karl, revealing he's been assigned to deal with him. DARREN Damn it! I know the trick. Don’t try anything stupid because I will bloody shoot you! KARL You must have been given an order to kill. Which branch did you train with? DARREN Just move! Damn it! KARL (being cooperative) Okay, where are we going? DARREN Somewhere quiet where I can kill you. Karl laughs, trying to diffuse the tension. KARL If you wanted to shoot me, you could have already done so. It is about the girl, right? DARREN (angry) I heard you are having issues, so I am here to help! Karl smiles, realizing the complexity of the situation. KARL He agreed he will give me time! DARREN (angry) He agreed, but has just run out. Karl, understanding the gravity of the situation, complies with Darren's orders. CUT TO: EXT. REMOTE LOCATION - LATER Darren confronts Karl, ready to take action. DARREN I was to take you out, but I will give you a chance. Take this woman out today and leave! KARL But she is... Darren interrupts forcefully. DARREN No buts, you or her? KARL (defiant) I can’t because she is pregnant! Darren loses his temper, attacking Karl. CUT TO BLACK. ! INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Darren stealthily enters the house at night, gun raised, checking every corner. In the bedroom, Angelina lies peacefully on the bed. Slowly, Darren ascends the stairs, one step at a time, stopping outside the bedroom door. Angelina turns on the bed, mumbling something in her sleep. He slides the door open with precision, mounting a silencer on his gun and aiming at Angelina. DARREN (whispering) Wake up. Angelina snaps open her eyes, instantly sliding her arm under the pillow. DARREN (quickly) Mind the baby. Angelina reacts fast, lifting her leg to kick Darren, who anticipates the move and lifts his leg, stamping on her hand. ANGELINA (screaming) You broke my hand! DARREN (smirking) Wait and see what else I am going to break if you don’t do what I want. He pins her from behind and pushes her into the kitchen. ANGELINA (screaming) The money is for my father. The house is mine and the baby’s! Darren pushes her further into the kitchen. DARREN Transfer the money, and I will be out of here in a flash. ANGELINA (resolute) You might as well kill me. Darren looks surprised. ANGELINA You think I’m bluffing? He instantly punches her in the face. Angelina staggers, growling in pain, falling with one arm on her stomach and the other on her mouth. ANGELINA I am pregnant for fuck’s sake! She screams. DARREN If you weren't pregnant, you could have transferred the money and sold the house. So, I don’t care about your pregnancy. He punches her again. As she falls bleeding, Darren makes a call. DARREN (on the phone) She won’t transfer. CUT TO: EXT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Darren, frustrated, hangs up the phone. Sirens in the distance startle him. He curses, nursing his wounds. Determined, he quickly picks up the phone and listens. DARREN (into the phone) Copy that. The line goes dead. CUT TO BLACK. INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - DAY Weeks later. Margaret, a middle-aged woman, parks her car outside Angelina's house. She checks the address and walks nervously to the front door. After a moment, she rings the doorbell. The door opens, revealing a beautiful young woman, Angelina. MARGARET Excuse me. Can I help you? Margaret glances behind Angelina and inside the house, appearing nervous and fearful. MARGARET Sorry, I am Margaret. Probably your husband might have mentioned my name. I am a friend of a friend. Can we get inside? ANGELINA Sure. MARGARET You are Angelina, right? ANGELINA Sure. MARGARET I am Ernest’s friend. He told me about you. ANGELINA Oh, I see. MARGARET Where is the little one? Margaret looks around expectantly. ANGELINA What little one? MARGARET The baby? Ernest’s baby. ANGELINA What baby? I was never pregnant? Margaret laughs. MARGARET He was so sure you are pregnant. I bet you missed him? Angelina keeps quiet. MARGARET I just thought I could say hello to you and Ernest’s son or daughter. I better be going. Margaret gets up and walks to the door. However, before leaving, she stops, turns, and looks straight at Angelina’s chest. MARGARET Did you have a breast reduction? She puts her head very close to Angelina's chest. MARGARET No, feel mine? Margaret holds Angelina’s hand and puts it on her chest. MARGARET They are natural. Never had a boob job done. She suddenly stops and looks at Angelina. MARGARET Hmm, you never had a boob job done and was never pregnant... unless? She thinks. MARGARET That can’t be right. ANGELINA What was Ernest’s girlfriend? The one who kept making all those calls? MARGARET I don’t know. Margaret looks at her. MARGARET Holy Ghost! Her heart starts pounding fast. She walks quickly, gets into her car, and drives away, leaving Angelina at the door. CUT TO: INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - FLASHBACK - DAY Weeks before. Angelina wakes up early and goes shopping in the city. She buys some stuff before heading to see her father. ANGELINA I want to see my father. Confident and happy, she waits for her turn. GUARD Wait here. ANGELINA Excuse me. I have been here before. All they asked me was an identity card and my name. GUARD Please wait here, okay? Her heartbeat elevates as she waits. She looks haunted, remembering past experiences. The guard returns. GUARD I am afraid we have transferred your father to another place. I have to find where and let you know. ANGELINA I wasn’t told. I need to speak to the management right now! GUARD I just spoke to management. They are the ones who told me to tell you this. Angelina leaves, feeling sad and angered to some extent. CUT TO BLACK. ! INT. ANGELINA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Angelina, exhausted, throws herself on the bed after a long day. The weight of recent events is evident on her face. Suddenly, her phone rings, breaking the silence. She answers it eagerly, hoping for news about her father. ANGELINA (optimistic) Hello? CALLER (disguised voice) If you need our help, you must lose the money. You know what to do. Once you have done that, then let us know. You just choose your father or the money. We can’t help you with such kind of money as we help the poor only. Give us something to work with. How can we be helping someone with that kind of money? How can we justify doing that? Lose the money and the house! ANGELINA (frustrated) No, I can’t. What will be the point of getting my father out? If he has nowhere to live, so he is homeless again? So, you have work traumatizing him? No! I am keeping the money and the house. So, go and fuck yourself! She angrily slams the phone down, recalling her mother's sacrifices and her determination to keep what little they have. The next day, another call startles her. CALLER You know the drill. You acted only as Ernest’s wife so that you can claim the house and the insurance money. But all is not yours. You are acting on our behalf! ANGELINA That was before I got pregnant! CALLER (displeased) That should not have happened. How can a...? Angelina slams the phone down again, refusing to entertain the caller's accusations. The phone instantly rings for the second time. CALLER Check in your letterbox in a couple of days. Sell the house and transfer the money so we can release your father! ANGELINA (resolute) I can’t! CALLER You know you work on commission. You played your part, and now obey the orders! The line goes dead, leaving Angelina distressed and conflicted. CUT TO: INT. SARAH'S LAB - DAY (WEEKS BACK) Sarah enters the lab, having spent the day in the city. She glances at her project, smiling. She touches her belly, looks out the window, and spots Victor in his lab miles away. She decides to make a call. SARAH (on the phone) What do you want? ANGELINA Can I speak to Ernest, please? SARAH Listen! He doesn’t want to talk to you. Leave him alone. In fact, leave us alone! ANGELINA It’s important; otherwise, I would not have called. SARAH I don’t care! Just leave us alone. Okay? Sarah hangs up, frustrated. Undeterred, she calls Ernest's number, leaving a voicemail. SARAH It’s Sarah. Can we meet? I have some very important news for you. You will love it. Let’s meet for old time’s sake. Okay? Love you. Angelina, unaware of Sarah's intentions, listens to the message and deletes it. Meanwhile, Sarah daydreams about starting a new life with Ernest after revealing her pregnancy news. Victor, observing Sarah's behavior, misconstrues her newfound happiness. He calls her to express his displeasure. VICTOR You listen. You bitch. Leave us alone. I am pregnant with Ernest’s baby! Angelina, hearing this, slams the phone down in disbelief and anger. The tension between the three characters intensifies. CUT TO BLACK. INT. VICTOR'S LAB - NIGHT Victor looks through the window, observing Sarah in distress, throwing things around. He contemplates Richard's plan to sack her, acknowledging her expertise in the project. Sarah, feeling her world crumbling, recalls Ernest walking out on her. Determined to fight for him, she dials his number, hoping for a connection. SARAH (desperate) Come on, Ernest. Pick up the phone. Please. Pick up? Ernest picks up, but the conversation is cut short as he talks to an upset Angelina. Sarah senses Angelina has revealed her pregnancy too, fueling her fear about juggling motherhood and work. The phone rings again. Sarah checks the caller's identity and chooses not to answer. A message follows, demanding her presence in Richard's office the next day. INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - DAY (FLASHBACK) Sarah calls her best friend Margaret, confiding in her about the pregnancy and agreeing to meet. Richard interrupts with a knock on the door, rescheduling their meeting to the next day. Sarah meets Margaret and confesses about her pregnancy but avoids revealing Ernest as the father. She admits to seeing other men since Ernest left, raising concerns about the baby's paternity. INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT (PRESENT) Sarah returns home relieved after confiding in Margaret. She remembers her upcoming meeting with Richard, packs her bags, and heads to work. Surprised to find Victor's lab lights off, she reminisces about their dynamic. Feeling grateful for Victor's influence, she acknowledges that this pregnancy has changed her perspective. She pushes aside concerns about the project's nodes replacements, realizing it's no longer her problem. Touching her stomach, she heads to the lab to verify everything. INT. SARAH'S LAB - NIGHT Sarah works diligently, making sure everything is in order. She recalls being second to Victor in Richard's eyes. Their different approaches and disagreements were deemed sabotage by Victor. Despite his scruffy appearance, Victor's intelligence and work ethic earned him respect. Sarah checks the clock, realizing it's past eleven. She dials Ernest's number. CUT TO: INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest, still dealing with Angelina's revelations, answers Sarah's call. ERNEST Hello? SARAH Ernest, it's me, Sarah. We need to talk. Ernest, caught in the middle of a complicated situation, hesitates, unsure of the tumultuous events awaiting him. FADE OUT. INT. SARAH'S LAB - NIGHT The phone continues to ring, but Ernest deliberately ignores Sarah. Alone in her lab, Sarah contemplates the situation, realizing Ernest may have chosen Angelina over her. A knock startles her, and she assumes it's Richard. SARAH (anticipating) What are you doing here? She quickly fixes her hair and opens the door. To her surprise, it's Victor standing at the door. SARAH (CONT'D) I can't believe it's you! VICTOR (smiling) Last time I saw you like this was interview day. Some years ago. SARAH So, I guess you like it? VICTOR It's cool. Young, fresh, ambitious, hungry, and let's not forget handsome! They both share a laugh, and Victor presents her with flowers, chocolate, and wine. SARAH Celebrating what? VICTOR (murmuring) Why are you looking at me like that? I asked you to celebrate what? He looks at her with pure lust and passion. SARAH Why are you looking at me like that? I asked you to celebrate what? VICTOR Is there a problem? SARAH (looking at the project) No, I thought you were speaking with him this afternoon? VICTOR Were you spying on me? Why? SARAH Not spying on you. Just happened to see you talking on the phone. SARAH (CONT'D) I was talking to my friend Margret. Victor, full of lust, pushes his hair backward and smiles. VICTOR Margret? Even better. He goes to the table to get the wine. SARAH Who did you think it was? VICTOR Your boyfriend or someone. SARAH Boyfriend? With all the problems with this project? Are you serious? VICTOR Still single, huh? SARAH Very much single but... VICTOR Here's to a brighter future. He hands her a wine glass, and Sarah hesitates. SARAH It's not like I'm going to poison you. Look? He takes her glass and sips the wine. SARAH (CONT'D) Okay, why not? She accepts the wine and sips some. VICTOR I must admit. You look a million dollars. So, what did Richard say about the project? SARAH Hearing that from you means a lot to me, especially with this rivalry. I never thought that you and I could be enjoying... VICTOR People change. Trust me. Victor, fueled by desire, hugs her from behind as she sits on her desk. He kisses her head, neck, and cheeks. VICTOR (CONT'D) I've watched you for the past days, longing for me. Here I am. FADE OUT. ! INT. SARAH'S LAB - NIGHT The atmosphere in the lab takes a dark turn. Sarah, frightened and distressed, confronts Victor after an unexpected encounter. SARAH I think it's the wine talking. Victor turns the spinning chair she's sitting on and stands between her legs, spreading them wide open. SARAH (CONT'D) Ouch, Victor, what are you doing? He lifts her dress and attempts to remove her knickers. Sarah resists and grabs his hands. SARAH (CONT'D) Stop, Victor! Victor persists, trying to kiss her, while Sarah pleads. SARAH (CONT'D) I am pregnant! VICTOR Pregnant? I thought— Victor looks embarrassed as Sarah explains. SARAH So, all the touching yourself? Victor quickly zips his pants and walks towards the door. Sarah pulls up her knickers and lowers her dress, frightened and ready to leave. SARAH (CONT'D) I am quitting tomorrow. Victor, good luck! This revelation surprises Victor. VICTOR Quitting? Not asking for a promotion? Why? Is it because of the replacements? I thought you were happy here. SARAH I am pregnant! VICTOR So, it takes nine months. Sarah replies, and Victor seems unconvinced. VICTOR (CONT'D) I don't believe you. Victor stands there, and Sarah, for the first time, feels genuine fear. She heads straight for the door, waiting for Victor to move aside. SARAH (CONT'D) Victor? As Victor blocks the door, Sarah pleads. He holds her shoulder and then locks the door behind him. VICTOR What did you do to node one thousand? Sarah looks shocked, attempting to leave, but Victor pulls her back into the lab. He stands behind the door, locking it. SARAH Let me go, Victor! VICTOR You bitch! Sabotaging my project. What did you do to node one thousand? SARAH Let me go! She struggles to open the door, but Victor holds her hand, pulling her back. In the struggle, she's sent flying, hitting the wine bottle before falling to the ground. FADE OUT. INT. SARAH'S LAB - NIGHT Sarah, now desperate and terrified, faces Victor's violent accusations. VICTOR Are you going to answer me or not? What did you do to node one thousand? SARAH You—tell me right now, or I will teach you a lesson. Sabotaging my project all the time. Is that so? Victor grabs her hair and violently throws her. Sarah starts screaming for help. SARAH (CONT'D) Help! Help! Anybody? VICTOR This time of the hour, nobody is here. It is just me and you. I don’t understand why you keep sabotaging my project! SARAH Node thirty-two! It was you tampering to get me fired. Now node one thousand! You were not joking. I know. I have witnesses. What are the chances of you predicting that? The same node that ended up stopping working? Victor is furious, and Sarah sobs. SARAH (CONT'D) What witnesses? VICTOR The base nodes monitoring team! SARAH Damn it! You bastard! That was a joke! VICTOR A joke that turns out to be true. Trust me, it's not a joke. He punches her in the face, and she screams in agony. SARAH (CONT'D) Help! She crawls toward her purse to get her phone, but Victor stomps on her hand, causing another scream. He then sits on her, rips her dress open, and she struggles to reach for her purse. In a horrifying turn, Victor continues his assault, attempting to subdue Sarah. She fights back, attempting to use a broken wine glass to defend herself. Victor's violence escalates as he overpowers her. FADE OUT. INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - DAY Richard, devastated by his personal life, contemplates his situation. The phone rings. RICHARD (answers phone) Yes. What did you decide? Please stay? He slams the phone down and walks to the window, gazing outside. Distraught, he dials a number. RICHARD (CONT'D) Do me a favor. Ask your sister to stay. Please. I don’t see why she must go. I did all this for her, for us, so we could be together forever. BETTY (VOICE ON THE PHONE) I can’t stop her. If she wants to go, she has to go. RICHARD But I love her. Is that not enough? I have a great job, a house, a car, credit cards, everything. Why is she leaving? The other woman on the line bursts into laughter. BETTY You are not getting it? She said you are never home. The line goes dead. Richard, still looking outside, notices something intriguing. RICHARD (CONT'D) (whispers) Why is she leaving? He rushes to his desk, opens a drawer, and activates a secret button. The moans of a woman become audible. Richard grabs binoculars, observing Sarah in her lab. RICHARD (CONT'D) (smirks) What are you up to, Sarah? Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts him. Victor barges in, clearly agitated. VICTOR Open up! Victor had heard Sarah's moans from Richard's office. Richard quickly conceals his spying instruments and remotely unlocks the door. Victor storms in. VICTOR (CONT'D) (angry) Where is she? RICHARD Excuse me? VICTOR Goddamn it! Where is Sarah? I heard her voice in here! Victor searches the room, embarrassed by his mistake. VICTOR (CONT'D) I swear I heard her voice coming from in here. He looks out the window, and there, Sarah stands in her lab. VICTOR (CONT'D) Sorry, Sir. My mistake. Richard sighs, opening up about his personal struggles. RICHARD My wife is leaving me, but you and I are totally two different people. I wish I was like you, but then again, if I do that, I will be having no job. A man like me must keep composure, if you know what I mean? Victor, trying to ease the tension, responds with a hint of sarcasm. VICTOR I know, Sir. Maybe one day she will be my lady? Richard laughs, finding humor in their shared struggles. RICHARD You fight all the time, just like me and my wife. I just told you she is leaving me. I don’t see it happening! Victor senses the sincerity in Richard's words and tries to diffuse the rivalry. FADE OUT. INT. SARAH'S OFFICE - LATER Victor enters Sarah's office, a smirk on his face. VICTOR (laughing) What is so funny? SARAH (confused) I was so jealous of you. I thought you were making love to Richard. I swear I heard your orgasmic moaning coming from his office. VICTOR (smiling) Exactly. Sarah walks to the window, seeing Richard looking at her before he closes the curtain. She bursts into laughter. WEEKS LATER INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Sarah, feeling a mixture of lust and defiance, decides to pleasure herself, making even louder noises. Days go by, and one night, she notices Richard's office light still on, arousing her curiosity. The idea that he might be listening turns her on. She sits on her swinging chair, silk knickers causing static electric currents, and starts pleasuring herself. As the pressure builds up, she's about to climax when a faint knock on the door interrupts the moment. She swings her legs wide open, inviting Richard in. SARAH (whispering) Come. RICHARD (skeptical) What happened? Did he dump you, or are you breaking again? SARAH (whispering) I just want to be with you. The couple makes love until the morning light. RICHARD (serious) You leave this time. I will never take you back. WEEKS BEFORE INT. ERNEST'S BEDROOM - MORNING Ernest wakes up, glancing at Sarah lying there naked. ERNEST (sympathetic) What seemed to be the problem? You seem quiet this morning. SARAH (frustrated) I feel used and abused. ERNEST (angry) I will kill the bastard! SARAH (bitter) His wife left him, and I know why he couldn't give me the top job. Ernest punches the air, enraged. ERNEST (CONT'D) This morning, was he the one on the phone? SARAH (nods) I know. It's because I'm a woman? Ernest tries to lighten the mood. ERNEST (jokingly) You're joking, right? SARAH (fuming) His wife is back? ERNEST (confused) I don't see why that has to do with you. Doesn't he deserve happiness? SARAH (furious) He was screwing me all along. He just told me to call it off! Ernest is shocked and angry. ERNEST (angry) Bloody bastard. That explains the long hours at work? SARAH (yelling) You should be angry at him and not at me! SARAH (CONT'D) (smirking) I know the best revenge. INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - LATER Richard gets up and walks to the window, his guilt written on his face. RICHARD (contrite) Whatever I did, I will make it up to you. I promise I will never talk about wanting a baby again. Richard's wife is surprised. WIFE (astonished) You'll do this for me? RICHARD (sincere) Yes. I apologize. You've been through a lot, and it's my shallowness to keep asking to try for a baby. WIFE (resigned) That's what I was saying! I can't have children, full stop. It's not your fault. Neither is it mine. RICHARD (regretful) Look how many times I've left you for another man? I don't want to run away again. So, don't ask about having a baby together. Promise! It's not my fault. I ran away to give you a chance. One to find another woman and have the kids you want. They passionately kiss and cry, the weight of their struggles lifting in that moment. RICHARD (CONT'D) I will never leave you. WIFE (teary-eyed) I love you. But I have to go to work. Richard heads to work, miles away. INT. SARAH'S LAB - DAY Ernest feels betrayed and cheated on, his trust shattered. His phone rings. ERNEST (answers) Come to work, darling, without failure? He rushes to his car and drives off. Meanwhile, Sarah, overwhelmed by emotions, can't focus at work. She paces, checks Richard's office, and waits for Ernest. The strong urge to pleasure herself battles the desire to wait for Ernest. A quick knock on the door calms her nerves. She opens the door, and without a word, they passionately kiss and undress. Sarah kisses Ernest with an intensity he's never seen before. ERNEST (whispering) Easy. Easy. I've never seen you like this. Sarah, consumed by the fear of Victor and triggered by recent events, craves raw, wild sex. The thought of Richard listening heightens her arousal. She begs Ernest to start a family, and he's caught in the intensity of the moment. Meanwhile, in his office, Richard hears a man's voice, his anger growing. He storms to Sarah's lab and bangs on the door. RICHARD (furious) Open up! Where's the status report I requested? Sarah! Open! Ernest, frightened, starts to dress. SARAH (ignoring Richard) Where are you going? Make love to me until morning. The tension in the lab escalates. FADE OUT ! INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - LATER Richard storms into his office, visibly frustrated. A smartly dressed lady hands him a screen monitor. ASSISTANT Sir, the replacement for node one thousand is not responding. Richard fumes. RICHARD What do you mean not responding? You mean dead? ASSISTANT Come, better see for yourself. They walk through corridors and lifts until they reach a room with machines beeping. The assistant opens the doors using a combination of digits, and they find a heavily pregnant woman hooked to the machines. ASSISTANT (CONT'D) For now. RICHARD Baby is doing fine. PREGNANT WOMAN For now! RICHARD What do you suggest? PREGNANT WOMAN C-section. LATER Victor opens the door to his lab and sees a flashing message. RICHARD (ON MESSAGE) Come to my office as soon as possible! Victor collects his files and heads to Richard's office. RICHARD (ON MESSAGE, CONT'D) No hiccups or anything. The system is working as best as it can. Victor arrives at Richard's office. Richard walks to the window and smokes his e-cigar, then glances at Sarah's office window. RICHARD (CONT'D) Nodes two and seventy need replacements. Silence fills the room as Richard blows smoke out of his system. He turns around to face Victor. RICHARD (CONT'D) Shelly is expecting a baby. Soon, I am going to be the father. VICTOR (unsympathetic) Richard, you know the nodes need replacing. Richard looks upset as Victor remains unamused. VICTOR (CONT'D) If that's the case, then I have to double-check because the last time I checked, the project was okay. Richard looks frustrated, setting the stage for a tense confrontation. INT. VICTOR'S LAB - NIGHT Victor is sitting at his desk when the phone rings. He answers hesitantly. ERNEST (V.O.) (through the phone) Did you find the replacement for node thirty-two? VICTOR Who is this? Who do you work for? How did you get my number? ERNEST (V.O.) A friend of mine gave me this number. Victor looks surprised, suspicious. VICTOR When did you get this number from your so-called friend? ERNEST (V.O.) Yesterday. Victor hangs up abruptly, leaving Ernest confused. ERNEST (quickly dialing again) What do you want? Who are you? VICTOR (V.O.) (angry) Don't waste my time. Don't call this number again. Don't bloody lie to me again. ERNEST Lie about what? The line goes dead. Fear grips Ernest as he trembles uncontrollably. He dials again, desperation in his voice. ERNEST Don't hang up! Did you find the replacement for node thirty-two? Victor hangs up again, leaving Ernest in a state of increasing panic. ERNEST (CONT'D) (freaking out) No, no, no! What have I done? Ernest tries to gather his thoughts, realizing the potential danger he might have put himself in. The mystery surrounding node thirty-two deepens as his fear intensifies. EXT. SARAH'S HOUSE - NIGHT Ernest dashes out of the back door, frantically escaping from unseen pursuers. The darkness of the night provides cover for his desperate flight. CUT TO: EXT. NEIGHBOR'S FENCE - NIGHT Ernest vaults over the neighbor's fence, narrowly escaping the menacing dog. He leaves part of his jacket in the animal's grip. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT Running through the dimly lit streets, Ernest's breath quickens as the sound of approaching SUVs and gunshots fill the air. CUT TO: ERNEST'S POV - NIGHT He sees shadows closing in, realizing the severity of the situation. ERNEST (whispering to himself) What have I gotten into? CUT TO: EXT. DARK ALLEY - NIGHT Ernest finds refuge in a dark alley, catching his breath. The echoing footsteps of his pursuers grow louder. CUT TO: ERNEST'S POV - NIGHT He peeks around the corner, seeing the menacing figures in pursuit. MYSTERIOUS CALLER (V.O.) (whispering) Get out from there quickly. They are coming after you! Ernest, bewildered and scared, contemplates his next move. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Ernest resumes his escape, weaving through the labyrinthine city streets. The tension builds as he races against time and an unknown threat. CUT TO: ERNEST (V.O.) (panicked) Go. Go. Go! Gunshots ring out again, and Ernest continues running, driven by fear and the urgency to survive. FADE OUT. ! INT. MARGRET'S HOUSE - NIGHT The music reverberates through the house, setting the scene for the unexpected encounter. Ernest stands in the doorway, caught in the peculiar atmosphere of Margret's residence. MARGRET (smirking) Well, well, look who decided to drop by. The night just got interesting. The half-naked man, still grooving to the music, turns his attention toward Ernest. HALF-NAKED MAN (confused) Hey man, it’s all about the base. What are you doing here? ERNEST (looking around nervously) I, uh, was just passing by. Thought I heard a party. MARGRET (flashing a sly smile) Party? You're always welcome to join, honey. The huge dog, having calmed down, eyes Ernest with curiosity as if assessing the unexpected visitor. ERNEST (stammering) I, uh, appreciate the offer, but I should be going. HALF-NAKED MAN (laughing) Come on, don't be shy. We're just having some fun. Margret moves closer to Ernest, her intentions unclear. He senses danger but tries to keep his composure. ERNEST (looking at Margret) I don't want to intrude. I'll be on my way. Margret, undeterred, inches closer, her eyes locking onto Ernest's. MARGRET (seductively) Why leave so soon? The night is young. Ernest, feeling uneasy, glances at the exit, contemplating his next move. CUT TO: EXT. MARGRET'S HOUSE - NIGHT Ernest slips out of the house, leaving behind the peculiar scene. The night air is filled with the distant sounds of the party. CUT TO BLACK. INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Ernest squirms on the bed, his hands bound tightly. The room is dimly lit, revealing the faces of the men who captured him. Rhinos, the man who shot him, stands nearby, looking menacing. ERNEST (yelling) Let me go right now! I didn't do anything! RHINOS (laughing) Oh, you did plenty, my friend. You've been poking your nose where it doesn't belong. Ernest struggles to break free, but the restraints hold him in place. ERNEST (angry) I know about the greening. What the hell is that? RHINOS (smirking) Ah, the greening. It's a little something we do to those who don't play by the rules. You'll be in a lovely vegetative state, my friend. A fate worse than death. Ernest glances around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The room is nondescript, and the ominous atmosphere adds to his fear. ERNEST (struggling) You can't just do this! I have rights! RHINOS (laughing) Rights? You're dealing with people who control everything, my dear. Your rights disappeared the moment you started snooping around. Ernest's mind races as he tries to figure out a way to escape. The door creaks open, and a shadowy figure enters the room. FIGURE (to Rhinos) Is this him? Rhinos nods, and the figure steps forward, revealing himself to be VICTOR. VICTOR (smirking) Ernest, always the troublemaker. You should've known better. ERNEST (confused) Victor? What the hell is going on? VICTOR (sarcastic) Oh, just a little payback for your meddling. You wanted to know about the greening, didn't you? Ernest's eyes widen with realization. ERNEST You're working with them? VICTOR (chuckling) Let's just say I have my reasons. It's a cutthroat world, Ernest, and sometimes you have to play dirty to survive. Rhinos approaches with a syringe, and Ernest struggles even harder against his restraints. ERNEST (desperate) You can't do this! You're just as much a victim as I am! VICTOR (leaning in) No, my dear friend. I've embraced the game. Welcome to the greening. Rhinos injects the syringe into Ernest's arm, and darkness envelops him as the effects of the drug take hold. FADE OUT. INT. DIMLY LIT ROOM - NIGHT Ernest struggles against his restraints, the room pulsating with the eerie energy of the chanting men. Rhinos, the sinister leader, grins sadistically. RHINOS (laughing) Welcome to our little ceremony, Ernest. You're about to witness the power of the system. Ernest scans the room, his eyes darting between the chanting men. Margret, seemingly unfazed, watches the spectacle. ERNEST (desperate) You can't be serious about this! Rhinos leans in close, his voice a sinister whisper. RHINOS (whispering) The system demands sacrifice. Wayne paid the price, and now it's your turn. Ernest's mind races, searching for a way out of this nightmarish situation. He glances around, spotting a loose nail on the floor. ERNEST (defiant) I won't be a part of your sick games. Rhinos raises an eyebrow, amused. RHINOS (smirking) You don't have a choice. Ernest shifts his weight, attempting to discreetly reach for the nail. The men's chanting intensifies. RHINOS (to the men) To Wayne! The men lift their knives in a frenzied celebration. Ernest seizes the opportunity, grabbing the nail and slicing through his restraints. ERNEST (roaring) Free me right now or face the consequences! The men pause, shocked by Ernest's sudden defiance. ERNEST (CONT'D) (furious) I won't let you turn me into another Wayne! I'll make you regret this! The men exchange uneasy glances, unsure how to proceed. ERNEST (CONT'D) (angry) What's the matter? Afraid of facing someone who won't play by your twisted rules? The room falls into an eerie silence. The men, torn between their loyalty to the system and fear of Ernest's unpredictable rage, hesitate. ERNEST (CONT'D) (fighting back) I'll expose your sick rituals! The world will know what you've done! Rhinos, realizing the precarious situation, steps forward. RHINOS (gritting his teeth) Get him! The men rush toward Ernest, but he's ready. With newfound determination, he fights back, delivering powerful blows. The room erupts into chaos. CUT TO BLACK. INT. DIMLY LIT ROOM - NIGHT Ernest convulses in pain, lying on the ground, surrounded by the crazed men holding knives. His mind races through memories of Sarah, Angelina, and the life he might never see again. ERNEST (voice strained) Please, just tell me where Sarah is. I need to know she's safe. The men pause, momentarily caught off guard by Ernest's plea. CADEM (angry) Enough of your games! Devil's Eye has spoken! Cadem, holding the bloodied knife, moves closer to Ernest. CADEM (CONT'D) You're not worthy of our mercy. Ernest takes a deep breath, summoning his last bit of strength. ERNEST (desperate) You're making a mistake. Sarah will come for me, and she won't spare any of you. The men exchange uneasy glances, their belief in the system wavering. RHINOS (enraged) Enough! We've wasted too much time on this traitor. The men, fueled by their distorted sense of justice, descend upon Ernest with renewed brutality. The room echoes with his agonizing screams. INT. ERNEST'S FLASHBACK - DAY Images flash before Ernest's eyes—moments with Sarah, the joy of their love, and the happiness he took for granted. ERNEST (regretful) I should have never left. INT. DIMLY LIT ROOM - NIGHT As the men continue their frenzied attack, a distant sound reaches them—the wailing sirens of approaching police cars. CADEM (startled) We've got to go! The men reluctantly retreat, leaving Ernest battered and broken on the ground. Outside, the police cars screech to a halt. OFFICER (shouting) This is the police! Surrender immediately! The men scramble to escape, disappearing into the shadows. The room falls silent, save for Ernest's labored breathing. EXT. DIMLY LIT HOUSE - NIGHT Police officers rush into the house, discovering the gruesome aftermath of the cult's ritual. Ernest lies motionless, surrounded by the remnants of his ordeal. FADE OUT. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The room is tense as Adam confronts Caden about Wayne's death. The men exchange heated words, their loyalty to the cult hanging by a thread. ADAM (angry) You have something to hide. You choose the girl’s life over Wayne’s. You disobeyed an order and that cost him his life! CADEN (defensive) What was I supposed to do? There was no direct order from the top. It was either me or her! ADAM (furious) Do you mean you or Wayne? A palpable tension fills the air as the men await Caden's response. CADEN (roaring) Stop antagonizing me. I had no option. Adam's frustration is evident, and the room buzzes with an uneasy energy. ADAM (suspicious) Maybe you want to stab me too? The accusation hangs in the air, and the cult members exchange uncertain glances. CADEN (defiant) Is that true, Caden? That bitch is alive? CADEN (confident) Listen up! The girl is alive. She is the one who killed Wayne. The revelation sends shockwaves through the room. Adam and the others process the information, and murmurs of disbelief fill the space. NOBLES (disgruntled) It doesn’t matter if we stick together. Adam, visibly upset, approaches Nobles with a whispered request. ADAM (whispering) Keep an eye on Caden. The tension lingers as the cult members grapple with the truth and the consequences of their actions. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - CLIFF EDGE - DAY A young girl jumps off a cliff into the sea, and a boy rushes to save her. The flashback reveals Angelina's near-drowning experience and the bond formed between her and Caden. CUT BACK TO: INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Caden reflects on the past, contemplating his actions and the tangled web of loyalties that led to Wayne's demise. FADE OUT. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY Weeks before Wayne's death, tension and suspicion run high among the cult members. Caden is caught shedding tears in private, raising concerns and sparking a chain of events that will change the dynamics within the group. INT. ADAM'S OFFICE - DAY Adam walks into his office and notices Caden hastily concealing something. He observes a tear rolling down Caden's cheek. ADAM (suspicious) What's going on, Caden? Caden, caught off guard, tries to cover up. CADEN (hiding emotions) Something got into my eye. Adam eyes him skeptically. ADAM (raised eyebrows) In your office? Something's not right. Caden leaves the room abruptly, leaving Adam curious and uneasy. Adam takes a moment to inspect the spot where Caden was standing, finding evidence of tears. ADAM (to himself) This is not good. Adam rushes to find Nobles. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY Adam confronts Nobles, demanding answers about Caden's recent behavior. ADAM (agitated) What did you find about Caden? NOBLES (teasing) What do you mean? You just said keep an eye on him. ADAM (frustrated) Are you keeping an eye on him? Why is he crying? Is he related to the guy we just killed? NOBLES (toying with Adam) Too many questions, boss. ADAM (irritated) Damn it. I want answers. Do your job and don't tell me to do mine. Okay? INT. ADAM'S OFFICE - DAY Caden returns to the office, feeling the weight of suspicion from his comrades. CADEN (aggressive) I don’t like the way you are looking at me! NOBLES (mocking) Strange enough hearing that from you! CADEN (defensive) What is that supposed to mean? NOBLES (sarcastic) Just an actor in Caden. Who can do that bullshit? Who you are kidding? The tension escalates as Caden tries to assert himself. CADEN (frustrated) You bastards! CADEN (upset) No one was ever closer to me than Wayne. Out of all of you, he chose me as his backup. Do you bloody know what that means? Trusting me with his life? The cult members respond with laughter, further infuriating Caden. CADEN (angry) What is so funny? NOBLES (smirking) Where is he now? Poor Wayne. Too much trust. It’s not a matter of being the best with weapons. I guess he never mastered that. Got to trust your instincts as well, and as far as we are all concerned, Caden, you are up to no good! CADEN (fuming) Fuck you all! You can leave because I don’t care! ADAM (booming) You leave, Caden! CADEN (defiant) A man is down. A great man died, and he was betrayed by his own man. We still can’t figure out why! ADAM (challenging) Don't piss me off. I was with you all the time when he died! The room simmers with tension as the power struggle intensifies among the cult members. FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - DAY Angelina stands in her bedroom, her hands trembling, as she processes the news of the processed insurance money and paid-off mortgage. A mix of emotions floods her as she envisions a future with her father. However, the joy is overshadowed by the lingering sorrow of Ernest's death. ANGELINA (whispering) Thank you. She looks at Ernest's photo on the bedside table, expressing gratitude for the newfound stability in her life. The prospect of having a home for her father and herself brings tears to her eyes. ANGELINA Now I have a house. Father will never be homeless again. We will be a family again. The money is enough to pay for the hospital and to live happily ever after with my father. Angelina heads into the bathroom for a shower. However, when she returns to the bedroom, she discovers something unsettling—the dress she laid out is now mysteriously in the bathroom. Confused and alarmed, she realizes that someone might be in the house. ANGELINA (whispering to herself) Not now! What do they want now, and don't tell me it's about the money and the house? She opens the drawer, revealing a hidden gun. Fear and determination grip her as she runs outside, gun in hand, ready to confront the potential threat. EXT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - FRONT YARD - DAY Angelina scans the surroundings, her heart pounding. A man stands outside, staring directly at her bedroom. Fear intensifies as she curses under her breath. ANGELINA I have everything; don't you start now. What do they want? She swiftly hides the gun under her nightdress as the man disappears. Overwhelmed, she contemplates her situation. ANGELINA (whispering) I am pregnant. Memories flash before her—the vulnerability of her loved ones, the hospital bed, and the desire to be the son her father wanted. Her resolve strengthens. ANGELINA I can be the boy you wanted. Suddenly, the peace is shattered. Doors are kicked in, and armed men storm the house. ANGELINA Go. Go. Go! Angelina hides the gun, preparing for the inevitable confrontation as the men rush up the stairs. INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY The men burst into the bedroom, demanding answers. MEN Where is he? ! INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Angelina sits on the bed, battered and terrified. The men interrogate her about the alleged attack. INTERROGATOR 1 Did he attack you? Angelina remains silent, her face a canvas of pain and fear. The men exchange glances, and some exit the room. INTERROGATOR 2 (standing alone with her) I asked you. Did he punch you in the face? Silence persists, broken only by her agonized screams as he strikes her. He pauses, then continues, accusing her of being hit in the stomach. ANGELINA Please, not the stomach! She covers herself as he delivers another blow. Laughter fills the room. INTERROGATOR 1 This hooker thinks she's pregnant! INTERROGATOR 2 (continuing the assault) All eggs fried by the doctors. No eggs in there, so how can you get pregnant? Angelina, overwhelmed with anger and despair, closes her eyes, cursing silently. The men, satisfied, exit the room. INTERROGATOR 1 We lost this one. She might turn against us. She might be pregnant for real. INTERROGATOR 2 (nervously) What's wrong? Shoot her, make sure she's dead before you leave. INTERROGATOR 1 (angry) I must do all the dirty work myself? Give us good reasons to go after this bastard. INTERROGATOR 2 (uncertain) Too many loose ends. She's pregnant. INTERROGATOR 1 Tie the loose ends, then stop whining! The sound of a car horn interrupts their discussion. The man takes a gun, attaches a silencer, and gives instructions to his reluctant companion. INTERROGATOR 1 Go back to the team, fire a warning shot, then wait. Tell them the boss wants me to stay with the girl. INTERROGATOR 2 Go. Go. Go! The man, armed with the silenced gun, prepares to stay behind as the others depart. EXT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT The team leaves in a hurry, leaving Angelina alone with the menacing man. FADE OUT. INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Angelina, having picked up the man's gun, places her finger on the trigger, ready for the men's return. EXT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT The man looks at his watch, and the other man fires a shot in the air. Another shot follows, creating confusion. DRIVER OF SUV 1 (sworn) I swear I thought I heard two shots already. OTHER MAN It's probably just echoes. Let's go! They shout, "Go. Go. Go!" and the SUVs speed away towards the city. INT. ANGELINA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Back in the bedroom, Angelina aims the gun at the man's head. ANGELINA Never assault a pregnant woman again! She squeezes the trigger, and blood and brain matter splatter in her face as the man collapses. Weeks before... INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest and a woman engage in a tense conversation. ERNEST Damn it. How come it's not my baby? WOMAN Ask your boys in your pants. Maybe they are as slow as you. ERNEST I couldn't stand it. You kept pushing me away. WOMAN That's what they do. Testing if you have enough balls. Someone did, and I'm definitely pregnant. ERNEST How are you so sure it's not mine? WOMAN I had periods after you left. I bet your new companion is now pregnant. Now you're just waiting to be part of the system. ERNEST What system? Everyone keeps talking about it. WOMAN They created a system where they select the best one million people. People like you, who have kids and don't commit, are selected because you have less stress. But to the system, you're useless. They'd rather put you in a vegetative state. ERNEST Just because of that? WOMAN No, because you won't play by their rules. You'd rather fight the system. So, you're a cost and a pain to them. They'd rather have you dead. Ernest looks scared and confused. ERNEST Who's behind all this? WOMAN The regime, of course. They give you everything you want and everything you don't like. In the end, what you don't like is what you get. They control everything. If they give you what you want, how can they control you? INT. ERNEST'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Ernest and the woman continue their conversation about the twisted system. WOMAN You'll be happy if you get everything you want so that way you can't complain. That puts them out of business. They give you what you don't like to keep an eye on you, maybe drive you mad and see if you'll do bad things to that person. ERNEST What a messed-up system. Do you know abuse and grooming by people in power? That's the worst form. WOMAN What option do you have? The system needs you, even if it's in a vegetative state. Ernest is bewildered, unable to fathom why someone would design such a system to torment another human being. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY - DAY David addresses a large crowd, discussing the hidden perils of the system. DAVID The system is designed to kill fast and young, stealing years off your life. The more you pay taxes, the more they expose you to digital weapons that age you fast, giving you wrinkles, diseases, blemishes, etc. The crowd reacts with a mix of applause, boos, and disbelief. A leader challenges David's claims. LEADER Why would the system try to kill us when we're paying taxes? Explain yourself. DAVID (continuing his explanation) Your government, as a way to protect and control you, uses digital weapons that age you and expose you to various health issues. They manipulate your appearance and punish anyone who comes into contact with you. The atmosphere becomes charged with displeasure and disapproval. David further reveals the sinister motives behind this digital weapon. DAVID (CONT'D) If they want you to die of an old age-related disease for experimenting purposes, they'll shorten your life by taking years off you. These digital weapons are used to identify and reclassify people, violating human rights. The crowd is shocked and appalled. CITIZEN (voice from the crowd) So, what must we do? How do we stop them since they operate undetected? David prepares to reveal a potential solution to the captive audience. INT. CITY SQUARE - DAY David continues his impassioned speech, addressing the gathered crowd about the malevolent impact of the digital weapons. DAVID The theoretical method to reverse this would be to claim back all taxes and national insurance. That will reimburse and send back all these digital weapons. A return to the sender. But we all know that this is never going to happen because you still have taxes to pay. The crowd reacts strongly, expressing their negative feelings about the challenging solution. DAVID (CONT'D) Believe it or not, the health of the world has greatly improved, and hospitals were so good that they put themselves out of business. However, hospital managers and governments decided to recreate times of peak hospitalization by introducing a system using digital agents as diseases, justifying large budgets. This has gone out of hand, with people being attacked by these digital weapons. The crowd is displeased and finds it hard to believe. CITIZEN What kind of idiot would create something that nearly wiped out all humanity? The crowd erupts in anger and frustration. DAVID This regime has made it mandatory for people to receive these digital weapons in every monetary transaction, controlling the flow of money. To get rid of them, they say you should part with your money. But we've created a system to remove and destroy these digital weapons. The crowd cheers, finding hope in David's words. DAVID (CONT'D) But it doesn't stop there. We'll go the extra mile, hunting and terminating developers and all those involved using court orders. These crimes are against all humanity. This is not just about taxes; it goes beyond that. We have a duty to protect humanity's future. Anything that adversely affects the human gene pool is a crime against humanity. The crowd applauds David's commitment to the cause, stirred by the call to protect the essence of humanity. FADE OUT. INT. COMMUNITY GATHERING - DAY David continues his speech, addressing the gathered crowd with a sense of urgency and purpose. DAVID Our system will benefit everyone. Stop you from losing money needlessly. Stop you from early aging and death. Stop you from being blackmailed. Stop you from being used to attack and destroy others. Stop you from being labeled and marked unnecessarily. Our system will stop disadvantaged groups from being targeted! The crowd responds with a lively positive feeling, a sense of euphoria and excitement fills the atmosphere. The news has ignited hope and anticipation. DAVID (CONT'D) I am going to prove to the court that the only reason for hacking is to change, destroy, alter, and eventually cause a system failure. A hacker is a slave master, commanding a hacked person remotely, making them a slave and tortured. Technically, a hacker is a torturer, using devices to cause harm and eventually death. This makes hackers the evilest people, enemies of the people, regarded in international law as the Hostis Humanis Generis. Enemies of humanity that warrant instant death or three life sentences. A hacker is also a pirate, using other people's systems cheaply and holding them at ransom. The crowd hisses in shock and disbelief at the severity of these revelations. CITIZEN You said it's hard to prove. How are you going to convince the people? DAVID Technological advancement has provided an easy way to detect hidden things and record them. Yes, we have proof that the regime is deliberately reducing the pension budget and causing harm. A crime, would you agree? The crowd is filled with disbelief and mistrust, grappling with the shocking revelation. ANOTHER CITIZEN If it weren't for the tax system, most could be behind bars for murder! Hisses and murmurs spread through the crowd as they grapple with the unsettling truth. FADE OUT. INT. COMMUNITY GATHERING - NIGHT The room is filled with a somber atmosphere as the victims and their families share their stories of betrayal and deception. The old man, Mr. Johnson, stands at the front, holding a gun, shaking uncontrollably. MR. JOHNSON My daughter was telling the truth after all. They labeled her a lunatic, called her hallucinating. She kept complaining that they were shaking her head. The doctors hinted she was talking about evil spirits and demons. Yet these deceiving manipulative evil people knew it was them behind all this, shaking her brain so she forgets, just to keep their jobs. Who on earth would do this to another human being? Let alone their own? Mr. Johnson's voice trembles with anger and grief. The room is silent, absorbing the gravity of his words. MR. JOHNSON (CONT'D) We argue for the maximum punishment for these culprits. They gave the victims a false sense of security, pretending to care when it was them damaging my daughter's brain. Through continuous shaking remotely, using propeller-based devices like a drone. We ask the court for the maximum sentences. They showed no empathy for the victims. The room is filled with tension as the old man's emotions escalate. Others in the crowd start pleading for him to put the gun down. WOMAN IN CROWD Don't shoot! Put the gun down! MR. JOHNSON Easy for you to say. They told me that my daughter's brain damage was caused by her boyfriend and his mate, who shagged her brains out literally. Setting up innocent people to cover their skin. I guess I was wrong. For killing my daughter's boyfriend and his friend, I stand here to correct my mistakes. Mr. Johnson struggles with his emotions, tears streaming down his face. MR. JOHNSON (CONT'D) I was going to shoot these evil people, but I ask the court to pass the toughest sentences. How could people in a position of trust be so cruel? So they have jobs at the expense of my angel? Others in the crowd share their stories of injustice and betrayal. JUDITH Hang all these doctors. On top of lying about the whole thing, they got innocent people murdered. Everyone involved, from the doctors to the council staff, must be punished severely! Another woman gets up, her voice breaking as she shares her painful revelation. WOMAN #2 My sister confessed to me that she had a copper coil inserted in her ovaries so that she can't conceive. All this without her consent. This caused her to be unable to have kids and later groomed by the hospitals! The crowd reacts with disbelief, anger, and shock. The truth unfolds, exposing the depth of the conspiracy. DAVID To us, I think tougher punishments for everyone, including the top brass, as they know people are being loaded with airplane parts, nevertheless in miniature sizes. Propellers, black boxes, GPS, etc., and to make things worse, all these use or emit radiation—an obvious attempted murder case by the regime! Another woman shares her shocking revelation. WOMAN #3 Most of the people hooked on drugs are being tortured so that they end up hooked on drugs. How can a hospital also have its own field of heroin? What is the difference between them and the drug mafia? The system has gone bonkers! David emphasizes the gravity of the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) I tell you this, you will be shocked, but all these stories are true. Huge hissings among the people fill the room as they grapple with the horrifying reality of the atrocities committed against them. CUT TO BLACK. ! INT. COMMUNITY GATHERING - DAY The atmosphere is tense as Matilda, a woman in the crowd, stands up to question the motives behind the government's actions. MATILDA To let this go unpunished is a crime against humanity in itself. In that, you will have known but then done nothing when you had the chance. To stop it is to show great power. DAVID (goes up) Could it be that these people committed crimes, and the government is punishing them this way? DAVID (CONT'D) Even so, they are taking the law into their own hands. Most were illegally hacked. Then set up to cover for such hacking. Most are hacked at birth, and what crime can a toddler commit? To us, we believe that the regime illegally hacked first, innocent kids. Who are growing up to commit crimes not because they are destined to commit crimes, no? But are forced, commanded, and tricked to do just that. We also remind the court that most of these and the information are fruits of the poisoned tree and can't be used by the regime! CUT TO: INT. COMMUNITY GATHERING - NIGHT Day Two The crowd is still agitated, discussing the shocking revelations from the previous day. DAVID Going after them and killing is just empty revenge. You are doing just the same as them. They are going to start to feel like what we are feeling now, in turn, they are going to start killing again! The people express a mixture of shock and anger. DAVID (CONT'D) We are the equalizers and not just empty avengers. Tomorrow's World Order is like a farmer who jumps on a tractor and starts by leveling the land to prepare the land for growing crops. He rips the thorns and grass, etc.! An individual from the crowd confronts David. ANGRY PERSON Damn it! You are no better than them. You too will have blood on your hands! DAVID (sarcastically) Maybe I will shoot you myself and save a lot of people from dying? ANGRY PERSON Not before the Fatladies sings! Ray, another person from the crowd, roars, shaking, and points a gun at David. RAY Goddamn it. I am the equalizer. What goes around comes around. I suggest you stay out of my sight! DAVID You can't talk to a man with a gun like that. Or else what? Get me shot? RAY I will shoot you myself. This is the beginning of a war! DAVID Maybe I will shoot you myself and save a lot of people from dying? RAY Not before the Fatladies sings! Ray looks around, challenging David's statement. RAY (CONT'D) What Fatladies? You think I am bluffing! Instantly, Ray jerks backward as bullet-after-bullet leaves gaping holes in all his vital organs. He slumps to the ground, dead. The crowd falls into stunned silence, witnessing the sudden violence unfold before them. CUT TO BLACK. INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Marson, a powerful and imposing figure, roars and flexes his muscles, expressing his determination. He removes his sunglasses, revealing a fierce look. MARSON If we are to win, and I mean win fast, is to initiate phase two now. I don't see a reason we should wait. We can send a mixture of different skill-level assassins for maximum impact. I want results and fast! He bloates his face, emphasizing the urgency. MARSON (CONT'D) Or spice up things and send all the top-level lethal assassins. I want maximum damage. I am not taking prisoners. I want a shock-to-traumatize-to-death approach. I want them to know who the boss really is. I will authorize anything you want! FREDERICK Copy that. You might as well authorize initiation of phase two. Frederick hands Marson forms to sign. MARSON I don't want fuck-ups. So, I reiterate here. I want maximum severe damage from the initiation period until we have achieved our goals. Anything goes. CUT TO: EXT. TROPICAL BEACH - DAY A man in shorts walks along the sandy beach, passing a group of women. WOMAN 1 Hey sugar, is that for me? MAN Nope. Sorry! They all laugh as the man continues until he reaches a woman in a bikini. WOMAN 2 Enjoying the vacation? MAN Hey, nice to see you again. What are you doing here? I did not expect to see you until the end of the month. WOMAN 2 I know. He hands over an envelope. WOMAN 2 (CONT'D) What's this? She opens the envelope. MAN Got the court’s approval already? He wants you to cut the vacation short. Your first real assignment? She leaves on the next flight back. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW’S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Carolina, a skilled operative, updates her colleague. CAROLINA I have just collected money from the Global Reserve Bank. Opened bank accounts for twenty-four recipients and deposited digital currency into the accounts. OPERATIVE That's great. It starts interesting now, but the stakes have been raised. Now we are considered as real threats to the system. The issuing of our digital currency signals the end of digital weapons and their developers. So, they will do everything in their power to defend the digital weapons to stay in business. CAROLINA I know. I have nominated Javelina as the leader and handed control to her. OPERATIVE That's great. Some tasks are delegated to her and the team. CAROLINA I have problems with the assignment. The system won't allow me to even load the assignment. The basic score is below the minimum value to load. OPERATIVE Meaning Marson has more power and value than us. Let's see. CAROLINA We need to play with the equation between manpower in terms of assassins, the digital currency, and the value-added to the system by getting our first court order. We need to play with the equation so that the base score is above or equal. We can increase our value. OPERATIVE Okay, I am listening. CAROLINA Increase the total and circulating supply of our digital currency. They brainstorm strategies to increase their influence and challenge Marson's power. INT. TOMORROW’S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David and Carolina discuss their strategy to increase their value and challenge Marson's power. DAVID Getting a loan of digital currency from the Global Reserve Bank? CAROLINA Yes, that not only increases our value but has the effect of neutralizing his weapons as well. This reduces his value as well. But a loan is the last option we want because we are still liable to return with an interest that can weaken us in the future! DAVID Can we freeze his assets and claim some of his assets as valueless since now we have a court order? CAROLINA It’s an option open to us, but with these judges, it takes time. Just freezing is not enough because they remain his. DAVID I think maybe you were right in the first place. A loan is our best option since it’s from our bank. So, I will let you do just that. CAROLINA Okay, so I will increase the circulating amount to see if that triggers a rise in the base score. A beep sound indicates the initiation of the parameters. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Initiating parameters and assigning digital currency to all new recipients! Carolina plays music while she waits. Another beep sound startles her. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Super! An alarm goes off. She reads the message and quickly jumps into her car and drives off. CUT TO: INT. DEAN'S SECRET LOCATION - NIGHT Dean is sitting on his chair punching figures in the system when an alarm bell goes off. He panics because he knows what it means. DEAN GPS coordinates on lock-down! His heart pounds fast, recalling the last time it happened when he took a bullet. He curses and reaches for his gun. Pressing a button, a countdown to file deletion starts. A crackling sound of someone trying to open the door startles him. He swings into action, pointing a gun at the door, about to pull the trigger. DEAN (CONT'D) Twelve seconds to automatic file deletion! His heart pounds worse as the phone starts to ring. Carolina fires a shot, then another, and kicks the door. The door swings open, and Carolina aims her gun, surprised to find Dean waiting with a gun aimed at her. CAROLINA (Gulping) Easy there. I'm not your enemy. Dean, agitated and startled, listens as a crackling sound comes from the radio. DEAN What's going on? CAROLINA We need to talk. Fast. They both face the escalating situation, unsure of what will unfold next. EXT. DEAN'S LOCATION - NIGHT Carolina chases Dean through the backstreets, their confrontation intensifying. CAROLINA (Over radio) What? Where are you? I will come and blast you? DEAN I have cornered him, guys come. Cover the back entrance. I have a court order! Carolina, determined, speaks into her radio. CAROLINA My team is here, you are surrounded, drop your weapon! Now! I said drop it. If they come in, they will shoot you. I said drop it. Now! DEAN I didn’t do anything wrong! CAROLINA I don’t care, I said bloody drop it. Or I will shoot you. Drop it before they arrive, or you are dead! Footsteps climbing the stairs echo, increasing the tension. Carolina aims, but Dean, frightened and shaking, prepares to fire. Carolina somersaults and flips, evading Dean's shot. She lands and rolls, quickly getting up and firing shots as Dean runs for the back door. Through the back door, Dean escapes. Fear-struck, he reaches his car without being shot, glancing around anxiously. Carolina follows, aiming her gun. Dean drives away, leaving Carolina frustrated. CAROLINA (Shouting) He's escaping! Move! As Carolina pursues Dean down the stairs and into the garage, she receives a beep on her watch. A message appears, unsettling her. The revving of a car catches her attention. She runs to the gate and aims at Dean, who attempts to jump-start his car. CAROLINA (Warning) Stop! Drop it! Dean revs hard, their eyes locked. Carolina fires, but Dean ducks. He accelerates from zero to over thirty, speeding away. Carolina jumps and rolls to the side, quickly getting up and aiming. The car swerves, narrowly avoiding a collision with another driver. CAROLINA (Frustrated) Come on, get out of my way! Cars block the road ahead, hindering Carolina's pursuit. She honks aggressively, shouting. CAROLINA (CONT'D) He is getting away! Move! Get out of my way! Carolina races against time to catch Dean, determined not to let him escape. CUT TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Dean speeds recklessly, attempting to cause chaos on the road. Carolina, frustrated and determined, follows closely, navigating through obstacles to apprehend him. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Carolina, determined to stop Dean, swerves her car into the path of oncoming traffic. The other driver blasts the horn as Carolina narrowly avoids a head-on collision, leaving the other driver fuming. Suddenly, a bullet shatters Carolina's side mirror, prompting her to duck and swerve instinctively. Cursing, Carolina spots the gun on the passenger seat. She changes gears aggressively, gunning down the road. She manages to hit Dean's car, causing it to swerve momentarily. Dean, laughing, regains control and speeds on the wrong side of the road, alarming oncoming drivers. Carolina, determined to catch Dean, picks up the gun from the side seat. Seconds from a potential collision, Dean swerves back to his lane, leaving Carolina frustrated. CAROLINA Bastard! DEAN I was born for this, babe! Carolina slams on the brakes, skidding to a halt on the side road. CAROLINA (CONT'D) What the hell is he doing? Dean, gloating after his narrow escape, speeds away. Carolina quickly restarts the car, changing gears rapidly, and steps on the gas. Dean continues his reckless maneuvers, deliberately swerving in front of oncoming cars. Carolina searches for the dropped gun, swerving the car in the process. She retrieves the gun, watches Dean's risky maneuvers, and opens the side window, placing the gun on her lap. Dean swerves to the other side of the road, laughing. Carolina, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the gun, aims through the open window, targeting the car's tire. She fires consecutive shots, hitting the tire. The car jerks, and Dean struggles to regain control as the steel rim cuts into the road. The car loses control, swerving uncontrollably. Carolina, relentless in her pursuit, watches as Dean's reckless actions lead to the climax of their dangerous chase. INT. CAR - NIGHT Carolina, adrenaline pumping, swerves her car, causing another vehicle to clip the back of Dean's car. Dean's car faces the oncoming traffic. Carolina extends her hand outside, gun in hand, and fires at Dean's vehicle, swerving back in the direction of the oncoming car. CAROLINA (whispering to herself) Come on, come on. She passes Dean's car and maneuvers back to the correct side of the road. Breathing heavily, she glances at her phone, noticing a beep sound. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (reading the message) A countdown for the release of a new batch of digital weapons in thirty minutes. Countermeasure to increase the value of their system! CAROLINA (CONT'D) (panicking) What is going on? She dials David on her phone. DAVID (angry) We have a problem. We have a countdown for the release of a new batch of digital weapons. Thirty minutes remaining. CAROLINA (perturbed) Dean died less than twenty minutes ago. DAVID (frustrated) Damn it. He anticipated we would go for our man. If he dumps all that before or a few minutes after initiating, their base score will be significantly higher than ours! CAROLINA (confused) Meaning? DAVID (grim) It might revert to pre-initiation and fail to load as a base score below the minimum. Sudden death. Or if it doesn't, it still can make them field in extra assassins. CAROLINA (worried) Can we stop it? DAVID (nervous) I am sure he is going for maximum damage. Claiming the maximum number of killings per phase. A shock and traumatize tactic. Carolina's heart pounds, realizing the severity of the situation. Fear and uncertainty fill the car as David's voice trembles for the first time. INT. CAR - NIGHT Carolina, determined, pulls over and retrieves her laptop. She connects to the central system of the Global Reserve Bank. CAROLINA (on the phone with David) Quickly get into the system and increase the value of the digital currency and distribute it fast. On my way. Okay, I will do it from the central system of the Global Reserve Bank. Carolina takes the next exit and parks in a safe place. She begins the process, sending a loan request to the GRB. Checking the remaining time, she realizes there are only twenty minutes left. A beep startles her, and she checks the message. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (angry) Damn it. She dials David, who picks up quickly. DAVID (irritated) Problem! The amount is too high because of the low base score. What now? CAROLINA (urgent) There must be a way! DAVID (frantic) Seventeen minutes to go, and it takes ten minutes to introduce the digital currency in the system. Literally, we only have seven minutes to figure out a way and do it. Carolina hears David breathing hard and flicking through a diary. CAROLINA (nervous) Now open virtual banking and create virtual wallets fast and transfer these to this phase, not as normal wallets but as ghost wallets; otherwise, the system will reject them. DAVID (hastily) Quickly! CAROLINA (exasperated) I have tried already! DAVID (urgent) Transfer as ghost wallets or convert the wallets to hidden personal wallets. Fast! CAROLINA (focused) I will, but these wallets don’t accept FutureGoldcoin digital currency! DAVID (resolute) I know. I will tell you once you have finished. CAROLINA (determined) Finished! DAVID (instructional) Open virtual banking then deposit back the digital currency but now to your local bank. Then request the same amount as Calycoin, our second digital currency. Then transfer these to the new wallets. Carolina claps her hands briefly. CAROLINA (appreciative) I didn’t think about that. But a great idea. DAVID (satisfied) Secret foreign account. They won’t know what hit them. This is because only the FutureGoldcoin coins will show. But they won’t load anything or offload more assassins. The system will add this to our value. A beep sound startles her. The clock is ticking, and they race against time to outsmart the system and save themselves. INT. CAR - NIGHT Carolina, panic-stricken, works furiously on her laptop. CAROLINA (panicking) Something is wrong. Hasn’t registered yet. Base score value still the same? Seven minutes to go! David, focused and determined, quickly enters values. DAVID (hurriedly) We need to assign the currency to each member of the team to register. So, divide into twenty-four equal shares. Then create twenty-four Calycoin wallets and assign one to each member as their assets. That might do the trick. Fast. CAROLINA (frustrated) Five minutes to go. Not enough time! DAVID (resolute) I will get Bogdan to help with the transfers. Assign in sequence ascending. I will ask him to assign descending. Carolina, working at lightning speed, assigns the Calycoin currency to each team member. CAROLINA (agitated) Three minutes to go! She looks at the countdown. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Two minutes to go! David, under intense pressure, logs into the system to abort the release of the new digital weapons. DAVID (urgently) Quickly he selected Dean’s project. He entered the court reference to initiate the freezing of the assets. A beep sound startles him. Twelve seconds to go. Sweat drips down his forehead. DAVID (CONT'D) (grim) Approving the court order. Another beep, and he initiates the freezing of Dean’s assets. He quarantines the-to-be-released batch, followed by aborting the release. DAVID (CONT'D) (mutters) Three seconds left. They await the outcome, their fate hanging in the balance. INT. CAR - NIGHT Carolina, relieved, talks to David on the phone. DAVID (on the phone) Everything is now under control. Well done. Carolina receives an instant message on her phone. INSTANT MESSAGE Congratulations. You have made the world a better place. Mission completed. The estimated lifetime cost of the target to the system $20 billion. Total savings made $10 billion. Value of the unreleased batch $7 billion. Estimated total savings $17 billion. The commission per group 2%. Individual commission 1%. CAROLINA (excited) I guess we have started making money now. The system rewards for productive work to the system. All we did was prepare for this, and now we are reaping the rewards. We are not just making money; we are making the world a better place! DAVID (satisfied) Great job. Pay back the loan immediately and share the rewards with the team and deposit the rest in the bank. CAROLINA (confused) Deposit in the bank? I thought to sell this to recruit more people. David hesitates for a moment, his voice revealing a sense of fear. DAVID (serious) I sensed fear. CAROLINA (persistent) I know but phase two, they will throw their best assassins, and honestly, if we recruit in this stage, we are poised to lose more of them. Skip recruitment just for this stage. We can make up for the loss. We have accumulated enough wealth to recruit double in the next stage. I want everyone to be protected at any cost. Instead, we recruit top-level assassins to match and protect you and us as well. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (understanding) Okay. I am with you. DAVID (urgent) Remember, at this stage, they will assign extra twelve assassins just to target the leaders, you included. Their aim is to complete and close the first phase that is still outstanding to them, even though it is closed to us, okay? Carolina feels a cold shiver run down her spine. CAROLINA (nervous) Go back on vacation and do the training, especially endurance training because phase two is going to be hard. David advises, concern evident in his voice. INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - DAY Hudson paces anxiously in his office, frustration evident on his face. He grabs the phone and dials Marson. HUDSON I want you straight away in my office! Marson enters, exuding confidence. MARSON Like I said, everything is under control. You have nothing to worry about. HUDSON It's not looking like that now. I have invested in this project, and the gains made so far are pathetic. If the issue is to do with money, I can double it. I told you how serious I was about this project. Marson boasts confidently. MARSON (CONT'D) We sent our best this time. Trust me, we are poised to make tremendous gains. Simply onslaught. You have a maximum of two from this stage. HUDSON That's good to hear, but only if you can complete the task. Marson takes out his knife, stabbing the table for emphasis. An uneasy silence follows. Hudson walks to the window, staring outside. HUDSON (CONT'D) But up to now, I still don't understand how they aborted the new batch of digital weapons. Do you? Marson remains composed. MARSON That does not matter. I have everything under control. HUDSON No, I have to know. What if they outsmart you again? Marson rises, joining Hudson at the window. MARSON They flooded the system with the digital currency, neutralizing everything before freezing all his assets. Do you know I have licenses for his software? Hudson roars in frustration. HUDSON That has cost me a lucrative source of income. See why I think you are not taking the whole thing seriously? MARSON I said everything is under control, sir. HUDSON God damn it. Stop saying that. I just told you that they aborted the new batch. That is $100 billion wiped off in a flash. So, don't give me this bullshit talk that everything is okay. You damn well know that it's not. They are putting us out of business! Marson suggests a more aggressive approach. MARSON Okay. I will get the more attacking force. Hudson, feeling the pressure, asks a crucial question. HUDSON How much do you want? Marson calculates and shows Hudson the figure. MARSON The total value lost to the system of this stupid act is one hundred and thirty-seven billion dollars over the coming years. HUDSON We will do our best. Marson hands Hudson a device. MARSON You might as well transfer now. Hudson complies, transferring the money. HUDSON (CONT'D) I hope you understand that it's not about the money. I have doubled the value you asked. The tension in the room lingers as they face the challenges ahead. Title: "Devil's Eye" INT. SECRET BASE - NIGHT A dimly lit room with a group of highly trained men and women standing in formation. They wear dark, tactical gear and carry knives. Suddenly, they somersault three times, landing gracefully. Knives are drawn as they simultaneously shout: GROUP "Devil's Eye!" The leader steps forward, addressing the team. LEADER Today, ladies and gentlemen, marks the beginning of your mission. Be your best and fight until the goal has been achieved. Strength in numbers—coordinate and cooperate. The leader signals, and the team echoes: GROUP The Devil's Eye! LEADER You need the leader and one member at least. But aim to eliminate all! CUT TO: INT. MILITARY BARRACKS - DAY Marson, a formidable figure, walks into a military barracks wearing only a t-shirt and boxers. He tenses his muscles as a commanding figure approaches. COMMANDER "Devil's Eye!" The team surrounds Marson, attacking ferociously. Marson defends himself, blocking lethal blows. The leader emphasizes: LEADER Remember, you need just two, but aim to kill all. Marson's strength becomes evident as he grabs and counters his attackers. He roars, startling the group, then bursts into laughter. MARSON You never understood me! The team pauses, unsure of their next move. Marson tightens his grip, suffocating two men. LEADER Remember, you need just two. Aim to kill all. Marson wipes blood from his face as Hudson, a mysterious figure, appears. HUDSON They're tough, my best. Only I am much stronger than the average target. MARSON They must act fast. I've made the transfer. Whatever they want to see this through. Marson and Hudson exchange a determined look. HUDSON This is the only chance in the past two thousand years to claim back the kingdom of darkness. The team regroups, determined and focused on their deadly mission. FADE OUT. The adventure unfolds as the team faces challenges, revealing the true nature of the Devil's Eye and the fate of the kingdom of darkness. Title: "Highway Havoc" EXT. CITY HIGHWAY - DAY A group of twelve fast cars races down the highway, overtaking each other with precision. The drivers compete for the top spot, revving engines like rally drivers. Onlookers admire the spectacle as the cars line the city roads. ONLOOKER 1 (whispering) Look at those cars! And those men! ONLOOKER 2 It's like a movie scene! The group of drivers gathers, and the leader delivers a message. LEADER You know what to do. Stay together. Go for the target! In unison, the drivers shout: GROUP Devil's Eye! The leader phones central headquarters. LEADER The countdown has begun. There seems to be a problem! Cut to Marson's office. He paces nervously. MARSON Goddamn it. What is he up to now? Marson phones Frederick urgently. MARSON In my office now. Frederick enters. MARSON My boys are just sitting there. No activity. They can't identify the targets! Frederick checks and delivers the news. FREDERICK They postponed recruiting recipients of digital currencies in phase two. Marson erupts in rage. MARSON That son of a bitch! What am I going to tell Hudson? Marson orders an aggressive response. MARSON Assign the twelve assassins and deploy them. Another twelve top-level assassins for backup. Put a dent in their leadership. DAYS LATER. A convoy of SUVs joins the highway, overtaking with authority. The SUVs merge with the sports cars, creating a powerful convoy. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) There was a show of power today with a display of cars and SUVs. A group of twenty-four men, dressed to kill, arrived today. Javelina reacts to the news, calling Carolina and David. JAVELINA I suggest we stick together. Come to my mansion in the coming weeks. The tension builds as the stakes rise, and the battle between the two groups intensifies. Title: "Deadly Alliance" EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - DAY A multitude of cars fills the surroundings of David's mansion. Javelina, Bogdan, Carolina, Jasper, Jay, Kenneth, Lily, Nick, Nickodem, Oswald, Claudia, Julie, Wise, Albert, and Tings gather inside the mansion, sensing the impending danger. David addresses the team one morning. DAVID Like I anticipated, they've sent the best twenty-four assassins. But no one knows what might happen. Even though the odds are stacked against us, it can go any way. Do your best, stay together, and act brave. The room is filled with a sense of fear and anticipation. DAVID They'll target the weakest and gang up until they're dead. Stay together, run, call for help, and fight to kill before they attack you. This is the beginning of the end. The team chants, holding hands. TEAM "Just know that we did not recruit easy targets for them. Expect anything, expect them to break all rules." LATER. Javelina walks in the beautiful park outside David's mansion when she hears the revving of engines. She recalls the news of cars and SUVs. Hurrying back, she hears gunshots. Inside, chaos unfolds as a group of bikers and quads storms in. JAVELINA (whispering) "Devil's Eye!" Gunshots and chaos erupt. Javelina fights back, showcasing her agility and skill. OUTSIDE MANSION - CONTINUOUS Another group arrives, this time in cars and SUVs, revving engines and blasting horns. GROUP OUTSIDE "Devil's Eye!" Fear takes hold as footsteps surround the mansion. GROUP OUTSIDE "Devil's Eye!" The leader of the assailants steps forward. LEADER Devil-Is-I! GROUP OUTSIDE Devil's Eye! They chant more frequently, cocking their guns. LEADER Come out! Surrender, you live. Fight, you die. I have orders to exterminate all of you cheating cowards. Inside the mansion, tension rises as the team prepares to face the ruthless attackers. The deadly alliance is about to collide in a battle for survival. Title: "Bloodbound Pursuit" INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BIG HALL - NIGHT The tension in the room is palpable as the leader of the assailants roars his threat. LEADER You rather hide than fight. As cowards, you will die. Shot at close range in the head. Putting you out of your miseries! Fear and panic fill the room as the chilling words echo. LEADER But if we come for you, we shall attack frenzy and hysterically with knives until all your blood flows out of your bodies, and then you die. A slow and painful death. If you make us come for you, we will drain all your blood for the master! The ominous chant of "Devil's Eye" reverberates through the mansion. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - SECRET PASSAGE - CONTINUOUS David springs into action, entering codes with urgency. The sounds of doors being kicked in and gunshots intensify, creating chaos. DAVID Quick, quick! He opens a secret door just as one is being broken down. Panic ensues as they rush through the passage into the big hall. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BIG HALL - CONTINUOUS As they gather, David closes the secret passage, blocking out the menacing sounds. LEADER (V.O.) Devil's Eye! The chant echoes, and David, for a split second, waits behind the closed door, listening. DAVID (whispering) Move! They run through a passage into the big hall, breathing heavily and scared. David checks everyone. DAVID Look around to make sure your assigned person is here. Is everyone here? TEAM Yes! Breathing hard, David retrieves a gadget. DAVID Hold hands and stay together. Gunshots and noises outside the hall send everyone ducking. David activates a button, and a protective shield envelops the team. DAVID We stick together. Now, let them come. The team braces for the impending attack as the ominous chant continues, echoing through the mansion. Title: "Glass of Deception" INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BIG HALL - NIGHT A sudden noise and the rumble of a pulley conveyor system startle the team. A massive party circle glass wall rises from underneath, enclosing the entire hall. David presses a button, and the noises from outside become audible. Behind the safety of the glass, David's team ducks for cover. David, however, stands poised. Another noise follows, prompting David to press buttons. Caps closing holes in the glass open, revealing marked positions resembling a clock. The twelve assassins swiftly take their designated spots, drawing guns and sliding them through small openings. DAVID Put your guns in the holes! Get ready to fire! The leaders stand in the middle, facing opposite sides of the hall. Outside, the assailants break doors and windows, chanting and firing shots. Panic ensues. LILY I can't breathe! We're going to die! Claudia and Albert rush to Lily's side. CLAUDIA Breathe, Lily. It's a panic attack. You'll be alright! LILY Listen to them chanting! We're going to die! ALBERT Take your positions, Lily. Pull yourself together! Bogdan shouts at everyone to stay in their positions. David activates another button, but nothing happens. DAVID Stay in your positions! Suddenly, the lights go out, plunging the room into darkness. Lily screams as David activates a button on the device. The room is illuminated with X-ray vision, revealing the men outside breaking in. Outside the glass, they see skeletons walking and jumping, attempting to break through. David presses another button, retracting metal door holders behind the doors. DAVID Hold on! The men outside forcefully kick the doors open, creating chaos as they stampede inside, shouting and chanting. BOGDAN (urgently) Prepare to defend! As the assault intensifies, David's team braces for the impending clash within the confines of the deceptive glass enclosure. Title: "Veil of Shadows" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT The chilling chant of "Devil's Eye" echoes in the glass hall, causing panic. Shots ring out, and everyone instinctively ducks except David. DAVID I want complete silence and composure, okay! Footsteps approach, growing louder as the assailants kick and shoot at the doors. DAVID (whispering) No shooting. Keep your positions. The doors give way, and the men enter, touching the glass walls, searching for a way in. The leader roars. LEADER We know you're here. Surrender now! David struggles with his device, cursing. The men, sensing the team inside, go into a frenzy, firing shots that bounce off the glass. LEADER Don't shoot! Suddenly, David activates a switch, and metal rods rise behind the men, trapping them. A glass wall ascends, sealing the assailants inside. DAVID Motherfuckers! We got them! The trapped men, realizing their predicament, go into a frenzied hysteria, waving knives. A few desperate shots are fired, creating a chain reaction of bullets bouncing off the glass. LEADER I said, don't shoot! In the dark, some men stab the front glass. ASSASSIN Boss, can we shoot?! The tension rises as David and his team, now in control, prepare for the next phase of the deadly confrontation within the confines of the glass enclosure. Title: "Ghostly Standoff" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT David roars in defiance, rejecting the idea of killing the trapped men in the dark. DAVID No! LEADER But this is the perfect chance. Take them all out in the dark! DAVID I have this under control. If we steal the victory, they can come back as real Devil ghosts. Seeing who slaughtered them in cold blood will send fear, even if they return as the most feared Devil ghosts. At least all these are dead meat. Suddenly, the lights come on, and the trapped men roar in rage. LEADER Son of a bitch! What is this? We are still going to kill you! David laughs, unfazed. DAVID You killed my men. You pay for this! Two men lay dead with head and chest wounds. DAVID Bastards, they killed themselves. It is suicidal to fight us. Now we are going to butcher you. All of you! The Devil's Eyes attack the glass violently, injuring themselves in the process. David triggers a button, causing the back-glass wall to move forward, squeezing the men. They jump and kick, attempting to enter by force. LILY Shouldn’t they be looking for ways to run? Why are they trying to get in here? TINGS The Devil's Eyes. Vowed to die fighting. They never stop. DAVID Okay, let’s put them out of their misery. Listen up. Every time you stop firing, press the small button near the hole-cap. Understood? On the count of three, fire non-stop. Even if your target is dead. They can regroup in seconds. Nothing should happen to us. Okay? WILSON Let’s just shoot them while we can! As tension mounts, the team prepares for the final confrontation against the relentless Devil's Eyes, locked in a ghostly standoff within the glass enclosure. Title: "Eyes of Retribution" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT The team observes the trapped Devil's Eyes inside the glass enclosure. BOGDAN There are only twelve; twenty-four are still missing! JAY I thought you said we shoot these now? DAVID Panicking them until they start chanting non-stop, sending calls for help to the others outside. Who will come in running? BOGDAN But then what? The back wall is there? DAVID Wait and see. They're called the Devil’s Eye; they have no fear. These twelve won’t run! The glass wall close to the front makes a huge noise, startling them, and the trapped Devil's Eyes start chanting nonstop. JAY This is the best chance to slaughter them; we are ever going to get. Let’s shoot them now. DAVID No! David roars, expressing his disagreement. DAVID Taking twelve only leaves twenty-four outside, and it will be hard. Patience. The others are coming. We want all of them. It’s a no-take prisoners. No one should escape. If they do, then we are all dead. Marson will bring ten times that size in revenge. Be patient. Stay in your positions. Do as I tell you. Everyone! David roars again, bloated with rage. DAVID They must pay for underestimating us. I want to make sure that they don’t get anything at this stage. I want you to count how many Devil’s Eyes assassins have entered the mansion on your side once I dimmed the lights. Retract the guns and close the caps. Just press the buttons. Okay? The team follows David's instructions, counting the number of Devil's Eyes inside the mansion. TEAM (Shouting) Thirty only! DAVID Where are the six? They must not escape. Stay in your positions. Make sure the caps are closed! As the lights dim, the trapped men panic and start chanting louder. The rest of the Devil's Eyes enter the hall. DAVID Now! Title: "Echoes of Retribution" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT The tension rises as the Devil’s Eyes approach, searching for an entrance. TEAM MEMBER Let’s blast them. They are all in! DAVID No! Hold it. Closer first. I want all blasted dead! The newly arrived Devil’s Eye navigates the hall, searching for a way to the trapped assassins behind the glass. David stares at them, awaiting the perfect moment to strike. The number of assassins now triples, and tension fills the hall. LILY (Irritated) I can’t stand it anymore; let’s just blast them. I can’t stand the noises and chanting! DAVID Hold on. David steps on a button, retracting a metal plate into the sidewall. He then turns the x-ray glass into a mirror effect. As the newly arrived assassins enter and are trapped, David switches on the lights. The deafening screams and chants fill the hall. LILY (Desperate) I can’t stand it anymore! Blast them! The men roar as the trapped Devil’s Eyes realize their predicament. One of them fires at the mirror, revealing the hidden assassins. A burst of screams startles the first group as they notice the skeleton figures trapped in the glass behind them. The second group screams as they see the skeletons in front of them. DEVIL'S EYE LEADER (Theatrical) The Devil’s ghosts! Devil’s ghost! One of the men tries to run away, terrified. LEADER (Enraged) We fight till death. Advance! The trapped Devil’s Eyes brace for the inevitable clash, knowing escape is impossible within the confines of the glass enclosure. Title: "Labyrinth of Shadows" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT The Devil's Eyes leader inches closer to the glass in front, realizing the trap. The back-glass wall of trapped assassins behind is their ambush. SECOND GROUP MEMBER Ambush! It’s a trap! The second group realizes the perilous situation. SECOND GROUP LEADER We can’t advance! SECOND GROUP MEMBER What option do we have? SECOND GROUP LEADER Stay here at the back. Try to break the glass before they close the gap. Advancing will trap us in. Bullets might bounce back and forth. That will be suicidal! The leader points his gun at the men. A loud sound startles everyone. The back wall trapping the second group starts closing in, laser lights activated. SECOND GROUP MEMBER (Shouting in panic) We can't advance! The men run forward, chanting. David listens as panic sets in. He addresses his team. DAVID We got all of them! First, deal with the first group. Aim at your target and don’t stop shooting. Once you run out of bullets or all are dead, press the button first to close the hole, then put the cap. When all are dead, I'll lower the back wall for the second group. Press the button every time! He looks at the faces, seeing hope. He locks eyes with all leaders. DAVID On the count of three, fire at will! DAVID One! DAVID Two! LILY (Worried) Wait. I don't think I can do this. I can't breathe! JAY (Reassuring) It should be okay. I will cover her. DAVID No! They are the Devil’s Eyes! I can’t take chances. Get up right now or... David's stern words cut through, compelling Lily to take her position. The countdown continues. DAVID Ready? DAVID One! DAVID Two! The opening of the gun holes startles the men, causing one to jump backward before the laser fence amputates his arm. Gunshots, swearing, cursing, screams, chanting, banging, and stabbing resonate, leaving everyone noise-deaf, immersed in the chaos of the lethal confrontation. Title: "Shadows Unleashed" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT Lily fires shots while sobbing uncontrollably. The first round leaves only two dead, the rest flipping through the air. DAVID Only two? DAVID Stop! Save the bullets! If your target escapes, save bullets but keep in position! DAVID Fire! The assassins duck or flip up. David signals at Bogdan, Javelina, and Carolina, guiding them to the gun hole openings at the bottom. They jump into the lower level, guns aimed. DAVID Fire! The twelve assassins fire, and as they duck, the leaders open fire, eliminating some. The number of dead increases; four remain. BOGDAN Why not squash them between the walls? DAVID Then we can't lower the walls to deal with those at the back. But we can squash the second group. The next round of shots sees none of the four dead. David removes the back-glass wall, using the laser to drive the assassins forward. DAVID Fire! Assassins climb on each other, rolling forward and sideways, avoiding bullets. JAY They are soldiers, most died of bullet wounds! DAVID We have the chance to use the laser and save time, eliminate risks. We can't match them. I underestimated them, but we must fight like soldiers. We can do it! David looks at the team. DAVID While the courts are deciding, let’s fight like soldiers. We can’t use radiation and lasers like them. We can do it! JAY Have you seen the look on their faces? They are stabbing themselves before attacking! DAVID Fire! Title: "Battleground Shadows" INT. GLASS ENCLOSED HALL - NIGHT The next round intensifies, claiming more lives. Javelina peers through the glass. JAVELINA He's moving! The man maneuvers underneath the body of a fallen comrade. The struggle continues, leaving many dead. Fatigue sets in, and only a few remain. The survivors start chanting as they see the team exhausted. SURVIVORS Devil’s Eye! I will not fear. Devil’s Eye, I will fight till death! David exchanges a glance with Jay. He presses a button, raising a fence in front of the last man. Another button releases the metals holding the fence into the ground, leaving it suspended between the laser at the back and the front glass. DAVID Take your positions. Let’s finish them! The fence moves backward, trapping the remaining men against the laser. DAVID Fire! Screams of fear and pain fill the air. Javelina, Julie, and Lily are brought to tears, watching the chaotic scene. Jay and others shout in a mix of triumph and vengeance. JAY Die, motherfuckers! Die, Devil shit! Title: "Shadows of Retribution" EXT. MANSION GARDEN - NIGHT The four leaders shout "Now!" and open fire. Some who stayed outside enter the mansion. DAVID No one must escape, and no one must see what is happening! David curses and instructs the leaders to continue until everyone is dead. They run down into the bunker and outside through secret passages, forming on each side to approach the mansion. Guns drawn. JAVELINA (inside the mansion) Shouldn’t you be outside with the leaders? Javelina runs down the bunker, joining the leaders outside. Meanwhile, David stealthily approaches the mansion. Suddenly, a man runs out. David aims and fires, but the man reflexively shoots back. Two more gunshots follow, prompting David to take action. He advances stealthily. DAVID (whispering) We can't let him get away. Javelina ambushes the incoming group outside the mansion. David confronts the escaping man. Javelina jumps in front of an oncoming car, firing at the driver. The car swerves, narrowly missing her. She rolls in pain but attempts to shoot the car's tires. Meanwhile, David stands aiming at the driver. DAVID We can't let him get away! Javelina, feeling responsible for the escape, runs towards her car. Carolina's car arrives, and Javelina joins them. BOGDAN Jump in! Go. Go. Go! The sound of another approaching car revs up from the other side, sparking hope in David. DAVID (into radio) We can still get him! Go after that car! Move! The chase begins as they speed away in pursuit of the escaping adversary. Title: "Chasing Shadows" EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT David, Javelina, Carolina, and Bogdan speed down the highway in pursuit of the escaping adversary. Tension fills the air as they navigate through the dark night. DAVID Drive like your life depends on it. Carolina swerves and overtakes, pushing the gas pedal to catch up with the escaping man. CAROLINA Hang on! Hang on! Javelina, still feeling guilty and responsible, voices her concerns. JAVELINA What if he gets away? David, eyes focused on the car ahead, addresses their concerns. DAVID Once we're near the car, shoot the tires and the driver. He can’t get away or we are all dead. JAVELINA You still haven't answered my question. David meets her gaze, his expression haunted. DAVID If it remains open to them until the end of days, they will keep sending their top-level assassins to kill the leaders. And close the stage if they don't kill any of us at this stage. Stick to the plan. JAVELINA (optimistic) It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings! DAVID Do you mean like what happened in stage one? JAVELINA Yes, that will mean sending an additional thirty-six on top of the twelve from stage one and the equivalent of new recruits from the new stage! Quick calculations are made by Bogdan. BOGDAN It will be instant death. It will be hard to outsmart ninety-six hungry lethal assassins. We manage to kill the most because I have been planning this for years. Carolina steps on the gas, causing everyone to jerk backward. They know the stakes and risks are high. CAROLINA We have more people in the car than recommended for the booster, but I really want to use the booster. DAVID Take the risks. He can't get away! The tension builds as they accelerate, determined to catch their elusive target. Title: "Fury Road" INT. CAR - NIGHT The car races through the night, Carolina's hands gripping the steering wheel. She nervously presses the booster, and the car shoots forward. Javelina screams. JAVELINA Look, oncoming traffic! Carolina swerves to avoid the oncoming car, narrowly avoiding a collision. Bullets shatter the back screen and side mirrors as they evade the attack. The car swerves side to side, narrowly avoiding danger. CAROLINA (holding her composure) Hold on! David and the team seize the opportunity to retaliate, aiming for the tires and occupants of the pursuing car. Chaos ensues as the driver loses control, sending the car skidding and spinning before crashing and bursting into flames. Carolina skids to a stop, glances at the team through the rearview mirror, and then continues toward the mansion. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT The car arrives at the mansion in silence. The team exits, tense and alert. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson storms into Frederick's office, filled with rage. He curses and smashes glasses. MARSON (angry) You can’t tell me that all of them died without taking even one seat. Did you tamper with them again? Frederick, terrified, keeps his distance. FREDERICK (defensively) They killed two of your assassins. MARSON (enraged) What can I do with them? Can they give me seats? Can I get an hour or two? So why are you even telling me that? Marson, pacing, becomes increasingly furious. FREDERICK (stammering) They trapped all of them and shot at close range. They didn't stand a chance. Marson, for the first time, shows a vulnerable side, shedding a tear. Frederick, overwhelmed, rushes to the toilet, vomiting. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Rage Unleashed" INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson, filled with fury, slams the door open. MARSON How did you know this? Frederick hesitates, then spills the truth. FREDERICK A couple escaped. They phoned me, and they're on their way back. MARSON (roaring) Cowards! Who wants cowards? He contemplates using wires as a weapon. FREDERICK (suggesting) Maybe I wrap these around their necks! MARSON That would be great! If they return and we acknowledge it, the stage will remain open to us. We can send assassins to kill their leaders indefinitely. An extra thirty-six lethal assassins. The odds will be against them. MARSON'S DECISION Marson decides to go himself, leaving in a roaring SUV. EXT. CITY ENTRANCE - NIGHT As Marson approaches the city, he notices a long queue and a pile of cars. MARSON (angry) What's happening? MINION It's one of the Devil's Eye squad. Burned beyond recognition. Bullets riddled the car body. Marson's rage intensifies. MARSON (roaring) They slaughtered my men like dogs. I'm going to tear them into pieces! His roar echoes into the skies, sending fear through everyone who hears it. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Digital Vendetta" INT. FREDERICK'S CONTROL LAB - NIGHT Marson kicks the door open, fuming with rage. MARSON Don't worry, Sir. This stage, they must recruit double the amount. We release a new batch of digital weapons, devaluing their currency. Better have the last laugh. Marson retrieves his gun, firing at the screen. FREDERICK Hey, what are you doing? Marson smashes the screen. MARSON Are you suggesting I hire him? FREDERICK No, sir. Give me time! MONTHS BEFORE - INT. DAVID'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT Evelina fires a bullet, frustrated. EVELINA You put me through all that for a useless job! DAVID It's the best job in the world! Evelina fires another bullet, tears streaming down her face. EVELINA Who told you I wanted this job? DAVID I knew you were the right person. EVELINA I chose love, and now it's gone. Our love was meant to be forever! DAVID No love lasts forever, just wishful thinking. Evelina sobs, covering her face, the gun next to her head. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Love's Vengeance" EXT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT Evelina, grief-stricken, fires consecutive shots, advancing towards David. EVELINA This was true love. The best it can be. My Alex! She wipes tears, determined. EVELINA (cont'd) For his sake, I'm going to tear your heart with a bullet. DAVID Your heart can mend, you can love again. She advances, fearless. EVELINA You never understood true love. Irreplaceable. Love to die for. Love to kill for. Love to avenge for! She cries openly. EVELINA (cont'd) I chose love. I live for love, and you took my love away from me. Today, I'll pierce your heart. David gets up, stands firm. DAVID Collateral damage! I lost a thousand men. Evelina lowers her gun, cries. EVELINA He was worth a thousand men to me! She shoots, hitting David's side. He groans but stands firm. SIMON (over radio) Damn it! Sir, give the command! I got her. Juliana aims, confused. JULIANA What the hell is going on? MAUREEN (over radio) I don’t feel good about this. Maybe override the command? JULIANA Stand down. We do as we're told. An agitated voice interrupts. NICKODEM (over radio) Have you forgotten Ray nearly killed him? THOMAS (over radio) I can only see a killer and the man we protect at any cost. MAUREEN (over radio) It's his daughter. SIMON (over radio) Holy Ghost! NICKODEM (over radio) I had no idea he had a daughter. Title: "Family Vendetta" INT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT Evelina, trembling with anger, lifts the gun. EVELINA I chose love. If it was me, you got killed, this is how he would do. David warns. DAVID Don’t try anything stupid! Evelina, in a burst of rage, squeezes the trigger. A GUNSHOT echoes. Juliana runs and dives, shielding David, taking the bullet. DAVID Don’t shoot, she is my daughter! Don’t shoot! Everyone aims at Evelina, locking eyes with her. JULIANA One step and you are a ghost. On the ground, she aims at Evelina. David steps forward. DAVID Don’t shoot. She's my daughter. Put the gun down. Evelina, snapped from her trance, argues. EVELINA You shot your father over a boy. He was going to leave you anyway! DAVID I have my own father. He is not my father. Evelina lifts the gun, shaking. EVELINA Put the gun down now! Assassins echo the command. ASSASSINS Put the gun down! David intervenes. DAVID I guess maybe I was wrong. I wanted you to be like me. To aim high, dream big, to rule the world. An opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. Only that I never understood love. Marson and his men burst in, sarcastic. MARSON Well, well. What do we have here? One of your silly dramas again, David. What a convincing speech. But then again, at your tricking games once again! Marson's men point guns at David's men, tensions rise. Title: "Line of Vengeance" INT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT Marson puts a gun to Evelina's head, suggesting a favor to David. MARSON Maybe I'll do you a favor first, David. David reacts with anger. DAVID What is it with you? You're crossing the line now! Marson argues. MARSON She could have killed you in cold blood! David, enraged, warns Marson. DAVID Don't shoot. Anything that happens to her, you are dead meat. Marson roars, deciding to take matters into his own hands. MARSON I can't trust her with the gun. She might end up shooting everyone. He cocks the gun, Evelina's heart pounding with fear. DAVID Don't even think about it. Let her go right now. She has no part in all this! Marson refuses, bringing up the manhunt and secrecy. DAVID Now I understand why you started the manhunt. Could that also explain the secrecy? Marson defends his actions. MARSON That's what you get for tampering with the system. Trying to put us out of business! David accuses him of plotting his assassination. DAVID You tried to get me assassinated. Do you think you can kill me? Marson claims David must die for the killings. MARSON You killed innocent women and children. You intercepted my command and replaced it. David argues against the morality of Marson's actions. DAVID Don't bloody tell me about morals. It's a war where people die, even children. Marson justifies his actions. MARSON I don't get you. You're here today as Tomorrow's World Order because the leaders have spilled a lot of innocent blood. Even if it's not me behind the killings of the President's families, shouldn't you be on my side or at least thanking me? David clarifies his stance. DAVID I'm not after revenge. Can two wrongs make a right? Whoever is behind the killings, if it's not you, then I will still have to go after that person too. Marson questions David's motives. MARSON I think you have a big mouth. I just wonder why that is so. Marson grabs Evelina by the neck. MARSON You don't know how it feels to lose a child. Maybe I'll teach you a lesson. David roars, aiming at Marson. DAVID Your brain matter would be all over her body before it hits the floor. Title: "Fugitive Bonds" INT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT Instant cocking of guns startles Evelina, prompting her scream. Marson pulls her in front as a shield. MARSON One step or if you follow us, she is dead! Marson's men start pulling out, David's men following, guns aimed. JULIANA He's getting away. Give the command now, Boss! He's getting away! David hesitates, aware Evelina is Marson's daughter. DAVID That's my daughter. I can't risk getting her shot! JULIANA She was going to shoot you! David dismisses Juliana's concern about Evelina. DAVID Juliana will live. The wound is not a threat to life. MAUREEN Thanks to the bulletproof vest, not your daughter. David warns Maureen to stay focused. DAVID Stop where you are. Don't follow us or she dies! David growls, facing Marson's escape. DAVID You shoot her, and you die also here today! Evelina, frozen with fear, locks eyes with Juliana, sensing revenge. They stand in a tense standoff. EVELINA (whispering to herself) Revenge. Juliana, conflicted, moves her aim from Evelina's chest to her collarbone, near Marson. Evelina twists, a gunshot echoes, and Marson jerks backward in pain. MARSON (grimacing) Damn it! He pulls Evelina out with his men as the door closes, and the sound of revving SUVs fades. DAVID (roaring) We're not done, Marson! Title: "In the Shadows of Conflict" INT. DAVID'S HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, filled with anxiety, addresses his team. DAVID We must go after Marson. It's a war now! Concern spreads among the team. SIMON Are you not afraid for your daughter, Sir? JULIANA We believe Marson is not a threat. He's handing her over to the Presidents who lost their families. David's haunted look intensifies. DAVID All I can say is that I love her very much. No matter what, you come first. The team acknowledges David's sacrifice, leaving the room. Juliana stays behind. DAVID Juliana, great job today. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS David, alone, realizes the imminent danger of World War Three. Fearful for his daughter, he paces nervously. DAVID (speaking to himself) Should've done more to stop Marson. Anxiety builds as he dials a number. INT. MARSON'S SUV - NIGHT Marson, enraged, commands his driver. MARSON Step on the gas! Call the doctor and tell him I need urgent medical care. I'm shot! Evelina, restrained, grins sarcastically. Marson slaps her, and a man beside her punches her. MARSON All because of you! Growling in pain, Evelina faces Marson's threats. MARSON I'll hand you over and let them teach you a lesson. Your father's evil, even you want him dead! Evelina's defiance meets their taunts. EVELINA Bullshit! My father is a man of principle! Laughter erupts among Marson's men. MARSON'S MAN Is that why you nearly pierced his body with bullets? ANOTHER MAN Even his daughter wants him dead! They mock Evelina, drowning her protests in laughter. Title: "Echoes of Vengeance" INT. MARSON'S MEDICAL ROOM - NIGHT Evelina, restrained, faces Marson's threats. MARSON Don't worry; I will succeed where you failed and lodge a bullet in his head. Evelina, determined, whispers to herself. EVELINA If I can get just one chance. I promise I will make it up to you. She bursts into tears as Marson exits the room. INT. MARSON'S GYM - DAYS LATER Marson, recovering from surgery, is pumping iron. Damien enters. DAMIEN Boss, your wound has healed already? MARSON Pain is love. The more pain I feel, the more I want to lift these babes! Marson points at the dumbbells, curious about Damien's grin. DAMIEN I've located the house of the woman who shot you. MARSON Great, but I want her for myself. I promised I will strangle her to death myself. Damien curses and paces. DAMIEN I've sent my men already, and calling it off now will jeopardize their safety. They need this to redeem themselves after standing by while you took a bullet. Marson considers Damien's words, sitting down. MARSON Killing her savagely will restore trust in my men, won't it? DAMIEN Exactly. It's essential for your protection and their morale. They need this. Marson roars with inner turmoil. MARSON I know, but I want her myself! Damien, visibly upset, shakes with rage as Marson's conflict intensifies. Title: "Strangled Justice" INT. JULIANA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Juliana, cornered and tied, faces Damien, the head of security. DAMIEN I can’t let you do that, sir. It's risky. I don’t want any more surprises from her. I deny your request for your safety. Marson roars, frustrated, grabbing Damien. MARSON I want her myself! DAMIEN Sir, I don't know why you're taking this risk. MARSON Don't worry; I know your fears. Tell your men to keep her alive but not to kill her. Damien, conflicted, leaves the room. INT. JULIANA'S APARTMENT - LATER Four armed men guard Juliana in her room. Damien returns with a plan. DAMIEN Just in case she has a concealed weapon. Damien cuts off Juliana's dress, leaving her in a petticoat. Marson bursts in. MARSON Why is she naked? I asked you to keep her safe! DAMIEN Can't take chances, boss. Marson confronts Juliana, enraged. JULIANA I am not scared to die. You will die too. David will have his hands on you! Marson, furious, grabs her throat. Damien intervenes. DAMIEN Shoot her! I can't take any chances! Juliana fights back, kicking Marson. Damien points his gun. DAMIEN Give the command. Let me put her out of her misery! The tension rises as Marson contemplates Juliana's fate. Title: "Veiled Shadows" INT. SECRET LOCATION - NIGHT Juliana struggles, her screams echoing in the room. Marson menacingly waves a knife in her face, but she reacts as if blind. Another scream pierces the air, causing panic. MARSON (To Damien) Advanced form of hooding. She's mousetrapped-blind. Can't see a thing. Marson uses the knife to cut the ropes on Juliana's hands, then pokes her shoulder. No reaction. Damien is baffled. DAMIEN Where are her pupils? Is that why she can't see? MARSON Technological advancement. Her iris hides in the eye socket. She can't see, only darkness. She's scared, probably pissing her pants right now. Marson moves the knife to her stomach, cutting her petticoat. Juliana screams in fear. JULIANA I can't see you cowards! Help! David! What have you done to my eyes? Marson grins, enjoying her terror. MARSON Oh, David. Let's see if he can return the favor and rescue you. Maybe he can't see either. Juliana, trembling with fear, pleads for help. JULIANA Somebody help! David! What did you do to me? Marson strokes the knife on her body, savoring her fear. MARSON Maybe he can't see, just like you right now. Let's see how he can drive all the way here. Juliana, drenched in sweat, realizes the severity of her situation. Title: "Rogue Ties" INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - NIGHT Juliana lies motionless on the floor, her life slipping away. Sobbing, she realizes there's no help. Marson's roars echo as he strangles her. MARSON (Enraged) You should have killed me when you had the chance! Juliana, defiant, curses Marson. He tightens his grip. DAMIEN (Hearing roars) That's enough. Damien enters the room, witnessing Marson's brutality. He closes the door, leaving Juliana alone with her fate. MARSON (To Damien) Just make sure she's dead. Put a bullet in her. Marson exits, leaving Damien alone with the lifeless body. Damien checks for signs of life, then reluctantly aims and kicks her. DAMIEN She's gone. I don't think Marson would leave her alive. The SUVs drive off, leaving Juliana's lifeless form behind. EXT. CITY STREET - LATER Marson drags Evelina by her hair, pushing her into an office. He addresses his associates, showcasing her as a valuable asset. MARSON Ladies and gentlemen, I present Evelina—the daughter of the man who took away your families. Your chance for revenge. The crowd reacts with hostility, expressing their desire for vengeance. MARSON I present to you a pre-planned act, a daughter hidden away for strategic reasons. David thought he could escape retribution. Now, I offer her to you. The crowd erupts, demanding David and Evelina's death. PRESIDENT REX (To Evelina) Are you sure he has a daughter? Or is this another game? MARSON (Revealing the truth) She knows who killed your families. Ask her. Evelina, desperate to save David, points at Marson. EVELINA He orchestrated it. Marson killed your families! Silence grips the room as the crowd turns its anger toward Marson. Title: "Web of Retribution" INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - NIGHT Marson, agitated, hovers over Evelina after her revelation. The Presidents debate their next move. PRESIDENT KNOX (Sternly) Who did she say killed your families? Marson reacts violently, striking Evelina. President Knox intervenes. PRESIDENT KNOX We can use her as bait. To lure David and end this once and for all. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (Concerned) Killing her without cornering him can backfire. We must think this through. Marson, frustrated, throws Evelina to the ground. INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - LATER The debate continues among the Presidents. Tensions rise as they grapple with the decision to kill Evelina. PRESIDENT REX (With a gun) Answer me! How can you now claim David is innocent? Evelina, defiant, spits in President Rex's face. He retaliates, knocking her unconscious. INT. DAVID'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT Meanwhile, David receives intel about Evelina's capture. He gears up, preparing to confront the threat. DAVID (To his team) It's time to settle the score. INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - CONTINUOUS As the Presidents argue, Marson, unable to contain his rage, storms out. MARSON (Determined) I'll handle this myself. EXT. ABANDONED LOCATION - NIGHT Marson drives Evelina to an isolated place. He stands over her, contemplating his next move. MARSON (Smiling maliciously) Traumatizing him won't be enough. Unbeknownst to Marson, David's team surveils the area, preparing for a showdown. INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - CONTINUOUS The remaining Presidents, conflicted, weigh the consequences of their actions. PRESIDENT MAUREEN If we kill her without careful consideration, we'll face dire consequences. The clock ticks as they grapple with the decision, unaware that David is closing in. EXT. ABANDONED LOCATION - NIGHT Marson, lost in his vengeful thoughts, fails to notice the approaching danger. The stage is set for a high-stakes confrontation. Title: "Echoes of Retribution" INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - DAY Presidents face off against David, tensions escalating. PRESIDENT PATRICK (Coldly) Nothing can bring back my kids and wife. She goes down as well. President Patrick walks towards Evelina, gun cocked, as others contemplate their actions. PRESIDENT REX (Defiant) Blast her in cold blood! Why should I worry about the courts? President Patrick considers another approach. PRESIDENT PATRICK (Thoughtful) Let's use her to get to him. Lure him even behind the court and EB’s watch. Presidents Patrick and Rex exchange glances, a sinister understanding passing between them. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A convoy of SUVs arrives, David cautiously entering the building. The atmosphere is tense. DAVID (To his bodyguards) Be prepared for anything. Meanwhile, President Rex readies his own group for David's arrival. INT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - LATER David sits across from the Presidents, a fragile truce in place. PRESIDENT REX (Accusing) Even if that means getting your daughter, and you blasted in cold blood? David responds vehemently. DAVID (Defensive) Be careful what you wish for. I have nothing to do with the killings! The room becomes a powder keg. EXT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS As tensions rise inside, the bodyguards and security staff outside prepare for an inevitable confrontation. BODYGUARD #1 (Tensing) They're armed and ready. Be prepared. BODYGUARD #2 (Whispering) This could get ugly fast. INT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS President Rex, enraged, points his gun at David. PRESIDENT REX (Shouting) You think I would negotiate after what you did? Where's your daughter? David responds with equal intensity. DAVID (Defiant) If you have my daughter, let her go! I won't negotiate under threat! A standoff ensues, setting the stage for a volatile negotiation. TO BE CONTINUED.. Title: "Digital Deception" INT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - DAY David stands up, frustrated and angered by the lack of authority from the Presidents. DAVID (Scoffs) Wasting my time. I will talk to EB then! David signals to his men, ready to exit the negotiation room. EXT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS David and his men exit the room, leaving the Presidents to contemplate their options. PRESIDENT REX (Muttering) He doesn't take us seriously... PRESIDENT PATRICK (Angrily) He insults us, belittles our position! The tension rises among the Presidents. INT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - LATER The Presidents, feeling slighted, discuss their next move. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (Agitated) He has what we value the most - Marson. Maybe we should speak to him! DAVID (Via intercom) You involve my daughter, and I will bloody kill...! PRESIDENT REX (Smiling) Kill all our families? Memory lapse or what? I thought you did that already? President Rex fires a warning shot, creating a tense standoff. EXT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS David's men raise their weapons in response to President Rex's warning shot. DAVID (Determined) Drop your weapons! President Rex, confident, laughs. PRESIDENT REX (Laughing) Stuck on my hand, even the courts can't depose us! David's men reluctantly lower their weapons. INT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - LATER Presidents and David engage in a tense negotiation. PRESIDENT KNOX (Objecting) It's like putting us out of business! DAVID (Explaining) It's a win-win situation! You'll have extra savings and a new medium of exchange. The Presidents, skeptical but intrigued, consider David's proposal. EXT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - DAY David, frustrated, abruptly stands up. DAVID Wasting my time. I will talk to EB then! David exits the room, leaving the Presidents to ponder the potential deal. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Deadly Confrontation" EXT. NEGOTIATION ROOM - DAY David, feeling an ominous presence, stops and scans the area. His bodyguards react, vigilant. DAVID (Whispering) Danger of being ambushed. President Rex emerges from the negotiation room, revealing a hidden agenda. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS David's bodyguards form a protective passage as he walks towards the waiting SUV. The door behind them opens, revealing President Rex's deadly intention. PRESIDENT REX (Roaring) Your daughter must die too! DAVID (Fear-struck) She has nothing to do with what happened. Let her go! President Rex acts agitated, creating a tense standoff. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - LATER Marson emerges from the building, catching David off guard. DAVID (Whispering to Bodyguard) A blood bath will result in our deaths. Let her go! Marson's men appear with Evelina, visibly harmed. MARSON (Threatening) Drop your gun, and she will live! David's bodyguards aim at Marson, and the tension escalates. DAVID (Thundering) Let her go! MARSON (Smiling) A blood bath will result in your death and your daughter’s death too. These are the Devils’ Eyes assassins. Loyal and ruthless! David, fueled by rage and determination, faces an impossible choice. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Deadly Escape" EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - DAY David, realizing the imminent danger, orders his men to evacuate. DAVID Ambush! Go! Go! Go! David and his men scramble toward the waiting SUVs. Panic ensues. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS Marson and President Rex whisper frantically, devising a plan. MARSON (Yelling) Shoot em! Shoot em! President Rex issues the command, but the shooters hesitate. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS Evelina, panicked and desperate, watches as events unfold. EVELINA (Screaming) Go! Go! Go! David, checking himself for wounds, glimpses Evelina's relief. The attackers fail to shoot him. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - LATER The Presidents, shocked, rush out to assess the situation. MARSON (Roaring) How on earth did he get away? How could he miss him? Marson suspects foul play and aims at Evelina. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS Evelina's initial excitement turns to fear as President Rex aims his gun at her. PRESIDENT REX (Furious) We don't need her. I will avenge my boy! Marson prepares to go after David. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - LATER Marson commands his men to pursue David. MARSON (Threatening) Nobody takes me seriously. Get him! President Rex, holding Evelina hostage, watches events unfold. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Blind Retribution" EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - DAY Marson glares at Martin, visibly angered. MARSON (To President Rex) Let me deal with this first! A tear rolls down Marson's eye as he slashes a cloth on Evelina's neck. EXT. DISTANCE - CONTINUOUS A group of men approach, leading a staggering individual. PRESIDENT REX (Confused) Is that your sharpshooter? Marson and President Rex exchange glances. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS One of Marson's bodyguards, Martin, stands near him and President Rex. BODYGUARD I don’t understand. They should have sent me. I will never miss! INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS Damien joins them, questioning Martin. DAMIEN What happened? Why didn't you shoot? Martin seems scared, acting in a trance. PRESIDENT REX (Angrily) What is the problem, Martin? EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS President Rex confronts Martin as Damien points at him. PRESIDENT REX What took you so long? Why didn’t you shoot? Marson, enraged, points a gun at Martin. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS Damien intervenes, raising his hand. DAMIEN It’s okay! Tell them what you told me. Martin, facing the men, explains the situation. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS MARTIN (Scared) Temporarily traumatized issues with speaking due to extreme fear. They blinded him. He can’t see. The iris is in the eye socket! The Presidents express shock and disbelief. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS MARTIN (Explaining) Blinded just before he took the shot! PRESIDENT KNOX (Indignant) Are you telling me David is using people’s money to develop such gadgets? EVELINA (Defiant) Your regime developed and used this technology. He's exposing the truth. It's time for a change! TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Blind Agendas" INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Evelina laughs uncontrollably, provoking President Rex. EVELINA (My father will...) President Rex slaps her, silencing her laughter. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS President Rex shoves a gun barrel into Evelina’s mouth. PRESIDENT REX Maybe this will keep you quiet forever. Martin sheds a tear as he watches. INT. OFFICE - CONTINUOUS President Knox orders Martin to leave. PRESIDENT KNOX Get him out of here. I don’t want to see him again. Martin pleads for understanding. MARTIN But I didn’t see, and I still can’t see! Damien, tell them you believe me! President Knox dismisses Martin. EXT. OFFICE COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS President Knox confronts Marson and President Rex. PRESIDENT KNOX Can he do this to all of us? Silence lingers as they grapple with the revelation. INT. SUV - DAY Evelina speaks defiantly as she gets up. EVELINA (Angry) A taste of your own medicine! A slap silences her, leaving her on the ground. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY SUVs roar out of the city, leaving David reflecting. DAVID (To his team) Is everyone okay? The team remains silent, unamused by David's tactics. DAVID Sometimes to show power, risks must be taken. We had everything under control. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS David reassures his team. DAVID We are all glad to be alive. I promise not to put you in that position again. Concern for Evelina's safety weighs on their minds. JULIANA We trust you. Just ensure Evelina is safe. David looks at his team, his determination clear. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Digital Shadows" INT. MARSON'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Marson, fueled by rage, vows to get revenge. MARSON I will get you one day! INT. GOVERNMENT MEETING HALL - DAY President Rex addresses the assembly. PRESIDENT REX (Tense) Our system and way of life are under threat. T.W.O is a menace, and we must destroy them! People express displeasure, hissing in disagreement. INT. MEETING HALL - LATER Petrous enters nervously, facing the crowd. PETROUS I arranged an interview with David, the leader of T.W.O. After he left, I couldn't see. Silas encourages him to continue. PETROUS (Shaking) I couldn't see, but my eyes were open. People murmur, bewildered. INT. MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Petrous addresses the crowd. PETROUS (Responding to questions) I couldn't confirm if the man I interviewed was David or someone else. Silas presents a photograph. SILAS Exhibit A, a photo of Petrous interviewing Mr. Duncan, not David. The reported views are not David's. The crowd roars in shock. INT. MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Petrous defends himself. PETROUS I'm a victim! I couldn't see; I passed out from the trauma! Objections arise from the crowd. INT. MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Petrous explains his silence during the interview. PETROUS (Sincere) I was disoriented, panicking, and confused. I couldn't object. I was lost in fear and anxiety. People exchange glances, grappling with the revelation. Title: "Digital Deception" INT. GOVERNMENT MEETING HALL - DAY Petrous addresses the assembly, seeking understanding. PETROUS I argue that the hacker behind the digital deception should be held accountable. I am a victim, and a hacker is a hostage-taker. Discontent and disapproval permeate the room. INT. GOVERNMENT MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Petrous continues to defend himself. PETROUS (Defiant) I was tricked, digitally hooded-blind. I was unconscious. Just like a sleepwalker who can't be held accountable for actions during deep sleep, I should not be held responsible. Excitement and bafflement ripple through the crowd. INT. GOVERNMENT MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Alexander, frustrated, shares his perspective. ALEXANDER (Animated) Governments worldwide admit their systems aren't secure enough. It's a chain of blackmail and intimidation. The people at the top are well aware of this! Martha offers a different perspective. MARTHA (Contemplative) Maybe they don't know. It could be the doctors working for the government who are manipulating the system. INT. GOVERNMENT MEETING HALL - CONTINUOUS Alexander dismisses the notion. ALEXANDER (Skeptical) Doctors delegate to councils after their deeds. Even if they're found guilty, the control and ownership shift, allowing the abuse to continue. MARTHA (Thoughtful) So, it's a vicious cycle, and there's no way to stop it? Title: "Vanishing Act" INT. LIMO - DAY Faith engages in conversation with President Herbert. HERBERT Do you know why I am rich? FAITH No. HERBERT Because if something isn't right, I don't entertain it. If I don't like something, why even put a signature? FAITH (Concerned) They will keep asking for the signed files. That will complicate my job! The limo abruptly stops. HERBERT (Dismissive) Maybe if you can't handle them, then I don't need you! He looks at Faith, signaling her to get out. FAITH (In disbelief) What? In the middle of the road? No, Sir. I can't! The limo resumes its journey into the city. HERBERT I won't be long; waiting for me here? FAITH (Unamused) I can't, Sir. Protocol; I have to be with you! HERBERT I suggest you wait here, but if I am not back in twenty minutes, then come and get me. Okay? Faith remains quiet, her heart pounding. FAITH (Compromising) Let's make it in ten minutes! HERBERT (Insistent) I said in twenty minutes. Okay? He walks away, and Faith watches, activating a stopwatch. INT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY President Herbert enters an office for a mysterious meeting. HERBERT (To the man) Again, the same value this week, and make the transfer as usual. Okay? He signs a paper and exits the office. INT. LIFT - DAY In the lift, President Herbert screams as the door is about to open two levels below. HERBERT (Screaming) No! The door opens, and a mysterious man enters the lift, finding the President disoriented. He quickly exits, reaching a waiting car. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Faith checks the stopwatch. Five minutes remain. Worried, she starts walking towards the offices. FAITH Come on! She enters the building, reaching the lifts. INT. OFFICE BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Faith checks the empty office of President Herbert. FAITH (Concerned) We have a situation! President Herbert is missing! TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Veil of Shadows" INT. LAB - NIGHT Victor drags President Herbert into the lab and chains him to a bed. The President wakes up, disoriented. PRESIDENT HERBERT Who are you? Where am I? Let me go right now. Do you know who I am? VICTOR (Deceptive) I found you unconscious, just checking if everything is okay. Do you remember where you were the last time? President Herbert looks around, frightened. PRESIDENT HERBERT Why is it so bloody dark in here? What time is it? How long was I asleep? VICTOR (Concerned) Look at me. How many fingers am I holding up? PRESIDENT HERBERT I can't see fuck-all! VICTOR (Alarmed) Open your eyes! PRESIDENT HERBERT They are open! Damn it! What do you mean open your eyes? My eyes are bloody open! VICTOR (Suspicious) Maybe it's more serious than I thought. Victor touches the President's face, and the President panics. PRESIDENT HERBERT What's happening? Why can't I see? Victor hears water droplets hitting the floor. VICTOR You are in shock, scared, and disoriented. Relax, you are in a hospital. PRESIDENT HERBERT (Paranoid) Is it private? INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE - DAY Richard sits in his office when Victor enters. RICHARD You don't even knock? VICTOR (Excited) I got a replacement for one of the nodes! Richard remains unamused. RICHARD What funding issues? I did not talk about any of that, did I? VICTOR (Provocative) It won't be your money. The replacement for node one thousand will. Come? They enter the lab. INT. LAB - CONTINUOUS Growls of agony and stress fill the lab. Victor and Richard approach the curtain. VICTOR Meet our new donor. He reveals a man on a stretcher bed. RICHARD (Covering face) Relax. Victor whispers something to Richard, and he cautiously approaches the man. Fear strikes Richard when he realizes who it is. RICHARD You bastard. What are you trying to pull? Are you trying to get me killed? TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Shadows Unveiled" INT. LAB - NIGHT Victor smiles as he reveals his sinister plan to Richard. VICTOR All you have to do is offer him his sight back and his freedom in exchange for a donation. Once he signs, he becomes a replacement for node one thousand. Richard hesitates. RICHARD I can't! Tampering with a President can easily get out of hand. VICTOR We still need replacements. If we can get the President, we can get anyone. Richard contemplates, eyeing the captive President. PRESIDENT HERBERT Get me out of this! What kind of hospital is this? Where is Faith? VICTOR (Whispering) See? Already we have a replacement for the next node. Anyone he mentions, we simply go after them. Richard reluctantly agrees. RICHARD Replacement for node one thousand, huh? INT. MEETING ROOM - DAY Faith chairs a meeting to discuss the President's disappearance. FAITH The President could be a hostage victim being held for ransom. His involvement in digital currency trading could be the root cause. MICHELLE I think it's a blackmail attempt to make the government legalize digital currency or stop the crackdown. FAITH Or it could be that? MICHELLE I strongly think the President's disappearance is unrelated to his illegal activities. We need to consider who benefits from eliminating strong opposition. FAITH Tomorrow’s World Order? MICHELLE Their motive is weak. Who stands to gain significantly and immediately? They ponder the possibilities. FAITH Marson can gain significantly as he's campaigning to be the next leader. These men are always in his way. Faith leaves the meeting but returns after a few minutes. FAITH Let’s go. I have a lead! INT. LAB - NIGHT Victor connects the President to the machines and checks node one thousand. RINGING PHONE Victor answers. VOICE ON PHONE How is node one thousand? I want you in my office right away! TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Code of Shadows" INT. VICTOR'S OFFICE - NIGHT Victor ponders the issues with the system. VICTOR Just receiving input but not sending or communicating with the system. Maybe it just needs time! Richard knocks and enters. RICHARD I heard node two-hundred and node seven aren’t working properly. Victor understands. VICTOR Maybe it's too early. Running too many projects at once can lead to costly mistakes. RICHARD The first project isn’t complete, and we have loose ends. The personal assistant is a threat. We need to tie up those ends. Victor looks unhappy. VICTOR I told you node one thousand was the last. After this, I'm out. I'm going to be a father soon. RICHARD We become equal partners. Check this list; it'll keep you busy. Victor looks at the list. VICTOR Not this one. It's a risk, no value to us. RICHARD My friend asked for a favor. Just a one-off. VICTOR Someone will come asking questions in the future. We can't afford that. They hear a knock. RICHARD Are you expecting someone? Doors are kicked open. Faith and her team enter, guns drawn. FAITH Explain the money you received from the sale of digital currency owned by the missing President. RICHARD Special privileges. We can’t disclose without client consent. It was private. Faith points her gun at Richard. The sound of screeching car tires startles everyone. FAITH He called for help! Faith looks out the window as armed men approach. EXT. VICTOR'S OFFICE - NIGHT Faith faces a group of armed men. FAITH Stand down! We have you surrounded! The tension escalates. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Deadly Ambush" INT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Faith and her team realize it's an ambush. Chaos ensues. FAITH Damn it. It’s an ambush. One of you stay with these. Let us go. Go. Go. Go! They run out of the building as gunshots echo behind them. Faith signals a man to check an office. INT. OFFICE - CONTINUOUS A shootout unfolds between Richard, Victor, and Marson's men. VICTOR (looking at Richard) No! Victor and Richard are shot. The man retrieves a crucial file and manages to escape, but Marson's men kill him. EXT. BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Marson's men surround Faith, Marjory, and Zack. MARSON Drop your guns! Come to the open now! You are cornered! Zack is shot dead without warning. INT. BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Marson enters, questioning Faith. MARSON I need answers! FAITH I did not call for help! Marson exits, realizing someone might have called for reinforcements. EXT. BUILDING - DAY Marson's men realize they are outnumbered. David arrives with his team. DAVID Is it whom I think it is? They find government agents and Faith's dying body. DAVID Who did this to you? Is it Marson? Faith dies, and David orders a quick exit. EXT. BUILDING - DAY (LATER) David's team hears screeching car tires. DAVID Go! Go! Go! Everyone out now! They escape, leaving behind a scene of chaos and death. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Fatal Confrontation" EXT. CITY STREET - DAY David and his men sprint back to their SUVs. Another group of SUVs arrives, gunfire erupts. DAVID Let's go! They speed away, leaving behind a gun battle. Police sirens and ambulances approach. INT. SUV - CONTINUOUS David's men drive with shattered window screens. They reach the building, carry Faith's body, and load another. JULIANA (in the back SUV) Black SUV approaching fast. Over. Gunshots shatter the back-window screen. DAVID No time to help. You are the target. JULIANA Drop us here, but you continue. Juliana and the assassins jump out. JULIANA Go! Go! Go! David's SUV drives off, leaving David and the driver. He salutes the assassins standing in the road. EXT. CITY STREET - LATER Juliana's team fights off the approaching black SUV. JULIANA Fat ladies are waiting. Step on the gas! David's SUV, hearing distress calls, makes a U-turn. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS Juliana and her team take firing positions. David's SUV approaches. JULIANA Hold it. Fire! They open fire as the black SUV approaches, swerving to avoid bullets. The team stands fearless, aiming. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS (CONT'D) The black SUV jerks and skids toward the team. JULIANA Hold your ground. Fire! They continue firing as the black SUV swerves dangerously. The black SUV finally skids to a stop. Juliana and her team cautiously approach. JULIANA Secure the area. They surround the black SUV, ready for any sudden movement. FADE OUT. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Silent Pursuit" EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS The team fires at the approaching black SUV. Seconds before impact, they jump out of the way. The black SUV regains control, surprising everyone. JULIANA Fire at the tires! They attempt to burst the tires, but the black SUV evades the shots and continues. INT. DAVID'S SUV - CONTINUOUS David's team hears the radio. JULIANA (over radio) Let's go. Run after them! David's SUV speeds back. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS The SUV with Duncan and the injured reappears in David's sight. JULIANA Oh my God. Let's go. Run after them! The team starts running in the middle of the road. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS (LATER) The Devil's Eye squad approaches the parked SUV. JULIANA (over radio) Go. Go. Go. Ambush! A gun battle erupts. A man falls in the road. The leading SUV catches fire. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS David's team moves stealthily toward the burning SUV. JULIANA What is it? They discover Abigail holding a bloodied monitor. Next to her, Kayden and Duncan's lifeless bodies. DAVID Run to the SUVs. Now! Let's go! The SUV speeds off as the team gathers. INT. DAVID'S SUV - CONTINUOUS Juliana examines the handheld monitor. JULIANA Silent pursuit. They see an overhead satellite view of a chain of SUVs and police cars heading their way. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS The SUV speeds away, the distant wail of sirens growing louder. FADE OUT. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Bloodbound Nightmares" INT. JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Javelina sits on the bed, exhausted. Jay approaches. JAY You need enough rest, Jay. Get some sleep; the guys will cover for you. JAVELINA It's not easy being a team leader. Javelina rewinds the tape, watching the events unfold. JAVELINA (whispering) They were all telling the truth. She leaves the room, opens the bedroom, and throws herself on the bed. INT. OFFICE BUILDING - NIGHT - FLASHBACK A group of 25 men in complete white storms the building, slashing everyone in their path. They chant "Devil's Eyes" as they mercilessly stab and kill their victims. Blood taints their white clothes. INT. JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - PRESENT Javelina is peacefully lying on the bed when a loud thump on her bedroom door wakes her. Another bang startles her. The door falls in. JAVELINA (Screaming) No! Men somersault into the room, chanting "Devil's Eyes." Javelina panics, surrounded by the menacing figures. CHANTING MEN Devil's Eyes! The men, now covered in blood, initiate a frenzied attack on Javelina. She screams in agony as knives pierce her skin. The trauma overwhelms her, and she blacks out. INT. JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - LATER The room is eerily quiet, with Javelina lying motionless on the blood-stained bed. FADE OUT. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Nightmare's Veil" INT. JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT David pushes the door, frantically calling out. DAVID Javelina! Javelina! He rushes to her bedroom, finding her shaking and drenched in sweat. She's having a nightmare. DAVID (cont'd) Javelina! She snaps awake, staring at David, panic in her eyes. JAVELINA David! She hugs him tightly, crying. JAVELINA (cont'd) I can't believe I'm alive. I thought I died. Jay enters the room. JAY Sleepwalking again? DAVID No, just a nightmare. JAVELINA It felt so real. I can still feel the stabbing pain. It was horrific. DAVID Just a bad dream. JAVELINA They were twenty-five, all dressed in white. Kept chanting, "The Devil's Eyes!" Jay looks concerned. JAY She looked haunted. Do you know anything about this? David seems lost in thought. DAVID No, don't be silly. She was just dreaming. JAVELINA David, you must tell me the truth. I know what happened to Jay. DAVID (avoiding eye contact) It was nothing. JAY How did I know she was in your office when I was asleep? JAVELINA And how did he know what I was wearing? DAVID (disoriented) I watched the CCTV. You never came to ask for help. JAVELINA Am I going to die? The stabbing felt real. David looks outside. DAVID They aim to attack leaders and take all three seats. JAY (alarmed) Take all three seats? Meaning killing three of us? Silence lingers as the weight of the revelation sinks in. Title: "Blood Oath" INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT A huge dog barks outside, waking up Carolina. She closes the window and heads down to the bunker where everyone awaits. LEADER (unseen) We were waiting for you. Carolina addresses the group. CAROLINA Ok, listen up! The room quiets down. CAROLINA (cont'd) Tonight marks a special time for our fight against the corrupt regime. They'll release the next level assassins to reclaim their seats and hours, and some of us will pay with our lives. We must face the hard reality that we're raising the stakes. Fear is evident on their faces. CAROLINA (cont'd) Fight as if it’s your last time. It’s painful, but it's a reality. Work as a team, be alert, and we can minimize their impact. She stares at them, gauging their emotions. CAROLINA (cont'd) In stage one, we lost two because I failed to stress the importance of alertness. Your mistakes will cost lives—no second chances. The Devil’s Eyes are ruthless assassins, blood-thirsty and without remorse. They believe in maximum pain for their anger. Javelina starts sobbing; Carolina consoles her. CAROLINA (cont'd) I pledge to protect you. It was just a dream. David reassures her. DAVID She's right; you're safe with us. Carolina outlines their positions. CAROLINA (cont'd) Stay in your positions or face death. The danger is real. Jay, after the meeting, enters the lounge. JAY As your leader, I'll take the first position of defense. VIVIANE Leader? Save the best for last, babe. Laughter ensues. JAY I don't want anything to happen to you. VIVIANE If you knew what we're up against, you'd be scared. JAY I'm allergic to bullshit. VIVIANE They say they're sending a centurion. The news shocks the group. JAY One hundred of them. VIVIANE Easy, we slaughtered thirty in less than an hour. JAY They're sending the best of the best. Javelina rushes to the bathroom, overcome with fear. VIVIANE What's wrong with her? Anxiety builds as the impending danger becomes more apparent. Title: "Dreams of the Devil" INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT David reveals the truth about Javelina's nightmare to the group. DAVID David showed her what her future could be like. Sort of? VIVIANE Impossible? DAVID For real. He transferred her to where they were in her sleep and let her brain convert what she heard into a dream or nightmare. She nearly pissed her pants with fear. The group is terrified. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT The Devil’s Eyes assassins storm David's mansion, shouting and chanting. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the new assassins! They jump the fence and enter the mansion. INT. JAY'S BUNKER - NIGHT Ten strongholds of Devil's Eyes pass by Jay's bunker. INT. JAY'S BUNKER BEDROOM - NIGHT Three Devil's Eyes fall unconscious. JAY (whispering to himself) What the hell? Jay, alerted by the commotion, wakes up from deep sleep, gears up, and heads out. INT. MANSION GROUND LEVEL - NIGHT Jay ambushes one of the Devil's Eyes trying to revive the unconscious men. JAY (fighting) You won't get up. Suddenly, the unconscious men wake up, and a struggle ensues. INT. MANSION ABOVE - NIGHT A scream echoes from above as Jay eliminates the threat. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT Outside, a group of men chants "Devil's Eyes." INT. JAY'S BUNKER - NIGHT Jay retreats to the secret bunker below. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT Devil's Eyes assassins initiate a gun battle with Jay's men. INT. JAY'S BUNKER - NIGHT Jay moves below the bunker as the battle rages. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT The next group of Devil's Eyes enters the mansion. INT. MANSION - NIGHT They discover three unconscious men. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN No pulse! The situation escalates, and Jay braces for the impending danger. TO BE CONTINUED... Title: "Shadows of Deceit" INT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT Devil’s Eyes assassins continue their assault, checking for survivors. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN 1 Check for gunshot wounds. If none, shoot them. Jay moves strategically in the bunker below. JAY (muttering) Overhead of the unconscious men... He stumbles, causing the unconscious men to wake up. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN 2 (shouting) Cover the entrance! We'll go after those who have already entered! Gunshots above alert Jay. JAY (grimacing) Damn it. Jay follows the sound of gunfire. INT. MANSION HALL - NIGHT The second group of Devil's Eyes enters. DAVID (V.O.) (radioing) Do you copy? Stand your ground. Advance if you can push them out. Devil's Eyes assassins advance, chanting. INT. MANSION HALL - NIGHT The two groups confront each other. ASSASSIN 1 Don't shoot! They reveal themselves, knives drawn. ASSASSIN 2 (relieved) Alright. The Devil's Eyes. Frenzied attacks ensue. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT Assassins join the fight. DAVID (radioing) Let them go. Complete this phase. We have time to regroup. INT. MANSION HALL - NIGHT The fight ends as the assassins realize the Devil's Eyes are leaving. DAVID (tearfully) What is the worst scenario? ASSASSIN 3 Two groups released simultaneously. One for us, one for those who bought the digital currency. JAVELINA (terrified) Two sets of twenty-five? DAVID (focused) Clean up the bodies. Meet in the bunker. David leads them down to the bunker. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT Jay wakes up. JAY Stop or I will shoot you. Gunshots echo, startling everyone. JAY Go! Go! Go! Assassins rush out of the bunker. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT VIVIANE Oh my God! Help! Help! He has been shot. The situation intensifies as shadows of deceit loom. Title: "Echoes of Desperation" INT. MANSION - NIGHT The news of Barnabas's death rocks the group. DAVID (anguished) The bastards came back and killed Barnabas. Carolina, Bogdan, and David gather in the room. BOGDAN Why did he come back? I thought we spared him. DAVID This is what I dreaded. CAROLINA (alarmed) What do you mean? DAVID They've become suicidal. To trigger the immediate release of the next Devil’s Eyes. JAVELINA (panicking) Oh my God. I am going to die. Carolina rushes to comfort Javelina. CAROLINA Be brave. It's just panic attacks. DAVID They won’t stop until their clothes’ color changes to red with blood. Javelina starts shaking violently. BOGDAN (looking at David) Why do you seem like you have seen a ghost? CAROLINA (supportive) I was going to ask the same question. Javelina rushes to the bathroom. DAVID (solemn) The tables have been turned. Our lives don’t matter more than those of the recipients. BOGDAN (frustrated) What does that mean for us? DAVID We must match them and pledge to die defending the recipients. The group is filled with a mix of anger and despair. Title: "Last Stand" INT. MANSION - NIGHT The group grapples with the harsh reality of their situation. DAVID That means we are now, with immediate effect, on a suicidal mission. We can’t run or prioritize ourselves anymore. Fear grips everyone. Carolina's face reveals her overwhelming anxiety. Bogdan confronts David. BOGDAN You said they'd send their top lethal assassins, and now you're suggesting we offer to die at their hands? That sounds so wrong. DAVID Tell me about it. They will gang up on one target to maximize the chances of claiming that life. Meaning all twenty-five can attack just one until they're dead. Javelina enters the lounge, visibly shaken. JAVELINA (distressed) It’s a losing game. That is so unfair. If you had told me this from the start, I wouldn't have volunteered to be the leader. JAY (cursing) The stakes are high, and the odds are stacked against us! DAVID High risks and stakes from now on as they release loads of their best at once until we are all dead. CAROLINA (resolute) We might as well blow ourselves up in here. DAVID A test of what it really means to protect these recipients. Pledging to honor our word, even if it means at our expense. BOGDAN (skeptical) We must at least preserve the leaders. DAVID They took the leaders out of the question because the recipients took them out of the business. The more we offer, the more neutralized their digital weapons, and the more they lose in terms of revenue. The leader has more influence as they've been delegated to. Javelina reenters, displaying defiance. JAVELINA (armed) Damn it! Woman. Pull yourself up. We are in this together. Javelina points her gun at David, accusing him. JAVELINA (CONT'D) I am not stupid. I understand why David let me know what might happen to me. I am the one they really want. The leader of the first group, the new generation of resistance. She points her gun at Carolina. JAVELINA (CONT'D) You recruited me, so that I die like a sheep in cold blood. Is that so? David tries to calm the situation. DAVID Keep her out of this. She had no idea neither did I. JAVELINA (angry) Bloody bastards! Who knew then? Tell me? Javelina points the gun at everyone until the assassins intervene. ASSASSIN (pointing) Drop it or you are dead! Javelina breaks down. JAVELINA (sobbing) So, the dream was real. Oh my God, I can’t breathe. Carolina stands up in front of her. CAROLINA (tearfully) I pledge to protect you with my life. Title: "Endgame Dawn" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT Javelina breaks down, dropping the gun in fear. JAVELINA (sobbing) I am so scared. I am so scared to die. Jay rises, determined. JAY I pledge to save you, even if it means losing my own life. Assassins join in, expressing their commitment. ASSASSINS (Shouting) We pledge to die protecting you! The group surrounds Javelina, offering comfort. Carolina insists on knowing more. CAROLINA Tell us, what is it like in the next phase? David takes out manuals, preparing for the worst. DAVID Trust me, you don’t want to know. Every stage, they will get a high-level assassin, so their skills advance as well. JAY Lethal every stage? DAVID They need to claim one seat every stage. JAY What does that mean to claim a seat? DAVID To kill one each stage. CAROLINA (Noticing something) Excuse me, David. They can claim two, actually. DAVID (Concerned) Explain. CAROLINA Just before this stage, they released a new batch of digital weapons. It devalues our status and digital currency, strengthening their position and increasing their base score. BOGDAN (Confirming) With a base score double ours, they only need to target the leader of the recipients to claim more than one seat. David looks at Javelina, worried. DAVID What? There is worse news. There is worse to come. Javelina breaks down. JAVELINA (sobbing) I am a target. Every move they make is aimed at me. Why didn’t you recruit in the second stage? That could have split the risk. David reacts quickly. DAVID Increase the circulating supply of digital currency. Empty the local reserve. Caro, get a loan from the Global Reserve Bank. BOGDAN (Concerned) We can’t increase the digital currency; we doubled our recruits. CAROLINA (Confirming) Yes, we did not recruit in stage two, so this stage we can’t increase the circulating amount of digital currency. BOGDAN (Proposing) But we can find a way to freeze or reduce their digital weapons. DAVID Tell me what will happen at this stage? BOGDAN If they kill the leader, that counts as one, and any recipient they kill up to two will be credited to them. David stands up, alarmed. DAVID We must make sure they can’t reach eighteen seats. The group looks horrified. CAROLINA (Anxious) What happens if they reach eighteen seats? DAVID (Grave) That will mean they have claimed eighteen seats out of twenty-four, or eighteen hours of the day, leaving us with only six hours of sunlight. Javelina interjects with fear. JAVELINA (Shouting) I heard that triggers them to turn into wolves. David shakes his head. DAVID No, they will turn into the Devil’s ghosts. The beginning of the end. The ends of the days. Using these Devil’s ghosts to slaughter all those who stand for good and light until all are dead. Title: "Eclipsed Dawn" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The group sits, absorbing the gravity of the situation. BOGDAN (Explaining) Once that happens, they will have all twenty-four seats or twenty-four hours. Total darkness and no light. What they call the restoration of the kingdom of darkness. Where the Devil shines in the dark to turn darkness into light. JAVELINA (Concerned) The end of the world as we know it. This only happens once, and this is the only time both we and they have the opportunity to change history forever for the past two thousand years. David nods, acknowledging the severity of the moment. BOGDAN (Continuing) We had the chance to take it outright. All we had to do was to save everyone, so the second coming of the sun in the Bible, they call it the second coming of the son of God, but we believe it to be the second coming of the sun. Meaning no darkness, but the sun rising again after setting down. An explanation of paradise. Or the defeat of the devil and his kingdom of darkness. CAROLINA (Seeking clarification) You mean their assassins, the Devil’s Eyes assassins, become the Devil’s ghosts? BOGDAN (Confirming) Yes, achieving three-quarters majority triggers transformations because they have to kill two-thirds of the population who stand for the light. Who stands for good, meaning us as we will have lost? JAVELINA (Confused) Why are they called the Devil’s ghosts? BOGDAN (Explaining) They are invisible and ruthless. JAY (Concerned) The end of mankind? BOGDAN (Confirming) You can say that because at this stage, they can declare war and use the Devil’s ghost to wipe off two-thirds of the population in less than forty-eight hours. JAY (Sarcastic) As if it's music to our ears. Thanks for comforting us that death is swift and painful. David intervenes, addressing the situation. DAVID Ever heard of the two days of darkness? JAVELINA Curious) That’s when they slaughter everyone who stands for the light and good. Juliana stands, questioning their chances. JULIANA What are the chances of us denying them all that? DAVID (Explaining) It’s a mind game. We have factors to play with. Circulating the amount of digital currency, the number of recipients we can have, the kind of security we have, and the protection we can give to targets. It's a learning experience for everyone. The group reflects on the complexities of their situation. BOGDAN (Adding) What we did in stage two is to take out the recipients in the equation, but it triggered other disadvantages. Javelina interjects. JAVELINA Sarcastically) Rubbing salt in the wound again. BOGDAN (Stating reality) But this is real. Title: "Digital Dusk" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The group processes the grim reality of their situation. DAVID No matter how cleverly you use the factors I mentioned above, the system is designed that either way, they will make up for that, or you must pay for that. We had to recruit double the recipients—twenty-four easy targets for one hundred strongmen of blood-thirsty piranha-like killers who pledged to drain their targets' blood or die themselves. Silence engulfs the room. JAY (Summarizing) So, we have double their targets, we are weak, can't increase circulating digital currency, nor can we hire more assassins? DAVID (Confirming) True. To make things worse, we did not close the first phase, meaning an extra blood-thirsty lethal Devil’s Eyes assassin. This stage alone, they are entitled to three seats. Fear takes hold of everyone. JAVELINA (Crying) My dreams were just not a dream but exactly how I was going to die? DAVID (Explaining) Incorrect. I let you hear what they were planning but played everything they said in your ears as you slept. Your brain then recreated that into a dream, but that does not necessarily mean that is what is going to happen. It’s just how they planned. We can stop and change their plans. JAVELINA (Desperate) Bullshit! How? You are all saying that the odds are stacked against us, so how can we achieve that? She reaches for a gun, pointing it at herself. JAVELINA (Melancholic) Maybe I blow my head off and save that pain and trauma. The group stands up, defiant. DAVID (Leading) We pledge all of us to die first before you die. So maybe if that is what you want—an easy way out, then shoot us first because we must die first before you do. They all stand up one after the other, surrounding her. JAVELINA (Shocked) What? She drops the gun as they all hug her. JAY (Serious) One thing still worries me. Today I passed out maybe twice. I think it is time you come clean. For me to trust you, you must explain what happened. David takes a deep breath. DAVID (Revealing) I did what I did to save all of you. A human body, once digitized, can be switched on and off just like any system or used as a switch. Over the years, I have noticed that some accidents are not accidents but murder cases. The group reacts with shock. DAVID (Continuing) Some events occur because someone played God, meaning they switched the switch off, triggering the accident. Imagine a world without diseases, illnesses, etc. A world where there are no accidents. That means less work for doctors, police, etc. Now imagine a regime investing in digital technology and digitizing everyone. Now imagine a switch and trigger in place artificially causing accidents. We have murder cases. A ruthless, corrupt regime that will do anything to create jobs and stay in power. The revelation sinks in as the room falls silent. Title: "Digital Dusk" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT David explains the intricacies of the digitization process. DAVID Now imagine a kid with a joystick in his hand thinking he is playing a computer game but actually knocking out the President into a deep sleep. Now imagine that same kid knocking out the pilot at high altitude. JAY (Shaking his head) The world is messed up. DAVID Now picture them linking the President and the Pilot as part of the same switch, but with the first used to knock the second one. As the President wakes up, he knocks out the pilot. The group expresses their frustration. CAROLINA Are there any laws that protect the public from regimes like this? DAVID The big question is that can you prove it? David continues to describe the dangerous possibilities. DAVID Now imagine a circuit with one switch turning off to be turned on by another but the other one knocking off as well and so on. You can have the domino effect and knock out everyone. All you need is to set who is the trigger. JAY Is that why I found the Devil’s Eye assassins passed out unconscious? David nods. BOGDAN If it was so easy, why didn’t you knock out all of them? DAVID The problem is that you also are part of this system and in the same vicinity geolocation position. It is hard to knock all out without knocking you out too. JAVELINA Is that why I kept passing out today? DAVID I apologize, but I had no option. What are the dangers? Honestly, it’s a new field. I don’t know the long-term effects, but disorientation is an issue that triggers panic attacks, being afraid to sleep, fear, anxiety, and feeling used, etc. Your lives matter to me. I am trying to keep everyone alive, and any inconveniences, I sincerely apologize. CAROLINA But it worked. If it wasn’t for the accidental shootings, they might never have killed any. The group claps. JAY (Cautious) Years of planning and thinking faster than any of them, I guess. DAVID (Explaining) You want to know my main fears? JAY (Nodding) Dangers of being shot in my sleep. I can’t sleep. DAVID (Answering) So, does that mean if they come again, we will knock all out? They downloaded everything directly to their system, meaning all tricks I have used already, I can’t use in the next phase. CAROLINA Is their system more advanced than ours? DAVID For now, only. I want everyone to remain vigilant, and remember we all have pledged to protect Javelina, the only leader of the recipients with all our lives, meaning we all have to die first before she dies. Okay? The group claps, showing their commitment. DAVID (Concluding) One last thing. How come they keep chanting the Devil’s Eyes? JULIANA (Curious) They believe that a man will become the devil to claim the lost kingdom. This man must, therefore, kill more people than the devil himself to take over from the devil as the Devil-Is-I. The leader himself. His men shall be the Devil’s Eyes, meaning his eyes. They shall see what he sees and wants and get that for him. It's a pledge that whatever they are doing is in the name of the devil. DAVID (Assuring) And that is why we must stand together against them. Javelina looks scared, realizing the gravity of her situation. Title: "Digital Duel" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT David explains the high-stakes situation. DAVID It’s like a contest. The devil is saying I am worse than that little brat angel student of yours. I am more powerful than you and can do more harm than you are telling these people. That’s why the Devil’s Eyes go to extremes, killing people! EXT. MANSION - MORNING David gathers the team for a crucial rehearsal. DAVID Wake up, everyone! We have less than twenty-four hours before they send the next advanced Devil’s Eyes assassins. We must rehearse how we are going to handle the situation. The team gets up, ready for the challenge. DAVID I must stress again how important this is. You must always cover the position I assign you to. If you need help and backup, you know what to do. Press the button. David pauses, reflecting on the seriousness of the situation. DAVID I have run out of ideas and tricks. So, we must practice minimizing casualties. They take their assigned positions and rehearse throughout the day. DAVID Today and tomorrow, we stay in the bunker once they have arrived, then take positions! After lunch, they gather again. EXT. MANSION - TWO DAYS LATER The sounds of screeching tires alert everyone. DAVID Hold on, I will tell you when! The Devil’s Eyes enter the mansion with fierce determination. DEVIL'S EYES LEADER You are surrounded, drop all your weapons and surrender now for us to kill you fast. If you refuse, you shall die slow and painful deaths! The leader roars, sending chills down everyone's spine. DAVID'S ASSASSINS Over my dead body! The gun battle begins. INT. BUNKER - CONTINUOUS Amidst the chaos, David signals one of his men to help a wounded comrade. DAVID Help! Help! Andrew has been shot. The team splits, some providing support, and the rest heading into the bunker. INT. MANSION - CONTINUOUS The gun battle intensifies as David's assassins engage the Devil's Eyes. DAVID Get back here now. Everyone in the bunker, reinforce the ground floor; the rest remain in the bunker! The men retreat inside, and a standoff ensues. INT. BUNKER - CONTINUOUS David's mind races as he strategizes. DAVID (To himself) They have snipers outside. He curses, realizing the complexity of the situation. DAVID Get back here now. Everyone in the bunker, reinforce the ground floor; the rest remain in the bunker! The team scrambles to reinforce their positions. INT. MANSION - LATER David, determined, descends into the bunker. DAVID (To himself) Devil's Eye! The chanting outside startles him. INT. BUNKER - CONTINUOUS Fear-stricken, David points his gun and proceeds cautiously. DAVID Devil’s Eye! A woman's scream echoes through the bunker. INT. MANSION - CONTINUOUS David runs toward the source of the scream, finding Javelina in danger. DAVID (Shouting) No! The Devil’s Eyes assassin is on top of Javelina, and the tension escalates. Title: "Digital Warfare" INT. MANSION - NIGHT Amidst chaos, the man, armed with a knife, advances toward Javelina. David reacts swiftly. DAVID (Shouting) No! David shoots the man, who collapses onto Javelina. She pushes the lifeless body away and stands, holding her injured arm. JAVELINA Oh my God. What happened to you? David rushes to her side, concerned. DAVID The bastard stabbed my arm. Javelina screams in panic. JAVELINA They are going to kill me. They are so many. DAVID I don’t know how he got in here. David checks the man, confirming he's dead. He hands Javelina the man’s knife. DAVID Follow me! David leads Javelina to a secret passage, scanning the area cautiously. DAVID The place is small but the most secure place here. No one will know you are in here. Just press the button from inside to lock it and open it. Wait for me, and don’t open for anyone else. Okay? Javelina, seeing the urgency in David’s eyes, quickly contorts herself into the secure space. DAVID It’s well ventilated. Close and lock from inside. David waits for the concealed compartment to seal, then swiftly covers it with a painting. David checks Andrew’s lifeless body and the others. All dead. He addresses the assailants over the mansion’s PA system. DAVID (Over PA) You are all surrounded. I got back up, and my men will be here in a minute. Come out with your hands up! The screeching sound of car tires halting outside reaches them. Doors slam shut, and the thunderous footsteps of approaching reinforcements echo. The assailants, undeterred, start coming out dressed in blood-stained clothes. ASSAILANT (CHANTING) Devil’s Eye! They gather, chanting and advancing, their frenzy escalating. ASSAILANTS (CHANTING) Devil’s Eyes! We don’t surrender but fight to the death. Devil’s Eyes! The assailants, armed with sharp knives, move fearlessly toward the mansion. Title: "Digital Warfare" INT. MANSION - NIGHT The tension escalates as David commands his team. DAVID (Whispering) Come on! Give the command. Jay, anxious, urges David to act. JAY Come on! Give the command. David observes the assailants' advance, feeling the pressure. DAVID Fire! Unexpectedly, the assailants display an acrobatic skill, forming a human ladder that descends onto David's team. Screams, chants, gunshots, and blows fill the mansion. Chaos ensues as some of David's team members are stabbed, falling dead. DAVID Run to the bunker! David stays with his assassins, anxious for reinforcements. DAVID Come on! Come on! Damn it, where are they? We are under heavy attack. Send them now! Remaining Devil’s Eyes form ladders and advance. DAVID Duck! Snipers arrive just in time, firing at the assailants. DAVID Shot! Shot! In the chaos, a Devil’s Eyes assassin takes aim at David, flipping in the air. David's assassin shouts a warning, narrowly avoiding the thrown knife. DAVID Fire! David's team retaliates, causing the assailants' ladder to collapse. The battle rages, and eventually, all the Devil’s Eyes assassins are defeated. The sound of revving engines outside catches their attention. DAVID Coward probably running back with his tail between his legs! David, unnerved, strategizes with Bogdan. BOGDAN That can’t be right! They don’t run away; the Devil’s Eyes. David senses danger and rushes to the bunker. He opens the secret passage, desperately hoping to find Javelina safe. DAVID (Anxiously) Javelina? David scans the hidden space, praying for her safety. Title: "Betrayed Legacy" INT. BUNKER - NIGHT Inside the bunker, Bogdan gathers the recipients and remaining assassins. BOGDAN Get in the bunker and wait there until they come back! He checks for survivors, ensuring they are all accounted for. The phone rings. BOGDAN (Answering) I need a head count! The line abruptly goes dead, leaving him concerned. EXT. MANSION GARDENS - NIGHT Outside, Jay and Carolina join David as they rush to their cars. DAVID Bogdan, you stay with the recipients and the other assassins! Carolina speeds away in the SUV. BOGDAN (Shouting) Get in the bunker and wait! He secures the bunker entrance and receives a disturbing call. BOGDAN (On the phone) I need a head count! The call abruptly ends, leaving Bogdan worried. INT. SUV - NIGHT Inside the speeding SUV, David briefs Carolina about the situation. DAVID Andrew Peters and Simon are dead. CAROLINA Panicked and ran for it? DAVID (Exhales) I had hidden her in the cube. Phobia or... She must have thought she was going to die. An alert beeps, and David grimaces. DAVID Damn it! We lost eight assassins! Carolina swerves the car momentarily. CAROLINA Eight? I thought we were doing well. DAVID They caught them off guard. The stacking up forming a ladder did the damage. It took five or more of our men. The SUV accelerates as they pursue Javelina. CAROLINA I think we still did well. We denied them what they really wanted. DAVID (Worried) Step on the gas! Carolina accelerates, determined to catch up with Javelina. Title: "Quantum Deception" INT. SUV - NIGHT Inside the speeding SUV, David and Carolina grapple with the unfolding situation. DAVID (Roaring) Don't pull back, keep an eye on her. Close the gap! He radios the assassins trailing Javelina. ASSASSIN DRIVER (Responding) Okay, boss! CAROLINA (Skeptical) What the hell are they doing? Who are they? Carolina checks her phone, frustration evident on her face. CAROLINA Did you ring her? David reveals Javelina's phone. DAVID She dropped it in the hiding place. CAROLINA (Cursing) But I was doing well before all this. David's face briefly brightens. DAVID (Excited) It worked! CAROLINA (Confused) What worked? DAVID My plan. The Delayed-Time-Space-Continuum. CAROLINA (Curious) And what is that? DAVID It's a physics theory. There's a delay between things happening at a fixed point and the time that message is sent to the satellite. We can replay what happens at a specific point at a specific time. CAROLINA (Realizing) So, the rehearsing was creating a future time-space continuum? DAVID Exactly. It distracted them and bought us time to ambush. The phone rings, interrupting them. DAVID (Answering) We are under attack. Retreat! More are coming towards us. He looks at Carolina, concern written on his face. CAROLINA (Anxious) Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? David doesn't reply as the SUV skids to a halt. CAROLINA (Frustrated) Tell me, David! DAVID They are coming this way. The front SUV is under fire. CAROLINA (Haunted) Meaning Javelina is dead? DAVID No! We must save her. We pledged to die first before anything happened to her. Carolina speeds off, determination in her eyes. DAVID (Explaining) I hacked their system. I put her in a trance to hear their plans. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke rises in the distance. CAROLINA (Shocked) What was that? David dials the assassins' phones. DAVID Damn it, their phones are switched off. We lost them too. Carolina applies the brakes, bringing the SUV to a halt. Title: "Veil of Shadows" EXT. ROAD - DAY Carolina walks towards the burning SUV, her nerves on edge. David stays back to check on the rest of the team. DAVID (On the phone with Bogdan) Remain in the bunker. BOGDAN (Concerned) Maybe our men are still alive? Carolina senses fear in David for the first time. Javelina's escape has shaken him. EXT. BURNING SUV - DAY As Carolina approaches the burning SUV, she notices another group of killers on the other side of the road. Sirens become audible as emergency vehicles arrive. CAROLINA (To herself) They might have escaped. David holds Carolina's shoulder. DAVID You go after Javelina. I'll go back to the team. Carolina jumps into the SUV and speeds away. DAVID (To Carolina) Good luck. See you soon. EXT. ROAD - CONTINUOUS Emergency services work to extinguish the fires. Carolina passes a group of men dressed in white. WHITE-DRESSED MAN (Stopping her) Stop there. He approaches, and Carolina notices blood on his side. Fear rises as he instinctively reaches for her hidden gun. WHITE-DRESSED MAN Hey, miss, are they going to open the road soon? Carolina shrugs, lifting her hands in surrender, but she is prepared to defend herself. EXT. ROAD - LATER Carolina walks along the road, passing the second group of SUVs dressed in pure white. Her heart races as she sees the last SUV stop. Two men, covered in blood, get out. CAROLINA (Whispering) Javelina? Fear engulfs her as she checks her weapons. She spots an abandoned SUV, similar to the ones outside the mansion. Title: "Chase of Shadows" EXT. ROAD - DAY Carolina hides near the abandoned SUV, checking the two men approaching. They spot her and start walking toward her. A man in an SUV behind them notices, retrieves binoculars, and observes Carolina. MAN IN SUV (Pointing at Carolina) She's over there! The two men hasten towards Carolina. She quickly unfastens her jeans, feigning to pee. One man stops, but the other continues checking. Carolina crawls into the back of a car, encountering a dog. CAR DRIVER (Startled) What are you doing in my car? CAROLINA (Whispering) Please help me. They're trying to kill me. CAR DRIVER (Getting angry) Get out! I won't get involved. Carolina pleads, but the driver threatens to call the men. She exits the car, and the barking dog distracts the men. Carolina runs, and the men chase, firing a shot. Sirens sound, and cars move, creating chaos. EXT. ROAD - CONTINUOUS Carolina races, but the men continue pursuing. A voice tells them to come back as the road is open. One stops, but the other persists. MAN (Shouting) Hey, let’s go! Damn it! We can’t wait for you! Carolina keeps running. The men laugh and question why she's hiding. OTHER MAN (Still running) She must know something. Why is she hiding? They all laugh, and one man notices his bloodied appearance. MAN (Cursing) Look at yourself. Like the butcher covered in blood. The men return to the SUV, still laughing. Carolina doesn't stop running. EXT. ROAD - LATER Carolina answers the ringing phone. UNKNOWN CALLER Did you find her? Carolina breathes heavily. CAROLINA (Whispering) Not yet. But I won't stop until I do. Title: "Survival of Shadows" EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David speeds towards the mansion, fear and uncertainty gripping him. Javelina's escape has shifted the odds against them, and the ruthless killers are on their way. Meanwhile, Carolina receives a call from David. INT. DAVID'S SUV - NIGHT DAVID (On the phone) Don't give up on her. A lot depends on her wellbeing. Stakes will be even higher if anything happened to her. They must not take any seats again. Carolina senses genuine fear in David's voice. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David arrives at the mansion, and Bogdan opens the bunker door. BOGDAN (Concerned) Where are the others? DAVID (Heavy-hearted) Assassins, I'm afraid all dead. Javelina might be alive, so Carolina went looking for her. BOGDAN (Worried) Are they coming for sure? DAVID Yes, two groups, even larger than the first. Bogdan observes a different side of David, a man filled with despair. BOGDAN Is it Javelina? DAVID It's everything. Our pledges are in vain. Now on her own, and we are fighting to save our lives. Bogdan suggests delegating responsibilities. BOGDAN Delegate to someone. I want the botanic garden watered until it is very muddy. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LATER David coordinates with the remaining team members, grappling with the grim reality of their situation. DAVID (To the team) Sniper 3, take your position. Where are you? Respond, sniper 3! Silence follows, then a crackling sound. SNIPER 3 (V.O.) On their way, the first group on the private road. The sounds of revving SUVs and cars fill the air as the Devil's Eyes killers approach, chanting. DEVIL'S EYES (Chanting) Devil's Eyes! Title: "Shadows Unleashed" EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT The Devil's Eyes assassins, soaked from the muddy garden, face the team's defense. David instructs his team. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - GARDEN - NIGHT The men try to light the water but fail. The snipers prepare for an ambush. DAVID (Whispering) Listen up! Let’s keep them at bay. They are lethal when very close. Keep them afar. As they reach point A, fire instantly! The snipers aim and take out the men as they advance. SNIPER Fire! The Devil's Eyes retreat as snipers pick them off. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN Gasoline! Get back, Ambush! Get back! Devil's Eyes retreat to the SUVs, but the assassins attack, causing chaos. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - FRONT YARD - NIGHT The Devil's Eyes form ladders, advancing towards the mansion. DAVID (Aiming) Aim the bottom row before they form the ladders. Shoot faster! Screams, gunfire, and chaos fill the air as the battle intensifies. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - MAIN HALL - NIGHT Gunfire echoes inside. Julian signals an emergency. JULIANA Activate the sprinklers, Bogdan! Now! Sprinklers shower the Devil's Eyes, disrupting their advance. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BUNKER - NIGHT A gunshot from within the mansion startles everyone. David and his team rush to investigate. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - MAIN HALL - CONTINUOUS Blood trails lead David to a shocking discovery. DAVID (Whispering) Juliana? JULIANA (Concerned) They are trying to get in. Gunshots intensify. David continues to investigate. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BUNKER - NIGHT Gunshot sounds echo from the bunker. DAVID (Fearing the worst) Probably a distracting tactic. David charges downstairs, determined to face the Devil's Eyes. Title: "Veil of Shadows" EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT The chaos intensifies as David rushes to the bunker, fearing for his team. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BUNKER - NIGHT Gunfire echoes in the background. David reaches the bunker, discovering the Devil's Eyes inside. DAVID Juliana, cover me. Juliana opens fire from her sniper position. David enters the bunker, confronting a Devil's Eye holding a knife. He fires into the man's head and rushes to the adjacent room. DAVID Oh my God. What happened? Julie is crying, holding a lifeless recipient in her hands. DAVID Javelina. JULIE No, it’s not Javelina. It's Ruby, the new recipient. David urgently calls Carolina, growing more anxious as there's no answer. DAVID Come on. Pick up the phone. Carolina remains unreachable. DAVID I need assassins at each secret door to the bunker. Bogdan, do you copy? Bogdan enters, witnessing the dire situation. BOGDAN Oh my God. Is it another recipient? Bogdan's fear intensifies as David grapples with the unsettling news. DAVID What do you mean another recipient? BOGDAN Ambush! They targeted Ruby, killed him, and left a message. The burning SUV is a distraction. They're going after Javelina. David, enraged, realizes the gravity of the situation. DAVID Javelina! The realization strikes everyone. BOGDAN Her dream was real? DAVID Let's go now! Assign the new assassins at every entrance. Start the fires. Move! They rush to the SUVs, determined to reach Javelina. Title: "Shadows Unveiled" EXT. CITY CENTER - NIGHT The SUVs race through the city center, David at the forefront. INT. DAVID'S SUV - NIGHT Bogdan and David exchange worried glances. DAVID Did you ring her? BOGDAN She's not picking up. David instructs for men to follow them. INT. DAVID'S SUV - LATER The SUVs come to a sudden stop. David's face tightens as he receives a disturbing call. DAVID Stop the SUV! Radio all drivers to stop! They all freeze in anticipation. DAVID (CONT'D) They've released a new group of 25 lethal Devil's Eyes. Shock ripples through the group. BOGDAN How can they release another group so quickly? DAVID If the leader of the outstanding group is at large, any recipient's kill triggers a new set of Devil's Eyes. Concern and curses fill the air. DAVID (CONT'D) They'll try to instill fear and hinder our recruiting. We need to protect the recipients. Orders are given to the new arrivals and those who jumped with them. DAVID (CONT'D) Protect Javelina at any cost. The driver speeds off, but sirens pierce the air. DAVID (CONT'D) Lose them! EXT. BLOCK OF FLATS - NIGHT Carolina arrives at a block of flats. She enters the lift, checking her weapons. INT. LIFT - NIGHT A man in black enters the lift, bumping into Carolina. MAN IN BLACK Be careful with that. Carolina notices something familiar about the man's shoes Title: "Veil of Shadows" EXT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, engulfed by various emotions, discovers the injured Javelina in her apartment. CAROLINA Help! I need help as soon as possible. A woman has been injured. Hurry, please! INT. JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina tries to save Javelina, calling for help, but Javelina succumbs to her injuries. CAROLINA Are you related to Javelina? The woman coughs up blood. WOMAN Hang in there. I will call for help. Carolina calls for help, but the woman dies before assistance arrives. INT. CAR - NIGHT David's driver hears the news about Javelina's death but realizes Carolina is alive. DAVID'S DRIVER Hear this? Carolina is alive. INT. DEVIL'S EYES HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The Devil-Is-I watches Carolina on CCTV and realizes the mistake. He commands his men to finish her off. DEVIL-IS-I Idiots! Go that extra mile just to make sure it does not cost us too! EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT David and a group of SUVs rush to Carolina's location, fearing more assassins might be sent. DAVID Hurry! If they notice, they'll send more assassins to finish her off! INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT A group of Devil's Eyes assassins searches for Carolina. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN Nobody is here! They break into various apartments, leaving death in their wake. INT. CAR - NIGHT David's driver receives updates on the situation. DAVID'S DRIVER If they know she's alive, they'll send more to finish her off. EXT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, unaware of the incoming danger, leaves the apartment. INT. DEVIL'S EYES HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The Devil-Is-I is informed of Carolina's departure. DEVIL-IS-I Get there right now and finish her off! Title: "Veil of Shadows" EXT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, trapped in an apartment, faces a group of Devil's Eyes assassins. David and his men arrive, initiating a fierce battle. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - NIGHT The leader of the Devil's Eyes group senses something is amiss. He orders his men to check the apartment where Javelina was killed. DEVIL'S EYES LEADER I want men in the apartment on level seventeen now! Men run to the lifts, but one climbs up to investigate further. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, realizing the danger, engages in a fierce confrontation with the Devil's Eyes. CAROLINA (whispering to herself) No! She must not die! EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT The leader of the Devil's Eyes orders his men to storm Javelina's apartment. DEVIL'S EYES LEADER Quickly go in there now! If they are there, kill them all! INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - HALLWAY - NIGHT David and his men arrive, witnessing the chaos. DAVID Take the stairs! Let’s go now! Gunfire erupts as they race up the stairs. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, under siege, manages to lock eyes with the Devil's Eyes leader. DEVIL'S EYES LEADER Shoot her! Gunfire intensifies as Carolina escapes into the apartment. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - HALLWAY - NIGHT David and his men face a barrage of bullets as they approach the apartment. DAVID It’s David! Open. Carolina! It’s David! INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - LEVEL SEVENTEEN - JAVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, recognizing David's voice, opens the door amid gunfire. Chaos ensues as David and his men engage in a firefight. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT Amidst the chaos, Javelina lies helpless on the ground. DAVID No! She must not die! David rushes to Javelina's side, determined to save her. Title: "Shadows Unveiled" EXT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Chaos ensues as David, Carolina, and their team face a relentless assault from the Devil's Eyes. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - CONTINUED Devil's Eyes assailants attack from various entry points. A man bursts through the broken window. DAVID (roaring) Cover! David and Bogdan retaliate, firing at the intruders. INT. APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Javelina, still unconscious, lies on the bed. Carolina stands guard, ready to protect. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David dives for a tear gas canister. A gunshot resonates, and an assailant wielding a knife slumps to the floor. DAVID (chocking) Tear gas! David throws the canister outside, repelling the Devil's Eyes assailants. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Devil's Eyes continue their assault, chanting fiercely. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM Choking from the tear gas, David is attacked by a Devil's Eyes assailant. CAROLINA (aiming) David! A gunshot from Carolina takes down the assailant, but David is wounded. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - BEDROOM Bogdan lifts the injured David. Javelina stirs. CAROLINA (angry) Sleeping pills! INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM Devil's Eyes assailants regroup. Carolina tends to David's wound. CAROLINA (angry) This is the final attack. They won’t back off until they steal her from us. DAVID (weakly) To protect her... means fighting. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM - LATER Carolina rallies the team. The Devil's Eyes continue their assault. CAROLINA (frustrated) Damn it, David! We need you to get up! Title: "Shadows Unveiled" EXT. CITY APARTMENT - NIGHT Chaos unfolds as the Devil's Eyes launch a relentless assault on David and his team. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - CONTINUED Devil's Eyes assailants breach the apartment through various entry points. David and Bogdan react, firing at the intruders. DAVID (roaring) Cover! Amidst the gun battle, Carolina stands guard in the bedroom where Javelina lies unconscious. INT. APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Javelina, still unconscious, becomes a vulnerable target. Carolina remains vigilant, prepared to defend. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David, under siege, scrambles for a tear gas canister. A gunshot echoes, dropping a knife-wielding assailant. DAVID (choking) Tear gas! David throws the canister outside, temporarily repelling the Devil's Eyes. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The Devil's Eyes persist in their assault, fervently chanting outside. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM Choking from tear gas, David faces another assailant. CAROLINA (aiming) David! Carolina's gunshot takes down the attacker, but David is left wounded. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - BEDROOM Bogdan helps the injured David while Javelina stirs. CAROLINA (angry) Sleeping pills! INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM The Devil's Eyes regroup. Carolina tends to David's wound. CAROLINA (angry) This is the final attack. They won't back off until they steal her from us. DAVID (weakly) To protect her... means fighting. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM - LATER Carolina rallies the team for the impending attack. CAROLINA (frustrated) Damn it, David! We need you to get up! INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - BEDROOM Fatigued, David speaks with Javelina. The team prepares for the escalating battle. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM Assassins strategically position themselves. A renewed gun battle intensifies. BOGDAN (fighting) They're coming through adjacent rooms! INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM - LATER More Devil's Eyes assailants breach the apartment. Backup is urgently requested. BOGDAN (into radio) Man down! Calling for backup! INT. SUV - NIGHT David, Carolina, and Bogdan, escape the intense gun battle, taking Javelina to safety. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - CONTINUED The Devil's Eyes relentlessly pursue David's team, storming in pairs. A fierce gun battle unfolds. DAVID (getting up) I am going to cover the assassins! BOGDAN No, maybe you were right. Someone must stay with Javelina. If she is the key to all this, maybe, we do just that. Devil's Eyes men continue to breach in pairs, attempting to distract and overpower the assassins. CAROLINA (agreeing) Let these assassins covering the windows go and give them back up. Me and Bogdan will cover the windows! The assassins pair up to confront the Devil's Eyes assailants. The battle becomes intense, with a Devil's Eyes man down, calling for backup. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - LIVING ROOM Carolina and Bogdan take positions to cover the windows, while the remaining assassins engage in a deadly confrontation. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The gun battle rages on, with police sirens approaching in the distance. The Devil's Eyes intensify their assault. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT - BEDROOM Javelina wakes up amid the chaos, momentarily stunned by the deafening gunshots. She slumps back into a deep sleep. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The police sirens become audible, briefly halting the Devil's Eyes assault. The Devil's Eyes and police engage in a standoff. DAVID (to assassins) Go. Go. Go! David and Bogdan hold their ground, covering the assassins as they escape with Javelina through the back door. INT. SUV - NIGHT The SUVs speed off, taking bullets, as the police and Devil's Eyes engage in a firefight. DAVID (to driver) Let's go to my house. I don't think they can follow us there. INT. SUV - NIGHT - LATER The SUVs arrive at Carolina's house. David curses, concerned about the fate of the second SUV. DAVID (looking haunted) Those are my men out there. I need to know what happened. BOGDAN (making a suggestion) At least let's wait a few minutes before the phase closes. We denied them any seats and hours. INT. CAROLINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina suggests making phone calls to gather information. Bogdan turns on the television to the news channel. NEWS REPORTER Two SUVs bumped into each other at full speed, bursting into flames instantly. A massive roar echoes through the skies, leaving everyone on edge. INT. CAROLINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUED The news anchor's voice echoes in the room, delivering grim information about the SUV collision. NEWS ANCHOR There was only one survivor who had been taken to the hospital from the front SUV. The police believe that the SUVs are the same involved in shootings at a block of flats in the city. A massive roar tears through the skies, leaving an air of tension. DAVID (inconsolable) Heavy losses today! Damn it! These are all the old assassins. The more experienced ones who died. David grapples with the weight of the losses. DAVID (to Bogdan) Who was in that SUV? BOGDAN You stay here with Javelina. I will go and check. Both men grimace in pain, nursing their wounds. DAVID No, I will go and check. BOGDAN No, I am not supposed to leave Javelina alone, but if you can't go, then I have no option. DAVID Since you saw her, you never took your eyes off her. BOGDAN This woman holds the key to our success. I think she did well because she is still alive. Carolina makes a noise, catching their attention. CAROLINA (acknowledging) Oh, thanks to your resilience too. She is alive because you didn’t give up. You made sure your pledge was honored. That is good of you. DAVID Just imagine if they had found her the way I found her? Deep in sleep up to now; she is still deep in that sleep? CAROLINA Okay, we can’t take credit from you. Thank you too. The weight of the losses hangs heavily in the air. BOGDAN Make sure that the assassins cover the doors all the time. I will go and check. Carolina exits but returns promptly. CAROLINA Don’t keep Javelina sleeping, okay? Wake her up now! BOGDAN Okay. CAROLINA David, are you hearing me? Wake up Javelina! Javelina opens her eyes and asks about Carolina, but the men pretend to be asleep. DAVID (whispering) Just an hour left. Surely that can’t be bad. BOGDAN Just one hour, and all this becomes a nightmare. Carolina leaves, urging them not to sleep, and if they do, to wake each other up. Javelina, in her sleep, questions the absence of Carolina, and the men remain silent. DAVID (whispering) It worked. Imagine running around again when we are this tired and stretched. Javelina reveals her vulnerability, apologizing for her fear and thanking David for his support. She kisses him on the cheek and falls back asleep. DAVID (whispering) Javelina, wake up. Carolina is coming back soon. Javelina, drowsy, expresses her desire to sleep a bit longer. David and Bogdan share a glance as the clock shows twenty-five minutes to the deadline. DAVID (whispering) I am sorry. I ran. I was so scared. Thank you for standing by me. Javelina kisses David and drifts back to sleep. The two men watch her and check the clock. DAVID (whispering) Twenty-five minutes left. Bogdan, radio the assassins. INT. HOSPITAL - EMERGENCY ROOM - CONTINUED Carolina enters the hospital and approaches the reception. CAROLINA My friend was brought here. The one in the accident. Where is he? Receptionist gestures towards an officer on the other side. RECEPTIONIST You can find more information there. Carolina walks briskly, knocking on the officer's door and entering. A blonde woman inside looks up. WOMAN Can I help you? CAROLINA I'm here to see my friend, the one in the SUV accident. WOMAN Your friend? CAROLINA Of course. Is there something wrong? The woman stands up, leading Carolina out. WOMAN Follow me. They head towards the emergency room, seeing medical staff working on a patient. CAROLINA I need to see his wallet, badge number, everything he had. WOMAN We have to answer some questions first to ascertain identity and relation. CAROLINA Please, I don't have time. I really want to know who it is. WOMAN Sit down. CAROLINA I can't. I don't have time. I really want to know who it is. WOMAN Know what? I thought you said he was your friend. A beep from Carolina's watch startles her - a countdown timer. CAROLINA He's my boyfriend. I want his wallet now! WOMAN I'm not stupid. You couldn't recognize him as he looked at you. CAROLINA Of course, he was injured and burned. I also saw the red eye. The woman pulls out a gun from the drawer, pointing it at Carolina. WOMAN Hands up! She throws the wallet on the table, and Carolina quickly picks it up. A beep sound startles them, and Carolina checks the countdown. CAROLINA Five minutes to go. ! INT. HOSPITAL - OPERATING ROOM - CONTINUED Carolina, overwhelmed with emotion, slowly opens Jay's wallet. Her heart pounds as she reads the name. CAROLINA Jay Stevens. She breathes hard and sheds tears, but her crying suddenly stops. Carolina runs towards the operating room's glass window, dialing David's number. CAROLINA (whispering) Jay. Jay turns towards her, eyes wide open, locking gazes. Carolina closes her eyes, muttering to herself. CAROLINA Jay, brown. Jay playfully imitates licking and kissing her somewhere secret. The blonde woman approaches, pointing at Jay's red eye. WOMAN Was that a result of the accident? A beep interrupts them. The woman looks at Carolina. WOMAN (looking at the man) He's been chanting all day. Carolina's face turns pale. CAROLINA What did he say? WOMAN Devil's Eyes! Carolina's stomach churns. A beep startles her. CAROLINA Two minutes left. Carolina urgently calls David, panic evident in her voice. CAROLINA David, where is Javelina? DAVID (over the phone) She's sleeping on the bed. What's wrong? Is there a problem? Carolina hears a toilet flushing. CAROLINA David! Fear-stricken, she raises her voice. CAROLINA Can you see Javelina right now? DAVID She is fine. I am in the toilet. Hang on just a minute. Carolina paces, checking the time as it ticks away. CAROLINA Hurry, David! Hurry, please! The man in the accident had Jay's IDs but was a Devil's Eye! David drops the phone, pulls out his gun, and rushes inside. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUED David's heart pounds as he pushes the bedroom door open. He enters, gun shaking, and discovers only one assassin outside the bedroom door instead of two. Fear grips him as he pushes the door open. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - CONTINUED Carolina, crying and shouting on the phone, urges David to check on Javelina. CAROLINA Check if she is okay! Hurry, David, seconds to go. Hurry! A beep startles Carolina, and she anxiously counts down. CAROLINA Thirty seconds to go, twenty-nine, twenty-eight... David reaches the bedroom door, praying silently as he pushes it open. DAVID Let her be okay. Please. Let her be okay. A huge roar wakes up Bogdan. Disoriented and alarmed, he sees David in pain and agony, holding a gun pointed at the assassin. The other assassin opens the door. BOGDAN (panicking) Sleeping pills. He notices the shining reflection of a knife falling to the ground next to the assassin. Panic fills Bogdan as he reaches for his gun. BOGDAN Oh my God! He screams in shock, looking at the growing blood patch near Javelina's neck. The assassin raises his hand, holding the knife. In a deafening sound, a gunshot rings out, and the assassin jerks backward, hitting the wall before falling in front of David. David screams in pain, kneeling and lifting Javelina into his lap. Bogdan checks the shot assassin blocking the bedroom door. DAVID (screaming) Noooo! Carolina, still on the phone, hears David's roar of pain and anguish. She drops the phone, sitting on the floor crying profusely. INT. HOSPITAL - OPERATING ROOM - CONTINUED Carolina hears the man in the operating room laughing and chanting. MAN Devil's Eyes! Choking with rage, Carolina stands up, aiming her gun. The operating doctor raises his hand to stop her. DOCTOR No! What are you doing? Carolina locks eyes with the man through the glass window, firing consecutive shots. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - CONTINUED David cries as a beep sound startles Carolina. CAROLINA System phase completed, initiating shutdown. Carolina staggers outside the hospital. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT A policewoman shouts at Carolina. POLICEWOMAN Stop! Or I will shoot! INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Carolina points her gun at the policewoman. CAROLINA He killed my prodigy. He was an imposter. A Devil’s Eyes man. Ruthless killers traumatizing and terrorizing everyone. He deserved to die. They lock eyes. POLICEWOMAN But you said he was a friend; a boyfriend if I heard you correctly? CAROLINA Just know that he is where he deserves to be. In hell with the devil. Keeping an eye on him and not here. The policewoman lowers her hand holding the gun. Carolina turns and walks out, sitting in her SUV, crying uncontrollably, and eventually falling asleep in the car park. Miles away, David holds Javelina in his hands as Bogdan kneels next to him. BOGDAN He took it too hard. Still sleeping. Haven't eaten anything, just alcohol. The other assassin briefly looks and closes the bedroom door, standing outside with a teardrop splashing on his shiny black shoes. In the hospital car park, the policewoman approaches Carolina's parked SUV. POLICEWOMAN (about to knock) How is he? Carolina, with red eyes, points the gun at her, then speeds off, leaving the policewoman standing in the car park. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY - THREE DAYS LATER BOGDAN How is he? CAROLINA Took it too hard. Still sleeping. Haven't eaten anything, just alcohol. BOGDAN He must eat to be strong. We must do something; otherwise, they will come and kill us if he is still sleeping. They enter David’s bedroom where he lies on the bed with vodka in one hand and a gun in the other. BOGDAN (trying to wake him) David, get up! We need you. We can’t do this without you! David gets up and sits down. DAVID (saddened) If I had listened to you and kept Javelina awake, she could be here right now. But I chose to soothe my wounds. I had given my pledge to protect her. How could he kill her in her sleep? He covers his face with one hand while clinging to the gun. DAVID I still see her even now. I talk to her in my dreams. She kept touching my face. CAROLINA Come on! But you are giving up on us as well. DAVID If I had listened to you on two occasions, not just one. Jay and the other guys would still be alive, even Javelina could still be here. You said to wake her up. CAROLINA Bogdan told me you did wake her up, and you spoke together. David pauses, reflecting. DAVID Okay. Briefly, though, I told her to sleep again. I guess I was scared she would run off again. That cost her, her life. He slumps on the bed and falls asleep again. DAVID Now you are putting me in your shoes. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Carolina voices her concern to David, who opens his eyes. CAROLINA What should I do? Let you sleep? What if they come when you are sleeping? David reflects on Javelina and his guilt. DAVID This is different. She needed us. We gave her a false sense of security. I should have known she knew that I was no good for her. She ran from me, ran for her life. We still followed, and now see. I can never forgive myself. So, if you don’t mind, I have some catching up to do with her. She is in my dreams daily. Carolina suggests a way to break the hypnotic state. CAROLINA They must have hacked his system. They might be playing the last conversation in his ears and let him dream about her all the time. What is David’s favorite music? BOGDAN (whispering) Carolinadeivid? CAROLINA (high-tempo) Come on, I mean high-tempo music. Something upbeat and fast about war or fighting? Bogdan plays the suggested music. DAVID I can’t hear her now. Stop that music. I want to listen to Javelina. They realize the hypnotic influence. CAROLINA Damn it! I knew they were hypnotizing him. We must find a way to stop them. David decides to take action. DAVID Carolina, you are strong now, as you, Bogdan. You two must take over until I return from 'vacation.' Don’t wait for me. They will come soon. Carolina pleads with David, but he insists. CAROLINA We can do this! DAVID I know. David drinks vodka and lays down, appearing at peace. LATER A mysterious man enters the bedroom, checking David's wallet. MYSTERIOUS MAN (surprised) He couldn't believe it. INT. MANSION - BEDROOM - NIGHT David wakes up, responding to a mysterious man's presence. MYSTERIOUS MAN (whispering) One of us? David shouts "Devil’s Eye" and attempts to go back to sleep. DAVID Devil’s Eye! The man persists, questioning David's identity. MYSTERIOUS MAN Are you a Devil’s Eyes assassin? What happened to you? Did they catch you? Are you a prisoner here? David, in a stupor, responds affirmatively. The man takes David's belongings and suggests leaving. MYSTERIOUS MAN Let’s go. I will take you back before they return. David struggles but decides to stay. DAVID Devil’s Eyes! The man urges David to leave, aware of an approaching threat. MYSTERIOUS MAN They are coming quickly. Go. Carolina and the team arrive at the mansion. CAROLINA (looking around) David, was someone else here? David informs them about the Devil’s Eyes assassin. DAVID Yes, the Devil’s Eyes assassin. Carolina notices the moved vodka bottle and grows concerned. CAROLINA (panicking) Oh my God. He is telling the truth. Someone was here! David acknowledges the danger. DAVID I know. Carolina checks for missing items. CAROLINA (worried) He could have killed you! David, now alert, rises. DAVID Devil’s Eyes! The tension escalates as they prepare for the impending threat. INT. MANSION - LIVING ROOM - DAY David, Carolina, and Bogdan discuss the recent events and the intrusion by the Devil's Eyes assassin. DAVID (smiling) Oh my God. That is what that was about. I thought you were loosening it. CAROLINA Helpless as I was, I thought that would work, and it did! BOGDAN Did you talk to Javelina in your dream? DAVID Javelina is dead, right, and I haven’t been dreaming lately, but this song keeps ringing in my ears. They share a moment of realization. CAROLINA Welcome back! DAVID They must have hacked my system. For the first days, I had the same dream. We were talking, me and Javelina, but somehow I can’t dream anymore. They discuss the Devil’s Eyes assassin who infiltrated the mansion. DAVID Antoni Kilian, age 28, with the Devil’s Eyes Presidential assassins branch. They react with surprise and concern. BOGDAN You don’t believe me? David provides evidence by throwing Kilian's wallet to Bogdan. DAVID On a serious note, he could have killed me. Make sure my Fatladies keep an eye on me, okay? CAROLINA We must train, for we have forty-eight hours before they start sending the Devil’s Eyes assassins. They honor David and prepare for the challenges ahead. DAVID Does that mean you are taking back over? They contemplate the next steps. EXT. DEVIL'S EYES HEADQUARTERS - MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson, furious about the missed opportunity, vents his anger to his subordinate. MARSON What got into you to suggest he was one of us? SUBORDINATE He had a wallet. I checked; he was one of us, above all, he chanted back. Marson realizes the missed opportunity and scolds his subordinate. MARSON Was he drunk? SUBORDINATE Yes! MARSON Damn it, you fool. What else do you want? You found him drunk and alone. You nearly had him on a plate. All you had to do is put a bullet in him or carry him back here. I want you to go back there immediately and finish him off. What was the name on the identity card? SUBORDINATE Walter Steins! Marson checks and discovers the deceased status. MARSON Go now! I want you to finish him off. Go! The subordinate rushes to carry out Marson's orders. ! INT. DAVID'S MANSION - BEDROOM - NIGHT David, still grappling with Javelina's loss, contemplates taking a drink when he spots an intruder in the botanic garden. DAVID Another lapse of security. Everyone must be on high alert. Where are the Fatladies? David takes a sip of vodka and prepares for the unexpected. The Devil's Eyes man silently takes down the guard and proceeds to the bedroom. He notices his open wallet on the cabinet, and David, alert, confronts him. DAVID Hey, what are you doing? You came to take me back, right? I am not stupid; I know who you are! David engages in a swift and intense hand-to-hand combat with the Devil's Eyes man. DAVID (CONT'D) Predictable! Copying everything! In a sudden turn of events, David manages to grab the gun and fires a shot into the Devil's Eyes man's head, taking him down. Bogdan and Carolina rush in, witnessing the aftermath. BOGDAN Glad you're back! DAVID I just need an update; I'm not taking over. CAROLINA What? David addresses them, relinquishing control. DAVID This is now assigned to you two. Best of luck—not because I believe in luck, but you will need a little as well. Shortly after, David reflects on the recent developments. DAVID (CONT'D) I can’t believe they got all three seats in the last phase. The odds are now against us. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - STUDIO - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Carolina gather in the studio to discuss their next moves. DAVID We need to strategize. They've gained an advantage, and we have to regain control. BOGDAN They won't stop until they eliminate us. We need to be one step ahead. CAROLINA Agreed. Let's use the Devil's Eyes man's identification and fingerprints to hack their system. They get to work on unraveling the mysteries behind the recent infiltrations. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - DAY David, contemplating the challenges ahead, formulates a plan. DAVID We must hit them where it hurts the most. Find their weaknesses, exploit them, and turn the tables. BOGDAN We can't afford any more mistakes. CAROLINA It's time to take the fight to their doorstep. They share a determined look, gearing up for the imminent battle against the Devil's Eyes. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - DAY David lays out the gravity of the situation to the team. DAVID The higher the phases, the tougher it becomes for us. The odds are now against us. They have four seats, and hours are ticking away. Concern fills the room. BOGDAN What must we do? They have over one hundred and fifty lethal Devil’s assassins. We used our lifeline way too early. CAROLINA Surely there is something we can do to claim back the seats and hours. David contemplates the dire situation. DAVID We can target those who have seats already to reduce their numbers. We need an attacking team because so far, we've only been defending. Fight fire with fire. Fight evil with evil. Applause and a standing ovation follow. CAROLINA We thought you were giving up. That’s the leader we pledged to follow and fight for. Now you are talking! David addresses the team, assigning roles. DAVID Still, you are now in leadership; you all must work together. I will lead the attacking force. BOGDAN The risks are even higher. They only need to kill two recipients before they can target the leadership again. DAVID The greatest threat is the leadership, especially the new generation. They can freeze our number of assassins and issue court orders against us. Fear and concern grip the room. DAVID (CONT'D) How can we stop them? They can declare us enemies of the state and send everyone to attack us. The room trembles with fear. DAVID (CONT'D) We must outsmart them. Attack to distract them. If their base score is higher, they can use our assassins against us. Questions and concerns flood the room. DAVID (CONT'D) Aim now is to neutralize a counter-attack. Bogdan and Carolina, lead the defensive group. Stacey and I will lead the attack. David introduces Stacey, a seasoned professional. DAVID (CONT'D) Stacey was a Presidential guard and a tactical weapons and technological attack assassin specialist. All the skills we are looking for. An unsettling hissing and buzz fill the room. DAVID (CONT'D) If you have something to say, say it now. Carolina takes David aside for a private conversation. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - PRIVATE ROOM - DAY Carolina and David engage in a private conversation. CAROLINA What's going on, David? DAVID (whispering) There's something more we need to address. Let's see what Stacey has to say. They rejoin the group, their expressions revealing the gravity of the situation. ! INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - DAY Chaos erupts as tension boils between Stacey, Juliana, and Carolina. CAROLINA (angry) I don’t like how this sounds. What is going on? You are telling me she used to work for them? What got into you? I have a bad feeling about this. Bogdan joins them, expressing concern. BOGDAN I agree with Carolina. Taking their rejects will only compromise our security. Stacey defends herself, showing off her skills. STACEY You can say it to my face! Juliana voices her skepticism about Stacey. JULIANA She is a security risk. I checked her background, and she flirts with the leaders for personal gains. Stacey retaliates, confronting Juliana. STACEY Maybe I have something you need? Juliana's taunts escalate, leading to a standoff. JULIANA You bitch! Gold digger, nothing more than a Trojan horse to me. Stacey pulls out her gun, escalating the situation. STACEY It’s not magnum or automatic, but I guess it can give you an orgasm to hell! Juliana challenges Stacey, accusing her of taking advantage of David's vulnerability. JULIANA Maybe I put a bullet in that pretty face and see if you can still flirt with David. The tension explodes into physical confrontation as Juliana and Stacey engage in a fierce fight. DAVID Ladies, ladies! Hold on. Not the time and place. David intervenes, revealing Stacey's background. DAVID (CONT'D) Stacey, Juliana, head of my special branch of Presidential guards, my best eight assassins. The Fatladies! Stacey taunts Juliana, leading to a physical altercation. STACEY Fatladies, how fittingly. I can see why you called them that. I know you had one look at her, and it hit you! Juliana retaliates with a swift round kick, initiating a brawl. JULIANA You were saying? The fight intensifies with acrobatic moves, drawing in Carolina. CAROLINA (angry) Who did? You bitch! The room becomes a battleground as tensions reach a boiling point. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The room still buzzing with tension after the physical confrontation. Stacey, Juliana, and Carolina stand, catching their breath. STACEY (flipping) See, we need her. She is good! David regains control and outlines the plan. DAVID As I was saying, I and Stacey will lead the attacking team. Secretly we will dispose of the seats and hours. Questions arise about the cult and its members. STACEY So, do they have recipients like us? Do they recruit like us? DAVID They have a different way to recruit. They recruit via the cult, as a religious thing. It's an underground secret, impossible to know the members. The oldest religion in the world, yet no one knows who the members are. Concerns arise about infiltrating the cult. STACEY If they are the richest people secretly belonging to this cult, security is tight. How do we infiltrate or even know who they are? David reveals the significance of Devil’s Eye Island. DAVID (CONT'D) Devil’s Eye Island! It is believed that the oldest religion in the world originated there and is still practiced. They carry out pledges at a ceremony on this island. Stacey questions the purpose of the Devil's Eyes. STACEY What is the purpose of these Devil's Eyes? DAVID The cult believes in defending the Devil-Is-I, their leader. Members make pledges at ceremonies on the island, and every year, one person is recruited, typically on their eighteenth birthday. Thoughts turn to the difficulty of cracking the cult's secrets. STACEY That will be a hard list to crack. If they are secretly the richest people belonging to this cult, security is tight. How do we infiltrate or even know who they are? DAVID We need to find a way to learn about their ceremonies and ceremonies, especially the one where the new recruits are anointed to the cult's circle of trust. The team prepares for the challenging mission ahead. CAROLINA So, where do we start? DAVID Devil's Eye Island. We need to uncover the secrets of this cult and expose the twelve people occupying their seats. The room falls into a determined silence as they contemplate the challenging journey ahead. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Stacey sit together as David reveals the dark beliefs of the Devil's Eyes. DAVID The Devil's Eyes believe they were there before God tampered with their system. They claim their purpose is to take back the kingdom of darkness they believe was stolen by God. They reference Genesis in the Bible as evidence, stating that in the beginning, there was darkness, acknowledging the existence of evil in the kingdom of darkness before God separated the light. Their struggle is to revert to that period and defeat good or God to restore the kingdom of darkness. David recites the Bible passage, emphasizing the part about darkness. GENESIS 1:1-5 (New International Version) The Beginning 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning, the first day. He continues explaining their sinister plan. DAVID (CONT'D) To claim back the kingdom of darkness, they must kill all those who stand for all-things-good, two-thirds of the population. Their aim is to commit more evil acts than God and the real devil combined. Ever heard of forty-eight hours of darkness? BOGDAN No. DAVID That's when they believe that if they get eighteen seats or eighteen hours of the day, it will trigger the rise of the devil's ghost. This ghost, they believe, will help them slaughter two-thirds of the world's population in forty-eight hours. Shock spreads across their faces. STACEY (whispering) This is why we have to fight to save these two-thirds. DAVID Exactly. At today's figures, with 7.8 billion people in the world, that means 5.2 billion people will be slaughtered in forty-eight hours by the devil's ghost if they manage a majority. It's the restoration of the kingdom of darkness, referred to as the end of days. Carolina seeks clarification. CAROLINA Is this why they call it the end of days? DAVID Yes. It's the restoration of the kingdom of darkness, meaning we lose hours of sunshine. Days refer to hours of the day when the sun shines. If the sun shines twice per day, there won't be darkness, creating what they call paradise. But it's also true for the devil's side, as darkness can come twice without the sun. STACEY (whispering) Oh my God. CAROLINA So why does the Bible talk about the second coming of the son? David looks at them, holding a grave expression. DAVID It's a misconception. The Bible speaks of the second coming of the sun, not the son. Silence envelops the room as the weight of their mission intensifies. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Stacey grapple with the dire implications of the Devil's Eyes mission. DAVID Giving people hope and often a misconception, as we know that even the prophets thought that this would happen in their lifetime, but it's been two thousand years now. This is what we must fight until the end. The devil wants to restore slavery where he manipulates people as the only source of light, demanding them to worship him first before shining, turning darkness to light, something God refused before creating light in Genesis 1:1-5. Bogdan raises a crucial question. BOGDAN David, I have a question for you: why has this become a threat to mankind? When there are people who subscribe to the devil whom he will spare according to you, a third of the 7.8 billion people on earth. That is 2.6 billion. That can’t be a threat, as these people will continue with the human race? DAVID (acknowledging) Very good question, my friend. The answer lies in the threat at hand. To restore the kingdom of darkness, the Devil-Is-I must do worse than God and the devil put together. If he destroys more people than God, that shows he has more power. He does not care; he would rather destroy everything. Although I said he will destroy two-thirds of the people, there is a general belief that towards the end of the days, people will realize their mistake of trusting the devil. Then they will all turn to God or good. Here is the danger: because the Devil-Is-I must destroy everything and everyone associated with good and God. All people except him have turned to good and God, meaning the devil’s ghost must destroy all except him alone. That means the extinction of mankind, as he will not be able to have kids on his own. This is why we must fight. The gravity of the situation sinks in, and they express their shock. BOGDAN It doesn’t stop there. The fact that he believed that God used a contaminated stencil to create human beings. Even if he used his image to create humans, he made them out of sand contaminated with the devil’s DNA. This means everyone has some God’s DNA image as well as the Devil’s DNA image. The very fact we are in this mess. So, having said that, it is believed that the Devil would prefer to create his own pure people with only his DNA image. People not contaminated with both DNA’s images. That, my friends, is the main threat to us, humans. The devil will obliterate everyone and start again, creating his own people. The true meaning of the end of the days. David concludes, emphasizing the severity of the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) To conclude on this subject, that is why these people are called Hostis Humanis Generis, as enemies of mankind because if left alone, they will destroy humanity altogether. They are set to kill more than what God or even the devil would do. As a way to claim back the lost kingdom of darkness. See why we are strict with these? STACEY I am now convinced that there are real risks, and these people must be eliminated! DAVID If I listened carefully, you are saying that we can find recruits by checking who turned eighteen and was on the Devil’s Eyes Island on their birthday? DAVID That is what it sounds more like, but it is more complicated than that. The weight of the mission ahead settles in, and they prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. EXT. HIGH-CLASS BOAT - NIGHT The boat glides smoothly over the waters, creating ripples in its wake. The waiter carefully navigates the loading bridge, presenting a tray of champagne to the four friends: Peter, Frank, Ewelina, and Malvina. PETER (raises his glass) To the trip of a lifetime! To love and to friendship! They all clink glasses, toasting to Ewelina's twenty-second birthday. The boat's engine hums as they set off at a brisk pace. The wind tousles their hair as they put on sunglasses. FRANK (leaning in to kiss Ewelina) To Ewelina with lots of love. Happy birthday, my love. They share a sweet moment as the boat continues its journey. MALVINA How does it feel to be twenty-two years old? EWELINA It's a bit strange to see that I haven't done any of the things I said I would do when I turned eighteen years old. FRANK (cheerfully) Tick that. Laughter ensues as Frank playfully acknowledges Ewelina's accomplishment. PETER (teasing) That is out of the way. What's next? EWELINA (smiling) A threesome, a foursome, and a swing. Everyone bursts into laughter, enjoying the playful banter. PETER (appreciatively) Tick that again. Frank, a bit tipsy, attempts to stand but is halted by his friends' warnings. FRIEND #1 Hey, hey! Sit down! FRIEND #2 She said foursome as well, mate. So, you're still needed. No need to jump over the boat and kill yourself. Peter playfully flaunts his physique, teasing Frank. PETER (smiling) See, even your woman wants to be with me. Frank, taking it in stride, joins the laughter and hugs Malvina. FRANK (teasing Peter) What else, maybe visit a cult and have a weird religious ceremony? EWELINA (teasingly) Frank, mate, what are you doing wrong with your women? If I am correct, she's looking for a cult orgy, where all men make love to her as others watch. PETER (laughing) Fuck off, you! You forgot your girlfriend was once mine. She just wants to play revenge. MALVINA (smiling) The night I was going to tell you, I found out that Frank was your best friend. See, you two are still together. That could have split you two up! MALVINA So, what else do you want on your birthday? EWELINA Swimming in the deepest waters at night, naked, and making love to my man in there. PETER (teasingly) Don't know about that wish. MALVINA (smiling) Hey, I want something as well for my birthday. PETER (raising an eyebrow) Is it your birthday? MALVINA No! The celebration continues as the boat cruises through the night, carrying the group of friends into the unknown adventures of Ewelina's birthday voyage. EXT. BOARDING DECK - NIGHT The boat gracefully docks at the boarding deck of the huge ship. An usher extends his hand to help everyone disembark. The group steps onto the loading deck, forming a line to board the massive vessel. TALL FEMALE At the bridge, a tall woman with a hat, the ship's attendant, awaits their arrival. TALL FEMALE Tickets and passport, please! Ewelina steps forward, presenting her ticket alone. EWELINA (smiling) Are you sure I have to show you my passport? I'm turning twenty-two soon. You didn't ask for a passport from my friend, yet we are of the same age. TALL FEMALE I have the right to ask if you don't look your age. So, passport. Don't waste time; you could be having champagne or something on the ship. Ewelina, defiant but playful, insists on her birthday. EWELINA It's my twenty-second birthday! The tall woman, somewhat amused, accepts Ewelina's passport. TALL FEMALE Miss Ewelina Stravinsky, 21 years of age, born in Russia. That's all. Have a pleasant journey. The ship, opulent and filled with affluent passengers, awaits the group. INT. SHIP - NIGHT Malvina, captivated by the romantic atmosphere, settles onto a heart-shaped portion of the ship with tables for two and oversized glasses. Ice cream and fruits adorn the tables. MALVINA (sighing) It's so romantic. Ewelina playfully feeds Frank a strawberry-dipped in ice cream, creating a comical mess on his face. Frank, embarrassed, attempts to clean up. FRANK (looking at Ewelina) Hey, love, I really wanted to taste that ice cream, and now it's all over my face. EWELINA (suggestively) I have a better suggestion. Why don't I eat the ice cream, and then you can taste both me and the ice cream? Ewelina sensually licks the ice cream off Frank's face, leading to a passionate French kiss. Peter, envious, comments. PETER (sarcastic) Oh my God, that's so hot. Where did you find this woman? Ewelina continues to tease Frank, while Malvina expresses hunger. MALVINA (hungry) I am so hungry; I need a proper meal. Peter, a bit annoyed, joins the laughter. PETER (irritated) So, what is romantic about that? He curses but eventually succumbs to the allure of the food on the nearby table. PETER It's self-service this hour. The group indulges in the ship's luxurious offerings, setting the tone for a night filled with celebration, romance, and unexpected adventures. INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP DINING AREA - NIGHT The scene transitions to the opulent dining area where Malvina, Peter, Ewelina, and Frank engage in playful banter and romantic escapades. MALVINA (teasing) Peter, what are you staring at? They should get a room. Now I don't even know if I'm hungry for food or something else. Peter, momentarily captivated by Ewelina and Frank's passionate display, gets caught by Malvina. PETER (stammering) I was just saying they should get a room. Look, now I don't even know if I'm hungry for food or for something like that. Malvina challenges Peter, proposing a playful comparison between her and the food. MALVINA (smiling) Okay, it's easy. We're both here – I and the food. Let's see exactly what you want. Malvina sensually approaches Peter, teasing him with a seductive display. Peter, feeling a mix of embarrassment and desire, walks away, leaving her in her provocative stance. MALVINA (mockingly) What are you doing? Undeterred, Malvina continues her sensual gestures. An old man approaches, finding an opportunity to flirt with her. OLD MAN (laughing) I am better than him, I guess. Malvina, startled and amused, responds to the old man's advances, pretending to engage in a flirtatious encounter. Peter, witnessing this, rushes back, filled with jealousy. PETER (angry) What the hell is going on here? The old man playfully suggests he might be a better choice for Malvina, prompting Peter's fiery reaction. As Peter lifts his fist, the situation takes a surprising turn. PETER (declaring) Now I have to kiss you while everyone is watching. I know that's your birthday wish. Peter lifts Malvina in the air, and they share a passionate kiss. The commotion attracts a crowd, and Peter revels in the attention. Frank whistles, prompting Peter's confusion. PETER (confused) What was that? FRANK (laughing) You don't get it. You just want to... you know. That's not romantic. Look at Frank and Ewelina; they're not that wild. Peter, attempting to defend his actions, doesn't fully understand Malvina's perspective. MALVINA (explaining) You keep leaving me embarrassed and feeling cheap. That's why I don't flirt because I know it ends up with you wanting just... you know. Peter, seemingly not grasping Malvina's sentiment, continues to boast about his desires. PETER (impatient) What does that lead to? All these are just starters. Frank is like an old car, but I'm like a... boom, zero to a hundred in seconds. Frank interjects, teasingly advising them to get a room. The group bursts into laughter. FRANK (laughing) It's true, who needs a room? Peter, still in a playful manner, walks toward Malvina, expressing his desire for her. PETER (playfully) Hey, don't put it on me. What can I do if you are hot, sexy, beautiful, delicious, curiously fabulous and make me drool? Peter embraces Malvina, expressing his passion with playful gestures. MALVINA (smiling) I mean, everything you do just triggers feelings of having an intense orgasm. PETER (impatient) What? The group continues their banter and laughter, navigating the fine line between romance and playful mischief on this luxurious voyage. ! INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP ACCOMMODATION DECK - NIGHT Ewelina sits alone, enjoying the serene night on the ship. Peter approaches with a mischievous grin. PETER (smiling) I can't wait for the threesome. EWELINA (teasing) Oh, a threesome? That's cool. But the one I had in mind is two girls and one boy, and we've already picked Frank. Peter, surprised and disappointed, questions Ewelina's choice. PETER (disappointed) What? No. Is that why Malvina keeps eating food, so she has energy for you two and not me? Damn it, what did I do to deserve this? EWELINA (teasing) Nothing, just slow, I guess. When I said my wish, you were supposed to say, "Pick me. Pick me." PETER (playful) Okay, I lost the threesome. So what about the foursome? Ewelina pits Peter again, revealing her playful plan. EWELINA (teasing) The foursome I had in mind is the captain with two girls and one boy, and again, Frank pleaded first with us, so again, you are out. The second round is the captain and three girls. Again, you are out. PETER (curious) Who is the other girl? Ewelina leans in, whispering into Peter's ear. EWELINA (smiling) It's a surprise. But don't worry, we'll find something exciting for you. Peter, still puzzled, looks around, wondering what other adventures await them on this luxurious journey. INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP DINING AREA - NIGHT The laughter fills the air as Ewelina and the others enjoy the playful banter. The woman across the table waves, mimicking cupping her breasts. Peter, intrigued, contemplates his chances. PETER (smiling) Okay, maybe I get one on one with her. Ewelina bursts into laughter, joined by Malvina and Frank, who arrive at the scene. MALVINA (laughing) What's so funny? I expected you to be jealous and probably slap me. PETER (looking at Malvina) See why I don't like to make her have an orgasm? Once she has had one, she doesn't care. She doesn't even get jealous. Malvina, Frank, and Ewelina share a laugh, but suddenly, another woman joins in the laughter. WOMAN (as a reflex) Who is laughing now? They all look at each other, and the atmosphere becomes awkward. PETER (as a joke) Let's just say she can make you sit on her lap. The woman gets up, imitating humping like a man. WOMAN (laughing) I was just joking. I have my beautiful, gorgeous, flirtatious girlfriend. Peter pinches her playfully. PETER (teasing) I don't want to see you anywhere close to that woman or the captain for that matter. The woman gets up and imitates humping like a man. WOMAN (laughing) I was just joking. I have my beautiful, gorgeous, flirtatious girlfriend. Peter pinches her playfully. PETER (teasing) I don't want to see you anywhere close to that woman or the captain for that matter. Peter pulls Malvina onto his lap and glares at the woman. PETER (to Malvina) You don't know Peter; all he thinks about is sex all the time. FRANK (returning) Darling, I have good news. The captain agreed that you can sail the ship for one hour as a birthday present. Ewelina hugs Frank with excitement. EWELINA (hugging Frank) Thank you, darling. See, this is the man I love. He lets me fulfill my fantasies with the captain. How romantic is that for a birthday present? Frank looks puzzled as Peter signals him about Ewelina's intentions. PETER (to Frank) She wants the captain's thing right here between her legs, and you are running around making that happen. Can't you see she is establishing an alibi and offloading blame on you? FRANK (defending) He won't take anything. He is simply going to pleasure her. Make her happy. PETER (sarcastic) I had a bet with the captain. I said to him that in my experience, men with a small cock have big things - big cars, big ships - to compensate. He asked what kind of car I drive, and I said the smallest car on earth. You know what he said? He said I have low self-esteem. I said no, it's because I have a big cock. See, I suggest he has a small cock, as he wants a big ship to compensate for that. Peter looks confused, seeking clarification. PETER (confused) So, is this for real? He turns to Malvina, questioning her. PETER (looking at Malvina) You are grounded. You are not going anywhere near that captain. MALVINA (teasing) But we need two judges to make an informed decision. Peter reacts strongly, expressing his disapproval. PETER (angry) Fuck you. You think my Malvina is going to do that shit for you. He pulls out a gun, aiming it at the captain, who suddenly appears on the deck. INT. LUXURIOUS SHIP THEATER - NIGHT The couples enter the theater, finding many people already seated. Ewelina gazes at the stage, linking hands with Frank. EWELINA (whispering) Hey, that play is at 6 pm. Let’s go and prepare. I don’t want to miss it. Later, they return to the theater as the captain of the ship takes the stage, drawing attention. Ewelina crosses her legs, intrigued. CAPTAIN (on stage) It's time to spice things up a bit! The captain removes his cap and playfully places it on a woman's head, hugging her from behind and pinning her against the ship's steering wheel. Laughter and whispers ensue from the audience. PETER (whispering) What’s with you two and captains? FRANK (whispering) He never gets it. It is the silly things that keep us connected and together. Just look how miserable and quiet you are and your girlfriend. For us, these fantasies keep us together and make this trip a trip of a lifetime. So, stop poking into our love affair, disturbing our trip of a lifetime, and find something to talk about with Malvina. Ask her if she thinks you have a big cock? Laughter and hushed conversations continue, drawing the attention of nearby spectators. RANDOM WOMAN (annoyed) Hey, keep quiet! PETER (defiant) Hey, I have a big cock! RANDOM WOMAN (angry) Hey, nobody wants to hear that! FRANK (whispering to Ewelina) Wait and see how to press the wrong buttons in a relationship. EWELINA (whispering) What did you say to him? You forgot that he nearly broke your jaw? FRANK (whispering) If they fight tonight, he won’t get laid, and tomorrow the whole day he will be begging her and licking her. I need it tomorrow for us. Just you and me. To make your birthday special. EWELINA (teasing) Wow, it sounds like you are up to something romantic and sexy. FRANK (smiling) The captain agreed to drop one boat for us as we arrive at the Devils’ Eye Island. I want to take you to the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island. To a remote secret place where a religious cult used to be held a thousand years ago. I heard that the place is still there. Ewelina kisses him passionately. EWELINA (teasing) All my wishes are nearly fulfilled. I love you, Frank. The lights dim, and the play continues, leaving the couples in anticipation. INT. SECRET HALL - NIGHT Ewelina, Peter, and Frank explore the mysterious hall with two huge golden bells stuck together, a bed above, and a long ladder running down. Below the bed is a huge basin, and a round wire mesh hangs without any covering. The atmosphere is eerie. PETER (laughing) I guess this is for when you are sleeping up there; you just take it out and pee without climbing down. The urine collects here, and let’s see where it goes. Peter follows the drain system. FRANK (suggestively) On the contrary, virgins were brought in here for the big bangs before being sacrificed by the Devil’s Eyes thousands of years ago. Frank points at the big bells. FRANK (CONT'D) (continuing) Once in here, they would be told to climb on the bed up there. Men would gather in this basin and fight to go up there. With two or more men climbing, they would fight as they go, pushing each other until one falls and splits the skull or breaks before his blood drains in there. If not split, the other men would slit his throat. That blood would drain down into the wild beast’s den underneath. The smell of blood would then drive it mad. Fear spreads through the group. Ewelina hugs Frank tightly, and Malvina stands in front of Peter, allowing him to spoon her for comfort. FRANK (CONT'D) (pausing) The man who had climbed would then open the virgin with her blood dripping onto the heads of the men below in the basin. Whoever the blood drops on would challenge the man for her. He can say that her membrane’s blood spilled on his head, a metaphor for the head of his penis, so he must have been there too when she lost her virginity. He can fight to dispose of the man. This was meant to give the girl two men who would fight for her, as she was after that going to be sacrificed by the Devil’s Eyes. Who would throw her to be ravaged by the wild beast that had been starved of meat only fed on human blood? These two men, in the end, would group to fight the beast to protect her. EWELINA (soberly) So, would they have succeeded? The group shudders, anticipating Frank's answer. INT. SECRET HALL - NIGHT The group discusses the horrifying history of the Devil’s Eyes cult and their twisted rituals. PETER (disconcerted) So, are you saying that they would sacrifice the old simply to see new firepower? FRANK (nodding) The idiom; new brooms sweep clean is relevant here. PETER (intrigued) Could that explain why they have to challenge the Devil and God that they can do a better job of killing than them? FRANK (confident) Yes, because they believed that to retake the kingdom of darkness, they must do more killings than the devil and God to challenge the status quo. PETER (outraged) There are evil people in this world. FRANK (solemn) But if the two men decide that the girl must not die or be sacrificed, then they must trick the men to fall to their death and become bloody food for the wild beast. All they would do is ask the men to go up and take the girl. The men would climb up, then the two men would pull that rope that would pull the big bells down that flips the ladder, sending the men to his death in the basin. They would slit his throat and let his blood be food for the wild beast. One by one, they must keep feeding the beast but with only the blood of the men. PETER (baffled) But why not throw the whole body? FRANK (sincere) The Devil’s Eye believed that the beast can only eat virgin-women’s flesh and can’t eat man’s flesh as a trick, so they spill as much blood of their enemies as possible. Fear and tension fill the room as someone tries to open the door. FRANK (CONT'D) (whispering) The Devil’s Eye cult—was it for real or a myth? PETER (apprehensive) They are believed to have existed even before God existed. Some believe that even today they exist, but there is no proof. Some believe that in the Eye of the Devil’s Eye, they still practice that. The couple looks at each other, excitement mixed with fear. FRANK (CONT'D) (teasing) We can’t just wait. PETER (curious) Wait for what? Frank pinches Ewelina, prompting her to speak. EWELINA (smiling nervously) Okay, if it’s a secret, and if you don’t want to tell us. That is okay. FRANK (sly) Secret, my friend. I guess tomorrow it’s only you and your girlfriend while we enjoy a romantic trip of a lifetime. PETER (disgruntled) Whatever. But it’s not fair. We came together; shouldn’t we be going together? FRANK (teasing) This is just for two. Sorry, mate, but you can ask the captain. Then buy tickets for the boat too for you and your girlfriend and follow us, that’s okay? PETER (astonished) But I thought she wanted to screw the captain. FRANK (smiling) Figurative language, my friend. We intend not to bring the boat back, as in "screwing the captain." PETER (disbelieving) Can you do that? FRANK (grinning) This guy is slow. I must tell you everything. Go now and say I can give you my girlfriend as she wants to screw you. Ask him for a boat in return and the keys to where you can leave your girlfriend for him. He will give you a boat and a key to the room. Frank pauses, challenging Peter's sense of adventure. FRANK (CONT'D) (teasing) You can’t be serious; I can’t do that. PETER (resolute) Why not? ! INT. SECRET CULT CHAMBER - NIGHT The group explores the dark passage leading to a mysterious chamber. PETER (resolute) Fuck you. You even ask me such a stupid question. I don’t share my angel with anyone. FRANK (teasing) But I thought you have two girlfriends. The one you wanted to sit on your lap. Or the one who wants you to sit on her lap. Laughter echoes in the dimly lit passage. PETER (frustrated) Fuck you. EWELINA (interjecting) But how is he going to know this? MALVINA (mockingly) But is he gay? You said that woman is gay. PETER (teasing) He spends months at sea with a bunch of blokes. I bet he was once a fishing ship captain first. FRANK (nonchalant) So? PETER (teasing) Slow, this guy. Laughter continues as they banter. PETER (CONT'D) (curious) I am curious where the drain system leads to. What’s underneath? Maybe we go and check? FRANK (cautious) I understand that is out of public limits. PETER (mocking) Who would know, huh? A secret cult. Your girlfriend’s wishes. What kind of boyfriend are you? You would rather have the captain plug her than make her wish come true. FRANK (reluctant) Okay. Okay. But promise me that what we find there stays there? The couple opens a huge wooden door, revealing a dark passage. Peter lights a torch. MALVINA (warning) Be careful with that. You don’t want to start a fire in the middle of the ocean, do you? Frank struggles to open another door. FRANK (frustrated) I think it is locked from inside. Frank uses a dagger to unlock the door. FRANK (CONT'D) (satisfied) Try again. The door opens, revealing a mysterious chamber. The group enters. FRANK (CONT'D) (smiling) I told you. See, that blood drainage system leads here. MALVINA (observant) Strange, the drainage tube circles around all these seats. Malvina counts the seats. MALVINA (CONT'D) (counting) Twenty-four seats. In the middle, a huge seat is surrounded by smaller torches, a dagger, and an altar wine cup. EWELINA (smiling) This is the kind of stuff that lifts all the hairs on my body, leaving me gagging for more. It’s sexily intriguing. The anticipation and tenseness triggered huge feelings of arousal in me. I feel tingling and cravings. MALVINA (lighthearted) For me, it’s discovering that secret passage that opens when you lean accidentally on a secret button with your big bum. Peter shouts excitedly, and a secret door opens. INT. SECRET CULT CHAMBER - NIGHT The group explores the mysterious chamber, with Frank providing explanations. FRANK (smiling) I am good at this. They reach the holy chamber of the Devil-Is-I, where Frank explains the rituals involving the dagger and blood. FRANK (CONT'D) This is the holy chamber of the Devil-Is-I himself. Where he cuts himself with this dagger and draws blood, fills this jar, and rubs it on the foreheads of the members. PETER (inquisitive) What about the blood of the victims who fall upstairs? Peter tracks the blood drainage system. PETER (CONT'D) That leads further down. He looks at Frank with concern. PETER (CONT'D) No way! This is the last stop. We don’t want to get into trouble. They reach a huge seat in the middle, with a golden stand beside it. FRANK (exploring) I think the golden scriptures were placed here. It is believed that the kingdom of the devil was first, and it was all darkness, and they had golden scriptures. They recreated this chamber to represent what it was at that time. They dim the torch, and Frank uses an illuminated light to explain. FRANK (CONT'D) The Devil shined and reflected his light on the golden scriptures which they read. Frank pokes Peter, who pretends to retrieve something from his underpants. FRANK (CONT'D) Hey, are you ready? Peter activates a fluorescent light. FRANK (CONT'D) Hey, did I see you taking... from your...? Peter hands something to Frank, who dims the light. FRANK (CONT'D) I can’t see anything. It’s dark in here. Peter activates the fluorescent light again. Frank looks shocked. PETER (sincere) For years with you means a lot to me. I have found my soulmate. I want this ring to represent my love for you, which is forever. Peter shows Ewelina a shining golden ring with 'I Love You' markings on the inside. PETER (CONT'D) To my love. Ewelina covers her mouth in surprise. EWELINA (teary-eyed) Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Peter places the ring on her finger, and they kiss passionately. MALVINA (clapping) Congratulations! The moment is interrupted by a crackling sound, someone trying to open the door. UNKNOWN VOICE (from outside) Is someone in there? INT. SHIP DINING AREA - NIGHT Fear strikes as they stand still, Ewelina in Frank’s arms and Malvina behind Peter, hugging him. They see a shadow underneath the door that quickly disappears. MINUTES LATER: They gather in the chamber. PETER (whispering) Tell me, Frank, so where are the golden scriptures? In here? FRANK (whispering) No. This is just a replica. After all, the value of them makes it impossible that they would leave them in here otherwise... I think they could be in an enormous vault somewhere, safe and guarded. PETER (nodding) Makes sense. All this is just about the value of the golden scriptures. FRANK (whispering) They could have played mind games and do exactly what no one expects? PETER (whispering) You mean to keep the golden scriptures in here? Do you know their value? Imagine they existed before God created this world. That means they are worth what the value of this world is. FRANK (nervously) An excellent reason to stop anyone stealing them, so don’t even ask me if we can go downstairs to look for them. PETER (disappointed) But what is the purpose of this trip then? FRANK (smiling) A romantic trip of a lifetime for me and my beautiful girlfriend Ewelina on her birthday. What can be sweeter than that? The couple hugs and French-kisses. Frank lifts Ewelina. PETER (teasing) In here. You like being watched? FRANK (smiling) What is he talking about? Why not cement yours too so we take the big altar, you go over there? There is a small altar there. PETER (teasing) Her bum won’t fit. Maybe we change altars? FRANK (smiling) That’s her birthday tomorrow, the very reason we are here. Guests requesting the honeymoon suite? Ever heard of that? If you don’t mind. Frank lifts Ewelina to the altar, and they start giggling before snogging. LATER THAT NIGHT: They all sit at the dinner table. PETER (pleased) I bet this is the best collection of food ever. The meat is soft, not overcooked, and succulent. The pasties, salads, and vegetable top spot. After dinner, they go for the ball dance in fancy dress. Frank dressed like the ship's captain, Ewelina as the maiden chef with an apron in front, knickers only, and a bunny tail. Peter dressed roughly like a pirate, and Malvina like an angel. They dance, changing partners. EWELINA (smiling) I have never danced so much since prom night. I love you, Frank. The couple French-kiss. They go out and receive firework-like candles that spark as they burn. Frank points up the ship deck. FRANK (smiling) It’s stunning and romantic. Look at the candles, the flowers, and the romantic love cushions in heart shapes. Ewelina holds the sparking light candles, and Frank retrieves a bunch of roses from a huge vase. Frank holds Ewelina’s hand as she places the candle in a holder at the entrance of the romantic portion. There's a huge empty vase on the other side. Frank places the red roses in the vase, smells them, and turns to look at Ewelina. The couple locks eyes without a word. INT. SHIP ROMANTIC PORTION - MORNING Frank whisks Ewelina off the floor, lifting her and kissing her before entering the romantic portion. He puts her down on the heart-shaped comfy cushions. The couple holds each other and passionately kisses. EWELINA (whispering) It’s so beautiful and romantic. Soft music plays from a small speaker on the ceiling. FRANK (whispering) I just wish this could be forever. I love you so much. I am overwhelmed. I can’t explain how happy I am. So excited that I have all mixed feelings at the same time. It’s so beautiful I feel so emotionally passionate that tears of love and emotional submission engulf me that I feel so excited and tingling all over. I feel like hugging you forever, making love to you forever. You are the best boyfriend ever. Getting engaged means a lot to me. I don’t see why not now too, for I want to be with you forever. She kisses him. They French-kiss, and she lays her head on his chest. They hug, looking up to the skies through the glass roof. FRANK (smiling) This is forever, you and me. Ewelina kisses Frank as he sleeps and hugs him before she wakes up naked and wears an apron. She stops and wakes him up. EWELINA (smiling) Get up, darling. It’s time for the couple. Let’s go. Frank opens his eyes, lifting his head, and sees Ewelina in an apron only. She giggles and turns around, revealing her butt nakedness. EWELINA (teasing) Breakfast. I will make breakfast. Make it special, make it for you. The roars from outside the ship’s sleeping portion startle them, especially Ewelina. She walks to the door and looks at Frank before opening it. Frank lifts his head and sees Ewelina talking to the people at the door. ! INT. SHIP CABIN - MORNING The men’s voices startle Frank as he instantly gets up. Naked, he walks towards the door. Ewelina runs out through the passage. FRANK (urgently) What's going on? Frank runs to the door and sees Ewelina chasing after a group of half-naked men. FRANK (shouting) Come back here, right now. I thought what we had was forever. At the corner, Ewelina stops and turns. She blows a kiss at Frank before a group of men grabs her, tearing off her apron. Frank screams and chases after her. FRANK (desperate) Oh my God. They took Ewelina. His heart pounds as he runs. At the corner, he finds Ewelina's apron and picks it up. He sniffs it just before hearing orgasmic moans, startling him. The moans get louder as he advances. Suddenly, a bright light blinds him, and he covers his eyes. An orgasmic moan deafens him. FRANK (disoriented) What just happened? He opens his eyes, confused and scared. Ewelina enters with breakfast. The sounds of giggling from neighboring rooms fill the air. Frank slumps his head on the pillow. EWELINA (teasing) They're at it again? FRANK (guilty) Why didn’t you wake me up? EWELINA (playfully) I thought you were too drunk. But I helped myself. She imitates stroking her clit, causing Frank to feel guilty. Ewelina smiles. EWELINA (smiling) Meaning we can do it even now. She jumps onto the bed, lying on top of him. They start snogging. FRANK (pensive) Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? EWELINA (teasing) Nothing, darling. Just thinking about last night. FRANK (muttering) The best night ever. Ewelina stands on the bed, lifts her apron, and dances before sitting on Frank's groin, playfully imitating intense multiple orgasms. FRANK (looking haunted) INT. SHIP CABIN - MORNING Ewelina starts snogging Frank wildly, kissing him passionately, and moaning loudly, displaying a side he's never seen before. The couple engages in intense, wild lovemaking. Frank notices a different side of Ewelina, with increased intensity. FRANK (whispering to himself) This is different. Ewelina climaxes hard, and Frank observes the blood rushing to her face, a new experience for him. He notices the missing engagement ring from her finger. EWELINA (screaming and giggling) Somehow you're hitting all the right spots. Frank turns to look at her and notices marks on her body, especially on her breasts, pubic region, and back. Concern crosses his face. FRANK (softly) Come on top. Ewelina requests him on top, and Frank, feeling a mix of anger and self-blame, complies. A flashback of the dream triggers some raw instincts in Frank, energizing him into passionate action. After reaching climax together, Ewelina falls into a deep sleep, snoring for the first time. Frank, butt-naked, gets up, makes tea, and is startled by a loud noise at the door. He rushes to cover himself, opens the door, and finds a man. FRANK (smiling) Who are you? MAN (polite) Is Ewelina home? FRANK (defensive) Why do you want Ewelina? MAN (offering the ring) No need for all that. She left this at the altar. I thought it might be important to her. Frank takes the ring, realizing it's the one he gave Ewelina. Feelings of rage and betrayal surge through him. FRANK (furious) When was this? The man walks away, boasting about spending the night with Ewelina. MAN (grinning) All night. I mean last night and this morning. Frank is torn between rage and self-blame. He watches the man disappear and feels his world falling apart. He clutches the ring tightly, torn between rage and self-pity, and walks back inside to find Ewelina sleeping peacefully. A conflicted Frank confronts her. FRANK (upset) Where were you last night, and with whom and why? Ewelina, waking up with a satisfied smile, begins to playfully stroke herself, oblivious to Frank's emotional turmoil. INT. SHIP CABIN - MORNING Frank confronts Ewelina, shaking with rage. FRANK (angry) Where is the ring I gave you? Ewelina smiles, covering herself with the bedsheet. EWELINA (teasing) I love you too. It's in the bathroom. Frank calms down, momentarily confused. He checks the bathroom but doesn't find the ring. FRANK (cursing) Damn it! He feels a surge of rage and contemplates letting it out. Memories of the proposal flash through his mind. FRANK (whispering) I love you. He leaves the ring in the bathroom, walks out, and looks at Ewelina, who smiles and goes back to sleep. Frank, conflicted, heads to the ship's bar. He encounters Peter. PETER (sensing agony) What's with that face? FRANK (anxious) Is there another altar on this ship? PETER (ignorant) How would I know? Ask the captain. The captain appears. CAPTAIN (looking at Frank) Questions for me? Frank continues questioning people about another altar as the ship approaches Devil's Eye Island. Later, Frank, Ewelina, Peter, and Malvina wait outside the ship's bar. Men approach, congratulating Frank and hugging Ewelina. MAN 1 (to Frank) You're a lucky man. One man gestures a simulated sex act, and Frank grows increasingly agitated. The last man hands Ewelina something. EWELINA (excited) My ring! She runs back into the ship, leaving Frank puzzled. Moments later, she returns wearing the ring. EWELINA (to Frank) I went to get my ring back. Frank, without a word, looks at her and the ring, then hugs her tightly. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - DAY Frank and Ewelina enjoy the sun on the beach. They lie down, holding hands. FRANK (smiling) This is perfect, isn't it? EWELINA (content) Absolutely. A trip of a lifetime. Meanwhile, in the city, Evelina and Alex board a plane to Devil's Eye Islands for Evelina's eighteenth birthday. EVELINA (excited) Our love is forever. They complete a heart shape with their hands. AIR STEWARD (announcement) This is flight 117 to Devil's Eye Island. Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for take-off. Back on Devil's Eye Island, a boat arrives, and armed men stealthily approach the beach. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - CONTINUOUS Gunshots break the peaceful atmosphere. Couples on the beach panic. FRANK (startled) What's happening? The armed men target couples, shooting those who try to escape. EWELINA (terrified) Frank, we need to go! Frank and Ewelina scramble to their feet as chaos ensues. They run, trying to evade the attackers. FRANK (shouting) Stay close! Ewelina clings to Frank as they navigate through the mayhem. The armed men continue their ruthless assault. On the city-bound plane, Evelina and Alex remain unaware of the unfolding tragedy on Devil's Eye Island. As chaos erupts on the island, the fate of the couples hangs in the balance. ! EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - DESOLATE LAND - DAY Screams fill the air as chaos ensues on the desolate island. Armed men continue their ruthless attack on unsuspecting couples. MAN (AGITATED) (looking around) Where is she? The frightened men point in the direction of another man standing over a woman, her hands tied behind her back. MAN (ARRIVING) (agitated) Evelina? Evelina, her hands tied and a cloth in her mouth, nods in fear. MAN (ARRIVING) (frantically) Is tomorrow your birthday? Evelina nods again, trembling with fear. MAN (ARRIVING) (grimly) Take them, you know the drill. The armed men forcefully escort the tied-up couple towards a boat, pushing and kicking them. EXT. BOAT - MIDDLE OF NOWHERE - DAY The boat arrives at an isolated location. The men toss the couple out of the boat. MAN (ARRIVING) (roaring) This is the Eye of the Devil's Eye Island! The terrified couple is pushed and prodded towards a cave. WOMAN (murmuring) Please... The man threatens to harm them if they resist. The men proceed with brutality, kicking and hitting the helpless couple. EXT. CAVES - DAY The men force the couple towards a specific cave, showing signs of ominous darkness. MAN (HOLDING WOMAN) (threatening) Move! The growling sound of a wild animal emanates from one of the caves. The woman pleads for mercy, but the men remain merciless. INT. CAVE - DARKNESS - DAY The man holding Evelina cruelly kicks her to the ground. He points his gun menacingly. EVELINA (pleading) No, please... The man coldly directs her towards the cave entrance. The growling sounds intensify, filling Evelina with terror. MAN (KICKING HER) (harshly) Move! Evelina, crying and staggering, is forced towards the ominous darkness inside the cave. The man sadistically revels in her fear and suffering. The fate of Evelina and her boyfriend hangs in the balance as the ominous darkness of the cave awaits them. INT. CAVE - DEEP DOWN - NIGHT Evelina, terrified, rolls towards the entrance of the cave as the man menacingly raises his leg. The roar of a wild animal stops her in her tracks, followed by a scream of pain that pierces the air. EVELINA (murmuring and pleading) No, please... Bullets rain down where Evelina was just moments ago. Terrified, she continues rolling towards the cave's entrance, stopping there. A vicious kick to her back sends her screaming as she falls into the darkness. The screaming abruptly ceases, replaced by soft sobbing and desperate calls for help. The cave is pitch black, and Evelina trembles with fear. Outside the cave, the man throws something inside, causing another scream. He then walks away, leaving Evelina alone in the darkness. Voices echo through the cave, chanting that startles her. EVELINA (sobbing softly) Help... Deeper in the cave, Hudson stands still, leading the chant. HUDSON (chanting) Devil-Is-I! We must claim back our kingdom... The chanting continues as Hudson addresses the group. They speak of reclaiming seats, hours, torches, and keys to restore their kingdom of darkness. Tonight is a special night, marked by the introduction of a young man, just eighteen, as a symbol of their future. HUDSON (continuing) Devil’s Eyes! Blood drops on Hudson's forehead, signaling a successful sacrifice. HUDSON (shouting) The sacrifice has been a success! The group chants in unison. GROUP Devil’s Eyes! Blood drips on each member's forehead, and they pledge allegiance to the Devil-Is-I. They stand, waiting for the next ritual. HUDSON (chanting) Devil-Is-I! As they repeat the process, a secret passage opens in the cave, revealing a hidden path. INT. SECRET PASSAGE - CAVE - CONTINUOUS The eerie atmosphere and chanting suggest a sinister purpose behind their actions. They all looked at the secret passage. INT. CAVE - DEEP DOWN - NIGHT A mysterious figure in black robes, face covered, emerges from the shadows. HUDSON (LEADER) The Devil-Is-I! The leader chants, and a growling animal sound echoes through the cave, momentarily startling the new recruit. The chanting of the men drowns out the animal sounds. GROUP Devil’s Eyes! Another scream, possibly a woman's, adds to the eerie atmosphere. GROUP Devil’s Eyes! Inside the cave, twelve seats are arranged with a torch stand behind each one. Eleven men are seated, and the twelfth seat remains empty. Blood flows through a drain system, collecting in a vast area near an altar next to the thirteenth seat, reserved for the leader. The leader lifts a vase of blood, chanting. HUDSON (LEADER) Devil’s Eyes! Applause erupts from the men. HUDSON (LEADER) Devil’s Eyes indeed! He pours the blood into a groove next to the empty twelfth seat, and the torch behind it dims as the blood reaches it. Only the leader's torch remains illuminated. The men stand and chant, celebrating the ritual. They sit down as the leader rises. The leader marks the new recruit with blood on his forehead, back of the eyes, and heart. HUDSON (LEADER) Devil’s Eyes! The men chant and welcome the newcomer. After the ritual, they acknowledge him, and he removes his face covering. The leader performs a blood ritual on him. HUDSON (LEADER) Devil’s Eyes! The men clap and chant as the newcomer takes his seat. The leader addresses him. HUDSON (LEADER) You are now one of us. You can reveal yourself now! The newcomer removes his face covering, and the chanting continues. As he takes his seat, the leader stands. HUDSON (LEADER) Devil-Is-I. I welcome you tonight to be one of us, replacing the elder who thought it was time for new blood. The men applaud. HUDSON (LEADER) With her blood, she opened the door for him. So, we can take back the kingdom of darkness. Her blood quenched the torch out so that he can have a seat. GROUP Devil’s Eyes! HUDSON (LEADER) Devil-Is-I! The leader retrieves the flashing golden scriptures with gloved hands and disappears through a secret passage. The men hiss and wait for the leader's return. Suddenly, a loud growl startles everyone as a wolf-like dog enters the cave. It approaches the leader’s seat and licks the blood from the altar. The newcomer is targeted by the animal, which shows its teeth. In panic, he jumps onto his seat. The secret passage door crackles open, startling the animal, and it runs towards the leader. The leader reassures the recruit. HUDSON (LEADER) Don’t worry, I will find out why. There must be some mistake. The anointment did not go well. As you can see, the beast is still hungry! A buzzing sound fills the cave as tension lingers. INT. CAVE - DEEP DOWN - NIGHT The leader, now in black gowns, addresses the group. HUDSON (LEADER) Even my gown is not lighting up. They are not as glowing as they should be. We can’t read the scriptures. He roars in frustration and heads back to the secret passage. Another man stands up. MAN Nothing to worry about. Not your fault. There has been a mistake. Probably to do with the sacrifice unless... The newcomer demands answers. NEWCOMER Unless what? MAN Never mind. He dismisses the idea. NEWCOMER No, you must tell me. Unless what? MAN It only happens when you are not eighteen or the sacrifice is not your match. The newcomer protests. NEWCOMER Of course, I am eighteen today, and it’s my birthday. Was the animal going to attack me? MAN Don’t worry, the leader will find out. The leader returns, now only in black gowns. HUDSON (LEADER) I am afraid we must reschedule as we can’t even read the scriptures. He roars, sending every man outside the cave. MAN Don’t worry, and don’t be afraid. The leader has called for the right sacrifice. NEWCOMER Why did everyone run? MAN The beast is going wild relentlessly until it has its meal. NEWCOMER Meaning the sacrifice? EXT. DEVIL’S EYE ISLAND - DAY Evelina and Alex enjoy a romantic boat trip. ALEX Happy birthday, Evelina. He hands her a rose and a small box. EVELINA Open it. She unwraps the box and discovers a ring. EVELINA Not what you expected, right? ALEX It’s not that I think you are rushing things. I want this to be perfect and not just rush things. That is why I want tonight to be special for you and for us, you know? EVELINA I know I can take it back and get something else. ALEX Come on, Alex. It’s my birthday; you must have bought something else other than a ring. EVELINA I see. Now I get it. You like the ring as long as it comes with something else? She waits as Alex presents her with a beautiful necklace. EVELINA It’s beautiful. I love it! They embrace and share a kiss. ALEX Why wait until tonight when we can do it now? What will possibly change? EVELINA Maybe if you ask me nicely, maybe we can start right now. ALEX I have waited for this since the day I saw you, and trust me, it had been a very long time, but I am glad it was worth it. They share a passionate kiss, and the atmosphere becomes intimate. EVELINA This is because I love no other, and my love for you is forever. Alex makes a half heart-shaped sign with his hand, and they join hands to complete the heart. ALEX This is for us. They kiss, and the moment intensifies. Evelina removes her jacket, revealing a short red dress. The romantic atmosphere builds as Alex lifts her dress, but a familiar sound interrupts their moment. To be continued... EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - NIGHT Alex and Evelina, alarmed and frightened, run to the hotel. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT They find their hotel room door open and everything scattered. ALEX Oh my God. What happened here? Evelina is in shock, looking around at the mess. EVELINA My purse? They search frantically, but it's gone. EVELINA My passport and everything. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - CONTINUOUS Back on the beach, the man smoking an electric cigarette watches as Alex and Evelina discover the chaos in their room. SMOKING MAN (under his breath) Perfect. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT Alex and Evelina rush downstairs to report the incident. ALEX (to the hotel staff) Someone broke into our room! Everything's gone! HOTEL STAFF We'll call the authorities right away. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - NIGHT The man with the electric cigarette watches as the hotel staff responds to Alex and Evelina. SMOKING MAN (smirking) Not the couple's night after all. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT The hotel staff make calls to report the break-in. ALEX (angry) We need to leave this island immediately. EVELINA (teary-eyed) What if it's not safe? ALEX We can't stay here. We need to go back to the mainland. They share a worried look as the hotel staff assures them of immediate action. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - BEACH - NIGHT The smoking man discreetly watches Alex and Evelina from a distance. SMOKING MAN (whispering to himself) Chaos is just the beginning. He takes a final puff from his electric cigarette and walks away. To be continued... INT. HIDEOUT OFFICE - NIGHT The man sitting comfortably, puffing on his cigar, is revealed to be a mysterious figure known as Jasper. His henchmen stand around, nervously glancing at each other. JASPER (leaning forward) Why are you looking at me like that? The leader gulps, then steps forward, presenting Evelina's purse. LEADER We got her purse. Checked out. It is her. Turning eighteen today, and it’s her birthday. Passport confirms the same. He hands Jasper Evelina's passport, who takes a moment to inspect it. INT. BOAT - NIGHT Meanwhile, Alex and Evelina speed away from Devil's Eye Island. EVELINA (looking back) I hope we're far enough away. ALEX We need to find another place to anchor. Somewhere safe. The boat bounces on the waves, and Evelina grips onto Alex for support. INT. HIDEOUT OFFICE - NIGHT Jasper continues examining Evelina's belongings. JASPER (sighs) I am sure it’s her. He scrutinizes the documents further, then suddenly looks troubled. JASPER (lost in thought) What is the problem? The henchmen exchange uneasy glances. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - NIGHT The group of seven men, led by Jasper, sets out from Devil's Eye Island. INT. BOAT - NIGHT Alex steers the boat, determined to keep Evelina safe. EVELINA I just want to get away from all this. ALEX We will, my love. We just need to find a safe spot. As the boat races across the water, both are unaware of the impending danger closing in. EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - NIGHT Jasper and his men march towards their next destination, ominous plans unfolding. INT. HIDEOUT OFFICE - NIGHT The tension in the room is palpable as Jasper interrogates his men. The leader struggles under Jasper's scrutiny. JASPER (one hundred percent sure it was her?) He looks at the documents on the desk side by side. JASPER It must be her. The man, visibly haunted, interrupts. MAN The animal ate everything, even her boots! Frustration builds as the man slams the table and roars. MAN The problem is with the sacrifice! The animal kept looking for more! Jasper, sensing something amiss, interrogates the leader. JASPER Did you bring me the right sacrifice? In a moment of aggression, Jasper grabs the leader by the throat. LEADER (murmuring) I think it was the right sacrifice, but... Jasper releases his grip, demanding answers. JASPER Answer me, damn it! LEADER (stammering) I... I think it was... JASPER (roaring) Did you see my gown glowing? If it's the right sacrifice, the gown glows! The leader is unable to provide an affirmative answer. LEADER No, Sir. JASPER (angry) So again, this is to do with the sacrifice? The man speaks up, suggesting doubts about Jasper's authority. MAN The anointed might not be the right one, maybe not a descendant of a former member or not having enough power. Jasper, angered, confronts the man. JASPER I'm listening. MAN If the leader of the Devil’s Eyes has not enough power and authority to chair the cult. Jasper, infuriated, questions the man's insinuation. JASPER (outraged) Do you mean I don’t have enough authority to run the cult? The man, defiant, walks to the window. MAN No, Sir. Jasper, feeling challenged, explodes. JASPER (angered) The fact that you can’t look for other possibilities is because you bloody doubt my authority? Is that so? Silence hangs in the room. JASPER Damn it! If you don’t answer me, what is that supposed to mean? I have no authority, is that so? The man, seething with anger, pulls out a gun and aims it at Jasper's head. INT. HIDEOUT OFFICE - NIGHT Blood and brain matter splatter across the room as the gunshot echoes. JONATHAN (angered) Does anyone else think my authority is an issue? OTHER MEN No Sir. We are going to find that lady! The men rush outside, leaving Jonathan fuming with rage. INT. HIDEOUT - LATER Jonathan is alone in the office when another man, Owen, enters. OWEN I heard you called me, Sir. JONATHAN A part of you believes me. I know you know something beyond our control happened there. But unless you find out what happened sooner, that beast is going to come looking for food. OWEN (serious) I have ruled everything else out, Sir. I agree it must be issues with the sacrifice. Jonathan emphasizes the urgency. JONATHAN If you don’t get me the girl by midnight, you are next. Drain all your blood out before feeding the beast with your body. As I've already started sacrificing the men, with Jasper being the first one. That is if I don’t get that girl. Understood? OWEN She had a boyfriend. We shot him. Jonathan, frustrated, pulls out a gun. JONATHAN What is that good for me now? You should have told me before the ceremony. Having a boyfriend does not necessarily mean he is eating the fruits. The golden scriptures state that a guardian would be nominated to protect the girl. The cocking of the gun does not faze Owen. INT. HIDEOUT - MOMENTS LATER Jonathan addresses the remaining men, taking charge. JONATHAN Listen up. I am taking over from Jasper. We have a problem that needs solving and fast. If we do not find this girl, the beast will keep coming. We will be forced to kill each other! Owen suggests a drastic solution. OWEN I think it’s better to take each other out than to be eaten by the beast. JONATHAN (agrees) If we can’t find the correct girl, the boys will do it the old-fashioned way. Sudden death. Fight each other to death here at the Eye of the Devil’s Death Island! A heated argument ensues. WILLY (shouting) You know that’s bullshit! Jasper got the right girl. We were all there. We even went to the apartment and got her passport and driver’s license! Jonathan, losing patience, aims his gun at Willy. JONATHAN One last chance. What is the problem here? The girl or the leadership? WILLY Damn it! Don’t threaten us! You know the girl is the right sacrifice! Jonathan, convinced of Willy's defiance, squeezes the trigger, shooting Willy dead. INT. PRESIDENTIAL LIMOUSINE - DAY The President sits in the luxurious limousine, the city passing by outside. Marson, a trusted advisor, addresses him. MARSON I had strict orders from the boss. To take out all against the hunting of the girl. I suggest that for the few hours we have, we must concentrate on finding the girl. We must make sure that we check everything before the boss arranges the tournament. So that we kill each other. Check everything and come back here after three hours. The limousine leaves the Presidential offices and heads to the city center. INT. PRESIDENTIAL LIMOUSINE - LATER Marson, in the limo with the President, discusses the recent events. MARSON Mr. President. I heard it did not go as planned. Silence fills the limo as the engine roars. PRESIDENT So, I heard. But what seems to be the problem? That’s my nephew. I want these gold scriptures in the family, you know? All that power within my circle of trust. MARSON A lot of speculation. The most convincing one is that Hudson took over unfairly. He challenged the leadership the same day they had a newcomer. The President listens intently. MARSON Hudson is a physicist by profession. Everyone is saying that he used his medical knowledge to steal the leadership. The former leader had lost a lot of blood after using it to anoint all. So, he was in no position to fight Hudson. The only reason he did not contest was not that he thought he did not deserve the leadership. The scriptures state that no leader should contest on the same day they welcome a newcomer. Mainly for this reason because losing that blood means drained energy and a wound before the contest fight. That is unfair. The gold scriptures also forbid fighting the leadership contest when the leader is injured or performing ceremonial duties. So, they are saying that Hudson broke all rules and therefore is not the leader. That could also explain why the torch did not work. If the leader has no power or authority, the torch won’t work. PRESIDENT I thought that had everything to do with the sacrifice? I think she had lost her virginity. That could explain why the animal came to lick the blood. There was no spillage of blood to calm the beast. The men, that is if the girl is not found, must be sacrificed. The President looks concerned. MARSON We never skipped a generation. My nephew must be part of this. We always had a share, a seat in the circle of twenty-four. Do you know what that means? A share of the value of the gold scriptures. Imagine if this is the first kingdom that existed. That means all the wealth in the world belongs to us. Now imagine the chance to be one of the twelve. A guaranteed commission of the piece of the cake. Do you think I would be President if I wasn’t part of that on my eighteenth birthday? Marson ponders this revelation. PRESIDENT Imagine holding a share of the value of the world’s wealth? That’s serious money we are talking about. Now that I have explained my position. What can you do for my nephew? Marson appears confused. MARSON I am not following? The President smiles. PRESIDENT Hudson is like me. I know the game. I know the rules. Above all, even though this is his first ceremony as the leader, the torch shone before when he wore the gown correct? So that means his approval. I agree with him that the sacrifice is the issue here. Even though he might have twisted his hand, he was acknowledged as the leader. He wanted this leadership so much that he did what he did, and honestly, if you are in that position, you would do anything to get it. Sometimes it can be allowed in times like this. The initial ceremony was a success. So once again, it’s not a question of power and authority. Okay? There is a moment of silence. PRESIDENT Your man simply got the wrong girl. Marson thinks for a while. MARSON My men are the best there is. They never failed a tough task, let alone this easy one. PRESIDENT She outsmarted them. I don’t know how, but that only means you need to train your men even more. The President smiles cheekily and boastfully. PRESIDENT Not sounding rude, it could be that the boyfriend ate the fruits. Marson protests. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President and Marson continue their conversation. PRESIDENT If you knew what they put this boyfriend through simply so that he doesn’t eat the fruit of this girl. You wouldn’t be saying anything along those lines. The boyfriend is trained like a soldier or even worse. The boy’s father is killed in front of him or when he is young. He is tormented every night by the constant reminder of the death of his father. Every time he tries to eat the fruits. They show him a man resembling his father. That fear of losing a loved one stops him from eating the fruits. His sperms are drained into his stomach through electromagnetic remote control. He is tortured to the breaking point using dog-like collars in the form of a diode. A thousand times lethal with excruciating pain every time he tries to eat the fruit. You must understand that it’s not like in Joseph’s time in the bible where everything was left to chance. They would make sure that they would kill anyone who had the fruit. So, speaking of losing her virginity before her eighteenth birthday is not on the table. Marson looks concerned. MARSON Mr. President, why I insist that it's leadership is the fact that I checked the girl myself. She checked out. It was her eighteenth birthday. The President appears surprised. PRESIDENT I don’t know then. Marson opens Hudson’s office door. INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Marson confronts Hudson about recent events. MARSON I am not happy at all. I heard that you have started sacrificing my men without even checking the girl. I don’t like this. I spend thousands of dollars on them. At least give us this opportunity to check and verify the information. These men and I are bound by a bond of trust. In that, I believe what they say and take their word. Marson pulls a gun and aims it at Hudson. MARSON You shoot one more, and you are dead too! HUDSON Marson, don’t be silly. You and I go a long way. You would rather sacrifice me than these useless men? Hudson retaliates by pulling out his own gun. HUDSON Rumors have it that you are not legit, and this explains all this mess. Otherwise, my men are the best-trained, and I can swear by my life! Marson places his gun away and sits down. MARSON But then again, my men don’t make mistakes. I trust their word with my life. HUDSON I am just saying this time let’s check again before jumping to a conclusion. Okay? The tension remains as the two men engage in a heated conversation. INT. PRESIDENTIAL LIMOUSINE - DAY The next day, Hudson is in the limo, making an urgent phone call. HUDSON Request all men to assemble and wait for further instructions. Our target is Alex. He has killed two of our men. He then took a hostage before speeding off in a boat. He is armed and very dangerous. He is wanted. Dead or alive, but make sure that the hostage is safe! Hudson ends the call, and a group of men gathers outside a barracks, ready for their mission. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson gathers his men to address the situation. MARSON Listen up, there has been a fuck-up! But I believe it’s not your fault, but until we can prove otherwise, we are still to blame! You all know the drill. We do our best, meaning doing the job right. That way, then we know that we are safe. We screw up, and our lives are on the line. You don’t bring the right girl, then you automatically become the sacrifice yourselves! You all know the rules. You have one shot, but I bought you time. So, let’s go out there and check everything. We have a few hours to get it right. Okay? Marson's men nod in acknowledgment. INT. PRESIDENTIAL HOME - NIGHT The President arrives home and makes a phone call. PRESIDENT Thank you, Mr. Marson, for believing in me. I had started doubting myself. That maybe all these accusations about leadership are real? The President sounds upset and serious. PRESIDENT A lot is at stake! That boy is my nephew, but it’s our secret. He must be in the circle of wealth. We must keep traditions within the family. Do you hear me? MARSON Loud and clear, Mr. President. I have just sent my men to resolve this for midnight. PRESIDENT I want this resolved as well. I will send my men as well. Hudson quickly interrupts. HUDSON No need. We can handle this as I and Marson are sending two separate teams to resolve this. The President roars with rage. PRESIDENT So, you did not listen to what I said! The stakes are high, and with what we are to lose, we can’t leave things to chance. I would rather send the top-secret agents on this task as well. So, three teams will provide the right impact this deserves. I don’t want any fuck-ups, and sending my men guarantees that. So, fax the passport and driver’s license on my line. I will take care of this. I think the boyfriend might have eaten the forbidden fruits, and that could explain at least the havoc. Hudson instantly faxes the copies of Evelina’s passport and driver’s license. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - LATER Marson sits in his office, watching the news on television. TV REPORTER (on-screen) A deadly manhunt is underway for a one Alex Smith who killed two secret service personnel, before taking a woman as a hostage and escaping on the Devil’s Eye Island this afternoon. He is believed to be armed and dangerous. Marson checks the file on his desk, frustrated. MARSON Have you started the manhunt? I thought my men said that they have already killed this Alex? Is this just for a cover-up or what? Hudson listens and watches the news. HUDSON Not sure, that is out of my control. The President is handling that other side of the manhunt. Marson sounds upset. MARSON I don’t know how this is the President’s concern! HUDSON There are a lot of things you don’t know. We are talking about disappointed people with real power here. You concentrate on what I tasked you to do. Let the President handle the investigations. Okay? Hudson places the phone down. INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - NIGHT David and Stacey continue their investigation. DAVID (looking at the computer) Remember what I said about our criteria. That the anointment happens when the person turns eighteen? The occasion happens at the Devil’s Eye Island. So, I checked the flight and hotel list of all seventeen to eighteen-year-olds and checked who had birthdays. Checked which date. I checked the lists of the rich and famous who traveled to the Devil’s Eye Island and checked on which dates. David pauses, deep in thought. DAVID So, this means that the date when most were on the island is the date of the ceremony, so we check who had their birthdays on that date. STACEY So, any luck? DAVID Last year Richard was at the Devil’s Eye Island for a week, and we know also that he was the leader at the time. Jean was a member, and she was on the island for a day, arriving late in the evening, departing the next afternoon. Stacey looks intrigued. STACEY That is interesting. DAVID Are you saying the date of Jean’s arrival is the date of the ceremony? DAVID Exactly, Stacey. Stacey quickly punches the keyboard. ON COMPUTER SCREEN: The search continues before a beep sound startles them. They check the results. DAVID (reading from the screen) Here it is. Evelina Turner, celebrated her eighteenth birthday last year, on the same day Jean arrived at the Devil’s Eye Island. STACEY Evelina Turner, that's our target. But we need to move fast before they find her. David grabs his phone and dials a number. INT. HUDSON'S HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Hudson is on the phone, receiving the call from David. HUDSON What do you want, David? DAVID You're hunting the wrong person. Evelina Turner is the anointed one. She's the key to all this. HUDSON (grinning) So, you think you can outsmart me? I'll find her before you do, and then you'll see who holds the power. Hudson hangs up, confident in his pursuit. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT David and Stacey rush out of the apartment, determined to find Evelina before Hudson's team does. To be continued... INT. STUDENT APARTMENT - DAY David and Stacey stand in the abandoned apartment, perplexed. STACEY It smells like no one has been staying here for a long time. DAVID (to the registrar) If that was her class, how come no one recognized her as we showed them the photo? REGISTRAR That happens a lot, some students come for a few weeks before they have decided that this is not their thing before quitting. STACEY But her parents think she is here at the University. Any friends? The registrar checks her records. REGISTRAR She wrote this name down as a reference. She might know something. David and Stacey exchange a look. EXT. STUDENT APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY David and Stacey approach a group of students. DAVID Chantelle Briggs? STUDENT Who are you? STACEY Johanna Mathewson’s relatives. STUDENT 2 I don’t know what happened to her. She never came back. She left all her stuff. It has been a year now. Anyway, in the beginning, I hardly knew her, so I can’t say much about her. DAVID What could have happened to her? Got pregnant? Got kidnapped? Or just gave up? INT. SUV - LATER David and Stacey sit in the SUV, processing the information. STACEY We need to find Chantelle Briggs. She might know more about Johanna's disappearance. DAVID Exactly. Let's track her down. EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - DAY David and Stacey, determined, head towards the law faculty. INT. UNIVERSITY LAW FACULTY - DAY They enter the law faculty and approach the reception. DAVID (to receptionist) Johanna Mathewson, any information on Chantelle Briggs? RECEPTIONIST Chantelle Briggs, last known to be doing an internship at Hudson Pharmaceuticals. She's working closely with a Dr. Marson. STACEY Looks like we found our lead. EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - DAY David and Stacey leave the law faculty, ready to investigate Chantelle Briggs and her connection to Johanna. INT. UNIVERSITY LAW FACULTY - DAY Stacey searches through the university records for Antony's contact information. STACEY (to herself) Antony, where are you? EXT. SUBURBAN AREA - JOHANNA'S PARENTS' MANSION - DAY David sits with Johanna's distraught mother. DAVID When was the last time you saw her? JOHANNA'S MUM A year ago. We had a fight. I told her not to come until she finished her degree. INT. SUBURBAN AREA - JOHANNA'S PARENTS' MANSION - DAY Stacey returns to find David and Johanna's mother in distress. STACEY What happened? DAVID Antony killed himself after she left. STACEY Could it be a cover-up? Maybe they are trying to throw us off her trail. JOHANNA'S MUM (sobbing) Antony, why did you do this? INT. SUV - DAY David drives furiously, trying to process the new information. DAVID (to himself) Antony, you might have left some clues behind. EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - DAY Stacey reexamines the records, looking for any sign of Antony's connections. STACEY Let's check Antony's contacts. There must be someone who knows where Johanna is. INT. SUBURBAN AREA - JOHANNA'S PARENTS' MANSION - DAY Stacey makes a call. STACEY (on the phone) Hello, this is Stacey. We're looking for Johanna, and we heard about Antony. Can you tell us more about him? EXT. SUBURBAN AREA - JOHANNA'S PARENTS' MANSION - DAY David anxiously waits for any lead. To be continued... INT. SHARON'S FRIEND'S HOUSE - DAY Stacey and David question Sharon's ex-boyfriend about her disappearance. STACEY Can you tell us anything you know about her disappearance? I understand you are the ex-boyfriend? EX-BOYFRIEND I love her. I waited for her all these years. STACEY How was your relationship? EX-BOYFRIEND Great, I guess. Until the day she left when she told me that she had met someone else and they were going on holiday. STACEY What do you mean when you waited for her? EX-BOYFRIEND We never had sex. I waited for her until her eighteenth birthday when she went on holiday with another man. STACEY Could that explain why you never tried to find out what happened to her? You felt used and abused? He nods, looking uncomfortable. INT. SUV - DAY Stacey and David continue their conversation. STACEY So, the girls disappeared, and the men showed up dead. DAVID Not just dead but stabbed to death. STACEY Murdered, slaughtered, stabbed, sacrificed. Stacey brainstorms. STACEY Sacrificed? DAVID So, are we looking for dead people? STACEY Makes no sense if we are looking for dead people who will take the seats? DAVID Take the seats of dead people? STACEY Suddenly realizing something. Wait, let me check something. Stacey grabs the bible and starts reading. STACEY So, Jesus's death and his blood on the cross opened the doors for mankind. His death and blood paved the way for mankind. So, their deaths and blood paved the way for one of them. DAVID Great job, Stacey. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Stacey and David, determined, plan their next move. STACEY We need to find out who was sacrificed on Johanna's birthday. DAVID And who took their seat in the Devil's Eyes cult. They prepare to embark on a new search. INT. HOTEL BAR - NIGHT David and Stacey discuss their plan to identify the marked individuals. DAVID The way the man died; Vivian Peters is like a ritual. Draining all the blood first. Synonymous with the Bible sacrifice where God ordered people to offer meat without blood. STACEY If Sharon was a virgin, and assuming they were sacrificed, we must also assume that they were all virgins. Taking out blood is the job of the gods. So, they have to sacrifice virgins, but for the anointed to be received, that is, for the doors to be opened for them. DAVID Again, great job, Stacey. STACEY One thing is now for sure: they were sacrificed to open the doors for their eighteenth counterparts. Our targets. DAVID How do we know who are their counterparts? Apart from having the same birthday? They run a search, but it returns nothing. DAVID We are stuck again, maybe we ask people at gunpoint. STACEY All-powerful and rich with tight security already. You can't be serious? DAVID The Bible says that Jesus died on the cross and was nailed, leaving markings on his body. This also follows that the sacrifice leaves some markings on their body as well, so we can find out what markings. STACEY You suggest we go asking people to strip so that we find out what kind of markings they have? I don't think so. DAVID That means the newcomers also have markings. DAVID Let's pick up from here tomorrow. Good night. Next day. EXT. HOTEL - DAY David and Stacey's SUV parks outside a hotel in the city. INT. HOTEL BAR - DAY David and Stacey enter the hotel bar, armed with a plan. DAVID I have a list of people who had their birthdays the same day as the victims, even though there is no record of them being at the Devil's Eye Island. I think we must check for any markings. STACEY How? David leans in and whispers into Stacey's ear. STACEY No, I can't do that. That's disgusting. Do you have another way? Later. EXT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAY David approaches a woman at the hotel bar. DAVID Hi, I am David. Is it your birthday again? It is a shame that I missed the last one, but I promise I never miss any of your birthdays again. WOMAN I don't talk to strangers and don't need to. DAVID Okay, sorry about that. Goodbye. David stretches his hand for a last handshake, but the woman refuses. David curses and goes to Stacey. DAVID Your turn. Stacey follows one of the women. INT. SUV - DAY Stacey comes out giggling and jumps into the SUV. STACEY Success! David curses before taking the device and going into the toilet. He returns. STACEY Were you peeing on it? Why did you have to take it to the toilet? Stacey laughs. DAVID Photo processing in the dark and all that. I believe that if it’s true. The day of the anointment, their blood is used to blow out the torches, so the anointed can have a seat since they are members of the kingdom of darkness. The markings are because of the gold scriptures. The gold is heated to high temperatures, and the person must hold it in the hands at that temperature. That imprints markings. So, if we are to take a picture and check the negatives, the markings must be visible, maybe not to the naked eye. We must fly again, but no private jet this time. STACEY What are you thinking? DAVID I have noticed that for the date of birth of the killed man; Vivian Peters. Five of the leads are all women with only one man. For Johanna Mathewson, seven of the leads are all men with two women, and for Sharon Danes, ten of the leads are all men with non-women. STACEY Are you saying the woman dies to open the door for the man and vice versa? Later. EXT. HOTEL POOL - DAY Stacey sunbathes outside, and David spends the entire day at the bar drinking as the target, a GUY, also drinks. STACEY I had a great time on your birthday three years ago at the Devil’s Eyes Island. Where is the next party? The guy looks lost. GUY Sorry, it wasn’t me! David goes to Stacey. DAVID Just do like last time. Stacey opens her eyes. STACEY Are you trying to get me punched in the face? He punched paparazzi in the face last month. DAVID Okay, leave him with me. Stacey sunbathes, and David spends the day drinking as they wait. The target eventually heads to the bathroom. STACEY On the move. Go get him. David checks the device and follows the man into the bathroom. DAVID What are you doing? GUY Look at a lot of gems on this machine, and you just touch everything. You must wash that hand again. DAVID I didn’t touch it? GUY Okay, then. I thought you touched it. David stays in the bathroom. He comes out and looks at Stacey. DAVID The whole bloody day! Guess what? For nothing! The whole week, they go for several people but with no luck. INT. SUV - WEEKEND Following the weekend, David pops champagne. DAVID This is how I had planned it to go. Hoping we would have found at least one. But we might as well enjoy the champagne. STACEY At least we did our best. DAVID I think I could have collected a drinking and peeing trophy if there was one. STACEY I was wondering why you were drinking that much. DAVID Not easy following people to the toilet? The next day. INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY David places the gun on the bed. DAVID Still no leads. I think now it’s a critical time, and I think it’s fair to start using this. He sends the photos for processing. DAVID I will collect these this afternoon. I think today we might as well just relax. Stacey is in the bathroom when David receives a message that the photos are ready. Excited, David collects the photos and quickly checks them before throwing them on the passenger seat and driving off. His heart starts pounding as he notices a car following. He slows down to let the car pass as the driver seems as if he wants to overtake. INT. SUV - NIGHT Instantly, the following driver rammed the back of his SUV. The car jerked forward, sending the photos onto the SUV’s floor. David swerved after briefly losing control. Correcting the SUV and holding the steering wheel tight, he drove fast. Shots were fired at his SUV, breaking the side window and back window. He quickly pulled out the gun and placed it on the passenger seat. He ducked as a gunshot sound startled him. Instinctively, he swerved. He picked up the gun, turned backward briefly, and fired shots. In the process, getting into the path of the oncoming traffic. The driver of the oncoming vehicle blasted the horn. Only with seconds to impact, David swerved back to the correct position. He stepped on the gas and drove fast, turning into a side road and quickly parked the SUV, ducking. Minutes later, he heard the car passing at full speed. He sighed and was about to drive off before he looked at the photos on the SUV’s floor. INT. SUV - LATER Stacey took out the list. STACEY Barnabas Wonton was the one second from last, and Vicky Phillippe last. David smiled. DAVID At last, it starts paying off. A shock-wave to the system. This is for Javelina. Stacey saw the look on David’s face. STACEY She must have been a special person? DAVID Let’s just say I made mistakes in the past of being nice to these evil fucks, and it cost her, her life. STACEY Close to you? DAVID Not really but a former leader. She once escaped for her life. I was the one responsible for her. She ran away, but we went looking for her. Then she was killed on our watch seconds before the phase closed. He drove the SUV quietly for a while. STACEY That must have been awful? DAVID Carolina had advised me that I keep her awake, but I was exhausted, tired, and wounded. I had gone for days without sleep. I just wanted to sleep. My greatest fear was that she could run away again. I had no energy to chase after her and it was the last 25 minutes. He lifted his shirt and showed her the scar. STACEY Bullet wound? DAVID I thought I was badly injured. But maybe lucky to survive. STACEY Is that why Carolina and Bogdan are now the leaders of the defensive team? He nodded. DAVID Both Godsend. I needed the break anyway. The SUV arrived at a remote place where there was a single house over a large area. EXT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Later that night, David picked up the negative and looked at it closely. DAVID Are you sure the second one from last on the list is a man? STACEY Barnabas Wonton. Why? He gave her the photo. She looked for a while and twisted the negative. STACEY That’s the correct sequence. Or it could be because we canceled some but then went back to check them as well. DAVID Maybe. Get a profile of our target. STACEY Barnabas Wonton? DAVID No, the last woman. He showed her the print again. STACEY Woman’s hand. She looked again and thought for a while. STACEY Vicky Phillips. 22 years old. David instantly took out the gun and mounted the silencer. DAVID You get off here and stay here. David excitedly jumped into the SUV and drove off. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Stacey prepared something to eat. She came back, then she switched on the news channel. NEWS ANCHOR (on TV) A woman believed to be a hotel employee was shot dead in room 20 at the luxury hotel in the city. It is believed that the target was the woman previously in that room. The police did not release the name of this woman. Neither did the hotel management. Police are urging the woman to come forward as her life might be in danger. Doris for Tomorrow’s World Order News Channel. Stacey’s heart started pounding fast. She quickly checked the photos and counted them. She checked the list and matched photos to the list. Person, time, and list. Instantly her heart pounded. The number on the list and the photos did not match. There were more photos than the number on the lists. There were two extra photos on the list. Her heart tore apart. She slowly looked at her hand and matched it to the photograph. STACEY Perfect match. She slumped back on the sofa. She felt her world falling apart. She quickly took the phone and dialed David’s number, but he did not answer. She put the receiver down. STACEY (whispering) I was never at the Devil’s Eyes Island. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - MILES AWAY - NIGHT David continued questioning Vicky, pointing the gun. DAVID I will ask you again. Where did you get the markings on your hand? VICKY How many times should I tell you that? I have no markings. David handed over the negative. DAVID Second from last. Some kind of a serial number. Vicky, scared and shocked, took the negative to check. VICKY Where is the actual photo? David reached for the jacket pocket and handed her the photo. VICKY Looks like my hand but... what does this involve? DAVID Devil’s Eyes Island. VICKY I have been there on my 21st birthday. DAVID Where were you on your eighteenth birthday? VICKY I don’t know. Agitated, David pointed the gun. DAVID Think! She started crying. VICKY Damn it! I told you I don’t know! She instantly stopped crying, smiled, and looked at David. VICKY I remember. I was at home. I had my first car as a present. I can prove it. DAVID Have you ever held the gold scriptures in your hand? VICKY Do they exist? I don’t know anything about them, never touched them before. DAVID Even when you were a kid? VICKY Not that I can remember. She looked at the photo again. VICKY Where was this photo taken? I remember a woman flashing something in the toilet weeks ago. So, this can’t be my hand. This looked like inside a hotel. David looked at the photo closely. His heart started pounding. DAVID These are not wall tiles, they’re some expensive wallpaper in hotels and they can’t put that in the toilet? He recalled the night of the premature celebrations. He remembered the flash that caused him to squint his eyes as a reflection. He slowly took out the list, his heart pounding. He checked it and counted the total number of people. He took out the photos and instantly remembered that he had left some photos with Stacey. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket. He was about to dial, then he recalled Javelina running away scared to death. DAVID (whispering) Trojan horse. EXT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David realized that this could be more than just a coincidence. If Stacey was one of them and occupied a seat, that would mean that at least a phase would not be completed. Giving them an upper hand of sending assassins all the time. Unless he had to put a bullet in her head himself. He felt his stomach churning, scared at the thought. What if it comes to this? Would he be able to pull the trigger? He recalled the situation after Javelina died. He only realized he had arrived when he instinctively parked outside the safe house, switching off the engine. He sat in the SUV, heart pounding. He saw the bedroom light off, but the lounge light was on. He remembered Carolina warning him about Stacey. His heart tore further. Was this a test or what? He contemplated the possibilities of how this might end. He smiled briefly. This could be God’s answer to a quick and fast victory. The very person whom they are looking for, the answer to all their problems, was on a plate, in front of him. All he had to do was to close his eyes and drive a bullet into her head and claim that crucial seat. He saw the innocence and determination on her face as he recalled the time they first met. He cursed. DAVID (whispering) What does it feel to kill your teammate to save all mankind? He remembered Carolina. She had been spot-on in her judgment about people and situations. He did not regret that she and Bogdan had taken over. A flashback of Stacey smiling made him soft. He trembled inside, confused, scared, then determined to finish the job. DAVID (whispering) If Javelina, an amateur, can die like that as a sheep to be sacrificed, what stops a Presidential-guard-turned-spy to die the same way? After all, she was a combatant. An enemy within. A Trojan horse for that matter. He asked himself. He quickly checked the silencer and shoved the gun behind his back, getting out of the SUV. He stopped as he thought even more. DAVID (whispering) Initiation of a prodigy. Sent to kill probably the most important man in the whole world. Using her looks and charms and succeeded. Surely that will be a bitter pill to swallow. He thought himself. Instantly he remembered the story he once was told by his father. Once upon a time. He recalled him saying. That the king had used a snake to protect him but at the expense of his men and women as the snake only ate human flesh. At one point, food had run out and the king had fallen ill. When it came out that the snake was the only answer to his life-threatening illness two options remained. Bringing the snake out of the cave mountains and risk it eating him or chance for it to lick him so that he will be healed. Or get the snake killed and him die as well. He remembered his father telling him that the king, for he was scared to die, sent all his men and women to bring out the snake until no one was left, as the snake ate all. He remembered only a few girls and boys left with the girl, the youngest volunteering to go. Scared to die. The king ordered the girl to go up the mountain. Shockingly she dragged the snake out. Even though the snake ended up eating the king. David felt his heart pounding hard. Fear engulfed him, thinking that his enemy had sent Stacey. Not just to get him but to kill him as an initiation-ritual. He checked again his gun. He felt his stomach churning. He knew she had an attitude and tamper too to match. He quickly pulled the gun from his back and then the phone. There was a missed call. He had the phone on silent. He phoned instantly. DAVID Are you home? STACEY (over the phone) Did you kill her? The line went dead. He walked to the safe house and stood there thinking. He pushed the door and ducked. He heard Stacey running downstairs. STACEY David! INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David did not react as he normally did. STACEY She ran away. He replied calmly. Stacey looked at him, puzzled. He quickly entered and placed the gun on the table and took the photos, quickly counting them. They were a match. Stacey’s face looked haunted. He thought for a while and took the negatives and started counting them. He looked at Stacey and saw her pointing a gun at him. His heartbeat elevated. He started breathing fast. He cursed. DAVID A prodigy sent to take out the enemy as initiation. Not just the enemy? But the top prize anyone can get. So easily. I should have let them shoot you! Carolina was right. Juliana was right. Everyone was right! He tried to pick up the gun. STACEY Don’t even think about it! She quickly took his gun. STACEY (cont'd) For the third time in a row, Carolina had been right! DAVID Right about what? She aimed, stood still. STACEY It’s not what it seems. They are after me! DAVID I don’t care! You are like them to me, as you are trying to kill me! First! Answer me! When did you hold the gold scriptures? STACEY I don’t know? David instantly got up. STACEY (cont'd) What are you doing? Stay where you are before I shoot you! Don’t quicken your movements and don’t test me! I swear I will bloody-blow your head off. DAVID Answer me. I have to know. When were you at the Devil’s Eyes Island? STACEY That is now not important. For you must die now! Goodbye, David! She aimed and squeezed the trigger. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT A bullet sound rockets in the skies. David does not duck, surprised by Stacey pulling the trigger. STACEY I am not bluffing. I swear I will blow your head off. I don’t miss either. Just a warning shot! David, agitated by the trust he had put into her, roars with all his energy. DAVID Damn it! I want to know first! When were you at the Devil’s Eyes Island? STACEY I have never been to. DAVID Bullshit! Bloody lying to me. Were you at Devil’s Eyes Island on your eighteenth birthday? Stacey starts crying. STACEY I don’t know how many times I should tell you that? DAVID Goddamn it! Don’t lie to me! Who sent you? STACEY No one! David shakes with rage. DAVID Why are you trying to kill me then? STACEY I am trying to help! David stops for a while as all the tension subsides. DAVID What? Pointing a gun in my face? STACEY I don’t know! Before, I wanted to help! But now? DAVID Damn it! You lie to me again! Maybe I should have killed you myself. Blasted you in cold blood! STACEY I had no idea! It’s so wrong. If I don’t kill you, then you are going to kill me anyway! DAVID Imagine all these weeks searching for the person to kill, and all along, that person is helping you and just beside you? Thundered David. STACEY It’s so wrong! I don’t want to die! I know how you spoke about Javelina. You will kill me as revenge for her death. Even just to feel good. After all, I am a soldier! DAVID Damn right! After trusting you! This is the thank you I get? Stacey starts crying. STACEY I had no idea! DAVID Damn right! They slaughtered a civilian. Let alone a lethal assassin like you? You better kill me! Or you are dead! David roars. STACEY I am not weak! I know what they are doing! They are using you so they keep phases open! DAVID What do you mean, and who? STACEY Damn it! You know! Marson and all the people you were working for. They know you are one of them. If you don’t die, they will have an advantage over us, especially if you switch sides! If I kill you. To them. I am just like a woman killer. But trust me! You are a soldier to me. She sobbed and fired, missing David’s head by inches. STACEY I am a marksman and a sharpshooter. That was a warning shot! She cursed. DAVID Maybe I should have bloody put you out of your misery! David shouts. STACEY I don’t want to kill you! DAVID Who sent you? Marson? Hudson? STACEY I bloody told you no one! DAVID So why do you want to kill me? I hardly knew you before I gave you the job! The tension in the room escalates, with both of them locked in a deadly standoff. INT. UNCLE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Stacey and David are in the living room, engaged in a conversation. STACEY They have been to the hotel! DAVID I heard on the news. STACEY So, help me! Stacey shouts, her eyes red, a tear trickling down her right cheek. Sweat drips down her face. David, relieved, sighs at the revelation. DAVID (softly) They set me up. Stacey breaks into tears. STACEY The risk of being killed by your team is high. As long as I live, you will never beat them. Worse, it will be killing your own if you have to kill me! She sits down, placing both guns on the table. STACEY You are a member, maybe not an anointed one since you have never been to the Devil’s Eye, but a reserve one. That means you have a share of the twelfth of the world’s wealth. To defeat them, we, at one point, must claim that seat you have. Or one you will have. That means killing you! David, agitated, gets up. DAVID They are trying to be clever! I might have been weak regarding Javelina! But don’t test me! Because I will bloody kill you! You are a soldier! He pauses, glancing at the guns. Quickly, he shoves his gun behind his back. DAVID When did you hold the scriptures? I never thought they were held by people before eighteen years! STACEY My uncle might have answers. Moments later, an SUV parks outside the house. STACEY Let me go in first. Then I will come and call you. Okay? David stands outside, watching Stacey knock on the door. The door opens, and a man looks outside before letting her in and closing the door. DAVID Who is in the SUV? STACEY A friend of mine. David walks fast into the house, pushing the door. DAVID Devil’s Eye Cult. What do you know about them? UNCLE It was a long time. When we went on a trip on a ship. We went to the Island. That’s when we met these people. They were selling a gold book. We couldn’t believe it. So, I asked to see it. He said for $2000 he can bring it to us to our hotel. Just to see it. I had heard the myth, and to find out that this was real was overwhelming. So, I paid. Stacey was a toddler then. After all, her father had left. Then we decided to go with her. So, she touched this book but screamed that it had bitten her. So, we all laughed. STACEY You believe him? Don’t hurt him. He looked after me since my father walked on us. David paces in the house. DAVID Why are they after you? You are not eighteen years old. Who is your boyfriend? STACEY I am not a virgin, if that is what you are asking. The tension in the room thickens as they navigate through the mysteries surrounding Stacey's involvement with the Devil's Eye Cult. INT. UNDERGROUND HEADQUARTERS - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Weeks later, the tension is palpable in the underground headquarters. The double doors of the conference room suddenly fling open. David, Stacey, Carolina, Bogdan, Juliana, Mart, and others stride in, determined. A hushed buzz fills the room as they take their seats. David rises to address the anxious assembly. DAVID If we don’t do something drastic, we are all going to die! Let me tell you the seriousness of the situation we are in. After this phase, there won’t be life for us left. They get three-quarters of the share, eighteen seats out of twenty-four! This can make them declare a majority and trigger a war! A war that can result in the slaughtering of two-thirds of the world’s population. They can trigger the rise of the feared deadly Devil’s Ghosts. Remember, they can now claim the outstanding seat from the third phase when Javelina died! So, the odds are stacked against us! He pauses, the weight of the situation sinking in. DAVID Let me stress what we are up against. If this happens, that means we are finished! So, we must fight! Not just for ourselves but for all humanity, because the dangers are that, in the last days, most people will turn back to God or good after realizing their mistake. Leaving only a few still supporting the devil. All these people will be killed by the regime as they will regard them as their enemies. But the regime will attack in this stage to destroy all that stands for the good to claim the retaking of the kingdom of darkness. That’s where the danger is because he might cause the extinction of humanity! DAVID We are now aware of the dangers, but what must we do to change or stop this? David motions to the leaders and gestures for them to stand. DAVID Our strategy so far has been a defensive one. To protect our recipients so that they can't claim any more seats. But that saw them unleash an unprecedented and never-witnessed-before frenzy attack. Releasing deadly assassins, the likes we have never seen before. But now we have no option but to attack theirs and try to reclaim back the seats. The ones they have taken. The odds are highly against us. But we can do this if we all push and fight to the death! He looks at the assembled group with determination. DAVID The odds are stacked against us! They are just one seat away from that. All they need now is just one seat to reach that majority and declare victory. That means just one kill. The death of any one of us is enough to trigger the end. Even though we will still have six seats left! DAVID So, we must take some seats from them then! We must hunt all members who have seats and kill them! A huge roar erupts from the room. DAVID You make it sound easy when it’s actually difficult! All the people you are talking about are the very people committing the attacks that are going to kill us. So how can we claim the seats and hours back? An elder among the people speaks up. ELDER He is right! It is like kicking against the goads! DAVID That’s how regimes are thrown out of power and exactly what we must do! A buzz and hissing fill the room. KYLE That’s suicidal! DAVID The attack strategy is just to buy us time but still get defeated! That's just delaying the inevitable. If we all defend, we can deny them victory! Carolina rises, commanding attention. CAROLINA When all this started, we all thought like you right now. But let me tell you this! We lost friends and very strong and loyal people. Not because we didn’t do what we were supposed to do. No, but because they sent their best. Equipped with all tactics and tricks. I mean the best of the best. In stage one, we lost a recipient because they changed rules and cheated still within their powers! The room erupts with bafflement and anger. KEATON Can they claim two seats or hours in this stage or just one? The tension in the room escalates as they await crucial information. INT. UNDERGROUND HEADQUARTERS - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY The room is tense as Keaton voices a controversial proposal. KEATON After reaching two-thirds of the share, that is sixteen, they can only claim a seat per phase! KEATON So, we have an option. Keaton is interrupted by a surge of voices. KEATON Silence! We have a lot to discuss! The room quiets down as Keaton addresses the assembly. KEATON The situation we are in is dire! So, you keep on reminding us. But if this is the last stage and if it’s a matter of life and death. Then why are we not taking all our options? Keaton's words hang in the air, and the assembly reacts with confusion. KEATON Some of us have sacrificed a lot to be here today! A lot of our leaders have died so that we still exist. Why then can’t you sacrifice her? For another seat as we have the chance to delay them reaching the dreaded phase? Keaton points at Stacey, who instinctively gets up, pointing her gun at him. STACEY Don’t even think about it! Back off! You, asshole! I swear I will splash your brain matter on the walls! Don’t mess with me! Stacey's voice thunders in the room as she aims at Keaton’s head. David intervenes. DAVID Keaton must have grievances with our leader! Why does he challenge his judgment? An elder speaks up, questioning Keaton's motives. ELDER It’s a personal matter! We will discuss this in the office! David asserts authority, attempting to calm the situation. The crowd expresses bewilderment. CROWD (whispering) What's happening? SECURITY STAFF (move towards Keaton) Calm down, sir. Keaton struggles with the guards, overpowering them and pulling out a gun. KEATON Damn it! You speak of justice! When you can’t give me justice! She is one of them! An insult to the brave men who died defending us! An insult to our cause! Just there to sit on a seat! So that whatever we do! We will always be one-seat-and-hour-short. I say we blow her brains out! Let us sacrifice her! No more blood of my men to be spilled out! When we have a perfect prize on a plate. Just for us to take out! The room erupts with tension as Keaton points his gun at Stacey, challenging the group. KEATON (Directing towards David) Open your eyes! This is sacrificing a soldier! A combatant! Javelina was a civilian! Yet they did not hesitate to slaughter her. Slashing her throat even worse in her sleep! Your life! All of you ladies and gentlemen! Depends on what we do to her! Yes, what we do to this Trojan horse. A bloody spy on heat if you ask me! They are testing us! Yes, checking us! Checking how brave we are! So, ladies and gentlemen, let us be brave! Let us take one out! Not just to save us but to save all humanity because what will happen after this is something prophesized even before this world was created. Something so severe and shocking that it threatens the existence of all humanity! All we have to do is aim and take our trophy out! Keaton points at Stacey with his gun, and tension builds in the room. DAVID No! No! No! David shields Stacey just seconds before a gunshot echoes through the room, followed by screams and chaos. ********************************************************************************************************* EVELINA GOD'S DILEMMA ********************************************************************************************************* EXT. MANSION - DAY David, Carolina, and Bogdan exit the mansion, standing under the bright sun with a cool breeze. DAVID (looking around) Come, I want to show you something. Let us take a walk. CAROLINA (commenting on the weather) One of the most beautiful days ever. It's sunny with a cool breeze. It feels invigorating, especially after the hectic weeks indoors. DAVID (smiling) At least we can enjoy a quick break before the fighting phases begin again. They pause. BOGDAN (voicing concerns) Do you think we can stand a chance now that Marson is the leader? The Devil-Is-I himself? DAVID (optimistic) That's the million-dollar question. But we can only do our best. CAROLINA (remembering Hudson) I had high hopes when Hudson was the leader. Tough, but he was sloppy. Precision mattered to him. It gave us time to catch up. DAVID (nodding) Marson is different. Results and efficiency. That can be dangerous. BOGDAN (stop and twist his neck) Damn it! My neck is killing me. Feels like I overslept yesterday. They all stop and exchange glances. DAVID (sensing something) Damn it! I was thinking the same thing. You know that feeling when you sleep extra hours. CAROLINA (connecting the dots) I was feeling the same, but it can't be a coincidence. Is it? They all look at each other. BOGDAN (raising a concern) Do you think what I am thinking? Carolina quickly opens her diary, Bogdan starts researching online. BOGDAN (exclaiming) Oh, my God! They all look at each other. DAVID (realizing the situation) We are all dead, for the Devil-Is-I is here! They look haunted. BOGDAN (discovering) I can't believe that yesterday there were thirteen hours to the night and twelve hours of the day. DAVID (correcting) Thirteen hours to the night and eleven to the day? BOGDAN (shocked) No, I meant total hours just yesterday were twenty-five hours. Fear strikes them. CAROLINA (revealing) The Devil-Is-I, once confident of majority support, will initiate a new covenant, a new era. Just before the rise of the devil ghosts, there's... DAVID (interrupting) Look out, Carolina! Bogdan! Suddenly, a well-toned man, CALEB, appears from nowhere, about to attack. DAVID (pushes Carolina and Bogdan aside) Who the hell are you? Where did you come from? CALEB (revealing himself) I am the key to the new era, the twenty-five key. A lethal assassin to eliminate all of you bastards! He attacks, catching them off guard. BOGDAN (defensive) Did Marson send you? CALEB (ferocious) What difference does it make? I'm here to kill all of you! Caleb attacks swiftly, overwhelming David, Bogdan, and Carolina. CALEB (smiling) For the first time in the history of mankind, the key for chapter 25 rose from the ashes. Your resistance is in vain. I will butcher all of you to death. BOGDAN (defiant) What's written in chapter 25? CALEB (grinning) Nothing. But we're writing chapter twenty-five as we speak. DAVID (realizing the threat) You mean right now? Caleb launches a fierce attack, leaving them nursing their wounds. CALEB (threatening) Who would have thought that on such a lovely day, we would be attacked? The scene intensifies as they face an unexpected and formidable foe. EXT. MANSION - DAY David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Caleb engage in a fierce battle. David manages to land a kick on Caleb, but he retaliates, somersaulting and attacking with incredible agility. DAVID (gritting his teeth) Distracting tactics, right? Asking questions and planning to attack me. You'll pay for this! Caleb swiftly somersaults in the air, attacking David and Bogdan simultaneously. Carolina, however, seizes the opportunity and double kicks Caleb, giving her a chance to escape to the mansion. CAROLINA (sprinting to the mansion) You son of a bitch! As David and Bogdan continue to fight Caleb, Carolina reaches the mansion and grabs guns. She returns, gun in hand, just in time to stop Caleb's assault. CAROLINA (shouting) What are you waiting for? Shoot him! David urges Carolina to shoot Caleb, but Caleb displays unnatural agility, flipping and evading bullets. Carolina empties her magazine, and Caleb disappears with a roar. BOGDAN (whispering) Did you see that? Trained after the beast. Acting like an animal? Carolina reloads, anticipating Caleb's return. Suddenly, Caleb reappears, jumping in the air and advancing with knives drawn. Carolina reacts quickly, firing shots that bring Caleb down. CAROLINA (aiming the gun) No! Security guards rush in and restrain Caleb. SECURITY GUARD (shouting) That's one seat there! We'll delay the whole phase if we sacrifice her! Tension rises as the group demands answers. DAVID (raising his hand) Okay, let's talk about this. The security guards withdraw, leaving Keaton to take center stage. KEATON (addressing the group) We demand answers! If there's an easy way on a plate, why are you not taking it? Some pull out guns in support of Keaton. CAROLINA (defending David) Leave him alone! Give him back his gun. If he wanted to kill her first before discussing this, he could have already done so. Keaton is right! If it’s that deadly like you are saying, the more pressing and reasonable to take her out. Now! David roars, urging everyone to sit down and discuss the situation. DAVID (raising his hand) Okay, let’s talk about this! The group settles down, ready for a tense discussion. NT. MANSION - MAIN HALL - NIGHT The tension is palpable as Carolina steps forward, demanding the crowd to put their guns away. CAROLINA (shouting) All put your guns away! She addresses the crowd, attempting to persuade them to sacrifice one to save many. CAROLINA Listen up. If David wants us to believe that this next stage is the deadliest in mankind’s history, if that is true, then we have an option. We can save thousands from dying. We can sacrifice one to save thousands, reaching the majority of eighteen seats out of the twenty-four. If we sacrifice one now, it means taking them one phase back and buying time. In the last phase, we lost hundreds of our men, and in this stage, we're going to lose even more. All we must do to save all these men is put a bullet in that soldier’s head! A buzz of conversation fills the room. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Don’t be deceived by her gorgeous looks! She is a soldier, a lethal Presidential bodyguard. We have lost more innocent people than her. I don’t see why my men should die when she is there! DAVID (roaring) I object, and as long as I am the leader, that is not going to happen on my watch! KEATON (roaring) I have a duty to my men! To give them a task that doesn’t put them in danger unnecessarily when there is an easy option! Our leader here, President David, has spent weeks looking for the same person to kill to delay and take back our seats. He was convinced then, just as now, that this was the best solution! The only difference now is that he didn’t know that his target is his partner! The crowd goes berserk. KEATON (CONT'D) The very woman he traveled with everywhere! It came as a shock that the person our President is protecting has tried to take his life! This woman standing in front of us! The crowd goes berserk again. KEATON (CONT'D) I am not judging our President, but they are playing him, taking advantage of his soft spot to get all of us killed! Where is Javelina? The very person he is protecting is the woman who was sent to kill him! She is one of them, a spy among us! Every time we spend time with her, she sends information back to her former employer, our enemies. When they attack, they kill us all! Chants and hisses fill the air. Keaton plays CCTV footage of Stacey pointing a gun at David. KEATON (CONT'D) Our leader might not know this, but she is being initiated, given the task of infiltrating our compound and using her looks to soften our President, then kill him as a prodigy of our enemy. She is a security risk and can change the system. She is a gift from God! If the regime is to destroy humanity, I say God gave us her on a plate to sacrifice to save mankind! If he can give his beloved son, Jesus, to save all humanity, I don’t see why I can’t put a bullet in her head right now and save not just my men, but all humanity! The crowd goes wild. CROWD (reacting) Is this true, President David? Please address us! David looks at Stacey, grappling with the revelation. Flashbacks of Javelina's death startle him. DAVID (panicking) Of course, he won’t tell you the truth! I will tell you what we must do! We have to take her to the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island and anoint her, then kill her! Bogdan questions the plan. BOGDAN (getting up) Wouldn't that increase their seat as we'll be anointing one of them and not one of us? KEATON (looking confident) See, the system is designed to react to all parameters! A buzz of conversation fills the room. CROWD (reacting) She is a traitor! A bloody Trojan! That’s private information and can’t be used here! DAVID (defending Stacey) We have a right to protect our leaders and men. You can’t protect a traitor, a Trojan, and a spy! CROWD (reacting) Yes, Sir! If what you said is correct, anything that threatens our whole existence can’t be justified! It becomes everyone’s responsibility for the very message you are advocating for! The debate intensifies as accusations and justifications fly across the room. INT. MANSION - MAIN HALL - NIGHT The room is filled with tension as Keaton's impassioned speech resonates with some members of the crowd. KEATON That frees a vital seat! You, as our leader, what would be the best way to save us? Let them kill him! So, he can open doors for everyone else. As you appointed her to a leadership role, she has indirectly pledged to die saving us! To save us, she must die! I don’t care if she kills herself or dies at the hand of another. Saving all of us is an important and paramount thing to do. All I am doing here is to remind her and give her that chance. The chance to save us! A chance to save my men! Applause erupts as Keaton finishes speaking. CROWD Sacrifice her! She is a traitor! David rises, roaring to restore order. DAVID Silence! Stop all this nonsense! I will protect her with my own life! If that comes to that, put yourself in her shoes! That can’t be an option. What you will be doing is to make her do something against her will! She came to us, meaning we must fight them for her! A roar of disagreement fills the hall. CROWD A Trojan horse can only destroy us in the future. It’s like taking a snake in and if it bites you, who would you blame? Stacey starts crying. STACEY I came to fight evil! KEATON (dismissing her) If these were the Oscars, she would get an Oscar for such a performance! But all crocodile tears! Think about the lives of those who died? To us, she is a treasure only if she is dead. Keaton's words strike a chord with the crowd. JULIANA (angry) I don’t want to create divisions among you! I volunteered, and I can simply walk away from all this if I am unwanted! A buzz of conversation fills the room. CROWD Walk away! Walk away! JULIANA (sarcastic) Walk away then so we can come after you! Even David would not worry about that! As that is exactly what he was going to do, anyway! STACEY (defiant) Help us as well! Walk away from all this. So, when we take you down, no one feels guilty, that maybe you are one of us because you are not! JULIANA (screaming) What do you mean I am not? She points her gun at Juliana, who retaliates instantly. JULIANA (resolute) Walk away, Trojan! So that we send our best to take you out! Nothing personal, but your head will save a hundred men. Not just of men, but men of honor! So, walk away, Trojan! Chants of "Walk away" echo through the hall. DAVID (roaring) Listen to me! I gave Keaton a chance to speak. Now, let her speak as well! Stacey steps forward, addressing the leaders. STACEY I don’t want to die! But if I am to die, I must die fighting. I can’t be sacrificed. So, one on one with Keaton! She pulls her gun and walks towards Keaton, aiming. Keaton flips in the air, somersaulting before landing near her, retrieving his gun and aiming hard. The tension rises as they lock eyes. CROWD (cheering) Fight! Fight! DAVID (roaring) Stop that now! Keaton looks unamused as David intervenes. KEATON (defiant) Even if this is the only way to save us all? The crowd roars in agreement. CROWD Keaton is right! Why not? If this is the only option to save us! KEATON (serious) Sir, I have the lives of my men to worry about rather than a traitor! This is how we treat spies and traitors. It’s a universal language and everyone understands it! We shoot them in the head in public like this! He aims and fires, plunging the room into chaos. INT. MANSION - MAIN HALL - NIGHT Stacey flips up, spinning in the air, executing an acrobatic display. She lands in one place, flips again, somersaults to the side, and lands at a different spot. In an instant, she flips up again while still in the air, firing just one shot. A growl of pain echoes through the hall, stunning everyone. Stacey lands gracefully, a triumphant smile on her face. KEATON (stunned) No! I will shoot you myself! He raises his gun again, but David intervenes. DAVID (roaring) No! I will shoot you myself! David touches his ear, inspecting his hand. DAVID (CONT'D) She shot me! I can’t believe she shot me! Stacey laughs. STACEY Just a warning shot. Bitch! DAVID (roaring) What did you say? Stacey cocks her gun, silencing the room. STACEY I am not happy she is here! KEATON (angry) Yes, we all know why because I am the best sharpshooter! STACEY (sarcastic) No! Not because of that. She might be leaking information. We don’t give our enemies the best and highest seats but put a bullet in the head! KEATON (shouting) So, you wish David had given you this position? STACEY (teasing) I requested to be his wingman because I worked hard, but it’s not about that. Listen to me very carefully! It’s my men dying out there. The bond between my men and me is strong. That just their word of mouth is strong enough to use for my life. It’s all wrong that they must die when she is gloating and boasting like that. BOGDAN (interjecting) No shooting each other today! David is right; we need time to think about this. We heard everyone’s arguments. Let us decide on the best option as your leaders! They all put their guns away, and the crowd disperses. David calls for Keaton to join him in his office. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - NIGHT A quick knock, and Keaton enters David’s office. DAVID (scolding) That was very unprofessional of you. KEATON (defensive) With all due respect, boss, it is also unprofessional how my men are dying. A hundred gone just this past month. If there is an option, I can’t risk the lives of these men. I am afraid that by the time you might realize how serious this is, it will be too late. DAVID (contemplative) We have a chance on a plate. Why are we not taking it? What makes her special? KEATON (assertive) It could be you! DAVID (skeptical) I would shoot myself if that means saving a hundred men! KEATON (persistent) If it’s that critical also to them, would they offer us a chance like this on a plate? DAVID (pondering) Maybe they were like you at the beginning of this assignment without a clue. The more we delay, the more we can lose this opportunity. David walks to the window, gazing outside. DAVID (CONT'D) We can use her to turn things our way. We can know more about the gold scriptures because she has a key to them. KEATON (confused) Meaning? DAVID (resolute) She is one of only twenty-four people in the whole world who can open and read the gold scriptures. Imagine if we know the secrets they use. Killing her now saves your men, but every time we delay the coming stage, they become even tougher and more ruthless in the following stage. Keaton breathes heavily. KEATON (anguished) Just sitting and doing nothing is as worse than that. DAVID (smiling) I have a plan. Do you want to know my plan? They lock eyes, and the room falls into suspense. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Bogdan and Carolina push the door open, entering the room where David and Stacey are having a heated discussion. CAROLINA (serious) Keaton has a point. Sacrificing her is the only risk-free tactic. DAVID (defensive) Nobody is touching her! BOGDAN (reassuring) They are clever! They used Javelina to weaken you, and now they get all personal with you. They want to cause divisions using this Trojan to control you. CAROLINA (assertive) She is one of us now, and you must treat her as such. BOGDAN (supportive) Keaton is right. She pledged to die for the good of the group. This is what it means to protect the group. Sacrificing her means delaying everything. Maybe let’s hear your plan first? Suddenly, the door swings open, and Stacey rushes inside. STACEY (excited) David! Her excitement fades as she notices Carolina and Bogdan. STACEY (CONT'D) You guys talking about sacrificing me again? CAROLINA (sarcastic) Sorry Stacey, they only sacrifice virgins, so definitely not talking about you. Bogdan and Carolina get up to leave. Bogdan looks at David. BOGDAN (serious) Think about what we said. DAVID (pondering) Bye, Stacey. They walk out, leaving Stacey alone with David. STACEY (smiling) I know you are going to do me a Judas! Sell me cheaply when the tough get tougher. DAVID (defensive) What are you talking about? STACEY (teasing) Imagine the phases that are still open? Marson will keep sending ruthless assassins to attack and ravage your men. In the end, when they have killed all your men, you will realize that you should have listened to Keaton. She bursts into laughter, reading David's inner thoughts. DAVID (pensive) What's funny? STACEY (laughing) I was just imagining putting a bullet in your head and all my men lifting me up high in the skies celebrating. DAVID (skeptical) It’s not funny, you know. STACEY (smiling) Okay, what do you want? She starts crying. STACEY (CONT'D) I don’t want to die. I ran away from them because I didn’t want to be sacrificed. Now, I am facing death, and everyone started talking about sacrificing me too. Now everyone I see taunts me, saying that it won’t be long now before one takes me out with a bullet. That really hurts. I have no purpose but to die first? DAVID (serious) That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Keaton is right, but I think maybe we do it professionally. She gets up, cursing. STACEY (angry) I knew it, Judas! Bloody Judas! You sold me already for thirty pieces of silver. I can’t believe it! I thought you were different from them! DAVID (calm) Do you mean weak? STACEY (confused) What? No, I am just saying that I choose your team because you are fighting evil. I read Tomorrow’s World Order. DAVID (sarcastic) Put your pants back on! STACEY (angry) What? I don’t get your sarcasm. DAVID (dismissive) Flattering me first so I am soft to you? STACEY (outraged) You know what? Now I understand why Javelina ran away! DAVID (angry) Don’t bring her into this okay? She was a civilian, one who was training to leadership whereas you are a combatant! STACEY (explaining) I will tell you why I ran away from them. I had nightmares most of the time, the same dream over again. In my dream, I was running in this dark passage. So dark that I couldn’t see anything. I fell several times but each time I got up and proceeded running from voices shouting. Get her and get her! Frightened to death, I ran fast in the dark passage and instantly saw a light signaling the end of the dark passage. That triggered me into running even faster, but as I reached the end of the tunnel, a shining huge knife from nowhere slashed my throat. Blood gushed out as I tumbled to the ground. The blood flowed into a drain down the drain system until a hoarse voice started shouting. Stacey's voice trembles, and a haunting silence fills the room. INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The room is filled with tension as Keaton, Carolina, Bogdan, Mat, Juliana, Mark, Stacey, David, and others gather around a table. KEATON (sincere) Tell us your plan again. Stacey listens intently as Keaton explains the intricate details of his plan. KEATON (CONT'D) It’s simple. Take her to the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island and anoint her since she is one of them. She needs to sit on any seat. She held the gold scriptures already, so it means she already has a key that opens the chapters and already has a chapter assigned to her. Now here is the trick... As Keaton continues, the room is filled with a mix of skepticism and hope. CUT TO: EXT. SAFE HOUSE - LATER Keaton walks to Stacey and embraces her. KEATON (whispering) Thank you for buying me time. You must have gone to great lengths to try to save me. Feeling guilty or afraid? STACEY (smiling) Don’t get me wrong, I am still going to kill you. This is just to distract David, so we can have that one on one. A date has been set already! EXT. BEAUTY SPOT - DAY A sleek limousine parks at a picturesque location. The door swings open, and a woman, DOVE, steps out, shivering in the cold. She wears a stunning short dress with a skin top that creates the illusion of nudity. Maverick greets her with a brief smile. MAVERICK (cheerful) Thanks for coming! DOVE (nonchalant) You don’t need to thank me. I am doing my job. This is what I get paid for. Come winter snow or not, some of us have a reputation to keep. Maverick chuckles briefly. MAVERICK (teasing) As the hottest sharpshooter? DOVE (smoking a cigarette) Of course. I'll do your dirty work, and you know what? I've increased the stakes. I want a huge cut. Now that I know why you want them gone. Maverick spits out his champagne in shock. MAVERICK (astonished) Forty percent? You must be kidding me, Dove! DOVE (resolute) You are doing it for pure profit. Since the risks are high, I want forty percent, non-negotiable. Take it or leave it. Maverick sips his champagne silently, contemplating Dove's demand. DOVE (CONT'D) I had no idea the bank could be so corrupt and, above all, greedy. The room is filled with an ominous atmosphere as they negotiate the terms of their deadly business. INT. PENTHOUSE - NIGHT Maverick's penthouse overlooks the city, creating an ambiance of luxury. Dove opens the window and casually blows the smoke from her cigarette into the night air. DOVE (smirking) What can you do when someone steals something from you? Let that person go? Or will you try to get it back somehow? MAVERICK (musing) I don’t get you. How can you even talk about that, not that it is my business? Dove leans against the window, curious about Maverick's cryptic words. DOVE (teasing) Damn it, Dove. Can’t you see what is happening here? We paid them loans that were written off over centuries. The new body of directors reckons the gold scriptures now belong to us. Dove bursts into laughter. DOVE (CONT'D) You don’t get it, do you? Do you think that a cult that existed even before this world was created would simply give up their sole existence for you? If you knew what they do to people who want to lay their hands on the gold scriptures, then you would not be saying all that! Maverick's confidence wavers for the first time. MAVERICK (nervously) What are you saying? DOVE (leaning in) They sacrifice all people who want to steal the gold scriptures. Maverick laughs off the notion, dismissing it. MAVERICK (CONT'D) Sacrifice people? Dove leans even closer, her tone serious. DOVE Do you know they invested trillions of dollars just to read what people are thinking in order to kill all those just thinking of stealing the gold scriptures? Maverick looks haunted by this revelation. MAVERICK (whispering) I have heard that they read the mind. I just thought, you know, like a tarot reader? DOVE (grimly) No. They have developed technology just to read what people are thinking. Converting thoughts to text or now even to audio. Imagine if it wasn’t for that gold scriptures’ gold, where would you be? Do you think you would have made those trillion dollars? Maverick is visibly shaken by Dove's words. DOVE (CONT'D) I am starting to think that they are behind the murder of the gatekeeper. MAVERICK (whispered) Murder of the gatekeeper? DOVE I am just saying, look. You are making a killing here. The profits are way out of this world. I know you want them to remain open forever, right? After the period they reckon the lease is over, they lock the gold scriptures, costing you more in new loans. So, to beat them and have the gold scriptures open forever, you decided to get rid of the keys. Maverick glances outside, lost in thought. DOVE (CONT'D) Even with these keys, do you know that they are all guarded? Maverick contemplates the risky path he's chosen. MAVERICK (sighing) Okay, forty percent, but I want a clean job. I don’t want anything coming back to bite us in the back. The limo abruptly screeches to a halt. Dove gracefully exits and disappears into the night. DOVE (smiling) I will be ready for you. She pushes Maverick away, leaving him alone with his thoughts in the opulent penthouse. INT. UNDERGROUND BASE - NIGHT David observes the heated discussion among Keaton, Mat, and the mysterious man from a distance. The tension in the air is palpable. KEATON'S MAN (whispering) She can't be touched. David did protect her. MAT (skeptical) Do you know why, really? KEATON'S MAN 2 (slyly) Honestly, I can't buy it. She is a soldier. KEATON (whispering) Makes only sense if she is. (he leans in, whispering to the man) Virgin huh? The man's revelation makes Keaton instantly look at Stacey's groin area, contemplating the situation. KEATON'S MAN 2 (CONT'D) That changes everything because we can simply take her to the Eye of the Devil’s Eye without anointing her and sacrifice her instead. That jams that seat in that it can’t be claimed. MAT (confused) Why did David not raise this option? KEATON (skeptical) She might have lied to him. David, watching from afar, overhears the conversation. DAVID (to himself) Just wave at him and smile. Keaton gathers his men around, preparing them for the impending threat. KEATON (solemnly) They are coming to kill us, and we are all as good as dead. As your leader, I pledge to do whatever I can to protect you all. Whatever I can to save your lives. Whatever I can to delay death. It’s tough. We also know that intense circumstances call for difficult decisions too. Later, Stacey knocks on David's office door and enters. He addresses her with a serious tone. DAVID I sent my men to your uncle today. Stacey, shocked, reacts strongly. STACEY Damn it! How could you? After all, you promised. Remember? She storms out, and David follows, attempting to explain. DAVID Stacey, come back here! STACEY No, David. Exactly what I mean that, in the end, you will put a bullet in my head. You have no fear. Why my uncle? DAVID Let's talk in private. STACEY Too late, that is what you should have said before you sent your men to kill my uncle. DAVID There is still time. She reluctantly follows him. STACEY It was an honest mistake. DAVID My men believe that your uncle sold you out as a sacrificial lamb. That means they are just waiting for a perfect time to come for you. My men are always right with these things. I don’t want to know whether you are a virgin or not, but they only sacrifice virgins. My men believe that your uncle bought a share with the two thousand dollars he paid. This is what he told us. That means if we leave him alive after they sacrificed you, he can claim this seat, that will be a future problem for us. You understand? STACEY (confused and frustrated) Maybe I just bloody blow my head off? I can’t believe everyone wants me dead. I am not bloody Jesus! To die for everyone and open doors for them. I will die as an assassin rather than a lamb to be sacrificed. I can die like a soldier one on one with your best man or Keaton. I have a bloody gun and am not afraid to use it! She slams the door and storms out. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Stacey, agitated and frustrated, walks the city streets, contemplating her fate. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT REX'S OFFICE - NIGHT President Rex and Hudson discuss world matters when an unexpected interruption occurs. HUDSON (irritated) What did I tell you about disturbing us? SECRETARY (nervous) Sorry about that, Mr. President. It seems urgent. Hudson reluctantly answers the phone. HUDSON (CONT'D) What is it? A mysterious voice on the other end delivers a shocking message. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT The scruffy man, still holding a photo of the gold scriptures, stands in front of President Rex and Hudson. SECRETARY (urgently) "Sir, there is a man to see you. He said that it’s important. A matter of life and death, and you won’t regret it." The President listens as Hudson places the call on speaker. The atmosphere in the room becomes tense. HUDSON (whispering to the President) Let him in! The scruffy man enters, glancing around nervously. SCRUFFY MAN How can we help you? PRESIDENT REX (skeptical) No, what can I do for you? HUDSON We are too busy; come back later. Usher! SCRUFFY MAN No, no, no. You need me. Now that you are one seat away. I have a solution to make you declare a majority just in the next phase and initiate the ghost war to wipe out all opposition. They exchange puzzled glances. SCRUFFY MAN (CONT'D) (whispering) There is no way you can declare a majority now even if you accumulate eighteen seats out of the twenty-four. That means gaining eighteen hours of darkness out of the twenty-four technically. But I know a way for you to just do that. But it will cost you? They look at each other as the scruffy man takes out a photo of the gold scriptures, claiming possession. PRESIDENT REX Sorry to disappoint you. The golden scriptures are in our hands. The scruffy man squints at the President. SCRUFFY MAN Mr. President. Okay, never mind. HUDSON I am not following. Explain, old man? SCRUFFY MAN Once you have eighteen seats, it’s a majority. That, in most situations, you will be the winners. But how can you claim that when they still have 6 seats and hours left? HUDSON That my friend we don’t know. SCRUFFY MAN That’s when I come in. I know a crucial secret. A secret worth dying for. A secret that will hand you victory on a plate and the kingdom of darkness outright! He reveals that he has a key and explains the process. SCRUFFY MAN (CONT'D) This key will open the chapter of the golden scriptures relating to this, namely Chapter eighteen. Hudson walks to the window, deep in thought. HUDSON Mr. President, that issue I told you about, that some gold scripture chapters won’t open. The President looks at the scruffy man. PRESIDENT REX So, it was you who stole our gold scriptures and locked them. Now you want to blackmail us. Do you think we are stupid? Kill the bastard! SCRUFFY MAN If you kill me, you will never know the key to the chapters. He continues, explaining the key's purpose and the buy-out clause. SCRUFFY MAN (CONT'D) But there is a buy-out clause. PRESIDENT REX It’s true, Mr. President. These keys will come forward and offer advice for a share of the cake. It’s a way of speeding up things and rewarding their quick thinking. HUDSON So, all these chapters of the gold scriptures we can’t open are already claimed? Hudson nods. PRESIDENT REX But he just said that we can buy them out at a fraction? SCRUFFY MAN (anticipating the next question) So, how many chapters are still locked? The room falls silent as they await the scruffy man's response. INT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Stacey bursts into the house, gun drawn, ready for confrontation. The atmosphere is tense. STACEY (panicking) Uncle! Where are you? The room is silent, and Stacey cautiously moves through the house, searching for any sign of her uncle. STACEY (CONT'D) (whispering) Uncle, answer me! She hears a faint noise and follows it to find her uncle lying on the floor, wounded but still alive. STACEY (CONT'D) (panicking) Uncle! What happened? UNCLE (painful) Stacey, my dear, they came for me. They wanted the key. Stacey looks around, realizing the severity of the situation. STACEY (grimly) What key, Uncle? What have you done? UNCLE (weakly) I received a message. They said you were the key. I thought it was a joke, but then they shot me. Stacey's anger grows as she understands the danger she's in. STACEY (furious) Who did this? Who sent them? UNCLE I don't know, Stacey. They wanted me to give up the key. I told them I would bring it when the time is right. Stacey, realizing the urgency, grabs her uncle's phone and checks the messages. STACEY (reading) "It’s Stacey, phone me as soon as possible." What does this mean, Uncle? UNCLE (desperate) They said you were the key to the next phase. Please, Stacey, be careful. Stacey, now enraged, storms out of the house with determination. EXT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Stacey rushes to her SUV, fueled by anger and a sense of responsibility. She grabs her phone, contemplating whether to call David. STACEY (angry) What do you bloody want? DAVID (PHONE) It’s too late. They have sent assassins already. Your life is in danger. My men are right; you are the key to this next phase. Somehow you can trigger a quick victory for them. I just don’t know how. I just had inside tips. Stacey curses under her breath, realizing the gravity of the situation. She speeds away, leaving the scene behind. CUT TO: INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Hudson paces anxiously, unable to contain his excitement. The news of potential victory fuels his ambitions. HUDSON (to himself) It's happening. Victory is within reach. His men are on high alert, ready to seize the moment. CUT TO: EXT. STACEY'S SUV - NIGHT Stacey drives, tears streaming down her face, both angry and fearful for her life. The road ahead is uncertain, and the fate of the gold scriptures hangs in the balance. INT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT The atmosphere is tense as Stacey stands over the fallen Devil's Eyes operative, who groans in pain. STACEY (firmly) What did you say about voiding the remaining seats? DEVIL'S EYES OPERATIVE (grimacing in pain) Look, lady, I don't have all the details. The key is supposed to void the opposition's seats, but I don't know what they plan to do with you afterward. Stacey, troubled by the implications, turns her attention to the wounded man. STACEY (angry) Who sent you? DEVIL'S EYES OPERATIVE (grinning) Let's just say we work for the same people who want to see David's downfall. Stacey raises an eyebrow, processing the information. STACEY (serious) Tell me everything you know. The Devil's Eyes operative hesitates but then begins to spill the details about the plan to locate the key. CUT TO: INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Hudson and the President engage in a heated conversation. PRESIDENT (angry) You let the chance slip away! We needed that key! HUDSON (defensive) I had a plan. I wanted to make him feel secure before we took the key and dealt with him. PRESIDENT (frustrated) Your greed may have cost us everything. We need that key to ensure victory. HUDSON We can still find the remaining keys. My men are already on it. The President, angered by Hudson's decision, contemplates the consequences. CUT TO: INT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Stacey, still shaken, confronts the Devil's Eyes operative. STACEY (grimly) You're working against David? Why? DEVIL'S EYES OPERATIVE (smirking) Let's just say we have our reasons. We've been given a new directive, and your team is now the enemy. Stacey, fueled by a mix of fear and determination, considers her next move. STACEY (solidifying her resolve) You won't succeed. I won't let you. And if David is coming for me, he'll have to go through hell. Stacey, conflicted and frightened, prepares for the challenges ahead. The battle for the gold scriptures takes unexpected turns, leaving everyone involved on the edge of uncertainty. INT. HUDSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT The President, frustrated and agitated, glares at Hudson. PRESIDENT Damn it! Hudson, you blew a golden chance. Declare all the keys that are still missing as stolen and issue a reward for their recovery. We need this system up and running. Kill all once you open the scriptures! HUDSON That can push all into hiding. Instead, maybe we can offer rewards for all those who come forward to claim their share but when they do, they don't get anything! PRESIDENT Okay, I don't care, just get the bloody key and declare victory! The President walks to the window, staring out in contemplation. PRESIDENT What seemed to be the problem? HUDSON My nephew hasn't been anointed yet, and the system is about to be completed. How will all this affect him? PRESIDENT I know, Mr. President, and I am on it. PRESIDENT Have they found that lady yet? What is her name again? HUDSON Not yet. Evelina. They are still looking! PRESIDENT Everything about you is a screw-up, Hudson. You are very reactive. You prefer things to get out of control first, then chase. It doesn't work that way. You should have sent men to deal with this. HUDSON I did, Mr. President. PRESIDENT Maybe I will give you a hand. We must reissue new warnings. HUDSON I don't like your tactics making this a national issue. Too much scrutiny. My men are trained to be discreet. Some of us still have a reputation to maintain. PRESIDENT If my nephew doesn't get his share, do you think you will honestly have a reputation to protect? CUT TO: INT. HUDSON'S LIVING ROOM - EVENING Hudson, exhausted, slumps in his chair and switches on the news channel. TV ANCHOR (ON SCREEN) A once presumed hostage. A few weeks ago, when a one Alex shot dead special agents. Is now believed to be the mastermind. The one behind all this. She is believed to be armed and dangerous. Her name is Evelina... Hudson, hearing Evelina's name on the news, tightens his grip on the remote, realizing the situation has taken an unexpected turn. The hunt for Evelina intensifies as the nation becomes aware of her alleged involvement in the unfolding chaos. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson, enraged and shirtless, faces Paige, who holds the small bottle of antidote in her mouth. The bodyguard stands nearby, pointing his gun. MARSON (Barely containing his anger) The antidote now, or I will ask him to shoot you. PAIGE (Smiling confidently) I will simply break it in my mouth and swallow it. Tell him to go out and lock the door. I said I want forty percent. Yes or no? Marson glares at Paige, contemplating his options. After a tense moment, he signals to his bodyguard to leave the room. MARSON Fine, forty percent. But you better make sure that antidote works. Paige smirks, then opens the bottle, quickly breaking the seal with her teeth. She swallows the contents and tosses the empty bottle aside. PAIGE Happy now? Let's discuss our business. Marson, still recovering from the shock of the situation, grumbles. MARSON You're a real piece of work, you know that? PAIGE (Smiling) I'm just adapting to the times, Marson. Now, let's get down to business. They sit down, Marson with a new shirt, and Paige smirking, confident in her unexpected leverage. The tension in the room is palpable. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - LATER Marson and Paige engage in a heated discussion about their shared objectives, each one trying to gain the upper hand in their partnership. The dance of negotiation and manipulation continues, setting the stage for an uneasy alliance with high stakes. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT The room is tense as Marson recovers from the near-fatal encounter. Paige, holding the small diary, stands near the door. MARSON (Angrily) You thought you were going to dance them to death, right? What kind of assassin are you? Get out of my office and bring the antidote tomorrow! Paige, undeterred, continues to read the notes in the diary. PAIGE (Perplexed) What ceremony? How do you get the powers then? Marson raises his gun and points it at Paige, mocking her. MARSON (Scoffs) You thought you were going to dance them to death, right? Please? What kind of assassin are you? Paige glares at Marson but walks toward the door. PAIGE (Getting ready to leave) Fine, I'll bring the antidote tomorrow. But I need more information about this ceremony. Marson laughs, not taking her seriously. MARSON You'll get the information you need once the job is done. Now, get out of here. Paige opens the door and leaves but turns back for one final question. PAIGE (With a sly grin) If I don't get those antidotes in time, you won't have anyone to do your dirty work. Think about that. Marson scowls, realizing the precarious situation he's in. Paige exits the office, leaving Marson in a state of uncertainty. CUT TO: EXT. MARSON'S BUILDING - NIGHT Paige walks away from the building, the night enveloping her as she contemplates her next moves. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S BASE - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Andrew gather around a table, discussing the gravity of the situation. DAVID So, if we protect her, that brings the majority faster but denies the Devil-Is-I from fully getting all his powers. If you know what I mean. What is worse? ANDREW Once he has all the powers, even in the first phase, he can trigger the end of the days by unleashing a devil's ghost war. CAROLINA Unstoppable! If they had succeeded in the beginning with Evelina, they would have got all the powers. Now, they would simply be attacking us. BOGDAN So, protecting Evelina is a double-edged sword. It either speeds up the majority or risks triggering a catastrophic event. DAVID We can't let them have all the powers. But we also can't let Evelina die. We need to find a way to protect her without giving Marson the upper hand. ANDREW What if we use Evelina as bait? Set a trap for Marson while keeping her safe. CAROLINA But what if he decides to attack us with all the other keys? We can't risk losing them. BOGDAN There has to be another way. Maybe we can hide her somewhere safe until we figure out a plan. DAVID No, hiding won't work. If Marson is onto her, he'll find her eventually. We need to confront this head-on. ANDREW What if we fake her death? Make Marson believe she's gone, and while he's distracted, we launch a surprise attack. CAROLINA That could buy us some time. But we need to be careful with the execution. Marson is cunning; he won't fall for a simple ruse. DAVID We can use the underground tunnels. Get her out of the city temporarily, create a diversion to make it seem like she's dead. BOGDAN I can take her to a safe location. We need to move fast. DAVID (Resolute) Let's do it. We can't afford to lose Evelina, and we can't afford to let Marson have all the powers. It's time to turn the tables on them. The group begins to strategize and plan their next moves, aware of the delicate balance between speeding up the majority and preventing Marson from becoming an unstoppable force. The clock is ticking, and the stakes are higher than ever. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S BASE - NIGHT The group is in shock after learning about Paige and her involvement in the unfolding events. CAROLINA (Shaking her head) She's blackmailing Marson? What does she want? BOGDAN (Analyzing the situation) If we can use her skills to get to Marson, why not consider her as an ally? She might be the key to taking him down. ANDREW (Bitterly) You don't understand. Paige is more dangerous than you think. She's unpredictable. DAVID (Serious) Andrew, if she can kill Marson, we need her on our side. We can't afford to let Marson consolidate all the powers. CAROLINA (To Andrew) You said she's the only one who can kill Marson. Use that to our advantage. ANDREW (Resolute) Fine, but I'm handling this alone. I know her tactics. I know how she operates. BOGDAN Be careful, Andrew. We can't afford to lose you either. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Andrew navigates the dark city streets, determined to find Paige before the clock runs out. CUT TO: INT. PAIGE'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT Paige is seen dancing, practicing her moves in a dimly lit room. The room is filled with an air of mystery and danger. ANDREW (Entering the hideout) Paige, we need to talk. Paige stops dancing, her eyes locking onto Andrew. A mischievous smile forms on her face. PAIGE (Playful) Well, well, if it isn't the man who survived my little surprise. ANDREW Cut the games, Paige. I know about your assignment from Marson. We need your help. PAIGE (Chuckling) Help? Why would I help you? ANDREW Because Marson is a bigger threat. If he consolidates all the powers, he'll unleash chaos. Paige considers Andrew's words, her expression shifting. PAIGE And what's in it for me? ANDREW Immunity. We ensure your safety, and you help us take down Marson. Paige smirks, intrigued by the proposal. PAIGE Alright, but you better keep your end of the bargain. The unlikely alliance between Andrew and Paige begins, setting the stage for a dangerous collaboration in the battle against Marson and the impending restoration of the kingdom of darkness. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S BASE - NIGHT David and the team strategize as they prepare to confront the impending threats. DAVID (Decisive) Carolina, you go after Evelina. Ensure her safety at all costs. Andrew, Bogdan, you take on Paige. Stall her until we can find a way to neutralize her. I'll handle Marson. CAROLINA (Resolute) Understood. ANDREW (Grim determination) I'll make sure Paige pays for her actions. BOGDAN (Nervous but ready) I'll be there to back you up. The team disperses, each member focused on their assigned tasks. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S VEHICLE - NIGHT David speeds through the city streets, heading towards Marson's location. DAVID (On the phone) Bogdan, keep me updated on Paige's movements. We need to time our actions perfectly. BOGDAN (V.O.) (Over the phone) Will do, David. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Carolina races through the city, determined to find and protect Evelina. CUT TO: INT. EVELINA'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT Evelina is unaware of the impending danger. She glances at the golden key in her possession, realizing the weight it holds. CAROLINA (Bursting in) Evelina, we need to get you out of here. You're in danger. EVELINA (Confused) Danger? What are you talking about? CAROLINA (Quickly explaining) There's a threat to your life. We need to move, now! Evelina, sensing the urgency in Carolina's voice, grabs the key, and they hastily leave the hideout. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Andrew and Bogdan strategically position themselves, awaiting Paige's arrival. BOGDAN (Nervously) She could be anywhere. How are we going to find her? ANDREW (Confident) She'll find us. Just be ready. Suddenly, the surroundings go silent. The only sound is the rhythmic beat of distant music. BOGDAN (Realizing) The dancing. She's close. PAIGE (V.O.) (Playful) Well, well, look who's ready for a dance. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S LOCATION - NIGHT David confronts Marson, stalling for time. DAVID (Cautious) Marson, we need to talk. Paige injected you with snake venom. You need the antidote. We can help. MARSON (Laughing) I knew she couldn't be trusted. But why should I trust you? DAVID (Buying time) Because I don't want you dead, at least not yet. Let's work together against the real threat. MARSON (Ambivalent) Fine, but this better not be a trick. As David engages Marson, the clock ticks down, and the team prepares for the decisive showdown. FADE OUT. INT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT The room is dimly lit as Keaton and his men surround Stacey, who is still grieving for her uncle. The atmosphere is tense. KEATON (Smiling maliciously) Well, well, Stacey. Seems like destiny finally caught up with you. Stacey, still in shock, glances around at the armed men surrounding her. STACEY (Defiant) What do you want, Keaton? KEATON (Grinning) Oh, just to fulfill a prophecy and save our own skins. He grabs her by the neck and lifts her off the ground. Stacey struggles but manages to kick Keaton in the groin. STACEY (Determined) Don't try anything stupid! Keaton clutches his boxers in pain, and the other men point their guns at Stacey. KEATON (Thundering) I warned you too! STACEY (Smirking) Oh, warning this? KEATON (Surprised) I'm not interested in you that way. I like my women big and loyal. That day my men told me you're pure, and it hit me that they sacrifice virgins. STACEY (Confused) Anoint me? What are you talking about? KEATON (Explaining) We're not going to kill you. We're going to anoint you and let the beast feast on you. That jams your seat forever so the devil always has one seat shot. And if the rumors are correct, you're bad news. If we tell David, he'll shoot you in the head, so we'll keep it a secret. Stacey's face turns pale as she realizes her world is falling apart. STACEY (Trembling) Go on! See if I care. Tell David! KEATON (Looking serious) Did you get the news about the Devil's Eyes assassin? Stacey looks at the dead assassin and nods. KEATON (Continuing) They're protecting you. If they get you, we're all dead. They'll void all our seats. But that's not the scary part. STACEY (Anxiously) If that's not the scariest part, what is? KEATON (Revealing) You're the key to the destruction of mankind. You alone will destroy our hopes, void our seats, and trigger the rise of mankind's greatest enemies—the dreaded, dangerous, ruthless, and fast Devil's Ghosts. A cold shiver runs down Stacey's spine as the gravity of the situation sinks in. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S BASE - NIGHT David receives a distress call from Stacey's location. DAVID (On the phone) I'm on my way. We can't let them anoint her. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. KEATON'S HIDEOUT - NIGHT Stacey lies unconscious on the ground after Keaton punched her. The men swiftly bundle her into an SUV and drive off, leaving the scene tense and eerie. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S BASE - NIGHT David sits in his office, visibly distressed and enraged. He picks up his phone and dials Stacey's number. DAVID (Pacing) Goddamn it! Pick up the bloody phone! After all, your uncle was bad news. The call diverts to voicemail, leaving David frustrated. He glances at the TV, where news of the manhunt for Evelina by the regime's special secret services plays out. DAVID (Roaring with rage) Where are you, Evelina? David throws the remote against the wall in frustration, his mind filled with worry for Stacey and confusion about Evelina's situation. FLASHBACK: INT. DAVID'S BASE - DAY (EARLIER) David opens a drawer, revealing a picture frame. He flips it upside down, looking at a photo of him and Evelina. A nostalgic smile crosses his face. DAVID (Whispering) Evelina, where are you? He recalls the first time they met, how she challenged him during a rally, posing tricky questions that added an equal but opposite force to his plans. Their unique partnership brought spice to conferences, with media misinterpreting them as father and daughter. David's thoughts drift to Evelina's disappearance and the mysterious sightings that followed. He remembers her expressing concerns and threats against her life, leading to her sudden disappearance. The regime's manhunt for another Evelina further deepens the mystery. David decides to follow a news report about the regime's search for Evelina, questioning the likelihood of two women with the same name being involved in similar incidents. DAVID (On the phone) Find out more about this Evelina. Could it be my Evelina they're after? As David awaits information, his emotions range from rage to hope, unsure of the fate of the two women who played significant roles in his life. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David curses and frantically dials Stacey's number, only to find her phone switched off. Fearing that the regime's men might have taken her, he rushes to Stacey's uncle's house. INT. STACEY'S UNCLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT David stealthily enters the house, gun in hand, discovering the lifeless Devil's Eyes assassin. Realizing that Stacey might be in danger, he contacts Keaton to inform him. DAVID (On the phone) Stacey might be taken by the regime's men. They got one of my leaders. Keaton, however, doesn't answer the call. Concerned, David jumps into his SUV, heading toward the regime's central compound but takes a sudden turn off the highway, realizing the stakes are now higher. DAVID (Cursing) Negotiations are over. The regime might sacrifice me with nearly eighteen seats. He returns to the mansion, frustration evident on his face. He phones Marson, demanding Stacey's release. DAVID (On the phone) Your men got one of my leaders, and I want her back. Anything happens to her, I swear I will kill you myself! Marson, unresponsive, hangs up. Undeterred, David calls again, receiving a callous reply. MARSON (On the phone) If it was my men, they would ravage her by now, so no point in searching. Bye! Concerned about Keaton's unresponsiveness, David checks his diary for clues. DAVID (Reading) Only a true key can unlock the gold scriptures that are locked. Worried, David calls Marson, seeking answers about the key. DAVID (On the phone) Did you find the key yet? Marson accuses David of killing Stacey's uncle and obtaining the key. Tensions rise as Marson threatens to kill them all for the key. DAVID (On the phone) Keaton, did you find her? No response. David notices the caller ID, realizing he's talking to Marson. MARSON (On the phone) I thought you got the key. I've sent my men to retrieve it and kill everyone. The line goes dead. David, alarmed, calls his private jet pilot, preparing to head to the Eye of the Devil's Eye Island. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson paces, reading a passage from the gold scriptures. MARSON "The key is the blood with the key. No men will die as the key will unlock the gold scriptures." He enters Hudson's office, seeking information. MARSON (Asking Hudson) What is the effect of sacrificing one of the keys to them? Hudson explains that sacrificing a key won't affect them unless the key is activated through anointing. MARSON (Realizing) So, if they anoint her first, killing her will jam one seat. Marson contemplates their strategy, recognizing the intricate nature of the unfolding events. The race for the keys intensifies, leading both factions into a dangerous and uncertain path. INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Stacey regains consciousness, struggling against her restraints while blindfolded. STACEY (Shouting) Let me go! Does David know you've kidnapped me? KEATON (Defiant) How can he know? You ran away from him. He gave you a direct order. I can't let my men die. STACEY (Fighting) Let me go! I'll fight you like a soldier, one-on-one! Keaton's men taunt and jeer at Stacey, questioning her loyalty. KEATON'S MEN (Screaming) You were sold anyway! We're doing them a favor. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. You're the key! STACEY (Challenging) I know you're a coward, Keaton! Fight me like a soldier, one-on-one! Keaton, agitated, violently attacks Stacey, delivering punches to her stomach, ribs, and face. KEATON (Roaring) I'm not David! I'll kill you! Stacey, fearing for her life, taunts Keaton about the futility of killing her. STACEY (Roaring) You won't save your men. Killing me won't change anything. All you can do is buy time! Keaton, frustrated, contemplates killing Stacey right there. STACEY (Roaring) Whether you kill me or not, you can't save your men. Don't fool yourself. The end is near! Keaton, skeptical, laughs off Stacey's warnings. KEATON (Laughing) Mind games, huh? You wish David was here? STACEY (Sobbing) He was going to kill me anyway. He got my uncle killed. Keaton, unfazed, points his gun at Stacey, contemplating her fate. EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Meanwhile, miles away, Calvin approaches an address he believes holds a lead to the key's whereabouts. CALVIN (Whispering) At last, the best lead to the key. I hope it turns out to be true. Calvin knocks on the door, seeking information. CALVIN (To the woman) My name is Calvin. I'm looking for a lost key. Someone here must know about it. WOMAN (Confused) Are you with the girl who just left looking for the key? CALVIN (Concerned) Evelina? What does she look like? What was she wearing? WOMAN (Surprised) Evelina! Evelina! Calvin anxiously awaits more information about Evelina's recent visit to the location. The mysterious pursuit of the keys continues, unfolding a complex web of events. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Calvin sprints down the street, desperately calling out Evelina's name. CALVIN Evelina! Evelina! His heart pounds, and memories of childhood run to meet his soldier father surge within him. He chases after the woman, fueled by the renewed hope of finding the elusive key. EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY Calvin reaches a corner, panting heavily. He spots a discarded veil, as described by the woman. Calvin inhales its scent, briefly closing his eyes, before realizing Evelina is still within reach. CALVIN Evelina! Evelina! Please wait for me! He picks up the veil and spots the woman crossing the park. Calvin sprints, determined to catch up. EXT. PARK - DAY Calvin chases Evelina as she crosses the busy road, narrowly avoiding a collision with oncoming traffic. The woman, exhausted, drops her backpack. Calvin picks it up and continues the pursuit. EXT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Evelina seeks refuge in a crowded coffee shop. Calvin enters, and three men confront him. MAN 1 Leave her alone! She doesn't want to talk to you. CALVIN (Desperate) I'm looking for the key. Please, I heard you have information. MAN 2 Go away now! CALVIN (To Evelina) Evelina! The situation escalates as the men question the connection between Calvin and Evelina. EVELINA I don't know him. He's trying to kill me. The tension rises, and Evelina draws a gun on Calvin. CALVIN (Reassuring) I just need information about a key. No need for all this. EVELINA (Defensive) What key? CALVIN (Explaining) A key that opens the gold scriptures. I'm on a treasure hunt for the love of my life. EVELINA (Concerned) I'm not opening the door for anyone. I'll kill anyone who tries to force me. CALVIN (Backtracking) I thought you knew about these keys. If you don't, that's okay. I'll go. Calvin hands back Evelina's belongings and walks out. EXT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Evelina, overwhelmed, sobs as she lowers the gun. Calvin exits, and their paths seem to diverge. CALVIN (To himself) Misunderstanding. Thought she knew about the keys. EVELINA (Shouting) Wait! Stop! Calvin halts, and Evelina runs toward him. EVELINA (Anxious) Are you sure you're not one of them? CALVIN Confused) I'm Calvin. No idea what you're talking about. Don't cry. Imagine if you smiled every day, your face would still be the most gorgeous. Calvin and Evelina, each carrying their own burdens, stand on the precipice of a mysterious journey together. The quest for the key and the love of Calvin's life intensifies. INT. CITY STREET - DAY Evelina smiles at Calvin's earnest declaration. EVELINA It will be great if you can help. CALVIN (Excited) I'm looking for a key to open the gold scriptures. See, I'm in love with this woman, the love of my life. Our love is forever. I can't imagine life without her. To cut the long story short, this key is the answer to the love of my life. This is one of those things you would do for love. Evelina stops and looks at Calvin. EVELINA (Serious) So, where can I find this key? CALVIN (Looking at her) I am the key. I open the gold scriptures. Calvin laughs, thinking she's joking. CALVIN You don't believe me? EVELINA (Confident) I mean the key to open the gold scriptures. CALVIN (Confused) Yes, I'm looking for the key. EVELINA (Revealing) Yes, I open chapter twenty-four, and I am the only true seal. The Alpha and the Omega. The only double key that can also be a catalyst. Calvin looks at her, bewildered. He curses, surprised. CALVIN Evelina, are you saying that the key is a human being? A beautiful lady? I thought... I mean, I was looking for a real key. A key is a person? He paces, stops, and looks at her. CALVIN (CONT'D) I think you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. Evelina smiles, acknowledging the compliment. CALVIN (CONT'D) All along, I was looking for a real key when the key is a stunning lady. He stops pacing and looks at her. CALVIN (CONT'D) So, how do you open the gold scriptures, and how do I get you if you are the key? Does that mean, to get the gold scriptures opened, you must die? Evelina nods and reveals the gun. EVELINA (Resolute) That explains the fear, the panic, and the gun, right? If I tell the love of my life, I think she will kill me. Especially that a key is a person I have to kill first to get the gold scriptures open so that I can get my share of the cake. That sucks. I feel like I've been conned. Calvin sweats profusely, curses, and roars in frustration. Evelina turns and starts walking away, pointing the gun at Calvin playfully. He watches her leave but quickly realizes the gravity of the situation. CALVIN (Realization) What am I doing? I found the key, and now I'm letting it go? He curses and runs after her. CALVIN (CONT'D) Evelina, stop! Wait up! Wait for me! Calvin sprints toward her, reaching the corner just as a woman punches Evelina, making her stumble and fall. Calvin screams, running to her rescue. CALVIN (CONT'D) Stop! What are you doing? Evelina! Leave her alone! The mysterious woman grabs Evelina by the throat, revealing fang needles covered in hair-like fangs. Calvin punches the woman, disrupting her bizarre dance. EVELINA (Shouting) Help! Help! As the woman retreats, it becomes clear that she was trying to inject Evelina with some mysterious fluids. Evelina's hair begins to fall out. EVELINA (CONT'D) (Examining her hair) Damn it! It's some kind of poison. All my hair is falling off. The mysterious woman retrieves a gun, and Andrew, the chubby assassin, appears on the scene. EVELINA (CONT'D) Damn it! It's Andrew! INT. CITY STREET - DAY Now scared to death, Evelina shouts at Calvin. EVELINA Run! She grabs her gun and takes off, leaving Calvin standing there bewildered. She quickly returns, peeping at Calvin as Andrew approaches him, mounting a silencer on his gun. EVELINA No! Leave him alone! She jumps up and down, waving her hands to distract Andrew. EVELINA (CONT'D) Come and get me, you coward! Calvin starts heading where Andrew came from, and Evelina, after cursing, sprints away, leaving Calvin to face Andrew. As Andrew approaches, Evelina returns, shocked at Calvin's bravery. EVELINA (CONT'D) Run, Calvin! Come on, let's go before he catches up! Calvin, now with Andrew's gun, chases after Evelina. CALVIN Damn it! I should have killed you! Bring back my gun, you brat! Evelina laughs and cries simultaneously, watching Calvin sprinting after her. EVELINA Run, Calvin! Come, let's go before he catches up! Calvin catches up, and they run together. EVELINA (CONT'D) By the way, he's walking. That will be tomorrow, considering how chubby he is! They hear screeching car tires at the corner, triggering both into action. Calvin grabs Evelina's hand, and they sprint away. CALVIN Let us cross the road. It is a one-way street. He won't get us! EVELINA No! It is dangerous. Crossing here is risky! Ignoring the risk, they run across the road, nearly causing an accident. Another driver is left fuming. CALVIN (Concerned) Don't stop! He won't give up! Andrew, undeterred, crosses the road, leaping onto car bonnets. Calvin and Evelina sprint away. EVELINA Stop! Damn it! I don't want to kill you! CALVIN Don't stop; he is lying! They turn the corner, and Paige, another threat, awaits. Calvin pulls Evelina away, leaving Paige striking the air. Paige points a gun at them, and a standoff ensues. EVELINA Outnumbered! You back off! She signals Calvin, who aims his gun at Paige. EVELINA (CONT'D) Shoot her; she is holding us up for Andrew! Trust me; he is bad news! CALVIN (Determined) Don't follow us, or I will shoot you! Calvin pulls Evelina, and they run away. Andrew appears at the corner, aiming at Paige. PAIGE (To Andrew) Don't stop; run! Calvin stops, aims, and fires consecutive shots at Andrew and Paige, causing them to duck. Paige quickly sprints away, and Andrew fires back. A loud scream briefly stops Evelina, who turns to see Paige sprinting toward them. EVELINA Damn it! She is headed toward us! Shoot, Calvin! Calvin aims but throws the gun itself toward Paige. EVELINA (CONT'D) What are you doing? Giving her another gun? CALVIN Hey, I can't kill anyone! Otherwise, I will lose the love of my life! Calvin pulls Evelina, cursing, and they run. Evelina aims and fires consecutive shots as they disappear. Paige arrives at the corner, cursing and scanning the surroundings. The sounds of sirens become audible. PAIGE (To herself) Damn it! She's headed toward us! Shoot, Calvin! Paige aims and fires, but the sounds of approaching sirens make her retreat. Her phone rings. MYSTERIOUS CALLER (V.O.) You better bring that antidote now. I heard you missed her. Better bring the antidote before they killed you. Watch your back; they sent their lethal assassin. If they kill you before you give me the antidote... Paige looks concerned as the call ends abruptly. INT. MARSON'S SECRET LOCATION - NIGHT Paige, on edge, speaks with Marson over the phone. The stakes are high, and danger is looming. PAIGE I will give you the money, but come straight here with this antidote. I trust you, but you failed your kill. Come right now before they ambush you! MARSON Transfer! Right now, so that I can trust you! She hears Marson breathing heavily on the other end before he issues his demand. MARSON (CONT'D) Check now, all forty percent. Come here now! Paige's heart pounds with fear as Marson's tone reveals the gravity of the situation. She knows that Marson never pays out before the mission is completed, and she's caught in a precarious situation. The danger is real – her failure could mean more than just the loss of payment. She scans her surroundings and sprints to the car park as a car screeches away. Andrew suddenly appears, aiming and firing shots, but Paige is determined to get away, ducking and skidding to avoid his bullets. She narrowly escapes, leaving Andrew frustrated. ANDREW Damn it! Andrew nurses his wounds and stops another car, threatening the driver. ANDREW (CONT'D) What are you doing? Trying to kill me? He pulls the driver out, leaving him running as Andrew points the gun. ANDREW (CONT'D) I let you go last time. But this time, I will kill you! I promise you that! As Andrew speeds away, he roars his determination to catch up with Paige. INT. CALVIN'S CAR - NIGHT Calvin drives, and Evelina expresses her gratitude for his help. EVELINA Alex. Thanks. Sorry, I mean Calvin. I might have been killed today if it wasn’t for you. Thanks for rescuing me. CALVIN Who is Alex? EVELINA Just someone I knew. I must say the resemblance is astonishing, but never mind. I guess you go your way back to the woman in your life. The woman of your dreams. CALVIN I was going to lie to her. She would be mad if she found out that I blew all the savings. Especially when she finds out that the key is a person. I mean, a stunning lady. EVELINA Tell her the truth. True love is built on nothing but the truth. Promise me you will tell her the truth? CALVIN I swear, for the past three months, I was obsessed with this key. The dream was real. I was heading somewhere. Every week was a better lead. EVELINA And now? Calvin looks at her, uncertain. CALVIN Honestly, I don't know what to say. He hugs Evelina. CALVIN (CONT'D) Now that I know what is involved, the threats of death. I think I will give up now. I have to go to a normal life, live like everyone else. I am happy that maybe today I might have probably saved you. The only good thing out of all this. I think if I have to do it again just to save someone like you, I think I would do it again. Evelina, it was nice meeting you. I think you better be going somewhere safe. I better go and tell the woman I love that I made a mistake. He curses to himself. EVELINA What is it, Calvin? CALVIN I feel like a fool. My sister told me to go after her. But I chose to go after the treasure. I mean the key. Now see what turns out to be the key? He hugs Evelina and starts walking away. EVELINA Calvin, who said that it was all a waste? CALVIN What? EVELINA The fact that you went after this key, maybe it is the real key you want. The real thing you are looking for. I know people who will blow all their life savings on stupid things. Calvin stops, looking at her with a mix of surprise and realization. INT. SECRET CAVE - NIGHT A group of eight men gathers around in a dimly lit cave. Screams emanate from a secret passage. The atmosphere is tense. LEADER "Another Jesus, is that so?" The door opens, revealing a wild wolf-dog that comes out first, followed by a man in a black gown holding Stacey. MEN "Devil's Eyes!" They respond in unison. The man in the black gown lifts a metal glass with blood, dips his finger, and marks Stacey's forehead. She struggles against the others holding her. STACEY “You are activating my key! You think I don’t know this? The anointing ritual is just a cover-up. Look underneath, those are advanced computers. They are activating my key! Help! Help! They are trying to kill me! Somebody!” She screams and fights against her captors. STACEY (CONT'D) “I refuse to die like a lamb! One on one!” A digital screen appears on the altar, and a beep sound startles everyone. COMPUTER VOICE “Assigning new entry into the system!” Another beep sound follows. COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) “Duplication of entries detected. A system error was detected! Shut down initiated. System reboot in progress!” Keaton quickly connects his gadget to the system, entering figures rapidly. Stacey, in distress, starts crying again. STACEY (CONT'D) “You sold me again. I ran away to be on the good side, and now you sold me back!” David enters the scene, holding a gun. DAVID “That’s enough! She gave you your target. You work on that; afterward, she can get you another. That’s what I agreed to. So, stand aside from her.” Keaton begrudgingly stands aside. KEATON “How did you know it was us?” DAVID “Just stand aside from her!” KEATON “We will see about that!” David holds his ground, ready for whatever may come next. EXT. CITY BUILDING - NIGHT Instantly, Marson, Hudson, and their men enter the room, holding guns. Keaton, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly hides his gadget. MARSON “Well, well!” Hudson points to one of his men, who promptly attaches his computer and starts inputting figures. A beep sound startles everyone. KEATON “My pager.” Keaton checks his pager, hiding the gadget in the process. Marson points his gun at Keaton. MARSON “Stop what you are doing, or I will shoot you. Put your hands where I can see them!” KEATON “Sir, authorizing passcode?” Marson hands Keaton a card, and a message appears on the altar screen. COMPUTER VOICE “Reclaiming outstanding seats in progress that will bring the total seats to eighteen.” Marson smiles. MARSON “Bloody fools. You have activated and initiated the majority takeover. That will write off your remaining seats. Meaning after the system reboot, you won’t have a seat left. This is it. You helped us. Once the system acknowledges the majority, kill all.” Marson’s men point their guns at Keaton. MARSON (CONT'D) “Once you have system confirmation, fire at will!” Stacey looks at David with a mix of sadness and anticipation. A beep sound startles everyone. COMPUTER VOICE “Total seats assigned nineteen. Initiating system reboot. Five minutes remaining.” David looks at Stacey, then at Hudson. Stacey observes Keaton's pocket and the man with the laptop. Marson walks out. MARSON (CONT'D) “Let’s go!” He commands Hudson and some of his men. MARSON (CONT'D) “Kill all!” As the door closes, David throws a gun to Stacey. She catches it, aiming it at Keaton, who freezes. Then she shoots the man with the laptop and destroys it. KEATON “No!” Stacey quickly turns the gun on Keaton, who pulls out a spare gun and shoots Hudson. Chaos ensues as both sides exchange gunfire. Stacey and Keaton are left standing. DAVID “They are back to seventeen seats. We have a lifeline. They both hold seats. Let’s go!” David and his men make their exit. Keaton looks at Stacey and holsters his gun as everyone else leaves. KEATON “Let’s go! Let’s go!” He commands his men, leaving the scene. A ringing phone startles everyone, just as they are about to leave. David looks at Stacey. STACEY “I've got this.” She walks back, kneels beside Hudson's body, and retrieves a ringing phone from his pocket. Stacey then walks quickly to David. A helicopter with Marson and his men hovers above the building they were in. David answers the phone but just listens. MYSTERIOUS CALLER (OVER PHONE) “Hudson, get your men out of there now! Let’s go!” DAVID “Run! Run! To the plane now, everyone!” Somewhere else in the city later, Marson updates the President. MARSON “Hudson and his nephew are dead, Sir.” The President curses. PRESIDENT “How did that happen?” MARSON “My men are on it, Sir. I have requested the previous leader to be reinstated. We need to restore trust in the leadership. Hudson had brought the cult into disrepute. For he became too greedy, cutting corners and all that. People were saying that his authority was in doubt, and that could explain all the issues we had. We almost had it at one point; we had nineteen seats.” EXT. CITY - NIGHT Marson sits in his office, speaking on the phone with the President. MARSON “I don’t know what he delayed for. Now we are down to seventeen. Now we must protect the woman even though she is on their side. She is our key, the one we made a down payment for. The key that opens the gold scriptures, namely; chapter eighteen. If we lose her, then we must wait until the end of the phases that could be weeks if not months. I promise with the old leader, everything will go smoothly. I gave you my word, Sir.” There's a moment of silence. PRESIDENT “Can he still anoint my nephew before the phases close?” MARSON “I promise I will see to that.” PRESIDENT “Does that mean we still need that girl, Evelina?” MARSON “I will get her. I will make this my business. I promise!” PRESIDENT “That’s what I want to hear. I want a man of your character determined and who knows what to do. I think maybe now that Hudson is out of the way, things could be better. He kept overriding my commands and amending them, ending up losing the girl. I want that girl before this stage closes!” MARSON “I give you my word, Sir.” PRESIDENT “Maybe you come to my office this afternoon to talk about this?” MARSON “Yes, Sir!” MILES AWAY - SAFE HOUSE David and Stacey discuss recent events. DAVID “I think we did a great job today!” STACEY “Thank you for saving my life. Keaton could have blasted me off today.” DAVID “Second chances?” STACEY “I think now I know what it means and feels like to be closer to death. Trust me, it’s some scary stuff. I don’t want to be in that situation again.” Stacey starts sobbing. DAVID “Now I know why Javelina ran away; that’s the only option.” STACEY “You can’t do anything about it. Your hands are tied, as well as Keaton has to save his men.” David looks at her. DAVID “Carolina, Bogdan, Mat, and the others have to fight the assassins and protect the new recipients. Everyone is busy fighting somewhere.” STACEY “We must keep our eyes on the ball. We lose the ball; we lose not just direction but the war as well. The odds are way against us. All we can do is try to outsmart them.” DAVID “Hard when you are also looking over your shoulder.” STACEY “Keaton? Just doing his job looking after his men. It is nothing personal. Okay?” DAVID “He is going to shoot me in the end. I guess now that the tables have been turned, and I am more valuable to you dead than to them. Now they will come to protect me at any cost.” Stacey starts sobbing. STACEY (CONT'D) “Imagine your enemies fighting hard to keep you alive, and your team doing their best to end your life? This is so wrong, David. I know if I tell you what is going to happen to you and everyone’s, you will...” DAVID “Great fast-thinking today!” He interrupts deliberately to change the subject. DAVID (CONT'D) “Hudson and his nephew are out of the picture. Since he became the leader, we lost more men than we should have had.” STACEY “Why is that?” DAVID “His background is military, a physicist for the soldiers. The President’s henchmen. Have you noticed the aggressiveness and ruthlessness of his men since he took over? I am just praying that they restore the former leader. A spiritual man with no military experience that can buy us the precious time we need.” STACEY “I thought...” DAVID “The previous leader is the favorite, or should I say I want him to be the favorite.” STACEY “Today was a fluke. I saw an opportunity and took it. I was only afraid that you were not going to get my message.” Stacey looks at David. STACEY (CONT'D) “The zoning worked right?” DAVID “When he entered the cave, I knew it was him. All the tension instantly vanished. I checked both. They were at the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island on his eighteen-birthday last year.” STACEY “Great job, David!” DAVID “But he is not the last one to be anointed...” David’s heartbeat elevates. He interrupts instantly. DAVID (CONT'D) “I checked; there was none this year.” They both exchange a concerned glance, realizing the challenges ahead. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David and Stacey sit in front of the altar computer, analyzing the information. DAVID “They might be planning for one soon. I understand it’s one every year,” added David. STACEY “I found out that there was a ceremony this year, but it wasn’t successful.” David stood still. DAVID “Are you sure... that makes sense.” STACEY “How did you know that?” DAVID “Altar computer. I checked the last date a seat was assigned and the serial number as the computer rebooted. The entry was registered as postponed as was unsuccessful,” she added, sitting next to David. Quickly, David starts searching on the computer. STACEY “I ignored this year because nothing has been showing for this year. So, we can check the date Hudson and his nephew were on holiday.” He smiled and squeezed Stacey’s shoulder. DAVID “Just to correct you. You are good to me alive.” They lock eyes for a while. She feels like crying. STACEY “I wish you meant it.” He waits for the results. DAVID “Nothing?” STACEY “Why would the anointment be unsuccessful?” Asked Stacey. DAVID “A lot of things, settings, parameters not met, wrong age, wrong match, incorrectly inputted data, etc. Now they have digitized everything. But before, when it was all manual. Even non-scientific reasons like wrong sacrifice and wrong leadership could be the reasons.” STACEY “I heard issues with leadership being mentioned somewhere.” DAVID “Leadership? I thought Hudson, and the President did get along well.” STACEY “Yes, but it’s Hudson and the cult elders who were at loggerheads.” DAVID “Ok, I am listening.” STACEY “The gold scriptures have some chapters locked and can’t be read without a key. Someone could have given the scriptures to a kid. Like my uncle, and the kid held the hot gold scriptures. A key was then assigned. That is imprinted on that kid and linked to a chapter. Only that kid can open that chapter. The kid, therefore, has the rights to shares and a piece of the cake. Once they called forward, the keys Hudson would read the chapter and as the leader, after the key is dead will have a right to open that chapter without the key. Only if the key was dead.” David’s heart starts pounding. DAVID “Are you saying that Hudson was murdering the keys for their piece of the cake and for power?” Asked David in shock. STACEY “The main reasons why he was fighting with the elders instead of his appointment.” David paces. DAVID “You are saying that he compromised taking leadership on the same day as they welcomed a newcomer? Something forbidden as an alibi to his killings of the keys?” She nodded. STACEY “All the talk about sacrifices is something the previous leader never did. Never human sacrifice before.” DAVID “I read somewhere that this was carried out in the past,” said David. STACEY “Yes, but decades ago before the practice was banned as they agreed that all keys should be entitled to a share of the world’s wealth in exchange for acting as a catalyst speeding up things...” DAVID “So, Hudson re-introduced the practice to get rid of the shareholders as a sacrifice, so no one complains that he is murdering the keys?” Asked David. STACEY “Exactly. The real reasons why he fought with the elders.” DAVID “So only Hudson knew the secrets to the chapters?” Asked David. STACEY “More like it. As most key holders, meaning uncles and parents of the keys and the keys themselves have gone missing or in hiding fearing to be killed. As Hudson had become so greedy that he aimed to get rid of all twenty-four keys,” said Stacey. David absorbs the shocking revelation, realizing the depth of Hudson's treachery. FADE OUT. INT. DELTA TIMMONS' HOUSE - DAY David and Stacey stand before Delta Timmons, who sits outside with his huge dog. DAVID “Maybe he was set up, so we can easily kill him? I don’t understand why Marson left running like that. Leaving Hudson and his nephew like that. He never left men behind.” STACEY “Are you saying they wanted him out and why? Makes no sense if they are to replace him with the weaker previous leader?” Said Stacey. They all looked at each other. DAVID “Unless if they are replacing him with someone even more ruthless than him...” STACEY “Marson!” They said at the same time. DAVID “Damn it! That’s it! We are all dead. If they put Marson, we might not even have the time we think we have!” They looked at each other. Stacey, for the first time, saw fear written all over David’s face. She briefly smiled to see him in the position they were putting her in. Somehow, she felt like being on Marson’s side was the only true destiny for her. No matter what. His team seemed to be a step ahead. She felt like telling David about the rise of the Devil’s ghost. She realized that a cornered man can attack in self-defense. She played the whole thing down. She thought about how Javelina had escaped. She was in control of her life, and only she could save that life. Not David or anyone. She knew they would rather worry about saving their skin than save her. STACEY (CONT'D) “Let’s look at leadership. Apart from robbing from the keys and murdering them, what else was disputed?” DAVID “His appointment. He challenged a wounded leader when he should not have. The gold scriptures forbid a leadership title challenge the same day as the day of anointment.” She looked at him. STACEY “I have inside information that the person with the failed anointment is a nephew or niece of a vital person!” David sat down and started searching. DAVID “Listen to this!” David read an article on the internet. DAVID (CONT'D) “Delta Timmons challenges Hudson’s leadership.” He looked at her. DAVID (CONT'D) “Maybe we will visit him?” An SUV arrived at a house and parked outside. Delta was sitting outside with his huge dog. The dog started barking as David and Stacey approached. DELTA “He is amiable,” suggested the old man. DAVID “As friendly as Hudson?” Asked David. DELTA “Who? Oh, that evil man. Cheating his way to leadership.” He shook his head. DELTA (CONT'D) “I am not stupid. I was a leader once, so I know.” STACEY “I understand that the gold scripture’s chapter that addresses this issue is locked forever so how do you know?” Asked Stacey. DELTA “Tradition passed from leader to leader.” He paused. DELTA (CONT'D) “There are outstanding keys, and none have come forward. Hudson deliberately sent them into hiding. So that he can send his men after them killing all. This is against what the gold scripture says about the treatment of the keys.” DAVID “Can anything be done to protect the keys?” Asked David. DELTA “You must understand how the gold scriptures are linked to these keys first. A girl touched the gold scriptures, and one chapter closed when the leader was reading the scriptures. No one knew what had happened. Next time the mother happened to be with the girl passing the altar when that girl touched the gold scriptures. The leader walked back to the altar and found the once locked chapter now open. He asked everyone in there to touch the gold scriptures. Surprised and shocked they discovered that only that girl opened the scriptures. So, since that day the leader gave her first front seat and did everything to make sure they attend all the time. Until they knew it, there were twenty-four kids; boys and girls who surrounded the altar and sat next to the leader. The gold scriptures assigned keys to keep kids to be part and parcels of the leadership or its advisory board each opening specific chapters. But mankind’s greediness caused some leaders in the past to kill all the keys. Once they have read all the chapters. So that no one else knows what is inside apart from them as a way of remaining in power and power bargaining. The last leader before they were lost read all the chapters and hid the gold scriptures where no other man but him could find them. Accidentally he died before revealing where they were, so for decades, they were lost until the discovery.” Said Delta. STACEY “So, what can go wrong with the anointment?” CUT TO BLACK. INT. DELTA TIMMONS' HOUSE - DAY David, Stacey, and Delta Timmons continue their conversation. DELTA “Simple. If leadership is not the right one. Hudson cheated, and I told him he wasn’t right.” STACEY “Could it be a sacrifice?” DELTA “How. These are angels who had preserved themselves. Abstaining from sex and all that but again must not die but given a secret, a family and a house since most lose their parents once they are assigned this role.” DAVID “Wait a minute. How is that?” DELTA “Once the kid has touched the gold scriptures, she or he no longer belongs to his or her blood parents. But is given parents from the cult who will now guide him or her and help make choices that she or he remains pure and true to the gold scriptures’ requests.” David looks shocked and upset. DAVID “Are you saying that they deliberately kill the parents so that the religious guardians take over?” Asked David. Shocked and upset. “I didn’t say that. All die in accidents, etc., and we have no control. I am just saying what will happen in the case that happens,” explained Delta. STACEY “What happens on the day of the anointment?” DELTA “The key opens the chapter to be read by the person being anointed. That opens the door to a seat for the anointed. But that person will have an obligation to look after that key as it alone can open that specific chapter. The two are linked and must both be present to claim the share at the end of the phases.” STACEY “But we heard they are sacrificing these keys?” DELTA “Old banned tradition reinstated by Hudson to deny the keys their share. The real reason we fought with Hudson is that we worry that he was trying to monopolize the scriptures. Like I said. Something that resulted in the gold scriptures being lost.” DAVID “Oh, I see your concerns are not with the safety of these keys but the existence and safety of these gold scriptures?” Asked David. DAVID (CONT'D) “Are you telling me that Hudson was murdering people for the sake of it?” DELTA “Hudson was evil. He broke all the rules,” admitted Delta. Delta looked at David. DELTA (CONT'D) “The leader was not to touch the gold scriptures with his bare hands,” he added. STACEY “What is the effect of that?” Asked Stacey. DELTA “The separation of the leader and the keys was critical. Hudson crossed that line. He breached the rules of the gold scriptures for personal gains.” DAVID “We are listening,” said David. DELTA (CONT'D) “Touching the gold scriptures with bare hands puts you in the same category as the keys and if you are the leader then there is a conflict of interests. The leader was never supposed to claim a share as well as Hudson was doing. The share was for the benefit of the keys, mostly orphans.” STACEY “Are you saying touching the gold scriptures made Hudson a recipient as well?” DELTA “Exactly!” STACEY (CONT'D) “What is that fear-struck face?” Asked Stacey. DELTA “The keys have special powers. They were not just the catalysts to speed up things or advisories only no. They have powers. Some special powers they use to guard and protect the gold scriptures. Powers to find missing things. Powers to locate each other and sense danger,” he said. DAVID “So, Hudson realized that he can also have all these powers?” Asked Stacey. Delta remained silent. STACEY “Only when they are dead. He realized that the powers can never be transferred to a leader unless the key is dead. Normally they were temporarily transferred to the leader who then assigns someone else,” said Delta. DAVID “But Hudson transferred these to his nephews and nieces?” Asked David. DELTA “Exactly! Now making this a family thing,” said Delta. David and Stacey looked at each other. STACEY (CONT'D) “What else did he change? This Hudson?” DELTA “In our days the cave where rituals took place was filled with keys not related to anyone. Now every member is accompanied by his or her nephew or niece making everything a family business hence the killings. In my days twenty-four keys surrounded the altar. They would just walk to the altar where the gold scriptures were, and the chapter, they have a key to would simply open so that the leader reads it. With Hudson, he opened all chapters himself apart from those he did not find the keys to.” DAVID “You mean killing them made Hudson get their powers too, so he ends up doing everything. The concentration of power in one?” DELTA “The preparation of the end of days when only the Devil-Is-I will have power before he reclaimed the kingdom of darkness,” said Delta. CUT TO BLACK. INT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David's heart started pounding hard. DAVID “It’s not coincidental or greediness they are preparing for the end. There must be something we are not aware of. Something vital and critical that they are expecting. Let’s go right now,” said David walking out. EXT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David and Stacey rush to a waiting car. STACEY “So, we know for sure that since six of the chapters can’t be opened, it follows also that these keys are still out there but in hiding. What he is trying to do is to reach the status of the Devil himself by killing all the keys!” Said David. He looked at Stacey. DAVID “Now that Hudson is dead. Does that mean the keys are lost too?” STACEY “Not necessarily as the anointing of the leader means passing everything from one leader to the next one,” said Stacey. DAVID “So maybe we can stop the anointing of the new leader?” They locked eyes. STACEY “How can we tell who the current members are?” DAVID “I think Keaton can help us. I saw him downloading the program onto his gadget. We can reverse engineer the program and get a date it tried to initialize and add a new number that would be the date of anointment or the failed anointment. They connected the device to the powerful computers and started the process. David took the phone and dialed a number. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David speaks to Carolina over the phone. A beep sound startles them. STACEY “At last we have something to work with. We have a date.” Quickly they checked all flights, hotel bookings, and ships passenger lists. INT. SAFE HOUSE - LATER They look at each other and read an article in the paper. DAVID “Evelina celebrating her eighteenth birthday the same day at the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island.” Another search returned a different article. STACEY “Wanted for the killing of two secret service personnel; armed and dangerous!” DAVID “Damn it! Issued by the Secret Service!” David gets up. DAVID “I can’t believe they are hunting my Evelina, my ‘daughter’.” STACEY “I didn’t know you had a daughter called Evelina,” said Stacey, worried and sad. DAVID “She is not my daughter but works for me or should I say used to work for me,” he replied. David wears a haunted face. He paces. DAVID (CONT'D) “Every time we are closer to busting their ass, they start playing mind games. Trying to distract me from focusing,” said David. STACEY “Trying to traumatize you? What happened to this Evelina?” Asked Stacey. DAVID “Disappeared. Some say she ran away,” he said. They started the search but at the end of the day, they had no leads. A beep sound later saw smiles on their faces. STACEY “We have a one Evelina who checked in with her boyfriend Alex the day in question and at Devil’s Eye Island,” said Stacey dancing but David did not smile at all. DAVID “Did you check this Alex?” David asked. STACEY “Missing as well!” DAVID “Probably sacrificed by Hudson.” STACEY “What could be the reason for the failed anointment?” DAVID “Not a virgin. As she might have broken the abstinence rules. Maybe Alex ate the fruits or simply Hudson saw no need for the keys as he wanted all to himself. He might have needed an excuse so decides to announce a failed anointment, so he has everything himself.” STACEY “But why put a manhunt when she is already dead?” DAVID “To clear his name. How can she be sacrificed and for them to hunt her at the same time?” “Why the secret services and why make it public unless they are looking for her?” Asked David. STACEY “She got away? That could explain the postponement. If she was dead, it would be a cancelation,” suggested Stacey. DAVID “Good thinking Stacey,” said David. CUT TO BLACKINT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David's heart started pounding hard. DAVID “It’s not coincidental or greediness they are preparing for the end. There must be something we are not aware of. Something vital and critical that they are expecting. Let’s go right now,” said David walking out. EXT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David and Stacey rush to a waiting car. STACEY “So, we know for sure that since six of the chapters can’t be opened, it follows also that these keys are still out there but in hiding. What he is trying to do is to reach the status of the Devil himself by killing all the keys!” Said David. He looked at Stacey. DAVID “Now that Hudson is dead. Does that mean the keys are lost too?” STACEY “Not necessarily as the anointing of the leader means passing everything from one leader to the next one,” said Stacey. DAVID “So maybe we can stop the anointing of the new leader?” They locked eyes. STACEY “How can we tell who the current members are?” DAVID “I think Keaton can help us. I saw him downloading the program onto his gadget. We can reverse engineer the program and get a date it tried to initialize and add a new number that would be the date of anointment or the failed anointment. They connected the device to the powerful computers and started the process. David took the phone and dialed a number. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David speaks to Carolina over the phone. A beep sound startles them. STACEY “At last we have something to work with. We have a date.” Quickly they checked all flights, hotel bookings, and ships passenger lists. INT. SAFE HOUSE - LATER They look at each other and read an article in the paper. DAVID “Evelina celebrating her eighteenth birthday the same day at the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island.” Another search returned a different article. STACEY “Wanted for the killing of two secret service personnel; armed and dangerous!” DAVID “Damn it! Issued by the Secret Service!” David gets up. DAVID “I can’t believe they are hunting my Evelina, my ‘daughter’.” STACEY “I didn’t know you had a daughter called Evelina,” said Stacey, worried and sad. DAVID “She is not my daughter but works for me or should I say used to work for me,” he replied. David wears a haunted face. He paces. DAVID (CONT'D) “Every time we are closer to busting their ass, they start playing mind games. Trying to distract me from focusing,” said David. STACEY “Trying to traumatize you? What happened to this Evelina?” Asked Stacey. DAVID “Disappeared. Some say she ran away,” he said. They started the search but at the end of the day, they had no leads. A beep sound later saw smiles on their faces. STACEY “We have a one Evelina who checked in with her boyfriend Alex the day in question and at Devil’s Eye Island,” said Stacey dancing but David did not smile at all. DAVID “Did you check this Alex?” David asked. STACEY “Missing as well!” DAVID “Probably sacrificed by Hudson.” STACEY “What could be the reason for the failed anointment?” DAVID “Not a virgin. As she might have broken the abstinence rules. Maybe Alex ate the fruits or simply Hudson saw no need for the keys as he wanted all to himself. He might have needed an excuse so decides to announce a failed anointment, so he has everything himself.” STACEY “But why put a manhunt when she is already dead?” DAVID “To clear his name. How can she be sacrificed and for them to hunt her at the same time?” “Why the secret services and why make it public unless they are looking for her?” Asked David. STACEY “She got away? That could explain the postponement. If she was dead, it would be a cancelation,” suggested Stacey. DAVID “Good thinking Stacey,” said David. CUT TO BLACK INT. SUV - DAY David and Stacey sit inside the SUV. STACEY “She ran for her life before the anointment. Causing everything to be postponed. Now the secret service is after her.” DAVID “Secret services, Hudson, Marson, and the President?” repeated David. David quickly searches on the internet. DAVID “No relatives. Turned eighteen this year.” STACEY “Ok, I will search for any relative of any prominent people who turned eighteen this year,” said Stacey. DAVID “So, are you saying she is in hiding?” STACEY “I can only suggest that,” replied Stacey. DAVID “Ok, I have an address. Let’s go.” EXT. EVELINA'S HOUSE - DAY An SUV arrives outside a house. A woman answers the door. STACEY “Evelina Banks?” Asked Stacey. WOMAN “Haven’t seen her. She went on a romantic holiday trip on her eighteenth birthday and never returned. We went to the Island to search for her but never found her.” STACEY “Did you file a missing person report?” WOMAN Asked Stacey. STACEY “Any sightings? We believe she is alive but since she is on wanted, she is in hiding,” suggested Stacey. WOMAN “Alive. That will be great, it’s not just speculating? I know the other week her uncle came home happy he said someone had told him that he had seen her.” The phone rings for a while before a lazy voice answers it. LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “Devil’s Eye Island Police Department?” STACEY He paused. DAVID “Yes, what is this regarding?” STACEY “A missing person report for one Evelina Banks.” LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “A missing person? Date?” Stacey gives all the details. LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “Hold on I will retrieve the file.” There is a moment of silence. LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “Ah. Yes, she disappeared on her birthday, and her uncle filed the missing person report. But we have no leads. Do you know how many missing person reports we get every single day around here? We are busy all the time. Sorry, can’t help further.” STACEY “No leads but filled a few days later by her uncle,” said Stacey. The woman looks shocked and angered that credit was taken away from her. WOMAN “What uncle? I filled the report weeks after she did not return.” They look at each other. Stacey phones again. No one answers. DAVID “Unless it’s a mistaken identity.” STACEY “They might have another girl but not Evelina,” suggested David. DAVID “You mean all by the same name and all having the same eighteenth birthday? What are the chances?” Asked Stacey. STACEY “What could be the explanation? Phone again.” The phone keeps ringing until someone answers it. LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “It’s me again. Missing person’s department. I need information about the missing Evelina.” STACEY “Surname, date of birth, etc.?” LAZY VOICE (PHONE) “Evelina Banks, eighteen...” STACEY “Did you say Banks? This is Ewelina Ivanovsky’s missing report filled by her uncle as missing on her twenty-second birthday. Wait, a minute... she is Russian as well with the name pronounced the same but written differently with a W instead of a V as Ewelina.” INT. SUV - DAY David and Stacey walk out and jump into the SUV before heading to the city. DAVID “Marson could have sent his men but got the wrong Evelina. That could explain why it failed, as not a match of the one being anointed but discovered only after the beast had devoured her with no proof of her to double-check or prove otherwise.” STACEY “How could they have known that it was not her?” Asked Stacey. DAVID “Simple! The gold scripture chapter could not open for the anointed to read it,” said David. STACEY “Oh, I see,” she sighed. DAVID “Instantly Hudson knew she was not the one,” said David. STACEY “Boyfriend probably killed at the same time,” he added. DAVID “Now with nobody to prove it was her, she was probably taken on the beach in only her bikini without identifications,” said David. STACEY “So, the only proof can be obtained from her documents.” DAVID “At the hotel, they go into her room and get her documents. They then discover that they got the wrong Evelina. Now they start looking for the correct one and trigger a manhunt?” Said Stacey. “But if that is the case, why question Hudson’s authority? I am assuming his men were convinced that the girl was the right girl, but Hudson was probably the problem. That they refused to go back again resulting in Hudson assassinating one of the men. That also means they might have got the correct documents to be adamant that Hudson was the problem. Resulting in the leader to be shot. Otherwise, why assassinate him?” “To show power as they were refusing,” replied Stacey. “I understand the men went several times before the leader was assassinated. That can only mean that maybe they went back but to the hotel room of the correct Evelina,” said David. “So why put a manhunt when they got the correct one?” Asked Stacey. “Ok, so let’s say they entered her hotel room when she was not there. She is on a different beach with her boyfriend, with no passports, etc. They break in and get the correct documents. They are so convinced that it’s her. So, everything checks out. She just turned eighteen; the perfect key to be sacrificed. They have nobody to prove otherwise. But the real Evelina comes back and finds her passport missing. In a panic, she runs away and goes into hiding. The manhunt forces her into hiding; she can’t even tell her relatives. No way to turn to. Who is after her? The secret services,” said David. “Makes sense. Hudson is pissed off because he is sure it’s the wrong girl. After all, the chapter of the gold scriptures did not open. They are adamant it was her they have a passport to prove it. They clash resulting in the leader being shot by Hudson. To stop questioning his authority and search for the girl.” “Correct. So, she is alive in hiding. We must find her.” They look at each other. LATER. David “Stacey, I would like to talk to you in private,” requested David. Stacey pushes the door and stands at the door. “From my experience with Javelina, I think we postpone looking for her for now. I have a lot of stuff going on. I think it will be too much to bring someone here when we have outstanding issues like you and Keaton. Anyone they are after might be good to us dead. We must start defending for the next stage after this phase we can come and continue with our search. Or maybe if you are willing, you carry-on but on your own. I have a good plan for you. If you make it or if you don’t, you will have died doing what you loved doing,” David throws a spare gun at her. “You will need this so keep both for this task,” he said. She looks lost and scared. “Here is the plan,” he said. David gives her a diary with notes. She opens it and starts reading it. “Read everything. You have only twenty-four hours for me to answer any questions. After that, I suggest you secretly go for I don’t want anyone following you.” Stacey feels scared and much traumatized by this. She looks at David for a while and walks off. MILES AWAY. “I am the key, the one that opens the gold scriptures. I am here to claim my share as authorized by the gold scriptures and as my option, I want a buy-out clause to be activated. I will open the chapter I told you, pay me and I will go.” “The person you must see is not here. Come back tomorrow.” “I can’t, it’s now or never. If you are serious and know how important this is. You will take me to the leader right away. Let him decide.” INT. MINIBUS - NIGHT Stacey jumps into the minibus blindfolded, and the bus drives off. Her heart pounds fast, feeling choked with fear. A lot of thoughts run through her mind as the minibus comes to a stop. EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT The minibus door opens, and Stacey is pushed forward. MAN #1 “Move!” Stacey staggers before getting her balance, arms tied in front of her. MAN #2 “Don’t try anything stupid.” Hands on her shoulders push her down. MAN #1 “Sit!” Footsteps leave the room, and a man's voice startles her. MAN #3 “This is not a way to treat a key to the golden scriptures. She is an angel and must be treated with respect and honor. Do you know she has a share in all this? As a stakeholder, if you like? Welcome, my beloved friend.” Stacey wonders about the chances that Marson would kill her, losing the seat as well. Hesitant and scared, she contemplates her fate. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson sits in his office, examining the gold scriptures. He has never shown interest in religious matters before. As he lifts them, he feels a sudden heat and a page flips. Chapter twenty-five is engraved. Confused, he dials a number. MARSON “Don’t kill her. I might need her. Keep her alive, that’s an order.” Perplexed by the mysterious occurrence, Marson dials again. MARSON “Bring that woman here immediately. Roughen her a little.” Miles away, the guard mistreats Stacey. GUARD “Get up!” He slaps her and kicks her, threatening her life. The door opens, and Stacey is pushed into Marson's presence. GUARD “Move!” The door closes, leaving Stacey nursing her wounds. She looks at the gold scriptures and then at Marson, who stands by the window. MARSON “Please sit down. I want answers before I kill you.” Stacey touches the gold scriptures, but they don't open. STACEY “What did you do?” MARSON “Damn it, woman, you damaged the gold scriptures. Now you ask me what I have done. You got some nerves. And don’t lie to me. I am going to ask you questions. I want true answers. Okay?” STACEY “Unbreakable!” MARSON “You have overridden my authority. Who are you?” STACEY “Are you the devil?” MARSON “As far as I know, only the appointed Devil-Is-I can override everyone.” Stacey is shocked when Marson smiles secretly. STACEY “What did you say?” Marson sits down, and the gold scriptures open to chapter twenty-five. They look at each other, both shocked. STACEY “Chapter twenty-five?” MARSON “Where did this come from? As far as I know, there are only twenty-four hours in a day. Twenty-four seats in the governing circles!” Stacey looks at Marson, shocked and scared. STACEY “Are you the Devil-Is-I?” She paces. STACEY “Only he can. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Stacey whispers to Marson, emphasizing the power he holds. STACEY “Only he can add or subtract hours, meaning change the system. At the end of the days, you can’t change anything until only after the majority.” She stops and looks at Marson. STACEY “That means you can rewrite the system and rules. Only you can change... everything.” Marson sits down and takes the gold scriptures, starting to read. STACEY “Best read in the dark.” Marson closes the curtain and reads the chapter Stacey had opened: chapter eighteen. After reading, he paces in the office. MARSON “I never believed this. I thought it was a way of getting away with murder cowardly. You kill in the name of religion, and it’s not you but the devil. You kill alone, then it's murder. But today I have seen a miracle.” He stares at Stacey. MARSON “Why chapter twenty-five?” Marson sits down, and chapter twenty-five instantly opens. They look at each other shocked and surprised. STACEY “So, tell me why chapter twenty-five?” MARSON “They say the one to come, the Devil-Is-I himself, will have such power that he will start a new chapter, a new covenant, and a new world order as a preparation to reclaim the kingdom of darkness back.” They look at each other and then at the gold scriptures. STACEY “What the bloody hell?” MARSON “I can’t believe what we said just now has been written down.” They all look at each other. STACEY “What you said too is being engraved in chapter twenty-five. So, you and I must be together.” Marson roars. MARSON “Fuck you! I would rather kill you.” STACEY “Don’t worry; the feeling is mutual. Go on?” MARSON “This person will start the new kingdom of darkness that will never be lost again or be conquered.” They both look at each other before looking at the gold scriptures. That was engraved again. Marson gets up, and Stacey looks at chapter twenty-five to see what happens. Instantly, everything they had said is erased. STACEY “So, you are not the one. All that you said is bullshit, as I thought.” MARSON “No, you are not a writer, just an angel to sing and praise. So, sing to me.” STACEY “Fuck off. I don’t work for you.” MARSON “See, I told them that I don’t need you and that it was better to get rid of you. I was right.” STACEY “Yes, you don’t. But they need me. If you kill me, then you will lose another seat on top of Hudson and his nephew’s losses. That means two more phases when you were about to finish it off. So technically you bloody need me. You just don’t know it yet.” MARSON “I know now what Hudson was up to. He realized that he can have more power than any man on earth. All he had to do was collect all the power to himself.” He bursts into laughter. MARSON “That means killing all the keys, including you. What can stop me? You?” Marson points a gun at her, walking to her unsuspecting before grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up high. He lowers her slowly, taunting her. She fights by kicking him in the ribs. The more he tenses and laughs, tightening the grip until she stops. Struggling to breathe, she holds his huge arms, trying to loosen the grip. Marson roars, throwing her down. MARSON “I guess you still want to live.” Keaton enters David’s office fuming. KEATON “I can’t believe you let her go. I am starting to think that you deliberately let her go so they kill her like Javelina.” Instantly, David punches Keaton, who falls on the floor. “Never talk to me like that again!” Keaton sits down, touching his bleeding lips. DAVID “Okay, I will go and find her.” INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Stacey whispers to Marson, emphasizing the power he holds. STACEY “Only he can add or subtract hours, meaning change the system. At the end of the days, you can’t change anything until only after the majority.” She stops and looks at Marson. STACEY “That means you can rewrite the system and rules. Only you can change... everything.” Marson sits down and takes the gold scriptures, starting to read. STACEY “Best read in the dark.” Marson closes the curtain and reads the chapter Stacey had opened: chapter eighteen. After reading, he paces in the office. MARSON “I never believed this. I thought it was a way of getting away with murder cowardly. You kill in the name of religion, and it’s not you but the devil. You kill alone, then it's murder. But today I have seen a miracle.” He stares at Stacey. MARSON “Why chapter twenty-five?” Marson sits down, and chapter twenty-five instantly opens. They look at each other shocked and surprised. STACEY “So, tell me why chapter twenty-five?” MARSON “They say the one to come, the Devil-Is-I himself, will have such power that he will start a new chapter, a new covenant, and a new world order as a preparation to reclaim the kingdom of darkness back.” They look at each other and then at the gold scriptures. STACEY “What the bloody hell?” MARSON “I can’t believe what we said just now has been written down.” They all look at each other. STACEY “What you said too is being engraved in chapter twenty-five. So, you and I must be together.” Marson roars. MARSON “Fuck you! I would rather kill you.” STACEY “Don’t worry; the feeling is mutual. Go on?” MARSON “This person will start the new kingdom of darkness that will never be lost again or be conquered.” They both look at each other before looking at the gold scriptures. That was engraved again. Marson gets up, and Stacey looks at chapter twenty-five to see what happens. Instantly, everything they had said is erased. STACEY “So, you are not the one. All that you said is bullshit, as I thought.” MARSON “No, you are not a writer, just an angel to sing and praise. So, sing to me.” STACEY “Fuck off. I don’t work for you.” MARSON “See, I told them that I don’t need you and that it was better to get rid of you. I was right.” STACEY “Yes, you don’t. But they need me. If you kill me, then you will lose another seat on top of Hudson and his nephew’s losses. That means two more phases when you were about to finish it off. So technically you bloody need me. You just don’t know it yet.” MARSON “I know now what Hudson was up to. He realized that he can have more power than any man on earth. All he had to do was collect all the power to himself.” He bursts into laughter. MARSON “That means killing all the keys, including you. What can stop me? You?” Marson points a gun at her, walking to her unsuspecting before grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up high. He lowers her slowly, taunting her. She fights by kicking him in the ribs. The more he tenses and laughs, tightening the grip until she stops. Struggling to breathe, she holds his huge arms, trying to loosen the grip. Marson roars, throwing her down. MARSON “I guess you still want to live.” Keaton enters David’s office fuming. KEATON “I can’t believe you let her go. I am starting to think that you deliberately let her go so they kill her like Javelina.” Instantly, David punches Keaton, who falls on the floor. “Never talk to me like that again!” Keaton sits down, touching his bleeding lips. DAVID “Okay, I will go and find her.” INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Stacey is brought to Marson's office. STACEY “Marson got her. You have no chance.” DAVID “Maybe I will kill him too. You just sit and babysit!” He roars. DAVID “Do you know that Carolina and Bogdan nearly got killed yesterday, and you worry about Stacey?” KEATON “Damn it, Keaton. You don’t understand what you are doing is exactly what they want you to do. Focus only on defense. Look how fast they claimed seats to nearly eighteen within a short time. I suggest you leave her alone. I gave her a task. Help Carolina and Bogdan.” Keaton gets up and wipes the blood on his lips. KEATON “But once this is over, I am going to take her down. Even you can’t stop me!” He slams the door on his way out. David walks to the door and stands on the doorstep. DAVID “Why not do one-on-one. Give her what she wants; to die like a soldier? Be man enough. Better kill her like a soldier. At least I won’t have a guilty conscience. If anyone asks, I can say she died in the line of duty.” Keaton instantly stops and turns around fast, salutes, and leaves, leaving David standing on the doorstep. David feels relieved. Since Stacey arrived, all he did was babysit. He felt guilty about letting the other team down. He felt energized enough even to take over. He jumps into the SUV and drives off. Marson summons the leader of the cult to his office. MARSON “Do you know how important the gold scriptures are, yet you let anyone try to steal them?” The leader rubs that off as nonsense. CULT LEADER “No one has ever managed to steal them and get out of the maze successfully. They will always get caught or drop them as fatigue and cramp set in. I am glad you got them back.” MARSON “She must have read the gold scriptures about the maze.” CULT LEADER “What chapter is that?” MARSON “Chapter one on keeping safe of the gold scriptures. She is the key and might know-how, and no key has ever attempted to steal the gold scriptures. They don’t need to because they are rewarded generously. They are given a share. But the last leader might have put ideas into these angels.” The leader looks at Marson. CULT LEADER “What kind of angel are you?” Marson takes out the gold scriptures from the safe, but they do not open. Marson sits down, and chapter twenty-five opens. MARSON “Now tell me how we can bring back the kingdom of darkness.” Everything the priest said is engraved. He is shocked and surprised. CULT LEADER “The end is near. But how about when we are way away from the majority? That happens only in the last stage. Tell me what I am missing?” MARSON “You are the leader; you tell us.” He paces, his heart torn apart. MARSON “This is not supposed to happen.” They all look to see if all that would be erased at the end. STACEY “Permanently written!” Marson pulls the gun and aims at Stacey. MARSON “I don’t need you! I told you that I was going to kill you. Glad it came so fast.” He aims and cocks the gun. Shocked and scared, she pleads with him. STACEY “Wait! Wait! Look.” She quickly searches something in chapter twenty-five of the gold scripture and retrieves a negative of a photo, showing Marson the key. STACEY “Look down there. It says here in the presence of a witness... my key. So, you need me.” Marson looks surprised. STACEY “Check if that is true?” INT. DIMLY LIT ROOM - NIGHT Stacey is locked in a dimly lit room, disoriented and weak. STACEY “Hello, anybody let me out right now. Anybody? Marson. David?” She bangs on the door, desperate for someone to hear her. STACEY “David?” She realizes she might have been forgotten. Sad and alone, she slumps down, unsure of whom to call for help. Suddenly, a loud sound, as if a heavy metal blocking the door is lifted, startles her. GUARD “The boss wants to see you.” The door opens, and a guard grabs Stacey, pushing her roughly. GUARD “Move.” INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Stacey is brought into Marson's office. Marson sits behind his desk, studying the gold scriptures. MARSON “You look terrible. Did you enjoy your stay?” Stacey remains silent, eyeing Marson cautiously. MARSON “I've been going through the scriptures, trying to understand their power. Chapter twenty-five holds some interesting information. It seems you've become quite valuable.” STACEY “What do you want?” MARSON “Information, my dear. And your cooperation. You see, I've discovered that I have the power to change the system, rewrite the rules. Chapter twenty-five gives me that authority.” Stacey remains defiant. STACEY “I won't help you.” Marson smirks. MARSON “We'll see about that. Now, let's talk about the keys and their significance. And don't think of lying, I have a way to verify everything.” Stacey, trapped and outnumbered, prepares herself for the battle of wits against Marson. INT. MYSTERIOUS CAVE - NIGHT The cave is dimly lit with occasional flickering torches. Stacey stands in the middle of the chalk-stone circle, looking up at the open circle above. The place is a mix of ancient rituals and modern amenities. STACEY (whispering to herself) This place is nothing like I expected. Modernized, yet holding on to its ancient roots. Stacey notices the glittering gold markings on the wall as she explores the cave. She follows the markings that lead her to the center, where she stands in awe. STACEY (to herself) These markings... they must mean something. She checks the time, realizing it's 6 am. Stacey walks to the eighteenth wall and finds ancient writings, shapes, and drawings. STACEY (reading her notes) "Presence of one attracts another. The closer they are, the harmony between them. Zoning." Stacey tries to call David, attempting to zone in on Evelina, but there's no information available. STACEY (frustrated) How do I find Evelina without any information? Stacey pictures the twenty-four walls and partitions in her mind and decides to leave the next day in search of Evelina. CUT TO: EXT. EYE OF THE DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - DAY Stacey, determined and focused, explores the island. Meanwhile, Evelina and Alex arrive onshore after leaving the mysterious cave. EVELINA (to Alex) We can't stop here. We need to keep going. ALEX (nodding) Alright, we'll find help on the way. Suddenly, a loud knock at the door and barking of a dog startle them. Alex points to the next house, but the door they were walking away from opens. STRANGER (curious) Can I help you? The stranger eyes them suspiciously, setting an atmosphere of uncertainty. FADE OUT. INT. AUNTIE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Alex and Evelina enter the cozy living room. Alex sits on the bed, contemplating the recent events. ALEX (trying to reassure Evelina) I think it's just a mix-up. Everything will be back to normal. Evelina picks up the phone, about to dial. EVELINA They're not expecting us until the end of the week. Maybe we spend the next two days at my auntie's? She lives not far away from here. They decide to head to Evelina's auntie's house. EXT. AUNTIE'S HOUSE - DAY They arrive at the house, greeted by a big dog. Alex kneels down to hug the dog, inviting Evelina to join. ALEX Come here, boy. Come! The door instantly opens. AUNTIE Alex! His elder sister rushes out and hugs him tightly. AUNTIE Come in here. They enter the house, looking around. Alex's sister looks concerned. ALEX What's going on? Sister bursts into tears. SISTER They're after you, Alex. They're saying you kidnapped Evelina. ALEX (confused) Kidnapped me? Who said that? SISTER Not Evelina's parents. It's the secret services. They claim you killed two servicemen. Alex gets up, angry. ALEX But I didn't. I was with her. SISTER That's why they're saying you kidnapped her, to take her away from you before she can say otherwise. Alex reflects on his father's past. ALEX So, Father was telling the truth. They framed him, and now they're doing the same to me. She loves me. He looks at Evelina, who is visibly upset. ALEX I love you very much. My love for you is forever. Alex makes a half heart shape with his hand. Evelina begins to cry. EVELINA We can go away, run far away together. My love without you is incomplete. She shows Alex a half heart shape. They join hands to complete the heart shape. ALEX I can't run forever. EVELINA Your father did the same. Where is he? Alex shrugs, sitting down and covering his face with both hands. ALEX Makes no sense. Why would they claim that I kidnapped you but take all your documents and left mine? EVELINA If I don't have documents, it looks like you're forcing me. ALEX But why me? I have nothing. EVELINA We can run and go somewhere far away from where they can't find us. I don't care where we go as long as we're together. Alex hugs Evelina, contemplating the uncertain future that lies ahead. ! INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT Alex and Evelina find refuge in a secluded hideout, away from prying eyes. The room is dimly lit, with a sense of urgency in the air. EVELINA I love you more. Evelina looks outside the window, spotting a mysterious figure. EVELINA That man outside our window, is he one of your father's enemies? ALEX Yes. I used to see people in suits with glasses standing outside our house as a little boy. When I'd call my mom or dad, they would disappear. I saw a couple or more just before we left, but I didn't want to alarm you. What do they want this time? Me? I don't think so. EVELINA We can run together. You promised our love is forever. This is just a test. Don't give up. Evelina cries, hugging and passionately kissing Alex. ALEX Or I can turn myself in and tell them that I am not kidnapped so they let you go. EVELINA You didn't hear my sister. They are saying that I killed two secret servicemen. There's no way out. It's like I was on death-row all this time, groomed like a chicken ready to be electrocuted. Evelina hugs him tightly. EVELINA I can't breathe. ALEX Bastards made sure that we can't run together. EVELINA They know no one will disbelieve them. Auntie enters, handing Alex a gun and a satchel. AUNTIE If they come again and find you, they might kill you. Go somewhere safe and far. Until the regime is removed, life will be on the line for everyone. I don't want you to end up like your father. Alex hugs his auntie. ALEX Thanks, Auntie. See you soon. Hand in hand, Alex and Evelina leave, heading into the unknown. EXT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT They find solace in each other's arms, seeking comfort in their love amid the chaos. ALEX (looking at Evelina) Last night talking at my sister’s house made me feel hopeless. All we can do now is wish we could sleep more and forget all this. Dreams make more sense than reality. EVELINA What are you thinking about? She surprises him, having thought she was asleep. ALEX Thought you were fast asleep. Can't sleep as well, huh? EVELINA Thinking about us. How are we going to come out of this unscathed? ALEX Love conquers all evil. EVELINA I've heard that before from my mother. ALEX Maybe it's nothing. EVELINA I can't take risks, especially after that gunshot sound. I can never be mistaken. If it wasn't for that, I would say go and tell them that I did not kidnap you. Probably they would drop everything. ALEX Are you sure this has everything to do with your father? EVELINA Yes, we talked about this before the trip. It's not that I am paranoid. It's real. The men threatening us outside our house are real. Just days before we left, I saw a man who looked like my father and wearing the same clothes as my father the last day I saw him. That can't be a coincidence. ALEX They are deliberately traumatizing me, trying to distract me and weaken me so that I am soft and it's easy to attack me. Evelina gets up, concerned. EVELINA Tell me. Alex kisses her, then reveals a chilling secret. ALEX I saw them throw a dead body of a woman in the boat. I saw a black bra, so I am sure it was a woman. Evelina lays on Alex's chest, fear written all over her face. EVELINA I feel scared. Maybe they were after me after all. ALEX Maybe to traumatize me and render me temporarily insane so they can further abuse me or even kill me. EVELINA But why? ALEX So, I don't fight them or resist. They cling to each other, facing an uncertain future, filled with danger and betrayal. INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT Evelina gets up, looking out the window, and turns to Alex with a heavy heart. EVELINA If the woman was shot and thrown in the boat, it means they want me dead. If I'm found dead, it will be because of you. No way out for you either; you've killed two secret servicemen. She goes to bed, lying on top of Alex. EVELINA It kills me to know that they want us all dead. They want me dead. Evelina cries inconsolably, embracing Alex. EVELINA I just turned eighteen and am already facing death. I can't believe this is happening. I wanted all these years for this time to be special between us, and maybe I could have died on my eighteenth birthday. She raises her head, looking at Alex. EVELINA I am going to die. Our love must be forever. Promise me you are never going to leave me? There is a silence for a while. ALEX I love you forever too. He hugs and kisses her on the lips and forehead. ALEX Remember when we were kids lying in the flower gardens? I told you that for the love to be forever, one of us must love the other even more for this to be true. He pauses as she nods. ALEX Initially, but then you agreed that it has to be equal. EVELINA Only because the ladybird flew and opened its equal wings to reveal a heart shape made of equal halves. But I think now is the time to show you that I love you more. That my love for you is much deeper to let you die young. ALEX Don't say that. I don't want to hear that. She kisses him and hugs him for a while. EVELINA We stick together. She hugs him further. EVELINA If we stick together, we all die young. She starts sobbing hard. EVELINA They made sure that if we stick together, then we all perish. If they are claiming that I kidnapped you, if we are together, they are just going to shoot me in front of you before you even explain what was going on. ALEX If we separate, they can kill me and say that you did it. EVELINA I think it doesn't matter now. That is what love is all about. ALEX I don't like how that sounded. They hug for a while before locking eyes. EVELINA I think it will be selfish and not love to let you die when there is a way. I told you that they can come to you just to get to me. ALEX I love you, and it doesn't matter. EVELINA I know you love me, and if in my position, I have no doubt that you would do the same for me. So, I think we must weigh all the options. ALEX I told you we stick together. EVELINA There are evil people in this world, you know? Evelina looks at him. EVELINA Yes, you were targeted from birth just because of your father who was against the regime. Once your father was taken out of the equation, you were put on death row? Just unfair. ALEX Not just that, but groomed for death. Every time someone is watching so you can't run or plan anything but that you are in constant fear until the day you are supposed to die comes. But I am not my father, yet I am to die for his own beliefs and not because of my beliefs. I have so many things planned already, but this I might never do. I have regrets, but one thing I will never regret is loving you. INT. SAFE HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Evelina and Alex embrace each other, tears streaming down their faces. EVELINA I apologize for keeping you waiting. I wanted everything to be perfect. But I can make it up to you right now. They look at each other, and the tension breaks as they hug and share a passionate kiss. Evelina starts undressing, but Alex notices the wide-open curtain and rushes to close it. ALEX I can't believe this! There's always someone watching all the time. I want to do something special. Evelina stops undressing, concerned. EVELINA Maybe let’s just ignore them. Alex quickly closes the curtain and walks to the bed. Evelina holds his hand and pulls him onto the bed, initiating a series of passionate kisses. EVELINA What’s wrong? You look tense. ALEX I am afraid. EVELINA Don’t be afraid, don’t worry about that. ALEX I mean I might not be able to... you know? She slumps on the bed. EVELINA Maybe let’s try first. Alex hesitates, holding a gun. EVELINA What are you doing? Put that down. He looks at her with frustration and fear. ALEX They said I killed two secret services. They are trying to kill me. You know what? I now think that I killed one of them. Evelina stops him. EVELINA No, Alex. Stop. That’s exactly what they want you to do. Let it go. If you love me, you would not do things that will separate us forever. Would you, love? She earnestly looks at him, touching her face, standing in just lingerie. Alex ogles her for a moment. ALEX But what if he runs in here while we are doing it and kills all of us? Evelina remains silent, feeling a sudden fear. EVELINA Ok, let me see his reactions. Alex, with no clothes, picks up the gun and checks if the man is still there. He sighs with relief. ALEX He is no longer there. They both hear a crackling sound, as if someone is trying to open the door. Evelina's heart pounds fast. ALEX Stay here. Alex runs out and stands in the lounge, aiming at the door. He fires a shot. A sharp growl of pain and a loud thud follow. Evelina quickly dresses, cursing under her breath. Alex opens the door, expecting to see the man dead, but there's no one. He looks at Evelina and runs outside, closing the door. ALEX Take your things, let’s go. He holds Evelina's hand, and they run out through the back door, disappearing into the night. EXT. OPEN FIELD - NIGHT Alex smiles and lifts Evelina as they approach a field of bright purple flowers. EVELINA It is so beautiful. He stops and looks at her, kissing her passionately. ALEX That rekindles all my childhood love for you. I think by far the greatest and happiest time of our life. I remember one day after spending time with you when I went hunting with my friends. Everyone after a near-death experience talked about their parents and wished they were there. Do you know who I thought I could see straight from there? You, my love. I felt cheated not to be with you. I remembered all my friends running home to see their parents, their mothers, and fathers, but I remember coming straight to you. I could not be with anyone apart from you. There you were smiling and blossoming with love for me. EXT. FLOWER FIELD - DAY Alex kneels, kissing Evelina's hand and stomach. He hugs her, and she lies down, pulling him down with her. EVELINA I promised we can make it together. She lays on his chest, and there's a moment of silence. ALEX It’s funny how life can be. When my father died, I came to this side and lived with my uncle. I know all this area. I studied this side for a while too. He turns around to sleep on his stomach. ALEX I will show you this bridge that connects these two beautiful flower gardens. Trust me; you will love it. We used to play this side as kids before I moved back and met you. They lie in the fields, enjoying the sun. Later, Alex sits up. ALEX I thought I killed that man. I swear I thought I heard him scream before he fell to the ground. Somehow it felt good. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder. EVELINA I thought so, but I was scared that it could destroy us. Destroy our love. ALEX I think you must throw that away. She points at the gun. ALEX Let’s not do anything that will jeopardize our future. EVELINA You know, Eve, this could be our only way to freedom? EVELINA Can you kill someone and get away with it, let alone two secret service personnel? Alex sighs, realizing she has a point. They hug each other, falling asleep in each other’s arms. CUT TO: MORNING Evelina wakes up while Alex is still fast asleep. She collects flowers and gives them to him. EVELINA These are yours, and you won’t believe what I saw. ALEX A naked angel? EVELINA No, Alex. Something special to us. She sexily lifts her eyebrows. ALEX A ladybird. He gets one from the bunch of flowers and places the flowers on his chest. Evelina lays on top of him. The ladybird opens its wings to form a heart shape before flying away. EVELINA I am still not sure about this 50.50 thing. They join hands. ALEX If it is true love, like in our situation, if we all die together, would it not be a loss? They argue for a moment before making up. EVELINA Okay, let’s go before the sun sinks. I will show you the most beautiful place you have ever seen. For the first time since the chaos started, Evelina sees a different side of Alex. They talk about their childhood romance. ALEX I bet we will have the best future together. Alex shouts with excitement as a bridge suddenly appears in front of them. ALEX Look how beautiful it connects the two places together. It's two hearts being joined together with this bridge. He drops everything on the ground, including the gun. ALEX You wait here. I will go to the other side, and we meet on the bridge. Okay? He kisses Evelina on the lips, forehead, and cheeks before running away. Alex runs over the bridge to the other side. He picks a bunch of flowers and uses a grass plant to tie them together. He stands still and looks at Evelina, who is lying down in the flower fields. EVELINA Are you ready? ALEX Yes, my love, I am ready! She stands up and walks toward the bridge. On the edge, they stop and lock eyes. Evelina pulls a flower bud from a plant, slides the flower behind her ear, and does her hair. They lock eyes as they start walking toward each other. Alex gives her the flowers and French-kisses her before lifting her in his arms, planting more kisses while carrying her. He lifts her high up, and she can't stop laughing and giggling. EVELINA Woo! EXT. BRIDGE - SUNSET Alex lifts Evelina, and they stand at the bridge, holding hands. Evelina goes to the flower fields and creates a heart-shaped bunch of flowers. Alex runs to a nearby tree, breaks a branch, and peels the bark off it. EVELINA Reading my mind again, Alex. She puts the final touches on the heart-shaped bunch of flowers. They stand together, French-kiss, and tie the heart-shaped flowers to the rail of the bridge using the bark of the tree. BOTH Our love is forever. They sit on the bridge, watching the sunset. ALEX It's so romantic. EVELINA Could have been great with a bottle of champagne and our dog chasing all the butterflies. ALEX Still, it’s perfect. As the sunset fades, the couple plans to go somewhere far away. Alex suggests sleeping for a while. ALEX Let’s sleep for a while. He shows the half-heart sign with his hand and falls back asleep. Later, they discuss life, their situation, and the future. They gather their belongings and head back to the flower fields towards the bridge. EVELINA Alex, get up; let’s go. ALEX Let’s sleep for a while. He suggests taking a moment to rest. Later, they continue their journey, talking about life and their future. As they approach the bridge, Alex stops. EVELINA Come on, Alex. What is wrong? Alex picks up flowers. ALEX These beauties are for you. They walk to the bridge. As Alex sets his foot on the bridge, his heart starts pounding. Evelina walks to the middle, and Alex follows, realizing how lucky he is to have her. A ladybird lands on his sleeve. Alex hugs Evelina from behind, kissing her passionately. They stand there in silence, gazing at the heart-shaped bunch of flowers mounted on the bridge’s rail. BOTH Our love is forever. Alex hugs Evelina, and they stand in each other’s arms. He French-kisses her passionately, lifts her, and points to the beautiful flower fields. When she looks back, he's gone. Evelina hears Alex falling and screaming. She runs to the rail, looking down as he disappears into the water. A scream echoes through the skies. Evelina sobs on the bridge, remembering Alex's words about love. She remains on the bridge for two days, crying, before finally leaving. The scene shifts to a group of kids running toward the bridge. They take turns jumping into the water, enjoying the river. One boy hesitates. OTHER KID Do you want to jump with those? The kids laugh as the boy drops his shoes, climbs the rail, and jumps into the river. The others rush to the rail to see if he made it. OTHER KID 2 He's okay, and he's on this side. They all laugh, relieved. The boy, shivering, smiles. BOY Just getting warm before I do it again. They continue jumping and enjoying the river, echoing the carefree spirit of their friend Alex. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY The boy shakes his head, climbs up the bridge, and receives applause from everyone. Later, Alex, smartly dressed in a suit, walks onto the bridge. He stands in the middle, smiles, but his expression turns somber as a tear falls from his right eye. He retrieves a heart-shaped red padlock from his pocket, engraved with E&A and the inscription "Love forever." Another tear drops onto the padlock before a huge white bird swoops down to grab it. Alex ducks and pretends to throw something in the river. The bird chases after the imaginary object, and Alex smiles. ALEX You can’t steal this from me. Our love is forever. He retrieves a small key from his pocket, but the bird returns to snatch it. Alex tricks the bird again, unlocking the padlock and securing it to the bridge's rail. He steps back, smiling, but another tear rolls down his left cheek. ALEX I love you, Evelina. Our love is forever. He throws the key into the river. A gust of wind blows in his face as the bird goes after the key. Alex watches as drops of water go up when the key sinks. The bird returns, flying past Alex, hovering, and disappearing. ALEX I hope you will understand this one day and forgive me. My love for you is forever. He walks away from the bridge, disappearing into the flower fields. The scene shifts to Evelina, who has been given accommodation by a woman, nursing her back to health. One day, Evelina wakes up early, searches the internet, and makes phone calls. She discovers that she's wanted as the mastermind behind the deaths of two secret service personnel. Shocked, she locks herself in her room. WOMAN Evelina, are you okay? Evelina doesn't answer. Distraught, she searches the internet and discovers information about Devil's Eye Island. She finds an article about a myth or legend of virgins being sacrificed at the Eye of Devil's Eye Island. Realizing the connection to the events on the island, she curses and remembers the discounted price for those turning eighteen. In a moment of realization, she searches for missing persons around the island and dials a number imitating the old woman she's staying with. EVELINA (imitating the old woman) I am looking for my daughter. She disappeared on her eighteenth birthday on the island. MISSING PERSON DEPARTMENT What’s her name? Evelina hesitates. EVELINA (imitating the old woman) It’s Natasha. The department promises to check and leaves Evelina waiting anxiously. INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina, distressed and overwhelmed, is on the phone with the missing person department. MISSING PERSON DEPARTMENT Sorry, there was no one by that name reported as missing. Evelina, determined, tries another approach. EVELINA Sorry to bother you, my son. You know with kids she might have taken her sister’s passport. Can you search for one; Evelina? That would put me at ease, my son? Silence follows, but the line remains open. MISSING PERSON DEPARTMENT Yes, there was one Evelina reported missing on her birthday, the day in question, and she had turned twenty-two years. Is she the one? Evelina, now having the information she needs, places the receiver down and quickly jots everything down. Fear and realization set in. She contemplates the situation and decides to investigate further. Evelina spends the night typing and researching. As she digs deeper into the mystery surrounding Devil’s Eye Island, her fear grows. She discovers an article about virgins being sacrificed on the island. Panic sets in as she realizes she could have been the target. EVELINA (whispering to herself) They meant to kill me, but why? She pours some whiskey, contemplating her fate. As she continues her research, she finds herself on government wanted lists. Her connection to the deaths of secret service personnel baffles her. EVELINA Why are they framing me? Evelina struggles with the dark truth about her fate. She pours more whiskey, haunted by the idea of Alex sacrificing himself for her. EVELINA (crying) Why is everyone after me? She discovers that various powerful players, including Tomorrow’s World Order and a branch led by Marson, are hunting her down. Realizing that death is imminent, she feels cheated and tricked. EVELINA Why was I picked? In her despair, Evelina contemplates her survival. She searches for powerful individuals associated with Devil’s Eye Island and finds the name Hudson. EVELINA Hudson... properties on the island. She discovers an article linking Hudson to the island on her birthday and the death of his nephew. A connection forms in her mind. EVELINA (thinking) The devil and God. Angels and the devil. If Roslyn was the angel to open the door, could it be her missing is because she was sacrificed to open the door for Hudson’s nephew? Evelina calls the missing person department again, posing as a reporter. She asks about anyone turning eighteen who went missing last year after the specified date. MISSING PERSON DEPARTMENT Yes. Roslyn was reported weeks later as having been missing. Evelina, filled with fear and relief, thinks about the breakthrough she has achieved. EVELINA (whispering) This could be it. She searches for individuals who turned eighteen and went missing on Devil’s Eye Island. A long list appears. EVELINA Let’s see... The person has to be at Devil’s Eye Island. Just then, a loud knock on the door startles her. WOMAN Evelina, who are you talking to? Are you okay? Still crying for your boyfriend? INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - MORNING Evelina, emotionally overwhelmed, continues her search for answers about Devil's Eye Island and Hudson's nephew. The old woman, overhearing Evelina's sobbing, becomes concerned and knocks on the door. EXT. FLOWER FIELDS - FLASHBACK Evelina, remembering Alex's words, recalls his belief that everything in the world happens for a reason. Her heart pounds as she delves deeper into her investigation. INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS The old woman opens the door. OLD WOMAN I thought I locked the door. Never mind. EVELINA Sorry, I thought you were asleep. OLD WOMAN It’s okay. I am working on my project. EVELINA This used to be my daughter's room before... OLD WOMAN Oh, that is a nice room. So, where is she? Married? At university? Where? EVELINA She was mugged and killed on holiday. Evelina comforts the woman, but a sense of fear creeps in. She resumes her search, discovering that Hudson and his nephew were killed. EVELINA (whispering) Uncle and nephews and nieces. Evelina, realizing a connection, types a new search query about her nephew turning eighteen on Devil's Eye Island on a specific date. A knock interrupts her. OLD WOMAN Food is ready. EVELINA Thank you, the food was great. I didn't know I was this hungry. OLD WOMAN Always ask for help but fast. My daughter hesitated, and the mugger did not give her time to call for help. In the bathroom, Evelina contemplates her findings, and a beep sound startles her. EVELINA (whispering) President Rex to attend the after-party birthday party of his distant nephew who celebrated his birthday on Devil’s Eyes Island. Overwhelmed, Evelina realizes the danger she's in. EVELINA (panicking) Oh My God. I am dead. The old woman becomes concerned and asks Evelina about what happened. OLD WOMAN What happened, who died? EVELINA Nothing, just thinking aloud. OLD WOMAN Are you sure you are okay; we can get help if you are in trouble? EVELINA No. Sure, I am okay. Evelina locks the door, pours whiskey, and fear consumes her. She slumps on the bed, crying herself to sleep. EVELINA (crying) Alex, why did you leave me alone? You were right; I was destined to die that day. The most powerful man in the whole world wanted me as a present for his nephew on his eighteenth birthday. A key to die for him.* The old woman, hearing Evelina sobbing throughout the night, becomes increasingly worried. INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - MORNING The old woman knocks on Evelina's door again. OLD WOMAN Wake up Evelina, breakfast is ready. Evelina, still in distress, drops the tray of food. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina, haunted by the recent events, kneels by the bed, sobbing. The sounds of screeching cars outside catch her attention. A sudden kick on the door sends her into panic as armed men burst in. EVELINA Who are you? ARMED MAN Where is the girl? EVELINA I don’t know; she left. The woman, visibly distressed, explains her confusion and the girl's abrupt departure. The armed men remain suspicious. ARMED MAN What did she say to you? EVELINA Nothing, she only mentioned the President's nephew. The men exchange glances, and one of them aims a gun at Evelina. ARMED MAN It was I who called you last night. A gunshot echoes through the room, and Evelina slumps onto the table, blood oozing from her forehead. INT. TRAIN - DAY Evelina, wearing a wool hat, sits in a train seat, contemplating her recent experiences. As the train departs, she lifts her hat, revealing her face. EVELINA (whispering) Alex. She moves to the back of the train, looking out the window. The sight of a man triggers memories of Alex. Overwhelmed, she whispers his name as tears stream down her face. The train heads to the city. INT. MEETING ROOM - WEEKS EARLIER Bogdan and Carolina discuss their plans and the challenges they face in their mission. The group aims to counter the threats posed by the opposing faction. BOGDAN Current seats four. Possibly gain this stage? Are two seats. New recruits forty-eight. One new leader. Amount and value of the digital currency in circulation. I must get back to you on this one? The number of assassins at this stage is seventy-five to one-hundred. The number of their assassins; two-hundred. CAROLINA We are outnumbered. I understand they released a new batch of digital weapons to devalue our status. Maybe we should call a group meeting. INT. HEADQUARTERS - LATER THAT DAY Bogdan addresses the group, outlining their strategy for the upcoming phase. They divide into defense and attack teams, emphasizing the importance of protecting new recruits. BOGDAN Listen up. This next phase is crucial. Stick to the plan. Your priority is to save all. The maximum number they can get from this stage is two kills. It is a tough task considering that they have over two-hundred assassins. But don’t let that demotivate you. We can still defend all. EXT. MARSON'S HEADQUARTERS - DAY Marson addresses his team, acknowledging the casualties in the previous stage and emphasizing the importance of defending against the opposition. MARSON Pearson, I want you to lead the group. Pearson gathers his team as they prepare for the challenges ahead. INT. MEETING ROOM - DAY Bogdan and Carolina address their team, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and preparedness for the upcoming phase. Alec, visibly concerned, interrupts the meeting. ALEC Two new recipients haven’t confirmed their presence this morning. His statement raises suspicion among the group. BOGDAN They might have forgotten or are busy. ALEC Highly unlikely. They have confirmed every day and know this is the last night before the phase starts. EXT. CITY CENTER - NIGHT Pearson and his men execute their kidnapping operation, targeting individuals associated with the opposing faction. They take Kirsty from her apartment, leaving her unconscious. Another group surrounds a house, but a little boy notices their presence. LITTLE BOY Who are you? Who are they? Why are they hiding there? The nanny and the boy inspect the surroundings, but the men have disappeared. Meanwhile, a car approaches, and the driver, Phil, encounters the armed men. PHIL The road is closed. Do you know another way we can go ahead? The armed men reveal that they have been to a nearby house, alarming Phil. PHIL Stay away from my son! Phil attempts to drive away, but the men open fire on his car. Phil manages to reverse, narrowly avoiding the gunfire, but eventually crashes. The armed men shoot him, leaving him injured. INT. HEADQUARTERS - DAY Bogdan and Carolina, aware of the escalating threat, address their team. BOGDAN We have twenty-four hours before the next phase officially starts. Be on the alert, take positions as we rehearsed and trained. All we need is to defend all the new recipients. With the men we have, that should be easy. I want everyone to take their positions and be proactive. Always call for help. Alec's concerns about the unconfirmed recipients linger in the air, creating a sense of urgency among the group. INT. GROUP HEADQUARTERS - DAY Bogdan, worried, quickly dials Phil's number, but the line is off. BOGDAN Get two extra men and go and check straight away. Concerned, he signals Carolina to join him in the office. CAROLINA Just asking, can they attack us before the phase officially starts? Fear grips Carolina as she contemplates the possibility. CAROLINA They can't, but... they cheated in phase one when Mark died. Very slim chances. BOGDAN What should we do? CAROLINA Even before we start? This would be catastrophic. They are not supposed to do that? Carolina paces nervously. CAROLINA Damn it. This is our first task leading this group, and if this happens... She takes a deep breath. CAROLINA We can't just sit. They decide to deploy the team a day early as a precaution. News comes in that recipients Kirsty and Phil are missing. CAROLINA Phil is probably dead. His car was found this afternoon with bullet holes. BOGDAN Kirsty too? Carolina nods solemnly. As the situation intensifies, Carolina checks her notes. CAROLINA I don't understand; even David confirmed that the maximum number they can get is two. She discovers a crucial piece of information. CAROLINA Damn it! I knew it. Concerned, Bogdan rushes over. BOGDAN What is it? Carolina reveals the new batch of digital weapons and the increased number of assassins. CAROLINA They have almost doubled the number of assassins. If they attack and kill the leader from the past phases, they can get an extra seat. BOGDAN I got caught off guard again. Carolina checks her notes again and throws her diary on the table. CAROLINA It can get worse than this. If they kill the leaders of two consecutive phases, they get another extra seat. BOGDAN A total of four in just this phase? CAROLINA How was I supposed to know all this in the beginning? It's trial and error. If we're not serious, they can claim double the number of seats, compacting four phases into one. Fear and urgency fill the room. BOGDAN Get David on the line. He must know. Carolina looks at Bogdan, revealing the gravity of the situation. CAROLINA The end of the days is near, more than we thought. This has the effect of skipping or consolidating the phases into one short one. They contemplate the dire consequences of the unfolding events. INT. GROUP HEADQUARTERS - DAY Carolina and Bogdan contemplate the dire consequences of the unfolding events. CAROLINA The idea is to play with all inputs to weaken our position first, to get a competitive advantage. This devalues us, making us cheaper or weakening us. If they are stronger, they can literally do whatever they want. They can increase the number of assassins. If they kill four this phase, including the two leaders of the past consecutive phase, that will mean we have fewer teams, as the teams without team leaders must be ambushed with those with team leaders. Technically, it will mean we have fewer teams. Because for a team to be called a team, it must have a team leader. That triggers the need to wipe us all out by increasing their teams to use the maximum force possible as a show of power. Suddenly, a beep sound startles them as a video conference call begins to ring. BOGDAN Could be David. Bogdan switches the receiver on, and the body of Phil appears on the video. JULIANA Oh My God, that’s Phil’s body. They killed Phil. CAROLINA They shot him dead; his body looked riddled with bullets. BOGDAN It’s a fact they are dead. We messed up. Kirsty appears on the video, tied and sitting in a corner. CAROLINA She is alive. At least that’s only one. We might be able to get her back. Suddenly, a man appears on the door. MAN Shut up! Kirsty covers her ears as she sobs hard. MAN I said shut up, or I will shut you up! The man withdraws a soldier’s knife and drives it into Kirsty’s chest. Carolina and the team scream in horror as she gasps for air, blood oozing out like a fountain. BOGDAN We need to rescue her! The door opens, and a group of men enters, chanting. MEN Devil’s Eyes! Each man pulls out a knife, attacking and stabbing Kirsty in a frenzied manner. They continue, pushing each other to strike her, covering themselves in her blood. CAROLINA Stop! Stop! Even after she breathes her last, the men do not stop striking her until they are all covered in her blood. They stop as the door opens again, and a man in all white enters. WHITE-CLAD MAN The Devil-Is-I! MEN reply instantly: MEN Devil’s Eyes! The man rips Kirsty's blouse off, inserting his thumbs in the knife’s wounds. He roars, exposing her intestines and rib cage. WHITE-CLAD MAN Devil’s Eyes! Carolina and her team watch in horror as the men chant. CAROLINA That’s gruesome. Why did they have to do all that? She was already dead. The man roars again. WHITE-CLAD MAN Now we drain all the blood out. This is what we are going to do to all your leaders until all their blood has been drained out! He laughs maniacally, and the other men follow him out, leaving Kirsty’s body exposed and mutilated. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT The leaders sit in shock and horror after witnessing the gruesome video call. JULIANA That’s so awful. That’s evil. How can they do that to her? Chloe rushes to the bathroom, overcome with fear and nausea. CHLOE I am scared. I don’t want to die. I can’t breathe. Oh My God, we are going to die. Everyone is paralyzed with fear. Bogdan looks at Carolina. BOGDAN Is this the end of the phase or just the beginning? What more when we reach the end of the phase, and what will we have seen then? What kind of people are we dealing with here? A scream outside jolts everyone into action. Bogdan and Carolina grab their guns and rush outside, ready for whatever awaits them. EXT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT A woman opens a recently received package, revealing something horrifying. Carolina and Bogdan sprint towards her. CAROLINA What's wrong? The woman points into the box. Carolina and Bogdan approach with trepidation. BOGDAN What the hell? They open the box to find the severed heads of Phil and Kirsty. CAROLINA I thought that was live? BOGDAN Delayed-time-space-continuum. They might have forwarded the call to now? CAROLINA They are now after the team leaders. Mart probably first and then Stacey. Carolina quickly phones David to warn him. DAVID (OVER THE PHONE) Help! Help! Help! They are here. Anyone? David, Carolina, Bogdan, Juliana, anybody? I am under heavy attack, and they are too many. I need help, anybody? Mart leaves a panicked voice message as the shadows of attackers are seen outside his window. MART (CONT'D) See, not see, dark, see nothing, see sugar, white, black, night, darkness. Nothing. Damn it. See, not see, dark, see nothing, see sugar, white, black, night, outside, lock. Mart hears the window breaking, and gunfire ensues. He hides and continues chanting. Carolina and Bogdan arrive in time to chase away the attackers. MART (CONT'D) I think it worked that I shot some of them. More attackers approach. A tense standoff unfolds. CAROLINA Fire consecutive rounds to keep them at bay. Mart starts chanting the key phrases again. MART See not, see dark, see nothing, see sugar, see dark. A gun battle ensues as Carolina, Bogdan, and Mart defend the safe house. CAROLINA Don’t stop. You never know when someone is near the house. More attackers surround the safe house, chanting ominously. ATTACKERS Devil’s Eyes! Mart, Carolina, and Bogdan brace themselves for the impending assault. MART I think he is trained. The battle intensifies as the attackers close in, leaving the fate of the leaders hanging by a thread. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina, Bogdan, and the remaining assassins scramble to regroup after the surprise attack. CAROLINA He could still be lethal even though he can’t see, so be careful. The attackers continue their assault, breaking windows and doors. Carolina picks up statues, using them as distractions to outsmart the blind assailant. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (whispering to Bogdan) Devil’s Eye! The chanting from outside the bedroom window grows louder. Mart joins in with his own phrases, attempting to incapacitate the attackers. MART Incapacitate, freeze, hand freeze, fingers shake, lock. Despite Mart's efforts, the attackers adapt, somersaulting to avoid the effects of the phrases. They continue advancing. MART (CONT'D) I think they know. Maybe we try even shooting phrases. The situation becomes dire as the attackers break in, firing shots. Carolina, Bogdan, and Mart struggle to defend themselves. MART (CONT'D) Incapacitate, hand freeze, drop, lock. The attackers respond, one of them experiencing the effects of Mart's phrases. MART (CONT'D) I can’t feel my leg! In the chaos, Mart is shot. The attackers, after a surprising retreat, launch a sudden, deadly attack. CAROLINA Damn it! I had checked they had all gone. I guess they returned for a surprise attack, and it is a surprise. Mart succumbs to his injuries, leaving the group shocked and grieving. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Stacey! The realization hits them that Stacey is vulnerable, possibly targeted by the attackers. They rush to find her. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Did you tell David? Worried about the safety of the new recruits, Carolina and Bogdan lead the remaining assassins to protect them. CAROLINA (CONT'D) They're going for the new recruits. Let’s go! The group arrives to find the assassins fiercely defending the new recruits. The battle intensifies as they face the attackers. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Call for help! Radio David straight away! The chaos continues, and doubts arise about the effectiveness of their defense. ASSASSIN We might be holding them off for now, but what if they start chanting and throwing a fit like last time before attacking? Desperation sets in as they try to contact David for backup, but their calls go unanswered. BOGDAN David, do you copy? We are under attack; we need backup now! Frustration grows as David remains unresponsive. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Damn it! He is not picking up the line. The urgency intensifies as the situation becomes more critical. ASSASSIN (CONT'D) I need backup now! Carolina and Bogdan share a worried glance. BOGDAN Go! Go! Cover them! The remaining assassins rush to protect the new recruits as Carolina and Bogdan brace themselves for the relentless onslaught. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina and Bogdan, battered and worn, strategize with Keaton, who arrives with his men. CAROLINA I have an idea. Radio Keaton. Keaton arrives just in time, and the group is relieved to see the reinforcements. CAROLINA (CONT'D) We could have died today if you hadn’t arrived! Keaton assesses the situation as the Devil's Eyes abandon guns for knives, attacking in a frenzied manner. KEATON Face to face, we can’t win. We must try catching them off guard! Carolina expresses frustration about the recent attacks and wonders about David's whereabouts. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Where the hell is David? KEATON Babysitting Stacey again! The group, now reinforced by Keaton's men, regroups to counterattack, attempting to catch the Devil's Eyes off guard. CAROLINA We only fight back better after a tragedy. We should have fought the way we did in the end at the beginning. BOGDAN The best fights are those when men are fighting their last fight before death. Somehow you throw in everything because now you have nothing to lose. That could explain how we attacked, but also thanks to Keaton and his men. Bogdan, nursing knife wounds, reflects on the intensity of their recent battles. BOGDAN (CONT'D) (looking at the door) A man instantly appeared at the door. Carolina, startled, points her gun at the newcomer, but Keaton explains that it's a new recruit dressed like the Devil's Eyes. KEATON I made them dress like them. The newcomers share information about the recent ambush that led to Mart's death. KEATON (CONT'D) So, they came back and ambushed him, Mart. Keaton coordinates with his men, and a gun battle ensues. KEATON (CONT'D) Damn it! These bastards always come back to ambush! Carolina kneels beside Keaton. CAROLINA Did David send you? KEATON No. Since this Stacey thing, we're not on good terms. CAROLINA I am with you. I thought so too. Keaton questions Carolina's change of mind regarding Stacey. KEATON (CONT'D) Thought so? Does that mean you have changed your mind? Carolina contemplates Keaton's perspective on Stacey. CAROLINA I think he was right; she might be of help to us. Keaton challenges Carolina's newfound perspective, emphasizing the harsh realities of their situation. KEATON (CONT'D) How did he brainwash you too? I know what he did. Clever bastard. He let you be close to death that you wish there is another way. Damn it! Woman, open your eyes; this is the real world. The only option is to put a bullet in her head! CAROLINA You think they are attacking this ferociously because they think we are soft? Just because we did not kill Stacey? KEATON Of course! We call it a test of your enemy’s strength and attitude. You send them a sheep to see how fast and ruthless they slaughter it before you send a bandit to fight them. You can gauge how fierce they can be according to how they handle the situation! CAROLINA Speculation. KEATON Damn it! Woman, listen to me. If I had my way, they could have not even cheated, attacking even before the phases are officially opened. They can only do that if they know you are not going to do anything. Trust me! Carolina contemplates Keaton's words, torn between different perspectives on handling the challenges they face. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina and Keaton, concerned about the increasing threats, strategize as the situation intensifies. CAROLINA So, what now that they have taken three so far? Keaton, visibly haunted, contemplates the gravity of the situation. Carolina begins to sob. CAROLINA (CONT'D) They are aiming for four. Keaton, reacting quickly, fires consecutive shots and kneels next to Carolina. KEATON Four? I thought just one every phase. That means only a few stages left before they hit the majority. Oh My God! Does David know? CAROLINA He is not picking up, maybe romancing Stacey, otherwise, I don’t see it. Keaton expresses frustration about David being compromised and decides to take matters into his own hands. KEATON (CONT'D) They used Javelina to soften him. I have to take over secretly. Carolina reveals a potential loophole in the protocol and suggests overriding David's order. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I read the protocol that if something threatens the whole organization and if three agree, they can override the leader’s order regarding the threats. KEATON Yes, meaning? CAROLINA I need to go after Stacey before the next phases. Mathematically, if they are to claim three to four every stage, how many stages left before they hit the majority of eighteen seats? Mathematically only 3 stages left instead of at least 10 stages we were expecting. The end of days just less than a month away or less? KEATON I read his last message. He said he can only authorize if I have to fight her like a soldier. CAROLINA Damn it! Why insist on protocol when they are breaking every rule in the book? I am afraid if she dies like a soldier, then that won’t trigger the closure of that seat. That won’t be a sacrifice to them, so it might be useless even killing her that way because when she dies as a sacrifice, we get a seat. KEATON Oh, I see. CAROLINA That is what I am saying. They are clever, and they don’t want us to have this seat. So, they trained her to be a soldier. If she fights back, then it’s not a sacrifice. This is because they believe that to open the seat she must be like a lamb, just like Jesus, and not put up a fight, so that the crying and pain will traumatize the people to give up the seat as sorrows are used to open the door for us. KEATON I didn’t know it’s that complicated. CAROLINA That’s the trick. Keaton, frustrated by the complexity of the situation, questions Carolina about her loyalty and whether David sent him. KEATON (CONT'D) You didn’t answer me. Did David send you? CAROLINA No. We just figured out that they will attack you heavily to put off new leaders taking the post to send fear and panic now that your leader has started doubting his calling. KEATON I don’t think it’s like that. She helped us get rid of Hudson and his nephew. That’s two seats. Maybe David kept her for that. CAROLINA Damn it! Woman open your eyes. Only because Hudson was weak. They traded a soft devil with the ultimate devil. So, what better is that to us? Marson is even worse. Why can’t you see that? Keaton curses briefly, checking if the men are approaching. KEATON (CONT'D) The assassins are holding them at bay. CAROLINA I don’t think that’s helpful. Hudson being in power created ambiguity and controversy, something we could have used to weaken them as well. His breaking of rules would have made us highlight the need to follow protocol when it counted before they attacked us using that tactic. We could have subpoenaed them a long time, and now they could have been forced by the courts to follow protocol. His removal meant a false sense of security that they will abide by the rules by putting a military man in power. That also systematized the attacks as they have followed a detailed plan. Now, you see that after achieving their goal, they simply leave. Before they would have fought until they are all dead. Meaning fighting to the death. So, it’s changed now. Once they achieve their goal, they simply go to the next one. That is lethal to us as well, as they have become efficient. KEATON So where did they go? CAROLINA I was thinking after Stacey, but... KEATON But what? CAROLINA They need her somehow. I just don’t know how, but she brings our destruction fast somehow. The word in town is that she is a catalyst for speeding up things. Carolina reads her notes, realizing a shift in tactics. CAROLINA (CONT'D) They are changing tactics. They now prefer to tire us out, weaken us before they pounce a deadly blow. KEATON I think the next phase we might play around with figures, maybe increase circulating digital currency or increase the number of assassins. CAROLINA They might attack leaders. What if we don’t recruit a leader in the next phase? KEATON That forces the recruits without leaders to join groups with any leaders — you, David, Bogdan, Julianna, and INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina, Keaton, and the rest of the team anxiously await David's response. CAROLINA David! They all shout at the same time, realizing the urgency of the situation. KEATON I have sent Juliana to cover for me. Keaton reassures Carolina, but the tension is palpable. CAROLINA If we don’t recruit the leaders in the next round, then what? KEATON They are automatically allowed to double their assassins since they have larger teams than us. CAROLINA I don’t get it! If we have fewer teams, is it not ideal for them to be reduced to match us? KEATON The idea is that once they have a big competitive advantage, why drag the inevitable? Why not just get a large group of assassins and close the phase now? There is a sense of urgency. What’s the point of waiting? You might as well throw everything in now. Carolina takes a moment to process the gravity of the situation. CAROLINA I think we need a loan from the Global Reserve Bank. KEATON The loan has to be a huge loan to offset their position and strengthen our position. We need David’s authorization. Unless you can stand for him. An SUV arrives, catching their attention. Men in suits exit the vehicle and approach the mansion. CAROLINA (Determined) Let’s talk to them. We need that loan. The men enter the mansion, and a serious negotiation begins. INT. MANSION - NIGHT The SUV arrives silently, and a group of well-dressed men swiftly surrounds the mansion. Another man, wearing tinted glasses, steps out of the SUV. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Instructing his men) Secure the perimeter. Move in quietly. The men kick the door open and spread out inside the mansion. Upstairs and downstairs, they search for their target. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT As Carolina, Keaton, and the team negotiate, an intruder alarm sounds. CAROLINA (Tense) What's happening? The team quickly becomes alert. INT. MANSION - NIGHT David, unaware of the intrusion, finishes dressing when two armed men storm into the room. ARMED MAN 1 Put your hands up now! David, realizing the severity of the situation, complies. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT CAROLINA (Serious) Something is wrong. Carolina's instincts kick in. KEATON (Concerned) We need to check. Carolina, Keaton, and the team grab their weapons and head toward the door. INT. MANSION - NIGHT David, held at gunpoint, is confronted by the man with tinted glasses. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Removing his glasses) We sent you a clear message not to tamper with the system, yet you persist. Trying to sabotage and discredit our system. Now that will cost you your life! The man begins to put on gloves and attaches a silencer to his gun. DAVID (Defiant) A direct order from who? TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Classified! David's heart races as the man prepares to carry out a sinister plan. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (CONT'D) I have to shoot you in the head myself. A direct order. The man's men surround David, creating an air of imminent danger. DAVID (Defiant) Where is the key, the girl? TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Threatening) I don’t know what you are talking about. David, playing innocent, challenges their accusations. ARMED MAN 2 (Whispering) Stacey! TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Agitated) That’s right, where is Stacey? DAVID (Provoking) Why ask me? She is one of you. A bloody Trojan. Why should I care? If you see her, put a bullet in her for me. Tension rises as the interrogation intensifies. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Snarling) She can’t be one of us. She shot our leader Hudson and his nephew. If you can tell us where she is, we can make your death fast and painless. DAVID (Feigning ignorance) We are looking for a special key to open a door. ARMED MAN 3 (Interrupting) Another key? How many keys are you after? TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Smiling) I think this is the key. The only key to open all other keys! David, alarmed, realizes the significance of the situation. DAVID (Worried) Wait a minute! They only search for this key only in the last stages. How come you look for this key now? You damn know that if you bring the key out early that voids what she is supposed to do? Tinted-Glasses Man reveals their sinister intentions. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Laughing) You don’t worry about that. The ominous atmosphere escalates as the intruders tighten their grip on David. FADE OUT. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT David, battered and bruised, sits on a cold metal chair. The interrogator, a sinister man, circles him with a menacing aura. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Leering) Is it the end of days? David, showing resilience, looks back with a defiant glare. DAVID (Defiant) You will have less than five seats by the end of this stage. Right? Tension fills the room as David awaits a response. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Laughing) Still daydreaming? How can you say that? Killing you gives us another seat plus any we kill in this stage entitles us to another seat. Four so far bring everything closer. David's heart races. Fear and rage swirl within him. DAVID (Angry) Wait a minute! What four? Only a maximum of two are possible in this stage. Tinted-Glasses Man laughs, poking David in the head with the gun. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Laughing) If you play with other parameters like digital weapons, our value, and assassins, you can see that if you are clever like me, anything is possible. My men are wreaking havoc on all your men right now as we speak. David, defiant, raises his fist, but the sound of guns being cocked startles him. DAVID (Frustrated) You can’t do that! Tinted-Glasses Man throws a fit and punches David hard. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Furious) I can’t do what? I thought I would make it fast and painless, but until death, you are stubborn! Maybe teach you a lesson. So, are you going to help us find the key I am looking for or what? DAVID (Defiant) What’s the key’s name? Tinted-Glasses Man, amused, teases David. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Laughing) If I tell you, then I have to kill you! David, unable to contain his anger, roars and punches the man. DAVID (Emotional) She is not on the table! Out of reach! Do you bloody understand that? The man retaliates, breaking the tense moment. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Brutal) Bastard! He broke my nose. You know what? Forget about the key. He raises his gun menacingly. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (CONT'D) Fast and painless is best for you. Put you out of your misery fast. David, fueled by a sudden realization, speaks out with conviction. DAVID (Defiant) If you touch my Evelina, I will bloody kill you! Tinted-Glasses Man, unimpressed, dismisses David's claim. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Smirking) How come she is yours? You don’t even know her. A whisper from one of the men catches the man's attention. WHISPERING MAN (Secretly) My man here assured me that it’s a different girl. Not your Evelina, just the same name. David, relieved by the revelation, seizes the opportunity. DAVID (Defiant) I thought so! You just don’t know who you are messing up with. The man mocks David's perspective. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Scoffing) I know, of course—a dead man. Or should I say a deranged lunatic who thinks he can change the system that existed for the past two thousand years? Simply because you don’t understand it. To make it big doesn’t mean that the system is broken. David, unyielding, challenges the man's justification. DAVID (Angry) Bullshit! The system makes all of you tainted with the blood of innocent people. Tinted-Glasses Man coldly dismisses the notion. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Indifferent) Collateral damage! Wars are not discriminatory; they kill everyone, women and children included. It's the fact of life. David vehemently opposes the rationale. DAVID (Angry) Not a war but a one-sided robbery. Ever watched those 1980s gangster films where they take whatever they want at gunpoint? Tinted-Glasses Man brushes off the comparison. TINTED-GLASSES MAN (Dismissing) War or not, it still makes no difference. Don’t waste my time. He raises his gun, ready to end it. DAVID (Quick thinking) I can tell you how you can find her. How we located Hudson’s nephew. The man hesitates, intrigued. David seizes the moment. DAVID (CONT'D) But you need to hear me out. The room falls into an ominous silence as the man considers David's proposal. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David, furious and frightened, stands in the dimly lit study, shouting into his phone. DAVID (Shouting) Conference call, he is listening right now! Juliana, on the other end, calmly responds. JULIANA Conference call, he is listening right now. Keaton's voice booms through the line. KEATON (Defiant) Even now, only that things have changed. David, seething with anger, demands an explanation. DAVID All this time I never worried about security because you are always there and have never let me down! Keaton, standing firm, fires back. KEATON Even now, only that things have changed. David's rage intensifies. DAVID What priorities have changed, goddamn it? I am a priority. I recruited all of you to cover my back! You let this jerk try to kill me? Tell me who told you to override my command? Keaton, unyielding, reveals his rationale. KEATON I used protocol just to prioritize our threats! The fact that you dine with our threats and our enemies means that you are not a priority, as you categorized a threat as neutral. So that means you yourself are overriding the system. So technically, you set a precedence which I used to do the same thing as you did! David, infuriated, accuses Keaton of gross misconduct. DAVID Using loopholes to disregard my safety is gross misconduct. Do you bloody know that? Keaton defends his actions with a roar. KEATON Your categorizing of a threat as neutral contradicts protocol. So, I have a right to override your commands, and everyone in the team agreed that Stacey is a threat to our system from every angle. What you don’t know is that somehow, she will get us robbed. I just don’t know how, but she is a trigger. They call her a catalyst to finish off not just us but all mankind! David, begrudgingly, starts to accept Keaton's reasoning. DAVID Maybe you are right. Keaton, determined, lays out his plan. KEATON Eliminate the threat in the mansion, then meet me in the study, all of you. David, expecting compliance, is met with resistance. DAVID Negative! Confused, David demands an explanation. DAVID (CONT'D) What? Keaton stands his ground with conviction. KEATON I mean, I will eliminate the threat first, but not just in the mansion— all threats before I can address you. David, alarmed, seeks clarification. DAVID Meaning? Keaton's voice resonates with urgency and concern. KEATON Goddamn it, Boss! You didn’t hear what I said about this woman? The revelation hangs in the air, creating a sense of impending danger and uncertainty. INT. DAVID'S STUDY - NIGHT A gun battle outside leaves David shouting Keaton’s name. DAVID (Shouting) I need backup. Juliana! Keaton rushes into the mansion as David enters the study, walking swiftly to the window. He spots an assassin aiming at him and instinctively ducks. A growling sound of pain echoes behind him. DAVID (CONT'D) (Turning) What the... David fires at the injured assassin, who retaliates before falling. Another scream outside grabs David's attention. He runs to the window, witnessing a Devil’s Eyes assassin standing over his fallen assailant. DAVID (CONT'D) (Through gritted teeth) Devil’s Eyes... David fires through the broken window and ducks as a gunshot rings out. A massive thud triggers his action. Getting up cautiously, he witnesses Keaton approaching the remaining Devil’s Eyes. They lock eyes, and David has a flashback to their first meeting. DAVID (CONT'D) (To himself) Probably... I'm the weak link. David points his gun and fires several shots. Keaton somersaults, flipping in the air, and fires back before landing next to the fallen assailants. DAVID (CONT'D) (On the radio) I thought they were the only ones you killed. Where are all these coming from? JULIANA (V.O.) Been hiding outside, but I think the last one of them for now. David, concerned, inquires about Keaton's whereabouts. DAVID Where is Keaton? Silence follows. DAVID (CONT'D) Gone for the task at hand. Wilson enters the mansion, expressing concern for David's safety. WILSON You are taking unnecessary risks, Sir. Give the command as soon as possible. Help us help you. DAVID (Defiantly) Does that mean Keaton has gone? WILSON Yes, Sir! Following the protocol, once you assign him on an away task, then I take over. More members of the Fatladies enter the study, forming a figure of eight. Wilson updates David on Keaton's replacement. WILSON (CONT'D) The figure of eight, Sir, also known as the Fatladies at your service! DAVID I want to remind you all that at this point in time, I am on their table. Maximum protection for me. I have the final say. Any lapse puts me at risk. We worked hard; let's not lapse now. Thank you for your hard work. Get me Carolina and Bogdan on the line. David queries their mark of death. DAVID (CONT'D) What is your mark of death? WILSON Head! Blast the head off. JULIANA Heart! Leave a huge hole in the heart. SOBIA Brain! Splash the gray matter everywhere. The Fatladies each name their targets. DAVID It’s not over until the Fatladies sing! WILSON Singing we shall, Sir, until they all have sunk? DAVID You are all dismissed! Wilson, seemingly reluctant, stands at the door. DAVID (CONT'D) I said you are dismissed! WILSON I know, Sir. But we tested that plan. I don’t want to just sit when there is something we can do. We can do that job today. David signals Wilson in, expressing caution about the risks involved. DAVID (CONT'D) I think it’s too early. Doing that now means closing all doors of diplomacy and negotiations. Above all, that will provoke a Third World War. Honestly, we are not prepared yet for that. WILSON But check the risks as well. They could have assassinated you today. Like you said, it’s already a war. Let me go with my men and resolve this. David contemplates the decision, feeling the weight of the impending choices. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT Eight different vehicles, including motorbikes, cars, SUVs, and a minibus, arrive outside a beautiful historic building in a hilly resort by the seaside. The resort, dating back to medieval times, is surrounded by beautiful hedge gardens and a picturesque harbor. The men enter the house, holding glasses of champagne. DAVID (Urgently) Until the Fatladies sing. They sit around the table, planning and strategizing while enjoying the night. Afterward, they leave one by one. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT A group of SUVs and other cars arrive outside David’s mansion. The men and women enter the mansion. DAVID (Inviting them in) Come on in! They all gather in the lounge. DAVID (CONT'D) (Reflecting) We failed, but we fought hard, probably our best battle so far. They stole the victory, hitting us even before the start of the phase! The mood in the room is somber. DAVID (CONT'D) (Mourning) Marson now, as the top man, will do anything to win. All he is concerned with are the results and does not care how he achieves that. I am sorry about Mart. One of a kind. Brave and steadfast to our cause. We will greatly miss him. We keep losing all the leaders. A moment of silence follows. BOGDAN (Concerned) What’s that nervousness? DAVID (Anxious) I had a visit from one of Marson’s men. BOGDAN (Suspicious) Could that explain the burning fires outside? DAVID (Nodding) Burning all the dead bodies and vehicles. David switches on news channels, flicking through them. CAROLINA (Observant) Expecting some horrible news? You seem more apprehensive than normal. Are they outside? DAVID (Distracted) Who? CAROLINA (The Fatladies. DAVID (Realizing) Oh, yes, always keeping an eye on me. I need one hundred percent protection around the clock. It is early days. If something is to happen to me that can derail the plans, would you agree? Carolina nods. DAVID (CONT'D) (Thoughtful) There are key atte— David is interrupted by a sudden intrusion. A man bursts into the room, visibly distressed. INTRUDER (Out of breath) Apologies for the intrusion, David. I bring urgent news. DAVID (Cautious) What is it? INTRUDER Marson's forces are mobilizing. They know our location. David's expression changes, realizing the imminent danger. DAVID (Grim) It's time to prepare for the inevitable. The room falls into a tense silence as the realization of the impending danger sinks in. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - STUDIO - DAY A group of people, including David, Wilson, and the Fatladies, gathers in the studio. Tension fills the air as they await the activation of the system. WILSON (Excited) Countdown? DAVID (Nervous) One hour to go! Everyone looks at the large screen displaying the countdown timer. WILSON (Bringing up the system screen) Bring out the system screen so that we can all see. The system screen lights up, revealing a complex network of interconnected nodes and security protocols. DAVID (Examining the screen) There are key attributes or things we must put in place first before we even talk about implementing the system. David takes control of the remote, flicking channels on the large screen before expressing frustration. DAVID (CONT'D) We must increase the circulating digital currency. At this point, we need another team to defend the Global Reserve Bank. I hope that after now we will start getting deposits from the other countries once we have left a hole in the system. CAROLINA (Concerned) What have we tried to do so far? DAVID (Disappointed) Nothing. CAROLINA (Anxious) Exactly, nothing, and look at the people we have lost so far; Javelina, Mark, Mart, Phil, Kirsty, and more. We are going to lose. We are behind schedule, and everything is working against us. David pauses, briefly listening to the news, and whispers his frustration. DAVID (CONT'D) What is taking them so long? Everyone remains locked on the television set, waiting for updates. DAVID (CONT'D) (Resolute) Whatever we can do to get a competitive advantage this coming stage is welcomed. We need not just a tactical boast but an emotional boost as well after such a defeat. The previous stage was traumatizing, and to pull it off, we really need this boost. Maybe limit or not recruit in this coming stage. BOGDAN (Skeptical) Again, that will be boasting them to take even more in the next stage. They will double the assassins and attack ferociously to make up, so stakes are raised in the next stage. DAVID (Considering) David, I think this coming stage, the Fatladies must help us. DAVID (Rejecting) They are recruited with a specific task to protect the most important man in the whole world. The reason I will say no is that before we put things in place, if something happens to this man, the implementation of the new system might become impossible. Okay, everyone keep quiet? A news reporter starts reporting, and the room falls into silence. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) I will take you to the conference that is going on right now. Live. The TV shows Benjamin, the leader of the secretive services, addressing the public. BENJAMIN (ON TV) (Defiant) We have strengthened and nominated new hungry people and power to implement our plans. We must stand against sabotages of our system. Bloody hackers if you ask me. People who will destroy what is good and working simply because they can’t understand it! David becomes agitated, cursing Benjamin. DAVID (Outraged) Not until the Fatladies sing! David orders an immediate action. DAVID (CONT'D) (Angrily) Take him down. That’s an order! Damn it! I said take him down! David is visibly distressed as he watches the events unfold on TV. DAVID (CONT'D) (Desperate) He is going to go. Shoot him. Goddamn it! He is getting away. Shoot him! The tension in the room is palpable as they watch the situation escalate. DAVID (CONT'D) (Realizing) Benjamin got away. David paces around, expressing his frustration. DAVID (CONT'D) He might be the best! But if they don’t listen, what is the point? LATER THAT EVENING A group of SUVs arrives outside a mansion, and the Fatladies enter the mansion. Everyone applauds as they gather together for the first time since the beginning of the fights. DAVID (Dragging Wilson aside) What the bloody hell happened today? WILSON (Smiling) Mission accomplished, Sir. We took out six of the top seven. DAVID (Questioning) Has the countdown begun? WILSON (Assuring) Twelve hours remaining to activation and refilling. David calms down, and the group gathers to strategize and plan. The next day, they assemble in the studio, ready for the final countdown. DAVID (Anxious) Countdown? WILSON (Excited) One hour to go! All eyes are fixed on the screen as they prepare for the pivotal moment. DAVID (Bringing up the system screen) Bring out the system screen so that we can all see. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - STUDIO - NIGHT Wilson projects his computer screen onto the wall, revealing a complex diagram representing a time-space-continuum. David and the team gather around, eager for the results. WILSON (Excited) We perfected it just last night. We tried it, but for a few, they failed to fire. The drone guns. Wilson walks to the wall, holding a laser pointer, and points at the middle ring on the diagram. WILSON (CONT'D) All this is based on the delayed time-space-continuum that stipulates that... DAVID (Cutting him off) Wilson, we just need the results. David points at the screen. DAVID (CONT'D) Shall we? WILSON (Announcing) Ten minutes to go. David flips through TV channels anxiously. DAVID (CONT'D) Where is Benjamin holding the conference? Hometown? Everyone looks at each other. DAVID (CONT'D) Countdown? WILSON (Responding) Two minutes. David increases the volume as Benjamin takes center stage on the news conference. BENJAMIN (On TV, confidently) We are tired of hearing your stupid lies, Benjamin. Your system destroys your own people. David whispers defiantly. A beep sound interrupts the tension. CAROLINA (Nervous) What was that? WILSON (Alerting) Sixty seconds to go. Everyone's heart pounds heavily. WILSON (CONT'D) Thirty seconds to go. Another beep sound. The room falls silent. David feels the weight of the moment. DAVID (Tense) This would signal a turning point in all this, he thought. Wilson's face shows frustration as he curses. DAVID (CONT'D) (Anxious) What is it now? David looks at Wilson as he checks his laptop. A message appears, signaling system failure. WILSON (Frustrated) Initializing failed to load. System failure! Another message adds to the frustration. WILSON (CONT'D) Sequencing and loading of the drone gun failed! A collective rage fills the room. DAVID (Angry) There must be another way! WILSON (Explaining) The delayed-time-space-continuum-based drone gun won't load. Retry or abort! David's frustration intensifies. Sobia approaches Wilson, seeking answers. SOBIA (Concerned) What seems to be the problem? BOGDAN (Confused) Explain this delayed-time-space mechanism. WILSON (Explaining) The current system was developed to work on a gap of fewer than thirty minutes from shooting to the target actually getting shot. The delayed-time-space mechanism allows the drone gun to capture the bullet in space orbit but is linked to the person. After the thirty minutes, there is a second firing, but from the drone gun circulating in the space orbit. This will be the lethal bullet to take the target out. Picture a heat-seeking missile. Miles away, Stacey races against time, navigating a rotating maze. STACEY (Desperate) Come on! A beep sound startles her. WILSON (O.S.) (V.O., from the studio) Sixty seconds to go. Stacey, feeling dizzy, manages to open a door in the maze. STACEY (CONT'D) (Whispering to herself) The maze must have rotated as the door opened. She searches for the gold scriptures, realizing they've moved. Cursing, she kneels again, determined to succeed. FADE OUT. INT. MAZE - NIGHT Stacey, breathing heavily, faces the challenge of the rotating maze as she races against time. She presses the button again, losing balance as the door closes. The gold scriptures reappear on the other end as the door slams shut. Stacey steps on the button, observing the rotation of the gold scriptures as the door opens. She runs inside and goes in the opposite direction, reaching the other end. Frantically, she searches for the button to open the door, but it's not there. Frustrated, she leans against the wall, and the door unexpectedly opens, revealing the gold scriptures. Walking away, the gold scriptures start moving and disappearing, rotating anticlockwise. Stopping abruptly, Stacey realizes the door has paused. She retraces her steps, and as she approaches the door, it opens, bringing the gold scriptures back. Stacey curses, unsure of what to do. Frustration grows as she struggles to understand the maze's logic. STACEY (To herself) Damn it, what must I do? She decides to phone David, but hesitates. Running back through the maze, she reaches the first floor and finds the gold scriptures there. STACEY (CONT'D) (Confused) I don't understand how they come back here again. She calls David, explaining her situation. They converse, and David urges her to hurry. DAVID (Shouting) Hurry, woman! Stacey, emotionally drained, lifts the gold scriptures, navigating the maze with care. STACEY (On the phone) I made it! DAVID (Encouraging) Get up! It's not over yet. STACEY (In disbelief) What did you say? DAVID (Shouting) It's not over yet. You're only halfway through. Stacey feels haunted, her muscles stiff, and her legs heavy. DAVID (CONT'D) (Hurried) Hurry, you've done the hard part. What's left is the easy part. STACEY (In disbelief) Okay, tell me what to do. David guides Stacey, instructing her to use the gold scriptures as a key to unlock doors. DAVID (On the phone) Remove the covering and touch the gold scriptures. If chapter eighteen opens, carry them to a switch and hold your chapter until all doors have opened. I'll tell you what to do next. Stacey follows David's instructions diligently, unlocking doors and reaching the final stage. STACEY (On the phone) All open! Suddenly, gunshots ring out. Stacey pulls her gun and fires back. STACEY (CONT'D) David, I'm under attack. What should I do next? DAVID (Quickly) Rotate the gold scriptures on top of the switch, one complete revolution. Don't worry about the men. Do it fast! Stacey, under fire, rotates the gold scriptures as instructed. STACEY (Shouting) Just a door now in front of me. The passage has disappeared! DAVID (On the phone) Lift the gold scriptures. That should open the door. Stacey swiftly lifts the gold scriptures, holding her breath as the door opens. FADE OUT. INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David and his team, on edge, watch the live feed from the top corner of Wilson's computer screen. Stacey, battered and bruised, stands with the gold scriptures. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Marson confronts Stacey, putting a gun to her head. MARSON Well, well, what do we have here? Stacey, exhausted, struggles to hold the gold scriptures. Marson threatens her with a gun. MARSON (CONT'D) You can't drop that. You can't put that down. Hold it, or I will blow your brains out! STACEY I can't hold them any longer. Stacey's pain and fatigue are evident. MARSON Why did you take them if you can't hold them? Frustrated, Stacey shouts. STACEY I am going to drop them! I am going to drop them! Before Stacey can release the gold scriptures, Marson punches her, causing her to black out. INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David witnesses the scene, and upon realizing they got the gold scriptures, he contacts Stacey. DAVID (On the phone) It worked. We got the gold scriptures. UNKNOWN VOICE (On the other end) Who is this? She is busy now! DAVID Keaton. Keaton. Why didn't you kill her? Marson's voice interrupts. MARSON It's not one of your men. It's me, Marson. Up to no good again? Stealing and now trying to murder her. The line goes dead, leaving David in contemplation. EXT. CITY - NIGHT Sobia and Wilson strategize on the next move. WILSON (Whispering to Sobia) We can still retake the shot, but the time of firing and detonating is less than five minutes, meaning the chances of getting caught are high. High risks, high stakes. Your call. Wilson touches Sobia's shoulder. SOBIA (To David) Okay, I can go, Sir. Wilson sits in front of the computer, live-linked to the camera on Sobia's helmet. WILSON (On the phone) You have thirty minutes to the target. SOBIA Copy that. They all watch intently, and David checks the clock. WILSON (Shouting) Five minutes! Benjamin seems ready to leave. David becomes furious. DAVID He is getting away, he started walking! An assassin reports in. ASSASSIN (ON RADIO) In position, waiting for your command. DAVID It's not over until the Fatladies sing. A beep sounds, startling everyone. WILSON (On the phone) New coordinates received, initializing in progress. Two minutes to launch. Benjamin starts walking off the stage. Panic ensues. DAVID He is getting away! A voice crackles over the radio. ASSASSIN (ON RADIO) Confirm received coordinates. WILSON (On the phone) Received! Mission successful. DAVID (Desperate) What time limits? Silence follows. Wilson looks at David, leaving everyone in suspense. ASSASSIN (ON RADIO) What time limit? Over. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Sobia races through the city streets, evading pedestrians and jumping on cars, with the Heli drone pursuing her like a relentless missile. INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David, Wilson, and the team watch the intense chase unfold on the screen. The countdown to impact adds to the tension in the room. DAVID Five minutes. David's voice is hoarse, reflecting the anxiety in the room. DAVID (CONT'D) She knows the drill. David appears frustrated. DAVID (CONT'D) It's a suicidal mission, boss. She can get caught. He won't go anywhere. Wilson contemplates the situation. WILSON I know, but what is the use of it? If it happens in the car? Wilson stops, thinking. WILSON (CONT'D) We are eight, and I think eight minutes is a better chance. They all listen to Sobia's breathing nervously. WILSON (CONT'D) Fatlady, you have eight minutes. Get the hell out of there now! They hear the revving of the bike, the chaotic sounds of the city, and the sirens approaching. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The motorbike swerves through traffic, and Benjamin walks the red carpet to his limousine. Suddenly, he's jerked backward, falling to the pavement. CROWD MEMBER He has been shot! Chaos ensues as people start running. A television crew captures the scene. INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Sobia speeds away on the motorbike. SOBIA Under attack! A Heli drone used as a heat-seeking missile is chasing! Wilson sits down, searching the Heli drone's coordinates. WILSON I have to de-zone the two. He pauses, looking at the team. WILSON (CONT'D) New weaponry. A flying bomb. A Heli drone and a video camera. Wilson broadcasts the live feed using the satellite. WILSON (CONT'D) You can do it! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Sobia maneuvers the motorbike skillfully, trying to evade the Heli drone. SOBIA It has been armed, two minutes to go before the collision, and now in auto-booster mode, doubling the speed! Sobia revs the bike desperately. SOBIA (CONT'D) I got my man! You get her out of there! David points at Wilson. DAVID Can you jump? Find somewhere safe to land? SOBIA Negative, eighty-five percent chance of death! Carolina checks the drone's model and relays information. CAROLINA It's loaded with one bullet. It must take the target with just one bullet, ideally seconds before impact. If she jumps, she must keep rolling! Wilson looks at the countdown. WILSON A minute remaining! INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The team anxiously watches the screen. WILSON In thirty seconds, you must jump off and keep rolling. It's armed with one bullet as well. SOBIA Damn it! Sobia sounds nervous and frightened. WILSON You can do this! The sound of the revving motorbike intensifies, echoing through the command center. WILSON (CONT'D) Look out! The Heli drone descends rapidly, targeting Sobia. WILSON (CONT'D) Now! Ten seconds to impact! INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Sobia's daring escape unfolds on the screen. The team watches in suspense as she jumps off the motorbike and rolls on the ground, firing shots at the Heli drone seconds before impact. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Sobia lands hard, rolling several times, groaning in pain. The Heli drone fires at her, and she retaliates, shooting it seconds before impact. A piece of the drone hits her in the head, and she blacks out. INT. STRATEGIC COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Wilson anxiously awaits a response from Sobia. WILSON Fatlady, do you copy? He repeats the calls, but there is no answer. WILSON (CONT'D) There is complete silence, no groans at all; she might be dead. Wilson covers his face in distress. WILSON (CONT'D) Could have been me! He looks at David. DAVID Send the search and rescue team now! A group of SUVs and bikers leaves the compound, guarded by a Fatladies' drone. Moments later, pictures are sent back. WILSON The bike exploded after hitting the parked car, setting it and another car on fire. Sobia is down, unconscious. David instructs the rescue team. DAVID Get up! Fatlady, do you copy? Get up now! They're coming! The rescue team arrives, and the drone hovers above Sobia, squirting liquids on her face. WILSON She is alive! David switches to the news channel as they wait for Sobia's recovery. ON THE NEWS CHANNEL - LIVE REPORT Lucy reports on the recent events. LUCY "The head of the secret service has been gunned down after delivering a speech about how to fight what they are regarding as attacks for a regime change. No one knows if this has to do with his public hunt for the so-called keys. Some believe that these angels were being set up, to be killed as in fox hunting. As the people close to the so-called keys believe the keys, mostly young, were gifts years ago. The same reasons cited as reasons for Hudson’s murder. The spokesperson brushed all this aside as witch-hunting." David looks at Wilson, realizing the sequence has begun. DAVID The sequence starts now. They watch the news unfold as another target is shot during a live-indoor conference. DAVID (CONT'D) Five seconds before the satellite-driven drone-gun fires a shot from the orbit. David switches channels, revealing the next target. He picks up a glass of water, drops it on the table, and slumps, blood oozing out. NEWS REPORTER Live. Mr. Chapel was shot today live on camera, but no one knows who shot him. Even if all this was caught on video and was being broadcast on national television. The room falls silent as they process the impact of the orchestrated events. CRACKLING VOICE We found her, but she was badly injured. Wilson pauses, absorbing the gravity of the situation. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT The atmosphere is tense, and the room is dimly lit. Wilson, David, Juliana, and Keaton stand in a circle, discussing their next move. WILSON An urgency in his voice. She might not make it! We need to act now! DAVID Flipping channels on the TV. Marson is on the news. He's addressing the public. On the TV screen, MARSON speaks confidently. MARSON (ON TV) Projecting strength. We'll bring all the perpetrators to justice. They are trying to terrorize everyone! DAVID Sighs, breathing heavily. Save the worst for last. We can't steal our victory. We have to wait! JULIANA Frustrated. There is no way we can beat them! Why not send the Drone-gun or the Fatladies? Take out Marson now! DAVID Assessing the situation. Don't worry; we are in a better position now. These people were his pillars! WILSON Urgently. Why not save the lives of my men and send the Fatladies? Take out Marson now, end all this! The tension in the room escalates. DAVID Addressing the group. She has a point. She is right. Don't go the Stacey route again, David! They all shout in agreement. DAVID Considering their options. We have a chance and a way that is risk-free to end all this. Take Marson down now! WILSON Insisting. You don't get it. Marson is a member of the Executive Branch. Attacking him will start World War Three! We are not ready! DAVID Suggesting a strategic approach. First, let us put things in place. Increase the circulating digital currency, establish more banks, more teams, more assassins, etc. Then we can attack the likes of Marson. The sound of revving bikes and cars outside interrupts their conversation. UNKNOWN VOICE Panicking. Critical condition! She might not make it! WILSON Reacting quickly. Hurry up! They rush outside to answer the calls for help. UNKNOWN VOICE Panicking. She's in critical condition! They pass the injured person to medical staff as they enter David's mansion. Later. DOCTOR Emerging from the operating room. She will make it but might not be the same person again. It depends on her will to fight. Wilson curses, relieved. WILSON Inside the room, holding her hand. At least she's alive. The constant beep sound from the medical machine creates tension. Outside the room, they wait anxiously. DOCTOR Exiting the room. She's a fighter. She will be okay. Wilson paces in the corridor. DOCTOR Touches Wilson's shoulder. Your place will remain vacant. I promise because we want only you back. Wilson kneels next to the bed, touching her hand. WILSON Whispering. Your place will remain vacant. I promise because we want only you back. David and Keaton argue outside the room. JULIANA Looks at Wilson. I can join the Fatladies. KEATON Suggesting. When did you come back? WILSON Resolute. No vacant positions. It's not like she's dead. KEATON Frustrated. Damn it! I've waited to be David's special assassin. Wilson opens the door to find David and Keaton arguing. JULIANA Looks at Wilson. I can join the Fatladies. KEATON Suggesting. When did you come back? WILSON Resolute. No vacant positions. It's not like she's dead. KEATON Frustrated. Damn it! I've waited to be David's special assassin. The tension in the room rises as they navigate the complex web of political intrigue and personal stakes. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT The tension in the room continues as Wilson and Keaton argue about the injured person. WILSON Angry. I came back as soon as I heard. Pull the plugs, and she is gone! Wilson punches Keaton hard. Keaton retaliates, and both men stagger, nursing their wounds. WILSON Furious. Don't talk about her like that! She will come back. She will get fit again! KEATON Serious. I spoke to the doc, and he said that even if she comes back, she will be a different person. Might not be able to be an assassin after that. WILSON Defiant. Still no vacancy, I don't care! KEATON Urgent. Listen to me! Damn it! This is war! Time wasted is lives lost! Decide fast; I will be waiting. Keaton walks to David. DAVID Addressing the situation. Nothing to decide again, no vacancy! Wilson walks to David as well. DAVID To Keaton. You see my issues with you, Keaton? You have returned yet haven't accomplished the task I assigned you. KEATON Defending. No, you did not. I went looking for Stacey, but then again, I heard the tragic news about Sobia, so I came back. DAVID Frustrated. These guys would rather die before they leave an assignment unfinished. You never get it. David continues addressing the group. Later. In a conference room, David addresses a crowd. DAVID Passionate. We have nothing to do with the shootings, but we would have done the same or maybe targeted some and not all the targets. To us, anyone loading the people with dirty digital watermarks and digital weapons is our enemy! I want to make this clear. This person is called a Hostis Humanis Generis. An enemy of the people. One who must be assassinated and broadcasted live and in public. With such a weapon as the drone-gun, we can target all. Shoot all fast. The crowd reacts with a huge buzz. REPORTER Questioning. Mr. David, are you implying that you have targeted everyone? David pauses. DAVID Clarifying. No, I am saying that if it were us, we would have eliminated all. We will do anything for a better world free from all evil and digital weapons and watermarks. To hell with these people! Marson, in his office, reacts with rage. MARSON Raging. It's a war now! They have started World War Three. They want a war, and I will give them just that! David walks the corridor with his team. CAROLINA Curious. Why Benjamin first? David stops. DAVID Revealing. He is after Stacey and Evelina. CAROLINA Surprised. Evelina? DAVID Explaining. When this stage is over, I want you to lead a team after her. CAROLINA Confused. Me. I thought... okay, she must be crucial. David looks at her seriously. DAVID Revealing his plan. Somehow her disappearance caused them to postpone the last anointment. We get to her first, we know this year's to-be-anointed-one. A seat for us. One that is easy to take. That will make them postponed again as they reach the majority. So, someone exceptional to us. CAROLINA Understanding. I see. Special indeed. David retrieves a drawer and hands Evelina's file to Carolina. DAVID Commanding. Evelina is your next task. CAROLINA Reading the file. Evelina. Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, the President looks distraught. PRESIDENT Agitated. For generations, we had a representative of the family. We never skipped a generation. Do you know what one twenty-fourth of the world’s wealth is? It is serious money to screw about. Serious money to play with. All you just need to mention is that you have a share, a key that opens doors to everything, loans, rich friends, and all kinds of opportunities. My nephew was very close. Over a century of people being anointed and there has never been a screw-up like this. What are the chances of picking up the wrong key? He looks outside the window, contemplating. PRESIDENT Determinedly. You must get in, and you will never struggle in life. The scene sets the stage for a complex political and personal conflict as the characters navigate the challenges ahead. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President and Karl engage in a crucial conversation about the urgency of finding Evelina. PRESIDENT Staring at Karl. Yes, Mr. President. PRESIDENT Interrupting. You are not listening to me. Karl looks confused. KARL Irritated. I don’t know what you expect me to do. PRESIDENT Pressing. If something is this important to you, don’t you feel personally involved to resolve it? You can command my men. If this girl is your key to open the door for you to a wonderful life, would you not personally look for her? They lock eyes. PRESIDENT Emphasizing. I am just saying be serious about this. Assemble your team and get to the bottom of this yourself. Hold the bull by the horns. The President looks outside for a moment, contemplating. PRESIDENT Reflecting. Something is going to happen sooner than what everyone thought. He walks to Karl. PRESIDENT Whispering. A few stages left to reach a majority. Everyone thought this was months away, but it could be a couple of weeks away. These keys are catalysts of some sort if what I heard is correct. Once the majority is reached, that closes all the anointment by the leader. Marson will allocate the keys at the end. But it will be waiting for others, and there is no guarantee. But this is a sure way to get in fairly and guaranteed. So, the pressure is for you to find this girl sooner and get a fair share. Marson can reduce the amount you get if we wait until the end. My fears are that once we miss this stage, you might be out forever as there is no guarantee that Marson can choose you. Once you are out, the whole family misses out as well. I became the President simply because I held a share. I have everyone offer me loans and all that. Not because my father was rich, but because I held a share of the world’s treasure in the gold scriptures. Do this for your uncle and your kids? I can get another term simply because a family member; you, my nephew, hold a share of the world’s fortune. Think about this. Any money you want, I can write a check. The President walks out, leaving Karl sitting at his desk, pondering. KARL Whispering to himself. I have nothing to lose. All I need to do is get personal. He takes a pen and retrieves the checkbook left on the desk, writing a figure. KARL Whispering. All I have to do is find my lost key; Evelina! Where can you be? He quickly counts the zeros on the check. KARL Whispering. The key to open the door to the world of wealth. The door opens instantly. He stretches his hand to receive the check. KARL Looking at the President. What time frames are we talking about? The President dials Marson. PRESIDENT On the phone. I want you in my office straight away. He then calls Jamie, Benjamin's replacement, to his office. PRESIDENT Summoning Jamie. I want an update regarding all outstanding issues. A group of four men and two women gathers in the President's office. PRESIDENT Cursing. The anointment has been postponed to seven days from now. PRESIDENT Frustrated. Still not good enough. I want it like yesterday. PRESIDENT Demanding. Give us the worst possible scenario. JAMIE Explaining. If we can’t find the perfect match, we can’t postpone again. We must cancel and start afresh. PRESIDENT Cursing. Still my nephew as the one to be anointed? Marson remains quiet for a while. MARSON Admitting. The system is designed to have only one matching key. Once it’s lost, it can’t be recovered or found. That means his key without the opening key is useless and must be discarded. PRESIDENT Frustrated. Damn it! You must find another way! MARSON Resigned. The only options to find the key; this girl or to wait until after the majority. The tension in the room rises as they grapple with the consequences of the looming deadline. EXT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President demands answers from Marson about finding Evelina. PRESIDENT Frustrated. Damn it! Marson, I can't leave things to chance. Tell me, are you going to find this girl without failure? Marson is about to answer when an instant call interrupts. The President takes the call. PRESIDENT On the phone. Speaking! Okay. The line goes dead. PRESIDENT Excited. Great news! She is alive and has been staying in another city. My men are on it right now. PRESIDENT Encouraging. Great job, Marson! That's what I want to hear. The President rises and presses his nephew's shoulder. PRESIDENT Optimistic. We are getting somewhere, nephew. PRESIDENT Addressing Jamie. What is your status? JAMIE Confident. Seven days are not enough, but we will do our best. It's now a matter of time before we get hold of her. PRESIDENT Turning to his nephew. I will check with Marson and instantly deploy my men as well. The President looks at his nephew. PRESIDENT Determined. I will lead the lost and found team to retrieve the lost key with immediate effect. PRESIDENT Commanding. Four different teams must find her soon before the majority stage. I don't care if they are dead or alive. We have the best teams in the world, so why is locating her a problem? PRESIDENT Assigning tasks. I want the two ladies to manage the information gathering teams and coordinate all these four teams so that what one team discovers is passed to the rest of the teams. Okay? Somewhere in the city, David calls Carolina into the office. DAVID Strategizing. This phase, we double the number of assassins, but we must reduce the number of the recipients. So, maybe we will search for this Evelina now. We might not have the chance in the next phase. CAROLINA Acknowledging. Okay. Keaton enters the office. KEATON Revealing information. Boss, I intercepted Stacey’s call. She has been assigned to hunt for Evelina by Marson. CAROLINA Reflecting. The most wanted woman ever, literally wanted by everyone. I think everyone wants her dead. DAVID Strategizing. To us, I think we want her alive. We can find out who is going to be anointed next and take that person down. A seat for us. One to make us postpone the majority once again. CAROLINA Clarifying. So, this person is to be anointed? DAVID Explaining. Yes, but the system has already activated his or her key. What is left is to deactivate the protecting key or merge the two into one and let this person keep both as now it will be assigned a seat. KEATON Proposing a plan. Boss, I am still after Stacey as well, and only I can stop her. Maybe I go on the hunt as well. I find Stacey, and I find Evelina too. I know how determined she was to find Hudson’s nephew. DAVID Considering the proposal. I have been assigned to look for Stacey too. CAROLINA Suggesting. Why can't we go together? A global manhunt for Evelina starts seven days before the day of the postponed anointment. Everyone has different reasons for hunting her, but the magic word in the city is Evelina. Evelina knocks on a door slightly and pushes it open, finding a woman inside. WOMAN Whispering. Come on in. EVELINA Confused. I got your message. It’s time. WOMAN Cryptic. Time for what? It's the call to duty. You must obey. It's something you have been waiting for since the day you were chosen. The tension builds as Evelina steps into an unknown mission. INT. SECRET LOCATION - NIGHT Evelina is in a mysterious place, listening to a woman revealing dark secrets. EVELINA Frowning. For us, we prayed and prayed to be chosen. It’s a special honor. WOMAN Smiling. What honor about dying? EVELINA Curious. Young girls would beg their fathers and uncles to be the chosen keys. It meant getting adopted by a rich family without all the forced marriage hassle. All you had to do was reveal a secret number. Every night when you were a kid, you would hear this number repeated to you. Most would draw something, a picture of something, and in order. Most, if they have seen that picture, the numbers start coming back to them. The woman pauses. WOMAN Reflecting. Remember any drawings as a kid? Evelina shakes her head. WOMAN Continuing. To say thank you, whomever you have opened the door for would take you as their family member. Most know you must remain pure and would not force you to marry them, but you can if you want. Another pause. WOMAN Revealing. Your key opens doors. You get a share as well, which you can offer as a buyout clause. Imagine what is one twenty-fourth of the world’s share? EVELINA Questioning. Who gains from all this and how? WOMAN Conspiratorial. This is a secret. I vowed never to tell anyone, but I am dying anyway. What can they do to me? Kill me? The woman laughs. WOMAN Confiding. Okay, I will tell you. At the start of time, there was no money but there was gold. People knew about gold because they came across the gold scriptures. Those who found the lost gold scriptures were a small community of the cave people. They realized that the gold scriptures, even though they were written long ago, predicted the future and, in most cases, gave detailed instructions on how to do things, like start banks, start and organize governments, create value that is money, etc. Another pause. WOMAN Revealing the secret. The forefathers realized that they can lend the scriptures to others for a fee to find solutions. Whoever touched the scriptures, mostly kids, would cause that chapter to lock? So, counting the chapters, they found twenty-four kids to hold the gold scriptures. After all, twenty-four. They found all were locked. Now people started banks and lending money, etc. The forefathers who found the gold scriptures took the gold scriptures to the bank and borrowed loads of money against the gold scriptures. The banks kept the gold scriptures. They could not understand why it looked like a book but never opened. The elders gathered every one of the kids who had touched the gold scriptures and advised them what to do. Now the woman leans in, making it more intense. WOMAN Revealing the critical part. Now this is the important part. The uncles to protect the kids and aunties and a few parents would now go to the bank and declare that they own one twenty-fourth of the value of the gold scriptures. The bank would dispute that. They then asked to see the highest person in the bank. Then confessed that chapter, e.g., one is their share and only them can open it. The bank would then sell the secret to others by letting them read the now opened chapters with secrets. Until they have recovered their loan money. If that happens and if they made a profit, they would then agree to write off the loan. The woman pauses, emphasizing the secrecy. WOMAN Continuing. So, in short, in front of the bank management, they will then let the child touch the gold scriptures. Once the chapter opens, that’s proof, and the manager arranges a loan as a payout. They then use their secrets to expand. The more money they make will lead them to write off the loans. The process is repeated until all secrets are known and everyone has been paid. Making the keys and their relatives rich. EVELINA Trying to grasp it. They just simply write off the loan? WOMAN Explaining. Once the bank issues the loan, the gold scripture chapter remains open until the loan is due when it is locked. Now the bank can’t lend the scriptures to others, so they lose money because people paid them fees to read each chapter. Now to reopen, they would approach the uncle of the kid who is the key and offer another loan to reopen the gold scriptures and would write off the other loan. So, over time, as long as the bank kept the gold scriptures, these people would become rich as they get easy loans that simply got written off. Evelina paces, absorbing the shocking information. EVELINA Realizing the implication. The banks made a lot of money too because the chapters of the gold scriptures had all answers to modern problems. WOMAN Affirming. Pay-to-read and solve all your problems? EVELINA Concluding. Exactly! The woman pauses, letting the weight of the revelation sink in. WOMAN Adding. When they started the Devil’s Eyes cult, everyone was rich. Everyone contributed one twenty-fourth of the value of the gold scripture to a global fund, so the banks can let them take back their scriptures. There is no President or powerful politician who has not been a member of the Devil’s Eyes cult. Free loans that are secretly written off is the major source of wealth for the members. Loans are written off against the value of these gold scriptures and related to the value of their share. Evelina's heart starts pounding. EVELINA Realizing the gravity. Serious money to kill for? WOMAN Emphasizing. Not just money but power and status too. EVELINA Connecting the dots. So, for the gold scriptures to remain open to safeguard the loan now, they target the keys? WOMAN Suggesting. So, could the banks be the ones killing also the keys to keep the gold scripture chapters opened? Evelina's eyes widen as the enormity of the conspiracy unfolds. WOMAN Concluding. A big possibility. They have a motive. The revelation hangs heavy in the air as Evelina grapples with the newfound knowledge. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Evelina runs through dark alleys, desperately trying to escape her pursuers. She reaches a hidden location where a mysterious woman awaits. EVELINA Confused and scared. If the key is no longer there, who else opens the gold scripture chapter? That person is the one who is now after the loan? WOMAN Revealing the chilling truth. No, they are killing the keys so the scripture locks forever with only the leader to reopen then in exchange for the loan. EVELINA Realizing the danger. So, are you saying that the leader has a motive to kill these keys? The one after me? WOMAN Affirming. Yes. EVELINA Concerned. I read that the leader must not touch the gold scriptures with their bare hands to safeguard the safety of the keys by separating the two. How come you are saying the leader? WOMAN Exposing the hidden agenda. That was a long time ago for the safety of the keys, to prevent the leader from becoming greedy once he realized that he can easily kill the keys and take all their powers. EVELINA Connecting the dots. The idea being that if the leader is good as the key, then what will be the use of the key? WOMAN Confirming. Oh, I see. Don’t forget the very leaders would have engineered the deaths of the keys’ parents and relatives so that they assign their own people to bring up the key in the tradition of the Devil’s Eyes cult. EVELINA Outraged. Murderers these cult members. Killing parents, especially fathers everywhere, so that they take over these keys as protection? Isn’t it what Tomorrow’s World Order is saying, that it is no different from a colony collapse strategy and grooming by this cult? WOMAN Acknowledging the dark reality. Damn it! I can see loads of loan-money traded for our lives, for the lives of innocent parents out there! EVELINA Feeling the weight of the conspiracy. But if the leader kills the key after it opened a chapter, does that chapter remain open forever? WOMAN Revealing the sinister truth. The leader with every kill takes all the keys’ powers as well. The power to open the scripture and the sixth sense to find who needs her services and all other keys. All the powers now will belong to the leader until the passing to the next key, but now something that is not happening. EVELINA Fearing the consequences. I think all centered in one gives the leader literally some hell-raising power. WOMAN Adding a dark perspective. I read a book by David. He believes in what he calls God’s Dilemma, that is God’s challenge to create a human being that is clever as him. So, if that is true, then the devil has a dilemma too. So, to become that person, all the powers must be in one person. Probably the main reason they started killing keys rather than sacrifice or money. The revelation sinks in, leaving Evelina frightened and choked with fear. EVELINA Terrified. Why do you look haunted? WOMAN Instructing. Where the bathroom is, my bladder is very loose. Evelina dashes out, seeking refuge in the bathroom. The woman contemplates the revelation. Suddenly, chaos erupts. The window shatters, and the woman is struck on the forehead. Blood oozes out as she falls. WOMAN Weakly. Go! Go! Go. Evelina flees as armed men pursue her. EXT. CITY STREETS - CONTINUOUS A black SUV screeches to a halt, and armed men give chase. Evelina, fearing for her life, runs for cover. Gunshots ring out as she dodges bullets, narrowly escaping. EVELINA Cursing. Son of a bitch! She continues running, a burning sensation in her arm, but determination keeps her going. Suddenly, a news report echoes through the air. TV REPORTER (ANNA) A news update. A woman was found dead today with a bullet hole in her forehead, believed to be a victim of the notorious Evelina, wanted in connection with the deaths of two secret service forces. Elsewhere, Stacey receives orders from Marson. STACEY Focused. Jamie’s men have located her. I want her alive. Keaton watches the news, contemplating the unfolding events. KEATON Muttering to himself. Stacey can be Evelina, and Evelina can’t be Stacey. The mystery deepens as the global manhunt intensifies, and the lines between allies and enemies blur. INT. EVELINA'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina, overwhelmed by the weight of her destiny, recalls a childhood drawing and the haunting dream that accompanied it. Her eyes well up with tears as the realization of being a key, destined to die, sinks in. EVELINA Whispering to herself. I am a key. Either way, destined to die. Suddenly, a knock at the door startles her. HOUSE OWNER'S SON Concerned. Hey, are you okay? I thought I heard you crying. EVELINA Quickly composing herself. My boyfriend cheated on me with another woman. HOUSE OWNER'S SON Relieved. Oh, just a boyfriend. I thought something serious. That’s okay then. As the son leaves, Evelina's internal struggle intensifies. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Karl receives urgent orders from the President. PRESIDENT Commanding. She has been located. Go after her and be the first to get her. But alive. Finish the anointment first. I don’t care what happens after. Karl, determined, makes phone calls and leaves to carry out the orders. INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, back in the mansion, receives a mysterious call. MYSTERIOUS CALLER Urgent. She has been located. Go straight away, be the first to get her, and protect her. Until we know why they want her, you must pledge to protect her with your own life. She must have answers. The line goes dead, leaving Carolina with a solemn duty. Carolina quickly phones Wilson, seeking assistance. CAROLINA Desperate. I need a favor, just for tonight. You can return tomorrow. We have time until the next phase. The only opportunity we have. WILSON Regretful. Sorry, I am assigned to protect David twenty-four seven. No can do that. EXT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson, frustrated, vents his anger at Jamie. MARSON Furious. How can they miss her for the second time now? I have the best men everywhere. How come this girl gives you so much trouble? I am starting to think that all these people are doing it deliberately to annoy me. He instructs everyone to get the job done, emphasizing the urgency of resolving the anointment. MARSON Commanding. Let go, don’t just stand there. We must be there this time. I can’t take chances. I want this anointment resolved as soon as possible. You heard me? Marson calls the President to provide an update. INT. FAR AWAY - NIGHT Evelina, grappling with her destiny, hears the news that she has been located. TV REPORTER (ANNA) A news update. A woman was found dead today with a bullet hole in her forehead, believed to be a victim of the notorious Evelina, wanted in connection with the deaths of two secret service forces. Marson decides to join the pursuit personally. MARSON Directing his team. Let’s go. We must be there this time. As the race to find Evelina intensifies, the city becomes a battleground for those seeking her for different reasons. INT. EVELINA'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina, now in a state of confusion and fear, hears a knock on the door. HOUSE OWNER'S SON Concerned. Hey, are you okay? I thought I heard you crying. EVELINA Quickly composing herself. My boyfriend cheated on me with another woman. HOUSE OWNER'S SON Relieved. Oh, just a boyfriend. I thought something serious. That’s okay then. Suddenly, she remembers her childhood drawing and the terrifying dream that accompanied it, intensifying her internal struggle. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Karl receives urgent orders from the President. PRESIDENT Commanding. She has been located. Go after her and be the first to get her. But alive. Finish the anointment first. I don’t care what happens after. Karl, determined, makes phone calls and leaves to carry out the orders. INT. CAROLINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carolina, back in the mansion, receives a mysterious call. MYSTERIOUS CALLER Urgent. She has been located. Go straight away, be the first to get her, and protect her. Until we know why they want her, you must pledge to protect her with your own life. She must have answers. The line goes dead, leaving Carolina with a solemn duty. Carolina quickly phones Wilson, seeking assistance. CAROLINA Desperate. I need a favor, just for tonight. You can return tomorrow. We have time until the next phase. The only opportunity we have. WILSON Regretful. Sorry, I am assigned to protect David twenty-four seven. No can do that. EXT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson, frustrated, vents his anger at Jamie. MARSON Furious. How can they miss her for the second time now? I have the best men everywhere. How come this girl gives you so much trouble? I am starting to think that all these people are doing it deliberately to annoy me. He instructs everyone to get the job done, emphasizing the urgency of resolving the anointment. MARSON Commanding. Let go, don’t just stand there. We must be there this time. I can’t take chances. I want this anointment resolved as soon as possible. You heard me? Marson calls the President to provide an update. INT. FAR AWAY - NIGHT Evelina, grappling with her destiny, hears the news that she has been located. TV REPORTER (ANNA) A news update. A woman was found dead today with a bullet hole in her forehead, believed to be a victim of the notorious Evelina, wanted in connection with the deaths of two secret service forces. Marson decides to join the pursuit personally. MARSON Directing his team. Let’s go. We must be there this time. As the race to find Evelina intensifies, the city becomes a battleground for those seeking her for different reasons. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Stacey, examining developed pictures, recognizes a familiar location. She makes a U-turn, determined to find Evelina. STACEY To herself. Marson created the twenty-fifth chapter. That meant the arrival of the angel of death. The Devil-Is-I himself. She speeds towards the destination, ready to confront Evelina. EXT. ABANDONED STATUE SITE - NIGHT Stacey arrives at the eerie location. She observes the surroundings. STACEY To herself. This is the place. She parks the SUV, concealing her weapon under her suit jacket. Stacey cautiously approaches Evelina, who has just woken up. EVELINA Frightened. Who are you? How did you find me? Are you a key? STACEY Calming. Put that away, Evelina. Is that right? EVELINA Pointing the gun. Move on. Let’s see what your chapter is. STACEY Complying. What's yours? EVELINA Directing. On there right now! Stacey follows Evelina's orders, a tense standoff between them. STACEY Curious. Why did you shoot the secret service men? EVELINA Agitated. Shut up! Just go there. Next one! Evelina, driven by fear and uncertainty, presses on with her demands. STACEY Questioning. How can you tell? Which one is which? As the mysterious connection between Evelina and Stacey unfolds, the suspense builds, and the pursuit for answers takes a perilous turn. EXT. ABANDONED STATUE SITE - NIGHT Evelina speeds away in the stolen SUV, leaving Stacey unconscious on the partition. EVELINA Checking the file and pictures. "Wanted Dead or Alive!" What have I gotten myself into? She continues driving, putting distance between her and the unsettling discovery. Meanwhile, Keaton stops his SUV, hearing a gunshot in the distance. KEATON Listening intently. That familiar sound. Keaton waits briefly, then drives in the direction of the gunshot. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Evelina, glancing at the wanted poster in the file, tries to make sense of her situation. EVELINA Panicking. A list of my crimes. What is happening? She drives fast, attempting to escape her troubled reality. Back at the statue site, Keaton arrives and finds Stacey unconscious. KEATON Frustrated. Damn it! Who stole my prize? He checks Stacey's pulse, realizing she's alive but unconscious. KEATON Confused. Why isn't she waking up? Keaton prepares to shoot her but is surprised when Stacey suddenly wakes. STACEY Alert. The one with the gun wins! Stacey and Keaton engage in a brief struggle, showcasing their combat skills. Stacey gains the upper hand, momentarily subduing Keaton. STACEY Defiant. Another time now is not the time! KEATON Angry. You don’t tell me what to do! Get up! If you don’t, I will shoot you in cold blood! STACEY Challenging. Shoot me in cold blood? Go ahead! I met Evelina! KEATON Confused. She is not my problem. Why should I care? You are my problem! STACEY Urgent. Damn it! Won’t make any difference. Look where you found me? Count from the north, clockwise! Stacey desperately tries to buy time, hinting at a revelation that could change everything. EXT. ABANDONED STATUE SITE - CONTINUOUS Keaton, torn between curiosity and duty, contemplates Stacey's words. KEATON Annoyed. Fine! But remember, time is running out. The tension escalates as the pursuit for truth and survival intensifies. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Keaton and Stacey speed through the city, the SUV weaving through traffic. KEATON Counting. "Eighteen, so what?" STACEY Revealing. "I opened chapter eighteen. She is the key to all keys. The Alpha and the Omega!" KEATON Confused. "Meaning?" STACEY "She has more power than me. Killing me won’t make any difference. What I can't do, she can do. The last one to put the final seal." KEATON Processing. "How did you find her?" STACEY "Just like you found me." KEATON Realizing. "So why did you not just shoot her, even the leg?" STACEY Challenging. "Did you shoot me? I was in the same situation. Wasn’t I?" KEATON Admitting. "I saw her on my way here, parked on the roadside looking at some photos." STACEY Smirking. "She took my SUV!" KEATON Resolute. "Let’s go." The pair jumps into the SUV, speeding off in pursuit of Evelina. EXT. CITY STREETS - CONTINUOUS The SUV maneuvers through traffic, Keaton determined to catch up. Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Marson receives a call. MARSON Annoyed. "What?" The SUV abruptly stops. Marson retrieves the gold scriptures from the safe, attempting to open chapters eighteen and twenty-four. MARSON Smiling. "That’s our girl!" He makes a U-turn, urging Jamie to hang on. In quick succession, Karl and the President arrive at the statue, discovering fresh tire prints. KARL Cursing. "Marson and his men. Follow them!" Carolina, on her way after receiving a call from Keaton, rushes to the scene. CAROLINA Concerned. "So many tire treads... Marson and his hunger for power." David instructs Wilson to follow Carolina and protect her at all costs. Back in the SUV, Evelina, now aware of the potential threat, disconnects the car phone. Later, the SUV stops in the middle of the road. KEATON Frustrated. "Damn it! We lost her!" Stacey remains silent, contemplating their next move. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT Evelina and Stacey stand at the marked point in the circular chamber, surrounded by towering columns. STACEY Curious. "Meaning she must go and find her opposite on the other axis." KEATON Questioning. "Which is yours?" STACEY Uncertain. "How am I supposed to know that?" KEATON Probing. "How did she find hers?" STACEY "Dreams." KEATON Realizing. "So?" STACEY "I don't have any. But I know where to go. Let me drive." Meanwhile, Evelina arrives at the circular chamber. She breaks the windows, enters, and surveys the surroundings. The circular chamber has twelve entrances that meet at the center, surrounded by large columns and decorated offices. Evelina, nervously looking around, walks a long passage decorated with glittering gold pillars. Reaching the circular center, a marked place on the ground catches her eye. She stands there, anxious. EVELINA Thoughts. "If I close, then who opens?" Counting the portions, Evelina realizes there are only twelve partitions in this chamber. EVELINA Whispering. "What if there are two sides, but now, I am looking just at one side." She sits down, pulls out her gun, and contemplates. A voice startles her, and she fires a bullet that hits one of the columns. Stacey appears, gun drawn. EVELINA Shouting. "What bloody hell do you want? I should have shot you!" Stacey puts her gun away, and Evelina points at the sixth partition. EVELINA "Stand at the marked point now!" STACEY "I can't play your games. You nearly got me killed." A bullet veers off the columns as Keaton approaches. EVELINA Shouting at Stacey. "Tell him to stay away!" Evelina aims her gun at Stacey. EVELINA "I am not joking now. Did he find you as you find me? Is he one of us?" Stacey nods. EVELINA Angrily. "So why you? I don't get it!" STACEY "My boyfriend... My childhood sweetheart jumped over the bridge and left me." Evelina starts sobbing. STACEY Compassionate. "Is that how this started?" Evelina cries uncontrollably. EVELINA "They killed the wrong girl." STACEY Understanding. "Alex saw everything before they launched a manhunt for him, ending up killing himself. They said he killed two servicemen." EVELINA Sobbing. "Oh, I see. You killed them, but they accused Alex?" INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT Evelina, Stacey, and Keaton are now cornered in the circular chamber, surrounded by towering columns. Karl enters, disrupting their tense conversation. STACEY Desperately. "No damn it! I didn't kill anyone. They are framing us. First framing Alex and now that he is not in the picture now, they are saying I killed those men!" KEATON Confused. "But you told me you killed them?" STACEY "But it worked. Didn't it? If I hadn't said that, you were not going to cooperate. Were you?" KEATON Uncertain. "Honestly, I don't know what to believe now! You are trying to kill me for real." Evelina, feeling the tension, fires a shot. EVELINA "Shut up and listen! If I wanted to kill you, I could have done so on the statue. You know it!" KEATON Anxious. "Ok, make me believe you! The other girl was she called Evelina as well?" Evelina nods. KEATON "Having her birthday as well?" EVELINA "Of course! Now you understand why now it's everyone after me. What are the chances of something like this happening?" Keaton realizes the gravity of the situation. KEATON Shocked. "Oh My God! If it's true that means..." EVELINA Bitterly. "Bloody say it! You think I don't know what you were going to say?" She sobs. KEATON Realizing. "That means they are going to kill you. Your death must open doors for someone else. Damn! They want your blood. It's nothing to do with keys and all that." Stacey, pacing nervously, connects the dots. STACEY Thoughtful. "Wait a minute! Oh My God, makes sense. They got your correct documents but still, the gold scriptures did not open. That is it! That's how they knew that it was not you. So, the manhunt is to correct that mistake. Oh My God!" EVELINA Confused. "What gold scriptures? Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?" Stacey does not reply, lost in her thoughts. KEATON Curious. "But if you were destined to die weeks back when I am alive, what does that mean? I thought the keys of earlier chapters die first. So, if you are the last one, the Omega, what impact is your death if it is early?" EVELINA Helpless. "How am I supposed to know that?" Stacey contemplates. STACEY Realization. "If you died early, that could have meant the end of the days coming to an end. The only hope of mankind getting killed early would have sealed mankind's fate forever. Their only hope removed would have instantly triggered the devil's ghost war. No lifeline for mankind. So, surviving all this might not be a coincidence but some superpowers fighting for us, for all humanity!" EVELINA Fearful. "They are going to kill me, anyway? Right?" Stacey hesitates. STACEY "Maybe not, but I think they only postponed the anointment, hence the urgency." Evelina sobs harder. EVELINA "I was supposed to die on my eighteenth birthday. Alex couldn't stand it. It was too much for him. He knew they were going to kill me, anyway." Keaton suddenly appears in the open. EVELINA Angry. "What is he doing here? I told you he must stay away!" KEATON "I couldn't miss it. Look, I will put my gun away; I just want to talk too. Okay?" Keaton shows his gun, then puts it away. EVELINA "I want you, but alive. I just want to know the truth, that's all." EVELINA "I can't trust all of you. Now throw your guns to the middle. Now!" Evelina waves her gun at them, demanding they throw their guns. STACEY Whispering to Keaton. "Relax, here are our guns." Stacey and Keaton throw their guns to the middle. Suddenly, screeching tires are heard, and Karl enters the passage, aiming in front as he approaches. STACEY Quickly, she and Keaton grab their guns, hiding behind columns. EVELINA Points her gun at Karl. "Drop it! Or you will drop dead yourself!" The situation escalates as tension rises in the circular chamber. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT Karl asserts his authority as tension reaches its peak. KARL Shouting. "My men are outside!" Carolina and Wilson, upon arrival, see the parked SUVs and immediately pull out their guns. Stealthily, they enter the building, finding Stacey and Keaton in a standoff with a man sitting in the center. Evelina becomes curious. EVELINA "Are you expecting someone?" KARL Defensive. "No." Suddenly, the loud sound of an approaching SUV startles everyone. Carolina, Stacey, Keaton, and Wilson quickly hide. KARL Shouting. "Ambush!" Evelina, fearing for her safety, retaliates by hitting Karl with the butt of her gun. Doors swing open, revealing Marson and Jamie holding guns. MARSON "We want her alive!" Marson roars, Jamie lowers his gun, and Marson shoves his behind his back. Carolina, Stacey, Wilson, and Keaton emerge, pointing their guns. KARL Touching his head. "I shouted ambush before!" David enters the scene. DAVID "I got your message." David looks at Carolina pointing her gun at Marson. MARSON Mocking. "Well, well, the whole crew is here!" Marson points a gun at Evelina. Instantly, Carolina, Stacey, Wilson, and Keaton retaliate by pointing their guns at Marson and his men. DAVID Entering. "No, you drop the gun!" The President enters as well. PRESIDENT "These are my men!" The situation escalates as David points his gun at Marson. MARSON Mocking. "Don't shoot. I will put it away." The Devil's Eyes assassin enters, pointing a gun at David and everyone else. ASSASSIN "Drop them!" DAVID "No, you drop yours!" The standoff intensifies as everyone points guns at each other. Marson pulls his gun from his back and aims at Evelina. Jamie does the same. EVELINA Panicking. "Bloody-hell, what do you want from me? I didn't kill those secret servicemen!" Evelina roars, caught in the middle of the chaos. MARSON Accusing. "You can't shoot the President, girl." Marson advances toward partition number one, aiming at Evelina. Jamie follows suit, walking to partition number two. EVELINA Desperate. "Bloody-hell, what did I do?" PRESIDENT Authoritative. "National security! We don't want you to run around like a wild dog killing my men." EVELINA Angry. "I said I did not kill anyone!" In a fit of rage, Evelina fires a warning shot, causing chaos. The President, Karl, and the Devil's Eyes assassin take positions, pointing guns at Evelina. EVELINA Full of rage and torment. "Who the bloody-hell are you? What did I do to you?" Karl is about to respond when the President intervenes, and the Devil's Eyes assassin joins the confrontation, adding to the overwhelming number of guns aimed at Evelina. The situation becomes increasingly dire. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT The standoff escalates as Evelina addresses the accusations against her. EVELINA Angry and confused. "Are you all bloody mad? I just turned eighteen and hardly know all of you personally to have done you wrong." Evelina aims her gun at the President, Marson, Karl, and the Devil's Eyes assassin. Tensions rise as everyone cocks their guns. PRESIDENT Questioning. "I want to get down to the issues here. Why did you shoot my men?" EVELINA "I did not! It’s a setup. Like I said." Keaton, having moved behind Evelina, points his gun at her. KEATON Justifying. "They are right! She is the key to all keys. She can override Stacey!" David, shocked by this revelation, questions Keaton. DAVID Irritated. "I thought Stacey?" Marson, realizing the gravity of the situation, looks at Stacey. She joins Keaton and aims at Evelina. STACEY Sarcastic. "You bitch! I gave you a lifeline!" EVELINA "You made a mistake. I can’t take chances if you are not there. I will be the most important one. Now that you are here, they don’t need me since you can be me and I can’t be you. So better if you die!" DAVID Concerned. "Why do you want to kill such an innocent face?" Marson laughs sarcastically, dismissing the idea of Evelina being innocent. MARSON Mocking. "Innocent her? Ask my men? Ask even your men? They are lucky to be alive." Stacey accuses Evelina of admitting to killing the men. STACEY Accusing. "She admitted killing the men!" EVELINA Defiant. "Whatever!" David defends Evelina, pointing out that she might have acted in self-defense. DAVID Apologetic. "A trapped animal can attack in self-defense!" Marson insists on bringing Evelina to justice, and the President asserts his authority. MARSON Stern. "So, don’t waste my time. I am the one stopping my men from coming in here and shooting all of you dead! So, listen, I am taking her and leaving!" David, enraged, confronts Marson with his gun. DAVID Defiant. "I heard that before, and I never saw my Evelina!" MARSON "That was a different case. She ran away from us, so whatever happened to her has nothing to do with us!" The President intervenes, claiming it's a national security issue. PRESIDENT Assertive. "I can’t let you repeat what cost me before!" DAVID Bitter. "Bullshit, son, this is a national security issue. I guess you let us take this woman with us!" David turns to Evelina for an explanation. DAVID Questioning. "What can you say to all these accusations?" EVELINA Pausing. "We! We open doors! We are the keys to the gold scriptures. This regime has discovered that they can open the gold scriptures themselves and take our powers if they get rid of us." Marson dismisses Evelina's claims. MARSON Dismissing. "Bullshit, you believe all this nonsense? That’s bullshit." DAVID Concerned. "So now you want to kill them?" MARSON Justifying. "If holding a gun, one automatically loses that angel-quality and protection. So inevitably also becomes a national security issue. I can’t let her do that. Angel or not angel. I am the President. I don’t want people to worry. So here I am to hold the bull by the horns and resolve this once and for all!" EVELINA Nervous. "Stop! Listen to her first, then solve all this once and for all." PRESIDENT Authoritative. "Damn it! Are you listening to me? I said as the President it is a national security issue and has nothing to do with you and out of your area of concern. Okay? Don’t make me repeat myself!" DAVID Defiant. "As long as you are here, you listen to me! You should be in your office. I can’t figure out why you are here really, and that alone made me believe this woman. So, bloody President or lunatic! I don’t give a toss about that. Listen up!" David demands attention, and Evelina resumes crying. DAVID Sympathetic. "It was a mix-up! They killed the wrong Evelina. That’s why it didn’t work!" The shocking revelation hangs in the air. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT The tension escalates as David demands an explanation. DAVID Curious. "What didn’t work?" Marson, feeling threatened, points a gun at David. MARSON Warning. "Maybe you want to make this your business? Maybe I’ll take you out myself. Don’t test my patience. We came to get the girl, and we want the girl, and we leave!" The President, frustrated, intervenes. PRESIDENT Cursing. "If he says another word, shoot him and call all the men in. That’s an order." Evelina exposes the regime's sinister plan. EVELINA Shouting. "This evil regime is killing all the keys to dispose of their share of the value of the golden scriptures!" The President dismisses her claims. PRESIDENT Defensive. "She doesn’t know what she is talking about." EVELINA Questioning. "What are you doing here, Mr. President?" PRESIDENT Aggressive. "Killing military men. My men carry a death sentence for one let alone two! So, I should have shot her dead by now, and no one here is going to stop me. So again, stop wasting my time!" David intervenes, demanding a resolution. DAVID Defiant. "No one is going to shoot anyone until we assess this issue. Put your guns away!" Evelina, now composed, points her gun at the President. EVELINA Defiant. "We go together to hell. Ask your men!" The intensity rises as everyone locks eyes. PRESIDENT Muttering. "No one is going to shoot anyone until we assess this issue." Marson and Jamie insist on Evelina's death. MARSON Assertive. "You can’t aim at the President. She must die!" Evelina remains resolute, aiming at the President. PRESIDENT Threatening. "Listen now. I am going to call my men in, and trust me, they will shoot everyone. The girl is coming with us, full stop!" Evelina exposes the regime's true intentions. EVELINA Revelatory. "They are getting rid of us first; most keys have been murdered!" DAVID Curious. "But why?" Marson reveals the sinister plan. MARSON Laughing. "She is a trigger of judgment at the end of the days. Once she puts the final seal, that triggers the devil’s ghost. If you know what you are messing up with, surely you will put a bullet in her head yourself." Keaton supports Evelina's claims. KEATON Confirming. "The girls are right. They are killing all to consolidate power in one, so they can achieve the Devil’s dilemma." David realizes the grim reality. DAVID Thoughtful. "To be kept alive, they have to do those favors at our expense; void our seats and trigger the devil’s ghost? If they die, that triggers the rise of the one to come; the Devil-Is-I himself. Either way, there is nothing for us in all this!" Evelina proposes an alternative. EVELINA Hopeful. "No, David. I read your book. If you help us, we can tell you how you can trigger the rise of the holy ghosts as well to fight the devils’ ghost!" Marson dismisses the idea. MARSON Dismissing. "Stalling the inevitable. What will be the point when we have taken all twenty-four seats?" David questions who will become the Devil-Is-I. DAVID Curious. "So, who is to become this Devil-Is-I? The President?" Stacey corrects him. STACEY Clarifying. "No! He is there already!" DAVID Mocking. "Now, I see why Marson wants you to get ambushed to clear the way for himself. Otherwise, why trick you to come all the way here. If it wasn’t for this girl, my men could have opened fire. So, you must thank this Evelina. Marson is setting you up!" The revelations create a charged atmosphere in the circular chamber. INT. CIRCULAR CHAMBER - NIGHT The tension in the chamber escalates as revelations unfold. DAVID Matter-of-factly. "Mind games, Mr. President? I don’t think so. Do you know that he got Hudson and his nephew ambushed so that he can become the leader?" Marson, furious, reacts aggressively. MARSON Angry. "Goddamn it! That is a lie. Say one more stupid thing, and I will bloody blow her brains out!" He points a gun at Evelina. EVELINA Revealing. "They are trying to kill me as a sacrifice. To open the door for the President’s nephew." David observes the dynamics between the President and his nephew. DAVID Waiting for a reaction. "Quickly get my nephew in here!" The President demands his nephew's presence. PRESIDENT Defensive. "This is my nephew! I honestly say that he has nothing to do with all this. He is clean; it’s all bloody lies!" The nephew, hooded, protests. PRESIDENT Explaining. "This is my nephew; he has nothing at all to do with this. I asked him to be covered so that no one else can recognize him for his protection. Promise me right now that you are not going to tell anyone else!" David examines the situation, suspicious. DAVID Observing. "Evelina, Karl, the President, or the nephew. Who will it be?" Evelina aims her gun at the President. EVELINA Determined. "I want answers." The President, uneasy, motions to bring in his nephew. PRESIDENT Instructing. "Quickly get my nephew in here!" As the nephew is brought in, Evelina is puzzled by the President's behavior. EVELINA Confused. "What's going on here?" David senses something is amiss. DAVID Realization. "Evelina might recognize the voice. Something is off." The President vouches for his nephew. PRESIDENT Defending. "This is my nephew; he has nothing at all to do with this. I asked him to be covered so that no one else can recognize him for his protection. Promise me right now that you are not going to tell anyone else!" The nephew, still hooded, protests. DAVID Suspicious. "What's under the hood?" Evelina, with a strange expression, points her gun at the nephew. EVELINA In disbelief. "No, it can't be." The President urges David not to reveal the nephew's identity. PRESIDENT Pleading. "This is my nephew; he has nothing at all to do with this. I asked him to be covered so that no one else can recognize him for his protection. Promise me right now that you are not going to tell anyone else!" DAVID Concerned. "Evelina, what do you know?" Evelina is visibly disturbed. EVELINA Whispering. "I know that voice. It can't be." As the hood is removed, shock and chaos unfold. DAVID Realization. "Who are you?" Evelina, now in tears, recognizes the man. EVELINA Heartbroken. "Alex!" The truth shatters everyone present. STACEY Confused. "Her dead boyfriend is alive?" Evelina, in anguish, confronts Stacey. EVELINA Angry. "You said he jumped over the bridge!" The revelation leads to an intense confrontation, leaving the chamber in chaos. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT A high-speed pursuit ensues. SUVs weaving through the city, bullets flying. INT. ESCAPING SUV - NIGHT Evelina is overwhelmed by emotion as Alex is brought into the vehicle. Keaton and Wilson rush him to safety. EVELINA Crying. "Grab Alex. It’s Alex. My true love. I thought he died." Keaton and Wilson secure Alex and speed away in the SUV. EVELINA Expressing her feelings. "My love for you is forever." Evelina speaks softly to Alex, who miraculously awakens. ALEX Apologizing. "I am sorry I gave up on you, on us. I thought letting you go was the solution." Alex confesses to Evelina, explaining the mysterious circumstances of his apparent death. EVELINA Comforting him. "Everything is going to be okay. Promise you never leave me again?" They share a tender moment. ALEX Expressing love. "My love for you is forever." As Alex forms a half-heart sign, Evelina reciprocates. EVELINA Questioning. "But does that mean you pretended to die? Where is the man I fell in love with?" Evelina seeks answers, expressing her confusion and heartbreak. ALEX Smiling. "You are so beautiful. I couldn’t let you die just because these people are trying to destroy me." Alex explains his sacrifice for Evelina's safety. EVELINA Realizing. "Alex." As they kiss, a scream pierces the air, and the sound of gunshots follows. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT SUVs chase Evelina's vehicle, bullets hitting their target. INT. SUV - NIGHT Evelina and Alex brace themselves as gunfire intensifies. INT. MUSEUM BUILDING - NIGHT A group of SUVs arrives, armed men swiftly surround the building. EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT The President and Marson discuss their missed opportunity. PRESIDENT Frustrated. "We had all the troublemakers in one place. We will never get another chance like that." MARSON Explaining. "All we had to do was shoot this girl. They would have known that we meant business." PRESIDENT Angry. "Send all our men after them and kill all. I will make a statement just in case some of this leaks out." MARSON Advising. "I swear if you were not there, many of them could be dead by now. You being there today jeopardized my plan." The chase continues, while the President and Marson plan their next moves. INT. SUV - NIGHT The SUVs continue driving in silence. Evelina, emotionally drained, sleeps peacefully. DAVID Reflecting. "We could have died today, no doubt about that." David looks at Carolina, emphasizing the gravity of their situation. DAVID Expressing concern. "Marson knew we would have targeted the President; the only reason he didn’t act. His presence saved us all." The team acknowledges the fortunate turn of events, their faces revealing a mix of relief and lingering fear. DAVID Urgent. "That was a stupid move today and must never happen again. I can’t believe they could have wiped out the whole team." David addresses the team, emphasizing the need for caution. DAVID Seeking assurance. "Promise me again you will not be tempted to try that again?" David looks at each team member, stressing the importance of avoiding reckless actions. CAROLINA Observing Evelina. "Today, she brought all of us together in one place, and everyone surprisingly walked away in peace." Carolina contemplates the paradox of Evelina's role. WILSON Pointing out contradictions. "She survived yet another ambush; she could be special." Wilson raises an intriguing possibility. DAVID Strategizing. "Today, because of her, we have the President’s head on a plate. We now know his nephew, and we can pin them that they are directly involved in the murders of these keys." David sees an opportunity to turn the tables on their enemies. BOGDAN Revealing a crucial detail. "Karl is the President’s nephew?" David reacts with shock to this revelation. CAROLINA Understanding. "Evelina had to stand when he was seated, and he had to stand when she was lying dead. Anointment sequence." Carolina deciphers the ritualistic significance of their positions. BOGDAN Exposing Marson's plan. "Marson used Stacey to perform the rituals. They exchanged numbers and synchronized yesterday that chapter eighteen and twenty-four of the gold scriptures opened yesterday." Bogdan unveils Marson's sinister plot. DAVID Realizing the urgency. "To lock back the scriptures is to take her back to the statue where that happened." David comprehends the danger ahead. Later EXT. MONUMENT STATUE - NIGHT A convoy of SUVs surrounds the monument statue with the shining angel. Evelina faints upon seeing the place. BOGDAN Directing. "Carry her to her position in partition twenty-four." The team lays Evelina down, but she starts shaking violently. BOGDAN Urgent. "Hold her. Hold her!" Chaos ensues as they struggle to stabilize Evelina. STACEY In distress. "Remove her and her too." Stacey also starts shaking violently. DAVID Commanding. "Something is wrong. Carry her. She won’t get up." David orders the team to take action. DAVID Realizing the mistake. "I told you to keep her away from her position. It’s like locking yourself in the house." David understands the consequences of their error. DAVID Desperation. "Damn it! Why did you put her there?" David expresses frustration as the gravity of their mistake sinks in. INT. SUV - NIGHT The team sits in the SUV, contemplating their next move. Stacey remains in a trance. KEATON Addressing the group. "I think we have a solution. While she is in a trance, she is not a threat to us, after all, she is one of them. So, I suggest we leave her here." Keaton proposes a drastic measure. EVELINA Protesting. "We can’t leave her here!" Evelina vehemently objects to the idea. KEATON Defending his stance. "Yes, we can. She is one of them after all. She is the one who nearly got us killed today. It was her idea." Keaton argues for their safety. EVELINA Challenging. "She played her part. It’s time we leave her with them." Evelina disagrees, unwilling to abandon Stacey. DAVID Seeking information. "How long can she be in that state?" David inquires about Stacey's condition. KEATON Dismissive. "Boss, it doesn’t matter. She will only slow us down. We must be serious about our safety now." Keaton emphasizes the importance of their safety. DAVID Acknowledging. "I am just saying we might need her. Her provocative confrontational way helped us know a lot today; it’s something we should thank her for." David highlights Stacey's contributions. KEATON Rejecting the idea. "Now, all that doesn’t matter anymore. The stakes have been raised so are the risks and the price to pay for any screw-ups!" Keaton remains firm in his decision. DAVID Decisive. "Put her in the SUV, let’s go." David issues orders to proceed. KEATON Cursing. "How do we get the gold scriptures?" Keaton raises concerns about obtaining the gold scriptures. EVELINA Providing information. "Marson travels with them all the time. Specially adapted safe box between the seats." Evelina reveals Marson's safeguarding of the gold scriptures. DAVID Intrigued. "So, you mean they are in that SUV he is in?" David contemplates their next move. BOGDAN Questioning. "Let’s be serious. You are now playing with our lives. We got all the keys you asked us to get. So, let’s go home." Bogdan voices concern over their safety. DAVID Determined. "What is your plan?" David outlines his plan. WILSON Skeptical. "You think Marson will let you come even near them?" Wilson expresses doubt. DAVID Confident. "I have one or two tricks. It is payback time." David asserts his determination. They all applaud and cheer, but Keaton looks at Stacey as her eyes move beneath closed eyelids. FAR AWAY - NIGHT MARSON Cursing. "This is getting way out of hand. They locked chapter twenty-four again. They must have gone back to that place again." Marson addresses his men with frustration. MARSON Commanding. "Listen up, everyone, this time it’s a shot to kill, then ask questions later." Marson gives a direct order to his men. MARSON Furious. "I am tired of all this. I want to put an end to all this okay? Surely if we don’t address this, they will keep stalling, and honestly, I just can’t afford all that." Marson expresses his frustration with the ongoing situation. MARSON Dismissive. "I give you a direct order to shoot to kill. You are all dismissed!" Marson's men chant their allegiance. MARSON Preparing for action. "Devil’s Eyes! Devil-Is-I! We are paid to kill, and kill we shall! Devil’s Eyes!" Marson gears up for a deadly confrontation. WEEKS LATER - DAY David, fueled by anger, hits the table. DAVID Fuming. "I don’t care if they are to use the money or not. I want all that money recovered." David demands action. CAROLINA Raising a question. "Why would they steal the trucks in the first place? It’s useless to them because we can easily tell who is using it." Carolina seeks clarity on their adversaries' motives. DAVID Expressing concern. "I have a bad feeling about all this. For every act they did, there has been a concrete reason for doing that." David senses a deeper conspiracy. DAVID Determined. "Now we want to make sure we stop it in the tracks. They are fighting our system now that we are slowly taking over." David emphasizes the need to thwart their adversaries' plans. INT. DAVID'S SECRET LAB - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Wilson gather around the mainframe computer. BOGDAN Seeking clarity. "What is the plan?" The team looks to David for guidance. DAVID Frustrated. "How can I tell you when seven trucks full of our cash are missing? That money must be in the Global Reserve Bank." David vents his frustration. CAROLINA Analyzing the situation. "How can they lose seven trucks? Obviously, security was lax simply because whoever it was thought they could steal from us? I agree it’s not the monetary value they are after. I can’t just figure out what they want." Carolina ponders over the motive behind the theft. DAVID Determined. "Damn right, never underestimate Marson. He must have a plan to outsmart us. We must find out what plan he has in place and try to stop him." David proposes a counter-strategy. BOGDAN Taking charge. "Carolina and I want you to assign the Fatladies for this task. I want them to find out what happened to all that money, and I want it all back. And if they can do it in secrecy. Imagine the headlines that we lost the people’s money to bloody thieves when we claim to be the best in the business?" Assigning a task to the team. Meanwhile, miles away, Frederick sits on his computer, entering serial numbers of the stolen money. FREDERICK Muttering to himself. "Better be good. You know how busy I am." Frederick begins the process. Voiceover starts. VOICEOVER *Initiating loading into the system and dumping. Twelve hours remain! An ominous countdown begins. Marson, tired and busy, enters the room. MARSON Impatient. "Better work!" Marson challenges Frederick, who rubs his hands together. Back at David's location, Wilson rushes in, concerned about Sobia. WILSON Anxious. "Sorry, this is important. Sobia is not feeling good." Wilson explains Sobia's condition. DAVID Concerned. "Relax, what is the problem?" David consoles Wilson. WILSON Tense. "I linked her to the system so she recovers fast, but all night she did not sleep. She keeps removing the electrode patches from her body." Wilson reveals Sobia's troubling behavior. David, worried, phones Bogdan and Carolina. DAVID Urgent. "Since Sobia went into a coma-like trance because of her injuries, I had linked her to the system so it helps her recover faster, but..." David updates the team. Carolina, Bogdan, and Wilson gather as Wilson takes control. WILSON Explaining. "In the last six hours since midnight last night, she has been in and out of a coma. Every time she removes all the electrode patches, so frightened. The only reason is when there is system toxicity or about to become that." Wilson unveils the alarming situation. CAROLINA Realizing. "What is the effect of missing loads of money in the Global Reserve Bank?" Carolina starts connecting the dots. DAVID Concerned. "Incomplete double entry. When the countries give us the money, they entered in their books, and since the money hasn’t arrived, we can’t complete the receiving part entry. This is the trick party because someone can use this loophole to introduce something else to the system." David reveals the potential vulnerability. BOGDAN Realization. "Incomplete double entry, a loophole to dumping and crashing the system." Bogdan grasps the severity of the situation. CAROLINA In sync. "Everyone into the lab now!" The urgency in Carolina's voice prompts immediate action. They rush to the lab, realizing the imminent danger. DAVID Cursing. "Damn it! I knew it!" David expresses his frustration. DAVID Inquiring. "Are you sure this started at midnight?" David seeks confirmation from Wilson. WILSON Affirmative. "Definitely." Wilson confirms the timeline. DAVID Realization dawning. "That means dumping started twelve hours ago, and we have four hours only to abort or quarantine the dump stock." David stresses the urgency of the situation. BOGDAN Concerned. "What can we do?" Bogdan looks to David for a plan. DAVID Determined. "Check the total value of the missing money." David instructs Carolina to assess the extent of the crisis. CAROLINA Stating the value. "One-hundred trillion dollars." Carolina reveals the staggering amount. The team absorbs the gravity of the impending threat. [TO BE CONTINUED...] INT. DAVID'S SECRET LAB - NIGHT The team gathers around Carolina as they brainstorm a solution. DAVID Concerned. "How can we replace that kind of money in four hours?" David expresses the urgency of the situation. CAROLINA Analyzing the problem. "Is there another way of plugging the deficit?" Carolina seeks alternative solutions. BOGDAN Considering options. "A loan from the Global Reserve Bank? Might work." Bogdan suggests a potential solution. BOGDAN Concerned. "We can’t get a loan for such value at this stage." He acknowledges the limitations. CAROLINA Thinking on her feet. "Can we increase the circulating digital currency in the economy by that value to set off the deficit?" Carolina proposes an unconventional solution. David checks the system status. DAVID Shaking his head. "We have increased this circulating digital currency in the last stage, and in this stage, we can’t. Any increase in circulating digital currency or an increase of assassins is out of the question." David explains the limitations. A beep sound startles the team. UNKNOWN VOICE (OVER INTERCOM) Announcing. "Heavy dumping in progress to be completed in three hours." The alarming message startles everyone. DAVID Urgent. "Can we abort the dumping process?" David looks for a way to stop the impending crisis. UNKNOWN VOICE (OVER INTERCOM) Explaining. "The amount of dump is high; we can’t postpone or abort now having loaded for the past 9 hours with only three hours left." The harsh reality of the situation is revealed. CAROLINA Determined. "Allow me!" Carolina proposes a solution. CAROLINA Explaining her plan. "We can create a dump holder vault that will receive everything dumped straight into the vault. We can lock and quarantine the vault, but we only have twelve hours to reboot and remove this, meaning a crash of the system is unavoidable for the next four hours after. But we'll be okay after that. There are risks after that as well, as system failure can become a security risk." Carolina unveils her strategy. DAVID Approving. "David, I need the missing money’s first and last serial numbers." Carolina requests crucial information. David points at Wilson, who promptly provides the required details. Carolina quickly gets to work, creating the dump-vaults to temporarily hold the dumping process. A beep sound interrupts their efforts. DAVID Concerned. "Sobia." Wilson rushes out, concerned about Sobia. INT. SOBIA'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Wilson, David, and Bogdan enter to find Sobia slumped on the floor. WILSON Worried. "She has fallen again from the bed. Whatever is coming scares her so much that she jumps from her bed." Wilson explains Sobia's condition. The beeping sounds intensify as they check on Sobia. WILSON Concerned. "It must be big." He realizes the gravity of the situation. The team rushes back to the lab. DAVID Instructing. "Find a way of stopping the dump. Creating a vault will cause every part of the system to do the same thing, and I am not sure that we will be able to clean all the dumped stuff. Once they have their own vault, the system may not recognize these in the future as threats to the system." David provides critical information. Carolina, Bogdan, and David contemplate the challenging situation. [TO BE CONTINUED...] INT. DAVID'S SECRET LAB - NIGHT The team faces a critical dilemma as they grapple with the impending system crash. UNKNOWN VOICE (OVER INTERCOM) Concerned. "He has a point, but as I said, they took advantage of the missing one-hundred trillion dollars to dump all stuff." Discussion continues among the team. CAROLINA Analyzing the situation. "We used all our lifelines, and this coming stage, we can only increase new recipients. The value of the digital currency they get, a total of around $10 trillion, is a small fraction compared to the one-hundred trillion dollars’ worth of dump." Carolina highlights the severity of the situation. DAVID Acknowledging the challenge. "A dump this big is hard to stop. We just don’t have the resources and the manpower." David expresses the limitations they face. CAROLINA Strategizing. "We know that if predictions are correct, the dump is in two hours. We can switch power off for an hour and reboot automatically, reverting to an hour before the dump and overriding all-new dumping that will automatically remove all dumped stuff without creating permanent vaults for all." Carolina proposes a risky solution. Concerns arise among the team members. DAVID Concerned. "David damn it. You know we can’t power off, especially going through this phase. We will be left open for an attack." David weighs the risks involved. The team agrees that powering off is not a viable option. BOGDAN Expressing concern. "Marson and his men know that and are just waiting to see what we do. If we power off, they send their men at that time when security is minimum and steal the victory." The team acknowledges the danger of powering off. DAVID Finding a middle ground. "This is bad, but we can recover without any casualties. It’s possible." David suggests a cautious approach. DAVID Stressing the risks. "There is no guarantee that the system will revert without taking account of the new dumping. It will still need to quarantine all one-hundred trillion dollars equivalent of the digital weapons, and that alone will mess everything up, slow everything down for twelve hours." David elaborates on the potential complications. UNKNOWN VOICE (OVER INTERCOM) Sudden revelation. "Or create two vaults as separate partitions. When one is full, then move to the next one." Carolina proposes a modified plan. WILSON Wary of consequences. "Every part of the system will also create two dump vaults that can’t be erased. These become part of the system, whether good or not." Wilson points out the potential risks. DAVID Feeling cornered. "There must be a way to write off all the temporary dump drives." David seeks a solution. WILSON Urgency in his tone. "We are running out of time and options." The urgency intensifies. The team turns to Wilson for guidance. WILSON Delivering grim news. "For they have replaced the value of the stolen stash of notes with watermarks to suffocate the system and run havoc." Wilson reveals the extent of the sabotage. WILSON Analyzing the situation. "Check all the flashing lights warning of system failures." The team reacts to the alarms and indicators. They examine the countdown clock with forty minutes to go. WILSON Realizing the urgency. "We are out of time. Wake up Sobia for the next two to four hours and do whatever it takes to keep her off the machines and awake." Wilson emphasizes the need to keep Sobia conscious. BOGDAN Expressing agreement. "That’s what we suggested." Bogdan concurs with the plan. An instant beep sound startles the team. UNKNOWN VOICE (OVER INTERCOM) Warning. "The created vault is too big for the system. It might freeze and crash constantly!" New challenges arise. CAROLINA Solving the issue. "Or create two vaults as separate partitions." Carolina modifies the plan. CAROLINA Concerned. "Every part of the system will also create two dump vaults that can’t be erased. These become part of the system, whether good or not." Carolina anticipates the potential consequences. DAVID Under pressure. "Something is wrong." David senses trouble. Carolina double-checks everything. CAROLINA Concerned. "The vaults have been created and ready to receive." Carolina reassures the team. With five minutes to go, another alarm buzzes. [TO BE CONTINUED...] INT. DAVID'S SECRET LAB - NIGHT The tension intensifies as the team faces unexpected challenges. WILSON Alert. "Vault ready." The team receives the signal that the vault is prepared. An instant beep sound startles Wilson. WILSON Concerned. "Sobia!" Wilson reacts to the alarming notification. CAROLINA Reassuring. "I took her off the system. I will go and check now." Carolina takes control of the situation. Wilson questions David's whereabouts. WILSON Inquiring. "Where is David?" The team searches for David. David walks swiftly towards Sobia's room. DAVID Concerned. "Where is David?" David overhears grumbling noises from Sobia's room. DAVID Comforting. "Everything is going to be okay. Don’t be scared." David tries to calm Sobia, who appears frightened. David discovers Sobia in a distressed state on the floor. DAVID Comforting. "Oh, the window is open?" David lifts Sobia, noticing an open window. A mysterious man with a gun appears behind the curtain. Sobia, in David's arms, signals danger. DAVID Reacting. "No!" Gunfire erupts as David shields Sobia. Wilson enters the room and takes action. WILSON Responding swiftly. "Two minutes to go." Meanwhile, in the lab, Carolina and Bogdan monitor the countdown. CAROLINA Concerned. "Where is David?" Carolina becomes anxious about David's absence. BOGDAN Realization. "It’s a decoy! You stay here." Bogdan realizes the situation and instructs Carolina to stay put. Wilson tends to Sobia in the lab. WILSON Notifying. "David?" Carolina and Bogdan wonder about David's whereabouts. BOGDAN Concerned. "Damn it! They are here." Bogdan rushes outside to investigate. A confrontation ensues as David, Bogdan, and the assailants face off. Back in the lab, Carolina receives alarming news. CAROLINA Grim news. "Peter is dead. Sobia is fighting for her life." Carolina delivers devastating information to the team. David rushes back to Peter's room. DAVID Devastated. "Damn it." David reacts to Peter's lifeless body. Gunshots and screeching tires are heard. BOGDAN In pursuit. "You go after him; in case some are hiding in the woods." Bogdan takes charge and follows the escaping car. DAVID Devastated. "Peter is dead. Sobia is fighting for her life. One of our guards ambushed and dead as well." David relays the tragic events to the team. The connection with Wilson goes silent. DAVID Grieving. "She saved my life. She took a bullet for me." David mourns the loss and sacrifices made. The team processes the devastating turn of events. Meanwhile, the system reports on the progress of receiving and quarantining. CAROLINA Alarmed. "Receiving and quarantining in progress!" Carolina reacts to the ongoing system activities. [TO BE CONTINUED...] INT. MYSTERIOUS ALTAR - NIGHT The atmosphere is eerie as the man conducts a dark ritual with the gold scriptures. BOGDAN Entering. "He escaped." Bogdan informs the team about the escape. An instant message updates the team about the ongoing process. INSTANT MESSAGE Alert. "Receiving process has begun. Three hours to go!" The urgency heightens as the process unfolds. Wilson joins the team in the lab. CAROLINA Updating. "Luckily the bullet didn’t hit any vital organs but shattered her ribs. I put extra security in case they come back to finish her off. They must have identified her." Carolina relays Sobia's condition to the team. The world is shrouded in darkness, and a mysterious figure dressed in white emerges from a cave. The man, holding gold scriptures, approaches a massive altar in the woods. Children, dressed in white, gather around the altar, and the man begins a ritual. MAN Commanding. "Stop for a while! Can you all close the chapters before singing?" The man organizes the children around the altar. A mesmerizing ritual ensues as the children sing, and chapters open and close. The man becomes irritated by the rattling sounds of the gold scriptures. MAN Commanding. "Keep singing." The ritual intensifies as the man joins the children in singing. The man orders the children to close their eyes, warning of potential consequences. MAN Warning. "Never open them until I told you to do so." The children comply, following their leader's instructions. The man systematically sacrifices each child on the altar, unlocking chapters with each death. A burst of lightning and explosions accompany the ritual, revealing an otherworldly power. The man, shocked yet unharmed, witnesses a celestial event as the lightning bolts connect. The ritual concludes, leaving the man bewildered and the children's bodies burning. A series of clicks occurs, awakening fear in the man as he realizes the consequences. Men, seeking their missing children, confront the man with anger and accusations. MEN Accusing. "You Devil! You monster. You killed our children, you die too." The enraged men advance towards the man, armed with knives, machetes, and metal bars. The man, fearing the imminent threat, summons a supernatural force, causing lightning to strike the approaching men. A small boy, witnessing the horror, rushes towards the scene. The men burn in agony, and the boy tries to save his father, only to witness a gruesome fate. The man, panicked, searches for a mysterious source of the clicking sound. [TO BE CONTINUED...] EXT. SEASIDE - DAY The man chases after the boy, but his powers are limited. MAN Frustrated. "Damn it! One chapter won’t open." The man realizes his limitations as he roars and continues chasing the boy. The man encounters a group of men with swords and knives, seeking an explanation. MAN Demanding. "I want that boy; he stole something from me." MEN Challenging. "Tell us where he put something. He's nearly naked. Don’t waste our time." The man walks toward the boy, attempting to reclaim him. BOY Frightened. "I have seen the Devil!" In a frenzy, the men attack the man, stabbing him several times. The men dispose of the man's body and the gold scriptures into the sea. EXT. SEASIDE - YEARS LATER - DAY A man, obsessed with finding the gold scriptures, frantically searches the seashore. Years later, the same man, now frail and old, lies on the beach. A group of sailors arrive. OLD MAN Frantically. "Devil’s Eyes! Devil’s Eyes!" They take the old man onto a ship, where the gold scriptures are revealed. OLD MAN Fearing. "Devil’s Eyes!" The first chapter opens, revealing ancient instructions for governing the world. LEADER Shocked. "It’s not just gold, these are instructions. A manual for running the world, dated before the world was created. What does that mean?" The revelation stirs fear among the crew. OLD MAN Revealing. "Mankind became greedy and killed all the keys. The gold scriptures were locked and lost." LEADER Questioning. "How greedy?" Concerned about the potential danger, the leader suggests returning the gold scriptures to the sea. The old man, now terrified, looks towards the skies. LEADER Commanding. "Devil’s Eyes!" The old man, in panic, attempts to leave the ship, fearing the impending disaster. SAILOR Stopping him. "Devil’s Eyes!" The master confronts the old man, repeating the ominous phrase. FADE OUT. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK CONFERENCE HALL - DAY The atmosphere is tense as a group of well-dressed men and women enter the conference hall. TINA Addressing the room. "It’s absurd that Mr. David has issued a money printing ban when the ban is not due until the end of the year. I think you have to rethink this situation." PRESIDENT Apologetic. "I am apologetic for the inconvenience this might have caused. The ban is implemented due to unforeseeable circumstances." David and his team enter, silencing the room. DAVID Addressing the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, the money printing bans will take effect from now. There has been a sabotage attempt..." A reporter, Simon, interrupts. SIMON Questioning. "Excuse me, by sabotage, do you mean last month’s heist of the seven trucks?" Another wave of buzz and whispers fills the room. DAVID Acknowledging. "Yes, indeed. One-hundred trillion dollars haven’t been accounted for." The room erupts in chaos as people react to the shocking revelation. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - DAY A line of expensive limousines and SUVs are parked outside the Global Reserve Bank. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK CONFERENCE HALL - CONTINUOUS David faces the room, determined. DAVID Continuing. "We believe this missing money is part of a larger plan. Our investigation is ongoing, but we need your cooperation during this critical time. The money printing ban is essential for the stability and security of our financial system." The tension in the room continues to escalate. CAROLINA Stepping forward. "We understand the gravity of this situation. Our top priority is to rectify the imbalance and secure the financial integrity of our system. Cooperation is vital." Whispers and murmurs intensify as the reality of the situation sinks in. The doors open, and a security officer rushes in. SECURITY OFFICER Urgent. "Sir, you need to see this." David follows the security officer out of the conference hall. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS David, Carolina, and the security officer walk down the hallway. SECURITY OFFICER Handing a report to David. "We've received an urgent message. There's a situation at Devil's Eye Island." David reads the report with a grave expression. DAVID Serious. "We need to go there immediately." The team rushes out of the Global Reserve Bank, leaving chaos behind. CUT TO: EXT. DEVIL'S EYE ISLAND - DAY The ship, carrying the gold scriptures, approaches Devil's Eye Island. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK AUDITORIUM - DAY David stands at the podium, facing a restless and discontented crowd. DAVID Assuring the crowd. "Be assured, and I promise you that we will get down to the issue quickly." The crowd erupts, shouting and complaining. DAVID Continuing. "You are all covered, and you will get the equivalent of our digital Futuregoldcoin, so nothing to worry about. The issue is that printing now when this money is still out there in circulation is only going to mess up with the system. Hyperinflation, etc." Desmond raises his hand. DESMOND Irritated. "I don’t know what you are trying to do, but I don’t like it." The people applaud. An usher encourages Desmond to speak. USHER Shouting. "Let him speak!" Desmond gets up to address the crowd. DESMOND Confrontational. "Do you know this is the first time in the history of mankind when we have stopped using national currencies? The only time the whole world has used only your digital currency; the Futuregoldcoin? Now you are extending this period for another 6 months. Do you think that it’s not fair on us?" DAVID Responding. "But you all knew this was to happen at some time one way or the other?" DESMOND Accusing. "Yes, but this is a monopoly now. Only you benefit because the digital currency is yours. I am starting to think that you have something to do with the missing money." The crowd buzzes with murmurs. DAVID Defending. "Thanks to freedom of speech, but we have put these things in place because the money is missing. It’s not the other way around." Some in the crowd boo. DAVID Continuing. "This money, to us, is still circulating out there. Any extra money on top will weaken the local currency. Our strategy is to fight inflation. Yes, it’s our strategy well to create a situation like this when only our digital currency and national specific digital currency are the only media of exchange." The accusations intensify. MR. HIGGINS Shaking with rage. "That’s all bullshit. We didn’t agree to all this. We have businesses to run." DAVID Boldly. "Not for long. Once we are global, we will stop you." MR. HIGGINS Outraged. "I represent all the medical associations’ staff. We believe Mr. David here has created a situation when only his digital currency is the only currency being used globally for greedy financial gain purposes. All this talk about being concerned with our health is just a cover-up so that you don’t complain." DAVID Countering. "Mr. Higgins here is upset because without the national money, they can’t link the digital weapons or watermarks, and therefore without these digital weapons and watermarks and him as a doctor, means no clients as they are as good as obsolete. They have cheated and harmed people for years, marking everyone, even your toddler, and giving everyone harmful digital weapons, causing all kinds of problems. This is the new world. The new system." The crowd goes berserk as accusations fly. DAVID Boldly. "Gone are the days when these evil leaders draw up business plans that see them create evil harmful things. We stand against such evil practices. The current establishment, the hospitals, the doctors, and even the police are against us." The tension in the auditorium continues to escalate. FADE OUT. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK AUDITORIUM - DAY David continues his address, addressing the crowd with conviction. DAVID "Yes, to completely clean the system, we must stop using national currencies as in this situation we are in. That gives us time to clean all the harmful digital weapons and watermarks. To answer you, they are against us because we are going to put them out of business." The auditorium buzzes with murmurs and discontent. DAVID Explaining. "Imagine a person who recreates diseases that nearly wiped out all humanity during medieval times. Such a person is not just dangerous but can’t be left alone because such a person will cause human extinction one day. So, all accusations that we are becoming like them aren’t true. We vehemently deny that because our system will never blackmail you or hold you at ransom." The crowd remains skeptical. DAVID Addressing the police and medical professionals. "Even the police are against us because every move we make, they are led to believe that we are stealing their food." A wave of disbelief ripples through the audience. DAVID Exposing the pyramid structure. "The system is based on a pyramid, in that the base has to be larger to sustain the top. A few at the top of the pyramid benefit a lot from a huge base at the bottom. The numerous poor and homeless at the bottom justify many doctors, the police, the ambulances, etc. That’s how the current system is." The crowd listens attentively. DAVID Revealing their strategy. "Our strategy is to fight inflation. Yes, it’s our strategy well to create a situation like this when only our digital currency and national specific digital currency are the only media of exchange." People react with uncertainty. DAVID Addressing the accusations of becoming like the system. "Those at the top are clever too. They created a system that links their wages to the people at the bottom. Taxes and national insurance pay for the wages and services of these government institutions." The crowd starts to grasp the complexity of the situation. DAVID Exposing the digital weapons and watermarks. "Imagine driving a car and instantly a digital weapon or watermark blinds you by pulling your iris out of view back in the eye socket so that vision is lost even at forty miles per hour. This is happening." Silence falls upon the auditorium. DAVID Painting a dire picture. "Now imagine you were doing seventy miles per hour and suddenly you are digitally hooded by these digital weapons. You are blinded first. Then get into an accident because you can’t see." The severity of the issue sinks in. DAVID Appealing to the crowd. "So, this is the seriousness of the situation we are in. Either let’s clean this system and put things in place to punish these people brutally and shockingly. So, everyone understands the impact on the existence of humanity. We are also talking about the quality of life." People exchange worried glances. DAVID Presenting a choice. "What is the point of living forever as zombies? Our system is a win-win situation. You get a perfect system that puts you first and your health and not their jobs." The audience contemplates the gravity of their decision. DAVID Concluding. "If you want the best life has to offer without losing a hand or leg or having your brain mashed, then let us handle this. Then agree to another four to six months without money. But ours only so that we clean the system and get rid of everyone involved." The auditorium holds its breath, awaiting the crowd's response. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE - NIGHT Mr. Higgins and Mr. Kneading engage in a tense conversation. MR. HIGGINS Pacing, agitated. "We must do something. He is taking us out of business." MR. KNEADING Calm and collected. "What do you propose we do?" MR. HIGGINS Angrily. "Hire an assassin?" MR. KNEADING Advising caution. "I suggest you let it go. It could be worse." Mr. Higgins' eyes turn red with rage. He shakes with anger, unable to breathe. INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - LATER The executives discuss their predicament. MR. HIGGINS Desperate. "Who said doctors don’t know how to use a gun?" Silence fills the room. MR. KNEADING Revealing the situation. "Word in the city is that he has already filed a court case against the whole establishment. To make things worse, the courts are busy deciding this as we speak." Mr. Higgins looks shocked and scared. His heart starts pounding. INT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Mr. Higgins expresses his disbelief. MR. HIGGINS In denial. "You must be joking. Who does he think he is? We are the drivers of the world. Only we can do what we want. Who can challenge us? When we have everyone’s health in our hands?" MR. KNEADING Revealing the new reality. "They introduced new laws. To close all loopholes, we have used for the past seventy-five years. All he needs to prove to the court is that you are acting against humanity." INT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE - LATER Mr. Higgins is confronted with the harsh truth. MR. HIGGINS Worried. "Can he succeed?" Silence hangs in the air. MR. KNEADING Explaining the court process. "They are trapping all these watermarks and sending all to the court. Then the court decides whether to remove immunity and give the order for him to issue an Ultima-Talionis letter." MR. HIGGINS Curious. "What Ultima-Talionis?" MR. KNEADING Revealing the gravity. "He has declared war against us, and he has filed a request to legalize guns globally. He offers Ultima-Talionis letters authorizing anyone in the world to hunt and kill those identified by the courts as taking part in destroying humanity." INT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Mr. Higgins absorbs the shocking information. MR. HIGGINS In disbelief. "Is it true about these missing trucks?" MR. KNEADING Acknowledging reality. "The world is not fair. We can put things in place to try to level the playing field." FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David and Carolina stand in the courtroom, facing the established authorities. DAVID Confidently. "I am hereby filing petitions and charges to the court against the current system and all its establishments." The courtroom erupts in chaos. Chants, shouts, and some boos fill the air. INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - LATER The executives discuss the unfolding situation. MARSON Roaring with rage. "He keeps pushing for World War Three. He is sabotaging our system. How can he ban printing of new money, and how on earth can we let him do that?" EXECUTIVE Concerned. "We have no jurisdiction over these countries. They agreed to try his system, and for the first time globally, national currency has been removed from circulation." INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS David addresses the court. DAVID Assertive. "Yes, the current system is now obsolete, and only a new system will solve today’s global problems. Having said that, we strongly believe that it’s not the system, but the acts of the following have exceeded what is acceptable." He points to the established authorities. INT. EXECUTIVE BOARDROOM - DAY Mr. Higgins, Marson, and others discuss the situation. MR. HIGGINS Urgent. "I am not the kind of man who leaves things to chance. I need your permission to use the prince’s daughter on this mission." MARSON Resistant. "You know I will never approve such acts. It is against what we stand for." MR. HIGGINS Warning. "What do you stand for? Remind me again. I swear if you don’t do anything, there won’t be anything left to fight for. He is going to destroy everything. So, I suggest you think this over." INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David continues addressing the court. DAVID Accusatory. "Their acts can, as I will prove, make them classed as enemies of mankind. Their acts are to destroy humanity. These acts are to cause the extinction of mankind, and as such makes them fit to be labeled as the Hostis Humanis Generis." The tension in the courtroom rises as David presents his case. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY The court is in chaos as David presents his case. DAVID Amidst the chaos. "Silence in court!" Ordered the judge. "We are going to prove that their acts have exceeded what a reasonable man would do." The courtroom gradually falls silent. DAVID Assertive. "They have created and used digital weapons and watermarks as a business model. Whereby they create harmful digital pathogens that are highly toxic to humans. These cause early aging and destroy perfect genes cheaply. They then went on to use these to get all the resources they want like tax and national insurance collection." DAVID Continuing. "Blackmailing the old and weak of donations and to be added in the will. Then deliberately kill them using these digital pathogens. They then create a business with doctors fitted with removal kits at high fees. A business model that breached all moral and ethical standards." The crowd in the courtroom is both shocked and intrigued. DAVID Demanding justice. "We hold the accused to account, and we want the courts to find them guilty. We are asking the courts as well to decide and if they agree with us to remove immunity, so we can issue the Ultima-Talionis letters to get rid of these people." The atmosphere in the court is tense. FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY Mr. Vince, a representative of the accused, addresses the court. MR. VINCE Standing up. "Mr. David here is a very clever man. The current system accused him; first of a series of charges of which I will tell the court in a few minutes. To avoid answering all these accusations, he went on to launch an attack on the current legitimate system." He looks at David with a sly grin. MR. VINCE Mockingly. "They say if you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen, but Mr. David here decided we are using the wrong fire to cook." The courtroom shares a moment of laughter. MR. VINCE Defending the system. "It’s funny that Mr. David is at the forefront of digitizing everything, yet he is against digitizing humans." The crowd reacts with curiosity. MR. VINCE Provocatively. "The costs to health outweigh the benefits, so not worth it. Above all, it is easily tampered with. There is no accountability." The courtroom buzzes with discussions. MR. VINCE Accusing David. "People have been getting away with murder for decades that show the extent of the problem and my argument that the whole institutions are obsolete. The current system is killing its own people." The atmosphere in the court becomes tense again. FADE OUT. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY The courtroom is tense as David faces accusations. PROSECUTOR Loudly. "A crime against the establishment. Mr. David here is advocating for system change, in other words, for regime change." The crowd reacts with a huge buzz. PROSECUTOR Continuing. "He has been accused of attempting to overthrow the regime, favor inciting others to rebel against the establishment, for terrorist acts, for acts of sabotage, for conspiring to destroy the regime. The greatest of which is for treason. As such, we argue that we must first address these issues before we go on to look at all his charges." Chaos ensues in the courtroom, people shouting and hissing at each other. PROSECUTOR Assertive. "Your honor and members of the public. We are registered as a legitimate political organization in their system, even though we did not want their endorsement. Still, we are a peaceful organization with the aim of bringing wealth to all and living standards they can only dream about." David passionately addresses the courtroom. PROSECUTOR Continuing. "We and only we can take everyone to the next level of development, creating a high self-esteemed society. Setting a new benchmark in all areas and that means upgrading all current institutions and paying them high for improving the system and everyone else’s life." The courtroom buzzes with discussions. DAY TWO IN COURT INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David continues presenting his case. DAVID Boldly. "Today, your honor and members of the court, we extend our accusations. We believe they are using time camps instead of concentration camps." The courtroom erupts with shock and murmurs. DAVID Explaining. "Yes, it’s the same principle. Instead of concentration camps that kill loads within a short time. They are using time camps with the help of these digital pathogens or weapons and watermarks. To kill large numbers of people over time." Mr. Vince objects loudly. MR. VINCE Shouting. "That’s Mr. David’s thinking and not a fact!" David stands firm. DAVID Asserting. "I will prove that the end results are the same. Since all those who were involved with concentration camps were found guilty. I propose also that these be found guilty as well." The courtroom becomes more tense. DAVID Accusing. "These digital pathogens and watermarks will kill over time. The idea behind hacking in the first place is to change and destroy and kill in the end. The underlying word here is mass murder. Even though we will launch separate accusations. It is worse than genocide." The crowd reacts with shock and anger. DAVID Continuing. "On top of that, they are accused of robbing years out of the lives of their victims. They have created different watermarks as identifying marks. But all making their victims lose years. They steal years off the lives of their victims. As they age them faster than normal." The courtroom is in an uproar. JUDGE Loudly. "Silence in court!" The crowd gradually falls silent. DAVID Concluding. "Some have used radiation to turn black hairs to gray overnight. The intention here is mass murder. It’s easily believable. That a person dies of old age when he looks old than if they do the same trick to a young-looking man." The courtroom is in shock. DAVID Final words. "They are testing these digital weapons on real people under the disguise of the so-called Protection. A crime against humanity. That can only make them be labeled as enemies of mankind and we all know the punishment." The courtroom reacts with a mix of emotions. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY The courtroom is filled with tension as David continues his fight against the establishment. DAVID Passionately. "To us, the accused are killing innocent people, deciding who dies and when. Most of these are hacked at birth. Then they go to be set up to cover for the hacking used to pinpoint where they are. Ending up being groomed." The public reacts strongly, shouting for severe punishment. COURT MEMBER Shouting. "Kill them, they are the creators of all the problems and disabilities. The numbers are so high that with such advanced technology it can only point to tampering. Shoot their kids too!" Chaos erupts in the public arena. ANOTHER COURT MEMBER Angry. "Bloody hackers! Evil hackers grooming even our kids. Who can stop these monsters?" The atmosphere is charged with anger. DAY THREE IN COURT INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David addresses the court on another crucial day. DAVID Resolute. "Today is another day, but the fight continues. To create a better world as we are doing goes beyond just presenting a perfect system like ours. Peace is the greatest gift of God to all mankind. Any weapons are a threat to the existence of mankind." The court listens attentively. DAVID Continuing. "Let alone nuclear weapons that destroy even years after they have been used. Therefore today, we petition the court and bring charges against all countries and organizations that make them." The crowd murmurs in anticipation. DAVID Assertive. "We advocate that no country on earth has the right to develop, make, use, stock, ship, or sell any nuclear weapons in the third world or first world countries. Even worse if they have used these in the past for whatever reason." The court goes berserk. DAVID Passionate. "To us, it’s like using a bazooka to kill a mosquito, destroying other forms of life forever. So as such, they are guilty of acts against mankind. The suffering years after this crime goes beyond the human level, and these people are enemies of mankind." Emotions run high in the courtroom. DAVID Concluding. "To add to that, we believe that these acts are meant to kill the leaders of any society. Once the leader is removed, the watermarks are used on the people to recolonize these people easily and secretly enslave all. These acts are against mankind and therefore must be punished." The court is in shock. DAY FOUR IN COURT INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David addresses the court regarding global gun legalization. DAVID Confident. "We have carefully looked at the current issues and saw that guns must be legalized globally." The courtroom reacts with a huge buzz. OPPOSING VOICE Objecting. "Objection! The answer is not in giving every Jack and Jill guns. That is irresponsible and can’t be tolerated. Guns don’t solve anything but take innocent lives." David defends his position. DAVID Firmly. "In normal circumstances, yes, but we have concluded that countries that are worse right now. All have very strict gun laws. Countries where guns are legal, cases of violations are minimum. So, to us, a gun is not just a teacher. One who teaches the government apparatus how to behave." The public debates the issue intensely. DAVID Continuing. "But also, how to respect human life. Those who know their lives are at risk too, tend less to abuse or take other’s lives unnecessarily. That is a fact." The people in the court go into a frenzy. JUDGE Loudly. "Silence in court!" The crowd gradually falls silent. DAVID Asserting. "We petition the court to legalize guns legally." Opposition rises, but David stands firm. OPPOSING VOICE Objecting. "Objection! Mr. David is a manipulating clever man. One who wants guns to be legalized. At the very same time, the courts remove immunity and probably finds the current regime members as guilty. So that he uses the crowd to get all of them assassinated. Maybe for a reward. We cordoned such thinking." The courtroom becomes more tense. DAVID Defending. "Objection! If the courts find them guilty as charged. Then how the punishment is carried out is justified whatever way. We believe that all humans have duties to protect all of us and therefore are obliged to act, especially when someone does something that threatens our survival." Heated discussions fill the courtroom. OPPOSING VOICE Objecting. "Objection! It’s like a witch-hunt. We don’t want a situation where innocent people will get hurt. This is empowering the wrong people." David counters the objection. DAVID Asserting. "In most cases, any poor man will have a reason to attack the rich, so we decline. We decline the universal gun license." The court remains divided on the issue. DAY FIVE IN COURT INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY David presents charges against institutions he believes hinder development. DAVID Concluding. "To conclude this week, we petition the court against a number of institutions. That we believe are against the peace of the people and are acting to stall development. By hassling people unnecessarily." The court listens intently. DAVID Continuing. "These institutions are helping the regime to oppress and control the people. Some of these institutions are used as vaults to hold a lot of money without tangible benefits on the ground. They create problems so that they are called in, even then do little to solve the problems they created." The crowd reacts with murmurs of agreement. DAVID Firmly. "Their existence is not for the global good. As they do more harm than good. We also believe the current hospital system is obsolete because after banning the making of these digital pathogens and weapons, they will have nothing to do. There we advocate for a total overhaul of the health system." The court acknowledges his proposals. DAVID Concluding. "We need an upgrade to these institutions. We have forwarded our proposal. We also advocate that the current police system is obsolete. The system was created for the 1980s gangsters, etc. but all that has since vanished and to make things worse, all these countries have legalized almost everything they used to enforce." The court goes into a state of contemplation. DAVID Concluding. "Leaving them fighting for work with social workers, etc. with some asking buggers for work which is wrong. The whole system is obsolete. Our greatest fears are that to rekindle these institutions and revive them, they will themselves deliberately take the law into their own hands." The courtroom is left in silence. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - DAY The courtroom is abuzz with discussions and reactions to David's proposals and ideas. DAVID Passionate. "I mean themselves killing innocent kids and women so as to trigger an uprising to justify their existence. Yes, deliberately take a life to justify their existence. Look at the number of deaths at the hands of these. Surely if the murders are all accidental as they claimed. Then outright they are not competent enough to protect the public." The public reacts with agreement and disapproval. DAVID Continuing. "Again, this can trigger the hospitals to actually make digital weapons to revive these institutions." The courtroom goes into a state of shock. DAVID Assertive. "I highlight to the court that the current system of both hospitals and the police system is based on the pyramid. That there are things in place to create this huge base. That means the government damages people’s brains through hacking, so they create jobs, these people end up homeless with all kinds of issues, among other things." There is a huge buzz in the courtroom. OPPOSING VOICE Challenging. "Mr. David is against these institutions just because one or two have wronged him." David addresses the accusation. DAVID Defending. "It’s not like that. I think this could be the first time you have heard my proposals. It’s because I am serious about change for the betterment of everyone. Even them as well. We need to upgrade everything. Give them a new source of income separate from the people they are to serve." The court listens attentively. DAVID Continuing. "Secondly, upgrade current roles and never pester them with petty issues. Let them take other roles. I believe sometimes just presence is enough? We would pay them just to be present to give people a sense of security than to demand them to deal with petty issues." The public reacts with mixed emotions. DAVID Assertive. "My belief being that presence is a trigger for deterrence. So that should be enough. Unless we have a riot and all that stuff." The courtroom contemplates his proposals. OPPOSING VOICE Skeptical. "So, are you saying they neglect the homeless and all that stuff?" David elaborates on his vision. DAVID Confident. "Maybe Yes. Some are in these situations because they know someone is there to pull them out, but it’s not a long-term solution. You must understand that our aim is to raise the living standards to a situation when homelessness now don’t exist." The court engages in discussions. DAVID Innovative. "We created self-services for cars etc. why can’t we build for people? Where those places are unmanned, they have washing rooms. The homeless people come through one end. Take off dirty clothes and throw them in an industrial washing machine. Walk to the next door and take a shower. Groom themselves and then through the next door to fresh new basic clothes." The courtroom is intrigued by the proposal. DAVID Continuing. "Then ready-made food before leaving the exit. We do the same for cars, why not for the homeless?" People murmur in contemplation. DAVID Logical. "You don’t know why people are homeless in the first place." David emphasizes the need for understanding the root causes. DAVID Optimistic. "That’s not the point. I am saying our aim is to provide the basics and lift standards to levels never achieved again. At least we provide all the basics." The courtroom contemplates the feasibility of his ideas. DAVID Innovative. "Just as sleeping arrangements. Build the same facilities where they enter one door and pick ready-made food. Then through the other door go to a self-cleaning hall with retracted wall beds made of cheap material like foam. Inside a self-cleaning material like plastic-leather that is easy to clean." The court envisions the proposed facilities. DAVID Innovative. "These places should be unmanned, using industrial or large-scale cleaning systems cheaply. They don’t need blankets etc. just control the temperature, at least they have somewhere to go that releases valuable time to do other things." The courtroom resonates with mixed emotions. DAVID Bold. "They say birds of the same feather flock together. Tying these with the homeless etc. is not using the money to better use. Some could be guarding Presidents, and do you know most of these homeless people don’t cooperate or even speak the language?" The court engages in discussions about the homeless situation. OPPOSING VOICE Critical. "So, you blame them for torturing them? Cleaning the system is understanding the system itself first." The opposition challenges David's perspective. DAVID Passionate. "There was a huge buzz." David responds to the courtroom's reaction. DAVID Assertive. "Objection! This is bullshit. Pardon my French your honor." The courtroom becomes tense, and the judge intervenes. JUDGE Loudly. "Counsel approach the bench." The courtroom pauses as the legal teams approach the judge. LATER THAT EVENING INT. GLOBAL COURTROOM - NIGHT The judge makes an important announcement. JUDGE Loudly. "A new era has been witnessed today as the court has sided with Tomorrow’s World Order and legalized guns globally." The courtroom reacts with surprise and mixed emotions. The narrator presents a summary of recent developments. NARRATOR "That is not coincidental as well as this week a lot INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY David addresses his team amidst applause. DAVID Triumphant. "Yes, we have done it! We won four out of five, which means we have the backing of the people." The team celebrates the victory. TEAM MEMBER 1 Enthusiastic. "Yes, we have the backing of the people. That’s great." DAVID Inspiring. "It’s a war now against everyone as long as they are against what we stand for. The current hospital establishment, the police, anyone against our goals is our enemy, but we have nothing to fear." The team claps and cheers in unity. Meanwhile, Marson reacts furiously to the news. MARSON Fuming. "Who runs these courts nowadays? All these, even the courts, are carrying out acts against the regime, our regime. How can they have weaponized everyone? The people are supposed to fight them and not help them." He expresses frustration and disbelief. MARSON Contemplative. "He is promising them things you can never think of giving them. Imagine no taxes or national insurance. New savings accounts not just for individuals but for all countries too. Help with money to buy your own house and cars when in your twenties." Marson expresses resentment. Inside the Presidential Office, President Rex discusses the situation with his advisors. PRESIDENT REX Concerned. "I believe they have our money, but they are just holding it for us. We will use the equivalent to arm the world." The advisors exchange glances. ADVISOR 1 Skeptical. "They've legalized guns globally. It could escalate the situation." PRESIDENT REX Determined. "Maybe they can pay people in digital currency." The team contemplates the options. Back at Tomorrow's World Order Headquarters, David continues the discussion. DAVID Decisive. "Okay, we will use 10 percent of that money to arm the world." The team cheers and applauds. Simultaneously, Marson expresses his frustration. MARSON Angry. "Damn it! You know we can’t just sit, what if he offers that money for our heads?" He considers the potential threats. PRESIDENT REX Cautious. "I told you not to put too much pressure on him. He will simply fight even harder now. See, everyone is turning against us." He emphasizes the consequences of their actions. MARSON Defensive. "I can handle this." PRESIDENT REX Advising. "I told you to do like him and use the element of surprise rather than a show of force and power." President Rex reflects on their strategy. In the heated discussion, President Rex reflects on their situation. PRESIDENT REX Analyzing. "We are strict because we mean business. Pay up what you owe or die. Even Jesus said to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar. That’s all we are doing." He justifies their approach. MARSON Frustrated. "The judges agreed with him that the use of these digital watermarks is to destroy humanity." PRESIDENT REX Reflective. "Of course, how can we close the pension deficit if we don’t start early?" He sees their actions as a necessary step. MARSON Questioning. "Do you think with all these medical advances do you think that anyone will die? Above all, do you think you can simply ask these people to pay taxes and expect them to do just that?" Marson challenges their methods. PRESIDENT REX Defiant. "We are strict because we mean business. Pay up what you owe or die." He stands firm on their stance. MARSON Exasperated. "I can get rid of all these people." Marson proposes a drastic solution. President Rex looks at Marson with a mix of concern and disbelief. PRESIDENT REX Stern. "You start another round of genocide on top of what we have already." He rejects Marson's proposal, recognizing the severity of the consequences. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY David, Carolina, Bogdan, and others gather urgently in a high-tech lab. BOGDAN Worried. "Can we speak in private? It’s important. Better in the lab." DAVID Curious. "Yes, what is the problem?" They move to a more secure area within the lab. Meanwhile, miles away, Dorothy addresses a global audience, proudly promoting their digital currency, Futuregoldcoin. DOROTHY Confident. "In the history of mankind, this is the first time the whole world has used just a single digital currency, our digital currency Futuregoldcoin. The first time the whole world has become one." She emphasizes the unity and progress they've achieved. Back in the lab, Bogdan delivers unsettling news. BOGDAN Concerned. "They have created a new code." An uneasy silence falls upon the room. BOGDAN Continues. "This code enables their watermarks to stick to our digital currency instead of our digital currency neutralizing these watermarks." DAVID Curses. "Holy Cow." CAROLINA Analyzing. "What figures are we talking about?" BOGDAN "One trillion so far." DAVID Upset. "Damn it! I checked last week with the software security team and they assured me we won’t have these issues." Frustration fills the room. CAROLINA Suggesting. "Create vaults for dumping. That messed up our system security." DAVID Regretful. "Exactly why I was against this. They will keep using this loophole to infiltrate our system." DAVID Confused. "But Mathews, the digital security expert, confirmed the vaults have already been deleted." CAROLINA Explaining. "Yes, that could be true, but a code is left embedded in the system that is part of the system. One that identifies that once these dumped watermarks have been accepted as part of the system. So, it will keep accepting these. That code is part of a system’s memory bank and can’t be erased." As the team considers their options, Carolina proposes a solution. CAROLINA Suggesting. "Twenty-four hours shut down for repairs and reverting to the last known good configuration." DAVID Rejecting. "No can’t do." CAROLINA Offering alternatives. "Quarantining the one trillion dollars gives us time or start working on a code to do the reversing of what their code did." DAVID Interested. "That sounds good, so what do you need?" CAROLINA With a smile. "I thought you were not going to ask." Carolina opens the door, revealing a young man entering the lab. CAROLINA Introducing. "Everybody meet Trigger; the best code maker and code breaker." A slim young man waves at everyone. As they settle, a tall man walks in. DAVID Curious. "Who are you?" TALL MAN Confident. "If I was the mugger after all your money, you all would be dead, and the world’s wealth would all be mine. I am your new Global Reserve Bank security manager." He extends his hand. DAVID Concerned. "Caro, do we have issues with the security of the Global Reserve Bank? Caro, answer me?" CAROLINA Assuring. "No, David, but all along, we have been reactive. I thought it’s time we become proactive." They shake hands. DAVID Agreeing. "Ok, that sounds good too." TRIGA Sitting down. "Carolina told me there are chances they—" FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Triga are engaged in a tense conversation about potential threats to the Global Reserve Bank. TRIGA Calmly. "People will try to rob the Global Reserve Bank." David looks surprised at first, but concern starts to settle in. DAVID Worried. "You don’t believe me?" TRIGA Assuring. "It’s not that I don’t believe you, Triga. It’s only that people don’t take me seriously, or they just chose to ignore my messages." BOGDAN Curious. "What do you mean?" DAVID Irritated. "I have legalized guns, and all I have to do is issue Ultima-Talionis letters authorizing everyone to shoot and kill. That alone should send shock waves to the system." TRIGA Listing challenges. "Yes, but we are up against the establishment. Namely the police, the hospitals, the military with their digital missiles and watermarks, and every government organization." DAVID Cursing. "You are taking their food as well, by banning taxes and national insurance." David gets frustrated with the challenges he's facing. DAVID Explaining. "What I am doing is breaking the link between them and civilians. I am introducing new sources of income for them. Income which is not related to the number of people who pay taxes and insurances. But money straight from the printing machine. Fresh money. To me, that means new blood, fresh ideas, and continuous innovation." BOGDAN Skeptical. "Not everyone sees it that way." DAVID Passionate. "What I am against is the pyramid structure. This forces all the above to defend the system and protect those at the top, these will protect the current system to save their jobs. I plan to recruit all these on our terms." The room remains divided on David's vision. Triga raises a critical concern. TRIGA Serious. "You are at risk of being robbed. Imagine the richest bank in the whole world against the establishment. Surely they will try to hit you where it hurts the most." DAVID Defiant. "The Global Reserve Bank." TRIGA Warning. "They might do a Hiroshima and obliterate all the world’s money." David's face puffs with rage. DAVID Angry. "Then I will murder every one of them." TRIGA Explaining. "The security is robust; we have an anti-missile system, anti-nuclear defense system, and the highest-paid assassins and security defenders at the GRB." David remains defiant. TRIGA Revealing. "I understand you lost seven trucks full of money. Right?" David curses, realizing the vulnerability. TRIGA Proposing. "My demands. A one trillion dollars deposit as a down payment." DAVID Cursing. "Yet another hacker and another blackmailer. This is exactly what I am fighting this war." CAROLINA Supportive. "David! He can recover the stolen money. Trust him." David hesitates but considers the possibility. Later, in the conference room, tensions rise as Triga directs everyone's attention. TRIGA Commanding. "Wilson! Stand there." Laughter ensues as Triga's voice cracks with nervousness. TRIGA Demanding. "Who is missing?" BOGDAN Answering. "David and Carolina." The door opens, and David and Carolina enter. TRIGA Preventing David from sitting. "No. Not there." David gets agitated. TRIGA Commanding. "I said no, don’t sit there." Silence falls as David's rage becomes apparent. TRIGA Fearful but resolute. "Young man, what games are you playing with me?" The room awaits David's response. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Carolina finds herself in a complicated situation between David and Wilson. Tensions are high. DAVID Calmly. "As long as I am here, you sit here next to me. Wilson, you are the Global Reserve President. Please take your seat." Wilson stares at David, a mix of confusion and defiance in his eyes. David walks toward Triga and sits in a seat meant for Wilson. Wilson, reluctantly, takes David’s seat, and Carolina sits in her seat next to Wilson. DAVID Explaining. "This is how, in reality, you should operate. In case someone decides to attack your leader, you will always have your leader. A system that lasts forever." DAVID Reflecting. "I am like a powerless king now with all the titles, but as weak as fuck." Laughter echoes in the room. DAVID Continuing. "Honestly, this is the current setting, but behind closed doors, the king is the main man. When it comes to blaming the President or Prime minister, take the heat. This setting makes the system last forever. Nothing bad can be said about the king." DAVID Jokingly. "Okay, while we further secure the GRB, this is how you should sit every day." DAVID Teasing. "I have been on my vacation already." Carolina pushes through the door. CAROLINA Calling out. "Wilson!" She walks into the mansion and heads to the kitchen. Wilson stands next to the coffee machine with a cup in his hand. Carolina stealthily walks toward him and checks the kettle. The water has all evaporated. Wilson drops the cup, breaking it into pieces as it hits the floor. WILSON Casual. "Hello, Caro." CAROLINA Concerned. "What’s wrong, Wilson?" WILSON Avoiding. "Nothing." CAROLINA Worried. "I thought you were asleep. Are you sleepwalking?" The conference room is quiet with a little hissing here and there. The GRB meeting is about to start. Wilson pushes the door open and stands at the door. TRIGA Calling out. "The global President is late for the meeting." Laughter echoes again. Wilson walks in but stops in the middle. He stretches his hands and tries to find his way. He walks over and unexpectedly sits on Carolina’s lap. Everyone laughs. After the meeting, Carolina walks to David. CAROLINA Concerned. "Something going on with Wilson." DAVID Reflective. "Is that what I was like? I mean those Javelina days?" CAROLINA Grateful. "Thanks for being there for me." Wilson walks to them and from behind hugs Carolina. WILSON Affectionate. "All this time I was too preoccupied to notice how beautiful, attractive, and intelligent you are." He instantly kisses her on the neck near her ear. Carolina opens her eyes and stares at David, who drinks all the whiskey in his glass and walks away. Days later, tension builds between Carolina, David, and Wilson. CAROLINA Tired. "Wilson! What are you doing here?" Wilson sits on the bed. WILSON Seductively. "Are you expecting someone?" David stands at the door, observing the scene. DAVID Apologizing. "Sorry." He exits, leaving Carolina perplexed. She follows him, but Wilson blocks her way. WILSON Romantic. "I have been thinking about you. Oh, Caro." He hugs her and starts kissing her. CAROLINA Resisting. "No, Wilson. What got into you?" Carolina notices a different man in Wilson, a transformation that raises suspicions. Carolina knocks on David's door, seeking answers. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Carolina confronts David about Wilson's unusual behavior. CAROLINA Concerned. "Can we talk?" DAVID Agreeable. "Sure." CAROLINA Apologetic. "Firstly, let me say this. If Wilson is imitating me, then I apologize. I have no recollection of all that. I know when we lost Javelina it was hard for me." DAVID Reflective. "No, David. You were all right. Something is wrong with Wilson." David stands up and walks to the window, contemplating the situation. DAVID Thoughtful. "They must have given him the prince’s daughter." CAROLINA Confused. "The prince’s daughter?” David pushes open Wilson’s bedroom door, and both he and Carolina are shocked at the scene inside. CAROLINA Whispering. "Prince’s daughter." The woman in Wilson’s bed screams, covering herself. WOMAN Questioning Wilson. "Who are they?" WILSON Dismissive. "Will you please excuse us! We are busy, and by the looks of it, we just started? I suggest you come back the same time tomorrow. Bye." Wilson closes the door, leaving the woman in his bed. WILSON Playful. "Come, baby. I will make love to you all day and all night." WOMAN Frustrated. "Dame, are you taking Viagra or what? It has been hours doing this." Carolina catches up with David. CAROLINA Concerned. "I guess the prince’s daughter?" DAVID Whispering. "Prince’s daughter." CAROLINA Shocked. "That explains everything. That could explain the sleepwalking as well." DAVID Analyzing. "Yes. What is it?" CAROLINA Frustrated. "What is with you men?" Carolina walks to the studio, leaving David standing there. In the following days, Wilson's strange behavior continues, knocking on Carolina’s door repeatedly. WILSON Entering. "Did you call me? I thought I heard you calling." CAROLINA Sarcastic. "You must be hearing things, Wilson. Close my door on your way out." Carolina quickly walks to the lab, researching the prince’s daughter. She approaches David. CAROLINA Accusing. "All this time, you knew our system had been compromised. The prince’s daughter is not a person, is it? Why didn’t you tell me? Who was that woman who looked like my twin sister? Is it a cover-up? Triga, right? Damn it! David, you should have told me." DAVID Explaining. "Triga compromised our security just to prove a point. But..." CAROLINA Angry. "Damn it! David, it can’t be Triga. I am sure about that." DAVID Serious. "They saw an opportunity and took it. Even him, he doesn’t know it." They share a moment of realization. CAROLINA Thoughtful. "I can’t believe they are subjecting Wilson to torture. The five techniques of torture. Hooding—I mean digital-hooding explains that day he sat on my laps. He could not see. Sleep deprivation. Sleeping until all the water evaporated in the kettle. Stress; the body being traumatized to breaking point that can explain the cravings as a cushion to protect the body. So, nothing to do with attraction or natural sexual stimulation. All because of torture." David nods in understanding. DAVID Reflective. "I thank Triga for one thing. It was meant for me. To destroy my credibility before the court’s final verdicts against the establishment’s personnel. Imagine how that could have looked if it was me losing it. A drunkard and horny devil demanding sex from the other global President." CAROLINA Realizing. "So that day Wilson sat on me, and he was subjected to electro-digital hooding? I mean blinded by their watermarks?" FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David reveals the truth about the abuse he endured after Javelina's death. DAVID Reflective. "Yes. Speaking of a blind man leading another blind man. The same thing they did after Javelina died." CAROLINA Queried. "You were being tortured on top of that?" DAVID Revealing. "Javelina’s death covered for their abuse. It gave them an alibi, but how could I have told you when you didn’t know what the prince’s daughter was? They are evil and cheating bastards." CAROLINA Apologetic. "I believe you. I apologize for doubting you." David hugs Carolina. CAROLINA Concerned. "So, Wilson. This horny thing is torture as well?" DAVID Explaining. "Full intensity electromagnetic nerve stimulation which is done remotely. Being shaken and static electricity passed through your genitals nonstop. Stimulated to the breaking point." Carolina looks surprised. CAROLINA Observing. "So, you are very strong. If you can withstand that, Wilson is like a rabbit in recent days." David walks to the door. DAVID Serious. "Men tackle the same problem differently. Some have reputations to keep." CAROLINA Teasing. "You hide behind whiskey and vodka?" They lock eyes. DAVID Resolute. "We must get one of them." Miles away, Triga urgently knocks on David's door. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER LAB - NIGHT David wakes up and rushes downstairs. Triga and the others gather in the lounge. CAROLINA In disbelief. "I can’t believe this is happening." DAVID Urgent. "To the lab!" They all rush to the lab where Triga sits surrounded by everyone. DAVID Questioning. "What do they want?" They stare at the monitor, showing blue and red flashing lights. BOGDAN Concerned. "Who are they?" The sirens of police cars, ambulances, and military vehicles blare outside the Global Reserve Bank. DAVID Angry. "That is our money. The world’s money. Our money. They can’t take our money." CAROLINA Determined. "We must stop them." TRIGA Analyzing. "Triga on the task right now." BOGDAN Worried. "Can they do that?" TRIGA Confident. "No, they can’t." DAVID Defiant. "Damn right they can’t do that." Triga takes the lab's PA system. TRIGA Shouting. "All you bloody thieving bastards, you oxygen-thieves get the hell out of our property now. The money is ours and stays where it is." David pushes Triga off. DAVID Roaring. "You heard him, the money is our money, get the hell out of our property right now." Military vehicles surround the GRB, soldiers forming a perimeter, rocket and missile launchers aiming at the gates, snipers lining the buildings, and helicopters hovering above. TRIGA Defiant. "I have never seen such concentration of military power, the police, ambulances, fire brigades all in one place." FADE OUT. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - DAY The scene is chaotic, with the Executive Branch's military men known as the Red Devils and the Devil’s Eyes causing deafening noises. People faint due to the flashing lights. NEWS REPORTER On the scene. "This is the beginning of World War Three if you ask me. Now I will take you over to the regime’s leadership." The news reporter hands over to Marson, who looks furious. MARSON Angry and bloated. "For long we let them break all our rules, but you know with these things the law will always catch up with you. Money laundering, sabotaging our system, and conspiring to overthrow the regime are serious charges. We have sent our military power to take all that money by force." NEWS REPORTER Suggesting. "But sir, the money belongs to the two-hundred plus countries and is the property of Tomorrow’s World Order. What you are doing is stealing?" Marson grabs the reporter's neck. MARSON Strangling. "Pardon me, I did not hear what you said." REPORTER Choking. "I can’t hear you?" Marson drops her. MARSON Shouting. "I want all that money. You know the drill." He turns to Frederick. FREDERICK Concerned. "You need the President’s authorization, Marson." Marson grabs Frederick's neck. FREDERICK Covering his neck. "But Sir, there must be two signatures for the full force scorched earth policy." Marson dials a number. MARSON Shouting. "Get verbal authorization." He hands Frederick his phone. NEWS REPORTER Asking Monalisa. "Mr. Marson, what are your plans if they refuse to stand down and hand over the money?" MARSON Angry. "Haven’t I strangled you hard enough? You came back again?" He roars, attempting to strangle the reporter again. Monalisa steps forward. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY MARSON Addressing reporters. "I ask you this question. If there is nothing wrong with their digital currency, why would they quarantine one trillion dollars?" He rages. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - DAY MARSON Explaining to reporters. "We have new information that they are doing worse than what they complained about us. They have removed all national money for the first time since the beginning of time. If they can’t let us take the money, meaning covering the fact that it’s toxic anywhere, we will obliterate the place." Marson walks away, leaving the reporters puzzled. MONALISA Chasing after Marson. "Mr. Marson! Please wait. Explain what you mean by obliterating?" MARSON Frustrated. "Damn it!" He roars, attempting to strangle Monalisa. MONALISA Persisting. "I am not trying to be funny, but obliteration implies the use of nuclear weapons. I believe you are a firm supporter of the scorched earth policy and nuclear is your main source of weaponry choice. Could this be true here?" Marson grabs the microphone and squeezes it. MARSON Talking into the mic. "Hold on! Something is wrong with the mic." He looks at the cameraman who throws another microphone. MONALISA Suggesting. "I said the whole place is now contaminated and is a national security risk. So, we can use all means necessary for us to make the place safe again." Marson throws the microphone on the ground and steps on it before walking off. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David is frustrated. DAVID Cursing. "All our money. We must protect that money. That’s our dream there about to be destroyed! Do whatever it takes!" David paces in deep concern as the situation escalates. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The tension rises as Triga looks at Carolina, who nods in agreement. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - NIGHT Triga speaks over the PA system, addressing the intruders. TRIGA Shouting. "I give you one last chance to leave the property. It's private land. The money isn't yours." He awaits a response, tension building. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The GRB security management team enters promptly. TRIGA Acknowledging their presence. "Thanks for coming at such notice." Triga briefs the team about the situation as the helicopter and drones continue streaming live footage. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - NIGHT The live feed captures the ground opening, revealing a massive blue and fluorescent color fence. Rotating dancing lights rise, creating a spectacle. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) "Oh my God! We don’t know what is going on, but it seems the ground is opening." Triga, quick-thinking, punches figures into the system. Blue fluorescent lights shoot to the skies, bonding and covering the entire GRB. TRIGA Instructing. "Anti-missile, anti-nuclear missiles. Release the birds!" The security President activates the button, and a thousand doves are released, circling above the GRB. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Triga pushes a button, and the dancing reboot guns on the walls fire at the birds, instantly taking them down. TRIGA Explaining. "This sophisticated system sends back the nuclear to where it came from." DAVID Disbelieving. "Are you saying there is nothing they can do about the GRB, even a Hiroshima bomb?" TRIGA Confident. "I call this babe; the self-destruction toy for fools. You mess up with us, you might as well blow yourself up." They all smile and applaud as the GRB heist comes to a halt. INT. MARSON'S WAR ROOM - NIGHT Marson appears on national television, addressing the nation. MARSON "We have just received reports that they attacked us, and our military base has been destroyed. This is a declaration of war." INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT TRIGA Celebrating. "Like I said, they can only get fucked by their own missiles." The team applauds, satisfied with the outcome. EXT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - NIGHT Triga switches channels, and the helicopter captures a chain of blue flashing lights heading toward David’s mansion. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) "The police are heading to David’s mansion, who is accused of charges of tax evasion, conspiring to overthrow the regime, and money laundering." INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David, furious, refuses to back down. DAVID "Not until the Fatladies sings!" CAROLINA Pleading. "David, can't you see that is exactly what they want you to do? To kill law enforcement personnel. It’s not worth it." David, adamant, stands firm. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT Carolina stands in front of David, desperately trying to reason with him. CAROLINA "Please, if you care about us, tell your assassins to stand down." David, with a determined look, contemplates the gravity of the situation. DAVID "I can’t take chances. It’s either us or them. What we don’t do, they will do. I say we attack first!" CAROLINA Fearful. "There are too many. You only have eight assassins." DAVID Confident. "Deadly assassins. The best there are!" The tension escalates as they prepare for a potential showdown. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - UNDERGROUND - NIGHT David and his team, along with Mr. Constantine, enter a high-tech elevator for the emergency evacuation. MR. CONSTANTINE Amazed. "Emergency evacuation jets underground and secret passages all around this area." BOGDAN "If you have this kind of money like Mr. David here, you can do anything." EXT. MARSON'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Frederick urgently bangs on Marson's door, seizing the opportunity. FREDERICK "This is the opportunity you have been waiting for. The news is that they are all under the GRB. Just get the authorizing signature. I will do the rest." Marson contemplates the situation but worries about President Rex's disapproval. MARSON "Damn it! Rex will disapprove. That bastard does not see the long-term picture. I bet he will choose to keep the money and send the police to arrest him." INT. MARSON'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Marson discusses the situation with Frederick, considering the risks and options. FREDERICK "I have calculated the risk to civilians. If we use the mother of all bombs, it's high, but with the son or the daughter, we can get away with fewer casualties." Marson realizes something is off and instructs Frederick to check again. EXT. MARSON'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Frederick opens the door and finds President Rex standing there. FREDERICK "Come on in, Sir. A once in a lifetime opportunity has arisen. I want your signature as soon as possible!" PRESIDENT REX "What opportunity?" FREDERICK "All eggs in one basket. Accidental exposition!" President Rex, surprisingly, signs the document without resistance. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT David nods to the GRB security President, and a massive screen shows money being deposited and transported through air ducts. DAVID "Could this be the reason why they surrounded the mansion as well?" NORAH "How could they possibly know?" Carolina looks at Wilson. CAROLINA "Triga! Activate the anti-missile and anti-nuclear defense system now!" Wilson shouts out urgent commands. WILSON "Activate security to medium level. Activate the nuclear detection system. Activate to the maximum possible range." CAROLINA "Sir, the system might not be able to do all that and still perform normal duties." David reluctantly agrees with Carolina's suggestion. INT. MARSON'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT Marson rushes to the lab, realizing that time is running out. VOICE OVER (LAB) '5 seconds before missile launch.' VOICE OVER (LAB) '3 seconds left before missile launch.' VOICE OVER (LAB) '2 seconds...' Marson bursts into the lab. MARSON "Check their reverse count system first!" INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, and Wilson are in the bunker, panic-stricken, as alarms blare. DAVID "Everybody to the bunker quickly!" The team rushes into the bunker, and David slams the door shut, leaving Constantine and Triga outside. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Triga and Constantine, drenched in sweat, frantically work on the controls. TRIGA "They have launched a missile diversion system. Return to the sender system." "Two minutes remaining." DAVID "Sounds like you are counting on luck Triga, what’s wrong?" TRIGA "I never tried it with missiles of this magnitude." "What magnitude are we talking about?" "One minute remaining." Triga and Constantine continue working feverishly. TRIGA "They launched the daughter." GRB SECURITY MANAGER "I suggest you all go to the bunker as well. I will stay with Triga." Carolina and Bogdan rush to the bunker, leaving David, Triga, and Constantine in the control room. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT David, Carolina, and Bogdan anxiously wait in the bunker, while Wilson lies unconscious. DAVID "Sir!" TRIGA "Not a good idea. Bring Wilson out here; you stay downstairs." David ushers Bogdan and Carolina into the bunker, then closes the door and returns to the control room. TRIGA "Damn it! Tell me what is going on." GRB SECURITY MANAGER "They... are... removing... the anti-missile defense system." DAVID "Get in the bunker, wake up Wilson!" David runs back to the bunker and finds Wilson convulsing with foam coming out of his mouth. DAVID "Goddamn it! Wake him up or we are all dead." Carolina tries to revive Wilson as the beeping intensifies. COMPUTER VOICE "Twenty seconds remaining." In a final desperate attempt, Triga and Constantine work frantically to salvage the situation. An instant message pops up. COMPUTER MESSAGE "Missile launched." Everyone braces for impact as time ticks away. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Triga and Constantine work feverishly as alarms blare and countdowns tick away. COMPUTER VOICE '5 seconds remaining.' Suddenly, Wilson stops shaking. Another beep startles them. DAVID "What is that?" David runs back upstairs to the control room, where Triga is typing furiously. Constantine remains focused. DAVID "Bastards!" TRIGA "They launched a second missile!" DAVID "Can we deflect the second as well?" Triga and Constantine shake their heads. TRIGA "Clever bastards. They sent the son this time, a thousand times more powerful than the daughter." DAVID "Can we stop both? Answer me! Damn it! Answer me!" TRIGA "We can only stop the first one. Our system will still be open in dealing with the first one." CONSTANTINE "Go to the bunker, Sir!" David hesitates, but Constantine urges him. CONSTANTINE "Oh My God! They are trying to flatten the place. They have launched the third one!" Fear fills Constantine's eyes. David realizes the severity of the situation. CONSTANTINE "The mother of all bombs!" David freezes momentarily, processing the impending danger. He sees the fear in Constantine's eyes. DAVID "Can I let the daughter in and target the son?" Triga and Constantine look at David. DAVID "Are you asking me?" TRIGA "Can I let the daughter in and the son in and deflect the mother? Answer me! Damn it, Sir! We don't have time!" DAVID "What kind of damage do they do? The daughter and the son." Triga, sweating and shaking, explains the potential destruction. TRIGA "Send back the daughter in the trajectory of the son and use the missile attack to blast the mother from afar." DAVID "I have an idea." Triga activates the gun robots on the perimeter of the GRB. There's a massive blast. TRIGA "That's the daughter gone." An instant message appears. COMPUTER MESSAGE '30 seconds.' Triga prepares for the son's arrival. TRIGA "The son is on the way." Triga activates the return-to-sender system. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'Initiating launching.' TRIGA "Faster, damn it! Faster!" COMPUTER MESSAGE '20 seconds.' TRIGA "This will do real damage if we miss it!" DAVID "Quickly!" An instant message alarms. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'One-hundred meters to diversion point. Five seconds to go.' TRIGA "Come on! Come!" Another beep sounds. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'Activated!' As tension mounts, they brace for the outcome. INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Triga and Constantine are fixated on the screen, watching the missile trajectories. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'Missile direction has changed. Return to sender successfully.' Triga celebrates briefly but quickly sits down as another beep sounds. TRIGA "The mother is out as well within a detected radius." They all watch as the trajectory appears on the screen. TRIGA "Bring up the trajectory coordinates!" CONSTANTINE "Do they match?" Triga curses. TRIGA "Out by a fraction of a second." He jumps back on the desk. TRIGA "Don't just sit. Can you divert the mother too? Just in case." Triga repeats the same words, focusing on the keyboard. TRIGA "If they don't collide, we might have a chance." MILES AWAY Marson applauds as the daughter missile enters their area. MARSON "Get the motherfuckers! We will set you on fire! Together with all your money!" Frederick quickly launches the son missile. FREDERICK "Are they frying like wild ducks on fire?" MARSON "No sir!" FREDERICK "What do you mean no?" MARSON "They blocked it as I suspected." FREDERICK "It's only the daughter. Wait for the son. They can't block it, but if they did, they won't have time to defend the mother of all bombs." David stands between Triga and Constantine. An instant beep sound startles them. COMPUTER MESSAGE '60 seconds to impact.' The three men stare at each other for a split second. CONSTANTINE "Check the trajectories again and might have aligned back." Triga quickly inputs data. TRIGA "Still seconds off, but because of the size differences, they might impact!" David curses. DAVID "And if they don't collide? Can you do the Return to Sender for the mother?" CONSTANTINE "There is a problem!" Triga continues working. CONSTANTINE "They use the same trajectory route. If we do it earlier, we will simply return the son back here instead of diverting the mother." TRIGA "Damn it! We might not have time to divert the mother. Because we must wait for the son to explode first, that leaves seconds before impact here. I can't set up the return to sender for the mother. All now depends on what will happen to the son." Triga's heart pounds hard. TRIGA "It's now a waiting game." An instant silence fills the room as the missiles approach each other. Another beep sound startles them. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'Danger of collision. Change trajectory now.' INT. GLOBAL RESERVE BANK - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Carolina, Bogdan, David, Triga, and Constantine anxiously watch the screens as the situation unfolds. DAVID "Casualties?" They hesitate before responding. TRIGA "Over the sea. I hope it will sink to the ocean bed." An instant beep startles them. COMPUTER MESSAGE '5 seconds to impact.' The room is filled with an intense silence. The bunker door hisses open, and Carolina and Bogdan emerge. COMPUTER MESSAGE '3 seconds.' DAVID "If they don't collide and you can't return to sender, then what?" Suddenly, they all react with shock and disbelief. ALL "Oh My God!" They pass each other in the room. COMPUTER MESSAGE 'Collision Averted.' Relief fills the room as Triga and Constantine work on the system. TRIGA "Damn it! It's jammed. I can't lock it." DAVID "What do you mean it's jammed? Are you telling me that the mother is coming here, and you can't do anything about it?" Constantine continues feeding the system. Another beep sounds. TRIGA "Read the mother's coordinates quickly." An instant message is heard. COMPUTER MESSAGE "Initializing synchronizing the path and launching." CONSTANTINE "Come on! Come on!" DAVID "Can they also return to the sender? Is that why the son is jammed?" TRIGA "It is possible." Triga punches the keyboard. TRIGA "Update Constantine?" CONSTANTINE "Using the drone gun to seafloor the mother." DAVID "Firing at it will not get it exploded in the air. That's nuclear we are talking about." CONSTANTINE "Using the drop gun to gravitate it deep into the ocean, attaching the two and using the weight to sink the mother." MILES AWAY In Frederick's lab, alarms are blaring. Marson looks concerned as Frederick explains. MARSON "I can't believe you said the son is headed here." FREDERICK "Damn it! They returned it to the sender. They must have shot down the daughter instead. I expected them to return the daughter to the sender. But still even better." Frederick punches in data. MARSON "How is that better when they are trying to destroy us?" FREDERICK "They returned to sender the son, which definitely left them exposed. No time to deal with the mother. Above all, I can jam the system to make sure they can't use it again. All I need to do is to deal with the son." Marson watches as Frederick plays with the keyboard. FREDERICK "Naughty boy! Coming back to papa so early and fast, why?" An alarm sounds, and they all stop their activities. MARSON "What is it?" FREDERICK "The son." Trajectory appears on the screen. MARSON "A counter-return to sender?" FREDERICK "Not sure if it's headed here as well." Carolina speaks up. CAROLINA "Both in this direction?" INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The room is tense, bathed in the eerie glow of multiple screens. David, Carolina, Bogdan, Constantine, and Triga are all staring at the main screen displaying a dark trajectory map. DAVID Get back into the bunker Bogdan, Carolina! They exchange worried glances. BOGDAN & CAROLINA We stay together. David's face reveals fear, and an instant beep sound startles everyone. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Intersection point on the trajectory has been established twenty seconds before the intersection. Constantine exchanges a glance with Triga. CONSTANTINE Is it headed this way? Triga, sweating, doesn't answer. David looks at Bogdan and Carolina, urging them to enter the bunker. Another warning sound startles everyone. TRIGA Damn it! Son of a bitch! They deactivated our missile defense system. DAVID Do something! TRIGA I can't extend the length of the trajectory of the son. So, I am unable to use systems as long as it's still in the air. DAVID Meaning? Triga hesitates before answering. TRIGA The son will pass overhead heading to the sea. So that mother does maximum damage. DAVID Damn it! Constantine. Is your plan going to work? A beep sound is heard. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER The son has just passed overhead! DAVID Constantine, answer me! Damn it! An intercepted message appears on the screen, and the room trembles. Carolina screams. CAROLINA What the hell? BOGDAN Are we hit? TRIGA Just the deflection! Now sequencing the diversion. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Target diverted! Triga quickly enters data into the system. TRIGA Damn it! Constantine, there's no time. It's heading this way! System alarms blare. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER 10 seconds to impact. They all look at the screen, panic setting in. David looks at Carolina and Bogdan. Their eyes lock. CONSTANTINE I can use maximum force and mass, but that removes all other defense systems. If that doesn't work, then we receive the full impact. Total obliteration. DAVID Do it! Do it! CONSTANTINE 2 seconds to impact. Warning alarms escalate. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Danger of system overload. Danger of system failure. They all cover their eyes, holding their heads and ducking. A huge tremor is felt. The building shakes violently, throwing everything everywhere. The system and all power instantly go off, leaving everyone in the dark. CUT TO: EXT. REMOTE LOCATION - NIGHT Miles away, Marson watches as Frederick curses loudly. MARSON What seems to be the problem? Frederick shouts in frustration. FREDERICK Son of a bitch! Somehow, they changed the trajectory. Marson paces for a moment before standing in front of the screen, realization sinking in. INT. SECRET LAB - NIGHT The room is dimly lit with multiple screens displaying satellite feeds and data. Frederick is seated in front of a control panel, beads of sweat on his forehead. Marson, a high-ranking military official, paces impatiently behind him, eyeing the screens with intensity. MARSON Trajectory for the son you mean? Frederick's heart pounds harder, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. FREDERICK (voice shaky) Tell me! You mean that of the son? Marson clenches his fists, tension in the air. MARSON (roaring) I used the son to function as a decoy. Increased trajectory length to keep their defense system jammed or locked so I can remove their anti-missile system to let the mother do maximum damage. Frederick tries to explain himself, but Marson cuts him off. MARSON (CONT'D) No. No! No buts, Frederick! I got the President’s approval. Don’t let me down. No! No! Not now. Obliterate the thieving bastards! Burn all that money. Burn them too! The earth shakes as Marson's face shines with delight. MARSON (CONT'D) Was that a hit? Get in there! That’s what I am talking about! Frederick trembles like a leaf. MARSON (CONT'D) Why are you trembling, Frederick? Shouldn’t you be rejoicing? Marson looks at the screen, his face bloated with rage. MARSON (CONT'D) Was that the mother, Frederick? FREDERICK No, Sir. The son and into the sea. Marson roars, closing in on Frederick. MARSON Where is the mother, Frederick? FREDERICK Diverted. Marson roars with rage, causing an explosion that knocks everyone off their feet. The alarms blare. CONSTANTINE (shouting) Radiation control initiated. A message appears on the screen. MESSAGE (V.O.) Radiation control was initiated. Please wear radiation suits. Constantine speaks up. CONSTANTINE (CONT'D) The place has been made safe. Everyone cheers and claps, but another message interrupts the celebration. MESSAGE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Radiation control initiated. A huge door opens, and a voice warns them to wear radiation suits. Constantine remotely closes the bunker. INT. BUNKER - CONTINUOUS Frederick, Marson, and the team rush into the radiation chamber. FREDERICK Sir, quickly get in here in the radiation chamber! MARSON (frustrated) All three missed, what a screw-up, Frederick? Frederick opens a huge airtight door. FREDERICK Sir, I have reasons to believe that the stolen money was sent to a safe-haven. Triga speaks up. TRIGA What safe-haven are you talking about? We have access to all countries and no country can be a haven for our stolen money. They exchange puzzled looks. FREDERICK There is one country or Island, should I say. Where we don’t have access rights. MARSON (devilishly) Devil’s Eyes Island! They all say it simultaneously. TRIGA They will argue that it’s not, they’re not part of their set system. Yet somehow they have privileged access; therefore, we can’t do anything. MARSON (angry) Are you saying that if we go there, they will stop us from taking our money? TRIGA How can they have nothing to do with that Island? Carolina enters. CAROLINA I think to stop all this is to obliterate that island. That will stop everything. LATER. David fumes, looking at Carolina. DAVID You said you will have this under control by now. So, what seems to be the problem? CAROLINA (looking away) Yes. I promised, but as long as the vaults are still in the system, they will keep sending the codes. David stares at Carolina, a sense of urgency building. DAVID What are you saying? INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The room is dimly lit with futuristic displays showing various financial data. DAVID, a stern and authoritative figure, sits at the center of a large conference table. CAROLINA, his confident and composed partner, stands by his side. DAVID (looking at the digital displays) Now it’s five trillion dollars’ worth of digital currency fused with these digital weapons. DAVID roars in disbelief. DAVID (CONT'D) $5 trillion? CAROLINA Why did you hire Triga if he can’t fix this? DAVID We have options and most of which you declined to action. CAROLINA Yes, on security grounds. We can’t switch off completely, you know that? TRIGA instantly appears in the room. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Speaking of the devil! DAVID What is the problem? TRIGA One way is to speed up the court proceedings. Quickly get the court orders to identify the markers of these watermarks and digital weapons. Give out the Ultima-Talionis letters. Then get all their watermarks frozen up forever. Once the markers are out of sight, that is if they are dead, the watermarks attach to them instead of getting burned with all that. DAVID Tell me why the number has jumped from one to five trillion dollars. They should have reduced. TRIGA They keep sending the code to all the created vaults even though it’s a fraction of the original vault that is the one-hundred trillion dollars. Over time, the value increases. We have a time frame, a countdown on top of that. If we don’t get all assets of who made these watermarks halted, the system will recognize these as part of the system. So, the clock is ticking. Issue the Ultima-Talionis letters and get these folks blasted. DAVID I think you must always work on diffusing these codes. The court might take time. TRIGA On it. Boss. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - DAY MILES AWAY News reporter ABIGALE stands in front of a camera. ABIGALE Mr. Marson, is it not back-tracking? Last week you were adamant that they were laundering money. Now you are saying the main reason is that they are also attaching watermarks to their digital currency. Was this why the police, military, and other government apparatus were guarding the GRB? MR. MARSON (serious) Somethings I can’t say on national television. We didn’t want all of you to panic but the fact remains. Their digital currency has more toxins. That's why we withdrew our troops on health grounds. We have new information that radiation harmful to humans was used to kill these birds. So, don’t ask me why I withdrew my troops. And it’s not because we are now backtracking either. We must be tough with them. ABIGALE (showing video footage) Mr. Marson, you are saying the blasts are nuclear weapons they are testing, but reports suggest you tried to obliterate them. Only you have weapons of that magnitude. What do you say? MR. MARSON (smiling) Yes, that is a fact. We might have the power, but they have the money. CUT TO: INT. GLOBAL FORUM - DAY WEEKS BEFORE DAVID shaves nervously in front of a mirror as CAROLINA enters. CAROLINA Ready I am, are you? DAVID But nervous for the first time. CAROLINA You are the main man. Let’s go and address them. They walk in the corridor before entering the Global Forum hall. The buzz in the room turns to instant silence as they enter. DAVID (shouting) Thank you! He addresses the crowd. DAVID (CONT'D) The times we are in are difficult times, but we are on the path to success! DAVID's team applauds, but some in the crowd boo. DAVID (CONT'D) We must work together! DARREN, a skeptical figure in the crowd, stands up. DARREN We don’t understand why you have to take all our money, even our own reserves. Is this rollback plan to maximize your monopoly? It doesn’t look good. DAVID You must understand that we did all that we promised to do. There is a huge buzz in the room. DAVID (CONT'D) But you also know that our source of money is printing, but we can’t print all the time. We have a duty to control inflation as well. If it wasn’t for the missing money, we would have started the ban four to six months from now. Printing and introducing the money in the economy when some that is still missing is still out there is only going to trigger hyperinflation. The main reason why we are saying that you must comply with our demands. FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The room is filled with futuristic technology. DAVID stands confidently, surrounded by his team. DAMON, angered, clutches his injured hand. DAMON Bastard! What was that? You nearly broke my hand. DAMON stands up and discovers a huge wall in front of him - a group of David’s Holy Ghost drones, nearly one meter by one meter in size, with bulletproof plates at the back. The middle drone turns to face Damon. DAMON (CONT'D) What the hell is this? Is that a drone? What kind of drone is this? I have never seen one like this before! All the Holy Ghost drones turn to face him, the metal plates on their backs forming a bulletproof wall. The plates change appearance from black metal to clear see-through glass, then to a chalk-filled-air-like substance resembling a ghost. The ones in front of his face spray liquid in his face. DAVID You have been urine-droned in the face. Oops! David and his team laugh as Damon struggles. DAMON What bloody hell was that? Ooh my eyes! I can’t see! DAVID (smiling) I am not in the mood of getting you killed today but don’t underestimate what I will do to you! My Holy-Ghost-Drones are the fastest ever and are stealthy silent. Just imagine what you can do with that kind of money I have? You should see them in action. Ladies and gentlemen, I think Damon here is just upset and doesn’t mean to kill the most important man in the world. Is that correct, Mr. Damon? DAMON Give me the gun, and I will show you how I feel! The crowd goes berserk. DAVID Silence! I thought Damon was just upset, but it seems he has a vendetta with me, and I can’t let that happen, especially for trying to lead you all to the next advanced stage of development. DAVID roars. DAVID (CONT'D) Holy Ghost! Instantly, a Holy Ghost drone hovers in front of him. DAVID (CONT'D) Yes, this is live. Broadcasting to all channels! All current broadcasting has been suspended as we are broadcasting live! Playing the footage of this man Damon who is trying to kill me! Show all of you the two counts of attempted murder and how the drones blocked the bullets! The crowd looks at the big screen as everything goes live. DAVID (CONT'D) Stand up! DAMON I believe you have been traumatized by our plan. I believe our stance of having just our digital currency throughout the world has upset you or has made you be impacted unfavorably. I believe because of this you become hostile to us and me. Is that so? DAMON Screw you! I am sane as can be. I am not traumatized, and I will still kill you if I have the chance! DAVID I repeat you are temporarily traumatized by our plan, and as such, we can forgive you on the condition that you promise no harm for us and me. But we must send you to the Devil’s Eye Island, away from us until such a time we believe you are not a threat. The answer you give us is the answer we will judge you with. So, take your time and think this over! DAMON Bloody hell! I can’t see! Give me back my sight and my gun. DAVID As you wish! Another drone quickly flies in, spraying fluids in Damon's face. Damon cleans his face, picks up the gun, and fires a surprise shot. DAVID What the heck! The bullet is deflected by a see-through wall formed by the Holy Ghost drones. Damon flips, somersaults, and fires again, but the drones form a protective wall. The crowd is in shock. DAVID Holy Cow! Damon continues his attempt to shoot, but the Holy Ghost drones effectively block every bullet. David, although initially startled, regains composure. DAVID (CONT'D) Mr. Damon here would rather resort to violence than accept change. His acts today are not accepted and can’t be tolerated. He is not repentant, as such the Holy-Ghost-Drone-Judge will reveal all footage and conversations digitally in minutes and pass judgment, which I hope will be carried out instantly! FADE OUT. INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - DAY The atmosphere is tense as everyone around the world watches in disbelief. DAVID sits down, visibly shaken. A new drone, 'the Judge-Holy Ghost-Drone,' hovers above the scene, equipped with the highest processing memory and speed capabilities. JUDGE-HOLY GHOST-DRONE (Intensely) Intention is to kill, and all his vitals indicate evil. That if not halted will kill. Therefore, we found him guilty of attempted murder and aiming to kill the global leader. So, Damon. Today we found guilty, and the punishment is death by the Holy Ghost. The crowd reacts with a mix of shock and applause. SPECTATOR (Shouting) Drones can’t be judges! CAROLINA notices the haunted look on David’s face. DAVID (Sighs) So close to death on national television. CAROLINA (Concerned) What happened, David? DAVID (Whispering) I don’t know, get Triga on the line and ask him why the other sixteen drones did not shield me? They remained on the second place he flipped to. I thought... CAROLINA (Interrupting) That is what I am asking you. If it wasn’t for that one... The Holy-Ghost-Drone that had blocked the bullet hovers in David’s face. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-LEADER-IS-I (The drone) The others are slow! See, I am fast. The Holy-Ghost-Drone-leader-Is-I! David is frustrated. DAVID Bellowed Triga! Stop playing games! What has just happened? I want you in my office when I get back! TRIGA (The drone) The Holy-Ghost-leader-Is-I. Pick me. I saved you today. DAVID (Angrily) Triga! In my office after this. TRIGA (Defiant) Stop yelling at me! I saved your life today. Only I anticipated that he might go another round. David looks at Carolina, concerned. DAVID Talking to the drone Triga, this is not the time to play games! What happened? TRIGA (Serious) They have been tampering with the software! David's heart pounds with fear when he hears that hackers, possibly Marson’s team, froze the other sixteen Holy Ghost drones. The Holy-Ghost-Drone-Judge hovers in front of David. The team gets up, anxious. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-JUDGE (Decisive) We have found Damon guilty, and he must be assassinated by the Holy-Ghost-Drones today. A countdown starts. Instantly, Damon is surrounded by seventeen Holy Ghost drones. Everyone watches as Damon futilely tries to fight against them. SPECTATOR (Concerned) Are they not going to shoot people as well? The bullets might miss him or pass through his body? Are they going to shoot all at him, all seventeen? DAVID (Mysterious) You ask too many questions. Just watch. Speaking of directive seventeen. A beep startles everyone. ON SCREEN: '60 seconds to go!' Damon breathes hard and curses as the countdown ticks down. Another beep goes off. ON SCREEN: '5 seconds left.' Damon stops fighting. DAMON (Defeated) Okay, I will go to the Devil’s Eye Island! BOGDAN looks at David, touches his chest, and glances at the Holy-Ghost-Drones. They rapidly change positions, mapping the path, and the bullet counter on the screen comes up, still blank. The onlookers scream in disbelief. INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - DAY The room is buzzing with tension as DAVID and TRIGA communicate through microphones. DAVID (Whispering) Triga, what are you doing? I thought you would let only one drone take him out. TRIGA (Excited) Showtime babe! A shock and traumatize tactic first, then we slow it down! DAVID (Protesting) What? I did not agree with that. TRIGA (Defiant) He nearly killed you! Instantly, the Holy-Ghost-Drones start shooting, circling Damon. Each drone flips 180 degrees to block bullets with its back plate, then turns again to fire. The close-range shots create a rapid sequence of through-through bullets, leaving Damon with one hundred bullet holes in seconds. TRIGA (Boasting) In-build silencer, the fastest money can buy. A beep sounds. ON SCREEN: 'One-hundred bullets in 3 seconds from all seventeen Holy-Ghost-Drones.' Women scream, and one of them stands up to confront David. WOMAN (Indignant) You are as evil as them! He had agreed to go to the Devil’s Eye Island. So why didn’t you pardon him? DAVID (Justifying) A clear message of what to expect! I don’t give second chances. Did you see how many times he aimed and fired the gun? We are not taking any chances. No. The theme is not how he died but how swift we are going to be from now on with justice! The Holy-Ghost-Drones can be anything you need, judges, super doctors, super policemen, super bodyguards, super referees, and can be best firemen and best friends as well. We have revolutionized how we run the world. These drones process information faster than a human being. They will never shoot you until the system finds you guilty. WOMAN (Skeptical) We don’t believe you! What if they decide to take the law into their own hands? We saw footage of you talking to the other one calling itself the Holy Ghost Leader-Is-I. If that thing can challenge you, it can just kill someone. DAVID (Explaining) It wasn’t the robot but the software interacting with the maker, a software engineer called Triga. The Holy Ghost Leader-Is-I hovers in front of David. HOLY GHOST LEADER-IS-I (To David) Choose me to be the leader. I saved your life, Youman! DAVID (Explaining) It’s Triga interacting with the software. So, all relax. It follows strict rules and guidance. HOLY GHOST LEADER-IS-I (Confused) Does it mean human or You-man? DAVID (Briefly amused) But behind this is a human being. So, all relax. It follows strict rules and guidance. The Holy-Ghost-Drones playfully urine-donate on a member of the crowd, creating laughter. TRIGA (Playfully) You have been urine-donated on! DAVID (Threatening) Again, I am going to strangle you, Triga! CAROLINA (Concerned) Triga, what are you doing? TRIGA (Reassuring) I just want to let you know that we are prepared for anything, and we will issue the Ultima-Talionis letters to these Holy-Ghost-Drones. The crowd goes berserk. JIMMY (Skeptical) They are not humans to have legal standing to enforce such legal proceedings. I think you are blowing this out of proportion! Instantly, sixteen Holy-Ghost-Drones surround Jimmy, forming a circular bulletproof wall around him. HOLY-GHOST-DRONES (In unison) Threat! Threat! Threat! JIMMY (Confused) Holy Cow! What the hell did I do? I don’t have a gun. Don’t shoot! The seventh Holy-Ghost-Drone hovers above Jimmy. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-7 (Playfully) Dickhead! It’s not a Holy Cow. We are the Holy-Ghost-Drones. Get it! JIMMY (Protesting) See what I am saying? These are just pieces of metal, and the talk of granting an Ultima-Talionis letter to these is just plain stupid! HOLY-GHOST-DRONES (Accusing) Hostile! Angry! Aggressive! A threat! Give him a gun and see if he uses it! One of the drones drops a gun in front of Jimmy. DAVID (Panic-stricken) Triga! Triga! What are you doing? TRIGA (Confident) I don’t want to shoot anyone! See, these are just stupid drones! They can’t understand the difference between a peaceful conversation and threats of death! INT. HIGH-TECH COMMAND CENTER - DAY DAVID stands on the stage, addressing the crowd. The atmosphere is electric. DAVID (Confident) As I was saying, we have already applied to the court to give the next generation of Holy-Ghost-Drones legal status as entities that can stand before the law. The crowd erupts in chaos. AUDIENCE MEMBER (Shouting) Drones with legal status? This is madness! DAVID (Over the noise) Yes, we are working on a project to bring the next generation of super Holy-Ghost-Drones out. The people cheer, intrigued by the promise of advanced technology. DAVID (Continuing) These will not only be as fast as the wind but will be brilliant. The solving of David’s Dilemma is a few steps away. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Excited) It’s me. It’s me. It’s me. You are talking about! Okay, watch this! DAVID exchanges a surprised look with CAROLINA. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Playfully) Threat! Danger! The seventeen Holy-Ghost-Drone startles JIMMY, who instinctively picks up a gun. DAVID (Urgently) No! No! Jimmy aims and fires at one of the drones, which flips to block the bullet with its bulletproof panel. JIMMY (Defiant) Come on, motherfuckers! HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 hovers above Jimmy, charging him with an attempt to destroy Tomorrow’s World Order's property. JIMMY (Protesting) Screw you! You are trying to set me up! Maybe I'll blow your head off too! A bullet sound echoes, and HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 flips backward to block the bullet, initiating an attempted murder case against Jimmy. HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Officially) Jimmy! You stupid! Youman! Trying to kill the Holy-Ghost-Leader-Is-I, I am a certified legal entity; therefore, attempted murder. The punishment is... Barcodes flash on the vertical panels of the other sixteen drones, displaying a guilty verdict and a shocking punishment. JIMMY (Astonished) Death? HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Determined) Trying to kill a peaceful legal entity... David intervenes, shouting to abort the execution. DAVID (Angry) Abort! But the sixteen Holy-Ghost-Drones ignore the command and fire nonstop. DAVID (Desperate) Oh My God! The crowd watches in horror as the drones unleash a barrage of bullets at Jimmy. Some spectators cover their eyes. DAVID (Furious) Triga, what the hell is going on? CAROLINA (Demanding) Triga, answer the boss now! A beep sound startles everyone. The screen displays the shocking result. ON SCREEN: '94 bullets in 3 seconds!' HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Defiant) He is alive! I aborted just as Youman had ordered! See, I am a legal entity! Speak! Stupid Youman. So, they know you are alive! Jimmy stands there, shaking. One of the sixteen drones sprays liquid on his face. JIMMY (Shocked) Oh My God! HOLY-GHOST-DRONE-17 (Reassuring) See, he is alive! The Holy-Ghost-Drone-17 sprays liquid on Jimmy again and throws a towel at him. As Jimmy lifts the towel to wipe his face, the drone hovers down and pulls Jimmy's pants down. JIMMY (Embarrassed) No! The crowd bursts into laughter as Jimmy struggles to pull up his pants. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY A huge CROWD protests outside the Tomorrow's World Order headquarters. Eggs hit the windows as the crowd expresses their dissatisfaction. NORAH (Confused) What is all this nonsense? DAVID (Gazing outside) Let's see what's going on. They all open windows, but quickly close them as raw eggs hit the glass. The team decides to go outside and address the crowd. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - CONTINUOUS David, Norah, Bogdan, Triga, and Holy-Ghost-Drone-17 step outside to confront the angry crowd. BOGDAN (Taking center stage) Your money’s no good as well. At least have the decency of telling us! CROWD MEMBER (Shouting) You've ruined everything! We trusted you! DAVID (Calmly) Let me address your concerns. The crowd murmurs as David steps forward, attempting to speak over the noise. DAVID (Continuing) I understand your frustration, and I take full responsibility for any hardships you might be facing. The transition to our digital currencies was a necessary step to ensure global economic stability. CROWD MEMBER (Shouting) Stability? We've lost everything! DAVID (Attempting to reassure) I know it's challenging, but change is never easy. We're working on solutions to minimize the impact on your lives. BOGDAN (To the crowd) This is a journey for all of us. We must adapt to a new era, and together we can build a better future. The crowd remains hostile, throwing insults and expressing their discontent. DAVID (To Bogdan) We need to find a way to ease their concerns, Bogdan. BOGDAN (Nodding) We'll organize town hall meetings, answer questions, and address their fears. DAVID (Assuring) We'll make it through this transition together. We appreciate your patience and understanding. As David continues to address the crowd, the team realizes the challenges ahead in winning the trust of the people. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY David, Carolina, Bogdan, and the team gather in the living room, watching the news coverage of the diplomatic assassination. TV ANCHOR "A diplomatic man was assassinated in broad daylight today. Inside information reveals a new deadly drone-gun has been launched into orbit, shooting targets underneath." CAROLINA (Concerned) Where are the Fatladies? We need our best protection back. DAVID (Pointing to the screen) Things have changed. I can't risk being ambushed. I'll recall them immediately. Carolina looks frustrated but nods in agreement. DAVID (To Bogdan) Recall the Fatladies and have them stationed here. We can't afford to be vulnerable. BOGDAN Understood. MILES AWAY - MARSON'S HIDEOUT Marson roars with rage after learning about the assassination and the Ultima-Talionis letters issued against his diplomats. MARSON (To Frederick) No! That should not have happened, especially after I warned you. FREDERICK (Analyzing the video) He had sunglasses on. He might have felt rain and removed them to check. Or he heard something in the air. Wait a minute! Frederick studies the video closely, rotating the standing man 360 degrees. FREDERICK (Muttering) He looked but saw nothing. Possibly heard noises that caused him to flip and look the other way before the bullets started. Frederick continues to analyze the video, searching for any clues about the mysterious drone-gun. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - LATER The team awaits the return of the Fatladies. David paces nervously. DAVID (To Bogdan) We need to be prepared for anything. The threat is real, and we can't underestimate Marson's capabilities. BOGDAN I've deployed the Fatladies. They'll be back soon. CAROLINA (Concerned) We can't afford any more surprises. We need to stay one step ahead. DAVID (Nodding) Agreed. We'll increase security measures and be vigilant. Marson won't catch us off guard again. As tension fills the room, the team braces for the challenges ahead. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David paces nervously as the team, including Bogdan and Carolina, gather in a dimly lit conference room. Tension hangs in the air. DAVID (On the phone) What's taking them too long? They should have taken the other one down. BOGDAN (Serious) We've encountered unexpected resistance. They're well-prepared. CAROLINA (Concerned) Starting another war front? DAVID (Time is of the essence) We're running out of time. We must delay them from getting a majority. Buy time if you know what I mean. They're one seat away. CAROLINA (Skeptical) The end of the days? So, killing the diplomats is a decoy? DAVID (Explaining) No, you don't get it. One of them is a current member of the Devil's Eyes. I was hoping that whoever they protect the most is the one we're after. Seemed they've placed blanket protection on all. CAROLINA (Concerned and scared) So, you kill all? I'm afraid they will retaliate. DAVID (Resolute) What choice do I have? If we wait, we'll never have a chance. I have tough choices to make. Let everyone down or break a few rules to save all? It's a tough call, and don't think I haven't had sleepless nights over this. CAROLINA (Torn) There must be a way, David. We're becoming like them now. DAVID (Listening) Listen to me, Caro. We don't have an option. I must make a choice. Whatever I don't do, there's a huge price to pay for all the people. You must know that. What we don't do, they're simply going to do that or even worse. It's a tough call, but I must act and act fast. It's a kill or be killed. It's a do or die. Carolina looks haunted and scared, but David continues to explain. DAVID (CONT'D) I swear I would prefer it easy and target the right one. But you tell me who the right one is? You think if it was that easy, this cult could have existed this long? CAROLINA (Worried) But... DAVID (Frustrated) Damn it, Caro! Believe me when I say there's too much secrecy. I don't even know who our target is. We must delay them, or it's our end. You tell me what to do? Do you think that if they were that easy to identify, they would have lasted two thousand years? Carolina pleads with David, expressing her fears. They share a hug as the weight of the decision hangs heavily on them. CAROLINA (Worried) Maybe you should wait until we have another conference meeting and discuss this. DAVID (Knowing the urgency) I know what they're like. Mark died in my hands. I'm just saying they might send ten times the number of diplomats you're going to hunt down. It's because I'm afraid, David. DAVID (Grateful) I believe you. I was scared as well before I realized that an attack can be our way out of all this. CAROLINA (Seeking understanding) So, the Ultima-Talionis letters, are they a decoy? DAVID (Revealing a plan) If they know we have new targets, they might unleash hell. I hope they won't find out until it's too late. The room remains filled with tension as David, Carolina, and the team grapple with the difficult decisions that lie ahead. CUT TO BLACK. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The emergency call sends shockwaves through the command center. David and Carolina spring into action. DAVID (With urgency) Excuse me, they already know! David looks at Carolina, who answers an emergency call from Wilson. CAROLINA (On the phone) We have been unmasked and are under heavy attack, requests to retreat, Sir. Over! David takes control. DAVID (On the phone) Did you take the target out? WILSON (V.O.) (Over the radio) No! Heavily protected! David curses and turns to Carolina. DAVID (CONT'D) Call Triga to get the coordinates. Send the Holy-Ghost-Drones. Now! Carolina runs out and heads to the lab. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER LAB - NIGHT Carolina rushes into the lab where Triga is working. CAROLINA (With urgency) Triga, we need the coordinates now! TRIGA (Quickly working on the console) I'm on it! CUT TO: EXT. CITY - NIGHT Frederick analyzes the situation. He superimposes the cardinal coordinates and counts the shots and their directions. FREDERICK (Reporting) Head, heart, brain, chest, neck, and back. Six shots. North going clockwise. We are against six deadly assassins. The north one is the head, the leader. MARSON (V.O.) (Serious) Target that one first! FREDERICK (Sends commands) Send the diplomatic guards now! CUT TO: EXT. CITY - NIGHT Mr. Lesksky trembles in his limousine as the hidden earphone delivers instructions. LETSKY (Nervously) You have nothing to worry about. Just do as I say. Lesksky exits the limousine and follows the instructions, walking as directed. Sobia radios Wilson. SOBIA (Concerned) Doesn't look right. Possibly an ambush. He reacted like it's being staged. Call for a retreat. I think it's a bait! WILSON (V.O.) (Urgent) You are breaking up, repeat that? SOBIA (Advising) Once in position, take him down. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - NIGHT Frederick quickly superimposes Mr. Lesksky’s position and checks the coordinates, then radios someone. A vehicle screeches, and six armed men surround Mr. Lesksky. WILSON (V.O.) (Frustrated) Damn it! We have been unmasked. Remain in positions. Wilson radios his team. SOBIA (Analyzing) They must have counted the number of shots. We are two above them. Which one to take out first? Sobia aims her rifle, her finger on the trigger, while the men protecting Lesksky take defensive positions. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER LAB - NIGHT Frederick, in the lab, locates the sniper’s coordinates. A beep sound startles one of the men, who discreetly checks the coordinates and recalibrates his rifle before firing. WILSON (V.O.) (Concerned) Jaden, do you read? Someone check on Jaden now. Sobia rushes to check on Jaden, finding him lying down in a pool of blood. SOBIA (Devastated) Man down. Jaden's dead. Wilson gives new orders. WILSON (V.O.) (Grim) The guards are blocking the target. Wilson communicates with Sobia. WILSON (CONT'D) ( Urgent) Sobia, do you read? Target protected. Your view is clear. Take out the target now! Sobia looks through the gun’s binoculars, but the guards protecting Lesksky retreat and cover him even more. Bullets spread across their locations, and they retaliate against the guards. WILSON (CONT'D) (Desperate) Sobia, target's escaping. Take him down! Sobia aims her rifle, the target in her sight, as chaos unfolds in the city. INT. DAVID'S MANSION - NIGHT David receives the news about Jaden's missing body, and he roars in frustration. DAVID (Enraged) Goddamn it. Go back and get Jaden’s body! The SUVs come to an abrupt stop, making a U-turn in the middle of the road. Wilson, in the lead, looks at his men. WILSON (On the phone) Body missing, boss! Wilson feels a chill down his spine, realizing the precision of the attack. WILSON (CONT'D) (To his men) They must have used the satellite to pinpoint Jaden’s exact coordinates. This setting was our strength. They ponder the loss of Jaden. EXT. DAVID'S MANSION - DAY Days later, Keaton knocks on David’s door, Wilson inside. They exchange glances. KEATON (Condolences) Sorry for your loss. Keaton hands over a list. WILSON (Annoyed) Why is it not on the news? KEATON (Matter-of-factly) I can’t think for the man. It’s a damage control thing. Imagine him calling us terrorists and suffering such huge losses that could send a signal that they are losing. Wilson and David consider the information. DAVID (Frustrated) Damage control, huh? KEATON (Suggesting) We can split up into groups. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY Marson pushes open the President's office doors. MARSON (Commanding) I suggest you declare it a national security thing so I can send my team lawfully. The President looks at him, thoughtful. PRESIDENT REX (Cautious) There hasn’t been any major incident to warrant such measures. MARSON (Agitated) What about the assassinations of your own families and the other leaders? PRESIDENT REX (Explaining) The EB is still investigating, as well as the courts. Acting now would be risky. If we do nothing, it’s guilt for killing more innocents. The EB recommended waiting until they have completed their investigations. Marson shakes with rage. MARSON (Frustrated) I have all these men, yet I can’t use them? President Rex sits down, prompting Marson to walk to the window, looking outside. CUT TO: EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY Keaton and Wilson continue their conversation. KEATON (Focused) The four are not members. But I am sure that out of the ten is the problem. The issue is knowing who? WILSON (Serious) We can split up into groups. They strategize for the challenges ahead, aware that the true enemy within must be revealed. INT. SUV - DAY Evelina speeds through the chaotic traffic, her heart pounding. She contemplates the danger surrounding her. EVELINA (Desperation) Why me? What did I do to deserve this? DAVID (Over the phone) That’s why you need our protection. Evelina looks at Keaton, annoyed. KEATON (Sarcastic) Here we go again. Another Javelina. CAROLINA (Inquisitive) You are free to go, but many lives depend on what happens to you. So, stay with us until we have more information. EVELINA (Defiant) You just want to use me as a bargaining tool. Are they threatening to kill you too? Keaton looks at David. DAVID (Decisive) Keaton, keep an eye on her. Keaton leaves his gun on the table, pours some milk, and Evelina eyes the gun, making a swift move for it. EVELINA (Warning) Don’t follow me! She runs out, and Keaton curses, immediately calling David. KEATON (Serious) She got away! DAVID (Calm) Maybe let her go. KEATON (Outraged) Goddamn it, David! What do you mean, let her go? I knew it! DAVID (Resolute) I can’t go through that again. KEATON (Sincere) So, you let them kill her? You have a chance to redeem yourself, to correct a wrong. A second chance. Trust me. You will feel better if you save her. DAVID (Thoughtful) So much at stake. Whomever they target, they will not stop until he or she is dead. KEATON (Determined) So, let’s make it our business to save her. One chance is all it takes. DAVID (Cautious) There are so many people after her. KEATON (Encouraging) At least let’s try. If it were me, would you simply give up? Evelina drives the SUV recklessly, navigating through the chaos of the city. EXT. MULTILANE HIGHWAY - DAY As Evelina speeds ahead, a man drunkenly walks in her path. She slams the brakes, narrowly avoiding a collision. EVELINA (Cursing) Damn it! Remembering the photos in Stacey’s SUV, she contemplates a way to stop the madness. Suddenly, a police car appears in front of her. An officer steps into the road, checking cars. EVELINA (Panicking) No, not now. She hides the gun, revs the SUV, and speeds past the traffic cop. The officer radios headquarters about a possible sighting of Evelina. INT. SUV - DAY David turns on the mini television, tuning in to the news channel. TV ANCHOR (Reporting) A chase is underway as a suspected secret service personnel killer has been identified. The hospital has sent ambulances, expecting accidents and casualties. DAVID (Alert) Ambulances in front, not cops? CAROLINA (Curious) What does that mean? DAVID (Analogizing) Ever been to horse racing? Ever seen the ambulances running beside the horses? CAROLINA (Connecting the dots) Probably. Not sure. But what does this have to do with the chase? David shares a knowing look with Carolina as they grasp the implications of the ambulances' presence in the pursuit. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Evelina continues her desperate escape, unaware of the unfolding plans that may decide her fate. INT. SUV - DAY Evelina anxiously navigates through the city streets, aware of the impending threat from the ambulances chasing her. DAVID (Concerned) I want Triga to get into the immobilizer system of that SUV and make sure that no one hacks it. I want that woman alive. CAROLINA (Smiling) That’s the David I know. Evelina recalls Alex's story about electromagnetic nerve stimulation and the dangers it poses. Her heart pounds, and she instinctively slows down. DAVID (Worried) What is she doing? CAROLINA (On edge) It seems she has decided to give up as she has started slowing down. The news report on the television reflects Evelina's apparent surrender. TV ANCHOR (Reporting) It seems she has decided to give up as she has started slowing down. DAVID (Outraged) Damn it! This time they will kill her. Phone her now! Bogdan dials Evelina's number. The call startles her into action, and she accelerates again, creating distance from the pursuing ambulances. INT. AMBULANCE - DAY Inside the ambulance, the staff prepares to manipulate the SUV's immobilizer system remotely. AMBULANCE DRIVER 1 (To companion) Let’s push her first! They knock out the window and initiate the electromagnetic control of the SUV. SUV MESSAGE (On screen) Immobilizer activated. Evelina panics, fearing they may tamper with the electronics. She checks the rear-view mirror and realizes they pose a serious threat. TRIGA (over the phone) I can’t get into the immobilizer system of Evelina’s SUV, but I've hacked the ambulances' immobilizer systems. CAROLINA (Calm) Go ahead. David is furious, demanding they focus on tracking Evelina's SUV. TRIGA (over the phone) Trust him; he knows what he is doing. CAROLINA (Determined) Remove the threat. Faster. DAVID (Fuming) Why the ambulances? I said track the SUV with Evelina. CAROLINA (Cool) Trust him; he knows what he is doing. They watch the news on the television as the ambulances close in on Evelina's SUV. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY The two ambulance drivers plot to bump Evelina's SUV. Evelina senses the danger and accelerates to avoid collision. DAVID (Agitated) Why is it taking so long? Damn it! Take them down! Evelina strategically speeds up, anticipating a collision. The ambulance drivers radio each other, and the trailing ambulance drops back. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - CONTINUOUS The lead ambulance's engine dies, causing a sudden deceleration. An enormous explosion ensues, sending shockwaves through the area. DAVID (Breathing heavily) Better they had already called the fire brigade! Silence falls, and the SUV's engine roars. TV ANCHOR (In shock) Oh my God! The news reporter reacts to the unexpected explosion, leaving everyone stunned. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evelina's SUV skids to a stop near the park's statue. The distant echoes of sirens fade as she steps out, checking her gun. EVELINA (Emotional) Why me? She fires shots at the statue, exposing chalk-stone underneath. Jamie, not far away, hears the shots and rushes to the scene. JAMIE (Over radio) Wait for backup, your men are on the way! Jamie, driving fast, arrives at the park, sending dust into the air. He cautiously approaches, armed and ready. JAMIE (Shouting) Drop your gun! I just want to talk! Evelina fires another shot, narrowly missing Jamie. He takes cover behind a statue. JAMIE (CONT'D) (Broadcasting) I need backup! While on the radio, Jamie continues negotiating. JAMIE (CONT'D) Bloody coward! You want me. Right? Come and get me. Evelina challenges him, her emotions heightened. EVELINA (Bitter) You want me dead! I know it! Jamie attempts to calm the situation. JAMIE (Cautious) It’s all going to be all right. Put that down so we can talk. Evelina hesitates, then lowers her gun. EVELINA (Nervous) Before who comes? JAMIE (Negotiating) They are coming. Let me talk to you first before they arrive. Evelina, fearing for her life, sobs, pouring out her innocence. EVELINA (In tears) I'm innocent! They tried to kill me on my birthday. I never killed anyone. JAMIE (Skeptical) My men are dead. You must come with me while I find out what happened. Evelina's grief turns to anger. EVELINA (Defiant) That bastard Alex killed your men! JAMIE (Accusing) Who killed your men then? Tell me the truth! Evelina, enraged, raises her gun, ready to confront Jamie. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evelina, holding the gun, faces Keaton. EVELINA Alex was a good man! You piss of dung! JAMIE (Haunting) He tricked you that he was dead. Love to die for. Evelina is shaken, holding the gun, trying to process the revelation about Alex. The sound of revving SUVs startles them. KEATON approaches. Jamie tries to pull his gun but jerks backward, blood shooting out of his chest. Evelina turns to see Keaton. EVELINA (Shouting) Stop there or I will shoot you! KEATON pleads for a conversation. KEATON Look! I put mine away. I want to talk! EVELINA accuses Keaton of being part of the conspiracy, pointing the gun at him. EVELINA Are you one of them? My death will save your men? Keaton doesn't answer. Evelina fires the gun, narrowly missing Keaton, causing damage to a nearby statue. KEATON (Shouting) I want you alive! Evelina, sobbing, questions her fate at such a young age. EVELINA I'm only eighteen! Facing death already? She cries, shaking, holding the gun. KEATON tries to reassure her. KEATON Come with me. Everything will be okay! Evelina fires again, knocking off another statue's arm. EVELINA No, you want me dead. I know now! They hear someone in the bushes. EVELINA (Shouting) Who is there? Come out! A man, revealed to be the PRESIDENT, steps forward. EVELINA (Confused) Mr. President. What are you doing here? PRESIDENT (Convincing) Put that away, young lady. You'll be safe with me. Evelina sees blood on a statue and fears creep into the President's face. He discovers Jamie's body and accuses Evelina. PRESIDENT (Angry) You killed Jamie! Why? EVELINA Defends herself. EVELINA It wasn't me! It was him! She points to where Keaton was hiding. EVELINA (CONT'D) I swear it wasn't me, Mr. President! It was him! Don't look there; he'll shoot you, just like he did to Jamie! Tension rises as the President faces a dilemma. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evelina, holding the gun, faces Keaton. EVELINA Alex was a good man! You piss of dung! JAMIE (Haunting) He tricked you that he was dead. Love to die for. Evelina is shaken, holding the gun, trying to process the revelation about Alex. The sound of revving SUVs startles them. KEATON approaches. Jamie tries to pull his gun but jerks backward, blood shooting out of his chest. Evelina turns to see Keaton. EVELINA (Shouting) Stop there or I will shoot you! KEATON pleads for a conversation. KEATON Look! I put mine away. I want to talk! EVELINA accuses Keaton of being part of the conspiracy, pointing the gun at him. EVELINA Are you one of them? My death will save your men? Keaton doesn't answer. Evelina fires the gun, narrowly missing Keaton, causing damage to a nearby statue. KEATON (Shouting) I want you alive! Evelina, sobbing, questions her fate at such a young age. EVELINA I'm only eighteen! Facing death already? She cries, shaking, holding the gun. KEATON tries to reassure her. KEATON Come with me. Everything will be okay! Evelina fires again, knocking off another statue's arm. EVELINA No, you want me dead. I know now! They hear someone in the bushes. EVELINA (Shouting) Who is there? Come out! A man, revealed to be the PRESIDENT, steps forward. EVELINA (Confused) Mr. President. What are you doing here? PRESIDENT (Convincing) Put that away, young lady. You'll be safe with me. Evelina sees blood on a statue and fears creep into the President's face. He discovers Jamie's body and accuses Evelina. PRESIDENT (Angry) You killed Jamie! Why? EVELINA Defends herself. EVELINA It wasn't me! It was him! She points to where Keaton was hiding. EVELINA (CONT'D) I swear it wasn't me, Mr. President! It was him! Don't look there; he'll shoot you, just like he did to Jamie! Tension rises as the President faces a dilemma. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evelina faces the President, defending herself. EVELINA It wasn't me! Damn it! PRESIDENT (With authority) Young lady, do you know whom you are talking to? EVELINA I don't care! I told you it wasn't me. It was him! She fires the gun where Keaton was hiding. EVELINA (CONT'D) Come out right now before I shoot you! The President denies Keaton's presence. PRESIDENT Don't play games with me. There is no one there. Evelina checks nervously, staggering with the gun aimed, frequently looking at the President. EVELINA I swear he was... unless... Wiping tears off her face, she curses. EVELINA (CONT'D) He set me up! I swear you must believe me! She starts sobbing, pleading for understanding. EVELINA (CONT'D) You are asking too much. Trust you? When you have a gun pointed at me? Evelina feels disoriented, her head heavy, and closes her eyes briefly. EVELINA (CONT'D) Okay, I am a big girl. She struggles to focus, seeing the President talking but unable to hear his words. EVELINA (CONT'D) Drop the bloody gun before I blow your brains out! I am not bluffing. I will bloody kill you. A tear trickles down her eye. She squints at the President with determination. EVELINA (CONT'D) I am the President, behave yourself. EVELINA (Bitterly) You bloody bastard! The President grows angry, tightening his grip on the trigger. PRESIDENT Bastard! You are trying to get me killed. You think I don't know that? He warns her about the consequences of threatening a President. EVELINA I don't care; they will kill me anyway. But you will be dead too. PRESIDENT If you kill a President, they will never forgive you. EVELINA I don't care; I am dead meat anyway. But why me? What makes your nephew more important than me? The President denies knowledge. EVELINA (CONT'D) Shut up! I swear if you keep lying, I will bloody shoot you. I know they are killing innocent girls for rituals. PRESIDENT No one will believe all that. EVELINA The night they anointed your nephew, they killed another girl. I was lucky. This girl is also called Evelina. So, are you here to finish the job yourself and get the right key? Be honest? The President sweats nervously, realizing Evelina is reaching her breaking point. PRESIDENT I came here to clear your name. Evelina fires a warning shot. The President responds quickly. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) Stop lying to me. I am going to shoot you. EVELINA No, you are not. You just want your life back; otherwise, you could have shot me already. So, I am the only person who can clear your name. PRESIDENT (Defensive) You are trying to kill me as well. EVELINA (Sarcastically) I am still holding my gun, and I haven't fired at all. Tension rises as Evelina confronts the President. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evelina confronts the President, demanding her innocence. SHE STOPPED CRYING. EVELINA I want my name cleared. I didn't kill anyone. It's all a setup. I want to move on with my life. The President laughs dismissively. PRESIDENT It doesn't work that way. Everywhere you go, you leave my men dead. Another one lying there dead. EVELINA I bloody told you that it wasn't me! PRESIDENT (Attempting reason) Okay! Put the gun down so that I can trust you. Evelina squints at him skeptically. EVELINA Maybe I should ask you the same thing. The President, feeling uneasy, scans his surroundings. PRESIDENT (Anxiously) If I put the gun away, you will let me walk away? EVELINA Yes. PRESIDENT I just want my life back. I swear to God I did not shoot anyone. The President, frightened, notices a branch moving unnaturally. PRESIDENT (CONT'D) (Quickly) Not so fast! Keaton roars, stepping out of the bushes, gun in hand. KEATON We know now that you are killing innocent girls for nothing. Pretending they are needed for rituals but actually stealing their shares and powers. The President's dream begins to crumble. EVELINA (Smiling) I told you it wasn't me! The President, realizing the tables have turned, walks off. PRESIDENT (Defiantly) Stop! I am not bluffing! KEATON (Accusingly) I know you want Evelina dead so that she can open the door to wealth for Karl, your nephew! The President's rage erupts. He fires two shots before fleeing. Evelina and Keaton lie lifeless on the circular statue. Evelina regains consciousness. EVELINA Please don't die. Help, somebody! Help me! She discovers Keaton is still alive, but wounded. EVELINA (CONT'D) Don't die. Now, only you can clear my name. Don't die. Anyone? Please! She tries to stop the bleeding, cursed with flashbacks of the President's attack. EVELINA (CONT'D) Help! Anyone, help, please! She struggles to lift Keaton and pleads for assistance. REVVING ENGINE and SCREECHING TIRES. The SUV drives off. Evelina recognizes the driver - Karl. EVELINA (CONT'D) Don't die. She cries as she lifts Keaton, struggling to carry him to the SUV. A voice startles her. VOICE Drop him now! Evelina defiantly faces the newcomer. EVELINA I can't. He must not die. Shoot me if you must. She loads Keaton into the SUV. Karl surveys the scene. KARL (Accusingly) You killed another Secret Service personnel? FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ABANDONED INDUSTRIAL SITE - NIGHT The scene is tense as Karl confronts Evelina near an SUV. Shots echo through the air, and Wilson, another agent, intervenes. Jamie's lifeless body lies in the SUV's passenger seat. EVELINA (voice trembling) Oh my God! (She screams) I bloody told your uncle it was not me! (She points at Keaton) KARL So why are you helping him? (He questions) Evelina's eyes well up with tears, but her resolve is strong. EVELINA The only person to clear my name. Karl fires shots at the SUV. Evelina screams, looking at Keaton, who takes his last breath. KARL I ask you again why you killed the head of the secret servicemen. Move away from the SUV now! (He shouts, walking towards her) Evelina sobs, but her demeanor changes when she reaches behind Keaton's back. WILSON Drop it! (Shouted, coming from behind a statue) KARL Stay out of this! WILSON She is mine! Karl and Wilson exchange heated words. KARL And mine alone. If I don't put a bullet in her head, all my men will die. Evelina stops sobbing, revealing a hidden determination. KARL I want her alive, not dead. It's government business. She killed the head of the secret services! Wilson's heart pounds as he realizes the gravity of the situation. WILSON Who is it? Evelina? Evelina, with a mix of fear and determination, reaches for Keaton's backup gun. EVELINA You better tell me who is dead in that SUV! (Shouted, tears streaming down her face) Wilson, enraged, aims at Karl. WILSON Damn it! It's national security. Walk away now! (Shouted) Karl, now aiming at Evelina, demands an answer. EVELINA It's the President's body! (Shouted) KARL What? President's body. What is he doing here? Evelina shifts her aim to Wilson, revealing the shocking truth. EVELINA You don't bloody believe me? Check now! Wilson, torn between loyalty and doubt, moves towards the SUV. EVELINA It was not me. You got to believe me! Wilson discovers the truth, and Karl revels in the deception. KARL Stupid bastard! It's your man dead in the SUV! Wilson confronts Evelina. EVELINA You don't bloody believe me? Ask yourself why she would lie? Wilson, torn apart, faces Evelina and Karl as their lives collide in a web of deception and betrayal. FADE OUT. INT. ABANDONED CHAPEL - NIGHT Tense silence fills the dimly lit chapel as Wilson holds a gun on Karl and Evelina, who is desperately trying to explain the chaos that unfolded. EVELINA The President shot him. He saved my life. He took the bullet that was meant for me. The President tried to kill us all. He saved me. KARL (sarcastic) Who believes this lying woman? She first said it was the President. It turned out she is lying. Why would the most important man in the world be here and not in his office? Evelina, with tears streaming down her face, points at the bullet-ridden body of Keaton. EVELINA Keaton was still alive despite taking two bullets. The President’s nephew here finished him off. Look at the bullet holes fired from roughly where he is standing. KARL (angry) She is lying yet again. If you want to live. Then walk away. This is now a national security issue. He was dead when I came here. Evelina counters Karl's accusations, her emotions pouring out. EVELINA If he was dead, why would I try to take him to the hospital? That’s my SUV. His SUV is parked over there. Why would I not run him over? Look at my clothes, all this blood is his when I carried him. Karl continues his attempt to manipulate the situation. KARL Listen, he came here to kill her. Why would she save him as well? Think about that. WILSON (confused) Shut up! KARL Would you take someone who is trying to kill you to the hospital? Listen to me; she is going to kill you. She is trying to kill all of us. Evelina, overwhelmed, starts sobbing. WILSON But why would you take him to the hospital when he is trying to kill you? KARL Getting rid of evidence! Killing men from both sides can only get all to attack her. She was looking for somewhere to dump his body. Full stop! Wilson, torn between conflicting stories, roars in frustration. WILSON You bloody shut up! Let me decide for myself! Evelina tries to defend herself, explaining her innocence and the elaborate set-up against her. EVELINA I was going to take him to the hospital because I am innocent. They are setting me up from day one. Keaton is the only man who could have cleared my name because he shot that man laying down there. Karl interrupts, trying to cast doubt on her words. KARL (evil grin) He was my witness. Alex, my boyfriend, was my witness, but they set him up too. EVELINA (tearfully) This evil man killed another woman with the same name as me. Whatever they are trying to do did not work, so now they are looking for me to kill me! The tension escalates as Wilson questions the motives behind the conflicting accounts. WILSON She tried to kill me. KARL She tried to kill me... Evelina pleads with Wilson, trying to make him see the truth. EVELINA (confused and desperate) But why would she kill the President? Wilson, facing a dilemma, turns his attention to Karl, demanding answers. WILSON Why would she kill the President? Is he involved in all this? Answer me, damn it! Are you the President’s nephew? KARL (stammering) No, I am not. Without hesitation, Wilson fires a shot at Karl, leaving him wounded and gasping for breath. A MYSTERIOUS MAN, dressed in a suit, calmly walks into the chapel and climbs onto an altar statue. MYSTERIOUS MAN Drop your guns right now! The three individuals hesitate, unsure of the newcomer's intentions. He fires a warning shot, narrowly missing Evelina's neck. MYSTERIOUS MAN That’s just a warning shot. They want you dead or alive. So, drop it now. Evelina drops her gun, feeling weak and staggered. Wilson follows suit, and the mysterious man addresses them with authority. MYSTERIOUS MAN Yet more deaths? WILSON Who are you? MYSTERIOUS MAN Secret service personnel. Don’t tell me the President’s nephew? WILSON Not related to anyone. Wish I was but I am not. I want you to cooperate with me. You cooperate, you will live. Lie on the ground. I will take the woman to the car. It's national security, and you must not be involved. The mysterious man signals Evelina with the gun, but abruptly stops and aims it at Wilson. The chapel remains shrouded in uncertainty as the situation takes a sudden turn. FADE OUT. INT. PARK - NIGHT The tension reaches its peak as Karl holds Evelina hostage with a gun to her head. KARL (ominously) Drop it or I will blow her head off! Wilson, trapped and outnumbered, reluctantly drops his gun. Evelina seizes the opportunity, biting Karl's hand, elbowing him, and escaping. Bullets pierce Karl's body, blood sputtering everywhere. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - NIGHT Gunshots echo as Karl's men arrive, engaging in a fierce battle with Wilson's team. Evelina races towards the SUV. WILSON (waiting for her) Wait. Damn it! I will go with you. Evelina, determined, refuses. EVELINA No, you will not! Your men need you. She escapes, jumping into the SUV, which speeds away, leaving a cloud of dust. CUT TO: EXT. MAIN ROAD - NIGHT David and Bogdan hear the gunfire and decide to investigate. They stealthily advance, ambushing two of Karl's unsuspecting men. DAVID (contacting Keaton) Not replying. BOGDAN (to Wilson) Retreat! A convoy is coming back to the mansion. Wilson and his men retreat to the SUVs. David and Bogdan return, only to find that Carolina's SUV has vanished. They decide to pursue. DAVID (jumping into Bogdan's SUV) Let's go after them. CUT TO: EXT. PARK ENTRANCE - NIGHT A convoy of SUVs and military vehicles enters the park, surrounding the area. Marson, Karl's superior, arrives and finds chaos. MARSON (to himself) Where is everyone? His men inform him of the situation. Marson rushes to the altar statue, discovering Karl's lifeless body, the President's nephew. MARSON (angry) Damn it! He was not supposed to be here? Where were his men? He checks Jamie's body, cursing. The realization of Evelina's threat sinks in. MARSON (roaring) This woman is a real threat than I thought. He instructs his men to find them and deal with the situation. The SUVs speed off in pursuit. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson, somber and apologetic, interrupts the President's grief. MARSON “I am sorry, sir.” PRESIDENT (teary-eyed) We all underestimated this woman. Rest assured, I will personally deal with this. The President sobs uncontrollably. PRESIDENT I told him to wait for his men. I guess he wanted this as much as I. MARSON (resolute) You listen to me. You will kill that woman and make sure my nephew is part of this, even if he is dead. His share can remain in the family. I understand it’s still possible. Marson nods, acknowledging the President's ruthless directive. CUT TO: EXT. MAIN ROAD - NIGHT The chase intensifies as David and Bogdan pursue Evelina's SUV, leaving a trail of uncertainty and vengeance in their wake. FADE OUT. INT. EVELINA'S SUV - NIGHT Evelina's hands tremble as she steers through the dark, sobbing uncontrollably. The weight of Keaton's death and the dangerous game she finds herself in becomes overwhelming. PRESIDENT (on the phone) How many more men must we lose for you to take this seriously? His eyes are red with grief and rage. He punches the table in frustration. PRESIDENT I want this resolved as soon as possible. Have you heard me? Marson, the secret service agent, nods, trying to contain the President's wrath. MARSON I will personally see to it that the job is done. PRESIDENT (angry) Damn it! You have been saying that for the past weeks. Look what happened now. It cost me my precious nephew. What seems to be the problem? He storms to the window, turning back with tears and mucus running down his face. PRESIDENT My nephew must not die in vain here. MARSON Loud and clear. Marson turns to leave, but the President issues a final warning. PRESIDENT If you fail this time, it will cost you dearly. I have people who can do the job better. Marson looks back before walking out. The President, overcome with grief, stays silent. CUT TO: INT. EVELINA'S SUV - NIGHT Evelina steps on the gas, tears streaming down her face. The realization of the magnitude of her predicament sinks in. EVELINA (whispering to herself) None of these were more serious than the fact that the President...the most powerful man in the world, had committed a crime. She envisions the repercussions – the President distancing himself, secret services burying the truth, and the danger that David poses. Her fears intensify. EVELINA (panicking) Danger was real. The stakes were high now, and the odds against her. She pulls out a gun, contemplating her options. EVELINA (voice shaky) Would David keep quiet or send his men after her too to avenge Keaton’s death? Her thoughts spiral into despair. She opens the door, kneels, and pees behind the SUV, a momentary escape from the harsh reality. EVELINA (fearful) Danger was real, and the stakes were high. She wipes her tears, staring at Keaton's lifeless body beside her. Doubt creeps in as she contemplates making a call. EVELINA (whispering to herself) What if Wilson is also dead? Will they believe me? Fear and uncertainty grip her. She steps back into the car and drives off, caught between the past and an uncertain future. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S SUV - NIGHT Carolina's SUV phone rings, and she answers, expecting news from David. DAVID (on the phone) Did you find her? CAROLINA Not yet, but she must be somewhere not far away from where I am. DAVID Keaton is dead. She has Keaton’s body. Wilson just called me. Carolina abruptly halts the SUV by the roadside, processing the devastating news. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT David and Carolina, gripped by the shocking revelation, engage in a tense conversation. CAROLINA (whispering) Oh my God. Did she kill him? Silence hangs in the room. Carolina can't fathom the possibility. The weight of the news sinks in. CAROLINA (voice trembling) The hearsay, is it true? DAVID Hearsay has it. The President and his nephew finished him off. CAROLINA (disbelieving) What? Who? Are you sure? Fear clouds Carolina's body as she shakes her head in disbelief. DAVID I believe she has a temper, but her killing Keaton is highly unlikely. The President might have used his position to distract him. CAROLINA (fearful) So, you're saying she might have let him walk? Either way, would he let her walk if he's the one who did this? DAVID I don't know, Caro. I want her alive. We need to know what happened exactly before we jump into conclusions. CAROLINA (agitated) Or she did not shoot him as she was trying to clear her name. David sighs and curses under his breath. DAVID Actually, getting deeper and deeper, if it’s true it’s the President, then they will clean all the mess no matter what. CAROLINA (fearful realization) The most powerful man in the whole world. Of course, soon you will take over. DAVID The stakes are high, and the odds are working against us. CAROLINA (broken) If she is a witness to a murder by the President, then she is as good as dead. Carolina realizes that death might befall anyone who tries to help Evelina. The harsh reality sinks in. CAROLINA (cursing) That’s so unfair to her. So, what are you saying? David looks at Bogdan, uncertain of their next move. BOGDAN Damn it, David. Should we give up now? Answer? DAVID Caro, some people are strong on their own. Look, she survived all this because she was alone. CAROLINA (anger rising) You start making excuses again! You know what? I am not giving up on her. You too. You must save this woman. You hear me? If you want us to fight beside you, fight for this woman! She starts the engine, determined not to abandon Evelina. CAROLINA They are also one short to the majority. Keaton is dead. I lost Jaden, but Sobia has fully recovered. This time Marson will make sure he goes in good books with the President after what he has done, and that means killing Evelina and anyone of the new recipients. Stacey is on the plate as well. Now he will have the President’s backing in every decision he makes. Now he can even blackmail the President using Keaton’s death. Silence fills the car as fear takes hold of Carolina. CAROLINA (fighting back tears) Now, do we fight to save one and let the train we are all in derail, or try to defend the train to save us all? She starts sobbing, her emotions overwhelming. DAVID (solemnly) Even if people die, everyone who died, died when I was fighting and not waiting to defend. Carolina, emotional, remembers the losses they've faced. DAVID When Mark died in my hands, I was fighting. Even when Javelina died, I did not give up. So, we must not give up. She could be our key to an easy victory. Weaken the President. Go live. Tell them that the President killed a man and force them to bargain. After all, I made an oath to protect her. So, it’s either you join me, or I will go on my own. Silence hangs in the air as Carolina contemplates the choice before her. CAROLINA (softly) We need you. I think that is exactly what they want you to do. Let’s send Wilson. DAVID (frustrated) Damn it! He might have tried to kill her, which could explain why she ran away, just like Keaton with Stacey. They are soldiers, and all put their men first. She needs someone she can trust. Okay? The line goes dead, leaving a lingering tension. BOGDAN She is right. DAVID She is worth to us alive. If they kill her, the anointment can still proceed. Marson can keep that seat for the President. If she doesn’t, then the anointment will be incomplete, leaving the seat vacant. Above all, we must put her in the witness protection program. BOGDAN I am with you, mate, but chasing after her is not a good idea. Trust me, I have bad experiences. DAVID I suggest we go prepare for this phase. I have a friend who can take her position until she returns. BOGDAN Great. They solidify their plan to protect Evelina, aware that their fight has only just begun. CUT TO: EXT. PRESIDENTIAL COMPOUND - NIGHT Marson stands outside the President’s door for a long time, wrestling with his thoughts. MARSON Can we talk about something that is bothering me? The President, surprised to see him, allows Marson into the office. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT MARSON Whatever happened out there, you have my backing, but to protect you, I must know what happened. We found blood. The President, standing by the window, looks outside. PRESIDENT But I advised as well to stay in the office. It could have been you. The truth unfolds, and Marson grapples with the consequences of their actions. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson stands before the President, who berates him for not taking swift action against Evelina. PRESIDENT Don’t give me that! I am doing your dirty work! Showing you how it is done. Do you think if I was sloppy as you, I would be President? You took weeks with a simple task. It took me a few minutes to complete. Marson, surprised and annoyed by the President's arrogance, wonders what he means by "completing the task." MARSON That day at the altar, I expected you to blast that woman in front of everyone to show you understand what I meant and to know that you mean business. PRESIDENT With all due respect, I calculated the risk of you getting targeted, and it was high. So, only because of you that I stopped. I will never do anything that puts you at risk of being killed. MARSON What do you mean? Do you mean killing a man and that woman is not putting me in danger? If I must do it myself, so you must thank me for doing your bloody dirty job. The President sits down, challenging Marson to handle the situation. PRESIDENT But now I will see how you will handle this. I blasted both and walked away. Now I want to see how you will never do something that puts me at risk. Marson, perplexed, stands up, trying to justify his actions. MARSON But that’s different. I meant going by the books, not taking things into your own hands. PRESIDENT There is a witness. One to destroy everything we built for. A simple girl, one who ran away. MARSON Was there a third person? Anyway, I am the President; you will do anything to protect me, right? I get you the girl. I just can’t understand why it took you so long. PRESIDENT What girl? MARSON That woman Evelina. I blasted both. You don’t believe me? I left them both laying there, dead. Still, get rid of the witness. I don’t care. Marson, alarmed, walks to the window and dials someone. MARSON That girl is alive. Evelina is alive! The President, confused, questions Marson about Evelina's survival. PRESIDENT Did she survive? I was in the military, you know? MARSON She is alive, sir. She drove off with the body of the men you presumably killed. PRESIDENT I have shown you how it’s done now; finish her off, Marson! I have heard your roars of rage tearing the roofs, but now I want to see action. Clean this mess once and for all because as it stands, I am tired of your excuses. I want every person she comes into contact with whacked. I want you to be proactive. When I gave you this post after Hudson’s screw-ups, you promised me results, and results are all I am after. Okay? Announce the death of Jamie and my nephew and tell everyone who shot them. Say also she killed the man I shot. Damn it! Don't wait to be asked. Tell them first so that they go and ask others. Okay? If you will excuse me. You are dismissed. The President abruptly opens the door and leaves without another word. CUT TO: EXT. STUDIO - NIGHT David, Andrew, Norah, Bogdan, Wilson, Sobia, and others gather in the studio, preparing for the impending battle. DAVID This is the greatest fight we will ever have. The odds are against us. He roars, rallying the group. DAVID We must do whatever it takes to postpone the majority. The stakes are high, way high. It’s do or die. Kill or be killed. This is the beginning of the end of the life we know. It’s a fact we are fighting a losing battle, but it’s all up to us. We can stop this. All they want is a single kill to acquire an extra seat. That triggers obliteration tactics. No matter how daunting it looks, we can still pull it off. ANDREW (defiant) Who should we defend? Whom should we target? DAVID We defend all leaders and all new recipients, to deny them gaining any seats. To postpone it, we must target their original twelve members, that is, if we can find who they are, which we failed to do so far. Andrew rises up, frustrated. ANDREW You are telling me that they know all they have to target, and we don’t know anyone? That sucks. But if they gain one seat, we will still have at least 6 more seats, right? DAVID Ideally, yes, but they will invoke and declare the majority. They must perform a certain function, legitimizing this through a key. Once that is done, this key will void all our seats. Even though they have eighteen seats, the 6 remaining seats will be vacant but still theirs until the end of the days. ANDREW (disheartened) So, it’s simple. We get the key to stop it from voiding our seats. That way, we have a chance. So, the first target is the key and not defend. Target the key. That’s a sure problem solver! Andrew smiles, finding a potential solution. DAVID (pondering) The key once worked for us. Is someone close to us? ANDREW What? That sucks even more. How come? How is that possible? But then again, this could be an easy solution. If that person knows what is at stake, would that not be a perfect situation to save us all? They all exchange glances, realizing the weight of the situation. DAVID (quietly) Keaton? FADE OUT. ! EXT. DAVID'S HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Andrew contemplate the challenging decisions they face. DAVID Another Keaton! They all shout simultaneously, the weight of Keaton's death hitting them hard. David gets up and walks to the window, Bogdan follows. BOGDAN Would you say we could have done all this differently? I mean this thing with Keaton and Stacey? It seems it’s coming up again. Is there honestly another way, or it’s only this? Just the truth? David, looking outside, reflects on the choices they've made. DAVID If there was, I could have told you. BOGDAN It’s iron. We are fighting them because they are killing innocent women and children, yet to save everyone, we must at least allow one to die to save all. DAVID It’s tough, my friend, but if Jesus can die to save us all, that means we have precedence there. Sometimes that’s just the way things are. Just as God kills even infants through floods and earthquakes. BOGDAN But would that also not make us like them? DAVID I am afraid not. This is not a systematic and clearly defined practice. It’s a one-off thing. I think they deliberately let you get acquainted with this key, so you become emotionally attached to it and lose the big picture. They are clever, you know. They know emotional attachment will play a big part in your decisions. If you had not known her, surely, you would have let Keaton take her down. Now even him, he succumbed, and I think we can’t let Andrew go through the same fate. That is collateral, you might say, but that can be enough to trigger a loss. Then make us lose this war. David recalls Stacey's smiling face. DAVID (CONT'D) The more we hesitate, the more men we lose, the more we lose this war. BOGDAN Are you saying I assign someone on her case? Bogdan looks at Andrew. DAVID Now you owe it up to Keaton and his men. I think it’s no longer open for discussion. ANDREW What are we up against? DAVID Where is Carolina? BOGDAN We will watch her video of the deadly piranhas feasting so that Andrew has a clear picture of what we are up against. Okay, on a serious note, we are up against the best there is. Even worse now if they make this a national security thing. That means we will be fighting against the police, military, ambulances, diplomats, as well as Presidential bodyguards. I mean all the current system; if they trigger the end of days, then we will be fighting even worse. The Devil's Ghost. Andrew's face reflects concern. ANDREW You must be joking. How can we stand a chance? DAVID Maybe I should issue random Ultima-Talionis letters, putting assassins on standby. You never know; we might need these people. They all exchange looks. David hands Norah a sample letter before she heads into the lab. CUT TO: EXT. CITY - GYM - DAY Stacey trains hard in the gym, grappling with the news of Keaton's death. She questions the morality of sacrificing one innocent life to save others. Feeling betrayed, she contemplates her next move. CUT TO: INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Stacey, in her undies, holds a gun to her mouth, contemplating death. However, she chooses to fight, realizing it's a "shoot first and ask questions later" situation. EXT. CITY - PARK - DAY Evelina stops her SUV in a park, reflecting on her losses and the challenges she faces. A ladybird brings a momentary sense of solace. She decides to fight rather than succumb to despair. FADE OUT. ! INT. BLOCK OF FLATS - NIGHT Evelina parks the SUV outside a block of flats. Exhausted, she listens to music before falling asleep. In her dream, she runs in a flower field, chasing Alex. The two share a joyful moment, pruning flowers and giggling. CUT TO: Evelina abruptly wakes up, her heart pounding. A woman confronts her for parking on private land. Another woman arrives, seemingly intoxicated. The first woman leaves, and Evelina, suspicious, grabs her dagger and gun, proceeding stealthily to the flats. EXT. BLOCK OF FLATS - NIGHT Evelina approaches the flats, questioning a woman about the cheater's flat. The woman refuses to reveal the information. Evelina takes matters into her own hands, heading upstairs. INT. BLOCK OF FLATS - HALLWAY - NIGHT Evelina listens outside a door, tries to open it, and curses when it's locked. Meanwhile, Stacey hears voices and prepares for a confrontation. Hours later, Evelina peeps through a magnifying glass, opens the door, and falls to the ground as Stacey kicks her. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Stacey groans in pain and staggers back inside. Evelina backflips, kicks Stacey in the chest, and pulls a knife. The two engage in a fierce fight, with kicks and punches exchanged. Evelina gains the upper hand, shoving Stacey's gun into her jeans and mounting a silencer. EVELINA (ferociously) Why are you trying to kill me? I will give you one chance to redeem yourself. Stacey, shocked, faces Evelina's gun. STACEY (slyly) A lot has changed since then. What happened to the weeping girl? Evelina, fueled by rage, switches the aim between Stacey's chest and head. EVELINA Why are you trying to kill me? I will give you one chance to redeem yourself. Stacey, realizing the seriousness of the situation, faces Evelina's gun. STACEY (slyly) A lot has changed since then. What happened to the weeping girl? Evelina, fueled by rage, switches the aim between Stacey's chest and head. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina points the gun at Stacey after learning the shocking truth. EVELINA They wanted to kill me, but it turns out they need me. But the people I put my trust in are the very people now who want me dead. STACEY So, you joined the bad guys just to save your skin? The very people who want my head. Are you bloody mad? That makes you my enemy. So, I am correct to blast you! EVELINA It’s funny to hear that from you. What are you going to do? They are after you for the killing of all those people. STACEY I did not kill anyone! (Yelled Evelina.) Stacey looks shocked. STACEY (CONT'D) So, who did? Are you telling me that it’s a set up? Evelina requests, "Hands up!" STACEY Still innocent up to now? So why are you running? Evelina points the gun. EVELINA It’s not what it seems! STACEY At least I know I am not innocent. I whacked Hudson and his nephew. They were bad news, trust me. They nearly killed me but somehow, they need me for this next stage after that. I don’t bloody know what will happen. Several times they could have shot me. EVELINA You bitch! Is that why you are after me? They offered you freedom in exchange for my head, is that so? STACEY You little brat, you call me names then see me blow your head off. EVELINA You think this is tough? Imagine everyone waiting to take me down. I had no option. She shouted, putting her hands down. Evelina pointed the gun. STACEY Screw you! Shoot me. Go ahead! Put me out of my misery. Go! Shoot! EVELINA Shut up! Shut up! I swear I will shoot you! STACEY You can’t shoot anyone. You don’t even know how to use the gun. Instantly she fired a shot, breaking the window but leaving Stacey standing. EVELINA Just a warning shot. STACEY So, you killed Keaton. Right? Evelina mumbled. STACEY (CONT'D) Goddamn it! Can’t you speak up? Did you kill Keaton? EVELINA No! Damn it! Don’t patronize me! It wasn’t me. The women looked at each other. STACEY So, who did? Karl? Jamie? Evelina realized that Stacey could use that to get a pardon from the President. STACEY (CONT'D) So, they saved you because they need you? EVELINA That is exactly what the President said. STACEY You have been in contact with the President? EVELINA When did you last speak to the President? She remained quiet. EVELINA (CONT'D) Answer me! Damn it! I asked you a bloody question? STACEY They need you for the next stage, what do you do? I understand you are number eighteen on the altar statue. I am number twenty-four. (She paused and aimed at her.) What do you do? What is your role? What is special about you at this coming stage? EVELINA Why does that matter to you? STACEY Why can’t you bloody answer a simple question? What do you have to hide? Evelina looked at Stacey. Instantly her heart started pounding. EVELINA What can I hide? I keep telling you we are in the same position. My death liberates everyone just like yours. She started crying. Evelina dropped the hand holding the gun. She paced briefly. She stopped and looked at Stacey. EVELINA (CONT'D) I close this. I am the last one. The President said they saved me for the last. That means they need me at the end. STACEY Marson said there is a quicker way to do all this. She whispered to herself, but loud enough for Evelina to have heard. She stopped and looked at Stacey. Instantly she raised the gun again. EVELINA You bitch! I knew it. You offered them a quick way of reclaiming the kingdom of darkness. You offered them to get rid of me, so they feel they need you the most. That’s stabbing me in the back! Stacey smirks as the tension rises. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina confronts Stacey after learning the shocking truth. EVELINA You are getting rid of me. That’s rendering my status as obsolete. That leaves only you to guarantee victory. Stacey laughs. STACEY Damn it! How could you betray humanity? (Shouted Evelina.) Stacey continues to laugh. STACEY (CONT'D) You have never been asked to choose between life and death? I have been. Trust me. It is bitter stuff to swallow. It sucks! But why not? Just kill a weak, pathetic loser like you and join the winning team? She smiles cunningly. STACEY (CONT'D) They might not be the best but just one seat and it’s all over. EVELINA How many seats do they have? STACEY I don’t bloody know and care. Maybe seventeen. EVELINA So, you are seat eighteen and they need you as the key for that seat. They will still need 6 more seats to request my special services. Stacey laughs again. STACEY (CONT'D) You don’t get it! I came forward and offered a quick, fast way for a share of the cake. Sorry, I guess it will be too late for you! Evelina feels angry and raises the other gun at her. EVELINA Do you bloody have an idea of what is one twenty fourth of the world’s wealth? STACEY The main reason they are killing these girls; the keys, like you and me is to steal their fortune. Stacey sits down. STACEY (CONT'D) I tell them the secret on how to achieve the kingdom of darkness faster than wait until they have acquired all twenty-four seats. Of course, I can choose to get the share or sign a buy-out clause. It is serious money, above all that. I don’t have to die. EVELINA They are killing these girls; do you think the military men and the President would be involved if it was simply murder? Stacey smirks. STACEY How do you make them achieve the majority just at eighteen? Evelina stares at her. STACEY (CONT'D) How am I supposed to know that? I know one thing is for sure though I open chapter eighteen of the gold scriptures. I believe that chapter has all the instructions on how to do that. Evelina paces up and down. EVELINA If you can do what I am supposed to do. Then there is no use for me. STACEY You are right there! Why should they wait until they reach twenty-four seats? When there is a quicker, faster way? I am the catalyst! EVELINA That put me out of business. Is that why they want to kill me? (Asked Evelina before looking at Stacey with evil eyes.) STACEY Nobody knows that. EVELINA I think that’s why they have realized that they don’t need me. Because of you, I am now useless to them. At first, the President gave me his word that they will need me at the end and alive. To seal the phases as complete. That was the last time I spoke to him before he nearly shot me, and the day he killed Keaton. (Said Evelina.) She stops whispering and looks at Stacey who is now breathing down her neck. EVELINA (CONT'D) What are you doing so close? Now scared that Stacey might have heard her. STACEY Did the President kill Keaton? The President, are you sure? I don’t believe you? Where? When? In his office? Where were all his men? Slowly, Evelina lifts the gun. EVELINA It’s true you are my problem! If you were not there, they would value me and protect me. Because without me they are all fucked. But you...! (She aims at her.) You are the catalyst they were talking about. Get rid of the catalyst then they will need you. He suggested. STACEY No. No. I don’t have anything to do with that. Don’t you get it? They are clever. All this is a clever plan. So that we end up killing each other. EVELINA Shut up! Now I know why you are glowing like a bitch in heat. If what you are saying is true, you would be sad. Now I know what you did. You offered to get rid of me to make sure they declare victory at eighteen. Oh My God! It is true! You would indeed kill me to save yourself. STACEY Why would I kill you? If I wanted, I could have killed you at the altar site. Evelina interrupts. EVELINA Shut up! (Shouted Evelina, raising the gun.) INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina confronts Stacey, emotions running high. EVELINA You knocked out, I left you unharmed. Stacey starts crying profusely. STACEY There is no other way. After eighteen. I am sure they will simply take my share and kill me. Evelina looks at her, conflicted. EVELINA Would the remaining keys not come forward to offer secrets to the scriptures and claim their share? STACEY You don’t get it! They all must come forward just before they reach eighteen seats because after that they can pick anyone and offer them the share at a price. Evelina's heart pounds faster. EVELINA Damn it! I knew it. You mean they will sell the shares. So, what about the keys? How can they open the gold scriptures without the keys? STACEY You don’t bloody get it! All the keys must be dead before they reach eighteen because once they die, the powers to open are transferred to the leader. In that case then they would not need any gold scriptures opening because they will have been opened already. She curses. EVELINA Could that explain why they tried hard to kill me? STACEY They haven’t even started! She laughs sarcastically. STACEY (CONT'D) They had no idea and now the President will push hard in case Marson becomes greedy. Stacey starts sobbing. EVELINA But if they reach eighteen seats, six of the remaining seats will be David’s team. How do you explain that? STACEY They use the Catalyst! Me. I think I will erase or void the seats. Evelina is taken aback. EVELINA So, what I heard from Keaton is correct? You are the problem. You are going to ruin mankind by leaving the devil in power. You sell all humans to the devil. STACEY Look who’s talking, Eve was the greatest sell-out who sold all of us to the devil. EVELINA But I am not Eve. I am Evelina. STACEY I am starting to think you have been chosen simply because of your name, these people are trying to repeat history. Evelina's heart pounds faster. EVELINA (CONT'D) The problem is you, for you will hand victory to the devil on a plate, betraying all mankind. How can you erase or void the seats? What a sellout! She aims for Stacey's head. EVELINA (CONT'D) Is that why they recruited Andrew? Stacey freezes with fear. Her heart pounds. STACEY There is another Keaton? EVELINA I said Andrew, you screw-head. She roars, shaking with rage. EVELINA (CONT'D) Stop calling me names. I was treating you like a friend. Stacey starts shaking with rage. EVELINA (CONT'D) Or else what? Now I understand why everyone wants to kill you, but why me? For me, I am better off when you are dead. If you are not here, they must wait for me. I blast you out and I am safe. Evelina sobs hard and aims, shaking with rage. Stacey realizes how upset Evelina is now. STACEY Don’t shoot. Please. Let’s think this over. EVELINA Clever. Trying to stall so that you can ambush me. I know you. I am too smart for that. STACEY Think about this. If it wasn’t for you, his nephew would be here so whatever. He will be pissed off with you. The main reason why now they want you dead as well. EVELINA But I did not kill him. STACEY It doesn’t matter if you had turned yourself in; then there wouldn’t be any need for the killings. So, no matter what. Even killing me won’t do you any good. Evelina feels trapped. She sobs even harder. It seems the doors ahead have been closed for her. Only death was fate for her. FADE OUT. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Evelina confronts Stacey, who maneuvers quickly, trying to escape the imminent danger. STACEY I could be your last chance. Keep your name clean. One day life will go back to normal. Evelina is inconsolable. EVELINA Shut up! She stops crying, aims, and fires. Stacey flips in the air, rolling somersaulting into the kitchen. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - KITCHEN - NIGHT Stacey swiftly opens the knives drawer, grabs one, and throws it as Evelina fires again, a knife pinning Evelina's hand against the wall. EVELINA (grunting) Agh! She pulls the knife out, growling in pain, and fires a shot, chasing Stacey into the kitchen. Stacey rolls for cover, surprised by Evelina's aggressiveness. EVELINA I think you killed all those people. Your fault too that Alex got killed. Evelina feels a wave of rage building up, shaking uncontrollably. Her hand holding the gun trembles. EVELINA (CONT'D) You got some nerves talking about killing my only true love! She fights to control the rage, but it intensifies, reaching a breaking point. She squeezes the trigger, and a thunderous shot follows. EVELINA (CONT'D) You bitch! You killed my true love! Evelina advances, fueled by a tsunami of rage and anger. She aims the gun, tears rolling down her cheeks. EVELINA (CONT'D) He was my love! You had no right to take him away from me forever. I want you to feel the same pain because I can’t take it anymore! She sobs and then abruptly stops, holding the trigger tightly. A gusty wind of rage feelings hits her, and she lets out a loud scream of pain. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Stacey ducks and curses. STACEY Goddamn it! How was I supposed to know? I did you a favor! EVELINA What favor? She fires another bullet instantly. STACEY Imagine if you had shot him yourself. Evelina pauses. EVELINA If you want to kill me because of Alex, I accept. Stacey comes out in the open, standing in front of Evelina, wearing only knickers, and turns around. STACEY I am not loaded. I will close my eyes. Tears trickle down Evelina’s cheeks. EVELINA Do you have a pillow? She pushes Stacey to the bedroom. STACEY Why do you need a pillow? You have a silencer. Evelina insists, her emotions conflicting. FADE OUT. INT. EVELINA'S SUV - DAY Evelina, exhausted, parks the SUV outside a suburban apartment complex. She listens to her own thoughts before drifting into a deep sleep. In her dream, she's running in a flower field, chasing Alex. Giggles fill the air as they play. However, the dream takes a dark turn as Evelina finds herself on the edge of a deep gorge, struggling for balance. Evelina wakes abruptly to the stern gaze of a woman outside the SUV, claiming it's private land. Another woman arrives, seemingly drunk. Evelina, unfazed, retrieves a dagger and her gun, proceeding stealthily to the nearby flats. INT. APARTMENT CORRIDOR - NIGHT Evelina approaches a woman she spoke to earlier, seeking information about a cheating spouse. The woman refuses to help, but Evelina persists, suspecting her husband's infidelity. Hours later, Evelina listens outside a door, tries to open it, and curses when it remains locked. Stacey, inside the flat, hears the commotion. The confrontation between them escalates, with kicks, flips, and weapon exchanges. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Evelina interrogates Stacey about her involvement, learning about a sinister plan involving seats, scriptures, and the President. Stacey reveals her role as a catalyst for an accelerated path to power, making Evelina question her own relevance. Stacey, desperate, suggests they have a common enemy. Evelina, furious, aims her gun at Stacey, accusing her of betrayal. Stacey discloses a plan to void the seats and claims Evelina is the real problem. Frustration builds as they argue about their roles, Keaton's death, and the President's involvement. The tension peaks when Stacey admits her collaboration with the President and her betrayal of Evelina. Stacey pleads for mercy, but Evelina, overwhelmed by anger, fires a warning shot. Stacey, terrified, begins to unravel the dark secrets of their shared destiny. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Evelina forces Stacey to blindfold herself, but Stacey, in a surprising move, fights back, head-butting Evelina and escaping to the living room. A fierce struggle ensues, resulting in a blow to Stacey's head that renders her unconscious. Evelina takes a moment, dons the necklace and ring from Alex, and gazes at a photo of them together. Days later, she roams the suburbs, parking her SUV to rest. A woman named Melisa finds her asleep and attempts to help. INT. MELISA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Melisa and Uncle Bob, hesitant but compassionate, wake Evelina. She demands her keys and guns, fearing the approaching sirens. As Evelina rushes out, Melisa hands her something, and uncertainty fills the air. EXT. MELISA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina races down the stairs, sirens closing in. Fear grips her as she contemplates the unknown. The unfolding events hint at a dangerous journey that Evelina must navigate, her life entangled in a web of intrigue and danger. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY Evelina pushes the outside door open, concealing the gun behind her. Two men with a stretcher appear at the gate, accompanied by two police officers wielding guns. Another woman points at Evelina, and her heart races with fear. The police approach, creating an overwhelming sense of dread. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY - DAY Evelina contemplates the recent events and fears the police may be the ones behind her mysterious unconsciousness. The police, unaware of her internal turmoil, draw nearer. With her hand behind her back, Evelina stands her ground, unsure of what awaits her. The police officers, accompanied by the ambulance crew, rush toward Evelina, instructing her to move aside. She manages to compose herself, slowly putting her hand behind her back with each step they take. Mixed emotions flood her mind as they close in. "Hurry!" one of the policemen urges the ambulance crew. The tension rises as they approach Evelina, who continues her deliberate walk. A crackling sound from their radios adds to the surreal atmosphere. Evelina feels a range of conflicting emotions, from arousal to fear to amusement. As the police reach her, she keeps her composure, revealing a complex emotional response. The policemen and the ambulance crew proceed into the building, leaving Evelina momentarily stunned. She contemplates the extreme emotions she experienced, recognizing them as a defense mechanism. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY Evelina, still shaken, finds herself in the driver's seat of her SUV. The reality of the situation hits her, and she realizes she hasn't slept properly for days. Her internal struggle and the potential danger ahead weigh heavily on her. Remembering Stacey's advice to stay clean, Evelina decides to discard the gun, acknowledging that using it might lead her down a dark path. She observes the police and ambulance personnel leaving the building, and Melissa and Uncle Bob signal that she is safe. Melissa hands Evelina something, and sirens approach. Evelina, now in her SUV, contemplates her next move. The intense emotions she felt during the encounter with the police remain, leaving her both relieved and apprehensive. Evelina drives off, but her abrupt stop and hesitation attract the attention of another police car. Feeling danger, she accelerates, narrowly avoiding a collision with the approaching police vehicle. As she drives away, she wears a long fashion hat provided by Melissa, hoping to remain unrecognized. The policemen, confused about Evelina's identity, question each other about the ongoing manhunt. Meanwhile, Evelina feels a surge of fear and steps on the gas to escape the potential threat. The police car follows, creating a tense chase. Evelina drives for some time before executing a sudden stop, reversing, and making a U-turn back to the apartment complex. She parks and enters the building yard, hoping to evade the police. As the police car arrives, she dashes through the door, narrowly escaping their scrutiny. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY Evelina, out of breath, hides in the building's seventh-floor corridor, contemplating her next move. The suspense builds as she waits to see if the police discover her whereabouts. INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - STAIRCASE - DAY Evelina hides behind a corner, clutching her gun tightly, as a uniformed officer approaches. She leans against the wall, listening intently. As her heart pounds, she notices the vibrations affecting her chest. She readies her gun, observing the officer's footsteps aligning with her heartbeat. The sound of stiletto shoes startles her. Her heart matches the officer's footsteps until complete silence falls. A hissing door catches her attention, and she sees the officer peering inside the flat. He retracts his head, glancing directly at her hiding spot. Evelina retreats, but the officer, suspicious, moves towards her. Quickly, she tiptoes down the stairs, attempting to escape. The officer's footsteps grow louder, prompting her to jump the last step, accidentally making a noise. At the bottom, she collides with another woman, instinctively covering her mouth and pointing the gun. The woman freezes, terrified. "Be quiet, move there. Let the policeman see you," Evelina whispers. The woman complies, and the approaching officer points his gun at the source of the noise. The officer cautiously descends, and the woman, frightened, pleads not to be shot. The officer hesitates, assessing the situation. Evelina, still hidden, raises her gun at the woman, making her cry. This attracts the officer's attention, prompting him to run downstairs. Evelina seizes the opportunity, sliding down the rail and out of view. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY The officer, seeing the frightened woman, questions her. The crackling radio reveals concerns about assassins after the keys. The officers decide to watch Evelina at the hospital. As they leave, Evelina observes them from her hiding place, relieved. INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - STAIRCASE - DAY Evelina, nursing her injuries, overhears the officers discussing the ongoing situation. She watches them leave in their police car. Once they're gone, she heads to the lift, planning her next move. INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - APARTMENT - DAY Evelina enters the open door, checking the apartment for safety. Satisfied, she takes a moment to rest. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NEXT MORNING Evelina wakes up to the hissing sound of the door. She hides her gun as a blond woman, Zoe, enters. ZOE You gave me a heart attack yesterday. EVELINA (acting confused) Who are you? The neighbor, I guess. ZOE You had fainted, right? EVELINA Not really. Zoe questions Evelina about the previous day, and Evelina improvises, claiming the doctor attributed it to too much partying. Zoe introduces herself, and Evelina contemplates her next moves while maintaining her cover. INT. ZOE'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Zoe went to the bedroom, questioning Evelina about her identity. ZOE So, if you are not the neighbor, who are you then? EVELINA I thought my mum sent you. She said she'd send someone to keep an eye on me in case I faint again. So, I thought it was you. Zoe emerged from the bedroom wearing just her knickers. ZOE Do you want to join me outside sunbathing? EVELINA I think we better stay indoors. ZOE The doctor said to take it easy. He did not say stop living. EVELINA Did this happen before? Are you a key or a catalyst? Do you have a secret? Do you know your number? Zoe appeared confused. EVELINA Hey, I didn't ask for a second opinion, doctor. Why ask so many questions? Trying to give me another heart attack, right? Evelina got up. EVELINA Please, if you know any secrets, tell me. They are trying to kill me. I need something to bargain with. ZOE I thought you were one of us? Zoe looked at Evelina intimately. ZOE What secret? EVELINA Have you ever seen the gold scriptures? ZOE No. EVELINA Ever heard of the Devil's Eye Cult? ZOE No. Can we go outside now? EVELINA What is your favorite number? ZOE 7! EVELINA Did you draw any drawings when you were growing up? ZOE No recollection. Do you remember yourself? EVELINA Yes, not straight away, though. Let's play a game first. Quickly, Evelina drew the altar statue, marked all twenty-four partitions, and gave a coin to Zoe. EVELINA Choose where to put money, assuming it's a spinning wheel. Where would you put it? Zoe pointed at number seven. Evelina was surprised. EVELINA Let's do it again. Zoe placed the coin again at number 7. ZOE Okay, let's say between eighteen and twenty-four. Pick a number. EVELINA But why? I like the number seven. Evelina spent the day interrogating Zoe, drawing information from her. Later, she jumped into the SUV and drove off. EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - DAY Miles away, Marson roared with rage. MARSON My men told me that they found you naked and blindfolded. Tell me what is going on? Stacey kept quiet. MARSON That woman again? Even you? STACEY She took out Jamie, Karl, and two other men. I don't care even if she did not pull the trigger. If it wasn't for her, none of this could have happened. She must die! Marson glared at Stacey, fueled by anger and a desire for revenge. ! INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Stacey and Marson engage in a tense conversation, with Marson demanding answers about Evelina's motives. MARSON What does she want from you? STACEY I can't say, for I think it's a matter of national security, sir. MARSON National security my ass! What can be a matter of national security? In her running with a gun like a lunatic, killing my men? Stacey faces Marson's rage as he walks towards her. MARSON Are you going to tell me, or maybe I strangle you first? You are scared of her and not of me? I can't believe these people! Maybe I will show you something as well. He grabs her neck, lifting her off the ground. Stacey fights back. STACEY Okay, I will tell you. Stop! It's a hit-and-run, two bullets for two. But one took all! She wipes blood off her elbows, and Marson demands more answers. MARSON What national security in Karl and Jamie’s death? STACEY Let me just say that word in the city is that the big man was there himself and probably now with gunpowder residue on his hands. MARSON Who told you that? That’s bullshit. STACEY The President was there. In fact, he is the hitman. Murder and attempted murder! MARSON Why would she tell you that? Stacey remains silent. MARSON Goddamn it! Tell me before I... Stacey sheds a tear. STACEY In the same shoes as me! MARSON Why did she confide in you? STACEY Just like me, we must die for everyone else’s for them to realize their glory. Marson, fueled by anger, paces and formulates a plan. MARSON Was she trying to talk you out of this? That is all I can think of because you blindfolded and butt-naked. She could have pulled the trigger, but there you are. Sound and glooming. But what she doesn’t know is that the President ball-rolled to us. The more people she tells, the higher the stakes, and she also puts whoever she tells in danger because we will protect the President at all costs. Now she has become a national security issue. I will raise her status to the highest level as an enemy of this regime. In that, if left, she will kill the President himself; we just can’t allow that. I think you should trade very carefully and know whom you tell all that because when it comes to the President’s safety, we don’t take chances, and no one is immune, even you. STACEY Are you threatening me? MARSON Not an empty threat, but there is a great danger of death as the President did this to test our loyalty to him. Stacey looks at Marson with a mixture of fear and defiance. STACEY Why are you looking at me like that? Somewhere in the city, a mysterious figure arrives. EXT. APARTMENT YARD - NIGHT A chubby man in tight jeans, high heel stilettos, and a crispy clean white silk shirt, dark shades, and beautiful hair locks gets off a motorbike. Stacey senses something as she stops to listen. STACEY'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Stacey hears footsteps outside her flat, becoming tense. She picks up her gun and aims as the noises grow closer. STACEY (whispering to herself) Not again... Suddenly, her door is forced open. Stacey fires a shot, missing the intruder. A struggle ensues as a chubby man named ANDREW confronts Stacey. ANDREW Nice to meet you. I am Andrew, by the way. Keaton’s replacement. I bloody mean business. By the way, it’s nothing personal. My men come first. See, it cost Keaton’s life. He learned a lesson. They all learned a lesson. The two engage in a fierce fight, showcasing Stacey's resilience and determination. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Stacey escapes Andrew's pursuit, dodging bullets as she runs for her life. Andrew, determined and angry, destroys the side mirrors of Stacey's SUV before she speeds away. Stacey, overwhelmed with fear and pain, parks near a high-security building, slumping in her seat and crying intensely. EXT. STREET - DAY Andrew, catching his breath, stands outside and curses, then rushes to his car, revving the engine to chase after Stacey. INT. STACEY'S SUV - DAY Stacey, crying, drives desperately, constantly checking the rear-view mirror. She reflects on the dangerous game she's playing and the threats closing in on her. Stacey acknowledges the strength of Marson's team and David's team losing ground. INT. BARRACKS - DAY Stacey limps into her apartment. Marson, observing her, telephones her, requesting her presence in his office. MARSON (over the phone) Yet another clash with that woman, let me guess? STACEY (remaining silent) MARSON (leaning in) I guess I am wrong. So, tell me who wants to steal my victory? STACEY They have recruited a lethal-chubby monster. I have never seen anyone so chubby and fast. I knew I had to run. MARSON (angry) At it again, delaying tactics trying to postpone the inevitable. Once we declare the majority, we shall initiate obliteration. Fulfill your end of the bargain, and then if you run away, I will never chase after you. But first, I have your next target before we initiate the next phase. Marson throws a file on the table. Stacey checks it, showing distress. STACEY (throwing the file back) Why not simply ask me to shoot myself? MARSON (bloating with rage) Okay, maybe I shot you myself. I don't understand you? You fight hard to live, yet you don't want to eliminate your threats. Ever heard of attack is the best form of defense? Target those giving you grief first! This is the only way you will live in peace! STACEY You can't even touch him. How can I? MARSON The art of infiltration or seduction, whatever works. I just want him dead. I promise after this, take your stuff, your share, and go. You are dismissed. Stacey walks to the window, conflicted and distressed. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Andrew, David, and Bogdan discuss their predicament. ANDREW Stakes are high. I underestimated her. I think the best plan is to eliminate both. DAVID (spitting out coffee) You are not serious! ANDREW (his neck bloated with rage) How then can we survive this coming stage? You tell me! BOGDAN (pointing out) He has a point. If we remove the keys, it levels the playing field. Now they have several options and are not afraid to take any risks. DAVID (pondering) They can become more aggressive to counteract that. Are we prepared to tackle them? Somehow we might need one or even both too! Andrew curses. ANDREW You want me to end up like Keaton; dead? Is that so? I am not that man! I am proactive, and that means removing the obvious. These keys that seal our fate! DAVID If you need extra men, they are there for you. ANDREW No, David! You don't get it! I have a special bond now with these men. I am responsible for what happens to them. The presence of this woman poses a risk not just to my men but to all humanity. They are just one kill away from victory. We must hold on to something, but this woman will void all our seats and above all our hopes. See it this way! All those who died. They sacrificed so that we remain here and protect our future and all humanity from evil. What difference does it make if she dies? DAVID I will think about it. But just to make it clear, Evelina is out of the question. Stacey, we will decide. The tension escalates as the struggle for power and survival intensifies. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY Andrew roared, expressing frustration and urgency. ANDREW Nothing to think about! I could have finished her! So, what difference does it make? She escaped by the hole of the needle; otherwise, she was dead, finished. DAVID (confused) What do you mean? Andrew cheekily smiled, relishing in the tension he creates. ANDREW I paid her a visit. David's heart pounds, and he instantly sits down, anxiously awaiting Andrew's revelation. ANDREW (smiling) The two seals, the catalysts, and the final must all be eliminated. To deny them victory. Andrew walks out of the room, leaving David and Bogdan behind. Carolina enters shortly after. CAROLINA (looking concerned) No luck. I can't locate her. DAVID (laughing bitterly) What's so funny about that? CAROLINA (confused) My world is falling apart. Here you are trying your best to save Evelina, and here is Andrew and everyone else adamant that getting rid of both Stacey and Evelina is the answer to our survival. David reflects on the gravity of the situation. DAVID Yes, so that it remains open, triggering the holy war or the Third World War. They can't declare a majority because without these two women, Stacey and Evelina, our seats, even if one is left, remain intact. But the presence of these two will void our seats, giving them automatic victory. CAROLINA (considering) David, without the seals, they can become relentless, so that we can't mount a challenge. Remember the phase when Mark died? David gets up, frustrated. DAVID That's exactly what I told them! He stares at Carolina. DAVID Not trying to be funny; without the seals, they can launch the ghost war. They look at each other, realizing the gravity of the situation. CAROLINA Is that the catch? DAVID Yes. David takes out his diary-notes and reads. DAVID Early disabling of the seals brings forth the end of the days, meaning the ghost war. Carolina paces, contemplating the consequences. CAROLINA So, we will be shooting ourselves in the foot. DAVID Exactly. You must understand me. There are things I don't even know myself, but we can discover some of these as we go along. These women know the secrets for a counter-attack. Let's say that if they have raised the devil's ghosts, there are ways also to raise our equivalent of the devil's ghosts, that is the holy ghosts. Whatever you want to call them. But these ladies know the secrets. We have, at one point, to find the missing keys. CAROLINA So, I am right to protect Evelina. David closes in on Carolina. DAVID Keaton was like a brother to me. Believed in him, but with these things, taking shortcuts can close doors ahead. You eliminate the key early, then you never know an easy way to solve future problems. The reasons these ladies are to keep secrets for a share and a better future for most. They are like advisors or problem solvers. A long time ago, kings and queens relied on these advisors to make decisions about going to war, etc. The gold scriptures then were a book of great ideas for solving problems. A manual of how to do things like form a government, run a country, run the world, how to become rich and advice on how to be rich, etc. But the leader would keep all to themselves. But when he dies, he dies with the seals to open the scriptures, so no one knew what was in that chapter of the gold scriptures. Somehow, they realized that each person must have a chapter and a key to that chapter, so they became advisors to the king for a share. When the king is in trouble, the keys would come forward and propose a solution, open that chapter to verify its truth, then claim a share of the value of the gold scriptures. But greediness, etc., destroyed all that. That's exactly what we are doing. That's what Keaton tried to do. Now exactly what Andrew is trying to do. CAROLINA I see your predicament. DAVID He is the chief commander answerable to his men and must act accordingly. I am answerable even to this woman, so I have a global perspective. Keaton's death has softened my approach. I am not sure about Stacey, but Evelina might turn things around in our favor. Just instincts. Miles away, Marson enters President Rex's office. MARSON I want you to know that your nephew's seat remains in your family name. He confirmed. The intricacies of power, survival, and the impending ghost war continue to unfold. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY The President looks unamused as Marson presents the gravity of the situation. PRESIDENT (displeased) I will only believe you when you take out this woman, the finale seal to my nephew’s anointment. Marson walks to the window, emphasizing the urgency of the matter. MARSON She is also the final seal to the end of the days. The President looks shocked. PRESIDENT (astonished) A double-seal-key? They said that was one in a billion chances of happening! Marson breathes hard, revealing the complexity of the situation. MARSON Now you see why it’s a problem now? The double-seal-key to close the chapter and the phase as well: The Alpha and the Omega! PRESIDENT (stammering) The Alpha and the Omega? MARSON Yes, sir. She is the Alpha and the Omega with the value of twenty-four as the last letter in the Greek mythology in our world, the seal and key to chapter twenty-four of the gold scriptures. PRESIDENT (confused) But why is she also called the Alpha and the Omega? MARSON She was the first woman in the Bible, Eve, and in the gold scriptures, the first convert to the devils, listening to the devil rather than God, bringing the full wrath of God and mankind to our advantage. The one who gave the devil a lifeline because if she had not listened to the devil, then God was going to throw the devil in hell forever. So, to us, she is the one who opened the door for us and the one to close the door as well. In the gold scriptures, she holds chapter one and chapter twenty-four, the first and last, hence the term the; Alpha and the Omega. PRESIDENT (realizing) Are you telling me she was not picked at random? Why is she also called Evelina? It is Lithuanian, short for Eve, right? I thought it was just a coincidence. MARSON After every two thousand years, once in a lifetime, mankind is given a chance to rewrite history. If either them or the kingdom of darkness wins, then we take back the kingdom of darkness, meaning twenty-four hours of darkness. If they win, meaning twenty-four hours of sunshine, another term for paradise. So, she is special, but her death can... The President smiles and looks attentively at Marson. PRESIDENT (clapping hands) Marson, for the first time since you took over, this is the only music to my ears you have delivered. Now then, what are you waiting for? He sighs. PRESIDENT There is your solution. Why drag it to twenty-four when we can get an early victory at eighteen? Does that mean a guaranteed seat for my nephew then? MARSON That way. Yes! A definite yes! PRESIDENT Then go and do whatever it takes to get that seat. I can go by myself. I don’t care. I want results. If Jesus can die for everyone, what makes this lady so special? MARSON No, sir. I don’t want you near there. This David will put pressure, calling for your head as well and... PRESIDENT (furious) I ball rolled to you! Damn it! Soldier! You made an oath to defend the President of this country at any cost! Right? Goddamn it! Soldier! I am that damn President, soldier! Unless you forgot the oath? I challenged you then to see how deep your loyalty to me is? It’s a task, soldier! I can still do it again. Murder someone in cold blood if that means national security, then it’s within my job as the President of this country. I want you to ball-roll that to her and everyone she confessed to. That is an order by the damn President you pledged to protect! I am not requesting you but demanding that you fulfill that pledge. Now! The President gets up and paces. PRESIDENT Are you not saying this just because you can’t get her? I shot at her. I thought I had taken her down; that bastard, I think, took a bullet for her. I just can’t get it that he has tried to kill her; then he went to save her. I saw his raw rage the first time. I knew he reminded me of myself when I was his age. This woman seems can’t just die. Is that right? Marson feels a huge lump of jealousy and anger rising from his chest before his face starts to twitch like a dog about to attack. It instantly exudes as he breaks into pieces the chinaware in his hand. The President shares his confusion. PRESIDENT How come this bastard wished my enemy was on his side after all that I did for him? He just didn’t understand why he is not the ultimate ideal model for him. He felt like the President had driven a double-edged knife into his heart. That hurts. He thought to himself and looked at him with the corner of his eye. Marson instantly leaves but returns carrying a briefcase. He wears gloves and retrieves the gold scriptures, placing them on the table. Instantly, chapter twenty-four opens first. Then chapter seven opens next. MARSON Chapter seven’s key was lost. The chapter was locked until yesterday. Meaning she met key seven. As the final seal, the true seal, the Alpha and the Omega. She can control other keys. So not even the leader can do that unless the key is missing or dead. The revelation of Evelina's significance and the intricate workings of the gold scriptures intensify the urgency of the mission. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY The President, dissatisfied with the current situation, engages in a tense conversation with Marson. PRESIDENT She has more power than the leader? MARSON Yes, sir. That can explain how she kept escaping all the assassination attempts. If we had sacrificed her from the word go at the beginning, we could have got back the kingdom of darkness outright. That was to be sudden-death. But I guess she must play hard to get, first. Spies up things a little, I guess! PRESIDENT (furious) Damn it! Spies up things? That cost me my nephew, Jamie, Hudson and his nephew, and for who else she is going to kill or get killed. The reason why I put you in power was to not make Hudson’s mistakes. MARSON She doesn’t need the other keys dead to control the gold scriptures whereas the leader does. PRESIDENT (exasperated) For all this to work for me, the keys must be dead yet for her, they all must be breathing. So, we need her as some chapters have no keys. I could have her eliminated, but I think we can use her to open the remaining chapters, at least for now. MARSON The other keys did they turn up after your offers of rewards? PRESIDENT (curious) Nope. After Hudson’s killing spree, no one dares turn up. But I think none of them will show up. So, she is our only answer, at least for the few phases to come. Instead of killing her on the spot, I suggest we use her to find the remaining keys. Only six chapters are left to be opened or less. So, whoever she contacts will result in the gold scripture opening. Mind you, to claim the majority, all the gold scripture chapters must be open. Once all are open, then we can get rid of her and still, your nephew has his share saved. What do you say, Mr. President? PRESIDENT (skeptical) But if we get this one seat in the next phase, would we still need her? MARSON No, sir! We can then use the catalyst. Earlier on to seal all phases as completed at eighteen. That voids all their remaining seats. Even though we remain with eighteen seats, the rest of all the remaining chapters. When they are opened, we can reallocate these, but we must declare that any keys having keys to these chapters that they had stolen them. That way instead of rewards they must be killed. Nothing to lose at all. PRESIDENT (resigned) If the other lady Stacey! Is that important why did you let her go? I heard she nearly died just last week. I heard they replaced that bastard Keaton, the one I killed, with an even more lethal assassin? I don’t think you are waiting for me again to whack this chubby assassin? Are you, Marson? See exactly why I am the President. I don’t hesitate or think? I just get the job done! MARSON No, Mr. President. I will take care of this one myself. After that, we then don’t need any keys as we must start consolidating all power into one. Preparing for the one to come, the shining angel of death? PRESIDENT Jesus Christ? Marson, for the first time in his career, laughs. MARSON I never saw you or heard you laughing before. I only hear you roaring like a pack of a hundred hungry and angry lions put together. What did I say that was so funny to make you laugh, Marson? MARSON Mr. President, we are the bad boys! So why do you talk about Jesus? Can’t you see that is sheer ignorance? Ever heard of the Devil-Is-I? PRESIDENT Of course! But you said the coming of the shining angel. I grew up hearing the pastor talk about Jesus that way. MARSON Oh. Okay then but here it’s because if we get all twenty-four seats that are twenty-four hours as darkness, the devil becomes the shining angel to shine all earth and bring light to mankind in return for his worship as all the land will be in darkness. PRESIDENT (realizing) Meaning you? I see! Instantly, the President’s heart starts pounding hard. Fears are written all over his face. PRESIDENT In this world of yours, Marson. Where do I stand? MARSON That’s trifling right now, Sir! The President finds it hard to breathe, so he unfastens his tie. A sense of fear grips him. PRESIDENT So, you will have total power? Where does that leave us? I must know, Marson? MARSON I will still be at your service, sir! PRESIDENT Glad to hear that from you! LATER Marson summons Stacey to his office, revealing a new priority task. MARSON The President is not happy with the way things are going. He wants speeding up things, therefore I will give you another priority task to accomplish before the next phase. Marson hands Stacey a file, and she quickly opens it, instantly sitting down. MARSON I know now why she is after you! Your presence renders her services useless. Her presence might as well render yours useless. If we fail our target in the next stage. Give yourself a lifeline. If we don’t make it still be the last; we will need someone of military background. Someone we can trust. I can say for sure that with her tantrums I have seen and heard. She might turn the gun on us. I believe you can also interchange if need be. It’s a do or die. Kill or be killed. Your neck or hers. The tension escalates as Marson assigns a critical mission to Stacey, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Stacey enters her apartment, visibly distressed. She collapses onto her bed, tears streaming down her face, dampening the pillow. Overwhelmed by emotion, she cries herself to sleep. CUT TO: INT. STACEY'S APARTMENT - MORNING An anonymous call wakes Stacey from her slumber. She rushes to the mailbox and retrieves a letter, quickly opening it to find a book titled "Fortified Defensive Training" by David Gomadza. Intrigued, she sits down and begins reading. Over the next few days, Stacey dedicates herself to rigorous training in the gym, following the defensive techniques outlined in the book. CUT TO: EXT. DAVID'S RESIDENCE - DAY Carolina enters David's residence unannounced. CAROLINA (observant) Why are you so jumpy? DAVID (caught off guard) Nothing. Just going out for fresh air. Want to come? CAROLINA No. You go ahead. David leaves in his SUV, constantly checking the rearview mirror. He drives to a bridge, his heart pounding as he contemplates a mysterious encounter. CUT TO: EXT. BRIDGE - DAY David stands on the bridge, nervous and uneasy. A car approaches, and a hooded woman emerges, staggering. David cautiously approaches her. The woman reveals herself as a brunette in a tracksuit, unarmed. As David walks toward her, she turns, showing she is unthreatening. CUT TO: INT. CAROLINA'S LOCATION - DAY Carolina watches from a distance, puzzled by David's behavior. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S RESIDENCE - DAY Carolina, suspicious of David's recent secrecy, decides to investigate. She finds his laptop and, remembering a torn piece of paper from a secretary's note, discovers a password. Carolina uncovers a single word, "Omega." CAROLINA (confused) Evelina. Concerned, she dials David's number, but the call abruptly ends. Carolina further researches "Omega" and discovers its connection to a one-hundred-amp resistor. BOGDAN (entering) What are you up to? CAROLINA (showing the note) Guess what David just left with this secretive face. I checked the last message he received. She explains the significance of "Omega" and its association with Evelina. BOGDAN (freaked out) That really freaks me out! Sometimes I think we are fighting fate. Can this be a coincidence? The revelation leaves both Carolina and Bogdan questioning the mysterious events surrounding Evelina and David. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Evelina, revealed as Stacey, relentlessly attacks David on the bridge. Their confrontation becomes more intense. DAVID (panicking) Stacey! What the hell? STACEY (angry) As if you don't know? DAVID (confused) What are you talking about? Stacey, fueled by anger and betrayal, continues her assault on David. STACEY (furious) Damn it, David! You hired a monster to kill me! So, you must die first! I trusted you! How could you do that? I guess you feel bad about Keaton’s death, right? Anyway, I better do you a favor, put you out of your misery! I swear because if you knew what was coming! Surely you would kill yourself! Stacey launches herself at David with a barrage of punches and kicks. David, desperate to defend himself, blocks as many blows as he can. Stacey, fueled by rage, delivers a powerful double kick to David's ribs and chest, causing him to stagger and touch his injured side. DAVID (pained) I don’t want to hurt you! STACEY (aggressive) Have you heard yourself? Why did you send a monster after me? That means you are definitely trying to kill me! Stacey continues her furious attack, kicking David between the neck and shoulder. David, struggling to maintain his composure, hits the bridge’s rail and leans over, holding on to the rails to prevent himself from falling. STACEY (viciously) You can’t be trusted! Your desperate situation and your team's will only result in my death! You are losing! Marson needs just a single kill to announce the majority. He is right now summoning everyone. The military, the police, even doctors to fight you, everyone, even the diplomat bodyguards! He declared all this as a national security! Stacey, relentless in her assault, continues to pummel David. The stakes have never been higher as they battle on the bridge, unaware of the unfolding events around them. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Stacey, now revealed as Evelina, engages in a brutal fight with David on the bridge. Their intense struggle escalates as Stacey flips in the air, somersaulting and revealing a hidden knife. She attempts to stab David in the neck, narrowly missing and slicing his shoulder instead. DAVID (shouting) Stacey! Holding his injured shoulder, David pleads for a truce. DAVID (CONT'D) Stop that! Let’s talk. There must be another way to stop all this. I am not Hudson. I want you alive! Stacey, fueled by anger and mistrust, dismisses David's plea and continues her relentless attack. STACEY (angry) A desperate team can’t be trusted! A losing leader can’t be trusted either! Especially one hanging by a thread. The odds are way against you, and Marson has raised the stakes! DAVID (smiling) I see you have come to your senses! You have realized that it is better for you to die to save humanity! You want to correct the original sin! You volunteered to die to save mankind from the wrath of God? So be it! David prepares for Stacey's attack, and the fierce battle continues. Stacey, still determined, pulls out a gun and fires two consecutive shots, hitting David in the shoulder. DAVID (grimacing in pain) Damn it! My shoulder! You shot me! STACEY (firmly) Yes! I need your attention! It could be worse! Your team is only going to get me killed! No way! I can’t be part of a losing team. After all, you will let this chubby monster kill me to feel good about Keaton’s death! Bye, David! A tear rolls down Stacey's eye as she aims the gun at David. The shots are fired, and David hears Stacey's screams as she falls off the bridge into the river below. DAVID (shouting) No! No! Leave her! Ignoring David's plea, Andrew, appearing on the bridge, dives into the water to search for Stacey's body. David watches in agony, torn between saving her and the reality of the situation. ANDREW (frantic) Damn it! It’s not a kill without evidence of a dead corpse. I got to find her! David, realizing the gravity of the situation, understands why Stacey had disguised herself as Evelina. He pretends that Stacey is on the bridge, prompting Andrew to stop searching. DAVID (CONT'D) You saved my life. I swear I thought it was the Omega, Evelina, and had left my gun in the car. Thanks, at least Keaton can rest in peace! ANDREW I am going to look for the body! DAVID Tomorrow, soldier! Let’s go home! Andrew reluctantly agrees, and they leave the bridge. David, reflecting on the events, answers a call from Carolina. DAVID (CONT'D) Yes! Sorry, the phone was on silent! CAROLINA (O.S.) I’m glad you are alive. The Alpha and the Omega. DAVID Yes! CAROLINA (O.S.) I’m sorry, David. Stacey is dead. David, with a heavy heart, processes the news of Stacey's demise. INT. IBRAHIM AND MIA'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Ibrahim and Mia sit on their couch, watching the news. The news anchor discusses a global phenomenon where people worldwide are protesting, believing that their involvement in the fight against the kingdom of darkness is essential. The news highlights David as the leader of Tomorrow's World Order, emphasizing the urgency to solve "God's Dilemma." NEWS ANCHOR (voiceover) According to Tomorrow’s World Order leader, a one David, unless we solve what he calls God’s Dilemma, the kingdom of darkness is imminent and inevitable. Mia turns to Ibrahim, seeking clarification. MIA What does that mean? IBRAHIM Total obliteration of all those who stand for good. As evil will triumph. More like the ends of days, the end of sunshine as the world will become dark again. Ibrahim flicks through channels, emphasizing the global impact of the situation. IBRAHIM (CONT'D) Look, it’s global now. The time is running out, and we must act. I believe in the last stages, the devil will use the devil’s ghosts to unleash hell. In what they call the forty-eight hours of darkness. MIA (alarmed) A time where it is believed that the devil will eliminate two-thirds of the world’s population in just forty-eight hours? How can we stand a chance? IBRAHIM That's what we need to figure out. Mia questions the apparent gender bias in the narrative, suggesting sexism in the salvation narrative. MIA (CONT'D) Wait, I understand all this is because a woman ate the fruit, right? So, mankind can see what is good and evil. Eve’s sin is believed to have unleashed God’s fury, so how can a man do the same but save the world? Isn’t that sexism? IBRAHIM Eve ate a fruit that opened the door to the evil world. She let the devil in. She let death in. If she had obeyed God, he was going to shut the devil out forever. Then it is true also that none of this could have happened. But the devil challenged God and said if the first woman you made disobeys you and turns to me, then the people need me as well. MIA Oh, I see. IBRAHIM Once this man eats the fruits of wisdom, he will know what is right and what is good. In that, he will know what is needed to conquer evil and restore the days. MIA Maybe we should pay David a visit. Mia changes the channel, and they encounter a talk show where a guest, Dorothy Whines, discusses the fulfillment of prophecy and the fight between good and evil. DOROTHY WHINES It is the fulfillment of prophecy and must come to pass. Whatever is written shall come to pass. All we can do is hope and pray. Mia questions the authenticity of the fight, suggesting that an evil regime might exploit religion to scare people. MIA Do you honestly believe that what is happening today is a fight between good and evil and the end of days, or just an evil and corrupt regime taking advantage of religion to scare the people? DOROTHY WHINES They are using religion to get away with murder! Later, David appears on national television for a live interview, addressing the challenges and the urgency of defeating the devil. LIVE TELEVISION SHOW - NIGHT The host confronts David about his role and questions whether he is assuming a god-like status. HOST Mr. David, you said that you ‘must.’ Are you suggesting that it’s you to fill God’s shoes? Is this not what churches are calling blasphemous? DAVID Blasphemous a hypocrite! A studio audience member reacts negatively. AUDIENCE MEMBER Shouted one in the studio. David defends his position, explaining his belief in what he calls "God's Dilemma." DAVID (CONT'D) Hear me out! I am not saying that I am God, no! But I believe in what I call God’s Dilemma! David elaborates on God's Dilemma before the crowd applauds. HOST Mr. David. Are we prepared to go over human capabilities to equal the gods? DAVID Not easily, and that can explain why we failed to do that for the past two-thousand years. Mankind finds it easier to be the devil than to play God. INT. DAVID'S TELEVISION SHOW - NIGHT The stage is set, and David stands before a captivated audience. He addresses the crowd with conviction. DAVID He paused. “I can make a toxic digital watermark or pathogen overnight and kill millions, and the next day I will be wearing the devil’s crown.” The crowd applauds, intrigued by David's bold statement. DAVID (CONT'D) “It will take me years and a lot of money to create robots that can act and think like mankind, let alone create life.” A skeptic in the audience questions David's stance. SKEPTIC “So, you agree that it’s near impossible to act like God, yet you are saying that it is how we are to save mankind from evil. Isn’t it a contradiction?” David gazes at the audience, ready to explain his perspective. DAVID “I believe when God created mankind with his own image, he assumed mankind would inherit some of his intelligence, generosity, and understanding. But he discovered that mankind was like what robots are like to us. No matter how much time and skills he applied, they will never master the basics of being a God or what it takes to be a god.” The audience listens attentively. DAVID (CONT'D) “So, he realized that fusing human and God’s spirit is the only answer. Mankind required some divine intervention. Mankind alone will never master the basics of being God.” He pauses for emphasis. DAVID (CONT'D) “So, what did God do? Anyone?” David engages the audience. AUDIENCE MEMBER (raises hand) “He breathed his breath to be the father to create a fusion between God and humans. To create a son fathered by the spirit but born of a woman. You can say half-God-half-human. The fusion is the only answer to him creating a person who will fulfill his dilemma. Only a person who is part God and part human can master what is needed.” The crowd goes wild, applauding the insightful response. DAVID “God realized that a person born of flesh alone will never act or understand the basics of being a God. So, he created Jesus his son to be the only answer. To show humans what is needed. But the task is not for Jesus but for one of us of pure flesh to rise to the challenge.” The audience is hooked, absorbing every word. DAVID (CONT'D) “To eat the fruits of life and understand what it takes to be God. For the challenge was for a man to rise to the challenge. As God had a bet with the Devil where the devil argued that God had cheated and used contaminated sand to create humans.” The crowd gasps in realization. DAVID (CONT'D) “Humans who had both the devils’ image that is DNA and that of his. That having arisen from the fact that a world existed before God created this world. Meaning that the devil existed first leaving his DNA all over the land and sand God used to create humans.” The people react with a mix of astonishment and fascination. DAVID (CONT'D) “Shockingly, the devil discovered that the people had more than ninety percent as his DNA. This led him to challenge God arguing that no matter what, the people will never listen to him but to the devil. Simply because their DNA is mapped after the Devil’s meaning the people are created with the devil’s image and not God’s.” The audience buzzes with discussions and contemplation. DAVID (CONT'D) “The devil again challenged God. He told God that the people were evil to the born because they belonged to him. Even though he had created them. He was no better than a fertility doctor who gets a man’s sperm and a woman’s ovary and fuses these two. Surely the fertility doctor can’t claim that the baby that is born is his.” A collective murmur fills the room. DAVID (CONT'D) “Likewise, God can’t claim that the people are his. But God, being God, was adamant that the people were his creation, and they had his image. That is his DNA. That he agreed to the devil’s challenge to offer and tempt them with his son; Jesus. That if they are his people, surely it follows also that they will never harm his son; Jesus.” The crowd listens with rapt attention. DAVID (CONT'D) “God’s answer to mankind. The devil had argued that God had cheated in that the challenge was that among the people he had created, one of them would evolve to master what it means to be God.” A voice from the audience challenges David. AUDIENCE MEMBER #2 “You said that only a fusion can understand the basics of being a God, but why are you saying that a whole man or woman of flesh will conquer evil? After all, you yourself said that God knew it was impossible.” DAVID “God used literally the fusion to illustrate what we must metaphorically do.” He looks at the audience with intensity. DAVID (CONT'D) “God used the fusion of his spirit with a woman’s womb to create his son Jesus, but we must think of fusing God’s ideas with ours for one of us to rise to the challenge to defeat evil.” The audience nods in agreement. DAVID (CONT'D) “It’s the thinking, the obsession with everything godly that will trigger one of us to think, act, and do like God. The only answer to defeat evil.” The crowd erupts in applause, moved by David's visionary perspective. INT. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - DAY David stands before a diverse crowd, passionately explaining his vision. DAVID "To conclude, please, Mr. David, explain how this special person will defeat evil?" He stands up confidently. DAVID (CONT'D) "He will unite the world as one, under his leadership. They will use a single currency, in this case, our digital currency globally, as one of the major mediums of exchange along with nation-specific currencies." The audience is engaged, absorbing David's words. DAVID (CONT'D) "He will fight the evil regime that is making digital weapons and watermarks to use to collect taxes and control the people but, in fact, destroying the best God created, namely beauty and good health. Mind you, all these are toxic to humans, and one day, imagine if everyone is polluted with these. That can only mean the end of humanity if something is to go wrong." The crowd applauds vigorously, giving him a standing ovation. DAVID (CONT'D) "Mr. David, you sound like this regime is destroying its people. After all, it is its people, as well as you say ninety-five percent of the people’s DNA, is the devil’s. So technically, all they are doing is claim what is rightfully theirs as well. What do you say to that?" "We believe the regime is making and using the digital weapons, pathogens, and watermarks to obliterate humanity." A skeptic challenges David. SKEPTIC "That can’t be true, Mr. David. That is a wild suggestion." David stands firm. DAVID "The regime, at the moment, don’t know it, but, like I said, the devil’s argument from the beginning, found in his contests with God, was that God had used a contaminated stencil." The crowd listens intently. DAVID (CONT'D) "Mixing DNA when he created people who are hard to control and people who would disobey all to a certain extent. The very reason why the world was such a mess. Imagine if the people had only God’s image as planned. Then they would all do exactly as God had planned." He captures the audience's attention with his storytelling. DAVID (CONT'D) "But the problem is that everyone on earth, it’s in his or her DNA that he or she will be a pain. To restore the kingdom, the devil will reset his kingdom of darkness’s system to a time before God created mankind." The crowd reacts with a mix of shock and intrigue. DAVID (CONT'D) "Then the people that existed had purely only the devil’s DNA. Loyal to the born. That when God killed the devil by throwing him into hell when he took over. The people all of them chose to die with the devil as well. So, to the Devil-Is-I, the one to come. He will know only after taking over." The room buzzes with discussions. DAVID (CONT'D) "That even the one-third of the people who will declare to be the devil’s. All will be of no good to him. That he will destroy all. Then trigger recreation with only people with the devils’ DNA." The crowd goes berserk. DAVID (CONT'D) "That is the scariest part because then it was easy. Now it is believed that the devil does not want people anymore but would copy God’s first plan!" A curious audience member seeks clarification. AUDIENCE MEMBER "What is that first plan, Mr. David, if you can explain to us!" David sighs. DAVID "A world without humans but just the devil or God with angels only. Angels who are loyal and are not a pain like you humans!" Silence and fear grip the room. DAVID (CONT'D) "That’s right, the end of mankind as we know him and her today!" A hushed silence takes over. DAVID (CONT'D) "So, to us, the person to solve God’s Dilemma will get the courts to label all evil people making and using these as enemies of the people. Even if they don’t know it, they have started to destroy mankind." The crowd absorbs the gravity of the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) "Preparing for a world with only the devil and his angels and no humans. So, you can see why I am saying crimes against humanity. Destruction of humanity has already started." An uneasy tension fills the room. DAVID (CONT'D) "So, this person will get all these shot by assassins throughout the world. This person will champion good health and the best quality of health without nuisance disturbances by people who are trying to create jobs for themselves." The audience listens, intrigued. DAVID (CONT'D) "He will bring wealth to all, raising living standards to levels never thought of before. He will build brand new cities, champion clean energy sources, fight wars, and insist on research and development as a tool to achieve what we need." A skeptical journalist challenges David. SKEPTICAL JOURNALIST "Mr. David, you are up against the best military in the whole world, the very people making all these digital pathogens, weapons, and watermarks. How are you going to defeat all these?" David responds confidently. DAVID "Empower everyone. This is because the international laws these people are breaking have universal jurisdiction, in that anyone can apprehend the culprit anywhere and punish that person according to the court’s judgments." The crowd is intrigued by the bold proposal. DAVID (CONT'D) "So, we’re going to legalize guns globally, and I will offer through the courts the Ultima-Talionis letters to assassinate these in public, in a shock and traumatize way!" The crowd goes berserk. AUDIENCE MEMBER #2 "You risk being labeled a terrorist!" DAVID "We are global leaders, and it’s obvious we will face opposition and stubbornness, so we need an effective system that is feared and respected. We want the court judgments to be adhered to." Marson, a rival leader, fumes in the background. MARSON "We have so much power and personnel to literally obliterate our enemies, yet bureaucratic processes are hindering progress. We should, by now, have investigation results on who was behind the assassinations of the President’s families and on who exactly is launching the secret remote-controlled drone-gun attacks on our members and diplomats. Seven diplomats are dead now." The tension escalates as the leaders confront the challenges ahead. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT President Rex sits behind his desk, staring at Marson with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. MARSON (looking determined) Do you honestly believe that I don’t want revenge too? PRESIDENT REX (sighs) No, sir. With all due respect, I just wish. Marson glances at the President, his eyes filled with a sense of urgency. MARSON The Executive Branch is doing its best to resolve this! PRESIDENT REX I know, sir, but I am saying that if it was me, who was delegated such a task. We would be faster, you know. If you don’t act, either you are chickening or don’t know the facts. But that’s not true! MARSON The Executive branch has more power than all of us put together. I can’t challenge them as they have power over the seven heads who they lead and guide unanimously. PRESIDENT REX Exactly what I think is the problem. Sir, with all due respect, I am from a military background. To overcome your enemy, you must match to win. The Executive Branch is tied down by bureaucracy. They must get a meeting to decide things if I was the only leader, things which I would decide in a flash. They must investigate properly everything that means weeks. They have to vote to pass recommendations etc., whereas I can simplify all that fast and easily! Marson emphasizes his point, leaning forward. MARSON (CONT'D) Imagine if we have handled the assassinations of the President’s family’s, things could be different. I have no connections with the victims and would be the ideal person. We could have shut down this menacing drone-gun in the orbit. President Rex gets up and walks to the window, looking contemplative. PRESIDENT REX They are not stupid, you know. They dragged us to court on the deaths of families abroad because of our foreign policy. He pauses, gazing outside. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) So, to use our defense for the husbands of the families our foreign policy killed. MARSON (understanding) Oh, I see. You were only to act as translators. Whatever you said, you would be saying it on behalf of the husbands of the families you killed? PRESIDENT REX Exactly. MARSON (angry) Son of a bitch. Clever bastard! PRESIDENT REX Tell me about it. It doesn’t stop there. MARSON I am listening. PRESIDENT REX They argued that we were temporarily insane just because the deaths were violent and in public. That any reasonable man will be traumatized by witnessing such, worse if it’s the father and husband or wife. MARSON (frustrated) Clever son of a bitch. I had no clue then! PRESIDENT REX Top secret classified, but now that you are the head, you deserve to know. MARSON Did Hudson know about all this? The President nods. Marson sits down, absorbing the shocking revelation. MARSON (CONT'D) That makes sense. I thought he had a lot of balls challenging all Presidents and all that. He was taking his opportunities, and he knew you were weakened... I mean. PRESIDENT REX It’s okay, but we don’t want another Hudson? We want someone who will get revenge for us. Someone who feels the pain I am going through. MARSON (angry) Bastard! He took advantage of the situation to establish himself. Instantly, Marson's heart starts pounding fast. He feels sweat droplets running down his forehead. The President notices. PRESIDENT REX Don’t try anything stupid, Marson! I know everyone would jump in screwing us up and fuck us up when we are the victims here. Promise me that you will defend us. Fight and revenge for my family. Our families! MARSON (sarcastic) Or else what, sir... I will end up like Hudson. Is that so? Marson roars, the tension escalating in the room. MARSON (CONT'D) So, Hudson had an inside job? How could you, Sir? He pledged to protect you and defend you. It was not easy. This David pressed hard like a possessed person. At one point, I thought he was on the devil’s side? President Rex remains silent, realizing the gravity of the situation. FADE OUT. INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - NIGHT The President laughs cunningly, his demeanor shifting into a burst of rage. PRESIDENT REX Do you know what it feels like being a puppet President? You got some nerves asking me that. After what I told you. We were there but with no power at all. He kept challenging us, blackmailing us for money. Every time we argued or refused his demands. He would suggest that he would see the Executive Branch anywhere as we were useless! Just imagine this was the man we put in place! One to defend us at such a critical time. We were grieving for the Devil’s sake! Marson, stern-faced, responds to the President's outburst. MARSON But still, sir, you have no right to do that. Okay, you can kill their man or even the girl. I wouldn’t care about her, but killing the head of a branch can only get you arrested! Marson gets up and points the gun at the President. MARSON (CONT'D) I guess I have to go through the court system with this! The President curses, realizing the gravity of the situation. PRESIDENT REX Trying to be another Hudson? You forgot the courts failed to dispossess us of our guns? That’s exactly what Hudson did – try to take us through the court system when we declared him unfit. I was grieving those days, so I didn’t care much. Make no mistake because this time I know how to handle this! Marson doesn't back down. MARSON Who else is involved? The President, with a resigned expression, admits. PRESIDENT REX Everyone. There is a moment of tense silence. MARSON I guess maybe you are right. Let bygones be bygones and focus on the task at hand! Conceding, Marson puts the gun away. PRESIDENT REX The courts sided with him that if we had commanded to strike back, then we would be guilty of acting with grief in the heat of the moment and using extreme force. Killing innocent people simply because we suffered a loss and as such would not care about the other people’s families and children! Marson roars in frustration, the anger building up inside him. MARSON What seems to be the matter? PRESIDENT REX I am not trying to be funny. Could that also explain why you’ve been turning down most of my requests? You are a passive President. I just realized that you were actually putting all of us at risk! At least you should have told me! Damn it! That was giving me a false sense of security, and I take that as a serious crime, Sir! He aims the gun at the President again. MARSON (CONT'D) Damn it, Marson. Don’t give me that bullshit! Surely don’t tempt me! The bodies of my families might have been eaten by the ants by now, but the pain is still raw! Don’t make me shoot you! Surely in the name of my beautiful wife and kids, I will blood shoot you in cold-blood and replace you by tomorrow! You have no idea what losing someone means! Trust me! I know the pain! And trust me, it is pain enough to kill first and ask questions later! You have no idea. That was the lowest point of my life. Tested to breaking point! On top of that be taunted by the courts and this Executive Branch. And you stand in my face and talk about being given a false sense of security? What about the false sense of security I was given? You were part of the security team, right? So, what about the false sense of security your team gave me that they can protect my wife? A false sense of security that they can protect my handsome son? What about the false sense of security that they can protect my daughter? Huh! Tell me! You bastard! What about the false sense of security I was given that they would protect not just my families but us in times of trouble? In times when we were grieving! In times when we needed them the most. Tell me! Damn it! What about that! Tell me before I shoot you in cold blood? President Rex, tense and shaking, aims the gun, the tension escalating in the room. The President fumes. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) You don’t bloody know what it is like to lose a family! On top of that to be told that there is nothing you can do when I am the President! Do you bloody think that I was happy with what was going on? Above all, you were not the head then and therefore needed not to be told. I am only telling you this because you are now the head. But Hudson knew, and that could explain also his arrogance but also his demise. He thought he was the devil himself! President Rex takes a deep breath, his anger apparent. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) This was an easy job before they legalized guns globally! Marson curses, pacing before stopping abruptly to confront the President. MARSON Tell me the truth? How long is this temporary insanity period is? The President hesitates before responding. PRESIDENT REX Two years at most! That is what the courts said but could be earlier! A huge roar echoes in the surrounding offices. LATER The meeting room is silent, only a few coughs breaking the quiet. CHAIRMAN Please introduce yourself? MARSON (smirking) I am Marson, the second-highest-ranking official after the President. Or should I say the active highest official since some of us are still passive heads. A huge roar followed by hissing fills the room. President Rex looks down, sitting in the benches in the middle section. There are buzzing discussions among the attendees. INT. WORLD LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING ROOM - DAY A tense atmosphere fills the room as Marson stands firm in his assertion. MARSON Make no mistake, I have the highest respect for my President and truly sorry for what happened, but I think taking over by the Executive branch is a mistake! A wave of murmurs and discussions erupt among the leaders gathered. LEADER 1 Our countries, and the whole world, have seen the rise of a New World Order. One we have never seen or anticipated before and they are threatening our way of life. LEADER 2 Changing the system, we know and believe you me. Breaking every rule in the book regarding taxes, respecting leaders, upholding the rule of law, and threatening our existence. Marson raises his voice, addressing the assembly. MARSON When this EB was established, none could have anticipated this; none could have planned for this. So, I declare that EB is not fit to deal with the new challenges posed by Tomorrow’s World Order. Therefore, their jurisdiction is limited to areas outside our jurisdiction and country. Another round of buzzing conversations fills the room. LEADER 3 The courts agreed to drop the charges on grounds that the affected Presidents became dormant or passive in matters that matter the most, like national security. LEADER 4 New evidence suggests this is a tactical strategy for Tomorrow’s World Order to grow at an alarming rate without any significant challenges. Marson continues, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. MARSON Nothing but a threat to our existence as such can’t be allowed. As the active head of my country and not having been affected by the current issues, I declare my country free to make its own decisions! The assembly responds with a mixture of cheers and jeers. CHAIRMAN Mr. Marson, are you saying you are now the President of your country because that is what you are saying? But our records still indicate President Rex as the President? MARSON On national security grounds, I invoke Article 33. I can challenge the settings in that the temporary head can take over even if the President is there to make all decisions by himself without the need to refer to the EB or to the President. CHAIRMAN Mr. Marson, if things were as simple as you want it, then the world wouldn’t be like this. What you are saying is that you want to take over from the President when he is still there. MARSON No, I said I want to be an acting decision-maker whilst he is passive or dormant, whether you want to call it! Another leader tries to clarify the situation. LEADER 5 You must understand that he is still the President, only that we must approve all his decisions in line with the court’s requests. Marson, bloated with rage, abruptly walks out of the meeting. CHAIRMAN Mr. Marson? Come back, please! Marson stops and curses before returning and sitting back. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) However, we understand your situation, and we will resolve the issue soon. Marson, frustrated, expresses his concern. MARSON There is an immediate, present, and imminent danger! We can’t afford a bunch of losers trying to tell us what we can and can’t do! He abruptly walks out again. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) Mr. Marson, come back, please! Marson stops, curses once more, and reluctantly returns to his seat. CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) We understand your situation, and we will resolve the issue soon. Marson doesn't seem convinced. MARSON What is the action taken on those who killed the families of the Presidents? What is the action taken on those who launched the remote drone-attacks in the orbit killing my men? As of today, in the last week, nine of the diplomats are dead? A wave of concerned murmurs sweeps through the room. LEADER 6 The investigations are still incomplete! Marson, infuriated, curses and storms out. MARSON Bloody useless! CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT REX'S OFFICE - NIGHT The leaders of the EB meet with the Presidents whose families have been killed. PRESIDENT REX Could Marson be correct about all this, that the EB is weak and takes too long to process decisions? President Rex is troubled, reflecting on the situation. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) What was the option? Stepping down, and then what? A loss-loss situation! President Maureen voices her concerns. PRESIDENT MAUREEN But to remain as useless passive leaders? That is costing your men’s lives. This Tomorrow’s World Order, if it wasn’t for this, could have been crashed by now. But look. They have weaponized the whole world that makes our job even harder. Now because we stalled, it has grown to be a global problem because we clung to power at the expense of national security. Marson is offering a way out gracefully! The leaders deliberate on the urgency of the matter. LEADER 7 Why is it taking so long? The room falls into contemplative silence, leaving the leaders to grapple with the impending challenges and the need for decisive action. FADE OUT. INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY David sits quietly in his office, brooding over the loss of his team members. Carolina, observing him from her office, knocks on his door, entering moments later. CAROLINA What seems to be the matter? David hands her a picture of the team. She sits on the desk, recognizing the faces of the lost members. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Oh my God! Javelina, Mark, Keaton, and everyone we lost so far. Such a great team we had! David looks at the picture, taking a deep breath. DAVID So far, everyone who has taken one of us down has met their demise too. Apart from one. He points at Keaton in the picture. DAVID (CONT'D) That's a tough call. CAROLINA No. It's just a challenge. I think we have the men for this job. Andrew enters, wiping dust off the seat before sitting down. ANDREW Mr. Handsome and Mr. Perfectionist here. Will do this big and dirty job. Perfectly clean this one up. Send him to hell, but only make sure that his blood won't ruin your crispy white shirt! David smiles before handing over a file. CAROLINA Maybe not a good idea. DAVID No. Andrew is perfect for this job. Isn't that so, Mr. Andrew? ANDREW No job too big or too dirty for me! It only determines how thorough I have to clean afterward. He smiles cheekily. Carolina stands at the window. CAROLINA I meant taking the target now? We have survived this far because he is still alive and in power even if it's in passive mode. Taking him out will unleash the beast and its evil on us. DAVID You mean if Marson takes over, he will make this a national security issue? CAROLINA Yes, of course. He will use the military, police, and secret services. I mean every one of which we can't stand a chance. We survived as a team because they are not using all these. If they declare it a national security issue, then that's a different matter. DAVID Now we command the whole world. All I have to do is issue the Ultima-Talionis letter publicly and count on people to act. CAROLINA News in the city is that they are waiting for just that and offer all the missing money for our heads instead. David roars. DAVID That's mine. Our stolen money. I knew it. One hundred trillion dollars is a large amount. BOGDAN enters the office. BOGDAN Mind games. DAVID Are you prepared to offer more than one hundred trillion dollars as a reward? BOGDAN Maybe? DAVID Damn it, David. You know we can't. The tension in the room grows as they grapple with the stakes and challenges ahead. INT. WORLD LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING ROOM - DAY President Rex and other leaders discuss the challenges they face with the courts and the growing threat of Tomorrow's World Order. PRESIDENT REX The courts have time frames. Six weeks to complete a preliminary investigation, another for a full investigation, another ten weeks or so before publishing the findings. He is right, too much bureaucracy. If it was a President, it could have taken only forty-eight hours. PRESIDENT MAUREEN The courts are arguing that anything less is to be classed as rushed-out investigations. The problem is to strike the right balance. President Rex expresses his frustration. PRESIDENT REX I challenged the EB. I advised them to let us go ahead with the court proceedings and challenge the accusations. The spokesperson of the EB interjects. EB SPOKESPERSON The court stopped us in our tracks by demanding evidence that witnessing such violent deaths of loved ones won't traumatize the remaining loved ones to declare them insane. All the evidence pointed to the fact that witnessing such things on national television is traumatic, at least up to two years for close-up families. We had no chance but to back off. PRESIDENT MAUREEN What is the way forward regarding this? President Rex looks at the assembly with a haunted expression. PRESIDENT REX In a week or so, there won't be any need for all this. He pauses, and the room is filled with a sense of foreboding. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) For among us shall rise one, the chosen one to lead all men to become the shining angel of death. To illuminate the darkness and restore the kingdom of darkness. The one who shall consolidate all powers into one to restore once and forever the lost kingdom of darkness. That person is here! The leaders exchange fearful glances. CUT TO: EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - DAY David contemplates the challenges ahead, realizing the weight of his actions and the unfolding consequences. The world teeters on the brink of chaos, and the decisions made will determine its fate. FADE OUT. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Andrew struggles to get out of his sports car, and a young boy, around seventeen, approaches him. YOUNG BOY I think I can help. He pulls Andrew out of the car by grabbing his jacket. Andrew, annoyed, warns him not to damage the jacket. ANDREW Not that. You might damage that, be careful! The boy brushes off any dirt on Andrew's clothes. YOUNG BOY Where do you think you're going? ANDREW I just thought that if I can't touch your expensive clothes, then it also follows that I can't touch your expensive car. Andrew throws the car keys at the boy, surprising him. ANDREW (CONT'D) I don't care about the car. The image is about myself and what I wear and feel inside. It's not about what I drive; after all, it's the company's car. Go for a drive. I don't care, but make sure it's here in two hours' time. Okay? Park it and leave the keys in the glove compartment. YOUNG BOY What kind of job do you do? Oh, let me guess. Male model. Andrew looks shocked. ANDREW Never thought of it that way. YOUNG BOY Scary movie actor? ANDREW Never mind. Make sure the car is on that spot in two hours. Andrew walks away, leaving the boy behind. YOUNG BOY (shouting) Where are you going? ANDREW (smirking) Shopping. Andrew wears his sunglasses and disappears into the city. He catches everyone's attention, turning heads as he walks down the street, a handsome figure that captivates several young and old women. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL BAR - LATER Andrew checks his expensive watch, realizing it's five minutes over the two-hour mark he instructed the boy. Worried, he carries his stuff to the sports car, only to find it missing, and the young boy nowhere in sight. ANDREW What the... He checks with the parking company, but they have no information. Frustrated, Andrew heads to the nearby hotel bar and buys a whiskey. The bartender switches to the news channel. BARTENDER All programs have been canceled as something big has happened. ANDREW (whispering) Be quiet. Andrew anxiously watches the news, sensing that something significant is unfolding. EXT. CITY STREET - LATER The city buzzes with an eerie silence as people on the streets exchange worried glances. The news on the screens shows chaos unfolding globally. NEWS ANCHOR (on TV) Breaking news: A coordinated attack has been launched on key government facilities worldwide. The perpetrators demand the head of President Rex in exchange for stopping the chaos. People react with shock and fear, realizing the gravity of the situation. CUT TO BLACK. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY The world is in shock as the news breaks. TV NEWS REPORTER The world has been shocked today as President Rex has been assassinated in broad daylight. It is also believed that the gunman has been shot and killed as the security was tight. In a distant location, Carolina's heart pounds, and Bogdan breathes hard, fearing the worst. CAROLINA Have they mentioned the name of the gunman? Did they show the pictures? BOGDAN I am scared it could be him. He told me about this assignment, but he sounded very optimistic. Miles away, Marson roars in his office. Gunshots echo, and his military men and bodyguards rush to his aid. MARSON I had assigned extra men to deal with this. This is something I never wanted to happen. He gets up, locks the door, and places the gun on the table. A huge knock startles him. MARSON (CONT'D) Sir, are you okay? Open the door! MARSON (CONT'D) Go and tell that to President Rex! Damn it! Go away! Soldiers insistently demand him to open the door. MARSON (CONT'D) If you come in here, then you will get shot! The soldiers exchange glances and begin hitting the door to break in. One soldier retreats, then runs full speed at the door, colliding with Marson. The door opens, and chaos ensues. SOLDIER Sir, are you okay? Open the door! MARSON Damn it! Marson. Don't give me that bullshit! The bodies of my families might have been eaten by the ants by now, but the pain is still raw! Don't make me shoot you! Surely in the name of my beautiful wife and kids, I will blood shoot you in cold-blood and replace you by tomorrow! You have no idea what losing someone means! Trust me! I know the pain! And trust me, it is pain enough to kill first and ask questions later! You have no idea. That was the lowest point of my life. Tested to breaking point! On top of that be taunted by the courts and this Executive Branch. And you stand in my face and talk about being given a false sense of security? What about the false sense of security I was given? You were part of the security team, right? So, what about the false sense of security your team gave me that they can protect my wife? A false sense of security that they can protect my handsome son? What about the false sense of security that they can protect my daughter? Huh! Tell me! You bastard! What about the false sense of security I was given that they would protect not just my families but us in times of trouble? In times when we were grieving! In times when we needed them the most. Tell me! Damn it! What about that! Tell me before I shoot you in cold blood? Soldiers struggle to restrain Marson, and a phone call interrupts the chaos. EB MEMBER (on the phone) I hope you are glad he is out of the way. Just a day ago you were challenging him that he is not the President, and today he is dead, coincidence or not I think we must investigate. MARSON (shouting) I don't steal my victory! You bastard! I was going to request the presidential seat fairly. This was not supposed to happen. I have clean hands. EB MEMBER We must speak in person and come to our office. The tension rises as Marson faces accusations from the Executive Branch. CUT TO BLACK. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson sits in his office, furious, slamming the phone receiver down. MARSON Go screw yourselves! The phone instantly rings again, Marson doesn't give the EB member a chance to speak. MARSON (CONT'D) Unless you have evidence that it was me. I will not stand down! He slams the receiver down once more. Miles away, Andrew sits in a bar, calling a taxi to head back to the mansion. Carolina flips through channels anxiously. TV REPORTER A seventeen-year-old boy is believed to be the assassin to have killed President Rex. The motive is unknown, but it is believed the boy’s father is a victim of President Rex’s foreign policy. Carolina leaves the conference room, upset. Andrew follows her. CAROLINA Don’t touch me! ANDREW I can explain. CAROLINA How could you get a boy of such an age get killed? I thought you were man enough. You would rather save your skin and get a kid killed! ANDREW I am that boy. He leans against the corridor wall. ANDREW (CONT'D) I was seventeen years old. My father had just been murdered. A week later, his best friend drove an expensive car to our house and left it with me. I thought it would be a great present to forget the loss and heal the pain. Until I opened the glove compartment. He shows a scar on his side. ANDREW (CONT'D) There was a gun and a letter and photos of the man who got my father killed. It turned out that the car was a bribe to keep me quiet. I felt rage and saw myself as not the kind of person to betray my father. I felt physically sick that I took the gun and sent back the car. Blasted the man in the head! Carolina looks at the scar. ANDREW (CONT'D) Trust me. It might be wrong because he got killed. But there is nothing sweeter than revenge. Especially revenging your father’s death. This is the only person who cares about you. Right? I could never betray my own father. Above all that sends a powerful message. That every child, woman, and man out there is an assassin and with the number of people, they have killed and wronged that will send fears and shock waves to the system! Meanwhile, Marson roars in frustration. MARSON It can’t be me! Damn it! EB MEMBER You mean directly but indirectly the EB can find you guilty because your men blasted his father. It is open to us to suggest that you ball-rolled your evil acts knowing that the boy will simply attack the President. So, you outsourced a killer indirectly to do your dirty job. To remove the man stopping you from taking over. The man stopping you from testing your victory! Marson roars again, pushes the table, and storms out of the room. LATER: The EB gathers after Marson left. EB MEMBER 2 Maybe we are too harsh on him. EB MEMBER 3 We are right on track. If we don’t scare him off, he is going to take things into his own hands and that can result in more deaths. We make sure he does not make in the heat of the moment decisions that can result in innocent casualties. This is what started all this, and President Rex is just the first of the seven to be blasted by those who lost their loved ones. In what appeared to be revenge attacks! They all agree. EB MEMBER 4 Call the emergency meeting. Tighten up security on the remaining six Presidents and on Marson as well! We want him alive! An officer knocks on Marson’s door. OFFICER Sir, there's an emergency meeting. The Executive Branch requests your presence. Marson, still seething with anger, reluctantly heads to the meeting. CUT TO BLACK. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson is seated at his desk when an assistant enters. ASSISTANT Sir, they want to see you at the EB headquarters! MARSON Tell them I am busy, and I am finished dealing with them. If they want me, they have to come to this side! Later that afternoon, all seven members of the Executive Branch (EB) enter Marson's office. EB MEMBER 1 We have decided to drop all the charges against you and to approve you as the one taking over as the President with immediate effect. We have realized also that the other Presidents might be at risk, so we shall focus on their security from now on and let you get on with the job at hand! Marston stares at all of them. MARSON What I said still stands. I don’t need your approval. I could have dismantled the EB with immediate effect, but I will spare you for now because of the other leader’s needs. I can’t fight wars on all fronts. Get out of the office! Days ago. EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY Kayden, after driving off for a while in Andrew's sports car, parks on the roadside and opens the glove compartment. He finds a rolled paper tied with a rubber band. He quickly removes the band and unrolls the paper, revealing a bunch of new notes. He reads the letter and looks at two photos. As he flips through the pictures, he becomes sad and angry. A tear rolls down his cheek, and he revs up the car, driving off. Somewhere in the city. A limo comes to a halt beside huge buildings. The President's phone rings. HEAD OF SECURITY Not a good idea, Sir. Distractions. PRESIDENT REX It’s Marson. I must answer this. He gets out of the car and answers the call. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) What can I do for you? Marson after the show you put up at the EB meeting? MARSON Your signature, sir. I need you to authorize the next phase. We will need some extra funding. President Rex interrupts. PRESIDENT REX You got my verbal approval, Marson. But just make sure you remember my nephew? The President is about to end the call. MARSON One other thing, Mr. President. You have my due respect. The situation we are in is not for taking chances. In military circles, we call it removing booby-traps before the next move. The line breaks off, leaving the President confused. PRESIDENT REX What booby trap? He looks worried and everywhere. The phone rings again. The President looks at the caller's identity. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) Marson, what do you want? He answers the call. MARSON Be rest assured that I am going to do whatever I said I will do. I will get that woman and destroy all these bastards sabotaging our system. A motorbike revs up from a distance. The President looks at his security guard. PRESIDENT REX Security to be tight. Spread out! The President answers the phone again. MARSON Is there a problem, Mr. President? You look like you have seen a ghost. PRESIDENT REX Marson is talking about booby-traps. I want security to be tight. Spread out! Brad, the head of security, leaves to organize tight security. The phone rings again. PRESIDENT REX (CONT'D) Marson, what do you want? He answers the call. MARSON Be rest assured that I am going to do whatever I said I will do. I will get that woman and destroy all these bastards sabotaging our system. A female voice startles him. FEMALE VOICE This is for you to sign. The President's heart races with fear. PRESIDENT REX Are you still there? MARSON Who gave you this? The President opens the envelope, raising his head. PRESIDENT REX Who gave you this? CUT TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The bustling city street is filled with people going about their daily lives. YANKA, a young woman in her twenties, walks hurriedly through the crowd. The sound of car horns and people chatting fills the air. CUT TO: FADE IN: INT. PRESIDENTIAL EVENT - DAY The PRESIDENT, surrounded by SECURITY and AIDES, shakes hands and greets PEOPLE in a crowded room. A young GIRL, no more than 17, nervously looks around as she stands near the President. The Girl points behind the President's back. A SECRET SERVICE AGENT sees this and draws his gun, aiming in that direction. GIRL (whispering) Oh him. The Girl now points in front of the President. She quickly grabs a letter from his hand and takes off running. The President turns to look in front of him just as a SHOT rings out. The President staggers back, clutching his chest as blood stains his shirt. The Agent sees the Girl turning a corner. He also catches a glimpse of a SNIPER lowering his rifle and fleeing the scene. AGENT (into radio) Shots fired! Shots fired! President is down! The Agent runs to the fallen President and radios for help. Other Agents secure the scene. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY The Girl races down alleyways and side streets. She ducks into a waiting car, throwing the letter onto the passenger seat. She PEELS OUT and speeds away. INT. GETAWAY CAR - DAY The Girl drives recklessly, scanning the letter as she goes. We see it's an assassination order for the President. GIRL (disappointed) Only this much? She checks the cash payment. Angry, she pretends to fire a gun with sound effects. FLASHBACK TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT The Girl (YANKA) is in bed with her BOYFRIEND (JAMES). Suddenly, the door opens and 17-year-old KAYDEN enters, seeing them in a compromising position. JAMES What the hell is he doing here? With a gun?! YANKA I don't know! Stay here, I'll talk to him. Yanka throws on a robe and follows a distressed Kayden out of the room. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Yanka catches up to Kayden. He's crying and shaking, gun still in hand. YANKA Kay, wait! Why did you run off like that? You know James is my boyfriend. What you saw is normal in a relationship. KAYDEN But I love you! I don't understand why you can't be with me. YANKA I'm too old for you. We've talked about this. Kayden breaks down. Yanka hugs him. He hugs her tightly back. KAYDEN I just want to be with you. I can make you happy. He kisses her suddenly. She pushes him back. YANKA No, Kayden. We're friends but you're only 17. KAYDEN I'm a man now! I'll never want another woman. It's up to me to take care of you. Yanka sighs, wiping his tears. YANKA You nearly scared me to death. But maybe if you care for me that much, we can ask your father what he thinks. If he approves, we can try dating. Kayden sobs loudly at the mention of his father. YANKA What's wrong, Kay? KAYDEN My father...he was assassinated today. James arrives, pulling Yanka away. JAMES She's with me! Go find someone your own age! YANKA I'm sorry, Kayden. You know this can't happen. Kayden pulls his gun. Yanka screams. James lunges, twisting the gun as Kayden FIRES. They fall to the ground struggling for the weapon. BACK TO PRESENT: INT. GETAWAY CAR - DAY Yanka snaps out of her reverie. She checks the gun on the seat next to her. YANKA We'll see about that. She cocks the gun, aiming it at her own head. But she just acts out the shooting, making "bang" noises. Yanka breaks down crying, gun still in hand. FADE OUT. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Kayden lies in a hospital bed, recovering from his injuries. Yanka sits at his bedside. KAYDEN The doctor said the nightmares will stop eventually. My brain is still dealing with the trauma. Yanka takes Kayden's hand comfortingly. YANKA It's going to be okay. I promise you won't try anything like that again. Why not go after the man who killed your father instead? Kayden starts sobbing. KAYDEN I will. I'll find that bastard and make him pay before anything happens to me. INT. JAMES'S HOUSE - NIGHT James wakes up to hear Yanka softly crying next to him. JAMES You've grown more attached to Kayden since the accident, haven't you? YANKA Watching him just stand there, not traumatized me too. JAMES But the doctor said his mental state is still fragile. He could hurt himself again. YANKA How many people learn their dad died, nearly die themselves, and come out unharmed? He's special. JAMES So you love us both now? YANKA No, just Kayden. This all started because of your stupid fantasies. We should have locked the door. JAMES How was I supposed to know he'd walk in on us? I thought it would be Willy! And you're my girlfriend, why can't we...? YANKA My love for you is gone. Trauma bonded me to Kayden. James sits down, looking concerned. JAMES But what about the hallucinations? No one goes through what he did without some damage. YANKA Don't start. You just want to fight. JAMES You can't face the truth, can you? Love makes you blind. Yanka looks shocked. James presses on. JAMES (cont'd) You love him now, just admit it! YANKA Get out! We're through! Thank God you finally realized. JAMES Maybe I should have let him shoot himself. Yanka SLAPS James hard across the face. YANKA Get the hell out of my house! James exits as Yanka breaks down in tears. INT. KAYDEN'S ROOM - NIGHT Kayden lies awake, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. KAYDEN (V.O.) I'll find you Father's killer. I promise I'll get revenge before it's too late. Yanka loves me now. Everything will be okay. He closes his eyes as a faint smile crosses his face. FADE OUT. INT. YANKA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Yanka angrily throws James's belongings outside. YANKA Kayden keeps asking me out even though we're together now. I've told him so many times! It must be what the doctors are doing to him. She cries herself to sleep. Later, she wakes up and sees Kayden standing in her doorway. He touches her neck and thighs. YANKA You're vibrating! They must still be shocking you. We'll sue them for doing this to you. KAYDEN The doctors said they can help me get revenge for my dad if I help them first. YANKA But they're hurting you! Please, let's take legal action. KAYDEN They promised to help me find my dad's killer. You said if I ask my dad we could date. Yanka sobs. YANKA But we're together now! That was before the accident, before I knew your dad had died. KAYDEN I have to kill the man who murdered my father. The doctors will help me find him with these devices. I can't rest until my dad is avenged. YANKA What about us? Our love? I'm here for you now. Let it go, please! Kayden cries. Yanka hugs him desperately. CUT TO: INT. GOVERNMENT OFFICE - DAY MARSON, a government official, speaks urgently on the phone. MARSON There must be a way to invoke a state of emergency after the assassination attempt! He slams the phone down. His assistant FREDERICK enters. FREDERICK Bad news sir. The assassin missed the target. She may be dead herself. Marson smashes a phone in rage. MARSON First the President gets killed. Now the girl might be dead too! No one takes me seriously around here! A GUARD enters, concerned. MARSON (cont'd) Send men to recover her body now! We must retaliate after this violation of national security. Go! The Guard leaves. Marson's deputy BRAD enters. MARSON (cont'd) How could you let this happen, Brad? My orders were clear! BRAD The girl tricked us, sir. She claimed to have letters from you for the President to sign. We didn't expect... Marson seethes with anger. CUT BACK TO: INT. YANKA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Yanka still embraces a tearful Kayden. YANKA I love you. We'll get through this together. Kayden clings to her, desperate and afraid. FADE OUT. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson speaks angrily with his assistant BRAD. MARSON Did you shoot that girl assassin? BRAD No sir, she got away too quickly. I had to stay with the dying President. Marson's secretary NINA enters. NINA We believe the President was served an Ultima-Talionis letter before being killed. MARSON Who would dare do that to the President? Explain! Nina shakes nervously. NINA The girl taking the letter indicates it was an Ultima-Talionis. MARSON No assumptions! Give me facts. NINA The President apparently killed a member of Tomorrow's World Order some time ago. Now he's been assassinated in revenge, as the code demands. MARSON You speak of this like it's established rules! Was overdue? What nonsense! NINA There is a code of conduct. The killer gets an Ultima-Talionis letter, then dies within 40 days if they've killed one of Tomorrow's World Order. That's what happened here. Marson takes this in grimly. MARSON Revenge attacks...We must retaliate fully. Assemble key staff! We will unleash hell on Tomorrow's World Order next phase. No survivors left to avenge their dead. Go! LATER: Members of the EVIDENCE BUREAU (EB) confront Marson. EB MEMBER Records show you called the President when protocol says you can't. This distracted him from the assassin. Did you have the girl go in, realizing a cell call doesn't prove authorization for the next phase? MARSON I wanted authorization to proceed and release more funds! The President gave verbal approval. EB MEMBER But there's no record of that call or verbal order. And the girl had forms from you supposedly. Did you send her as a backup plan? Marson gets angry. MARSON If you have nothing else, get out! I would never undermine national security that way! The EB members exchange looks skeptically. EB MEMBER We'll be watching you closely, Mr. Marson. Your actions are highly suspicious. They exit. Marson fumes, panicking internally about being found out. CUT TO: INT. YANKA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Yanka still holds Kayden, who seems lost in thought. YANKA I'm here for you, no matter what. We have each other. Kayden just stares ahead blankly, plotting revenge. FADE OUT. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY The Evidence Bureau members confront Marson. EB MEMBER Without Presidential approval, you can't launch the next phase or access those funds. MARSON He gave verbal authorization on the call! I can't wait, we're losing this war! EB MEMBER But with no record of that, you can't proceed until officially made Acting President. MARSON Fine! I declare a state of emergency and will take over as Acting President immediately. Get the House to approve this today! (to Brad) And find Evelina alive! She's our only hope if Stacey is dead. Do not fail me! Brad nods and exits. LATER: EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Marson addresses a crowd of OPERATIVES. MARSON Give this phase everything! The enemy tried to stop us by killing President Rex and Stacey. But we will prevail! Obliterate them all - no one left to seek revenge! The crowd cheers "Devil's Eyes!" MARSON (cont'd) We will reclaim the kingdom of darkness! Succeed or die trying! CUT TO: INT. RESISTANCE HIDEOUT - DAY David wakes up among the RESISTANCE FIGHTERS. DAVID My nightmares manifested. Can we succeed against Marson's forces? CAROLINA You being here means we have a chance. Belief is power. LYDIA But they've launched an annihilation campaign after the Ultima-Talionis news! DAVID As I feared. This time, no mercy... ANDREW They're hunting Stacey and Evelina. But Stacey's likely dead. BOGDAN Why hunt her if dead? We never found the body. Don't assume. Andrew gets upset at the interruption. ANDREW Let's discuss this later! If she's alive, it changes everything. CAROLINA Either way, we must help David reach Marson. David's our only hope now. DAVID I won't fail you. Stacey's fate is unclear, but I will end this. They prepare, motivated but anxious about the battle ahead. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson reviews plans when an AIDE enters urgently. AIDE Sir! We found Evelina alive as you ordered! Marson smiles darkly. MARSON Perfect. She will seal our victory. He laughs sinisterly. FADE OUT. INT. RESISTANCE HIDEOUT - DAY Andrew argues with Bogdan as David and Carolina look on. BOGDAN Did you find Stacey's body or not? Answer me! ANDREW No...sir. BOGDAN Then let's assume she may be alive! Changes everything. DAVID I should go after the diplomat instead. He could delay their victory if killed. ANDREW Fine, I'll handle him myself. Less messy that way. CAROLINA No, do it yourself for once. Stop sending kids. ANDREW I started same as him at 17! And some got Ultima-Talionis letters at 16. CAROLINA It's still immoral and illegal. DAVID With Stacey's role unclear, this could drag on. But we're safe - they can't void our seats or trigger devil's war. CUT TO: EXT. EVELINA'S HOUSE - DAY Andrew approaches the house. A dog barks and charges him. Andrew jumps inside the gate and traps it outside. INT. EVELINA'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Evelina hears the dog and grabs a gun. Andrew gets the jump on her and takes her weapon. ANDREW Evelina! Marson's been hunting for you. But I don't work for him. EVELINA What do you want? I have valuable secrets! ANDREW I killed Stacey. So they'll need you now with the chapters and scriptures. Evelina looks stunned but then smiles slyly. EVELINA You killed a double agent? She betrayed both sides! They'll reward me now. Andrew realizes his mistake. He cocks his gun at Evelina. ANDREW No use, you'll die today! I don't care about your secrets. EVELINA You fool! I'm vital to seal their victory. Kill me, and it's over for them. Andrew hesitates, unsure what to do now. Evelina eyes the gun nervously but stands firm. CUT TO: INT. RESISTANCE HIDEOUT - SAME TIME David loads a sniper rifle calmly but with determination. DAVID I pray Stacey lives. Either way, I will end this somehow. He finishes prepping his weapon and heads out. FADE OUT. INT. EVELINA'S HOUSE - DAY Andrew holds Evelina at gunpoint. EVELINA I have valuable secrets! And if Stacey is dead, they need me now to seal victory. Andrew realizes she's right. Evelina sees a chance. EVELINA (cont'd) You said you don't care about my scriptures. So I'm just a civilian. Let me go. ANDREW Not so fast! You admitted they need you for the end of days. You're still my target. Evelina starts to cry. EVELINA I can help you stop them! Just let me find the other girls first. Andrew laughs derisively. ANDREW You want me to let you go so you can get your story straight? I don't think so! Evelina sobs, realizing the truth about David's team. EVELINA Stacey dead...David turned against us. I can't believe it! ANDREW No more games! How exactly did I kill Stacey? Show me proof! Evelina thinks fast, changing tactics. EVELINA Without her, they can't seal early victory. David wants eternal war now, to raise the ghosts! ANDREW Ghosts? What are you talking about? EVELINA World War Three! David will force it without the seals. But I can stop it! Andrew cocks the gun, but his phone RINGS. Evelina runs, but Andrew kicks her down brutally. As he goes to finish her, GUNFIRE erupts outside. Andrew takes cover, then fires at the fleeing Evelina. He pursues her outside. EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Andrew shoots at a CAR as it screeches up and grabs Evelina. It speeds off as Andrew fires after it desperately. ANDREW Dammit! I need that body for proof! He tries chasing the car but is winded. He grabs his chest in frustration. The car disappears with Evelina. CUT TO: INT. HIDEOUT - DAY David finishes loading a sniper rifle, ready for battle. DAVID With or without Stacey, I will end this. I must. He cocks the rifle dramatically. CUT TO BLACK. EXT. STREET - DAY Andrew, injured from a gunshot, gets in his car after a confrontation. Suddenly the same car from before appears and shoots at him. Andrew returns fire and hits the car's tires, causing it to swerve and stop. The car throws it in reverse and heads straight for Andrew's car. Andrew shifts into reverse and peels out, managing to get away as the other car sprays bullets after him. Andrew touches his wound and sees blood on his hand. He calls his ally CAROLINA. ANDREW She got away. They sent someone after me. I'm shot but alive. How do I find the other girls? CAROLINA (O.S.) David called everyone back, including you. ANDREW I have to finish this first. Dead or alive, I'm bringing her in. Andrew hangs up. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - LATER EVELINA lies unconscious on the sidewalk. A WOMAN finds her and takes her to... INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Evelina wakes up in a hospital bed, injured. A NURSE enters. NURSE A woman found you. We called the police. Did your boyfriend do this? Evelina nods nervously. The nurse shows her the cabinet with her clothes. EVELINA What woman found me? Where is she? The nurse looks but the woman is gone. Evelina screams seeing her battered face in the bathroom. NURSE Your nose nearly broke. You're lucky you cushioned the impact with your chest. The nurse urges her to report this to the police. Evelina hurriedly dresses and escapes the hospital. EXT. HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS Evelina spots the WOMAN in a parked car. As she walks away, the car follows. The woman calls out to her. WOMAN Thought you needed help getting away! Evelina gets in and directs her back to the spot she was found. EXT. STREET - LATER Evelina searches the area but finds nothing. She tries car doors until one sets off an alarm. The owner yells at her. Evelina pulls a gun and demands the keys but BIKERS speed by, knocking her down. One BIKER wrecks but then drives off ignoring Evelina's pleas for help. Frustrated, Evelina continues her search for clues. FADE OUT. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Evelina brings an injured GIRL into the emergency room after a motorcycle accident. A NURSE approaches. NURSE Has she fallen again? Fainted? Evelina hesitates, about to explain, when the nurse opens a file. NURSE Was she here before? When? Evelina runs off before answering. The nurse follows her. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - CONTINUOUS The nurse finds Evelina sitting on a bed next to the Girl. NURSE Is everything okay? The Girl nods, scared. After the nurse leaves, she pleads with Evelina. GIRL Please, just take the car and go! Don't kill me! Evelina returns her keys and hides the gun. EVELINA I just want answers. Are you part of this? Please help me, they want to kill me! GIRL They're coming for you! We're not supposed to tell secrets or they'll kill me too! Evelina curses in frustration but then gets an idea. She unties the Girl. EVELINA See? I'm not going to kill you. But you need to tell me what you know! GIRL No! I can't betray them no matter what! Evelina is angry but determined to get information. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson smiles darkly as he reviews surveillance photos and reports. MARSON Excellent. My plan is working perfectly. He laughs sinisterly. CUT BACK TO: INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - DAY Evelina peeks out of the room, thinking. EVELINA There must be a way to get her to talk. I'm running out of time! She sneaks back into the room, where the Girl waits nervously. CUT TO BLACK. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson opens a safe and retrieves ancient GOLD SCRIPTURES. As he reads, Chapter 19 mysteriously opens itself. MARSON Soon the world will be mine! His assistant Brad looks on nervously. SCREECHING TIRES are heard outside. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY The Girl hears the cars arrive. GIRL They're coming for you now! But they need me, so I'm safe. Evelina panics briefly but gets an idea. EVELINA Quick, give me some important numbers between 18 and 24! The Girl obliges. Evelina runs off. GUNSHOTS ring out after her. EXT. STREETS - DAY Evelina runs and quickly picks a number she was told. More cars roar her way. She stands her ground and aims her gun. CUT TO: INT. RESISTANCE BASE - DAY David yells at his team angrily. DAVID I said bring her in alive! Now we've lost her. He turns to Carolina. DAVID (cont'd) Nothing we do creates opportunities anymore. But everything we mess up hands them easy victories! CAROLINA I don't think she's really escaping. They're toying with her. David shows images of the altar where the girls were found. DAVID Remember this? The girls occupy positions here one by one. If one falls, the next takes her place. BOGDAN So they want Evelina in a specific spot, like the others. DAVID Exactly! They're manipulating her. We're playing into their hands. CAROLINA But why? What's their endgame? DAVID I don't know...but we need to be smarter to win this. He slams his fist down angrily. They look worried, realizing the truth. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson smiles as he reviews the latest updates. MARSON Perfect. Right on schedule. He laughs sinisterly. FADE OUT. INT. RESISTANCE BASE - DAY David addresses his team grimly. DAVID With Stacey gone, they're using Evelina to find keys and open scriptures early. Chapters 18 and 24 opened that day she was taken. And now, Chapter 19. CAROLINA What's in Chapter 19? Why is it so bad? DAVID It contains the secrets to summon the deadly Devil's Ghosts. Everyone reacts with fear. ANDREW They don't seem to want her dead. I think it's about the other girls and raising holy warriors. DAVID If we chase Evelina, she may reveal all to Marson freely. We need her to stall. CAROLINA Could this be why they kill the girls after? Once secrets known, the girls are expendable? DAVID Yes. Like with Stacey - they protected her, then she escaped and we killed her. They got secrets from her and let her die. WILSON But why go back to Chapter 7 with Stacey? Why not just go in order? DAVID You likely can't open an upper chapter if a lower one is still locked. Since Hudson who knew 7 is dead, Marson had Stacey re-open it so he could access 19. They research Chapter 19. The first result shocks them. CAROLINA (reading) "Chapter 19 is the deadliest chapter of all. Its secrets have never been unlocked." DAVID If Marson gets 19's secrets, it's over. We're out of time - we must act fast! ANDREW Let me go after Evelina one last time. We need her on our side! David thinks for a moment, then nods. DAVID Be smart this time. Convince her joining us is the only way to survive this. Andrew gears up, motivated. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson laughs as he reviews the latest updates. MARSON Fools. By chasing the girl, they speed my victory. Soon the world will know the dark power of Chapter 19! He grins evilly in anticipation. FADE OUT. INT. RESISTANCE BASE - DAY The team researches Chapter 19. DAVID Chapter 19 must be the darkest time in history if its holder was killed as a child to keep it sealed. LYDIA The rise of the Devil's ghosts...the obliteration of good. That's the most evil imaginable. BOGDAN To restore their kingdom, the ghosts must kill 5 billion in 48 hours. Nothing's darker than that. They react in horror. Andrew emerges shirtless from another room. ANDREW Eviler than God and the Devil combined is needed to restore their kingdom. Killing over 300 million people. More fearful reactions. Lydia runs out sickened. WILSON We must get Evelina and stop her finding the keys. It's our only play to buy time. ANDREW Easier said than done. But fine, one last chance to get her alive. DAVID Please hurry, before the next phase starts. Andrew and Wilson gear up to go. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Evelina cries, realizing she may have to join her enemies to survive. She thinks of Stacey's fate. EVELINA Now I'm where Stacey was, hunted by David's team. My only hope is to join them, or die. She sobs, hating her impossible choice. She looks through Stacey's photos and focuses on one. As she stares at it, a loud scream echoes from her room. CUT TO: INT. ANDREW'S CAR - NIGHT Andrew drives aggressively, glancing at the photo of Evelina. ANDREW Just hope we're not too late. This is our last chance to stop Marson and his deadly plan. Wilson checks his weapon nervously. They speed on into the night. CUT TO: INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson smiles as he reviews new reports. MARSON Foolish girl. Lead me right to the remaining keys. Then Chapter 19 will be mine! He chuckles sinisterly as he rubs his hands together. FADE OUT. NT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY David meets with his team. TRIGA, an assistant, enters uninvited. TRIGA You wanted an update on security and the economic impact of increasing digital currencies? DAVID Yes, thank you. Triga leaves. The team plans their next moves. A notification BEEPS on David's computer. DAVID Triga, I asked for that report. TRIGA What report sir? That's the first I'm hearing of it. Carolina tries to open the email but it's password protected. The hint is a sexy image of a woman. CAROLINA Any ideas for the horny woman password? They try guessing but fail. CAROLINA I think I know this one. She types but gets another failed BEEP. BOGDAN (laughing) Wilson for the password? Good guess! They all laugh. Carolina is not amused. CAROLINA This isn't funny! It could be important information. DAVID Everyone calm down. Carolina, keep trying password options. Triga, keep working on that report. TRIGA You got it, sir. Carolina continues guessing passwords, frustrated. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Evelina paces nervously, deep in thought. EVELINA (to herself) What do I do? Who can I trust? Both sides just want to use me for their own ends. She looks sadly at a photo of her and Stacey together. EVELINA (cont'd) Oh tried to warn me. Now here we are. A KNOCK at the door startles her. Evelina grabs her gun nervously. CUT TO: INT. DAVID'S OFFICE - DAY David waits impatiently for an update from Andrew. His phone RINGS. DAVID Andrew? Please tell me you have her. We're running out of time! He listens intently then slams the phone down. DAVID (cont'd) (yelling) Dammit! How could this happen? The team exchanges worried looks. Time is running out. FADE OUT. Title: "Eclipsed Destiny" INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT A dimly lit room with a computer screen at the center. DAVID, WILSON, CAROLINA, ANDREW, BOGDAN, and LYDIA are gathered around, tense and uneasy. DAVID (looking at the screen) What's funny? ANDREW (smiling mischievously) Horny, wow, man! WILSON (confused) You said the woman, which is female. (shouting) Probably you are right. Horny as in the horny devil and wow as in wolf. As in changing from man. The devil. Everyone looks at each other, perplexed. CAROLINA quickly types something, and a mysterious message appears. DAVID (curious) Who is it? No one answers. People start getting up, surrounding the computer. DAVID (angry) Who is it from? Silence. DAVID pushes through to the front and starts reading the message. ANDREW (cursing) No, it can’t be. I have never missed! He stops at the door, then turns to WILSON. ANDREW Wilson! Let’s go! WILSON (shocked) I can’t believe Stacey is still alive. They grab their jackets, ready to leave. DAVID (intently reading) The next phase heralds the beginning of the end, known as the end of days... Everyone is gripped by the ominous message. DAVID (urgent) Carolina, who is it? CAROLINA (sternly) I don’t know. DAVID (angry) Why are you looking at me like that? DAVID paces. DAVID (seductively) Suppose I am a very much horny devil in every meaning of the word. Who can I seduce among all of you? Everyone looks at CAROLINA. CAROLINA (defiantly) No way, not me! I am loyal to the good side and shall remain for the light. The door opens. WILSON stands at the door. WILSON (laughing) Pray that he doesn’t pick you. CAROLINA (panicking) No way! BOGDAN (teasing) How is your sex life? CAROLINA (angry) None of your business. DAVID (suggestively) It could be Lydia, Susan, or even better, Stacey or even Evelina. Everyone reacts. DAVID whispers. DAVID (smiling) Evelina. The start of the original sin. CAROLINA (confused) What about it? DAVID (explaining) The start of God’s wrath on mankind. God knew from then that mankind will betray him. It was all Eve. She bought a share in the devil’s kingdom by disobeying God, choosing to obey the devil. Fears escalate. LYDIA runs outside. BOGDAN (skeptical) But you said that Evelina is to redeem mankind to correct the original mistake by Eve? Now this? DAVID (sighs) He might target the strongest among us instead. CAROLINA (rebuking) Stop it. The tension in the room intensifies as they grapple with the impending darkness and the mysterious message that may change their destinies forever. Title: "Dark Dawn" INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The room is filled with tension as DAVID addresses the team. DAVID Just to be on the safe side, Triga must do a Wilson on Lydia. LYDIA (confused) What is a Wilson on Lydia? LYDIA enters and takes a seat. DAVID (smirking) Does this horny devil have spikes on his head, or is he going to screw the hell out of this prize of his? Laughter fills the room, except for CAROLINA. CAROLINA (angry) It's not funny. I would put a bullet in his head first before that happens! ANDREW (smiling) I think it could be both, literally and metaphorically. LYDIA (teasingly) So, who told you that I want to be shagged by the horny devil? Laughter echoes, even CAROLINA chuckles. LYDIA hesitantly swaps seats. LYDIA (skeptical) I don’t feel any different. DAVID (teasing) It hasn’t started yet; the devil is not yet horny. BOGDAN (adding humor) Not until he puts inverted commas on his head. Another beep startles everyone. CAROLINA quickly opens the message, password protected. They decipher the hint. DAVID (solving) "The darkest and scariest period feared by men but never yet experienced." CAROLINA types quickly, and the message reveals itself. MESSAGE “The devil shall mate with his prize for seven days and seven nights non-stop. The day she falls pregnant, darkness will be established and shall last for twenty-four hours." Fear sweeps through the room. DAVID (murmuring) Mankind is doomed. BOGDAN (grim) The beginning of the end, the onset of darkness forever. DAVID (pondering) The second coming of darkness both literally and metaphorically. If darkness re-emerges, that means double darkness or the return of the devil. LYDIA covers the area between her legs. LYDIA (panicking) Oh, my God! Nonstop for that long, who can stand that? Silence prevails. DAVID (resolute) We must stop the majority. Defend everyone. Deny them any kill. Find Stacey and keep her with us. Stop the mating, especially this, because trust me, we don’t want the devil’s ghost to arise. TRIGA (laughing) The second coming of the devil. LYDIA (defiant) Screw-off! He can’t get anything from me. DAVID (determined) How on earth can we fight this? BOGDAN (resolute) We must stop the mating and find Stacey. Carolina, keep an eye on Lydia, and locate Evelina. DAVID (approving) Okay, Bogdan. Triga and assassins, protect Carolina and Lydia. Fatladies, find Evelina. The rest, tighten up security. This is the fight we have been waiting for. A fight to save humanity from the kingdom of darkness. APPLAUSE fills the room. DAVID But it’s challenging now more than ever before. We are up against trained military men and the police who shall be summoned to attack us. Determination fills their faces as they prepare for the battle against the impending darkness. INT. GYM - DAY The gym is filled with the clanging of weights and the sound of punches landing on punching bags. DAVID pushes open the gym doors, and CAROLINA appears at the entrance. DAVID (smiling) It has been so long, my friend. CAROLINA (teasing) Who are you talking to? DAVID (smiling) It’s time I match up to Marson. For the coming weeks, I shall train and be bulky like a beast. I shall fight the devil in a one-on-one match. CAROLINA (grinning) I will train with you. Show me that pain technique in case he decides I am more delicious than Evelina or Lydia. They both laugh and begin their training. After some time, they sit down to catch their breath. CAROLINA (curious) Today you talked about the rise of the Holy Warriors among us. Still, I can’t figure out how. DAVID (smiling) I don’t even know myself, but it’s true. It’s not giving them false hope. It’s in the books; we must figure out how. Do you think it would be hard if we had a book of gold scriptures? One with the angels coming forward telling us secrets for a share of the cake? It would be easy for sure. CAROLINA (pondering) I guess they have more power than us. David wipes the sweat off his forehead. DAVID (resolute) I think I have to find a way of creating equivalents of the holy ghosts. I think if I am honest with you, it all centers on issuing Ultima-Talionis letters authorizing assassins among the people to ambush them when the time comes. CAROLINA (raising an eyebrow) Holy Ghost! Can this imply an element of surprise in recruiting the young guns they don’t suspect, like what Andrew did? DAVID (nodding) Their regimes and empires are built on and center around child soldiers to crush the opposition. That is an undisputed fact. Using kids all around the world to fight uprisings. So, we might be compelled to do the same if at least eighteen-year-olds are included. They share a determined look. CAROLINA (sincere) Just for you to know. If I had to choose between good and evil, I will choose good. Between Marson and you? I would choose you even if it means our deaths. DAVID (grateful) Thanks, that means much to me. CAROLINA (curious) But how was remote electromagnetic nerve stimulation through hacking? You think they might do the same? DAVID (cautious) Our strength is also our weakness. Things to protect us are the same they use to hack and weaken our systems as well. We might have to keep you secure. David gets up. DAVID (calling) Come with me. They enter a bunker. DAVID (serious) Yours? Lydia’s or Evelina’s place? A see-through toughened bulletproof glass. Temperature controlled, fully equipped with automatic firearms, its own cooking facilities, plenty of food, its own studio, and if he manages to get in somehow even a nesting place. They all laugh. CAROLINA (teasing) What do you think? DAVID (smiling) I am a soldier. I'd rather die fighting than be locked in this glass. Until when? You know me. Born to fight. Probably make me a locked-underwear that only you can lock and open. Shut the devil out. In the wider meaning of the word. They both laugh. DAVID (serious) I like your sense of humor. They sit inside the bunker. CAROLINA (emotional) It is frightening to think that he has to father a son with one of us. His own Jesus but one who will eliminate two-thirds of the people in two days. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) Can we survive this? DAVID (trying to comfort) Are you feeling horny? I mean, horns-in? CAROLINA (irritated) Screw off. DAVID (grinning) Hey, you started it. You know what? I just thought you want to know h... The tension in the room grows as they face the daunting reality ahead. INT. DAVID'S SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT DAVID and CAROLINA sit in a dimly lit room. The weight of their responsibilities hangs heavily in the air. DAVID (serious) You know what? I just thought you want to know how it all started with me. I started having cravings. Longing for proper meals, then for sex. I never thought I could be doing some naughty things. I started feeling some senses elevated than others. Some days I could exactly hear what people were talking about miles away. Then I lost my appetite. Then I lost the sex drive. Then I lost both until everything started again elevated to breaking points. When Javelina died, that suppressed everything. I was furious when I found out that they had hacked our system. I had to kill one of them to un-hack myself. CAROLINA (sympathetic) Do you miss your wife and kids? It must be hard being separated from them? DAVID (evading) Goodnight. David walks out, leaving Carolina alone with her thoughts. DAVID (heading out) Tonight, sleep here. The instructional manual is there. Good night, Carolina. MILES AWAY - PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The highest-ranking official congratulates MR. MARSON as he is sworn in as the President. OFFICIAL (smiling) Congratulations, Mr. President. MR. MARSON (thanking) Thank you! We have a great task ahead of us. I want all the newly appointed heads of departments in my office! He strides to his office. MR. MARSON (declaring) I want Operation Obliteration to commence with immediate effect. We must clear out the losing team. After this stage, we will void the remaining seats. So why wait? We must as well start early, clearing out all wood. He seethes with rage. MR. MARSON (threatening) Stakes are high. You give them a chance to breathe, and they will come hunting you down. Trust me, they are good at it. And all we need is a single kill. One kill! That guarantees us the eighteen seats we want; with this seat, we can outright declare a majority. As I said, we can void the seats they are clinging to! Marson's anger escalates. MR. MARSON (shouting) Do you know what this means? Taking back the kingdom of darkness? OFFICIALS (chorusing) Devil’s Eyes! MR. MARSON (proclaiming) Devil-Is-I! MR. MARSON (ordering) I want all of you to establish a Special Forces team dedicated to finding the keys and our target Evelina. I want keys number twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three, and these are the gold scripture chapters that are not open. Once we have these keys, we can declare victory as we can unlock the locked chapters! The officials exchange glances. MR. MARSON (explaining) This is how you will do it. My teams are in the field already dealing with this. They are on an operation; Chase and Drive Out. Their task is to relentlessly give these ladies a hard time so that they will find the other girls. They are like switches. One triggers off the other. So initially, they can’t be at the same place and time all conscious, meaning one must be unconscious. So, you check with all local hospitals. You need the information about ladies or men brought there after having fainted. Check the area and pinpoint it. Then create a perimeter around the area and send teams to search for the main seal; Evelina the Omega. Keep all safe! OFFICIAL (skeptical) Does that mean you want all alive? MR. MARSON (smiling ominously) It just depends. The first twelve hours after the arrival of a key in the area with another key, the gold scriptures would open and remain open for the same period. But twelve hours after that, the scriptures will be locked again. This is important. Double-check what time it is since they fainted. Ask if anything happened to them within the first twelve hours; it will be okay, but after that is no good. So, I want them alive after the first twelve hours have passed since their first arrival. OFFICIALS (chorusing) Devil’s Eyes! MR. MARSON (proclaiming) Evelina was laying on the hotel’s bed, relentlessly turning on the bed. Her eyes were moving swiftly behind the closed eyelids. Sweat droplets developed on her forehead before trickling down her face. She started touching herself, caressing herself, and instantly pulled the nightdress up to reveal blinding white knickers. She touched her groin, and instantly a voice woke her up. MR. MARSON (smiling sinisterly) So, are you coming with us? EVELINA lifts her head and looks at ALEX standing at the door. EVELINA (curious) I can’t find these girls. By the way, who is "us"? Alex smiles, and STACEY appears beside him. Evelina snaps open her eyes and instantly starts sobbing, falling asleep again. A quick knock at the door wakes her up. TO BE CONTINUED... ! INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT EVELINA is alone in a dimly lit warehouse, fear etched across her face. The room is filled with an eerie silence. Suddenly, a loud shout breaks the stillness. MAN (shouting) Room service! Evelina's heart races as she hears the screeching of car tires and the roaring of SUV engines. Panicking, she quickly dresses up and peeks outside, only to see military men in uniform with guns. Terrified, she realizes she still has the face plasters on and stealthily leaves the room, tears streaming down her face. EXT. BACK ALLEY - NIGHT Evelina, now on the run, sobs uncontrollably. EVELINA (crying) I don’t want to die. I am sorry, I must live. She removes the necklace and ring Alex had given her, attempting to discard them. However, she hesitates, puts them into her purse, and continues sobbing. EVELINA (whispering) I can’t do this anymore. How long shall I run away? I just can’t. A week goes by, and the chase persists, though the search for the other girls has stopped. Evelina, desperate and exhausted, begins researching. She sits down and has a realization. EVELINA (whispering) Stacey is dead. I know it. She breaks down. EVELINA (crying) The fact that I can’t find key twenty is because key nineteen is there and still alive. Her mind races with thoughts. EVELINA (pondering) Are they all dead? Wait, key seven is alive. So, what happened? Does that mean they all must die first for someone else to find me, the last seal? A huge man appears, and Evelina, frightened, changes direction to avoid him. WILSON (appearing) Going somewhere? Evelina tries to run, but Wilson catches her. EVELINA (yelling) Let me go right now! ANDREW approaches, and Wilson tightens his grip. EVELINA (begging) Let me go before he kills me. Please, Wilson! Her heart pounds as Andrew gets closer. He pulls out a gun with a silencer. ANDREW (angry) She must die! WILSON (yelling) First, she must tell us some secrets! KEATON intervenes. KEATON (declaring) Screw that! That’s how Keaton died. Stalling and all that, just delaying the inevitable game. I can’t afford to take such a risk. I cannot be Keaton. He aims, but Wilson kicks the gun away. WILSON (angry) What the hell do you think you are doing? Evelina screams as Andrew aims again. WILSON (yelling) Don’t kill her! ANDREW (furious) She not only seals the end of the phase but denies us any chance to launch World War Three. She is the one to mate with the devil and destroy any hope mankind might have to establish the kingdom of light! So, she must die! Non-negotiable! WILSON (arguing) We will hear from her first! ANDREW (insisting) Let us kill her. It gives us a huge chance of getting even. We kill her, then we can stop the mating! Tensions rise as Andrew grabs Evelina by the neck, shielding himself with her. ANDREW (aggressive) David said... WILSON (pleading) Screw David! I must tell you what he said. ANDREW (yelling) Shut up! Evelina gasps for air as Andrew tightens his grip. WILSON (desperate) I saved your life that day! I could have shot you before I left. The warehouse echoes with screams and pleas, but the fate of Evelina hangs in the balance. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT EVELINA is gasping for breath, her neck bruised from Andrew's tight grip. Wilson and Andrew stand over her, guns drawn. ANDREW (angry) Shut up! You too. (roaring) If you don’t shut up, I will choke you to death! Evelina glances at Wilson, pleading for help. WILSON (resigned) He is right. Wilson curses and reluctantly pulls out his gun, aiming it at Evelina. EVELINA (desperate) Damn it! He is not after me. He is after Carolina. She fights to loosen Andrew's grip, elbowing him fiercely. EVELINA (struggling) Bloody lies! Why Carolina? Makes no sense. ANDREW (skeptical) Yes, why Carolina? You are the perfect one. EVELINA (struggling) Loosen the grip. So, she can talk. Andrew's eyes are red, saliva drooling as he tightens his grip. EVELINA (struggling) I am... Evelina struggles to speak, gasping for air. EVELINA (struggling) Andrew! Easy, let her talk. WILSON (agreeing) I am equivalent to a slave girl, whereas Carolina is the princess, if you like. They share a significant look. ANDREW (arguing) Still, she will deny us a chance to launch a war. We have a lifeline because Stacey is dead. Evelina's heart pounds rapidly. WILSON (confused) Stacey is dead? So, who sent all those messages? ANDREW (grabbing Evelina) Miss Brunette turned blonde here. Imitating Stacey. The day I shot Stacey, she imitated her. Evelina's heart races. EVELINA (worried) Is David okay? Did Stacey harm him? ANDREW (bellowing) What do you care? Evelina curses. EVELINA (realizing) That bitch tried to set me up! Now I understand why I have become the most wanted. She stares defiantly at them. EVELINA (defiant) I will never hurt David. Tell him it was Stacey, not me. WILSON (responding) He knows. Evelina starts sobbing. EVELINA (tearfully) So why did he send you to kill me? I haven’t done anything wrong. She struggles to breathe as Andrew tightens his grip. ANDREW (ruthless) Nothing personal. If you were in our positions, you would understand. Somehow, that’s how some people can be saved if innocent people like you die. Wilson interjects. WILSON (warning) Andrew! Andrew leaves Evelina choking before finally loosening the grip. She tries to say something. WILSON (slyly) I can’t hear what you said. Evelina mumbles something, and Andrew lessens the grip. ANDREW (lying) Nothing! I swear she refused to talk. WILSON (pleading) Then go to the next one. I understand four are still understanding. Evelina curses. EVELINA (angry) Your stupid fools! You think it’s that easy? ANDREW (demanding) What do you mean? EVELINA (angered) Damn it! You are wasting our time. Andrew pushes her to the side, picks up his gun, and checks the silencer. Wilson looks at Andrew, then at Evelina. EVELINA (explaining) The system is such that you can only meet the next number up when the lower number is gone. WILSON (realizing) You mean dead? You found nineteen because eighteen, which is Stacey’s, is dead. Right? But because nineteen is still alive, you can’t find twenty? Evelina nods, touching her bruised neck. The men curse, exchanging glances. ANDREW (accusing) So, did you find Stacey’s body? INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Evelina stands with Andrew's gun pointed at her, Wilson rushing to intervene. WILSON (angry) Oh, no! Don’t ask that! He walks away, frustrated. Andrew seethes with rage. ANDREW (fuming) Maybe right now she is making love to the devil in hell! EVELINA (teasing) Let me guess? She jumped over the bridge, and you never found her body, right? ANDREW (angered) Don’t taunt me! I shake uncontrollably when I am upset. I might lose the grip of the gun, you know? Andrew roars, his anger escalating. ANDREW (roaring) Andrew! No! Wilson rushes toward Evelina, trying to diffuse the tension. WILSON (pleading) How do you stop the devil’s ghost? How do you raise the holy warriors to fight these? Evelina looks at Wilson, realizing the gravity of the situation. EVELINA (grimly) One lifeline for you. You tell us the answer. We will spare you, but this time only. We have to get rid of number nineteen so that you can find number twenty. WILSON (shocked) No! Damn it! You are not supposed to kill the keys! ANDREW (skeptical) Are you serious? EVELINA (resolute) Even if it means our demise? I don’t think so! ANDREW (confused) The notes only explain what happens when they meet. You know? I don’t know about any holy warriors. Evelina realizes the dire situation. EVELINA (desperate) Damn it! ANDREW (frustrated) Tables turned, they might be after Carolina. EVELINA (grimacing) This is messed up. Now we must kill our own best to stop the restoration of the kingdom of darkness. I can’t believe this. The twists and turns are doing my head in. I can’t believe this. ANDREW (anger rising) She could be lying. He raises his gun at Evelina. ANDREW (demanding) Tell me the bloody truth. Whom will the devil choose? Evelina curses. EVELINA (angry) Damn it! I told you it’s not me. I am a slave to them. Marson or the devil will choose the best woman among his enemies. One with the power to create an everlasting strong kingdom. See how easily they have tried to kill me? Do you think if it was me, they would have tried to protect me at any cost? Common sense? Do you think if it was me, and how important this is to them, I would be out here alone unguarded? I could be locked somewhere safe in a glass house, etc. See, nobody cares about me. Even my boyfriend would rather trick me that he was dead when he was not. Wilson looks at Andrew, concerned. Andrew is still shaking with rage. WILSON (trying to understand) How did your boyfriend die? EVELINA (tearfully) He jumped over the bridge initially, left me thinking that he died, but he was alive. He later appeared the day we all gathered hooded. Then Stacey killed him by mistake. Andrew curses. ANDREW (angered) So, I know why you asked me how Stacey died. She might have done like him, right? Evelina nods. EVELINA (grimly) Stacey could be alive! Damn it! So, I missed! ANDREW (roaring) I will kill that bitch! He points the gun at Evelina. EVELINA (terrified) What the hell do you want from me? Now uncomfortable and scared, Evelina is a target as Andrew aims at her. ANDREW (demanding) Address of the other lady! Now! Evelina starts sobbing. EVELINA (pleading) I can’t! Wilson raises his gun too, aiming at her. WILSON (determined) Give us something to work with. He is right. We get rid of nineteen; that opens the door for twenty. We also get to know the secrets too. Evelina is desperate. EVELINA (despairing) How? If Stacey is dead? WILSON (resolute) You will send another email to David disguised as Stacey. We don’t care how you do it, but just do it. It’s either her or you. She sobs. EVELINA (panicking) You don’t understand. I can only reveal secrets to get more information once. After that, I can’t. Everyone gets just one chance. Andrew stares at her, contemplating his next move. ANDREW (threatening) What? I let you go once. So, if I let you go again, that’s two chances. EVELINA (vehement) Bullshit! You were on the floor the last time I checked. They helped me, not you. She stands her ground, defiance in her eyes. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Andrew fumes and pulls Wilson to the side, discussing their plan. ANDREW (angry) We must stop them from sealing off the phases, closing all loopholes and denying us the chance to launch a war. We must stop them from mating, from releasing the devil’s ghosts. I say we stop taking chances. What if it’s her to meet with the devil? Look how gloomy she is. Evelina is preparing to mate; look at those knockers. Last time she was okay but not that perfect. The devil is pimping her up. Got to be her. One bullet is all it takes. What do you say? WILSON (resolute) I never disobeyed David. ANDREW (dismissive) Exactly as Keaton. But, where is he now? Bloody dead! I can’t trust her. She is like a witch. One minute so innocent, the next minute the devil himself. She acts like the devil sometimes. All those people died. It must be her shooting all. Worse still, she is good at this. I can’t tell if she is lying or not. I will have to shoot her myself. If David asked, we would simply say Keaton’s wish was fulfilled. WILSON (defensive) But you know the drill. We didn’t find the body! ANDREW (angered) What? I can’t say the same thing two consecutive times. You know the protocol. I said the same when I shot Stacey. We work with evidence, proof, not bloody wishful thinking. I need proof this time; otherwise, my reputation is in tatters. Wilson tries to reason with Andrew. WILSON (insistent) No, Andrew. I have a good idea. Let’s do her for real but pretend she escaped. If it’s true, it’s her to ruin mankind; we have nothing to worry about. If it’s her to save us, we didn’t shoot her, we missed. A win-win situation. Both men aim their guns. ANDREW (skeptical) Ok, I will give you the address. Please don’t shoot! Andrew puts on a tantrum, expressing his frustration. ANDREW (annoyed) Make up your bloody mind. Damn it! WILSON (pleading) Listen, mate. Let’s just shoot her, we agreed. He aims his gun, ready to pull the trigger. She starts sobbing, Wilson drops his gun. WILSON (resigned) One last chance, mate. ANDREW (angered) No. No! We have just doubled the risk instead of eliminating it! Roaring, Andrew shoots Evelina. Wilson ducks as a sharp scream pierces the air. Silence follows. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT An SUV parks outside a block of flats. Wilson checks his gun as Andrew gets out. WILSON (determined) You stay in the car. Lookout. I will be fast. Andrew, determined, walks into the apartment yard, up the lifts, and enters the building. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Andrew hears the door to the stairs slam shut. He pulls his gun and runs towards the sound. Quickly, he reaches the apartment, noticing the forced-open door. Hissing from the top floor door makes him squint. He stealthily approaches, aiming his gun. He pushes open the bedroom door and finds a woman wounded. He cradles her in his arms. ANDREW (concerned) Who did that to you? The woman, shivering, tries to speak. She smiles briefly, touches Andrew's face, and takes her last breath. Andrew hears the sound of screeching car tires and rushes out. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT Wilson revs the engine as Andrew appears, running towards the car. WILSON (whispering) Come on, Andrew. Come on. Andrew gets in the car, and they speed away. ANDREW (sad) She is dead. I don’t know who else would want her dead. WILSON (determined) Did you see the killer? Andrew looks outside. ANDREW (resigned) No. But she gave me this. Wilson slams on the brakes, and they stop beside the road. He picks up a hair strand from Andrew's hand. WILSON (confused) Drive! Drive! ANDREW (pondering) It can’t be Evelina; how did she get here so fast? WILSON (skeptical) That leaves Stacey! Andrew checks the hair strand. ANDREW (uncertain) Looks natural blonde. Stacey was a brunette last time I checked. WILSON (puzzled) Are you saying that it could be someone else? The uncertainty lingers as they contemplate their next move. all at least try to run properly.” Andrew finally caught up with Wilson. They both hid behind a large billboard, catching their breath. ANDREW (panting) We lost her. WILSON (breathing heavily) The roadblock messed up our plan. Andrew looks around, assessing their situation. ANDREW (looking ahead) We need to find another way to catch up to her. WILSON (looking at Andrew) What about the roadblock? ANDREW (dismissive) We'll deal with it later. For now, let's get a vehicle and chase her. They move cautiously, staying low to avoid detection. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Andrew and Wilson approach a busy street and try to blend in with the crowd. They spot a taxi parked by the curb. ANDREW (hailing the taxi) Taxi! Quick! The taxi stops, and they hop in. INT. TAXI - NIGHT ANDREW (to the driver) Follow that black SUV. The taxi speeds off in pursuit of the woman's car. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT The taxi weaves through traffic, tailing the black SUV. Andrew and Wilson keep a close eye on the vehicle, strategizing their next move. ANDREW (handing cash to the driver) Keep following. Don't lose sight of her. The taxi driver nods and accelerates. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT The black SUV takes an exit onto the highway. The taxi follows suit, maintaining a safe distance. ANDREW (looking at Wilson) We can't afford to lose her. We need to be ready for anything. WILSON (nodding) Agreed. The chase continues as they race down the highway, determined to catch up with the mysterious woman. The night is fraught with tension, and the pursuit intensifies. INT. TOP BUNKER - NIGHT Andrew and Wilson enter the top bunker, a high-security area with multiple checkpoints. Triga, a stern-looking man, awaits them. TRIGA (serious) What took you so long? ANDREW (looking at Wilson) We had a little unexpected detour. TRIGA (irritated) This mission is crucial. We can't afford delays. WILSON (sincere) We're here now. Let's get the briefing. Triga leads them through a series of security doors into a dimly lit room where Marson, the head honcho, sits behind a desk. MARSON (angry) You two better have a damn good reason for being late. ANDREW (sincere) We encountered an unforeseen situation, sir. We were ambushed. MARSON (raised eyebrow) Ambushed? By who? WILSON (looking at Andrew) It was a woman. She knew what she was doing. We couldn't risk blowing our cover. MARSON (dismissive) Enough excuses. We're dealing with critical timelines here. Triga hands over a dossier to Andrew and Wilson. TRIGA (briskly) This is your new assignment. Key nineteen, Evelina, is on the move. You need to keep her active and ensure she reaches the designated locations. ANDREW (nodding) Understood. MARSON (sharp) Don't mess this up. We're at a crucial stage, and we can't afford any mistakes. WILSON (resolute) We'll get it done. They leave the room, and Triga escorts them to the exit. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Andrew and Wilson exit the mansion, heading towards a waiting vehicle. WILSON (low voice) What's our plan? ANDREW (whispering) We follow Evelina closely, making sure she doesn't get too comfortable. Marson wants those gold scriptures open, and we need to play along. WILSON (nodding) And then what? ANDREW (grim) We'll find out who that mystery woman is. She's got something to do with the gold scriptures. They get into a sleek black car, ready to tail Evelina and complete their mission. CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT The elevator doors close as the sleek black car speeds away from the mansion. The next chapter of their mission unfolds, shrouded in mystery and danger. INT. SECRET BUNKER - NIGHT The atmosphere in the secret bunker is tense. Carolina stands defiantly, while Andrew and Wilson exchange mysterious glances. DAVID (serious) What's going on here? ANDREW (smirking) Just a little precaution, David. Andrew hands the retrieved hair strands to David. Carolina looks puzzled. DAVID (confused) Hair strands? What's the meaning of this? ANDREW (sly) Evelina mentioned something about a special container for the devil's bride. Just making sure. Carolina narrows her eyes, sensing the tension. CAROLINA (angered) I told you, I am not the devil's bride! What's your problem? Andrew smirks at Wilson, who remains silent but with a troubled expression. DAVID (skeptical) Andrew, we don't have time for games. Explain yourself. ANDREW (leaning in) We can't afford to take anything for granted. If she's innocent, the hair won't reveal anything. David examines the hair strands, looking puzzled. DAVID (skeptical) This is absurd. Carolina, now agitated, steps forward. CAROLINA (angry) This is insulting! I'm not going to be subjected to some ridiculous test. ANDREW (whispering to Wilson) We need to be sure. WILSON (reluctant) I don't like this, Andrew. Suddenly, the lights flicker, and a loud alarm blares through the bunker. DAVID (confused) What's happening? TRIGA (V.O.) (alarm) Security breach in the bunker. Unidentified entry detected. David looks at Andrew and Wilson. DAVID (angry) You were supposed to secure this place! ANDREW (defensive) We didn't let anyone in! The bunker doors slam shut, and the room is plunged into darkness. DAVID (frustrated) Activate emergency lights! Emergency lights flicker on, revealing the worried faces of everyone in the room. DAVID (intense) Find out who breached our security! And someone explain the meaning of this hair nonsense! Carolina, still irritated, stands at a distance, glancing at Andrew and Wilson. CUT TO: EXT. SECRET BUNKER - NIGHT Outside the bunker, armed guards scramble to investigate the breach, unaware of the unfolding drama inside. The mystery deepens, and the race against time continues. INT. EVELINA'S SUV - DAY Evelina and Rodney Smith drive through the city. The atmosphere is tense yet oddly calm. EVELINA (skeptical) You fell like a lifeless doll. That doesn't happen normally. RODNEY SMITH (smiling) Must be the stress. I have a lot on my plate. EVELINA (raised eyebrow) Stress? In this city? That's a common thing. Rodney Smith avoids eye contact, a sign of discomfort. EVELINA (convincing) Listen, Rodney, I know more than you think. Maybe I can help. Rodney Smith sighs, realizing that Evelina might have some insights. RODNEY SMITH (confused) What do you mean you used to do that? Evelina glances at him, a hint of a mysterious smile on her face. EVELINA (enigmatic) I used to be involved in things most people don't understand. Dangerous things. Rodney Smith looks at her, intrigued. RODNEY SMITH (doubtful) Are you trying to tell me you're some kind of secret agent? Evelina chuckles. EVELINA (laughing) Nothing so dramatic. Let's just say I was part of a world with its own secrets. They arrive at a quiet cafe. Evelina parks the SUV, and they step out. INT. CAFE - DAY Evelina and Rodney sit in a secluded corner, their conversation private. EVELINA (getting serious) You fell twice, and I saw something unusual in your fall. I need to know if you're involved in something bigger. RODNEY SMITH (defensive) What are you talking about? I'm just an ordinary guy. Evelina leans closer, her eyes penetrating. EVELINA (suspicious) People have been dying mysteriously, and I'm connected to it in a way. I need to figure out who's behind it. Rodney Smith squints, trying to process the information. RODNEY SMITH (whispering) Deaths? What do you mean? Evelina decides to take a risk. EVELINA (whispering) There's a force at play, something beyond ordinary. I need to find answers before it's too late. Rodney Smith looks around nervously, realizing the gravity of the situation. RODNEY SMITH (nervous) Okay, but why are you telling me this? Evelina locks eyes with Rodney. EVELINA (bold) Because you might be a key to unraveling this mystery. They exchange a serious glance, unknowingly forming an alliance in the face of an unknown adversary. FADE OUT. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina lies on the floor, writhing in pain as Rodney Smith continues his deranged rant. RODNEY SMITH (snarling) You have sealed my fate! Why did you look for me? Evelina, despite the pain, gathers her strength and tries to reason with Rodney. EVELINA (struggling) Rodney, listen! We can talk about this. You don't have to do anything drastic. Rodney Smith's eyes are filled with madness as he pulls Evelina up by her hair. RODNEY SMITH (angry) No more talking! You ruined everything! He drags her toward the edge of the building. Evelina fights back, kicking and screaming. EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE ROOFTOP - NIGHT The struggle intensifies on the rooftop. Evelina manages to break free for a moment. EVELINA (desperate) Rodney, please! We can find a solution. You don't have to do this. Rodney Smith, now fully unhinged, pulls out a knife from his pocket. RODNEY SMITH (laughing maniacally) I can't let them find me! It's better this way! He lunges at Evelina with the knife, and she narrowly avoids the attack. INT. EVELINA'S SUV - NIGHT The scene is captured by security cameras in the vicinity. An alert pops up on a mysterious figure's computer screen. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (muttering) Found the last one. Time to intervene. EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE ROOFTOP - NIGHT Rodney Smith continues his frenzied attack, determined to eliminate Evelina. RODNEY SMITH (yelling) You can't escape it! I have to do this! Suddenly, a mysterious figure appears on the rooftop, wearing a black suit and a mask. They swiftly intervene, disarming Rodney Smith. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (grim) Enough. Rodney Smith, bewildered, falls to the ground as the mysterious figure stands protectively in front of Evelina. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (CONT'D) (to Evelina) Stay back. The mysterious figure confronts Rodney Smith. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (CONT'D) (angry) You've jeopardized everything. The figure makes a quick and precise move, incapacitating Rodney Smith. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (CONT'D) (looking at Evelina) This is not over. They'll keep coming. Evelina, still in pain, nods in understanding as the mysterious figure disappears into the shadows. FADE OUT. INT. RODNEY'S BASEMENT - NIGHT Dimly lit and filled with tension, Evelina is tied to a bed, and Rodney paces nervously with a pocket diary in hand. EVELINA (pleading) Untie me! They'll come for you, and I can help you escape. Rodney glares at Evelina, holding the knife tightly. RODNEY SMITH (muttering) I need to void your seal. Replace you. It's the only way. Evelina, desperate and frightened, tries to reason with Rodney. EVELINA (teary-eyed) You're making a mistake! We don't have to be enemies. Let me go, and I'll help you. Rodney, consumed by fear and paranoia, flips through his pocket diary, muttering to himself. RODNEY SMITH (confused) I don't understand. Can I become you? Replace you? EVELINA (angry) You can't replace me! We're different. You're a man; I'm a woman. It doesn't work like that. Rodney, now more agitated, holds the knife closer to Evelina. RODNEY SMITH (frantically) I have to do this. I have to void your seal. EVELINA (screaming) No! You're playing into their hands. Let me go! Rodney hesitates for a moment, conflicted by his own paranoia and desperation. RODNEY SMITH (whispering to himself) I can't let them use me. I have to take control. Evelina seizes the opportunity and starts screaming for help. EVELINA (yelling) Help! Somebody help me! Rodney panics, covering Evelina's mouth to muffle her screams. RODNEY SMITH (nervous) Shut up! You're ruining everything! Suddenly, a distant sound of sirens grows louder. Rodney's eyes widen in terror. RODNEY SMITH (CONT'D) (panicking) They're coming! They're coming for us! Evelina continues to scream for help as the sirens draw nearer. EXT. RODNEY'S HOUSE - NIGHT The distant wailing of sirens pierces the night as law enforcement vehicles approach Rodney's house. FADE OUT. INT. RODNEY'S BASEMENT - NIGHT Evelina desperately tries to reason with Rodney, who is becoming more agitated by the second. EVELINA (pleading) I can't take your position. I will perform the last seal. Rodney, holding a knife, glares at Evelina, puzzled by her words. RODNEY SMITH (confused) This booklet said it's possible. Evelina squirms, attempting to free herself from the tight restraints. EVELINA (frustrated) Damn it! You fool! Only a woman can close the phase. Rodney, growing more frustrated, demands answers. RODNEY SMITH (irritated) Start making sense. Evelina, now realizing the gravity of the situation, decides to reveal a crucial detail. EVELINA (explaining) The devil will break my seal, and I will bear him a child—the everlasting ruler of the kingdom of darkness. The son of the devil will rule the world again. Rodney roars in disbelief, pacing back and forth as he grapples with this revelation. RODNEY SMITH (enraged) Why did you ask me if I have a sister? They exchange a perplexed look, and Evelina continues. EVELINA (realizing) So, all he wants is a woman at the end. How will he know if it's not you? Rodney, contemplating the sinister idea, slaps Evelina. RODNEY SMITH (angry) If I kill you and substitute my sister, then we are into wealth forever. EVELINA (defiant) Not that simple. Can your sister open the gold scriptures? Evelina's revelation leaves Rodney shaken. RODNEY SMITH (confused) Where does it say you shall be the shining angel's wife and bear him the true seal; his son? EVELINA (assured) We are all servants. Whoever is entrusted with the keys and secrets serves the shining angel until the end of days. Rodney, now agitated, reads aloud from the booklet. RODNEY SMITH (agitated) We are all servants! Evelina seizes the moment. EVELINA (assertive) You're just a servant at the altar. Let me go, or you'll only upset the devil himself. Rodney, overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, starts pacing. RODNEY SMITH (confused) In the Bible, God chose Mary, a near slave. Why can't the devil? EVELINA (nodding) I know for a fact that the devil will take his enemy's special one and start the next kingdom. Rodney, increasingly agitated, brandishes a knife. RODNEY SMITH (frantically) Let me go now! I am the Omega and the Alpha. Harming me is like upsetting the devil himself. Rodney reveals the presence of another woman, sending a shock through Evelina. EVELINA (surprised) What woman? RODNEY SMITH (dismissive) Blonde, taller than you. Thought it was you. Evelina's heart pounds as she realizes the potential danger. EVELINA (urgent) She might come back and kill us both. Let me go. If you hadn't phoned me, I was leaving. Rodney, now filled with panic, accuses Evelina of deception. RODNEY SMITH (angry) You lied. Evelina pleads for her freedom, emphasizing the imminent threat. EVELINA (stressed) They want to declare the restoration of the kingdom. They must kill all the keys and consolidate power in one person. Rodney, torn between fear and confusion, confronts Evelina. RODNEY SMITH (agitated) Shut up! Let me think. He brandishes the knife threateningly. EVELINA (revealing) I know there's something you're not telling me. Rodney points the knife at her. RODNEY SMITH (demanding) Confess. EVELINA (confessing) They gave me a lifeline in exchange for secrets. Just secrets. The revelation hangs in the air, intensifying the suspense in the dimly lit basement. FADE OUT. INT. RODNEY'S BASEMENT - NIGHT Rodney Smith, fueled by rage and frustration, confronts Evelina, who is tied up in the dimly lit basement. RODNEY SMITH (screaming) You don't get it? Whoever is asking you for secrets is not the problem. That person is like you and me. They sense that their future is not guaranteed and want inside information about what's going to happen to them. Evelina, confused and frightened, tries to understand. EVELINA (innocently) But how can asking for secrets put you at risk? Rodney, losing patience, threatens her. RODNEY SMITH (threatening) I swear, if you keep playing innocent with me, I will kill you myself. You are different. You alone as the last one in line. I think you are the twenty-fourth one, the last seal. You alone have the power. If I am correct, if you come into contact with someone else, you will open their chapter by voiding their seals. He roars, accusing Evelina of causing harm to others. RODNEY SMITH (enraged) You rob! You cheat others and cause them to lose their share. They use you to make others cheap! You force-break the seal so that scriptures open for free. The leaders read what is hidden for free when they should be paying for this share. Precisely one twenty-fourth of the world’s fortune. Do you know how much is that? So, I guess you work on commission. Evelina defends herself. EVELINA (defensive) What commission? I told you they are trying to kill! Rodney continues his tirade, accusing Evelina of aiding in theft and murder. RODNEY SMITH (accusing) Opening the chapters without authorization puts the key for that chapter out of business. To make things worse, the leader then hurts that key and destroys it so that he alone can forever know the secrets of that chapter. You are helping them steal and murder the keys. Evelina, now crying, tries to comprehend the gravity of the situation. RODNEY SMITH (explaining) He is using you to locate the seals so that the golden scriptures are opened. Then murder the keys. An accessory to murder. But do you know why they are doing this? Rodney poses a question to Evelina, who shakes her head. EVELINA (teary-eyed) No. RODNEY SMITH (revealing) To control the banks. Undivided power that only he negotiates with banks, etc. The whole cake to himself. He looks at Evelina with disdain. RODNEY SMITH (dismissive) I wouldn't worry about the money. My point is that you are getting these keys killed. You only managed to locate me because key nineteen is dead. To get to key twenty, they must kill me too. And I am starting to think you are now waiting for me to die so you can move to the next key. Is that right? Evelina, unable to respond, stares at him in fear. RODNEY SMITH (realization) Damn it! I knew it. I have seen that look before. It is true! Rodney, agitated, paces around, waving the knife menacingly. RODNEY SMITH (frustrated) Let me go! Now! RODNEY SMITH (anger escalating) Too late! I have six hours left before the chapter you force-opened. Ruining my chances of testing the world’s wealth is locked forever. Right now, the leader is ready and taking notes on how to carry out the next stage effectively. You not only destroyed me but also gave him the knowledge he will use to kill us all! Rodney's frustration turns into fury, and Evelina pleads for her freedom. EVELINA (pleading) So tell me? What is in chapter twenty? The one which you must know? Rodney fumes with rage, accusing Evelina of trying to trade secrets for her freedom. RODNEY SMITH (enraged) Still want to trade me for your freedom, huh? He holds the knife threateningly and storms out of the basement. Evelina realizes that someone else hunting Rodney might come and kill her. Recalling Rodney's threat to break her seal, she struggles to free herself, eventually succeeding. CUT TO: EXT. RODNEY'S HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina rushes upstairs, holding the small book, and Rodney Smith descends from upstairs, grabbing her jumper. In a brief struggle, she manages to escape his grip and runs to the SUV. CUT TO: INT. SUV - NIGHT Evelina, panicking, finds the keys in the car but realizes the door is locked. Desperate, she smashes the window with a stone, unlocks the door, and speeds away. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT Evelina, still shaken, collides with another car. The collision causes her injuries, and the other car's door opens. Andrew, with a broken nose, steps out disoriented. ANDREW (angry) Evelina. She stammers, realizing she has collided with someone familiar. EVELINA (panicking) He's coming! She drives off, leaving Andrew behind. As she tries to navigate the situation, Andrew recovers, aware that trouble is ahead. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Evelina, frightened and distressed, crashes into a post and steps out of the car. Andrew, injured but determined, chases after her. ANDREW (whispering to himself) Evelina. Evelina, on the brink of despair, screams as Andrew closes in, unaware of the impending danger. INT. SUBURBAN BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina sits with Lydia, watching Evelina and Andrew through the glasshouse in the underground bunker. The atmosphere is tense, filled with a mix of emotions. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) She stopped and sat down sobbing. Rodney, still advancing with a growing blood patch on his shirt, aims at Andrew. Andrew, injured and determined, covers his wounds, holding his gun. ANDREW (grimacing in pain) Evelina, stay down! Evelina closes her eyes, recalling the earlier moment when Rodney fell. The memory flashes before her, and she opens her eyes to see the current situation. Rodney, now slumping on one knee, aims at Andrew. With a burst of energy, Rodney fires a shot. Simultaneously, Andrew fires back. Evelina lets out a sharp scream. Rodney falls to the ground, lifeless. Andrew, wounded, also collapses. Evelina lies still, blood starting to flow. A helicopter hovers above, live-streaming the intense scene. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN AREA - NIGHT The helicopter's live stream captures an SUV speeding away from the scene. The footage shows only Rodney's lifeless body on the ground. A chain of SUVs follows the first one, disappearing into the night. A wave of blue lights and sirens covers the suburban area as law enforcement arrives on the scene. CUT TO: INT. SUBURBAN BUNKER - CONTINUOUS Carolina, still watching the live stream, is joined by Wilson. They observe the events unfolding on the screens. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) What a turn of events. It's not us after all. You can't fight fate. LYDIA (sympathetic) She pointed at you when she knew it was her. WILSON (regretful) Oh, Andrew. He couldn't wait for me. Carolina gazes at Andrew, tied to machines, and Wilson reflects on the recent events. WILSON (resigned) The giant is at peace. He might have saved her from that maniac. Carolina voices her concerns about the path they're taking. CAROLINA (anguished) You are taking the law into your own hands. We are becoming like them. I think they are setting us up, so we kill these people. Doing their dirty job, the very same thing we are accusing them of doing. WILSON (defensive) We have no option. CAROLINA (insistent) Damn it! We always have an option, Wilson. That's exactly what they want us to do. WILSON (resolute) David approved the Ultima-Talionis letters even to eighteen-year-olds. You know that? Carolina sits down, contemplating the grim reality. CAROLINA (despairing) I think he got confirmation they will use government service personnel, like the military and the police, as well as doctors and hospital staff to fight us. This is just the beginning. We are not even talking about the Devil's Eyes assassin or even the devil's ghosts. What then when these arise? LYDIA (worried) Is he going to give guns even to younger ones, say seventeen? CAROLINA (skeptical) Why not in countries with monarchies, where they put on trial and kill even fourteen-year-olds for treason? But eighteen for now must be our working age. LYDIA (doubtful) Really? Think seventeen-year-olds might be given letters if push comes to shove. Just depends. Carolina confronts the rumor circulating within their group. CAROLINA (worried) Word in the house is that Andrew believed it is me to give the devil a son. Therefore, he was prepared to take me down. Is that true? Wilson stares at Andrew and Evelina, both lying on stretcher beds. WILSON (troubled) We cornered Evelina. She confessed that in their world, she is an altar servant girl. Equivalent to a slave, there to keep secrets and serve the devil. To establish a forever kingdom, the devil must mate with a powerful member of the opposition, a princess. And there are only two. LYDIA (relieved) Retract that, I heard you? WILSON (apologizing) I apologize. I meant two princesses. You and Lydia. LYDIA (grateful) Thank you. Carolina's face sinks with fear. CAROLINA (terrified) Damn it! I can't believe it. He had been checking me lately. WILSON (envying) Jealous of both of you. Evelina and you are changing, blossoming, and glowing. CAROLINA (defiant) But fate proved you wrong. You can't fight fate. That seemed to be true here. Just look who is now in that glasshouse? LYDIA (philosophical) The real Devil's wife is in there. They both look at Evelina. CAROLINA (worried) Who on earth has ever had so many people try to kill her, and all failed to do just that? Even Jesus met his demise, yet she is there breathing peacefully. You can't fight fate! LYDIA (pondering) Evelina. What a woman we got here. They both sigh. CAROLINA (apprehensive) I just wonder what the future holds for her, for us, and for all humanity? WILSON (resolute) There is only one way to find out. CAROLINA (curious) And what is that? FADE OUT. ******************************************************************************************** EVELINA NEW WORLD ORDER ******************************************************************************************** INT. SUBURBAN BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina and Wilson are in a private conversation, discussing Lydia's insights. The atmosphere is tense. WILSON (staring at Carolina) What? CAROLINA (confused) What? WILSON (intently) Lydia. She said the same about you too. She reckons you were spared countless times. So that you appreciate him when he comes knocking. (he continues staring at her) Carolina, nervously, starts pacing. CAROLINA (defensive) Just a coincidence? In all cases? I fought to be where I am. Mark died in my hands. Most of the time they cheated. Stole their victory. Sometimes changed rules and ambushed us. It was horrible. (she breaks down, crying) Wilson, moved by her emotions, hugs her. Lydia, feeling awkward, decides to leave. Wilson, in an impulsive moment, kisses Carolina on the cheek. CAROLINA (rejecting) Wilson, no! WILSON (smiling) Why? CAROLINA (firmly) You are scared or what? WILSON (teasing) I am scared too. CAROLINA (dismissing) You can convince everyone else. It's simple. Just spend time with me. WILSON (playful) I can't. I don't need to prove anything. CAROLINA (suspicious) It seems you are saving yourself for the devil. Are you? Angered by the insinuation, Carolina punches Wilson hard. He staggers, and in a defensive move, touches his gun. CAROLINA (threatening) Don't ever say something like that again about me. You are dismissed. WILSON (defiant) You are not my boss! CAROLINA (serious) When David and Bogdan are not there, I take over. (she pulls out her gun) Want to test me? WILSON (submissive) No boss. But you have a personal vendetta with my colleague, and him in that state, he is vulnerable. I know that complications can happen, and honestly, I have seen enough. I will sit with him if you don't mind. CAROLINA (approving) Okay. Stay with your friend. Carolina walks out, leaving Wilson in the room. CUT TO: INT. SUBURBAN BUNKER - LATER Carolina gathers the group in a meeting room, presenting a bulletin with insights from world-leading experts. The room is tense. CAROLINA (serious) We have brought you a bulletin. We have world-leading experts who give us an overview of what they think about what is going to happen to all of us. (she addresses Mr. Sloansky) I start with you, Mr. Sloansky. MR. SLOANSKY (serious) Good morning, everyone. Unless mankind masters what it means to think like God, he is doomed. The world will belong to the kingdom of darkness. CAROLINA (inquisitive) And what is that? MR. SLOANSKY (explaining) As Mr. David pointed out, mankind must solve God's dilemma, but as we have seen, that's so remote because mankind needs assistance. Without part of God's thinking, he will never understand God's plan. CAROLINA (urgent) So, are you saying that time is running out? MR. SLOANSKY (confident) Correct. The kingdom of darkness is inevitable and imminent. Unless we solve God's dilemma, we are all going to be obliterated! The room falls into an uneasy silence as everyone contemplates the gravity of Mr. Sloansky's words. INT. SUBURBAN BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina gathers the team in a strategic meeting room, where tension fills the air. CAROLINA (intently) Can you explain why everyone is saying this will lead to World War Three or the Holy War? MR. SLOANSKY (gravely) Gaining a majority of eighteen hours of the day or seats will put them in a position to challenge everyone. To avoid any uprising, they will go for a total wipeout of those who stand for good. Any left will restart the process back to where it is now. Mind you, it is believed that at the beginning of time there was the kingdom of darkness. The people revolted, resulting in a fifty-fifty share. With twelve hours and seats for the darkness and the same for the light, just the way it is today. Therefore, this time they will have to squash any opposition. A total obliteration can only guarantee that. If they can find a seal faster, they can also void any remaining seats, but that’s highly unlikely. So those for the light will cling to the few seats remaining. Only with the hope that they will overturn the misfortune somehow. That triggers the war because the kingdom of darkness will use maximum force, and somehow the kingdom of light will enroll and get civilians to support them, hence the term world war. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND LAB - NIGHT Miles away, David enters a high-tech lab, where Triga is working on a sophisticated system. DAVID (curious) Progress? TRIGA (retrieving a screen) System is ready, everyone on earth included, hopefully, it won’t crash. Never tested it with such high volumes. David watches as Triga tests the system. DAVID (impressed) Perfect. That just might prove to be the main key in all this. Triga, visibly haunted, seeks answers. TRIGA (tense) What is it like? To fight the devil’s Eye assassins. DAVID (stern) You will see. TRIGA (confused) What do you mean by that? I am a tech gear. Never held a gun before. David opens the door and stops. DAVID (resolute) I wanted Andrew to train you. I will send Bogdan instead. TRIGA (skeptical) Wilson is there as well. DAVID (determined) I want someone with a never-die attitude. You can gain a lot faster, and Andrew could have been your answer if he wasn’t injured. He was the best for you, aggressive and tactically an attacking machine. To survive this stage, we must aggressively attack and self-defend as well. David steps outside. TRIGA (calling after him) David! David peeps back in. TRIGA (uncertain) Are you not scared that Carolina could be the devil’s wife? DAVID (pondering) Thought about it. She is a fighter, you know. Sacred. But I doubt it. TRIGA (worried) Let’s be prepared. They might cheat on us. Steal their victory as before. We have the new assassins to defend us. Their targets will be the new recipients, and all the leaders are included. Be on the alert, always. I know it’s going to be hard. But saving everyone is a difficult task as it is. They will use any tricks and means possible to have an early victory. But we still have a chance. Without Stacey, it will go all the way to the last stages. DAVID (resolute) So, if Stacey was still alive, then what? (he pauses) I guess I have to find someone specific for Stacey, just in case she is still alive. (he looks at all of them) It’s okay to be afraid. Attack is the best form of defense. The live stream shows everyone, including the police, soldiers, and civilians, preparing for the impending conflict. TRIGA (worried) Will they take part as well? DAVID (sighs) With Marson as the main man, anything is possible. Marson would want an early victory or even steal the victory. So, he might be obliged to use them. TRIGA (panicking) Does that mean our end? How can we fight them all? The Devil’s Eye assassins, the police, the soldiers, and the secret services and even the doctors with their hacking stuff? David looks at them, resolute. DAVID (steeling himself) We fight with everything we've got. Every trick, every ally, and every resource. It's time for the world to know what we're made of. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT A chain of black, dark green, camouflaged, and red SUVs leaves a secure compound, heading towards the city. Brad, wearing sunglasses, stares at everyone without uttering a word. Wilson radios in. WILSON (into radio) They are coming. Take your positions. Keep them out. Roaring engines and SUVs outside startle David. DAVID (determined) It’s not over until the Fat Ladies sing! You have a greater responsibility to keep them at bay. Over! Windows shatter as bullets riddle in. WILSON (into radio) Devil’s Eye! Men shout and chant, preparing to engage the incoming threat. David takes binoculars, watching the approaching Devil’s Eyes. DAVID (into radio) The gates are secure. WILSON (into radio) I don’t think so. DAVID (focused) If they start flipping on top of each other like frogs, shoot the bottom and the upper layer constantly. Men flip and somersault, forming human ladders, advancing towards the mansion. DAVID (CONT'D) Damn it! WILSON (into radio) The minute we aim to shoot; they change positions. I sent the assassins to spray the bullets! The Devil’s Eyes swiftly navigate the gunfire, flipping, ducking, and evading as they close in on the mansion. DAVID (into radio) Ambush them from outside! The first Devil’s Eyes entering are met with a hail of bullets. They fall dead. MEN (chanting) Devil’s Eye! Undeterred, the next group gets out of the SUVs, forming the next wave. Carolina and Bogdan join David. CAROLINA (skeptical) The Fat Ladies might not be useful outside today. BOGDAN (nodding) We still need the lookouts. DAVID (determined) They are coming in too fast. A fierce gun battle ensues outside. DAVID (CONT'D) (into radio) I want reinforcements on all the new recipients of the digital currencies, especially the leaders. Tony, Lydia, and everyone. Bogdan, coordinate the reinforcements. CAROLINA (concerned) I think we'll stay with you. David, becoming apprehensive, opens the gun cabinet. DAVID (resolute) I'll be alright. BOGDAN (suspicious) All this talk about the devil needing a wife could be a decoy. The main target could be you. DAVID (opening the cabinet) Colony or Society collapse strategy. Shoot the leader first and use extreme terror to traumatize the group so that they all obey and cooperate. David, Carolina, and Bogdan stealthily make their way through the halls, preparing for the impending battle. INT. MANSION - NIGHT The sound of gunfire and chanting "Devil's Eyes" echoes in the air. A new group of Devil's Eyes starts chanting outside. DEVIL'S EYES GROUP 2 “Devil’s Eyes!” These men kneel outside, close their eyes, listen, and fire shots while rolling. As they continue, another group jumps in – the distractors. DAVID “Increase reinforcements.” Wilson whispers to David. WILSON “Go. Go. Go!” David shouts to the assassins on standby as bullets break glass behind them. Everyone ducks and starts firing back. CAROLINA “We are under heavy attack. Southside three o’clock. Send back up.” Carolina radios the assassins in the bunker. They come out through secret doors, garden entrances, and ambush the Devil's Eyes. Gunshots and battle sounds fill the air. ASSASSIN 1 “Position seven compromised!” ASSASSIN 2 “I have been hit.” WILSON “Reinforcement, position seven, eight, to the bunker. Assassins, standby in the bunker. Advance to door seven.” Gun battles intensify. Carolina radios for reinforcement. CAROLINA “Position seven is secure, but we lost men. Do you read? Over.” DAVID “Loud and clear.” Suddenly, a Devil's Eye somersaults through a window, spinning in the air and firing shots. Chaos ensues. DEVIL'S EYES GROUP 3 “Devil’s Eyes!” They span towards David, somersaulting and throwing a dagger. Carolina pushes David out of the dagger's path, and a shootout begins. David, Bogdan, and Carolina make a run for the next hall. More Devil's Eyes appear, flipping and spinning. DAVID “Devil’s Eyes!” They escape downstairs into the bunker. Meanwhile, a group of assassins advances from the bunker to secure the ground floor. ASSASSIN LEADER “I want the middle group to advance outside. Push them out. Another group from the bunker to ambush from outside. The Fatladies, now is your chance to shine. Now!” A fierce battle ensues. The assassins from the bunker fire at the mansion's fences, while the Fatladies act as snipers. The middle group closes in on those inside the mansion. DAVID “Stop! Target those at the gates. Those still inside the mansion should be your priority as well.” The sprinklers start working, and the Devil's Eyes react. DEVIL'S EYES MEMBER 1 “What’s that?” DEVIL'S EYES MEMBER 2 “Water!” DEVIL'S EYES MEMBER 3 “Shall we retreat? Might try to burn us alive!” DEVIL'S EYES LEADER “The boss said advance!” DEVIL'S EYES GROUP 4 “Devil’s Eyes!” They chant fiercely, surrounding the gates. One jumps into an SUV and reverses, others line up on the sides, leaving a few to appear as if retreating. DAVID “I think some are going away. This isn't over yet.” EXT. MANSION - NIGHT The roaring engines of the Devil's Eyes SUVs fill the air. The cars make U-turns, then suddenly stop and rev hard. DEVIL'S EYES GROUP 5 “Devil’s Eyes!” They shout and swiftly drive towards the gate. The first SUV bumps into the gate, setting it on fire. The Fatlady sniper targets the trapped driver, who screams for help. DEVIL'S EYES MEMBER 4 “Help me!” A brave Devil's Eyes member dashes in, ducking bullets, and rescues the driver from the burning SUV. He, too, gets shot in the head. Wilson, through the rifle lenses, takes out the driver, who falls to the ground. WILSON “Intruder Westside over. Fatladies? Fast before he gets in. Do you copy Westside Fatladies?” FATLADY 1 (RADIO) “Loud and clear.” Suddenly, another SUV charges toward the gate and the burning vehicle. WILSON “Another ram on. Stay clear of the gates. I repeat. There is a possibility of an explosion at the gates!” Before he finishes, a massive explosion occurs as the second SUV rams into the burning one, ripping off the gates. Wilson warns the Fatladies to stand their positions. A third SUV approaches with the driver's door open. The Devil's Eyes chant as the driver rolls out and evades bullets. The SUV crashes into the burning wreckage, causing a massive explosion. WILSON “Fatladies, I repeat, stand your positions. They are not going away but forcing their way in. I repeat. Stand your positions.” A third SUV speeds toward David's mansion, and the Devil's Eyes chant grows louder. DEVIL'S EYES GROUP 6 “Devil’s Eyes!” The driver jumps out and dodges bullets in a meandering style, escaping to safety. Another explosion occurs, accompanied by fierce chanting from the Devil's Eyes. WILSON “I want all the Fatladies to concentrate on the gate. Ignore your targets for a while.” The Fatladies aim their sniper rifles at the gate. Another SUV charges, and Wilson commands them to fire. The driver evades bullets and pushes the burning wreckage inside. WILSON “I need back up. I need the assassins to cover the entrance. Passage open might drive in any second. Now!” David sends the assassins to cover the entrance. BOGDAN “Why no rams at the gates?” DAVID “That’s the first form of defense for expensive properties like this.” WILSON “Let’s just say it’s there but not the common one. They might not be getting in but blocking us in. Anyone know why they might try to do that?” David looks at Bogdan, and his heart starts pounding. He quickly radios Carolina and Triga. DAVID “Carolina, Triga, be on high alert. They might be trying to trap us in. We need a plan to counter this.” intently at David. DAVID (looking at Triga) "Prepare the EMP, Triga. We need to disable their vehicles and electronic devices." TRIGA (nods) "On it, David." Triga swiftly operates the control panel, activating the EMP device hidden within the mansion's defenses. DAVID (over the radio) "Wilson, we're activating the EMP. Get ready for their vehicles to be disabled." WILSON "Copy that, David. We'll be ready." The EMP is triggered, sending out a powerful electromagnetic pulse that sweeps across the approaching convoy. Vehicles start sputtering, electronic systems failing, leaving the police, military, and Devil's Eyes in chaos. DAVID "Hit them now!" Triga presses another button, and the drone-guns unleash a barrage of bullets onto the disabled convoy. Devil's Eyes assassins scramble, attempting to escape the raining bullets. The police and military, caught off guard, find themselves under heavy fire. BOGDAN "We need to push them back, David. This won't hold them for long." DAVID "Activate the next line of defense. The flamethrowers!" Triga activates the flamethrowers hidden around the mansion's perimeter. Fire erupts, creating a wall of flames that forces the approaching threat to retreat. DAVID (over the radio) "Wilson, they won't stay down for long. We need everyone ready. Reinforce the defenses, and prepare for a counterattack." WILSON "Understood, David. We're holding our ground." As the chaos outside unfolds, David and his team prepare for the next wave. The mansion's defenses continue to engage, and the clock is ticking until the inner gates collapse. The battle for survival intensifies, and David knows they must stand strong against the impending onslaught. DAVID (impatient) "Imagine a world where the oppressors, the deceivers, and those who revel in destruction are eliminated. A world where true justice prevails. That's the goal, Bogdan. I'm not using their tactics; I'm adapting to the situation." BOGDAN (reluctant) "But... it feels wrong, David. Are we not becoming what we despise?" DAVID (firm) "We're fighting for the greater good. Our methods might seem harsh, but we can't afford to be naive. They won't change willingly. We have to show them the consequences of their actions." Carolina, who has been observing silently, interjects. CAROLINA "David is right. We are facing an unprecedented threat. If we don't act decisively, humanity as we know it will be lost. These are not conventional enemies. They've infiltrated every aspect of society, and they won't stop until they control everything." BOGDAN (resigned) "I just hope that, in the end, we don't become what we're fighting against." DAVID (determined) "Our purpose is clear. We're not here to become tyrants; we're here to save humanity. Now, prepare for the next wave. We have more challenges ahead, and we must face them head-on." As the group readies themselves for the impending confrontation, the atmosphere inside the mansion becomes tense. The battle for humanity's survival intensifies, and the line between righteousness and desperation becomes increasingly blurred. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT The night sky hangs heavy over the mansion grounds. David, Bogdan, and Carolina stand near the perimeter, watching as the machine guns surrounding the estate maintain their vigilance. The air is tense with the anticipation of an imminent showdown. BOGDAN (whispering) "You really believe this will work? That humanity will change after witnessing all this destruction?" DAVID (confident) "Sometimes drastic measures are necessary to wake people up. The grannies are just a glimpse of what's possible." CAROLINA (nervously) "But what about those who resist? Will we really eliminate them?" DAVID (resolute) "We have to. It's the only way to secure a future where oppression and evil are eradicated. We can't afford to let the hardliners block the path to a better world." As they speak, the distant sound of approaching vehicles becomes audible. Headlights pierce the darkness, revealing the incoming convoy of police, military, and Devil's Eyes assassins. BOGDAN (looking at the approaching convoy) "Here they come. What's the plan?" DAVID (smirking) "Watch and learn." INT. BUNKER - CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Triga, monitoring the situation on the control screens, grins mischievously. TRIGA (to himself) "Time to unveil the Holy Ghosts." Triga presses a series of buttons, activating the invisible and incredibly fast drone-guns. The control room hums with activity as the cutting-edge weaponry comes to life. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - CONTINUOUS The approaching convoy slows down as they reach the mansion gates. The police, military, and Devil's Eyes assassins prepare for a confrontation. DAVID (on the radio) "Activate the grannies and the Holy Ghosts." The machine guns surrounding the mansion shift, adjusting their angles. Suddenly, invisible drone-guns materialize and start to roll across the ground with incredible speed. The grannies, the Holy Ghosts, are unleashed. CAROLINA (amazed) "Invisible drones?" BOGDAN (whispering) "This is beyond anything I imagined." The Holy Ghosts zip across the grounds, their movements almost too fast to track. The grannies, machine guns, and drone-guns coordinate their assault. DAVID (on the radio) "Target only the hardliners. We want to create fear, not unnecessary casualties." The Holy Ghosts and grannies expertly identify the hardliners within the convoy. Bullets rain down on them, creating chaos. The once-confident attackers scramble for cover as the onslaught intensifies. BOGDAN (looking at the chaos) "This is... incredible." DAVID (smiling) "It's a wake-up call. Humanity needs to see the consequences of its actions." As the chaos unfolds, David watches with a mixture of determination and sadness. The battle for humanity's future has only just begun, and the cost of change is high. But this is just a sneak peek at what's coming." As they watch the chaos unfold on the screen, Triga continues to manipulate the controls, ensuring the precision of the attack. TRIGA "They won't even know what hit them. It's a symphony of destruction orchestrated by the invisible drone-guns." BOGDAN (staring at the screen) "It's ruthless. But I guess in this world, you have to be ruthless to survive." DAVID (nodding) "It's not about cruelty; it's about survival. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire." As the onslaught continues, the police and military forces are decimated, their confusion evident. The combination of the orbit drone-gun and its invisible counterpart creates an unstoppable force. CAROLINA (looking away) "I never thought I'd witness something like this. It's like a nightmare." DAVID (solemn) "It's a wake-up call. Humanity needs to confront the consequences of its actions. Only then can real change occur." Suddenly, the chaos subsides as the invisible drone-gun and the orbit drone-gun complete their calculated attacks. The once imposing convoy is reduced to wreckage and despair. BOGDAN (whispering) "They never stood a chance." DAVID (resolute) "This is just the beginning. There's more to come, and they need to understand that resistance is futile." TRIGA (smiling) "Shall we proceed with the next phase? The Fatladies are ready." DAVID (nodding) "Do it. Let them witness the power that lies within." Triga presses a sequence of buttons, and the Fatladies, skilled assassins with deadly precision, spring into action. The screen displays their coordinated movements as they strategically eliminate any surviving threats. CAROLINA (covering her mouth) "This is beyond anything I imagined." DAVID (firmly) "This is the path to a new world. A world free from oppression and evil. A world where humanity can thrive without the shackles of its own making." The sounds of gunfire and chaos echo in the bunker as the Fatladies fulfill their mission. The once-advancing forces are now in disarray, struggling to comprehend the unseen force that has obliterated their ranks. BOGDAN (staring at the destruction) "I never thought I'd say this, but I hope they get the message." DAVID (smiling) "They will. The world is about to witness a transformation like never before. Let's get ready for what comes next." The group in the bunker remains focused, knowing that the battle for humanity's future is far from over. The world outside is now witnessing the consequences of its own actions, and the journey toward change has only just begun. into a message they can understand. You can’t bring flowers to a gunfight.” BOGDAN (looking disturbed) “I understand the pain, but this level of retaliation... it’s beyond comprehension. Are we any different from them now?” DAVID (leaning forward) “We’re different because we have a purpose. Our actions are not driven by malice or cruelty; it's about stopping a cycle of destruction. Sometimes you have to speak the language they understand.” The atmosphere in the bunker is tense, and Lydia returns from the bathroom, wiping away tears. LYDIA (whispering) “This is not the world I envisioned.” DAVID (softly) “Lydia, we’re trying to build a new world, but to do that, we must first dismantle the old one. It's painful, but necessary.” CAROLINA (nodding) “He’s right. We can’t afford to be naive. The world out there is brutal, and if we don’t act decisively, we risk becoming victims.” They continue watching the aftermath on the screen as emergency vehicles arrive at the scene. BOGDAN (reluctant) “What’s our next move?” DAVID (sternly) “We proceed as planned. This is just the beginning. The Fatladies are still in play, and we have a world to reshape.” Bogdan looks conflicted, but the reality of their situation dawns on him. They are in the midst of a war, and compromises have to be made. TRIGA (excitedly) “Shall we unleash the Fatladies now?” DAVID (gazing at the screen) “Do it.” Triga swiftly activates the controls, and the Fatladies move into action. The screen shows their calculated movements, and the atmosphere in the bunker becomes charged with anticipation. DAVID (to Lydia and Bogdan) “Remember, this is not about revenge. It’s about creating a world where justice prevails. The old system failed us, and we’re here to forge a new path.” As the Fatladies execute their mission with ruthless efficiency, the group in the bunker reflects on the consequences of their actions. The journey to reshape the world has taken a dark turn, and the weight of their decisions hangs heavy in the air as David delivered his impassioned speech. The tension in the bunker was palpable as they awaited the activation of the Holy Ghost. TRIGA (nervously) "It's done, David." David nodded, his eyes fixed on the screen displaying the live feed from the drone camera. The Holy Ghost was about to be unleashed, and there was no turning back. CAROLINA (solemnly) "May God have mercy on us all." David clenched his fists, steeling himself for what was to come. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and he was determined to see it through to the end. Suddenly, the screen flickered to life as the Holy Ghost descended from the sky, its presence ominous and foreboding. The air crackled with anticipation as it prepared to unleash its deadly payload. LYDIA (whispering) "This is it." BOGDAN (gripping his seat) "God help us." As the Holy Ghost began its assault, the bunker fell silent, save for the sound of gunfire echoing through the air. Each bullet was a testament to the wrath of those who had suffered at the hands of the enemy. The scene played out like a nightmare as the Holy Ghost targeted its enemies with ruthless efficiency. There was no mercy, no remorse, only the cold calculation of a machine programmed for destruction. DAVID (watching intently) "This is justice." His words hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the cost of war. But for David, there was no other option. Humanity's survival depended on it. As the Holy Ghost continued its assault, the bunker's occupants watched in grim silence, knowing that they had unleashed a force that could not be stopped. And as the dust settled and the echoes of gunfire faded into the distance, David knew that the battle was far from over. But for now, they had struck a decisive blow against the forces of evil, and humanity had been given a fighting chance to forge a new future. the property immediately. Use whatever means necessary,” David ordered. Triga nodded and relayed the instructions to the ground forces. DAVID (focused) “We can't afford to let any of them slip through. This is our only chance to cleanse the world of their corruption.” BOGDAN (concerned) “But what about the innocent ones among them? What if they surrender?” DAVID (resolute) “There are no innocent ones among them. They’ve chosen their side. We can't risk leaving any behind.” As the ground forces engaged in the final cleanup, the news continued to broadcast scenes of devastation and chaos. The world was witnessing the unprecedented and brutal actions of Tomorrow’s World Order. REPORTER (horrified) “The scale of destruction is beyond imagination. It's a war zone down there. The remnants of the government forces are desperately trying to fight back, but it seems like an impossible task.” The scene switched to an overhead view showing the once pristine mansion now engulfed in flames. REPORTER (CONT'D) (shaken) “The very symbol of power and influence is now reduced to ashes. What we are witnessing today will go down in history as one of the darkest days for humanity.” The broadcast showed images of fleeing civilians, some caught in the crossfire between the remaining government forces and the relentless assault by Tomorrow’s World Order. REPORTER (CONT'D) (teary-eyed) “Civilians are caught in the crossfire. Innocent lives are being lost. It's a tragedy beyond words.” David, watching the news, felt a twinge of remorse, but he quickly pushed it aside, reminding himself of the atrocities committed by the enemy. DAVID (to himself) “This is the price they pay for their sins.” The bunker was filled with tension as the final battle unfolded on the screens. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and Tomorrow’s World Order was determined to reshape the world according to their vision. As the chaos continued, David's mind was already on the next phase – the establishment of the Tomorrow’s World Order, a new era born from the ashes of the old world. with a smirk. TRIGA (on the radio) “Prepare for the grand finale!” As the Devil’s Eyes chanted and celebrated, the twenty-three drones hovered in perfect synchronization, forming a deadly aerial formation. The Devil’s Eyes, unaware of what awaited them, continued their celebration. DAVID (intensely) “Now, Triga!” Triga pressed a button on the console, initiating the synchronized attack. The machine guns and drone guns started firing simultaneously, creating a symphony of destruction. Bullets rained down on the Devil’s Eyes, caught in the crossfire. DEVIL’S EYES LEADER (panicking) “We’re under attack! Defend yourselves!” The chaos unfolded as the Devil’s Eyes tried to retaliate, firing randomly into the air, but the precision of the drone guns and machine guns overwhelmed them. DAVID (smiling) “Let them feel the wrath they brought upon themselves.” The Devil’s Eyes struggled to escape the relentless barrage, but the trench and fence trapped them. Bullets pierced through their bodies, and screams filled the air as the drones relentlessly sprayed death from above. TRIGA (excited) “They never saw it coming. The grand finale indeed!” The aerial view displayed a horrifying scene – the Devil’s Eyes decimated, bodies strewn across the ground, and the once defiant force reduced to a desperate struggle for survival. DAVID (stern) “Ensure none of them survive. Wipe them out completely.” The relentless assault continued until the last Devil’s Eye fell. The once powerful force that sought to challenge Tomorrow’s World Order was now eradicated. REPORTER (ON TV) (with disbelief) “What we are witnessing is beyond comprehension. It's a massacre down there. The Devil’s Eyes, a force that once struck fear into the hearts of many, is now obliterated.” David, Bogdan, and the others watched the aftermath on the screens. The yard was silent, except for the crackling of fires and the distant wails of sirens. DAVID (calmly) “They thought they could challenge us. They thought they were invincible. Today, they faced the consequences of their choices.” The news broadcast continued, capturing the devastation caused by the deadly assault. The world was left in shock, witnessing the unprecedented power of Tomorrow’s World Order. REPORTER (ON TV) (CONT'D) (voice trembling) “Whatever message they wanted to convey, it's been overshadowed by the sheer brutality of their actions. Today marks a turning point in history, one we can never forget.” The bunker fell into a heavy silence as the gravity of the situation sank in. The grand finale had concluded, leaving behind a world forever changed by the merciless acts of Tomorrow’s World Order. MARSON (frustrated) “No, President Maureen, they'll just be joining the body count. We need to reevaluate our strategy and gather more intel. Something went terribly wrong, and we underestimated the capabilities of Tomorrow’s World Order.” PRESIDENT MAUREEN (nervous) “What do you suggest, Marson?” MARSON (angry) “I suggest we focus on gathering information first. We need to know what we're up against. Our forces are being annihilated, and I won't risk more lives until we have a better understanding of the situation.” PRESIDENT MAUREEN (resolute) “Alright, Marson. We need to find a way to counter their technological advantage. I’ll allocate more resources to intelligence gathering. We can't let them continue unchecked.” Marson nodded in agreement before ending the video call. He then turned to Theory, who looked shaken by the recent events. MARSON (grim) “We need to find out everything about Tomorrow’s World Order. Their weaknesses, their technology, their leaders. I want a comprehensive report on my desk in the next 24 hours.” Theory nodded, knowing the gravity of the situation. The once confident and powerful leader was now facing an adversary that seemed to be a step ahead in every move. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - DEEP BUNKER - NIGHT The bunker was tense as everyone gathered to assess the aftermath of the devastating attack. David, Carolina, Bogdan, and the rest of the team looked somber as they watched the news broadcasts. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) (shaky voice) “The unprecedented attack by Tomorrow’s World Order has left the world in shock. The Devil’s Eyes, a notorious group, has been completely eradicated, and the casualties are beyond imagination. The entire world is questioning the motives and methods of this powerful organization.” CAROLINA (sighs) “We've crossed a line that can't be uncrossed. The world won't forget what they've witnessed today.” BOGDAN (resigned) “Marson won't take this lightly. He'll come back harder, and we need to be ready for it.” DAVID (determined) “We can't afford to underestimate Marson. This is just the beginning of a war that will define the future. We need to be one step ahead at all times.” The team exchanged determined glances, realizing that the battle had escalated into a war of ideologies and power. The consequences of their actions would reverberate across the world. FADE OUT: TO BE CONTINUED... We are a coalition, and decisions should be made collectively.” Marson glared at her, his finger tightening on the trigger. MARSON (furious) “I’ve had enough of your democracy nonsense! I’m taking control. If any of you oppose, you know the consequences.” The room fell silent as Marson's rage filled the air. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (defiant) “This is not the way, Marson. Killing each other won’t solve anything. We need to find a strategic plan to counter Tomorrow’s World Order. Violence within us is not the solution.” MARSON (deranged) “Strategic plan? We're dealing with an enemy that just wiped out our forces like ants. The time for strategic plans is over. I'm taking charge, and if any of you oppose, you're signing your own death warrants.” The other leaders in the room exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Marson, driven by grief and anger, seemed determined to lead them down a dangerous path. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - DEEP BUNKER - NIGHT Back in the bunker, David and the team watched the news reports showcasing the chaos and turmoil caused by their actions. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) “Global leaders are in disarray as President Marson declares himself the sole authority. The world is on the brink of war as the leaders grapple with the unprecedented attack. Tomorrow’s World Order's actions have shaken the foundations of nations, leading to internal conflicts and power struggles.” CAROLINA (grim) “This is spiraling out of control. Marson has lost it, and the world is paying the price.” BOGDAN (resolute) “We need to stay focused on our mission. If we let internal conflicts distract us, we'll lose the bigger battle against Tomorrow’s World Order.” DAVID (nodding) “Bogdan is right. Our priority is Tomorrow’s World Order. We can't let their actions tear us apart. We need to be strategic and united in our approach.” As they discussed their next moves, the world outside was descending into chaos, torn between internal power struggles and the looming threat of Tomorrow’s World Order. FADE OUT: TO BE CONTINUED... ! The leaders in the room exchanged uneasy glances, caught between fear and the iron-fisted determination of Marson. President Maureen, still recovering from the shock, tried to maintain composure. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (reluctant) "We understand your anger, Marson, but descending into this brutality won't solve anything. We need a well-thought-out plan. Targeting civilians and resorting to violence without a clear strategy will only escalate the situation." MARSON (furious) "Strategy? You think these maniacs care about strategy? They've slaughtered our people! I won't sit back and play by their rules. It's time to show them we mean business." The tension in the room was palpable, with the leaders torn between Marson's vengeful determination and the plea for restraint. PRESIDENT KNOX (resigned) "Marson, I've lost my family too, but we can't lose ourselves in this darkness. We have to find a way to defeat them strategically, not with blind rage." Marson glared at President Knox but refrained from acting on his anger. MARSON (grim) "Fine. We'll play it your way. But remember, we're dealing with monsters who won't hesitate to destroy us. Make your strategic plans, but make them fast. I want Tomorrow’s World Order buried." The room fell silent as Marson's threat lingered in the air. The leaders, now tasked with crafting a strategic response, understood the delicate balance they needed to strike. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - DEEP BUNKER - NIGHT David and the team, monitoring the unfolding chaos, knew they needed to be prepared for the storm that was coming. The bunker's atmosphere was tense as they considered their next moves. CAROLINA (whispering) "We can't underestimate Marson's fury. We need a plan to secure Evelina and the others. And we must find a way to neutralize Marson without escalating the conflict further." BOGDAN (resolute) "Let's focus on saving lives. We can't become the monsters we're fighting against. Find a way to communicate with Marson, make him see reason. We need to break this cycle of violence." DAVID (nodding) "I agree. We're fighting for justice, not revenge. If Marson's rage blinds him, we risk losing everything we've worked for." As the team strategized, the world outside plunged into chaos, torn between leaders seeking vengeance and a group fighting for a more just world. FADE OUT: David and his team pondered the difficult situation they were in. The clock was ticking, and they needed to make crucial decisions to counter the impending threat. The atmosphere in the bunker was tense. DAVID (serious) "We don't have time to spare. Triga, initiate the counter dump and implement the necessary safeguards. We'll deal with the consequences later. The priority is to prevent their attack." TRIGA (assuring) "On it, David." Carolina and Bogdan exchanged worried glances as they understood the potential risks of initiating the counter dump. Meanwhile, Frederick worked diligently on the technical aspects to ensure the counter dump's effectiveness. FREDERICK (confident) "I'm preparing the counter dump protocol. Once initiated, it will disrupt their blockchain operations and buy us some time. But as Triga mentioned, there will be drawbacks." BOGDAN (looking at David) "We might face power cuts and system instability. It's a calculated risk, David. Are you sure about this?" DAVID (resolute) "We have no choice. We need to throw them off balance. Triga, make it happen." As Triga began the process, the bunker's lights flickered momentarily, and the sound of electronic systems rebooting echoed through the facility. The team braced themselves for the temporary disruption. CUT TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Marson and his remaining leaders monitored the chaos unfolding on their screens. The sudden disruption in their operations alarmed them. MARSON (angry) "What the hell is happening? Frederick, get in here!" Frederick rushed back into the control room, his face filled with tension. FREDERICK (explaining) "We're facing a counter dump from an unknown source. It's disrupting our blockchain operations. We need to counteract it to regain control." MARSON (irritated) "Do whatever it takes, Frederick. We can't afford to lose momentum now." Frederick went to work, frantically typing commands and coordinating efforts to stabilize their systems. Outside, the chaos continued to escalate as the world teetered on the edge of a digital war. CUT BACK TO: INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - DEEP BUNKER - NIGHT As the bunker experienced intermittent power fluctuations, David and his team realized the gravity of their actions. The counter dump was in progress, but the consequences were evident. CAROLINA (worried) "We've initiated the counter dump, but the power fluctuations are affecting our other systems. We need to ride this out." DAVID (focused) "Secure the vaults and prioritize the essential functions. We'll endure the storm. Our goal is to protect those we care about and dismantle Tomorrow’s World Order." The team worked tirelessly to weather the digital onslaught, knowing that the next moves would determine the fate of their mission. FADE OUT: into the sky. DAVID (urgent) "Hurry, we need to saturate the skies. Every drone counts!" The team worked feverishly, launching the remaining drone-guns as fast as they could. The bunker echoed with the hum of machinery and the distant sounds of the launching drones. David monitored the progress on his hand monitor, ensuring that the sky was saturated with their countermeasure. CAROLINA (reporting) "All launched, David! Waiting for your signal to close the trap-doors." David quickly analyzed the data on his hand monitor, ensuring they had achieved the desired saturation. He nodded to Carolina and Bogdan. DAVID (commanding) "Close the trap-doors, now!" Carolina and Bogdan simultaneously pressed the buttons to close the trap-doors. The bunker became quiet, and the team anxiously awaited further instructions from David. DAVID (into the radio) "Assassins, maintain your positions. We've saturated the skies with the countermeasure. Let's wait and see the effects." The team gathered around David, their eyes glued to the drone video on the big screen. The incoming missile appeared on the screen, approaching the compound. The tension in the bunker was palpable. DAVID (anxious) "Monitor the missile defense system. If it detects the incoming threat, we'll know if our countermeasure is effective." Triga, who had returned to the bunker, focused on the missile defense system's status. The seconds felt like hours as they awaited the critical moment. TRIGA (exclaiming) "The missile defense system is engaging! Intercept in progress." The team collectively held their breath as the missile defense system sprang into action. On the big screen, the drone video showed the interception attempt. DAVID (into the radio) "All assassins, be ready for any retaliation. We need to ensure the compound's safety." As the intercepted missile exploded in the sky, a collective sigh of relief swept through the bunker. The threat was neutralized, at least for the moment. DAVID (resolute) "We've bought ourselves some time. Assess the situation and report back." The team dispersed to their respective tasks, analyzing data and monitoring any potential aftermath. The bunker's atmosphere remained tense, knowing that Tomorrow's World Order would not relent in their pursuit. FADE OUT: DAVID (into the radio) "Secure the perimeter! No more trap-door openings until further notice. We can't afford any security risks." The team dispersed, securing the compound and ensuring all possible vulnerabilities were addressed. David monitored the system, making sure that the newly armed drones were ready for deployment. DAVID (to Triga) "Keep an eye on the drone status. We need to be prepared for the second wave they might send." Triga diligently monitored the drone-guns' status, ensuring they were armed and ready for action. The bunker remained on high alert as the team braced for the incoming threat. DAVID (into the radio) "All assassins, be prepared for a potential large-scale attack. We've armed the drones to counter their forces. Stay vigilant." As David strategized the defense, Frederick approached with a worried expression on his face. FREDERICK (reporting) "We've identified a massive surge in digital currency transactions. It seems they're trying to regroup financially." DAVID (grimacing) "Counter-dump immediately! We can't let them recover too quickly. Use the same approach as before but double the force. We need to keep them on the defensive." Frederick hurriedly initiated the counter-dump process, aiming to disrupt Tomorrow's World Order's attempts to recover and regroup. The bunker's atmosphere was tense as everyone understood the significance of this digital battle. CAROLINA (worried) "What if they launch a third wave? We can't keep this up indefinitely." DAVID (resolute) "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, our priority is to neutralize their forces and protect the compound." As the counter-dump unfolded, the bunker trembled again from the explosions outside. The team could only imagine the chaos taking place in the skies above. TRIGA (reporting) "Counter-dump successful. Their digital currency is taking a hit. We've disrupted their financial recovery." DAVID (nodding) "Good work, Triga. Keep monitoring. We need to stay one step ahead of them." The bunker's control center buzzed with activity as the team remained focused on the unfolding crisis. The battle against Tomorrow's World Order had escalated, and David knew they had to continue fighting with everything they had. FADE OUT: system on the roof. “Damn it!” “Can it be fixed?” David quickly looked at it. Smoke was coming out. “I can’t fix it! We have no time! We will have to launch from outside.” “Send someone quickly! There’s no time! Before they arrive we must have taken out most of them or all of them if possible. I will ask some men to go outside and launch the drones. I will let you know when they will be outside. All you will have to do is to quickly launch without delay.” “Okay. I am almost done arming.” “I must go out and choose a site for launching. You will launch from the opposite side as they might try to shoot you down as well. Keep close to the bunker as much as possible and on the ground.” “Okay!” David left. He quickly went outside and chose a site. He was on the ground when a huge machine came out of nowhere and a man appeared through the walls. He was wearing a suit that was different from what others were wearing. He was wearing the same suit as the man who had led the assault on the plane. “You! What are you doing here? And where are your soldiers?” “They are securing the area. There is no need to fight. In fact, I came to propose a truce. We both know this has gone too far. We've lost too many men on both sides. What do you say, we negotiate a peaceful resolution?” David looked at the man, skeptical and cautious. DAVID "Why would I trust you? Your organization has caused irreparable damage and killed innocent people. A truce won't bring back the lives lost." TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER AGENT "Consider this, David. You've seen the capabilities we possess. We can destroy you completely. But we're offering a chance for survival, for both sides." David weighed his options, knowing that negotiating with the enemy was a risky proposition. DAVID (serious) "Speak your terms, but remember, I won't accept anything that compromises the safety of our people or our mission." TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER AGENT "Good. First, we want the immediate surrender of Evelina. Hand her over, and we'll guarantee the safety of your remaining people. Second, we'll cease all hostilities and withdraw our forces from this location. In return, we won't pursue any further actions against your organization." David clenched his fists, contemplating the gravity of the situation. The fate of everyone in the bunker rested on his decision. DAVID "I need time to consider your offer. You'll have my answer soon." The Tomorrow's World Order agent nodded and disappeared through the same mysterious machine. David returned to the bunker, a heavy burden on his shoulders. DAVID (into the radio) "Everyone, assemble in the main hall. We need to discuss our options." The team gathered in the main hall, anxiously awaiting David's decision. DAVID (looking at the team) "We've been offered a truce. But it comes at a cost. I need your input before making a decision. Let's discuss the terms." David cursed and quickly ran to the secret door. He knew he had little time left. DAVID (into the radio) "Bogdan, I'm almost there. Get ready to launch." BOGDAN "I've got everything set. Hurry, David!" David sprinted through the bunker, weaving through corridors and staircases. The urgency of the situation was evident in his determined strides. As he reached the main control room, he could hear distant gunfire and explosions, indicating the ongoing battle. DAVID (into the radio) "Triga, prepare to launch. Close the trap-door immediately after launch. We can't afford any security breaches." TRIGA (over the radio) "Roger that, David. We're ready on our end." Bogdan monitored the system, his eyes fixed on the countdown timer. The tension in the room was palpable as everyone awaited David's return. DAVID (breathing heavily) "I'm here, Bogdan. Are we ready?" BOGDAN "Yes, David. The launch sequence is armed. Whenever you're ready." David quickly surveyed the room, assessing the situation. The battle outside intensified, with echoes of gunfire and explosions reverberating through the bunker. DAVID (into the radio) "Triga, initiate launch. Close the trap-door immediately." TRIGA (over the radio) "Launching now. Trap-door closing." As Triga executed the commands, Bogdan initiated the launch sequence. The trap-door closed with a mechanical thud, sealing the bunker from any potential threats. The tension in the room eased slightly, but the gravity of the situation lingered. BOGDAN "We're launched, David. The drones are in the air." DAVID (into the radio) "Good. Keep monitoring the system. Let me know if anything goes wrong." As David caught his breath, he received a message on the radio from Triga. TRIGA "The drones are in the air, and the trap-door is secure. We're holding our ground." DAVID "Stay vigilant, Triga. We're not out of the woods yet. Bogdan, keep an eye on the system. We need to know the status of those drones." The team braced themselves for the next phase of the battle, uncertain of what challenges lay ahead. The war between the Devil's Eyes and Tomorrow's World Order had reached a critical juncture, and the fate of everyone in the bunker hung in the balance. DAVID (pointing at his shoulder) Not that one. It was a different drone. It had a retractable dagger, and it stabbed me right before it crashed. BOGDAN (confused) A drone with a dagger? That's insane! DAVID (grimacing in pain) Insane indeed. It was like an assassin drone. Someone out there is getting creative. Bogdan examined the wounds on David's shoulder and forehead, concern etched on his face. BOGDAN We need to get you patched up. Can you walk? DAVID (nodding) I can manage. We've got bigger problems, though. The security risk alert—it's not just the door. We need to figure out if anyone else got inside. BOGDAN (into the radio) Triga, we've got a security breach. Check the surveillance cameras and see if anyone else entered. TRIGA (over the radio) Roger that. Give me a moment. As they waited for Triga's update, David winced from the pain but maintained his focus. DAVID We can't afford any surprises. If someone infiltrated, we need to find them. BOGDAN Agreed. Let's stay vigilant. Triga's voice came over the radio with a report. TRIGA I've checked the cameras. No unauthorized entry detected. The security risk was due to the door not being properly locked. It's secure now. BOGDAN (relieved) Good news. David, looks like we're in the clear. DAVID Not yet. We can't underestimate our enemies. The fact that they sent a drone to stab me means they're adapting. We need to be one step ahead. BOGDAN What's our next move? DAVID First, let's get everyone on high alert. Double-check security measures, and inform the team about the drone incident. As Bogdan relayed the instructions over the radio, David took a moment to collect his thoughts. The battle outside continued, and the fate of their mission hung in the balance. DAVID (looking determined) We need to press on. Launch those drones and ensure they target the right threats. We can't let setbacks slow us down. BOGDAN You got it, David. As the team rallied to address the security breach and prepare for the upcoming challenges, David's resolve remained unbroken. The war against the Devil's Eyes was far from over, and every decision would shape the course of the battle. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER MANSION - NIGHT The night sky is filled with a swarm of drones, eerily resembling birds. The air is tense as the world watches the unfolding events on television. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Triga stand before the big screen, shocked by the revelation of their exposure. DAVID (looking determined) We can't let them destroy the drones. We'll proceed with the attacks. Increase the intensity and target their positions. TRIGA (nodding) Understood. Triga quickly inputs commands, and the drones shift formation, descending towards their intended targets. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER MANSION - NIGHT The drones, now descending rapidly, create a breathtaking display in the night sky. The world watches in awe and fear. NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) (over the television) We are witnessing an unprecedented event. The drone swarm has created darkness, and it seems Tomorrow's World Order is launching an attack. INT. MARSON'S LAB - NIGHT Marson, panic-stricken, watches the events unfold on multiple screens. Frederick rushes in, trying to comprehend the situation. FREDERICK (urgently) Sir, we need to act fast. The drone swarm is attacking. MARSON (panicking) Stop them! I can't lose my men again. Do something! Frederick scrambles to assess the situation and find a solution. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER MANSION - NIGHT The descending drones split into multiple groups, targeting specific areas with precision. Explosions light up the night as the drones unleash their firepower. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The team watches the live footage of the drone attacks. The tension is palpable. BOGDAN (into the radio) David, the drones are hitting their targets. It's working. DAVID (grim determination) Keep it up. We can't afford to back down now. Triga continues to coordinate the drone attacks, navigating through the chaos. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER MANSION - NIGHT As the drone attacks intensify, chaos ensues. The world watches in shock and disbelief as the once powerful Tomorrow's World Order faces a relentless assault. NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) (over the television) The drone attacks continue with unprecedented force. It's a battle between technology and power. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The team remains focused, knowing that this battle will determine the fate of their resistance. DAVID (looking at the screen) We have to see this through. We can't let fear dictate our actions. The room echoes with the sounds of explosions and gunfire as the drone attacks rage on, marking a pivotal moment in the war against the Devil's Eyes INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY Marson, agitated, paces around the room, watching the live feed on multiple screens. Frederick rushes in. MARSON Frederick, what the devil is happening out there? Why are our drones not invisible? Why are they being shot down? FREDERICK Saluting Sir, it seems the enemy has developed countermeasures. Their drones are attacking with unexpected precision. MARSON Fuming Countermeasures? Impossible! We designed the best technology. How did they figure it out? FREDERICK I believe they've decoded our drone signatures, sir. They knew the attack was coming. MARSON Angry Find a solution, Frederick! I won't accept defeat. We need to protect our assets. Meanwhile, Triga and the team are monitoring the situation and adjusting their strategy. INT. DRONE CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS TRIGA On the radio David, the enemy seems to have cracked our drone signature. They're shooting them down. DAVID Biting his lip Adjust the algorithm, Triga. Make them unpredictable. We can't afford to lose this battle. TRIGA Focused Copy that. Back at Tomorrow's World Order Headquarters, Marson issues orders. MARSON On the phone Frederick, deploy the Devil's Eyes immediately. We can't let them compromise our mission. FREDERICK Loyal Right away, sir. Marson hangs up, looking determined. MARSON This ends now. We'll crush them with everything we've got. Marson and the guard exit the room, ready to face the escalating crisis. CUT TO: EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY Sirens wail as the Devil's Eyes drones are launched into action, filling the sky with their menacing presence. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - LAB - DAY Marson and the guard arrive at the lab, out of breath. Frederick is coordinating the drone attacks. MARSON Roaring Frederick, what's the situation? FREDERICK Frantically Sir, they're playing mind games. The drones have explosive triggers. We lost our soldiers. MARSON Furious We can't let them reach the safe zone. Activate the Devil's Eyes and target their convoy. Frederick issues commands to deploy the Devil's Eyes drones. CUT TO: INT. DRONE CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS TRIGA On the radio David, Marson wants to strike back. Deploying Devil's Eyes. We need to stop them before they reach the safe zone. DAVID Urgent Do it. We can't let them harm civilians. Drive them away from the safe zone. Triga reluctantly activates the Devil's Eyes drones, sending them towards the advancing convoy. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - LAB - DAY Marson watches the screens as the Devil's Eyes drones move into action. MARSON Demanding Frederick, make sure they don't reach the safe zone. We can't afford civilian casualties. FREDERICK Loyal Understood, sir. The lab team works feverishly to control the Devil's Eyes. CUT TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The front convoy of the enemy forces is approaching the high-risk zone. The Devil's Eyes drones descend. TRIGA On the radio Devil's Eyes deployed. Ready to engage. The drones hover over the enemy convoy, preparing to strike. EXT. HIGH-RISK ZONE - CONTINUOUS David, Bogdan, and Triga watch anxiously as the Devil's Eyes position themselves for the attack. DAVID Commanding Drive them away, Triga. We can't let them reach the safe zone. Triga quickly enters commands to redirect the Devil's Eyes drones. CUT TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The enemy forces react quickly, swerving away from the Devil's Eyes drones. ENEMY COMMANDER On the radio Change route, take the highway! The convoy changes its course, avoiding the imminent attack. INT. DRONE CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS DAVID Relieved Good work, Triga. Keep monitoring their movements. TRIGA Focused Roger that. The tense atmosphere continues as both sides strategize, aware that the battle is far from over. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Triga are in the command center, watching the live drone streaming video as chaos unfolds. BOGDAN Concerned Collateral damage is escalating. We need reinforcements to divert them from the suburban area. WILSON Out of breath Channel seven now! Triga quickly changes the channels and broadcasts their live drone streaming. TRIGA Reporting We're surrounded by their drones. A blast shakes the bunker. DAVID Realizing Those blasts are their drones destroying our machine guns. David, Triga, and Bogdan exchange worried glances. DAVID Strategizing Buy us time. Divert them, use the highway, and attack fiercely. Keep the remaining drones on standby for relentless attacks once they're out of their safe zone. Wilson leaves quickly. Triga sits down, thinking. TRIGA Innovative I have an idea. Let them keep some. DAVID Curious What do you mean? Suddenly, a few drones descend from higher in the skies, free-falling and changing direction. TRIGA Explaining They'll think they've neutralized them, but we'll use them strategically. A group of drones free-falls rapidly and flares horizontally, heading towards the enemy vehicles and soldiers. EXT. SUBURBAN AREA - CONTINUOUS Soldiers and police are caught off guard as the drones create chaos. Vehicles explode, and panic ensues. Back in the command center, David watches the strategic chaos unfold. DAVID Nodding Good move, Triga. As the Piranha-Drone-guns create havoc, Frederick and Marson miles away react with shock. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - LATER Frederick analyzes footage and explains the situation to Marson. FREDERICK Realizing Piranha-Drone-guns. They've created weapons that mimic natural behaviors. MARSON Shaking God's dilemma. He'll mimic anything God created. Frederick pulls up more footage as they come to grips with the formidable challenge they face. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Frederick and Marson watch the horrifying footage of the drone-sharks in action. FREDERICK Concerned He blocked the road. I've ordered the convoy to divert to the highway. Marson, stunned, quickly switches to the convoy footage. MARSON Shocked No, you didn't! But I said, hide behind the civilians, or else we get slaughtered again. FREDERICK Stammering That is exactly what he told us to do. MARSON Angry Damn it, Frederick! You don't change the plan without my approval. Use the jets to open up the raid. A few casualties won't make any difference. I lost a lot of men today. Frederick urgently radios the convoy, halting it before it meets the impending doom. The guard, observing the gruesome scenes, questions Frederick. GUARD Curious So, sir, what's going on here? FREDERICK Disturbed Shark-drones? Eating human flesh? Fueling on human oil? GUARD Shocked Powered by human oil? And without this human oil? An unsettling realization sets in. FREDERICK Despairing That can cause human extinction—the very reason we're at war. The soldier, overcome with rage, expresses his frustration. SOLDIER Angry I'll shoot this bastard myself. He's killing human beings like bloody sea-seals. He'll cause the extinction of humanity. Marson, contemplative, places a hand on the soldier's shoulder. MARSON Reflective If we take over, we have to kill two-thirds of the world's population. If they take over, they have to kill a third of our people. It's a twisted reality. SOLDIER Disturbed A third of the people he's going to kill are not just soldiers but civilians too? MARSON Resigned Yes, soldier. He will justify it as the fulfillment of prophecy. Suddenly, the soldier requests a personal mission. SOLDIER Passionate I request permission to go after him personally. Marson, knowing the soldier's sentiment, grants the request. MARSON Approving Permission granted. FREDERICK Concerned Sir, we need him here to guard you. MARSON Confident Attack is the best form of defense, Frederick. You are dismissed. Frederick salutes and exits the room. Marson turns his attention to the soldier. MARSON Authoritative Soldier! The soldier, still emotional, returns, saluting. SOLDIER At attention Yes, sir. Marson walks toward the soldier, their eyes locked. A tear rolls down the soldier's cheek. MARSON Supportive Attack with everything you've got. Make him pay. You have my blessing. The soldier, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes, salutes Marson, who returns the salute. As the soldier leaves, Marson watches the teardrop fall, symbolizing a moment of shared pain and purpose. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson, deep in thought, walks away from the soldier he just sent on a personal mission. MARSON Reflective You remind me of myself when I was your age. Good luck! The soldier, visibly emotional, fights back tears. SOLDIER Grateful Thank you, sir. I promise I will. As Marson walks away, the soldier is left standing, battling his emotions. SOLDIER Inwardly I wish everyone was like him. Frederick, Marson's right-hand man, joins him. FREDERICK Supportive He is loyal, sir. Everyone has their way of expressing it. You just need to spend time with them. MARSON Skeptical So why are you not spilling their blood? FREDERICK Calm I've sent our drones to destroy their weapons infrastructure. Working on hacking their drones too. We captured one that didn't explode; a possible Trojan horse. Marson's expression changes as he becomes alert. MARSON Warning Beware of Trojan horses. Not all gifts are gifts. Question everything. I have never... He looks sharply at Frederick. MARSON Intense I know you're the best, but think like the devil himself or like me; the Devil-Is-I. FREDERICK Acknowledging Devil's Eyes! Meanwhile, miles away, in the midst of the chaos: EXT. BATTLEFIELD - NIGHT David shouts orders to Triga as alarms blare. DAVID Urgent Attack! Where's the convoy? Triga frantically checks the system. TRIGA Concerned They've stopped and are advancing the same road as before. DAVID Realization They might have known our plans. Defend the remaining machine guns. We need them. Triga, puzzled, questions David's strategy. TRIGA Confused But you just said... DAVID Strategizing Mind games. Let them destroy the machine guns, make them feel secure. Once they take the highway, attack them. Triga catches on to David's plan. TRIGA Understanding Bait. I see. What now? DAVID Decisive Save the machine guns around the mansions. Disable the bomb function in some drones. We can't attack in the suburban area. TRIGA Assuring I can do that. It might take time, but I can disable the bombs. DAVID Smirking I was a bomb disposal expert too, just in a different way. You didn't expect Marson to hide behind civilians, did you? They exchange a determined look, ready to face the challenges ahead. FADE OUT. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David, Triga, and Carolina engage in a tense conversation. DAVID I did expect that, but then the first obliteration sends them back to the drawing board. That was something. That will go down as the day when mankind experienced the wrath of David. The door opens, revealing Carolina. DAVID What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the bunker, Ms. Global President? CAROLINA I am a fighter as well. I can't be a sheep. Just here to get an update before I go back. DAVID You are right there. TRIGA Double the trouble now, the... Triga gets interrupted by Carolina. CAROLINA Double the play. Carolina looks at David. TRIGA Double the trouble, double the play. Triga contemplates. TRIGA Sir, does that mean we can double the play too? David is shocked by the suggestion. DAVID I can't believe you even asked. After the first obliteration, I had planned to play it safe. TRIGA Safe at our cost when you are capable? Remember Mark, where is he? Is that solving God’s Dilemma or letting the devil solve his dilemma? David feels choked and sits down next to Triga. DAVID If I can remember clearly, someone said my last actions made me look like I was after the devil’s title. What more if it’s double the trouble? CAROLINA I have seen how relentless they want to kill us. They have sent another group, and as such, we are justified to defend ourselves by any means necessary. TRIGA You told me that you look at the magnitude and size of the attacking force and see if it is justified. If not, then those being attacked have grounds to use extreme force to match that of the attacking force that triggers the self-defense clause. David reflects. DAVID Oh yes, I wrote that in this book; Tomorrow’s World Order: A New Law & Order. Dealing with Threats of Invasions, Wars, and War Crimes. We can use any force to defend ourselves as it will be unreasonable not to try to match the attacking force or give ourselves a chance of surviving this. CAROLINA You were going to let them come and kill us? DAVID It’s me and Evelina they want. Obviously, myself dead. So, I was going to surrender? He laughs. DAVID You must be joking! CAROLINA Of course. For God’s Dilemma is for me to kill all. I don’t care if they are a thousand, otherwise, it’s not solving the dilemma. I was going to go with Plan B. CAROLINA What is Plan B? They ask simultaneously. DAVID How does that matter now? Triga prepared for war. From now on, we are going to attack until we obliterate all for the second time. Triga laughs but then turns serious. TRIGA You are not joking, right? David looks at him and then at Carolina. Carolina quickly leaves when she sees the look on David’s face – a hungry lion about to pounce, as if a thousand lions were about to strike simultaneously. DAVID Total obliteration? He whispers, activating the attack system. DAVID Weaponry choice? Triga asks, looking at David. A beep sound startles Triga, and his heart pounds as he notices the seriousness on David's face. Fearful, he looks at him. DAVID Launching the solar weaponry system! A voice-over announces, setting the stage for a monumental and potentially devastating turn of events. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Triga, feeling the weight of the impending decision, staggers and sits down. TRIGA (looking haunted) Don’t you know that God created the sun? Whatever he made is a weaponry choice for us. We can wait and see what’s coming; they can’t stand a chance. David contemplates the drastic action they are about to take. TRIGA But sir, all your books talk about banning weapons, peace, love, and all that. DAVID Read and understand that’s after, but first, we have some chaff to burn so we remain with the pure and good harvest. What else do you expect? TRIGA Drones? DAVID Of course, sir. Never doubt my capabilities. David orders Triga to switch to Channel Ten. DAVID Channel ten! TRIGA What about Channel ten? David points at the screen, revealing their drones on fire. TRIGA Oh my God. All our drones on fire. Triga rushes to the computer and flips through news channels. TRIGA You won’t believe what turned out to be that swarm of birds? Some drones. I mean man-made drones and now burning up there covering the sun. The scene is shocking and has left people baffled. Valentina reporting for TWO. DAVID What is happening? They have not been damaged, and it seems they are okay? So... TRIGA If people see what is going to happen next, they already know how and why that happened. DAVID Decoy? David smiles, understanding the tactical maneuver. DAVID The convoy is heading to the urban area! TRIGA Stop it; they must use the highway. What are you waiting for? David urges Triga to act swiftly. DAVID High percentage of overspill to the neighboring suburban areas. Triga assigns drones to the task. TRIGA Stop them going through that road. Use the remaining drones. The drones attack, causing chaos and confusion among the soldiers and police. DAVID Triga! Why are you delaying? That can cost us, you know? I reckon most of the people in that area have run away from their homes so attack! David's intensity sends a clear message. TRIGA We can launch. Minimum casualty rates. An instant beep startles them. TRIGA Launching solar weaponry system. They exchange worried glances. DAVID What does that do? TRIGA Ever heard human flesh hissing like a snake with heat? A message interrupts the tense atmosphere. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Zoning in progress. TRIGA They are solar amplifiers, as in sound amplifiers. Ever fried a fish? Ever seen those fish eyes expanding and hissing as you fried it? Make sure you target only that zone where they are, and as far as we know, the drones burning in the skies did that. We don’t want controversy after. We have no time for all that. A final message adds to the tension. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Please input coordinates to intake. Triga looks at David, questioning the gravity of the decision. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David, Triga, Lydia, and others are gripped with fear as the situation intensifies. DAVID (reads Triga's face) You must understand that it’s a kill or be killed. Marson is going to do worse to proclaim victory. After all, we need to push for World War Three. We eliminate more of his men now, then he is posed to go and seek help that triggers World War Three. TRIGA We might not even stand a chance. DAVID With this bunker system, we can take a chunk out of them with us untouched. Do you think we could still be here if it wasn’t for this bunker system? Suddenly, Triga shouts as a new attack is underway. TRIGA We are under a new attack! They have launched their own drones as well. Explosions echo, and the tremors worsen. Lydia, scared, starts crying. LYDIA Can I go to the glass bunker? I am so scared. DAVID Can't be opened from the outside, probably all unconscious. A beep sound startles them as the system powers off. TRIGA (angry) Damn it! The power comes back on, and the system starts rebooting. DAVID Was the power cut due to the dump, or have we been hit? Check if it's backup power. TRIGA They are going to dump another one after an hour. Another power cut occurs, leaving them in suspense. DAVID (to Triga) We must all go to the next level down. The explosions are becoming more and more intense; this might not stand at all. Another beep triggers David into action. He calculates the risk of overspill, and it's reduced to zero-point zero two percent. DAVID Bunker below everyone now! David covers the top with a huge metal floor, and they surround the station. DAVID Initiate launch. A safe zone for civilians. A loud beep sound reveals radiation guns loaded. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Radiation guns loaded. Please initiate the counterpart guns. Triga realizes the next step is radiation bullets. TRIGA (to David) Counterpart to the radiation guns? DAVID Select gunpowder, thermite, and oil bullets and load! Triga stands there, lost, as the situation escalates. SYSTEM VOICE-OVER Secure perimeter. Make sure no one is in the area. Use drones to drive them out. Make sure you destroy the houses as well; we don’t know how long the effects will last. David, bloated and distressed, addresses the team. DAVID What are you all looking at? You look at me as if this is the first time you've seen me. Why? BOGDAN (voice shaky) What if some escape? DAVID Toxic to others, all must burn. They exchange concerned looks. DAVID Don't look at me like that. There is no other way. You tell me? DAVID Arm all perimeter guns now! Sweat pours out of Triga, and fear grips everyone as the crackling noise escalates. The impending danger is palpable. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Triga is trembling as he prepares to launch the attack. His hands sweat as he rubs them on his shirt. Chapter Seven begins. DAVID (voice trembling) Come on... Come on... Triga slowly moves his hand to press the button, feeling his heart pounding. Suddenly, the power goes off, and he curses. An instant chain of beeps brings relief as power comes back on, and the system starts rebooting. DAVID Come on! Come on! They all watch the drones moving on the perimeter, going up and down to the sides before scattering shots. Frederick bursts into Marson’s office. FREDERICK Tell them to move now. Give an order quickly. Marson, shaking for the first time, radios urgently. MARSON Get out of there quickly. Some retreat. Now! Frederick conveys the message, and Marson ponders. MARSON I don’t know why they zoned them there. Are there any oil reserves or a collection of military arsenals? Think faster. Frederick searches quickly. FREDERICK No, sir. Marson commands to scan the skies above. FREDERICK Nothing at all in that perimeter. They observe the situation. MARSON Why are some vehicles getting off the line and turning? FREDERICK Come on! Come on! Marson paces anxiously. MARSON Tell them to move forward and ask the back lot to retreat now! Miles away, the system comes back on. The countdown for launching the solar gun begins. TRIGA Ready! They watch as some vehicles retreat. TRIGA There can’t be survivors. I will launch the solar gun now. Straight in sixty seconds. The countdown starts. TRIGA 59, 58, 57, 56... DAVID (roaring) Come on! Come on! David curses. DAVID Why are they retreating now? Quickly widen the gap. None must return. I have calculated enough dosage for all. If some escape, then some harmful dose will linger on after that. Triga stops and looks at David. TRIGA Damn it! You must understand how it works. The dosage is equal for everyone who I estimated to be there. The body will only absorb a certain amount that is lethal enough. Once that person dies, extra dosage is released into the atmosphere. If not absorbed by another body, it will then make the place toxic. But if all absorbed, then after clearing the dead bodies, no harmful dosage will be left. DAVID But it’s like they have surrendered. International laws on prisoners of war. The tension in the command center rises as the countdown continues. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David is furious as Triga hesitates to launch the solar gun. Tension builds in the command center. DAVID Don’t give me that do as I say right now! David opens his eyes, sweat dripping down his face. DAVID I said no one escapes, I can read, you know. Do you know that? Triga quickly widens the zone. DAVID The more you delay, the more you will keep on widening the zone area. Hurry! Once launched, the solar gun must be discharged. TRIGA They are close to civilian areas. DAVID Once civilian areas? David roars, and Triga looks at him. DAVID Young man, work with me on this one. Once this is over, you can decide otherwise, okay? That area will not be inhabitable again, and I believe all the people in that area, after watching the first obliteration, have run away. TRIGA They are getting away, Triga! Sweat drenches Triga as he hesitates. He wipes his forehead, feeling the pressure. TRIGA Sir, please, let me do this. Triga looks at David and hesitates before pressing the trigger button. SYSTEM Gun activated. 2 seconds to impact. They all look at the screen attentively. DAVID Triga! Triga looks at David, and they lock eyes. SYSTEM Holy sugar! David curses before pushing a button. The drone footage shows the burning robots covering the sun, turning the skies dark. An instant light blast covers the whole zoned area as the burning drone-guns stop blocking the sun. Everything stops moving, and the military men fall without a scream. Explosions follow as the whole place is set ablaze. Frederick shouts on the radio. FREDERICK Shoot! Relentlessly, they spray bullets at the drones, and explosions follow. David looks at Triga, who punches codes into the system. Some drone-guns rise higher away from the area as huge flames ravage the surroundings. DAVID Leave some to fight till the end. The scene becomes a chaotic war zone with fire, smoke, bullets, and explosions. David watches with determination. CUT TO: EXT. ZONED AREA - CONTINUOUS The zoned area is a war zone with drones attacking fiercely, and explosions create havoc. CUT TO: EXT. MILITARY HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Marson watches the destruction. A tear trickles down. Frederick replays the footage, slowing it down frame by frame. FREDERICK Some form of a heatwave can only do that. No screams or calls for help. He must have used something. He looks at Marson, leaving them with a sense of dread. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson is devastated, watching the footage with Frederick. MARSON There! Watch again. Closing in, the soldiers all at once fell lifelessly, meaning blacking out first before falling, then shot as they fall. Frederick pauses and rewinds the footage. FREDERICK What can cause all of them to blackout like that? Frederick looks at Marson without a word. Marson's rage builds, and he starts shaking with tears. MARSON He is more evil than I thought. Those are human beings, my men, my soldiers! Frederick, tell me, what can do that? What did he use to take them all down like that? Marson kicks cabinets, throwing things off tabletops, and stamping on them. MARSON I swear I am going to kill this bastard. I will strangle him to death. I should have killed him. The second group scorched, scorched Frederick. All my men were reduced to dust in a split second. Not even one screaming? Marson looks at Frederick and sits down. Frederick is also in tears, punching figures and cursing. MARSON What could I have done? I truly don't know now. It's not the drones. It could be a Heat Syncope. Frederick quickly checks the vitals of one of the soldiers, his test subject, monitoring the conditions before he died. FREDERICK Reverse delay-time space-continuum. I can find out the vitals of the soldier just before he died. I can also check if there has been damage to the central nervous system just before and just after he fell through an orthostatic stress test. Frederick enters the codes, and a beep sounds. MARSON What is it? FREDERICK Core body temperature way above just before the attack, seventeen degrees Fahrenheit. Heatwave. The solar weapon used. They were fried to death. Marson has difficulties breathing. Frederick quickly checks the footage of the drone-guns covering the sun before showing it to Marson. FREDERICK Not just a solar gun, a radiation gun. Instant shutdown as the central nervous system is damaged, causing the brain to shut down as a reflective response. That could explain the falling like lifeless dolls and the drone-guns spraying bullets and setting all on fire, probably destroying evidence. Marson is horrified, sitting down with Frederick beside him. MARSON How many survived or ran for their lives? Frederick looks at him, realizing Marson may not understand the gravity of the situation. FREDERICK No one could survive that. No one can run away. Instant passing out, but I guess they did not feel any pain. It happened so fast from perfect health to blacking out, most as the nervous system instantly damaged or shut down to prevent damage, then the bullets and the fires. The weight of the truth sinks in for Marson, leaving both men in a moment of heavy silence. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson, still shaken, contemplates the footage. MARSON I guess it's all gone. FREDERICK All? MARSON I don't think I am ready to see the footage yet. The phone rings, and Frederick answers it. FREDERICK Listen... Yes, I understand. It's him. Urgent. Frederick hangs up and returns to Marson. FREDERICK The former Presidents of the Executive Branch are asking for you. They said it's urgent. MARSON Bastards. This time I will shoot all of them. I will simply say they were among the soldiers. FREDERICK Maybe you should not see the footage. Marson rises. MARSON Son, those are my soldiers who died today. Play that footage just before the fires now! FREDERICK But, sir, they might have a strong case against you. They can argue that because they did not intervene, it made you send another team. The traumatic experience caused you to lack judgment and send the second group. Even now, you will still send the third group. Marson, enraged, jumps up and nearly attacks Frederick. MARSON You want trouble, I give you trouble too. FREDERICK Sir, listen to me. They can say two counts. The first, because it went unchecked, led to the results you see now on television. The second, if they had intervened, they would have stood against the sending, leading to the second group. They will argue that the traumatic experience caused you to lack judgment, resulting in sending the second group. Even now, they believe you'll send the third group. Marson, overwhelmed, pulls his gun and aims it at Frederick. FREDERICK Maybe I don't need you if you don't see things my way. Suddenly, the door opens, and the three ex-leaders of the Executive Branch stand at the entrance. FREDERICK He did not watch the footage! MARSON I watched the footage of the first and the second one. Come in. We'll watch together. Marson points the gun at them. MARSON Play it now, that's an order! Frederick looks at Marson, unsure. Marson pushes the three ex-EB leaders and makes them sit in front. FREDERICK Play the footage. One of the ex-EB leaders covers his face just before a gunshot echoes through the lab, hitting the others. EX-EB LEADER 1 What the hell? Another gunshot follows, leaving Mr. Glans rubbing off blood and brain matter from his face. EX-EB LEADER 2 Still, that does not exempt you. You should not have sent those men out there or even stopped them from diverting. We think that's a lack of proper judgment. Everything you are doing now is just in the heat of the moment as you are trying to get revenge by sending double the first group, and we strongly believe that if we don't stop you, you will quadruple the first group. We can't let you do that. MARSON Who are you referring to when you say "we"? EX-EB LEADER 2 The ex-EB leaders, me, and Mr. Widex here. Another gunshot erupts, and Mr. Glans stands up, visibly agitated. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson, enraged, faces off against the EB's enforcing team. EB ENFORCER 1 You can try and kill us all, but we have already sent a call for help. EB ENFORCER 2 You are losing it. You are sacrificing your men for what? You are responsible for the welfare and safety of your men. Sending the second group just after witnessing total obliteration on national television is plain stupid. Only an unreasonable man can do that. Marson interrupts, furious. MARSON Paraphrase before I blow your head off. EB ENFORCER 2 Only an unreasonable man can do that. We believe that if you had suffered a traumatic experience as you witnessed the men close to you dying like that, surely that will put you in a severe traumatic experience. That you will change your normal behavior; sometimes the trauma can leave you crying. We see all this as calls for help. Marson, still holding his gun, looks at Frederick. MARSON You keep on saying "we"? You and who else? EB ENFORCER 1 Witnessing the second episode triggers not just short-term trauma episodes but recurring episodes that see changes in behavior, that you become a threat not just to others but to yourself as well. MARSON It's not a shame my men died today. I swear I was expecting sympathy from you. Such a loss can-do damage to any man, and if I was any man, I would be drinking vodka, locking myself in a nice place somewhere. But here I am, determined to get rid of these evil people. So, if you can excuse me, I have a war to fight. EB ENFORCER 2 We don't understand why you have to drag everyone there when we have long-range missiles that can flatten the place, saving all these men. If you can answer us that, then we can leave you alone. MARSON There are hostages in there. People I want to be rescued first. EB ENFORCER 1 How come we were not told about this? MARSON National security? EB ENFORCER 2 Who is the hostage? You must tell me immediately. MARSON Evelina! EB ENFORCER 1 Evelina sounds like a woman. Collateral. It’s a war, damn it. MARSON She can’t die. EB ENFORCER 2 Damn it! Is she worth tens of thousands of men and women who have died already? I say flatten the place. Now! MARSON She is worth all the army! EB ENFORCER 1 We can’t stand and watch you destroy everyone because of a bloody woman! MARSON We? Damn it! You and who? Marson roars, shaking with rage, with tears and mucus drooling down. EB ENFORCER 2 Goddamn it! They are soldiers. They swore to protect the country and to die protecting me, and that is exactly what they are doing. So if you can screw off from my face! Suddenly, the lab door hisses, catching their attention. Marson pulls another gun from his socks and aims it at the people standing at the door. MARSON Come in and don’t try anything stupid, or you will all end up dead. Four people stand at the door. Marson sees rifles behind the two on the sides. EB ENFORCER 1 Drop your weapons now! The two at the door hold their rifles behind their backs. The middle two walk in. EB ENFORCER 2 EB’s enforcing team. How can I help you? EB ENFORCER 1 You, as the leader and President, not only have a right to protect the country but a duty of care to these men. MARSON Goddamn it! They are soldiers. They swore to protect the country and to die protecting me, and that is exactly what they are doing. So if you can screw off from my face! EB ENFORCER 1 We have strong evidence that the obliteration of your men has changed you. Marson, choked with rage, points his gun at the man talking. The enforcers react by aiming their rifles at him. EB ENFORCER 2 What evidence? EB ENFORCER 1 One of your bodyguards came to us. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson, seething with rage, faces off against the EB's enforcing team, with Frederick caught in the middle. MARSON I sent him to fight, so he is not here to confirm anything. What else? EB ENFORCER 1 Your bodyguard came to us and reported strange behavior on your part. MARSON You piss off! Stupid you cow! Who would not be affected by something like this? EB ENFORCER 2 He said you started crying to yourself, being not aware of your surroundings, and miscalculating danger and risk! MARSON I will challenge that as an attack on my leadership style, and I believe that can’t amount to incompetence. The man walks closer, feeling the barrel of the gun on his chest. EB ENFORCER 1 No, Mr. President, with all due respect, it’s not incompetence, but a deep sense of poor judgment and not having the right facts because your brain is so traumatized that it shields itself to prevent further damage, meaning restricting certain functions that result in you missing vital things. Marson shakes with rage. Frederick intervenes. FREDERICK What are you saying? Frederick and Marson face the EB enforcing team as the man explains the effects of trauma on the brain. MAN You see, if your brain is exposed to such trauma, it automatically shuts down some functions that are sensitive and can easily be damaged. As a safety feature, full exposure will cause the brain to be damaged. So, the brain shuts down functions that are not critical, leaving only the major ones open. Less function means the brain is not overworked. The man compares it to driving a car, illustrating how the brain simplifies its functions after trauma. MAN Imagine trying to reverse, go forward, speed up, and slow down all at the same time. That is what the brain is like after experiencing such traumatic events. So, the brain switches off reversing, over-speeding, and cancels some gears, leaving just one gear or interchanging these gears. Just like the car example, the driver will never think about reversing because when he started driving, he knew the reverse gear was not there. Similarly, Mr. Marson's head can’t think of retreating or using other means, not because he does not know about these things, but simply because, in that state, it’s not an available option. Marson, infuriated, challenges the explanation. MARSON That’s bullshit. Keep on pushing me, and see what I will do to you. MAN It’s a normal procedure that if the country suffers such a loss, the President can be observed to make sure that the events are not affecting his personal life. After the attacks on the President’s families, we triggered that clause, and all Presidents were being observed by us as the former EB enforcement team. Marson, realizing the seriousness of the situation, looks at Frederick, who is handed a hand monitor. MAN He has already seen it. In fact, he handed over the footage to us. But he is just doing his job. Marson hands the monitor back without looking at it, struggling with the overwhelming emotions. MAN I know how you feel. The feelings of being betrayed are killing. You feel cheated by the very people you are protecting. The very people you are doing this for are the same people who will literally stab you. MARSON Shut up! Marson, consumed by pain and betrayal, tries to move his hand, but Frederick calls his name. FREDERICK Mr. Marson. The tension in the room rises as the EB enforcing team watches Marson closely, ready to take action if necessary. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson, in a fit of rage, struggles with the disjointed movements of his hand, aiming at Frederick and the men near the door. Frederick attempts to explain the situation. MARSON Damn it! You fool. He is trying to kill you. Why do you have to defend him? FREDERICK The guard, I'm afraid, he died with the rest of the soldiers, and since he is also the President of EB, he has the final say. Marson, betrayed and furious, expresses his pain. MARSON It hurts like hell to be betrayed by the people you are doing all this for. I trusted that soldier with my life, and what does he do? Do a Judas on me for what? EB ENFORCER 2 Exactly, Mr. President. He is trying to kill you. We have footage of him confessing that you're not aware of your surroundings. Marson roars in frustration. FREDERICK It doesn’t matter; we have footage of him confessing that Mr. President here is not aware of his surroundings. The man attempts to reason with Marson. EB ENFORCER 1 They pledged to protect you and the country, so you would do the same for them. MAN You see, they understood and rightly believed that you have a duty of care to these men and women. In that, you would never trade their lives cheaply. Since they have given you theirs to protect you and the country. So as such, you must do everything to make sure you protect their lives too. That means not just send them there to be obliterated not just once but twice, and if we don’t stop you. We strongly believe that you are going to send the third group. MARSON You come to lecture me about honor. Everything I do is for these men. We have goals to accomplish. I am going to send another group until we have achieved what we want. MAN But it is poor judgment because you could simply have flattened them out and still achieve your goal and save the lives of these men. A gunshot pierces the air, causing chaos in the room. MARSON Come in right now and drop your weapons! The men, realizing they are exposed, flee as Marson fires at them. MARSON I thought so! Marson, still seething with anger, confronts Frederick, accusing him of betrayal. MARSON How could you betray me like that? I swear I could have shot you. You could be dead by now! FREDERICK I know! MARSON You know? So, explain yourself. Frederick, in pain, pleads to show Marson the truth. FREDERICK Let... me... show. You. He quickly plays the monitor on the big screen, revealing the truth about the footage. MARSON I don’t want to see that... I know... FREDERICK Mind games. MARSON What mind games? Frederick explains the delayed-time-space-continuum mechanism, revealing the footage of President Rex, not Marson. FREDERICK The footage is of President Rex just after the death of his wife and children but with the current dates. MARSON What? It’s not me? Marson looks at Frederick, bewildered and shocked. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Frederick explains his decision to Marson. FREDERICK Another of your problems is gone. Right? The easy way of cleaning a pain. I can’t stand these bastards trying to stop us. It’s a war where people die, even kids. Marson, understanding Frederick's perspective, gets ready for the next move. MARSON That’s my men there, so let’s get down to business and try to outsmart him this time. Marson walks to the door, revealing his concerns. MARSON My guard was you too? FREDERICK Emotional attachment will make him into a lethal weapon determined to take out the target. If he doesn’t achieve, you won’t ever see him. If you happen to see him again, your enemy will be dead too, even if they suspend you. You will have accomplished your goal. MARSON Sometimes you are a genius. I just don’t understand why you let my men get killed if you are that smart? I can only guess that, that does not have anything to do with intelligence. Right? It could be true that you can’t fight fate. What do you think? FREDERICK They stole their victory. Played dirty. Dirty bombs and all that, maybe it’s time we play rough. Marson expresses his need for Evelina. MARSON But I need Evelina. I want their best price, you know. FREDERICK Devil’s Eyes! MARSON Devil-Is-I! Marson, feeling a surge of confidence, motivates Frederick. MARSON At one point, I thought this was it. Frederick returns to work. FREDERICK What are you doing? Get back to work right now! Frederick resumes working as Marson contemplates. Marson, alone in his office, watches the footage and experiences deep emotions. Outside, a mysterious sound alarms everyone. Miles away, Lydia, overwhelmed with emotion, seeks answers. LYDIA Are they all dead? David, addressing the team, reveals a critical situation. DAVID Yes. Dumping of all digital currency in the system has started. Expecting power shortages and robots most of the time. This is critical. For the next hour while this is going on. I want everyone to be at their most top level of alertness and I want everyone to be proactive. David emphasizes the importance of defending key targets. DAVID I want all of you to fight to the death and defend all their top targets. I want most of you to remain at this level with a few reinforcements in the bunker below. Security might be lapse as a power cut can happen at any time. That can trigger the automatic opening and closing of all inside doors. Forced entry can occur if the timing is right. So double up and act as a backup on all twenty-two trap-doors that are still working. I want another group to cover the same trap-doors but from inside. The team disperses, and David delivers a heartfelt request. DAVID Wait up. Not even a single soul to be lost today or this phase. Promise me this. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The team prepares for a desperate move to defend against the incoming threat. DAVID We promise to defend all. To fight all. It’s either we kill or be killed. The team disperses immediately, ready for the impending battle. Far away, Marson, in the face of adversity, makes a critical decision. MARSON (roaring) It’s a war, send them now! Frederick, reluctantly, follows the order after Marson's insistence. Meanwhile, a group discusses the dire situation. SHE I think after such losses, they ought to change their tactics. Surely this can’t be happening. We, humans, survived this because we learn from our mistakes. But someone up there hasn’t learned anything. Some birds are still up in the sky in hundreds now, but still, the threat is there. David, back in the command center, assesses the remaining resources. DAVID We have a few hundred drone-guns left. Less than 10 from the original powerful twenty-four. Our solar reserves have diminished significantly, and our other power, even if still there, we must be careful when using it. I hope they won’t send the third group. All I did is to use the trauma as a deterrent. But in case they send the third group. David initiates a blockchain system. DAVID Bogdan, Carolina, Lydia, etc., take any of the twenty-four stations. I want you to send messages to as many new recipients as you can. David explains the process of sending Ultima Talionis letters. DAVID This is because once they have accepted and replied by scanning the code. You will need to remove it from the hold-on shelf then work on it and close it. Then mark it as processed. David sets the minimum age for the recruits. DAVID Let’s start with eighteen and see the response we get. A beep sound interrupts them. TEAM MEMBER What is the minimum age? DAVID Let’s start with eighteen and see the response we get. They begin recruiting, facing challenges. DAVID Come on, people! It can’t be that bad. Join us. Fight our cause. Another sound disrupts them. TRIGA Channel One! They switch to Channel One and witness the live streaming of the third group. Despite the threat, a click sound brings relief. TRIGA We have our first hit. Quickly check if the person is loaded. TEAM MEMBER Yes. Yes! She ticked the gun ownership box. LYDIA How old is she? BOGDAN 72-years-old! DAVID Damn it! Power cut infuriates them. DAVID Come on! Come on! They anxiously wait for the system to come back online. DAVID We are running out of time. Triga! Once the system is up. Zone the front-lines and repeat the process. Mind you, our last reserves. Initiate refilling when emptied. TRIGA Why can’t I refill straight away? The team faces the urgency and challenges ahead, determined to fight against the impending threat. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The team faces the dire situation as the power outage disrupts their plans. DAVID Can’t happen at the same time. Frederick opens Marson's door, facing his wrath. MARSON (roaring) Damn it! Use your own initiative. Surely, with such losses, that should upset you too. So why not fry some of them without my approval? Frederick hands Marson a folder. FREDERICK Sign here? Marson slams the folder on the table. MARSON Ok, from now on. Only verbal authorization. FREDERICK Recorded to be Transcripted? Marson nods as the urgency intensifies. MARSON Come on. Come on! Drone guns initiate an attack, creating chaos. DAVID We are under attack. I haven’t even asked if they are just going to explode in the air. The power goes off. David curses and assesses the situation. DAVID Backup power disabled. He leads a group upstairs. DAVID Not sure how bad the top level is. Let’s launch some. They discuss a plan for total lockdown to isolate damaged trap doors. DAVID Security risk? TEAM MEMBER Yes, but what other option do we have? DAVID We must blast these. Send one to detonate at the closed but damaged trap door. TEAM MEMBER Risks of system failure? DAVID Isolated and not part of the system, so it will be okay, but weak parts for them to enter. We must station assassins here afterward. David points to the machine guns. DAVID You have to press this button after you have finished launching. That moves the machine guns there. Okay? TEAM MEMBER Okay. If you don’t move the gun once your turn is over, that will jam the gun where it is. This will be a security breach, and the system might not even reboot. That will mean the end of us. Okay? DAVID Set up the front-lines on fire that blocks the rest for some time. Give us time to prepare. They proceed with launching the latest drone models. DAVID Launching completed! Amidst the chaos, Bogdan continues to launch the new drones. BOGDAN Arming in progress! The team races against time, facing challenges and risks in their fight against the impending threat. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David and the team face challenges as the threat intensifies. DAVID (to Carolina) They are not showing on the system’s radar! Triga shouts as the truth becomes clear. TRIGA Camouflaged. Only you can see these. Once Bogdan finishes launching, they close the trap-doors with machine guns and retreat to the bunker below. Explosions rock the bunkers. DAVID Mapping completed! The drone-guns fly up, rotating, flipping, and firing bullets. Explosions echo as they hit vehicles. TRIGA We are losing many of the drones! Carolina responds with urgency. CAROLINA Keep on attacking and launch the new ones. Miles away, Frederick works to counter the threat. He enters codes and commands. FREDERICK (to himself) Unidentified object detected! Frederick searches for the source of the threat. DAVID (shouting) What’s taking you too long? Frederick faces a heavy attack, losing most of his drones. FREDERICK (to himself) Use these as decoys! But use the invisible ones to attack! He communicates his strategy to Triga, who activates the new drones. TRIGA Camouflage removed! However, the joy is short-lived as alarms sound. TRIGA Camouflage removed! David receives the grim news. DAVID We are in big trouble. Camouflage removed. The element of stealth, crucial to their strategy, is instantly compromised, raising the stakes in their battle against the formidable enemy. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David struggles to regain control as Triga reports the dire situation. DAVID Solar weaponry now! Frederick urgently radios the front-lines, warning them to clear the zone. FREDERICK Away from the vehicles as far as you can. Out of the zone! A light wave envelops the area, causing electrical systems to fail, and vehicles come to an instant stop. The soldiers and police witness an unusual liquid falling from the skies, covering everything. Invisible drones blanket spray the area with crude oil, but the enemy's drones quickly reveal them with a barrage of bullets. Triga attempts to reactivate camouflage, but the system fails. Desperate, he punches codes, and the drones form a defensive wall, engaging the enemy. TRIGA We are under heavy attack. Losing rapidly to the new drones. Camouflage removed! David intervenes, entering codes to counter the crisis. DAVID Come on! Come on! Not so great without the element of stealth. A crackling sound interrupts them. On the drone screen's live streaming, a massive fire blocks the military convoy. REPORTER (VOICEOVER) (heard on TV) Oh My God! For the third time, the convoy is being obliterated. It is just unbelievable. As losses could again be in thousands! INT. GOVERNMENT OFFICE - DAY News reporters question Marson about the ongoing crisis. REPORTER 1 What do you make of these events, Mr. Marson? Some doubt your real intentions. What are you trying to do? Marson, visibly enraged, responds. MARSON It is a challenge we must do everything we can to win. They are soldiers and know the consequences of joining. REPORTER 2 But using your own words, your men are getting "obliterated." Wouldn't it be wise to fight fire with fire or bury them with a long-range missile? MARSON We don't want to steal our victory; we want to win squarely. REPORTER 3 But Mr. Marson, what is winning? Shouldn't you also value the lives of your men and women? MARSON They are soldiers; they know the risks involved. REPORTER 4 Are you considering using nuclear power? MARSON Nuclear power is the ultimate. We suspect they are using solar and radiation bombs. We're awaiting the investigation's findings. REPORTER 5 Do you believe the use of high-power weapons is justified in response to the threat? Marson contemplates his response. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David and Frederick discuss the situation after the media backlash. DAVID They want to fight dirty. It is up to you, but when I get my hands on that bastard's neck, I want to hear what he is going to say. The scene transitions to a televised interview with Marson. REPORTER 1 People are wondering why you're not simply dropping a bomb? MARSON They have a hostage, a valued person to us. REPORTER 2 Are you sure that person is more than the lives of the men who died so far? MARSON We won't retreat or stop just because we lost men. It's a war until the goal is reached, the fight continues. REPORTER 3 We have information that the only hostage is Evelina. MARSON It's classified. REPORTER 3 The public believes you're sacrificing lives just to save Evelina, who is wanted for crimes against the government. Marson walks away. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - FREDERICK'S LAB - NIGHT Marson storms into Frederick's lab, frustrated. MARSON What seems to be the problem? How come we keep getting humiliated like that? FREDERICK Invisible ones, but I've removed the camouflage. It's our turn. Just waiting for the fires to go down. MARSON Don't wait! Tell the trucks' drivers to push open the way. My men must enter that compound. I want some people in there alive. A crackling sound startles all. EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT The antagonists monitor the situation. ANTAGONIST 1 Something just happened; the rate of responses has gone down. ANTAGONIST 2 Check if Carolina started checking the figures. ANTAGONIST 3 Marson damaged the public ratings of our tactics. They switch on a normal television to hear a reporter's perspective. REPORTER (ON TV) The public condemns the attacks. David must justify such attacks or their public image can remain tainted forever! The room turns its attention to David. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David faces the camera for a live streaming. DAVID It's a war, and they will do the same to us. Our force and weaponry choice are proportional to the threat at hand. We have a zero-civilian causality rate. We are not against law enforcement or the military, but they are part of the problem we are trying to address. David passionately defends the Tomorrow's World Order's actions, highlighting the corruption in hospitals, police, and the impact on innocent lives. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David addresses the live streaming camera, passionately revealing the corrupt practices of hospitals and the reasons behind their attacks. DAVID The reason being that health, in general, has improved. These hospitals were established during the war times, and to diversify and stay in business, they now deliberately kill fathers and groom entire families. Grooming children as prostitutes, using them as guinea pigs for testing digital weapons, and making digital watermarks for extortion and manipulation. It's a dark business model that preys on society and reduces the circulating amount of money. The scene transitions to reporters questioning Marson's actions. REPORTER 1 Can you explain why you're not simply dropping a bomb? MARSON We won't stop until we've fulfilled our goal. It's a war until the goal is reached. REPORTER 2 We have information that the only hostage is Evelina. MARSON It's classified. David's defense and Marson's justification continue, leading to tensions. EXT. CONVOY PASSING THROUGH FIRE - NIGHT Live streaming shows the convoy passing over huge fires. DAVID I thought this would buy us some time. Triga keeps attacking relentlessly as the convoy approaches. DAVID (CONT'D) Triga! Keep attacking relentlessly, don't stop. The drone-guns imitate birds, flying at extraordinary speeds, causing panic among military personnel and police. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT A group of flying jets drops military men near the mansion. TRIGA We have company! Triga activates the machine guns, pouring crude oil over the mansion's trench fires. DAVID Let the battle begin. Frederick's drone-guns attack relentlessly. Explosions, bullets, and chaos ensue as the drones engage with military forces. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The live streaming captures the intense battle. DAVID This is a war, and we'll defend ourselves using any means necessary. We have the right to defend against rebels and thieves trying to destroy what we've built. The live streaming shows the fierce battle unfolding. REPORTER (ON TV) This is the leader of Tomorrow's World Order defending their stance regarding the government staff they are fighting. The scene is filled with chaos and explosions as the battle between Tomorrow's World Order and the government forces intensifies. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The battle rages on as Triga reports more soldiers landing. TRIGA More soldiers just landed! Fear is evident in everyone's eyes. David takes charge. DAVID Establish a constant solar perimeter around the mansion. Assign a few Invisibles to circle the mansion's perimeter. We can't take any chances. David opens a secret cupboard, retrieves automatic guns, and distributes them. DAVID (CONT'D) Remember, not even a single soul is going to be lost today. If we lose just one, then we are out of the title race and doomed! Explosions become fewer as the number of exploding drone-guns decreases. The new drones don't explode but simply dismantle. EXT. EB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT A group of limousines parks outside the EB headquarters. Delegates enter the building. PRESIDENT MAUREEN We must hold Marson accountable for the slaughter of his men. He negligently sent them to be obliterated. I think he has something to do with the disappearance of the ex-leaders of the EB. MARSON'S SUPPORTER He said they were monitoring, not fighting his war. PRESIDENT KNOX We must be smarter. We can create a rift between Marson and us at the time he needs us the most. PRESIDENT MAUREEN Their reserves are running low. It's only a matter of time before he's vulnerable. We can save the day. They discuss concluding outstanding reports and framing Marson for the assassination of families. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Marson faces questions from a reporter. REPORTER (ANITA) Now that the EB is planning to take action against you, what would you say to that? MARSON I don't care. I am not answerable to them as I am the President of EB. The people fighting me lost their jobs, not realizing the enemy behind the attacks. They are afraid because they lost their jobs, but the courts threatened them if they take action that kills more civilians. I don't listen to all that. REPORTER (ANITA) Why is that, Marson? MARSON The courts believed that witnessing such events is traumatic enough to cause a lapse in judgment. REPORTER (ANITA) Can witnessing today's events cause you traumatic episodes as the leader of these men? MARSON These are soldiers; my men, yes! But all on a professional capacity, and the extent of the trauma is remote. The EB watches Marson's live streaming, contemplating their next moves. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Marson faces questioning about his behavior. INTERVIEWER We understand that your guard has reported to the ex-leaders of the EB, before they disappeared, that you have been behaving strangely. Marson's heart pounds as they watch the recording of the Presidential guard giving evidence. MARSON Where is he? INTERVIEWER What is that supposed to mean, and what does that have to do with what we are talking about? MARSON You must understand that these soldiers join the army, go into action, get some medals, and come back to do a book deal. Imagine him just guarding the President when his friends are dying like that? There's a buzz of conversation. INTERVIEWER So, are you saying that he lied so he can go into action? MARSON You'll be surprised what some soldiers do to get into action, especially seeing others dying like that. They can make him say things like that. The fact that he left his post and went to fight instead of rehab supports my arguments. More buzz in the room. INTERVIEWER Trying to be clever playing with words again, Mr. Marson. The streamed video shows Marson having episodes, spending most of the time in his office either sitting, sleeping, or drinking. MARSON I don't drink. Look at me. Do you think I have a great body like this because I drink alcohol? The person you watched is not me. Another buzz. INTERVIEWER So, who was it, Mr. Marson? Who is the President, and who was in your office? Look at the dates when you were in office? Marson looks at Frederick. FREDERICK The body type is not of Mr. Marson here. Even though we can't explain how this happened, which is not our problem, we believe it is not Mr. Marson! PRESIDENT KNOX I think he is right. We should go after them as well, whether he is the one behind the killings or not. All this interrogating him is wrong. Another President concurs. MARSON For the sake of my dead family, I stand by him. Votes are counted, and five are in favor of Mr. Marson, two reject his actions against the soldiers. NARRATOR (V.O.) In a twist of events, the EB declared that today's meeting was to conclude the investigations into the killings of the President's families and nothing to do with Marson's war. They approved his war and gave him their backing. Marson receives a supportive phone call. MARSON Now, my men are in enemy's territory. Everyone realizes that I am not playing games. They are backing me. What a turn of events. I told all these bastards that I will do what I said I will do with or without their help. Triga radios David, informing him about the live streaming on Channel 2. DAVID They are closing in statistically. We are doomed, and they now blame us for everyone else's crimes. LYDIA Is that bad? DAVID They must have known that our reserves are low. Most of our drone-guns have been destroyed. The remaining ones are useless without camouflage, and... David pauses, contemplating the dire situation. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - DAY David discusses the financial status and plans for the upcoming assault. DAVID How strong are we financially? FREDERICK The digital money and the huge reserves are all ours. The dumping into the system of our digital currency has been completed. Even though the initial effects are to devalue our position, it strengthens us with time. DAVID Listen up! The next one and a half hours are crucial. Once system dumping is completed, the huge circulating amount will cause system bottlenecks and power failures. Now and then, as the shock waves adjust, the system will switch off and on. Sometimes it can affect doors, so stay in areas I assigned you. Okay? David addresses the team, making crucial preparations. DAVID Triga, how long before they get here? There's a tense silence. TRIGA Half an hour approximately. Damn it! Frustration fills the room. DAVID It coincides with the time we might be out of power and the system down. All their first targets must be in the bunker below. If not assigned a post, preferably you must be in the glasshouse. Okay? As the explosions outside become fewer, Triga initiates the trench fireballs, and more enemy forces land. TRIGA Devil’s Eyes! The mention of a new group, the Devil's Eyes, sparks fear among the team. DAVID Security breach! Now landing on the roof. A tense atmosphere settles in as they brace for an imminent attack. TRIGA Trap-doors! Blown off! The situation intensifies as they face a breach in security. DAVID Keep security tight at the compromised trap-door! Chaos ensues as the Devil's Eyes initiate a gun battle within the mansion. TRIGA Devil’s Eyes! Alarms blare as the situation becomes more dire. DAVID Come on! Come on! A power failure adds to their woes. TRIGA Trap-door twenty-one and twenty-three open! Please manually close these before the system reboots! They scramble to maintain control as they face the unexpected assault. DAVID Triga! Override the command! Press down and hold for at least five seconds. Then press the ‘Press and Proceed’ button now! They work frantically to regain control as the system reboots. DAVID Hurry, we don’t have time. All doors, even in the glass bunker, can open on their own. Anxiety fills the room as the rebooting process occurs. DAVID What is it now? TRIGA Trap-door twenty-one and twenty-three! Please send reinforcements now! The team sends reinforcements as a gun battle rages on. ASSASSIN Reinforcements? More fighters rush to the rescue, and the bunkers shake as missiles hit the perimeter. LYDIA Take her to the bunker below! Carolina and an assassin carry Lydia down as the situation escalates. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - GLASS BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina and the assassin rush Lydia down the stairs to the glass bunker. Evelina and Andrew are asleep as they arrive. CAROLINA Take her to the bunker below! They lay Lydia on a bed, and the assassin quickly returns to his post. Lydia starts having a nightmare. CAROLINA (Comforting) You were having a nightmare; everything is going to be okay. Carolina cools Lydia down with water, and Lydia wakes up. LYDIA What are you doing? CAROLINA You were having a nightmare; everything is going to be okay. LYDIA Oh. I want to sleep for a while. Wait until I have slept before you go, okay? Lydia falls asleep. Carolina checks on Evelina and Andrew. CAROLINA The explosions startled her. Carolina presses a button, and the door opens. She walks out, waits for the door to close, and the outer one to open. She looks back at them before returning to her post. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - TOP BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina enters the top bunker, where the Devil's Eyes assassin grabs her, and David intervenes. DAVID (Alarmed) Keep in your position. What took you so long? David leaves, and Carolina stands guard. Wilson struggles with another Devil's Eyes assassin, and a crackling sound startles Triga. TRIGA Status, Triga? DAVID The convoy is nearly outside our perimeter! Dump nearly completed as well. David checks the live streaming and calls for reinforcements at every trap-door. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - NIGHT Gun battles intensify, and Wilson calls for help. WILSON (Desperate) Man down! Send back now. Trap-door 2! The chaos continues, and there's a blackout of power. DAVID Retreat to the bunker below! The system reboots, and David changes his order. DAVID Ok, hold your positions. But if the system comes back, then go to the bunker below! The gun battle continues, and Wilson, injured, calls for backup. WILSON (Ouch) I have been shot! Send back up. Now! The spare assassins rush to Wilson's aid as the battle for survival in the bunker intensifies. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - NIGHT David struggles with his injuries, refusing to go to the bunker. ASSASSIN You must go to the bunker. DAVID I can't, I must keep on fighting. Those are my men out there. David, determined, backs the assassins after they tend to his wounds. DAVID (Shouting) Under heavy attack! Trap-door seven! A Devil's Eyes assassin launches a frenzied attack, slashing David's already injured shoulder. The assassin intervenes, and a fierce struggle ensues. The Devil's Eyes assassin retrieves a gun. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN Where is this woman? DAVID (Defiant) What woman? David and the Devil's Eyes assassin engage in a struggle. David manages to escape, and a crackling sound alerts him. DAVID Trap-door nine! The Devil's Eyes assassin opens fire, killing the first assassin who appears. David's assassin quickly tends to his wounds. ASSASSIN To the bottom bunker! DAVID Not yet! David, holding his wound, checks the live streaming drone. ASSASSIN Now only a matter of time before they all come in. Fear is evident on David's face. DAVID Everyone to the bunker below! Let's go now and strategize! The assassins, understanding the reality, head down to the most secure bunker. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - GLASS BUNKER - CONTINUOUS As they enter, Lydia fidgets nervously. Triga receives a system overload message. TRIGA Status? DAVID Channel three! They switch channels. UNKNOWN VOICE (CHANNEL 3) My men have entered the compound. It's a matter of time before we get hold of these culprits. Now you will see our justice swift and fast! Fear is visible on David's face. An instant message startles them. INSTANT MESSAGE System overload! TRIGA Status? TRIGA Still updating! DAVID We have a system overload message! TRIGA Blockchain! Fear grips everyone. DAVID Quickly, I want the first group to go to the floors above. Twenty-four of you, one floor above, to process the blockchain requests fast. Now! INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - NIGHT David, Carolina, and the team work tirelessly to process blockchain requests. DAVID It was like a stampede at first before a line formed with people leaving the glass bunker all the way up. DAVID (urgently) This could be our last chance. Quickly, go to the blockchain processing bunker now! A beep interrupts the urgency. DAVID What is it? CAROLINA This one accepts the task but rejects the reward, and I can't process it. David rushes to the central station, entering coordinates and scanning the address code. DAVID Now try again! Another beep. CAROLINA (reading) Same issue. More beeps fill the room. DAVID They are now all refusing the rewards, but they are accepting the tasks. Everyone looks at David, puzzled. DAVID Who would like to work for free? They flip through news channels. A report about Marson's ultimatum echoes in the background. NEWS REPORTER Marson, being the President of his country, the President of the EB, and the official leader of the Devil’s Eyes cult, has given an ultimatum. Surrender, or his men would go in and retrieve all dead or alive! David quickly refocuses on the task at hand. DAVID Quickly process the request! The team works feverishly. A beep signals a countdown timer on the big screen. CAROLINA Most are automatically denied because of age! DAVID (checking statistics) What age group? CAROLINA Most between fourteen and seventeen. Our minimum is eighteen. A roar from outside interrupts them. UNKNOWN VOICE Devil’s Eyes! The bunker echoes with the chilling chant. David adjusts the age settings. DAVID Age changed to seventeen years. You can process as many as you can! Beeps and system warnings fill the room. David turns to Bogdan. DAVID Bogdan, process the ones above seventeen years up to ninety-nine years old. Bogdan quickly takes on the task. Carolina stops, panting. CAROLINA Above seventeen completed, but half between fourteen and sixteen, with 80 percent at sixteen years old. The tension in the bunker rises as the clock continues ticking, and the battle outside intensifies. EXT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - NIGHT David and the team huddle in the secure bunker, watching the chaos unfold on the live stream. DAVID (pondering) They use child soldiers. Their system was built with child soldiers. All the system depends on child soldiers, looking at how the whole system is designed. They use child soldiers; we won't be the first! The assassin makes a bold statement. ASSASSIN They kill for treason even fourteen-year-olds in countries with monarchies! David thinks and paces, formulating a plan. DAVID (muttering) Maybe sixteen as a minimum age for guns but only as reserves. He enters codes into the system. DAVID Recruit them but as reserves. Process acknowledgment but do not assign any tasks. Everyone rushes back to the secure bunker below. The countdown stops. The chaos outside intensifies. Breaking of windows and doors begins, accompanied by loud chanting and footsteps. LYDIA (panicking) Open the door! DAVID I can't. I am afraid! LYDIA (crying) David, please! DAVID (urgent) Goddamn it, Lydia! Open the door! Lydia refuses, laying back down and covering herself. David addresses the others. DAVID I want you all to stay in here as well. A few women and men enter the glass bunker. David looks at Carolina, seeking confirmation. CAROLINA (nods) Do it. David presses the door, and the inner door closes behind him. He waits for the front door to open, steps out, and activates the secure system. DAVID Activating the secure system. Suddenly, a power cut plunges them into darkness, but emergency lights flicker on. DAVID (trying to reassure) Don't worry; they are still far away. Many could explain why they sound so close. He comforts the anxious group, and they watch the live streaming of men landing on David's mansion. NEWS REPORTER This is it. It's a matter of time now. Minutes away, and we want to show you the first footage, so stay tuned in! The aerial view shows the destruction surrounding the mansion. Fires rage, and a massive convoy surrounds the area. NEWS REPORTER We are all dead. They are still coming despite the number that has arrived. The women in the bunker sob. CAROLINA (tearfully) David, can we get through this? David, captivated by the live stream, fails to answer. A crackling sound diverts his attention. DAVID Channel one! He switches channels, and the news takes a surprising turn. NEWS ANCHOR You won't believe what is going on. There is nothing sweeter than revenge, I guess. In a twist and turn of events, it seems luck has finally run out for Tomorrow's World Order. It seems Marson has come back with a vengeance. Lydia presses the button and exits the first door, waiting for the outer door to open. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER BUNKER - NIGHT Inside the bunker, David, Lydia, Carolina, and the others are startled by the pounding at the bunker's doors. LYDIA (startled) What's happening? DAVID (calmly) No, stay. You are safe. There has been a power cut. LYDIA (moaning) I am terror-stricken. David quickly programs the system. DAVID Activating security inside the bunker. The group hesitates, unsure of their safety. DAVID Maybe we might not need to secure ourselves in here. A crackling voice startles them. UNKNOWN VOICE Channel eight! They gather around the huge screen in shock. DAVID I can't believe this is happening. Large bangs at the bunker's doors continue, causing fear among everyone inside. DAVID Maybe we might not need to secure ourselves in here. The group looks at David in confusion. DAVID Maybe... They start chanting, grabbing guns, and heading through a secret passage to the level above. The gun battle resumes as they ambush the attackers who thought it was over. Meanwhile, Lydia watches the live streaming and sits on the bed. LYDIA (teary-eyed) You won't believe what is happening. This is possibly a once-in-a-million-years thing. The civilians have surrounded the military, police, and doctors. They are fighting back in self-defense. I have here with me a digital Ultima-Talionis letter, authorizing civilians above sixteen to defend themselves against the government. The world acknowledges the efforts of T.W.O to better humanity. Now the people are standing together, saying enough is enough. The news anchor continues reporting on the chaos. NEWS ANCHOR ...police, military, doctors, and fire brigade are being gunned down by the very people they are supposed to protect. This is the first time in the history of mankind the people have stood together and said enough is enough. David reacts. DAVID Fight! He instructs Triga to drive out the attackers and reestablish a perimeter. The Devil's Eyes men reveal their true intentions, chanting and attacking with daggers. The alarms, beeps, and calls for help become overwhelming. Lydia and others cover their ears and cry. LYDIA (tearful) Triga, what's happening? TRIGA (panicking) The crowd is marching towards the mansion to face the soldiers, police, and the Devil's Eyes surrounding us. They rushed these in to finish us before the crowd arrives! The calls for help become even more urgent, and Lydia switches channels, revealing the massive crowd armed and marching towards the mansion. LYDIA (terrified) Oh my God! INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The room is filled with tension as David, Triga, and the team watch the chaos unfold on the monitors. TRIGA Channel two now! David quickly responds to the radio and switches to Channel two. The footage on the screens is shocking. DAVID (sitting down) Oh my God. It's unbelievable what has happened. The news anchor reports on the confrontation, showing gruesome footage of thousands of dead bodies, including civilians and armed individuals, scattered on the roads leading to the mansion. The gun battle continues, with both sides refusing to back down. Marson, enraged, watches the events unfold. His phone rings, and he answers it. MARSON (angry) I stand with my men. A kid with a gun is no longer classed as a kid but a combatant. If you can tell me the difference with a trained combatant, then maybe I can consider your arguments. He slams the receiver down and orders the killing of all. Marson makes a call, and the highest-ranking military officer below him enters his office. MARSON (intense) Now give orders to kill all! The officer salutes and leaves. Back in the control room, Triga provides updates to David. TRIGA (collateral damage) Soaring. The crowd is advancing toward the government soldiers and the police. I have established the perimeter though. DAVID (determined) Still many inside though. I must leave my post now. Not much I can do now from here. Over! TRIGA (resolute) No, Triga, stay there! The line goes dead, leaving a sense of urgency in the control room. In another part of the facility, Carolina is attacked by the Devil's Eyes men. CAROLINA (help) Devil's Eyes! She screams as the men surround her with daggers, inflicting a cut on her hand. The leader threatens her with a knife to her neck. LEADER (move) Move! The others join in, grabbing her, and Carolina screams for help. The situation becomes more dire, with both internal and external threats converging on Tomorrow's World Order. INT. GLASS BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina rushes in, visibly shaken, with two guns in her hands. David, Triga, and Wilson are already inside the bunker, along with Lydia, who looks terrified. CAROLINA David! Bogdan! Wilson! Andrew! The urgency in Carolina's voice prompts the men to panic. The rest of the assassins run towards the doors, ready for action. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I've never felt so scared! As Carolina delivers the news, the atmosphere becomes tense. The men start running out, preparing to cover the doors. Suddenly, Carolina is dragged out by two Devil's Eyes assassins. CAROLINA (CONT'D) David! Bogdan, upon hearing the calls for help on the radio, rushes to the rescue, firing at the unsuspecting Devil's Eyes. Wilson also arrives as they manage to retrieve Carolina. EXT. MANSION GARDEN - NIGHT As Triga hears the calls for help, he rushes out of the top bunker door towards Marson's garden. The Devil's Eyes men at the exit door pose a threat, but Triga manages to neutralize them. He then follows stealthily as they attempt to carry Carolina. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Oh, look who came to save me? Does David know you're out here? Triga, holding Carolina, runs back to the exit door, where they are joined by Wilson. TRIGA What a brave assassin you've become, Triga. Gunshots ring out, and two Devil's Eyes emerge holding Wilson. Triga and Carolina fire back, rescuing Wilson. WILSON I'm surprised he's not shot, just injured. Triga and Carolina, with Wilson, head back to the bunker. INT. GLASS BUNKER - NIGHT David is found wounded, and Bogdan instantly arrives. BOGDAN To the bunker. Let's go! The calls for help intensify. Lydia, startled, opens the bunker door, and Triga rushes in, carrying David. DAVID Where's Wilson? CAROLINA Triga helped me, and then Wilson. A man appears, and Carolina shoots him. Bogdan, returning, urges everyone to the bunker. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Gunfire and explosions echo outside as the crowd confronts the soldiers and police. FADE OUT. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The bunker is dimly lit, filled with the tense atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. Carolina rushes into the room, Triga in her arms, sweat on her face. CAROLINA Where is Carolina? DAVID She is okay, just making sure they are not coming here while I bring these injured here. The room falls silent as they hear distant gun battles, explosions, and chanting. The tension builds, and David's haunted expression reveals the gravity of the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) Go and get Carolina and everyone now! Activate the alarm soon after! TRIGA Are they not leaving? DAVID No. They have gone to regroup! Triga's relief quickly turns to fear as he radios Carolina, feeling his heart skip beats. TRIGA (CONT'D) They are coming back? Carolina reassures him as she rushes out with a gun in hand. EXT. BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina runs, the roars and chanting growing louder. The fear grips Triga as he radios Carolina, sweat dripping down his face. The banging on the door intensifies. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT Inside, Andrew awakens disoriented, looking around. ANDREW Carolina? BOGDAN Ah, welcome back, Andrew! Andrew searches for his gun, and Triga monitors the situation on the screen. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Triga sees Devil's Eyes men chanting and a drone captures gun battles between civilians, police, and military. Dead bodies litter the streets. ANDREW (whispering to himself) It's not even over. Triga hears footsteps, thinking it's Carolina, but a Devil's Eyes man slashes him. Carolina arrives just in time to save Triga with two quick shots. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT They hurry downstairs. David, losing blood, feels dizzy. The lift doorbell rings, and a knock at the window startles them. CAROLINA They are coming to finish us all off. A Devil's Eyes assassin lays at the door, and the bunker inhabitants are on edge. David recalls the day Javelina died. He forces himself to sit, tightens the bandage, and prepares for the impending threat. DAVID (shouting) Stop! Carolina shoots the approaching assassin, and the bunker residents watch in horror as David drags the dead man away from the door. The outer door closes, and the lift opens, revealing Carolina holding Triga. DAVID (CONT'D) Aim into the lift! Carolina and David, both armed, eye each other warily, the tension reaching its peak INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The glass bunker is filled with tension as the alarms continue to blare. David and his team, armed and ready, face the impending danger outside. Lydia lies motionless on her bed, a grim reminder of the threat they're up against. DAVID (urgent) Stay alert, everyone! We need to hold our ground. The Devil's Eyes, armed with knives and guns, continue to chant and attempt to breach the bunker's outer door. The atmosphere is suffocating with fear and uncertainty. CAROLINA (whispering) We need a plan, David. We can't stay here forever. DAVID (grim) I know. We can't let them break in. Bogdan, find anything that can help reinforce the door. Carolina, keep an eye on that entrance. Wilson, check the perimeter. As the team mobilizes, David keeps a watchful eye on the Devil's Eyes outside. The situation becomes more dire as the chanting grows louder. DAVID (CONT'D) (into radio) We're running out of time. I need updates on the missile and our defenses. An instant message on David's screen catches his attention. INSTANT MESSAGE "Missile impact imminent. Anti-missile defense system failure." DAVID (desperation) Damn it! We need to end this before it's too late. The team struggles to find a solution, glancing nervously at the sealed outer door. The Devil's Eyes intensify their efforts to break in. EXT. BUNKER - NIGHT Outside, the Devil's Eyes continue their relentless assault on the bulletproof glass, chanting with fervor. The atmosphere is surreal, illuminated by the sporadic flashes of gunfire. DAVID (V.O.) (voiceover) I never expected it to come to this. We were supposed to secure the facility, not fight for our lives. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The tension reaches its peak as David, Carolina, and Bogdan stand shoulder to shoulder, facing the Devil's Eyes. The moment is charged with anticipation as both sides prepare for the inevitable clash. DAVID (whispering) We can't let them through. For Lydia. The team nods in unison, determination in their eyes as they brace for the final confrontation. The Devil's Eyes, equally determined, continue their relentless assault, their chants echoing through the darkness. FADE OUT. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The Devil's Eyes continue their relentless assault on the bulletproof glass doors, chanting menacingly. David, in a desperate attempt to gain control, searches for the remote key to activate the security system. DAVID (grim) I need that remote key. We can't let them breach the doors. David frantically checks his pockets, feeling the weight of the situation. The tension in the room rises as an instant beep sound echoes through the bunker. DAVID (CONT'D) (looking at wrist screen) Abort or activate the security system! The realization hits David that he might have dropped the remote key when the lights went off earlier. Panic sets in as he struggles to locate it. DAVID (CONT'D) Damn it! BOGDAN (whispering) Is something wrong, David? David's anxiety grows as he searches his pockets and shirt, sweat forming on his forehead. DAVID I can't find the remote key to lock the doors. Bogdan's eyes widen with fear, realizing the gravity of the situation. BOGDAN (panicking) What do you mean? We need to secure the doors! DAVID (agitated) I heard something fall when the lights went off. It must be here somewhere. David scans the floor on the Devil's Eyes side, realizing the remote key was kicked toward them. DAVID (CONT'D) Look in front of me, on the Devil's Eyes' side. Look down! Bogdan follows David's gaze and spots the remote key beneath the feet of the approaching Devil's Eyes assassins. BOGDAN (confused) Why would you open the door when they're right there? DAVID (intensely) The remote key can lock from inside without the doors opening first. Get ready to shoot when the doors open. The Devil's Eyes men notice the remote key, and one of them smiles, realizing their chance to breach the bunker. DAVID (CONT'D) Prepare to fire as soon as the doors open! As tension builds, the Devil's Eyes man picks up the remote key, locking eyes with David. The bunker inhabitants brace themselves for the impending clash. DAVID (CONT'D) (urgent) Everyone ready! The door will open for a few seconds before closing and locking. Take as many as you can! The doors open, and an instant beep sound startles everyone. Panic and chaos ensue as they prepare to defend against the impending threat from the Devil's Eyes. FADE OUT. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The chaos subsides as the doors close, leaving behind a scene of scattered bodies and smoke. David, having spared the lone Devil's Eyes survivor, watches the aftermath. DAVID (intense) Leave. Tell your leaders what happened here. The Devil's Eyes survivor, the only one standing, shouts to his comrades to advance. However, the doors close before they can react. DEVIL'S EYES SURVIVOR (roaring) Devil's Eyes! As the Devil's Eyes retreat, David and his team shift their attention to a live broadcast featuring Marson. MARSON (on screen) We believe that all, including some of my men, were killed in the bunker. But we secured the seats we wanted to declare a majority. REPORTER (on screen) But Mr. Marson, some anonymous sources tell us that you can't declare a majority straight away as the phase can't be sealed without the missing key. Is that correct? MARSON (on screen) Missing to them because we are safekeeping it! The team curses as Marson walks off. David urges the broadcast to continue. DAVID (frustrated) Let that be live, or else all our efforts are for nothing. They anxiously await Marson's response. Triga, ever persistent, reveals a shocking revelation on the live stream. TRIGA (excited) Just in! Live streaming showed the EB’s owned secret drone with its camouflage removed, identified as the drone responsible for killing people, mainly the teen soldiers. David and the team exchange glances, realizing the magnitude of what they've exposed. DAVID (appreciative) Well done, Triga. Your persistence paid off. You saved thousands from needless deaths. The celebration is cut short by a scream. Andrew, who had been resting, smiles and dies. The bunker falls into grief, especially Carolina. CAROLINA (tearful) No, Andrew... Triga becomes agitated, and Evelina joins the collective mourning. Suddenly, an alarming sound startles everyone. David checks his wrist screen and opens a received message. DAVID (reading) "A password-protected!" A hint appears on the screen. HINT "The shining angel shall be the light." BOGDAN (perplexed) Jesus. David attempts the password without success. DAVID (CONT'D) No, it's a misconception. It's the devil. The message unlocks, revealing crucial information. DAVID (CONT'D) (intently) The devil. As the revelation sinks in, the team braces for the challenges ahead, unsure of what lies beyond the bunker's walls. FADE OUT. INT. BUNKER - NIGHT The tension in the bunker escalates as the countdown clock displays "Thirty minutes left before the phase closes." David and his team exchange anxious glances. DAVID (solemn) Moment of truth. WILSON (concerned) If Stacey is out of the picture, we have nothing to worry about. DAVID (determined) Let's not think about excuses. Marson admitted he still has the girl somewhere safe. WILSON (urgent) In a glass bunker, perhaps? David's face turns grim, realizing the severity of the situation. DAVID (feeling the pressure) Okay, let's assume you're correct. In thirty minutes, we lose all our remaining seats automatically. If Stacey is alive, we'll lose any chance of protesting and declaring war. Marson will consolidate power, using ancient secrets to destroy us. David paces, the weight of the situation sinking in. DAVID (CONT'D) We need to find Stacey within the next thirty minutes. That's our only hope. EVELINA (determined) I'll go. We have unfinished business. DAVID (nodding) Good. Find her and bring her back. TRIGA (pause) So, if we don't find her, we're finished in less than twenty minutes? DAVID (defeated) Yes. We become the losing team, hoping others will back us up to trigger World War Three. TRIGA (confused) Can we stop the devil's ghosts? EVELINA (explaining) You can't stop them. They protect the conceived baby. But you can raise your own holy warriors. They can't attack, but they can defend you for some time. DAVID (pondering) Holy warriors? Are they metaphorical or the brave individuals who died today? EVELINA (uncertain) It could be both. It's a life of discovery. DAVID (resolute) Triga, I need a status report after the end of this phase. TRIGA (quickly checking) Politically, we have limited power. Morally, we're strong. Civilians are willing to die for us. Financially, we're stronger thanks to the increase in circulating digital currency. DAVID (smiling) Great job, once again. TRIGA (grateful) Thanks. DAVID We can sue them for theft and robbery. I intercepted an official command offering money as a reward for joining them. It's our money. DAVID (CONT'D) (frustrated) They blamed us for everything, even the deaths of the President's family. The team exchanges determined looks, ready to face the challenges ahead as the countdown clock ticks away. FADE OUT. INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The room is dimly lit, filled with tension as DAVID, CAROLINA, WILSON, and EVELINA gather around a table covered in documents and electronic gadgets. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation. DAVID (angered) They assumed Marson would be victorious fast and offered to back them. So, they thought of a good plan to bury the hatchet with the sinking ship. David fumes, visibly upset. DAVID (continuing) I want to know exactly who within the EB voted against us. WILSON (ready to act) On it. A sudden beep startles everyone. They exchange glances, and David reacts quickly. DAVID (frustrated) Damn it! Password protected. EVELINA (suggesting) Hint? DAVID It's something mankind can't stop no matter what. They exchange puzzled looks. CAROLINA (smiling) Kingdom of darkness. WILSON (focused) Four-letter word. DAVID (urgently) Fate! The message opens instantly. DAVID (reading) "Chapter twenty-one is still open but will close in thirty minutes." David grabs his diary, flipping through its pages. CAROLINA (explaining) The main seal will break and open every key it meets, opening the gold scriptures for twelve hours. That gets the main seal favors with the leaders as he can read in advance and know the secrets to that chapter for free. They will close after the first twelve hours. After that, only the key can reopen them. As Carolina speaks, the focus shifts to EVELINA, who seems distracted. CAROLINA (eyeing Evelina) How long have you known Andrew? EVELINA (absent-minded) What? CAROLINA (insistent) How long have you known Andrew? EVELINA (defensive) What does that matter? WILSON (raising an eyebrow) I read somewhere that the main key will knock out other keys, putting them in a trance-like state the first time they meet. CAROLINA (accusing) But she is the one who was in a trance-like state. EVELINA (defending) Stop it. I was injured for Christ’s sake. I was not in a trance. WILSON (looking at Lydia's body) But you said it yourself that the main seal would put the lower keys in a trance. CAROLINA (demanding answers) Lydia. How long have you known Lydia? EVELINA (confused) Who is Lydia? CAROLINA (angry) Stop pretending. This woman laying dead there is Lydia. Carolina flips open the bed sheets covering the body of LYDIA. EVELINA (murmuring) It is a woman? CAROLINA (sarcastic) Of course, it’s a woman. Must the key twenty-one be a man? EVELINA (pacing nervously) Andrew? Carolina looks at DAVID, who responds promptly. DAVID (resolute) Nope, we've known each other for days. The person must be someone whom she has met in the last eleven hours and fifty minutes and counting. CAROLINA (suspicious) Could be one of the assassins. The door suddenly opens, and TRIGA walks in from the other office. The room falls silent as they all turn to face him. DAVID, CAROLINA, WILSON, EVELINA (in unison) Triga! Title: "Unseen Shadows" INT. HIGH-TECH GLASSHOUSE - NIGHT The atmosphere is tense. Triga, David, Carolina, and others are inside a high-tech glasshouse, surrounded by an air of secrecy. Suddenly, Triga breaks the silence. TRIGA (looking surprised) What? Instantly, the lights go out, and a gunshot echoes through the room. Panic ensues as everyone takes cover. David screams. DAVID No. No. As they all duck and cover, the sound of hissing doors opening reaches their ears. Footsteps run away, and everyone pulls out their guns. EMERGENCY LIGHTS flicker on, and the power is restored, but the beeping of the system rebooting adds to the chaos. The glass doors open briefly and close again. David, stopped in his tracks, looks back inside the glasshouse. They're all kneeling around someone. His heart sinks. DAVID No! He screams, running back to the glasshouse. Footsteps fade away outside the glass doors. DAVID (CONT'D) (shouting) Open Carolina. Open Bogdan. Wilson, goddamn it! Open the door now! No one listens as they're busy attending to the wounded. David sees blood on the floor and bangs on the glass. DAVID (CONT'D) Goddammit! I said bloody open the damn door! The outer door opens, and David waits for it to close before rushing in. DAVID (CONT'D) Come on. Come on. He shouts anxiously as the door seems to take forever to open. When it finally does, he pushes through the crowd until he can see Evelina kneeling beside Carolina, desperately trying to revive an assassin. DAVID (CONT'D) (smiling) You're alive. Evelina looks up, her eyes meeting David's. Carolina points at Evelina, sobbing. CAROLINA He took a bullet for her. Carolina presses hard on the bullet wound, and David, still in shock, looks at Evelina with a mixture of relief and concern. DAVID (CONT'D) (whispering) He took a bullet for you. The tension in the room lingers as they come to terms with the unexpected turn of events, realizing that unseen shadows are lurking around them. Title: "Power Play" INT. SECRET MEETING ROOM - NIGHT Evelina, David, Carolina, Wilson, Bogdan, and others are gathered in a dimly lit, secret meeting room, discussing the recent attempt on Evelina's life. EVELINA (sobbing) She put him out of business. DAVID (confused) But why you all the time? CAROLINA (tearfully) Marson must know all the secrets of chapter twenty-one. If he takes her out, then he is safe. It’s a survival game. Plus, he might have wanted to consolidate power fast. She's not just the Alpha and the Omega; the death of the catalyst, Stacey, makes her the Sigma. DAVID (pacing) The Sigma... the summation of all powers into one. A shortcut to all this. BOGDAN (realizing) Oh my God! Hudson later knew that he could simply kill Evelina and get all the powers instead of killing all the keys one by one. Evelina starts sobbing, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation. BOGDAN (CONT'D) (contemplative) You can't fight fate. Just imagine how close to death she had been even up to now, with someone dying for her. Carolina stands up and confronts David about a secret video. CAROLINA (angry) David, is that why you left a video for her? Promising her to take over as the Ultimate World Leader when you go into the invisible mood! David looks shocked. DAVID (defensive) Only Evelina had access to that information. Did she tell you? CAROLINA (explaining) We exchanged coats, and I found the keys in the jacket. Curiosity killed the cat, and everything is history. David sighs, acknowledging the changes that have occurred. DAVID (CONT'D) (resuming the discussion) Back to the issue at hand. I think he sent for Evelina to start the consolidation of power, but that can only begin after he mated and conceived a baby. WILSON (astonished) But there are still other keys left. DAVID (nodding) Key twenty-two and twenty-three. WILSON (disconcerted) Do you mean they must die too? DAVID (matter-of-factly) If they are to declare the majority, then they must know all the secrets. None of the keys came forward because the gold scriptures are being open for free. BOGDAN (raising an eyebrow) Could the last two keys be men as well? All eyes turn to Evelina, who paces and stops. EVELINA (pondering) Why would the last four seals before the last phase, which we know are not female but males? CAROLINA (suggesting) Unless the last seal is the one to seal the end of the days and provide the seal in the form of a baby to seal the kingdom of darkness. That makes the last seal special as a female. Evelina speaks up about her role. EVELINA (resigned) I am just a slave girl on the altar, keeping secrets, advising the leader to get favors. The woman he will mate with is a powerful princess. One he will do favors for. CAROLINA (brushing it off) Shut up! I was just lucky. EVELINA (mockingly) Lucky my ass. Look, if it wasn’t for the assassin, he could have shot me. They took Wilson and carried him out before we rescued him. Everyone looks at Carolina, questioning her credibility. WILSON (shocked) She is lying saying that because Triga is no longer here? Even if that’s true, they took Wilson and carried him out before we rescued him. The room falls silent as the implications of Carolina's actions become clear. The power play intensifies, and the group must confront the web of secrets that threaten their very existence. Title: "Eyes of the Abyss" INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT The group, battered and exhausted, is gathered in a dimly lit safe house. Tensions rise as they discuss recent events. DAVID (touching his sore forehead) Did they? Evelina squints at Wilson, who remains silent. CAROLINA (angrily) How long have you known Wilson and Andrew? EVELINA (slowly) Days. CAROLINA (shouting) So, it is Triga. Scared that they will come after him. WILSON (curious) But why run outside to them? David quickly flips through TV channels. The drone's live stream reveals the government's declaration of majority and a ceasefire. TV ANCHOR (on screen) The military and police are retreating after the defeat of Tomorrow’s World Order. CAROLINA (concerned) Devil's Eyes! Chants echo from above floors. The group looks at David for answers. DAVID (haunted) Will these go away too? DAVID (CONT'D) (shaking) Long ago, when the Devil's Eyes failed, they would stab themselves until they bled to death. They wear white, and by the end of the fight, it turns red, either with the enemy's blood or their own. The room falls silent as fear takes hold. WILSON (worried) Is Triga still alive with all that chanting upstairs? DAVID (skeptical) He knows secret passages. CAROLINA (determined) We should go after him, help him. DAVID (resigned) He might be better off on his own. We must fight these Devil’s Eyes to the finish. WILSON (confused) So, we finish these Devil's Eyes and wait for the twenty-four seats? DAVID (nodding) More like it. Unless Stacey is still alive. CAROLINA (curious) Why are you so sure she's dead? DAVID (wistful) It's what I wish for. Nothing personal. I've been fighting this war for so long. The mind wants to, but the body can't. CAROLINA (persistent) Tell me what happened the night Javelina died. You promised to tell me. DAVID (defensive) I was wounded, shot. It was hard. Don't keep rubbing that in my face. CAROLINA (assertive) Because you do the same thing. Give us hope, even if it's a lie. Everyone wants to hear that we can still fight another thousand years. DAVID (sighs) I thought I was a goner when those evil men captured me, but here I am. The weight of their shared experiences hangs in the air. David's exhaustion is evident, and Carolina demands answers that may reveal the hidden truth behind their struggles. FADE OUT. Title: "Chasing Shadows" INT. SECRET COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, Wilson, Evelina, and others are gathered in a dimly lit secret command center, grappling with the shocking revelation about the accelerated opening of the gold scriptures' chapters. DAVID (resolute) Okay. Let’s find out what the situation is regarding this phase. BOGDAN (curious) How do we do that? DAVID (determined) First, I will contact my sources. Suspicion lingers as Carolina questions David about Stacey's involvement. CAROLINA (suspicious) I understand Stacey was your source before. Are you sure it’s not her still sending these emails? DAVID (assertive) One-hundred percent sure it’s not her. It's someone within the... An instant sound interrupts him, causing panic. David quickly opens the message, revealing a password-protected file. DAVID (CONT'D) (cursing) Password protected. BOGDAN (curious) Hint? DAVID (recalling) The day she bears his child, they shall arise to protect the child but bring doom to mankind. David swiftly types the password. DAVID (CONT'D) (resolute) Chapter twenty-one of the gold scriptures is now closed and locked. David then composes an email to inquire about the remaining chapters. CAROLINA (curious) How many chapters remain to be open? They all silently wait for the reply, tension building in the room. EVELINA (thoughtful) I reckon two more chapters to go. A reply arrives, and David hastily types the password to open the mail. DAVID (CONT'D) (troubled) Only one chapter remains! The group reads the message in shock, realizing the urgency of the situation. DAVID (CONT'D) (panicking) There must be a mistake. If that’s true, there is no time. Even the last seal is just a phase away. It should be at least three phases away to buy time. Wilson feels betrayed and directs his frustration towards Evelina. WILSON (bitterly) She has been busy fast-forwarding things. Isn’t that true, Miss Evelina? Getting rid of the competition at our expense. DAVID (defensive) Wilson, back off! Carolina confronts the grim reality. CAROLINA (serious) If only one chapter remains to open, that means at one point, at least two chapters opened at the same time. All eyes turn to Evelina, who meets their gaze. BOGDAN (realizing) So, for sure, we all know that chapter twenty-two is open as well. That leaves us with chapter twenty-three. David's fear intensifies as he revisits Stacey's previous emails, revealing a sinister plan. BOGDAN (CONT'D) (reading) "Once the majority has been attained, they might fast forward the phases in case of a missing seal eighteen." David roars, gripped by fear and realization. DAVID (frantically) It was all a setup. Stacey’s death or disappearance is part of the plan. So is Triga's and who knows who else? As it stands, no one knows. The fast-forwarding of the phases is deliberate. The room falls into a tense silence as the gravity of the situation sinks in. They are left grappling with the shadows of a meticulously orchestrated plan that threatens their very existence. Title: "Domino of Deceit" INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, Wilson, and Evelina are locked in a tense confrontation, revelations about the intricate manipulation of the gold scriptures sending shockwaves through the room. DAVID (angered) A calculated move, one to bring the end instantly. The protocol rules state that there must be at least three phases between the catalyst, the initial or preliminary seal at eighteen, and the last seal at twenty-four seats. Shouts echo in the room, with Bogdan standing up in frustration. BOGDAN (frustrated) They have written us off. If they can dump all the accusations on us, what stops them fast-forwarding phases? David retrieves a diary and reads it, uncovering a terrifying truth. DAVID (CONT'D) (somber) They can also switch the seals. The day Andrew killed Stacey, she was dressed up like Evelina. Now she is dressed up like Stacey. Meaning they have switched. Carolina offers an unsettling interpretation. CAROLINA (explaining) The omega gives life to the catalyst, chemically represented in Greek mythology. The omega is also known as Oxygen-eighteen, the last letter of the alphabetical order. Oxygen gives life, so the Omega can rejuvenate the catalyst at phase eighteen. It's called the Sigma, the summation. Meaning only it can be itself and any other keys. Evelina starts crying, overwhelmed by the accusations. EVELINA (teary) Honestly, I don’t like the way you are looking at me. I don’t like the way this is going. David unravels the sinister plot, implicating Evelina in the deadly game. DAVID (realizing) Killing Stacey triggered Evelina into action, taking her place and doing even more harm. She fortified the seal, and now they have given us Evelina to concentrate on while they manipulate the phases. Carolina connects the dots. CAROLINA (discovering) Evelina, here! DAVID (frustrated) When Andrew killed Stacey, she had taken Evelina’s theoretical place. So, when she died, seal twenty-four died as well. They pressured us to use Evelina without suspicion to fast forward from nineteen to twenty-three. WILSON (distrustful) Are you saying that there are no other stages? DAVID (confirmed) Chapter twenty-one and twenty-two are already opened, read, and relocked. That leaves only chapter twenty-three. We know chapter twenty-four was already opened. David accuses Evelina of withholding information. DAVID (CONT'D) (sternly) I think you know something. Evelina breaks down, denying any involvement in the sinister plot. EVELINA (sobbing) I don’t know anything. Ask Wilson. Andrew only spared me on one condition that I find out the remaining keys. I worked hard only to save myself and not to sabotage anyone’s plans. Bogdan defends Evelina, suggesting that survival instincts drive their actions. BOGDAN (reasoning) It’s a reversed domino effect, a do-or-die situation. If put in such a place, anyone would do that to survive. David reflects on the self-destructive nature of their predicament. DAVID (realization) They are very clever, meant to self-destruct. The need to survive triggers their demise as well. How do you defend yourself when the search for answers and secrets triggers action to defend themselves? Carolina adds to the complexity of their situation. CAROLINA (discovering) If the leader, after reading their chapter for free, sends his men to kill these keys, how do you defend yourself? David makes a chilling revelation about the inability to open the next chapter unless the previous seal is eliminated. DAVID (CONT'D) (revelation) If the previous seal is there, you can’t open or see the next one. The previous must be out of the way to see the next one. Meaning dead. The room falls silent as the harsh reality sinks in – their fate intricately woven into a web of deception, manipulation, and self-destruction. Title: "Seal of Betrayal" INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Carolina, Bogdan, Wilson, and Evelina grapple with the devastating revelation that chapter twenty-three might be exempted, leaving them with no phases left to fight. DAVID (angry) That explains all the accusations. They know there is no other option for us. Triga ran away because he knew we were in the dark after witnessing the Devil’s Eyes trying to kidnap Carolina and Wilson. CAROLINA (curious) What can trigger a skip or jump of a chapter of the gold scriptures? DAVID (bitter) In real life, a system error. A fault, a mistake, an exception, or an exemption. David's frustration grows, and he roars, feeling cheated and betrayed. DAVID (CONT'D) (angered) It isn't over. There must be a way! BOGDAN (lost) What can trigger a change in normal circumstances? DAVID (realizing) A breach. If someone hacked that system, it can cause the sequence to skip. Hopelessness sets in among the group. DAVID (CONT'D) (somber) So, we assume some breach happened. That caused chapter twenty-three to be omitted, resulting in chapter twenty-four being opened instead. CAROLINA (disappointed) So, the system will open back the skipped chapter twenty-three. Maybe we still have a phase to fight. DAVID (bleak) That chapter can be classed as a system error, meaning it might never be opened. The harsh reality hits them, and they all shout in disbelief. ALL (overlapping) Oh, My God! WILSON (realizing) There might not even be a single phase left. They might have exempted chapter twenty-three and distracted us, thinking there is time and not taking our opportunities until too late. CAROLINA (determined) On what grounds can chapter twenty-three be classed as exempted? EVELINA (suggesting) National security or sensitive information that even the leader is not to know can render the chapter to be locked forever. In fact, chapter nineteen is sealed forever. No one can open it. Sweat pours on David's forehead as they all sit down, realizing their hopes have been dashed. EVELINA (whispering) Tomorrow’s World Order. DAVID (agitated) I read the book. The room is filled with tension as emotions run high. Wilson expresses his rage. WILSON (angry) Our savior has now turned out to use the double-edged sword to pierce our hearts. Bloody Judas. DAVID (cursed) Our fate lies in her hands now. David, overwhelmed with emotions, gets up, and Wilson, furious, pulls out his gun. WILSON (roaring) A seal to betray humanity forever. We have the seal on a plate. Take our chances and save not just us but all humanity. Play Jesus and get obliterated. EVELINA (whispering) I could have died in Stacey’s place. The group faces an impossible choice, caught between betrayal, survival, and the potential destruction of humanity. The weight of their decisions hangs heavy in the room. Title: "Dilemma of Destiny" INT. DAVID'S HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Evelina grapples with the harsh reality that, once again, she must sacrifice herself for the greater good. Tears stream down her cheeks as she sees the despair on the faces of David and the team. EVELINA (whispering) To save all, I must die, denying the devil’s victory. Staying alive means bringing the wrath of God on mankind. History seems destined to repeat itself. She looks at David, recalling his dream of solving God’s dilemma, now realizing it was just a dream. David faces an agonizing decision, torn between fulfilling a greater purpose and betraying his principles. DAVID (standing up) I can't believe there are no other stages. If it's not Marson, then EB will be on our case for the President's family killings, even if it's not us. WILSON (determined) We must not let Evelina leave. We can't risk it. EVELINA (defiant) I can go wherever I want, and there's nothing you can do to me. WILSON (pleading) Think again. Don't make us do things we don't want to do. Stay with us for now. MILES AWAY Marson and Frederick discuss the urgency of getting inside David's mansion and capturing Evelina alive. The pressure from EB intensifies. MARSON (furious) They must find a way inside. EB wants that mansion flattened out. I'll obliterate them with firepower a thousand times more than they did to my men. BACK AT DAVID'S HEADQUARTERS The team faces a dilemma while miles away Marson makes plans to destroy David's mansion. EXT. MARSON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Marson confronts disgruntled associates. MARSON (agitated) Why hasn't the place flattened out by now? ASSOCIATE (urgent) We understand they're still alive. They're live-streaming everything. MARSON (defiant) After this, there will never be Tomorrow’s World Order again. We're going to obliterate all. BACK AT DAVID'S HEADQUARTERS The team discusses the impending threat. DAVID (resolute) We need to figure out who is behind all this. Hudson and Marson are the likely culprits. WILSON (serious) They had every reason to set us up. We ruined their way of life. FLASHBACK - WEEKS AGO President Rex heads towards his limousine. PRESIDENT REX (resolute) I have to go. The mystery unfolds as the team races against time to uncover the truth and confront those responsible for the chaos. Title: "Fatal Echoes" INT. GABRIELLE'S HOUSE - DAY Gabrielle bids farewell to her children as they head out with Gabriel. GABRIELLE See you tonight, and have a great time with the kids. They watch as the limo drives away. INT. SHOPPING MALL - LATER Gabrielle, Erik, and Gloria enjoy their time shopping. Security officers patrol the area. GABRIELLE (to kids) Erik and Gloria, come inside. Let's get ready. Suddenly, Gabrielle spots something and becomes tense. GABRIELLE (whispering) I'll take you all shopping. The security officers intensify their patrol. EXT. MALL ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Gloria rushes out, and Erik follows. The security guards notice their behavior and become alert. GABRIELLE (urgent) Come on, Erik! Erik covers his face, and Gloria calls out to him. GLORIA Come on, Erik! Security guards signal each other as the atmosphere becomes tense. GABRIELLE (panicking) Come! Gloria. Erik! Suddenly, shots are fired, and bullets shred through Erik and Gloria, shocking everyone. GABRIELLE My kids! Gabrielle tries to run toward them but is shot in the chaos. A scream echoes as they lie lifeless on the ground. MILES AWAY - PRESIDENT REX'S OFFICE - DAY President Rex, moments before the incident, talks to his wife on the phone. PRESIDENT REX (innocent) I am in the city with the kids. We are heading home now. A mysterious man hands a folder to President Rex, and an unexpected visitor arrives. VISITOR Channel two, Sir. President Rex, curious, switches to Channel Two on his TV. LIVE STREAM FOOTAGE The shocking scene unfolds as Gabrielle and her children are attacked. PRESIDENT REX (shouting) Get out of there! Gabrielle, take the kids and get out! President Rex watches in horror as his family is mercilessly gunned down. PRESIDENT REX (heartbroken) That's my family! Oh my God! I can't believe this. My family; killed in broad daylight! The world witnesses the tragic events that will change President Rex's life forever. The hunt for the perpetrators begins as the truth unravels, and vengeance becomes the driving force. Title: "Fading Echoes" INT. PRESIDENT REX'S OFFICE - DAY President Rex watches the live-stream footage of his family's assassination in shock and despair. PRESIDENT REX (heartbroken) Oh my God, I can't believe what I am seeing! That’s my family! My beautiful wife and my son and daughter. I can’t believe this is happening. Oh my God, they have killed me today! The other man in the room sits, shaking his head in disbelief. OTHER MAN That’s so awful and evil. Who does something like that? Too late, the security guards notice the tragedy. Gabrielle and her children lie in pools of blood. PRESIDENT REX (standing) That’s my family. The footage is broadcast live across all channels. President Rex is inconsolable for weeks, traumatized by the tragic event. INT. PRESIDENT REX'S OFFICE - LATER President Rex remains isolated, emotionally devastated. He signs documents without question and watches the footage repeatedly. The trauma sets in, and the court rules him temporarily insane for the next two years. PRESIDENT'S SECRETARY (voiceover) The trauma was too much. The court deemed them temporarily insane, giving the EB an opportunity to secretly take over. MILES AWAY - BOGDAN'S LOCATION Bogdan reviews the messages with David. BOGDAN (informant) What does he or she want in return? DAVID Believes in our system and digital currency, so bought some. BOGDAN (suspicious) What level is he or she? DAVID Top brace. Why? BOGDAN Concerned that we might be getting less than they are getting from us. DAVID I don't give any secrets apart from the digital currency. You can check. BOGDAN I want a name. It can't be a secret anymore. DAVID I don't know which one but is one of the seven. I go through him or her through a third party. BOGDAN (serious) Wilson, Carolina, Evelina, come closer. I want each one of us to investigate one person from the list. Find out anything regarding us. Also, get a breakdown of who voted at the EB against us and for us. CAROLINA (questions) Why is that relevant to the President's family murder? DAVID Realizes a possibility. If they knew we were clean, how could they prove we were behind the shootings? WILSON (confused) Are you saying they dumped something on our system as a decoy? DAVID (nods) Killed the President's families, blamed us, then stole our money, knowing we would fight to get it back. CAROLINA (astonished) But we didn't go for the money. David looks determined, ready to uncover the truth hidden within the digital chaos. Title: "Digital Deception" INT. UNDERGROUND HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David and the team gather in their secret underground headquarters, discussing the unfolding conspiracy. DAVID (serious) Yes, I know that could explain why they dumped the watermarks and probably something else. WILSON (nodding) Make sense, David. DAVID I am saying they do a crime and try to frame us. So, they steal from us only expecting us to go after that stolen money. When we get back the money, then they plant the incriminating evidence in a bunch of money. Then call the Executive Branch to check us, knowing that they will find what they have planted. But we did not go for the money. So, they decided to dump not just the watermarks but the incriminating evidence as well. This will achieve their original goal. That could explain why they are blaming us. WILSON (astonished) Clever bastards! CAROLINA (realizing) I think they dumped the footage of the shootings so that when they come, they find it. BOGDAN (determined) Who is behind this? DAVID (grim) It can’t be individuals? It is way too complicated to be the work of one person. WILSON (suspicious) I told you it’s the whole system, the leadership, police, doctors, and everyone involved. It takes a team with complicated gadgets like GPS etc. to pull all this off. BOGDAN (confused) Wait for a minute. Are you saying that they did this knowing that, in the end, we will have to kill these Presidents? To put our system, even though this had nothing to do with what happened to their families? DAVID (explaining) Exactly. They knew in the end, because of our system and what we stand for, we will have to get rid of them. So, they framed us early. When we are clean and when we don’t even care about the Presidents yet. Knowing that in the future, time will come when what we stand for will force us to confront these and get even. So, whether now or in the future, to them makes no difference because we will still go and murder them. CAROLINA (astonished) So, try to find anything before or after the dump. I wish Triga was here because we might not find this even though it might be there. DAVID (resolute) Why would one kill the families of the Presidents? BOGDAN (thinking) To set us up. Threats to the system and their way of life. WILSON (realization) That requires a lot of guts. DAVID (shaking his head) Not even that. It all depends on the stance of the regime. If the regime has the same stance of getting rid of anyone framing them, then anyone could do it on account that the person knows for sure that the regime will do anything to make sure that person is a goner. It’s just that belief that the regime itself will frame that person that he is as good as gone. BOGDAN (contemplating) Knowing that they will kill us before we can prove that it was not us. DAVID (explaining) Exactly. See precisely what they did. They came after us to destroy us, to protect everyone who had accused us of lies, encouraging them to frame us as a way of getting us attacked. It is like someone lying about us, knowing that the regime, to protect that person, will make whatever that person has said become true. BOGDAN (intrigued) I understand this was a practice with kings and monarchies? DAVID (affirmative) Decades ago, yes. In that, the king was so dirty after killing others unfairly, he would encourage his people to frame others, then offer them protection. In that to protect these people, the king would go and kill the accused. CAROLINA (skeptical) But why would they frame us if there must be a motive? Maybe we look at the seven deadly sins. Greediness, envy, jealousy, gluttony, maliciousness, lust, and sloth. DAVID (pondering) Greediness makes sense if the person is trading with us. Buying our digital currency then decides all could be his or hers. In that case, the woman blackmailing us. Envy, some jealousy, and envy. Probably without kids of hers or his own. Pretends to destroy us by setting us up but killing to be equal. Probably can’t have theirs and blames the system. The team strategizes, determined to unravel the digital deception and expose the true culprits behind the sinister plot. Title: "Vengeful Awakening" INT. SECRET HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The team, huddled around a table, listens intently to David's revelation about President Maureen. DAVID A Eugenics victim groomed by the system to be put in power at the expense of families. Then realizes that it’s only her and everyone else who can have both. Now as a ball-rolling act, she kills all in the hope that these Presidents go on to attack the doctors, etc., behind all this. The Presidents are also the ones behind this Eugenics so it’s a payback. He stops and looks at all of them. CAROLINA (confused) Makes sense. DAVID I want to know who had kids and who didn’t have before the incident. WILSON (raising his hand) President Maureen has no kids but opposed Marson, so I assume for us rather than our enemy. DAVID They look at each other. BOGDAN Can someone find out why she has no kids? Is she married? What kind of marriage? Same-sex or not. WILSON (consulting) President Reed lives with no kids as well. Same-sex marriage. Wilson raises his hand. WILSON (CONT'D) I believe President Maureen is a high critic of the Eugenics movement. Against the system as well regarding this. DAVID (probably subjected to these dirty tricks by the regime only rising to power to defeat this regime and what another way to do just that and give them a taste of their medicine) Probably subjected to these dirty tricks by the regime only rising to power to defeat this regime and what another way to do just that and give them a taste of their medicine. WILSON (realizing) Probably can’t have kids of hers or his own. Pretends to destroy us by setting us up but killing to be equal. DAVID (supporting Wilson’s theory) Probably can’t have kids of hers or his own. Pretends to destroy us by setting us up but killing to be equal. WILSON (smiling) Nothing as sweet as revenge. CAROLINA (contemplating) Did she have any past activism history? A student activist at the university before all this? BOGDAN We can only assume that if so, then regarded as a risk category by the regime. That might have made them go on to monitor her. Then probably discovered that she was bad news to their corrupt ways and a fighter of the system. Then set her up to keep her quiet. But fueling her to rise to the top and now with power, how else to send a clear message that children of others do matter too? WILSON (adding more depth to the story) So, she was groomed by the doctors and hospitals, probably hacked so they control fertility and whom she meets. The more she fights and exposes the regime for the real reasons behind all these dirty tactics. Then she actually rose to the top. At this stage, she can’t be groomed. They then try to bribe her as she threatens to expose them. Now in a position of power. She realized that nothing can ever change. DAVID (nodding) She is now stuck and can’t fight the system. CAROLINA (realization) So, when she heard about us fighting to change the system, she saw a real chance of change. Takes the law into her hands and kills these families. Knowing that we have the power to kill them when they come to us accusing us of the killings. WILSON (astonished) David, are you saying that she murdered their kids so that we finish them off? Knowing that we, as we stand for the new system, must confront them at one point in the future. So actually ball-rolled this to us? DAVID (confident) That could explain why she opposed Marson, and anyone who opposes Marson is technically our friend. CAROLINA (questioning) Let’s assume that she is the one and did this for us. So that we finish off the troublesome top brace, would she be spared? DAVID (firm) No way! The fact that she killed women and children for whatever reason means she gets the same justice as these evil Presidents. BOGDAN (pensive) People without families are the ones likely to disregard the lives of these people. So, what did you find out about her? WILSON (revealing) You will be surprised she held the same views as us. She argued also that the current system needed modernizing as most are a waste, advocating for cuts in her country. DAVID (contemplating) If so, why then would she do something like this, assuming it’s her? WILSON (suggesting) Maybe she wants all these Presidents to fight us. What is the other best way than through pain and grief? Making revenge overshadow everything. BOGDAN (nodding) Even that. She voted against Marson unless... she wanted EB to deal with this and make it a universal call. That their system is killing women and children. Maybe through eugenics. WILSON (contemplating) You reckon she would want these Presidents to be better advocates for the call. If they felt the pain everyone else is going through? DAVID (thinking) Could be if the hospitals abused her denying her the chance to have a baby. The team, fueled by this newfound information, prepares to delve deeper into President Maureen's past to uncover the truth and expose the twisted web of corruption that led to these devastating events. INT. SECRET BUNKER - NIGHT The team, armed and ready, waits anxiously in the dimly lit bunker as the power cuts off intermittently. The Devil's Eyes assassins, now inside, chant and scream, eager to attack. DAVID (whispering) Stay close, and be ready for anything. The power cuts off again, plunging the bunker into darkness. Backup power kicks in after a moment, revealing the menacing figures of Devil's Eyes assassins surrounding them. DAVID (CONT'D) Now! Move! The team dashes out of the bunker into the mansion's gardens. The night air is thick with tension as they navigate the darkness. Suddenly, shots ring out. Devil's Eyes assassins are on their tail. WILSON (whispering) We're not alone. Keep moving! They sprint towards the mansion, adrenaline pumping. The Devil's Eyes close in, firing relentlessly. The team reaches the mansion's entrance and rushes back into the bunker. INT. SECRET BUNKER - CONTINUOUS The team seals the bunker door, panting and regaining composure. DAVID They're persistent. We need a plan. CAROLINA We should use the tunnels. They don't know about them. DAVID Good idea. Lead the way. The team descends into the secret underground tunnels, navigating the intricate maze with caution. Devil's Eyes assassins, unaware of the hidden passages, continue searching the mansion above. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Devil's Eyes assassins scour the grounds, frustrated by the disappearance of the team. DEVIL'S EYES ASSASSIN (communicating) They must be hiding somewhere. Find them! INT. SECRET TUNNELS - CONTINUOUS The team moves silently through the dark tunnels, emerging in strategic locations to outmaneuver their pursuers. WILSON (whispering) We need to turn the tables on them. DAVID Agreed. Let's split up and flank them. The team divides, strategically positioning themselves for a surprise attack. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - LATER Devil's Eyes assassins, still searching, are taken by surprise as the team strikes from multiple directions. A fierce firefight ensues. CAROLINA (into earpiece) We need backup! DAVID Understood. Keep them occupied. As the battle rages, the team fights skillfully, gaining the upper hand. Suddenly, additional backup arrives, surrounding the Devil's Eyes assassins. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - LATER The Devil's Eyes assassins are subdued and restrained. The team, victorious, regroups. DAVID (into earpiece) Bogdan, secure the captives. We have a few questions for them. BOGDAN (V.O.) (on the earpiece) Roger that. The team breathes a sigh of relief, having successfully defended against the Devil's Eyes attack. However, the mystery of the informant and the impending threat still looms over them. FADE OUT. EXT. MANSION GARDENS - NIGHT The team, standing near the outer walls of the mansion, watches as the Devil's Eyes assassins scream and panic inside the sinking glass bunker. DAVID (smiling) Sometimes, the best battles are fought without firing a single shot. The oil-filled trenches around the mansion burn fiercely, creating a wall of fire that shields the team from view. DAVID (CONT'D) We triggered the evacuation process. They'll be cooked alive in their own trap. The team observes the sinking glass bunker surrounded by crude oil. The Devil's Eyes assassins inside struggle desperately against the rising heat. CAROLINA (into earpiece) Bogdan, confirm the status of the glass bunker. BOGDAN (V.O.) (on the earpiece) Sinking fast, David. They're trapped. DAVID Now, let's make sure they don't have a chance to escape. David presses a button on the remote control, activating the final stage of their plan. The outer walls of the mansion start retracting, revealing a series of massive turbines. DAVID (CONT'D) To ensure no survivors. The turbines roar to life, creating a powerful vacuum that draws the fire and heat away from the glass bunker, intensifying the inferno. WILSON Looks like they're getting a taste of their own medicine. DAVID This is just the beginning. We still have a world to save. The team, satisfied with their strategic victory, turns away from the unfolding chaos. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - LATER As the oil-fueled fire rages on, consuming the glass bunker and everything in its path, the team leaves the mansion grounds. DAVID (V.O.) (voiceover) The Devil's Eyes are blinded, but the real enemy remains in the shadows. Our fight is far from over. FADE OUT. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT The team, now equipped with protective suits, gathers near the mansion's bank entrance. DAVID (focused) This is the fastest way to get to the other side. Follow my lead, and remember, stay close together. David activates the suction system, and a low hum fills the air. A transparent tube materializes before them, leading into the entrance of the bank. DAVID (CONT'D) To the garage bunker, everyone. The team steps into the tube, and, with a whooshing sound, they're pulled into the vacuum system. As they travel through the winding tunnels, they experience a sensation of weightlessness. INT. BANK TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS The team emerges on the other side of the tunnel, gracefully floating down into the garage bunker. DAVID (CONT'D) We're here. Now, let's move quickly. They head towards the garage bunker, fully aware of the impending danger from Marson's orders. INT. GARAGE BUNKER - NIGHT Once inside the garage bunker, David directs the team to hidden vehicles equipped for escape. DAVID We need to leave before Marson's forces arrive. Suddenly, alarms blare through the bunker, signaling an imminent threat. CAROLINA (into earpiece) Marson's on the move. We need to go now! The team piles into armored vehicles stored in the garage bunker. EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - NIGHT The armored vehicles speed away from the mansion just as Marson's military forces approach. The team maneuvers through secret exits, avoiding detection. DAVID (into communicator) Frederick, we're leaving the mansion. Marson's forces are closing in. FREDERICK (V.O.) Understood. I'll guide you through the safest route. The convoy of vehicles races through hidden tunnels and winding paths, avoiding Marson's forces. EXT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - NIGHT The armored vehicles emerge from a concealed tunnel entrance, leaving the mansion grounds behind. DAVID (to the team) We need to regroup and strategize. Marson won't stop until he thinks he's won. The team drives into the night, determined to face the challenges ahead and expose the truth behind Marson's machinations. FADE OUT. INT. MARSON'S OFFICE - DAY Marson paces back and forth in his office, his face contorted with frustration and anger. He grabs the phone and dials a number. MARSON Do it! The voice on the other end hesitates. VOICE I have sent our men to make sure we retrieve all our men before the place is destroyed. In that case, I will need a written authorization, Sir. As I can’t carry out an order that puts the lives of our men at risk without this written authorization. Marson curses under his breath and slams the receiver down. He then quickly dials another number. MARSON (CONT'D) (urgent) The more we delay the more the chances of escape. EB REPRESENTATIVE (disinterested) You know the Devil’s Eyes will never back down. They would rather fight to the death. So as good as gone. MARSON We can’t Mr. Marson. We need to go and search the Mansion. We believe that they are responsible for the deaths of the President’s families. EB REPRESENTATIVE Who cares about all that? Everyone knows they are guilty as hell. MARSON (frustrated) Just doing my job Mr. Marson. The line goes dead, leaving Marson seething with anger. CUT TO: EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - DAY David stands with the group, counting heads to ensure everyone is present. DAVID Is everyone here? He takes a moment to survey the group, then turns to a large screen nearby. DAVID (CONT'D) It served its purpose and more. But one final thing remains. He presses buttons and activates levers, initiating a sequence of events. Oil from the trenches begins to flow towards the mansion. DAVID (CONT'D) It took years to plan, but it ends now. As they watch, the mansion's structure starts to collapse, engulfed in flames. DAVID (CONT'D) Live streaming now. Let the world see. He sends a live feed to the news channels, showing the destruction of the mansion. MARSON'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Marson watches the live feed with satisfaction, then picks up the phone and makes a call. MARSON I thought you said you wanted a written authorization first? So why did you blow the mansion without one? Because as far as I am concerned, I haven’t written one. VOICE Just a minute! The voice hesitates as they watch the destruction unfold on screen. VOICE (CONT'D) It wasn’t our missile, not sure what happened. MARSON (angrily) Damn it! If you don’t obliterate that place you have no job to come to. You bloody heard me! Marson slams the receiver down, then leans back in his chair, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. MARSON You won’t believe what has just happened. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT The tension is palpable as everyone awaits Evelina's decision. David takes a step forward, urging her to make a choice. DAVID (solemnly) Evelina, now you hold the empowerment switch. For the safety of my men and for all those who stand for good. For pure people, for good health, for an everlasting peaceful life. If you choose us, the good side, all this money will be yours, ours. Life is fragile, and our way of life is at stake. Stay with us. The regime must be stopped. Evelina, emotionally overwhelmed, looks at David with tearful eyes. The weight of her decision hangs heavy in the air. EVELINA (tearfully) I not of my choosing have become the pillar on which the kingdom of good and darkness depends on. Yesterday I was just like any other girl, and today I carry the burden of either destroying the life we know today or establishing a New World Order based on evil. She looks at everyone, her emotions laid bare. EVELINA (CONT'D) The side my heart longs for... can only continue if I am dead. But I love to live. Why do I have to die first? Why is that? She sobs, and the room is filled with an eerie silence. The weight of the decision hangs heavily on Evelina. EVELINA (CONT'D) The side I don’t like wants me alive but for all the wrong reasons. It’s a tough decision to make. I am just a young lady who got caught up in all this, accidentally. The room is hushed, everyone holding their breath, awaiting Evelina's decision. EVELINA (CONT'D) (looking at Wilson) If I later disappoint you, then forgive me. I am just human and honestly, I don’t want to die! She cries uncontrollably, and fear grips her as she sees the expectant looks on everyone’s faces. Wilson, however, is not convinced. WILSON (skeptical) What a touching and moving speech! If it was the Oscars, surely, you would win a trophy, but I am not stupid! You can play this crocodile tears game with them and not with me! Wilson's frustration boils over as he kicks the walls, creating a tense atmosphere in the bunker. DAVID (intervening) Wilson! But Wilson, fueled by suspicion and anger, directs his rage towards Evelina. WILSON (angry) You keep out of this! He accuses Evelina of being the mastermind, the one orchestrating the entire plan. The accusations echo in the confined space, leaving everyone on edge. DAVID (trying to calm the situation) Wilson, enough! The room remains tense, hanging on the precipice of Evelina's decision and the consequences that will follow. INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT The atmosphere in the bunker becomes increasingly tense as Wilson points his gun at Evelina. Shouts and accusations fill the room. WILSON (angry) I said you stay out of this! Let me handle this, okay? Evelina, shaken with rage, defends herself against Wilson's accusations. EVELINA (defiant) Damn it! What was I supposed to do? It's bloody-you and Andrew who were threatening to kill me unless I find secrets for you. So why are you complaining? Tensions escalate as Wilson continues to condemn Evelina for her actions. WILSON (thunderous) She can fool all of you with this. I am innocent bullshit! But not me. She worked so hard to make sure that there can never be another phase! Evelina, now furious, fights back against Wilson's accusations. EVELINA (shouting) Like I was saying, she knew about all this, working hard to deny us another chance to play even. If it wasn’t for her, we could still have a chance to fight back, to trigger World War Three. But because of her calculating and devious maneuvers, we have been denied that chance! David intervenes, attempting to calm the situation. DAVID (shouting) Wilson, that is enough! We have unfinished business with her. WILSON (ignoring David) After all this and witnessing Andrew and everyone else whose keys she voided. She has some guts to leave the door open for the devil, by hinting that she might disappoint us. That’s so unfair. After everyone else who died, you must sacrifice too! Andrew, angered by the situation, adds his voice to the heated exchange. ANDREW (shouting) I kept cool because I thought that after all the sacrifice we did, she would come to her senses, that she would stand for the good, for us. But I am not the person who leaves everything to chance! Wilson, fueled by frustration and anger, pulls out his gun and aims it at Evelina. WILSON (angry) Maybe I can help you decide? Evelina screams and takes cover behind Carolina. EVELINA (sobbing) I can’t promise because it’s not up to me! Wilson, undeterred, remains resolute in his decision. WILSON (roaring) No! It’s up to you. Andrew sacrificed himself for everyone’s good at a cost to his life. Why can’t you sacrifice also for all those who stand for good? Evelina, overwhelmed with fear and sorrow, starts sobbing uncontrollably. EVELINA (crying) You mean I die? No! I don’t want to die! Wilson, determined to make a point, aims his gun at Evelina. Two of his men also point their guns at her, intensifying the standoff. Suddenly, a loud scream tears through the bunker, causing everyone to pause and turn their attention toward the unexpected sound. DAVID (shouting) Wilson, wait! Wilson ignores David's plea, fully intent on carrying out his decision. WILSON (angry) No, you wait! David, realizing the gravity of the situation, tries to reason with Wilson. DAVID (CONT'D) (shouting) How many men and women died today? If we had done this a long time ago, we could have saved a lot and secured a better chance of triggering the Third World War. I say we can guarantee the existence of the kingdom of good now and today by shooting her! Wilson, unwavering, aims harder, ready to pull the trigger. DAVID (CONT'D) (shouting) Easy now, everyone! We will need her help. Graham steps forward, holding a list written by David. GRAHAM (looking at David) In your words, you said that to stop this is to deny them the seal of the phases, leaving them as incomplete to trigger World War Three. This is achieved only when the seal is missing or dead? He looks at David and everyone else, awaiting an answer. GRAHAM (CONT'D) Secondly, you said to stop the rise of the Devil’s Ghosts, we must make sure that the devil does not get any of us. For a wife to meet with and bear a child. So, if according to you these are the solutions, why let her go? He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in. GRAHAM (CONT'D) I lost men I would anytime change places with. What makes her so special? I say she must do the right thing and blow her head off. An assassin steps forward, pulling out another gun and offering it to Evelina. GRAHAM (CONT'D) No! David shouts, pulling out his gun and intervening to prevent any further escalation. DAVID (CONT'D) I don’t like how this is going. Are you suggesting a one-on-one? GRAHAM I don’t like to shoot her, but her being alive will only make them come for all of us to claim the prize. We let her go, then the Devil’s Eyes ghosts will come for us. I am not Keaton! The standoff reaches a critical point, with the fate of Evelina hanging in the balance. The room is filled with uncertainty and fear as everyone contemplates the difficult decisions ahead. EXT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER ENTRANCE - NIGHT The tension in the bunker remains thick as everyone grapples with the weight of the decisions ahead. Dorothy steps forward, addressing Evelina. DOROTHY It’s the fulfillment of the scriptures, of prophecy, my daughter. It was Eve’s original sin that poured God’s wrath on mankind. So, the burden is on you to redeem all women by denying the devil this chance. To establish and restore the kingdom of darkness. Jesus died for all of us. He showed you the way! Evelina, frustrated and defiant, pulls out her gun and stands in the open. EVELINA How many times can I say that I am not going to kill myself or die for anyone? I told you. I don’t want to die. So, respect my wishes. She instantly aims at Wilson, who, in response, aims back at her. One of the assassins raises his gun too. Evelina shifts her aim between Wilson and the assassin, creating an intense standoff. SECOND ASSASSIN (aiming) You think you can outsmart us? Evelina continues to flip her gun between the three, maintaining a determined stance. David steps forward to shield her. DAVID Not today, guys. At least give her time to think about all this. We could all have died in the mansion. EVELINA (challenging) If you were in my shoes, what would you do? One of the assassins takes out a dagger and stabs himself in the stomach, shocking everyone. Evelina screams, and Carolina intervenes. CAROLINA Stop it! Let’s think about all this. It’s not her. It is me. Carolina removes her jumper, revealing her unharmed body. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Look at all of you, with gunshot and stab wounds. Look at her. She nearly died, but look at me. The men, angered by Carolina's revelation, respond aggressively. FIRST ASSASSIN (angered) Ok, then you die too! All three men point their guns at Carolina, ready to pull the trigger. CAROLINA It's only me who can put an end to all this, an end in him. If he is not there, how can he establish the kingdom of darkness? How can he meet with her to release the devil’s ghosts? How can he ever seal the phases as complete? She pauses, emphasizing her point. CAROLINA (CONT'D) To seal the phases, I mean all chapters that will have been opened, and only he will have read all the chapters. Only he will be able to open the chapters without the key. Once the phase is sealed. But if he is dead, that means all the information in the chapters is dead too. In that, it is locked forever. Don’t forget they have killed all the keys who know the secrets to these chapters. So, if he dies too soon after, no one can open or know what is in the gold scriptures. That means worthless gold scriptures. We might as well make a statue of Evelina out of them. Don’t forget that the value of the gold scriptures is in the material, the information inside, and the power within the chapters. If they can’t open them, they become useless. Carolina paces, making a compelling argument. David nods in agreement. DAVID She is right. Although slightly different, it’s the same thing I have in mind. Their system is designed that we also become like them and kill innocent women and children. But I say no to all this. We must tackle the real problem, and it’s not these keys. We should start to think and point guns at these politicians and blow them up. We must tackle the real problem. It’s not Evelina or Carolina but that belief in this regime that if we take out the gold scriptures, then there won’t be reasons for killing these young women and children. We take out the leadership, that leaves then no one in command to pose a risk to these. That also destroys the fabric on which this regime is built. A new clean start with people who value everyone’s lives. So, I say the regime is the problem and not these women. He looks at all of them, making a powerful statement. The men lower their hands holding guns. SECOND ASSASSIN I say we give you a chance too to redeem yourself. It’s up to you to kill this devil. I suggest you go together with Carolina. Wilson, ever the pragmatist, adds his perspective. WILSON They can’t be in the same place together near him! They can switch but can’t be at the same time. DAVID (in agreement) Huh, in case he gets both? WILSON I think it’s because they are switches for one another. David reveals his discovery from the diary. DAVID Literally, they can knock each other out so that Evelina can knock out Carolina and put her in a trance. WILSON Double the trouble, double the play. DAVID Yes, they are two. Two seals, Evelina and Carolina. WILSON Only that the devil will be pleased with both seals. DAVID What if it’s not coincidental but planned that he met with both women? Double the kingdoms, double the control. The realization hits them hard, emphasizing the complexities of the situation. The group is left pondering the intricate web they find themselves entangled in, as they grapple with the daunting task ahead. INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT The group stands in a tense silence, processing the revelation of quadruple the devil’s ghosts and the dire implications it carries. DAVID Double the kingdoms, double the Devil’s ghosts as well as double trouble for us. I am starting to think everything was planned from the word go. Otherwise, how can we keep losing? Evelina's mind races as she considers the gravity of their situation. EVELINA A sure way to guarantee that the kingdom will remain forever. She pauses, a sudden realization dawning on her. EVELINA (CONT'D) Not two babies but two sets of twins. Quadruples! The group is stunned into silence, their expressions haunted by the weight of Evelina’s words. WILSON You mean quadruple the devil’s ghosts as well? The gravity of the situation sinks in, and the three men exchange glances, their faces reflecting the looming threat of death. Slowly, they lift their guns and point them at Evelina and Carolina, their actions conveying the grim reality they face. David pleads on their behalf, but his words fall on deaf ears. FAR AWAY Marson makes a phone call, his expression grim as he receives alarming reports from the GRB. MARSON What’s with this human activity detected in the GRB? Did you send the men to check? The tension mounts as Wilson stealthily navigates the GRB, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger. Footsteps echo in the hallway, and he tenses, ready to confront the approaching threat. WILSON Damn it! We can’t keep waiting for you. Let’s go. But as Wilson attempts to make his escape, he realizes he's being pursued. With quick thinking, he disables the radio and evades capture, slipping away unnoticed into the night. MILES AWAY President Maureen receives a mysterious phone call, her curiosity piqued by the urgent request for assistance. PRESIDENT MAUREEN Any idea who can help us? But as the call abruptly ends, leaving her with more questions than answers, she realizes that the truth may be far more complex than she ever imagined. INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT Back in the bunker, the group remains locked in a deadly standoff, their fates hanging in the balance as they confront the chilling reality of their predicament. INT. PRESIDENT MAUREEN'S OFFICE - DAY President Maureen's office is tense as Wilson holds a gun on her, accusing her of orchestrating the killings of the Presidents' families. WILSON Who put you up to this? David from beyond the grave? PRESIDENT MAUREEN Private investigator. WILSON I don’t know what you are talking about. President Maureen remains defiant, but Wilson sees through the façade. WILSON (CONT'D) I know you killed all the families so that the husbands and wives translate for you. The pain you are feeling is caused by the doctors who denied you the chance to have kids of your own because of this eugenic movement. As Wilson lays out the details of her motivations, President Maureen's face reveals a mix of shock and resentment. WILSON (CONT'D) So, you devised a plan to level the playing field, to make them understand your pain. Murdering their families to get even. PRESIDENT MAUREEN Good guess but no thanks, still not me. WILSON I haven’t finished yet. You realized that Tomorrow’s World Order will face similar challenges in the future, so you back-dated everything, creating a perfect alibi. You buried the evidence alongside their missile attack on the mansion. As Wilson continues his accusations, President Maureen attempts to open a drawer, prompting a threat from Wilson. WILSON (CONT'D) I swear I will shoot you as you did to those kids in the face and in cold blood. PRESIDENT MAUREEN Where was I? WILSON You decided to play the informant, a double agent. You stole one of the new unreleased Drones, reprogrammed it, and traded information, hoping to dump the footage of the shooting. President Maureen tries to deflect and deny, but Wilson remains relentless. WILSON (CONT'D) This is the clever part of your plan. Without us knowing about the footage, you would call the EB, so they find the footage of the shootings. You coached Marson on what to do. PRESIDENT MAUREEN Please, you are just twisting things to justify your presence here. WILSON I know because the hospital did the same to you. Abuse you inside out. Screw-you-up remotely. So, you have to screw-up somebody else. President Maureen maintains her composure, but a sharp knock at the door startles both of them. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (acting surprised) Oh, I was expecting this. Wilson is on edge, contemplating whether to shoot President Maureen or confront the person at the door. CUT TO: INT. PRESIDENT MAUREEN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The door opens, revealing an unexpected visitor. INT. PRESIDENT MAUREEN'S OFFICE - DAY Wilson confronts President Maureen, accusing her of orchestrating the deaths of the President's families and revealing her hidden motives. WILSON (angered) You tried to dump the footage with the digital watermarks before the missile attack, then realized that there is no way they are going to find the proof to bury this forever. So now that plan has been ruined, you went further to use the drones to kill the army, police, and the doctors, knowing that when we are all dead, they will find the drone with the footage and still achieve your plan. President Maureen remains defiant, refusing to admit her involvement. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (ice-cold) I don’t have anything to say to you. If you don’t mind, we have work to do! Wilson plays a recording he found before the missile attacks, revealing her as the informant and linking the emails back to her office. WILSON (angry) We found this just before the missile attacks. We believe you are the informant. The emails trace back to this office. President Maureen opens a drawer, retrieving a gun. A tense standoff ensues, resulting in a gunshot from both parties. Wilson manages to shoot her, but she also fires, hitting the window before collapsing, blood oozing out. Wilson makes a quick escape, leaving the recording on her desk. He races to the gate as security guards give chase, bullets flying. The gate begins to close, and Wilson, narrowly escaping, speeds away in his car. Gunfire peppers his vehicle as he narrowly avoids a potential capture. EXT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - GATE - DAY The security guards, frustrated, radio for backup as Wilson speeds away. SECURITY GUARD (frantic) Don’t touch that, it’s a crime scene now. The military police have been informed. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT Wilson, visibly intoxicated, bursts into the bunker where the rest of the group is gathered. He carries a bottle of whiskey and boasts about his confrontation with President Maureen. WILSON (slurring) I took her out. Played her like a fiddle. Shot her before she could shoot me. He proudly places his gun next to the whiskey bottle and starts to replay the encounter on a chip. WILSON (CONT'D) I had one recreated. What difference does it make? The group listens intently as they hear President Maureen's voice shouting and eventually sobbing. PRESIDENT MAUREEN (VOICEOVER) Shoot 'em. Shoot 'em. Wilson mimics her growling sobs with satisfaction. The others exchange uneasy glances. WILSON Marson messed up her plans. She's the mastermind behind the stolen money and the planted footage. She wanted us to chase after the money, but Marson flattened the place. The footage is still in the Holy Ghost, the invisible drone they're using to kill people. David, alarmed, stands up. DAVID That drone on the live streaming, shooting people—is ours? WILSON (grinning) Who can prove they reprogrammed it? Blame us for killing civilians. Perfect plan. DAVID (angry) We agreed she was supposed to disappear, not warn anyone we're still alive. You removed the element of surprise! WILSON (smiling) Boss, enemies of the people who kill women and children should face public wrath. No secrets. You should've seen her face. Felt good blasting her. DAVID (scolding) You were supposed to make her disappear, not leave a body! WILSON (laughing) Scared they might use maximum force before we hit back. Few women are like her. Arrogant, manipulative. David grows more frustrated, realizing Wilson's actions might jeopardize their plans. DAVID (angry) Easy on that whiskey. I want you sober. Wilson continues to revel in his actions, indifferent to the consequences. FADE OUT. ! INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT The atmosphere grows tense as Wilson, fueled by alcohol, continues to voice his erratic thoughts. WILSON (smiling) If I am sober, what excuse would I give? CAROLINA (concerned) What are you planning to do? Wilson looks serious as he reflects on their situation. WILSON (realizing) We lost because we were complacent, delayed action, and lost critical opportunities. Winning is complicated. Do we save ourselves first or prioritize saving these women and children? He questions the concept of winning and the consequences of their delayed decisions. WILSON (CONT'D) Tonight, I have an excuse. Drunk or not, whoever I shoot, I hope they forgive me because I don’t want to die! He bursts into laughter, unsettling Evelina and the others. EVELINA (frightened) This is not funny! WILSON (still laughing) Nobody said it was funny. But with all those dying, it is what it is. David, alarmed by Wilson's behavior, intervenes. DAVID (angry) Wilson, we agreed on a plan! Suddenly, Wilson raises his gun at David, revealing his erratic state of mind. WILSON (defiant) No. That's your plan, not mine. I thought I'd deal with President Maureen first, and now these are next! He sips his whiskey, further intensifying the tension in the room. WILSON (CONT'D) Word in the city is that the mating is happening this week. All this talk about Carolina or Evelina is just time-wasting to keep us babysitting them. I think he's screwing someone else—like Stacey. Somewhere out there while we're stuck here. EVELINA (angry) He's just drunk, saying things to justify what he wants to do. Wilson points at Evelina. WILSON (smiling) Look at the knockers and the booty ready to conceive. They're preparing to be pregnant. CAROLINA (disgusted) Maybe it's you who wants to screw us. WILSON (contemplative) Me? Huh? The group grows uneasy as Wilson suggests a theory about the women switching bodies. WILSON (CONT'D) As I was saying, the word in the city is that the mating has started. Stacey switched with Evelina, Evelina switched with Carolina. So, technically, Stacey is Carolina, and Carolina is Stacey. CAROLINA (dismissive) That makes no sense! Do you even know what you're talking about? DAVID (pacing) If he is right, and Stacey is in Evelina's body, then if the devil mates with her, Evelina gets pregnant. EVELINA (confused) They swapped, so we don't know! We should be out there looking for the mating place and Stacey. Tension builds as Wilson's drunken theories disrupt their already precarious situation. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT Carolina, Evelina, David, and Wilson find themselves in a tense and sobering moment, grappling with the implications of Wilson's revelations. CAROLINA (fear-struck) Proof? WILSON (serious) I don’t need to give proof. I just know. Not stupid, and not drunk either. Carolina challenges Wilson, attributing his words to alcohol. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (teasing) Alcohol talking! WILSON (smiling) Okay, I’ll give you proof. Picture Mary, the mother of Jesus, getting pregnant by God’s spirit. Whatever you are feeling is exactly what Stacey must be feeling. The tension eases momentarily with a shared laugh. DAVID (serious) I believe that happened to Mary in the Bible. Even if Stacey is to be penetrated, Carolina is the one who will get pregnant. More serious topics arise as Wilson discusses the impending danger. WILSON (ominous) This is not a laughing matter because if my sources are correct, this is day four, and only three more days to go. Only three left before hell breaks loose literally. He takes a swig from the whiskey bottle, intensifying the atmosphere. David, unable to partake in the drinking, sits down, contemplating the dire situation. DAVID (muttering to himself) Kill the devil’s baby? What am I thinking? A baby is a baby, devil's or not. Wilson, sensing David's internal struggle, reacts swiftly, pointing the gun at him. WILSON (angry) Don’t even think about it! I know what you are thinking about. Carolina and Evelina, now anxious, seek clarification. CAROLINA (confused) What is he thinking about? EVELINA (worried) David, what's going on? WILSON (smirking) David is trying to be a Joseph. To accept the devil’s baby and try to raise it. Trust me, that’s a stupid idea. He elaborates on the purpose of the devil's ghosts and their rise. WILSON (CONT'D) To protect the children from any male. If someone is to look after these women, they might be tempted to kill the babies and impregnate the women with their biological babies. The very reason for the rise of these devil’s ghosts. No one else is trusted. The gravity of the situation sinks in as Wilson's words resonate with the group. WILSON (CONT'D) The devil thinks opposite to how God thinks. He finishes the whiskey bottle with a loud burp, leaving them to confront the harsh reality of their choices. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT The gravity of the situation hangs heavily in the bunker as Wilson reveals his plan to confront the devil's impending rise. WILSON (pleading) Now you heard my point of view, I ask you for a favor. Now that you all saw me downing all that whiskey. I want you to tell me where I can find this Stacey because I must stop this devil hell from rising. Any ideas? Anyone? David? Carolina. Evelina? Bogdan! Wilson... He chuckles at himself for addressing his own name, and his movements become unsteady. WILSON (CONT'D) I could have gone right now to Marson’s house, but my sources told me that it happens at a special place, but a public area where those who witness this will be turned into the devil’s ghosts. The group, alarmed by the urgency of the situation, frantically searches their notes for any clues. DAVID (excited) If that’s true, then we have some time to stop the mating. David's face brightens with newfound hope, and he lets out a loud roar that startles everyone. WILSON (smiling) I am going to find him, find the place, and kill him. But his optimism is short-lived as Wilson delivers a grim revelation. WILSON (CONT'D) I said that anyone to find the place and witness the mating would be turned into the devil’s ghost, meaning loyal to the devil. Instead of shooting him, you become the chief protector of his son or sons. Silence falls upon the bunker, and they digest the dire consequences of witnessing the devil's mating. CAROLINA (skeptical) Who told you that? WILSON (confident) My sources. He inspects the empty whiskey bottle before throwing it away and reveals the true reason behind his drinking. WILSON (CONT'D) The real reason why I drank whiskey is that if I become the devil’s ghost... Fear creeps into Wilson's eyes as he faces an unthinkable fate. WILSON (CONT'D) I want you to promise me one thing. He pauses, squinting his eyes. WILSON (CONT'D) I will go and kill this bastard, but if I fail and turn into this evil devil ghost, whatever it is, please don’t hesitate to blow my head off. Tears well up in their eyes as they process the weight of Wilson's request. CAROLINA (assuring) You nearly gave me a heart attack thinking you drank to blow us off. They share a tearful embrace with Wilson. EVELINA (comforting) Oh, Wilson, it doesn’t have to be that way. WILSON (fearful) I am scared. I think it’s the fact of realizing that there are no more phases, and honestly, we should have died in that bunker. But I must go and look for this place. He stares at them with determination, demanding understanding. WILSON (CONT'D) What other option do we have? I can’t wait for David. For lately, he has been slow to act. Emotional attachment to the targets until they kill you. Look at Keaton and Andrew, the men who stood their ground and convinced everyone else that the solution lies with Stacey. The man in charge disregarded their opinions, waited for them to die first. Now it’s the third man in me. Still, the sense of reasoning is not trusted. His frustration and sense of betrayal are palpable. WILSON (CONT'D) I bet if he must choose between you two blossoming women and a drunkard lunatic, I guess I have no chance. Surely, with everything I lost. It sucks, I tell you. He pauses, taking a deep breath. WILSON (CONT'D) But it’s my life too! He roars, hitting the side of his head with the barrel of the gun. WILSON (CONT'D) I am a soldier. An assassin. Killing is my job, not that I kill women and children, but those are special circumstances. Still, this man sticks to his guns and would rather sacrifice me. So, I volunteered to go and kill this son of a bitch before he took over the world. The weight of Wilson's sacrifice hangs heavy in the air, leaving the group in profound silence, grappling with the choices they must make to save humanity. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT The tension escalates in the bunker as Wilson expresses his frustration and contemplates drastic measures. WILSON (angry) Think about it. The world will never be the same again if we don’t do anything. Jesus sacrificed himself so that we know it’s wrong. We must fight to live, to defeat the devil. He points the gun at each of them, emphasizing the urgency of their situation. WILSON (CONT'D) So where do I find this son of a bitch? I must blow his head off. If I had known earlier, surely, I could have stopped this. He curses, overwhelmed by the weight of their current predicament. WILSON (CONT'D) I had an instinct about all this the day I raised hell about these women. At least you should have told me a secret. This mating place to buy a lifeline. You know the drill. But you all stalled and waited until it’s too late. His emotions break through, and he starts sobbing, lamenting the cost of their inaction. WILSON (CONT'D) Now it’s costing us lives. I guess that's what it means to protect, to honor, and to be loyal, and in the end, to die like a soldier. Maybe that’s what being a soldier is about. Maybe that’s what being an assassin all is about. Tears stream down his face and the faces of everyone present. David paces, reflecting on their missed opportunities. DAVID (to himself) If it wasn’t for your stubbornness, we could have it our way. Wilson, in a moment of despair, contemplates a dark solution. WILSON (raising his gun) I want to die. If it wasn’t for your stubbornness, we could have it our way. Maybe I blow your brains out. We have a solution in front of us! He aims the gun at Evelina, then at Carolina, expressing the desperation that has taken over him. DAVID (pleading) Wilson, you are drunk. I told you it’s not a solution. That is exactly what they want you to do. Kill women and children, worse still in the womb. DAVID raises a cautionary voice, trying to pull Wilson back from the edge. WILSON (vehemently) What’s wrong with that if that saves all of us? That’s exactly how they are justifying the killings of the very women and children you are talking about. A test to see if we have what it takes to continue the human race. Survival of the fittest and the bold. Wilson's perspective on the grim reality is chilling. DAVID (imploring) Understand, Wilson. They are putting us in that position. So that if we do the same, meaning killing these, that will mean then they have no case to answer. Got it? The tension between David and Wilson reaches a boiling point. Wilson, driven by despair and alcohol, suddenly lashes out. The women scream as Wilson hits David on the side of the neck with the gun's butt. David falls, unconscious. Carolina reacts swiftly, kicking Wilson's gun away. The two women wrestle Wilson to the ground, tie him up, and lock him in a room. EVELINA (whispering) We can’t be at the same time and place. We must separate. But their escape plan is thwarted by the arrival of the leader of the assassins and his men. ASSASSIN LEADER (grim) No one is going anywhere; those were the boss’ orders. They aim their guns at Evelina, forcing her to abandon her escape plan. Carolina sits next to David's bed, holding onto him as he remains in a deep sleep. The leader of the assassins and his men guard them, watching for any signs of rebellion. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) It’s hard for everyone. I wish there was a better way, but either way. I think we must go away. If it’s true, I pray that it’s not true; otherwise, I don’t know what I would do. Evelina, feigning sleep on the couch, eavesdrops on Carolina's emotional confession. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I have to be strong. If it’s not Wilson, then I guess it must be me to blow his head off with a bullet. It’s a tough task, but I guess... She trails off, contemplating the difficult decisions that lie ahead. Evelina, now fully awake, listens intently. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Don’t sleep looking upward. Sleep on your side. Evelina adjusts her sleeping position as Carolina continues talking, unaware that Evelina is awake. The loud footsteps of the assassins changing shifts startle the group. Evelina snaps awake, hearing Carolina talking and sobbing. As the footsteps fade away, she stealthily gets up and sits down, her eyes red from secret crying. CAROLINA (resolute) I have to be strong. If it’s not Wilson, then I guess it must be me to blow his head off with a bullet. It’s a tough task, but I guess... Evelina starts snoring, pretending to be asleep. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Don’t sleep looking upward. Sleep on your side. Evelina mumbles in her sleep, complying with Carolina's instructions. The room remains heavy with the weight of their impending choices and the emotional toll it's taking on each of them. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT Evelina rushes downstairs, panic in her voice. EVELINA (screaming) Wilson has run out. There is no one in the room. Damn it! Don’t just sit there if David finds out, he will be mad! Carolina, alarmed, grabs her gun and follows Evelina downstairs. CAROLINA (hurrying) I am coming back. Evelina is a few steps behind Carolina. Carolina enters Wilson's room and finds him peacefully sleeping. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (to herself) Thank goodness. Carolina checks Wilson's pulse, ensuring he's okay. She looks around for Evelina but notices no footsteps following her. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Damn it! Realizing Evelina has slipped away, Carolina rushes back upstairs. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (to herself) Damn it! Concerned about David, she hurries to his room. CAROLINA (CONT'D) You are awake? DAVID (sleepily) Mmm... Carolina breathes a sigh of relief but notices David falling back into a deep sleep. She runs outside, spots Evelina about to turn a corner, and hesitates to use force. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (shouting) Evelina! Come back! Evelina stops briefly, glancing back at Carolina. Carolina lowers her gun, urging her to return. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (pleading) Evelina, come back! Inside the bunker, Carolina reaches for the radio to contact the assassins guarding the gate, but the phone is ringing. David instinctively answers in his half-awake state. DAVID (over the phone) Hello. Carolina curses silently, realizing the call could blow their cover. ASSASSIN (over the phone) Sir, you are awake? David drops the receiver without responding and falls back asleep. The assassin asks for permission to let Evelina pass, Carolina reluctantly agrees, and Evelina heads out. CAROLINA (frustrated) (phone) Damn it! She attempts to contact Bogdan, but he's unreachable. Wilson, now awake and disoriented, realizes his gun is missing. WILSON (dazed) My gun... He searches around and heads to the bathroom. In his confusion, he roars loudly, waking David. WILSON (CONT'D) Carolina, David, Evelina, Bogdan, where is... my gun? David, now alert, senses trouble. DAVID (urgently) Where is Evelina? Has Bogdan found the place? Carolina hesitates, a troubled expression on her face. CAROLINA (softly) Evelina...she... David presses, concern growing. DAVID (CONT'D) Carolina, where is Evelina? She avoids eye contact, torn between revealing the truth and protecting David from the harsh reality. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT David, Carolina, and Bogdan are tense, exchanging worried glances. The room is filled with an atmosphere of urgency. EVELINA (V.O.) (overlapping) I had to run away. Evelina's words linger in the air as David gets up, visibly frustrated. Evelina enters the room, visibly shaken, and starts crying. EVELINA (CONT'D) I could not leave you alone. DAVID (consoling) I don't know whom to trust. I had a vivid flashback about what you said happened to Javelina. David expresses gratitude, understanding the gravity of the situation. Evelina looks emotionally torn. DAVID (CONT'D) Maybe you are right. EVELINA (teary) Bogdan? BOGDAN (enters) On his way back. It isn't the place. David quickly radios the assassins at the gate, listening intently to their response. He stands up, touching his neck, a sense of urgency in his movements. DAVID (grimly) We must find this place. We have three days, or we are all finished. He looks at Carolina, conveying the severity of the situation. Wilson enters shirtless and agitated. WILSON (roaring) I DAVID (sarcastically) Why? Where do you want to go? WILSON (agitated) Don't you know that we have three days only left, and I must put a bullet in the head of that devil? Don't let me ask you again. Wilson looks at David, who throws him a gun and a dagger. DAVID (CONT'D) I think I understood you now. WILSON (smiling) Who has ever seen a drunkard assassin? DAVID (raising hand) I have. Wilson leaves with a warning about the consequences if he turns into a devil ghost. David reciprocates the sentiment. Carolina remains silent as Wilson departs. CAROLINA (hopefully) Be careful. Come back soon. The car revs, tires screeching, and Wilson speeds away. Bogdan returns, reporting no success in finding the place. BOGDAN (voice filled with concern) What if it's another city? WILSON (V.O.) (agitated) Feels like it's now pointless and all over. David, Carolina, and Bogdan share a somber moment, realizing the gravity of the impending threat. DAVID (reading notes) They will mate where everyone could see, but only a few could see, and those who see become the devil's ghosts. CAROLINA (speculating) Maybe they took her to the Devil’s Eye islands or even deeper to the Eye of the Devil’s Eye Island. BOGDAN (increasingly worried) What if we can't find the place? Wilson returns, still agitated. David suggests Wilson focuses on finding Evelina first. The realization of the ticking clock intensifies their desperation. DAVID (CONT'D) (voice filled with urgency) When it matters the most, we all draw blanks. All this time we were spot on. So, let's keep searching. A beep sound startles them, signaling the urgency of the approaching deadline. DAVID (CONT'D) (urgently) One hour to go. They sit down, determined to continue their search despite the mounting pressure. The room is filled with a palpable sense of anxiety and anticipation. his phone. The caller ID displayed an unknown number. David hesitated but answered. DAVID (on the phone) Who is this? MYSTERIOUS VOICE (distorted) You're running out of time, David. DAVID (angry) Who the hell are you? MYSTERIOUS VOICE (chuckles) The one who knows where the mating will occur. David's eyes widen as he listens intently. The others exchange worried glances. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (CONT'D) If you want to stop it, come alone to the abandoned warehouse at the outskirts. You have twenty minutes. The call ends abruptly. David looks at the group, a mix of determination and fear on his face. DAVID It seems we have another lead. An abandoned warehouse at the outskirts. CAROLINA Let's go. We don't have time to waste. They quickly exit the glass bunker, leaving the usher bewildered. The SUVs speed away toward the outskirts of the city. CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The SUVs screech to a halt outside the warehouse. David, Carolina, and the others exit with weapons drawn. The atmosphere is tense. CAROLINA (looking around) Where's Wilson? BOGDAN (glancing around) He's not here. They exchange worried glances. DAVID (grimly) We proceed carefully. This could be a trap. They cautiously approach the entrance of the warehouse, guns at the ready. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The group enters the dimly lit warehouse, scanning their surroundings. The mysterious voice echoes through the space. MYSTERIOUS VOICE Welcome, David. You made it just in time. They continue moving deeper into the warehouse, guided by the eerie voice. CUT TO: A MYSTERIOUS FIGURE Cloaked in shadows, the figure watches the group's every move. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (whispering) The final act is about to unfold. FADE OUT. DAVID (grimacing) Not now. He continued climbing, dodging the occasional bullets fired by the mysterious figure. Carolina, Bogdan, and the assassins intensified their gunfire, creating a chaotic scene. CAROLINA (shouting) Keep firing! We can't let that window close! The mysterious figure, hidden behind the gun barrel, cursed as the constant hail of bullets disrupted their aim. David finally reached the top and climbed inside the glass plane. CUT TO: INT. GLASS PLANE - CONTINUOUS David found himself in a small control room with various monitors displaying different parts of the city. He spotted a control panel and rushed toward it. The mysterious figure continued firing at him from outside. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (yelling) You won't stop it! DAVID (gritting his teeth) I'm going to try! David frantically started pressing buttons on the control panel, trying to understand the complex system. The glass plane became visible, then invisible again as the camouflage flickered. CUT TO: EXT. ALTAR STATUE - NIGHT Carolina and the others kept firing at the glass plane, determined to buy David enough time. CAROLINA (shouting) Keep shooting! We can't lose him! Suddenly, the glass plane started descending. The mysterious figure continued firing, desperate to prevent David from interfering. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE No! You can't! CUT TO: INT. GLASS PLANE - CONTINUOUS David, sweating and focused, managed to access the system controls. He located a button labeled "Abort Mating Sequence." DAVID (hopeful) This has to work. He slammed his hand on the button. CUT TO: EXT. ALTAR STATUE - NIGHT The glass plane suddenly stopped descending. The camouflage remained off, revealing the suspended glass plane. CAROLINA (exhales) David did it! BOGDAN (relieved) We have to secure the area. They cautiously approached the glass plane. The mysterious figure, realizing defeat, dropped their weapon. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE (surrendering) You can't change destiny. Carolina and the others apprehended the mysterious figure. The glass plane, now visible, hung in the air. CUT TO: INT. GLASS PLANE - CONTINUOUS David, exhausted, climbed out of the control room. He looked at the arrested mysterious figure. DAVID (angry) Who are you? The mysterious figure chuckled. MYSTERIOUS FIGURE Just a pawn in a much larger game. FADE OUT. EXT. ALTAR STATUE - NIGHT The group rushes to the waiting SUVs, urgency etched on their faces. The night sky looms ominously overhead. DAVID (getting into the SUV) Our priority now is to find Evelina and gather information. We can't afford any more setbacks. CAROLINA (nodding) Agreed. We must stay one step ahead of Marson and whatever forces he's unleashed. BOGDAN (looking around) And what about Wilson? Is he still a reliable asset? DAVID (solemn) We can't afford internal conflicts. Wilson needs to pull himself together. Our survival depends on it. They speed away from the altar statue, leaving the unsettling scene behind. CUT TO: INT. SUV - NIGHT The SUV races through the dark city streets, the tension inside palpable. David checks his notes, his mind racing. DAVID (voiceover) We have a limited window. Marson won't rest until he achieves his twisted goals. CAROLINA (determined) We need to find answers about Stacey, the devil's ghosts, and Marson's endgame. BOGDAN (glancing at David) What if Wilson decides to act on his own? DAVID (resolute) We can't let personal conflicts jeopardize our mission. We must confront Marson together. CUT TO: EXT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT The SUVs screech to a halt outside the GRB bunker. The group rushes inside, greeted by the dimly lit corridors. INT. GRB BUNKER - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT The command center is abuzz with activity as the group gathers around a large table covered with maps and documents. DAVID (looking at the maps) We need to strategize. Find any leads on Evelina's whereabouts. CAROLINA (scanning the documents) And we must prepare for Marson's retaliation. He won't stop until he thinks we're eradicated. BOGDAN (nervously) What if the devil's ghosts are already on the move? DAVID (determined) Then we'll deal with them when the time comes. Right now, our focus is finding Evelina and uncovering Marson's plans. They huddle together, formulating their next moves in the face of impending danger. CUT TO: INT. WILSON'S CAR - NIGHT Wilson speeds through the city streets, fueled by anger and desperation. His mind races with conflicting emotions. WILSON (angry) I should've taken the shot when I had the chance. Damn it, David! He tightens his grip on the steering wheel, his resolve hardening. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT David stands face to face with Carolina, the weight of their predicament heavy in the air. DAVID (sincere) Carolina, I understand your concerns, and I share your fears. This situation is unprecedented, and I'm doing everything I can to navigate it. CAROLINA (looking frustrated) What can you do? Keaton, Andrew, and now Wilson—they all questioned your decisions. Is there even a solution? DAVID (taking a deep breath) We're in uncharted territory, and I won't deny that the road ahead is perilous. But I won't let fear dictate our actions. We need to find solutions, not just for ourselves but for the world. CAROLINA (angry) Solutions? What solutions? You talk about defending our seats, attacking the elders, but where does that leave us? Hanging by a thread, as you said. David reaches out to Carolina, attempting to ease the tension. DAVID (softly) Carolina, I know it seems bleak, and I can't guarantee a perfect solution. But I need you here, with the team. We're stronger together. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) I'm scared, David. I'm scared for myself, for Evelina, for everyone. I don't want to be a pawn in this twisted game. David gently wipes away her tears. DAVID (whispering) I won't let anything happen to you. We'll face the challenges together. Trust me. CAROLINA (nodding) Trust is hard to come by in these times. They stand in a somber silence, aware of the uncertainties surrounding them. DAVID (looking determined) Carolina, promise me you won't go out there alone. We need unity now more than ever. Carolina hesitates but eventually nods in agreement. CAROLINA Alright, David. I'll stay within the GRB's perimeter. But we need real answers, not just promises. DAVID (smiling faintly) Agreed. We'll find those answers together. For now, let's regroup with the team and face what comes next. They exit the room, uncertainty lingering in the air as the fate of the world hangs in the balance. FADE OUT. INT. GRB BUNKER - NIGHT The room is filled with tension as David and Carolina confront the harsh reality of their situation. DAVID (sincerely) Carolina, I know this is overwhelming, but we can't lose hope. We've survived against all odds before, and we'll find a way through this. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) Hope? David, hope seems like a distant memory. I never signed up for this kind of life, running from everyone, even those who were once our allies. DAVID (nodding) I understand your frustration, and I share it. But we can't let fear dictate our decisions. You're not alone in this, and we'll face the challenges together. Carolina looks at David, a mix of emotions evident in her eyes. CAROLINA (whispering) But what if I become like Stacey? Pregnant with the devil's child. I can't put everyone at risk. David takes a deep breath, grappling with the severity of the situation. DAVID (softly) We'll find a way to deal with it, Carolina. I won't let anything happen to you or the team. There must be a solution, and we'll find it together. Carolina looks down, the weight of her predicament sinking in. CAROLINA (sobbing) I just can't believe how quickly everything changed. One moment, we were chasing enemies, and now we're being hunted by our own. It's like a nightmare. DAVID (trying to comfort) Nightmares end, Carolina. We need to stay focused on what we can control and find a way to turn the tide in our favor. Carolina wipes away her tears, frustration evident on her face. CAROLINA (bitterly) Where did we go wrong, David? This isn't how it was supposed to be. DAVID (self-reflective) I take responsibility for the decisions I made. Acting as a leader and being human at the same time is an intricate balance, and I guess I messed up. CAROLINA (sincere) It's been a wild rollercoaster, David. From chasing enemies to being hunted by our own. The emotional turmoil is unbearable. DAVID (resolute) We'll figure it out, Carolina. We have to. Now, more than ever, we need to stick together. They share a somber moment, acknowledging the gravity of their situation. FADE OUT. EXT. GRB BUNKER GATE - DAY Carolina sits inside her SUV, trapped between the closing electric gate and Wilson's menacing presence. The tension in the air is palpable. WILSON (smirking) Leaving so soon, Carolina? I thought you were part of the team. Carolina rolls down the window, attempting to maintain composure. CAROLINA (nervously) I needed some time alone. The pressure in there is suffocating. Wilson leans closer, his eyes scrutinizing her. WILSON (smirking) Time alone? Or plotting an escape? CAROLINA (defiantly) I'm not your enemy, Wilson. We're on the same side. WILSON (raising an eyebrow) Same side? You're with David, and I'm not so sure whose side he's on these days. Carolina shifts uncomfortably in her seat, glancing at the gun concealed between her legs. CAROLINA (stammering) David's trying to figure things out. We need each other right now. Wilson chuckles, a cynical edge to his laughter. WILSON (sarcastically) Figuring things out, huh? Sounds like a great plan. How about you figure out whose side you're really on? Carolina takes a deep breath, trying to maintain her resolve. CAROLINA (angry) I'm on the side of survival. Yours included. Wilson smirks and taps the gun against the window. WILSON (smirking) Survival. A word with many interpretations. Let's see how committed you are. The gate fully opens, and Wilson gestures for Carolina to proceed. She cautiously starts driving through the gate. INT. CAROLINA'S SUV - CONTINUOUS Carolina drives past Wilson, her eyes fixed on the rear-view mirror. The tension in the air is thick as she navigates away from the GRB bunker. EXT. GRB BUNKER GATE - CONTINUOUS Wilson watches the SUV disappear into the distance. His expression shifts from skepticism to contemplation. WILSON (muttering to himself) Survival, indeed. Wilson glances at the gate, a storm of conflicting thoughts visible on his face. FADE OUT. INT. CAROLINA'S SUV - DAY Carolina sits alone in the SUV, still gripping the spare gun. The atmosphere is tense as David's voice crackles through the phone. DAVID (concerned) Caro, what's going on? Why did Wilson stop you? CAROLINA (nervously) David, I don't know. He... he wanted to talk, but he took my gun. DAVID (angry) What? Why did you let him take it? CAROLINA (defensively) He threatened me, David. I didn't have a choice. DAVID (frustrated) Where is he now? CAROLINA (looking around) He's gone. He said we'll meet again somewhere. DAVID (serious) Stay calm, Caro. I'll deal with this. Don't do anything risky. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) David, I'm scared. What if he comes after me? DAVID (reassuring) Listen to me. Head back to the GRB bunker. I'll handle Wilson. We can't afford any distractions now. Carolina hesitates but nods, wiping away her tears. CAROLINA Okay, I'll head back. Be careful, David. DAVID I will. Trust me, Caro. I promise we'll get through this. The call ends, leaving Carolina anxious and uncertain about what lies ahead. EXT. GRB BUNKER GATE - DAY Carolina turns the SUV around, driving back towards the GRB bunker. She glances at the rear-view mirror, half-expecting to see Wilson following her. FADE OUT. from the confrontation, leaving Wilson standing there, still seething with frustration. The atmosphere was tense as they entered the GRB bunker, the heavy metal door closing behind them. INT. GRB BUNKER - MAIN ROOM - DAY David, Bogdan, and Carolina's absence hasn't gone unnoticed. The rest of the team looks at them, sensing the tension. DAVID (to the team) We need to regroup. Wilson's agitated, but we can't afford internal conflicts now. BOGDAN (agrees) David's right. Let's focus on our common goal - stopping Marson and the devil's ghosts. The team nods in agreement, and they gather around a table to discuss their next moves. CUT TO: EXT. GRB BUNKER - DAY Carolina speeds away from the GRB bunker, her mind racing with the recent encounters. She glances at the spare gun lying on the passenger seat. CAROLINA (to herself) What a mess... As she drives through the city, her thoughts are a whirlwind of confusion and fear. The reality of the situation sinks in - the devil's ghosts, the impending war, and the challenges that lie ahead. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - LATER Carolina pulls over to the side of the road, taking a moment to collect herself. She dials a number on her phone. CAROLINA (into the phone) Evelina, it's me. I need to talk. CUT TO: INT. GRB BUNKER - MAIN ROOM - CONTINUOUS The team discusses strategies, unaware of Carolina's decision to reach out to Evelina. DAVID We need to find Marson's location and strike before he executes his plan. BOGDAN (agrees) We can't afford to wait. Time is running out. The team intensifies their focus on the mission, determined to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. FADE OUT. and worried about the impending doom. DAVID We need to act quickly. Stacey is the key. If she's alive, we might still have a chance. BOGDAN We can't let fear control us. We need a plan, and we need to find Stacey. David took a deep breath and stood up, regaining some composure. DAVID (CONT'D) Gather the team. We have work to do. CUT TO: INT. GRB BUNKER - STRATEGY ROOM - LATER The team is gathered around a large table, studying maps and data. David and Bogdan lead the discussion. DAVID Stacey is the only one who can help us now. We need to locate her and find out what she knows. BOGDAN We should split into teams. One to search for Stacey, and the other to gather information on the devil's ghosts. DAVID (nods) Good idea. We can't afford to waste any time. Carolina should be with us when we find Stacey. Bogdan assigns team members to each task, and they start making preparations. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Carolina is still driving, processing the information about the devil's ghosts and the darkness that has fallen upon the world. She receives a call on her phone. CAROLINA (into the phone) Hello? DAVID (V.O.) Caro, we need you back at the GRB. We have a plan, and we need everyone on board. Carolina hesitates but realizes the urgency in David's voice. CAROLINA I'm on my way. She makes a U-turn and heads back towards the GRB. CUT TO: INT. GRB BUNKER - STRATEGY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Carolina enters the room where the team is gathered. CAROLINA What's the plan? David briefs her on their strategy to locate Stacey and gather information on the devil's ghosts. The team gears up for the challenging tasks ahead. FADE OUT. DAVID No, we can't lose hope. We need to find Stacey and Evelina. We need to understand what's happening and come up with a plan. BOGDAN David is right. Giving up now is not an option. We have faced challenges before, and we'll face this one too. Wilson winces in pain, clutching his ribs. WILSON I don't care about myself, but we need to secure the future. We can't let the devil's team take control. DAVID We need information. We need to know where Stacey is, and we need to find a way to communicate with her. BOGDAN And we can't forget Evelina. She might be the key to understanding Marson's plans. They nod in agreement. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT The team, now joined by Carolina, sets out to gather information and search for Stacey and Evelina. The city is in chaos, with people fearing the darkness and the unknown. CUT TO: INT. GRB BUNKER - LATER David and Bogdan are analyzing data, trying to make sense of the global situation. BOGDAN It's clear that the devil's team has an upper hand. We need a game-changer. DAVID Stacey is our game-changer. We just need to find her. Carolina enters the room with urgency. CAROLINA I have information. A contact of mine says he knows someone who has encountered the devil's ghosts. We should meet him. They exchange determined looks. CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The team meets Carolina's contact, a SURVIVOR who recounts his encounter with the devil's ghosts. SURVIVOR (terrified) They were like shadows, moving without making a sound. I felt their presence, and then everything went dark. They spared me, but I saw others who weren't so lucky. DAVID (intensely) How can we fight them? SURVIVOR No one knows. They're like an unstoppable force. BOGDAN We can't afford to give in to fear. We need to find Stacey and Evelina, and we need to find a way to defeat these ghosts. DAVID (staring into the darkness) The darkest hour is just before dawn. We'll find a way. FADE OUT. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David and Wilson stand face-to-face, tension thick in the air. The room is dimly lit, casting shadows across their determined faces. WILSON You can't deny the truth, David. Carolina is the key to the devil's plan. Sending her away is the only way to save us all. DAVID (angry) You think I don't know the stakes? But I won't sacrifice the woman I love to save myself. Wilson steps closer, the tension escalating. WILSON (sarcastic) Love? Do you even know what's happening out there? The devil's ghosts, the darkness consuming the world. It's all because of her. DAVID (furious) Enough! I won't let you harm her. We'll find another way to stop this madness. Wilson raises his gun, pointing it at David. WILSON You're too blinded by emotions to see the bigger picture. DAVID (resolute) Maybe I am, but I won't let fear dictate my choices. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Bogdan enters, holding his gun. BOGDAN Enough of this! Lower your weapons. Both David and Wilson reluctantly lower their guns. BOGDAN We're on the same side, remember? Fighting each other won't help us. Wilson glares at David before storming out of the room. Bogdan turns to David. BOGDAN He's scared, David. We all are. But we can't lose sight of what we're fighting for. DAVID I won't abandon Carolina. BOGDAN Then let's find another way. We need a plan, not internal conflicts. CUT TO: INT. GRB BUNKER - LATER David, Bogdan, and Carolina gather around a table, maps and data spread out before them. DAVID We need to understand the devil's plan. There has to be a way to counteract it without sacrificing Carolina. BOGDAN We need more information. Wilson might have a point about Stacey and Evelina. CAROLINA I won't let anyone use me as a pawn. We have to find a solution that doesn't involve sending me away. They brainstorm ideas, determined to navigate the complex situation they find themselves in. FADE OUT. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT The room is tense, filled with the aftermath of the fight between David and Wilson. The assassins cautiously watch as David, nursing his wounds, contemplates the weight of Wilson's words. DAVID (whispering to himself) Five billion lives... Bogdan approaches David, concern etched on his face. BOGDAN David, are you okay? David looks up, a mixture of pain and determination in his eyes. DAVID We need a plan. Wilson might be onto something. Love... can it really save us? BOGDAN (serious) Love has a power of its own, my friend. But it's not just about romantic love. It's about the love we have for humanity, for our purpose. DAVID (looking around at his team) Wilson thinks I need to fall in love to save us all. To match the devil's power. BOGDAN Love isn't a switch you can turn on and off. But if there's a chance, we must explore it. For the greater good. David takes a deep breath, looking at Carolina, who stands nearby. DAVID (whispering) Carolina, Evelina, Stacey... They deserve more than being bargaining chips. But if there's a chance to save the world... CAROLINA (resolute) David, we're with you, no matter what. DAVID We need information about the devil's plan, about the rise of the Holy Ghost. And we need to find a way to trigger it. The room buzzes with activity as the team starts strategizing. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - SEVEN DAYS LATER The tension has escalated as the second night of darkness approaches. David, now more determined than ever, stands before the team. DAVID We need to act now. Whatever it takes to understand the devil's plan, we must do it. And if falling in love is the key, then so be it. The team nods in agreement, ready for the challenging days ahead. FADE OUT. EXT. DEVIL'S LAIR - NIGHT David and Wilson, disguised in dark attire, stealthily approach the ominous Devil's Lair. The air is thick with tension as they prepare to rescue Evelina and Carolina. DAVID (whispering) Remember, we need to act as one, like interchangeable keys. If we're successful, we can seal the chapters and stop the devil. WILSON (nodding) Got it. They sneak into the lair, navigating through dimly lit corridors. The echoes of distant cries and eerie whispers fill the air. As they reach a chamber, they find Evelina and Carolina restrained, surrounded by ominous symbols. EVELINA (whispering) David? CAROLINA (confused) Bogdan? DAVID (smiling) No, it's me, David. We're here to rescue you both. WILSON And I'm Wilson. We're the interchangeable keys to seal the chapters. Evelina and Carolina exchange puzzled glances, uncertain of the unfolding situation. CAROLINA (whispering) What's happening? EVELINA (whispering) And where's Bogdan? DAVID We need to act fast. There's no time to explain. Wilson, take Evelina. I'll take Carolina. Wilson and David swiftly untie the women and guide them out of the lair. The atmosphere grows tense as they navigate through the labyrinthine passages. EXT. DEVIL'S LAIR - NIGHT The group emerges into the cool night air. They realize the significance of their roles in the cosmic battle against the devil. DAVID (looking at Carolina) We need to perform the ritual together. We're the keys to seal the chapters and bring forth the Holy Ghost. CAROLINA (looking at David) But why us? WILSON (grinning) Because love has a power of its own. Now, let's save the world. The four of them form a circle, clasping hands. Symbols glow around them as they channel their collective energy. DAVID We stand as one, against the forces of darkness. CAROLINA For humanity and the world we love. The symbols intensify, creating a protective barrier around them. EVELINA (looking at David) We can do this together. The ritual reaches its climax, and a blinding light envelops them. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - DAY The team watches the news as the sunrise lasts longer than before. The darkness begins to recede. TV ANCHOR (reporting) Unexplained events have unfolded as the sun shines longer today. Darkness seems to be retreating. DAVID (smiling) We did it. The team celebrates their victory, knowing that love, sacrifice, and unity have prevailed against the forces of darkness. FADE OUT. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson gather in the dimly lit GRB headquarters, contemplating the dire situation. DAVID We need to find Evelina before the devil does. If he has Stacey and gets Evelina, it's game over for us. BOGDAN Nodding in agreement We must act fast. Time is running out. WILSON I'm with you guys. Let's bring them back and put an end to this nightmare. They rush to their SUVs and speed off into the night, determined to locate Evelina and thwart the devil's plans. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT The SUVs race through the city streets, weaving through traffic as the urgency of their mission weighs heavily on them. DAVID looking focused We can't afford any delays. We need to find Evelina and Carolina before the devil does. The first SUV comes to a sudden stop, causing the others to brake abruptly. David steps out, his expression tense. DAVID What's the problem? ASSASSIN #1 (looking concerned) We're not sure. The GPS isn't responding. DAVID (gritting his teeth) We can't waste time. Get it fixed quickly. The team works frantically to resolve the issue, aware that every second counts. CUT TO: INT. EB MEETING ROOM - DAY The Executive Board (EB) discusses the threat posed by T.W.O and the need to form a specialized team. EB LEADER We've lost two Presidents, and we can't afford to lose more. We need to take action against T.W.O. MARSON entering the room I just can't believe they survived the missile strike. But we're on their trail. If you need assistance, let me know. The decision to establish a dedicated team to combat T.W.O is made, setting the stage for an intense battle between the forces of good and evil. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson watch the news, learning about strange incidents and the possible manifestation of the devil's ghosts. TV ANCHOR Is mankind doomed? The devil's ghosts are wreaking havoc, leaving a trail of death in their wake. WILSON looking at David This is escalating. We need to find Evelina and Carolina fast. DAVID determined We won't let them win. Let's get back on track. They prepare to embark on the crucial mission, knowing that the fate of humanity rests on their shoulders. FADE OUT. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson sit in the dimly lit headquarters, glued to the news unfolding on the television. TV ANCHOR ...the rise of this new leader signals a dark era for humanity. He is expected to eliminate his enemies, possibly causing mass killings to spread fear and make it easier to establish his kingdom. DAVID (turning to the others) This is worse than we thought. If he's trying to surpass God and the devil in mass killings, we're in for a grim reality. Bogdan switches off the TV, and the room falls into an uneasy silence. CUT TO: EXT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - DAY The next day, the assassin approaches David with a troubled expression. ASSASSIN (sounding uncertain) Not sure if it's a mistake, but yesterday, the day had 25 hours. The sun shone for seven hours, and darkness lasted for eighteen hours. DAVID (confused) How could we gain an hour when they haven't lost any? ASSASSIN (gravely) I think the devil has risen. David quickly turns to his diary, searching for answers. The realization hits them hard. DAVID (switching channels) For the first time in history, we had a 25-hour day. Professor Bitmask, is this a sign of the devil's rise? TV ANCHOR ...Professor, is there any hope for mankind? Can someone among us rise to the challenge and defeat the devil? PROFESSOR BITMASK (smiling) God knew mankind needed assistance to act like Him. The Holy Spirit's birth of Jesus added godliness to humanity. Hope lies in solving God's Dilemma, and if the devil discovers it, there's a chance for rescue. TV ANCHOR But David of TWO failed. How can we expect anyone among us to succeed? PROFESSOR BITMASK (grinning) Fate can't be fought. If the devil discovers God's Dilemma, he might find a way to rescue us. I am very hopeful. The news spreads optimism, and the crowd cheers. TV ANCHOR How can you be sure David is alive? PROFESSOR BITMASK (teasingly) I have a friend who was one-hundred percent sure in the mansion with him. The crowd buzzes with excitement, eager for a glimmer of hope in these dark times. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson exchange glances, a newfound determination burning in their eyes. FADE OUT. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and the group huddle together, discussing their next move. BOGDAN (pondering) There must be something we can do to stop him, delay the majority, and prevent the obliteration mission. Once he delays the majority, we're in serious trouble. DAVID (resolute) What can we take advantage of? BOGDAN (suggesting) This period is marked by keys offering secrets for a share of the world's wealth. We can use our money to pay off these keys. He might not kill all of them. DAVID (realizing) But isn't that before they reach the majority? BOGDAN (confident) We still have one outstanding key – Evelina. They exchange concerned glances. DAVID (taking charge) First, we need to address EB. They might be gathering a team to eliminate us. BOGDAN (agreed) I'll map their movements, establish a pattern of their activities, and then launch the Drone-guns. DAVID (resolute) Make sure there's no chance of survival. We can't afford any risks now. Bogdan nods and heads off to carry out the mission. DAVID (frustrated) Even after we took out the real threat to them, they're still coming after us. This is messed up. BOGDAN (grim) We're a threat now. Two Presidents died by our hands. We need to act before they strike. David, pacing, stops abruptly. DAVID (anger) Attack is the best form of defense. I want to know their every move. Once we have a pattern, launch the Drone-guns. No chances. BOGDAN (solemn) I wish Triga was here. DAVID (ruminating) He still has to claim his share. Can he risk it and come back? BOGDAN (musing) If he can seize the opportunity and claim his share, he might take the risk. Wilson retrieves a leaflet announcing the call for keys to come forward and open the scriptures for a share. WILSON (reading) "I know the place." Wilson, checking his weapons, leaves abruptly. EXT. QUIET CITY STREET - NIGHT Wilson parks his car in a quiet part of the city. He leans against the driver's door, observing a building. Ringing the bell, he quickly retreats to his car. A man comes out, scans the area, and goes back inside. Wilson, lying low in the car, feels the urge to pee. WILSON (whispering) Triga. He hides, observing Triga, then runs to a nearby building to relieve himself. Triga seems alarmed. TRIGA (to the smartly dressed man) Did someone ring the bell earlier? Was someone here? Wilson, now armed, overhears Triga's conversation. SMARTLY DRESSED MAN (interrogating) I want to claim my share. I can prove I am the key to chapter twenty-one of the gold scriptures. Wilson senses a tense confrontation. FADE OUT. INT. TRIGA'S CAR - NIGHT Triga speeds away, glancing nervously at his rearview mirror. The tension is palpable. WILSON (V.O.) (yelling) Triga! Triga! Stop. David wants you alive! Triga's heart races as he hears Wilson's voice. He quickly weighs his options and decides to comply. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Triga slams on the brakes, bringing his car to a screeching halt. He quickly parks the car by the side of the road. Wilson emerges from his hiding spot, demanding Triga's attention. WILSON (authoritative) Stop or I will shoot you! Triga, fearing for his life, opens the car door and leaps out. He stands there, hands raised, as Wilson approaches. WILSON (grinning) Good choice. Park your car and jump in with me. Triga, realizing the gravity of the situation, obeys Wilson's command. He quickly parks his car and nervously gets into Wilson's vehicle. INT. WILSON'S CAR - NIGHT The atmosphere is tense as Triga sits beside Wilson, who is visibly determined. WILSON (intimidating) You thought you could run forever, Triga. Now, you're working for us. TRIGA (nervously) What do you want from me? WILSON (smirking) Information. Secrets. Everything you know. Triga gulps, realizing that his deal with the man at the building might have just put him in a dangerous position. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Wilson's car speeds away, leaving Triga's car behind. The night is filled with uncertainty and the looming threat of the inevitable. INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson sit in the dimly lit room. Tension fills the air as David addresses the recent developments. DAVID (gravely) Did someone die? Is Triga okay? Evelina? Stacey? Carolina? All okay? WILSON (heavy-hearted) I haven't seen any. Wilson's voice reveals the turmoil within him. David, concerned, flips through TV channels for updates. TV REPORTER (on screen) The police, secret services, the military, and the diplomatic guards, the anti-terrorism unit, the anti-money laundering, the Presidential bodyguards, the diplomatic bodyguards, and the EB are all after T.W.O leaders on several charges. David's expression darkens as he absorbs the gravity of the situation. BOGDAN (astonished) I can't believe that everyone is after us. DAVID (nodding) The system is designed like a pyramid. The few at the top control the heavy bottom. Now, all feel we are taking their food. A hungry man is an angry man. They all must defend the system to save their jobs. TV REPORTER (on screen) Hospital chiefs and managers have raised concerns too about TWO’s leadership. They fear TWO will put them out of business and believe that TWO is sabotaging their efforts as well. BOGDAN (confused) Why the doctors and hospital managers? DAVID (enlightening) Everyone else depends on these. The real culprits. They create jobs for everyone else. That’s why everyone stands by them. But if it all boils down, they have a lot of explaining to do. David notices a tear rolling down Wilson’s cheek. DAVID (softly) Come here. Sit down. Wilson takes a seat, and David continues. DAVID (serious) When Javelina died, I blamed myself. I cried inside without a tear on my cheeks, but inside I was drenched that I nearly drowned emotionally. You can’t hide that feeling. It takes some beating to know that feeling. So, who died? You can’t lie to me anymore. Wilson starts sobbing uncontrollably. WILSON (choked) The kid is dead, Boss! DAVID (sincere) Triga died in my hands today. I am so sorry. Wilson sobs, overwhelmed by guilt. WILSON (broken) I swear I meant not to kill him. David places a comforting hand on Wilson's shoulder as the weight of their actions sinks in. The room is filled with an unsettling silence. EXT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David, Bogdan, and Wilson sit in the parked car, discussing their next move. DAVID (resolute) It’s the fate of all these keys. They all die in the end no matter how hard you try to save them. When Javelina died, I did everything to protect her, but 2 seconds from the finish, they stole their victory. I know the feeling. We must stick together. Instead of looking for Evelina, Stacey, and Carolina, I say we go and attack at home territory but stealthily. Marson must be back in the city. The honeymoon is over. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN MANSION - NIGHT A car, camouflaged to perfection, is parked at a distance from a grand isolated mansion. David presses a button, making the car instantly invisible. A huge limousine arrives, and a large man struggles to exit. LARGE MAN (breathing hard) They don’t make these doors wide enough nowadays, do they? The driver parks, and a massive SUV roars to life and leaves the garage. The large man, holding a briefcase, enters the mansion briefly and comes back out, jumping into the SUV. David curses, realizing it's not the right moment. DAVID (angry) Maybe another day. David waits for hours before finally driving off. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David fumes as he addresses the team. DAVID (irritated) We will have a lot of outstanding targets still not accomplished. We can’t work like this. I requested something to be done, and that must be done. The problem is that everything I requested closes a loophole. Once all loopholes are closed, only then can we move forward. We can’t skip these and hope to launch an attack. As long as these are outstanding, fighting back is just a wish. I don’t work with wishes. I work with plans that give results. WILSON (resolute) Okay, let’s see what is still outstanding. DAVID (determined) The tenth diplomat is still outstanding. He must be our target. One of these ten diplomats is a member of the Devil’s Eye cult. If we take him out and another, that will delay the release of the devil’s ghost by at least two weeks. Time we desperately need. David emphasizes the importance of their next move. CUT TO: INT. GRB HEADQUARTERS - LATER THAT DAY Wilson checks the drone-gun history, system, and patterns. WILSON (realization) It keeps missing the target. It is a few fractions off. I guess it’s just a calibration thing. Wilson looks haunted, but he suggests a solution. WILSON (resolute) I know a friend who might help. CUT TO: EXT. JASON'S APARTMENT - LATER THAT DAY Jason, a new programmer and system analyst, opens the door. JASON (smiling) Don’t get me wrong, but most in this field are young teens, just fresh who might still be at the university, but they know most of the latest technology. DAVID (curious) Maybe complete this task for you so that you know that I am up to date with this stuff. But to be honest, everything new today is just an improved version of the past one. Everything changes, but the fundamental basics remain. JASON (agreeing) I wish you were right. Look at it this way, Mankind has only changed the new methods to old habits. A long time ago, we had natural diseases causing biological diseases. A few years back, we have genetically engineered ones. Today we have digital disease-causing biologicals. DAVID (nodding) Their use is the same. As weapons. Mankind is just changing the form; the basics are the same. JASON (smiling) Used a new weapon. The calibration never works well for the last one. Every one of them is normal out by a fraction. The magnitude of error is minimal that the target can still be acquired among the earlier targets, but the last one’s error is huge because of the cumulative errors. He enters figures into the system. JASON (smiling) That’s it. Consider him whacked. DAVID (satisfied) What’s next? JASON (smiling) What’s next? They exchange smiles, confident in their progress. CUT TO: EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT Bill, the tenth diplomat, walks a few feet before jerking hard, touching his stomach. INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - DAY Evelina, feeling weak and tired, wakes up and heads to the bathroom. After splashing water on her face, she walks to the kitchen and grabs a bucket of strawberry ice cream. She has been experiencing strange cravings for sweet food lately. As she eats, she feels a tingling sensation in her mouth and remembers last night's drooling over a cake. EVELINA (whispering to herself) What's happening to me? She touches her stomach and has a sudden realization. Worried, she goes to the bathroom and looks at the pregnancy test. She walks back to the living room, pondering her thoughts. A sharp knock on the door startles her, and she grabs a gun from the bedroom. CAROLINA (O.S.) Evelina, I know you're in there. Open up. It's Carolina. I need some advice and secrets if you can, please. EVELINA (whispering) Go away! CAROLINA (O.S.) Please, let me in. Please. Evelina opens the door cautiously, and Carolina enters. They hug, both overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty. CAROLINA I ran away too. I'm in the same boat now. EVELINA I can't believe you ran away too. They discuss their current situation, realizing that the keys must be dealt with before the Devil deposits fetuses in their wombs. CAROLINA I ended up in your shoes. A few months ago, you were on my list of targets, and now I'm in your position. Everyone is hunting me. My death brings joy to all mankind. They all share their fears, and Evelina reveals the news about Triga's death. CAROLINA Wilson shot him first before the Devil's Eyes assassins finished him off. They are a killing pact now, both groups eliminating the keys. One is doing it to ensure they have a chance to wage World War Three, and the other is destroying all secrets. If key twenty-one is dead and key twenty-two has already been discovered, that leaves only key twenty-three to open. CAROLINA (CONT'D) But David told me there is no key twenty-three. EVELINA (resolute) Yes, I was committed at the beginning, but now I can assign it to anyone. Usually, as a reserve, in case the last seal is missing or dead. The gravity of their situation sinks in as they plan their next move. CUT TO: EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - DAY Marson receives news of the assassination of Mr. Bill. MARSON (furious) Our fears have been manifested today. The diplomat Mr. Bill has been assassinated. They are trying to raise the devil’s ghosts’ equivalents. Advise all the members to stay indoors, curtains closed. EB MEMBER (asking) For how long? MARSON As long as it takes! Back in Evelina's apartment, the group contemplates their next steps in the face of increasing danger. INT. EVELINA'S APARTMENT - DAY Carolina and Evelina discuss the strange cravings they've been experiencing. Carolina wonders if it could be a sign of pregnancy. CAROLINA I wonder if that could explain all these cravings. Then it must be reserved for a pregnant woman or something. She instinctively touches her stomach. EVELINA Huh, can't be you. Must be Stacey. CAROLINA Why are you so sure? EVELINA I could have fainted or something. CAROLINA Maybe now you don't need to faint as the previous ones were original ones. EVELINA Are you having cravings as well? CAROLINA Ice cream, strawberry or vanilla, or sugary cookies. I can't stop salivating. Evelina looks stunned. EVELINA You too? Maybe he signed the key to you. They lock eyes. CAROLINA Maybe we end up killing each other. EVELINA We can co-exist. We can be a team. CAROLINA A team for the devil? EVELINA I don't think so. If I happen to be pregnant somehow, I will terminate it. David believes you have secrets; you know how to raise the holy ghosts? CAROLINA Honestly, I don't know, but if I am correct, everything depends on taking off names from the member list. EVELINA Take at least two oldest members off the list; that frees up also a holy ghost. CAROLINA The problem is finding who the eldest member is. EVELINA So, what is in chapter twenty-three? CAROLINA I open and only know what is in chapter twenty-four. EVELINA Do you know anything we can use to launch a World War Three? CAROLINA I don't think what I know can help you. It only helps Marson's team as he can write new laws. He can start a new chapter. He can ban anything to do with you, your digital currency, etc. He can issue decrees and Ultima-Talionis letters as well for your heads. He can declare all of you enemies of the kingdom of darkness. Worst, he can assign the devil's ghosts to haunt you until you are dead. Evelina looks troubled. CAROLINA Can he be stopped and how? EVELINA Yes, since he is not the ultimate and some keys are still missing. Still human. But once he consolidates all the power, he is untouchable then. David flicks channels, and Magda reports on the worldwide chaos. MAGDA (ON TV) All over the world, people have been found dead with stab wounds in groups. It is believed that the devil's ghosts are responsible for the killings. David requests footage of the attacks, and the news shows people being attacked by invisible devil's ghosts. The world watches in horror. CUT TO: EXT. GRB - DAY Soldiers surround the GRB, preparing for a confrontation. A convoy of Devil's Eyes Cult assassins approaches. MAGDA (ON TV) A new development is taking place as we speak. A convoy of SUVs and vehicles carrying the Devil's Eyes Cult assassins is heading to the GRB for a showdown with the remaining TWO members still alive. David roars. DAVID I want everyone here. Bogdan, phone Carolina and Evelina. If possible, I want them here today. But first, help me launch these. They prepare for a decisive showdown. INT. GRB - NIGHT A trap door opens, and a Drone gun flies out, shooting into the air. Gunshots and an explosion are heard far west of the building. The fire alarm goes off. DAVID Westside on fire! The automatic fire defense system is activated. Approximately twenty minutes before the fire is under control. David shouts at his team. DAVID Keep launching! TEAM MEMBER One malfunctioned. No camouflage and was taken down exploding on impact! They continue launching and working on the drones. David tirelessly enters codes into the system, and Jacob launches and arms the drone-guns. DAVID Come with me, everyone. David heads to the west side, which is on fire. DAVID I think this could be deliberate. The fire, of course. DAVID (CONT'D) I have a new babe. The humming sound catches everyone's attention. DAVID (CONT'D) First model, a lot to work on, though. Stealthily and camouflaged properties. They are faster, and the precision is unbelievable. Huge humming sound at launching, but once in the air, it is completely silent. David smiles. DAVID (CONT'D) These can prove to be the ones to save us from the attack. The camouflage can't be removed by impacting it with bullets, and once in the air, it can stay there for weeks. Very fuel-efficient. DAVID (CONT'D) Jacob, arm them and launch! The trap door opens, and the humming sounds catch everyone's attention. The Drone-Guns rise in the air and disappear. Jacob launches many into the air. They watch the biggest drone they've ever seen rise into the skies. DAVID (CONT'D) Let's go to the GRB bunker and activate the security system. A loud sound startles them, and they check the security system. DAVID (CONT'D) They removed the security gates and used huge trucks to pull them off. DAVID (CONT'D) Maintain the perimeter. Open the trenches now. Start the oil release and the fires. Huge flames and smoke are released into the skies. The footage is streamed live on news channels. NEWS REPORTER (ON TV) We hope this won't end up like a few weeks ago where there was an obliteration of the government's apparatus. Today we believe even the leaders and heads of all departments are there to witness the end of TWO's leadership. Taking control of the world's money. It is believed that all the world's money is inside this GRB and any talk of missile strikes might not materialize. This is the late showdown before the end of the day. A group of assassins arrives through the air duct system. DAVID (CONT'D) Meet the new team of assassins; Robert, Amos, Marleen, the leaders, and their men and women. Wilson will remain the head of the Fatladies but will now co-share responsibilities with Brigitte to strengthen the attacks. TEAM MEMBER Double the attack, double the damage. The door to the air ducts opens, and Tom comes out. DAVID (CONT'D) Oh yes, and Tom, who will help Jacob with the drone gun launches. DAVID (CONT'D) Expecting someone? BOGDAN Carolina and Evelina? DAVID Wish they could be here. David stops and looks at Bogdan. INT. GRB - NIGHT Gunshots echo through the air. David and the team take cover as the battle intensifies. DAVID If I knew I would tell you, but they might be the ones to blow his head off. But then again, if one or all are pregnant, it could be a different story, maybe blow our heads off. So better if they stay away for now. Gunshots continue, and a crackling sound startles David. WILSON (on radio) We are taking heavy fire on the Westside! I have the new guys who have just arrived who will back you up. I am sending them straight away. The men run out to join the battle, and the gunfight intensifies. DAVID Launch the perimeter defenders. Jacob activates gun barrels protruding at every corner of the GRB. JACOB Ok, swing eighty degrees, carpet spray knee level, then stomach level. Next round, spray chest level, then head level. Height average one point seven meters, height to two meters. Oscillation and frequency? Jacob enters codes into the system, and the guns start spraying bullets. DAVID Fatladies, attack and selectively target those giving commands. I need fireballs and spikes from the trenches everywhere. Start the irrigation system as well. Switch to oil. When Marson arrives, I want him to be afraid to come in. Once he is in, it is either us or them who end up dead. So far, the odds are turned against us. WILSON (on radio) Man down! The invisible stabbing devil ghost's drone is doing damage on the west side. David looks at Jacob. DAVID The holy ghosts, Jacob. Jacob flips a switch, and drone guns start shooting into the air. BOGDAN Are they going to take the devils' ghosts out? JACOB We have to wait and see. A shower of bullets rains down on the GRB. David watches his wrist drone-gun screen, and Jacob searches in the air, finding nothing. BOGDAN Camouflaged drone guns as well. I guess we should send ours as well to attack. DAVID Ours also explode if impacted, and all are above the GRB. BOGDAN We are getting hammered. What do our drone-guns do anywhere? What else can they do? JACOB Interceptors and capturing capabilities. Can mount nets and spray oil, and most ability to immobilize others. BOGDAN Why can we have attacking ones as well? Jacob works hard entering codes. JACOB I can't seem to break into it. Tom sits next to him and starts working on his laptop. The gun battle becomes intense. WILSON (on radio) Need more help? The west side is under heavy attack! The sounds of bullets impacting metal and glass are deafening. The standby group rushes to the rescue. DAVID I want an extra group to the Eastside. Another group runs to the Eastside. DAVID (CONT'D) Come on, guys! Now is the time to surprise them a little and take control of that Westside. Tom stops and wipes sweat from his forehead, stretching his fingers wide apart quickly before continuing. INT. GRB - NIGHT The sounds of gunshots intensify as their drone guns attack relentlessly. Tom finally breaks through. TOM At last, I am in. DAVID Great. David sits next to Tom, reprogramming to attack a specific region. TOM Zone all those. I don’t want friendly fire. Once Jacob is in as well, then let me know or launch the gold magnet. David points to the screen. Jacob shouts from across the room. JACOB I am in as well. DAVID That fast. Reprogram the drone-guns to attack that zone where the vehicles are. If you run out of bullets, then land them near the trap-door. I will take some men and refill all and change weaponry choice. TOM All of them? DAVID Mind you, it has to be manually refilled with cartridges. A group of men stands at the entrance. DAVID (CONT'D) We are heading there now. Land a few to test how fast we can be. David and his team leave instantly but return. DAVID (CONT'D) Initiate fast cooling as soon as they land, okay. Don’t forget, otherwise, they will be too hot to change. David runs through the tunnels to the trap-door and waits. One drone, about to land with camouflaged removed, is attacked, falling to the ground and blasting, sending shrapnel everywhere. DAVID (CONT'D) Damn it. The blast leaves David and the men injured but with cuts that are not life-threatening. Alarms sound. ALARM Security breach. The trap-door malfunctioned. Possibly damaged. The blast destroys the walls protecting the trap-door. DAVID I need two men to the west side trap-door now. Don’t remove the camouflage too early. JACOB I can’t initiate cooling off fast with camouflaged on. We have a problem then. David returns with heavy dirty gloves and hands them to his men. DAVID (CONT'D) Once it lands, the camouflage peels off automatically, but it will still be hot. Put it to the side. Then press the button. Flip the blade holder and insert the dagger. Then press this button to camouflage it again. Understood? MEN Understood. DAVID Push it to the side near the trap-door and press the button. Then wait for its launch. Make sure that before it exits, you have pressed this button; otherwise, they are simply going to blow it up. Heavy machine guns attack the fast drone guns as they set off. JACOB Camouflage not activating! We lost two so far. DAVID Not in stealth mode. Damn it! People! I said press the button once you have attached the dagger. A crackling sound startles all. JACOB (CONT'D) Channel 1 drone gun streaming. David quickly switches the channels. The video shows flying men with small mountable jet-like machines landing on the roof of the GRB. DAVID The devil’s assassins. It’s not over yet until the Fatladies sing. WILSON Arm and attack! Wilson aims at the Devil’s Eyes who have just landed on the roof. WILSON (CONT'D) Man down. I need back-up northwest side! Bullets are sprayed at the men who just landed as the Fatladies have their fingers on the triggers. The Fatladies take aim and fire, taking most of them out. As some men land on the roof, the fight breaks out again. WILSON (CONT'D) We need backup. We might not be able to hold them. There are too many. I repeat, we need backup on the west side. They all start to feel very frightened. INT. GRB CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Bogdan is concerned about the damage to the west side of the building. BOGDAN I am only worried about the damage to the west side. The roof might collapse. Cut to a distant location where Frederick instantly calls Marson. FREDERICK (urgently) Stay away from the building. Unseen before new models of drone-guns in circulation, wreaking havoc. I repeat! Stay away from the building. Frederick starts working on his station but faces difficulties in breaking in. FREDERICK (CONT'D) System heavily secured. I can't break in. Maybe increase the number of drones in the air. Meanwhile, David radios Tom. DAVID Start mapping coordinates of approaching vehicles and arm the drone guns, the Fatladies. Be ready to attack. The Fatladies, equipped with powerful weapons, soar bullets at the opponents on the roof, the ground, and the approaching convoy. JACOB (via radio) Drone-gun with the gold magnet has identified the target! David smiles and comes up with a plan. DAVID How best to locate a culprit in the convoy with a gold-crush? Send in a gold-hungry drone-gun to steal the gold scriptures. Get the gold now! Jacob synchronizes an SUV with the gold scriptures, and the gold-hungry drone gun is sent to retrieve the gold. The plan unfolds as the gold-hungry drone crashes onto Marson's SUV, attempting to steal the gold. MARSON (roaring) No one steals my gold scriptures! Marson fights back, activating countermeasures, using oil, and attempting to burn the gold-hungry drone. He contacts Frederick for assistance. MARSON (CONT'D) Track my SUV. We have an unwanted attachment on the roof. Send the drones. Now! Back in the control room, alarms sound as Jacob and Tom realize the gold-hungry drone is in trouble. JACOB Damn it! The situation intensifies as Marson engages in a heated battle with the gold-hungry drone, desperately trying to protect his precious cargo. FREDERICK (via radio) On the way. Three minutes away. The race against time unfolds as the fate of the gold-hungry drone hangs in the balance. EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT The tension rises as Tom and Jacob nervously monitor the situation. TOM Activate now! JACOB Not yet, too early. TOM Now, attacking drone-guns approaching! JACOB Eighty percent attachment to gold. We need to wait until it's over ninety percent. TOM Damn it! Jacob, attacking drones only two minutes away. We better try than lose it before even trying. JACOB I said wait! Tom's anxiety grows as alarms blare, warning lights flash, and radio calls for help flood the airwaves. The countdown adds to the intensity. JACOB (CONT'D) Eighty-three percent with two minutes to go. Jacob swiftly enters codes and curses under his breath. JACOB (CONT'D) Okay. Okay. Jacob presses a button, and the gold-hungry drone lifts, detaching from the SUV's top roof but tearing the gold scriptures free. Marson reacts with a fierce roar, trying to maintain control of his SUV. MARSON (roaring) Under attack! The gold scriptures have been stolen, Frederick! Frederick is shocked and races to respond. FREDERICK Damn it! How did they manage to steal the gold scriptures? I thought they were locked in Marson’s SUV. The attacking drones unleash a barrage of bullets at the gold-hungry drone-thief, causing it to lose power and free-fall. Marson cheers briefly as the gold scriptures fall. However, the huge drone lands on top of the gold scriptures, leaving Marson cursing. MARSON Malfunctioning and damaged! Marson takes matters into his own hands, pulling out a heavy machine gun and firing at the malfunctioning drone while speeding towards the scene. CUT TO: EXT. GRB COMPOUND - LATER The gold-hungry drone manages to lift again, securing the gold scriptures. Marson continues his relentless pursuit, firing bullets at the drone. JACOB (via radio) Seventy percent link. Jacob quickly presses a button, and the gold-hungry drone lifts with the gold scriptures attached. A flashing gold light triggers Marson's fury, and he intensifies his assault on the drone. MARSON You will not steal my gold scriptures. No! No! The battle between Marson and the gold-hungry drone unfolds in a dramatic aerial confrontation. The fate of the gold scriptures hangs in the balance as bullets fly through the night. EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT Marson's SUV speeds through the chaotic battleground, bullets whizzing past as he struggles to maintain control. The gold scriptures, now detached, free-fall in slow motion, captured on live streaming. MARSON (roaring) Attachment and link to the gold have been lost! Marson's jubilation turns to frustration as the gold-hungry drone turns on his SUV, firing relentlessly. The tension rises among the onlookers. DAVID (bitterly) But it nearly worked. We could have got the gold; that was all we could have... TOM There is still a chance. David, intrigued, turns to Tom, his expression questioning. DAVID What chance? TOM Why go for the gold if we can go for the devil himself? David's face reflects a mix of realization and concern. The stakes have just been raised. CUT TO: MARSON'S SUV Marson skillfully maneuvers his SUV, reversing, stopping, and swerving to evade the attacking drone. As the gold scriptures near the ground, Marson deploys a net from the back of his SUV, attempting to catch the precious cargo. MARSON Come on! The gold scriptures fall, narrowly missing the net. Marson, undeterred, accelerates and abruptly stops, causing the gold scriptures to land on the net. His SUV speeds away, with the gold-hungry drone in pursuit. BACK TO: GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION David watches the unfolding events on the live stream, concern etched across his face. DAVID Frederick! FREDERICK (over radio) 30 seconds! A swarm of drones materializes in the air, blocking Marson's path and opening fire as he passes. MARSON (roaring) Holy shit! We are f---ed. Ambush! We are under attack. We have no chance. Please advise? DAVID Damn it! Triga! You read the manual. JACOB (confused) Who is Triga? What manual? DAVID Oh, Jacob. Damn it! It’s Jacob. David rushes to the station as Tom retrieves the manual. DAVID (CONT'D) That’s the most advanced drone in the world with lightning speed. Activate the fast sphere. TOM Quickly retrieve the manual, Jacob. Jacob looks lost, prompting David's frustration. DAVID (CONT'D) Tom, get the manual on his laptop. Hurry! Tom retrieves the manual, sits next to Jacob, and initiates the sequence. TOM Sphere activation failed in camouflaged-removed mode. Everyone curses as desperation sets in. DAVID Quickly deactivate the camouflage system, select normal, but also select night mode. JACOB Night mode? DAVID It's a defense system. Trust me. Jacob complies, and a tense moment ensues as they press the sphere button. A massive round sphere envelops the gold-hungry drone. JACOB Is this like a bulletproof or landing cushion? DAVID No, it’s a maneuvering system. It's used to duck and avoid impact. It travels at extraordinary speeds. The gold-hungry drone, now encapsulated in the protective sphere, becomes a unique force on the battlefield. INT. GRB COMPOUND - LAUNCHING PAD - NIGHT The team rushes to the second launching pad, a sense of urgency in the air. The heavy gold-hungry drone is lifted onto the pad. BOGDAN Lift quickly. It is heavy. Mind your hands and legs. The men exert themselves, pushing and lifting the drone into position. David watches impatiently. DAVID Arm and launch it fast. Tom swiftly initiates the launch sequence for the second gold-hungry drone. TOM Launch sequence initiated. The loud humming sound fills the air as the second gold-hungry drone prepares for takeoff. David becomes visibly concerned. DAVID What is he doing? TOM (looking at the controls) Launch decoys first! This new drone with a loud humming sound will make it easy for them to simply shoot it down. David's frustration builds as he realizes the potential flaw in the plan. DAVID Damn it! Bogdan and the team work quickly to deploy decoys, hoping to divert the attention of the attacking drones. The humming sound intensifies as the gold-hungry drone awaits its launch. CUT TO: EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT The second gold-hungry drone, now armed and ready, hovers above the launching pad. Decoys are ejected, mimicking the drone's sound and movements. The attacking drones, in a frenzied state, shift their focus to the decoys, engaging in a chaotic pursuit. The loud humming and flashing lights create a diversion, momentarily confusing the piranha-like drones. DAVID (intently watching) Come on, come on! The second gold-hungry drone takes advantage of the diversion, initiating a stealthy launch. It ascends into the night sky, blending with the darkness. INT. GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION - CONTINUOUS David, Bogdan, Jacob, and Tom watch the live stream, their eyes fixed on the unfolding aerial spectacle. JACOB (whispering) It might work. TOM (nervously) Let's hope the decoys buy us enough time. The gold-hungry drone, now in stealth mode, maneuvers through the night sky, evading the piranha-like drones that are preoccupied with the decoys. DAVID We need it to retrieve the gold scriptures. Nothing else matters. As the tension builds, the team braces for the critical moments ahead, hoping that their last chance will lead to success. INT. GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION - NIGHT The team, gripped with tension, watches as the gold-hungry-drone-thief attempts to extract the gold scriptures from the stuck position on the SUV's roof. DAVID What is going on? TOM They are trying to steal the gold scriptures again. JACOB (reassuringly) Thirty seconds to complete attachment. Initiating extraction and retrieval. The gold-hungry-drone-thief swiftly rises, pulling the gold scriptures along, causing the SUV to lift awkwardly. Panic ensues among the men in the SUV. SUV PASSENGER 1 Damn it! What is going on? SUV PASSENGER 2 They are trying to steal the gold scriptures. Send back up now! As the gold-hungry-drone-thief continues its extraction, the men inside the SUV find themselves floating in the air due to the unusual lifting force. SUV PASSENGER 1 Thirty seconds to complete attachment. Initiating extraction and retrieval. SUV PASSENGER 2 Damn it! The gold scriptures, still attached to the roof, are now suspended in the air, caught between the SUV and the gold-hungry-drone-thief. DAVID (yelling) You know what to do? JACOB (confident) Oh yes, the sphere technique. But... does that mean I have to drop the link? DAVID Establish a maintained link every two minutes. It will duck the bullets but must reestablish the link position. Jacob focuses on the controls, working swiftly to ensure the success of the extraction. The tension in the control station builds as everyone watches the live stream. CUT TO: EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT The gold-hungry-drone-thief maneuvers skillfully, holding the gold scriptures in the air, while the attacking drones approach rapidly, ready to engage. CUT BACK TO: INT. GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION - CONTINUOUS Jacob's hands move with precision as he manages the controls. The sphere technique is initiated, creating a protective shield around the gold-hungry-drone-thief. JACOB (reassuringly) Maintaining the link. The sphere is active. DAVID (intently) Keep it together, Jacob. The gold-hungry-drone-thief, now encased in the protective sphere, deftly navigates through the onslaught of bullets from the attacking drones. TOM (nervously) It's working. The team watches with bated breath, hoping that the sphere technique will provide enough defense to secure the gold scriptures. FADE OUT. INT. GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION - NIGHT The tension in the control station escalates as the gold-hungry-drone-thief maneuvers within the protective sphere, deflecting bullets from the attacking drones. DAVID (intently) Maintaining the link. The sphere is active. The team watches anxiously as the gold scriptures are cut free from the SUV, now suspended in the air. The SUV, no longer burdened by the scriptures, starts to free fall. SUV PASSENGER 1 (screaming) We are going to die! CRACKLING SOUND. David is alerted by a sudden noise. DAVID We have taken the gold scriptures, total link eighty percent, but they are still dangling in the air. The team exchanges worried glances. DAVID (CONT'D) It's not safe. I can only smile when one-hundred percent attachment is achieved. They can knock them down. CUT TO: EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT Miles away from the GRB compound, Frederick radios Marson with urgent news. FREDERICK Sending attackers. Gold scriptures were stolen as we speak. I repeat the gold scriptures have been stolen. Marson, fueled by rage, grabs a machine gun and pushes his men into action. MARSON (roaring) I will kill these motherfuckers before they have their hands on my gold scriptures. The GRB soldiers, driven by Marson's command, storm into action. FREDERICK (surprised) What is going on? Hold on, the men are being slaughtered; they have no chance with the Fatladies. MARSON (roaring) Damn it! Don’t give me that. Chase them from their hiding holes. Flash them out right away! Send the attacking drones now! FREDERICK (trying to reason) Risk of friendly fire from my men is there too. MARSON (angry) They stole the gold scriptures, what do the men matter without the gold scriptures? Kill all these motherfuckers now! I want those gold scriptures back with me, or I swear I am going to kill all today. Go inside, what are you waiting for? Marson kicks his own men, urging them to action. CUT BACK TO: INT. GRB COMPOUND - CONTROL STATION - CONTINUOUS The team in the control station reacts to the escalating situation. DAVID We need to secure that link fast. JACOB (focused) Camouflage reactivation in thirty seconds. The gold-hungry-drone-thief continues its complex maneuvers within the protective sphere, trying to evade the relentless assault from the attacking drones. FADE OUT. INT. GRB COMPOUND - COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Inside the GRB command center, David, Jacob, and the team monitor the ongoing chaos through live streams and reports. DAVID (intensely) How can a few men defeat the whole army? JACOB (resigned) They have developed extremely fast and lethal drones and another lethal weaponry system that left us looking like we are the amateurs. DAVID (frustrated) If you say that one more time, maybe I will strangle you myself. JACOB (serious) We can’t compete with the world’s wealth. DAVID (glaring) Frederick, do you want me to come over there? MILES AWAY Frederick, miles away from the GRB compound, is deep in thought, contemplating alternatives. FREDERICK (muttering to himself) There must be another way. Back at the GRB compound, David takes charge, issuing urgent commands. DAVID (angry) Spread the zone and attack at random, and only stop to refill! The team works frantically to execute David's orders, aiming to keep the enemy at bay until the gold scriptures are secured. GLORIA (on live stream) Once again, we have seen men being slaughtered or obliterated, with body parts literally flying everywhere. It seems that David, with his advanced weaponry, has taken on the roles of both God and the devil. As Gloria reports, David commands his team from the control center. DAVID (CONT'D) (urgent) Change the coordinates. Intercept the blast at the landing place. JACOB (on the radio) Can we change the coordinates? I intercepted a blast at the landing place. DAVID (determined) Might be a way. We need to change to another safe location. The tension rises as the team works against time to secure the gold scriptures and counter the relentless attacks from Marson's forces. FADE OUT. EXT. GRB COMPOUND - NIGHT The gun battle intensifies as Marson's forces continue their assault on the GRB compound. Inside the compound, David formulates a plan to distract the enemy. DAVID (to his team) Follow me. We need a diversion. David leads a group of men through tunnels and passages to a hidden trap door. DAVID (CONT'D) (choosing a few men) You, you, and you. Come with me. The men gather as David opens the trap door, revealing a strange-looking drone. DAVID (CONT'D) (assuring) This is the gold scripture drone. A skeptical voice questions the drone's capability. SKEPTICAL MAN Too heavy. Are you sure this thing can fly? David confidently clicks a button, instantly changing the drone's shape. The men are amazed. DAVID (smiling) It can provide a decoy for the real gold scriptures without falling on its own. The gold scripture drone is launched into the air, surrounded by invisible decoys. A gun battle ensues, and some decoys are shot down. The gold-hungry-drone, carrying the real gold scriptures, ascends into the air, while the gold scripture drone follows. MILES AWAY Carolina and Evelina, watching the news, are startled by a loud crash on the roof. They discover a hole in the kitchen as something falls through. CAROLINA (covering their eyes) The gold scriptures! They rush to lift the gold scriptures and decide to transport them to Carolina's house. MARSON'S LOCATION Marson observes the situation on his wrist drone screen and notices something detached. MARSON (confused) Frederick, I want the footage. It seems something detached. FREDERICK (of course) Of course, the drone carrying it. Marson orders an attack on the location where the gold scriptures fell. The gun battle rages on. MARSON (CONT'D) (angry) Send the Devil's Eyes inside! I want to obliterate them all. Inside the GRB, David realizes the vulnerability of their position. DAVID (serious) The GRB was not designed for these attacks. We need a plan. The tension rises as Marson's forces close in, and the fate of the gold scriptures hangs in the balance. FADE OUT. INT. GRB CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The atmosphere is tense as Wilson's desperate calls for backup echo through the control room. David, Jacob, and Tom listen intently to the radio communication. WILSON (shouting) Retreat inside now! We need backup! Man down! Another man down! We need help right now! David, feeling helpless, curses under his breath. DAVID (to his team) I need backup right now! The calls for help become more urgent, and the severity of the situation sinks in. Three Fatladies members are down, and Wilson is in distress. JACOB (glancing at Tom) I can't stand here. I need to help. TOM (stands up) I'll go. Send me. DAVID (resistant) No. TOM (desperate) Damn it! There's no one else. Jacob, you're needed here. David reluctantly hands Tom a gun. DAVID Take this as a backup. Go. Go. Tom leaves, leaving David conflicted and concerned. He takes a spare gun and prepares to join the fight. Meanwhile, Jacob heads to the control room. DAVID (frustrated) Anybody? No reply. The gravity of the situation weighs on David. Three of his best men are gone, and he's faced with mounting challenges. He sprints to the control room and finds Jacob preparing to go out. DAVID (CONT'D) What are you doing? I sent Tom. JACOB (resolute) The next task is for Tom. He's more experienced. DAVID (confused) But he's already out there. JACOB Tell me which side, and I'll go and change with him. David curses, realizing the urgency of the situation. He contacts Wilson. DAVID Wilson, I want Tom back right now. Release and cover him. Nothing should happen to him. Do you hear me? No reply. DAVID (CONT'D) (determined) Jacob, go get Tom. Jacob swiftly opens the door and sprints out. He reaches the hall and finds Tom on the floor, wounded by a Devil's Eyes assassin. JACOB (angry) Stop, you piece of shit! The assassin raises his hand to harm Tom, but Jacob fires relentlessly, driving the assailant toward the window. The window shatters, and the assassin falls outside. TOM (growling in pain) That son of a bitch stabbed my hand. Tom gets up, picking up his gun. JACOB (encouraging) You must be okay. David needs you to transfer the money faster. As they talk, the door opens, and Devil's Eyes men enter, chanting their ominous slogan. DEVIL'S EYES MEN (chanting) Devil's Eyes! Jacob attempts to fire, but his gun jams, leaving them vulnerable. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. GRB CORRIDOR - NIGHT The tension escalates as David struggles with the Devil's Eyes assassin in the damaged section of the GRB. Gunshots and blasts resonate through the facility. DAVID (grimacing) Jacob, you wait and cover this place. Listen for backup calls from Wilson and Tom. Jacob nods, preparing to guard the area. David swiftly opens the door, relieved to find Jacob standing but struggling with the cartridge. DAVID (CONT'D) Sigh. Won't clip properly. Accidentally discharged a bullet. David briefly smiles before a crackling sound captures his attention. DAVID (CONT'D) Jacob, wait here and cover. Listen for backup calls. Bogdan arrives, breathless. BOGDAN Wilson is calling for help on Channel 2. DAVID Assign one assassin to cover the West. Bogdan, come with me. We need to go to the Westside. Air supply malfunction. The two men rush through the GRB as gunshots and blasts intensify. A huge blast shakes the facility, sending them holding onto the rails. Alarms echo, adding to the chaos. AI VOICE Danger of explosions as damage to the air system detected. David and Bogdan reach the damaged section, finding a leaking pipe. DAVID Go to the left and get the repair kit from the cabinet at the corner. Bogdan complies. The pressurized air leaks, making the environment more hostile. Suddenly, a Devil's Eyes man appears, pointing a gun at David. DAVID (CONT'D) (grimacing) Cover your face! David pushes the pipe, releasing pressurized air directly at the Devil's Eyes man, causing him to lose control of the gun. In the chaos, David tackles the assailant to the ground. DAVID (CONT'D) (roaring) You're finished! As David grapples with the Devil's Eyes man, Bogdan arrives with a gun and a repair kit, witnessing the intense struggle. BOGDAN (grimacing) Drop the knife! David and the Devil's Eyes man roll on the ground, each trying to gain control. Bogdan curses, realizing the volatile situation. CUT TO: INT. GRB CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Jacob listens for backup calls, gripping his gun tightly as the sounds of battle echo through the facility. TO BE CONTINUED... INT. CAROLINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Carolina and Evelina stand in the dimly lit room, the gold scriptures glowing in the darkness. The air is thick with tension as they discuss the revelations. CAROLINA (looking at Chapter twenty-three) Does that mean this chapter is mine? Is that why it was blank? Evelina, still bewildered, nods in agreement. Carolina, sensing the weight of the situation, expresses her concern. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Damn it, I feel my energy going away. I can't remember the last time I ate anything, and I am starving. She heads to the kitchen, discovering the damaged fridge's electrical system. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I guess I'll eat this strawberry ice cream. Returning with the ice cream, she continues the conversation. CAROLINA (CONT'D) So, what did you find out? Evelina eagerly shows Carolina Chapter twenty-three, which is being written in real-time. EVELINA This chapter is for you. It is being written as we speak. CAROLINA Has this just been written? Evelina closes the curtain, letting the gold scriptures glow in the dark, revealing the words. CAROLINA (CONT'D) (heart pounding) It's all true? Am I part of all this? They exchange anxious glances. Carolina becomes contemplative. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I wish David could rule. EVELINA (serious) There's no point wishing for David to defeat the devil. Carolina pauses, her thoughts racing. CAROLINA (looking at Evelina) No point wishing for David to win when he's your enemy. Carolina, feeling a surge of emotions, walks to the window. CAROLINA (CONT'D) This belongs to the kingdom of darkness. Evelina tries to respond, but Carolina cuts her off. CAROLINA (CONT'D) Close it. I don't want anything to do with evil. She instinctively touches her stomach, conveying her unwillingness to be associated with darkness. Evelina, observing Carolina's determination, attempts to convey a message. EVELINA (softly) But... CAROLINA (firmly) Goddamn it. I said close that chapter. Carolina's resolve is clear as she grapples with the revelations, and Evelina is left contemplating the unfolding destiny. FADE OUT. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Evelina touches the gold scriptures, and it flips to Chapter twenty-five. EVELINA Marson! Carolina, curious, approaches the table to read the new chapter. EXT. BATTLEFIELD - NIGHT Marson, fueled by rage, commands his men to attack relentlessly. His primary goal is to eliminate the enemy quickly and extract information about the gold scriptures' location. MARSON Kill them all! No one escapes this time. I won't tolerate embarrassment again. Do your best! The battle intensifies, and distress calls echo from every corner. The chaos unfolds as cries for help turn into desperate struggles for survival. The Fatladies, once confident, now face the relentless assault. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Tom, stationed at the control room, receives a distress call. TOM (urgent) I need backup right now. Two men down in the last twenty minutes. Total casualties: five. Stress emanates from Wilson's voice as he pleads for assistance. Tom, feeling the gravity of the situation, picks up the radio and listens closely. Breathing difficulties and footsteps indicate imminent danger. TOM (CONT'D) Vaults 1-7 emptied, moving to the next ones. Over. Silence follows, and anxiety permeates the air. TOM (CONT'D) David, do you read? Concerned, David, Bogdan, and other men rush to Wilson's location, fearing the worst. They find Wilson alive but mourning the loss of a fellow Fatlady. WILSON (anguished) She's dead. As calls for help continue, Wilson, determined, requests cover and advances toward the source. They discover Sobia, the last female Fatlady, surrounded by Devil's Eyes men. WILSON (CONT'D) (intense) It's Sobia! A skirmish ensues, with Sobia displaying impressive combat skills. Despite the intense situation, she defeats the attackers, and the group assesses the mounting losses. WILSON (CONT'D) (solemn) Lost five in the last two hours. Sobia, realizing the severity of the situation, expresses concern. SOBIA (nervous) No day have we lost so many so quickly. Bogdan interrupts, throwing his gun to Sobia. BOGDAN Find out their plan. I'll be back. As Bogdan departs, the distant chanting and roars grow louder, signaling the approaching Devil's Eyes. DEVIL'S EYES MEMBER Today we will drain all your blood! Wilson urgently reports another casualty. WILSON (panicking) Man down! I repeat, man down! Bogdan, alarmed, rushes back to the control room. BOGDAN (urgent) Man down! The team braces for the impending onslaught, uncertain of the Devil's Eyes' strategy. FADE OUT. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT David sees Sobia lying in pain. He kneels beside her, concerned. DAVID It's not that bad. Come with me. He lifts Sobia, carrying her out, and Wilson, still firing, follows them in retreat. DAVID (CONT'D) (over the radio) Stand your position until I say so. Bogdan, carrying Sobia, pauses briefly as David instructs him. Sobia removes her hand from her chest, revealing a gunshot wound. Bogdan reacts with shock. BOGDAN When did that happen? Bogdan attempts to put her down but realizes the severity of the wound. Sobia dies in his arms, and a pool of blood forms. BOGDAN (CONT'D) (in grief) No! Another bullet from the roof narrowly misses Bogdan. He retreats to cover, shaken. BOGDAN (CONT'D) (remorseful) I was going to take her to safety. I only realized she was shot too late. He points to the bullet-riddled ceiling, and Wilson arrives, covered in blood. WILSON (angry) They're shooting from above now. Wilson, enraged, fires back at the ceiling and starts running. DAVID (shouting) No, Wilson, let's retreat! WILSON (teary-eyed) I thought you had taken her to safety. I'll kill these Devil's bastards! Wilson roars with grief and anger, firing consecutive shots as he runs toward Sobia's lifeless body. Bogdan curses and follows him. BOGDAN (over the radio) We're under heavy attack from the roof on the Westside. Requesting backup! Wilson, in anguish, continues firing. Bogdan joins him, and tears stream down Wilson's face. DAVID (CONT'D) (over the radio) Send the Fatlady drone guns now! Four Fatlady drones free-fall and hover above the GRB, spraying bullets at the convoy and the skies. TOM (over the radio) Mapping completed. Launching attacks. DAVID (over the radio) Send them to attack the front, middle, and back. Marson is in one of those positions. The drones descend at lightning speed, spraying bullets and repeating the process. EXT. GRB - NIGHT Marson, under heavy fire, roars and curses, dodging bullets. David opens the door, confronting Bogdan. DAVID Where have you been? BOGDAN Sobia is dead. DAVID (roaring) Where's Wilson? He promised she'd be okay. BOGDAN I was with her, bringing her here. She was shot in the thigh, and then... They share a solemn look. BOGDAN (CONT'D) We can't stand the attacks. If we don't retreat, we're all dead. David's haunted expression reflects the dire situation. CUT TO BLACK INT. PICKUP SUV TRAILER - NIGHT David stealthily jumps into the back trailer of the pickup SUV, staying low. He cautiously moves toward the front, taking cover behind a pile of crates. Marson's voice echoes from the front of the vehicle. MARSON (V.O.) (on the phone) Initiate the second phase. We can't let them escape. David listens intently, realizing the urgency of the situation. He reaches for his radio and speaks quietly. DAVID (whispering) Tom, what's our status? Where's Wilson? TOM (V.O.) We're still processing the money transfer. Wilson's coordinating the retreat. It's chaos out here. DAVID Understood. Keep me updated. David carefully peeks over the crates, observing Marson's movements. EXT. CONVOY - NIGHT The drones continue their attacks, creating chaos among Marson's forces. Wilson coordinates the retreat, guiding the Fatlady drones strategically. WILSON (over the radio) Fall back to the designated vaults. Use cover, and stay together. The Fatlady drones unleash firepower, covering the retreat. Marson's men scramble for cover as the chaos intensifies. INT. PICKUP SUV TRAILER - CONTINUOUS David stays hidden in the back trailer, strategizing his next move. The crackling sound on the radio catches his attention. BOGDAN (V.O.) David, we need to regroup and plan our next move. Retreat to the vaults. David nods to himself, acknowledging the urgency. DAVID (whispering) Tom, cover our retreat. We're heading to the vaults. TOM (V.O.) Copy that. Stay safe. David cautiously exits the back of the trailer, blending with the chaos outside. He moves stealthily toward the designated vaults. EXT. CONVOY - CONTINUOUS Wilson leads the retreat, and the Fatlady drones provide cover fire. Marson's forces are in disarray, struggling against the onslaught. WILSON (over the radio) Move quickly! We can't afford to lose more people. The remaining members of the Fatladies retreat, following Wilson's lead. TO BE CONTINUED... EXT. BLOCK OF HOUSES - DAY David and Stacey stand amidst the chaotic scene of parked cars and scattered debris. The distant sound of the helicopter fades away as they confront the bewildering truth. DAVID (confused) How did they replicate you so perfectly? STACEY (looking puzzled) Replicate me? What are you talking about? David scrutinizes Stacey's ID, trying to make sense of the situation. DAVID (stunned) This ID... it's genuine. But you're identical to someone I know. STACEY (irritated) Look, I don't know who you are or what you're talking about. My name is Stacey, and this is my ID. I'm just a regular person. David, still grappling with the uncanny resemblance, puts away the gun. DAVID (skeptical) Regular person or not, you could be a spy or something. STACEY (rolling her eyes) Spy? Seriously? I don't have time for this. I need to leave. David hesitates but steps aside as Stacey walks away. He watches her for a moment, trying to reconcile the reality before him. DAVID (whispering to himself) Stacey... If you're out there, what's happening? He shakes off the confusion and looks around, realizing the urgency of the situation. DAVID (to Stacey) Wait! Do you know Marson? Stacey stops, turning back to David. STACEY (suspicious) How do you know that name? DAVID (intense) I need answers. Marson is a dangerous man, and I'm trying to stop him. If you're truly Stacey, you might be in danger. Stacey eyes David cautiously, contemplating whether to trust him. STACEY (softening) Alright, but I want the truth. If you're involved in something dangerous, I need to know. DAVID (grim) Get in my car. I'll explain everything. They head towards David's car, uncertainty hanging in the air. CUT TO BLACK. INT. EVELINA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Evelina and Carolina, gripped by the revelations of the gold scriptures, find themselves at odds with each other. The room is tense as Carolina holds the gun, uncertainty clouding their faces. EVELINA (desperate) Carolina, we can't let the darkness win. We have to resist this temptation. CAROLINA (voice trembling) How can we resist when it's written that we are linked to this dark destiny? Evelina tries to approach Carolina cautiously, attempting to disarm the escalating situation. EVELINA (softly) We have our free will. Nothing written in those scriptures can control us if we choose to defy it. Carolina, torn between her loyalty to Evelina and the ominous words of the gold scriptures, hesitates. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) But what if it's true? What if we can't escape this fate? EVELINA (resolute) We have to fight against it, Carolina. We can't let fear dictate our actions. Carolina, conflicted, lowers the gun slightly. CAROLINA (whispering) What about Stacey? Is she part of this too? Evelina nods, acknowledging the connection. EVELINA (softly) Yes, but we can't let the devil use our fears against us. Stacey wouldn't want us to succumb to darkness. Carolina takes a deep breath, struggling to come to terms with the weight of the situation. CAROLINA (determined) We can't let Marson succeed. We have to stop him and break free from this prophecy. Evelina sees a glimmer of hope in Carolina's eyes. She gently reaches out, urging Carolina to hand over the gun. EVELINA (to Carolina) We stand together against the darkness. Let go of the gun, and we'll find a way to stop Marson. Carolina hesitates for a moment before relinquishing the gun to Evelina. The two women, bound by a shared destiny, prepare to face the challenges ahead. CUT TO BLACK. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Evelina and Carolina, caught in the crossroads of destiny, face each other in a tense standoff. The dimly lit warehouse adds an eerie atmosphere to the unfolding drama. EVELINA (insistent) Carolina, we have to make a choice. Either we defy the prophecy or become pawns in Marson's twisted game. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) But if David is gone, how do we even stand a chance against Marson and the devil? Evelina lowers her gun, sensing Carolina's vulnerability. EVELINA (softly) We're not alone. There are others who resist. We can find them and form an alliance. Carolina hesitates, contemplating the gravity of the situation. CAROLINA (whispering) I never signed up for this. I just wanted a normal life. Evelina approaches Carolina, understanding the weight of their predicament. EVELINA (placing a hand on Carolina's shoulder) None of us did. But now we have to face it together. They hear distant footsteps, prompting them to remain vigilant. EVELINA David or not, we can't let Marson and the devil win. We have to fight for our lives and for the world. Carolina wipes away her tears, finding newfound determination. CAROLINA Alright. Let's do this. But if there's even a chance to save David, we take it. Evelina nods, acknowledging Carolina's resolve. EVELINA First, we need to find the others who resist Marson's rule. There's strength in numbers. They cautiously exit the warehouse, navigating the shadows of uncertainty. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Evelina and Carolina, now on a mission, move through the deserted city streets. The city, once vibrant, now bears the scars of Marson's regime. EVELINA (reassuring) We'll expose the truth and rally the resistance. There's always hope, even in the darkest of times. Carolina, determined to face the challenges ahead, walks beside Evelina. They disappear into the night, ready to confront the devil's game head-on. FADE OUT. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The air is thick with tension as Marson, fueled by rage, dominates the scene. Evelina, on the ground, struggles to recover from the powerful kick. Carolina, trapped in Marson's grip, fights for every breath. EVELINA (grimacing in pain) Let her go, Marson! MARSON (laughing menacingly) You should have stayed out of this, Evelina. Now you both will suffer. Carolina gasps for air, trying to break free from Marson's iron grip. Evelina, fueled by determination, charges at Marson again. EVELINA (screaming) Leave her alone, you monster! She delivers a swift kick to Marson's side, causing him to release Carolina momentarily. Carolina drops to the ground, gasping for air. MARSON (angry) You'll regret that! Marson retaliates, throwing a powerful punch at Evelina. She dodges, narrowly avoiding the blow. The fight intensifies as they exchange fast-paced strikes and dodges. Carolina crawls to the side, catching her breath, her eyes locked on the fierce struggle between Marson and Evelina. EVELINA (gritting her teeth) We can't let him win, Carolina. We have to fight back together! Carolina, recovering some strength, nods in agreement. They synchronize their movements, launching a coordinated attack against Marson. The intense battle unfolds, with kicks, punches, and evasive maneuvers echoing through the warehouse. Despite their efforts, Marson's sheer strength and relentless assault put them at a disadvantage. Suddenly, a loud CLANK resonates through the warehouse. The distraction allows Evelina to land a powerful kick to Marson's chest, creating enough distance for both women to regroup. CAROLINA (breathing heavily) What now? EVELINA (panting) We need a plan. We can't defeat him head-on. The warehouse echoes with Marson's laughter, echoing his confidence. The odds seem stacked against Evelina and Carolina as they prepare for the next phase of the battle. CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The moon casts an eerie glow on the warehouse, bearing witness to the ongoing struggle between good and evil. FADE OUT. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The intense fight between David and Marson rages on, each strike echoing through the dimly lit warehouse. Evelina and Carolina watch in anticipation, the fate of their lives hanging in the balance. David, showing resilience, blocks Marson's rapid kicks, strategically countering with precision strikes. Marson, fueled by rage, retaliates with powerful blows aimed at incapacitating David. EVELINA (shouting) David, you can do it! CAROLINA (nervously) Come on, David! The momentum shifts as David manages to break free from Marson's grip, using his expertise in pain control. The two adversaries circle each other, assessing their next moves. DAVID (smiling) You might be big, Marson, but I've mastered pain like an art form. David lunges forward, landing a series of calculated blows on Marson's torso and face. Marson, struggling to keep up, attempts to use his size advantage, but David's agility proves to be a formidable asset. EVELINA (excited) That's it, David! Show him! Carolina, still recovering from the earlier attack, watches with a mix of relief and admiration as David gains the upper hand. As Marson reels from the assault, David employs a unique technique, exploiting Marson's vulnerability. DAVID (teasingly) You should have paid for the lessons, Marson. Maybe then you wouldn't be in this mess. Marson, angered by David's taunts, launches a fierce counterattack. The warehouse becomes a battleground of martial prowess, each move calculated and executed with precision. CAROLINA (to Evelina) We need to help David! EVELINA (resolute) No, we can't interfere. David wants to settle this on his own. Carolina nods, acknowledging the wisdom in Evelina's words. They watch as David and Marson continue their intense duel, the outcome uncertain. Suddenly, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows, observing the fight with keen interest. The atmosphere thickens as the confrontation reaches its climax. CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The moon casts an eerie glow over the silent exterior of the warehouse, unaware of the fierce battle unfolding within. FADE OUT. ! INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The atmosphere in the warehouse is tense as the fight between David and Marson reaches a critical point. Evelina, Carolina, and David are in a life-and-death struggle against Marson and the mysterious arrival of the Devil's Ghosts. DAVID (grimacing in pain) We need to finish this now. Marson, fueled by his determination to reclaim the kingdom of darkness, readies himself for another round. David, bleeding from his back, takes a defensive stance. EVELINA (aiming the gun) Stay away, Marson! Carolina, armed with the other dagger, watches the unfolding chaos with a mix of fear and determination. The Devil's Ghosts, eerie figures shrouded in darkness, approach slowly, their ghostly presence casting an ominous vibe. DAVID (gritting his teeth) We can't let them win. Marson lunges forward with renewed aggression, slashing at David with the knife. The women watch in horror, Evelina hesitating to pull the trigger. CAROLINA (yelling) David, watch out! As Marson's knife meets David's, creating sparks, the Devil's Ghosts surround them, their ghostly forms intertwining with the shadows. EVELINA (fighting back tears) We can't lose! Carolina gathers her courage and launches herself at one of the Devil's Ghosts with the dagger, creating a distraction. Evelina takes the opportunity to fire at Marson, hitting him in the shoulder. MARSON (roaring in pain) You'll pay for that! David seizes the moment, using Marson's distraction to disarm him. The Devil's Ghosts, disturbed by the chaos, fade into the shadows. DAVID (voice determined) It ends now, Marson. The final showdown begins as David and Marson engage in a fierce hand-to-hand combat. Evelina and Carolina stand ready, providing support when needed. The battle intensifies, echoing through the warehouse. Each punch and kick is a testament to the strength and resilience of both men. As the fight reaches its peak, David delivers a powerful blow that sends Marson crashing to the ground. Evelina, gun still aimed, keeps a watchful eye on the defeated adversary. DAVID (panting) It's over, Marson. The warehouse falls silent as the echoes of the battle linger. Evelina and Carolina approach David, their faces reflecting a mixture of relief and exhaustion. FADE OUT. The atmosphere is charged with tension as the stabbing drones circle above, creating an imminent threat. Carolina and Evelina have been forcefully taken inside, leaving David facing Marson in a fierce battle. DAVID (grimacing in pain) You won't win this way, Marson. Marson, reveling in the chaos, watches with sadistic delight. The menacing drones, armed with deadly blades, continue their ominous presence in the night sky. MARSON (laughing) Fight for your life, David. Or beg for mercy. Despite the pain, David rises to his feet. The gusty wind intensifies as the drones descend, poised to strike. DAVID (gritting his teeth) I'll fight, but not against drones. Marson, confused by David's words, sneers and readies himself for another attack. Suddenly, David flips backward, avoiding the stabbing drones, and lands a roundhouse kick on Marson's face. MARSON (angry) Coward! DAVID (ignoring Marson) Evelina! Carolina! David charges toward the entrance of the warehouse, where Evelina and Carolina were taken. Marson, infuriated, follows, but the stabbing drones divert their attention to him. David kicks open the door, revealing a dimly lit corridor inside the warehouse. The sound of struggling echoes through the hallway. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - CONTINUOUS David enters cautiously, finding Evelina and Carolina held captive by shadowy figures – the Devil's Ghosts. The women are restrained, visibly distressed. DAVID (furious) Let them go! The Devil's Ghosts, silent and ethereal, release Evelina and Carolina, allowing them to collapse to the ground. David rushes to their side. EVELINA (whispering) They're not human, David. DAVID (looking at the Devil's Ghosts) What are you? The Devil's Ghosts remain silent, their otherworldly presence casting an eerie glow. Marson, still battling the stabbing drones outside, is unaware of the unfolding events inside. CAROLINA (weakly) They're part of something bigger. DAVID (standing up) I won't let them take you. The Devil's Ghosts, seemingly indifferent, start to fade away into the shadows. David, determined, helps Evelina and Carolina to their feet. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Marson, frustrated by the stabbing drones, notices their retreat. He turns to face David, only to find him standing defiantly with Evelina and Carolina. MARSON (enraged) You can't escape, David! DAVID (looking at the Devil's Ghosts) Tell your ghosts the fight is far from over. As the stabbing drones retreat into the night, leaving Marson seething with anger, David, Evelina, and Carolina prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - NIGHT The underground chamber is dimly lit, with ominous shadows cast on the walls. David, held in Wilson's grip, eyes the threatening presence of Marson and the Presidents. Stabbing drones hover ominously in the air, ready to strike. DAVID (whispering to Wilson) Tom… Ultima Talionis... Fat Ladies? WILSON (glancing at David) They're all gone, David. Dead. The revolution failed. MARSON (laughing) Your futile attempts at change have led you to this. The stabbing drones are just the beginning. PRESIDENT BANKS (raising his gun) Any last words, David? DAVID (looking at the hovering drones) I was trying to expose the corruption, to free people from oppression. But I see it's too late. The humming of the drones grows louder, creating an eerie atmosphere in the chamber. PRESIDENT KNOX (grinning) You thought you could challenge the system, but the system always prevails. Suddenly, a deep voice echoes through the chamber. VOICE (ominous) Enough. The door opens, revealing a cloaked figure – PRESIDENT SKULLS, wielding a sword. The atmosphere shifts as even Marson seems taken aback. PRESIDENT SKULLS (to Marson) Enough of this spectacle. We have what we came for. Marson steps back, lowering his sword, and the stabbing drones cease their humming, hovering in silence. DAVID (confused) What's happening? PRESIDENT SKULLS (revealing a hidden agenda) The plan was never about you, David. It was about power, control, and the ultimate sacrifice. The Presidents exchange glances, revealing a sinister alliance. Wilson tightens his grip on David. WILSON (realizing) You used us. PRESIDENT BANKS (chuckling) You were mere pawns, and now the game is over. Suddenly, the cloaked figure of President Skulls unveils a dark ritual altar hidden in the chamber. PRESIDENT SKULLS (to Marson) Prepare him for the ritual. The sacrifice must be made. David struggles against Wilson's hold, realizing the true nature of the plot. The stabbing drones hum again, creating an unsettling symphony. DAVID (fighting back) I won't be part of your sick ritual! Marson and the Presidents approach David, ready to carry out their twisted plans. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - NIGHT The tension in the underground chamber reaches its peak as David stands surrounded by the menacing presence of Marson, Presidents, and now, the heads of various governmental departments. DAVID (whispering to Wilson) Socks, pain in the knee. We need a plan. WILSON (whispering back) Stay strong, David. We can't let them execute you. MARSON (roaring) Devil-Is-I! The cult-like members in hooded gowns enter, intensifying the eerie atmosphere. David's eyes widen in dread. DAVID (whispering) Wilson, we need to act fast. Where are Carolina and Evelina? WILSON (frowning) The devil's ghosts took them. Gere is probably tied up. The room echoes with Marson's proclamation, and the heads of various departments gather to witness the impending execution. MARSON (announcing) Today, we behead this man for a chain of crimes against the regime. The air thickens with anticipation. David scans the room, trying to formulate a plan to escape the impending doom. Wilson discreetly checks his surroundings, gauging potential weaknesses. DAVID (looking at Wilson) We can't let them take us down without a fight. Wilson nods, ready for action. MARSON Now, prepare for your demise, David. Suddenly, a loud crash interrupts the tense atmosphere. The door bursts open, revealing BOGDAN, charging into the chamber with determination. BOGDAN (voice booming) Hold on, David! Marson, the heads of departments, and the hooded cult members turn to face the unexpected intrusion. DAVID (grinning) Bogdan, you're a sight for sore eyes. BOGDAN (brandishing a weapon) I won't let them harm you. Marson seethes with rage as the unexpected turn of events disrupts his execution plan. MARSON (furious) Get rid of him! The hooded cult members move menacingly toward Bogdan, but he stands his ground, determined to protect David. WILSON (whispering to David) Now's our chance. Let's fight back. As chaos erupts in the chamber, David, Wilson, and Bogdan brace themselves for the impending struggle against the oppressive regime and the dark forces that threaten their lives. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - NIGHT The tension in the underground chamber reaches its peak as the confrontation escalates. Marson, the Presidents, and the heads of various departments face off against David, Bogdan, Tom, and the unexpected entrance of David's assassins. MARSON (angry) How did they enter here? I told you to keep security tight. The police and soldiers enter, aiming their guns at both groups. SOLDIER You are outnumbered, drop your weapons! ASSASSIN LEADER (smirking) You drop your weapons. The room becomes a stand-off, with both sides eyeing each other warily. PRESIDENT SCUDS (shouting) Enough of this! You are all just delaying the inevitable. President Scuds aims his gun at David, his hands shaking with anger and grief. PRESIDENT SCUDS (CONT'D) (sobbing) Say that to my beloved daughter. Say that to my pretty daughter. Say that to my gorgeous wife. President Knox, overwhelmed with emotion, holds his gun unsteadily, his grief echoing through the chamber. DAVID (raising his voice) You don't have to do this. There's another way. The room falls into a tense silence, interrupted only by the occasional hissing and buzzing sounds. MARSON (grinning) What Fat Ladies? The doors open once more, revealing JACOB entering the chamber. JACOB (disrupting) What did I miss? DAVID (looking at Jacob) We're in the midst of a revolution, my friend. BOGDAN (grinning) And it's about time. TOM (smiling) Couldn't let you have all the fun without us. The assassins, police, and soldiers remain locked in a tense standoff, waiting for someone to make the next move. DAVID (to Wilson) We need to find a way out of this. WILSON (nodding) Agreed. Let's keep our heads down and wait for an opening. As the clock ticks and the tension rises, the fate of everyone in the underground chamber hangs in the balance. FADE OUT. EXT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - NIGHT The underground compound is enveloped in chaos and tension as Marson holds a sword, and David's team faces off against the assassins. Wilson and David stand firm, ready to confront whatever fate awaits them. MARSON (angry) Where do you think you are going? DAVID (resolute) Let’s do this. Don’t forget he was begging to be killed so that we save all of you. ASSASSIN (sarcastic) I didn’t know he was reading the bible? DAVID (furious) You must be talking about Jesus, not David, our leader, you bastard. Marson roars and fires a bullet that streaks through the air, causing blood to splatter on everyone's faces. One of David's assassins slumps to the ground with a bullet wound to the forehead. DAVID (pointing guns) Hold it. It is suicidal. Where are the others? MARSON (confused) What others? WILSON (grim) All the assassins. DAVID (angry) You did hear they blasted vaults 1-7 after you left; only us managed to get out. The revelation shocks David, and he looks at Wilson with anger and disbelief. DAVID (CONT'D) What is your plan? Why did you come here? I thought you have a plan. All along, I am thinking the others are coming. WILSON (resigned) There is no one coming. David's world crumbles, and he confronts Wilson with a mix of rage and sadness. DAVID (CONT'D) But if you knew, why you came when you knew they would kill me. You should have saved yourself. Wilson looks haunted and scared for the first time. WILSON (sincere) I know they will kill us anywhere. Better to die defending the man who gave me dreams, hopes, and every reason to fight and kill for what we believe in. Tears roll down both their cheeks as they share a poignant moment. DAVID (looking around) Where is Vaida? WILSON (regretful) Damn it. We gave you time; we must proceed. Instantly, everyone forms a circle around Marson on one side, divided between those ready to execute David and those standing in defense. The tension in the compound is palpable. DAVID (looking at Wilson) You're outnumbered, Marson. Suddenly, the situation intensifies as Marson initiates a gruesome process, and the world watches in horror as events unfold on national television. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT People across the world sit in shock, glued to their television sets, witnessing the tragic events unfolding in the underground compound. ON SCREEN As Marson threatens to execute one of David's team members, a series of sudden and unexpected deaths rocks the scene. President Scuds and the head of the police fall, shocking everyone. MARSON (furious) Who gave you the right to shoot my men? He is begging for your lives. DAVID (defiant) You mean the lives you are taking as well? Marson, David, and the remaining few stand in a tense standoff as the world watches, gripped by fear and uncertainty. FADE OUT. EXT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - NIGHT Marson issues a challenge, calling for a one-on-one confrontation. The group behind him retreats to the doors, wary of the consequences. The tension in the room escalates as the standoff continues. MARSON (angry) Where are you going? Come back here. DAVID (defiant) Drop your guns or I will be shot. MARSON (resolute) As long as you die first. DAVID (serious) I count to three or another man dies, and I am serious. They came on their own; they know the consequences. The stakes are high, and Duncan, watching the events unfold, becomes increasingly alarmed. EXT. DUNCAN'S STREET - NIGHT Duncan rides his bike through the eerily empty streets. The silence is unsettling. As he reaches his house, he finds his girlfriend and her parents glued to the television. DUNCAN'S GIRLFRIEND (teary-eyed) I don’t understand why they can’t just shoot Marson. DUNCAN (concerned) What is going on? The road is empty. Where is everyone? They explain the situation, and Duncan sits down, shocked by the gravity of the events. DUNCAN'S GIRLFRIEND (emotional) I just can’t understand why they are not just shooting Marson himself. DUNCAN (realizing) Leader to leader, and all the others – anything goes. One-on-One. Duncan's parents and grandmother express their confusion and concern. DUNCAN'S GRANDMOTHER (voice trembling) Was he begging? David begging. I want to see that. Duncan flips channels and witnesses the dramatic scene. DUNCAN (shocked) Holy ghost, they are cheating. They are stabbing him into submission secretly. DUNCAN'S GIRLFRIEND (revelation) But that’s cheating, which means they are not going to spare anyone. Do you also know that they are going to use the devil’s ghost to stub anyone who supports this David in 48 hours of darkness? DUNCAN (concerned) I have a digital currency. When are these 48 hours of darkness? DUNCAN'S GIRLFRIEND (grim) In two days’ time. The realization sinks in, and Duncan becomes more anxious. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - NIGHT Wilson and David, facing dwindling numbers, grapple with the dire situation. DAVID (firm) No, I will give up. They are using the stabbing drone to kill me. I think it is trying to sever my arm and knee. WILSON (desperate) So, you can’t fight. DAVID (resolute) Wilson, listen to me. At least Evelina and Carolina are not here. I want you to walk away from all this. I am going to give up. You take Tom and the few left and walk away. You will be safe if you are on national television. Marson advances, and the assassin, red-faced but steadfast, remains in position. Marson pulls a tactical move, using Bogdan as a shield. MARSON (threatening) No. No. No, don’t shoot. It’s me you want. He drags Bogdan in front, creating a tense moment. Wilson pleads with determination. WILSON (pleading) I am assigned to save and protect you. The fate of the confrontation hangs in the balance, and the world watches in suspense. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - NIGHT Marson, fueled by anger and vengeance, holds David captive in the center of the room. The live stream captures the intense confrontation as Marson threatens to harm civilians. DAVID (pleading) Let me go. WILSON (defiant) You can’t die when I am here. I have an obligation to protect everyone if it’s not an assassin. So far, he attacked assassins; soldiers to me. But he is crossing the line going for civilians. MARSON (agitated) Okay, let him go. WILSON (resolute) Don’t waste my time. Marson, enraged, throws Bogdan back, but a gunshot rings out, leaving everyone on edge. David, fearing for his life, checks himself for wounds, only to witness another assassin fall with a bullet to the head. DAVID (angry) Step back! His men comply, forming a defensive half-circle around him. The live stream broadcasts Marson and David in a tense face-off, weapons drawn, the room stained with blood. MARSON (threatening) I will be fast. If you play the game, I will kill every one of your people starting with those women; Evelin and Carolina. DAVID (pleading) No! I don’t want to be here. I don’t want them to see me like this. It is better they don’t see. Marson dismisses David's plea, determined to break any hopes and loyalty. He orders the women to be brought in, escalating the tension. MARSON (furious) I bloody asked for the women to be brought in! Where the hell are they? David tries to reason, begging to keep the women away, but Marson remains adamant. MARSON (threatening) I slash your head and shoot it before it falls to the ground to dash any hopes among these people so that everyone obeys only me. You play games. I swear they all die. As the devil’s eyes cult members prepare to attack, David, in pain and desperation, recalls his earlier training. The atmosphere becomes surreal as Marson raises the sword to behead David. DAVID (yelling) Not until the Fat Ladies sing! Suddenly, Wilson intervenes, pushing Bogdan away and aiming a spare gun at Marson. The doors behind open, revealing eight Fat Ladies armed with guns. DAVID (realizing) Who the hell is there? The lead Fat Lady winks at David, spreading a piece of paper between her thighs. It falls to the ground, revealing one side red and the other white. CUT TO BLACK. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS The tension reaches its peak as Marson, fueled by rage and determination, prepares to strike David's head with the sword. Wilson, on the ground, watches in horror. David, facing impending doom, unleashes a scream that echoes through the underground compound. DAVID (screaming) Not until the Fat Ladies sing! With a swift move, Wilson rolls on the ground, avoiding the deadly strike. Marson, with eyes closed, swings the sword with full force, aiming for David's head. Carolina and Evelina, in the adjacent hall, break free from their captors and rush towards the source of the scream. Carolina, fearing the worst, pushes open the door with a gun in hand. Evelina stands behind her, tears streaming down her face. The men holding them hesitate, realizing the gravity of the situation. CAROLINA (holding the gun) That can only be the scream of beheading. The men laugh, oblivious to the unfolding drama. Evelina, trembling, slowly opens the door, expecting a gruesome sight. The world watches, collectively holding its breath. EVELINA (sobbing) Please, no... People around the globe, glued to their screens, witness the scene with a mix of horror and anticipation. Duncan, miles away, breaks down in tears. DUNCAN (crying) Come on, quickly. Damn it. He wipes his tears and addresses the camera in his bedroom, broadcasting the events live. DUNCAN (pleading) Everyone out there, listen carefully. This is not corporate punishment; it's a sacrifice. They're beheading David to release the devils' ghosts. In 48 hours, the world will face darkness. Think about it—do you want to be among the lucky third spared by the devil's eye cult? This isn't just about David; it's about preventing a global catastrophe. He pauses, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. DUNCAN (urgent) Ask yourself if you want to side with evil or choose peace and prosperity. Marson pulled the trigger effortlessly, showcasing the simplicity of destruction. David, on the other hand, has spent his life trying to build and create. Should we allow the destruction of a brilliant mind? It's easier to destroy than to create, but David aimed for the latter. Now, we're about to witness the destruction of a great mind. We can't just hope to be the lucky third; we must act. He looks to the side, catching a thrown gun. DUNCAN (determined) I am not a part of the devil's eye cult. How do I guarantee my survival in two days? The world watches, waiting for the next turn of events. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS David lies on the ground, wounded and in pain, as chaos ensues around him. Wilson is by his side, also injured. Carolina and Evelina, armed and determined, have joined the fight, firing at the devil's eye cult members. DAVID (grimacing in pain) You can't beat the trinity. Carolina, Evelina, and David open fire on Marson and the devil's eye cult members. The eight Fat Ladies, armed and fierce, add to the barrage of bullets, creating a hailstorm of gunfire. CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE Gunshots echo through the underground compound. Tom, valiantly trying to protect Evelina, is injured in the process. Evelina manages to escape, and the Fat Ladies swiftly eliminate the threat. The devil's eye cult members fall one by one as the combined force of David, Carolina, Evelina, and the Fat Ladies overwhelms them. The room is filled with the acrid smell of gun smoke and the sound of chaos. TOM (slightly delirious) Fat Lady-Is-I... Evelina escapes the clutches of danger, and the Fat Lady bravely eliminates the threat to her safety. The underground compound is a battlefield, with the devil's eye cult members, police, and soldiers engaged in a fierce firefight. PRESIDENT KNOX (lifeless) Get the hell off her right now. The Fat Lady, standing protectively over Evelina, delivers a final blow to the assailant. Meanwhile, Duncan, accompanied by a group of civilians, enters the scene. DUNCAN (looking around in shock) What the hell is happening here? The chaos intensifies as the public witnesses the unfolding events. David, Carolina, Evelina, and the Fat Ladies continue to fight for survival, facing the devil's eye cult and the approaching forces. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS The chaos continues to unfold as the gun battle between the public and the authorities intensifies. Duncan and his group of civilians enter the scene, confronting the soldiers and police. DUNCAN (shouting) We are bloody sick and tired of you. Step away from them right now. SOLDIER (trying to assert authority) You man, this is a national security matter. Back off. CIVILIAN (shouting angrily) You motherfuckers, I said step away from them right now. One of the civilians opens fire, and Duncan joins in, initiating a gun battle with the soldiers and police. The crowd keeps pouring in, overwhelming the forces. The soldiers and police, now facing the public's wrath, start backing off. Meanwhile, David, Bogdan, and Wilson look at the unexpected saviors – the Fat Ladies. DAVID (astonished) Fat Ladies? Where did you come from? FAT LADIES' LEADER (with confidence) We watched in our bedrooms how they killed the Fat Ladies, and after that, we made a call to the number on the leaflet we found. We spoke to Vaida. She said the Fat Ladies were no more. But I don’t think so, as we are here. DAVID (surprised) So, I still happen to be their leader right now. I saved your life; they could have beheaded you. CIVILIAN (whispering to Fat Ladies' Leader) Leader of the Fat Ladies? I don’t see why they call you Fat Lady or he means charlady? FAT LADIES' LEADER (dismissive) Fuck off, it does not mean you have to be literally fat. Put on your clothes. The banter continues as Wilson defends his actions, and the Fat Ladies express their jealousy playfully. WILSON (defending himself) Boss, I Wilson saved your life, not these women. Trust me, if it wasn’t for my quick thinking, we could be saying something different. DAVID (amused) What saves my life? You nearly amputated me with that rotary kick. Why did you have to kick me so hard? CAROLINA (explaining) I guess that triggered all these into action. I thought they had beheaded you. I guess that cry gave me the courage to fight them. EVELINA (running in) David! Evelina rushes in and offers to help lift the injured David. Amidst the chaos, they share a tender moment. EVELINA (hugging David) I was so scared; I thought they had beheaded you. I felt my world falling apart. I felt like something within me died too. DAVID (grateful) If it wasn’t for you and Carolina, probably the Fat Ladies, I guess, might have been stopped outside by the guards. The screams startled them as they walked out. David halts and notices a woman crying. DAVID (asking Carolina) Who is she? Or should I say, who he is? CAROLINA (teary-eyed) Lastly, boss, your safety is my priority. Stacey, the leader of the Fat Ladies, pulls David away, leaving the others to discuss the recent events. EVELINA (confused) Who is Stacey? DAVID (teasingly) She is Stacey. CAROLINA (rolling her eyes) Stacey? Why couldn’t it be Primrose or Chanel? I don’t want to live in fear all the time. DAVID (smiling) Speaking of Stacey, see whom I met today. David shows a photo of himself with Stacey to Evelina, who reacts with shock. EVELINA (cursing) Damn it, that woman is alive. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS David and his group survey the aftermath of the intense gun battle. Bodies are scattered throughout the hall, and the realization of the sacrifices made by those who defended him hits David hard. DAVID (looking around in shock) Damn it, how many guns did you have today? STACEY (confidently) Three - two on each thigh and one in the hand. Suddenly, the sobbing of a woman interrupts their conversation. David attempts to kneel beside her, but his trousers quickly develop bloodstains, prompting him to sit down. DAVID (apologetic) I'm sorry for your loss. If he died defending us, particularly me, I'm honored. What was his name? WOMAN (sobbing) He is Duncan, the father of my baby. He died standing for what he believed to be right, even though he's not a fan of you. He holds your views in high esteem. His death was not in vain. David touches Duncan's hand and expresses his gratitude. Rose, who had gone out with Duncan's body, returns. ROSE (urgent) Do you know why he wanted to behead you? DAVID (enquiring) Treason, tax evasion, incitement, uprising against the regime. Honestly expressing my dreams. Or solving God’s dilemma. ROSE (grimly) No. This is not an execution but a sacrifice recommended by the Devil’s Eye cult. It's not the government's doing. CAROLINA (confused) Devil’s Eye cult? What difference does it make? ROSE (explaining) If it’s a sacrifice, it's opening doors for the real devil’s ghosts, not these fake invisible drones. Your blood, through beheading, will open the doors of hell where the devil’s ghosts are locked. The group is startled by this revelation. DAVID (fearful) What are you saying? ROSE (grimly) In two days, if the seal is not fixed, it will release the real devil’s ghost, carrying out the 48 hours of darkness, killing two-thirds of the population. Shock and concern fill the faces of everyone present. DAVID (desperate) The fact that they failed stops all these devil’s ghosts and the slaughter, right? ROSE (sadly) No, they will still continue with the invisible drones – the devil’s ghosts. Unless you reseal the seal, the killings will continue. DAVID (agitated) What must I do? Stacey steps forward. STACEY (reassuring) I can help you. Just be next to me and see what I can do. The group begins to walk back, and David, overwhelmed by the sight of bloodshed, stops, tears rolling down his face. The trails of blood spell out the initials of Tomorrow’s World Order. DAVID (overwhelmed) What have I done? FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS Evelina supports David as they walk through the aftermath of the chaos. The distant sounds of gunfire echo through the corridors. EVELINA (relieved) I am glad this is over. I can't believe with all these shootings I have killed anyone, not even a single soul. Does that mean I am free to live my life in fear? David stops and listens to the fading sounds of gunfire. DAVID (smiling) I think those who are left will think twice before taking us back to dark days. I believe people are now behind us. Carolina, Bogdan, and Wilson join them. CAROLINA (apologetic) I apologize for anything you found odd about all this ordeal. If we are all put to such extremes, there is a small devil in all of us. I can't believe I nearly shot you at one point. DAVID (smiling) No need for apologies. We've all been through a lot. Carolina steps forward and hugs David. Evelina joins in the embrace. DAVID (CONT'D) (looking at Wilson) And you, Wilson, trying to break my leg. You know what? I need a vacation. Anywhere. I can't stand this guy complaining after what I went through for him. WILSON (jealous) Ladyboy is just jealous. Stacey, the Fat Lady leader, approaches them. STACEY (teasing) Watch it, calling me that. I shot you. Wilson walks away, irritated. DAVID (smiling) Wilson! It's not over yet. Keep him here, at least after these 48 hours, okay? Stacey chuckles, and David turns to Carolina and Bogdan. DAVID (CONT'D) And now, Karoline, come here. I've got something to share. Carolina walks over, and Stacey playfully mimics a model's walk in front of her. STACEY (teasing) He wants me, not you. I think he is into big white booty. CAROLINA (annoyed) What do you want? STACEY (laughing) It's okay, Karol. David is the one who sent us that advert. The hacker. Asking us if we would be strong enough to wear just lingerie in public. Karolina looks shocked. KAROLINA (angry) You were spying on us, probably jerking off only us, and to cover your tracks, ask us to wear just lingerie in public? Maybe we should have let him behead you. DAVID (explaining) If that is the case, that means beheading everyone watching out there. STACEY (laughing) Nothing sexual, just looking for a way to distract them. We were overwhelmingly outnumbered. KAROLINA (smiling) Oh, that’s an insult. What is not lovely about big booty? DAVID (laughing) So, you deliberately recruited them? What do you think about them? Stacey and the Fat Ladies exchange playful glances. STACEY (winking) Well, they saved your life, didn't they? They all share a moment of laughter as they navigate through the aftermath of the intense events. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - MEDICAL ROOM - CONTINUOUS David and Evelina stand together, still processing the revelation. EVELINA (teasing) If this was your plan, it was your plan too to get me punched and drugged senseless, right? She playfully punches David, who winces as if in pain. DAVID (laughing) I can't believe he's pretending to be in pain. Evelina looks at Carolina, who is throwing a tantrum. EVELINA (teasing) I am pregnant? DAVID (confused) What? David walks over to Evelina without limping. EVELINA (smiling) Oh, now you can walk? Perfect, just wasting my time here. DAVID (teasing) David. Evelina softly says his name, and David looks around. DAVID (CONT'D) Where is Adam? Maybe not Adam. Calvin? A man opens the door and stands there. Evelina looks at the door but quickly turns her attention back to David. DAVID (CONT'D) Come in. As the man walks in, Evelina's heart pounds faster. EVELINA (whispering) Alex. She starts walking towards the man. As they close the gap, the speed of their walk increases, and they start sprinting towards each other. DAVID (teasing) David, who is he? I thought Alex died. EVELINA (smiling) Really? Wait for it. Evelina and the man, revealed to be Calvin, hug and kiss passionately. EVELINA (teary-eyed) I can't believe Alex is alive. I mean, Alex's look-alike. DAVID (smiling) It's not Alex, it's Calvin. Okay. You call me Alex again, I am walking away. EVELINA (fuming) Why walk away? We just met. Are they all like that? DAVID (teasing) I guess you have to compromise, love your better half, even more, to stay together forever. Evelina looks at Calvin and starts sobbing. EVELINA (teary-eyed) Okay, I guess he was right. One must love the other more to compromise, otherwise he will simply walk away. I can't go through that again. She smiles. EVELINA (CONT'D) I love you... I mean, Calvin. I hope our love will be forever. CALVIN (teasing) I hope so, as long as you don't call me Alex. He kisses her and pulls her hand. CALVIN (CONT'D) Where are we going? I have to be with them. EVELINA (teasing) With them when they behead that fat man Marson? No way. Come with me. You won't regret it. Stacey makes noises by clearing her throat. STACEY (teasing) No offense intended. Evelina and Calvin run away, disappearing through the doors. DAVID (teasing) Shall we make sure it’s done and dealt with? BOGDAN (nodding) Yes, let's go. They start walking towards where Marson's body lies. DAVID (CONT'D) So, you engineered everything that happened here today? BOGDAN (smiling) You've read my book? One-on-One. Never touch the leader, let the leaders kill each other. But I could have saved my assigns who died today. INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - MAIN HALL - CONTINUOUS David stands over the bodies of his assassins, saluting them in a moment of acknowledgment. BOGDAN (serious) Who sent these Ultima Talionis letters? DAVID (grim) The slim ladies: Jolanta, Jacqueline, Charlotte, Victoria, Penelope, Brielle, and Anastasia. BOGDAN (relieved) I'm glad we are all right. We could have died today. David stops over Tom's lifeless body. DAVID (grim) Did Jacob make it? BOGDAN (sombre) Still transferring the money up to now. David looks at them, but Carolina's voice startles them. CAROLINA (resolute) Our own trinity survived today. I think we must know the truth after the 48 hours of darkness, if we survive even that, if we have really defeated the kingdom of darkness. BOGDAN (serious) What needs to be done? CAROLINA (determined) Behead Marson with one stroke to stop the release of the real devils’ ghosts and not these stabbing bloody invisible drone-guns. BOGDAN (skeptical) Can you manage? CAROLINA (confident) The trinity will behead him. They stop and survey the scene, witnessing the aftermath of the intense battle. DAVID (resolute) This is what I call cleaning the system. Look at the dead soldiers and the police. CAROLINA (remorseful) But don’t forget the number of civilians dead? DAVID (somber) Armed and ready to fight and die for us, they are not civilians but soldiers. I know it’s a sad day as well if so many have to die to keep the few; us alive. The door suddenly opens, and a man walks in, leaving everyone speechless. MAN (excited) Boss, have you seen the prince’s daughter? DAVID (dismissive) I thought I told you she is Wilson’s girlfriend. MAN (confused) Is that a joke? Because she confessed, she loves me. Everyone looks at him, and a woman appears, coming from where Wilson had gone. WOMAN (teasing) Your brother looks just like you. MAN (defensive) Who is my brother? He is my boss. WOMAN (surprised) What?! (She walks close to David and then turns around to talk to Carolina, shocked.) She screamed and jumped backward, touching in front of her to make sure that there was no mirror. Who is this woman? The man walks closer to Carolina and looks at her. MAN (confused) Are you related to the prince’s daughter? DERYK (realization) Derived, let’s go. The woman walks away, looking at Carolina. MAN (astonished) He is called Derived as well. DAVID (smiling) Ladies and gentlemen, that is what solving God’s dilemma means. Anything is possible. A few minutes later, David lifts Marson’s body and places it between tables. He takes the sword and uses the tongue pain technique. He roars and runs toward Marson’s corpse, swinging the sword so hard that he beheads Marson with one swift stroke. As Marson’s head rolls toward the door, it opens. An angry man in military attire aims and fires a shot, startling everyone. The bullet sound echoes as he looks at the severed head, only to be struck by David's sword, pinning him to the door. A loud scream sends everyone running. WILSON (desperate) No! Wilson's heart pounds as he gets up and runs towards David. His heart in his hands, he rushes into the corridor, fearing the worst. He opens the door and stares in shock at the unexpected scene. EXT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - MAIN HALL - CONTINUOUS Wilson rushes forward, nearly tripping over Marson's severed head in the hall. Blood oozes near David as people gather around. Panic ensues, and Wilson sprints to David's side. WILSON (desperate) Damn it. It was just a joke. I was just a bit jealous, but I don’t mean your death. Damn it, I should have stayed with all of you. Stacey lies on top of David, injured and dying. STACEY (laughing weakly) I saved him. I saved his life. I guess you can be the leader of the Fat Ladies. (coughing blood) You need to put some steak on those chicken legs. WILSON (guilt-ridden) Hey, do you know I went for nearly a year eating rough and not having sleep when you were having pasta every night. (laughing) I guess it’s not over until the Fat Lady sings. What a bulky lady she was. Stacey laughs and dies. They lift her to help David get up. DAVID (somber) I guess we still have enemies out there. Everyone on alert. I don’t know who he is and who sent him. Rose, Duncan’s girlfriend, enters, screaming. ROSE (distraught) They shot David outside. DAVID (shocked) What? ROSE (confused) If you are in here, who is dead outside? (looking down) I am mourning and in grief, but I am not... am I hallucinating? DAVID (serious) It’s okay; he is my twin brother. ROSE (understanding) So, don’t forget the 48 hours of darkness still apply to you. CAROLINA (confused) What do you mean? ROSE (grim) You must kill all your enemies as well, I guess a third of the population who will come to try to kill you. (bitterly) Or end up like that guy shot on the steps. DAVID (agony) It’s hard and painful playing God. Where are the trinity members? Carolina? Bogdan? You better cover me while I go on vacation. Honestly, I just want to make love to my wife and have a bottle of wine. I want to see my daughter and my son. You know what? I need a break before World War Three. (agonized) I just heard some EB members did not attend. They suspected an ambush, and they have flown away gathering others around. And that can only mean one thing: World War Three. The group looks haunted. DAVID (CONT'D) Where is Evelina? DAVID (shouting) Eve! Evelina! David picks up Marson’s head and throws a tantrum, punching the head several times. DAVID (CONT'D) You bastard caused a lot of pain and suffering. Today I taught you a lesson. He punches it hard, kicks it in the air, pulls out his gun, and shoots it several times before it hits the ground. DAYS LATER INT. UNDERGROUND COMPOUND - MAIN HALL - DAY DAVID (now addressing the group) Marson is gone. I think we can mount a challenge to overturn things. We must declare war with the remaining leaders, especially with EB. But it’s not over yet; we have a lot to do to guarantee us mounting a World War Three. Marson’s men and the Devil’s Eye assassins left will not give up. I hope when we expose their brutality to innocent civilians, people once again can accept our Ultima Talionis letters and target these instead. I need Wilson going after Frederick, the head of the secret service, two elders, and most of EB. This will buy us time. (solemn) On a serious note, Wilson and Vaida are the only ones left of the original Fat Ladies. The group looks down, contemplating the challenges ahead. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT David addresses the group solemnly. DAVID It was a bloody day. Six of my best men and women perished today. Let’s hold a moment of silence. On the other hand, though still slow, I have the new Fat Ladies. Until the Fat Ladies sing, it’s not over yet. New drones descend, inserting acupuncture-like needles into David, Carolina, and Bogdan. They burst into uncontrollable laughter. DAVID (CONT'D) Massaging our nerves. Clearing out the fear the devil’s ghost inserted in all of us. Do you know what else they can do? David commands the trio to lie on their stomachs, and the drones provide full-body massages. The group marvels at the technology. LATER THAT EVENING They sit around a television, watching global events unfold. TV REPORTER (voiceover) Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have been found dead all over the world following Marson’s death. It is believed that Marson had used the devil’s ghosts to kill all these people. Witness accounts suggested that they all died and fell. The shocking news is that it is believed that they died the same time he died. As Professor Bitmask suggested, he had linked his life to the lives of his loyal followers in what can be described as when you rise, we rise too. When you die, we die too? The group absorbs the shocking information. TV REPORTER (CONT'D) This regime has killed more people in a short period than anyone else in the history of mankind. Most believe that it was intentional as they tried to break a record, thereby announcing the restoration of the kingdom of darkness. How many people out there have these devil’s ghosts? How many more to die before the regime is finally brought to justice, we might never know. David reflects on the gravity of the situation. DAVID (agony) It’s hard and painful playing God. Where are the Trinity members? Carolina? Bogdan? You better cover me while I go on vacation. Honestly, I just want to make love to my wife and have a bottle of wine. I want to see my daughter and my son. You know what? I need a break before World War Three. The group looks haunted. DAVID (CONT'D) Where is Evelina? DAVID (shouting) Eve! Evelina! David picks up Marson’s head, throws a tantrum, punches the head several times. DAVID (CONT'D) You bastard caused a lot of pain and suffering. Today I taught you a lesson. He punches it hard, kicks it in the air, pulls out his gun, and shoots it several times before it hits the ground. DAYS LATER INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - MAIN HALL - DAY DAVID (now addressing the group) Marson is gone. I think we can mount a challenge to overturn things. We must declare war with the remaining leaders, especially with EB. But it’s not over yet; we have a lot to do to guarantee us mounting a World War Three. Marson’s men and the Devil’s Eye assassins left will not give up. I hope when we expose their brutality to innocent civilians, people once again can accept our Ultima Talionis letters and target these instead. I need Wilson going after Frederick, the head of the secret service, two elders, and most of EB. This will buy us time. (solemn) On a serious note, Wilson and Vaida are the only ones left of the original Fat Ladies. The group looks down, contemplating the challenges ahead. INT. TOMORROW'S WORLD ORDER HEADQUARTERS - DAY David, Carolina, Evelina, and the others gather in the main hall, discussing recent events. DAVID We might never turn all the devil’s ghosts to be holy ghosts, some will remain naughty. I guess it’s just within them. They exchange glances, contemplating the challenges ahead. DAVID (CONT'D) Did I tell you we have a visitor today? As the doorbell rings, David goes to answer it. Stacey stands at the door. CAROLINA Stacey? Stacey squints her eyes. CAROLINA (CONT'D) I didn’t know that Stacey has a twin sister. DAVID Not a twin sister. Marson’s regime created duplicates. They found genes of the same type and encouraged the parents to have kids and name them after those they look like who are of interest to them. Her real name is Stacey, and the same is the same as well. She looks exactly like Stacey, the only difference being the age. Carolina looks shocked, and David notices something in Stacey's hand. DAVID (CONT'D) Pregnancy test? CAROLINA Are you pregnant, and who is the father? Marson? Stacey touches her gun. STACEY We know the devil ghosts don’t exist, just bloody very advanced invisible drones, and that Marson was human. If he was the devil, he could have used his devil’s ghosts to defend himself. This regime brainwashed millions of people, abusing all these women and children. They all share a solemn moment of realization. DAVID At least we are glad we eliminated almost all of them. A fresh start, a new thing, and a better tomorrow. DAVID (CONT'D) I can't wait to see the look on Evelina’s face when she meets Stacey. Evelina opens the door. EVELINA Stacey! Is that you? STACEY Of course, it is me. Evelina looks at her closely. EVELINA I can’t believe it. Cloning or what? STACEY Nope, not cloning. Marson could get anyone. The door suddenly opens. DAVID Meet Evelina, Karolina, and Brogan. Evelina’s heart starts pounding fast. She starts sobbing. EVELINA It’s like looking in the mirror. EVELINA (CONT'D) They were going to replace us, right? STACEY Who did that? EVELINA I warned you, Holy Ghost. I am going to sue you. They all hear giggles. DAVID Make yourself visible now, that’s an order. Instantly, a miniature human drone appears. MINIATURE HUMAN DRONE If you keep doing that one of these days, I am going to sue your ass. DAVID So, I don’t need to keep an ass anyway if it’s going to be easily sued. They all burst into laughter. DAVID (CONT'D) David’s dilemma; all over again. Can we ever create robots that can think, act, feel, and do like us, humans? We might never know, as it seems decades away. But at least we are closer to solving God’s dilemma. Or just think so. I must do a re-genesis again. Rebuild the world again. Anyone for a pizza? MINIATURE HUMAN DRONE Me. Me. Pick me. DAVID Anyone else humanly? No offense to you guys. MINIATURE HUMAN DRONE I am going to sue your ass for bullying. DAVID Then I don’t need to keep my ass if it gets sued that easily. Have you heard these Holy Ghost drones? They make me laugh. We still have a lot to achieve. Good day, people. The beginning of the New World Order. Tomorrow’s World Order, but before that, we have a wedding and a world war three to attend. They exit the room, leaving behind the echoes of laughter and the promise of a new world. David's SUV slowly drove through a beautiful park with vibrant flowers on either side of the bridge. David, dressed sharply, stepped out and walked onto the bridge. He wore white stiletto shoes, white jeans, a white shirt, and sunglasses. In the middle of the bridge, he stopped and approached the side rail, noticing a padlock that caught his attention. DAVID (whispering) Alex and Eve. He removed his sunglasses and inspected the padlock further. DAVID (CONT'D) E&A: My Love for You Is Forever. He smiled, contemplating the romantic gesture. Retrieving the power switch of the Holy Ghost drone from his pocket, he looked at it thoughtfully. DAVID (CONT'D) Could this be our Evelina and Alex? He quickly snapped a photo and sent it to someone. As his phone rang, he answered, revealing the power switch in his hand. DAVID (CONT'D) Could this be you and Alex? On the other end, a sobbing voice responded. EVELINA That’s so romantic. He was a natural lover, a true love-Is-I of mine. He will be missed. I can’t believe he is.... DAVID Come back here! Hey, bring that back right now! Come back here! EVELINA Who are you talking to? David? Are you okay? DAVID Damn it. The only power switches. I was going to throw it in the river... EVELINA Why? Is it for the Holy Ghost Drone? Is that why it’s not working? David? DAVID The huge white bird took the switch from my hand and flew away. I am just afraid it might end up with the... what are the possibilities. EVELINA I thought you were keeping these? DAVID I was going to until... EVELINA Damn it, David, finish your sentences. DAVID Is there a problem? Silence. DAVID (CONT'D) The Holy Ghost Drone is asking if it can be you because everyone wants you. EVELINA Not the drone as well. Where do I go? A bullet sound abruptly rocketed in David’s ear. He pulled the phone away, checking the screen. DAVID (CONT'D) Evelina, are you still there? EVELINA Nobody can be, and I am tired of running away bloody. To be continued... INT. DAVID'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT David, a confident and charismatic leader, hangs up the phone after a heated conversation. DAVID (looking at a padlock with Evelina and Alex's names) Drones, not you as well. I've had enough of all this. I am getting married soon. I blasted your drone in case that huge white bird you're talking about ends up here. The line goes dead. David touches the padlock with a smile. DAVID (CONT'D) My love for you is forever. He whispers, then wears his sunglasses before heading out to his SUV. EXT. GLOBAL FORUM - DAY David, accompanied by Carolina, Bogdan, and Wilson, arrives at the Global Forum to address world leaders. The street is lined with flags, and a red carpet leads to the entrance. A huge crowd cheers and chants. DAVID (standing at the center stage) We've said from the beginning that the current system is outdated. Seventy-five years down the line, it's not serving its purpose. We've worked hard for the smooth transition to the new system. A REPORTER raises a question. REPORTER Please elaborate on that? DAVID It's not a secret anymore. We've used the Drone-gun to eliminate resistance. Our system is for everyone, not just a privileged few. We've removed stubborn leaders who posed threats to progress. A buzz fills the air. REPORTER #2 Who do you think you are? God? DAVID Now it's not the time for games. We've established ourselves globally. We won't tolerate those against progress. We will hunt you down, your family, kids, even your pets. The crowd reacts with a mix of applause and boos. DAVID (CONT'D) We're standing for the betterment of everyone. This is not the time to explain whether I'm pretending to be God or not. Read my book on God's Dilemma. We're heading to a phase you now refer to as heaven. The crowd goes wild. DAVID (CONT'D) Heaven is an advanced stage of human development. We're eliminating most of the problems we have today. I will take you there. Some clap, some boo. DAVID (CONT'D) To be taken seriously, we have invested in drone-guns. They're waiting in orbit for our commands. We can't tolerate those who destroy what God created. When I'm through with you, the Holy Spirit shall visit you from the skies. Another buzz. REPORTER #3 Drone-guns as the Holy Spirit, isn't that blasphemous? DAVID If heaven is an advanced stage, everything else must be here on earth. The Holy Ghost shall baptize evil people, making digital pathogens and weapons. To hell with those who benefit at the expense of others. Let the Holy Ghosts baptize them with the holy fire from the skies. The crowd reacts again. REPORTER #4 So the Drone bullets are the holy fire? DAVID Have you seen how many bullets one can fire per second? He signals Bogdan to play a video, showcasing the drone-gun spinning and spreading bullets. DAVID (CONT'D) The drone-gun, ladies and gentlemen. Our holy ghosts. Two-hundred bullets per second. The crowd is in awe as David confidently delivers his message, leaving the world leaders and the audience in anticipation of what's to come. INT. GLOBAL ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY David, standing confidently at the podium, addresses a diverse audience of world leaders and citizens. DAVID Trust me when I say there is a new law and order in town. We're here to boost everyone's self-esteem to the highest levels. Once achieved, treating others the way you want to be treated will eliminate the presence of these low-lives. We will track and blast all. Abide by our rules or go to hell. A question from the audience interrupts. AUDIENCE MEMBER #1 But you sound like you dismiss the idea of heaven, yet you agree to the idea of hell. How come? DAVID (smiling) Oh, I haven't told you about hell? Hell is a place you go when so many bullets have shredded your body, bones, and souls. It's a place for those whose bodies have holes from our guns. A huge buzz fills the room. REPORTER One last question, Mr. David. Is it true that you are using the delayed-time-space mechanism to kill these people? DAVID (smiling) Our systems are advanced in every sense. With world funds, we've invested heavily in research. We can shoot you today and save those bullets in orbit for when you become a rotten egg, a pain to us. Another buzz in the room. REPORTER #2 Isn't putting everyone on death row the same thing you're fighting against? DAVID Let me finish first. The drone-gun uses the delayed-time-space-continuum to shoot you today and save it for the future. We release the bullet, and trust me, it tracks and traces you like a heat missile until you're dead. This is not death row. Some people can't be trusted, and their genes are corrupt. It's a disease, and the only solution is a bullet. We've issued Ultima Talionis letters to eliminate them. The audience applauds. DAVID (CONT'D) Some might say it's murder, but our laws have found them guilty. We've boosted everyone's self-esteem, and people understand what is good and bad. Now, we issue Ultima Talionis letters to approved assassins, our duty to remove mankind's enemies on Earth. It's our God-given right. To understand this, you must understand God's dilemma. The applause continues. DAVID (CONT'D) If not stopped, they will destroy humanity. Digital weapons and pathogens pose a risk. You have the right to say no. Get the Ultima Talionis letter and blast these motherfuckers in public. Shock and traumatize them so others won't follow. Beware; these scumbags risk being shot in public by anyone. A skeptical voice rises from the audience. AUDIENCE MEMBER #2 So, you plan to kill opposition first using the drone-gun, your so-called holy ghosts? DAVID (smiling confidently) Opposition or not, those who threaten humanity will face consequences. We stand for the betterment of everyone. Cooperate or face the holy ghosts. The room is filled with a mix of applause and murmurs as David's bold vision for a new world order sinks in. INT. GLOBAL ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY David, standing resolute at the podium, addresses a captivated audience of world leaders and citizens. DAVID Our plan is not to kill opposition because what you're saying is that anyone against us must die. We're saying that those who die deserve to die because they've committed crimes that humans regard as so gross that if nothing is done, they will kill everyone else, including themselves. It's like getting into a taxi driven by a driver so drunk that he will cause an accident. A reasonable man will either drive himself, exactly what we are doing, or find another way, exactly what has been happening for the past two-thousand years. The room erupts in applause. AUDIENCE Tomorrow’s World Order! Tomorrow’s World Order! DAVID (CONT'D) The people who end up being drone-gunned down have committed crimes gross to humanity, with universal jurisdiction. Our courts will strip off immunity because such crimes violate the fundamentals of human existence. The systematic drone-gun attacks will help us maintain law and order. The global leaders will have the powers to approve assassins to take out these people, whether they like it or not. This is the way it's going to be. A reporter stands up to ask a question. REPORTER We understand that the Executive Branch has vowed to defend its members, and with your stance, don't you think it will lead to World War Three? The room buzzes with anticipation. DAVID (smiling) Yes, World War Three is an option. “A chance to give the boys time to play with their toys and a time to destroy what we don’t want; weapons. Unless people are put to such extremes, some people will never change or understand what we are talking about. War trauma is a catalyst for change, and we are going to do everything we can. If that’s the road that will give us results, we will take it.” “We believe you are deliberately provoking all these nations to a world war three.” “How many people are dying and suffering needlessly today? How much do these people have in banks? Money just sitting in public instructions for decades when the living standards have dropped so low? That you will never see in our system as we will work hard to bring and put what we say are minimum standards. No one else will decide that, but we will impose what we call a minimum standard, and it will be a crime for public institutions that are supposed to help humanity to hold trillions and trillions decade after decade when living standards haven’t changed for the past seventy-five years. That is a crime, and we have used the E-laws to destroy these institutions and provide helpful institutions that solve problems and not just provide stupid jobs for these people.” The crowd applauds. “The best thing to know is that our system reflects the time we are living in. A system fit for purpose. A system for us and all future generations. If our current approach does not work to convince everyone that this is the way forward, then we simply say to all see you after the Third World Order.” There was a huge buzz. After dinner, David raises a glass of wine. DAVID To Tomorrow’s World Order, a new beginning. A new start, a new system, and new people. Only we can change and control our future. AUDIENCE To Tomorrow’s World Order! They all toast. REPORTER “So, it’s World War Three. I understand the Executive Branch has denied stepping down but to defend its members.” DAVID “Indeed, the beginning of World War Three. But we are operating in seven key countries that should give us a competitive advantage. These nations have seen our system and the good it is to their economies, so I hope they will defend us as we are solving all their problems. But again, it’s a war, anything can happen, but we must remain optimistic.” DAVID (CONT'D) “It has been a great journey. But a painful road as well. Imagine if all our team members were here how great all this would be?” INT. WEDDING VENUE - DAY The wedding venue is beautifully adorned with heart-shaped balloons and floral arrangements. Calvin stands at the entrance, ready for his wedding. BOGDAN touches David's shoulder. BOGDAN We did our best given the circumstances. We must also be thankful. CAROLINA Our digital currency is doing great, and the system is performing well as we predicted. Riches to all mankind. Good health to all mankind. DAVID (smiling) We better go and prepare for World War Three. But first, we can't miss that for anything, even World War Three can wait. Evelina and Calvin are getting married. CUT TO: INT. CALVIN'S DRESSING ROOM - DAY Calvin looks at himself in the mirror, dressed in a sharp black suit. He adjusts his tie, smiles, and picks a bunch of red roses, white tulips, and white roses. CALVIN I am ready. He looks at his friend. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM CIRCLE - DAY Evelina stands at the museum circle, wearing a stunning white wedding gown. The dress is tight-fitting, revealing her blessed chest. She is radiant and ecstatic. CUT TO FLASHBACK: Evelina recalls the moment when she was surrounded by people pointing guns at her, a stark contrast to the joyous occasion unfolding. BACK TO PRESENT: Evelina's friend, Amos, and Nancy appear at the entrance and join her. The atmosphere is filled with happiness and anticipation. CUT TO: INT. WEDDING VENUE - DAY Calvin shouts as he appears at the entrance. CALVIN “The Love-Is-I!” Evelina responds with joy. EVELINA “The Love-Is-I!” CROWD “Love’s Eyes!” The crowd erupts in cheers and applause. CALVIN With the love I have, I shall love this woman, Evelina, for the rest of my life in front of my Love’s Eyes who shall be the witnesses to our love. CROWD “Love’s Eyes!” EVELINA I pledge as the Love-Is-I to love you forever for our love is forever. Evelina sobs tears of joy. The couple shares a moment as everyone applauds. CUT TO: The couple walks towards the center, hearts shaped balloons are released, and people throw flowers and roses. Calvin and Evelina kiss, and the crowd applauds with enthusiasm. CALVIN (whispering) Stop! Calvin and Evelina stop as they turn around to see David, Carolina, Wilson, Bogdan, and others standing there. Evelina is surprised and tears of joy stream down her face. DAVID (roaring) What do you want from that woman? Why is everyone wanting to take her? DAVID holds a bunch of roses, and the crowd falls silent. CALVIN This woman is the keeper of my love, and as such, I want to love her forever. My love for her is forever. I promise to love her unconditionally, and I pledge to love no other than just her. I will never leave her, for my love for her will never die. The crowd applauds. DAVID (angrily) Who is he? CAROLINA (smiling) The Love-Is-I? BOGDAN (respectfully) The Love's Eyes. The crowd roars behind them in support, and the celebration continues, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Calvin and Evelina. INT. CIRCULAR BUILDING - DAY David, Bogdan, Wilson, and Carolina exchange glances as Calvin and Evelina declare their love. The crowd erupts with cheers and applause. DAVID (roaring) Okay. But what does she have to say about all this? EVELINA (shouting) “The Love-Is-I!” The couple starts kissing, and the crowd shouts, "Love's Eyes." CALVIN “The Love-Is-I.” Calvin and Evelina lock eyes. Calvin kneels down, holding a small box. CALVIN My love for you is forever. Forever I will love you. Calvin's friend hands him a small box. FRIEND Love-Is-I! EVELINA (overwhelmed) I do. The crowd applauds as Calvin kisses Evelina passionately, sealing their love. EVELINA Our love is forever. I will always love you. They share more kisses, and the crowd cheers. DAVID (looking at everyone) One special beautiful lucky woman. What a turn of events. LATER: Calvin carries Evelina out of the circular building. Heart-shaped balloons and rose petals fill the air. The crowd follows, cheering. DAVID (looking at them) They are leaving everyone after them. The crowd chases after them. Calvin and Evelina run down the stairs, with the crowd following. DAVID (getting excited) Get them! If they fall in love, we'll never separate them again. I want Evelina! CAROLINA (shouting) Everyone stops! The crowd halts, looking at Calvin and Evelina descending the stairs. CAROLINA (CONT'D) David! She chooses love, not this stupid job of chasing people and running away. Look at them. I have never seen her so happy. That is love. The crowd roars, shouting, "Love's Eye." CAROLINA (CONT'D) She found love. She does not need a bodyguard or assassin. Love will protect her. CALVIN (shouting) “The Love-Is-I!” CAROLINA (continuing) See, she has found love and chose to love true love to set her free. There is nothing you can do to stop that. Just let her go. DAVID (shouting) Not even the Global President role? They stop briefly, exchanging glances. CALVIN (shouting) “The Love-Is-I.” CAROLINA (whispering) He doesn't get it. The couple continues down the stairs, leaving the pursuing crowd behind. Love triumphs as Calvin and Evelina embark on their journey together. ! INT. CONVERTIBLE - DAY Evelina and Calvin, still in their wedding attire, sit in a roofless car with a license plate that reads "The Love-Is-I." They kiss passionately as the crowd approaches. EVELINA (smiling) I chose love, for my love for you is forever. DAVID (shouting) I didn't hear that! EVELINA (shouting) Love-Is-I! They both roar simultaneously, kissing before running off to their car. Calvin quickly opens the car door, revealing Evelina's cheeky underwear with "Love-Is-I" written on it. He notices a tattoo on her leg. CALVIN (reads the tattoo) "My Love 4u Is Forever." He kisses Evelina, and roses fired into the sky start falling inside the car. Evelina laughs as Calvin notices another inscription on her thigh. EVELINA (teasing) I want the key now! CALVIN (roaring) I gave you the key to my heart already. Evelina kisses Calvin, and as the crowd approaches, he grabs the car key tied to her thigh. CALVIN (hurrying) The Love-Is-I. Hurry, my love, they're coming to take me. Drive. Drive. They burst into laughter as David shouts for his team to get them. Calvin starts the car and revs the engine. EVELINA (teasing) I thought you said hurry; who is taking time now? CALVIN (looking at her legs) Get them! Get Evelina! As the crowd approaches, Calvin retrieves the car key and starts the engine. They drive off, leaving the crowd behind. EVELINA (laughing) I choose love. Get that in your head. You can stuff the job up to your ass. I choose love. Love-Is-I. The crowd applauds as Calvin and Evelina French-kiss in the roofless car. Calvin presses a button, and the roof slowly starts closing. CALVIN (smiling) If you don't mind, I have some love to give. The car drives off, leaving the crowd cheering behind. CUT TO: EXT. CHURCH - DAY The convertible stops outside a huge church. Evelina and Calvin get out, holding hands, and a bigger crowd gathers, clapping. DAVID (shouting) I am not giving up until they are finally married. Get them! Calvin quickly lifts Evelina, and they enter the church yard. They share a passionate kiss as the approaching crowd cheers. EVELINA (whispering) Stacey. CALVIN (curious) Who is Stacey? The car turns a corner, and a larger crowd welcomes them near the church. As they get out, they hear a distant commotion and notice David and Carolina pulling out guns, alarmed by something Evelina spotted. EXT. CHURCH - DAY Carolina hears the whispered name "Stacey" from David. She quickly runs to the other side to check while the couple, unaware of the commotion, enters the church. CUT TO: INT. LYLA AND WILSON'S FLAT - LATER THAT DAY Lyla sits alone in her flat, reminiscing about the day she found Wilson nude. Overwhelmed with emotions, she knocks on Wilson's door. LYLA (shouting) Wilson! Are you home? No response. She enters her bedroom and starts packing. LYLA (whispering) Wilson, I love you. Lyla ends up at the wedding, driven by the thoughts of the man who has recently occupied her mind — Wilson. Overwhelmed, she runs towards him, catching everyone's attention. Wilson puts down his champagne glass and opens his arms to catch Lyla. They share a passionate hug, with Carolina looking on. CAROLINA (to herself) What are you doing here? Lyla doesn't reply immediately, but instead, she takes a moment to gather herself. Wilson introduces her to everyone. WILSON (introducing) Everyone, meet my flatmate, the lovely Lyla. LYLA (hugging Wilson) I love you, Wilson. Since you left, I've been thinking about you. I just realized that I am in love with you. There is nothing more important to me than being with you. Carolina approaches them, and Lyla recognizes her. LYLA (looking at Carolina) Oh my God. It's you. CAROLINA (surprised) Have we met before? LYLA explaining Wilson is a nude artwork. David arrives, questioning the situation. DAVID (to Lyla) Do you know this guy? Lyla looks at Wilson and confesses her feelings. LYLA I am nothing without you. The past has been tough for me. I don't care if you walk naked in the flat. I just want you in my life. I don't think anyone feels the way I feel right now about you. Carolina, confused, requests Wilson to say something. CAROLINA Say something, Wilson. Wilson clears the confusion. WILSON I can't believe this handsome, smart guy joined you guys so that he can be with you. (pointing at Carolina) Not lust but love for you, Carolina. CAROLINA (in disbelief) Love for me? LYLA explaining He confessed his love for you when he saw your photo on a Tomorrow's World Order leaflet. We had a bet. Before more revelations unfold, David interrupts the conversation. INT. CHURCH - CONTINUOUS David, angered by the revelation, confronts Carolina and Wilson. DAVID Did you check his background and his experience? Carolina has a flashback to Wilson's nervousness during the interview. She recalls finding him irresistibly attractive but attributes it to job-related pressures. DAVID (looking at Carolina) Yes? I asked you a question. Carolina, lost in her thoughts, gazes at Wilson. CAROLINA You asked me out so that I don’t check your background and qualifications. (looking at Wilson) What? Fumed, David punches Wilson. DAVID That’s for putting my life in danger. You have no experience in the assassin’s field. Not even any training? But how come you do something like this? David pulls out his gun, ready to retaliate. Wilson regains composure, approaching Carolina. WILSON Love that gives you big balls. Love that gives you courage. Love that makes you feel you can do anything. Love you want to be near to every second of your life. Lyla interrupts, expressing her feelings for Wilson. LYLA Taking words out of my mouth. That is how I feel about you, Wilson, my love. Wilson holds both Carolina’s hands. WILSON This meant going to the end of the earth looking for this love. Love you want to look at every day making sure that it is alright. Love you feel obliged to protect, to love, and care about every bit of your life. Wilson continues to charm everyone with his romantic words. WILSON Love you want to say good morning to the first thing in the morning. Love you want to fight because it's love you love. Love that gives you hope, courage, and something to look forward to. Love you want to make love to after a big fight but then tell that love that you love it to bits. Carolina, overwhelmed, starts crying. Wilson’s heartfelt words resonate with everyone. CAROLINA (sobbing) I have shown how I love you from the word go. Wilson gets closer to Carolina, making David drop the gun. CAROLINA (teary-eyed) I thought Triga was behind all the affection for me? WILSON Nope. LYLA He joined you so that he can be with you. Lyla hands a leaflet to Carolina, revealing Wilson’s written love quest. LYLA But I am in love with him. Ever since you left, I have been thinking about you, Wilson. I don’t think I can live without you. Lyla pleads, holding Wilson’s hand. Wilson then approaches Carolina. WILSON I love you, Carolina. Ever since the day she showed me the leaflet. I have never stopped loving you. David is silent, absorbing the unexpected turn of events. WILSON (cont'd) David is right. I put people in danger. I was going to train, but then you needed me urgently. When things are like that, sometimes this is what you must do. Wilson walks up to Carolina and kneels in front of her. WILSON This is the moment of truth since I laid eyes on your photo on the Tomorrow’s World Order leaflet. You gave me a sense of living again. You rejuvenated my life. He declares his love for Carolina and expresses his genuine feelings. WILSON (cont'd) Today I declare my love for you forever. I want to love you as long as I live and even in the afterlife. I just hope all this was not in vain. Carolina, moved by Wilson’s words, stares at him, tears streaming down her face. INT. CHURCH - LATER Lyla stands next to Carolina in front of Wilson. LYLA Wilson, but I have already confessed my love for you? Carolina, overwhelmed with emotions, starts sobbing ecstatically. She holds Wilson's hands, lifts him, and French-kisses him. The couple hugs, and the audience applauds. CAROLINA This is so romantic and sweet. (hugging Wilson) You are very special, Wilson. Everyone claps hands. CAROLINA (cont'd) But I am sorry, for I am already taken. WILSON Taken by whom? David? Is that so? Wilson pauses, instantly agitated. WILSON (cont'd) Him? He bargained with Marson, pushing you away to him so that Marson spares his life. Is this the kind of man you want? He might be a great global leader, but he doesn’t love you the way I do. He doesn’t care about you. He would romance the world than give you the love you deserve – the love that makes you fight anyone to keep you well. Love to be by your side even if it means becoming everyone’s enemy. No man right now at the moment loves you as I do. If it wasn't for me who told him to fight, he could have given you up. Just because of you, I fought like a lion. Wilson hugs Carolina tightly, expressing his deep feelings. DAVID (approaching Wilson) Forever I will be indebted to you. Now I understand why you did what you did. A few men can do what they did. That was brave of you. No wonder we are all well and okay. My faith was shaken at one point, but you were there to remind me what we are fighting for. I guess we all have different reasons to fight, I guess that is what brings all of us together. David squeezes Wilson's shoulder, shaking his hand. LYLA Wilson, I love you. I am glad that Carolina is taken. For I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Carolina runs off sobbing, closely followed by Wilson and Lyla. LYLA (cont'd) Wilson, please wait. WILSON Not now, Lyla. Wrong timing. LYLA Carolina! Carolina. Please wait for me. Wilson stops briefly. CAROLINA (sobbing) Sorry. I can’t. Carolina enters the wedding reception hall, rushes upstairs to the female changing rooms. Wilson stands at the door and looks inside, seeing mirrors, mixed light colors, and women half-naked. WILSON (inside the changing room) Go for her. Some women flash their topless bodies, while others search for something to cover themselves. Wilson spots Carolina entering a changing room cubicle. WILSON (cont'd) Caro. Please wait. Wilson chases after her. WILSON (cont'd) Caro, my darling. Think about this. No one loves you as I do. He pauses outside the door. WILSON (cont'd) I love you. I just don’t know what I would do without you, my love. The door opens, and Carolina stands there with smeared makeup but still looking pretty. WILSON You are the most beautiful woman I have laid eyes on. I love you. Wilson kisses her on the forehead and lips. CAROLINA I know. WILSON But if you know, then what seems to be the problem? Why can’t we be together? Wilson hugs her, and there is complete silence. ! INT. WEDDING RECEPTION HALL - CONTINUOUS Carolina looks at all the other women, eagerly awaiting her reply. She stops crying, wipes her eyes, and removes all mascara. CAROLINA (standing tall) I am in love with someone else. Instantly, everyone turns to the door as Bogdan suddenly appears. BOGDAN Come, my love. I know your heart belongs to me. Bogdan calmly extends his hand to Carolina. She kisses Wilson on the cheeks, then starts walking toward Bogdan, stretching her hand. As their hands meet, Bogdan holds her tightly, pulling her close. They share a passionate French kiss, and Bogdan lifts her, swinging her in his arms. Semi-naked women in the room clap, and others whistle. In the midst of the scene, Lyla appears at the door. LYLA Wilson! Wilson, my love. We belong together, my darling. Lyla runs to Wilson, triggering another round of applause from the semi-naked women. Wilson looks at Carolina and Bogdan French-kissing, and when Lyla is close, he opens his arms, lifting her high as they start kissing. David and the rest of the team enter the hall. DAVID Is it a French-kissing competition or what? He starts clapping his hands. DAVID (cont'd) As long as it doesn't get in the way of your work. EVELINA (whispering to Calvin) David is in love with you, Caro. DAVID (defensively) What? I was just doing my job. Even if there is an element of truth, it’s on a professional scale. You spend time together, and in the end, you tend to click. After all, I have a wife. They all laugh. EVELINA (teasing) He keeps talking about his wife. Have you ever seen her? This guy got divorced years ago and is hanging on to that dream. Get a reality check and move on with your life. A blond woman appears at the door. BLOND WOMAN If you can excuse me. David walks towards the door as the woman starts running towards him. Two boys and a girl also enter. KIDS (excitedly) Daddy! Daddy! DAVID (confused) What are they doing here? I gave instructions that no kids should be here. EVELINA (smiling) They are your kids, damn it. Nothing can happen to them. A crackling radio sound startles all. DAVID (suddenly fearful) Wilson! He roars, instructing the team to secure the perimeter. DAVID (roaring) Wilson! A crackling radio sound becomes audible. LYLA (smiling) Wilson is getting laid right now. He is on vacation. DAVID (angry) Fatladies, do you copy? Cut your vacation short and report for duty. My kids are here. David looks around for a while. Eight beeps on his wristwatch put a smile on his face. He lifts the blond lady and swings her around, causing the crowd to applaud. BLOND WOMAN (playfully) Put me down. My dress. I am not wearing any. DAVID (embarrassed) Damn it. Is that why people are laughing? BLOND WOMAN (teasing) You are flashing my buttocks in front of everyone. I should have worn that long dress. DAVID (smiling) No regrets. I have to act human as well, you know. Months without you is a hard punishment. It’s not easy to play God’s prodigy. The kids join in, and David, caught up in the family moment, follows them excitedly. INT. WEDDING RECEPTION HALL - CONTINUOUS David looks at the woman as the kids drag him away towards the door. Suddenly, he sees the woman quickly opening her dress into two halves from the waist down and closing it, catching a glimpse of her hairy pubes. Fearful, he freezes, holding his kids' hands tightly. DAVID (whispering to himself) It’s not over until the Fatladies sing. BLOND WOMAN What Fatladies? DAVID No, stop where you are! David shouts, revealing fear in his voice pattern. Carolina and Bogdan shout simultaneously. CAROLINA & BOGDAN Take cover! Semi-naked women scream and run around. David jumps, holding his kids in his hands and spinning before hitting the floor. The blond woman lies down as well. Consecutive bullets sound, creating chaos. A huge thump sound startles everyone, and the noises die down. The woman instantly rises and sprints toward David and the kids. BLOND WOMAN What was that? What is that? DAVID (assuring) Our missing drone. Stolen and used to try to kill my kids. The blond woman walks toward David and slaps him, but he holds her hand. BLOND WOMAN You deliberately asked me not to bring the kids, but you knew I would bring them here. DAVID (defensively) I knew they were listening and would try to ambush us using our stolen drone-gun. Silence ensues as the kids look on in shock. DAVID (cont'd) Now I can say that our stolen drone, reprogrammed to attack us, has been recovered and destroyed. We are safe now, at least for now. Others will be detected miles away, and we haven’t found a way to separate ours that ends up in the wrong hands. The kids and the woman process the information. BLOND WOMAN Wilson! David curses. DAVID Fatladies! Secure the perimeter. A Fatlady appears at the door. The blond woman whispers in David's ear. BLOND WOMAN Darling, they might sue you for calling them the Fatladies, especially if she's really fat. DAVID (dismissing) They used to be men and women. The name is a disguise, a decoy to confuse the enemy. BLOND WOMAN Maybe I ought to find another name to call them. DAVID (smiling) God’s Dilemma. BLOND WOMAN God’s Dilemma? EVELINA (from a distance) We were talking about that as well. God’s Dilemma. Evelina lifts her thumbs. BLOND WOMAN So be it. I love you. It’s your turn to look after the kids. I need my me-time—hairdresser, spa, massage. DAVID (sarcastically) Woman, that's my job? Me babysitting? BLOND WOMAN Daddy, tell us about your quest and God’s Dilemma. DAVID (to the blond woman) Darling, did you say I'll be babysitting? BLOND WOMAN Yes. I have the speech-to-text activated on your watch. DAVID (smiling) Thanks, darling. Killing two birds with one stone—babysitting and writing the trilogy. The kids jump on him with the elder on his back and the other two in each hand. INT. WEDDING RECEPTION HALL - CONTINUOUS Carolina and the rest of the team look at David, shocked by his fatherly moment. CAROLINA (amazed) He acts human as well. Playing with his kids. What happened to that robot? Does he do that now? I guess being God’s prodigy is the hardest job. BOGDAN (smiling) Last chance before World War Three. They all hold hands and walk out. EXT. WEDDING VENUE - LATER The wedding festivities are winding down. The team, including David, gathers outside. DAVID (sighs) I can’t believe tomorrow we have to go abroad and start preparing for World War Three. They all exchange serious glances. EVELINA (smiling) What a journey we had so far, and still, it’s not over. But it was a pleasure meeting you, Evelina. They raise their champagne glasses in a toast. DAVID (cont'd) To new alliances and the challenges that lie ahead. They clink glasses, marking the end of the celebration and the beginning of a daunting journey. ********************************************************************************************************* THE END *********************************************************************************************************