00:06:37 Tracy Compton: good morning! 00:23:40 Beatrice: Beatrice Johnston 00:23:44 Adam Duncan: Adam Duncan 00:23:45 Michael Meeks: Michael Meeks 00:23:46 Kristie Chandler: Good morning. Kristie Chandler here. 00:23:51 dylan dad: Kelly Irvine 00:23:58 Elena Cortinas: Elena Cortinas 00:23:59 iBecky Quinlan: Becky Quinlan 00:24:02 Tracy Compton: Tracy Compton 00:24:05 John T. Moss: John T Moss 00:24:05 Phillip Roybal: Phillip Roybal 00:24:20 Membership Meeting: Membership Meeting Minutes for Jan. 29th, 2022 can be found here: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/2dc7a2b6-16b1-4bf6-9fba-14c9d27b132b/downloads/Caddo%20Membership%20minutes%2C%2001.29.22.pdf?ver=1651330912586 00:24:42 TsaNish: Chad Earles 00:25:35 Diana Parton: Hello and Good Morning Caddo Country! 00:26:10 Diana Parton: The meeting minutes are too vague. They do not actually capture an real data or important information. 00:27:23 Diana Parton: The minutes should include a paraphase of the information given. If we look back on these meeting minutes to discover what the chairman about any of these issues, we will not be able to find anything. 00:27:38 Tracy Compton: agreed. as someone unable to attend the last meeting, I do not know what "updates" are. 00:28:45 iBecky Quinlan: Agree with Diana, also we voted on multiple items - not enumerated 00:28:56 Diana Parton: We are not asking for a word by word transpcript and taking Roberts rule of orders to the extremene. 00:29:06 Diana Parton: is extremem 00:29:07 Beatrice: I agree with these comments and do not think the minutes are adequate. 00:29:23 Beatrice: not in favor 00:29:25 Diana Parton: I do not accept these minites 00:29:55 Diana Parton: Not approve. 00:29:57 Dr. Kelly Irvine: vote to approve 00:30:08 Tracy Compton: not in favor 00:30:09 Beatrice: what is given seems more like an agenda not minutes 00:30:30 Michael Meeks: Vote "yes" 00:30:39 Beatrice: can these be revised with more information and voted on at a later time? 00:30:49 Adam Duncan: Approved 00:31:34 Beatrice: no 00:31:37 iBecky Quinlan: No 00:32:07 Kristie Chandler: No 00:32:21 Diana Parton: Two people on line have there hands up and want to ask question, 00:32:44 Dr. Kelly Irvine: aye 00:32:51 Kristie Chandler: Yes 00:32:56 Diana Parton: No 00:32:56 Michael Meeks: Yes 00:32:58 Beatrice: i ask that the motion include that more information be added 00:32:59 Phillip Roybal: Yes 00:33:05 Adam Duncan: Yes 00:33:05 Lena Topaum: Yes 00:33:10 Diana Parton: I 2nd Beatrice motion 00:33:40 TsaNish: yes 00:33:40 John T. Moss: Yes to table 00:34:06 Beatrice: thank you guys. 00:34:20 Diana Parton: Thank you so much Council!!! 00:34:47 Kristie Chandler: Appreciate that, thank you 00:35:20 Diana Parton: LOVE THAT!!! 00:37:02 Diana Parton: Beautiful!! Thank you for showcasing these wonderful employees! 00:39:10 Phillip Roybal: Online can’t see as you are showing the PPT and not live screen behind board 00:39:40 Diana Parton: Did he say the nation purchased the land? 00:39:43 Dr. Kelly Irvine: Me neither--just the beginning of the video of the property not where the purchase is 00:41:58 Diana Parton: What are looking at? Is that the current facility? 00:42:15 Dr. Kelly Irvine: Oops what was this property before the intended purchase for us? 00:42:58 Phillip Roybal: Near Hinton? 00:43:07 Diana Parton: WOW!!!! 00:43:21 Dr. Kelly Irvine: This is so fantastic!!! 00:43:27 Diana Parton: Did he say we didn't know we owned it????? 00:43:38 Dr. Kelly Irvine: He did say that Ms. Donna 00:44:00 Diana Parton: Great growth Council!! Excellent way to start our business development initiative!!! 00:46:26 Tracy Compton: fantastic opportunity! 00:47:10 Dr. Kelly Irvine: Please what was this property before we acquired it? who did we get it from? Last --if we are considering (which I hope we are) some summer camp programming with pre-teen to teen youth with some traditional and some social-emotional skill building/coping...I would enjoy participating and bringing my two boys as a longstanding psychologist former I H S scholar payback recipient and now I am "virtual" with doctor on demand so I can be mobile over the summers with my sons 00:48:25 Tracy Compton: great questions. I was wondering the same things regarding who it will serve 00:52:28 Dr. Kelly Irvine: We ought to include parenting programming and GRAND parenting programming and have that include healing the internal parent. I did this with Phoenix Indian Center's Urban "Mending Way " program and the greatest thing was bringing together the grandmo's and the youth for programming and for granmother's heaing 00:52:58 John T. Moss: Who is asking questions? 00:53:42 Kay O'Neal: Andrea Longoria 00:54:10 Diana Parton: Kelly, that sounds like an great program. Yes, we need cultural education for all ages. 00:54:41 Dr. Kelly Irvine: One person is me--I am Kelly Irvine ("Dr. Irvine" right as a clinical and family psychologist on doctor on demand and one of our Caddo Nation I H S doctoral scholars back in the 90's) I am living in Missouri for an autism program for one of my preteen twins right now. Family Ettie Williams my grandmo 00:56:45 Dr. Kelly Irvine: Thank you Ms. Donna. I have been hopeful to get my one twin boys stable so I could be of service to Caddo Nation since I did all my payback with Navaho and Hopi-land, Tohono O'Odham and Yavapai Apache as well as the Urban programs in the SW before I returned to LA and then here due to this MU program for my son 00:59:04 Beatrice: Who is talking? 00:59:46 Diana Parton: ??? 01:00:11 Michael Meeks: Ms. Donna Benitez 01:00:18 Jennifer: Donna Benitez has the floor. 01:01:48 Dr. Kelly Irvine: I apologize I am not able somehow to get myself listed on the chat --I thought I did but I did not get myself on there--Kelly 01:03:54 Diana Parton: That Elder building is super active now. 01:04:57 Diana Parton: The programs comin out of that building is everything we wanted for our elders. 01:11:30 Tracy Compton: I disagree with her statement. virtual meetings allow those unable to travel to Binger to still be active. 01:11:32 Phillip Roybal: I live out of state and many of our tribal members do and am thankful for virtual. 01:11:33 Beatrice: I appreciate the virtual option. This allows folks outside the area to participate and have a voice. 01:12:08 Dr. Kelly Irvine: us too--virtual allows for those of us out of state to participate 01:12:21 Diana Parton: I agree. To me, offering and encouraging virtual attendance is raising the attendance rate of these meetings. 01:12:30 iBecky Quinlan: Glad to have the hybrid meetings. Please continue having an online component 01:12:31 Beatrice: Please keep the virtual option. 01:13:23 Diana Parton: At a conference at the Dallas Art Museum that before the pandemic we had 7 Caddo fluent speakers, now we have 2. 01:14:01 Diana Parton: Virtually the way of the future! 01:14:39 Diana Parton: I have family there, I know what's going on. 01:14:50 Beatrice: I would be willing to help. How do I get involved? 01:15:02 Kristie Chandler: I’m interested 01:15:28 Diana Parton: I knew, 01:15:37 sharla: I didn't know it! 01:15:45 Diana Parton: I think he said in the first meeting. I think he called for name of people who wanted to help. 01:15:49 Kristie Chandler: It was discussed at a meeting 01:15:51 Phillip Roybal: It was put out in past meetings. 01:15:59 Susan’s iPad (2): You have an opportunity here to lift the education of the native community. The Navajos have a community school in Farmington that leads to their own college preparatory school which provides a path to higher education for their students. Carmen Lopez runs College Horizons and I encourage you to speak to her. She was a student of the Navajo Prep School and now has relationships with higher education reps, including Ivy League. Instead of focusing on just childcare, perhaps this could be an opportunity for opening a school offering excellent education 01:16:19 iBecky Quinlan: Constitution was discussed in the Jan meeting (why we need better minutes) 01:16:32 Tracy Compton: I knew and I was not at the last meeting 01:16:44 Diana Parton: Great suggestion Susan! 01:17:05 Dr. Kelly Irvine: love that notion that Ms. Susan put out there! 01:18:49 Tracy Compton: and the thousands of other members have the ability to participate due to virtual opportunities 01:20:30 sharla: How are we verifying the members online? 01:20:49 Phoebe M: I'm from AL and immunocompromised, I love being able to attend virtually and keep up to date on the meetings 01:21:07 Diana Parton: I believe under this council, we will one again be a great nation. 01:21:16 John T. Moss: Why hasn't The Caddo council hired a Caddo member, such as my Brother Indian Court Judge and active law practice? 01:22:19 Diana Parton: Can he practice law in Oklahoma and tribal court? I believe the council has asked your brother to be on the constitution review committee. 01:23:27 John T. Moss: no they didn't 01:25:57 Beatrice: What is her name? 01:26:30 Jennifer: Kory Gomez has the floor. 01:26:46 Diana Parton: Sharla, good question. Back in the ole days - Parker administration - election board verified citizenship at every membership meeting. But haven't see that happen in decades. 01:28:32 Phillip Roybal: I think that could be great opportunity with Lake Chickasha 01:28:54 John T. Moss: I need my answer to my approved membership vote from the last council, I keep hearing the council will get back to me months ago? 01:29:04 Diana Parton: Purchase some land in TEXAS! 01:29:47 Diana Parton: Great community partnership building, right before our eyes..! 01:29:51 Beatrice: Thank you 01:30:14 Diana Parton: yes, thank you 01:30:38 Diana Parton: Told ya! 01:30:56 Diana Parton: Love you Jon Moss! 01:31:12 iBecky Quinlan: Do we have a volunteer coordinator contact yet? 01:32:35 Diana Parton: Mrs Arnita Pewewardy 01:33:09 Diana Parton: That's who was speaking, not the volunteer coordinator. 01:33:21 John T. Moss: I've been working with the UN Since 2016 see what we presented there in April 2021see our website to read as I have mentioned to Bobby and others about www.cashcommunitydevelopment.org get real please 01:34:23 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, please address John Moss's concern over lack of communication with a tribal citizens. 01:34:27 iBecky Quinlan: Anyone at the meeting reading these comments? 01:34:58 Beatrice: Margie has a question 01:35:53 Phoebe M: if folks could lean in a bit closer to the mic at the podium, we could hear them a bit better 01:36:43 Diana Parton: Please update us on the status of both hearing board and housing board. Have they both been fully seated? What position are currently opened? Have you started on the revision of policy and procedures for both governing boards? 01:36:54 Diana Parton: Please report on both boards. 01:38:55 Beatrice: Margie is unable to use chat and would like to be unmuted so she can speak to the group. 01:40:22 Diana Parton: Excellent point Andrea! 01:40:57 John T. Moss: Agreed 💯 01:42:32 Mary Parton: I live in Elder Housing and it is the best and most efficient program. I am overwhelmed by the service there. I feel safe there and connected with. 01:43:25 John T. Moss: Good to hear Mrs. Parton 01:44:45 Mary Parton: Thank you John. I could not ask for more. The Elder program run by Sharla... she and her crew are the best! Ms. Parton lol 01:46:03 John T. Moss: Please answer my prior questions so we all can hear for the record please prayers I'm trying to help for decades! 01:47:38 Diana Parton: What is the status of the WCD coalition? What is the council doing to stop the "other Tribe" from continuing to take over land that is not technically theirs to build on? 01:47:43 John T. Moss: Please allow our 🎤 mic to work? 01:47:58 Diana Parton: I didn't come to this meeting to hear about this type of issue. 01:48:10 Diana Parton: Who is on the housing board? 01:49:03 sharla: Donna Benitez, Laura Jarvis and Marilyn Threlkeld. 01:50:12 iBecky Quinlan: Who is the contact for volunteers? 01:50:12 Diana Parton: Laura Jarvis should take these issues that are concerning the board she is sitting on to her other board members, 01:50:50 Diana Parton: Please update us on the status of the Hearing and Housing board? 01:50:54 sharla: yes Diana I agree 01:51:03 Diana Parton: Margie has a question and she can't use the chat. 01:51:15 Diana Parton: please unmute her mic so she can speak 01:51:31 John T. Moss: I've been told that prior no response from Council just words Bobby respectfully 01:55:47 Diana Parton: What is the status of expanding the council to include At Large Rep? 01:56:45 Diana Parton: Well Said Marylyn! 01:57:21 sharla: Hearing Board vacancies will be on ballot July 9, 2022. Filing for office begins May 9, 2022 02:00:56 Diana Parton: Where can we find the application? 02:02:03 Membership Meeting: Diana, I will get with Kelly Factor and make sure that this is online Monday. I don't have a copy of it right now. 02:02:46 Diana Parton: Thank you so much! 02:03:10 Diana Parton: Getting all "Cherokee" fancy with our meeting minutes....LOVE IT! 02:05:06 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, can you update us on what you now know about the human or sacred artifacts being housed at Caddo Mounds Historic site. 02:06:42 Diana Parton: Tracy is making an extremely great point. Setting boundaries and expectation for our representative is paramount. 02:07:09 iBecky Quinlan: Aye 02:07:14 John T. Moss: I have presented Cybersecurity cirtified at a high protective certification we are at risk as are other tribes just FYI. 02:07:14 Diana Parton: Discussion point: Does the council help the district reps deliver the meetings? 02:07:15 Beatrice: did it say how often the meetings should be? 02:07:22 Tracy Compton: yes 02:07:26 Diana Parton: Or is it up to the reps to find and fund these meetings 02:07:27 John T. Moss: yes vote 02:07:42 sharla: yes 02:07:43 Susan’s iPad (2): Yes 02:07:44 Korree G: Yes 02:07:47 Louise Smith: yes 02:07:50 Diana Parton: abstain 02:07:55 Phillip Roybal: Yes 02:07:56 Dr. Kelly Irvine: yes 02:07:57 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 02:08:03 Elena Cortinas: Yes 02:08:06 Diana Parton: More discussion need for me 02:08:18 Kristie Chandler: Yes 02:10:33 John T. Moss: My best email everyone is john@CashCommunityDevelopment.org my cell in Lawton and I'm the president of the SW chapter Native American Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma. 02:13:58 Diana Parton: Changing my vote to Yes 02:14:42 John T. Moss: I have input please unmute my 02:16:04 Diana Parton: cant hear what they are sauing 02:16:07 Diana Parton: saying 02:16:59 iBecky Quinlan: Yes 02:17:01 Diana Parton: Yes 02:17:02 Phillip Roybal: Yes 02:17:05 Elena Cortinas: Yes 02:17:08 Louise Smith: YES 02:17:09 Dr. Kelly Irvine: in favor 02:17:12 Korree G: For 02:17:16 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 02:17:18 Tracy Compton: yes 02:17:21 Kristie Chandler: Yes 02:17:24 Nikki: Yes 02:17:26 John T. Moss: yes yet I have my hand up 02:17:35 Mary Parton: yes 02:17:36 sharla: yes 02:19:17 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, can you update us on what you now know about the human or sacred artifacts being housed at Caddo Mounds Historic site. 02:19:32 John T. Moss: I 2nd her motion about min. 02:20:37 John T. Moss: please unmute me for input about meetings all good 👍 02:23:43 Diana Parton: why are we not holding the previous chairman accountable for the this lack of information? 02:24:05 Diana Parton: Or the previous chairman? 02:24:26 John T. Moss: Agreed DP 02:24:48 sharla: we cant hear them 02:25:28 Phoebe M: folks at the podium, please speak into the microphone so we can hear 02:25:29 Diana Parton: I'd like to see this council development a "transfer of power" procedure. THat is handled by the staff, not by the council. Just like the White House. A transfer of power procedure would safe guard against this in the future. 02:27:34 Tracy Compton: some people in the meeting physically are not allowing the meeting to be productive 02:27:54 Diana Parton: agree Tracy!\ 02:30:08 Dr. Kelly Irvine: Sounds like some type of healing ceremony ought to be a meeting to address all this 02:31:02 Louise Smith: Is there a computer room/library that will allow members, that do not have access to computers or internet, to look up all this information and print for their convenience. At no cost to the member? 02:31:44 John T. Moss: Point of Order I respectfully had my hand up since Tracy N motion 02:31:47 Diana Parton: Louise, there is a computer room for members at the Elder's Building. 02:33:06 iBecky Quinlan: We could use a volunteer coordinator and skills database for ossicle jobs 02:33:08 Diana Parton: There are 2 Caddo citizens who have been waiting to speak on line. Jon Moss and Margaret Francis. 02:33:12 John T. Moss: Yes I'm one of them and have been trying 02:34:03 Membership Meeting: Louise, there are 3 computers at the CHR building in Anadarko, as well as 2 computers at AOA in Binger. If these are out of your area, you should be able to go to a public library to print out. 02:34:32 John T. Moss: Housing and Financial Literacy www.johntmoss.com 02:35:43 Louise Smith: Oh, I was not asking for myself. I was just requesting information for those that may need these services. Thank you for that information. 02:37:04 Diana Parton: Job openings are posted on both the website and the facebook page. 02:37:17 Diana Parton: here are 2 Caddo citizens who have been waiting to speak on line. Jon Moss and Margaret Francis. 02:37:41 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, can you update us on what you now know about the human or sacred artifacts being housed at Caddo Mounds Historic site. 02:38:54 iBecky Quinlan: At hybrid meetings, we need a dedicated person to read and ADDRESS the chat/bring to the main meeting 02:39:52 Diana Parton: In every job I ever had, I've worn many hats. Isn't the nature of working?. 02:40:02 iBecky Quinlan: This is our ONLY representation for at-large members 02:40:22 Diana Parton: iBecky YES, this IT! 02:40:43 Diana Parton: but it's 100 times better than ever before.. 02:40:58 iBecky Quinlan: True, Diana 02:41:44 Diana Parton: How many times has the Housing Board met since it was seated? 02:41:55 Diana Parton: Who is the Chair of the Housing Board? 02:42:23 sharla: they just got seated on Wednesday diana 02:42:37 Diana Parton: Thank you Sharla! 02:42:40 iBecky Quinlan: Is it possible for someone at the meeting to go to the mic and ask the questions for the online people? 02:52:38 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, can you update us on what you now know about the human or sacred artifacts being housed at Caddo Mounds Historic site. 02:53:16 John T. Moss: I can't hear 🙉 02:53:40 Diana Parton: We can hear your Margie 02:53:52 Louise Smith: Margaret, i can hear you 02:53:57 Tracy Compton: ni can hear someone saying hello 02:54:12 Kay O'Neal: we cam hear from her 02:54:26 iBecky Quinlan: Online canKt hear the main meeting, we CAN hear Margie 02:54:29 Kay O'Neal: *can 02:55:14 Tracy Compton: I must leave the meeting at this time. I appreciate the opportunity to participate virtually. I appreciate the council and the vision to move the nation forward. 02:57:09 Diana Parton: Bye Tracy! Jackie and I are together at Caddo Mounds this weekend. We both miss your face! 02:57:15 Kay O'Neal: Thank you Tracy. 02:59:15 Beatrice: wow 03:00:03 Beatrice: That's a great idea. I'm glad to hear that is in the works... 03:00:16 Beatrice: Margaret Francis-Rico 03:00:28 Diana Parton: Awesome! 03:01:42 Korree G: How soon are we projecting working as a nation on amending the constitution ? 03:02:25 John T. Moss: The motion that was approved for as a start could be a access filter to get people to the correct solution departments or people. 03:04:04 Diana Parton: Excellent Suggestion Margaret to put the transfer of power procedure in the constitution. 03:07:57 Beatrice: yes margie 03:08:11 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, can you update us on what you now know about the human or sacred artifacts being housed at Caddo Mounds Historic site. 03:09:09 Beatrice: please mute margie 03:10:38 Diana Parton: Chairman Gonzales, after the conversation you have already had with the Caddo Mounds, do you still believe they have human or sacred remains? 03:12:55 Korree G: Excellent to hear we as a nation are leaning towards a three tier government. 03:13:23 Diana Parton: Exactly Korree!! It is really exciting!!!! 03:13:40 Diana Parton: SNAP Andrea! 03:13:44 John T. Moss: Please add me to the housing counsel 03:14:23 Diana Parton: Lack of confidently....is concerning. 03:15:10 Diana Parton: L O L 03:19:00 Diana Parton: Feels like they have already broken that confidently agreement. 03:21:06 John T. Moss: Please get me on the board for housing counsel to help 03:21:29 Diana Parton: How many seat does the housing board have? Will the housing board positions be on the election ballot in July? 03:22:43 John T. Moss: What about me 03:24:04 sharla: No Diana it will not be on the ballot. They are appointed by Council with membership approval. Just like yhe Election Board. 03:25:25 Diana Parton: Wondering if we should wait until the July election cycle to seat these positions? Don't they have to be seated through an election? 03:25:38 Diana Parton: Disuccsion point! 03:26:35 Diana Parton: Disccusion Point on this motion please 03:27:00 Diana Parton: Abstain 03:27:03 Louise Smith: No 03:27:05 Diana Parton: I need more dicussion 03:27:16 Elena Cortinas: Qualifications? No 03:27:20 sharla: no 03:27:26 John T. Moss: Abstain 03:27:28 Kristie Chandler: Abstain 03:27:56 Diana Parton: Wondering if we should wait until the July election cycle to seat these positions? Don't they have to be seated through an election? 03:28:36 Diana Parton: Yes, I suggest you put a call out today, have them submit names/qualifications and bring them all back to us in July. 03:29:04 Diana Parton: No, not in favor 03:29:10 Mary Parton: no 03:29:30 iBecky Quinlan: Abstain 03:29:37 Diana Parton: No 03:29:47 Mary Parton: n0 03:29:47 Kristie Chandler: Abstain 03:29:49 John T. Moss: no 03:29:50 Louise Smith: No 03:29:59 sharla: abstain 03:30:28 Beatrice: abstain 03:30:32 TsaNish: abstain 03:30:38 Kristie Chandler: Abstain 03:31:14 John T. Moss: I changed mine to no 03:32:01 Diana Parton: How much time can you give to this board> 03:32:04 Diana Parton: ?? 03:32:41 Diana Parton: i 2nd the motion 03:32:58 Diana Parton: Yes 03:33:04 Mary Parton: yes!! 03:33:07 John T. Moss: yes 03:33:44 Kay O'Neal: Are you in Lawton John? 03:34:17 iBecky Quinlan: Yes 03:34:19 Louise Smith: yes 03:34:21 Mary Parton: yes 03:34:24 Elena Cortinas: Abstain 03:34:34 John T. Moss: yes 03:34:35 sharla: Abstain 03:34:36 TsaNish: abstain 03:34:36 Diana Parton: There seems to be a distinct lack of asking for discussion and rushing to a vote. 03:34:55 Diana Parton: Yes 03:35:04 Elena Cortinas: Oversight for this board since no discussion as to qualifications 03:35:19 Diana Parton: agree Elena 03:36:09 Kristie Chandler: Yes vote 03:36:22 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 03:36:40 Andrea’s iPhone: Reeder 03:37:17 Beatrice: yes 03:39:59 Kristie Chandler: It’s not easy and the efforts by all of you are to be commended. Thank you. 03:41:07 Beatrice: I appreciate you guys. I'll be praying for that headache and the health of all our leadership! Thanks guys! 03:43:14 Beatrice: I can't hear 03:45:37 Diana Parton: It very exciting and hopeful to see the new growth and improvement across all areas of the nation. This is an result of the administration stabilizing. Thank you so much for working together and moving us forward. 03:48:27 Kristie Chandler: Yes 03:48:29 Beatrice: aye 03:48:31 iBecky Quinlan: Aye 03:48:32 Elena Cortinas: Yes 03:48:38 Diana Parton: Yes 03:48:40 Louise Smith: yes 03:48:41 Nikki Jo: Yes 03:48:45 Lena Topaum: Yes 03:48:46 Adam Duncan: Yes 03:48:47 TsaNish: yes 03:48:48 Mary Parton: yes 03:48:51 John T. Moss: yes 03:49:37 Kay O'Neal: Thank you everyone for coming and being a part of our meetings. I appreciate you all.