00:05:44 Korree G: Good morning everyone. 00:10:57 Membership Meeting: The meeting will begin shortly. If everyone can sign in in the chatbox, we can count for quorum. 00:11:25 Kristi Dane: Kristi Dane - Here 00:11:45 Korree G: Korree Gomez present. 00:11:45 Francey Freeman: Francey Cussen Freeman 00:13:20 John T. Moss: Greetings from John T. Moss of https://cashcommunitydevelopment.org/ where you can see what we submitted to the United Nations on April 29th 2021, and my cell email is John@CashCommunityDevelopment.org My cell is 949-525-0468 SW President of https://aiccok.org/ Please join our YouTube Channel on of our links is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIxV4E4uJMc https://johntmoss.com/ 00:14:50 Kristie Chandler: Kristie Chandler 00:15:19 John T. Moss: I am not hearing anything is it not working or? 00:16:19 Membership Meeting: The meeting will begin shortly. If everyone can sign in in the chatbox, we can count for quorum. 00:16:43 Jennifer: Please sign in the chat box for quorum. Thanks! 00:17:18 Becky Quinlan: Becky Quinlan 00:17:23 John T. Moss: John T. Moss (Martin) Here CHB chairman 00:17:27 Diana Parton: Diana Parton 00:17:57 Vivian Volz: Vivian Volz 00:19:20 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: Tracy Newkumet 00:19:46 Kearston freeman: Kearston freeman 00:22:57 Elena Cortinas: Elena Cortinas 00:23:30 Ken: Ken Duncan 00:23:41 Andrea’s iPhone: Andrea Reeder 00:24:42 Susan’s iPad (2): Susan Buck 00:25:05 Kay O'Neal: Kay ONeal 00:29:38 Diana Parton: I'm getting messages folks are finding it hard to log in using that QVC code. Does anyone have the Zoom address for the meeting? 00:30:22 John T. Moss: https://qr.page/g/5e0WWAtKasI 00:30:30 Korree G: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83730085550?pwd=Z2YzS0x3bkdBS1RsZk9YYnZ3eWhJdz09 00:30:41 Diana Parton: Thank you John and Koree! 00:30:52 Membership Meeting: The Facebook post and the website both have direct links to join the meeting 00:30:57 John T. Moss: Amytime Blessings 00:31:19 Ken: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=428741892630960&set=a.228199516018533 00:31:27 John T. Moss: Anytime! I need coffee Aye! 00:31:32 Diana Parton: I had to step away fir a minute. Didn't hear the chairman. How many is needed for a quorum? 00:31:55 Elena Cortinas: 20? 00:31:57 Korree G: Meeting ID: 837 3008 5550 Passcode: 500533 Here is the zoom manual information, If the link don’t work. Of course, you are welcome anytime! 00:32:33 Diana Parton: There are 23 Caddos here now. 00:33:05 John T. Moss: How many are needed? 00:33:34 Vivian Volz: Can we use the participant list to count the quorum? 00:34:05 John T. Moss: May we still open with a prayer please! 00:34:50 Donna's iPad: Donna Spaulding 00:36:52 Jennifer Reeder: If you just got on, please sign in the chat box so we can count for quorum. 00:37:02 Diana Parton: Chairman please confirm the number of participants needed to reach a quorum to conduct business. 00:37:38 Diana Parton: Chairman please confirm if the participants in the chat room are counted towards the quorum to needes conduct business. 00:37:49 John T. Moss: We need you all healthy shouldn't all of you be wearing masks then? Blessings! 00:38:19 Diana Parton: Thank you Council for taking great care of everyone! 00:39:36 Korree G: If you are just joining and have not done so already. Please send your first and last name, along with here. You can do this by clicking More > chat > type your info 00:40:19 Mikayla Meeks: mikayla Meeks 00:40:35 Jessica’s iPhone: Jessica McKinley 00:40:43 Jessica’s iPhone: Here 00:41:21 Diana Parton: Clean audits is wonderful news! 00:43:31 Diana Parton: @paula..please list your name now in the chat room to be counted towards the quorum. 00:43:55 Jennifer Reeder: If you just got on, please sign in the chat box so we can count for quorum. 00:43:56 Korree G: We are all winners, when we all come together and do what’s right for all our people. 00:44:06 Claudia Baskett: Claudia Baskett 00:44:57 Kristi Dane: 👏 00:50:29 John T. Moss: 🙏 Amen! 00:50:33 Janet Brooks: Signing in Janet Brooks 00:50:52 Diana Parton: Diana Parton 00:51:53 Becky Quinlan: These minutes are much better! Howee! 00:52:47 Becky Quinlan: Move to approve minutes 00:52:56 John T. Moss: I 2nd 00:53:31 Vivian Volz: Aye 00:53:35 Becky Quinlan: Yes 00:53:37 Kristie Chandler: Yes 00:53:43 John T. Moss: I vote Yes 00:53:43 Ken: yes 00:53:44 Korree G: Yes 00:53:46 Kristi Dane: Aye 00:53:51 Claudia Baskett: yes 00:53:51 Janet Brooks: Aye 00:53:52 Susan’s iPad (2): Yes 00:53:55 Diana Parton: Abstain 00:54:02 Francey Freeman: Ahay 00:54:09 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: ahey 00:54:11 Eric Guy: abstain 00:54:50 Jessica McKinley: Yes 00:54:52 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 00:54:56 Kearston freeman: Yes 00:54:59 Mikayla Meeks: yes 00:57:13 Diana Parton: Great meeting minutes Jennifer. 00:57:19 Vivian Volz: More to accept 00:57:22 John T. Moss: John Moss make the motion to accept 00:57:24 Vivian Volz: Move 00:57:26 Susan’s iPad (2): Yes 00:57:30 Diana Parton: Accept 00:57:31 Vivian Volz: Yes 00:57:32 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 00:57:33 Jessica McKinley: Abstain 00:57:39 Kristie Chandler: Second 00:57:54 Claudia Baskett: yes 00:57:59 Becky Quinlan: Yes 00:58:00 Kristie Chandler: Yes 00:58:01 John T. Moss: I vote Yes 00:58:05 Kearston freeman: Yes 00:58:05 Diana Parton: Yes to acceot 00:58:07 Korree G: Yes 00:58:09 Kristi Dane: yes 00:58:15 Francey Freeman: Yes 00:58:21 Eric Guy: how can we get a copy of the reports & mins??? 00:58:25 Donna's iPad: Yes 00:58:37 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: ahey 00:58:38 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 00:58:49 Janet Brooks: Abstain 00:59:08 Membership Meeting: Eric, they are on the Tribal website. Go to the Government tab, then click "Membership Meetings" 00:59:09 Ken: yes 00:59:34 Vivian Volz: https://mycaddonation.com/membership-meetings 01:00:09 Eric Guy: Ho'wiit 01:01:28 Eric Guy: lucky 7 01:01:31 John T. Moss: Ya! 01:02:00 Diana Parton: Ok that #7 speech was just beautiful and inspiring. JS! 01:04:01 Diana Parton: Did yall see Page 4 of the April meeting minutes...Supplemental Questions and Answers? THAT is so helpful and transparent. Thank you Secretary Reeder! 01:09:52 John T. Moss: Please contact and hire Stephen Jon Moss my Brother and Caddo Member. 01:12:18 John T. Moss: Please contact Chief Chuck Hoskins Jr. of the Cherokee They just completed a new one this year. 01:12:23 Korree G: Bobby, Do we have a date for when our council will be meeting with said nation’s legal council re:reform? 01:15:42 iPhonepaula: I’m on my cell so hope I’m doing this right. Paula Kelin Robinson. 01:16:16 John T. Moss: I would like to request to be involved in the reform. Thank you. 01:17:09 Kristie Chandler: The forward momentum is great! I believe Sharla is working today, but I’d like to acknowledge her leadership as the Election Board Chairman (and the other Election Board members) in successfully completing two back to back elections. 01:17:53 John T. Moss: Agreed Kristie Blessings! 01:18:19 Eric Guy: I ask about helping on constitution at the last meeting & still haven't heard anything, plus is it true y'all trying to get rid of the hearing board? y'all suppose to seat 2-3 people back in November and January??? 01:18:25 Janet Brooks: Can you continue to zoom your meetings? I live in California and I would love to continue to educate myself about our tribe. 01:19:51 Vivian Volz: Me too! Attending online gives Caddos all over the country the ability to participate. 01:20:01 Diana Parton: Totally agree Kristie, it all begins with a transparent and clean election. Great Job Sharla and Election Board! 01:20:04 Korree G: Has our council went through our tribe to see who is educated in law? 01:20:36 Eric Guy: so it true council get rid of hearing board that's why y'all worry about seating members to hearing board 01:21:15 John T. Moss: Chairman Bobby, please engage my Brother CFR Judge Stephen Jon Moss, no one has followed up with him and he is a Caddo Member! 01:22:07 Korree G: Do we have any tribal members we have paid schooling for, who might be pursuing law degrees? Completed those degrees? What are we doing to bring our educated people home? 01:23:00 Jennifer Reeder: Eric, we wanted to wait for this past election to see if anyone would run for Hearing Board. Since nobody ran, we will now appoint members. We need a hearing board until we get our own court. 01:23:23 Diana Parton: Great questions Koree. We have great intellectual resources within the nation. 01:24:54 Diana Parton: Why are we meeting with the Chickasaw nation?? 01:26:15 Eric Guy: I gave y'all a lists of people? will I be involved with this? 01:26:36 Diana Parton: I'm concerned about vetting the members on the chat and at the membership meetings S anyone verifying 01:27:01 Diana Parton: How is enrollment being confirmed for the participants? 01:27:48 Diana Parton: How is enrollment bring confirmed for both the online and in person attendees? 01:29:56 Kristi Dane: Regarding cultural matters: are we moving forward with any cultural/language/conservation programs or facilities? 01:33:00 Kearston freeman: I agree with Diana. How do we know those on zoom or listening in are Caddo. Without any verification anyone from any nation can listen in to our plans and Caddo business… 01:33:19 John T. Moss: Please present this ? to Chairman Bobby, please engage my Brother CFR Judge Stephen Jon Moss, no one has followed up with him and he is a Caddo Member! 01:34:26 Diana Parton: Regarding AOA and Transportation program. Can we provide transportation for our elders to travel between Regency Oaks Elder Housing to Felix Hendrix building to partake in the Elder activities including meals held at the building? 01:36:03 Korree G: Has anything been drafted by the council for constitution adjustments? I’ve never understood why we trust a 21year old to run our tribe, but not a 35 year old to hear ideas for our tribal future. 01:36:18 Diana Parton: BEST PRACTICES YES BEST PRACTICES We don't need to reinvent the wheel. 01:37:26 Kristi Dane: Yes please, representation for those out of the area 01:37:33 John T. Moss: Agreed Korree 01:37:53 Diana Parton: We don't want money or services...we just want a seat at the table!! 01:37:59 iPhonepaula: Yes I am Caddo snd I live in Maryland. 01:40:49 iPhonepaula: My daughter Shelby Settled Harper is an attorney and has worked with Indian issues. Keith Harper is my son in law 01:41:57 Korree G: Any members. Any law experience, education, etc. What are we doing to bring these members home to help our tribe? 01:42:48 Diana Parton: Every Caddo member working on these committees should be prepared to do it pro Bono. 01:43:20 Francey Freeman: What about the "Guest"? 01:43:29 iPhonepaula: Settles sorry I hit wrong key! 01:44:00 Diana Parton: I remember back in the long ago, enrollment office was at every meeting and confirmed membership according to the actual rolls. 01:44:15 Eric Guy: I do want to say Ho'wiit to Caddo Nation & Caddo Education for helping serve Caddo Member's going through Commercial Driving Academy to get they Class A CDL, I will have one of them test next week, she passed her Pre-trip and backing maneuvers, I'm helping her for local CDL jobs in Oklahoma City area. 01:44:30 Jennifer Reeder: The two "guest" is our IT person. I already asked about them when we first logged on. 01:45:16 Francey Freeman: Thanks, Jennifer! 01:46:22 Diana Parton: Regarding Communications to Members: The 5 civilizatized conduct business with members through information portals that require private sign on information. 01:46:23 John T. Moss: Bobby please add me to that list ASAP 01:47:29 Becky Quinlan: Another great use of a volunteer and/or skills coordinator for the tribe. 01:47:42 Diana Parton: Exactly Becky! 01:47:57 Korree G: Has anyone followed up on Lake Chickasha? 01:48:52 John T. Moss: To help with Economic development again I request J. Moss requests that the Caddo Nation become a member of the SW American Indian Chamber of Commerce. The chamber may be able to provide a location for district meetings. He also provided information about his role on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 01:49:26 Becky Quinlan: Red-upping Kristi’s question: Regarding cultural matters: are we moving forward with any cultural/language/conservation programs or facilities? 01:49:53 Korree G: Yes, jurisdiction south boundary is Washita river north of Anadarko. 01:50:00 Becky Quinlan: Haha - re-upping 01:51:30 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: do we take care of other tribal members in our jurisdiction?\ 01:51:41 Diana Parton: For AOA it not so much about feeding them as it is in giving them the opportunity to participate in culture activities and to get then back to Caddo land 01:53:09 Susan’s iPad (2): Regarding AOA transportation can you also bring elders from OKC? 01:53:47 Korree G: We have to embrace our tribe and stop limiting to jurisdiction. We have to stop relying on federal government and focus on economical development. 01:53:56 Kearston freeman: Can we not apply for a grant and feed our Caddo Elders? Then we don’t have to worry about transport. 01:54:59 Mary Parton: why don't we have a transportation van like the Kiowa? There is a need for it at the times the other vans don't run. We could create economic development with the hours between 4-8 and 6 hrs on Saturday when there is nothing available from the other transport services? 01:55:43 Diana Parton: Interesting take on it Chairman. 01:56:22 Mary Parton: The Kiowa grant writer already said he would help us 01:56:34 Janet Brooks: Can I get information on how I can sign up for those information portals. 01:56:41 Diana Parton: Right on Koree! 01:57:17 Diana Parton: Janet we don't have information portals right now. 01:57:34 Becky Quinlan: None of what you’ve outlined on culture are tribal initiatives. What are we doing. 01:57:40 Kristi Dane: Yes we are participating, but none are Caddo Nation led 02:04:43 Mary Parton: we have grant help for the van 02:05:07 Eric Guy: what is the Council going to do with the last Chairman wrong doing & miss using funds ? 02:06:42 Korree G: Who did you speak with? 02:08:37 Mary Parton: Are you asking me the question Koree 02:10:09 Diana Parton: Going too fast without building a solid foundation was exactly what the Francis Administration did and we all know where that got us. 02:10:12 Kristi Dane: I thank you for your thoughtful progress 02:11:07 Mary Parton: why could you Not prove it??? 02:11:19 Francey Freeman: I must run but thank you Council for this very informative meeting. God bless our Nation. 02:12:32 Korree G: Mary, it was for Council on Lake Chickasha. We don’t want to completely buy the lake. We want to work with them to make the lake a better place. 02:13:38 Mary Parton: Thank you 02:13:48 John T. Moss: Respectfully, I have been for years been trying to get into present Set aside $$$ in the Billions available to Tribes, and Cyber Security, and Housing etc. I need to meet with council. 02:14:30 John T. Moss: It expired not a member now 02:16:09 Diana Parton: Thank you Tribal Council and Chairman. All my questions and concerns were addressed. 02:16:24 John T. Moss: Yes, I am the SW Chamber President please contact me https://aiccok.org/membership/ 02:16:46 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: when will district reps have their meeting following this membership meeting? 02:17:58 John T. Moss: If a member of any Chapter you still can attend any chapter meetings yet, we are your local source and a Caddo President etc. 02:18:49 Diana Parton: Has the Historical Preservation officer discussed with the council the issues around the artifacts at the Ross Perot Museum in Dallas? 02:19:17 Janet Brooks: Is there a way for information about people running for an election could send information about themselves and what they stand for so people like me that have no way of knowing who to vote for. 02:20:09 Eric Guy: when the next council meeting because my boss & CDA President want to meet with y'all, we want to say Ho'wiit to Caddo Nation & Caddo Education for helping serve Caddo Member's going through Commercial Driving Academy to get they Class A CDL, I will have one of them test next week, she passed her Pre-trip and backing maneuvers, I'm helping her for local CDL jobs in Oklahoma City area. 02:20:37 Eric Guy: he just called me, want to ask? 02:23:41 John T. Moss: Good Job for the Kids 02:25:41 Diana Parton: Ross Perot wants the artifacts to stay in Texas. 02:28:23 Eric Guy: how come we can't post stuff on Caddo Nation page ???? 02:30:22 Kristie Chandler: Can’t hear 02:31:42 Kristie Chandler: https://mycaddonation.com/news/f/election-board-update-4 02:31:47 John T. Moss: Same with the CHB needs support like that we did send in a request formally for such a tab transparent for questions or challenges we can then address as a CHB team Thanks 02:32:03 Becky Quinlan: At the least, each person should have their bio on the website when they register as a candidate 02:33:42 Eric Guy: the Caddo Nation Transparency FB page want to say Ho'wiit & sending y'all's bio so they could post. 02:33:57 Jennifer Reeder: Hi Becky, the EB did put each candidate's bio on the Caddo Nation webpage and on the Facebook page. 02:35:01 Becky Quinlan: Thanks, Jennifer! 02:35:08 Diana Parton: Thank you Kay!! 02:35:13 Kristi Dane: Great job Kay and team! Thank you Council and Caddo staff for all of the organization, hard work, and progress! 02:36:04 iPhone: Thank you everyone for joining 02:36:23 Diana Parton: I 2nd Kristi comment! 02:36:49 Diana Parton: Great strides have been made in 12 months!! 02:36:50 Becky Quinlan: Hoping to see more members voting in the future! 02:37:05 Kristie Chandler: So moved 02:37:12 Becky Quinlan: 2nd 02:37:28 Becky Quinlan: Yes 02:37:30 Kristie Chandler: Yes 02:37:30 Kay O'Neal: Thank you ALL 02:37:35 Elena Cortinas: yes 02:37:35 Janet Brooks: Aye 02:37:40 John T. Moss: Yes! 02:37:47 Eric Guy: yes 02:37:56 Andrea’s iPhone: Yes 02:38:07 Kristi Dane: yes 02:38:10 Diana Parton: Its a great day in Caddo Country!! Wishing everyone a great day! 02:38:53 iPhone: Caddo Strong 02:38:59 Diana Parton: This dude wants me to cry.... 02:39:04 Diana Parton: Yes 02:39:08 Nikki: Yes 02:39:14 Diana Parton: Thank you Chairman!