00:29:48 Korree G: haʔahat ts’iʔ ahyaʔtiʔ! (Good morning) All. 00:30:18 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Morning 00:33:29 Korree G: We currently have eight (8) online towards quorum. 00:34:57 Jennifer Reeder: Please sign in the chat box for the quorum count. 00:35:36 Korree G: Korree Gomez here 00:36:09 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Polly Edwards, CDIB 1381 00:41:29 Donna Black: Donna Black 00:42:07 Korree G: Jennifer, how many do we have present at headquarters? 00:43:53 Francey Freeman: What time does the meeting start? 00:44:10 Korree G: Should have been 10. 00:44:44 Korree G: My guess is they waiting to reach quorum. 00:45:36 Kay O'Neal: Good Morning, 00:45:58 Kay O'Neal: We will be starting soon. 00:46:44 Kristie Chandler: Good morning! Kristie Chandler signing in. 00:48:23 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: can you unshare your screen? 00:48:40 Jennifer Reeder: 23 signed in, we have a quorum and will start in 1 minute. Thanks! 00:48:40 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: so we can see the meeting? 00:48:48 Kearston freeman: Good Morning from Texas. Let’s get this started. Ready to hear all the great things our Nation is doing 00:54:33 Kay O'Neal: it took me a second. but, thank you Polly. I have hidden my screen view 00:59:30 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: yes 00:59:33 Katelyn Stumblingbear: Yes 00:59:37 Kearston freeman: Yes 00:59:42 Kristie Chandler: Yes 00:59:51 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: I give a yes too 01:03:24 Sharla Moore: i cant hear anything. guess i am doing something wrong 01:04:12 Kay O'Neal: Can you hear? 01:04:41 Korree G: Since we are in house financials now. What is the goal for internal audits being performed? 01:05:03 Travis Stockton: Sounds good. The HVAC doesn't come through online 01:06:55 Kearston freeman: Great 01:09:37 Diana Parton: So thankful to see the firefighter program being re-vitalized! 01:09:48 Kearston freeman: How was the new roofs for homes advertised. So all could have the same opportunity to take advantage of this and other programs? 01:12:29 Diana Parton: Was this property a former campground for scouts? It looks like a beautiful piece of property. 01:13:51 Kearston freeman: Fantastic going after every and all grants. But, like u said we need Economic development. 01:15:44 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: If any grants are aided with a Caddo licensed clinical and family psychologist whoever writes the grants we have that role available in me. I am in MidMo because my one son requires a University Autism program involvement but we would be happy to come out summers or winter breaks and do whatever would be of help at the same time introducing my twin boys more to the tribe for their futures. 01:17:35 Diana Parton: W O W! 01:17:37 Kearston freeman: Fantastic 01:17:48 Korree G: Awesome news! 01:19:59 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Excellent 01:22:23 Korree G: Amazing we are utilizing own people for construction plans! 01:27:37 Kearston freeman: What is a fusion center. 01:29:13 Diana Parton: It feels real good to know we will represented at the NCAI this year! 01:29:20 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Fusion Center is a center paid by Tribal Homeland Security to track active threats, and it will have an Emergency Operation Center plus a cybersecurity arm to track cyber attacks. 01:30:52 Sharla Moore: great job caddo nation childcare!!! 01:33:10 Diana Parton: Will the Aquatic Center be open to public? Tribal Citizens? 01:33:31 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Love the culture heritage interest woven into the early childcare 01:34:13 Kearston freeman: How do we find out about this and all programs that are offered by the Caddo Nation? 01:34:15 Diana Parton: Excellent JOB Childcare and Tribal Council! 🙌 01:36:29 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Will there be summer culture and heritage day camps so those from out of state can bring their children for some tribal learning and bonding? 01:36:46 Diana Parton: $91,000 pumped back into Caddo County economy monthly. That's giving back to the community in a true way. 01:37:18 Korree G: Yes, I agree this should be open to the community. This could be utilized as economic development opportunity. 01:37:48 Kearston freeman: How do we find out about all programs offered by our Nation? 01:37:57 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: The Fusion Center is funded by Tribal Homeland Security grant just received for 1.6 million and we will be also installing a Real ID for our Tribal IDs. 01:38:04 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: How do we find out about that 5 tribe offering from out of state? 01:39:12 Diana Parton: The Fusion Center, another true way of giving back to the community. Great Job EPA/Emergency Mgmt & Tribal Council! 01:41:07 Diana Parton: Cant hear what's being said. Need a wireless mic for the audience please. 01:41:59 John T. Moss: Greetings from John T. Moss of https://cashcommunitydevelopment.org/ where you can see what we submitted to the United Nations on April 29th 2021, and my cell email is John@CashCommunityDevelopment.org , Email to find out how to join us in domestic and world projects in the Collaborative Project Process (CPP) - My cell is 949-525-0468 Please join our YouTube Channel on of our links is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIxV4E4uJMc Author of world coaching Link Mastery of Communication Methods at https://johntmoss.com/ 01:42:19 Donna Black: please take the mike to the person asking the question. Thanks 01:42:34 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: can they please use mic, we can not hear any questions. 01:42:35 Korree G: Yes, that would help us online. 01:43:19 Korree G: The mic looks wireless.. they don’t have to go to the podium but could pass the mic 01:43:41 Travis Stockton: For them to be on camera and heard online, they need to come to podium. There is a wireless mic Michael can use at Council's table 01:43:46 John T. Moss: Or Ask the speaker to repeat what is being asked then provide the answer and who the ? is from. That will work 01:43:49 Jennifer Reeder: We just put a mic on the table to members. Hopefully they will use it. 01:44:39 Jennifer Reeder: For members… I meant 01:46:24 Tabbetha Wright: If they are using the mic, we are still not hearing the member speak. 01:46:46 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: How does someone from out of state get their twin boy 12 year olds into the summer camp next year? If we have the info in advance it would help us make a plan to visit. 01:46:49 Tracy Newkumet Burrows: tayboah! 01:46:57 Kearston freeman: Is helping with childcare for enrolled Caddo children only 01:50:19 Korree G: I would suggest if we have the funds to create community centers throughout the jurisdiction. 01:50:59 Sharla Moore: once the aquatic center is set up i believe CHR could assist with getting elders to events. 01:51:09 Kearston freeman: Why can’t we get our funds and serve our peopl 01:51:39 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: What is our actual tribal census to date now? 01:51:50 Diana Parton: Could CHR, AOA, Transportation & Caddo gov pull resources to create a transportation system to bring Elders from Anadarko, Fort Cobb and Oklahoma City to Binger for events? 01:52:23 Korree G: We don’t have economic development. This makes it hard to provide to our people outside our jurisdiction. Grants, etc. have certain regulations. 01:52:34 Sharla Moore: I believe we could Diana. 01:56:35 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Thanks Mr. Bobby for stating the enrollment census given those passing during the pandemic...7000 OK! 01:59:27 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Consequences legally often is to make them pay fines and make them abide by rental leases for Caddo coffers...makes sense 01:59:38 Korree G: Why we need to establish a court system. 01:59:47 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Sure do 02:00:33 Korree G: We don’t need to be fighting over the land built on, etc. we need to establish a court system and get a percentage for our land usage. 02:00:48 Travis Stockton: Letter can be found here: Caddo Nation responds to the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes and the United States Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Anadarko Agency Full response available here: https://bit.ly/3Wgkohy 02:01:24 Korree G: Compacts are key for the well-being of all of us. 02:01:27 Diana Parton: Going forward, I'm requesting that the Housing Authority include in their report the followings: How many properties does the HA oversee? How many are occupied? How many are condemned? What's the game plan on getting them all occupied? How many meetings did the HA host during the past quarter and a link to the meeting minutes from those meetings. Thank you. 02:03:09 Diana Parton: Maybe a "special membership meeting" just for this subject matter? 02:03:59 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Yes a special meeting as Ms. Diana says for this issue as there will be developments and since it is federal it will take forever to get it resolved equitably 02:05:03 Kearston freeman: The Wichita’s aren’t following the law and they havent been 02:06:45 Diana Parton: I feel that is council has been more pro-active and aggressive on this issue that any council prior. Also the lack of response from earlier Caddo Councils is part of the reason were are where we are now. 02:06:52 John T. Moss: Diana, I hope you are feeling better. As Chairman of the CHB we have asked that information and it is now on track Amy Stockton has that info. she is allowed to share or such. 02:06:57 Kearston freeman: Where can we get a copy of the the response sent to the BIA 02:07:30 Diana Parton: THANK YOU JON MOSS! I appreciate the quick response so much!!! 02:08:05 Lauren Haupt: Yes! Thank you to this leadership for all the intensive efforts you’ve made on behalf of our people. 02:08:22 John T. Moss: Your welcome we are on it 02:08:24 Kearston freeman: Thank u 02:09:18 Kearston freeman: When will the agency make a response. And put an end to the back and forth 02:10:00 Travis Stockton: Diana, this is Amie Stockton. This information is provided to the Housing Board at every monthly meeting. The meeting minutes are completed by the Housing Board Secretary, not myself. 02:12:54 Diana Parton: Hi Amie, Thank you for that clarification. Are the minutes made available on line anywhere? 02:13:42 John T. Moss: https://mycaddonation.com/housing-board Please email us any questions you would like to make aware of Blessings. 02:13:53 Diana Parton: Could we put up motion activated trail cams? Capture license plates ect? 02:14:27 Travis Stockton: Diana, Ms. Benitez has the meeting minutes and they are not currently online. You'll have to reach out to her. 02:14:46 Diana Parton: Thank you Housing department! 02:15:39 Travis Stockton: No problem, let us know if you need anything else! 02:17:38 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Are there published and boundaried maps of the 3 tribes who are sharing land that is current to date? 02:18:31 Sharla Moore: we do have the denture center on our land. 02:18:40 Kearston freeman: If the Wichita are using our land as a parking lot, why are we not getting monies for them using our land. 02:25:29 John T. Moss: Travis and Amy you only have the access to post on the Caddo Site Ms. Benitez has turned in the CHB Amy once completed or the new meeting for Transparency the details of Housing Amy Stockton and her them have reports we in motions requested and got that detail this and other questions. Blessings! They are doing a good job in completing our motion requests. 02:25:54 Korree G: We also need to move towards purchasing all land for sale within our territory and adding to trust. 02:26:36 John T. Moss: Korree Agreed and so much more 02:26:56 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Will you all be posting the historical ceded land agreement up to contemporary on the Caddo website? That would be fantastic-- 02:27:13 John T. Moss: We can not hear her 02:27:38 Kearston freeman: How do we find out about all programs the Caddo Nation offers? 02:28:48 Kearston freeman: Where did the monies come from to purchase them junkyard next door? 02:29:14 Diana Parton: Korree, great idea! If would be great to also add ancestorial land in Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana to the trust lands as well. 02:29:56 Kearston freeman: They have no respect for the Caddos so why do we show them respect 02:30:03 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Diana Parton wouldn't that be wonderful, speaking as a Caddo tribal member here but from Louisiana 02:30:21 Jennifer Reeder: Information about Caddo Nation programs can be found on the Caddo Nation website. 02:30:43 Kearston freeman: Thx 02:31:02 Korree G: I don’t think it’s all about sovereignty and them just ignoring. I think a lot of it sums up to us not having a court system. 02:31:17 Kearston freeman: Well then why aren’t they arrested? They have no lease agreement 02:31:55 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: I see the Caddo progams online at the website but this last year found out about this 5 tribal summer camps on my kids' FB's too late to make arrangements for them to go...How do we know the dates and itineraries for that summer heritage and culture camp in enough advance to make arrangments for an out of state visit? 02:33:49 Jennifer Reeder: These camps are promoted on Caddo Nation social media pages and on the Caddo Nation website. 02:34:33 John T. Moss: How can we attend the Nov 8th event? 02:35:09 Tabbetha Wright: How sad the only descent working microphone is Bobby's? This meeting has been very frustrating as quality of the audio has been so poor. 02:35:13 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Ok thanks Jennifer--I will contact you then about next summer because I missed them till last June and to make plans we need to know what and when by the boys' spring break in March--Thanks so much!!! 02:37:33 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Please announce the Thanksgiving turkey giveaway is next Friday 02:38:10 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: because of the turkey shortage, our vendor can not guarantee turkeys if we do not get them now 02:38:15 John T. Moss: GREAT JOB POLLY AND YOUR TEAM AWESOME! 02:38:46 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: the will be frozen so people can store them until they need them. 02:38:48 Lauren Haupt: Howee! Thank you everyone for being here today. Thank you to our council for all you work. 02:39:01 Jennifer Reeder: Hi Tabbetha, we’re trying to get everyone to use the mic. We’ll keep trying. 02:39:52 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Turkey give away, is on the site and on facebook 02:40:33 Kearston freeman: Did not see anything on your website that would include all Elders% 02:40:35 Francey Freeman: Thank you Bobby and the Council. 02:41:26 Korree G: Council, y’all are doing great! Keep up the hard work and continued progress forward for our people! 02:42:02 Kearston freeman: Thank you for the responses and meetings. Bobby, you and the council are doing great things for our Nation. 02:44:21 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Alright to the Newsletter! Thanks for the good meeting and all the current information. 02:46:28 Korree G: Can we work on a caddo proud initiative to engage our members? To reduce the stigma surrounding our tribe. 02:47:39 Kearston freeman: To change the blood quantum don’t u have to bring that to a vote by the people. 02:47:49 Korree G: When are these meetings held? I have been working on my thoughts. 02:48:45 Kelly Irvine,PsyD: Who is the enrollment board to contact for consolidation then? We have this situation from my grandmo 02:49:01 Sharla Moore: Just to clarify the elder trips that CHR and AOA sponsor are limited to our service areas under our grant programs We do apologize to elders that are left out. We will do our best to get the word out to all our elders of these events. Please feel free to call our office at 405 656 2882 to receive more information. We will work with Council to see if more funding can be allowed to accomodate all elders. 02:49:13 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: Jennifer, does there have to be an election question first during a general election to activate the changes in a special election for constitutional change?? 02:50:10 John T. Moss: Congratulations to the new Truck Drivers stay safe! 02:50:59 Kearston freeman: Wonderful job Travis!,, 02:51:09 Tabbetha Wright: Awesome, congrats Travis! 02:51:36 Kristie Chandler: Speaking of election, please keep in mind the need for the election board to have dedicated space, upcoming vacancies on the election board, and the need to update the election ordinance. Thank you! 02:51:43 Jennifer Reeder: Yes, all amendments to the constitution go to every Caddo member 18+ through a secretarial election before it’s adopted as Caddo law. 02:52:21 Sharla Moore: Thank you Kristie 02:53:11 Korree G: Congratulations Eric on your hard work and dedication to push our people to better themself! Congratulations to the truck drivers, Natalia and Anthony! 02:53:41 Diana Parton: Congratulations Eric! Thank you for getting this established. It great to see the council developing leadership from withing the nation. 02:55:16 Korree G: Congratulations! Education is the best thing we can push for our people! I hope to see this education brought home and utilized by our tribe. 02:56:18 Kay O'Neal: Thank you Lauren. You are such an integral part of who we are and what we do. 02:58:40 John T. Moss: Respectfully, for years I have been trying to share BILLIONS in AVAILABLE FUNDING, I still haven't been able to present to this Council and I request all of the time. we are missing out for our people. some are on our website link of what we presented about this to the UNITED NATIONS! Greetings from John T. Moss of https://cashcommunitydevelopment.org/ where you can see what we submitted to the United Nations on April 29th 2021, and my cell email is John@CashCommunityDevelopment.org , Email to find out how to join us in domestic and world projects in the Collaborative Project Process (CPP) - My cell is 949-525-0468 Please join our YouTube Channel on of our links is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIxV4E4uJMc Author of world coaching Link Mastery of Communication Methods at https://johntmoss.com/ 03:00:16 Diana Parton: Thank you so much Aunt Francis! It was wonderful to have you there with us. Together we will make sure the Caddos are never forgotten in our homelands! 03:00:41 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: have a good meal, thanks for work you do. 03:01:16 John T. Moss: I am still waiting? 03:01:20 Kearston freeman: I have Diana.talk recorded. 03:01:49 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: aye 03:01:54 Sharla Moore: yes 03:02:00 John T. Moss: Yes,, blessings! 03:02:06 Jessica’s iPhone: Aye 03:02:06 Tabbetha Wright: Howee 03:04:34 Polly Edwards, Caddo Nation EM: amen, God bless