From:Anna Gurley Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 9:46 AM Subject: Minutes from the Jan. 7th NKBA meeting Hello Beekeepers, Northern Kentucky Beekeeper Association January 7, 2014meeting held at the Campbell County Library in Highland Heights 6:30-8:30p. 23 members in attendance. The Treasurer’s position has been resigned by Rita Bushelman. Melanie Derrick was nominated and has accepted the position. Thank you Melanie! Craig Wilson will now be in charge of the website. He will update the site and add the domain Mike & Carolyn Janicki, will continue to bring snack & drinks to the Boone County meetings. Carl Knochelmann will continue to supervise the distribution of the club extractor. Melanie Derrick, Craig Wilson, & Anna Gurley will continue to update our Facebook page. PLEASE LIKE US Anna Gurley will bring the snacks & drinks to the Campbell County meetings. Rita Bushelmann will continue to oversee the swarm list. 2014 Board Members: President: Jacob Robholz Vice President: Tonia Spille Secretary: Anna Gurley Treasurer: Melanie Derrick Member at Large: Carl Knochelmann The 2014 annual dues are now being accepted. Cost is $5.00 per household. See Treasurer, Melanie Derrick, for payment The club approved the meeting schedule for 2014: Meetings will alternate between the Boone County Extension Office and the Campbell County Library in Highland Heights. TIME: 6:30p-8:30p PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGES! January 7 @ CC library February 22 will be the annual bee school. We are hoping to confirm the Campbell County Environmental Center for this event. The school will be held from 10a -2p. All participants are to bring a brown bag lunch. Drinks will be provided by the club. If a member would like to bring a snack or dessert to share that would be great. We are asking that if you have an unusual beekeeping tool(s) to bring it to the school. Sean Burgess, State Apiarist, will attend the school and talk about what the State has to offer beekeepers. To lead the discussions & demonstrations will be: Beekeeping 101: Craig Wilson Hive assembly: Jack Hunt Pest: Melanie Derrick Tools of the trade: Jake Robholz March 4 @ Boone County topic for discussion will be “swarms” lead by Tom Bushelman & Pamela Messer April 1 @ CC library topic for discussion will be “queens” lead by Jack Hunt May 6 @ Boone County topic for discussion will be “extraction” lead by Carl Knochelmann + a demonstration of the club extractor. June 3 @ location to be determined. We plan to open a hive and observe and question the hive activity. July 1 @ Boone County (hopefully a guest speaker) September is traditional the club picnic October 7 @ CC library topic for discussion will be “closing down the hive” lead by Jake Robholz November 4@ Boone County topic for discussion will be “hive by-products” other than honey. (yes, this is election day however the polls close at 6:30 and the extension office is open.) Other “Bee Schools” in the area: Southwestern Ohio Beekeeper Association (SWOBA) March 22, 2014. Registration will open January 15. Check the website Sign up early. The school sells out in about 10 days. State of KY: March 8, 2014. Bluegrass Beekeepers School. Ky State University. Contact Phil Clark: Remarks from Phil Clark: 1. Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Debbie Delaney from the University of Delaware who sill speak on Bee Trees and Swarms, and Honey Marketing. Sponsored by KSBA. 2. Since EAS is at Richmond this year, Kent Williams will do a class on preparation for the EAS Master Beekeepers Exam. 3. We are setting up classes for beekeepers who have gone through the first year and now are asking "Now what do I do on the second year?" 4. Michelle Colopy, Program Director for Pollinator Stewardship Council, is scheduled to give a class on pesticide policy as it affects managed and native pollinators. 5. We will have other classes like we have had in years past. Venders will be there and we expect a good crowd of people. I hope this helps and I will let you know when the registration form is on the web as well as additional information. Submitted by: Anna Gurley, Secretary NKBA