00:17:14 Mark Marcario: hi everyone thanks for doing this 00:29:33 Bart Kamp: Greetings, Malcolm Blunt sent me some documents on Mongoose, which are very rare (well not anymore) a total of 270 pages scanned in earlier today 00:29:37 Bart Kamp: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTOm9pgRzZph6U_JkoOtNH8ipK1AxZ2q/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NQR0pd3gg8f5EzR9zBmP_RYyNkdm0BVe/view?usp=sharing 00:32:00 josephbackes: Why 2027? 00:33:01 josephbackes: I think the HSCA’s MLK docs is sealed until 2029 00:33:09 josephbackes: are sealed. 00:34:35 josephbackes: A congressional oversight hearing is the best idea, in my opinion. We need to reach out to the Congressional Black Caucus, they were the ones who got the HSCA created. 00:35:18 Mark Young: Are there specific topics or agenda for today’s meeting? 00:38:24 Larry Schnapf: were the Ruby notes previously in public domain 00:38:36 Brian Edwards: no 00:38:48 Larry Schnapf: fabulous! 00:38:48 Brian Edwards: not the full 33 pages 00:39:15 Doug Campbell: I really enjoyed last moth's meeting. Thanks very much for the invite. 00:41:22 Brian Edwards: glad you could join us 00:43:58 Brian Edwards: david, just sent you the transcription 00:44:06 Brian Edwards: check your email 00:44:40 Mark Young: TO Larry: Why are all these scientists wasting their time looking inyo space looking for something that happened 50 billion years ago? 00:46:39 Brian Edwards: david, did you get my email? 00:55:34 josephbackes: Woolsey needed some help with his bar tab somewhere. It’s all nonsense. 00:58:25 R Brooks LaPlante: Well said Bill, 01:01:39 Bart Kamp: More to the point Harriet and Lillian is BS 01:08:06 josephbackes: Who is this? Brooks? 01:08:24 David @ Casey: Brooks LaPlante 01:10:13 Pete Hymans: Depending on where the actual shooting took place, the storm drain would have been a very logical place for gun smoke to have originated. A Delisle .45ACP carbine is small, silent and deadly at 150 yards. 01:11:17 Pete Hymans: Also the wind direction was not directly going from the fence behind the North Knoll—it was going more toward the TSBD than the center of Elm Street. 01:11:37 josephbackes: Senator Yarboroughsaid he smelled gunpowder 01:11:47 R Brooks LaPlante: The wind at 12:30 was 15 mph out of the west. That would be straight from the north knoll to the top of the street at Elm & Houston. Several witnesses smelled the gunpowder... I believe Sen. Yarborough, Mrs. Cabell, and others. 01:12:30 Pete Hymans: Agreed—I do not know where the witnesses actually were when they smelled the cordite odor. 01:18:19 Bart Kamp: Joe Marshall Smith smelled gun powder 01:18:25 Brian Edwards: gun powder fired from the 6th floor would not have been smelled at street level. Smoke goes up not down 01:18:33 Bart Kamp: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTOm9pgRzZph6U_JkoOtNH8ipK1AxZ2q/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NQR0pd3gg8f5EzR9zBmP_RYyNkdm0BVe/view?usp=sharing middle bit at the top of page 9 01:18:42 Brian Edwards: the gun powder smell was at street level 01:18:46 Bart Kamp: eh wrong links 01:18:49 Bart Kamp: sorry 01:19:02 Bart Kamp: https://archives.texasobserver.org/issue/1963/12/13?fbclid=IwAR1RtnyG62SC3v3mKs0p-OyxfmXSqbjk6LudjxE6vkrY4sfspfsH9VZACR0#page=9 01:21:31 Brian Edwards: David, 01:21:44 Brian Edwards: Don’f forget to mention the Dick Russell collection 01:24:01 josephbackes: Can I ask a quick question? has anyone been talking to anyone at Archives II? Is a release od docs coming next month, which is in a few weeks now? 01:36:53 Brian Edwards: david, unmute gary’s mic, he has info 01:38:11 David @ Casey: I can't unmute him from here he has to unmute himself by clicking on the microphone in the lower left corner 01:42:21 R Brooks LaPlante: Samuel Gilbert 4344 Avondale is listed in the 1963 Dallas city directory as a photographer for British Am Petroleum 01:42:53 Bart Kamp: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l5eLw589tERbpTXe3SIzYED0lYwnftyQ/view?usp=sharing 01:43:07 Bart Kamp: DOJ Sep 13 1978 01:46:00 Bill Simpich: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10028#relPageId=178 - another copy of Bart’s document - MFF has a few more hits. 01:46:04 josephbackes: Good info on Texas, its state politics, and local information of Dallas and its surrounding area, the Dallas Citizen Council, the DPD, etc is always welcome. 01:46:14 Bill Simpich: NARA number 124-10371-10116 01:46:23 Bill Simpich: p. 178 02:04:23 Pete Hymans: Archiving original materials is CRUCIAL in this digital age of surveillance and artificial intelligence. We will soon see that digital records will be obviating much of what we know to be truth—History is being re-written right now. 02:05:16 Mark Young: Any Darnell docs re him saying his footage from opposite side of AF1 confiscated at Love Field? 02:06:21 Bart Kamp: yes 02:06:28 Bart Kamp: Darnell doc 02:06:30 Bart Kamp: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l5eLw589tERbpTXe3SIzYED0lYwnftyQ/view?usp=sharing 02:07:55 Mark Young: Bart, this doc is re Gilbert. 02:08:53 Bart Kamp: sorry 02:09:18 Bart Kamp: http://www.prayer-man.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Dads-JFK-Assasination-Account-Of-Events.pdf 02:22:39 R Brooks LaPlante: Ditto for William Manchester's stuff which he donated to Wesleyan University. I spent 2 days photographing hundreds of his interviews and documents relating to The Death of a President. Some of those records are sealed (e.g., the interviews with the Kennedy family and the Secret Service.) It would be a shame for any of that to be destroyed. 02:27:49 R Brooks LaPlante: As Bill said, the agreement (deed-of-gift, whatever)between the donor and the institution will govern. 02:28:23 Mark Young: Do Simpich’s yawns stay in the final cut of this video? 02:28:53 Pete Hymans: About 2 years ago, during 3 separate meetings with David Lifton, I learned of a massive amount of data in storage. Anyone who is on good terms with David would do the world a favor to see about protecting that wealth of data. I am not that individual at this point. 02:30:31 Bart Kamp: 4 storage units so I have been told 02:30:49 josephbackes: Look at all of these young, handsome men and their pandemic hair. 02:30:49 Doug Campbell: I've got to head out soon everyone. THANK YOU for the invite. Very enjoyable. I'd love to have somebody from Project JFK on one of the podcasts to get the word out about this very soon, if you guys are agreeable. 02:33:11 Larry Schnapf: Josephbackes- and then there are those with only facial hair :) 02:36:19 Bentley Doyle: This is an impressive group, another great meeting. Thanks much to all of you. 02:38:50 Pete Hymans: I need to Jump too. THANKS VERY MUCH! Will be in touch about April 02:42:10 Pete Hymans: We MUST be sure that the “rotten apples” are put aside but not thrown out——sometimes a “rotten apple” is just a differing opinion in a sea of ignorance. 02:44:09 Larry Schnapf: @Pete- yes. we have to make sure we don't have McCarthyism from the left.... 02:49:27 Larry Schnapf: got sign off. great meeting! this is so much better than meeting once a year and only having time to chat between speaker presentations... 02:56:32 josephbackes: I saw this, amazing. 02:57:17 josephbackes: Those letters were 300 years old. 02:58:32 Bart Kamp: correct