00:04:35 David Knight: Welcome to The JOurney Janauary 2023 Meeting!!! 00:10:07 Joseph Backes: Folks, bookmark this site - https://www.justice.gov/olc/file/1078056/download - This is Curtis Gannon’s opinion on the JFK Records Act. Gannon worked in the Office of Legal Counsel in the DOJ. This empowered what Trump did. And to a certain extent what Biden did / is doing. 00:12:11 Joseph Backes: Gannon gutted the JFK Act. It’s also why you see Section 5(g)(2)(D) used to withhold docs and info in docs now. 00:12:37 Rick Bucciarelli: Hi all. So glad to see you all again. Happy Birthday Casey. 00:13:06 Joseph Backes: Happy Birthday Casey! 00:13:09 Rick Bucciarelli: But most importantly GO EAGLES! 00:13:53 David Knight: Go THE CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00:14:49 Joseph Backes: Gannon’s still in the government. He’s the deputy Solicitor General now. 00:17:49 casey: Good to see everyone ---- Welcome to the new year and to our Journey meeting! 00:19:01 Chana Willis: Happy birthday Casey! 00:19:09 Scott Edwards: Have a great birthday! 00:26:07 Joseph Backes: Correct, on the limo color. 00:28:01 Joseph Backes: A Lincoln limo made by Ford. 00:38:23 Joseph Backes: On MC telephone taps, the CIA had their system, and the FBI had their own separate from the CIA system. 00:39:41 casey: Replying to "Happy birthday Casey..." Thanks Chana --- Good to see you! 00:42:27 Joseph Backes: PIDB just had a 2 day conf at the LBJ Library. This conf will be on NARA’s Youtube.com channel, or the PIDB’s Youtube.com channel. 00:42:54 casey: Replying to "Hi all. So glad to s..." Thanks, Rick. 00:43:03 379385: Fantastic! Hope to see you there. If you have any other questions let me know. 00:43:24 casey: Replying to "Happy Birthday Casey..." Thanks, Joe. 00:44:55 casey: Replying to "Have a great birthda..." Thanks, Scott. 00:48:40 Bill Simpich: Good to see you too and good to be here. 00:51:41 Brooks LaPlante: Great job on the legal front!! 01:07:42 Doug Campbell: I agree with Mr. Rivera 100%. "State Secret" is the best Research & Analysis In Written Form of the past 15 years, easy, IMHO. 01:20:09 Joseph Backes: LHO passport application of June 24, 1963 - https://www.maryferrell.org/photos.html?set=HSCA-EXHIBITS&title=JFK%20Exhibit%20F-401a&search=Lee%20Harvey%20Oswald%201963%20passport 01:21:19 Joseph Backes: LHO 1963 passport - JFK Exhibit F-434 - https://www.maryferrell.org/photos.html?set=HSCA-EXHIBITS&title=JFK%20Exhibit%20F-434&search=Lee%20Harvey%20Oswald%201963%20passport 01:21:27 Chana Willis: Dad was ONI, CIA and for a time FBI. He got an top secret clearance before Dallas; I have a copy of that. TALK ABOUT FOX in the hen house, he was planted at Dallas PD, and Fire, and I helped him process photo prints for HSCA. From the evidence pulled from the DPD files. I was 17. 01:21:47 Chana Willis: Yes I have proof. And in 1964 he got another top secret clearance. 01:22:02 Joseph Backes: https://www.maryferrell.org/archive/photos/HSCA-EXHIBITS/Photo_hsca_ex_434.jpg 01:22:14 Chana Willis: Is any one reading the chats? 01:22:43 Chana Willis: Dad said Lee was on his team and was ONI. Dad was photo intel. Lead the photo recon over Cuba in VAP 62 as Navy Master Chief. 01:23:00 Joseph Backes: See HSCA Vol. 3 p. 138 01:25:40 Joseph Backes: Tucker Carlson 🤮 01:27:51 Rick Bucciarelli: Larry let me hold it at breakfast. Its much larger than I imagined 01:54:33 Bill Simpich: will do thanks 01:57:33 Bill T.: I spoke with Doctor Mantik about 1 month ago. His new book on Amazon is printed-when-you-order. He was adding some new material as of 1 month ago. Must Own Book!! 01:57:59 Bill T.: Larry Rivera can you post your email? 01:58:45 Larry Rivera: larry@merdist.com 01:59:05 Bill T.: Thanks Larry 01:59:18 Chana Willis: Wonderful to get a USB of the conference! I missed some of the conference due to poor connection on Zoom. 02:01:50 Larry Rivera: https://app.box.com/s/4tcj0tsqa0gr4r7445sm0lyzqbpp6tlj 02:09:27 Ron Raquel: Do you believe John Armstrong's theory on the two Oswalds, Harvey and Lee? 02:15:02 Bill T.: Everyone should check-out Doug Campbell's work at his "GUICK HITS" Podcast. Always interesting. 02:19:07 Mark Young: The other suspicious area in photo is third floor window where possible shooter could have been. Lower area of window is blacked out. Compare to 2 floor window below where sunlight is reflecting off the white wooden window panes. 3 floor window in same sunlight. ?