00:06:18 mark MARCARIO: hi all 00:06:24 David Knight: Welcome to Project JFK / CSI Dallas presents The Journey July 2022 Meeting 00:12:22 Rick Bucciarelli: Good to see you all again!! 00:26:11 Rick Bucciarelli: I just got the okay from my wife to attend. Without her permission you might have had another death to investigate.šŸ˜… 00:26:35 David Knight: hahaha 00:33:01 josephbackes: Seven speakers and three of them are Dr. Gary Aguilar. 00:33:38 josephbackes: Oh goodie! 00:35:02 Larry Schnapf: I'm trying to get Nick Nalli and Paul Chambers to participate on one panel to debate the jet effect... 00:35:19 Larry Schnapf: gary could not moderate that panel :) 00:35:56 josephbackes: Total waste of time. The ā€œjet effect,ā€ is a joke. Please donā€™t bother. 00:37:59 Larry Schnapf: it has been resurrected by Nalli and others so it would be good to dissect their arguments. 00:39:55 Rick Bucciarelli: I just bought the tickets...is there a special surprise gift for the first LOL 00:41:12 Rick Bucciarelli: David maybe you could check to se if it went through. I'm going to reserve the hotel now 00:44:52 josephbackes: Yes, the info at conferences should not live only for the duration of the conf, then die a slow death awaiting people to buy the VHS, then DVD, etc. We should migrate with the times and have things on Youutbe.com, or stream it off a website or something. 00:48:46 Larry Schnapf: should be option to watch remotely and attend in person. remote viewing is the trend and until TSA fixes travel problems along with the age of many attendees age. 00:56:50 Rick Bucciarelli: *Is there anyone still alive from the Warren Commission?? 00:59:56 Joseph Backes: WC staff, some of the lawyers, yes. 01:03:11 Bart Kamp: W David Slawson 01:11:50 Casey Quinlan: I think Bert Griffin is still alive. 01:13:51 Joseph Backes: Well done, Larry S. 01:19:40 Michael Alverson: There were some anomalies in Oswald's social security records that were inquired about during the HSCA, When the ARRB inquired, SS just referenced their response to the HSCA. Only a widow or relative with standing can further inquire. If the Oswald/Porter family is contacted, this topic should be refreshed. 01:23:41 Larry Rivera: R we talking about fingerprints or palm prints 01:25:24 Bart Kamp: finger 01:34:11 Bob Saltzman: Related to the earlier "jet effect" comments - I debated Dr. John Lattimer (urologist) about this (and Alvarez's) theory at Dartmouth College back in the 1970's. His points, "tests," and arguments were amateurish and laughable at best, without any verifiable and reproduceable scientific or medical basis. And indeed people in the large audience (including undergraduate and graduate students, professors, etc.) laughed out loud. 01:34:31 Joseph Backes: LHOā€™s SS, IRS, and tax info, and same of many other individuals and organizations were collected by the ARRB and they are in the JFK Records Collection BUT the tax law has to be changed before the could be released to the public. This is all mentioned in the ARRB final report. 02:09:08 Bart Kamp: Mamet 02:09:11 Bart Kamp: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27922-david-mamet-to-direct-2days1963-about-sam-giancanas-role-in-jfks-murder/ 02:11:03 Joseph Backes: This is all garbage, this MM stuff. 02:13:04 Joseph Backes: https://www.kennedysandking.com/reviews/the-marilyn-monroe-kennedys-hoax-part-1-the-mythology-is-launched 02:14:13 Joseph Backes: Hopefully, Donald McGovernā€™s book ā€œMurder Orthodoxiesā€ will be republished someday. 02:15:04 Joseph Backes: https://www.google.com/search?q=The+assassination+and+Mrs.+Paine&client=safari&sxsrf=ALiCzsbIsiIO0QLlPsN7pSHMJKS3q-dyIA%3A1658606834517&ei=8lTcYu-YH5qGptQPmo2d4Aw&ved=0ahUKEwjv2cX554_5AhUag4kEHZpGB8wQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=The+assassination+and+Mrs.+Paine&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQHhAWOgcIIxDqAhAnOgQIIxAnOgoILhDHARDRAxAnOgQIABBDOggILhDUAhCRAjoFCC4QkQI6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToECC4QQzoKCC4QgAQQhwIQFDoKCC4QsQMQ1AIQQzoICAAQgAQQsQM6CAguELEDEJECOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOgUIABCRAjoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEELEDENQCOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQ1AI6BQgAEIYDSgQIQRgBSgQIRhgAUNsDWPxlYMRxaAJwAHgAgAHJAYgBlR2SAQcxMC4yMS4xmAEAoAEBsAEKwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz 02:15:35 Joseph Backes: https://www.amazon.com/Assassination-Mrs-Paine-Ruth/dp/B09Q34NCPP 02:34:56 Joseph Backes: You will never overwhelm the liars and the trolls. They have no jobs or lives. They just lie all day long. 02:36:40 Joseph Backes: Jim D rebuts Litwin pretty well. 02:54:58 Larry Schnapf: https://steveroeconsulting.wixsite.com/website?cid=43acd1b5-fd5e-4b08-955a-6a3477314f21 02:55:19 Larry Schnapf: maybe become a "member" 02:56:15 Larry Schnapf: so you can post 03:04:56 Bob Saltzman: Right or wrong, provable of not, truth or contrivance, etc. are not relevant anymore. It is completely about "I win, you lose". just like US politics. IMHO. "Don't confuse me with the truth." 03:05:02 Larry Rivera: http://merdist.com/wp/2022/07/02/carlos-gutierrez-menoyo/ 03:22:48 Joseph Backes: Thereā€™s no TicketMaster ready to promote us. 03:35:06 David Knight: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/scally.htm 03:35:52 Joseph Backes: Neale - look through this - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=923#relPageId=1&search=Dallas_police%20radio%20tapes 03:36:30 Joseph Backes: https://www.maryferrell.org/php/getpdf.php?docId=923 03:42:11 Peter: Dale Myers had a detailed go at Mrs Doris Holan (alleged Tippit witness) on his blog, but there are some holes in his analysis, along with some corner-cutting. 03:44:46 Peter: The UK media tends to support the Warren Commission. 03:45:12 Peter: They will recycle old arguments without prompting. 03:50:34 Neale Safaty: If you would like to present any current research at the October 1st/October 2nd conference at Canterbury this year, please reach out to me on nsafaty@safcoaas.com 03:51:23 Neale Safaty: Also, Iā€™d love to meet up with any of you in Dallas in November. Iā€™ll be there from November 14th to 28thā€¦ 04:22:53 Neale Safaty: Thanks for another good meeting David