GATEWAY 4 PAWS ADOPTION APPLICATION/CONTRACT PO Box 414 Maryville, IL 62062 Animals Name___________________________________________________ ADOPTER INFORMATION Name__________________________________________________________ Address________________________City_______________State__________ Phone# _________________________ Email address____________________________________Age_________ Have you ever received a pet-related citation or been fined for violating a pet-related law? _________________ Have you or anyone in your household ever been convicted of cruelty or neglect? ______ Do you have any trips or vacations planned in the next 3 months? ___________________ Occupation_______________________________ Employer____________________ How long have you been at your current job? ________________ Provide names, age and relationship of all household members. _______________________________________________________________________ Does anyone in the home smoke? ____________________________________________ List all pets living in the home. Name, Breed and age ________________________________________________________________________ Are all pets vaccinated? ____ spayed/neutered? ____ Do you get yearly heartworm testing done? ______ Do you use heartworm preventative? _________ Are you current on heartworm prevention? ________ What do you use? ___________________ Where do you get it? ________________ Is your home: home____ apartment______ condo_________ mobile home_______ Do you: own______ rent______ other______ (please explain) __________________ How long have you lived at this address? _________________ If less than 2 years, what was your previous address and how long did you live there? ______________________________________________________________ If you rent, do you have your landlordÕs permission to have a dog? ______________ May we contact your landlord? _____________ Landlords phone #_________________ Do you have a doggie door? _______ Do you leave it open at all times? ___________ Do you have a physical fenced yard? ____________________ How tall is the fence? _____What type of fence?___________________________ If you do not have a fence, how do you plan to take your dog out safely? ________________________________________________ How many hours per day will your pet spend: In the house? __________ In the garage? ___________ Outside? ______________ Do you plan to keep your pet in an outside pen or on a stake tie out? ______________ How many hours per day will your pet be without humans? ___________________ Where in the home will your pet be when humans leave? ______________________ Where will your pet sleep? _________________________________________ Who will care for your pet when you are away from home overnight? _______________________________________________________ Name of your Current or Past Veterinarian_____________________________________ Address of veterinarian_______________________________________ Phone #______________________________________ How long have you been a client of this vet? _____________________ When was your last visit with your vet? ____________ purpose? _______________ Have you ever had a pet that is no longer with you? __________ If yes, please explain __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Personal references who are familiar with your experience as a pet owner (please do not use more than 2 relatives) Name______________________________Phone________________________________ Name______________________________Phone________________________________ Name______________________________Phone________________________________ Will you allow a member of Gateway 4 Paws to do a home visit? ________________ Additional Comments: