Blatt, James A. - Curriculum Vitae The Stop the Insanity of Drugs Amendment (PhD Analytical Psychology, as well as a PhD in Political Science in one composition,), Adam & Eve's Stock Standard Prenuptial Agreement (Doctor of the Arts in Psychology of Relationships, ((Lehigh U)) written in the legal language of the law), Final Message to Earth, with Another Final Message to Earth (PhD Global Affairs), Collected Essays (PhD Philosophy ((expert note: a PhD in philosophy indicates highly trained thinking and problem solving skills, with modern thought))) Altogether: PhD Philosophy, PhD Political Science, PhD Analytical Psychology, Doctor of the Arts in Psychology of Relationships, PhD Philosophy, Masters of the Social Sciences from Harvard University -Broad knowledge of law, anthropology, theology, applied/linguistics ((which includes modern language skill(s))), economics, sociology, philosophy, political science, statistics, international to small business management and organizational theory skills, a qualitative understanding of physics, chemistry, biology Bachlors of Science in Psychology from Lehigh University Masters of Science in Psychology from Lehigh University -Depending on who you ask, I'm an expert and/or good diagnostician in psychology, I command ca. 30 psychiatric medications, useful or not, I command nearly native German language ability, Titles: Honorary Major General in the United States Marine Corp, Six Star General of Nations recognized by The Papacy of Earth of the United States of America, an honorary rank indicating I'm an authority on all things "The United States", Legal Vice President of the United States of America on the Egalitarian Quorum, A bona fide Swiss Diplomat, entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities of a Diplomat, God in Human Form ("The Antichrist"), I specialize in practice of: recovery psychology, ergonomic psychology, positive applied psychology, as well as politics, Most prestigious degree: PhD Oxford University (effective until ca. 01/01/2072) CV History: Practicing Swiss Swaint, Blatt notes, most, if not all of his unclassified work is published at