F o u r M o n t h Endurance Conditioning Schedule 1st & 2nd Week Ride the horse at a walk/trot 3 to 4 days a week for 1 hour each day to begin initial legging up. 3rd Week 3 to 4 days riding - 1 to 1 1/2 hour each day. Walk up and down all hills and ravines, trot on all flat areas. 4th Week 3 to 4 days riding - 1 to 2 hours each day. Trot up ravines or small hills when possible and over rough or primitive terrain. Walk up some very long, steep hills, (if possible,), Always walk down all hills & ravines. 5th & 6th Week 3 to 4 days riding - Rotate the following regimen for the days you are able to ride. #1 Two hour slows trail ride. #2 Two hours primarily trot, some walking, a little cantering on primarily flat surfaces. #3 Two to three hours, primarily trot, (work on elongating trot), work on hills, and primitive rough terrain. 7th & 8th Week 3 to 4 days riding - two hours at extended trot primarily. 3rd or 4th day try 4 hour ride. Walking & trotting only. 9th & 10 Week 2 to 4 days of riding, depending on how long you are able to ride.... balance between longer, harder rides with more rest time in-between. Don't ever increase speed and distance during the same training ride. Primarily trot, salt in an occasional canter, and walk for recovery, when needed. A working heart rate between 110 & 140 is appropriate. Horse should recover to below 70 within 1 to 3 minutes anytime it is stopped. 11th & 12th Week 2 to 3 days of riding 2 to 3 hours each time. Use your judgment and horses attitude to adjust speed, length of work, and toughness of terrain to your workouts. Listen to your horse. If he seems tired or sluggish, back off for 3 or 4 days. He will not loose that much conditioning. Try to find as many different places to train that you can. Horses actually can become dull and bored with same ole trails. AAA You and your partner should now be ready to tackle a moderately paced 25 or 30-mile race. If your horse handles that in good shape, you're ready for 50 miles within 3 to 4 weeks. Continue at least twice weekly rides totally approximately 20 to 30 miles to keep his base conditioning. If you compete at least once a month, the competition will act as all the other conditioning that you need.