ࡱ> y 1Lbjbj 4v{{C8:TT(   $fÒÒ  ؒ  By{ k:c.[}f0}:{{   'xÒÒ. : Open Arms Area Service Committee  Meeting Minutes May 3, 2012 Meeting opened @ 7:30pm with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity prayer. The Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts were read. Administrative Body Reports Attendance Chairperson: John M. Vice- chairperson: Marty C. Secretary: Robin V. Treasurer: Open Co-Treasurer: Alexis B. - absent RCM: Dan H. Policy and Procedure: Mike B. - absent Chairperson Comments Welcomed all to the May, 2012 ASC meeting Welcomed new GSRs and asked them to introduce themselves to the body, Alerted them to the GSR orientation held prior to the ASC meeting each month and instructed them to ask questions at any time during the meeting. Reminded GSRs to use the Group Report forms to report their groups activities and motion sheets to submit motions to the body. Alerted the body that the ASC meeting is now being audio recorded using a digital device as per new policy. Anything stated that needs to be off the record needs to be addressed when the time comes. Secretary Report Robin V. Stated there was a portion of the RCM report that was not included in the minutes in April concerning RSC sub-committee motions. Previous months minutes were reviewed and accepted by the body. Body was reminded and encouraged to refer to the Open Arms website for current and archived minutes as needed. Openarmsarea.com email = secretary@openarmsarea.com Treasurer report Alexis B. co-treasurer - absent No report submitted ASC Chairperson stated that he had received a report from the treasurer but did not bring it to the meeting with him. Gave an estimate of what he believed to be the current balance. Motion to accept report was tabled until an actual report can be presented. Nettie GSR accepted a request to receive, record, and develop receipts for group donations during the meeting approved by the body. Regional Committee Member report Dan H. Alt. RCM Jannette See attached Motions taken back to groups for voting in April Q = 25 Motion that the GNYRSC host a gathering of all our Areas' administrative bodies on a date to be determined. The intent is to foster unity and to identify ways in which the Region can help the Areas, and to form better lines of communication. Result: 19/0/6 Passed Motion to clarify how and when revolving funds are reconciled at the end of a subcommittee chairperson's term, by amending paragraph 3G of Financial policies to read as indicated in the attached Proposed Amended Financial Motion Result: Body voted to allow RCM to vote his conscious Motion to change the clean time requirement for Public Information Committee Chair from 3 years to 5 years, in an attempt to ensure adequate experience and recovery stability for this position, due to its importance in NA's reputation in the Region. Result: 19/2/4 Passed Motion to provide the means for Regional committees to use video conferencing technologies to conduct business, hopefully improving participation and reducing costs associated with traveling to meet in person, through allocation of $468.00 from RSC funds for an annual subscription to a videoconferencing service (Go To Meeting/Webex). Result: 19/1/5 Passed Motion to rescind Motion #4 of May 15,2011, and to amend the Treasurer Policy #4 to be capped at $250., and so rescind an unclear policy and put a financial cap on what was the original policy that would allow up to $250 reimbursement for any trusted servant of the RSC" for reasonable travel expenses, including hotel tax and gasoline. Result: 2/14/9 Failed Policy & Procedure Mike - absent No report submitted ASC secretary stated that they did meet with two members in attendance; chairperson and one other member, secretary was absent. Sub-committee is in need of support with only two active members currently. Sub-committee reports Entertainment and Activities Chairperson Tom W This sub-committee is in need of support. We have lost several members due to illness, relapse, and other commitments. We have tickets available for the talent show/dance, but only three members are available to sell tickets. We are considering asking for a vote to cancel this event due to lack of support and will attempt to reschedule at a later date. Vote was taken and it was decided by the body to postpone/cancel the event. Printed 100 fliers to promote the Rafting, Canoe and Camping Trip being held on June 30, 2012 in conjunction with the Mid-Hudson Area. (Fliers are also available on our web site) and tickets for the talent show/dance at a cost of $36.60 Helpline Barry T., Co-Chairperson - reporting Currently the Helpline is fully staffed with an updated meeting list We still need support interested parties will need to attend our meeting. Hospitals and Institutions Mark M., chairperson absent, Roy H. co-chair reporting Sub-committee has changed their meeting day to the first Wednesday of the month 10 members in attendance at April meeting. We purchased $227.85 in literature. sub-committee members elected into the following positions in June Roy H. chairperson (upon election at the June ASC) Darren vice-chairperson Daphne secretary Barry T. will remain as Literature Literature - James T. Literature sales 4/5/12 $1,291.85 Literature order for May. $950.80 All specialty items (Bi-plate & Tri-plate medallions, etc) must be ordered in advance as it would not be prudent to carry them. We have developed a new order form for specialty items. Order forms are now available on the area web site can be downloaded and printed. My commitment as the ASC Literature Chairperson is over this coming June. I will not be able to continue in this capacity after the June ASC meeting. If there is anyone willing to step up to take this commitment please feel free to become a part of this sub-committee to see how it works. Im asking the Administrative Body and all GSRs to pay attention to this because the area will be unable to provide a service to groups needs. Also, if there is no literature chairperson the administrative body will have to take the literature home. Meeting List -Glenn D. Copies of the meeting list were made available Invoice for printing costs was submitted to the treasurer in the amount of $75.69 I made all of the updates from the last month including three new meetings. I received two meeting requests via email; one was blank, the other one I updated. Email changes to meetinglist@openarmsarea.com I will be stepping down next month because I can no longer make the ASC meetings. If anyone wants to take over this position please let me know, I am willing to work with the new chairperson. Public Information Laura V., Chairperson We urge each group to send a representative from their group for support. We attended two presentations this month for three displaced meetings held @ 167 Grand St, Newburgh. Friday night meeting has found a new location at the YMCA on Broadway in Newburgh. Saturday and Sunday meetings are still looking for a location but will meet temporarily at the YMCA. We will know about a new meeting place on Grand St. on Monday. We meet Regionally on the 3rd Monday of each month through video conferencing. April 28, 2012 Area PI reps met at 103 Pitt St, NYC for the NYCASC, E&A 1st Unity Day with a free Learning Day followed by a Regional 5 year plan meeting. The requested information and a copy of our poster as an example for their poster drive. The Learning Day was great with a PSA presentation by their NYC Public Communications Team. Brazil, France, S. Africa Utube accessible Speaker Exchange/Outreach/Homebound Kevin B. Chairperson - absent Letter of resignation was submitted. Web site Ron T. Posted all fliers for Talent Show/Dance and Rafting/Camping Trip and the ASC minutes to the web site Old Business A. Open commitments Regional Committee Member Alternate Eileen C. was nominated, she accepted the nomination. She answered all required questions as per policy. A vote was taken result was unanimous. Treasurer Speaker Exchange/Outreach/Homebound Chairperson B Tabled Motions Q=18 To start an Ad Hoc Committee to form a Convention Committee Intent: to celebrate recovery for the Open Arms Area. Author: Barry T. Second: Stan V. Cons to this motion were stated concerns with legal/tax issues in other Area Conventions were addressed. Amendment was presented: to explore reasons why other conventions are being held and research issues they are having prior to electing an Ad Hoc committee. Amendment author: Marty C. - ASC vice-chairperson. Vice-chairperson gave clarity to the amendment to the body. He also read a letter from an attorney he consulted concerning the issues. Concerns about past accounting liabilities those who have been named on previous accounts being liable and not filing taxes, as well as whether this attorney would be willing to represent individuals if needed were stated. Information was given pertaining to whether the ASC has a tax ID# of file. Stated that it did have an EIN# attached to the bank account. Result: 17/0/1 New Business Motions Housekeeping/Financial: To authorize reasonable portal to portal expenses anticipated in conjunction with representing the Open Arms Area to the GNYR. (detail of expenditures were included) Intent: to assure continuity in representation of Open Arms Area. Amendment: to include RCM Alternate expenses totaling $450.00. Author: Dan H. RCM Second: Howard R. GSR. Result: Q = 13 8/1/4 Passed The Administrative Body meeting that will meet quarterly will be at an open facility and open to all members to attend, and that the minutes will be published as well. Intent: NA Unity and for members to be involved. Amendment: those in attendance not of the Administrative Body can not have a voice. Author: Gina B. GSR Second: Michelle C. GSR Result: Back to groups Entertainment & Activities sub-committee submit a three month calendar of events in advance for area approval. Intent: to have support and organization. Amendment: to submit a six month calendar. Author: Gina B. GSR, Second: Tara ? Result: Back to groups That all sub-committees and ad hoc committees executive body positions be brought to Area for approval of candidates wishing to fill those positions. Intent: To foster the seventh and forth traditions. Author: Liana R. - GSR Second: Howard R. GSR Housekeeping/Financial To replace an old check for $102.30 which was given to the Arts & Graphics chairperson from the Convention Committee bank account to repay for easels she purchased out of pocket. Chairperson had a family emergency and misplaced the check which she recently found. Intent: to reimburse for monies the A&G Chairperson spent out of pocket. Author: Candi C. Motion was deemed a housekeeping procedure and was not required to be submitted. ASC Chairperson agreed to issue the A&G Chairperson a check from the ASC account for the amount of $102.30. Elections Convention Exploratory Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson Billy K. Nominated, Result: passed. Group Reports The following is developed through submitted reports: A New Way of Life - GSR: Nettie H. - Celebrations: Joey - 15yrs Donations: $20.22 A Womens Time For Change GSR: Ronzette B. Celebrations: Allison - 1 yr. Donations: $0.00 Bridge To Recovery GSR: Russ P. Celebrations: Russ - 3 yrs, Charlie - 8 yrs Donations: $10.00 Change or Die-GSR: Billy K.- Celebrations: Teresa Donations: $9.00 Clean & Crazy- GSR: Sandy C. Celebrations: Michele - 2yrs Donations: $0.00, It Works How & Why- GSR: Kenny R Celebrations: Cory - 3 yrs, Kenny - 12 yrs. Donations: $0.00 Keys to Success GSR: Michelle C. Celebrations: none Donations: $10.00 Kick It - GSR: Jack H. Celebrations: none Donations: $14.00 Needs support. Kickin It Live (Gut Level) GSR: Brendan F. Celebrations: Cheryl H. - 6 yrs Donations: $41.00. Miracle of Change GSR: Roy H. Celebrations: Anthony - 7 yrs, Mark M. - 23 yrs Donations: $0.00 Needs support. No Matter What GSR: Ava Celebrations: none Donations: none Time changed to 3pm - 4pm. No longer hour and a half meeting, now one hour meeting. Reach Out GSR: Jaclyn E. Celebrations: none Donations: $10.00 Needs Trusted Servants! Chairperson 3 month commitment, Treasurer 3 month commitment. Recovery by the River GSR: James B. Celebrations: Speaker Jam May 12, 2012, 1pm-8pm, food, beverages, merchandise to be sold, card playing, chess etc. Donations: $10.00 Saturday Morning Awakenings GSR: Ellen W. Celebrations: none Donations: $0.00 This Saturday is the last time we are meeting at 167 Grand St. in Newburgh. No new meeting place has been secured. We should know by Monday. Saturday Night Beginners GSR: Freddy J. Celebrations: none Donations: $3.00 Saturday Night Fever GSR: James E. Celebrations: Freddy V. - 1 yr. Donations: $5.10 Some Are Sicker Than Others GSR: Aaron G. Celebrations: none Donations: $14.00 Spiritually Connected - GSR: Stanley V. Celebrations: Terrance - 3 yrs Donations: $ 0.00 Moved from 167 Grand St. Newburgh to the YMCA, 377 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550. In need of experienced Trusted Servants to help guide group to further our primary purpose. Attendance is really low. Star Tuesday GSR : Brendan F. (filling in) Celebrations: none Donations: $70.00 We currently do not have a GSR. Position is open. Steps on Sunday GSR: Liana R. Celebrations: Terrance A. - 17 yrs Donations: $ 3.50 Changes: The meeting will be held at 69 Grand St. Apt #2 in Newburgh for this Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 4pm. A new meeting place is being explored. Steps to Life GSR: Gina B. Celebrations: Alexis B. - 8 yrs, Gina B. - 21 yrs. Donations: $13.00 Turn It Over GSR: Ralph L. Celebrations: Ralph L. - 6 yrs Donations: $0.00. We are in need of funds to pay for our rent and supplies and are still in need of support. Our attendance has increased due to members of a half way house attending however funds we collect have not increased. Wednesday Night Newcomers GSR: Howard R. Celebrations: Tanya - 15yrs Donations: $11.27 Women Tackling Change GSR: Bridgette C. Celebrations: none Donations: $0.00 Rehab meeting desperately needs support from outside. Changes: none. Meeting Closed 9:55 pm In loving service, Robin V. & Diane P. Open Arms Area of RCM Report to ASC 05.03.12 The Greater New York Region Service Conference (GNYRSC) meets in daylong sessions on both Saturday and Sunday of the third full weekend of the month (05/19/12 & 05/20/12), at the Regional Service Office, 154 Christopher Street, New York, NY. From the GNYRSC to the ASC Every single GNYRSC standing committee is in need of trusted servants. Only a few of the subcommittees have vice-chairs and secretaries. Please seriously consider doing service to NA at the Regional level. As we meet here tonight, our Regional Delegate and Regional Delegate Too are participating in the 31st World Service Conference of Narcotics Anonymous in Woodland Hills, California. From the ASC to the GNYRSC Motion is to be voted upon to authorize the GNYRSC to host a gathering of all of the Regions Area administrative bodies on a date to be determined. The intent is to foster unity and to identify ways in which the Region can help the Areas, and to form better lines of communication. Motion is to be voted upon to clarify how and when revolving funds are reconciled at the end of a subcommittee chairperson's term, by amending paragraph 3G of Financial policies to read as indicated in the attached Proposed Amended Financial Motion. (Unfortunately, the page from existing Regional Policy that was attached to last months RCM Report was not transmitted to GSRs as part of the ASC Meeting Minutes; nor was it posted to www.openarmsarea.com.) Motion is to be voted upon to change the clean time requirement for Public Information Committee Chair from 3 years to 5 years, in an attempt to ensure adequate experience and recovery stability for this position, due to its importance in NA's reputation in the Region. Motion is to be voted upon to provide the means for Regional committees to use video conferencing technologies to conduct business, hopefully improving participation and reducing costs associated with traveling to meet in person, through allocation of $468.00 from RSC funds for an annual subscription to a videoconferencing service (Go To Meeting/Webex). Motion is to be voted upon to rescind Motion #4 of May 15, 2011, and to amend the Treasurer Policy #4 to be capped at $250., and so rescind an unclear policy and put a financial cap on what was the original policy that would allow up to $250 reimbursement for any trusted servant of the RSC" for reasonable travel expenses, including hotel tax and gasoline. Vote will be taken to adopt (or reject) proposed Regional Entertainment & Activities and Public Information subcommittee policies. (Unfortunately, these proposed policies were attached to last months RCM Report, but were not transmitted to GSRs as part of the ASC Meeting Minutes; nor were they posted to www.openarmsarea.com.) Submitted by: Dan H., RCM 2ServeNA@gmail.com     OAASC minutes May 3, 2012 page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 7   !"#+238>NTUWX    $ % = > J N O P g p  ƻ}yuqqmhTXhxhah7] h`h`hK0h`h]hShhJhq\huQhHh+yKhL8CJ$aJ$hqhuQCJ$aJ$hqhqCJ$aJ$hq(jhtbhtbCJ$UaJ$mHnHuhD]h aCJ,aJ,hD]hSCJ,aJ,hD]huQCJ,aJ,*!#3?@& P  - ?  "  & F^`gdh^1 h^`hgdx h^h`gdx & Fgdh^1 & FgdK0 & FgduQ$a$gduQ - ~ >   ! 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