WEBVTT 1 00:00:11.219 --> 00:00:11.519 All 2 00:00:16.289 --> 00:00:17.190 I don't have anything 3 00:00:18.840 --> 00:00:20.070 On it a belt. 4 00:00:21.420 --> 00:00:21.780 Around 5 00:00:23.340 --> 00:00:23.670 The 6 00:00:34.560 --> 00:00:34.890 World. 7 00:01:05.850 --> 00:01:06.330 More 8 00:01:23.010 --> 00:01:23.760 Maxwell. 9 00:01:28.020 --> 00:01:28.470 Somebody 10 00:01:41.820 --> 00:01:42.030 Oh, 11 00:01:43.650 --> 00:01:44.190 Yeah, that's 12 00:01:48.660 --> 00:01:49.140 Nice. 13 00:01:51.060 --> 00:01:51.750 Lori Diver: very formal. 14 00:01:53.820 --> 00:01:56.100 Applications first and then 15 00:01:59.670 --> 00:02:00.180 Lori Diver: Either way, 16 00:02:02.940 --> 00:02:03.780 15852612043: shouldering 17 00:02:05.730 --> 00:02:06.120 15852612043: Hello. 18 00:02:11.580 --> 00:02:12.210 15852612043: Welcome 19 00:02:13.710 --> 00:02:14.340 15852612043: Thank you. 20 00:02:43.830 --> 00:02:44.310 Lori Diver: Hello. 21 00:02:55.410 --> 00:03:00.270 Lori Diver: Okay, six o'clock and kinda like doping the public informational meeting for 22 00:03:01.350 --> 00:03:14.040 Lori Diver: biermann burly and Barclay road water districts in the talent Sonus I'd like to introduce Dave Doyle from Mr. Big group and Marty. Amen. For the Wayne County Water Authority. Okay, guys. 23 00:03:17.730 --> 00:03:18.480 Lori Diver: Thank you. 24 00:03:20.700 --> 00:03:29.370 Lori Diver: Get my name is Steve Doyle and with the Mr. B group where the towns engineer for the water district or potential water district that will discuss tonight. 25 00:03:31.650 --> 00:03:43.140 Lori Diver: I have given the folks that are here in person, a copy of a handout that I'm going to be talking from and I understand that that handout has been shared with folks that are 26 00:03:44.580 --> 00:03:56.250 Lori Diver: tuning into the meeting remotely. There's also a map a schematic map of the proposed water district that I believe has been shared with folks as well. And there's a copy of that here. 27 00:03:57.870 --> 00:04:09.840 Lori Diver: So I'm going to make a brief presentation, based on the handout that's been shared and then we'll take questions that folks have about the project and the process. 28 00:04:10.800 --> 00:04:23.400 15852612043: So I'll play. I'm sorry. So some of it wasn't share and I can't get on the Zoom is there can be emailed to us. Can you is there on your website where we can look at it. 29 00:04:25.980 --> 00:04:28.200 Lori Diver: Can you hear me, this is like a 30 00:04:28.740 --> 00:04:35.550 Lori Diver: Clerk, call me at my office at 315-483-6934 31 00:04:35.850 --> 00:04:41.580 Lori Diver: And there's a couple ways we can email it or you can get it off from the town website. 32 00:04:42.690 --> 00:04:49.860 15852612043: As well. Wonderful. Okay, wonderful. Thank you. I'll do that after that, I'll do that. Okay, nine to five tomorrow. 33 00:04:50.910 --> 00:04:52.230 15852612043: Okay, thank you. Yes. 34 00:04:55.800 --> 00:04:57.090 Lori Diver: Okay, thank you. So 35 00:04:58.380 --> 00:04:59.460 Lori Diver: We understand that. 36 00:05:00.540 --> 00:05:08.610 Lori Diver: Several residents on their main road fairly wrote in Barclay road have asked the town to consider a water district along those roads. 37 00:05:09.180 --> 00:05:17.880 Lori Diver: And so what we'd like to do tonight is just present some order of magnitude costs. Talk a little bit about how a project like that would proceed. 38 00:05:18.780 --> 00:05:26.640 Lori Diver: Talk a little bit about how much a project like that would cost homeowners that would be in the district with if the project were to move forward. 39 00:05:29.250 --> 00:05:38.790 Lori Diver: In the town again will consider the feedback at this meeting to determine, you know whether the project moves forward, whether the town is going to further study the project so 40 00:05:39.480 --> 00:05:51.690 Lori Diver: This is a very preliminary meeting the numbers that we're going to prevent present our preliminary but I think they'll give you an idea of what to expect. If a water district were to move forward on these roads. 41 00:05:52.890 --> 00:06:09.390 Lori Diver: The scope of the project is about 21,000 linear feet of eight inch water mean there are approximately 53 homes and the service area and we've estimated the capital cost of rain somewhere between 1.5 and $1.7 million 42 00:06:11.190 --> 00:06:13.800 Lori Diver: Some of the financing and cost impacts. 43 00:06:14.790 --> 00:06:18.870 Lori Diver: I'll talk about your the bottom of the handout for those of you who can 44 00:06:18.870 --> 00:06:19.590 Lori Diver: See that 45 00:06:20.670 --> 00:06:22.290 Lori Diver: Again, a preliminary range. 46 00:06:22.620 --> 00:06:24.090 Lori Diver: Of costs for 47 00:06:24.480 --> 00:06:25.560 13157277471: single family home. 48 00:06:26.760 --> 00:06:30.420 Lori Diver: Are presented and those costs are based on 49 00:06:30.870 --> 00:06:42.870 Lori Diver: The assumption that rural development would provide a 45% grant with the balance of the cost being paid by a rural development loan, a real development loan is 50 00:06:44.100 --> 00:06:45.930 Lori Diver: A government agency. It's a federal 51 00:06:45.930 --> 00:06:49.440 Lori Diver: Agency, it's an arm of the United States Department of 52 00:06:49.440 --> 00:06:53.700 Lori Diver: Agriculture and their charges to help rural communities. 53 00:06:54.780 --> 00:07:01.560 Lori Diver: Provide public utilities, such as sewer and water, and they do that by providing 54 00:07:02.070 --> 00:07:04.770 Lori Diver: Accommodations of grants and loans. 55 00:07:04.830 --> 00:07:11.040 Lori Diver: To try to make those projects as affordable as possible and the loans that they provide. 56 00:07:11.130 --> 00:07:12.900 Lori Diver: Our long term low interest. 57 00:07:12.900 --> 00:07:18.750 Lori Diver: Loans 38 year terms with interest rates that 58 00:07:19.530 --> 00:07:20.460 13157277471: You know, right now. 59 00:07:20.850 --> 00:07:22.020 13157277471: And ranging from 60 00:07:22.500 --> 00:07:24.240 Lori Diver: You know, one and a half to 61 00:07:24.930 --> 00:07:27.900 Lori Diver: 3% right now, the rate 62 00:07:28.380 --> 00:07:37.110 Lori Diver: For the category that the town of sodas is in would be one in three quarters, but that rate is going to change at the end of December. 63 00:07:38.520 --> 00:07:40.260 Lori Diver: And the rates of the creeping up a 64 00:07:40.260 --> 00:07:41.730 Lori Diver: Little bit. So it's likely to go 65 00:07:41.730 --> 00:07:45.120 Lori Diver: Up. We'll talk a little bit more about that as well. 66 00:07:46.920 --> 00:07:51.390 Lori Diver: Um, so I presented at the bottom of the handout. 67 00:07:52.650 --> 00:07:54.390 Lori Diver: Some estimated costs. 68 00:07:54.690 --> 00:08:04.260 Lori Diver: per household. So what happens in a project like this is that rural development, what offer a grant. And in this case, we're assuming a 45% grant so 45% of the 69 00:08:04.890 --> 00:08:06.360 Lori Diver: Total project costs. 70 00:08:06.720 --> 00:08:09.450 Lori Diver: And we've presented some ranges of numbers. 71 00:08:10.650 --> 00:08:13.530 Lori Diver: To kind of take into account the fact that the interest rate. 72 00:08:15.090 --> 00:08:25.560 Lori Diver: Could be anywhere from two to 3% and even that is really just a projection, but we've we've estimated cost a son. Two and a quarter to three and a quarter percent interest. 73 00:08:25.560 --> 00:08:26.130 13157277471: Rates. 74 00:08:26.790 --> 00:08:30.450 Lori Diver: To go along with that 45% grant and again with that range of 75 00:08:30.450 --> 00:08:31.620 13157277471: Capital costs. 76 00:08:32.400 --> 00:08:32.970 So, 77 00:08:34.230 --> 00:08:39.180 Lori Diver: When the when the talent does a project like this real development offers this grant and loan. 78 00:08:40.530 --> 00:08:53.820 Lori Diver: The town, on behalf of the district takes out this loan with rural development that has to be paid back over, over a 38 year period. So what happens is every year there is a payment that has to be made on that loan. 79 00:08:55.140 --> 00:09:08.640 Lori Diver: That the town would make on behalf of the residents and if you take that annual payment and you divide that equally among the people who benefit in this case about 53 homes, you come up with a number and we call that number. 80 00:09:08.700 --> 00:09:11.820 Lori Diver: That surface. So the debt service payment is 81 00:09:12.390 --> 00:09:13.410 Lori Diver: Each homeowners. 82 00:09:13.410 --> 00:09:14.160 13157277471: Share 83 00:09:14.400 --> 00:09:15.840 Lori Diver: Of paying back that loan. 84 00:09:16.590 --> 00:09:24.480 Lori Diver: And in this case, what we're estimating is that that that service payment could be anywhere from 600 to $800 per year per property or 85 00:09:26.820 --> 00:09:29.310 Lori Diver: In addition to that, we have shown a regional 86 00:09:29.760 --> 00:09:31.680 Lori Diver: Storage Tank capital charge 87 00:09:32.430 --> 00:09:49.560 Lori Diver: So without going into a lot of detail the town, along with five other towns in Wayne County are right now in the middle of a little storage project. And there's going to be a regional storage tank built on Brantley Hill in the town of sodas or I'm sorry, in the town of Arcadia 88 00:09:50.730 --> 00:10:03.600 Lori Diver: That would benefit the town of sodas and five other towns in the surrounding area. And all of those towns along with the Wayne County Water and Sewer authority have come together to make this project. 89 00:10:03.600 --> 00:10:04.110 13157277471: Happen. 90 00:10:04.530 --> 00:10:06.390 Lori Diver: To provide additional resiliency. 91 00:10:06.780 --> 00:10:10.140 Lori Diver: And redundancy for the water systems for all the folks that are served by it. 92 00:10:12.390 --> 00:10:22.230 Lori Diver: So, similar to the debt service charge that I talked about for the water districts each resident in every water district in these six towns is going to share in that cost. 93 00:10:22.980 --> 00:10:33.960 Lori Diver: And we're estimating that the cost annually to each property owner within any of those districts in any of those talents is about $45 per year that service that they would pay 94 00:10:34.920 --> 00:10:43.890 Lori Diver: I'm actually showing $44 because I believe that's the number that's it for us for 2021 that's what's going to be on the 2021 tax bills. 95 00:10:46.020 --> 00:10:48.660 Lori Diver: In addition to that, if you decide to hook up to the water. 96 00:10:49.950 --> 00:11:00.600 Lori Diver: If you're in the district which you don't have to do you're under no obligation to hook up, you will pay for your, for your water based on the authorities, the Wayne County Water and Sewer authorities retail water rates. 97 00:11:01.110 --> 00:11:02.820 13157277471: And we're estimating that the annual cost. 98 00:11:02.910 --> 00:11:05.640 Lori Diver: Water would be about $356 99 00:11:06.990 --> 00:11:07.500 Lori Diver: A year. 100 00:11:09.030 --> 00:11:20.130 Lori Diver: So if you add up all those numbers you come to kind of a grand total of anywhere between 1012 hundred dollars per year on for public water for this water district. 101 00:11:25.290 --> 00:11:31.020 Lori Diver: For those of you who can see the second page of the handout, which are the ones I handed out on the back side. 102 00:11:32.220 --> 00:11:42.120 Lori Diver: On the second page. There are also some one time charges for folks that decide to connect to the water district and 103 00:11:43.440 --> 00:11:59.010 Lori Diver: There is a connection charge of 1600 dollars that if you choose to connect you would pay to the Water Authority and that connection charge pays for your connection your service connection. So it pays for a tablet, the water main water main from the 104 00:12:00.570 --> 00:12:06.720 Lori Diver: WATER MAIN service line from a water main. To the right away line a curb stop and then a meter in your home. 105 00:12:07.380 --> 00:12:15.240 Lori Diver: And then as the homeowner, you would be responsible for running a private water service from the curb stops and into your home and making any forming modifications. 106 00:12:15.660 --> 00:12:24.360 Lori Diver: That would be necessary to accommodate the meter. So these one time charges would include that 1600 dollar connection charge and whatever costs you would incur 107 00:12:24.570 --> 00:12:25.860 13157277471: On your property, depending 108 00:12:25.860 --> 00:12:27.000 Lori Diver: Upon the terrain and 109 00:12:27.600 --> 00:12:31.620 Lori Diver: And soil conditions and what have you to install your private service. 110 00:12:39.300 --> 00:12:51.990 Lori Diver: Bottom of the page, there are some next steps. Basically, we're kind of here to get feedback from folks on the general program what these order of magnitude costs mean to folks. 111 00:12:53.490 --> 00:12:55.980 Lori Diver: And I think the town board wants to use the 112 00:12:55.980 --> 00:12:57.570 Lori Diver: Feedback to determine whether 113 00:12:58.650 --> 00:13:06.090 Lori Diver: We move forward, whether we start the process to to do the further study that's necessary to bring the project to fruition. 114 00:13:07.350 --> 00:13:09.870 Lori Diver: And in that case, that would be additional public meetings. 115 00:13:11.100 --> 00:13:13.080 Lori Diver: And information distributed to people. 116 00:13:14.160 --> 00:13:17.970 Lori Diver: So that's a quick summary of the program. 117 00:13:19.290 --> 00:13:34.590 Lori Diver: And I know I went through that quite fast. But I do want to leave most of the time here for folks to answer questions to ask questions. So with that, I would ask if anybody on the board or Marty, if you have anything that you would like to add before we start to take questions from folks. 118 00:13:42.120 --> 00:13:52.110 Lori Diver: Thanks, Dave. I just wanted to quickly clarify what the role of the authority is in this whole process basically we're an operating entity. 119 00:13:52.950 --> 00:14:01.830 Lori Diver: The water system would be authorized by the town if the town sees enough interest and there's enough documented interest in the project. 120 00:14:02.610 --> 00:14:13.530 Lori Diver: Water Authority has a contract with the town to operate the water systems to supply the water are all existing districts in future districts, such as this one. So the Water Authority. 121 00:14:14.070 --> 00:14:19.260 Lori Diver: stays on the sidelines, pretty much with these projects, until such time that the the town. 122 00:14:19.800 --> 00:14:29.760 Lori Diver: It's enough evidence. There's enough interest shown to form the district that point, the authority would then add the new district to its surface area list so 123 00:14:30.390 --> 00:14:39.030 Lori Diver: I can take questions on anything that involves the water supply or the Water Authority practices or rates if those questions emerge. 124 00:14:40.260 --> 00:14:40.740 In a 125 00:14:41.850 --> 00:14:44.010 Lori Diver: Way. Okay, thanks. Marty. 126 00:14:45.150 --> 00:14:47.220 Lori Diver: Dave, I do have one question. And Marty. 127 00:14:49.050 --> 00:14:55.800 Lori Diver: Typically using today, the starting point. What is the timeline for the project. 128 00:14:57.690 --> 00:15:10.980 Lori Diver: Yeah, that's a great question and I usually tell folks that it's, it's, you know, maybe a year and a half to two years from the inception of a project like this and a conceptual informational meeting like this to the time when you get a shovel in the ground. 129 00:15:12.030 --> 00:15:16.620 Lori Diver: There are a lot of steps that have to be taken between now and putting a shovel in the ground. 130 00:15:17.850 --> 00:15:21.480 Lori Diver: There are ENGINEERING REPORTS. There is the creation of the district. 131 00:15:21.480 --> 00:15:26.550 Lori Diver: Itself. There's the funding application, there's the environmental work that has to be done. 132 00:15:27.210 --> 00:15:36.450 Lori Diver: All these things. The design the approval by the health department of the plans are there any permits that are needed, so it's it's it's a lengthy process. 133 00:15:37.650 --> 00:15:38.610 Lori Diver: But it's been a 134 00:15:40.080 --> 00:15:44.700 Lori Diver: Very, very successful program in Wayne County ended sodas. We have done. 135 00:15:44.730 --> 00:15:46.530 Lori Diver: Many, many of these districts 136 00:15:47.130 --> 00:15:50.160 Lori Diver: Throughout the Wayne County towns, including sodas and 137 00:15:51.090 --> 00:15:52.200 Lori Diver: Rural Development has been a 138 00:15:52.200 --> 00:15:58.590 Lori Diver: Great program to bring public water to rural areas, particularly in Wayne County. 139 00:15:59.850 --> 00:16:00.360 Lori Diver: Thank you, dear. 140 00:16:04.620 --> 00:16:13.800 Lori Diver: Okay, with that will open up the question to the public. M one quick one. I'm not sure if either you kid can answer this, but I've been reading and I know 141 00:16:13.860 --> 00:16:15.870 Lori Diver: There's a lot of variables that go into this 142 00:16:15.900 --> 00:16:16.200 13157277471: One. 143 00:16:16.530 --> 00:16:21.690 Lori Diver: Is there a rough idea what it would cost to put it into the house, you know, the installation. 144 00:16:21.720 --> 00:16:23.070 Lori Diver: Private water service. 145 00:16:23.490 --> 00:16:23.880 Lori Diver: And what 146 00:16:23.940 --> 00:16:31.860 Lori Diver: goes by, you know, somewhat like say it's 100 feet as or just a rough idea to give people an idea what it would cost normal 147 00:16:33.660 --> 00:16:42.630 Lori Diver: Like that. Yeah, I actually listed on the forum here and I kind of skipped over that. But we have been telling people maybe about seven to $10 a foot. 148 00:16:45.270 --> 00:16:52.650 Lori Diver: And we've been using those numbers for quite a long time. I don't know, Marty. Do you hear anything different from people that that's not a ballad range. 149 00:16:54.750 --> 00:16:58.140 13157277471: Varies on the line to the service article goes down. 150 00:17:00.180 --> 00:17:02.850 Into $10 for this. Okay. 151 00:17:06.690 --> 00:17:07.020 Lori Diver: Thank you. 152 00:17:08.640 --> 00:17:09.780 Lori Diver: Yeah, I do have one 153 00:17:09.840 --> 00:17:10.470 One more. 154 00:17:12.270 --> 00:17:14.280 Lori Diver: On your phone paid your estimated annual 155 00:17:14.280 --> 00:17:28.920 Lori Diver: Cost. Now you're saying anywhere between or your estimation 2000 1200 annually. Correct. Yes. So if we break that down if my math is correct. Just under $4 a day or for water there. But right 156 00:17:30.210 --> 00:17:46.800 Lori Diver: It could be. I didn't do the math, anyway. But that's why I'm just trying for those people in a room and so forth one run it by 365 days a year where we're coming somewhere around $4 yeah the higher range at 1200 would be about $100 a month. 157 00:17:46.890 --> 00:17:47.580 13157277471: Yes, yeah. 158 00:17:48.600 --> 00:17:49.050 Lori Diver: Thank you. 159 00:17:51.330 --> 00:17:53.580 Lori Diver: Okay, and that's not actually 160 00:17:54.990 --> 00:17:55.230 A 161 00:17:57.090 --> 00:18:06.060 Lori Diver: Source point, the people may have about $235 a quarter so it's it's definitely more 162 00:18:07.620 --> 00:18:08.610 Or less 163 00:18:10.800 --> 00:18:11.070 Lori Diver: Okay. 164 00:18:12.120 --> 00:18:22.350 Lori Diver: Okay. So are we done here. Anybody out there have a question before you ask you that, I'd like you to state your name and your address. 165 00:18:24.120 --> 00:18:26.160 Lori Diver: And then go ahead with your question please. 166 00:18:28.560 --> 00:18:30.270 Megann Johnson: Yeah. Hi. This is Michelle Oh 167 00:18:30.330 --> 00:18:31.890 15852612043: Sorry, go ahead. No, you go. 168 00:18:33.300 --> 00:18:34.260 15852612043: Okay, this is 169 00:18:34.290 --> 00:18:37.770 15852612043: Michelle my own two properties on biermann road. 170 00:18:39.330 --> 00:18:40.920 15852612043: If five eight to four. 171 00:18:41.190 --> 00:18:43.200 15852612043: And five, eight to one biermann 172 00:18:44.700 --> 00:18:58.410 15852612043: And my question is, so if we get the Rural Development Grant 45% that leaves the 55% of the loan. Does the timeless sodas pickup or response for any part of that, mon. 173 00:19:01.200 --> 00:19:07.860 Lori Diver: Know the town can't be responsible for any of the loan special districts in New York, including water districts 174 00:19:09.870 --> 00:19:11.520 13157277471: You know the law basically states. 175 00:19:11.520 --> 00:19:16.110 Lori Diver: That they have to be paid for by the people who benefit from those projects. 176 00:19:16.770 --> 00:19:17.310 Lori Diver: So, 177 00:19:17.370 --> 00:19:27.570 Lori Diver: Nobody else can help pay for this, but the people who benefit. So in this case, that would be the 53 or so homeowners that would benefit from the public water have to pay all the costs. 178 00:19:28.110 --> 00:19:38.460 Lori Diver: So the loan would be the responsibility of those people, the town would average obviously administered alone and you would see this annual payment on your tax bill. 179 00:19:39.840 --> 00:19:41.130 15852612043: For the debt service portion 180 00:19:41.280 --> 00:19:44.220 Lori Diver: Which is the portion that we're estimating at 1600 dollars per 181 00:19:44.220 --> 00:19:44.610 Year. 182 00:19:46.380 --> 00:19:50.970 Lori Diver: The cost of the water, you would see on a quarterly basis at a separate bill from the 183 00:19:51.120 --> 00:19:52.050 Lori Diver: From the Water Authority. 184 00:19:53.430 --> 00:19:54.090 13157277471: Okay, and 185 00:19:54.150 --> 00:20:03.630 15852612043: Then if property is sold that basically goes with the wouldn't hold a sale of a property. Am I correct and that 186 00:20:04.410 --> 00:20:09.270 Lori Diver: You know that that costs would be the tax bill on the property, regardless of who owns 187 00:20:09.810 --> 00:20:10.110 Lori Diver: It be 188 00:20:10.680 --> 00:20:14.370 15852612043: Held on the okay tell them the property. Okay, thank you very much. 189 00:20:14.850 --> 00:20:15.120 Well, 190 00:20:17.040 --> 00:20:17.790 Lori Diver: Thank you, Michelle. 191 00:20:20.100 --> 00:20:20.610 Megann Johnson: Hi. 192 00:20:21.240 --> 00:20:22.980 13157277471: My name is Megan Johnson. 193 00:20:23.160 --> 00:20:24.720 13157277471: And I live at seven four to 194 00:20:24.750 --> 00:20:26.070 Megann Johnson: Eight early road. 195 00:20:28.200 --> 00:20:28.920 Megann Johnson: And I have 196 00:20:28.950 --> 00:20:31.590 Megann Johnson: A couple questions. So let's say that 197 00:20:32.730 --> 00:20:38.040 Megann Johnson: You know, as, as a homeowner I my residents we opted not to buy the actual 198 00:20:38.040 --> 00:20:40.950 Megann Johnson: Service. Are we so responsible for the 199 00:20:40.980 --> 00:20:44.010 Megann Johnson: Other yearly costs the debt service. 200 00:20:44.310 --> 00:20:55.710 Lori Diver: Yes, that's a very good question. And the answer is yes. If you're in the district, you're responsible for paying that that service costs and the regional tank storage charge, whether you decide to hook up or down. 201 00:20:57.750 --> 00:21:05.730 Megann Johnson: Okay. And then my other question is, is obviously I'm currently on well water, what would make this option better 202 00:21:05.730 --> 00:21:06.270 Megann Johnson: Than 203 00:21:06.780 --> 00:21:07.470 The. Wow. 204 00:21:09.630 --> 00:21:10.710 Lori Diver: Well, that would be 205 00:21:10.770 --> 00:21:12.360 Lori Diver: A question that 206 00:21:12.450 --> 00:21:19.170 Lori Diver: Depends upon the quality of the water you have in your well and whether you have any difficulties with your well in terms of its yield. 207 00:21:21.150 --> 00:21:23.430 Lori Diver: You know, if you have a great well 208 00:21:23.430 --> 00:21:23.880 13157277471: And 209 00:21:24.030 --> 00:21:25.980 Lori Diver: You have no problems with your water. 210 00:21:26.490 --> 00:21:28.650 Lori Diver: Then perhaps you wouldn't want to 211 00:21:28.680 --> 00:21:30.180 Connect to the water system. 212 00:21:31.830 --> 00:21:36.120 Lori Diver: But what I will tell you is that we've had many experiences where people 213 00:21:36.120 --> 00:21:37.410 13157277471: At these public meetings. 214 00:21:38.370 --> 00:21:40.770 Lori Diver: Have stood up and said, I have a great well and 215 00:21:40.830 --> 00:21:42.270 You know, I don't need the project. 216 00:21:43.950 --> 00:21:48.210 Lori Diver: And then, you know, four or five years later, they have a different story. So 217 00:21:49.410 --> 00:21:52.860 Lori Diver: You know, in a case for somebody has a really good well 218 00:21:54.780 --> 00:21:59.790 Lori Diver: You know, you've got a kind of a safety net in place in case something ever did happen to your well 219 00:22:01.050 --> 00:22:02.970 13157277471: If you are experiencing. 220 00:22:03.120 --> 00:22:04.110 Lori Diver: You know, real problems. 221 00:22:04.530 --> 00:22:06.060 Lori Diver: Well, from either a yield or a 222 00:22:06.060 --> 00:22:07.110 Lori Diver: Quality standpoint. 223 00:22:07.110 --> 00:22:12.150 Lori Diver: Then you know this is obviously a great option for people, which I'm sure is why the 224 00:22:13.290 --> 00:22:15.660 Lori Diver: Petition the board for the project of have done so. 225 00:22:22.350 --> 00:22:24.720 Lori Diver: Thanks. Megan anybody. Oh. 226 00:22:30.780 --> 00:22:33.510 Oh sure, when you want to come up to the 227 00:22:34.740 --> 00:22:35.430 waiting area. 228 00:22:37.350 --> 00:22:38.250 Lori Diver: We really 229 00:22:39.480 --> 00:22:40.770 Lori Diver: 71 band room. 230 00:22:42.900 --> 00:22:43.200 13157277471: Plan. 231 00:22:46.170 --> 00:22:46.530 13157277471: For 232 00:22:48.390 --> 00:22:48.780 And 233 00:22:51.150 --> 00:22:51.570 These 234 00:22:52.710 --> 00:22:58.380 13157277471: Three, maybe four all tied together very together forever or 235 00:22:59.670 --> 00:23:04.590 13155730517: One role doesn't partition join up and then drop 236 00:23:05.880 --> 00:23:08.670 13155730517: In the other remaining ones will see 237 00:23:11.310 --> 00:23:13.080 Lori Diver: Well, I would say that 238 00:23:14.160 --> 00:23:29.550 Lori Diver: The time to make that decision would be during this formative process. So I think that the town board needs to have enough feedback from folks before it applies for funding before it begins the district creation process to have a pretty good idea that 239 00:23:31.410 --> 00:23:39.510 Lori Diver: The real majority of residents in this whole area, including all the roads that are presented on that map what support the project. 240 00:23:40.530 --> 00:23:55.920 Lori Diver: If, during this formative process it's determined that there is one road that you know that people really aren't supportive of it, then the time to take that road out of the mix would be that. And then the district would be formed with perhaps the remaining two roads and the other road. 241 00:23:57.180 --> 00:23:59.730 Lori Diver: Would not have public water would not be part of the project. 242 00:24:01.500 --> 00:24:12.690 Lori Diver: During that formative process. There's also the opportunity to add other roads like bond road that that may want to be in the mix and we obviously haven't looked at that formally 243 00:24:13.830 --> 00:24:16.980 Lori Diver: But Lori did talk to me about bond road today and 244 00:24:18.120 --> 00:24:26.370 Lori Diver: There's really nothing preventing bad road at least that I know of tonight from from being a part of the mix as well so 245 00:24:28.140 --> 00:24:29.310 Lori Diver: Sounds was forward and 246 00:24:30.480 --> 00:24:33.600 Looking information out. Lovely. It's more important. 247 00:24:34.830 --> 00:24:35.430 You know more 248 00:24:37.740 --> 00:24:40.080 Lori Diver: Yeah world good side not 249 00:24:43.980 --> 00:24:44.850 Side to go into 250 00:24:46.080 --> 00:24:49.170 Lori Diver: That will change all the numbers in the water. 251 00:24:52.530 --> 00:24:57.690 Lori Diver: Right. I mean, if, if, if all these roads that we're talking about tonight if this project. 252 00:24:58.500 --> 00:25:04.230 Lori Diver: If it turns out that people based on the numbers we presented tonight are really not that interested in doing a project and 253 00:25:04.860 --> 00:25:16.470 Lori Diver: It's it's somewhat back to the drawing board. If there are folks that bind road that would be interested in public water, we would have to look at those costs, it may be combined bud road with maybe other roads that may have expressed interest. 254 00:25:18.510 --> 00:25:21.240 Lori Diver: So as this information, what long 255 00:25:23.070 --> 00:25:26.400 Lori Diver: Come down other additional hearings, the future or 256 00:25:27.570 --> 00:25:36.750 Lori Diver: Get because I don't think I'm not sure I just heard about it yesterday. And I'm reading the paper. So I don't think there's a lot of information out there. Yeah, the possibility of it. 257 00:25:38.070 --> 00:25:52.890 Lori Diver: So we started Jackie Jones came from pyramid road to me and started a petition and she got I think all but one or two other people live on that road all for that. And then I had a couple people call me. 258 00:25:53.400 --> 00:25:53.880 15853033497: The room. 259 00:25:54.300 --> 00:25:56.640 Lori Diver: They didn't know they did not do a formal petition, but there's a 260 00:25:56.640 --> 00:25:58.140 Lori Diver: Couple people on Barclay road. 261 00:25:58.590 --> 00:26:01.470 Lori Diver: That we're interested. So I kind of wanted to throw 262 00:26:01.590 --> 00:26:10.620 Lori Diver: I'd like to get water throughout the town of support. So I kind of threw Barclay road in with it and then barely connects. So we kind of put that one in with it. 263 00:26:11.370 --> 00:26:17.700 Lori Diver: Barely could come out. If they don't, if they're not interested Barclay can come out. I know there's great interest on vermin road. 264 00:26:17.730 --> 00:26:24.930 Lori Diver: Just from the petition itself bond road could be added like that. So we're just trying to get a feel for 265 00:26:25.590 --> 00:26:27.120 Lori Diver: For who wanted who doesn't 266 00:26:27.870 --> 00:26:28.380 15853033497: We would love 267 00:26:28.440 --> 00:26:33.600 Lori Diver: You know if you would take a petition or or the people on the road and tell us that are 268 00:26:34.380 --> 00:26:35.070 Lori Diver: Interested up like 269 00:26:35.490 --> 00:26:38.520 Lori Diver: We, we could do that or other routes in that genre and how 270 00:26:40.380 --> 00:26:41.880 We just talked to a guy today. 271 00:26:42.930 --> 00:26:46.650 Lori Diver: What's his name, but as long as we're driving. Yeah. Now, I mean, 272 00:26:48.120 --> 00:27:02.910 Lori Diver: If you're a global warming person and you know I know there's more and more people have an issue in my house. I mean, I've got, I've been there for 37 years now. Ready water issue at all hard soft NASA hard water. 273 00:27:05.190 --> 00:27:07.500 Lori Diver: Dominant networks, fine, but 274 00:27:08.760 --> 00:27:09.450 Lori Diver: My biggest 275 00:27:10.860 --> 00:27:11.460 Just jumping 276 00:27:12.690 --> 00:27:14.010 Lori Diver: resale value to the property. 277 00:27:15.360 --> 00:27:15.990 Lori Diver: I feel 278 00:27:17.310 --> 00:27:19.950 Benefit and all the water available. 279 00:27:21.030 --> 00:27:34.200 Lori Diver: It does. And it helped soda. So the whole. I mean, if there's building lots. You know, people can build with them more inclined to build out on public water in that kind of thing. So people don't really understand wells. 280 00:27:35.520 --> 00:27:36.990 Lori Diver: Are all important. 281 00:27:38.040 --> 00:27:41.220 Lori Diver: So, you know, again, my goal is to have it throughout 282 00:27:43.710 --> 00:27:45.990 Lori Diver: The time that time. 283 00:27:53.310 --> 00:28:00.930 Lori Diver: Thank you very much. Thanks way. Um, I also got a call from a Resume Builder important and they have between 284 00:28:01.950 --> 00:28:10.560 Lori Diver: Remember the roads ritual house and Wayne center road or whatever that random dream. There was, I mean there. I think there was, I think he told me 15 to 20 285 00:28:10.980 --> 00:28:20.520 Lori Diver: Hours on that road, and then totally like mile stretcher. So I'm not sure I can't remember, but so that's another one that that will be looking at all from 286 00:28:23.040 --> 00:28:28.680 Lori Diver: One thing I should clarify, I talked a little bit about the further study that would need to be done if 287 00:28:29.790 --> 00:28:38.490 Lori Diver: If the feedback from this meeting results in the conclusion that you know people are supportive of a project like this and that these range of costs. 288 00:28:40.170 --> 00:28:49.860 Lori Diver: Hydraulics we haven't done any hydraulic calculations to confirm pressures and flow is that are available intuitively it certainly seems like they would be more connecting 289 00:28:50.880 --> 00:29:06.120 Lori Diver: Ridge Road and soda center road on to have these roads grouping them together. So there isn't a reason to believe that we would have any issues here. But again, this is the some of the further study that would need to be done. You know those calculations would actually have to be run 290 00:29:16.320 --> 00:29:18.330 Lori Diver: Yeah, I have a friend that lives on that road and 291 00:29:20.760 --> 00:29:24.480 Lori Diver: They would like water down that road, but there's only two mountains. Yeah. 292 00:29:26.100 --> 00:29:26.370 Lori Diver: It. 293 00:29:28.080 --> 00:29:30.330 Lori Diver: But it has been discussed on the Gulf. 294 00:29:34.500 --> 00:29:39.420 Lori Diver: Anybody else out there or against it for like to hear about it. 295 00:29:40.440 --> 00:29:46.380 Lori Diver: If you're against that we like to hear about it. That's what the readings about on so please speak up. 296 00:29:47.340 --> 00:29:56.340 Bruce Beal: Every question and I live in Berkeley road um when you run the tunnel monitor Dumbarton or the firewalls responsible for any of this cost or no. 297 00:29:59.820 --> 00:30:00.480 Very simple. 298 00:30:01.980 --> 00:30:02.040 Oh, 299 00:30:03.660 --> 00:30:05.640 Lori Diver: No, nothing. I'd be aware of. 300 00:30:06.660 --> 00:30:11.910 Bruce Beal: I mean, because they hooked up to the fire hydrant. I'm in there, using the water also 301 00:30:18.210 --> 00:30:21.060 Lori Diver: Emergency services covered. No, no. 302 00:30:23.760 --> 00:30:24.810 Lori Diver: Charge for the water 303 00:30:27.810 --> 00:30:31.920 Lori Diver: On the fire. Correct. I'm not sure if you heard that. 304 00:30:33.120 --> 00:30:39.630 Lori Diver: Stream and said that you know they don't charge for the water that the fire department takes out of the hose and they're fighting a fire. 305 00:30:40.050 --> 00:30:49.890 Lori Diver: Doing a public service. So actually, one of the benefits and you also find that your insurance companies would love to have fire hydrants near your home. Also, you will save 306 00:30:50.820 --> 00:31:01.200 Lori Diver: Not an insurance guy, but I bet between five and 10% on your homeowners policy within 20 feet of a fire hydrant. I know, I know I do. 307 00:31:03.480 --> 00:31:05.310 Lori Diver: Something you have to look into yourself. 308 00:31:06.270 --> 00:31:07.350 Bruce Beal: I was just wondering 309 00:31:07.980 --> 00:31:17.340 Lori Diver: Yep, no. I appreciate it. No question of bring them up. We need all the questions or comments, we can get. That's what this is about. So anything else. 310 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:18.240 Yeah. 311 00:31:19.680 --> 00:31:20.160 Bruce Beal: Sorry. 312 00:31:21.090 --> 00:31:21.450 John Faulks: Go ahead. 313 00:31:21.810 --> 00:31:42.870 Bruce Beal: My name is all Wanda. And that was my brother Robert Snyder, who lives on the road. That was just had that question about the fire halls. Um, now in the past. I know that recently the water department was taken over by another entity or something like that. 314 00:31:44.190 --> 00:31:47.910 Bruce Beal: Um, that's now. Well, we all 315 00:31:48.480 --> 00:31:49.620 Lori Diver: We got any water. 316 00:31:51.390 --> 00:31:51.990 15853033497: Yes. 317 00:31:52.530 --> 00:32:10.200 Bruce Beal: I'm not in the past when other roads have gotten town water, have they also had to pay for all of these, these fees or did the town just pick up the cost 318 00:32:10.530 --> 00:32:15.150 Lori Diver: What, no, no, we have right now at least lemon lemon water district. 319 00:32:16.230 --> 00:32:23.280 Lori Diver: We've had quite a few. Some have been paid off summer that old. I've been paying off, but every single water district that and we'll 320 00:32:24.510 --> 00:32:37.620 Lori Diver: Go ahead. I was going to say the fees that you see on their Wanda, with the exception of the regional water storage tank is fees that were associated. The town also 321 00:32:38.280 --> 00:32:55.710 Lori Diver: Charged however the fees are different, a little bit from what the town charge to what you charge money yeah so early. Yeah. Very. And again, our several years out on the agreement. So the connection charges, very similar to what the town is in place at the very end, there's 322 00:32:57.330 --> 00:33:03.150 Lori Diver: I think it's only like $100 difference did that. Yeah, it's very minimal. 323 00:33:04.290 --> 00:33:29.040 Bruce Beal: So then, um, now I know this doesn't pertain to Bruce and I, but people that especially elderly people that get the star in the advanced star. Um, now with these fees being added on to their yearly taxes. Is that going to decrease the amount if I get the star and the advanced star. 324 00:33:30.960 --> 00:33:40.980 Lori Diver: There's to my now there's no adjustment made in that regard the full levy would go to all text favors that are within the district is 325 00:33:41.040 --> 00:33:43.230 Amy Kendall: Okay, that's correct. 326 00:33:43.530 --> 00:33:44.520 Yeah yeah 327 00:33:46.680 --> 00:33:56.430 Lori Diver: I think that would be good. Yeah, Dave, you didn't, didn't necessarily point out, I don't think. But vacant properties along the way. If there's no 328 00:33:57.360 --> 00:34:09.480 Lori Diver: Household on it or no no structure that's going to use water. The town has a very small church. What is it, fix that 5% of that service charge in amounts day 329 00:34:11.130 --> 00:34:23.760 Lori Diver: I think in sodas, the charge for bacon unimproved property amounts to, you know, maybe $10 a year 10 to $20 a year. It's a nominal amount to recognize the that there is still a benefit there. 330 00:34:27.090 --> 00:34:27.390 Lori Diver: But 331 00:34:29.130 --> 00:34:36.690 Lori Diver: That would only apply for vacant thought approved properties. Okay, so it could be like a build a lot or I mean 332 00:34:37.350 --> 00:34:52.230 Lori Diver: to belittle I but just a piece of ground that they could build out right. Exactly right. DAVE IT'S 20. Yeah, good question. If, if they make a lot than somebody knows the house on a will been thought into this 333 00:34:53.340 --> 00:35:01.080 Lori Diver: Rejection do whatever it is that's correct. So if somebody has a buildable lot that right now is unimproved and they're paying that $20 334 00:35:01.440 --> 00:35:15.600 Lori Diver: If they build a house on that property, then they're going to start paying the following year they'll start paying the full that service. So if more than 20 holders without that would be divided out and everybody's rate would go down. That's correct. 335 00:35:19.230 --> 00:35:21.780 John Faulks: And then I have a question for you. This is john Fox. 336 00:35:24.090 --> 00:35:37.890 John Faulks: What are the long term ramifications of the decisions that people might be making. Now, for instance, if the folks on Burley road were to decide that they didn't want water. Now, what 337 00:35:39.000 --> 00:35:39.780 John Faulks: And let's say 338 00:35:39.810 --> 00:35:41.220 10 years down the line. 339 00:35:42.660 --> 00:35:45.510 Bruce Beal: 1.5 to 1.7 million. Yes. 340 00:35:46.530 --> 00:35:51.450 Bruce Beal: Okay, and then it says, everyone's taxes are going up 800 a year. 341 00:35:52.800 --> 00:35:54.000 Bruce Beal: For 30 years 342 00:35:54.390 --> 00:35:55.380 Lori Diver: Is we know who that is. 343 00:35:55.470 --> 00:35:56.940 Bruce Beal: That comes to one is 344 00:35:59.880 --> 00:36:01.140 Amy Kendall: Not talking 345 00:36:01.500 --> 00:36:03.030 Bruce Beal: Or the 45% of 346 00:36:04.470 --> 00:36:05.790 Bruce Beal: The grant scan towards 347 00:36:09.360 --> 00:36:09.660 Bruce Beal: Yes. 348 00:36:12.150 --> 00:36:12.720 John Faulks: Okay. 349 00:36:13.740 --> 00:36:15.000 Amy Kendall: Guys, please put yourself. 350 00:36:16.440 --> 00:36:18.870 Lori Diver: In the Robert. Robert cider. That's the 351 00:36:19.200 --> 00:36:21.630 Bruce Beal: Price went there for detractors 352 00:36:26.790 --> 00:36:29.640 Lori Diver: John room swan dive Robert 353 00:36:29.880 --> 00:36:30.870 Bruce Beal: Just yeah 354 00:36:31.680 --> 00:36:32.280 Wanda. 355 00:36:36.060 --> 00:36:37.170 John Faulks: I don't know if they can hear you. 356 00:36:41.400 --> 00:36:41.910 John Faulks: So, 357 00:36:43.230 --> 00:36:44.370 John Faulks: Sorry about this. But 358 00:36:45.570 --> 00:36:56.070 John Faulks: Just to be a little bit shorter. If the folks on burly road were decided today, not to be a part of this water district and five years, seven years down the line. 359 00:36:56.940 --> 00:37:06.960 John Faulks: Through you know changeover of homeowners or they their Wells dry up whatever could happen. What are the ramifications if they don't join the district now. 360 00:37:08.130 --> 00:37:09.210 Bruce Beal: Last one. Yeah. 361 00:37:13.410 --> 00:37:13.920 Lori Diver: Well, 362 00:37:15.270 --> 00:37:18.900 Lori Diver: That's a great question. And I would say that 363 00:37:19.980 --> 00:37:32.010 Lori Diver: You know, one ramification would be that, you know, five years from now, especially what we've been seeing in the construction industry. This last five years, the costs could be significantly higher. 364 00:37:34.380 --> 00:37:41.400 Lori Diver: It specifically with an example of a burly road which is a relatively short road comparatively to the rest of the project. 365 00:37:43.380 --> 00:37:48.480 Lori Diver: It could be difficult to do a project like that at such a small scale. Now, it could 366 00:37:49.500 --> 00:37:54.180 Lori Diver: And get it funded it could be done, but that would be a very small project. 367 00:37:54.660 --> 00:37:54.930 Lori Diver: Kind of 368 00:37:55.650 --> 00:38:11.040 Lori Diver: A tricky area to go pick up five years later. If you don't have these other roads to combine with it. That doesn't mean that we couldn't combine it with some other roads and another area. But again, in general, the ramification is that 369 00:38:12.810 --> 00:38:21.510 Lori Diver: It could be a while before Public Water comes available to an area like that, after the need is identified to say five years later. 370 00:38:22.920 --> 00:38:31.230 Lori Diver: The need is identified five years later, it could be seven to eight years before that could actually be a solution to that problem and the costs could be significantly higher. 371 00:38:32.070 --> 00:38:33.300 John Faulks: Right. Thank you very much. 372 00:38:36.300 --> 00:38:43.320 Lori Diver: And that's kind of why we're grouping. We're trying to group as many together as possible to spread the cost out 373 00:38:44.850 --> 00:38:48.210 Lori Diver: throughout many go to try to make it a little bit more 374 00:38:48.330 --> 00:38:49.380 Reasonable 375 00:38:51.270 --> 00:38:52.770 Lori Diver: 50 to 100 homes and 376 00:38:53.370 --> 00:38:53.910 Pretended 377 00:38:56.010 --> 00:38:56.670 It's done. 378 00:39:01.980 --> 00:39:05.700 Cody Freeman: This is Mike from five eight to five Barclay wrote this. I have two questions for you. 379 00:39:06.840 --> 00:39:15.360 Cody Freeman: One was just I heard it mentioned earlier with the fire department if waterlines get installed, then a water hydrants will be installed as well. 380 00:39:16.530 --> 00:39:17.190 Lori Diver: That's correct. 381 00:39:18.300 --> 00:39:26.730 Cody Freeman: Okay, thank you, then it's the other second question. If the waterline does get installed exact having to pay the annual debt service well 382 00:39:27.750 --> 00:39:30.330 Cody Freeman: Us assessments and housing the adjusted 383 00:39:31.950 --> 00:39:37.920 Cody Freeman: With the increase our assessments, basically. So we pay more in taxes as well. Besides the increase in the water fee. 384 00:39:39.600 --> 00:39:45.810 Lori Diver: Well, I get this question and almost every one of these meetings and I guess I'll, I'll answer it the way that I have heard 385 00:39:46.560 --> 00:39:56.760 Lori Diver: A number of assessors who President these meetings answer that question. So the answer that I have heard assessors give is that there's no switch that says once you have public water. 386 00:39:57.450 --> 00:40:00.120 Lori Diver: Your assessment is automatically going to be raised so 387 00:40:01.050 --> 00:40:08.340 Lori Diver: Your assessment, you know, is based on the market conditions and the market value of your home predominantly I think so. 388 00:40:09.780 --> 00:40:17.310 Lori Diver: I think it could be fairly said that once your road has public water and houses start to sell. 389 00:40:17.910 --> 00:40:28.590 Lori Diver: I think that houses in general will gradually be worth more because public water is on on your road and that could eventually, you know, gradually, raise your assessment. 390 00:40:29.430 --> 00:40:37.170 Lori Diver: That's the way I've heard assessors answer this question. Yeah. Yeah. That's correct. Day. I did have a short discussion with our professor made about that and 391 00:40:37.530 --> 00:40:57.180 Lori Diver: It does not mean that your assessment will go up when water goes in, but it does you know like Dave said raises the value of a home possibly and assessments are based on like sales and and values. So it would, you know, it would be based on sales, not on whether you have water not 392 00:40:59.400 --> 00:41:00.570 Lori Diver: That's where I heard it to 393 00:41:02.550 --> 00:41:03.600 Cody Freeman: Okay, thank you for the answer. 394 00:41:06.540 --> 00:41:06.930 Right. 395 00:41:09.660 --> 00:41:13.380 Lori Diver: Or maybe 16066 Barclay road. 396 00:41:14.700 --> 00:41:16.200 Lori Diver: If I understand this, right. 397 00:41:18.570 --> 00:41:28.590 Lori Diver: You put the water line down i don't i don't choose to walk up to it. I'm still paying taxes if you're still paying capital debt service center. 398 00:41:30.930 --> 00:41:33.330 13155730517: At the initial run through 399 00:41:34.470 --> 00:41:35.610 Lori Diver: That's when you're offering 400 00:41:38.820 --> 00:41:58.110 Lori Diver: Or you can you can hook up a BT or you can hook up 10 years from now. Did you not leaving any, anything to do. Okay, so say the line is across the road. Uh huh. But that's, that's sort of a bottom line for me to run the line over to my house versus having it on my side. 401 00:41:59.280 --> 00:42:12.120 Lori Diver: Same same car. So the 1600 dollars is the same cost for whether you're on the same side of the road is the water main or on the opposite side, you don't you don't get penalized for having a water main. On the other side of the road. In other words, 402 00:42:13.830 --> 00:42:18.090 Lori Diver: The vacant lot thing that you are talking about. That's something that 403 00:42:19.140 --> 00:42:22.740 Lori Diver: Those who are opting into the service. 404 00:42:23.640 --> 00:42:24.900 13155730517: Or is that something that town is 405 00:42:27.780 --> 00:42:30.090 Lori Diver: Um, well, I guess just to clarify, 406 00:42:32.280 --> 00:42:32.700 Lori Diver: If you have 407 00:42:33.090 --> 00:42:36.900 Lori Diver: A home in the water district, you're going to pay this 408 00:42:36.990 --> 00:42:42.510 Lori Diver: Capital debt service that we've estimated here at 60 $800 per you're talking about the banking right if you 409 00:42:43.410 --> 00:42:47.580 Lori Diver: Alternatively, if you have a vacant property and unimproved vacant property. 410 00:42:48.060 --> 00:43:03.000 Lori Diver: You're not going to pay that 1600 dollars per year, you're going to pay what the town typically charges at $20 per year in recognition that there's still a benefit there. So it's a it's a nominal charge for a vacant property as opposed to a full debt service charge for a whole 411 00:43:07.320 --> 00:43:08.040 13155730517: Thing that 412 00:43:08.280 --> 00:43:10.650 13155730517: The water tower something you put in the ground. 413 00:43:10.740 --> 00:43:23.880 Lori Diver: It's a, it's a water tank, it's a it's a standpipe it's it's not a tank on legs like you sometimes see but it's a it's a traditional water car, it's a it's a water tank. It's going to be up on branding hill. 414 00:43:26.400 --> 00:43:36.030 Lori Diver: Or a water tower or is it just something you're going to sit on the ground, sits on the ground. Okay 40 feet wall. I agree. 415 00:43:39.510 --> 00:43:41.010 Lori Diver: It's a 2 million gallon tank. 416 00:43:44.250 --> 00:43:46.200 13155730517: That was mainly advocating for those who 417 00:43:46.200 --> 00:43:50.520 Lori Diver: Want it I myself. I have Greg water on my well I don't want 418 00:43:51.630 --> 00:43:51.930 Lori Diver: Okay. 419 00:43:53.700 --> 00:43:55.260 Lori Diver: I guess that's my god. Okay. 420 00:43:55.320 --> 00:43:59.640 13155730517: Thank you very much. My objections is not to have water run to my 421 00:44:01.620 --> 00:44:02.550 Lori Diver: Thank you. Thank you. 422 00:44:11.850 --> 00:44:16.920 Cody Freeman: What is the percentage of the vote that has to be approved for this project to go through. Is it just majority vote. 423 00:44:18.270 --> 00:44:20.340 Cody Freeman: And how does that voting happen for the residents. 424 00:44:23.670 --> 00:44:37.680 Lori Diver: When it comes time to actually create the water district and that happens after this formative stage when the town board has determined through the feedback that it receives from meetings like this. 425 00:44:39.690 --> 00:44:50.040 Lori Diver: And and perhaps letters and mailings or what have you. Eventually toward is going to get to a point where there's going to be a project and at that time. 426 00:44:52.920 --> 00:44:58.290 Lori Diver: The town. Well, on behalf of those residents submit a funding application to rural development. 427 00:45:00.720 --> 00:45:03.000 Lori Diver: And after Rural Development has offered a funding. 428 00:45:03.000 --> 00:45:06.330 Lori Diver: Package and has obligated funds for the project. 429 00:45:07.380 --> 00:45:14.850 Lori Diver: And the town will go about creating a legal water district. And when that happens, there's a couple of different ways to do that. 430 00:45:16.470 --> 00:45:23.340 Lori Diver: I believe that the town of sodas has traditionally used the petition method which is article 12 of the town law. 431 00:45:24.930 --> 00:45:40.680 Lori Diver: And so an engineering report will be prepared. We call it a map plan, a report that describes the project describes the cost of the project describes the financial impacts to the residents. A lot of the information that we've presented tonight in draft form. 432 00:45:42.180 --> 00:45:58.680 Lori Diver: And then there's a legal article 12 petition that's distributed to the residents and sometimes that's done at public informational meetings. Sometimes there'll be a resident on a road who's very interested in the project you will carry that petition to people. 433 00:46:00.120 --> 00:46:05.430 Lori Diver: But basically what happens is that in order for the district to move forward you valid. 434 00:46:06.990 --> 00:46:12.870 Lori Diver: Two tests have to be met with that petition. So the signatures on that petition have to represent 435 00:46:14.190 --> 00:46:22.110 Lori Diver: At least 50% of the total assessed value of the properties that are within the proposal water district. 436 00:46:23.370 --> 00:46:35.880 Lori Diver: The second test says that those signatures have to represent at least 50% of the assessed value of properties that are owned by resident owners, so 437 00:46:37.020 --> 00:46:46.530 Lori Diver: Second test basically presents a large industry from carrying the day if they have a very large assessment and could basically 438 00:46:47.550 --> 00:46:49.620 Lori Diver: Carry the boat, so to speak. 439 00:46:51.030 --> 00:46:59.490 Lori Diver: And you know force residents who may otherwise not not want public water to pay for it. So both of those tests have to be passed so 440 00:47:01.170 --> 00:47:11.220 Lori Diver: Under the petition method, the vote, so to speak, is you either sign the petition or you don't. If you're in favor of the project you sign the petition. If you're not, you don't sign it. 441 00:47:12.270 --> 00:47:19.950 Lori Diver: And then the assessor makes a calculation to determine that those 250 percent tests have been passed and if they have, then the district gets formed 442 00:47:23.970 --> 00:47:24.720 Lori Diver: You. Thank you. 443 00:47:28.380 --> 00:47:34.020 Megann Johnson: Hi this is Megan Johnson from seven to eight burly road again I'm so 444 00:47:35.460 --> 00:47:44.010 Megann Johnson: From my understanding, it looks like the petition came from biermann but barely was added in, because we're connected. Um, but 445 00:47:45.840 --> 00:47:47.190 Megann Johnson: I guess my question is, is they 446 00:47:48.660 --> 00:47:59.730 Megann Johnson: When do you decide like or how do you decide if it's even worth I'm applying for that grant and everything that you're talking about. 447 00:48:00.900 --> 00:48:13.740 Megann Johnson: Like like is like TONIGHT. TONIGHT, where people can say like, yeah, I want it. No, I don't want it is they're gonna like do you apply for the grant. And then you're doing, you know, waiting until you do that to do the petition about whether people want it or not. 448 00:48:15.720 --> 00:48:29.100 Lori Diver: It could be good, but I'll just speak for bourbon bourbon road is one that kind of initiated this in quite a few signatures and we're just looking to connect to as much road as we could. 449 00:48:30.450 --> 00:48:30.960 13155730517: So, 450 00:48:32.130 --> 00:48:32.340 13155730517: Yeah. 451 00:48:32.370 --> 00:48:35.490 Lori Diver: biermann is driving this forward. We thought that 452 00:48:35.760 --> 00:48:43.980 Lori Diver: There were people on Burley or Barkley that they wanted public water that we would try to do it as a combined district. 453 00:48:45.060 --> 00:48:45.780 Go ahead, Dave. 454 00:48:47.910 --> 00:49:02.490 Lori Diver: You know these things come together, you know, not, not always the exact same way on every project, but normally at a meeting like this, we would ask for a show of hands, and that, especially for well attended public informational meetings, usually gives the board a pretty good idea 455 00:49:03.930 --> 00:49:15.720 Lori Diver: Sometimes the board will have a sign in sheet for every road and the last people to sign. Yeah. Yes, that they're still interested or know that they're not based on the information they heard on that night. 456 00:49:18.210 --> 00:49:21.930 Lori Diver: The world we live in right now. This is a little more challenging to figure out, so 457 00:49:23.220 --> 00:49:32.130 Lori Diver: I think that we'll have to collectively work together to figure out how to get a good pulse of what people think about this. 458 00:49:33.990 --> 00:49:43.710 Lori Diver: Maybe, maybe it's a letter that goes out with a checkbox, yes or no, based on on the information that was presented tonight, but in some fashion, the board has to be 459 00:49:44.760 --> 00:49:50.400 Lori Diver: Informed enough to make an informed decision to act on behalf of the people in this area. 460 00:49:51.720 --> 00:49:52.740 Lori Diver: In terms of 461 00:49:54.090 --> 00:50:00.360 Lori Diver: You know, doing what the majority of the people seem to really want. And so we're not we're not going to be there tonight. 462 00:50:01.770 --> 00:50:08.970 Lori Diver: But I there's going to have to be a way that that we get there. And I think we can find a way to get there. We've, we've done all kinds of different things. 463 00:50:09.480 --> 00:50:19.770 Lori Diver: Working with Tom boards to get the word out and to to get to the point where, where the board feels comfortable that, you know, this is what the majority of the people wanted. That's where we need to be 464 00:50:22.710 --> 00:50:34.710 Lori Diver: Which would require probably someone you know that heads called and asked about markley the past petition or I could go with them or whatever. I mean, what I'm getting Barclay might not be 465 00:50:36.030 --> 00:50:43.680 Lori Diver: That interested but biermann I pretty much know is, but then possibly we could add on bond. 466 00:50:44.700 --> 00:50:50.640 Lori Diver: And other roads that are interested. So yeah, this is, I mean, this is there's no decision you're going to be made tonight. 467 00:50:52.740 --> 00:50:53.730 Okay, thank you. 468 00:50:56.580 --> 00:50:57.330 Lori Diver: Anybody else 469 00:50:59.370 --> 00:51:05.610 Lori Diver: Well, David in Murray, would it be over to generate 470 00:51:06.810 --> 00:51:10.170 Lori Diver: As you mentioned a letter a mailing and seem to be 471 00:51:11.310 --> 00:51:19.290 Lori Diver: Probably the most proper way to do it. Now, given what the coronal arrows and everything and get that out first and see what if we weren't it correctly. 472 00:51:20.550 --> 00:51:29.820 Lori Diver: How quickly nestled back and go from there. Yes or no. Yeah. Well, yeah. Simple. Yeah, you're probably going to get some 473 00:51:32.820 --> 00:51:41.580 Lori Diver: reviews that option, but at least the starting point right I frankly a number of talents. We work with have done that over the years. 474 00:51:43.080 --> 00:51:44.010 Lori Diver: You know, because 475 00:51:45.120 --> 00:52:03.330 Lori Diver: You know, sometimes you don't get a great turnouts at public informational meetings, whether it be whether or or what have you. So even pre pandemic. That's about it. That has been used by the number of towns and what we have seen is a simple letter that describes the project. 476 00:52:05.070 --> 00:52:15.900 Lori Diver: Perhaps attaching or in closing with that letter of the information so that people can see what what the project is all about alone with a man and then asked people to check if 477 00:52:16.800 --> 00:52:17.640 Bruce Beal: You want to share 478 00:52:19.800 --> 00:52:23.490 Lori Diver: Those estimated costs and see what kind of responses. 479 00:52:25.350 --> 00:52:26.220 Lori Diver: Yeah, thank you. 480 00:52:28.020 --> 00:52:40.560 Bruce Beal: Okay, we've got one thing here up Bruce Bo property owner and Barclay grow. I do want to make it just for the record that Barclay road is interested in this water district. 481 00:52:41.160 --> 00:53:01.050 Bruce Beal: And the other thing that I wanted to ask as you originally stated that the cost of the project is 1.5 to 1.7 million now is that with or without the 45% world development of gram gram 482 00:53:02.310 --> 00:53:07.260 Lori Diver: Well, that would be the total capital cost of the project, irrespective of the grant so 483 00:53:08.460 --> 00:53:09.480 Lori Diver: When 484 00:53:10.740 --> 00:53:19.260 Lori Diver: When we calculated these estimated costs per user, you know, particularly the debt service of six to $800 per year. 485 00:53:20.040 --> 00:53:38.850 Lori Diver: Those numbers were were based on the fact that the assumption that there would be a 45% brand. In other words, town would only be borrowing, on behalf of the district 55% of that 1.5 to 1.7 million. And that's how we calculated the six $800 486 00:53:39.450 --> 00:53:52.200 Bruce Beal: Okay, so then jar six to $800 per year per house that's with the 45% grant 487 00:53:52.830 --> 00:53:53.580 Lori Diver: That's correct. 488 00:53:54.720 --> 00:53:58.800 Bruce Beal: Okay well $800 per year. 489 00:54:00.240 --> 00:54:02.310 Bruce Beal: A type starting gate. 490 00:54:02.670 --> 00:54:14.910 Bruce Beal: Years times on approximately 53 house orgs comes up to 1.6 million, whereas the 45% grant volume in there. 491 00:54:17.280 --> 00:54:17.790 Lori Diver: Yeah. 492 00:54:18.990 --> 00:54:24.720 Lori Diver: Well, you've got interest over 38 years. It's not a large amount of interest, but you do have interest. 493 00:54:31.830 --> 00:54:32.370 Lori Diver: Yes. 494 00:54:40.050 --> 00:54:44.220 Bruce Beal: Personally from my math. I kind of think that the 60 $800 as an 495 00:54:44.220 --> 00:54:45.390 13157277471: Inflated number 496 00:54:46.140 --> 00:54:46.740 And 497 00:54:47.880 --> 00:54:53.070 Bruce Beal: I don't know that. Maybe I'm maybe I'm speaking out of turn here. 498 00:54:53.370 --> 00:54:54.540 Bruce Beal: But I think that that number. 499 00:54:54.540 --> 00:54:56.430 Bruce Beal: Should be looked at only bit closer. 500 00:54:57.060 --> 00:54:58.020 13157277471: And maybe 501 00:54:58.050 --> 00:55:00.630 Bruce Beal: The actual interest rate. 502 00:55:00.990 --> 00:55:01.500 13157277471: About 503 00:55:01.920 --> 00:55:03.420 Bruce Beal: Should be shown as well. 504 00:55:04.530 --> 00:55:07.770 Bruce Beal: Not just a percentage. The actual dollar amount 505 00:55:09.510 --> 00:55:11.490 13157277471: So that people can get a grasp of that. 506 00:55:12.900 --> 00:55:13.590 Amy Kendall: Well, the 507 00:55:14.430 --> 00:55:15.330 Amy Kendall: Daily candle on 508 00:55:15.690 --> 00:55:16.230 Attorney 509 00:55:17.490 --> 00:55:19.170 Amy Kendall: Interest rate depends on 510 00:55:19.200 --> 00:55:20.190 One. 511 00:55:21.210 --> 00:55:22.590 13157277471: Project is financed. 512 00:55:22.620 --> 00:55:23.880 Amy Kendall: And we have to 513 00:55:23.910 --> 00:55:27.150 Amy Kendall: The town can only do certain types of 514 00:55:27.150 --> 00:55:28.680 Amy Kendall: finance team so we 515 00:55:28.860 --> 00:55:29.460 Amy Kendall: Have to 516 00:55:30.270 --> 00:55:31.560 Amy Kendall: A bond market. 517 00:55:31.950 --> 00:55:35.460 Amy Kendall: To get financing, so it would really depend on 518 00:55:35.460 --> 00:55:36.120 Timing 519 00:55:37.590 --> 00:55:39.960 Amy Kendall: So I don't think the interest rate. 520 00:55:43.200 --> 00:55:43.680 13157277471: Thing we can 521 00:55:44.460 --> 00:55:46.710 Amy Kendall: Calculate at this point I think 522 00:55:47.880 --> 00:55:49.620 Amy Kendall: David's done a great job of 523 00:55:49.620 --> 00:55:52.110 13157277471: explaining this process tonight. 524 00:55:54.000 --> 00:55:55.710 Amy Kendall: If there's a decision to the 525 00:55:55.800 --> 00:55:56.310 Amy Kendall: Word. 526 00:55:56.970 --> 00:55:57.780 13157277471: He would need 527 00:55:58.080 --> 00:56:02.220 Amy Kendall: To refine his calculations and as he 528 00:56:02.220 --> 00:56:04.320 Amy Kendall: Mentioned eventually prepare a 529 00:56:04.320 --> 00:56:06.270 Amy Kendall: Map plan report that will have 530 00:56:06.300 --> 00:56:07.620 13157277471: Much more definitive 531 00:56:08.340 --> 00:56:09.630 Amy Kendall: Numbers in it. 532 00:56:10.890 --> 00:56:14.400 Bruce Beal: And I just want to add, I don't dispute that David has done a 533 00:56:14.730 --> 00:56:15.810 Bruce Beal: Wonderful job. 534 00:56:16.200 --> 00:56:16.680 Of 535 00:56:18.330 --> 00:56:20.910 Bruce Beal: presenting this tonight. I think that it's been 536 00:56:20.940 --> 00:56:27.150 Bruce Beal: Very informative. I just think that everybody involved in these 537 00:56:27.420 --> 00:56:29.520 Bruce Beal: On these routes in this district. 538 00:56:31.020 --> 00:56:31.650 13157277471: Probably 539 00:56:31.710 --> 00:56:33.390 Bruce Beal: Looking at 540 00:56:33.870 --> 00:56:34.860 Bruce Beal: Like you said, 541 00:56:35.280 --> 00:56:36.780 13157277471: numbers that are going to be 542 00:56:37.890 --> 00:56:39.120 Bruce Beal: More defined 543 00:56:39.420 --> 00:56:40.500 Bruce Beal: Once the project. 544 00:56:40.500 --> 00:56:42.750 Bruce Beal: Is actually moving forward. 545 00:56:43.170 --> 00:56:44.550 Bruce Beal: And I appreciate your and 546 00:56:47.580 --> 00:56:55.260 Lori Diver: I just did some some quick math on the 1.7 million that 55% that we will be financing. 547 00:56:55.680 --> 00:56:57.660 13157277471: 930 $5,000 548 00:56:58.230 --> 00:56:59.850 Lori Diver: And at two and a quarter percent 549 00:57:00.960 --> 00:57:02.820 13157277471: 23,335 550 00:57:02.820 --> 00:57:04.080 Lori Diver: A year, which ends up at 551 00:57:04.320 --> 00:57:12.540 Lori Diver: $888,250 of interest over 38 years. I don't know if they pay down 552 00:57:12.840 --> 00:57:14.040 Lori Diver: The interest, like a board. 553 00:57:14.040 --> 00:57:15.180 13157277471: Is on a thing. If it's 554 00:57:15.990 --> 00:57:16.410 Lori Diver: Loaded 555 00:57:16.440 --> 00:57:17.430 Lori Diver: To the front but 556 00:57:17.850 --> 00:57:19.590 Lori Diver: I just did that quickly just to 557 00:57:19.710 --> 00:57:25.200 Lori Diver: Help to show that you are right. It does get about 1.7 even after the the 45% 558 00:57:27.090 --> 00:57:27.870 Lori Diver: Thing is there, but 559 00:57:28.380 --> 00:57:31.500 Lori Diver: 180,000 of that is interest. Right. 560 00:57:31.650 --> 00:57:32.130 Okay. 561 00:57:33.270 --> 00:57:33.900 Amy Kendall: David 562 00:57:33.930 --> 00:57:35.100 Amy Kendall: Maybe you can just 563 00:57:35.130 --> 00:57:37.590 Amy Kendall: I mean, we do a lot of these water districts 564 00:57:37.590 --> 00:57:37.740 Are 565 00:57:39.600 --> 00:57:39.900 13157277471: I 566 00:57:40.230 --> 00:57:42.330 Amy Kendall: Like that number is about right. 567 00:57:42.420 --> 00:57:43.860 Amy Kendall: Based on the other water. 568 00:57:43.980 --> 00:57:47.370 Amy Kendall: Districts we've seen, maybe you could just 569 00:57:49.110 --> 00:57:49.740 13157277471: Either 570 00:57:50.490 --> 00:57:54.630 Amy Kendall: Refresh my recollection or it does seem like that's about 571 00:57:54.630 --> 00:57:55.050 Right. 572 00:57:56.580 --> 00:57:58.560 Lori Diver: Which which number Amy are you 573 00:57:59.700 --> 00:58:00.390 Under yeah 574 00:58:02.220 --> 00:58:03.450 Lori Diver: The thousand to 1200 575 00:58:06.660 --> 00:58:06.930 Yeah. 576 00:58:08.730 --> 00:58:09.360 Lori Diver: Yeah, well, 577 00:58:12.870 --> 00:58:24.750 Lori Diver: Yeah, for example, we had a similar meeting exactly two months ago in in Iran, and I think I presented, then a range of 12 to 1400 dollars for that. 578 00:58:24.750 --> 00:58:27.060 Lori Diver: District and that was 579 00:58:28.470 --> 00:58:34.860 Lori Diver: That was about a $3.1 million capital costs for about 73 homes. 580 00:58:35.970 --> 00:58:45.840 Lori Diver: Again, with a 45% grant. So a little higher there because there was less density of of homes along those roads that we have here. 581 00:58:46.770 --> 00:58:55.680 Lori Diver: But these are the kind of numbers that we've been, you know, we've been seeing, you know, over the last couple of years for the areas that we've been looking at 582 00:58:57.600 --> 00:58:59.520 Lori Diver: Doing another project in Arcadia 583 00:59:01.290 --> 00:59:11.310 Lori Diver: I think in that case, we actually have applied for funding and there. There is a preliminary engineering report that sells these things out. Now one came out to be about 1200 dollars a year. 584 00:59:12.750 --> 00:59:18.960 Lori Diver: That's about a $3.8 million project with about 130 homes. 585 00:59:20.610 --> 00:59:30.600 Lori Diver: So this is pretty comparable to what we've been we've been seeing across the county, these are numbers, the numbers that we had. I never point and right 14. All right. 586 00:59:31.020 --> 00:59:47.550 John Faulks: Scott This is john Fox. Um, I think what we what we really should look at doing is with this informational letter that we are talking about sending out perhaps if David could supply us with some comparable numbers. 587 00:59:47.940 --> 00:59:48.780 13157277471: For 588 00:59:48.870 --> 00:59:53.610 John Faulks: Other towns and other districts that have gone in, so that people can actually look at that. 589 00:59:55.050 --> 01:00:02.820 John Faulks: And compare it against it projections that he's made here. I think it might be very helpful for for those folks to see that. 590 01:00:02.820 --> 01:00:05.430 Lori Diver: Information. I agree. And I think we can even get it. 591 01:00:05.550 --> 01:00:09.360 Lori Diver: From my last couple that we've done so they get numbers from those 592 01:00:09.750 --> 01:00:12.720 John Faulks: And that would be great. That's as close as it gets. 593 01:00:15.090 --> 01:00:15.420 13155730517: John 594 01:00:16.230 --> 01:00:17.010 Lori Diver: Can hear me. 595 01:00:18.360 --> 01:00:18.990 John Faulks: Yes. 596 01:00:19.290 --> 01:00:23.700 Lori Diver: Um, yeah, we can get that rate on our information so 597 01:00:24.180 --> 01:00:28.230 John Faulks: Fantastic. That should definitely I think the part of the letter we send out. Okay. 598 01:00:29.340 --> 01:00:29.550 No. 599 01:00:31.470 --> 01:00:31.860 Lori Diver: Be 600 01:00:32.370 --> 01:00:33.780 Lori Diver: In Marty, I got one question. 601 01:00:34.500 --> 01:00:40.200 Lori Diver: When would you be you, you mentioned about Andrea, would you be. I know that a lot of homes on Power Girl. 602 01:00:41.400 --> 01:00:47.070 Lori Diver: Yeah. Would you be willing to campus those homes and see what's the intuitive and big backup. 603 01:00:48.600 --> 01:00:49.260 13155730517: Got there. 604 01:00:50.010 --> 01:00:58.110 Lori Diver: If something out sales was in need sleep three somewhere we might be a little so that I'll, I'll, it's got to do the same with Pilgrim port. 605 01:00:59.820 --> 01:01:05.160 Lori Diver: Forwarding port. Thank you. I just put a word of caution out about comparing the past districts, because 606 01:01:05.760 --> 01:01:17.640 Lori Diver: I've been doing this for about 20 years and I'm going to tell you the cost projections tonight or about they were when we started. So in the answer to an earlier question yeah perils of waiting on a district. 607 01:01:18.720 --> 01:01:25.710 Lori Diver: When we when I did my first district that I can recall back in Arcadia the Total number was 450 to $500 a year. 608 01:01:26.280 --> 01:01:39.810 Lori Diver: And it's gone progressively up. And so when you compare. If you want to look at comparable districts. You got to look within the last year to construction houses have escalated significantly. So you don't want to go back that this for 10 or no. 609 01:01:39.990 --> 01:01:42.360 Lori Diver: And you want to look at in just recently. 610 01:01:42.420 --> 01:01:49.290 Lori Diver: As a result of this, or as part of the regional tank project the six towns that were involved. 611 01:01:49.590 --> 01:01:51.300 Lori Diver: On and primarily Iran. 612 01:01:51.660 --> 01:01:59.010 Lori Diver: Sonus in Arcadia took a look at their most recent districts and came up with those people along the route of the new improvements. 613 01:01:59.010 --> 01:02:01.260 Lori Diver: There they were going to set the debt service at 614 01:02:01.260 --> 01:02:02.190 Lori Diver: 545 615 01:02:02.250 --> 01:02:02.700 Lori Diver: A year. 616 01:02:03.240 --> 01:02:14.130 Lori Diver: Plus the 45 plus the estimated cost of water here, but you're right close to that thousand dollar range. So data analysis has been done and these costs are really pretty relevant today. 617 01:02:14.580 --> 01:02:16.710 Lori Diver: For a couple largely rural just 618 01:02:17.850 --> 01:02:18.210 Lori Diver: Not enough 619 01:02:18.450 --> 01:02:21.510 John Faulks: And I couldn't. I agree completely. I just think people 620 01:02:22.650 --> 01:02:26.160 John Faulks: Want to make sure that they are getting the same 621 01:02:26.250 --> 01:02:30.150 John Faulks: Relative deal that other people and other districts have gotten 622 01:02:30.270 --> 01:02:32.610 Lori Diver: Definitely be within the last year or two. 623 01:02:35.040 --> 01:02:36.030 13155730517: David, if they 624 01:02:37.050 --> 01:02:44.670 Lori Diver: Purchase a if if from the conversion with other towns, if we. Let's say that 200 pounds. 625 01:02:45.900 --> 01:02:48.120 Lori Diver: incremental difference wouldn't be that much. 626 01:02:49.800 --> 01:03:04.230 Lori Diver: So for example, let's say if the rest of sort of similar to South Geneva load and just south of the human ode to where the water main. If there is, if that added to it, it would 627 01:03:05.070 --> 01:03:05.610 13157277471: Probably 628 01:03:06.030 --> 01:03:06.420 Lori Diver: Like the 629 01:03:06.450 --> 01:03:10.290 Lori Diver: Cost per unit would not change much. 630 01:03:11.520 --> 01:03:18.180 Lori Diver: It wouldn't if you assume that you've got the same number of homes per mile of water made that you have to put in, let's say, 631 01:03:22.950 --> 01:03:35.160 Lori Diver: You're on the other hand, if you had a road that you wanted to add to this project that you had to put in a mile a water main to say make a connection, but there were only two homes along that road that this number would go off. So it's all about 632 01:03:36.240 --> 01:03:37.920 13155730517: The density of homes for 633 01:03:40.320 --> 01:03:40.560 13155730517: Sure. 634 01:03:41.670 --> 01:03:44.820 Amy Kendall: And just to add on to that. That's why we were even discussing 635 01:03:44.880 --> 01:03:47.250 13157277471: Early road because 636 01:03:49.140 --> 01:03:57.720 Amy Kendall: It's a concentration of homes near what is gonna be, you know, part of the Berman road at least the Berman. 637 01:03:57.720 --> 01:03:58.830 13157277471: Road water. 638 01:03:58.950 --> 01:04:01.290 Amy Kendall: District whether Barclay is included. 639 01:04:01.290 --> 01:04:01.770 13157277471: Or not. 640 01:04:06.060 --> 01:04:06.690 Lori Diver: Anybody else 641 01:04:09.720 --> 01:04:11.100 Bruce Beal: Yes. This is Wanda. 642 01:04:11.490 --> 01:04:18.030 Bruce Beal: Again, three different times. I've heard during this zoom meeting about Berkeley row, not being 643 01:04:18.060 --> 01:04:18.930 Interested 644 01:04:19.980 --> 01:04:21.000 Bruce Beal: Berkeley road. 645 01:04:21.060 --> 01:04:23.160 13157277471: Is interesting um 646 01:04:23.610 --> 01:04:25.410 Bruce Beal: I know we have been 647 01:04:25.470 --> 01:04:26.820 Bruce Beal: uptown to the town of 648 01:04:26.820 --> 01:04:27.540 Bruce Beal: Sodas 649 01:04:27.570 --> 01:04:31.080 Bruce Beal: For the last two, three years, asking about town water. 650 01:04:31.320 --> 01:04:31.680 Bruce Beal: So, 651 01:04:31.890 --> 01:04:34.830 Bruce Beal: Barclay road is interesting. 652 01:04:36.330 --> 01:04:37.380 Amy Kendall: When we get further 653 01:04:37.380 --> 01:04:37.830 Amy Kendall: Down. 654 01:04:38.160 --> 01:04:44.910 Lori Diver: I'm sorry, Scott. I did. I never said they were interested, I did. They didn't pass a petition larger 655 01:04:46.410 --> 01:04:57.120 Lori Diver: One one resident express his may well be a great not interested. But I think that's the only one from Barclay. Well, hold on a second reason we didn't 656 01:04:57.210 --> 01:04:58.410 13157277471: Do the petition. 657 01:04:58.620 --> 01:05:00.450 Lori Diver: We had somebody who is going to pass it. 658 01:05:00.750 --> 01:05:11.340 Lori Diver: Is because we held up because we're talking about combining these roads until we had this meeting, we were going to wait right past that petition so 659 01:05:11.400 --> 01:05:12.690 13157277471: That'll come in the next round. 660 01:05:13.350 --> 01:05:14.160 Will send out our 661 01:05:16.980 --> 01:05:19.080 13157277471: Kind of both things and 662 01:05:19.530 --> 01:05:20.610 Lori Diver: You can certainly be hurting 663 01:05:21.300 --> 01:05:25.470 Lori Diver: With your vote there Barclay. I'm not an 664 01:05:26.400 --> 01:05:27.960 13157277471: Opinion on Barclay either way. 665 01:05:30.450 --> 01:05:30.750 Good. 666 01:05:40.020 --> 01:05:43.140 Lori Diver: Sorry, could you repeat that we present the next meeting. 667 01:05:44.880 --> 01:05:45.930 Lori Diver: I can be. Yeah. 668 01:05:47.760 --> 01:05:51.960 Lori Diver: We usually have them. They're wondering how this shirt. 669 01:05:53.010 --> 01:05:58.230 Lori Diver: So if we send out our check yes or no letters and that comes back. Yes, and 670 01:05:58.680 --> 01:06:00.900 13157277471: We contact them and I think we can 671 01:06:01.380 --> 01:06:04.800 Lori Diver: Keep the ball rolling. If it comes back know them. 672 01:06:06.150 --> 01:06:16.950 Lori Diver: Well, they had silence Berman comes back right say 20 homes. You got 14 and favor German seems the lineup right play if you haven't already responded. Oh. 673 01:06:17.370 --> 01:06:29.970 Lori Diver: This is what Arcadia does all the time. Yeah, them several roles that district based on a response. And that's why I'd like to include bond and men Pilgrim port and, you know, and leave it up to the resonance. I'm not 674 01:06:31.950 --> 01:06:34.260 Lori Diver: Either way to attach this 675 01:06:34.290 --> 01:06:36.150 Lori Diver: flyer, though, because if he asked 676 01:06:36.150 --> 01:06:37.620 Lori Diver: People or not you want water. 677 01:06:37.710 --> 01:06:38.910 Or some, raise your hand. Yes. 678 01:06:39.960 --> 01:06:41.310 Lori Diver: It does cost rates. 679 01:06:46.200 --> 01:06:46.500 Lori Diver: Right. 680 01:06:47.850 --> 01:06:51.330 Lori Diver: Before the meeting date you and I were talking to dominate. 681 01:06:51.780 --> 01:06:54.480 Lori Diver: The area, the southeast area of soda. 682 01:06:54.990 --> 01:06:56.730 Lori Diver: In the water does 683 01:06:57.990 --> 01:07:00.660 Lori Diver: Seem to be moving in that direction would bond road already 684 01:07:05.040 --> 01:07:05.850 Lori Diver: Area down 685 01:07:12.720 --> 01:07:12.990 There. 686 01:07:14.070 --> 01:07:16.680 Lori Diver: Yeah, we have. We have begun to look at that as well. 687 01:07:17.820 --> 01:07:18.000 Lori Diver: As 688 01:07:18.450 --> 01:07:19.080 13157277471: Interesting. 689 01:07:19.830 --> 01:07:22.230 Lori Diver: As the numbers projected with the 690 01:07:23.340 --> 01:07:24.600 Owner right administering 691 01:07:26.670 --> 01:07:27.060 Almost 692 01:07:30.210 --> 01:07:32.190 Lori Diver: Dave. In the past we have sent 693 01:07:32.190 --> 01:07:32.970 13157277471: Out letters. 694 01:07:33.660 --> 01:07:34.740 13157277471: Like a chat box. 695 01:07:34.800 --> 01:07:36.360 Lori Diver: With some information. 696 01:07:36.870 --> 01:07:37.590 Lori Diver: And we 697 01:07:37.620 --> 01:07:38.910 Lori Diver: Have pretty good success. 698 01:07:39.000 --> 01:07:39.450 13157277471: Getting 699 01:07:39.540 --> 01:07:51.720 Lori Diver: A majority of them back. Yeah. And we've done that in the past and it's worked out pretty well in the beginning stages. Yeah, yeah. Usually, you get a fairly good response on those. Yeah. 700 01:07:57.990 --> 01:07:58.380 Lori Diver: Okay. 701 01:07:59.580 --> 01:08:00.420 Lori Diver: Anybody else 702 01:08:01.320 --> 01:08:02.820 Cody Freeman: The. A lot of us can be south to the 703 01:08:02.820 --> 01:08:06.210 Cody Freeman: Homeowners that has like all the debt service charges. 704 01:08:06.600 --> 01:08:07.860 Cody Freeman: Does that have the 705 01:08:07.920 --> 01:08:10.620 Cody Freeman: Engineering requirements from the homeowners for 706 01:08:10.710 --> 01:08:12.810 Cody Freeman: As far as what they need to hook up to 707 01:08:13.890 --> 01:08:19.470 Cody Freeman: Like walk just regular three three quarter inch waterline that we have to have a certain pressure rating. 708 01:08:24.300 --> 01:08:25.650 Lori Diver: We do send out or 709 01:08:25.680 --> 01:08:27.810 Lori Diver: I should say the town does send out 710 01:08:29.910 --> 01:08:31.560 Lori Diver: an informational packet 711 01:08:31.620 --> 01:08:32.820 Lori Diver: To homeowners. 712 01:08:33.690 --> 01:08:46.290 Lori Diver: Usually that happens when construction is evident or construction is just just started on a project and obviously people are going to want to hook up. And so usually in 713 01:08:47.340 --> 01:08:50.310 Lori Diver: The beginning of the project, we sent out a full packet of information. 714 01:08:51.120 --> 01:08:51.900 Lori Diver: That contains 715 01:08:53.070 --> 01:08:54.090 Lori Diver: All the things that people 716 01:08:54.870 --> 01:08:55.830 13157277471: About how to hook up 717 01:08:56.730 --> 01:09:02.040 Lori Diver: The authorities application for services in their, their rules and regulations are in that packet and so 718 01:09:02.430 --> 01:09:08.100 Lori Diver: We tried to make that comprehensive enough so that people understand what they need to do what it's going to cost them. 719 01:09:08.100 --> 01:09:08.820 13157277471: To do that. 720 01:09:09.570 --> 01:09:10.380 Lori Diver: And they have 721 01:09:10.710 --> 01:09:12.150 Lori Diver: All the contact information for 722 01:09:12.150 --> 01:09:18.840 Lori Diver: People at the authority to ask questions as well. So, but that typically doesn't go out until the construction stage. 723 01:09:19.950 --> 01:09:21.960 Lori Diver: They have the one that typically include 724 01:09:21.960 --> 01:09:25.170 13157277471: Engineering motor size waters services for each home now. 725 01:09:26.190 --> 01:09:34.080 Lori Diver: You know, will give you guidance on it from the water authorities perspective, if it's a residential house 95% of those are at 726 01:09:34.620 --> 01:09:38.700 Lori Diver: Three quarter inch meter with a one in service will know what the pressure is at the 727 01:09:38.700 --> 01:09:39.150 13157277471: Road. 728 01:09:39.870 --> 01:09:43.470 Lori Diver: If you're building a new house, chances are you've hired an engineer who will 729 01:09:43.650 --> 01:09:50.460 Lori Diver: Work the couch. But if there's a high elevation area and I don't know if we have any here, do you guys typically check the critical points. 730 01:09:50.880 --> 01:10:02.160 Lori Diver: We do have service areas in Arcadia, particularly where you get up on the high elevations, where the pressure might be marginal there it warrants and engineering investigation. But as far as sizing. 731 01:10:03.420 --> 01:10:04.050 Lori Diver: It's not 732 01:10:04.200 --> 01:10:07.260 Lori Diver: typically required beyond what what games we can give 733 01:10:07.830 --> 01:10:08.100 Or 734 01:10:11.970 --> 01:10:14.070 Lori Diver: Take Barclay agreement or pretty flat road. 735 01:10:19.200 --> 01:10:21.060 Lori Diver: Okay, anybody else. 736 01:10:22.890 --> 01:10:23.430 Galaxy Note9: Hello. 737 01:10:26.100 --> 01:10:30.450 Galaxy Note9: Hi I'm Lily Anderson. I live on 5932 Barclay road. 738 01:10:31.380 --> 01:10:34.470 Galaxy Note9: We moved in, in April and ever since then we've been 739 01:10:34.470 --> 01:10:35.490 Galaxy Note9: Fighting. Our well 740 01:10:35.880 --> 01:10:38.340 13157277471: So I just want to say that I'm all for 741 01:10:38.340 --> 01:10:40.290 Galaxy Note9: It because we just recently, find out 742 01:10:40.560 --> 01:10:43.380 Galaxy Note9: We have bacteria problem in our well also. 743 01:10:43.800 --> 01:10:45.900 Galaxy Note9: So the sooner the better in my opinion. 744 01:10:47.310 --> 01:10:51.990 Lori Diver: Okay, you'll be here will make your voice be heard when we send out our 745 01:10:52.410 --> 01:10:55.440 Lori Diver: Our check. So don't balance. I don't want to call them. 746 01:10:56.940 --> 01:10:57.660 13157277471: Surveys. 747 01:10:58.590 --> 01:11:01.200 Lori Diver: Which we sound like there's enough interest at 748 01:11:01.200 --> 01:11:01.500 Least 749 01:11:02.790 --> 01:11:03.690 On the three road. 750 01:11:04.710 --> 01:11:09.960 Lori Diver: Will feel we get back, and then we'll be in touch. Anybody else want to speak. 751 01:11:11.970 --> 01:11:12.690 13157277471: Yes, hello. 752 01:11:16.230 --> 01:11:21.390 13157277471: Sarah, we in and my husband and I own the salt smokehouse 753 01:11:22.530 --> 01:11:32.790 13157277471: Barclay road 6152 we received the letter in the mail. And I'm not sure if it's more of just an informative letter for us that we currently have. 754 01:11:33.900 --> 01:11:42.030 13157277471: The town water. We're hooked up. So I don't know if this is just an FYI, or if there's any implication or ramification for us that we should be aware of. 755 01:11:42.120 --> 01:11:44.310 Lori Diver: No, you're in between Ridge Road and what all four 756 01:11:44.310 --> 01:11:47.370 Lori Diver: And I think that already has water. So yeah, this, this is tricky. Yeah. 757 01:11:47.970 --> 01:11:49.320 Lori Diver: The other to the south side. 758 01:11:49.530 --> 01:11:50.910 13157277471: Sorry. Okay. 759 01:11:55.350 --> 01:11:55.890 Lori Diver: And the dinner. 760 01:11:57.060 --> 01:11:58.770 Lori Diver: Very nice dinner was excellent. Thank 761 01:12:03.060 --> 01:12:03.540 13157277471: Thank you. 762 01:12:05.940 --> 01:12:06.210 13157277471: Okay. 763 01:12:06.270 --> 01:12:07.200 Lori Diver: Anybody else 764 01:12:09.960 --> 01:12:15.630 Lori Diver: Okay. I'd like to thank everybody for coming. We'll get the the balance or 765 01:12:16.590 --> 01:12:17.340 13157277471: Surveys. 766 01:12:17.940 --> 01:12:25.590 Lori Diver: In the mail and look forward to hear back from everyone, one way or another, and make your voice heard like voting already 767 01:12:26.880 --> 01:12:28.260 Galaxy Note9: Thank you. Okay. 768 01:12:28.410 --> 01:12:29.310 15852612043: Thank you very much. 769 01:12:30.180 --> 01:12:30.570 Bruce Beal: Thank you. 770 01:12:31.200 --> 01:12:32.340 Lori Diver: Thanks, everybody, for coming. 771 01:12:35.040 --> 01:12:37.830 Lori Diver: He's got anything else you guys want. Okay, well, 772 01:12:39.300 --> 01:12:43.530 Lori Diver: For me, and from national meeting and we'll be in touch. 773 01:12:51.150 --> 01:12:56.970 Lori Diver: Okay, Chris. We make an emotional journey because I'm making more Lori, the boss says we need one. 774 01:12:57.420 --> 01:12:58.500 John Faulks: On fox, a second 775 01:13:01.380 --> 01:13:05.220 Lori Diver: Thought. Second thing, thank you flurries in the mood tonight. 776 01:13:06.870 --> 01:13:07.980 John Faulks: Tonight, everybody. 777 01:13:08.130 --> 01:13:10.290 John Faulks: Great job, I 778 01:13:10.770 --> 01:13:11.520 Lori Diver: Think you're what 779 01:13:12.270 --> 01:13:12.810 I