RG 0:00 Hello humanitarians. This is Ron Giles with Tracy. And we're going to do a question and answers for part two for October 29 19. Excuse me, 2021 part two. So with that introduction, Tracy, would you please ask the first question, Tracy 0:21 as a Zen benefactor, I understand the Zen money we receive at our appointment must be accounted for from all the q&a videos, I believe that loved one society's system will account for each benefactor spending that relates to the downloads for the RSS CAC and RDLs. Yes, as an ICC? Ah, is that correct? RG 0:44 It sounds true. Yeah, l ws will account, we can account in your back office on the RSS platform. Well, that's, that's hard thing to say, you're going to be doing setting up accounts with other people, you're going to have directors that are doing their thing, that won't be a part of us. As far as accounting is concerned, I'm not sure exactly how deep we will go. Other than the things that would support the beneficiary, and the use and the downloads of the money that they have. That's why I feel like it's important that you associate with an accounting firm of some sort. And the larger the better, so that they can accommodate your needs. We're gonna grow fast. Next question. Tracy 1:37 Regarding this self employed handyman type person, their labor would be paid through employment contracts, and I would assume materials would be paid by the entity receiving the work. What about a handyman doing city beautification type work? How would you see materials being paid for that? RG 1:57 Well, you just don't go up to the city and say, I'd like to take care of your gardens for you. And I'll provide the labor knew who's going to who's going to give the, by the flowers and the stuff that goes into and all this stuff. But most of the kinds of contractual terms that you work out with the people that you're doing the work for. Handyman is, you know, if I was a director, I would be looking for handyman. And I put them on an employment contract. As an on call person for the things that I do as a, as a director, it may be minor, I have a house over here that's going to be listened to on the NR ELLs, I need somebody to come over and fix where the husband kicked a hole in the wall and left his wife or whatever, I need somebody to come and fix that. It's just a small job. Or it may be a large job, the handyman are the people who you can put on a contract, and know that they're there to and you can schedule them out and keep them busy, that they they probably know somebody else that can help and they can probably get themselves another little group of people that go remodel homes, I see that there is a necessity there that those kinds of people are available to do the work as remodeling purchased home and put in the NR ELLs so that they can be brought up to the standard that we want within the listing service. So it's new, do new furnaces, turn new appliances, new paint new carpet, if we have to remodel the kitchen and stuff like that, then we can do that. And then it all goes out the amount of money to do all that goes on the the purchase price, then 20% of that and that's your home. Next question. Tracy 4:09 What do you look for in choosing an accounting firm? RG 4:16 Reliability do they have? Are the big enough? What are their services? How, what kind of reports can they generate? Do they have an accounting system that's already set in place and I can interface with my accounting system so that you get the information that you need and and I have people who work and and input the things that are necessary and then just send it over to you and you collate it and put it in this PowerPoint, and then you send me the information through reports. Other than that, you know, I'm not I'm not a real businessman. I've done business before. And I've never worked in that kind of environment. So this is this is all brand new for me and it'll be brand new for a lot of us. Keep in mind, there's a counselor who we can ask those kinds of questions to get some really, really good advice for the things that we're trying to accomplish. So you resource for you use it. Next question, Tracy 5:25 in the end are ELLs system offering a home at 80% of what I purchased a home for Plus Improvements because of bidding war, which wouldn't be in the spirit of what we're doing? Would I assume then that the home would go to the first buyer that wants it? RG 5:42 There, there can be some aggressiveness as a result of what we're trying to do in the NR ELLs in the entire project into that and see how it's gonna happen. In the beginning, I see all of the homes for sale being snarfed up really fast. Because we go by market value, that's part of the appraising system that's already in place. If it's sold, if it's at market value, and they can justify the price for it from the sale of other homes, then we're not raising the the bidding wars and so forth sofa, on comes on the market, there's a an appraisal with that, then that's the price that we pay for it. If they want to jack it up and start a bidding war of some sort, then they're not the kinds that we want in our program. If they want to buy from us, then they they work the program in a way that is beneficial to everybody. If you go into this looking to make money, we don't want you to make 20% going into your home 20% of the value that's, that's been established. If you need to go and sell that house and start bidding, and all this sort of stuff. Those are the kinds of people that will destroy what we're trying to accomplish. We will not let it happen. So those who want to buy a house through us, and start making money and selling it real fast, and and you get the continued downloads, and so on and so forth, we'll we'll work out the conditions for that to take place. We've already set a five year limit before you can buy another home. But if we're finding that you're buying a home to make money, that's probably not going to fly. Because if you're using this system to make money, why you're making $28,000 a month. And if you're married that 56 with our other programs, would you want to jeopardize your participation in all of that. By being greedy. I don't think sharing and registering new people is greedy. I think that that's a wonderful opportunity for you to make money as well as for other people to be involved get involved with getting their own share of this money. So but if you're manipulating the system for your own reasons, you're gonna have to deal with the Q Fs. And you may have your accounts blocked, you may have your accounts frozen for a while just as is to say, you can't do the things that you're doing. We're going to freeze your account for 90 days or 60 days or 30 days and give you a chance to think you're what you're trying to accomplish. Is this good for the community what you're trying to do? Is it showing service to mankind. We're in this together. And if you're going to start screwing other people, you're going to have some problems. And if you're trying to compete with other people to make money with, with systems that we're putting forth, you're going to have a real hard time. And it's not me or loved one society or our real estate listing service or anything like that. You're gonna have problems with the use of your money for a number of different reasons. You want to do things that will bring you joy and happiness. If you misuse this system. You'll never get to the joy and the happiness that you think your money's going to bring you. That is just bread on the water. What To send outcomes back. And if you're throwing rotten apples or whatever add on to the, that's going to come back to you as well. So there's a spirit of the group that has to be maintained. And if you're acting in contrary to that, and only thinking for yourself, this whole system of what we're doing here is going to crash down on you. And it's not because it's not punitive. It's just that this, there's no blessings that come from too greedy people. There are universal laws that are associated with that. What you do to others comes back to you treat others as you would like to be treated. And if we all treat each other the way we would want to be treated, then society grows and develops into a golden age of mankind, where we all move into the third or fifth dimension. Not sure if those people will even survive, what is coming as a purification of the earth, and the cleansing of the Earth from negative people or negative sources of energy. So there's going to be some real problems for people who are not going to go along and get along and do the things that are in harmony with each other. Because this is not meant for you, you'll have an opportunity to go somewhere else and screw people and take their money and cheat a mountain and all that. You know, there's places for that. But it's not where we are, and not where we're going. Next question, Tracy 11:40 Is there anywhere else? We can view the training videos besides bit shoot? RG 11:47 They're all well as the links are on the website. So you can go in there, but we're not publishing them anywhere else. Yeah. Hard enough to keep up with one. Tracy 12:00 What is a benefactor? Sorry, I am new to all this. I have a humanitarian project idea involving pets, that's children, from dumbs older people, med beds and property. Were to tie this all together. I also have Zim bonds. So I'd like to be ready when we can do the reduction. RG 12:19 Okay, my my suggestion, I want you to be a benefactor. If your heart's into it. It's like I want to be a mechanic or going to be a mechanic. He goes, study the systems that a car has or a backhoe or whatever you want to fix. You need to come up to the speed. So that you can accomplish what you want to do. All of the information is there on the website, and all of the information is being given to the question and answers and the other videos. It's all there. So my suggestion to you would be to if you want to become a benefactor, then get in and learn all you can about the programs and how to be a benefactor. Not just how to be one, but how to function as one. When I go through this, driving around, and I see things and opportunities, I say to myself, what would I as a director, do to help this situation. Or if it's a person that I think might be a good director, then I look at that person and say, might I like that feeling that spirit that person has, that's part of what I would like to extend. If they're acting as a resentment, representative of you. And if you're in contrast with that person, then that's probably somebody you don't want to be involved with. So the concept here is that a benefactor is a humanitarian, a sovereign humanitarian, who does things for themselves because they have the responsibility and a stewardship responsibility for the money that they get. Now, this is a concept that you need to acquire. You didn't come with it? None of us did. I think I'm right in saying that. We have the the idea of becoming a humanitarian and wanting to help other people, and that's what drives us. And what qualifies us to become a Zim benefactor in that one society. So you're on the right track. But I say, get all the information, you can absorb it. Study it when you have chain. And you'll know deep in your heart if you want to be a benefactor, if you do the things that gives you the knowledge to become a good benefactor, operating at a high level of humanitarian work. And welcome aboard. If If you really want to do it, welcome. Yeah. Next question, Tracy 15:05 RSS CAC. And I'll pay outs 130,000, or as high as 780,000 per year or two huge astronomical for countries like India and third world countries. It's all based upon the primary assumption of Zim redemption rate of USD 500k. Per Zim dollar. Is this a realistic assumption? Five quintillion per year for just one times 100 T note? What if we get approval of 50 million for one note of 100 T at our redemption center meeting? RG 15:42 Now what if you did did just be greater opportunities. There are differences and I'll give that to you from one country to another. Keep in mind that, I don't know how many humanitarians there are in, in India, that will be getting these high rates. I know one that was on the telegram the other day, introducing himself. So there there, but the general population is not going to be getting the money. It's the humanitarians who will be doing the work in those countries. Now, our responsibilities loved one society is to adjust the downloads per minute downloads. So that it coincides with the economic system of that country. So if you go to even in in Africa, Nigeria has a very has 180 people and they have a very strong economic system to go into suddenly the other countries there. So in Nigeria, it might be that that you'd have a higher rate there. But right next door to that, over there in Nigeria, or in Guam, Ghana, it might not have the same economic system. So we'll adjust as we need to, even within the country of Africa or in the continent of Africa. And then you take a lot of the poor countries, and we'll adjust according to that. But then you also have other countries who have a very high standard of living. And some of the older European countries, where 10 sets amended is not enough. So you'd have to there has to be a certain amount of overwhelm, not too overwhelming, but overwhelmed. So that people will appreciate what's happening, that makes changes in their lives. It's a balance that we'll have to work out. But I'm not so set in my ways, in my way of thinking that we can't adjust things accordingly. And the gross national, individual gross national product, is the thing that maybe is a common denominator that we can use to adjust things. And there's been some people who have submitted a person who submitted these things with the and made the suggestion that there's this. Here's a group of people and a group of countries and they should be 10 cents a minute, and some are 11 cents some force hands, some at one and a half cents, will work out all of those kinds of differences. It hasn't happened yet, but we'll we'll be responsible for what we're trying to accomplish. Next question. Tracy 18:45 How do you decide which term for your payout 1025 50 100? How do you decide? RG 18:54 My default is is 100 years. Keep in mind that the money that puts that's going to come out in the next 100 years on an annual basis divided upon quarters, if that's what you want. All of that money for 100 years has to go into your structured payout account in the quantum financial system. It's administered by the Alliance. So if I'm getting if I have 100 keynote, and I want 225 There's five quintillion per year, that's going to be coming to me extend that out for 100 years. That's 500 quintillion dollars that they put in your account in the very beginning. Because there's no way to make money. It has to have a reason and that's when they you are giving them the opportunity to create the activation of digital gold certificates. They have to be activated through a transaction you selling your Zim to them is the term transaction that activates it so they can activate all that is necessary for you to have for the next 100 years at that particular point in time. Now, having said that, let's be realistic, there's a certain finite amount of money that can be going in that direction. If you are doing high face valued currencies, or gym, they're not going to all be put into the structured payout, they will go into an account that you can use for specific things that are not associated with your structured payout. So it's kind of a two tiered system. And that's that those largest, I suspect, they'll have an area or an amount that is going to be cut off. As far as the structured payout is concerned, the rest of the money goes into an account that you can use, it's your money, you can use it with the way that you want to as a humanitarian. So it might be that instead of you having to save up for two or three or four years to produce a manufacturing facility that will make anti gravity machines or rep matter replicators, or bad desert or whatever, that can come out of that larger amount of money, and you don't have to save up for it. And so, understand that there's people who have more money that you could ever ask for a potential for it with some of these higher bonds, higher face value bonds, keep in mind a yo Lilian or Zed, Lilian. I don't know who has the math to be able to figure out that how many zeros there are. But I suspect a very, very high number of zeros into the 1000s, more than 300,000 or 3000. So there's a lot that we don't know, and a lot of that I asked, you know, my inquiry is, well, do you have enough gold to cover all that? Yes, we do. Will it all go into structured payout? Where all that money has to be put in my account per 100 years at this appointment? And the answer was no, there's a certain amount that you'll need. And otherwise, you're gonna have to save up to build a facility that's going to cost you a Yo, Lillian, I don't know, we'll just have to see how that all works out. Just this is just a heads up there things or not. And when you get into the higher realms of money, and the amounts, you know, go down to the beach and take a thimble of sand, and then you put that out there and you start counting the the grains of sand. Well, assemble is gonna take you a hell of a long time to find out how many grains of sand are in the thimble. But this is the kind of idea that we're looking at. Because you we don't know how much money this is we have no reference to it. And how many zeros we don't care. We just know that zeroes mean that we have opportunity to give service as humanitarians in a much higher way than we did before. So having said that, there's there's something that's coming that we don't understand, we don't need to understand. If I'm driving a car, I don't need to know how the engine works. Be nice to know conceptually, because going down the road there, but it's working. And I don't need to know I just need to know how to drive it. And that's all we need to do. We just know that it's that it's working. It's there when we need it. And the greater amount that we have the greater opportunities we have to serve mankind. Now that's not for everybody. This is only for the humanitarians that are doing the redemption appointments. They're the ones that have the money and we'll get other people involved doing humanitarian activities, because we're the point of the spear piercing into the darkness and creating light where the point of the spear because we got the money to do that. And others will follow us like the shank of a of a spear, where the point you got to be to others coming behind us to give us the power to get accomplished the things that we need to do. I don't know if this makes sense, but that's the way it's going to. It appears that that's the way it's going to be. I hope that helps. Next question. Tracy 24:47 Does one half to include family members, spouse, son, daughter trustees, it's good to have heirs to manage the trust after we retire or gone. RG 25:00 Well, do you have to include your family members? Who would tell you that you have to include the family members? To you're the one in charge who's going to tell you what to do with your money? So these kinds of words, be careful your words, because if you say I have to do this, or I have to do that, oh, you're in charge. Now, is it good to have your family involved? Yeah, it is. That's part of the, the DNA of those who have humanitarian genes in the whatever that structure is. The apples don't fall very far from the trees. And so the children are going to be good humanitarians unless they're not. And you'll find that out. But I think that that's a good place to have. Now, when you're talking about heirs to manage the trust after we, we retire. You know, this is a long haul, 100 years as long time. If you get into the med beds, and all that sort of stuff, we can live that long or longer. Methuselah was 800 years old when he started his, his ministry. So we're going back into that age where we can live for a long time. Right, the 100 years of doing the same thing might be a little bit boring, but it might be exciting. As we see mankind move up into the fifth dimension where they create from their heart and there's no need for money anymore. So we're moving ahead. Next question. Tracy 26:44 Okay, this one is about the same thing, but it looks like it has a lot of parts. Okay. So they want to buy a ranch or a farm for their humanitarian project. And they want to know it says, well, we will want to start the purchase process on day one for developed multimillion dollar ranch. Would we be paying cash or installments? We will get a proof of funds letter? Is the property purchase part of loved one society? And if so, would we need to wait for loved one society to process for the purchase? RG 27:24 Okay, that's an interesting question now. Love one society as a structure that you use as a humanitarian, to do your humanitarian work, using your money. You don't buy anything through loved one society unless you want to use the download per minute. Day one, you're going to have your first tranche for the structured payout. So for those in the example 100 to $500,000, when you finish that appointment you will have available to you as soon as you want to use it 1.25 quintillion dollars. You don't have to wait for it. So if you don't want to go by the house, yeah, you'll get her ranch, you'll get the proof of funds letter of some sort. And I don't know what that's going to look like. So that the real estate people that you're talking to know that you have the capacity. So you'll have the money, put down a large down payment, and tell them that you're putting the rest of it in escrow. For the closing, oh, gee, you've already got the money. Yes, we do. We can do it. If you'll if you'll give, I'll give you a check or whatever you want for the total amount of money or if you have an established account, trust account for your business for your real estate escrow account. It goes into there and we'll put the full amount of the purchase price into a escrow account with that has escrow structions to use it for the closing. And that's the way you work out these kinds of things for your purchases. Now the letter will get you to look at the property beyond the letter your money is your proof it'll take 30 days or more or whatever it has to go through all the lawyers and the closes and all that sort of stuff. But you could be in your house or in that ranch if that's what you want. Within maybe 6030 6090 days something like that that all depends on what has to take place. There's mineral rights and there's water rights and all those things after the during these attorneys have to go through all that and be sure that it's accurate and it's it's legal and and do the Check out all due diligence to be sure. And you have your attorneys, or an attorney who's looking at that. That's on your behalf. And then you have the seller is doing the same thing. And they work in coordination and come up with, yes, this is true. These sorts of things for the closing, then you go to the closing, and one of the things you're going to need to do with a ranch, it may be a large ranch, who knows the roads? Who knows how to get around? The people that are already there? Are they going to stay on? Are you going to give them employment contracts? What are your intentions? Are you going to move into a house and have a three or 4000 acres and you have no idea what's over there, over there over there, how even get there, there's a lot that you have to do. So if you're going to buy a ranch, ask because there's people that are going to stay there and offer them an employment contract and manage it for you, as you become familiar with it. So there's a lot of decisions that you're going to make if you want to buy a ranch. Now, keep in mind that a ranch stays in one place. It's not worldwide humanitarian activity. Unless you're selling widgets that will be manufactured on the property in sand all over. You got some thinking to do about that. I know these things because I've thought about them. And I'm gonna buy ranches and I have reasons for the ranches, not to live on them. But if I buy a ranch, the people who are already managing it will be the ones that I will do emerge requirement contracts, to stay on the land and participate in it and make it a part of their lives, where they have a certain degree of ownership, there's a lot of ways that you can help people. But if that's if you're just focusing on a ranch, then that's okay. And you may not need the higher amounts of money if that's all you want to do. And so love on society is available for all over the world. To keep in mind that there's other things other than just one ranch that you may want to consider being a humanitarian for. Next question. Tracy 32:34 Okay, same type of question, but different part is it okay to continue to rent our home and keep our physical mailbox address for about six months after redemption and transition slowly to move to new property in order to stay under the radar for a while. RG 32:54 You can do what you want your your life, nobody's gonna look over your shoulder and say you can't do that. No, you're the one that's got the money. You're the one in charge, you're the the humanitarian, you're the one that's in charge of all of those things. So don't ask outside of yourself, for permission to do these kinds of things. Think it through. And if that's what you want to do is from your heart, then do it. You're not going to make a lot of mistakes. And there's nothing that mistakes that you can make that cannot be remedied because you have the money to do to fix the problems. to Don't be frozen with trying to make a decision. Move forward, get it in your heart. Get it in your mind, this is what I want. This is my intent for the use of this and move forward. And don't be paralyzed trying to figure out if somebody is going to come back and criticize you and Oh, am I doing this? Right? Don't worry about that. You're the sovereign, meaning that the buck stops with you and nobody else is in charge of your sovereignty or your dominion. You are the King of Your Dominion. That's why they call them kingdoms. Okay, or queendom. So if you want to call it that, you're the one that's in charge. So don't ask outside of that, except if you want to get information or counsel or advice. What if I'm going to buy a ranch? What do I need to know? If I'm gonna buy this ranch? Are there things about it that I need to know? Like, where's the water coming from? Does this lake really just seasonal? Am I going to use that for or is there a creek that fills it up? All of these kinds of things are things that you don't know as you go in and that's why it's important for you to have people there working for you. So, set your goals. Do what you want to do with your money. You're the sovereign. Next question. Tracy 35:05 I believe we will probably need security guards in a way to stop attention generated by a continuous flow of unsolicited calls and mail. Do you know a way to stop that? RG 35:18 Unsolicited calls and mail? Now, are you remaining anonymous? Or are you going to let your or your wealth out amongst the people? It's a good question. But I think if you are not maintaining your anonymity that you're going to have these kinds of problems. You need security guards? Well, that's it might be wise. But what do they do all day long? I'm just guarding the place. Are you on a horse? He on a four wheeler? Are you in a truck or you're in a helicopter? I don't know. There's all kinds of things. And decisions that you need to make you make the decisions when it's time. Although you can think out ahead of time, what you're going to do, and then have it in your heart and your mind. And then when things come along that you need to make a decision well, then it's the next step forward, this is the next step that I've got to do. This is the next decision that I have to make. I'll make that decision when I get to the bridge. If I'm going to go across the bridge, I'll make the decision to go across the bridge when I get to the bridge. Knowing that it's there. Next question. Tracy 36:41 We will really need RSS feed. Since the ranch will be a hopping weekly community program and working ranch and farm, there will be additional needed construction and crews on location there will be a huge employment number on payroll with established pay for each person or job. Will you help us set this up? RG 37:02 No. No, that's not my job. Don't you think I'll be doing the same thing on my properties? No, you're in charge. There'll be people who will counsel with you. Ask them those kinds of questions, but loved one society will not be involved in anybody else's humanitarian activity. We are a structure to use to support your humanitarian. If it's worked out, then you use us if it doesn't, then don't. There's nothing to gain for a loved one society for having 5000 benefactors, or 27. There's nothing that I have to gain from any of that except more of a headache, and trying to implement the whole program for the world. I cannot get involved and will not get involved in other people's actual activities. Next question, Tracy 38:01 but they can use the CAC formats they can use the RS or the ESS for the farming if they choose, they can use the loved one society's programs to implement help for this whole ranch setup. Okay, can we set up the DB? Can we set up a DBA for business with a fictitious owner name for security and rent another secure business mailbox in that county? Can we set these up before the redemption in that county? Can I answer that, Ron. So you can go to Wisconsin and set up an LLC. And they do everything privately. So you can set up a name just come up with some name for an LLC and everything's private. Some states have privacy laws, others don't like I know, Nevada, I think is private. But I know Wisconsin is and I think it's Wisconsin, or maybe it's Wyoming. I think it's why all me. Okay, so it's Wyoming. And then you can also have them, you can use their address for your mail if you want. And then that way, they'll just forward it to you, like once a week or whatever you choose. RG 39:21 There are people who offer the service for that. And they can be they can monitor your and you send all of your communications to them and they just forward the mail. And it's a service. I paid $100 100 And then the registration of my loved one society to $150 per year. And so that person can receive all of the mail for loved one society and then forwarded on to me, that's a good way of staying anonymous. There's all kinds of ways to do that. And you're going to find the rest the right way to do it. Because you'll have a counselor Tracy 40:02 But she's asking if she should do this before the redemption? RG 40:09 No, how can you you don't have the money to do it unless you do and then you do it that way. Most of us can have to wait until we get the money to be able to start doing those kinds of things. I, you know, welcome to do whatever you want with your money, but I would not, I would not. Virtually, I would not engage in any buddy outside of my own little team, as far as purchases are concerned, and how to start doing things. Seven years ago, I started to talk into some individuals about a piece of property. And we'll How are you going to get the money to do that? Well, I've got some plans. And that property was sold within six months of their and I'm wondering, oh, gee, dang, I'm one of their house or I wonder that location, I wonder this net and the other. And now this is this guy thinks I'm an idiot, because I can't follow through on the things that I'm T. We don't know when the money's coming. So we have to be careful with what we do. Otherwise, people just we lose our credibility. Question. Tracy 41:26 I'm sorry, I'm late to all this. I'm not sure if I want to be as in benefactor, or if I really understand what it is and what my obligation would be. My question is, if I have Zim and Dong, I've heard about redemption centers and 800 numbers after listening to you, we won't need 800 numbers. I would like to fund Jared rands little chambers. But if that's only 60 million, and I may not be the only one funding it not sure if I'm going to be asked to fund a project, as I've heard, I've heard that it would be an 8020 Split 80% for projects and 20%. I would keep to be totally honest, I bought this a while ago thinking it would help my family if anything ever came of it. Not knowing any of the stuff. I've been learning about med beds, huge mentoring projects. It's amazing. I would love to help anyone in my path. What about funding for replicators? I'm not sure what direction to go. And I don't want it taken away. Because I didn't have all the info. I don't understand what it means to be a benefactor, I have approximately 10 100,000,000,000,100 Tea notes, and $2 million, because my son doesn't have a current license or social security card, which we were told we had to have to exchange. He's also gotten Zim and Dong. I feel dumb, not knowing about some of the things you're talking about. Do you ever have live call ins for people to ask questions? Thank you very much. RG 42:47 The point this point in time, live questions. We're dealing with over 5000 people. If I had live questions, we'll be on the phone for I don't know how many days straight. The only thing that love wants to say to can do. And this is important for you to understand. If you want to be a Zim benefactor, you need to know what it is to be a gym, you need to know what is required to become a Zim benefactor, you need to know that one of these programs that we've got, if you don't know them, then you need to know them. You need to know everything about that. What have we loved one society done to prepare you to do that? We have a website. We're doing the training. We're doing everything we possibly can except having a personal calls and that sort of thing to ask questions. Now there comes a time when all the information on this website is necessary for you as a humanitarian to function using our programs. We can give you some guidance and some help and some training on how to do that. But you have to get the manual and study it and become familiar with everything that we're doing in order to function at a high level. Now, our goal, my goal, I think Tracy's as well, is to give you the information that you need to function as a high level humanitarian. It can only happen if you pick up the ball and run with it if you take it upon yourself to responsibility gain every bit of information. Now, if you've got a job and so forth, you'll know what the intent of your heart is, by the fact that when you're finished working, and you have some time, you'll go to the website you'll start reading these things. Gain the get the flow labor of what we're trying to accomplish, get a vision of what we're trying to accomplish. Then from there, you create your own vision of what you want to do in implementing either the loved one society's program or implementing them to use for yourself, you with your own money, using the platform to accomplish your humanitarian projects. That's why I say before, no, I'm not going to get involved in other people. It's here to help you. My intent in the beginning of when this all came out was this is what I'm going to be doing. And I'm sharing it with you now. Because it's, it's, it's real good. It's real good for all of the humanitarians, if they want to use it. But there's no compulsion here. There's nothing that I gain from having you being using our programs. It's just a satisfaction that I know I'm serving my Father in heaven. And I'm serving his children. And it just so happens that the children that I'm trying to serve are the humanitarians that will do the work of diving deep down into poverty and bringing the world out of poverty and into the golden age of mankind. And if I could do that, then I fulfill my responsibilities to My Father in Heaven in service to humanitarians. That's what love one society is all about. Please, learn how to be as Zim benefactor. Gain every minute you use every minute you awake or whatever. If you'd need to. You'll know the intent of your heart to get into it and really learn it. And you can function that way. Next question. Tracy 46:55 It says please send me the PDFs. So we can download the templates for the binder. I can't find them in any of the videos. They are on the website in the upper right corner. You can find them on the RSS CAC and RDLs pages. With regards to the NR LS program, will the contract between the benefactor and brokers be prepared by LW S? or is it something that benefactor needs to hire for? If it's L Ws, can we get a preview of the contract at some point? RG 47:25 Before you sign the contract, become a gym benefactor, you will have a copy of that. And you will understand that in signing it. Then you become a gym benefactor without signing that you're not part of the program. Tracy 47:42 I want to be a benefactor and have a quarterly download payment into my master account. When the first quarter has ended. What will happen to the money that is not spent will go back into the system or stay in the master account. RG 47:55 Go into the into the website. And when you see a bond account, read a ballot? Because that's already answered. Next question, Tracy 48:06 What is the means of the transactions? Is it deposited to my own personal account? And I pay for each effort from there with a bank type card? Would this also be considered my personal account as we move into the quantum quantum system? What role would a bank play? RG 48:26 Well, the concept of a bank is the quantum financial system. It is the only financial system that will survive and is designed for us to use in our humanitarian activities. You'll be provided everything that you need. We've got the question and answers, videos that we've got, and we've got the program. But there's a lot of details in reading all about them as well. And I would invite you to spend time researching. Next question. Tracy 48:57 This one says I just want to apologize for what was apparently an inappropriate question. Same question Tracy mentioned about more than one benefactor, one funding RSS and another potential for an employment contract later on. When the q&a from the 25th it was legit. And a question I truly have. But I'm sorry for the aggravation, oh, I want to adjust this really quick. And then you can of course, add your in because I remember we talked about this offline. And how we said that if you lived in, say, California, or if a beneficiary lived in California, and they had the RSS, and then they moved to Florida and they were presented with an employment contract there, then perhaps that benefactor that is running that CAC in Florida would take over the RSS payment. Remember that Ron, so that it's streamlined because that was a good point that brought us to talking about afterwards. RG 49:51 It is an important question. However, it doesn't matter where your employment takes you your contract your RSS programs goes with If you were you to get an employment contract, then there would be a link into your account. And it might be the link into your account or the whatever, from a previous director in California. So just have a director there in in Florida. Call that director and I hope that you have an association with the director. And that is his call there and they can they can exchange and then it's your program, it's your beneficiary account, that the new director will put your employment contract information into Tom. Tracy 50:47 Oh, so we're the way that works. So so that that certain beneficiary stays with the California benefactor not moves to the Florida benefactor, because when we had the conversation the other day, you said that it would be better just to move the beneficiary to the one that has a CAC, since that would be a higher download rate and easier to manage? Because that, that beneficiary, they are not going to have a clue who the CAC director in California is, and they would not even be able to trace back to the benefit factor usually. Right. So RG 51:26 well, you know, that's a good point. And I forgotten about that Pacey? Let's, let's say it this way, a beneficiary has a has a an ID number. Correct. You can share that ID number with the director in Florida in this in this situation. And then the director in Florida can just establish the employment contract under that ID name. And then there's there's other ramifications that may come up. But we're not talking about the employment contract is that the Florida director puts into his account will be paid by the person or the Zim benefactor who is employing the director in in Florida. And there's no, I don't see a problem with that. Okay, but the key there is just share your, your user ID with the new director, does that sound like solution to the problem? Crazy, Tracy 52:39 kind of but we also talked about that perhaps one beneficiary might have an RSS account with their trust CAC account or a employment contract account and a separate account for nr ELLs that all marry together. But you know, who knows, but we do know that this is something we have to work out. And so I'm happy that you mentioned this, I think it was Nancy, maybe that I saw the name. Because it is something that we have to work out with the software developers because you raised a really good point. And we just haven't reached a good conclusion yet. But we will. RG 53:20 We're dancing around it. But we're headed in the right direction to solve it. And it is a solvable thing. So we're just figuring out the best way to do it. And it just takes focused attention to come to the conclusion that we need to as a solution to the problem. And that'll happen. Right now. It's like diving in the ocean, we're on our way back up. To get out of out from under the water so we can breathe again. We'll get it all taken care of. But right now, it's without the money to really get involved. It's difficult to solve these problems. We'll do the best we can. Tracy 54:03 I'm new here and have a question about zooms I bought some months ago hoping to help some people I know I have a single mom neighbor who is struggling, and a friend who runs a special needs dog rescue. Does that qualify me for redemption of Zim? RG 54:19 Well, when you say qualify the qualification for redemption exam is are you humanitarian? It has very little really, honestly has very little to do with a project. The projects that you choose will come and go. You may start setting up rescue dog rescue and and funding that and the people that are doing it, get paid to do it and the letter data and is that a closed? Is that project finished? Is it completed? Are you going to move on to another project Is somebody else and others in benefactor going to come along and, and give those people money? As well as you? You know, what I'm trying to say is, projects can, can are there and they can be completed, then what do you do, you're still a humanitarian, and the money can be used for whatever else you want to do. Here's the bottom line, the alliance is funding you as a humanitarian. They are not funding a project. The fact that you have a project means that you have a thought you have a plan, they will take that and say this person is a humanity, if the person is a humanity, this person is a humanitarian, we will redeem them for what they asked for. And if they come from their heart, and their heart will prepare them for what they have, and what is in mind for that particular individual to accomplish as a humanitarian here on the earth at this particular point in time, when we're moving into the golden age of mankind. There are people that will help you ideas, your heart is the greatest benefit or tool you have to accomplish the things that you're going to do. So do I qualify as a humanitarian? That's more important than do I does? Does my projects qualify for, to become to get to get the money and become a humanitarian? It's a definitive, different way of looking at. And we hope that you're looking to see the alliances looking for humanitarian projects. That will fund the humanitarians not the project. Well, that's the last question that I can see. Are we finished with that? Tracy? Tracy 57:00 Yes, sir. We are caught up. RG 57:03 Our our hour is going over a little bit. So part two is completed for today. I, on behalf of Tracy, and I appreciate these questions that I don't want to have anybody feel that their question is not as good as another. The only thing that I encourage is that you go and find the answers to these questions in what has been given so that we don't have to be so redundant. Especially do people need to get in and, and go through, if they have a time, or 60 videos, or 60 videos that we've made, there's a lot of takes a lot of time to go through those. And it takes a lot of time to go through all of the documentation that we've got. But in doing so, that's where you qualified to become the humanitarian from your heart that you want to do. If indeed you do want to use loved one society for your activities. We encourage you to do that because it's been set up for you. We send our love and appreciation to all of you. The humanitarians are the ones that will do the work of bringing on the golden age of mankind. And I really want you to understand that you are loved and appreciated as the humanitarians because without us they cannot get the job done. Who else is there to do the work besides us with the heart to do it. So with that, we'll say goodbye and part two is done for today. Thank you. Thank you