RG 0:00 Hello humanitarians. This is Ron Giles. Along with Tracy, we're going to do a question and answer period today. Today is October 29 2021. With that, let's go ahead and start our question and answer period. Thank you. Tracy 0:19 First question, does someone review our choices for putting plans together? For what we plan to offer as projects? RG 0:28 Well, you're you're asking a very interesting question. And please understand that the alliance can be representing God to you, if God knows, and the lions house. So when you're putting your plans together, they're they're understanding and in a spiritual way, are helping you to, in guiding you to find where you're the projects that in your heart to accomplish. So you're being directed by it. So do they know? Yes, they do. Next question, please. Tracy 1:09 I do not know how I can control my money as a benefactor of every beneficiary wants to try to get more shareholders in the system, and they become beneficiaries with their trust accounts. And if they can grow 20, or even 50 levels deep, every four months, there is an increase. For each one, the directors have a budget to work with in the CSC and other programs. How must I budget for every for all these bonuses? RG 1:42 That's an interesting question. If you're worried about money, and budgeting, asked for higher rates for the Zim that you have. Now, let's just just look at this in a realistic sort of way. If I have a 100 T note, we've gone through this before, but I'm going to go through it again. So that you'll understand exactly where I'm coming from a 100 to $500,000 will give you go through the math all you want to do, it will give you 1.25 quintillion dollars per quarter. Now, that's one hell of a lot of money, right? How far will that go? If you take seven and a half billion people in this world, and each one of them is a beneficiary, as well as having five or six trusts, which are theirs to choose from, do whatever they want, that seven times 10 says per minute download, that's $7,000 a week, $28,000 a month. Now, if they did that, and you have in you extend that out over a year, it's over $347,000 that they would be getting on a annual basis, that $374,000. And if I'm not remembering the numbers, it's around that for every person in the world. You divide that into one quarters payment, it only takes up about 60% of that one quarters payment. So you have right then you have 40% of that payment left to do all of your other stuff. The reality is, that's one quarter payment, and you have three more quarters of payments to do the rest of your stuff. So it's important for you to start doing the math on this and becoming familiar with what's going on. We've done the math, it's on the site. And this gives me an indication to you haven't read that. And I'm saying a these kinds of questions. These kinds of ideas that you're coming up with are all in the site with different articles. The one that I'm talking about now is called do the math. Find that and the second menu. It's there, do the math. You haven't read that you would know that you've got so much money coming in that you don't ever have to worry about running out of money, or budgeting, or what if I'm going to have enough money to do anything else, you'll have more than now if you have more than one 100 T note and you still add let's say you Have 110 Of those, then 10 times 1.25 quintillion? Is 12.5 quintillion for one quarter? Do you get the sense of what this is? So you talk about 20 to 20 or 50 levels deep and wide, you have no control over that it will go the way it's going to go. But when it reaches the point that everybody has a beneficiary account in the world, one quarter payment for one person, one Zim benefactor, to pay for all of that, and how many zoom benefactors we got over 5000 people now that are in training to become a Zim benefactor? So these kinds of questions. In my mind, if you understood the math, you would never even go there. Because that shows lack consciousness. I'm gonna run out of money, no, you'll never run out of money. If you come from your heart in the things that you're asking for, at the appointment. It's very important for you to get the overall lay of the land of this program. And you can only do that by going into the the stuff that we have given you stuff, mainly the videos, the question answer videos, the program videos, all of the documentation on the website, it is all there. We're doing these questions and answers, because we feel that there's people that still need to come up to speed. But I have no problems doing this. But I'm wondering, it's like going to school? Do you to ask the teacher for every answer to the questions that you might have. She'll say, go into the books and look and find it yourself. And the best test available is an open book test where you can get a question and then have to search it out for yourself, and find the answer to it. If you think you can get away with just being haphazard about becoming a humanitarian, you'll be sadly mistaken that this program will eat you alive, if you don't know what you're doing. And you won't be effective as a humanitarian, using our programs, until you do. I'm asking people to get the higher rates because we don't know what's coming. And there's a situation that will if we run out of it, if you ask for the higher rates, that from your heart, your heart is connected to the quantum field of understanding a quantum field of knowledge. Where everything is known, your heart is part of that, and will direct you and guide you in the things that you're doing. You don't know what's coming, but your heart does. Keep that in mind, your heart does. And your heart is going to tell you the things that you need to know. Plus, you have a counselor from the Alliance. That's going to be at your appointment and become friends with that counselor. They will give you all of the advice that you need. If you ask Tracy 8:35 how many nonprofit accounts can every beneficiary hats? RG 8:41 I mean do you want when any beneficiary Oh my goodness. You can have when you're saying that nonprofit account, profits account, one person, if the person signs up and registers as a nonprofit, then they can refer other people, but a trust cannot refer other people. So there's no limit to the number of beneficiaries. The nonprofit accounts can have as many beneficiaries as they would like. A church is going to want to get as many people into their program as they possibly can so that the Church will then if they're members of the congregation sign up, let's say there's 200, that'll give him one cent for every two people. So that's $1 or 100 cents. And that's coming into their beneficiary account. Because they have those are the bonus programs that they're working on. That That means that the churches have over $500,000 a year without passing the plate around. That's their sacred work with it. And then your your clergy and the people that are involved there. They have their own personal beneficiary accounts. This is going to be a real boon to anybody who wants to do humanitarian work. And churches are notorious for that. They want to get out and help people. Now they're going to have the money to do it. Next question, Tracy 10:20 is there a limit on the payment per minute to start a beneficiary in the CAC programs? RG 10:27 Okay, I'm assuming here, you'll understand that the beneficiary is not part of the CAC program until and unless they get a an employment contract. Now, when they do that, that's just in addition to what they already have. I hope that clears up your questions. Next question, please. Tracy 10:52 What happens if a person lost their work and can't get new work in six months? He can't go to a place demand work, someone must give him the opportunity, Will his payment per second drop to 10 cents? Plus the increase for every four months of work? RG 11:17 Okay, that's an interesting question. And what if it's another one? Yeah. When you have a what if question, decisions could be made at that particular point in time, where we are now cannot just be put in gold or cement and last for every set of circumstances. That's why you have a CAC director boots on the ground that makes decisions pertaining to all of these things. And so let's say somebody signs a contract, an employment contract, and they're getting their money. And for some reason that business closes, if we're going to be part of it to the point that their employees should get any employment contracts, we'll be sure that that doesn't happen, because they're going to get money on the contract as an employment contract for the boss or whoever's involved or the corporation. And we're there to as part of the economic stabilization system, everybody in the economy is going to be taking care of financially, eventually, when we get around to it. Now, if there's set of circumstances come up where a person needs to go move to another city, we're not going to pull the plug on them with their employment contracts. We want them to get employment, and be doing something that they enjoy doing. Even if it's not in the same field. Even if they start their own business. We want people to be effectively involved in a work, beneficial work or doing stuff that they feel they're offering to society as part of their uniqueness. If everybody does that, then there's no, there's no things that are going to be left behind, or we're not going to have shortages of things because God's in charge of pulling your heart what is best for this for society. And if we can understand that, and understand that that person has a counselor, that person who just had lost a job or moved and had to get other work, there's there's people who will help you and counsel with you. And don't let that you know, is that only presumed benefactors? I'm not sure it may go back down into may go down deep into, into wherever people are and what they're doing. The Golden Age of mankind is coming. It is a set of circumstances where there everybody will be happy and find joy in the things that they want to do. We are not going to cause problems for anybody with setting up rules and regulations that hurt people are ideas that everybody is sacred to the Father. And because they are sacred and a child of God, we're not going to mess them up. We're here to serve them. You use that as a template when you ask questions. Well, God allow that to take place to where those people are, well, you're not going to boss them around and so forth. But their guidance system, the things that come into their thoughts in their mind, or the way that happens guide and direct us. So if you're following your intuition and following your heart, you'll always be in the right place. And if you're not, then you're not doing that. So it's going to be a growing issue. but we're not going to have to hold hands of everybody, we're going to enter the fifth dimension, where everybody creates from their thoughts. wonderful opportunity for us to really get into who we are, and accomplish what we're trying to accomplish in life, which is to find joy and happiness. We're here to support you in the next question, Tracy 15:27 how can a benefactor track everyone to make sure they're working? RG 15:36 Well, if you haven't learned how to delegate, you're going to have some very difficult times ahead for yourself. You can't do it all. So if you can't find directors who will help in the decisions, and do that sort of thing, then you're missing the boat, you're missing your responsibility. You find the right people, delegate to them, let them make decisions, and have accountability for the decisions that they make. And it's not like you fire them, if they've done something wrong. You sit down and counsel with them. And before you sit down, counselor, then you go to your counselor and say, I've got a problem over here that I think I need to address of you. I'd like to ask for some higher understanding of this, well, I can do a good job. And you'll get the help that you need if you ask. But if you're going into this and saying that it's all on my shoulders, and I can't ask and I can't delegate, then you're gonna have a hell of a hard time with this whole program. Who won't work for you, you'll be driven into the ground. Delegate, that's your that's the answer to that question. Next question. Tracy 16:51 Does it matter what denominations of Zim dollars one has? Or does it specifically have to be the 100 T notes? RG 17:00 Well, let me ask you the question. If you're the alliance and trying to get money into the hands of the people, and they present a $15 trillion to you or Zim note to you. What are the what are your operational behavior? What is it that you're trying to accomplish? Would you ever not redeem a person who's coming there to get money to do humanitarian work? I answered this question four years ago, when the concept of counterfeiting, they don't give a darn where it came from, if you present it and want to do the work, they're going to redeem those bonds. Period. If you are humanitarian, that's always the caveat. caveat. That's always a condition. If you're not a humanitarian, you won't get the money. The money is only reserved for humanitarians who are going to do humanitarian work instead of creating a legacy for their own families. If you want to create a legacy for your own family, try and do it with your your exchanges of Dong and dinar. But don't be messing up with the Zim fast for humanitarians only, and if you do, you'll not get any money out of it, period. Taking what you've got. Next question. Tracy 18:30 I know I'll need an accountant that said will we? And if so when learn what kind of breakdown of money runs through the RSS system and as the information able to be downloaded. RG 18:45 When you talk about breakdown? I'm not sure I understand kind of breakdown of money run through the RSS system. Are you talking about being a benefactor? Talking about being a beneficiary? I think are you talking about getting employment? Tracy 19:03 Because she says I know I'll need an accountant. RG 19:08 Okay, that's good. That's good qualification. What is an accountant do for you? It only keeps track of where you spent your money if you include that information to them. And then they can make an accounting. From that accounting, they can make reports. So I really am not sure where this concept of breakdown, money run through the RSS system if you keep if you keep track of it all. Every director every assistant director will hand every every trust that I set up for other people will have an account in an accounting system that I am part of. I mean that I set up. I'm personally looking towards KPMG it's an international accounting firm. And I've passed that through the alliance. And we might have some problems here and there with the rogue people. But generally speaking, it seems to be up and up and of the light. So I'm going to do that with every and the concept of an accounting system is you got to give them the information. So you hire them, you give them the information, they give you the reports, and you have a management tool, so that you can see how things are moving over here, and they're not moving over there, this person isn't doing as much as that person over there, you have a chance to go and do some counseling, and seeing if they under really understand the program and, and fine tune their approach to their work. That's your job. It'll all work out if you do things appropriately, and how the idea of delegation of responsibility and accountability for the decisions that they make, it's a wonderful management style. And it's appropriate, because it's, you know, what is the parable of the talents, talk about, you know, back later and see what they've done with their money. Right. Next question, please. Tracy 21:18 I am from Germany, do we get information here? How the exchange will work when where I can exchange the note in the near future? RG 21:28 Okay, have we addressed this before? Yes, please, we have, and I'm not gonna, I'm not going to scold you about that. But the idea that where are we going to exchange you will be contacted, you will be contacted by the Alliance, or some representative of the alliance that you become familiar with, to where you go for your redemption appointment. And I'm gonna say it this way, again, not one humanitarian, that came here to serve serve mankind as a humanitarian will be left without their money. They will be getting what they need to do their job. The Alliance knows who you are. They're sending this sign up so well organized, that not only will all humanitarians be contacted, they will have an assigned counselor who will help you to become a humanitarian, operating that the highest spiritual level that you possibly can. This is what we're that's how much they love us. That's how wonderful we are, because we're going to do the work that they cannot do. So let's get out of our minds that there's opposition for us to have money. They want to give us every cent that they can. So they will have the full gamut of opportunities to serve mankind that we come upon. Which people will understand that there is no opposition except for the gurus, to us having our money from the alliance. And the reason that the gurus do this is because they're not part of the Alliance. And they're lying to us and trying to keep us from becoming the humanitarians that will change the world and get rid of these guys need to understand the enemy that we're working against. Because they're going to try and stop us with every possibility and any possible way they can. And till they are eliminated from our myths. They're the only ones that are causing problems, the alliance will never cause humanitarian problems. Next question, Tracy 23:55 is the LW s software inside or outside of the queue Fs. RG 24:01 The cue FS is a ledger system. It's an accounting system that will accommodate commercial transactions anywhere in the world or in the galaxy for that matter when it gets there. So the quantum financial system is housed in the quantum consciousness. Lab one society will be housed in the quantum consciousness and what software what English you use for coding the software? Gods codes, I guess, how do I say I don't know how to answer that question. well taken care of for us. We don't have to reinvent this wheel. It's already done. Tracy 24:49 That programmers are going to use to code the LW software because we haven't done it yet. So RG 24:57 okay, well, when you say code, it's already It's already fight, I say that the quantum, the Q Fs, shows me love one society and the RSS program and the platform are already being done are already, they're just waiting for us to get our money so that we can interface with them. Because it's already set up, it's already ready to go. Maybe 95%. And the alliance has been doing that for us. They know they know everything about what we're doing. They're supporting this 100%. That's why I'm going from six to eight weeks after we get our money to maybe a couple of weeks, the platform will be completed. Tracy 25:44 Do I have to bring all my bonds and foreign currencies to my first appointment? Or does the Alliance already know what I have? RG 25:53 Why would you call it the first appointment? The sounds like you're, you're still leftover from ideas that have been presented that there's two appointments, there's one appointment, you take everything you have to that one appointment, they will redeem it for you or exchange it for you and put your money into the quantum financial system. And then you start going to work. It's just really hard for me when you say first appointment, or should I take it all now or should I wait for my second is that you want to wait for your second appointment, you may not get another appointment. Take everything you have present yourself ready for work. This is who I am, this is what I have. And I'm asking for this rate or the exchange rate. Now you've done everything you need to do for them to step up and say, Okay, here's your money. Here it is in the quantum financial system. This is how to use the quantum financial system to support yourself. You can pull up in as many accounts as you want, you can do whatever you feel you need it is there in support of you as a humanitarian. Next question, Tracy 27:14 we have never purchased 100 T note. What maturity, eBay only show you production T notes are we to purchase from Treasury direct.gov or from a local bank? What is the purpose of having that T note? They sound like they haven't been on the website before? RG 27:34 Oh, my answer there is go to the website. And if you have still have some question questions and come back and as as some intelligent questions because this is not really salient question to those who are involved in the humanitarian activity. If we've never purchased a T note, and you're just coming into it, then go to the website. And, and really, really understand it. purchase from a Treasury direct.gov They don't have Zim you can find some on eBay. And those reproduction or Chinese gold or silver bonds and so forth. For they say they're they're not money and they're not they're not currency and that sort of stuff. But all the disclaimers that they put on there, so people won't think that their money. Well, that's fine for other people. But for humanitarians, we buy those things, we take them in and redeem them. But it doesn't matter to the alliance. If they're gold, silver, or on paper. You're the humanitarian, they don't care about the paper. They don't care about the bonds. They're useless. Dandy buddy else. That's why they write it that way in their advertisements. But for those who know, those who are humanitarians, they can take those bars, even a larger yo Lillian bonds and buy those for $3 plus shipping. You will never run out of money. And I say if you know what's coming, then you'll understand that I say do not lower your rate just because you get higher face value bonds. It's in your heart to ask for 500,000 and you get a yo Lillian which I don't know how many zeros there are in there. I'm sure it's over 3000 zeros. If you ask for the smaller amount, then what good is to buy the large ones. You don't know what's coming. Always everything that you take with you. Ask the rate that's in your heart. And you'll never be short of money for doing stuff. You want to keep in mind that if the Alliance or something else comes to you and needs money. There are lives involved in that activity. And if you can't help them, then what kind of a humanitarian Are you? You have not prepared yourself to do the work of humanitarian service to other people. Because if somebody comes to you and says, I've got this project that I'd like to do, and you say, No, I don't have enough money. I would never want to do that. Because there's somebody who lives behind that. Could be children, it could be family, it could be somebody, I don't know. But let's just assume that they're their child of God, because that's who they are. And if you don't have enough money to help them, then what? Not saying what good are you as a humanitarian, I'm saying you haven't prepared your work. So get the highest rate, be prepared. Be a Boy Scout, if you'd know what that means. And get what you need to last you for 1000 years or at least 100 years. Next question. Tracy 30:58 We have a few Zim nodes, and I have no qualms about asking for a million or more present my questions about the term in my meditations, I've received 300 years as a term, is this possible or plausible? RG 31:11 It's not only possible and plausible, but it's if that's what you're you feel in your heart, then you ask for it. You don't you talk to him? I feel like can we get a get the med beds or some other remedy or a way of fixing my body and so forth? And I'm going to be here around for a long time. So I'm asking for 300 year term. And they look at you and say, Wow, that's aggressive. Okay, we can work that out. Tracy 31:42 How about that's ambitious? That sounds a little nicer. RG 31:49 Ambitious, yeah. Well, if that's in your heart, then they've got some things in ideas for you never turn that down. Again, you've got the counselor there, sitting across from the table, or whatever it is that you're using for the redemption appointments. He's your counselor, she's your counselor, what it is, is your counselor, to be an angel or could be whatever Ascended Master to be a resurrected being, could be your parents coming back. We don't know. Be open for anything. But that's a counselor for you to ask these kinds of questions. And don't shy away from it, they're not going to giggle and laugh at you. Only lower level people lowers spiritually advanced or lack of spiritual events when people would ask those kinds of questions in that way. They love you to never demean you in any way, shape, or form. The St. Germain has already said that in one of his things, they're not going to laugh at you ask for higher rates. Now, I'm saying your high rates are in your heart as for those next question, Tracy 33:02 you already have someone or a group working on the NR ELLs website. RG 33:10 I do not at this particular point in time. There's a lot to do with that. And there's decisions to make. And I'll have a group of people who I trust in that in the real estate business that will help me fine tune that. I believe from the other side of the veil, the alliance is already setting things up in a format so that we can use the it's a listing surface surface system. It's a computer driven, and there will be many, many people who will have access to that if not everybody. There's no reason to hide a listing from somebody. So you do your search on the search engine on the on the website. And if you're going to move from St. Paul to Albany, New York, you want to find a house and Albany, then you look on there and there, it first set up there, then we go to your do your due diligence, if that's the house you want, and you can go ahead and buy it. But be sure you make up your mind real fast, because it could be sold really quick. That's what I'm saying. Next question, Tracy 34:27 can we build our personal home or does the home have to already be standing? RG 34:35 That's a good question. And I'm not sure how to work with that. But I if you want to build a house, you want buy the land, build a house, you have an idea of the cost and so forth. See what you're actually talking about as a construction loan. And then have permanent financing on top of that. Those are the that's the way things are done now. but just get one loan and and then it all happens from there. Those are good questions. When you get to that point, then you'll have a better understanding of what decisions need to be making how to make them. At this point, we don't know really for sure how to help you with that question I don't Tracy 35:24 we feed the hungry with our church once a month, under our pastors leadership, can we give to this or let the church sign under the RSS? RG 35:35 Oh, it's right. I think that's a combination of whatever is necessary. If the group in the church or the congregation in the church gets together and says, let's do this, then we'll have you know, 200 people, that's a, that's over $500,000 a year for the church, you can do one hell of a lot of good humanitarian things with that kind of money. But recognize also that the church next door and the other one over there, and the other 27, in your community will be doing the same thing. So you might be overlapping. And then you might be able to work together to build a building or something of this nature that needs to happen. And of course, you have a director who has access to a lot of money to build buildings and that sort of thing. So it's gonna be a real fun time. Because we might even happen to be searching out to find somebody that's in need. Instead of just driving down the street and seeing somebody that's overwhelming, everybody's going to get the opportunity to get into a home and to have a life worth living. Financially, especially what they do with it is their way of creating joy and happiness in their lives. And everybody gets had an opportunity to make those decisions and to create that for themselves, without exception. Next question, Tracy 37:07 I was wondering why the system is set up for six accounts at 10 cents per minute rather than 160 cents per minute? RG 37:18 Well, that's an interesting question. And I don't know the answer to that. I just know that I was really concerned when I heard 10, six accounts. And every time I asked, absolutely six is the number. Don't change it. Okay. One account at six, I think the opportunity there is to have a trust for each of your children, or a trust for children might have a trust for saving to build a home or something of this nature, or something else each trust is is up to the individual beneficiary. Why is it not? 60? I can't tell you the answer to that. It's just that's the way I haven't set it up. Next question, Tracy 38:14 are downloads per minute associated to employment contracts shares just added to one of the six beneficiary accounts. RG 38:26 It has nothing to do with the six beneficiary accounts. However, it is an accounting system, the platform is an accounting and the area of that you have as an employment contract will be added to the beneficiary money. And that's your download per minute. It's not really separate. As far as the total is concerned. It'll all be at one location in your personal office. All of the justification for the accounting justification for everything that's going on in the platform will be available for you to see. So it's in it's going to be extensive. For the bookworms are the the those who have to know everything about what's going on with their money and how to get it and all that sort of stuff, or am I getting what I'm supposed to get? It'll all be there for you to be able to see. So if you sign somebody up, you go to your account, there that person's use your ID name will be there. And then if you do another one, then they'll show you that you get one penny for the two of them. It's the accounting process. That's what the platform is about. It doesn't have money in it, it just accounting system. When you want your money that's accounted for given to you. It will be given to you on paper and you asked for it to happen. To draw from the master account from the person who's at the top of the list of chain of beneficiaries, then it all comes out of that account put into your account as the beneficiary, or where you want it to go. Next question Tracy 40:20 regarding nr ELLs home purchasing, why would we increase the permanent download if a beneficiary is already downloading 60 cents per minute via the current plan of six accounts at a rate of 10 cents per minute working out to 314,000 per year, which would cover most reasonable monthly expenses? If it is a couple, then it is double that amount? RG 40:49 Yeah, have you got a problem with that? Does it sound like we're giving too much money away? Does it sound like we've got quintillions of dollars to use, we just leave it in the bank instead of opportunity to put it in the hands of people. You can ask answer that question for yourself is set up to put money into the hands of people who will go through commerce and uplift the whole community. So we're not going to short on anything, we're always make it more money for the individual. That's why after 15 years, and you've paid off a home, you continue to get the money that paid off the home. Or we can say well over the when the loans paid, then you don't get it anymore. So we shorty. What is the reason for that? There's no reason except in the Cabal, economic system where they don't want you to have money because they can't control you will have your own money and you will be uncontrollable in that regard. You're no longer a debt slave. And we're going to ensure that that is philosophically from our way of managing the revenue sharing solutions. And the NR ELLs and the other Tacs and so on. Next question, Tracy 42:23 is wearing a t shirt that says asked me how $10 can change your life? Is that advertising? If so, can I give them business cards and a T shirt for them to start their own business after they sign up? RG 42:37 Love your ingenuity. I don't know. It's not in the in the policy that you can't do that. If you'd had to build if it's your own personal stuff, I don't see anything wrong with that. Really don't. We just don't want billboards for one person. There's somebody if you're wearing a t shirt, and somebody comes and makes it really well. If they have an interest, and then you can give them a card. It's only peeking somebody's interest. And I don't see anything wrong with that. I think that's clever. Good job. Tracy 43:11 Please give some clarity on how the generational bonuses administered, when applied to large organizations, how are the bonuses and permanent drops administered? RG 43:23 If you signed them up, they're on your first generation, pay somebody up, they're on their second generation. That generation registers other people, that's your third generation. And you get 10 cents per minute from each one of those generations. Or excuse me, you get one cent for every 10 people in each of those three generations. How it set up is the way that the people want to set it up. But we're setting it up. So the person who introduced that whole system can take advantage of a larger court or larger churches or organizations. I know the church has got over 6000 people in it. If they went into there, and they had the minister signed up, then you might sign up for himself first. And then he he signs the church up after him if that's what he wants to do, he can do that. So the original person still gets his generational bonuses without cutting him out. And I don't think it's appropriate for anybody to to cut up out the person who introduced the program to them. But I think you'll have some serious problems with that kind of greed and that kind of manipulation. So that Why the generational bonuses are there. So that the person who is out there doing the work to get paid for doing the work. Next question, please, Tracy 45:16 please provide clarity on when an individual purchases a share for $10. Does that money stay with the individual signing them up? Or is it sent back to the benefactor? And if so, what is the proper handling of this cash by the Benefactor should be placed back into your account? Or is this just kept by the benefactor? RG 45:34 There's no cash involved, it's got to be on a on a debit card of some sort or credit card, the $10 payment that goes back to the benefactor who chained that came into $10 is they don't they wouldn't care at all. Because $10 is so such a small amount. Why do we charge $10? There's a psychology involved in AI. If I pay the $10, then I'm qualified. This is mine. That's what their promises I've, I've done what I've needed to do to get this 10 cents per minute download, I paid my $10. So this is mine. Now it might sound like maybe you can construe that as being government assistance sort of stuff, or on the dollar, any of those other silliness is, this is the way we set it up so that people can get money, they maintain their dignity, because they, this is mine, I paid the $10, it's mine, I have no problems with that. And neither should they, yes, it's in. And it's not proportional to the $10. And their return on investment is for the rest of your life. At that level, it doesn't matter. This is the way they get their money that is given to them by God through this program. And we want them to know that this is there's no strings attached to this money, it's, it's yours, it's part of your inheritance as a child of God. Everything that God has is to be shared with his children. As an inheritance, this is part of your inheritance, if you look at it that way, treated with kindness and respect, and use it appropriately to bring you the joy and happiness because that's the source of what this where this money came from. So there's a lot of psychology, there's a lot of thought and, and stuff that's gone into this. And of course, it's thought and things came from God anyway. So this is his way of or her way, whatever you want to call God or whatever entity or whatever you think is greater. I, that's personal to you, and I have no problems with whatever you believe it to be. However, this is the way we're setting it up, because this is the way we're instructed. Next question, Tracy 48:05 when somebody gets an employment contract, and he or she likes to refer a friend or someone else would be a beneficiary, will he or she also get the bonus $50.01 Download for two registered people. If this is the one with the employment contract gets two bonus two times the bonus, is that correct? RG 48:27 Yes. That's the bonus program has nothing to do with the employment contract. As a person who is a benefactor, who also has a an employment contract, the bonus of the beneficiary program goes to that person who referred the new registrant or the new beneficiary up in revenue sharing solutions. So the answer is yes, that's correct. See the idea where and when the employment contract gets two times the bonus. He doesn't get two times a bonus it gets a one the bonus from the beneficiary program it has he having nothing to do with his employment contract. Your individual they're separate. Next question, Tracy 49:24 do you have to purchase 100 Tino to do humanitarian projects? If so, can we use our savings to get a T note at the time of the redemption appointment? RG 49:40 I don't think it'd be wise to wait till then. Right now is a prime time to get your gym in hand, and then you can know that it's taken care of and not wonder if I'm going to get it as a point in time in the future. Just plan ahead for that. If you need an eBay link, get it to me get your request to me, somehow through return emails and so forth. And I'll send you the link, or two or three links. Depending on what your interest is. The want the higher rates and the higher face value, then indicate that if you just want to want under the thing that the real good one right now shooting for $13, you can get 10 100 T notes. And the shipping is free. So I think that's a real opportunity, where other people are having to pay $250 or more for a 100 t not just one. See, we kind of keep it a secret to ourselves, if that's possible. humanitarians are going to buy those and redeem them. Nobody outside of us from loved one society has any clue that that is true? Unless they've heard it through us, because nobody else is no gurus, they don't want you to have the higher rates. I said, they've done it, they've even said that they higher face values will not be redeemed by the Alliance, or be redeemed. That is a bold faced lie, because they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Because they're not humanitarians. They're not on the right grapevine, they're not getting their news from the right channels. We have an inside track, because we know for humanitarians that the alliance will do that. If the Chinese really understood that we were using these dams, to put them out of business for Chinese communists or the Chinese elders, I don't know doesn't matter to us. But we're putting them out of business by using their own things against them, because we're getting money for it. And they can't thank you Chinese, the gold and the silver, we love them, give them coming through the bonds, gold and silver bonds. Tracy 52:23 As a benefactor, I give my card and ID number to my beneficiaries, when and how do these beneficiaries receive their own card and number to give out and no longer use my ID number. RG 52:37 They would never use your ID number again, they use your card and you've printed your ID number on it as a referral, then you're giving out and promoting somebody else and you're not getting any value of it for yourself. That's why you only give out blank cards and let them put in their own number. And then when they order some they just order blank cards, they don't order it with some name on it. And that's why I say get a stamp a rubber stamp made with your ID number on it and your name. And then you can just rubber stamp the ones that you're giving out for the people that you're trying to bring in. And then the next people they can you give them cards and then they do the same thing for them. So I think this is really the right way to go. Using cards out what you have on the card, we give you sent an example. And I would pattern it that way because it just makes sense to me the way we've got set up. The cards are yours and do what you want, bind where you want to anything you want. Separate just leaving them somewhere. I think I we don't want them to be part of the change rooms is he going to drag him down the road? Be careful with them, but use them wherever you go. Next question. Tracy 54:08 Could you please explain the type of bonding for the RSS would it be a surety bond? And is bonding necessary for our individual projects we develop ourselves RG 54:20 what you're looking at is doing something that nobody has ever done before. You're establishing contracts and doing things for people that if you did not perform on your contract, you're changing the way that they do business. Now if you drop out and they can't, and and don't they can't depend on you. Why would they want to come and go with you and change their whole way of doing business? Without some kind of you call it a surety bond, a performance bond whatever you want to call it. You're going to get a whole lot of money every quarter. That's just going to be sitting over there in a in an account somewhere. But if you use that account somewhere over there to ensure that your participant, your participation in the contract will be fulfilled. Because that money sitting over says yes. If If for some reason, then you have an assurance, a surety bond, how that's going to be set up, I don't know. But no money sitting in a bank account, or in a quantum financial account anywhere, is not just going to be sitting there it has, it's helped to create, like, responsible activities that you're going to do for people. It gives you credibility. Now, the point that I'm trying, I'm going to ask you, if somebody came in said, I've got this money, and I'd like you to do this, and I'm going to pay for your employees, I'm going to do all of this stuff for you. And oh, yeah, sure. Why would you do that? Well, I do it because it's part of our program. And to make sure that you have credibility with us, I've got this account over here that has all of this money and that it will act as a surety or an a performance bond for me in this contract. You can do that for everything that you do. Because there's no way that that bond account where I put away everything that I haven't used this quarter into that account. Now I've got a whole nother tranche or payment coming to me for the next quarter. I don't look at that bond account, I just put the money in that account and there it is. Now there's no reason not to do what I'm telling you, or explaining to you. If you don't use it, it accesses surely for the things that you do do. And I didn't mean to say do do I meant that and things that you really want to accomplish. So if you were to think this thing through put yourself on the other side of that, would you not want to have some kind of an assurance that this person who you've never perhaps met before will perform according to the the contract that you've got with them that changes the way you do business. It's not hurting you. The concept of a bond is is something that is a little new, perhaps for people but you need to do some studying up on that because it is the thing the magic that creates credibility for our programs in everything that we do with that we'll close this first hour today we'll probably have another one here shortly. As a part two we like to do it in an hour increments. So with that let's let's close and I wish everybody the rest have a good day and send forth blessings from level one society and grateful appreciation for your participation and want to be with us as in benefactors whatever without will say goodbye