Pocono Bobcats Bi-Laws • PURPOSE: The purpose of these By Laws is to provide the officers and members with a standard plan of operation. The sections outline policies and procedures to be adhered to during all phases of organization operations. The policies and guidelines should in no way limit the initiative of officers, players, or parents, and should enhance the decision making process by providing a decision making framework. This manual in no way can address every situation. Members must use their common sense and experience to affect a successful operation. • AUTHORITY: The Policies and Guidelines are established by the Board of Directors. Members shall conform to the Policies and Guidelines.   • By-Law Violations: 1st Offense - written warning 2nd Offense - referral to Board of Directors 3rd Offense - removal from the program NOTIFICATION: The President shall notify all members of the organization of Policy and Guideline revisions. Approval:_______________________________________ ________________________________ Signature of President Introduction The Pocono Bobcats is a Non-Profit youth Program established January 9th of 2019, in Monroe County Pa. Register mailing address P.O. Box 534 Pocono Pines Pa, 18350 and physical 108 Old route 940 Pocono Lake Pa, 18347. This organization currently offers flag football, football and cheerleading with plans to expand. The organization is 501 C(3) 509 a(2) and tax exempt public charity that operates strictly on a volunteer basis. Business EIN: 83-3087398 Tax exempt ID: 31954 Business The organization will meet the first Sunday of every month, with the exception of December hosting a total of eleven(11) per years. Each meeting is opening to any and all to attend. Time and location will be at the discretion of the president. Meeting format shall go as followed. 1. Call to order 2. Reading and acceptance of prior minutes 3. Treasure report 4. Report of committees and officers 5. Report of the president 6. Communications 7. Health and welfare 8. Old business 9. New business 10. Adjournment  All business conducted in order to pass will need a motion and second, if this doesn’t take place the business can be “tabled” in old business till the next scheduled business meeting. The organizations fiscal year will begin on no later then January 1 of every year and end on December 31 of the same year. For any section of these by-laws not cover reference Roberts Rules of Order (3rd edition) for proper guidance. Board of Directors The board of directors will consist of seven(7) members. • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasure • Trustee • Trustee • Trustee Each member will fall under the guidance and direction of the organizations President. Terms For the board members will last for a period of one year, unless ran una posed or re-electioned. At the beginning of each board members term they will be handed a copy of their job description and copy of this document, and ask to sign off on both. (See attached) Board members as a whole are responsible for the day to day operations of the business. There are no monitory values for any of these positions for they are all volunteer elected officials. No one position out ranks another however following the command structure should be recognized for best business practices. Qualified individuals over the age of 18 should hold these positions. Experience is recommended but not required. This is a time consuming position that offers zero personal benefits to any individual(s) with in the program with the exception of assuring the student athletes are being properly guided in the program. It is appropriate that unless excused for some reason by the president, all board members including the president should be in attendance and not miss more the 3 meetings out of the 11 with in one fiscal year. • This should also go in effect for committee members for business must be conducted a scheduled. Election & Voting Voting can only be done by a current member of the organization over the age of 18, Each member will be allowed to cast one ballot per fiscal year. • Qualifications In order to become a board member, a applicant must either be a coach and or have a current student athlete(s) with in the program. • Disqualification If a board member can’t or doesn’t adequately hold the position or do the job to the best of their ability the president can challenge their position by reviewing with other Board of Directors in a closed meeting. • Elections Elections of board members will be held in December of each fiscal year during the organizations banquet. If need be the president could select a experience individual for a position however it must be reviewed and approved by the board of directors before making the ballot. No board member of this organization can hold a position in any other youth organization at the same time.  • Process The board of directors will advertise a list for nominations of board members for the up coming season in October of the current season. In November the president will review the candidates, interview them and give his/her recommendations to the board for approval. Upon approval the nomination list will be public and set to be voted on in December. • Resignations If a member of the board of directors chooses to leave the organization at anytime they are required to mail, email or hand deliver a formal letter to the organizations president who is then responsible to relay that information to the board for approval. Staff The organizations staff structures shall go as followed. Football Varsity Head Coach • Asst Coach (offensive) • Asst Coach (defensive) • Asst Coach (special teams) Junior Varsity Head Coach • Asst Coach (offensive) • Asst Coach (defensive) • Asst Coach (special teams) PeeWee Head Coach • Asst Coach (offensive) • Asst Coach (defensive) • Asst Coach (special teams) Junior PeeWee Head Coach • Asst Coach (offensive) • Asst Coach (defensive) • Asst Coach (special teams) Flag Head Coach • Asst Coach (offensive) • Asst Coach (defensive) Cheerleading Director of cheer Mini Cats Coach • Asst Coach • Asst Coach Cats Coach • Asst Coach • Asst Coach Queen Coach • Asst Coach • Asst Coach All members of staff are head to a high standard. Our jobs as staff is to guide, train, educate and instruct student athletes to the best of your abilities. It is the job of staff to recognize the hard working student athletes and to help the new or less prepared to achieve success. Committees This organization will form committees in order to help get business done. Besides the listed committees the board of directors can approve and add additional to help if needed. • Fundraising • Banquet/Events • Concessions • Football • Cheerleading • Lacrosse • Equipment/fields • Uniforms/appeal • Advertisement/Marketing Membership Membership of this organization consists of student athletes and their parental guardians. Age restrictions apply only to the student athletes. All new and returning members will be issued or can download a copy of this document. The same will apply for the organizations equipment waver, personal conduct policy, media policy and student athletes physical form. • Registration Registration of new members will be held up to four(4) times a year per sport. These times and locations will be at the discretion of the board of directors. • Entrance Any member(s) entering this organization is responsible for all equipment and property they may obtain or operate during their duration. • Exiting Any member(s) leaving, removed or graduating the organization is responsible for the return and condition of all equipment and property belonging to the organization. • Cheerleading A child must turn 4 year of age prior to the start of the new season and can’t be older then 14 years of age. • Football A child must turn 5 years of age prior to the start of the new season and can’t be older then 13 years of age. Awards Every season this organization will recognize every student athlete at the banquet. In addition each level coach will be instructed to recognize student athletes per level that excelled above and beyond. • Defensive player of the year • Offensive player of the year • Mini cat of the year • Cat of the year • Queen of the year In addition to these accomplishments the board of directors will acknowledge the following. • Coach of the year • Bobcats scholarship award • Presentation to any donors, sponsors helper Equipment All uniforms and equipment are included and issued to all student athletes at the completion of their individual registration which includes Football • Football helmet (return) • Shoulder pads (return) • Practice jersey (return) • Practice pants (return) • Game pants (return) • Game jersey (keep) • Girdle (keep) • Knee pads (return) • Month piece (keep) Cheerleading • Cheer top (return) • Cheer shirt (return) • Tracksuit jacket (keep) • Tracksuit pant (keep) • Poncho (tbd) • Cheer shoe (keep) • Cheer bow (keep) At the conclusion of every season the board will review and address the quality of the uniforms. This includes but not limited to the purchase and redesign of current uniforms. Failure to return organization owned equipment will result in the following punishments Legal paperwork filed at the local magistrate, were the organization will ask for restitution of • $200.00 per student athlete weather cheerleading or football plus court cost • Player assigned to league poor standings list. (denied access to play in the league) • Termination from organization and future held opportunities Refunds At any point prior to the start of the season a student athlete may receive a full refund if leaving the program. However two factors do apply Article 1 1. No equipment was purchased specifically for the student athlete 2. No uniform was purchased for the student athlete If none of these have occurred a full refund will be granted, if one or both occurred a refund minus the cost of these items will be refunded. Article 2 If the season has started a refund percentage will be granted at the discretion of the board of directors based on length of participation and article 1&2 of the refund section. All refunds if approved will be given by check at the end of the season. If it CAN be done prior the board will make its best effort to do so. Fees & Payment plans Registration fees shall be reviewed and set fourth yearly by the board of directors. Fees for football shall not exceed $200.00 per student athlete. Fees for cheerleading shall not exceed $175.00 per student athlete. Adjustments below these standards are dictated based on the needs of the organization for each fiscal year. Payment plan may be offered by this organization, however it is the responsibility of the payee to honor all dates and deadline. If the payee fails to honor their commitment the organization shall terminate the agreement. Affiliations This organization is not affiliated with any other youth or school program. We are a stand alone private organization with open designation. There are no restrictions or requirements of residency. Consideration of affiliation shall be accepted by the organization to enter or join a competitive league that best suits the needs of the program’s student athletes. Closer of business At anytime the organization closes, cancels, stops or folds, all accounts shall be closed, all moneys shall be either... 1. Granted as two scholarships one for cheerleading and one for football. 2. Granted as a donation to another non- profit youth organization. At no time shall any member profit from funds held within this organization.