"This is the end of the madness. Playing poker with god. Position is everything. Only the one can limit oneself. To play long sessions and complete tournaments just takes adjustment. Maybe you just have to make big laydowns or fold alot preflop. A level head is required to be above the average. You are smarter than the avergae intoxicated. Just imagine." "Play your opponents before you play your cards" "Never show your cards, they wont appreciate the play anyway" Big Laydowns: Advanced Poker guide The Donkey Games. 1. No Bluffing 2. Hellmuths top 10 Loosely 3. Playing for bills not glory 4. Cheap flops or Big raises 5. Hand Positions -pocket pairs, suited connectors 6. Spotting a donkey table 7. Isolations 8. Playing Pocket Aces: Preflop turn river Aces Preflop In tournament Playing aces preflop is depending on the situation at your table.You are going to have to be able to decide if the table is more likely to give you alot of action on a large raise or not. If so then you want to minimizethe preflop raise because it is likely they will call you. The more hands that see see the flop the better chance your aces are cracked. Just seeing the flop open up draw potentials that otherwise would have never been seen.This applies for all other large pair also. Instead you smarter to wait and see the flop. attempt to complete your set and if not go directly on the defense. Prey for a runner runner flush possibility. In any cashgame you will find that players see more flops becuase they have the ability to rebuy in. This is why soo many pocket aces get busted in Live poker.Becuase people over pay to try and win that big one so they can sit back and relax. This is why my advice on pocket aces is to just push all-in and someone will likely take that "One shot at heaven" approach and call you with a strong ace or a big pocket pair. This is the safest way to play them and gives you the best chance to win that pot. Aces are the hardest hand to play because to want to maximize the hand but risking the mininum. The key to aces is being able to get rid of them. The Donkey Games There is no bluffing in the donkey games. Dont expect to have fun because you will not. You are simply going to sit there and flod 70% of your delt hands waiting for an opportunity to double up. And you will inevitably become the chip leader .You can only see flope that cost you nothing and only the top ten hands should be played. Noone is going to look down on you while you are sitting out and not playing hands. It is wreckless to get involved in a wild pot just for the sake of action. Ace Rag Playing Ace-Rags is very tricky becuase when you make your high pair it is alot more difficult to get away from the hand. Genrally if one of your opponents does have the ace then their kicker is higher than yours. Preflop ace-rags should limp in late and fold in earlier positions especially if faced with a raise. Suited aced- rags have alot more potential with the nut flush opportunity but in that situation you have to be ready to let the draw go for a certain ammount. Another expensive problem. Generally ace-rags do more harm than good unless your are heads-up. Playing for Bills... In any cashgame not just the donkey games it is important to view you chips as bills. Not dollar bills but phone bills, utility bills, meals.. etc. It is important to not tangle with the chip leader because he is stronger than you. Chips equal power. It is the equivilance of a wendys manager in a legal battle with donald trump. You are working uphill. Save the fancy bluffs and slowplaying til the final table of the world series of poker. In early position noone wants to gamble so any early position raises generally represent a strong A or King high or a top pocket pair. Noone wants to be re-raised and forced to defend or fold a premium hand. Survival is the key to poker. There is no sense in commiting all of your chips to a pot unless it is the last hand of the tournament or you have the stone cold nuts. Analyzing your Dealt hand: NLHoldem 1. Position 2. Pot worth 3.Chip Stack 4.Table Personality 5.Recall When deciding how to play a large pocket pair in tournament poker, first remember if you have enough to cover playing a big pot without going broke and second remember if winning this hand is a necesity at this level of the tournament. Playing Low Buy-in Daily events Playing low buyin daily events is a great way to get practice in a low risk enviorment as well as a good way to pad your bankroll to allow you to play in a cashgame. They can also be alot of fun and good competition if you know what you are doing. A common misconception is that you will be playing poker in these tournaments but the reality of the situation is you are not. To be successful at these types of tournaments you will spend majority of the time folding and defending your chips from loosing too much in suck outs. Alot of these small buy in tournaments are rebuy tournaments. This is good because it builds the prizepool but it is bad becuause you get terrible play from beginner and amateur players. Some players feel like they should play more aggresive in the early stages of these tournaments when the stakes are low and people are more likely to pay you off becuase they can rebuy. Smarter players save their money for later in the tournaments when the pots are bigger because of larger blinds and antes and people arent as likely to make wreckless plays or calls. Your priorities in small buyin daily tournaments should be as follows... 1.Early stage preservation 2.Mid Stage large pot accumulation 3. Late stage small pot accumulation 4. Final Table blind off